1 . 'F . I :,, ~:- .•• • ,- 1 0. • •--1. • ESTABLISHED D 4 1786. • Wi • ••• XISTLIZU. t P. BECK & CO., Na 185 Llb --et"et. PittBbureh Wit - dads Oro -111.747870:34 b•lor b IMTUNIZICEM7:4IIO4O. B II. ° 3 2 4Ota pl ightEA GE tIIS ILD 1441), 8A &A: BA VP sat it IA B. AND D 1 )718 Wltl3B %/MINION, ComonstuaN 4 / 1 11VOSMAA DBI IDAPBUI4 uC .. --10:101N_ VIA 1 441)11,0149, stt7 ',berg ; ask adtanterimaca nwas. colulgumept. Ilottei a 'ailialw . — ....L....:::. ',',.; triktiKEOWN..4 LINHART, Pum , ..... OW ilala. GRA ix Namoui Paosrace um amoncolooo ~. fortho Rh ot. Elmo Groklih, ( k m% 1. ; Atalgok- Aux Clhoome,t Beim ' Valk* _ Poolomv.:Pos.. and Rtlui - Alths, . Ltosood sodDlobrello, Dried and @tato , ,Tlispotim Cover, IL* and Gam Seeds. ~ . _.,4l4!_asom roads on Lbookometitg,_ .. .7 . I No. SW Idbortyot.‘ rittiblia. I ' . ._. , 7 romi, B. 'cilipx.tko kluctaan i sail•WholM 44 &aka in 1N12r11515 _,..11.41z11Z2.11111=4: 14 4 =4.111 621 Lig0ip18 1, aIIIIr4IIILI,I4IID OILEI , DWI= PH 2 azgl '2l444 e zzaxliD7lBcs. 141 acul 1.49 haat rtreet, • AlUkCcaiontaum - • ',Otani. iii44eilacobs /LOW. OWN - AND l'eatlartraVa9,2itlagro strie;;ll=4:l ,-I : ll KikobizothaErimailbrltkets ',1" 14 0/ 1 31 ,011 IPA& Patinas:. artantket pelt to mom** Nosebands, =ally., Alcfr.dl ing:l4;al74. afaVacit . lAN L EY ComuthwOr r IllshomMiirand whaled' fielders b awes- IMO PRODUCR, hfia Pe. eel/hdle Vial Mair kftLNEKA Ara .ocmuctsucter tainicsaintqa idifid - GB&IN, MUG, bt USS, PALMSCIII, for:the celeomi Urdmitomt- OS. VOWS /*Mud sad ifiS flestetreeteo4. Smithfield; Pl. • • .• seB . .t?.) . .'" ' a", 1111a1AdiaitiLizi, CMAIDir-dzi • 3 ' , ae wo...#9.ol7otw.serst /1 "12 1 11)44) " *4414 itt , . • cttapnazol,. ma" __ L . • : 4 *ATB101( 4t RROTKVA o • • •to Brown zittpottiobs) guar .21as. la and JO strost . , saws , ,wrzitaz 11=17 A I sta= 41 A. 001=4 MitANS COFF4 0 411 • =AA-. • - sensa 'pa.; waQLZEIALI W.A.NE - :_VA,Eir.GORDNE4Paonicas xxxxialimi ' de4a In ILO ITT 4 B • 1,143 4 1 1=rm • soccuszon.....— ,u4.l„.as.vatew. kti:VOIGT* CO' Intimessarta 14; Ili • - lfitiktitontrOzreszil ao ,, i'Mtiti • ‘2o4(skati •irr • • streal.Pletiknirgh Plu JOHN: OMB & Waow il ," U alaritailomaihorizooi makm. ciente Pittsburgh. Pa. hi ;,.ltipt4 ;05111_1`,4L W s Lickysia,... 7 ati=ard illeilen fa PEA,0502, 1L01631, iIacKMOROO 11BAni. den lie. /3 4 = 1 0001.4 : striWin . , ~. imativ • 1119_b a rkatialZKLTON, Waolauta I,,aati Amy vosuattssiorausorium air - or timp I:izili , aro.'ll, rittoorec 1111 4 149 •• • 1, -7 ,aor,a• aaratilwas wsioCloonaoscomi , W 7 Wood doste,Mtobarryb.y — koar - soons; - ixtarwascaraus - v. - cracieciatalams WELOONiVAIII3 it. Ca, • • inum, two,* a 0.,) ' roames AND - Dommtricebair cuoDtt, Aix 'Of Wood tirtit; 'third, bow strove ,Lnatvnd ' - a ll ey,' Pittibaith• 1910'-a-Lf _RATBllaixasis.nr_FA2tat AND '.p.erAn.l DRY 00uD5,,OLOAY13 & ras AI& LB, go. la ViLh street, tatsbarigh, Pi : A. 8.-47LOASS amt. to 0rd0,.. NUil. t. 14111..... J. LTIIII 1 . 227 V2l.l;lia3BOY & 00, Dealers • POSZION iLVD DONESTIO DRY two i nt intruidwz_banwile w Mar ATONOLAO.II t AI mow ji g esip tn jugjaLEl .1.1; WIEIIOI - iand VEY- 000 Di 6 ot, 46s erlptln, N0t..17 +ad at tit tiL Y Dis W hulesele,sind 111 tteLll Dwlen In Ire.NOY esTAPLAC DUI *1.04 TLC • DisLud in' t‘ - LIU KtLai , ' tad/. tatirv•mash • . 1 1=0111•14 wiwima. susl a • STAttilliAllb Dia (1001. 0 4 liartb. taiditriar tif:karth - lind *Market itmts. sN Wtio,egale aaa tte W. BARICBR, & CO., Dunsua Di '. ••Gomm, N0.:69 Marin.; StiSat, be.trearOT - 0-f macatb. Pittsburg& OX 110 GLS TS. QIIKOZI , DBALIE Posy to Dam JO HNSTON ' AND onnueu,s, PINVIDANBY, /ANDY GOOWBUILNING FLUID, OILS, PAN. SINDININNBoka., licAl w hisrth of strict ste mad aa la=S mith uttostsPittsburgb, Pa. Prullerih Dohs ainduWcompoundeg It all hams. BA. FaiIiESTOCK & aki Wsoup * uw YZITY atunadia m ia ocroU rectmer er of Wood 'f au li S Yroat 'tracts, PlttstUrgh. at h 7 ijrolll4 - 4 KUM ' Ho, t- DBITGB, WEDS. OD , 9ALLEIBIIXB &ND EITUDYD, N 0.294 Meaty .treat, Piltaburxh.— &II onion will NWT* prOllipt. attsatioa..; Ecay,4 clit. GEO,. FL KEMAL, Dzueelar, 140 Wuod comm. or wo, l Appy,,,x,ittourgh: Pa ;•i‘ci;p 4 /!10//1/01g. .TELFORD -4 , 4 11 110 .1111"j' SJI3ALli Liam gnus 06001/8, 71,01711 ABD MVOS ifts • PLUMP, 487 - *Aid/ *root, Pittablirgh. .!aoL H. . •• a:W .ITO 11.0 i zeirar r Ndeolaatioths Ma , *boa tfri3 BUTTES LA= Onoriply, o. Woe:Mama, 10011 Waiii4.lltfabingh. rinam - r•: - taisuWirgbh, (inaceessa to ~iJaaaosktras 0o.,) Z'ax Palma ald dalla PII4YUNOW4 mon of sad Fran sta,„, q • - • Jet": .t (Swesuirld'Aok, Vres44l.e. - Fa: Pita Azd.Dll4ll / I I .. 11Notth: oo Mot h tittalg Wir tig "fa Arrtair.rars. ge.'l4 jr-VlStgf;:"4 -6 1 0 7 iii AM) Oirminzas t VaICOV.NO. 4 * grant PI Irs,. e AM butane ontratted. tit aipientwill_ twig pramopt attention. qtrfootgatt atibitialsalum,Natitalloaidnive comitiejou* tberneasyruditioa ramaptly. . 145 011N , 41. MitoCCINNEE6I4 iiii)lfinr, as Law, _Ctexaomanuistary ilmmejailr Brio. licilSponaoß4 Mut; .. Aftiotit,asqsliatsitilaalsti. ~..d. =Conga= tritaki LAIGN Patabargh• 4 '7;"11%,.. I,lllllollleo. Nir i :i: i : . i i?: i • - . ' '' rli. -, 4191 . 11 , digiffX - -:. 7 ‘I 7 4SONI ._ Wood COAVIOra. Vona alta Noi 1.1) swum mums AM , %01:13, Onsida; &l - - DDB • DEfOr OBERlL.olt i ii rrant . -- • - JAL DALIIILLIII BON , . , 49 sae ID Wider straiii, B . f r . 7e. "Ana MK, liandamas Woo " sire • IAOIOI . • 1.400 rik tiles* Übsitt Oftwt, • line Y. a'oo. „„-, 7 ,7; 4s • ' 1 : 44 4- 1-* q:**Z. tth4'44**”- -‘l4'l'- * 4 '*** at1aT.ii 44 *.X21,42,..U4E1V*44.141*.iriZ10•4(.4.1. * • • ' • #70.19". 17c. p I ABO 8 1 PIANOBI—.. ... • i m sgz - notrPiana Jai mar. .d . ggra„-tedisy **submit. brrthe lawn. rxl.. m the os= 11,2 of Raab. & Oa, Sanaa% . Hanoi Bra,Erow Tat . and Mantel •• , & T•••• •krb••7; 7l . Z•at Plasm wanzate• .I••.yeari. Prim from' POO ward'. Ala aist•gait swittesat d PiallO&V 17211/IVALLIDIIIIMODZONS art neared. Mb area MINNVA X'B PIAN • .z.•-•, , ieoe~ I iYaist atlas E • s ' 7 MIDeIL, at ea. W011,1,4'4 ili6d4ll. Wei w mattet N Mat* ta ea MOS in MO CIF ip= 21. Ike* Walk of duo slices - Jan untying. Or fiebolvagp Or lid.' Cala tfui Stec vai jam= [aura: 014q1BRIN!I SORT, .1141 LINT, DAM & 00., W. P. sumnoox - J. W. YOU. MUSE, GIBSON k 00., OBIIPZ & ELM, J. O. RIP.OHWEI. EIGHTEEN PIA-NOS, IRON TB s soovp lauroEfies. FROM 8225 TO $5OO, Just mogul& And for ash b CHAS. C. 81111H..013, 81 Wood et .2:tutu , (4.1) It A.' Pt, r ,fil c !Tr DUQI7&k3NE CaDffia czawroßD. misty ,44.ilaillud • • eases Woux tee„ men arum on ase-rnrevassavniA AND BRASIdIittIITINGB, et aLI dwartptkom• made tb order. lifndatßOAT:Wolo6 MA - idtD OAS. "tins% anditlYaranw promptly attencle4l4 Parttonlar atteathth Bold tollathea op Rafflta...i ,11.1.19 AHD 0/01801i ma. . A ece• for the %darn Matti of Rank 31111 — __ lal & Thlnfa 4 .11 NITWIT SIPHON PUMP, taw bed Et ti l throated. Ravin no valves, lt la not 1 / a bla to ont of ankh and wll/ throw eon water than any —no of Mai It, Idle, exalt n ISARBOU'II,- Wl= A. L. VIZSIB & 13110.. Cbrsar of Fine awl Cbsraurailbsata. ehrzaroaa, asvican comoustnoNVsacesam and Agents florthi' Parc*, D.mwrkotrApow. DAS AND 11,16.1 Tr IiTHL ' HAWN d..frairtt klada of Wont= ProW dna, A — Mita atiraponith. B.llailroadtraok I Croat of Wareham. ECM TO WUllam H. thalthf Plttaborgh anger A Rldnotion, Sputa, t Garrard, Ondenrhante 6 dtuetad, n. BirkLo:• n. PAM Antis Ott ' pATENTIOY -- ovr. 8, 1861 Dit4idge's Patent . . 'OVAL'OASPr. Kanuoict.te • .x.x FLIRT GLAISB. Theis Chhzustos irttri lbs am dame, which hashing all onded porta ot the glass squally, doss not =pas It to anschttg. AL D. DIT.EIUDGIA,.. • I sort Malan Work; aylT Wisashigtou Mahal= Lm)Ltakr MANUY IBILDBASN'd FANO! rtiiin MENTII . 7I3C OAPS. (JOLLA ILO £ GL) V Crew) 'twisty !Ma .txt. of Use above good. oa Mad 1=1!1 DiA.M.III4II eiTzslsl. WOll4B, PARK, BROTHER & CO KIT QUALITY HICIIIIIND OAST YTIUCIN Minus, rat and Octago n. ,of nil slam Warrant/4 opal to any Imported or utannlactured fo thb Dann try. aa4 Warehouse, lox 149 antt 141 NIIIST and 1'1) aattre44 , 3o.l/D erllZZlll, 7 •Plitontrgh; fr11:1,4 ==2l L.; 151MILN PRI3BL7I ISPEUTAOLBS. torpwainalite-mav,raturatiroil. OA* .9.14.14- It. • • 1.20" Who larlh4o7 V.vkatil. r A darannui.ia`r ro e.riv iab WI, _ otoi7 All that b asked b to wmtao in otter pt-aza . ksi,thoo call, sod mottos Um ittraNAß rr Iror wilt b)- J. MAlrllD,,fraatt..!i..l44lr.taa • I .rsame s rik - ttliiriffesrMAble 'll:•.,ta•faa nrrn Uervoism Pea :talkllaet LICW Jun returned L du .o• ham now In otoToaq, Won, OOM ert BOOTS AND 52130E1E3 Deaden' am, be implied /Eutaw • d UEILLDSINTBoom attraus aim! texas HOU, at a slight adtwar kw nab, at • • =T== GlitbAT sanuoTioa Ladles' X. Lau'; 0004 aaltini ' :0- 75 worth $ 1 50 ... - ISY TT" - I 76 all other gooda edam very low A USN, Mooolll4loll a CO., VALI= Pttrateag% ,oarwisneggir n* And: Itionikotwaro or COOK, P _B. AND gam 1110 =MA MUM ClIalWITCHIMIllatze, HOLLOW WARBotea, Steel anglGbeeßeabla, Seib log KM -Glarlog Gob way/tans M. tivSN!lesd , kallog %gob Vi n iag mPoers - r Perowtag mi p t, Oartlibeele, Ana Otilltbit • Jobbing aail (J i l= Bo ggrdarg. !Merited Portable ista, aptteare "Vniar liagfigaggg g , a QV., Boller fmia hou Warkent -PUN 46:ANZWast r , ..iirthigasearol a , ! fil ls:Mal w.easti. Ow um hapeurd , ini ' ko,wigaagre 011 In 'dssalpt.low of - the. WI m um, ma annumm eginasgad liqual im p amw -7 1 _i iaad ru r i la ink_ Abb tasa P/Pla. woollol79l)llDialiffitia BALT atr ztass PAHII - ,1' .LNW . - Mg lA= AGITATOM. - P-amt KUM PAlikiwkable ididuliiittatin. el BUN. ' ztuair.wsurkpo . 141,4 0 , : mou s , doss ft -ebb abostegtosouca.,.-....:, r„ . .- , • - - - dslatt diljglandia t maim UM 11J thuman td MOM . , jila Witt{ of GOM M [(MINA 01041411._ ate44ll kt ktatie of 1111011111 a AND MEWING' rename - UMW /AIM 1111111SCIHMTIE 11.191411, s t atimut variety, UZIDt Fr. fittstergli e Pa XS . - • • - N. ft.-Thar Tads sappliaa au Mama terzeuk... eau. kutihnir, Produce & Gene! failMerforidershattl. inntammte l nom. bed abater la Ali kind. of 00i/Wilit PIIODUaII. 44.,&7344/411X V - - Prrtssuips. Ph. „te h ios t i.. h. _ _ Lir PIT - WORKS anti ASD OA PS . gaOORD d CO.'S, No. 181 WOOD STREIT PITTSBOSHH, Pi ilduratectuten Ldapted to ttuiek.iimi 'Bra. ALBBP6OO3 a y- • r Wood sad fourth 0 1, 60 " 200 JAIIIXB 11011E4 E Market street. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST- 26. 1863 Vittsinii } tgti -L 6azettlz S. RIDDLE & 00, 4DITORB AND PROPRZSTOBB, Publication Office 110. 