. : - • • , - •:. BEE MEE Elll2ll • '444 4 4 =SEM o ~t ENKE MILEI =ZEE ..~. a..~.:: KIMMINI ' • • • ' • !L: • • Z-7.‘ 't' "N".. • ^; • . .; 7 4 1, •••• ' • t• 4 41. , -, s‘,. • ••• .- A . ... 4 ;4.. :`• • t i' • , • '. ' 4 1. ' , , • • , --- - - --..,..,,,-.;.:- -,-- -,' ,- -- ,,- f 7; - --,7,:c: - ;; - :::::;- -. ;;;;•;::, , ,, - ...,,,,,, - •:,. S ts-,. -:1 , -.:::-..-, , -L - ,-: -.-..,!.. ~,,'''',,:-,?, .-.-- '',..-4-.,,.‘:-.-'' .. ,-.',;,'3-:-.,- :;:frz.' , -2 - r - , 12±411-- . ." -4 41ati-b-* ' •• - - - --- -- .-,---gp,:•,,,,,-4.a....11-.,c,,•g,,.;•114;„‘,i,,T;;a.T.:;,,,,-..Z.-it.al...f-'6.:i.(-..f.-52.;;'Ui4''',"1-"qdi.l''''',''':'''''' ,'''''''''''4---;--,''Ziza:4i4§l4z,:"iii;:::44,--tYizi--414-.;L'i-t41?..1.a:;-'4 q- :•.-_ 41 V* - . !,,,- -f2.! - - ,7 t.i1e&'-' - i. , ? 7, VZ' - A- ,, AF=.4.-j*1..t..1). - , -- ' - :‘ , P 1 7 , .,..,:.:4 , -.4.:•,-, , ,,,..01 . . . , i>•,....,,...„4_,...14-4 0 ::-,-,: , -*.: 1. , .. 4v--..-i-v- , , . t:. ! .-,;, .11 , -.-;:- Tf3--i'-.W' ... , , , :, -• • ~ pftlyurgh Onett4l. WEDNESDAY SIG/WING, AUG 2d. , Union State Ticket r]a GUlllagcnia . AffintEW CUDTIN. of Centre roa molt Or faillin.amma coon': DANIEL AGNEW. Be Valois Comity Ticket hvoilbst hap ill Or Dtatrfat Oom. NOON sr/liar:ow. I. rani P. GIAB6. a. A.L/ILID GLACE. m. HANOI B.lllsolll. IT. WIL - v.•THOLJ. =lux • Ow*. wir ikaDIDDIIII. - .Par Omni hvairw. DAVID =am, .17112.7.1.6 . , lit. • VIIt. J. 8108A3D6011. 0 Orietmoiset. GLOSQII 111111 MOIL • Par Molar gl 1k w. MIDI S. psalm. Judge Woodward , . Agotogy to tie Foirtgvers. We have seen nothing meaner in the course of our experience than the letter of Stows W. Woonwaac in relation to his speech in the Weform Convention, on the subject of extending the term of probation for the foreigner to twenty-one yearn That after a lapse of fifteen years, he should endeavor to creep out of a difloulty of this sort, by setting' it down to the account of • Whig reporter, who wanted to do him an injury, is about the smallest piece of bast tees for a great rea• we have ever hoard of, and may well satisfy any doubter as to the :truth of the story told of the-proposition made by him to a gentleman in the Sheriffs Office here, to embark with him, on joint ao count, in speculations at Sheriffs sales. It is, however, precisely of a piece with hie conduct' in the Bond cases, where, after being cornered'at every Ulna, and silenced in open - Court, he skulked from pillar to poet, until hcwas obliged to take refuge at WIC In the meet' diticireAtable of autilir. fugeL But the idea of alrand of that sort, with. eta any apparent motive, eo dangerous to the &porter himself, and so utterly improb able, on its very face, is met conclusively by the foot, that It was not 'complained of, and oorreoted at the time, and not even subsequently, until it became important to the Interests of the candidate, who ?elite for his success upon the foreign vote, that A . .. Wad be denied. ' It 00111 ell WO late, Judge WooDwaso I to help you now. If pin had Ammo up to the question like • man, and oonfessed the foot; and insisted, like the old Pablio Fano emery, that you had changed your opin ions, and regretted your juvenile Wawa Lions, you might have been honored for your franhates, and perhaps forgiven by the men you are dependistron. They will not pardon the man who adds to thtroriginal fault, the humus of denying it, and hopes to falsify iho llootird after the lapse of • generation. The Last Ropes The Richmond WA% of the 2lat, sap: "Then are but two means of ominteramina ihe baneful effects of &neonate, (the lots of Vtokoburg, and the failure of GetVaboxg,) and bringing hostintlea to an early close, and thecelre, either fore(ga iattrosediew, or • istittalned monition by the roaserea tied masses of the North to the Abelitica /adios, which has control of the Cloven =lnt at Weahlngton. We want the aid of France. We are able to pay for lt, and let as t 1, 01 11" au:l. Tee ! They want the aid of France, and are willing, and u they think, able to psy for it with their manhood end freedom, and even the surrender of all that is claimed by them beyond the Mississippi, if Loins Nasoison can be tempted to wept an which would prove muck like that of Satan, who was so liberal with all the kingdoms of she earth, when the poor devil had not a foot of land that he could call his own. Say, they would sell out to him, whir then submit to the rule of the so. cursed Yankee, Just as the proud and angry Juno, smarting under !heating of despised attractions—the "svelte injuria forms"— after failing to secure the assistance of the gekiketraightway Week herself to Tarts rue, ezeialtoing et ammo &ohm &op, Athailmta sunroba - or, inn oar' vernacular, "If I can't move Heaven, I'll stir up the very depths of Hell." Well, they have dens that already, and torn the elements Into chaos, by exa lts:wing a storm of ilendhat passions, which beats old Bolos, with all his winds. But the led remaining anchor after this, Is that, whioltfir lodged ."the determiswd sip:aisle* 'de cotaireatice mama of the North to the Übdaiesraittes which has control; theilivernsuint et Washington." Behold, .1900DWAIID and Lows's; I Ye 41 !/ 11 , 1 rd., !, 41 !"!..i 4 0°"fnY?Tsvii 06 " mat est" and - thon, brs sperable organ of the hataloving `,Diariocia4-4he hest no doubt raid and pondered, when a boy, upon the "Me Niger , eat, tune tet - Someze, veto"-4reely translated, "this is tea ninerl Oh Bataan! Beware of himt" as being Intended for thy Indivklual self—bead s how these fellows love you I How they • hang their hopes on Joe How th e y p l ea d , 141.7011 r iiniattiets IA the ebdi &l, Acting' al Washington! Work-then, while it isjet diy,l'or the Shading of the night' are fsstdeseemiloguponyou Work, ye apostles of pesee e 'who wleid* weapon el tit ub more formidable time the goose cant Hark, aorti. ybrotharhood of Ditti sable lantbel Ortuitaaa, if Jo:4'cm, "the bewerwy,effeeUr if the , untoward acoldenter of Vicksburg and Gettysburg, by noun &- senaneed ciipaitics is the aboliftas hello at Washington. If you M e Buy non- Ws that they are bet. Help then, ye falthfnle through allPm:amino* or, the,rebellion'is doomed. Hellebore rea l &Wit' kOltt suaklei you can Oolong Its sibtlj ,by electing Woonwsam -and TVs Poo;io Sosocoijo . ssys eh* iropporlisid aims:" tit "Iftl ton alustz, 1114* 'I! am. T. fiats' Ito whose suotopapor *et. thoiwkwayttlort d!proatithoit ,oae tVos t o3 4 , arrival of ostrthroolonsdrodtroopi o dlaileitod without idiot of tonottiolssk", Z 1440kthat 4 be - hiscriPtha vs limo Alienertiosaaset • Itas mizeilt3llitiondoali Nib okra chill% *ft seiteohol troths Quint b 7 her desslitar, the Prhieetrat Patera. 4 ACOMINION-PIECE TO THE GREAT O'CONNELL LETTER• groretorr .114.111 ed ll.kply so ilk .iish Sepxrtgn•-Admirable < osia,nsia 'los of ekuti-itiovery Aryan:kw and History. [the followlog able and lucid exposition and historioai review, of ,the Slavery ques tion, was written by the Ron. 8. P. Cowie, in reply to that masterly letter of ;nos nun, addressed to the Irish Repeal Asso ciation of Cincinnati, rebuking them for their reoreanoy to the principles of liberty, in lending their support to the perpetuation of the elave-system, and the political pre. dominance of alateholders, In the dmeri. can Union—and whloh 'republished in the Caserta, a few days ago. We copy this valuable letter of M A L. quastee, which is a worthy '..companiolrplecie" to that of Mr. O'Coxxxxi., from the Cinoinnatl Genus, in which it has just appeared with the follow ing introductory note by our highly esteem ed friend, the Washington correspondent of that journal: Toe recent publican,. tba O'Occhell Lotter to to pr.blavery /Asti Repeaters of 4./iotuutistl, has brougbt to bibs • roply, lb betikli st the auti•olasery Ifarptalen by the preinnt dlitineiltion &strawy of toe Trevartry—tlert • tLing louver of ilia Queso etty. It tuna. es adostratae a CU124.0110.1/40. to tat tribunal, I.l.tar, that lir. data. la . be o per. futoied to_yattult Ito r production. bare otleu tbs hbotty t br tall-a law .no. book; but u begot,. the l rtes tio • appears, hu• tor word for •urd,•• It .at tr•tudultted to W. halm. I flayeai ruciatio, of balauti, t tat ) 7.1“ . • +iv klor Arad: It tatittetatus the yr until bf otusittablunal lottry.•tallat wheat hard Los heso acurprs4 by the Twit. sod ratified by ti... P... 4.7 of in. Goverostotot out a.w ratter..., I. p[1141443101311 a. to the progt•-• of the watt.filavery tuAretuant ars falillad t i hood not.•ay ; but when It la rsaimuctecald th.t, as lb. rroogulard expooeut of tosita 'Wm. AU. Chess oof,y firs years later Ire Gated the nuaolCtioUll Tote of the 15.m.0, soy o( but., (as nrprleintteo la the Legislatur..) for U. O. f3poaur. tie Deustsaat• of to-day who ars te.liatutg botsreau Vat. laidiabaut anti Broach, eau bore ass whkb candt• data o mes 1.11.10111 the oil tb•dtoo• thou par., to, (odors d. • 0 at. te•Grri. Buosts, Waal:mono, 13th Aostut.l CLECIOIB.II.II, Nov. 80, 1848. J. Z. Ray, Bag, Secretary ot the Loyal Na tional Repeat Association; Stn: We have the honor of transmitting to your address an authenticated copy of certain reoolutions widish were unanimous ly adopted by a very large majority of the friends ,of Liberty, Ireland and Repeal, hold to this oily on the 19th of the present month. You .111 pert:elle that one of these reso lutions imposes on us the duty of preparing et letter w your Association,. expressing the sentiments of the people there assembled. We proceed to the Surcharge of this duty, penetrated by mingled emotions of pleas uze shame and indignation. eOOIIIIIILLI. AJID PIO•ILLATEZY IMMIX= We have great satisfaction in see /ring you of the deep sympathy of the meeting whioh we represent with the Irish people in their noble effort Tor the restoration of their rights, and of the profound admira tion wain whioh we all regard your illutliri owl leader, who Ands time and occasion, in the midst of momentous ruponstbitatee and deep anxieties, to Interpose hie power ful influence and pour forth his percussive eloquence in behalf of the wretched m ains of oppression in • distant laud. We are ashamed that truth obliges us to confess that in this eountry, boastful of free insti tutions, In the sixty-eighth year of our ns tion•l exlmAkce, two - millions and • half of human beings, endowed by their Creator with inalienable right to liberty, are held •s chattel property by rem, two hundred and My thousand churns of the United States. With shame and grief do we acknowl edge the ezietenot of this foul and dishon oring hint on our national character; but oar shame booomee iudignatton, and our gad is turned into horror, when we see amerioan *dims,' whether native or no- turalised, vindicating the COQUALUEI/300 and extenalon of slivery in this country, by elaborate argument, cud -with L l / 3 01illtallg impudence maiming for thiri - organised arms • pines among our National Lnetitu (lona. EARL/ IiZZAT/OXII Of OLATAIif T0..211.11 GOT 3114/1221T. We deem this °seas' ion a lit one bar stat ing to you the views held by us and by very many of oat halo troiusens, of the true constitutional position of oar National Government in relation to slavery. No Amsriosn, at all conversant with the history of this county, doubts that at the period of our revolutionary struggle an in tense love of liberty and hatred of oppres sion, possessed the hearts of all the leading abarsotere of the nation. Tee patriots of that day refused to place the vindication of eminence to oppression upon any lower or narrower ground than that of toe inhe rent and inalienabto rights of man. They held end boldly proclaimed these truths td be self evident:. "That ail men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Cre ator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and, the pur suit of happiness." Nor was the assertions of these truths confine-I to this declaration. Al early as 1774 the delegates of the several dimities, assembled at Philadelphia, bound them selves and their constituents by s solemn oovenantthat they would "neither import, nor parable. any slime imported, after the drat of December in th‘t year, but would wholly discontinue the slave trade, and neither be concerned in it themselves, nor hire their vessels, norsell their commodi ties or manufactures, to those who might be concerned in it. And at the close of the' Revolution, in an address issued in April, 17/13 y by the American Congress, to the States, it was asserted as a matter of just pride and exultation, that the rights for which, the contest, jest terminated, bad been waged, ware the rights of human na ture". Other public documents and the private writings of the moat distinguished men of that period,, furnish unequivocal evidence that the existence of 'negro Slavery in America was deeply deplored and its ex. tir:Mon earnestly desired by all good men Ind_Patrioto. _ The light i ltowever, which more_than half a century of experience, and the combined efferut of so many wise and eloquent philanthroplits hard since shed upon the =idea, was denied to that age. The safety and expediency of unless salemancipation had not been tested by the splemdid Weal India& experiment. Lazne dials and general Liberation was dreaded as 'fraught with 'evils to the master end tittrelavei Ali, however, concurred in de .airing to put an end to slivery wherever abolition was deemed practicable and safe. The man who should have dared to advo cate its further 'extension would harp been universally execrated as an enemy of his species. The reality and power of these end. Monte were signally displayed in the pre.- visions or the ordinance for the govern. rent of the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio, promulgated in July, 1787. This territory wet oeded to the nation by the States of Virginia, New York and tknnecticut, all then elarshold lnifliates. No power had been'granted to Congress by the Articles of Confederation for the" ibolitlon of Shivery within the limits of the Staten Sat in re. gird to this territory, Congress posseaud the same power over the subjeot that the States "themselves *sussed 'within their respective juttedlotione; s.nd In the ordi nance providing for its government the ex istents of Slavery waenrohibited absolute. lii — ndlizittitir. There wertialaies'in this territory at the time of tho adoption of the Ordinance, held under the laws of Virginia. Sines that. Ibis it has been legally impos sible to bold 'any bhnian being as a slue for a single moment within its /Snits. The Find omit of ordLeince set forth dth tinpUy lithe body..# the tiocament was "to extend the itulautentel principles of civil and religious liberty," and "to fix and establish those prirmdples as the bails of ell Ism; constitutions sad gideernmenita for ever thereafter Jobe established is the ter ritory." These principles were deemed incompatible with Slavery, sod therefore the existence of Siorery wee strictly in hibited. OuNtiTiTt - TiosAL 7E1.41105s u 7 LLLLL AT. A few weeks after e passage of this.), dluance which was adopted . with but a stogle.dissenting voioe, toe Constitution or the Untied States w. 5 promulgated by the Convention which (reread it. It was nip potted that the ordinance had effectually prevented the extension of Slavery. It was also eupposed that the principles of liberty and equality, to Willett the people of Ml the B , ates had so often and eoeoletnerly pledg ed themeelveit, and which had-already led to the abolition of Slavery in Beversi of the Suttee by the voluntary action of the local Legislatures, would.coutinue to influence the public mind, and to producelike results, until Slavery enould be totally abolished throughout the land. The Convention, therefore, did not think fit to confer any express power oixthe Na tional Congress to abolish Slavery in the Suttee by direct legislation. They non sized the fact, that Slavery existedinsome of the Staten, illgeveral constitutional pre visions; but Gay' were careful to exelud , alt recognition of its rightfulnees and to rest in Congress no power to establish or continue it anywhere. Slavery, therefore, tinder the Constitution, is strictly a crea ture of State legislation. No person, under any amid Congress, can be constituuonally relined to Slavery. No person, under any act of Congress, can be constitutionally held se a slave for a thighs moment any where within the range of exclustve „na tional juriediction. &me eullahlened Juri.to in this country go even further, and maintain that the Na uourl as it now mantle, dote of he own tome aosolutely abolish slavery throughout all the liltates. Tcey reason tour: The Constitution ad originally framed did indeed recognise by implication the existence of slavery under State login lation as a matter of fact and perhaps of legal right. But the Constitution was at. 'enfilade amended in the mode prescribed by itself. Among the amendments thus incorporated into it was one which pro• vided that "no person shall be deprived of liberty without dne process of law." Now every slave is deprived of liberty without any legal process. Slavery, therefore, is repugnant to the Constitution. Tule rea soning, if we regard (idly the terms of the instrument, le certainly unanewerable. If we look at the circumstances of the country at the time, however, it does not seem likely that the amendment was de sighed to have the effect attributed to it., Be thin as it may, we apprehend that no Intelligent and dituntereeted person exam ining the provisions of the Constitution and the amendments, and comparing teem with the facts of history, can withhold his assent from the conclusion that thine has been no time since the organisation of the existing Government of the Clatud Suttee wnen slavery could be established or continued by national legislation. now rue COBSTITIITIOS WAS PilliltitTen TO Tao SUPPORT 07 SLAVARY. You may ask, then, bow comes it io pass that slaves are bought and sold in the mar kets and driven in chains through the streets of the City of Washington, the very oast of the national Governments. How to it that three new slave States have been erected out of the Territory of Louisiana which was purchased from France, and thereby became subject to exclusive nation al jurisdiction ? How is It that slavery suit exists in Florida winch yet remains a territorial Government:, and derives all its powers from acts of Congress, and can pale no law not subject to abrogation, it disap proved of by that body 7 How is it that ships freighted with human cargoes, trav erse the seas continually tinder the proteo• Lion of the national flag and under the sanotion of the nationat law? How is in that the National Hovernment itself instead of employing all its mighty energies and exerting all its powerful influence in be half of liberty and justice, has, for many years, directed Its negotiations abroad and its legislative and administrative antios at home, chiefly to the advancement of the interests of elaveholders and the perpetua tion of slavery 7 Truth, alas! compels to to acknowledge the justatee of the charges implied in these interrogatlets; and the blush of, shortie mantles on oar cheeke; and a tide of hon est indignation swells our hearts, while we admit that the Constitution which the Fathers of the republic ordained to estab lish Justice has been perverted, by a moat disingenuous and 'aide construouon, to the occasion of hideous wrong, and the Gov ertuhent whiob they framed ter the security of the blessing of Liberty has been abased for the perpetuation of the aurae of diavery. But it 40 at; difficult to trace this per verted tioostructiou to tie source. Moot unhappily the framers of the C /11. stitution, expeottog the certain and not dutant abolition or Slavery by Mate legis lation, determined that repreeentaiko, in the popular branch of the National Legit'. lature should be apportioned among the litotes, not in proportion to the number of free inhabitants ui eau:M i l:tut in proportion to the number -of tree inhabitants and threelftbs of the slaves The effect of this arrangement hem been that Ave alaves have always been counted as equal to three free persons in the constituency of et represen tative in Congress. Bat slaves, of coarse,. never vote. They are treated as prop. arty. Their mutton only vote. -at toe outset of the Government, there fore, when the nambers of Bepresen wive!, was Axed ""at, one for every thirty thousand inhabitants, a district in a slave State containing lefts than Ave hun dred families, palm:teeming one hundred slaves each, bad the cams right of repre sentation that\ a district in a Me State containing Ave thousand families, avereg ing Biz members each„enjoyed. A slava holder with ten entree had then, and still has, a political equivalent 19 that of seven .oitisens not thus privileged. We do not suppose that the effect of this provision was understood at the lime of the adoption of the Constitution. But ft soon became apparent. The elavehelders, having suceeeded in„obtainiog the privi lege of having their so.ealled property presented aeon became &eatable of us value. Tin began to appreciate the political •ad vantsges of the concentration of the share of Federal power belonging to their respec tive Buttes in the hem Is et masters, lonised of having it distributed equally among tho male adults of the whole population. UOW TEI DIOPOIIIIOIII TO 4,IIQLITIOM IN TEE STATED WAIS /1.11;11U3SD Wien the representatives of thetslave• holders took their sests,in . Congress, they ,found themselves united by antrum pare mount interest. The representativee of the nortzslareholders, on. the contrary, having no anott common bond of union, were dig ded;Among themselves on many queetione. Profiting by these divisions-, the Slave State representation easily acquired the *seen ,deney in the IththOnill COUCH& To retain this aacendancy, It - became neoeisery to dis courage all 'themes of enraueipation by State authdrity. This explain! the reason' why only UN States have passed acts of abolition since &hoarser:illation of the pres ent National Government, whereas, before that period, mix States, (*district of one of which has since been erected Into a sepal.* ate Btate,) heti abolished Slavery within their Smite, and .Congresui had prohibited its exigence within the Northwestern Ter ritory, out of which the four StatesofChiet, Indiana, Michigan and have been skims created. (To Di COMM= TO•11011oW.3 FATALLY WHIZ Gunnuon.—ii oorrespondent inform u that Jude A.: Plants, 0 prominent althea of Ifnunsir, anima• lord county, PUN wait f&tills Wired, Asia Igo,,mbile osk • Ilintfitt**l46 h som• fsfrath. o'4 'a ilia nompeniinre, in firing at some gemeelodged 'the charge , ft the boil of the Judge, tinder the arm, from the etas of, which le Wed. .:aA.{::;Xf.; cairoio.erie Of , W 0 •< SR ERIFF.-li faStt T • Laotil...l r blup.LarTs. a - 1 t 2.411, robtect t. th. • art, t2l ti•qted al. I Pto a Z"if.Vt •- • i• I ' -- Jcass.es ce4 ..q.i`b• • ate a • the 'ate,* i • ut,. 4.4 to ate dars.ll 40 01 tea Union (leant • .-1111 to PIIBLEC JrOTICEs Q.RA.LLI , I 8ALLY.12.....2% Citizens of /LW/a..? Cl-1 oral .li, ortoo an to trot 0 , • itoro•o prOseca 'oo • I IL -11.1. klad Ja •us , olL.low 1.• c 41. tetras I . rt• topp..lon .f Lb. rai*Won •• ill me-Ira .9 , It DI I E./ZiILIA, Aogut rth, ' •14 .o.<l. • .1.15.tw0. , d ep .ten t. pr,r.nt add.••• wt. • mettlog. .nts td =ATI ENTIt'iN /If FN —rf 4:boat.. la ado. oral., • • co r• I pi. • Plf•burgh sad tt• ne log...•ff.ar. voi• .nlear In ta• 11DIE-d -late. ..•1.,. to, FL Brb, lba batflo• r • Libre.) aad tt,•• I ai.• ft. data an and-, LA's • t a ail or. •fp-ttftfliy .•ftrd co au f.aar f • banyel•ra fa. ar.taterttar• .1:1 foatid -ear real, s, , far,' al I.. , ara“tio • Gilt 00••••• ad. rod ad: • fI '•••• .• a to frla faaabx at eon 11461,9. lb. ".1 Bead 0,4 1- rt swarr. • apt. ' flfl • n EEC() Lir, ••11ftf.a• O it tor •••• era .Pa. sad f/t!o an 1,2 • A .tI. r.n of fourtrrrn not. opa, r ILEic7 SAP of Sri - TS/SLUR. 11.,. I.? t.x.n, 1110 Lewd ccd ruow, :ft! cal r. B. I§L.Fa WA:Y. 9 .8 e.... AJ4-trtv.4l. (O. N ; C ITU/W662 Grld2llBllo - Tn.. ea to.mocte elalzoog the PriTo , 11113011•111 tb. °MAO' &Ana et IL, • 4.41/4.• 1 iOll s b-reby tioJti ,, d to wail, god trek olefins to h. Stimotery b-ore the •I B•T ,ir tsGFT<!fat K, or tbey I • • id th, bed Bt of the Le o I tloo. EMgiilaggM mos., sum t mats Ilorzo or a otrnmor. •T Rhos gb, • o••••, 2M EXAMINA.IIO% (IF Col9D14•111:. tor odrol••Son to ti• robool comment* r ZD. X 'l.) • V, Ast.ast Wm, at%) s'o'o:k • to ~ ' .Y St JOHN ~CAKLiNu SI LECT FCE-101 ;L.- WY rt. r.ii Reel= of t 4189 Z. Sf a RAH e' 'b 61, r6T aRRO , I, a , t.Uand, 1./111 00090000 011 ESL) tY, tacit. 1. Bel aretrars g Oleg twormatlon tio 4 , to , may ha °amino' , a. , An No k Ntor. nnitt.ll: ("Trios or ‘.7 urca.. laJampoimaioa k-0, !•11,, ,A t z rf ICE I tlttahl3Y tilVt:N t to the tooca nr O. Vint 'romvoirtation 6•133Jm0i e'VE ($.6 .V) OS hos Won ult.] oix,o th- gob.rsib.l,peldet.le at the offioe tl th, 'I rrogarl.r, et Nutt orr.h oc or before Ik, 1110 olor of Jun. sor , '2A -r nee, , hirty 11412 . .. flut.llTtorl, natl. >thrrytt, roe I. fly ...der of the 80a..-t1 Je.:.%:151 J. 0: oLou‘i -oclotary. Jrator Aprgniwitmsdr-sli Lt):4l2—Ori runday, somewhere near Daquuu borcuin, • kW/WU or 8- 1 a.. la. nod., .111 b•tlbenlry r.. 11 t•d by I•.iio; /bein at Vi t. ORPN E intS if kL,kuK3mitu. wANTK o—Const ,nt .plemoot lad /pod 'mom Apply wt r E AN'S Wl4O YANT• ti 1, Mir OLI ••• Inwanl la. ply • vas (101 t Ali -PON )INCE. - 771111132 if NJ A drsortp , lve Pat.,,, pht..graph of lb. 015[4.7• ttgool will to tont to •o, o g Ittly p goo•AO .1 gtood Amid tted nth who •LI take.. A.pheto• It Apo tital...l. iA/11 bi Olt tUS OaA6a.li, 1.41.11 ( bee Vole.. buu net'. 1 , 1V1.1 a. 'my p' et, Comberlaud. Tree.. e, 4,4lAtit)Ne., LA W ts, r e.t Tv lit. We. • T Jll T ~ Ivo on nand .rd mad. word., Also. DeVl..• rATe,T (id LE,I ÜBILGS and SIESD SOWNII d 2h0w , ,,h0 toot nod cheep.: .6.4 COI.. 131411 In ar. etio, [lsland tit,. On Ur, Iruik warrsated .41s WAN A eiLe.:.:(D.IIAID Mxultlin spill, kICHAZH,..I, Lind. L&T Lc , 13 oosoe.H.L.A WA • Ea. Lud- J.LL P424l.—At a tnetalt g o. th Clotomis. ouert to. aleowaabel • Watliir o.ropeal. 1144 a groat 24th, at t.a birmloglao, one.' k haova, Jau t , •teas appllated J.,on P. Fear., reeretar. Go mottos:to. hr. Cilaltbalo, It or.. re•oimg that thtt IA • Looks of tam 'ozone...halt Wats' Co • m operoad to ts,alt• Stv , totiptiot. to the at,. or •al.l eo "pay. o ottotaclog 41, uhllhnut Y, Ito 04th gal of attgu.t. tram I o'clock c m. tow o'chn,t, F. m , noottottt..a opts mull bother none-, at the ttlio• log pbota 01 the odic* of Baqlre Ammon, 10.1 Iltrtota atom, el tate o Eaontr• , al'ahary, aLg at th ,, oh]. of Junes 11 , Illtg.r. •opt u isburin. •ctomitr to the chastar,. true d ,tiar sil b raid en pop.. 1 log. g ANsPAE. _NT Aittlit. OIL T i.l6oTH—Atotber :upily,,rf .It widths, jean ratao,y, for .ate arhal..4l mai by J • H pu C. t L kap* in Vl' POre, U.,. V Ipqt.r Icr Vatting 0.. b. rupplled by tc• barrel or gralsai, as .he PUO,III Vretorry Ater. of ra9g • JuEIN• A. 12E.NEIHAW corner t lb rty and ki.d steta.t... Munn cu.. u rout 1' and vs hole Beae. V0 , a2.1p, CI eves. Wu. IN itUrce. Waite, RiaA 411111/ Qui &pp.". *Um Azad Alugard Seed cow:lnman. 44, • boloills and let:lt , aI dui Itaxity t taro of /01/.1-4 ILEISSUALVi, oenisr Litrorty •nd tiend •tneta. An , rlL;z.,u. ae.LAtutsl.-2 oases LOlll •J A?laid hems, Jatt roottved from Bcotoo; oleo, herb Saimaa sod Wow.. to ons sod twovoand its du... unshod sod far se. by JOAN A. RENSHAW, saSt osruar [Aborts sad Hasid duvets. pprAL Noti. The nodirdined Om for lab • vary dtelrab • p:e-o or bold. &attaining Ili% acne. o s Iy , sitoated la Baldwin tonnakop. It Motto on gta Eganntaina Toad as, a d one aide on tn. Ellaibattdown rand. It la pats of Ina Hai Point- 'this let al Ditto , • acted on It, and an g tchard of apple ' 5O air', 1T,.. Wittig Mot ibis lot will tea .old aanotrativating tunic II not wild &faro Om ens of .14 , 312ar7. It nit be lot tea b . .." p trlrrlani iagtir•at W tOITL HALL, or tint anbsn'tt tr.. In Boonclan to .tebtp. sos ..kevirnal DAY , n xicGs Ill) CAPITA offer for sale last larva. Lot el Ground to ontorptbarer. lag w Irrett 00 the albgheny Firer of 7u Lot, and avenelsp twit to Get. axest 93 wet. oo teldon ars erected X tiro et .n Brick Dirrlling hewed and Ceopeater Mop. Lot eked wito raft tr.,. We etilthattnesd to 4xe out Mgt peo,:erl kw the tee. ndolog Reber( 110 w lrl not halo per rent Ca the lo T almanl. apply to sot° D. mehelti t 0 J'..,orth St- !VOTIVE TO OiNTR6.O Oltq.—Pro. POlllll lov.tad • sad mai b. r.els'ocl b; Womanly ca &roots cf too ell a. eilpstearoxo. MI : Ph/Op. 2114 b Aaiun. Iv. th. Crafts and ',Paving of I fr root rpo LSO. oolong, West, toothiber writ tbo bear.'" d.ws Ili end ;thmotinaes. , • Pgmu.(vall be tied. co 'list', otesol :Din 4111• MOOD u6IW7 GII .b colw.tod .1' tbo pl,. PrOpcogui to bo Mt wl b r EVIMItob, at tisal ; con., ar an- JOE* WRIGHT. (11,4,,. .l Coro 11 RAY h:1 , ...- Ort Thursday, 80thinE iclt, a.m. DI Ittia.prulNAN-4.4 t.) 46 Asbecoa 44;646. 6{16'66 kV1•161. 61i'l be !ei DUI. a VON, AND °its' . panty ‘ I. IOaNINiA whit*. Tboovnalunq - .4D0 to cpme f.rvareL provo seop.ny, py nha , geo as /Atka Meal sway. 01 th.y Vrfil be *NW souardl ,, g w,a., 4044 p•:12 110:111..LITIA/N UL rti 16 N Kits-111e. .) —The pirottahlto heretofore g ittoreen o.an.leoo &co 4, w • tiltiki• 9 %..,s.l4dletkot .. der the .4 WAfirn th , t derdte (Oct 'by 11124 i .1 4., HO. 8.8. ir&Killtirs.lntg. 0. UN 10 • i se' torleed 14 12{1, the ante sl tba dtl9 in ont11 , 1.; ri.. b aims ra - 81; 0. .111 tai nisi:rt.:N(l,llo6e, t aet lag kiILS. VI kits, sad ill stileha In thy illl, • l•• ► LI bald iLd ktt sae at tbo 10 , 3 • No. to Oktit au,st. suils 3 /I R Prl , i .8, LicATU hitt the treat 14 osioulutius,alway. of tapd, 7ti aud al .l shoot. J 4 U. P.. . . • J revel 4.4•41tra-Wirtzier.-fr - ny-ly ou• that gm partici vallalsetion ft I¢e lah+r, looney indpyd.nor. Ziairetaxiut t a.d ask. "111 %lir Wail, an, it arAl ;al t , r It N 11.: ..TErg at ;ebtlam - ' , lai - a . ala toi ' .1. all Pp: win - ' Ea swt Sao-1. ,l,fr . 'ZIONZ.QUA.F.RY Tt).ll.llS,4:tr- n the Pltylitugb. fart %we. I.. Brat afd Obt , Diver, rear Perk Hama B, , • - atilf 63 water OdPerN-riy, iriBUG EITCHIE.,,SOII. _SA LE V gRY' °pi:kr...whi t 0111 hmillb of 44.1 wypr Mtn dins. r,Bez 414,0.1911. ' K c ilQW kras. efst, E' 147 '-4.lbOte ,triet . .1:a elkoto;attoo p-it, Curt, ylaiipte sad Os rt. itt-o2f4Upigt Oo - aott,tiakena_fof si36by ftitiltf n r+.o4l,lNp. - QTotrat Far Cm. tt au Refund to at ant arm. mac moat o by JAL VALSZLL 4 bOS, satllo Water stmt. .WE sr .4 CA VERDI'S EME.4^7II. N r..v% 1. th.14)1)14, s t A: 11111 e, & D ROG NOTIO C DR I, ti 6.1 PL•eiTATIQW BITTZES. LIVOSILT'B iNPROVILDBWOD et4atlollllM. AVetva OEIII4IIY PEcrrolsAL • EXTRAOT • tiSePAlti,blA. GOratab'd UNDIOATAD bOAP 11•111011 nAlttall LND LITIa tCrifliTlO owvir soaps. sin:4llMM FLAW/It/9G XXTBAOTS. F& hi SAVIOR ILITAMITS. tar Ma beadkar• •taf ; end note WAX! IratTlT WAX I 'BUJ T WAX! ter eeeilLg trait eau end jars, au) elwer be pm .t GM A. BZLLYb 06L1TU A L DILL 9 WTTITIC, ATWATER LOTS FAIR SALE, ON TIZ OH .0 1 PA. P. 8., BLAB OOOLTHE1•8 8T lON,.—m. ttodersagned Is bothortmod to issll two p 1.... of /fad, ono of 694.w0d oao of 9 saw each, frantlag hn the Ohio it.„ L, Wilma ;art of the brut of tattrhi Dickson, tilfteseeeL A plan of ib4 suns may baleen by calling at sly odlos, No. T 9 /sacral street, Aillesbeny Olq ISEIMEECI 11132311:1 $lO fIEAVAILD.—A reward of TEN DOLL• 1151, ..d the reasonable 5X111397.9 ItiollBBEo, to rid fez the npretutogen and Marley of acy DiallaTUß et the Hesigoarters of the samesi Provoef Samba., ani the new mead toe ea, iil.lnll •••1314 , -. kl'• • Dnay floe liessmpt bon litlltory Daly, lao fad. fio report oiftor homing koo dad* ooLVIaI. All woozy aro' • fotol oploal HAt BO 818 G OB ariIBO EMPLOIDIEST TO A DIBLBT OS, uo. dor tho prat/.• prim:el:el by sot o. Coogroao of May es!, 11141. By ofelo of du Proroot M.r.Lal Gaon!. J. 1111110 i rutrrea, Provos* Mantua. ltd I lotrico. P.. Pronot Plarahallo (Ike, SW Dist., 80. BO fourth atm*, fittalw gb. A.QU 914, 1881. ===l FINE FARM AT AUCTION.—Tbe ancproignod w 1 I .swam to , Publlo Bola, on 'b. corani was, his karat, col:awing of as O ufig 11 PHD 23 PliftoHlo4, situate on filo H.ptlA f harsh Hoof. about olio Ewa from Whits Ball , In Baldwin town aad knows IS 1110,41r00n long'. oa T1U1141.DA:11, o resit Vita, at 2 patch ca _ball Fun Is ail ahfand and widow good lama, hat 111.10III1.41.; has a Prune Loaning Bows, leg BAWD, a nd other fun losildlago abroad shaman. Oho an orchard of limit. la wolf wooned, hwr hag i hr. asysr•folllng options. tsid farm Is ono• copilot. of Haug divided Into two osialifor Was Tha public road sum thronah it, Nosing nacre. on ono cola sod II seep no abs other. It will ha acdd two parts if dcthrabis. Bab gulch*. 0-01 1. octave , d so Indicts, the whole tract 'Janos muds Booms an if:today shale sniff:o6WD ..Mail MonOWAH. BOEBILIVE'S BITTERS, BOIREICVNIS BITTER% ZOLitiIAVVA BVITIEL* etWzg ae ban prim, by 0000111N1 nt , 600. sun Omen cs, Tax uormosaus Add or m = amma 00., rittalstun MD. BM. .f 910 OONTRAOTOBS.—SeaIed Propo .l. sale will De reothad al thin dace tuttil the lan I pal: a BT. loclailye, Ors had:lft a new Bras" "lobe and wood, over TW" Ban, Otto Township. cm the Elia of the aid oca. Aka tor moot/ ft a now Wooden atntetcra at ita bap" Gomm Ball Creek, at Mewtown, Wawa Township, and to Bale, the abetment' of the mune•—com tea base and the ether elghteen loam. Plans and• -eweellkedlove can be Ilea at the vace al the goante mmltsleners. BBBaT 14.11111111 T. Oontroller. anlatitcletterT $250 ° * sahreii.....s 4s in cr two boom and • lot of gomed AT tad Ml' by 60 chap, to .• airy to het •1,64 Wads ou WWI war Gm ram alloy. Como obtain to pa:chase • asap doaillag be= sod lii{ ars Wiled to maths tat &W I T Otle l litt? s BONN 11l III•Ast At. Loox amaß,lf you want your bout, at tip with DO2 AND COLD ; WATER. =eh as 1L1T01159, DAVI TUB. , !1:1TAIII CROX3I7, to WI or 69 I'ILDIZAL e1r.164 Allogboay, or CI LIBEIETY 6T11317, . 28,000 BRAVES FLU BRICK QOICLAiOII 006.1. AHD LUIJI r1111=21:1 LADIV:Y AND MISSES' JffcCiellandPs -faction House. GENT'S EttiOTS, BALMORALIS AND JUST UTO'IOI•TES AT VOLRLLANDII 411:10T/ON HOUBB. awl OMR WILES SOOTS a' GAITERS AtIt'ItLAJID.O. liaskst eon ' NA domino" Firth. G 9 1 . 9:I3ORLAND'I3; Irtrjr BOOTS, 870119 N OVr IJ3. THE OHANOIC FOR BAR .94AA tilip9opAßD vAuxositeirs. so mots wr et. ea dOert tv;•' 21 WOOS MS. • &40W Itia.PlaLlN KB; 0.00 MOULD/128; Nor =job: • Joan 1. HOUBZ A CO. 1863. Ho. fiS INITE WralCiT, Base now In store one e/ tltotoot meat -d stooks of Domestic is housekeeping Goods off..ved Io this uv.rbal, comyrtilus Llerz .d .rddea 141:P r ating; ft. e 0 and Caorm fileirrlrg T'iltorr 1 , 11•11, Tißoa Muria . Dirdrl Bun.. Idaradll. Qllltai Tun I.b Qultud Trb L'utui. Tara itiapktrgq; torralluga (Burk .-d Dtapry; dausurar Bleaker% Treaeb Totßs aed c1111 , 1ff; • IVA* Pf.e. ticdpr; Turk. P. ,t,snir•to WHITE, UKS & CO, 1=122 r sr. kx .4. • lalle Hoe of 90.tItaY, among maid:Lam White &Stasi Bose; adios' Unbleached Cotton Hew; Ladles' Whits t•re Hose; Lseles' Uotol.sebec no. ; ochre Black Laza Elan L•dMe• Mete Leos bas; La•tee' White Late Bo el f•ses' %Ai • Boron El.seg Masts' Pableaclie4Roottou /loss; 81...' klartoo Cotton .as W 111T13, ORR & Co., rio, 26 SLIM bT131181", Lfo►s • wade* coll►otfon of ROBP AND BALMORAL BRIRTII, HOOP SHIRTS, BALMORAL ACIRTIL BALMORAL SKIMS, OOREZPO, HOP BKIIIIIS, PW.la •4 t tript4 Goa. fir riEr6l,Er TIN smolt' 1 - 1.-..... nm. aml rsdawal strmta. DRASTID !LIS ==o Tl 4 grad care foe Drpsprls, Tba semi, can for Vispepsis. Its grad awe for Doppia, eIMo 30111IBTON, tlamor Swath sad licalthAdd lieleti. TAU • emus, is.cre to Wm. 7 t & Jr. LOA K►iwa A noun, ALtiaginort Cm. EIZEIZZI 1100 P SHIRTS. ALL 812 U AND VAILIETIXB, A. 2 GAITEUS ATIULLT P 8101; 01111421112. 1122EILT, EDUCATED-V.4Z , \A M. M ERN' B .ARBi IVA AND DAY Klit,OL to yoong !silo sod a I'd-.n Mopnt ea 'MSS •1, Opt. Itt at NCI H.orock .t as.t Pltabrirg, tleculani 133• t to nbt lad by • phostion to tho P.l o •I. oaCtS paNN INSTITUTE, :h. 97 HA N , .:001r FT, 'totheovit sisdrresh• !AA leave to Inform ttetr ItteoCs and the c ,s• Leclte Si at therheme •csond tete. , —ip to: •Ise Irstrosse• of candoct.os Do above 1“...2. Th• coal.( e.t.a, vulCmmenee 1.12 kiJh DoT, the Shit ices. Tril.loh, j:2.60 ter gess , ter et •kerett rooks le Owes.. Cr dr. sliat• eta to had as tie plhelkel B ok nor,. or a t oar Err. J. ti blitITH, A. II asi'94 thr R. R. W LL , AI3. AL It. G oo d.. W . H. WAKEHAWS SELSCI: BOIDOL POI BEV Th.lac T.ll 1342'4'n cosurmacos o 5768 D• Y. be t•t or Faptomo,r. For Luther 1."1,411•7. II" lir WAR RH • PI, a tit. turd r tZIA K. 11.11 Eli 01:12, fest t'om'm•o All ;h.os• •-raD pi - iistioneut FEMALE COLLEGFC V. I. O. PratIIINO, P. 11, raristors. BEST SUSTAINS 5 COLLEGE ZS Tae STATE 71, Wall lotus of the PHU' cif oh Petue . • Oelleqe tom ea - • on IQ VineY nloghll ,3 ,l3tpt. I. large sod able r tam ty of ele.s.en tatuber• his been ecapkryid, and stress. ou.nts nr.la let the no oommodallvn if en Inetowd ontelber of pent a Lori ug the v•141•o, lupor set alai thus have been las e, auo the Clo lege bow ottoed• trustrp.....d fret acqulf Inna solid and °rums n* at ednot•toa his' Ire teach-rs bay. Lst.n •ofplay.d . to eve farm. "en to Ifokbolt aid Cl.rat.n knpltsr•est.ed In the r•relar Gull. go elem.', or In any of lib: ornaniettal Giant:cents. A NORUAL CLASS WI , Ibe formed the cozmosamvat of the Gino, end .Loch) in TELE G B&PH.pli roa.Tv DOLLAIti per tam pip all otpeneee In th lustdine d,pirmant except wathtne and tn2l. tend to Preakl.tt Fa B.BlHa for • estate's, ea td-in B EPSON, Prot. Tra•te.e p 8 Y L VA-NIA lIILITANY I. AOA DittlY AT Wasp Off iISI it. (Per Boardets ud7 Tae duties of this Aoadsmy edit be removed ca THILEteDAT. Peptamber it. no fol prohmen o:rgapole the Board of Trustees z Hou. JAMS et , LLooK, Prestdeat. Barr. W sz. APPLP, Vice Pi infant. W. B. HAI:111PR, Isq , Beeridary. JAM CO H ORBS, Rao, TfeN111•11 , . Rev. Thos. Baotou, D. D. Jemei L ilashors, Bev T. Brainerd, D D., Otiaries R. Doosan, Hoo. useralci Thompson, Geo. P. Bum% Han. Marla Wm. L. rprilltez Hon. John Hicinn., +ea. L. Tanta, Bon W P. I. Quo., Addison Bay, Cot. Win. Ball Wadpill, B. Petestro. Jett B. looomod, throttonz Liyatt The *hesitates ofterod ths azepitznient oes thurcogh military education are second only to those of West Plot The Academia Staff le compost lof thoroughly competent bettroctun The Ida-atil oat Vepattment amt rams Primary, DolleseVe sad ed. etdl3o warm. Omani *woollen 1. pall! to duo Wont tostrolCos of the cadets. OW: on may Os kod of JOEIRI hOUTI. 84 3.52 I.lll.xty moos, Pittsbonll. Oos...1111:9. Ea f a 4►, Wo.t Obato.. Ps. SELECT, 6011004 J. a. tazwria,, a. ir., 1 'Liam, Na 191 FINN brazar, P1378191780H, PA. Tuna. Intends to own S P.ll.et Woof In the twee dry mud •n the do , nd door of No. 111 Peon street, ad the II WIT MON uol or fiti• BELL, 186$ Latin, Greek. Oreek, I'lolloo end Ger man eill be tktight, ehhe no palce wUI b.ppared to Impart 10 the pupil thorough lortnetten to Ike o nel prima,. 01 ea Lodi h o tonetton. ti. prop.te to Lm•t the noreber of pupils, thu be may hde the bolt.. epporto any of esoulon proper morel end tnhellsottuel culture, end more reel pored. 1[16,u-830 per , 00arton of Floe Ilonths, to cot obaroot. t be pall doling/be Ant half o the &.4,.. School e van from ai m. to 2 p M. titer Qt. 17th last. Mr. N. zally be wen daily st tb. • ebool Rooms, dartas the shoes boars. .013 td CHHOARAY INBTITUTE. Boarding & Day School for Young Ladle Eqa, MU .d lart) tram &r thand./pAls Rile regular oourer of Instruction inabracta lb* lilugillth arm Preach 1 anensere an • Literatures— Latin, U requirsell-and all the branches abide cutz allele a thorough Sentient/ones lent impala' atten tion befog paid to the latter bp, be Prizoli7ol, ardor.- ad by the east Prceene Drench to tbs hman. cf ths fati.fly, &lad 10111107 fpokllll to LO 11 rttallou. nosulaat s your oammeact.s Euptia.ber 15th and Wpm Jul) lat. ForAmu's. and particular+ •pp:y naloa• MALULitila PTil3,lpal 6 r-01.: LAJUK., Cantolairs Sixty-eight New and Popular Songs, FOE six ME M. Mired post-phi co moolpt of tight auto, Dr J 011.3 P. HUNT. Photograph Albums Tr. blot, th• atnargeat. it • am's. and We aII , VOLI thee thy. at atr rs. CARTES DE VISITE, Yom 5) coati to 9 &am. all 5.1 ,5 5. at RE1N...8. All CI tW 8008-B,all UTZ PAPE al+, all LIT/ zuosistErsou anNra. iTT ,, 14111/7 AND BL tHE BOORS, W&T.. LIM •9D POOMAT 1300110, POETIrOLIUS LH D POOKIT lIIESTAZDS, at JOHN P. HUNT'S Vfladarats sad retail Mr Sidi/ell kgSin and len a I, MASONIC HiLL, yarn !MINT'? iml7 LLOYD'S BURL PLATE TELE- 01/APFI. rcrains AND SAILEOAD M .a. P, United Stain, Canals di New Brunwiek. mat, 6 BY 6 ILIT Ascomperyths nett mak 11a, La sa indermdet HAP OP THI EUTAW BUSTS, t• limes tan thaw is tarp 'Ms math 116;.416% {rest ha ME= door. no two Mali togttliar 'how no lan than 60,003 RAILROAD ETATIOIDA 001/4rfold only by sabxstptloa. Eabtalption books VIM. J. W. PITTOCK, Bole Agent, OPPOBITZ TED POB2 OPPIOIL MoCAB6OI3 MARBLE :WORE{ti, ma ISHIIITZ eraser O beacttlfal sa ?Wad aanortzessl of MARBLE MANTE LS, Itionmemte aid Grave Stem LA 4.1 M PARIS, EOM:MA= £3D JOHNS- A. IL ENGLISH respectfully LPL team tho clUasco of. Pittsburgh, that. he has bow, oppotatod sobs spat for the We of tl wsi i eons wroglabi ffigiONT L5ll-0011110_81Pi PIN. nog aro iscommondod by tba birgost abuses Is du dig; smug which ' • obAbr, Buirre • ON, /SIMI CO.. Woogimus Co., CIO 9prif Zoo 'Phisfria A Oa., and tabus.' cria & MESMER, ,Baus Fotrirons, , •ou Ain Oritami Padietilar µreplica pLid hi the Atria& op sad .roreizing of Wt./um. ;Mlle. All lurid. of fIBASS AND 1E03(000E8 wdf to order... Alto, BIM& CIASTINOB, of all Idol:Ito:Me at tte shorten ootko. • Alt orders left at Nee: SI ICWASZAII2BI:VT. lotor Merl:, will be promptipottooded fa. erns ourobtrii of LW tirotbsiror proctiosi uo 'ammideo, of insfly join' ups:Unto to their baxtzeo hum to et* sattgactioulo emery rorroct. • MI eznotoza, secs PAT. =a tttureat .ausiis °tam" daserlption. 1:011v:tad by ea sub. .eartber.at lattoirtis ruck eta: Penalene.slo 00; 'all other clams, 141 60. 0. 44 TAYLOR. Attorney id Lan, So. Trt Grant .treat, Plitebargb. Pa. . N. LAU. cbarree an made tf the rialto darn nal :.renorid. and all inform•Thya tiro. mak. •,,,C;;. ecoggirre,____,..... tiitUa JR idGGIEIT & CO, Crry I;Lousuie t. 4 • 16.14440raar Marty !IA 4.1.;" btrr,.., Pitt, WrfLt Mlkapacity. 400 bbla. Per 41. , , • 1/ 7 .611C.A7 r rg.PITTRB RO H IF A T tame. 111•43.1a-.* Trnumrer___, IL 1. 1...4.1.1311, C VIAZIIdIOII, cow - anz von sa 1 rem muster of ni,* tbisr.64 ['Anal Cloaramy T 3 1 ,1 (w.d...d.y ) ay, !PI. Do petfirce i fcr h 11 , 6 Ora ••., Is wesoa, f••• 0.,t play /, • LIDI' OF LIVOSS; or, Lorc .2d pride. Pntl•DIX ..... vaatias. , 0 1 ....... Lo•aloay. • B t BE& E T es• Kaki& L 07 n ............J. O. eEPTOIL 4iss -ac t ocr iuss. To am... • tiro JAI AL S YOUNG , MAN. - ._—....J 0. IIiTTML wasp. 1J .TSu.v 5.4 Lien. Mau, I:•S pito P TILITT POR & UE LVENT2O. la; .g X, oVeog. rill .1. • I lb. , Comte-rola LlCOsuy, . nth .tr.. 4 lb.. Val LE • LZ LOTO Qb0...11•0 et lb* teeth det the Ileenftetieht b bite 1 01 Of Ulla aEI• Om hi .1d.6. and • 2 endlet beck Ik•lgedly =Ogg lb. tunli• teemed w oat !UP 'was np tb• wa olds? ee b 6 DW eullal thew Da •ld Icoen Ds the a etkalle nabs. Minato he. teem prop.rty el 11c-ttly a Oe.,olrelle 2+74P, ant the ctier. ILLS/ or 3 , L thlnt cub; and the mane In too .o:tat pap:tont, at ono and two loaranitth 1-LiatoL Tat • imVszailaNs. •,f8 o • inn & m.Thsratwx. 1101.18.13A0LD POEN kJ TITER AT AllOflolg,-0A TIUDat nom At(. ZIA, at It o'clock, at ttta'Austsjoso atnt mats, etill be end Ibe attire teratittiliat NEW SND , UPERIAL 'Nati/ ins.. o s2 , / ne. do Amt. to as Is 'y "to nahruitay ear pit NOR 0 eat WI Pus Nun auks Eltlassnitillag 0000 E garbl• Top Ills.tosany raw Tabby UAW uat Bask dad umlaut It st.ostsa Table. Wattrtebs. solid Wailers /rata sod hold Pod redatoman,, *anus Ando d rub stead, leopejo. Coos Om °babe sod Motor, Ot,settans,Oilt sat Males TIM. Look (Ivan., ,trade ter sari Sae Matures, kerb, Onsommts, Belt 8.1040. Ilattealm. Tetsuo Rd. .ad Bedding, laws 13.akteig Maly Kizaboa 11aril.. Qatau...ors, - 0 t 8 Pal a —loo used 10 armo racial E• 60114 comostat Tot et Pladi Clarpet, B. gocs sad haft do , Oaamber add ass do., Brassele sod tisk air. pot., ulnas Ewa, Han and Buds Ilateag. Zip, ao lipeotsl alto. Pm la called I. MU, du load tnr. au/ Carets bouts • alt-le tw at a,tul tn ac 4 obat • 'bra t time. V. 6. nONUAN ICESIDERNOB AT li„,/ CrOtlud.-013 I'OESDAT 111F*51.11161,11ipt e tat, at Tx o'clock .111 t• and at tiro 017111.1Nettal 8.1 e• &one, No. lirtitbattell:thateteldrobt• LOT •.r tltneto at ea vertu of Dimon ad Dello strolls, Wine a front of 63 Tait i blebs as unto .n atm ,t and extending aline Darts Mid ItO ea on nbfeb te ct.d •• SW TWO nen= IS Mid DWXLLItiu, cunt ola log lona NOOK both ,00 02 aid dr.nlog rocts_enltted aKb.tMla. calks 'blondes lences 'lib anent dierEgo• and irstur, Grara tap flap in tho Id obeli, snubs nuialiala sad dale nabbed g. alas It the pastor: agog mom and bad room. Tito bons at. but le Os non darned* toot nee, sod d bbed dui but idyl* dor alai:4rue. own ocnapanoy e . Any piullMit cludece.'t cUm'ag gamed/as au pt too kale at ins •oaten ,tan. Tsant—unoeionttb. ankbi.nse due In taros spud awns , mamma, With enfant - teemed by bond Sad martp(i. - ant • DAVXB • ifoThyglltli.'lsotteth O UBEI3 aLD FURNMIREFAT LA. LnwgINCII ttuLT.—Og TIIIDAT NOM gnacat :Sib at 10'ect ck w.B btICLII: at titio ,aildance ut dtc. le [b. Latittecctltilb: GIS the Or. paws , Pik., the entire ettnt of goo* lloicalicel fnenitce., a.. ooapnatog Bar gut Cbsin atA 0 . o.ro klabogaut. and *Mutt Baum; Drwait g Banana, On. Ittltstaatlt cad Bethltag t (hr• pat, it Sato". namo , te. logo+ thtdon and Winds, I.4na.at 0 ba'.l and Ror.tot largo bill fuse Look. lag 01..tas Hat 6. IL ll.* the. and Ikocratary. PAW 11.4 , *aae. Duda; Table,. Wo.k til=l ; arm, 11, Aiwa hugs witty oh [!fallslt litaocla do. sag PAVIP a 110ILWATE/114 anet•ro. kUK:slTOitts ANO PIeNIIATAITO. VVEDIPE , DeIt 1 11 08 6 INOLA011. •61b. at 10 ealtx.k at RI 6101110 Ha 1 • uuva ems. 6. VI to not 110/4 b oo LI q of flotraL 16u L.•e ND 041661 {066 MOM compplidzi 4.ILIEIt Er..id Po c Bedotaadf, litab an& LAS Koos vaddlusca tudh dad, el,. lasls. WaosalLOpVg tea , Arm 436 15. , '. 61.6 pup Hair Arg LA:yak. anclo,ol Wault, sod, txtmalooTabloalq4 uodns 2 booboo Ottaf oh Wow Also Mods, aud 13adit, datrald. 1 / 1 1dr 646 A: Aar Po-pa.. Mot &attmasor. /Molten /Italia% 80. A.s fib Pis 1.0. • . •.25 - alanacitiwureast. E=23 WANTilL—kly a Qazrrtantalr, for [Or w'nerr bro . ou , n. wtIE t ctobor 40111. ES cIE c 0 , M tot,. log -,)•11h wood the v•mo: g .Ith baud kr no. (1) pumas. Pa • p6a.u. vets m n•bed btu r rt•rbly slimiest •aLor rl•cl.tu) Pitt* , ar.ll, or on • MUM. •:L.c .6/1 b3.an• t,r n. rend b•takr• fogs [b. yre..ot .that, Adttr.... by ;otter. la„ D.. My. 0 Cog to ..othfl.ll ore I. to111:18 tiOut•Ett: WAbThD. is mark e 000PERDWk fID, At Mat dui oao make over bre 4ofla pr ..132e r. lir!Veit!DldB6o.rteitinu... WANTISD—An LliFirssisaza Rotor, TVvith , latbcat.t. Cto cEntobleat to tb Pais O gee &Mk I td , tat BOX 927, I It.tburgb Pat Md. 1.294,0 d WANTED- • COE BLV" At Ettlll L AND% Ili Mutat at LI OUOs oolosortablo Ll Blngling Home; on tins of rallro&S prairie& , lrib H. Da. azpi W•tor meet, atlribioN puttvramacs PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, oop.sza IL TB AM, treartn. amens, (Yd and 114 sla.ka, o ar Rktistdson's largo at") PreTrermiz PHOIXXSE.APPLS, of "Ivry urn end Allo, phis go Wand, from the copular Chula de ridge la CibtaMS NA Ll. BL► kt 2. PITUVI&NOL swat partlatilarts tat this iris Wean of the anna wen cam I to the mg smo& telly of this ociabibkoonat, being mobs' by gls dual Illght of stabs. XlePzzami =MAI% luta mithowfts Sim* D am SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No, Ham.) I.loBacrinorana Brans. (camilnh th. Mateo allartemd by the inetalatam. °maw q a- Jsnra PARE.,II. Wm, S. mita, John 7. JonsMIN Tim D. Plesidia. Thas. Ebb., rands Wm% Rem uori. A. 1. FieflA. Beams; Jades litotes. iamb Ilteskeesh, Al Alfr a ed AWL. Bode% 111:10M0, EJowl Klng, 0. Sag, • 0. A. S. 8011, Jos. Dllireath, EL. D. aockras. . rowel, W. 4. Mod. Wm. DattAy j..w. Wootmal, L C.lsrMusztk a. D. Joan, Satin , a. W. Masson, 0.1. Java. I. L Zenzia. a. H. Hartman, W. EL D. DL L.s, FL J. Andenes, Im. W. Rams.liolliedn. W. Lammu Aocreary mad '''saimsr-.D. 11111:11MIL :re d earia dati.. r44e. tralsi 0 ...7.. t. 401 . 411u ede0k. ' ' Aka. Tondo 113eposIts maim! et 011irlifilisaTI arrazda, Dlvideads declared la December end '.lehe oleo% rear. Dteldeade allowed to =ate Isto th e credit or the de so t so etiz4;a4stid losit teaser ad, that comeouodlath i. Books containing 0 Drawn* aleotellthod tilPnls Institution otal,llllWciallitO thole pi. ;mu lam aarala'aan . WW , tbOffarti 10 ismazisilate, br dopiwita, sitll7 orratot am which will be •maim:* whew maid, MI& Wigowily• 'non =Jr Ws/ infs. tint Wiring interisi,liwtmt ,naminizir onprodriollm oralleirmaWas HON.of gbh Ito; tater 01=11, Cowl knibLial. Vi va IILK:I 13 N OANDI g Rat_ judg. 00a Pilati AHD 07. VLAIe OTEIZTV, The Wiest, chespist sad VI 5 pkyo for • ICU 0 2721IIinctal No ems claws lor ihmisoncruc, Railroad rad Hank Book-teipla— - 11totwors• sou at oar.hatt pito% MIA* EMI cad rsilow at say ' TWa IsaUtilke ocripiccird toperwort, Toactras .cacr prank* luxcanculta, i.bo paw, )coca gcra t - r cci.o ouato..o, at ice hags •spona sad atmterttimr, 1. - r Oa montf..vottra sarbovn. Bible eltuatleno,Alck mut gruntad for screr, ol 2; Lic co th e narreNcl pr.fauct for itnallatro tff • Prot ' it.* boa ran waft Olt UN, _.' l/ Clab• 44111.41r0d Of Us rotator.. tr c ?Ards), wham. tapla lienterr. :71 7..1 13, 41 7 1. 1 t t L ebi1: J "- 4 ; 1 - 1 1 t,Titi u"4. i b T it :1 1641.5" ellia ' j-'(:'s44:4lll6pah,""diL rral:=! r==!l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers