wt""'"•• ,, Z .l ,t. air:. I .... .t. l ` =ME :2:7; MEE RIM= HEI =MN INEM RIBM MEM MEI :5/4. ••• • f‘'..*l. : ;. • 4 :•?+!:4- 1 ••••; It :"!; •. .. „.. t .• :.• ••••: • e;.• ‘!" 4 1. : • , /•:• , •••••••f..-1: • • 1119312231 ~~. ;:,, .. 4'f N, . ~ , 4 'I 7- .• 4 • 11 - - 14. . • . I , ) 1 t iptsburpit nktetil4.- THIIRaDAY 11 011S1103, A LTG. 27 VERTIt3ING R&TEM YOU STANDING MAIM m mail aqua; Mai DAL 00011 00r mnis a aths -.-...00 00 Tea 1ai0nt0ta........, 100 Three ttia— 11 OD Those issartions.-- 1 E 5 roar mwL is 00 1 Ono molt. SI OD Fin trionttut.-......14 OD Tim wask . a OD six months.. 00 now iresti-......-. 15 0(1 Nins mooths---20 CO Oo• ionath-............ 0 OD Chispar—........—fi CO soa Whisk allows ohs whilop tory to to hoortod ening . CMiiR 9 1:5 75 .14 co esob das& in Or out , utlt, or to bomb - Otto tl ..o ato of =dem. atesias atnENIGRIT. Eve. 6aros., 1'657651 6 7LZ1750W. Pitts, Mow -4. JAIL P. BARS,Pltatbarg Rua. BIDDLZ 00 ,,PItthabargh *AM*. CITI 4BBALBB MP OPPIOIAL PAM! OP THI 0371 Bold Larceny by Boys. Oa Wednesday afternoon, II Bee. P. B. A. /Mean, D. D., was laßown's confectionary, Nana street, Allegheny, making * par chase, ha was robbed of his pocket book con tatting about elm hturdzad dollars In money. Be had opened the book and taken out mime bins, - ono of which he - banded to the store. keeper / who 'tapped to the 'other end of the ellenelf AD get change. _The doctor left his . pocket book - tying on the counter, with another roll of bills containing about one lotadeld dollars. His attention was attracted Yore Moment to the penon who was , getting the change, and when he tinted round his pookat book was missed. Thant had been four bays in the otare two of whom bad gone one. The two who retrudried (James Gramm and John Moho) wide at once arrested and seszohmt, but not having the missing proper. ty they were discharged. Information was *mimed to Mayes Alesandsr, and during did afternoon Um thro boys above named mare taken Into custody, together with a third par ty, William Sable, upon whossperson eighty two dollars of the stolen money was toned. Sable was the guilty party, although the theft was well known to the ethers. The three bolo are quite young, and two of then ara the sons of widows. Tee father of young Graham was killed in "battle. and Sables father is now In the army. Dr. McLean do alined to prosecute, and the boys will proba bly, be illseharged. Be was about to lease for ;Brie, to attend the meeting of Synod =at the t l o arceny oompalled him to delay =lli -day. A Singular Case. On Wednesday afternoon, as the Allegheny pollee imr• searching for the toys who male Dr. M'Leat's pocket book, they observed fear boys sidLog in • street car, and looking .p 4 y and happy," as though they were out Ile 11Prea. They followed them • shirt dia. taitee,and observed them get off the car at the Diamond. One of than displayed • new poket book, palled anise= money and put ': siterrtd a watermelon, and the whole party orenejtairing • good title generally, when tbdrjoy was suddenly: turned into geld by thro,:polloclaking them into custody. Two of than, rather innocent - basking chap, wait while the er two were looked up I noueo of the sell oth s. They were both dreadfully frightened, and cried bitterly. -.- One of them, the "moneyed man of thepar , ty," cried out to an officer: 0, Minn, let me out this time and I'll never do so again I" Se then confessed that he bad stolen /wren dollars from his father; that he had left four dollars at home ' and had spent a portion of .7' the other three. lie was taken by an other to the tesidenoe of his tether on Anderson street, and his story was toned to have ken true. Of come no information was made, and the boys escape , punishment this time, but they have hurtled a Liston which ought •;.. to make them honest for the balance of their Oity atonality. The member of deaths in this city, from Aug. Uth, to Aug. 23d, ma reporiod by Dr.. A. EL bloCiandisse, physician to the Board of Healthy Lae follows I Wh i te—:2s t , f , 8 Colored.. j " Diseasu—songes glen of brain, 1; nepliiltis, sonsumption, 3; fraotarsd let, 1; delirium tremens, /; diarrhoea, I; meningitis, I; goitre enteritis, 2; cholera iniankno, 5; mammas, ; dysentery, I; exhaustion, I; Terms, / ; mamas on left buttook, I; sequoia of scarlatina, .` 1; hoopinsi Omagh, L , -' drums the Denbo? were Adults, 3; Ohll. lA. e - onu.—On wi an aldorty *roman win ° M burred on on To of th ng, e strut, of fill - bailing, sending her child, an iateroulag Oat girli away from her on some errand. aldld Withad bark moral time, so if 6101,0tanaine that all was not right, ' but a tkiwato.Ning wave of the mother's land urged It en►waed . Th. woman than darted into an and ...filtyptared. The Gland soon re t,anied to gel Alone in the world. it : ; wae tabs* oh ne of by came charitable °co-' • .• Yew. iterume.e doolnarr..—A freight and :4 1111 mIltor &nth, ore the Central Ohio Btlh r.gosel, outs to' eollielon on Mond., 1 4 111 , station. A &Wand boy named Ed. Sallstoolt had his leg eat off and died soon taftas. in lenesvilie. .A. Olds, .brakesman, had one loos cot ;off Capt. W. D. Tare, formerly of WAsslitig, bad three ' ribs broken, add issaral..atbars wee slightly inktreL Pante& Parma or Poieve Claor.—The po Late crop thii year, in many parts of Oen _ provealmost a Wars. Mom have IMO Many destroyed by bugs, and bat tow psalms osa be hand thas have not-been more gslasa World. We regret baring to make iDU amionecoment, and bapelfmaynotprove 'do bed at out obeirratlear and =ports from Ate country compel& or to believe. - - Dam nod lieurimemoe.—Yisterdsy aftemkood i i Gsrmaa named Witham near Old ta: Tesppraaosellle from she emandie air Anaudoelins liquors" War some thus mat ha had bum employed fur y homier at Tiomas Canoga'. tees= He mairlmtweea lily sad ferty•flea years of ago, and leana himlW. _Tha Oaroaerheld an iaquest and t.ilu;Vgaddided a maim of death from le pamsem. flnurEationi.—At Clamp Cleveland, Ohlo, the eararnmant Is furnished rations, tiro 41larayer bandred eheapetthan cubdatenoe tate Matt elsewhere. ;'or this reason It Irthcraght probable that not only a Camp of itssissrons for drafted ntea _ bran Clamp of ridzicatroiccu . b• parnionentry establlslod. A Brim &tisane-0e Ostbsth tuts Ins. se sopatitsed appoired at Ouctitd church, Itottesier. township, Wsitturoland- mt% uothig Owl:alp - of battstatit atoutpa.. A mused soldier, Monti O. C. DtatiarshaliPsnisi to us the badge, tato It lEanisHo.—Wo would dime the at tention °tint nadir. to the advert:lmam of a quo wastod," We kno*tho pantos who orfakto fozzekste, and any °rout:tondo hav ing net nannot,far Igo should ante It known - . Smniiazo.—A fallow salad Hookeaborry, oottvisted of rap* at the let. torn of Cann, 7to liantlagdon, vae natenood to India n Imprboinnat of alsht years in the Ham Poaltaatbay, at hard labor. Ilan fin. B. T. Boma le annonnioed to deans the mated address at the fair of the Elfinewopd Agelcultaral floolety, at Glenwood, yokimae, a nth. connth Pa, on Thunder, Bop- • I 1 Na* asixiszes Dsasa.--blauseilian• dorm will pat sass the map this ambit the as, issession, trans at Lskr Atiadlsy's sozeir safe new tam entitled is Hit Hlm jobs, kw no islands:. igsfuaiivar, tbla day; a fins causation of win goodh 4411 kind. at low Riau. Th. WOW 111/1-01sate call and sale thatasalvaa at " ladaidsuas • or t,Albsboay. J. B. Mu iinSOMI ... - yams Itviar.'..Bt.oty TVii • • 1. , radad.). Vws.cb. by abaslaw Yaw id *moat, Tiaaalatat at Las N.w Tort Oarlatton. Pittabargb : Ws by Vim" !Thar, nab anat. 1 7 6 DR The fdleriag " nee," preleat to this work by the publisher, oressulator, sualcduot iy indicate how great la Mileage with whin it la fraught to the made of -Victor Hugo.' wend-famed "US The ender of Lea Minable will be am tauten to. And what *flood of nightie throws upon that masterwork try this charming /Ur blahs," of its groat author. Its eroaderful deassiptiona owe to be lotions and become actual life. Marius but a free 'elation of Victor Huge Oirmunstaness oonaiderab a n ly changed, yet the man and his formation an substantlay the same, The fairyspot which saw the loves of fleets en Marius, is the erne scene of the child coan nip Winn the:eating and the author of this blegraph,y.:As,the lard's of Monica and Colette wae the biding-place of Jean V.ljsan, so_ Aug/An of Victor and Mile concealed Genoa Latvia In Jolt'. MC old achoolmate of the Anton Goldin, the author of Jean Villain biomass closely sequabitsd with a riQ Vamillar 'same end thlugaperpenalky near r Ohatissialand, Lamiansis. hasools de Nisfohatean, Irate, Lima. TalV tridm misPbillppe. John Os Thiene -the Espabilein tribes sad their ludas, Asada:gm the Rut Pianist; eatiutss,. M int Merry; a boy era fa men bound to. • tree by soldiers to be shot s MI 'sign was in the barricade of Car inthei isvirandiere sulfas in a quicksand the ; terrible fate of ealissment which .Teak Val ; Juan ao arnowly escaped la the sever. In &oh, theTheat Romano* is • part of the Imo kAlf Vine Sago, and camas botany under , stood without tbla-446011111f1011. floutin Wzri; e ar TM Winos of Macao Do. tbrootivrrliod Toodeodoo• 1 3 / .11u=t o Tbo C01d.," at*. AM Ports Putetairgitt far, solo by Hoary Mau, Stfrb amt. .251fp0. lbract. This Is • kind of homilstioal 'improvement' upon certain facts and prinalplas of human physiology. It may doubtlesi convoy and Impress some important tenons and warnings to mazy' hatbands and wins,' and thus ful fill its mission; but it may also, jest as prob ably, azdte la quits as many a kin* of pruri ent ruziedthwhich iteriU be very hard for so prefer a book to gratify. @t= SPILCUAL LOCAL ZIOTIvEIi Gamma LID Bum% Salmis Maoism, ter , saaily and uleunfaerturthz purpose*, arq tas best la use. A. F. thserosr, figural Arms. Bre. 18. ltia st T/ 'totes Paixi , Plain ana Ornamantal alata Roofer, and dealer In hanalreata and V. ,- moat data of the best quality at tow rates. (Moe at Alas. Laughlin's, roar the Water Works. Pittabocreb.P. anatem Foos Donion, four dollars. Pour dollars, four dollars. Dental Institute, Dental Institute. But dump Dentistry, boot ahuiP Nadu:7 No mak" work, no madam work. Moms Otrs um Brun Sum as Com— Bartel Graham, ohs tailor, La selling e biz Spring and Mummer stook a/goods at cost. =1:1;08udst and or allthe latest styles el cloths, manner, enstiar, 'Mob ha pro• pare to and at o up ut pri es tbe make in most public fashionable . Tha should not neglect ti avail themsoloss of this nue thanes sad soya money by giving him so early tall. Also, a large assortment of plate and tansy ea bneres, wall adapted for boys' wear, which will sell by the leas early cost Mothers should not neg l ect-to Suet (human, Merchant Tailor, No. 64 Market aunt Arrarmos, R 119111111) VOLMITIZZI I—Ths attention of our anualtry's brave defenders re cently returned from the seat of war, and el the publie to general, Is again directed to lb. rer extensive and handsome assortment of the latest styles of French, English and Araerisan Owe goods, Tor panta, coats and rests, lately received by Messrs. Sohn Wider k Or., Manhunt Tailors, So. 13d Wednal street, Allerthan A tasteful selection of gentlemen's g goods will also always cc found on the shelves of the establishment, together with a lot of ready-made clothing, got up in the best manner. Nov Azalea. os Buxom etevicuis.—Of mu we are asked, whom can we buy a neat and comfortable summer suit, male to order, thus hating the &anew of oelooting our own goods t To all these taqtdrles we can answer, go to tdusrs. W. H. Meese .t Co., °erne: of 'federal street and Diamond Blears, Alleghe ny, andyou will be gaited wording to your torte. - They have just resolved their summer goads, and for elegiacs of styli' they cannot be surpassed, and for damn they or. the vary vicious, u theft WO* 4 11/1 done under their own onponosion. Giro them a call, and you cannot au to be oatiodisd. Bsrrits TUX ANT On Nit& 8. 0. ANDRId r -for soar 'wire ditiesbesters to Hayti, nolo of Afortik, N. Y., (the cat. cum having seriously alobd her heir sad soap, of " I ban derived muds benefit from the use of hire. 8. A. Alleu'i World's Rair Restorer sad Sylobalsetrosuk I have tried various other remedbla, but never table that iss saterialis aid perseaneati: brew Axed sgs." Bold by druggist* everywhere. Depot, 19Z Greenwich street, New York. dsw Inviso Cosalawn Isuntruk—A Meet Wistful aohool for Wllow, earner or pester street and Stockton avenue, fillubeny city, Pa. The seventh seml•aanual serolon own menus on Monday, September fth. Pot air. nhire or other - Information, air to tuition or board, call upon or addssu the Pdnotpal. auSlawmo Mu. B. A. Stara. Wan an Amour: or Eluireamo LID Da nis among the volunteers would be prevent ed by the tree am of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. Nor Wounds, Sons end Scum the Ointment Is a Milan CUM end for Bevel seamblate, P the Pilly are the bees aue Tenn, lloirte Sault la the wo uld . . OnlytA elate per bon or pot. 221. Sarum so Purism Hennas, hams MID ALL Oran Insuinzp..—For repass or s}. tosatioas to stores or dvallinp, an roofs, or saything else la the O&rpsnti y Has, at Cathbort's Carpeatsi Eittsfrp, Virgin atop, above Ondtbgeld strew. All orders proloptiy attended W. Warm Vervemenr.—The fall term of this insetetion wHJ tenumenes on Tuesday, theist day of September out Par parties. ban se catnaps, to be bad M any of tha booketeree is the city. Ave. 18th, 1883. Oinuars mid Mamas (Maui will be tan at tbe•Cianibsui °Moe, No. 406 Liberty street, day or night. Al/ Gram loft ai tbo 'bore place wlll be p prom ls pt lyts &Melded to. All sails moat bo aid admi. 6m. 0. dud, Dentist. 241 Pun soon, *Mad to 10 oaionoss 0 bh otodltaloa. ..10 D 0 E 3 a—a4s.W ali_thigtos ,D th t .pßga ebUS OO WS. V01211.001.41.7ein. smai (Many) analmos, at t dolcalk Om Ms riitlkan eJ 311 t rains, Jock Z. Ram, L. No. SO Sathlnn =in r Own= at Titan Manly an bun &lin Athens th=lftf. ROS9-0a Tawny matalas, Aaiun Oak lOW MATILDA J. =A =Alas of tbs lan On Abu Ban. The Mans am Wink Minn int Cann. frog Ns. Ptiopinp's andean Nth Oman non co Tananz arssuna„ at II chink. Bland no Ms pan la beam, be ttsJ An nei 0n... • • I ROBLOOON—On usta toss.. tis ow sus yew at bla sp,, vaunt, itzmunr ,10811:1180B. of WWl= 40. Robison Tim to elll. pritan ton tbs Sually Oman, 11$ Third min as Tzlanat Irnb WM, ss 10 o'clock a: al:.' _._ BOOKS AND BLANKS, far it' Dog OU sa.lirltbl7 DUtMemaad pitntd red kirsaletly Erin" MLA JoaseTozrik 00.,. ottLw. l IPtONDS t ia apins ea Or Vil ; ,L, 119"70i0 Uts__•3ipori or OP . • 11010/PACITUE. RIO I UMW; And gal. otkar blaab aide, lb /haft rim plaid gal tos bf- - • • • . ' ." : • WI. 0. ntatiliToll MOO. milt:awls - • 11711rard stew. • 7 - • - for the la pri .m t =sVtaks patio oa On, M.. &JOHNSTON a 00.. 'lmam • R woodotrira. Oar Book-Table. Oar sharpshooters are annoying the Yan kees sonsiderably. It Is supposed that the enemy bunted one of their Parrott guns yesterday afternoon. At slam o'clock last night a sommunlos floc front the enemy, unsigred, wu sent to Gen. Beauregard, demanding the surrender of Bawer and the Morris Island batteries, with a notification that the oily would be shelled in four kolas if the demand was net complied with. Beaaregard was on • neon acumen% and Gen. Jordan returned it far the signature of the writer. About twoe'clock this morning the enemy began throwing shells into the city boot • battery on a marsh between Morris and Tames Islands, and distant flee miles from the city. Twelve eight inch Parrott shells fell la the city, butraused no casualties. The tiaaesetion Is tegarded as an outrage on civilised warfare. The shell, had a good ethos in hastening the exodus of non-oeiabet ants. At daylight this menung the enemy opened Cue rigorously on Port Sumter. The Lyon fides hes since opened. Sumter Le replying. Wegner is Sting briskly on the enemy's-id vetoed works, lour hnnired and fifty yards from onr battery. • 13/011101711.1 It 011•01000. The humane action of Secretary Wolin, in providing a suitable Tenet at ► tender for the iron. clads, upon winch, when not lu so Lion, the mews of the Monitors can rest and recruit themealves, shows that oar brave tare are thoughtfully looked after by the Navy Department. A Sao steamer, called the Some, has been pnrohased and fitted up for this venous, and will tail for Charleston, loaded with lemma, fruh meat, vegetables', and other relbilsei, for our gallanttltte Jackets It Charleston. =ILIA LID 410111110/11I1T WWI currtriuto. A tubule and Government train, escorted by a regiment of cavalry, when passing be: tween Centreville and Hall Ran, this morning, wu attacked by illosby's band with eight hundred men. The escort broke and run at the Ant eight of the rebels, and left as spoils for Mosby, besides a somber of prisoners, for ty. one soder wagons, and a large amulet of Government stern and other property. Geo. Helga Ands Mosby' a. realer and prompt oestome. Au interThiw between Gin. Meredith mnd the rebel Commissioner Odd, at Oily Point, wag bald yestordty, in regard to the exchange of prisoners. ilasulte were attained. by whisk, In • few dap, an exchange of all kinds of Women will Is commenced and continual as speedily as they sea be brought forwarL OMAIIII TAMS AID 7LTIII. Captains Bowyer and Flynn hima not boon aaont►d. The Eleorotary of the Werior has.dtoidod that audio the third asotion cf the petition ant of Joky 141 h, 184), Illogjtirosoy of the ton Is ao bar to mothers' Skim to a pontos ander dal dooidoo. Bo mob of the lastrootioaa and fonoio; the pension ones, as Mateo to the proof of marriage In • mothers' claim has been sztannol. An, Lnparattro order boo ban Lund tot biddnit puns to bit Lunn to tontalts to olds itto Army Cl the Ammo. OVUM MON , O! COLOUR Trail II taros. ~(ton.llwing bar boas anthozhat to agonise • neurons of colored troops In Kamm FROM PHEL4LAVELPP Opal D2opolth to Goi Plastotegb Qom& Than has act bus say real omoLl 0004 readvad la Ms 414 assatuadag the aania sin of Vert 'Elaaitar. livaythbfg w lap la baud sacs libel dlq&tahw. (ha. ellman wiA lot penult say of the may /110TOOMIti to bi made knows. Ia • emarsititke eh. afternoon with ser ail pules= mostly [tom the Both, I rant that fly raW On. Les dosi pealtively entempiate • cavalry raid Imo' the Soith sossewhara. idesmins an being perfected by Ginner earth' and the military authorities to check mate the' nbels• at *II wilts, whomever or who em they may corn. A mast Teton demonstrathni Is Wins held at Braid . &WI/IMM streets, to ratify the nomination of floy. Ciotti. Thus are three staruisdiallabands, of niailesandfrom ta Do oio peopfa present. Th. enthu siasm Is unbounded. H. A. W. New You, Aug. Se--The Mauna North Stn from Aaphtwall on the 101 h, stabs. that the new Proddant Gan: Batts golonta, was Inaugurated -at-Panama on the 4.11 th. The Spanish (quadrats had arrived. and the GM. core ware goats at a banquet. The North Star ached Mpinwall en the 1111. from New York. hulas thrown ova part of bar cargo and her mails In a satura ted eondltion, from the affects of a were gala. Two slight shooks of an earthquake Deane , ne on the 4th. on the, Isthmus.. The Mall la-New Torii Nair You, Aug. 26.—Tle drafts pro. ovals adas. quietly to-da, to Ulf 66,1 th and stk N . * . a i ~ ..,,0 . _,_,_,...,,.„,..„,,,, .. ..., -..., ..r..vvr -,,,,,i::%..:._cz.E-,L.a-,,,:.iv,,.....t;;;;fr.;.;.F.,r'.......'5.r.'4'..'',;'..,-,;;t,...-,-..:'dt:.;t4,'.z:.'-Z,:.,.,'..;:.,-.Z,-.!;;.4:'a'iig&2g.'ia4;:'2- '''';:•4._z‘-'lk*.'-;l‘..6sci'-'4'14...;.,..,:',:-4.5..':i,1. ''.,...,11,...5,..?::;.;.i'`,,,,?.?„:'...L.":,,,-;'141i,;:i7.,,,,:-.1.7.,::,..,-..:::.,,,e;14,;..iie1f..51. . ~.„,71.,-1,,,*,.;...cr.,..•:..,. , '.' • '---7.;17..;4:*.4.."31,..z.. , 4 4, .*:t i A ' . PHE - 1. - Aner NEWS TT op.niu at ... Charlestal., ! 'NW rain Eng. 26 —T64 following btu , BY TKLBGBAYE siting letter LO , fIDIII Mr. Halton, editor of the Baltimore American : Of Clarkston, Friday, sou; Av. - 20. Tort Semter.etilidlies the rebel deg, but tie west wall Is a mass of rubs. Shelia go into the fort and explode inside, some of therm passing through the east wall, gees to one tilde and coming out on the other. An east erly storm prevailed on Tueolay and Wednes day but broke away on Thursday. We have . now Ate weather, and It is expected that the monitor, will go into action sometime this p. m. The Irensides and our wooden wends have shelled at Wagner and Gregg every day, keeping them {inlet while our there battpriee are hammering at Sumter Seven Nona Carolina deserters hem &Ml van't Island were picked op In a boat last night by the Monteith They say the bails are prepari g to abandon Sumter and blow ti up; that they have been taking the gene out of It ever lino. the attack upoa MD • HI last, which estooestrated their inebilit to hold It; that here are not more than s of eight guns aw in the fort, the re der being Queketil that eordon of beer are merely in waded to snit/Lin the ale ph wise between Sumter and MODIOIIIII2d no port of the obstructions of the harbor; t the North Carolina troops are anxionego home, and are almost in a stateof mut yi that the rebels all anticipate the fa of Charleston; that the walls of Sumter we ex tensively breached In April, and that the to a great scarcity of provisions among the rebels. The flag of Samoa has been shot away four Aimee, and now there is beteg up. The reboil batteries on James - Leland throw shells night mid day tato our limbo, but do not tattoo more than one or two casualties daily. Admiral Dahlgren is anxious to let the ar my and naval bst , ery dote► Sumter, expect ing to have ;limey of work for the Monitors in teeing the Interivr line of the defenses of Charleston. A tag of true was sent to Wagner on Yet. day morning, and the firing teased during the interview when it was resumed again. Gen. Gilmore notified Gee. Beauregard that he would tomatoes to shell Ike city within forty eight hours, and requesting him to re move the women and thitdren. The whole Monitor fleet went up Friday sight for another assent; upon Sumter. The Passim got aground, and so much time wee lost in getting her off that the expedition was abandoned for the . nlght The rebels did not discover her pomition, though she was within half • mile of the fort. Off Okritaion, deg 28 —Sumter this morn ing II an immense ruin. The rear wall is battered down, and the interior of the fort is open to view. Oar shells mike against the inside of the front wall, which is greatly that. tared, and at times balls pus entirely through the front. The flag of Sumter wee shot away four time 00 Friday. A new deg la up this morning. The weather is very hot, and no is to be had. OUR man ODWATCHEN FROM WARRINGTON eikodal Dlipitch toths"tabgErgh Guam, Wacttgolog. Ago. 20 Ling? /lox mustangs. Norfolk Av. SS. , —Ths Rid:mond Eitassia er of to;dei ,her been received here with , .. Charleston thithi to the 24th Inst., saying at It o'clock last night the enemy opened Are on the elty, Icing fifteen eight bush parrots shells. The non-oombatants are leaving the ally in continuo= streams. The following Is from the Richmond 6a• gainer of the 25th but. Wilwietsrios, Avg. 24.—resterday morning the frigate Minnesota and six gnaboats bom barded Fort Phher, where the Mobs ran aground "Me days lilro, she baths protested by two auMil guns and Illy men. The enemy attempted icid, but were remand, with one killed. sing Maimed thsy finally succeeded in troying goods landed from CI the steasner, re t bra on lbw and th en left. We lost one MOW and three wounded, a Whit worth and ano er small gun. Our th roes in post:mica of Aria last : I, evening. The Richmond Eafeirw, of the 24th, can tatas the following : - Charleston, Avg. 22 —Prom are o'olook a. m., until siren ceoloek p. at. yesterday, the enemy's Are on Fort Sumter was very heavy. Nine: bundled and twenty-three shots were Aced, and seven hundred and fear struck the tort either outside or inside. The Imaten: Uri of the fort was badly battered. BO= guns on the east end end north-sus face were die &bled. The flag was thee down four times. Piro private. and two negro:se were wounded in Sumter. The eneme'a QM on Wagner caused fire oultalttea, Letalading Capt. Robert Blaster, killed. 0,/ ril3oll/1/11 iltiOnAlll2 DIOI3IIOI. 'lip rani To =wig. ritarnianu p Mg. se, sees. From OaWorms. Should there be no accidents to-eight the old lieg win float ow Sonia to-teonow. Anna/ of the ratite Emir Toon, Ang. 26 —The Persia briny Liverpool dates to the 16th and Qnsinstown to the lath. Littlels said oonceredng American affairs. Attention I, called to the faot of the Federate pushing forward the construction of powerful sea going Monitors. Wm. Cornell Jewett had an inter►let with the King of Belgium, who promised to use his ivAcionce to induce England to join Yesnoe to a mediation. Thidforniep POW doer not consider It Im probable that the French occupation of Mexico may lead to a more of intimate relations be. Moen Napoleon and the Confederates, and create tronb•s with the Washington govern• meat. There lea growing belief at Paris that war oa aseeont of Poland Is not to be apprehended. Liverpool, Aug. ls.—Cotton in good et quoit at an advises of jjd. Plonr doll and declined 6d The hate I. ream - 16s. to 26,. The Meweerial Diplomatic's' inuontiews that the Arch Doke IBezimillien, of &spittle, ac cept of the crown of Maxie*. l Liverpool, deg —Cotton firms, bat itav• tattoos remain oronaused. Breadstude Provisions—M.Th. .• firm. Produce quiet and trendy Leados, dug 15 Hoosing.— 04rels closed at 93 to 933.4 for moue,. American stocke-- Latest pal., Illinois Central, lb to 16, die. o mot Ede, 14 to 153 in d isoo nut. Three British war Dreamer', recently sold at Plymouth to a London companyewers sue peoted of being Intended for the Confederate". Victoria, er Venoouvre't Island is thi toad qaiirtets of the British 'quadrat In the Pi -040. It is asserted that the Spanish ministry ap proves of the Mexican ampire. The Madrid Journals are all divided. The replies of the three powers are all sent to fit. Petersburg to be deiiv.red on the 11th, and forthwith published. Each Cabinet replied to the argumetts addressed to itself, but ter minates with an identical paragraph tastify tog to the ttni , y of their views. - The monthly returns of the bank of li'reace show a deereare in cash of over 14,000,000 francs. • There are vague tureen that Pruett* dOD tetuptatat seoisiton fresh the Gamin canted 'rattan. Cavalry It ud to Pocahontas, Ark (rapture of Jeff. Thompson and atalf-.The Late Raid oaLaWrenee. Br Loom, Aug JO —A dispatch from Gen. frisk to Lieu. Besotlaid, from Past - Knob, Jays: Oa Woodson's estuary ,mode a rani to Poca hontas, Ark., and rooted several bands of guertill&S. They oapttiredone hundred pla in:Wl, among them Lien. Jeff Thompson and all las staff. A rpeolat front Leavenworth to the Demo ae,al says I Jim Lane has rammed to Lairanoo. The oithens with pine killed 41 of Quatrolt's men. Lane is arganiStlll o forge, and says be will go into Mitiond early In Septeroism Martial law has beau deelared In Leaven= worth. On banded and alghty.three boas, have bean buried at Lawrameemp io tbla morning. Soren more bodies were fond. OP hundred. end elibty.ttro buildings Imre burnad,eighty of them brick,. Eighty-An widows and two hundred ant.forty orphans were mode by Quantroll'a raid. Several manhants bore oominsimed building. All the towns In the State hale sent to tarp sauna of snowy for the solid of the 'offerors. One of Quantren spies was hung at Law. MOM The chiefs of the Delaware, Sea and Pon lodlant base offered theirsernriees to Las. A repOrt just noshed sap annul build ings In Cam minty, Mo., era on ire, and ova ono hundred robed sympathiure killed. Missouri Tioresiteset! !ly lirraggiors from Me Hebei sante.. Be. Louts, dog. 28 .— Use. Sotofield's or. niontioiust yesterday, ug largeguaba s of men from the rabid armies in the Mistb lind Valley are returning toimouti. sad that the State is la dash of •• bl 'spotlit= of the menu of Animal and bloodshed width ebaraoterlud the months of July and Aqui Of hilt year, and th at. the unit= efforts of the loyal assn. and troops of this depart ment will be 'squired to aeon the =ft, It says that all who voluntarily abandon the rebel °sum will be Mom= upon taking the oath of allegiones and giving bond for tabus good behavior but those *mpg= la robbing and murder 'will be exterminated without =My. The Attack on charlentoh•- Born. bards:tent ol.Fost Rangoon, August" 20.—The .dater imos has Richmond papal with the following, 011arlatim, Avast It, eessileg.,-,The MS OD Samtar machined to-day. The neat hat net participated In the &Molt. At 12 o'clock last might the now opened se the city with F inch Parrott 'hell'. Non - oombetants are leaving steadily. moirniti amis gre ß frl . p it. te o tditto 4 Tote 24 ande . ix itud gun- 47 boats bombarded' Tort Fisher, where the steamer Robe Iris grounded. The enemy at tempted to land, bat IMO repeated. Bain reinforced Q 414 25 14 awn/ 8 d the goods landed from the steamer and tired her. Ws held the wreck tut sunning. , Arrival of Col. Winslolvte_co rintan g • ' 'of fiteorptite,, gem, Avg. SE . —Col. lirlaslow4 oMannind arrived at Memphis on,tlia 24th,,trons _T imm City, having tame through from' Vialmburg, via Grenada. As it* latter place they mei Col. Philip's force, which reliantly destroyed n mud, nams4propeity. - Winslow brought, to one hdndred Prls ooo rs" , - • Bea. Magee -ArkaamereepadltioAir LOUPE ,N 6364ai " 7 • 41111 4/s ill [mporlaeibrder liAanscaictv. 4eg.;29.-11se following ex. tracts anitakitit from General Order No. it, issued at these headquarters, Lag PuitZ-Cu person/ living in Jackson, Cass and Batas isanntles, Missoeri, and that part of Vernon oonnly, Included 11 this District, except those living within one mile .of tha limits of lodopaidence, Hickman% Mills, Pleasant MU sad Barrisentrille, and escape those In the part of Kew township, Jackson amity, north of Brush Omsk and rat of the Big Bine, embracing Kansas City and Westport, are hsreby ordered to remove from their preaest places dissidence within fate= data hereof: Those who, within that Urns, establish their loyalty to the Katie faction of the commanding 01100r..0t the min ter/ Elation nearest their protect plume of residitnee WU receive hour him a cartihoste scatingthi foot; their loyalty and names of witnesses, by whom it lan be sworn. Ail who moms such oertiasatim wilt be per mitted to remove to any milliary statiii in this district, or to any pert of the State of Kansas, ammo the ',mantles on the eastern border of - the Butte Ai I ashen shall remove out of this district. Officers command. big companies, end dittsehmenis serving In companies, will sea that this paragraph Is ProzilitiP obeyed grain and bay, In the Alibi or under libeller, ihdistriots hem which luhab. Kant' hre required to remove, withia'resch of a military station, altar the 9th of Septem ber neat, will be taken to shah stations, and turned over to this proper Akan there, and • report of the amount so turned aver made to the district headquarters, specifying the sautes of all loyal owners, and the amount of such predate taken from them. All grain and hay found In mob district, after the 9th (of September next, not ounieniant to such its. _dons, wlllbe destroyed, hsteresttoff Wastwagtoo News ' Wazinatarot. Aug. 80.--It appears Isom statements received at the 'Lemur: Depart went, that duties the month et July $416, 8811 was reosived for duties •tB•n Pratotsoo, which is therefore the nett port in Impor tance to New York, as fir ea the 1111/0000 Is oomarned. The romans of Tuesday, July 28th, was $5,506, the Wiest sum ever receiv ed there in *single day. A gentleman attached to the pull, service asp teat, to the shelling of.Charisston •t • distance of• Ave miles, a greater mass has bean •ttafaed with the Parrott gum than has heretofore altered into their oalott•tloas. Even the rebel 'Mounts of the nestle move ments at Charleston are regarded hare as af fording a cheering prospect of • complete Colon MOONS. the Dm, Department has received no °Solid advice, within the last two days from that quarter. Guerrilla beads still infest the south aide of the Patentee, stealing horns and other pro perty without respect to persons. A. Canard Irons Canada. TO/UMITO, 0. W., Ane. ff.—The Leader of to•day annoutome the Mummy of a treason able plot to betray Canada Into the hands of the Llllloo l / 1 Governmant, and sap that Mr: Archibald, the British Consul at Bete York, has communicated the facts to the British au thorities. [Nowt—The Agent pf the Assoctiated Press, altar sendthg the above:, remarks: Tie dispatch from Toronto is in questionably • canard. It le asoirrtained from well inform ed persons that there is no knowledge what ever in British circles of such • movement JIM OSSA: CATS ____---- Lre( FTSBUKGH THEATRE. gnd EillUDS•ao temeitror--- -.EL loycautoiv Ihr the li nd THIS (11%soday) lIVZSING, S from bo po. , ortoo I a berostioa Drum em B addou'• :moot, itatltint iduly Audit:We Secret. LADY AUCLZY.—.--:—.......A21t11D 11 , DIRT L..VEDAM k LLD. 0 tugol Wa t 01.1111.41 , A LA. BOBS 0. alraT,t, BBW 011111/701111..............._,.011.0111M1TEA. 'Tow:lda& vellh (tint time ham.) the bra. of HIT HIM AGAIN, HE II A 8 NO FRIENDS. bZfT• N. Mt,u VICK hUti ciliary Boar AO" lihb WHIM • tl ear. to • an preparation- ..Th• Dab e POLITIMIL .rOTICES. THE UNI , M COLIbi 11' .EXECU TIVX OUIMMITIZt moat .t the Gtaat of Manbal: t Browa, corner or /Mb sad 0,.1 streets, ea EVERY WIVES:DAV and Seale- DI111.•t Wake* • en. • r [Om POLITICAL NOTlON.—Persons geoltlog to bold rovtittEo Io tbs various I Lotion WW I / 4 Uthyooghoot the county, can pro onto 1311110.1111L1A AND POASBB, mar PrUli^ e« .l chugs, by apalytni to D. R. 1/61/00 -0 , $4 /PO street. wty>or.E. bulb 0 4 .1:11Y10 N CON V LNTI 0 Purim -101 to the codas t.f b. t aloe Ductoth• Umpagt..., of klbruply away, the urdordstud belies mgood the Damao who reanimated tho lard cattalos of said Mout, to Cooveottsa eel Juno fd. 1.3. to RIC.AII3I.IIIIaJi 1.111.001i110T Li at tb. D.IIIIIT RUC Z. to Pittsburgh on TOIIIPs. DAT, fectosabri &1. MT at 10 o'airea s. m.. for the perpooe of toosolitaing a osselidat• br the office of Sheriff. A. N. DUOWD, Obatroodt. Jri.N R. or 'WA PT. it.erotarr vldtdawto dr,:•RALLY I li&LLti 1 I—AL Loyal Oldwas of LlNO:way Olt, aad wt. ars I• f.mur or a Vora w Marmara:. of Ma war, ood la • moral Aig W. ad lataterul 10 fa the arrpprwaba of the rebrollaa will mart on THoti 3. DA k Yrlt2ilLa , /Lovas Ink Is it. ALLHOHZJIT D Allt o 2/D. Hon. &zoo ht,sts of 0 ationt Hon. J. E. efoothead, est J. B. 'ChickE n Hobs. Aloinlgtat, Thomas Howard. Mg, sad other dlntoolatted waken vOl estdtees the meatus. el oder*, lb.-Caton Si:6mM, Oom • ftes. sairi.4l ObFREEIIIEN RAU. Y I GRAND UNION MASS MEETING TM Alms of Allegheny Casty, knots of the OLo♦ sad opposaali at Ckoppertmdkiza, wtn lams to MASH CONVENTION. Tlinersdav, September 8, 1808, OH Via WEST COMIIIIOBO. Allegheny. AT 7ji O'CLOCK P. II Or !Upend *Nam bantam named and el/1 to ta atiandanaa. Lu as ham On/LED SILLY SOS TIM MON. By By odor at tb• Cale ihneaths Owatzdtiaa. IgpTHB UNION EXECUTIVE OM Qum MUM Third Ward. AlDribroy: ems, kosonaltala Bonagb; D. D. lfzestmos, Laver It. Gab tin Jaws - X. Blow, Sound Ward, Whitman 011Z114.6m00d Ware, PlOttnaglr edittrult, north Ward. Atlegbasyt awns Dann. ttertmtb Watt ProtbargAi Jam Szorris, foam Word. N. B. IfrrdAtut. erne !Dina* Aram F. Data, istrAmortibi 11. IL PALAra, Jr.. Pukka townie* r.O. isarar. Nab Ward, Pitirturshi Raw P. Dutra, JIMA smut,* • JAB= ItaTSllll. AMMO dot rim NotlutuAtA, Orameent terrratio; Jura Dais" 1114111 iOIIII34IES • Jews IL Paso. Winton; WrtarAri 13110111 a, litbiond knowidpt H. O. alaagiah Zig . Math Watialttitarith a. Worms. Third War/. iittenqk Amiss Bosom ninth War , A, antrAttot apt. Joan Maus, lianebortsri 0111. W..llarmanz.l2lAlWari. Mann* - d. N. swim of littOntest l / 2, oban um J. 11. ATIWAUT, OODtia tp., sussirs. rearle—A. 11101/19,. D, cpsziyi, And s. ITSWSZT. Priamip—D. n nuarraos, D. o•esnLy sad MaiOß% lILSOLAIL a. mows NA.ORSIILL. Wm drat Mom Nardit,4 isOL SUIIOTIM,_ LO Itarth meg Jr Pin lip.s JOHN Ir. MIN& IN. ; "NNW seNN. MOW a. . 1 / 1 1MINOS. N UN Poem bi-/Lla bold 172k0k Itaitteptiji nefini dimatos aNkNtlisiter. vatioithainalligkAFami *im gli n te INININ• NEM , t Yarkaii D► ?el jiap . mirolaraggPli,-(Stipa dull and heavy 100$. Li Plow the demand la-tatiamtvianta, and 04 has agahrtheliivid 6R UNA 'groltuti hi to IMP: ply old unchanged a• .gret33llll BSPa rt UMW and 3505 33 tar extra - ti„o, ths market cloning homy and dull. lirithigy lenient deahua champ at W. 441; allay st tip loaltla.ptioa,..Witashtaltr is wirer with a moderate exportdvaisiatit Wate t to Spring, magi L 3 ibr 17111wardtell Pitt lama 18 for whams red iteetetat, .47orn open lasso) , sad Closed don with • downwerd tendency at 7710740 for shipping mixed Instant, hachnlial wag boat loud of choice noised totem sold. maid ear y la the del, at 7/Xr... Om. • etude Brum at 4/13,1511u_ 13.1 r western. Boger steady ; ItSX'eptriX; MOWN, Quiet and fi rm: N 394.03. Pork nrmar - _ 11 11 ,77 a Id old tame slein7*, Lev, du giCh00070.74 mew pr.= 1113,3,54 : 16. /Imprimis E2lll Beaglling. Ban min Sid. qtrid and anthanged. Lard dud, heavy and lower at Wad Kona, quiet, active sad sae st o,4 at 3.3( to 7 aterling meady with lnoremed bud. 130013 e. bold Amer; sting M 2 iDia declining to 02% and mating Onto sou Gov ernment stoat. • !Mont decided change. BSe Coupsas i 0 7 74; 730 e 1073 The China today tor Liverpool caiaad I. epode. Stocks lower and dull; Chicago and Rhode Wend 1.13 7 4; U P 0 74 P/11 Wt 093; aS. T13.345*.; trit T /193.0 & C 11104; 0.4 P 1013, ; Harlem lati* Eroding 117 Cr iffki 31 B Ulm:de ventral Barg 13 Erie j ll W; Pet hand ICS; N Y 0135 X; Cum. bee 33; Gold 172% II B 1 year *mug. clam Pmdinnnna, 26.—Flcur dull; old la amt. sal. Most I. In bettor (tenant% and** and at 11 46#31 13/1, and non nd at al suypi Ocrn n th % =nod told at 7114600 Data dcal and loom.. Ocame dna. dnitar In bends demand. Chicago Market. AIM 9&—The drumees which bar charactindged the leading markets, or late, gave way to-day end prom* on the principal praise rtitO lowa., Wheat opened whet, and tem.& toapic beciane dell led teceded 92930 pet tom on Biting Tided aidgis on Winter grade, with Wee of now Ned at g 1,06; new No Shea at Bed9slc; hew if 1 Spring at 9130111 934 new No 9 donna et 856113c,pil n taw Rejected aping at N97lc. Thule we+ fair Laird,/ Lir chtdoe tprellhies or fresh groottil Winter Wheat rim, with owes at rang, of Moo $007,50 for good to choke White. Spited Wheat brooch were gout with light w e , w ge,7501,80. Corn opened quiet at rater. onteldo pd w, baler. were hoe analone, and the market re-coded }ic per bal—closing quiet at al* for No 1, and 000 for No Silo wore tAtial Oath eliod wee In lair repeat at 680 fx tediewe 64,:fat5e to . high !Mat, Mr for Nixed, end 63* for Pod Mixed. Oct. were len active, and &dieted jfale, with eels of No 1 at 324530, and No 9at 19 1 30010. Bye ruled nor t bet firmer. Bala of No I were rude at 638560. &Will r 'teed, and Inn. Timothy hoed quiet at 11242,19 X, al= dated Ie good anneal, with mho at 91,31. nighwines firmer and j n higher, salts Leh( made et AlMo. Cleveland Market Ago. 21.—Iflour—The =rest t■ wry dpll. hardly Sabo asongh being made to ambit's priors. to. but sides Woo. tea Board of 25 bids supsrflus at $4.223(, and 50 bbl. LIC r. /1; wheat as grs. Wheat.— Rarest golsti .. 2 cad red oil track at 1010. Osru—lfarbet dull; War 1 air at 611 s. Oats—biar. tat active, and reesipta Ught; ash" 000 bus at 400. JMOTICES. raw.' .tvE lialumeam onlo4. MID Bunter or Pax... /..mth Pt., Plctsbargh. Avgast 26, 1561. f 13..X1i511.7141) I &Ohl DKAB7'.— la wsterdsnos with ordrn, I pnbiteh tbs ltd • lowing Ibt, of pawns exempted trom.drart by the Board of Ettrodment in Ws District, to this dam, Cut the reasons ut their exemption: IT 11.1115011 0/ /0/OLIALIOO 41001/UISJI BOSIM/01/21. Roam neridoses. MatentaM. Anthony Loolues,Blratingham Joseph Rhine, Ohorth Porter. E. Birminghturt, Jame. Edwerds, /LID man EVIIIOI/9 0000451. Theophlim Connor, Lawrenceville. James Cromilah, Filth ward. Bernard Hens, Birmingham. Ch./In H Isrard,Pcnarth ward, P kt win% Pitt township. Henry Pimmell, Lawronoaville. Adam Wafer, do Edward Lots, TemperanceviLe. 14:12 P Boggs, East Blrmlnitunt. John A Forger John P miasma HoilLan, 11 • Komport. ry, Christian Heddans. do Charles • Duffy, do Wm Lockard, Thom.. Barnett, do Charles Bangarmen, do 'heals:let Wright, do Wm P Knox, do SLOW WllO ILLTII NOT LkLat.aaiii l/TOT/0211 Hoary Hardwick, AlL'Esesport. Witneues—B. Bar ker, El Pritcbold. ~. Jere. Lyle, 111•Keee‹..: Witoesses--11 Malta, .il,l Hann, Plume Comte, ll'Ees , port. Wilms ea—d' B ileata, 0 Mara. W m Win Al Smite ,' Seaport. Witramee—U M ILK., ArOlos. II•ILLSID IT 1)0:0 Atin azosirrrn. noi Wallow, Earl tlirmlogitam; disability nee P Spooner, Sag Btrudogbam; dumbliby. Churls H C0y.,,, 211'Heespert ; disatelny Whit.= *Lava, Jo do. Wilde= lipmrs,. eo du. Gaspar Hiller, do do. Wm P damp a, ArKeesie - rt; disability, (ma wound received at th . aroma battle of Hull bon. eMpard Eckue, WE...sport ; direbiLity. E N Fulton do do. 0 alter P. dente., du , do. James L Penney, do do. Goo Buctilsiter, do do. Peter riatoot, do do. Charles Manly, do do. G 0 1.1. y, 4: do. It lif Sboome de do. W. P. Leagtilia, Elizabeth borougb, disa.Vity. Samuel Artnure. Elizabeth borough; disability Luna round 111061101 at south Boontarm. noten Arum*, E./Izabal!' borough; dkabl:lty. Wm. It. Alillott, Edzato.tb borough; dissiddty tram wound recoired at Clainee' Ellis. John Stout, Etizaieih torough; dlizbillty. John S. thaigheed,, Elizabeth borough, ataaldlity tom wand ter:Melded &mad 801 l Eno H. Shepherd, But Binnbaghano; dinetallty. Moen Darla, Edlsalieth borough: dieab /HY. Tim particular Causes ord admit) la no longer pub lished, tier ord.r requiring it having been reettinded. IMMAALiIIi6/1 01 Aia • Jam Ms er, Eat • Dinabagbanc, over thtl:ty.llT ..Ad marrlra . Wigwam, J. siseler, P:Breltselser Ikea; ll'Eleany, Zest Ettecaognam, over tetra:- eve and married. Watteau, J. Lincs. T. a dams. ay m. • !rehear, Lee. Elnelegbant, under twenty. Wittman, J. A Kirchner, DorbaraElosbeer. M. Ciiilapia, Pam toweshi . p, ender twenty. Wit. InM. tahceple, Menerat . Keller , Bea liamLualate, over tit:ripen— marred. Winans, 0. Kellar, D. 0. Ennui it'llityre, Eat Anelnaltacerandar tw. ay. Witnesses, Cattmlee A. orlotyre,.Loues Reynoias. CharkeLerson, Eat Birmlughser, wader twenty. Whaane, Mutiny /Wont °Bure e Veneers, E ambeth borough, ender tyran t:. Wheaten, ismby Drourd. =tan BT ILILLIO3 Or Tll AVOTA =mare IMLBO 11111/S.D. Raiding to liecauct Wards Pftrabbnl• Oliver Lonson, Jury ogan, William , John Batowell, Jr, Gaup Lowell, Ls•opold rtutoln. ' afnubsor J ileadtraua J • Lott la O'Neill,. Janus L Nib Shoolo, w .Loaa li *et,bL . Jacob litrobtlold, H o, lI Robinson, Will am R Houton, J.Lo Witham P Woyenon„ Robe t Chnutonatrig,. Rd 0 Smith, A•ohibold hi'tiortasy, Warren White, I Wilnout Jorbins, Riclusl Reba, • JUDI% Futriser. William Bill, OLT III:WOKS OS' WIDOW ffMl== J SdiatAizolth. MiComm . Act. Witztenglk—a 0 miati nsdson. • Paw Baser, La Bitralngham. Wittia thaw, • Asher. Baborts Haab J 8 , Ellaabath Bar. Wltnatear-9 8 , CULL T 111:13701111 Cr AGED 11Xlill =TM PLIUTI. WOmosh NlCesspart. Witneese•-41 B Umiak, J B ELM. she% Et W itlaclatObass, 1111L r sorpart. Witasoas —Win Dab- I J &Wawa. palmsParL WitilA Wfxds. d W album Ws Baum Elisabeth Ear. Witaester &a lbum D U 0 Labatt. W III Warmth 1121sabeth Ear. Wilsterra —S. Pub* Panama. WamWplayJ & orm! lilabolaa, au. N'lmApart. Witne Maim. Lawsatordae. Wltnains—A Hornkl• bia W nm• oar •, • 0f 011103/7 Mal THIN! lI►Y. hedgelok lEcbssoi, - Wlseapart. Wiliam, A • Elatissa, J la. Jobn ailbay N'Esseport. WithasseA I/ B . 84vAMs.• Min. • rwo Kocau Gismo notwirmaza azwr. A j ar. swan*, MlLarsport. Witnamo, J A Panama, a Gable, and roman of the War 0920 a COMM= Or =AM nos Do" nth ward, owdotad of hiOny. Wtc now, Bawd °Mout. al MUM RUMS 11), U. Wn Krarar, UP. Binalastwaa. Whams% John &Mirth, Id Una Lri Bid Chwah7.- ii 2 MOM II 121TICI • - • John lattabniblinongh. V.4tnnts, II•COrd Adintint Gennearn Ontai. - L BON tonna Z . Chet. and itorcid /Waal. gad That. Zs. ao274tdaw MIX)I.I.I.STITIrA, BABB, ID aII kl : l*U of ruaeouo, ntiOST MAD iikeAlta ,e 4.. ice it cac,o num; Pressmar. PA. Esop . ent.444 . 1 , OD togas *ip var/ell of tied orpotitig Iola*" • farta7 QPIORD 41161M0N.-51 l'Osisi :Bioh's iu goose pftmii tosfaciono from lgoion; aiscy tridtallabnco andlabOW.ts vas lad two-paw Us Agruk,nosiTiks ais4laritsk r A-.. , JO .6. OIOZOBAW. sal Irma atil Ffarditnosts. fiIIIL SILTING, Hose, Purling -Gas -1.71" Suits, and •11 artlolog la Oath= Lay .tans OKI apd ode at De. India SOW Asp" Nolte al 13 eg. <Bair gingi• ". • • *IL PHTLVIM L iv - f - 4:•.. - 81 TZf ;Imre: 1-486`0= , :r. • , , ',crawita lealantify alt. trcubf-4 Itb weak • leneitnia, pakettatien of the new. laot I an arar4 eet3n6 tOlyif lir,. mealy,. Ifiavia, - allateraireo safer if they. Will doe try t••• asklitattai- : ' -PLANTATION - OiTTE Whack ore wow neennoveaded be the Weisel awake, to POC I O I so bi A" fiCh nar . Al . cal„ !TIMID:WY eg reek* twde o4l 7 lataihupereade opt, woe whin a beauty. gentle sihruslent I. trainhal Stay putty, Illaangthan and inelowala. Meg create twang appetite. Shag ate an antlelotelte cleanse attester one 4/et. I . lt-g ouronneeellenta of dieelpelion ant Ist. Oman ?bey atrengthee the glans end anUven lb. taloa. ThaYPtawilit eahantallosnal Intanitttent Dem. Tb.y Politrthe knelt and oda, of the latotaeh. tuy eon Dywpegala and Cienatlpallea. They eon litatabal, Molars and Chiles .rr or Ttwy or us War Occoplains militate" Heed.oe. Sly wake the weak am& laOliO l4 b 11" "' and are ezhatedad astate'agreat reeteetq Tb.l aL• inanyined of SU n ote Calleays bark winte I r': 1;111111. Sillien; note end herbl4 all pillearTlO In parlante Meth. Crolz Dim for parcioul•re, edintilan tendinendele annued each tot,. Beware otimpootts. beam. .»e7 bus: V,w• that It has D. K. Cartaie siatuntna on oo• L . & damp wear the sort, with phonetic% 'a.... ,Lai oar Arm alinatars On a Ant Mara y ate deogr.val alb label, At. that ow battle I. net wit I.d situ apatite= and delete:Wee aunt We dad Lee pet., to match the elute or character of on r geol. coy person poeleadlng to .ail elan, num Ettesere by t • gamer fn bo k, to an banister. Wa ICI 0.,11 oar log cabal Willa. Any pros, I Glitl . lo. tbla bottle; or tatting any other material thereak, • hete s / coaled Plootailni bitten or not, la • or Ineleal the D. e. Law, and will trio Pzoeicated he us. W. already hays oar aye un two panto re Meg oor betties, no.. who will annated la jotting theine.ie.e tote close anertell. The dentend for Drake's Plan tation Bitten ikon Isaiah chromium, atorrnanta. An., is parleotly laareellthe. Ttee ticket. ttiel of • bottle le th• erldenee M pram; of QM, wort a.,1 wzmintrity. nay an wild by all rwipectab:o di 00- ea t% Crandall, Oarifeimlll, hotel., ttiwwbotot cad ICltenielLlGl/TT JOE" D A it% Ell GUMS 81T- T 1 for eals, wbolmils aed rrhlt , b 7 Slidell JOlOl STOP, 02ntst alsollbaold and •aarth Street. sattia•scuv r illerLate Bupenor Copper sill and MELTE% WOBILd. Puissimay. PARK, M'CURDY & co., Stanshotasars at SREATELESG, BILIZIERS' e B HOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTA•ttts lILLSEP STILL BOTTOMS, bEALTRIt MOLD At. abso Itaparteroard doolota aMLTALS, TIE FL A tr. SMELT IRON, WIRE, &At. Coanotttly - ob!.nn TIMBERS' KAMM= AND TOOLS . WAsonettsa, So. I 4 Plrst And 120 SAAood Ptetaborgh, Paw% lllir/lye:hi erdtdl °drew. eel 0, say cleared ,ez rtlledeelfl KTo Hosvotto Sufferers of Bo th A tenerend gentian= tiering Dam te. stared to Wald' Ina taw dam after asedinolna the camel tontine and Irregular . expensive =deo treat:mast. without natteit, onahlltfl It M. duty to annzanztgate to hi. silk= fellow meter, the =an or COWL Bence, an tn. =eta of ea .4 she= earldom do will send (fral 15.4wwi, ot presoription =J. Dames to Dr. JOil In II ,• MALL, tea Fulton Wee:. 8ru.113,11. mlallayclAmer - _ IWDIITC H. ER'S kLx.E./LIAIS @appals s swat Mt by .my swami hooaskespee. Every o•sat WU kill • visa. vbs. Ls an. t►kb. 1/.member that It is DOT 113. rat Mal does • •hla, mid nfme the Dm* luau:low tc•t ars oder.d. Thareal anfole la for We o•y• all tteD•-" , • gad. Dro •gbas. • Is. L. I'LIitiIESTOOKE, 8011 & 00.. corner of First and Wood it. au, 15:42MCIEMI TheConfessioni and Experience yr alil ISTALID, published for the beindit "list • tevrolnir andOIATITON TO TOOlie 11.141 03y. suffer from ilaTol29 DebOity , Preinater• Decay of liatebemi, eta., supplying, et they nom ilia% Tfi Z MEANS ON Bala yns. e l one vim has cured himself sitar being pot to grant expense and Injer y through medial haulms Ltd Tacker,. - It enelexteir pcntypatd Idttessust envyttope. • • ea copies ma be hod of the author, NATELILVILL nerrers, reg., mrittylvdaYer Bodfsed. Bins °matt, U. Y. num, Actsuy ILSA & ea; out. • Wsturser. Wash, retrinass asp lilscannsrs, Pittsburgh, P.. Manufacturers of BOAT ADD STATVI. Ulf STEAM SNOIII7O, BLAtit ILL ELSOBINIBT, 011&81.50, tIHALT ibTO, ;OAS T. /21G8, of all tharilptlea• ; OIL Teal IS3 STI BOILED AND SUETY (nun Wort.K. Assns. for BII7Aab'S PATES"' 'IIS.ItOitM Its feeding Boilers. • EF:s, 'JOHN COCEELLti ,11)10• • Atnatactoxera of reozi II ILINo , AEON V A 1.1 tan AND VAULT DODDS,' WINDOI* autritkuL win Dow carlana, ail., Nov9l - seeotal Innen , ad BO Tbildstrant. between-Wood vattlatbet. Dale pa bawl • tartar of mew - Patiattcs.'D.A. ) and pliln,mattablotoopaposzem. • • - Parucataz attention paid to ezmiattog At•n. Jobbing done at ohiitt bottom. .h. arPETBANA. 0/1 wow..; ' Zone, Janes* 4 CO. Watts at Inuosbork Sultsei, karglkebi - Va t , Railiras& mem and Wirehone, 116...ta rr raw Ptttatrargh. 'EiaanWtdtenof /LIAMUNATINGeod tkrßiu. catnip OAILDOIS 0/Ll3 and 8p1111514... sir 40.1 IntriarkDblL, inurpamod zah.and,.. dm alms am bawl. t ...ronglYa acir. puns a 13031841,eigers roman AND • Dortruo atm' oi ; ogANGlVolutrouarra or ol Lro - skr;rms NOTNN AND SUM, Ne. 47 NArlutt e,triestaht• lU t tl aixtgau y. made en ell the eAmdseil Wu. ihnineoat the Untied Stew. es= air& B. & O. P. MARKLE v Paper HAEIVAOTDELBA so 4 Algae la DOOS 4 ht OAP, Lima AND ALL KM* Or wild.. PINS PAPAL. 0272.nontruommed from Ho. 27 Wood aims Ito. otrpoi, Pittimilvy Pa. aanlitia OR Ulla SOB Bead. . fE RRIMY H. COlaillia,—Por niVA.ED oolatasuoa aurta9Akatis, sal wholesale Mew la Oltiti44 BUTT,III4.IIFiIIa 1788. and - Prodcw• gensially. 7:1.3„'15" wcoa N g Mauna. Pa, W*4ll.firre. - weak. encespaaz9),!iriqui.thiiii A ii; Apply at ; MICELIZID6O3. HaELIT-;:t MVP -91) lifirata Mhel ET7I3IIE WANTEA-By s 1 24fartt.iitativit: ittak " r2 g 4 i l =4 ".44l4 = utairtataacau,ltth tout am tura (a) pu ! .. B to • Omani. tau tuutsbad Lowe. eirgitted dthser PlUstargboh. on a rallvrAT. Ono am; with bard teat* iroallstaiti ft.% ca» I. alumna shift Afton., by. Wiz, avithy, w N mithasia ems. sun& - - WANTED—An :Crarmarainqi oa. WWII, kartDoi , ixnallahts addrise BOX 4i.ittion6s P . :" °gift, coorzu WANTED.' ":' . id roux man, mortis Wpirji, l "At Mid teat: thiqr jam nee .414;g0 Su . matter it T. IngariDT alnitkamajod; - proues. AVANT.ED.O,—A t:ocaskrtattle 4 11 . I *P ll4l . __mos •-- wow an.stmai Pkorißß. Ise %s g v ft *Pe, . 3 C Pan cihtyrtritra vane& egg aw's 6r thow.,6 erAft,:s et rsairreesimmamea :•-:,411 y.,.'40,1014411411-4 P. EL DZIABS d VO Yroodvsy, CIE=
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