84 Filth Met RORNISH itIID I rTHRINGHLurzumEt, DAILY. OORTAINTRO THR lATTZT RIMS UP TD THI ,HOUR or rinnaamoh. WEDNEEthAY MORMG, AIIG t 26 . NEW TERNS 'OF THE GAZE TB, Ka riga lettras, by mm. par year.4B 10. . - arar..... IS. . dash grime farms.. b 7 • man. 2 02 7e m- 60 . SG male_ as • waft-- 10. s • s stags Wxxxxi Roam, dagie avlss, per you.. •11 09. s dabs orbs to 10, s 1 00. 0 culavorpormore i r 26. iart . one extra to the party seitdlng alabd.gss • slab et Mises, e la te .l a d thalbsztrsa quern daft,. Woo • altib of twenty, we will lend the .hlosaime Gest= ilattr. Mash °opt", orate. 1141rAll rabeeriptieweitridhilli idiom end aims stoppud when the Uwe Wrenn. Details of the Bombardment of For. - Swatter tiaff - Wagiter. The oarrespondea of the N. Y. Tribeor giver the following deans of the bombard ment of the robel atoingholda In Charlestah harbor: biome torso, Aug. 18, 1863. The bombardment of Bort Sumter by bath our land snd neve! forces commenced yeeter flay'morning, and has Op to this momeOf pro ,gretred as favorably as the most migraine could duke.. The reduction of a strong brisk fort, resting upon la foundation of granite, at a distance of two miler and a quarter, lshome , 'thing now, In the world's Alstoriff, although in this' age of revelation, not atall wonderful, and is to be now looked Tor. Thirefli tog man can make that man cannot also de , stray. Even sand earthworks must snoorimls at last to the ingenuity and panorama* of some superior genius; and Port Wagner, im. pregnable as she has at times appeared to be, ail rent and torn to drilling beeps, "and her heavy guns and bomb-proofs Ile smashed and shattered upon the shores of Noah Island. At this moment of writing, two o'clock, p. m no flag can be min flying from 7/O:LW's. nu, no reply to the 16.hoiligans of the Mon., itors are heard, no soldiers peer above th is parapets; that portion of the fort where the bomb proofs were situated before the assault of the 18th lies a shapeless mass of sand and tiaitarpOrdidia - Tin liirriesdji to °cau l pied by our forces whenever the order shall be given. Bat Sumter's gam are still alive. A few spiteful ones on the parapet of the lea-wan send their shell wUdly in the direction of our bietteries4but as ^yet have effected no injury whatever. The guns upon the sea-wall may be said to be practically client. At the di,. tanos we are from them they can emberrase our gunners but little, and since wide gapd hews been opened in bet aidesil our heavy rifled Parrotts, every broadside but weakens her foundations and hastens the hour of bar . , _ . But Saettotr — 2ort Wagner has really mic - otimbsd or not; whether the Jirofoutid ellegess is assumed or becsssitated, *Wither thirteen hundred strong men still its safe wltbla the bongs proofs or silently evacuated theui during the darkness of last night; of one thing we are positively certain, and that Is, that Sumter, the fortrasi upon which the gess of,the whole nation may be and to be' turned, beneath the most,baradble Ate ever In-' fore concentrated upon a pedlar aslant:me, is fast failing into ruin'. Pour deed shots ware- sent 'through her gorge-wall last Saturday evening; nine more on Sunday evening, and at daylight ;ester-, day morning the - bombardment owned nest, to close only when the red battle deg et the enemy Butkus' aniqielle upon itatnins and: Stars see Stripes 'man that over them. Eiss.. tweet 300 and 400ehOts - liave Already nass•di law and through her gorge, ail, near t ly shrotiettlier-tea-wallrandsibmerfialunn gone, directly'. into the forLis Unease heap' of! brink and mortar hove: faller into the sea, elicited up the sallyri'and made a pile or cubits betwspen - the stfons, over which al storming party conlitelimb blade fort 11 it' were at this stage destned , practicable. By this evening it is eonfidently expected that the gorge-wall willhaVe beadttinhapletelynnleh ad is, but whither the ohlealry of Booth Car olina sittl then deem prudent to. surrender remancetals seen. -Sand bagrrapidly Oiled sod piled op woos' the Satin 'front of the o s sem atei may pretest_ tljnisf ay 'or two only. Fort Wegeneries oar possession, the the guns upon-themes-Waft of -Sumter dm moo nt e dLso/*Pld ontinkenr_a_tiro_lan then be poured into bar that it wont, d be fol ly, bordering upon msdnossi for bar garrison longer to hold out. By tomorrow morning the heaviest rifled gnus known to the srUlleig servta will be In position,-with thiniosi experienead gunners libubliy on bind to direct their fire. Educated odious who have, had =cob expe rtise* in yedueing fortresses both in this country and in Europe, consider the rodeo- Bon of thefort within the present week be yond a doubt. replied .bnattnir to alto ereit_thottettiotel on Jean* Mond/ eaten .. .trtenTeir Johann L 9,111 thitinto make hist, hare kept up swinmassaicannenadtrboth br di, and night, but dull! haribilikted but lit tle Ininry,„ g)1: AIR bunt OUr bPitt. l o l l- Ataarkt WI 611, 4911:_ or fall stag Tat, Xor th end of Monb without any great suggestion, may, be raid to be almostvir 'Sickly pared with shot and shall is:Priaddiy L, with.'grapite blocks: In the attack ■ Wagner_ thliLittatahlas stiff q ere , the Paton* !tidbit e on,boar& ;‘),ltlt 410 011. Iris ' giro ... ! our .own Jand' s„.Lautiptquastad - to maintain Until -the slip , nil! Itive further prciettirail, and tkethnstatlredtrhon: the intonate ;of the eimpaign -dill not 110 ddrul jeopardised-by-int„.falt Islan --notmitd wtheor all that:lamb= ondte ainto siege oonimencei. The WON later pedorm ed - by both 'Lad and 'naval faritcsitho Skill and peninsula:kw exhibited by olloarr, the ' bravery displayed by both white and colored suldiars, thahardships endured and the did wades oversome,can he =Vaud only whew the siege of Sumter shirt have bead prodded: if dosed, and Charleston and her harbor In our full Pbuession. - At Mahout of writiog_a most furioni tor- nado ofirWid-,-ralifin—td-sandloraningallalonif the coast of South Carolina; The muttons have withdrawn from the fight, and the men of war sought safe anchorage /planes. Sat the new rifled Parrotts are still booming do and shall through the driving wind and rain as before crash against the tidos of &war. Tont suits are being torn. up, tentpoles blowsrdoww, -- midlkirtiff, re• — l4 from the hands of the ribiali aster pg James Island, only by the strung arms of ttii soldisrm who 'an - trying to bold them down. A lively little,episede thus far la this gale in the car, and when it shin hare wand, mom otgoNometi-olltritrdOlopellut to rememberit is a melancholy one. thus. la the tiring of yeetaday, aad b that at thu morning we oat the halyards on the flag stiff at blaster, and . breaths the flag !halides to the malls. A brave Ilttle band abbots, hewer soon tel. lied and under the holed an ran i t agile, to ffoat nabob Wear base; ' • , Ths flap of all ths ahlnlog Inn pt half !masFysitaidaraiday ous of rospootts the tasmory of Capita Roden, of the Qtr; kill, lfllisd early In the sagiierasat day. • - A large number of something our ladders havolutmediebat daiLlisii,werstoond dest iny in Light House Inlet, and the creaks around the Meads In this vicinity yesterday, Wank - upon *uncanny proved to be internal - machines about tons bet .long by ens inoh, ; slapialikaeribdirand kepi togetherrc of adreabotti ten ; the inventor @Vida - illy was to has th e op ot our vessels. set entsnyted in ahlk.l9Peet briny the niobium sudUdy 'wapitis% the aides of the vessels and- bg the bras olibe minden - Gayle& and blow - the inseir-to • atoms— Dais ingantou little plot . to destroy the sztuarivar fleet felled utterly. ' Smell booties* now out Oohing them up by dozens, and before night the riven end malt will agaikbe dear of them.' Col. Howell, of the 85th Pennsylfiela. commanding the second brigade, Teny's Th(sp, was vayakeverefrotanndttu r Sun t p night, by a shot from Bort Wier, •li entered the signal casemate , . exploded!, and blowup almost the entire etrusture.. When taken from under the ruins he was seppos , ed to be dud, be: upon examination no bone were found broMn, had but surfue wound upon any part of Vis body. A felt, weeks wil tutors Mm to hit :renal health and comreand. By the tams shot Sergeant Emerson, of the Sigma Corps, wee very nrolvdy wounded end will not probably louver. Col. 8011, of the 4th New Hampshire, wee In the casemate et the time, but escaped uninjured. On the following day, (the 19t1) tie tame correspondent adds: The terribte wind storm spoken of in my hastily written dispatch of lest evening still continnes v althongh at this hoax with some signs of abatement. This storm Itstx very ma• tonally interfered with the 'confab, of thl: Ming, and canted seine battertectckbe ponds& The Navy has done nothing since the atom catoutel:Oodr • • A close examination of the gorge wall of Blunter'sa ted many °Moors tothlelr that no practiced leresohee• have yet hied made, al though the (omen'se pile of debris ; attending from the base almost to the parapet, and the huge hole scattered all along batmen the bastions, give it armost 411 e atiearance of total ruins. Tbli debris is formed principal, by the sand begs which ware planed in front of the sally port and along the bass of the gorge wall, and extending up almost one. third the bight of the wall. Two deserters from Fort Wagner, who found part of a boat's crow plying betaken Forte Gregg and Sumter, same erivhin our lines tit morning. They loft the fort ottlinaday morn leg, fisting been hiding i in ihe creaks trteen the fort and our batteries until We morning:- They say - that - the fret • pellnien4 tat act, fired last Sunday, passed through the gorge wall, and into the officers' quarters penetrated the wall facing Sullivan's Lisa nine feet, knocked a p its of brick down upo a steamboat unloading sand-bag• at the wharf, tumbling over her smokestack, pierced and exploded her boiler, and killed four nee groat. They also state, that-after we have breached the gorge wall, we have got to de-:' radish a wall of cotton balsa arid sand-bags behind the jaw will, ant fillthlf - tha rim% metes and officers' quarters, and extending - from thew& wall to the wa ll fining Chariest° The approaches tcsiWegner are slowly pro grassing. The hlgli water last night in* ~ entirely over the North end ;of the island, , ' making the point upon_ whiek_Forta Gregg pad Wagner are situated entirely an islind,: . and randsriug it difficult for enginosn le , work The deserters report that the three forts are garrisoned by over three thousand men, thir teen hundred losing in Bort Wagner. It should be remembered that these deserters• left on Sunday, and before the bombardment commenced in earnest- The reduction of those formidable forts have thu fat been almost entirely-the work of the tinny. The nary hul aceomplished but little, but very few of the shots from the monitor, having bit the forte. Bat two monitors, however, havedireoted their fire upon the fort. Frederick Douglas. la his paper this week, Predetick Douglas announces that he abandons his poste editor and publisher. He says he can now fitid a place for his views on slavery in some of the leading papers of the country, and that &spe cial organ Is no longer necessary. Hut his real reason for laying down his pen is as fol.' The United States are cow Wise bitterest pangs of civil war. Slavery is — the" lof this terrible war, and its abolition is d esldad by ens of the parties to the war. I am with the `abolition party in war . hi in pesos. 'I disoontilitie my paper, bonnie I san bettor serve my bleeding countrymen whose great opportunity , has now come, by going South and summoning them td um& their just lib 'erty, than I can do by stayinchme. I am going South to oasts I Adjutant *mend Than po,in the orstanlasUes of troops, who shall win for the millions In bondage the luestbmw ble blessings of liberty and oolintry. - 4 Slavery hes chosen to submit bar claims to the decision - of the - Sod of battles. — She bee dalibiorstaly taken the sword, and it Is night that she should perish by the sword. Lot the epprossor fall by the bald of the oppressed, and-the guilty slavebolder,whom tb. voice of truth and reason ooold not mob, let him fall by the hand of Moldova That should take some humble part in the physicals well as the moral struggle against slavery, and urge my long enslaved people to vtadicato Otelt manhood bty, bravely striking for their ilWitr and oountry, so natural and oonsistent. The I nteruattenht Postai Convention. We understand, sap the detiovoi hadlipse ver,tbat_ the. Pootrowdes -Gleneral Is highly grinned with the result of the International , . Postal Conference recent ly held in Paris. Al/ the leading nations onto World szeept Snits partielpeted, and ugly smaller Governments wife represented. Completi; inctiessattended the *front of the United Magee Ant till4F meet to Ineugurete a mere liberal and more innfono postal sigma totem the airmen nations of the world. The Home (heap- Silents of several °outfitting adopt. td the prlociples naiad thine es the for fates mud oonventlonsrl Other, will fol low. et the niquestof fhb Goverinient, the United States delegate, the, If* lobo A. Sasseurooncluded-oormitheAiedrrields Wang giving radioed MUM to the liberal movements initiated at the International Con , MIL , . •.,.. . its i s aow confidently °spotted Mt, is SIM lis the arrangement/ 00 1 4 la ,nopus are 'perfected, there will .lea general renuetlan In 1 the rates of postage I. all puts of Buipti, with a uniform rate to meet of those Min tries. The Press wilt realise vow gonna. lenterfrom the pending prondtionee by the auentbi reduction of retiesom junta& aid l odated matter whit& will ono - be lifilatad. iln addition to the MINI* tronenistige, the !Government will rutin an lreportaut 'diving I ithmeney by a obanp In dui totem of as. ! Donating between lend foretipreimoiri a . The last sot of the Oorthire n ee ein to give ;unruly a vote of thank* to the United Ilitatelos fortis Initiation of - se l ben eek& attentrupriao " .1 ,- A Quaker ftoststatbk. , .. . i *nog the drafted resnexamleed at Pent - Ideas* on Monday, says the Bpringdald i•- reibilociii, was • young Quaker,' whose aw l . schmtleas regard for-higfalthwoeld tmeellow ii.to send a substitute, or purchase a db. or take any personal part In bossing himself. But be provbd g dear case of piles under the law, and was &dinged ;:lcordiality. Soon elk; the case haakeett eolded, and before the young Fithindhad left AU room, a letter was handed to the Board. 1.11pr:rood to be an appeaLla_ behalf of the i lons man, In a most detkatefthaad of 'reit", : and coached Is most yore and eloquent ' m ; :gulp. The Comosilones, submitted the ' iletter to the inspection of thi young um, wh o iwith- unfeigned eindar -- aceriad—the wall i ;/mown t r i m " of s dear young Friend who, ion out First day, In open , meeting, would ; Matsuda to him eamethatkeeould Wagon- , itudeatloogy. -- ' • ' - • Tao Cam to Game Batted:—Mi t me . 11selth's &rota= Warm of dugout ink sap !tut from & uvula of, the UMW But, Weal, Worth tad flooth—the crop so paws MID Most eneouraglatri lad la the *Atli of Ragland Oa harvest' bat been non sulk* early wren sirodattlre. The cereal ierops'aad the crops AM all good, and Irons Inlaid 0,11 wets cheerio l statements are ; 141411 ' ' Times of the *filetaurgefmilst 14i4. ar;di , hate mad in a . bib* ti Wei. Lie lathe iteleasoef4hroof ,1711:13w. Orialalfasfolli wit lo l ll riallEblied at (Isv: Milan sad thrown Aaftr'' Libby Mem, " ..,... Thry toy tbn thaataltaty Comaduka Isa , 71 : 1 1;iewbidrivi z A " Moldier; havaebtalaed tenet. - - Marian and it. Men at the Ohio =f2=2 Tie (limplain of the Ohio Penitentiary, Mr. Graver, publishes a statement contradicting tome misstatement' publicly made respecting Morgan and his men. He says :—Tioneare .elaty.siglit of Morgan's oMoars in the prison. ,Tlfey occupy the south side of the new hall, , each sad of which is temporarily closed. ' They are locked up separately in oells at 7 d'eleck in the iserning, and are uelookeff at about 7do 'the morning. They enjoy the prlailege of walking the hall through the day, which is, perhaps ens hundred tine lift, het long-and twelve , feet wide— At II a. *. and.flr. a. they,areeenduerted. to the commoa dining hail, =dims prison (are, with, I be lieve, the addition of coffee and sugar end Rom/view .andeles furnished by thems elves. Morgan had no belt filled with gold, green. tusks and Voidederate Stec" Ills bles arnoUtitid to twenty-three dollars and buttenint The antorint of our Government and postal cuitreney found an the persons of the other *elms woe not large. They bad considerable sums in Confederate money. Morgan and his Min are all shaved and trimmed, in. anoord• ghee with the rule of the insitittian. This is the custom. ; billeve,for two reasons first, to seourepersonal cleanliness ; second, to give • uniform appearance to the prisoners, so that detection would be more easy, id ma of an it tempt to escape. They do not attend our chapel /Mica'. The reason is obvious. It would bring a crowd of visitors, attracted by curiosity; and, besides, our service* are too loyal to suit traitors. All who desire Bibles ans opplied from. the prison library, and, by,permissien of the wardens, I sect down dbigibutjen . among them, a large number of cite volumes of the " Christian Library." Ice appearance, Morgan looks like a man addicted to'worldly pleasure. Be is full ale feet high, straight and well butt, with an Omsk step, and something of a commanding presence. Hit upper lip is short and slightly sanken, so that his front teeth are somewhat ' exposed. Ls complexion Is sandy, and the hair quite this on she rep of his heed. He louts to be an ordinary man intellectually. ire has, howeSeq, one of the qualifications of a geed "ootomender—A. knows hoe to obey He conforms etrietly to the rules of the astale• listmuent, - atid erjolts obedience on the part of his fellow-prisoners. Col. Choke is three efr four inches taller than Morgan, very slender, with a chin, nh,rp facie and reenacts eye. I suppose ' from his appear. EMI, be has more dash and daring than Mer• gen himself. Haab Duke is a small man, Armly belt 'sad mounter. His complexion is dark, and his eye , and heed is:Atoms some 'lad and a bad heart. Ha is much the must telliput lookini man aloha crowd. I only speak of them at th.y appear. I have no In tercourse with any of them, except as I have met three orforrr in the hospital. I see and talk with them there, as I do with the other sick. Tins hypocrisy of the Copperhead jour nals, in asserting that the Kentuoky elec tion was carried by the force of Union bay. onets, is fully illustrated in the following incident. The Louisville Democrat, the organ' of Wickliffe, makes this statement: The postmaster at Fairview, Todd county, says theelection passedeff quietly. There were nomilitary present, and all who felt a clear conscience, and would take the oath presoribed by the Legialature, could vote "without any hindrance." We are pleased to record the fact,..theA at one voting pro duet in Kentucky, troops were not sta tioned to overawe the voters, and that the judges regarded the Law of the State, in stead of military order. Bat look at the result in this district. The loom/ shows it up as follows: Weltivelistorwus the official vote of this "blight spot," where all could vote "with out any hindrance," who had "clear con scienees" and were -willing to negative their expatriation On oath. The result of the election' in Todd county, was: Bram lette, 677; Wickliffe, 6. Here it is ao, knowledged that the election passed off quietly; no military were present "to overawe - the voters,' and of course the Lime Imes are a fair expression of pop. later Beath:tient. ' We are sorry for the Dem veva I, very sorry, but it can't be helped. However, to keep up its spirits, let's take another Todd I TVs iSTBILNIM REVANIIE TAX in rue Camino Durratcr.—The Chicago Tri tusursays that the manufacturers' and lid canoe tax unused in Cook county, for the tan menthe ending June 30th, reached the enormous aggregate of $955,830 77. This does not include either the income or the license tax assessed in the annual list. The Tribune adds: Estimating the entire revenues for the year from the internal tax in Cook county, upon the basis of past re turn; the amount must foot up in excess of one and a-hall millions of dollars. Taking the proportions of taxable property and in comes ia this county and In the county of New York, the revenues to inure in the lat ter must be at least thirty millions, and in the United-States not less than two band ana fifty millions. nomaincoamors rinse Basuregard's °hid of Bud, publisfierl,lnApe Charleston dfrreells anneunces the} ntgroes in arms captured on Korth Wand ars held sublesd to the order of the Governor oniouthtarblina. in *reorders= eritlrthe act of the Yebel Congress a-siding the delirtry ofiatioh eliptbred negroarto the Governors et the States in which the capture might be made. , TEN Lords of the Adiatralty haraptiblish ad a ioarolog to 411 BoChlh tailors marring la the Alabama and oast. British pirstaa that their bourrovill Involve Castors of their pay sad claim for -porton. Su. biome bu famed an order finbtddlug !the'farther • le the Army of the Potomac, 'of the wins of oakum and ooldlors, of whlche of fate, there here been 'ergo numbers to Tam cut atm asst la BsidS b rg Castle : ha taantailitraliti ()sabot ttatopleted at /i -lar, Eitiliad , • litgla asdptai aaated ott ttat tqp, aattia twit was Abe* $l,OOO. Tat Wooled*li.l3elmot Committee hare Cs. carded cut tree altogether, as a material for rifled guns. They. recommend coating shots for rifled gems with lead. . Tam melt AnstAnn. Badget display/ the :11nanoss of the Solpho to e VW Womb" light.'" Ltbatarrefortne ,priy better than $ pUtilag deepOtithei: - • • " pSNSIONNBOUNTY A-BACK PAY T: &nut DAY, GINIIIIIAL IMAM &WM 103 riak 81 -. WO door *kw the eagatroi. An mamba &Mem was quin biaa 1n Ma eaM. t2lia sand rim ano valid., 4.4100. Ban* ~, ~altUara 109 baaa sand .twa !=azalia aatliladlo $lO/ &Wm by v naM Cl 'insam, mildiatim. 'Oll:Ta7. idoinrutaddlani was Ala sr are -ta , dia, mita, animdtAid imalaaa sad IM 100 !Bald/YAW. am• Ottlaite man daindidiaa; Moriptly , inalaa to Ho Maim mad. I. ban, mai mill Me ;masay6 col 4.9:1742 ii IEIBINBIIIINS, BOUNTY, Baez PAY. I!. U.-it:ACM=4 Azteragrat.Zans sad Maks Ow, ,to. m rum twin. pute mn b , oausowss W Alavuiv • sati **ta u cwjaw. Francium isoLDI low criainfa"4 wrao ; 108 ugun= en dimppsi Rea sotisto.P , Aar mat,o4l ,stun. .vlB MlZlEllllM4pc_Ecidowiearauts,'Crihas abilare r o, arog et im And B k i g igl- othar 4iti4 Mt.* iratzlium "the at 04,04 Odium Om dhow wiltexciaci 3 11111 . worikkoasteath 4 DOm.4 lad a5t1_....1/441ige..±.41:41.-41g aad w bit b , ansljyar We py as2l ' ,; • ustillilr a. OOLLIMI. OILS, Oft. B. P. RILANDS, COMBLIBBIOS MERCHANT OBEIDN AND DzriNED OILS, FLAT BOLIN, LIIIIBBB, BTA V BA, AA, Ac. eir.ollllo, in ?Easy DLO , bunting Allegbiny Wharf, Pitistatib. PL. Wald MaCOR,MICH & CA LLE NDER; OIL 'BOOK &BS, 211 and 213 south Water 6t., CHICAGO earCausigtuxtetta notioi,ed. laroar d Otos...wore, lino Cliy Oil WC4III. Jac - 11 Paw" J. Palate, it O. Jao 8 OJAzrAirt. Spaag. Cludiaat 6 00. lyd W&I#LACE & CIIIITISe, 001tIMUiSIOli M1980114/111. tad 4-al.n hi CRUDE & REFINED PMEOLEIIN, No. 60 2iOIITH 8100 ND IMMIST, ter Wong. dapeofti(ood.reover,) ix 16,000 DNA. Ale. excellent teallides for elotp to kmarfeen e=l Iforefen porta, et onr • on the BetrerytUll Rho, peer the philter= of the Peens- IL B. , • BREWER, BURKE &CO., 0011K188I0E XERCHASTB, Apace of tee ()LOBIP, P•01BIOAdD L.18C411 (); L 'WOBBB. .as - LlLeral cash adrenal:l mad. oa ocusalguawts .1 Relined or Crude Petroleum 005. Doecrnaaa May Ana 134.10001. eralay. IKUN CITY OIL yVOIIK:,. LYDA Y it el I ORPENIVIN Q, dalathacturers and BoAners of CABBON OM, IifICEINE LOID LUllalo2alli6 CRUDE PETROLEUM. .arWorta, oppualte Sttarpubarg QtElon In PSIIII7 BLOCri, Dunnegns Way, >l..'; HllBSluil Llg4 b AAI ITS, MEMEEI • , r %Li DEICTS °Limb ao., se..PAL , CI: ...._....__. a. : t&L .1,,,t3 tos et 3. • i;.l . i.ANU OIL WV •ILit Arun" ~.10.11,1511. WALES, WETMORE ittial, 0 ObILMItieLON MtGtt O HaNTi3, •llfePYttll OW P1GT1401.1C0413, .3 MAIDEN GANN, NEW PORI. sir gaup!. STORAOH, AAA SHIP Pt NG. at tltatr yard Lad t, !Lao Ilona U111.11.:a Lids= not be czotnuTss,l A., by the reform/meet of the Bull Ordlese-za er haa Weep ran have lbetr Oil barreled tad elelbpsol uutwas the kitty Wbarves, walkup, mare prompt., with lam ruk , 'rouble and better crder, at - KfaVill OIL. FARA on the heap Veda, Luxus& above Lawman. ibis aner• U>t toittimal honk the boato three to the can, are 'tipped any point, Lai or Wed. without any truing or reat.lpping. tt ordart tirtansl,l attended to. 11110111110. et lad, oh Citizene'tiasenaer B. R. Post Pmo. edm!. lila 004 Pitiabargh ior , 1111 be roe dei 11t the lttt asobange. ue yin ,iitak.• tt._ KuZ.VA , d outun Y ar. • Cumulation and Forwarding &Mania CAULK & RNLI N la) PETROLIWM, 49. Ili MI rreasr , Prrnavacm L.,bcsal .uns Atnucia ca cotitigar2eltll 0:7 Plitithergrorl46.lzro PITIZIONAIS acrarisaaxi I gam.. J. 8. La+bores "13.1 driumana BARIUM raparft* BILL, Bat.. tual 04vmartlel But. imaegim AWIL ut“ M., I , r. 4.172 5121 LT. rittibale. Forwarding at Commiosion lilarchant eNL D.844.1i ea- L Lumnienso,LUDBIULTINo • LawDI 21ItauLLUM ALM% am. amassaly on hana.asi for MIS /0. On Gaunt /aunt pans. Ooui.niu Ut ni orb blll7t loadtvlLD ' ' ' Oariim MO. S. houroar. . - HSYat'i[OLD~YII~ WWDV LhlE OIL BEFI KR GEORGE W. HOLDSHIP • /mum° anytanimantsu - 012:4 Seep osasaggly howl. ths -wart bog zuillay 8118M61 0.11• slow otthostadmi shlq • goad LERIBIO,LTATioTri lwr OILS airtaill tints?' Is tint do. 116 Heaser,Bacii aftrali AM% will be prof:!:4l7 iiitepaird.to„ L&MU.ND Ql.l. W Uti&n. 'id/ YLO e=ilß)•ntl AND MAIMS IN 0.11820111 0114 Onsarpasped 14 any In tits =Fist. .4reeter. ids at flub allke. Ha 41 1 1 / 6 113.13 SWIM or et Unix works 1p I.ol....karrnik h orlll b. pramptly 41140.114 to. BOY IMF or 011.9108 Ott u visprpp; w 0114 n .• ~DIIHCIAB, DUNLAP - 4 00,, ipaabottirsia tl PURI WHITI SIPIN D 0/12111)11101Ia. oak, 30.1gri matt dirs. ==l PITII3BUBDR..Pa. 1 RWIN, Mantacterntl oiz or orraou . aza _./141/A AMMONIA. 7 Ordara 101 l JekA Partaraall oo.'s 011aymer ars et Naiad 04 Vital Krim% will awaits ausatJos. • ' !." e rWiji; pETBOLITB OIL WORKS wascreAmma two was m inhcmainitco, jrnana aim riehozzo :mum= Om, laver telecom:et tomb' upti*lt. - • RHIPIR t-GRAPit .Propristog..; osaceOunfavothiatamaltPurittw' Otrur ' s ad . luisausT'itsati. - AnyiEsr , GI) CPARICLIEG SClDLlirkgria s APATOTWIIi*iriMik*O. e1r1141244 *0 --' 101.- , ; rmanat x mph: • z" VOLUME LXXtI-_•:-NO. 244 pox a BEA, Braiii Crude 4 Bettned-ritrolems, Benzine, Se., I 3 WALNUT Bt. Boianani salrortod tilo . ilui'eare will recelTs ear plempt.penonal ausatlan. - • Raw to limn. Hatura . !fluor. Ruh. • ,Co., and ',ll , Dula, Muhl:rib ; Trar. Badeb.lM i PrertrDiulb bl. IL L. Tutu •011,4 D . L. hilLianki, JAI., AGENT, 1E! weurvr Br., PHILIEWHIA. °RUDE it RV/NPR PETROLEUM On Conn ls ate:km nulststray. AU chains as mast ressonsb as. 8108.1011 NOS 111111115 IND In cool minus. r GUDE under good ends. ' - nor Pszticalsr stanntlati patil to OIL !Olt ILX• POUT. 'cc man — Maki= SOD A. BUDA Atiß, An. - auLl A • r & cdr4BNioN, GESHIZAL mmitausinsa asozsas. Crude and Relined Petroleum, Perr.ansumu. OLDST/t) 80Di. BOD 4 ASSI, 11 8121370/91, Mini, OILS, sir*. rd.. to Coy at aoll layaway •tteod.d to. sally ALLF.H h N BEDLE 8, Oommission Merchants. I - articular attention paid to consfoottnte of CRUDE dr.REFINED PETROLEUM. latimi advalicea .ray HENRY ROE, eITIFIIIIIBtiII. ?L. 151101 M/ AND 00M1L111131019 turawienT Crude and Refined Petroleum, LCIIIIIOATING OIL AND NENZOLN, And &Oar to (nada and Bawd PILTAOLDUIII aa.1.13 11481713.414 Ci coajPer Office, N. & corned. Wood and Filth Ida FLEE AND MARINE—a . LNBITILUI CLIC orawrose: Wm. ehlinim , JIM* D. limns. Jam Wan. 050. Joh4 L. inatealt Wm. B. Baia, *md SWIM ' Man K. l'Artm Gimp B. Jams. Omuldieritholl, Dazdal•Wallia; • Wm. Van lurk, Ptrrolinan, Pa. -Vi 01.411:1LLITA,Pre“.4, „ JOLUS WATX nes Proklis r. ariconzat. igwifterw. inusly I NUEMMTY".'LUSIEI SIBA-111WEAL LSALS ZIN SI M AISLIX COY. SY PAN Y OW WS and WI %menet etreet, near 1111114. eusmaza. G. danow, Jwawary pnblllea•d eitr....415 Wawa rat 01, Assembly, b.ing.— rim At.rtainga.s, imply 68eal-telito,tmen't Val 6111.3,31Vaj wet 1.011,143 U u n remporakal tissue, cua stago liadjagoral wrasant Inane 666V67 7Y wal— low. 11114 "116 a, r.,2 11..1 str.t. wos h ca savatOrube preintbs.a iNhic Uottipauy hob 'wile. 4 'lse are tram risk, snick bare basadaterSalbed, basarauc e spade on every dnerAlittjeo of en t". eEd 060 - 14 Os At TW WI yr A !pex cry *flat Minot' :hair laborpvrelloo, • martyrat thirty you they bavo.pablibese• by Are toaa. amount escsapals, Po aftllicra as Dollar % thereby atTerdle • sv Web.. of the biletinanfeearlbettronoe,•derell ea their OM IO .4 4 P.F. Utl ...• at.r4, .I. I UI iSFriyßao .. ama peld CUldt% the yaw oliiioS9SS 1 .katinsii. r fluidic[, , hobo L taardecal b. Lome* Jacob B. Smith, Tobias Wagoon Edwani U. Date s David 8. Brown. Goo. W. Illcbantr,_ AO", ._. 4.'"4915 t5.i1itar.9 N. n th arKlalll. Proidaw 6 D 1116 . 11, 4 111 . , DAL14-Iriar-Prodded. "iillll =l37.lVtiltrifiii,'4ou, .:1 . ,nlloo Nortbows con Woono.rl 'nand Oa. EST S,N iNsuluasicw. catipa. ST Ulf V/TISBLISOLL ' WUXI; ie.. • a- a. auliDols; araci,64. 001*,* Bp. . ,101 ilria*Anaim, *pan LI Co.'s. *** emu., up *al*, Pitiibtwilb. WUI •01.*** oar& - au,siNds O full 41.14 lama, Akka., A Ilassa.AimpublvdAy Dbiesorseda. err veal 46Seinii t oad WO aril dd..- ".44=160=49,4nw*N0u. ch. autinied; d• o. bed Proacticatatbeiuigc..l64..mmiL - Ort?),YMBSII pIQ , pass .; ACCO OD •••—•, • V./130,0- vuad b arum*. syt • TAOS co Prate 17,951 W 17,6515 !Ind BIW D1..0u7r. rikuu iy itsseast sit • .- - a. Lams Nadu 9 a thanlel Holmes, littitaki • ' George atokstioni. 9059 INSURANLM, usurnAirca com s~ra l. OF /1074T1i eimaiminae. lasuraacte'CO.ore° State of Pe r~r eDstksp~s, Hartford tiro Issuance Company. , inentanor mein above old and ~ ansebigcbea puts can be obtained Onaliltker tO - W. ristis9.4 3o ; ! 4' max imiawssidiewcai"wstastiea 0 IN S EkINEMILVIcR Brart . anikA :13B138011. COO awpsz # loft , • mr•BAGIAL. Paid4l4. Wass_ "pint log and dizoacn t *h; :th e i migi D thi &ohm 'OA 'Wallow thief(Likes , as_ 114==sYlIP1411 , 20 04, , , 0 6 , 04, . „ ;am sad &map by' fnii. bi1n.,141117. _ B. Mar i ,. • — lac vas, Jr. 4 • Jam. • . AWN B. - J. • , Han. T. X. Um Jan B.l) , wwity aortiOBhdta., r Xr Et V() ...147 ......2.....yxfits ~thbuwatS.: '.. - Aar 0 HO= OD:o4ra D rum Ike* ' . 4 .. " . 14 . -- . lCln . l ' te3o"4h4",e 1 5.. l . 141=1M``—"A iftli. mid.lDos. E. ' i g rO. T BOUN DID. , lAr4l6 t . DIAN. alotnityow Joino D. IdOonda . 1 Deno i 0311114, ~ . oupWAQI2II illikii - Coa, gm cArattatnr o - - - ' Cunt i cont. Inn. Doily ~ , - a GM! - Baolf dhow s '• " ' - (il'irldirvit . '. ,sobt.s.Dim• • ~.: , . CUM! MIRE= 60 dog eztanartbmg 64- w n oars 7 - V"inf a c e ktir a am :g III:.. bYiCB, Ara 135 aovrilntimlriltr, PE3 [LAD[L!•B LA PHII.tDSLPIIIA, No. 119 Mali 1,11.002 STIZIT. PKILADELPIII4, L,rs um.kdrcs. LOOM II lUaj Marin' Illanndorfter..4. NYId Itt. Lon, R.. J. Thomas 4 John It. M'Ounn, EL MINA. cocrearl.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers