gr_Ni G ETT F L pyrivii‘five • t _ k..)-lUxs-"H ESTABLISHED •IN I 7 6. sukob - QHRIVER &TA7RARp WHOM:BALI OBoolllr.b AMLIU=o9 amoueate. —AM:tmlintsmi; In..Stmsll3 5ad114.14 Sines, W 3l. 430 . ItidLY Jr` , , sersozaaara Guam, 4ft. lazgrTginnte, - i4tbridt.sit or Ma lea • ',etarudzi theta:dna* al the old able awl via t=taidritthapidraiaga at Misfit Mead, . . .. . • ,- 4 -- •••••• iIV TRIMICW.Nr' ' .' V '' Slia t s. ....„.. . 0v .. i. 1.1 . VI. & it •iA . CLaBON Idtgrizirani, • ••• •• • • conozi TAM • nit •• • • - •.. .. ~......,..j MiliaEl . rip moue' guigiva - :: ciEi i 2. avid. •.• ~ (911.thidatti lin a atar i ar.le.Dcaudtt ; . - • , Al Oa; Wainill., Oblo. • q - , ItirD. ..INALIAD" Wacas. --- ..alizaNsocom -- ',Psalms Asp 001151.36031 law - . - 'Jobbers la - 001172.4 N. 0. SINGLE and . , str and - EIVIIIPB, , AtLOll • .., A 4 Xrgil .TEAS t ItIOIC, - ' W ''' . ' ' 611120 4 4 4'11it. ..144t/dertiLiEtt., lit tti M M l lß . "" 4ll k . SUOMiri lt, irnslo3, : _ imortostunsuoAns; voiguAt ro oe 4l.. Aso:ma Lts.wool , otnet t oOn wAsty oressea.6e . . • - 110MOI " ' 9 ;06111.01Mum56 MDISTZGAB, Gaoconts Lap u m Afziomrs, andAligerJ • PRIPSISAInoIenct yona n Ann Prentsjusin KUracd e so: a JoNgslesort - -7 = oho. A sa 11040 1— t0u1 6 3 alaklan In • /TO/4 7111 M1 14 • ... Dorah. t• • Agarouunipink mem DO =az M Pius . . . r "nom tr • Ozotkas Paamar e ' 'WATT' lb WILSON, WINCLIMI a l so Pgteidu9cea24lgh Nirmana &Wen id eat auiraaub..osuaougb.SOPra Os 00, • - Wit el 0 C 21, 4 4 : 1 " 110003, lingailin• Ind-dr - In - 21= / 6 . wtratieatgest, sad es rem stmet, • 'GI, MVO WWI L UfkiWORTUACO 4.3I — W ,itt liisocatz et6 M 1 aaa R l7-7 1fr SidiALEY; - 'Exuma& &a. If sad -SO Wald tirsot, Pitts. *„,l42Litli 12.4 , (I, Wzowiraui cm , olgoelak 'qaona Asuato. 913 labart7 . _ 07 a w. ractihuclur, ItAlimerrEs D as ot. WHITE liTONE mime A.lO LIZZA.II RID . - , 11111rOmca min Wassuotta a. 4 No. 74 harm frnatarr Pirmvsan. Pa. mhltglyiss V... 11111121/11.1.........1. P. HAS 2. • : e ta OM, HERELLILL 44 Co I' rocnesPlh• mad, O'Hare sizeeta, mar the Ohl W • • • Pittsbar Pa., lebutzdhativers of NANZINTOS AND MA1.1.114 I.IIPB..ViND PAUDANOIIIOI.IeLATINQ MAN liCtiMiLi AND EITAIDICALIIN% of all IliteStiddlote4Vik. 111. M"7r uchir16"4414azg are PM/AM la AO btu., aaa swot work la tare that, imolai by path.prcitaa chariotor done work to' milt Wale We • attoation to cp• DALANOND v • 1,t.•11 . cc: • EP K E&BILLTO.N .1;'(M.; ' (forser at 11rd and Marti - - ,yriTI3I3VB.OII, Pa.. 110113108 ATLAN lADIN S necumararr, At I4tf . ^V A t 60 WAYSIEt 87 : 4 TitAiburgb, mAnufactonstefIIOILAIBRIIMTS; WBOUGHTEDDSZA 0011 NON AND DAILEDAD, ar sr dud or digelllDlZZA•and rav-k lerablWoestasAPAasiza cow 4.1-.bart A .900 • • tdroonstearttoo.bsoPL rayNtu• Turp...„,„„- .4 D ; obetarers of tlit i tt woo„ AkD asa Vrari p aMs4sitil ntr*CFM4lM°l ' utoe Ks • al - I,4=rl4eglats44. •-• • ,Tr. - P Q • '''''..-. AIBVBIO -1 / I . I MASLI We— .,_..t za:r- garEll .at grazeracca„.datik f-tr. irmaiiw 1 / 6 .4froft-glin --!•=-...* ....'. i.".... - -.. •#. 1. - ,, : • x offingirtf , • iw -,410 1 1 11 11 4 07nr1041111A _Datil' is -- ..:•44:11[M31ir AND -slutintAi, merntraume. deb spate 811 ADS d iMexkrildlol3.lL&liStd ,$ nd4: 041,, NA , alliCalbCeed. - ingLODII - , , Lk: tzgat er otrii4 pi. str i. d:tor .4 ation i.k... l l : 4 7d, r. ..._ ~, _ . . & BRU., 4 4 , I iriIIOSUTLICD 'MMus larrauszrzs, an sc.l . . . , --ogarnszeftr. . • 4 1 4 1 E,/ w iartmrf --- iktuzugiii , anal sad larsatdr!ets, • iollocko.Dr. Mabel, 7liebbramuisliZma. • mommy figIVIMIOLKRA, IMPL-v. - .4o}msurozra cm, swum *EN ItassalOcit—ltAlmamws, Asp Jos • vt4 zi„ valor :Wad 4,106 %Mid :341;r1ZOIS alliggelatAsk Ana*, :1i4;114:111111JV Boanscuan HU* i• • TECIM. No. •q l'cartli dna Apallo Boilinap. TILLOVOLLX76I3, .JUMPLC:IIOIOSE, Tam; mom, SAZZOIDZIZIO AZD OTZAW (kaTin. No. Ti , ' . ~[~ w ti •_ . - = ` WARD : Dziiiii nr • . • - • . • - lieriss, Ana% it ortakon, and all $1••• z - , - ustotortio Witt= 141A2i1l _throttle Memo, - ea Toomesblo tams. . =nom EWA". folinost Mott mom to good od e coat ilvayillud Rest sad soccmd clan paper Gam`Oak irid lotOrrfannt itriotly cal. 000tlat., 9fitor, Gaul drott. moults Eit. Park Ilebdtf,. A'.l l / 4 L PaIIPERS. W. "P- 1 41481/ALL, Mum= WALL y •Itariak &a., Ha. Woad strod estuteratt. la • selencenm - 1 - 4. Ablbblrtztra NUM*Ma nn 11X0110a - dbbedami eldag • klgooo. o r. te • Ehaablom • for irk lowteakswassit, ianulP: MOIL it 0 1 1..185 Liberty at. ' oblo. extra o, Also, ' 1 . 4 14412.156 ails lad 141 , 00. 1 0 aal Ikigina 5114 f :101 * ISI. 11°54 wt./. BMX tOo. Jr Wt. t7 P. BUIE it CO, No. 185 11 „ .. ItitiNgtirdinfirANYE ri ; rio ou, pozom OMB Ita ABB W la VV i e iraislOH DEM MIT& BOMA Dila,. A aunts.- and . also, hisiaBllll, BIW 10%, 11, 1 Mil etreee, Pildetrargh. Oneh aftesimeemeria made. Ouudgenzeittriel. µcited tend nMISIIIIGE. PA. itifACKEOWN LINIIART, Lu ass , Glaw Oamonommon 11114tailin, intgho ado 'o=gnitn, I litZkel i Z,Varces; 42l " mr-Bal "rav Qlid irt . =, falonl and i m= ; a t. (kr!, 'lamb admen tondo on ClonAgtanonts. • . i 01kN A QANFIELD, Cm k& it" iiirii isiv losirmionra 1111131USICIUni Intol.ll. . 1 . 1 4....,.( 6 • 1 0r in WMPTMEN arasavi mums, LASID-POBI. Imam no urn, POT AN Pr A , Ili ma. 16ED AND LARD ' OILS, DRUID IS T sad `mina. narally ,Nos. lii and .143 host street, ~, mei CIIPAZD. OUP & 81/KF'ARD, 43031012331001 MKS %I mitt' era and Madan In IILOUR, OWN A.BD ItODUCY, No. 243 Marty Moot, Piat_bargb, P. aladai bawds of; Ilona Int Bakst* sad Pa pa y nes =stoutly on tua l =adat titiontka paid to 311 44 61 *4‘ rat tganotslly. ',aa3tdla roannusm. vv. r. "ICIREQUERIC t Ii Omura= and wimlenelo amen In 91100:1: ‘ ?3l l6 l Wrlf PIIODUON, no., No. WM sttoot, • Ps. solikdly OwndiftlirXlMlVaakin 41. Elias 71=0111•111 0011X1:11301 Mummy s:a ,110-1R11,1!•51. PitO "" szut,s , IscitiaLoossiortri 17111antznhy • VINNTNat. 116 6=4 una lis Ito% actmlar • .oca Wood sod &MAW. •-••• •• ..• oe3 jAhIEB DALZELL 60 0 3 . 1 2 - 1 mM. 14.sur , . irussivpi, L0D70114 inn as ;guars for the •' . ot7r E 4 °LUND RIDD suoctossor to JllO. AUGUJ a Bon, No. US ghat, Ptttr urgh, GENICHAL PBODOO3, G P3Y AUG) 70SGTRAWN 1111:11011AN4. Ocrusigameau KIRKPATRICK k Bi(/TRES, u . otox•••••• to Brown • Iltirlistrioke.) Wombs luta GINKINEL9, Nos. 191 sod 199 Liberty street, . . , . , . . . . MIAMI 1M1A. 11 210... I:O • ' " 1 • 1 •11 lAA. A. BEANS i Elpadal Puptep,, ()OFFEN, siwoonsors : toi . .lisas it Oa., WIIOLUALIGI3O.6. MA conker of Wand and Water Ara* Pittiberth r Pease& -- -0 2, Pr. 11BANK VAN VtrilDgfkriclita4alai Cloastann Itiscauurr dealer In /LOVA DDT MB, mons. aaraos , LARD, MURIA PoIIIL, - MILD AND QUM" MUM and Ehoduke pi* • Irgly. Liberal ansh 'Osumi made on ocaudgmeam z-v "" . U. 111 rnr, li t l " Übnif pn wan L. MITI/JP SITIIAZD 110011. JOHN HOUSE & 00., W acu.kitia t/ Osamu um Cknuusszos Dingauns, ccirabr of Wairestivt4,,Pittdbargb, P..' it Ow° SITU_ AX/.O.IOIIILOWION non aim goo Widow Ito PTWDOOItaI uOB„, 0.50,N, - WOOL, 012/1111, do., No. 19 Aptactlold ritabargb. ipp weitu kutsziwrort_, MY acu.saux GIBUCEI2 41.51 D thlarldinBlolll-1111.11011.6.2.T. tad comma of Um Diamond, No. Pittamuth. mbitllysz ii!WEETO.N &OSTEWAIIT, -Weour Y‘!lft uta.w a Mas~us, Ha 14EIS 'motor ...AWN invasa—Juvul TrObJUI3ISII. W ILSON, 04.11.11 W., • (Lola Wilms, Pais* 4I 09..1 EIIOLSAAII DIAZIELS CORXIGII AND DOILESTIO DRY GOOD% ad. 94 Wood street, third home sham Dismal .11d,, Pittrbumh. aplOrtil BAT.E4Dausa cer Ifurcrr AND anrui DIIr GOOD 3, OLOASIS a SHAWLS, Ha..iYIGII stmt. Pyttsbw:o4^Pa. N. 8.-gal WASH awl. to ardor. um% =az Wawa—mut Farm. LANs, BIOABOY 00 Doan-in FOREIGN AIM DONENTI47 DRY GOODS, D. 140 Federal moset, ••,• • don baby GeV M. • E • ••• '•••• WATON, NUMMI Who! • Jived Dertill - Deddei Z ILItIIOI. D.DIDB sdd DAY d A ll:RDEill!edriau, dites.'l7 id,d pliw Nil AUKUai h ULTDIS; Wholesale iald iLL liatall Doak. to VA O 1 a BTAPI4I pair Que,DB, TittllBlllBo36, No. 78 Market dm:a, 8 7417 , 837 • • • • 880 tow/rib 4 -0 ndL. m. istnitharlitJA ImooBtlo jj go . EarchDald dklo, Wholesale and Bata) erri o PLR &bib, PA.4lOlr OR MOM- itch. 108.SPH IlltzLNA Who/wale an. lie u tall Maw In all Muds of TatlijnllG3, tfir 6. °DB, t IT • idarkiissters. 4Vt.' . &Co., Maxie Li J • Goons, No. 63 Illarkut tarsi, bosom= TT euoatti. Pittatnirgti— ZESION JOHNSTON, Ikausir. BiAnal DBMS SIVD4DIMIGAIS;DDititIIIIBII. FANCY GOODS. DIGAILISODLIF ,ID OILS, PAX. not strictli Prime_ Coale , ty, which h . cam at lowed prima Vonaar mob. *hi aatirasrttgisentallulausbaill Preacriptltras soarpoundWl at all Was. LlAABlittrit=" 4 o - odano hunt PitubtrEttalla [URN Y. ban'T J WO /AWL" DIALER aDRIXIII4 - mmintevizi ,VAIINIBILIB AND DYa STLIY" Na in Liberty street, rutßwnh. ell ord.= vianmetis • pt ettisttlat4..: • et ro m . makamiam. 1101,11311L1 L AID Baum GHOHIHM, t 11/1 AHD PAO. DUOS DEALIBJ% 187 Liberty street, l'ittalrattL, epedlea .. _ f .1147,1T.'- , - " .1111! ri ..I: , .•'.ll - fl - kr, ' 11../ H. HOLLINS, sad Occialsioa la. :beat sad dealer la DUMB, • • ' Ma awl . Produce porilly, al3 Wood 4*M,, dam Water, Yittabergh. ea. la PRANISION4 ooroor of ILEttoS sad ?root tloc. fittaborgb. - Us. J. an' (soccessor to 20 1 4 m rog a tar a zi sues. !iihr _ _ wet, I,:trrawaku To:nairruAwilont,' VrlD;l_ _.T.II,AXIMASP I L Mummy - vulas. Na. 611 • Was- Pittsk b u R aria.. An bush= entrusti6 • lilscarreirl 'nodes pros*, attsation. • ••••• jowls 441140=7 PA ala all adlebini **Wm , • attso4 View cit="ll??FitliCi'?•Tti L~oaosa ; aAna Atikt4:o-801101—aawalli. • 'oar ,lirle?Fl!rattiil(O*4 001'ff :WMMIMS& :is • .tt• Agyuggi EOM AND INUAlUmaki. o. Wow) Sr., was. =mew TalMr, ALB ..ilurilt z u n v r dam ite,:sesdar iamb &Mamba af3f34: I IL, warrazit. 64, un basi6sa - 1179:1 7 .-- n mi. bias* 01;bed B''- 2.000 • - ...1• C1 A 6 1:Tgr um lab.0 • aaj "Ks* 1.115 LfitsitY Mud. DWI 00. , • • f3O.IIS . II#IIBRIOJr, XG DBE 600D8. ~DB'U6I~it6TB. PRODUCE. ' xentax., • • PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1863. PLIM , DS: pita/ 081- PLINOI3IIII_ A Ti c = Planctsjcort rsatr seleatad Skartilmni• bar lba Malan dila,. ham the added. facto. rim at Maths & Go. 13aMonirr, Malta. Bro. Nat Tack sad Marshall I Trim, Albany k li. T. Masa Plano warmatel Ise yam Prim tram 5200 Ip wards. Lb* so shwa ssurrtaama d lINBITALLIED MILODZOBB jakreealred. :IHABLO BUMS, wsl . 43 NM street- 87.11131WAYT PUN ewd►ad the PIRO CLAM PK= Miliary el the WOlLliei Zazi, Loalban, 1861. larWiltionted mentor to 6U Where In owe, ew vent. A sow gook of 11,6 aboes jinn anteing. sou Lousy tot-thin Moblot the the Stehmay ,P4aia at. R. RIM= Al 13110%. • . . Pifth eIIUMpIUNG k,BONl3', HALLS Davis a 00.. P, PAIOUSON. 'J. IV, Von, linaalt,GlßßON .600., GBDPII I KINDS, J. & O. 716011111 L EIGHTEEN PIANOS, THOM THII ABOVZ 1%070111Z% FROM 1:225 TO $5OO, hull received and for gala by CHAS. C. MELLOB, 81 Wood st ratazaw WIQUitaNIC - BRAM WORELB. CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Ilanofiaorm 05...,i !allay ef flofihod BRASS WORK IDS PLUMB MAR 01/ OAO4=l - M, 11A ADD 00tPRIWIL1383. BRASS iiAITINGB, at an dasartpllona, :nada to ardor. MAMMA& worm imuix AND GAB - =PAWING proaptly attaadad te. Partioaler artatkat gold talittiag ap _l4l/11:611N riz Rs run c i i ! ED 13ARDON OMB. i Isr.tha Wotan Eltitrici4l Pau. rya Iv Id 11APPINIA . LAIMPLI: A 00.11 PAT= SIPA= PUJIA, the bid' nu .Inatitat Autos an. to It to acallalAi to gat - ..ltartutar, sad 1,111 .thraw. aura mater than say ' 5018 1) - p.1-134uw A. la WEBB & 888. Bomar cf-Trott-aad (Inansarc• fkkina, BALTIMORE, fIZEBEAL OODUEIBBIOI -• Asada 1,-tb, ist• -01-DBPOIPFS-017111V Dalt AND BAR= IWEIL Bacelve on oxitufgazaant all klnds of Weatont Pro. duo% and maks advances Oomph B. 3443afltostl track In hint'of Waraltoan, EMU& R Etniltlf & 00., rittam' lc e Maw k Bk&Wacci, until tliaWkrd; ; • Bertha -d, MB:1:nm. • 0, Bo V 8 k sou. VONTENTED OM 8 1861 Dithridge's Patent OVA], !AMP CHUESITES, AI FLINT GLASS Thor ehboatman tzteaded gee the du gum irtitob hoe all Forte of ttLtsto optallx, does not expow fit. A. D. DITIEBITIGI. Tort Pat Glbot Waciai _,Patanzton etre/ J.k;iS FILN,U • OHILDBIIN'a Ifti2l,oT ler4e; 0113341 TUB 04.P0, 001.41118 • OLO CATS AND CMPEI. Ikon/ varbsfy sad .tai. of {booboo. goods oa bane ilioCaßD 6 CO.'S, No. 181'WOOD STILWW4 STRIII. OKlid, , • • • . PITIBRUBOU, Pi. PARK; BROTH:KR & CO., Manntaitatera of BUT QUALITY 13211341:D GABT BTBXL:t rqoartyllaiand Gotadroio, of 'all Area. Warrantyd any tatpotted or mattabotandtbb IM Moo and Wwaladdiatalga H 9 999 /4 109 and 120 and 151011001 th STBILIfTB, Pfttatralth._ fall:lyd .• ITIIB 7 ettf II .1400 li& ing just re , Con lb. Zoe; Milisiortano flan ma eve sasortsout of papa add dodniblo 730471'8 A2CirEt 680EIS Adapted tow geom. Dosing am be ILA with lAMB', MOW OBILDUZIIII MUMS sal /AMY BOMA ate sllattalvince Or cash, at' azo. ALLBIIII. ems & l iiiiai $U AT BICDOOTIODI LiWho' rag. Ling Omit. Getters St 76 worth $i 60 •• 150 •• 000 •• . 146 t• 176 All other goods NMI; very low JANES 8088.82 Maxtei strove. PABBLIi ISRISOTALCII4I4I, lb —lftlyttastaants tam attooki of `mutt, who ow*" tho _Own DM ..x.toz. to kf4Air 1111/S*SPEITIWILAS tolailSotdanYthataat Atkins. renAnotssitars ,ciamtn. an ansa 4=l-iijriradiMedll 'eta ntinnlAn eslihr matalir• • , .oltra o • :a -to', ' optic m. cecorfactussectiks Flitlnt Nibble Cpsot , semir Atm ~ CA NUM straLtioniko Pal . arGNoB. LOA4 V-ai taT Ag M la wI.P AND UNA% Eger7 t unrramsou m HOLLOW: : t , B4ooNr4z4aandA. Or. &ea MR4,41 1 1• Dor.4lAcl. WAAVAL.- pr EstuoN Orr Whoa% cu ow Oistlngor. , JOUgs owing* 'l6 anfic. Pabsated PmUloto Add" Stow Qv Hone Purer. soltfaid ukr LIALLUI BARN HULL a CU, Boiler - yvrt vas Ina neje Los, Wart -I=ll2 - ItorliclXll' Miriam =mod • te b e v apottOzoidol tt opid with no moot toptinad to ottontbototo oamodptkoriolqw to lbw but manor; yiniated - oqua , te eat sae ti amp own . tanauta naa aimeara PIM, lac Da ontra skims% OO IIDUs fiLtet PAMB.TIIIRS,OILI3TILMAGITATO ONTTLING --PAM BOMB - Laos •VIBIDQ SUGAR Palk and idle loseutfootnrogo et . '.llllllO -BOILS & _ Aopotrtog dom.= islectlmolial amours. flay o 1 sna MI Mob of IIItIOSING . lwMiirlothaOc tnlKyeL-rWurtt o RTAOBAGO° OW a. L x4 /p' llsD r ~p __ 6 8 8 0 77b on Moral toms. "z) GUIAti. O. HA LEY; • - mud Commiiiiiiicrehaaf. II: 'II, 9 miconin, Aiid dale: la ea masa oomins ruoDucts. maim, mi. In zsamerrimurz - rerno.ns, Pa. flittsburgh. S. RIDDLE & 00 ., IDITOBB AND pi:ors:irons Publiefttlob Office 'No. 84 fifth Bereft. MEMO MED LVLISISO rawrzima. DAILT. 001972a1SING TUE LAS= 1411 WP 171+ TEll HOUR 011 POBLWATI972I. TUESDAY MORNING, AUG. 25 NEW TERM OF THE GAZETTE, Nommaa larnoa, by mall, par month-. yair-14 W. • • V •• sines cople•—...— S. Evian]. Carnos. by moll, per year....-. 4 50. mpnth.,. 36 10. • • single S. Wasaat lamas. dads ooptm, per MT.. 9 09, clubs off to 10, - 1 50. `e ashen, 10 or more" 1 25. -and ono eats to tho party inndhsk eft& for • clnb of fifteen, are sift said the EVIIIITIO CM:WM daily. for a dub of twenty, nend 4be Homan . 0/darn daily. elegle n*14.5 seta far All sabcrlpLiobs Nid 1p fir abeam. sad PPM always stopped when the Igoe siptoss. Gans. Itosecrane and ilarnalde In Igo. The evidence that General Knee:rant la in motion accumulates. The dirution in which , . he is moving L' not manly a latter of Volk lation. Hie lines were, at thatiant motllitt i , extended from Tullahoma, Tea., to Brldge., port, Ala., with hie advance "ill Huntsville. That would make his army tat to the South. east, with Chattanooga as the Objastlvio point! Bragg is supposed to have Ohstpateegnat his but, with his lines advanced dose to tumid' Roseman,' position. The movement ( Oen Rosman', under these eircumstan o i e weald althea teceisarily be toward Cha tsga, in force, with his light sweeping around, to the bate of the mountain rave, , Chattanooga is Oct only, a natural bastion, bat it Is strongly fortilcd: Ai a stratxxle_ point it has value. If lost to the enemy ho will be compelled to abandon a large territory and be jotted to retire to a great distatiOnloe. lore he can mike, atlOtlWX ,•Littd.. ,Theip proachas to Chattanlega are thril moun tain Mies which can easUy ha en ded-by few tutu Bragg will donbthisi his best to bold this position, and'eanutird Ma adussat of Gen. Roseurans estus Ise is Asstd. ! This , species of tactics Gen. Soudan' has 'pros,- oi anted With great snows" ainenhe mom lathe. latter part of Jana By toteenistve an rapid flanking movements be compelled B its to retreat beyond the Taunus river. - • Unaided, Can. Rosecrancmay not now sno oped In making this movement But we have reason to believe that a combined ad re is DOW being made whielt,trilllguoing s the desired object Con. Barn/g e now com mand of the gad army corps, and wit t b ILL moving ititco East Tennessee,' The rebo force which wilLoppole him is small—not otter tan thousand men, under Buckner. Theta will unreel; rata:AM' march, and a speedy i min nation of Knoxville may berexputed. , That reached, Chattanooga .48 flanked, in nmilitary town, and Bragg wilt havE to abandon his position or submit to captate. The "lowest of one of algae movement Is not neoessulli`dependant ;pen that of the other. pen Romping might,b• delayed in his advance, but that would -have no , effect upon Gen. Burnside's. moliment, and Die. verso. From all the evidedm_whiett we can gather we are of the opiniekthat Bragg has not force enough to endangeg Gig. B0110.1 . &1211' advance, neither can..Boelher delay Burn tide: We may therefore MU ter epeedy and brilliant somas fro* this ouhpaign., . . ... Rs boll Pr/sanely on Johnson's 1 stand. The rebel prisoners on Johnson's Island, (Ohlo,) with a very few exceptions, are °M em, running (tent Brigadier Generals to the lowest subordinates. Oa the 81st of July last they footed up as follows: General Sold and staff 187 ittompany *Moats ......... —......—.—..--- 981 Non-sostualsticatad alms, musicians, ka 455 Spies ......... 17 Gwimillu Among the mere prominent are: Brigadier Gen. J. J." Archer, taken at Gettgaburg ; Brig. Gen. ti . It. Jones, taken atiinkitbabarg. Tenn.; Capt. D. P. Beekner, netairrw of Oen. linck ner, on Gee. Beal.'. staff, acting inappetor General. Col. N. L Wood,,gf dui= Alabama Infantry, one of th e meat 0 alas and esparto:4d officers in "the Oo service, taken at Champion- MU. Capt. D. U. Taylor.: grandson of the tate President Taploro of Gen. Golden's staff, taken at Trip oli, Jeri. Davis , . Letters The Poston says : "The private lettere of Jeff. Davis are becoming widely distributed. We have seen two of them Which were sent to Bridgewater, More., by an diem to the iffsmashimMta Twenty-nbath. They simply contain Invitations to Ipeak,datat 1852, and are only interesting. •.shoSring that Jeff. Davis was in the hibleof preSery tug all his lettere, even thoogliriot important. The stupidity of the °Meer who made the leisure in allowing these letters to be pat tered deserves..the severest condemn With tee lettets came warogltlet_enthreffing Tests op¢ In mite' oonneete4 with I the Surrender e, Dort Iquelitins wttaillnies, , to be a defogs of;Den,P.illaw. It was tlikmi from the desk of Jiff. Davis." TIM MOW haze gArrlnis ug Tag any. —A letter from Key West, Bth, to the Phila delphia /Aquino., toys : "Oa the 114 of jolly, it daybreak, thi De Soto dkoosezed . • steasser. beralairk smoke, which ohs toserhaaled .. mid— r , to r abs proved to be the rebel slialdim Battle, from Mobile far 'Maiaria. Welk mix handed and weal, bibs of is 11. After the capture: of the Battle the De oto started in trarmilt - M ahOthailaW . the smoke of wllett tMd beim issawhili w itting the Battle- - Attar a chase o boars' denticorehe overtuialed and clap her. Bhp proved to be the seesaw W Bitola, from Mobile, with *MU ban and 1121 7 Wall 0 catfallA ,-.1'....1 • 1 Mu. GATTI& and her elindran wont undrr • day of true to Eleihmond to Ice the hurlduid and father condemned to be bong on amnia of the shooting of a spy by ordu of GcceMat Zusnside. They were heartlessly named . • mission to the prison. Lad Amok a baby of Mn. Cunningham, the wits of a rebel otter at Camp , Morten. fall him i windily, at Indianapolis and mu killed. Gen. Wither Immediately not for the husband and father, and paroled him till the nest day noon, that he might comfort the bereaved mother ended. And the funeral-of-the-child. - • Irnissanne, erwe from Arkansas My soon bee:petted. Gem. Davidson had armed White rim. at Clarendon, and was mating In the direction of Little 'loch. His admitted was reported in sight of Prioe's picketia. The main foroe of the rebels was atAlenede, near bible Rock. Kirby Smith was at the latter place, which, ander_ hixdintotion as Commen . der-in-chief, was being iookky fortided.l recent g=boat expedition •up Whit* ritur captured two or three rebel 'buts near Des Arc and destroyed AI gaantlh of Tablib -piopsrt7. AatiVAL 01 EIGHT HIIIROZID 00111110011rT WAGOIO ai Halmoommi--A letter from Harrisbomb 19% to . the ..2hlladelphis Peas, "Throe hundts lorerwiteld rind ben on Moods/ from 4, th e e i n i b er „ land Valli,. nom Usgent ol /11. and An b . dm „ sw a y . -- Thanwinruounibarlatr. fili a lonlnfonad - alid-lsOrgulsod mai; is n & magas ; bat fhb nine for orlon - 1! b ' •••• • Tho Secret of Japanese Hostility. Dr. Maciertran, whose bowel on Japan— ohne he resided twenty yearriteve been well received both la Hailand and New York, has contributed to the Ossoisooal /boa ly an article en the foreign policy of the Japanese. We find to It the followlag sasoass? .sf the causes which provoked the present hostilities of the Japanese mien whist Enroposns : "Tice Datteicii ari not Worse{ of the prow ess and mortices of J4061120:7 itirsitiatishich they weenier:lt grow' thrms<hss ; they ate • vdMistosstioditad'aittlieJoleet, un4 cannot td to ,seeskst:tsattallain end ' are asstaigasistio.4baa to hstacoans- tic for eignestis inoonipatlisle•aith.thas of rsceT . theMallentiollatoilorvernmanal MA grdOra i =ligt} 4 ll 9AMOMPOt.o, Os DSO ort la! ' of this *Mei OW 13? +A I D it l ox:- ta l tinitteo Wobsisi4i 44ire 41 i b. ed thoreplelofi nit .-- 6a wow be the Inevitable - fakir of iret:eeilosuld that bad boo sitssOkh. , frOb tho,Trooos i "that clan War coakihardlyziatt vela:take p Arai by which the tatemesent :*said:: be : gosgbt toolatibkawiyAtt entmtar.synask," , iltl4o, or soma PPTVAO dalAtifb ' , Mob woalt, lead to the difaintotien pc:444ksyrunnisod 30 the liattodimilan of aan iil - &tin , a oottoresteattenlikith - We Ili the is rot of the Jepson* miy dentautltillb, bat which the. dihniii,- baring 1441-knowledge of the same, intuit In os4l-deeMe radar to the last. - "ii.ii notoconsiliztory po li cy- on tits part of British roardentalscitenti toward theirmnowentittif graofttrlDo bad booiltifitligah.Piklakfor.iht - • diati t ill,4 4 79 l . l4 4 o it'ibi4cfrivanist to Wittohlhey.`fronilopt . difs4; and 4 - i. coa t** had*0.44140611WX10":04,: tea of tiras 4 Urn' tycooh'a winbtaiiAt Id MUM' - Alf oppositintwould hirrbein‘entolitit onto. roan. - At 0n041.1106 molatity-oi this s had.bonomprosontbsd to foreign in tin bat th a amid =iv pair trzahossin and, inostaol by retwatentots,, Aid ors is dawn that a intoplbanto, with tho.npw de mands of du forsigner wilt involve Ont coun try fn civil - wit." 1 Dr. hih6gOntitrattributos the B ox t b . Wilton blas to idieninchilationt of the , aris ing tronlnbtsr Or MO growhiL ita of • Fnlatellidatliali In thißut, sr and on an-honor responinin nut inn . ' that rho Japan's* gosonunant is lioarty4if not strholly. bizantina as muds its ford rota tions. . Prothichig ei.ObspAnte. Editors, Eke other elerawd men, must lire evlth.ibuir eyelAncleate open. A good story Is labial one irho-staratial a-paper ht , • IWast ant Wws by gsmi lorri wh a mown of annoy ance to the ifitleslii who told Eno editor if he ilkf not come out 411nst tkenkthierwoald not take the paper. ne rerilfet that he *cal& give thorn • "smasher 1' thereat day. i dare enough hie next lune contained thepreuilsod T r .rtiorifier," and on following meriting turitilbubtittle editor with solemn' inflame, was Hilted in his sarainas. when inward • large man with's club in his w o de manded to know if tintedltorwas tut 1510, , Alrrlika " tbe — re nl7 - he has stspoet eat. Tate it wt ind Iliad the papefs—he will ratan. in • tatnata." , Down sat the indignant mai of Gude,wis ed hit lemma commenced reading a raper. In the meantime the editor and at the lendinig he met another excite man :ULLA eniiihtlit lan hind, who *eked Ii the editor 'NOM - 4 140, 047 was the prompt tooponse; lint Bed him tested up stain s reading a news paper.' The latter, on entering the zoom, With a tortoni oath, oommeaoad • violent aersult upon the tonaar, *kWh :rated with equal.faroolti. The tight eon nod ti l lgth bed rolled to the foot of the ,asul d ad each otherto theti.3nart'e eontent,.. Kuzma°amis in albsoirsx.—Tha Leaven worth Onsusonleada learns that on Wednes day night bit several hour of Unitas man shil l were b mined by bushwhackers el four miles of Kansas c it y, blissottit' A :don soldier was Woe shot at near the In side of 'Wyandotte bridge by &roving pietyOf Au anillaa.. The grosnilbeTodd has sent abate to Elendrat Bilagereatinlng, to burn ammo city unless he esoss some secession woman now held is prisoners. A train boned on Tuesday night was only one and a half mlb from Kansas atty. A novanntr against Mobile. under an. Banks, U probably by thU time la proftess, —and the remit LI not doabtlaL &Tap the tabelathentselves nem to confess thef t coy long protracted defence of Mobile is not tot* looked lot. Ira 011410, UTAIff LW WILLA ALLAN:Mt OHM • .045% Oviastatlttiyn baud abuy aag UM wano4 3todi of DZOICIN4. 110 1 AND P (All R. Mu DOW MIAMI If! 11/7, LOTUS. a6:m.lA Jaen OPOVITH6r,I?•THE PA. ; tsr will CI arms for WM" WIWI late pramataem aa4 el Idt44fa L L-Paruans valatial 14042 . 43 , 71 1 /AR, aratetaltidito Nal* soros. i., Matta 4292741/Ti . oaorr. , ,C., -.: , .- .2 • 1, - • - , • u r Xlll9.—Watiks Alb umbel of tams Oat Wands Oast - the aubitaspassalayatOt vs am ts I= so lM ille nT ITO WW110133 .• bow 54= 1 11171t h d an a s trt i Ireton - • = aboos.. a vita. eits :Ma oterstaati , • esimostor4tattst* mad AU • . :Wag ths atrskesaratcod /Aniusibiour ; • will do ocato an sad amsull vita • • ; ar, 0.7.1[1.1411 44 teilana IT emathead (anoceisors to ' Tsp. Jr.& • PILOTWAL,111•1310 LEAD' ~ 14: ehrrnirilia . 1 ;It PO MS • D 116.111.10 SAM. tiIfAXIMIXIiik =ID 1.1 111160S1111Sars Aft watt minuted bpi T , optics. aIaiIL44IM24EMII:I, liesuracrustea or Wlll7 ROBLI Han elinqUin' and looks to mkt mown) BMWS WIIIS MOTEL; =VW, of OS khulmji it DMA Ifocodbry owl IifIOBII, FOB WLIIDOWD, &a; DIED daODD, OS VAN ijitecnSro m o ;bi inua ke al% al .le. SO •OMITS 11/11311111T. -• MB 'nrfe...3l ream DITIVBILBGEII ARUM MAN. tre.ionairtat cci. _ , irarat OM, stiie u ti nf ill o was., ma i lashes ABU LYS T. • • aIrOIiMEN2O6LIBIBITIMAIEN tb•Pi1m4.14.4 giro.** ihniA w. a. im EBROWN - MORROW *Oki Entrik UGH 421 p OR3 111112 TELL PAINTICIA ORKEIMIti AZT GWUCM,}I.II, ca. ft TRZED U }lll - 1011 comrsoar wwiz• p ia l nititlMPC l'ol6l k, _ l ousy — Ala also Whims Ant map 'tut oiscs, st to leoet frosts foter. I , _ suture. AMIDj6 AMP3ON, aukraiwos,wmanis MID 111311 MOW. Mai; go. 4 firit ' ar l i n t 'mu rut& aroma 031.• cow 4.437 WPAIIISOD&W=IT. VOLUME LXXVI---NO. 243 0/LB, :iv. R. P. 1311.6.fiD5, • 00/111188 . ION BEIBROIELIT, Deela In dAIPION AND EIIIIIIW 0114 !LAS BOATS, LUNDAD/. MYNA An. ato. Ural:Web MILEY 111.00144antlng Allegheny litherA Pitebnrill• - lypOOIRAU01; k OALIAENDER, OIL BROS KM, 2/1. and 213 donta Water St, Illreaosiguments acaoth4. WTS TO MOAT • OROW:RMIT Iron Ohl 011 Works. Jams P.siWM. I. Pothereel:b. Jso. 8 Ctisszsze. Bpani• IMAMS it Co. WALLACE & oturrips, 0011111S9ION IEILBCBARTEt And dealers to CRUDE a. REFEBED PETROL/MX ' Ha 68 5011111 1100 ND MUM, ellrfltarage lawny (puler cam) r/./ bhh Airframe Mot h.:61M0 for ettlMeg and hedge , puts; atom , TrWio as the &guelklll Mom roar the platlbraret V . sik Puma. REDO a 0E244, - 00MUIPABION .asicatarra, &ad irserkeeilr • rir201..1104 MID • • rlii OLUDLXI3., an: - - 61 1311016.11 62111171*.........,:...15166 . tom. 59 Ha.ND anurn—.—....pnvuTionr. .. . .. . , .., • w a r to the kozmain aransszat oti WO 1311 W 1 , 0118 14116.61P1M111 0111IDLI1 00WP It, ke. - - L alLarl 5PE 1A24.411.11. atmma. BRKWEIC BURKE &00., 0011:1118BION JIBROLLITB, Agents el the GLOM. Pe.ol/110 LED LiBILTI WORE& Mr Liberal cash iilleszume mdi• oa ocesApaanata Refined or Crude Petroleum. ThIPITITIRS WAIT a RANO= &IBM. . PITISBURGH. Pa. JoYD:ly IRON CITYIt OIL WORK LYDAY d CRORPRIINIIIG, I=l CARBON Orth 11NZI1911 AHD 1,131311106.T1NG Ornil PBTBOLION ar Worts, opposite tibarpabarg. Mike In PERIM BLOCK, Daquarto 'Hay, Preasnuacus. Pa. W#LER WETMORE £ 0.1„ CAULDIII3BION M PC43,O.IeLA.WrId, MILLIPPMELS Or PICTIZOLICUaIt ample theithise ler STOBAbill lIMP. P 12.0, att at pad and laud. MD Boos. Oil, lalrail need not be ezo. by our mfottotiont of the Balk whoa shay osa hays OW 011 baradal so& 41 atthoot totbahkag tho Olt Wham% al Oyu 1001 Jiro 11311. -thee .tmahlsraep r a so- orz reso, - 1 Oa tho Alla, tansy Panay Banned. aborotsoloaap ‘lll4 . whoto lamp* mum thalami dblet to the age, sal t o eer:,ree Fad. witho, es , ordimproup , agroidaster o lutustor 1144 k can b....el dal y;Si tbo Oil caohaop. . IMiaiiiifiiial Countudon ud Fonnuaig #loll4llls, ORM £ WIMP 'g.ETKI4til4 11.1 V ISWIR BTBBn Parma filrldbapa - COMA iDTI.IC oa GOOSI *t Pittsbarip ut Nutirta. XLeisra. J. IX bu. WNW/ • 4.10.3 &urns Haaa►aaa, Lg. Thomson MIN Ng" Prot Ocalawralal Sask. ROBEJIT 61311WONA as t tin CLLIIIVINSItti• Plastarigh4 Forwarding tteammiuioniFordiant I - AND DELLIS IS 0118. eir ILLUMINATING, L171111.10/1150,_CUM PST1401.11131114)114 as fit, es Banlii a 4 kr sal• IA the Jawast market pry", - WOODVILLE OIL =EMT, O. sox. n —_ . I 7 aims ailas Acta, 1 , - ainnancans -or ' i gammon AND Luzzionrsa wig g aalum i lli a. ="74 l 4 l l l* " . unulla&M, sin WOW aim u p tan iiii ii Si. teniii -,tiviii. '' ' labok, Noma Ode, win he piroNsAis ~NI V ottani • tmo4.4p u I L .ViUtYrin tunas I 811,1211 . BANUSIBB AND Dwane fit cannon 01/.. thilaiyasind 104marksg . strotom. tan at thati (doh Ito.olllA.liii IrDNlDlnosAtiketrierkAth &imagines., 15r A s inutor WU.KISA.:! • • ; mnsw • 'rum warm murums[a.4,l3i:oni4,, ERA rinsinataa. • „ Itiaidootans , • , Wis I F * 264 auto orat.4t.icas - ban softi m la - a 43= tar al Mob* mai Mt der% . " atisattow.. , l. , . . . . „ . ruputricom. woiugid) luits - rammait "rime italioi ail; nemasitrimmagustio cosiooteillassisam"""*.. oo . 18.1111/11/49 GRAPSAiteridors; fdragiablitted,figesalimmi" NitisiaVA. 1 ? ) ?, 1 : 1 ; 4 r r. .01:6000#.WjaalCV; ":. ~, . 1134.11H1111V; WA 5- 49 - 1 • 42 - 1 7 ~ _•'- -7 , 1111111P21011111110110/10 01106110111 , 1 ,, 11 9,* 0041. •• - OILS, ac. rpoirfk • Brokaw In Crude & jailed Petroleum, Beimize, loa WA L NUT Br. ranaDiums. Babe attrositsd b as asr• VUI metro car Drempt.ponapal att►ztlm. ; RahrWalOP:M*WWuakirlql oll oftimwe Burk* • o ,., seilliketallaad Du* Mubarak ; . rtoila Tkm alga. Plbaud. Doak N. A 4 ELL roster •n• whota watbd 1) L. *WALK as, imam On Coo mbslas. aselnateoly. AD ammo at not ramonabla MN. mo MBA= Mk AIDILIDID In owl caDars. for MUDD =OW Lraztteabarigliattat paid to OIL POD IX. For es;.-0, et*O:001:0b. bobs LOB. 2a gum ABM* • • • .11.n*- CHICAGO. avant 3/IiOBIEDISII BBOKBBB, 135 Bovrillign !Imam, Crudeand Relined Petroleum, vevB2lo - Bttt 4 exis I,!iguloternyk *Perlin to by organ piomptly Anat.:Ltd tw PRAY MANN & NKEDLES, PELLADJUPEai, Conuaission Merchants. SarOcatar attatrlon pikt townimosents of CRODEZiIdifINED PETROLEUM. 1190a1 a4luzes gads. 'gay ' IMM Hp 13 Hoax Isar/ thus?. PHILADELPHIA, =OMB &BD 001111119310 H -ITSBOTILINT de and/Leaned Petro/cum, C 4 :1 9 I'POIOLTENO OIL £IiD OISZOLIE, And dealer In Cram and &Mud . Plf2toLll7lll t~rgVl pEoPhEls Oiksl3 l - N. & cower Wpod and Fifth dal. FIRE 'AIFII ItAREMIIBBIIII/1.19 . DTh Virtu Ph 1144, Jahn I = B . Was: Jahn ``VanWM 8. Bloall, a Eirt. IMM=3:I I NDII MNITY AGALNST LOBS BY ent.X.intrenttrzi Irumusuitezios app. ream Oft% 435 sad Obounruktreetoeic Fifth. Alannsems,of Assets, Jane 1a MM; pabUshad egreeobly so 113 f act of Assembly, baba Alma klortsstapos a atoplymonad— ,660,395 ix) Beal Ifstate, (pro.% va1.11106,314 61) coat 1176 ,MA Tansiorney Loom, on emyls Oollssenkl - Svenska IO,LAS Stooks, (pteantvaltvegats,ssrno 52,78 t Oi Oates pod BOW LAO X Boo b 67,010 DI PM= fia only Ivottta from premium whichtab Cbmway ,ems AIM& by law ano boo dila which bate boaa placortobsod. . • Insursoto guide ost - Irsarrdribelptkm=rty, lawn ladSsmatlioakratat es lowa Mows their baly iipsdod-of Melly pass, tha ha_ wus.M lama bitlro Wan stocalat 60110111 as at'Dottwa. tharoby aMwellnewrixtevos et.thatAltr W 1 baginneglSWOU IS Owls abIll• sna aulpoossloo to mud with promplotais .11 ListonlifaL.' ' PadWS the raj Maki S. itaaaker, Isaserter, fordo sel D. Zest} Jacob B. Angtb. TobfAr Warm; ' 'Edward 0. DAI.. tt a tartio Gs& W. , i t s. . 1 ,• , + Armw hyrs jato s 4: ,:p th Muut. z..4 ro.:"mwr i a ,„...„ . Ww: A. 19,11 e.. - 8 1 emiviii,r gam. - • • ..:J: Reap r 001MAI,Ap.4 . mO .- 01AD. NoriAmigkox. Wood £ Tilted em. IifiIESMINTMAIROCE COM-PA• • BY Mr PITTSBUYGM • Mainl=B, 31. Asskka& V; it. ADADol9."brnassp. Ohm, HO. 99 War Ana& Opium Cb.'s *are IFFM "ellai = ll6.Pitt" U .I.`JPirs and M 5.... e7tDinkkr. oda ,11 ,0 .1 1 . 1 41091Pti11. 1011 1 9.1**9._ aadashrae• Santa., es prlAitair akspAieloo isaimisin 41/i , stag dr bed . " 4 - . = r i p lt Mit Am* 495 , 9 1, /fr , " • Alm CO trusigsve 11.1190 otearsozeatin...;:-. " 15c( ° P"' °5-Ku"•?,l7 ttre g746 : 141 1741,016 "MASI it 11; 1 ; B. /11147..: I Audzaw Ar.ktoty. • Jasso Itauty. Akozodar earl gollase r . Dada ac Alex. !Dudek., . . Bon J. 714imaii. Virablis; BeirP.Telbral. ;Vr 4010114 c : lobo .11. itrOasee. a, - mist 1. GORDON, tiseriarg. T OR. LOBWIAN OR :001/PY OF :FORTE .ww=stio.catimiltaLieoialiun's, M4.011P/1114 Iwtr94;mie Co.llifanT :-..4 1 ,1/2aMmelathratoomobt sat ailitdigloo Plabiclux obtaTlO .11ongtetko to = - a I • grt g 494 . 1 .121 30 011111, Stiroat allPbtrstaildtacks734llltanst. IMMULMICOOMPAN I vturn= 3 .,..5 4 k4 - toast _MAW sad W4illtr°4llP EMMA& -.)v) t • mum L • • • sa l irii iabeasvipno u us areca mparis Lids acthalifm.`":•= l, - ' s =atmairt!camotdawc!?7•,Sl - • - =mow •,• • haat. . w= • HIM Wi p la t Liqh • • Hanby acemlne t • • N;LLSOI MAW AifiaN Y4-ilfititi— AWL ittv— i tisf4ffiFf?. #.• l77 mb E mk.b..... lm tbsi m ii 201uLo a t Pr kticasatuto• sash • ,:„ j _ . , mai Ix Mr Nallist• n•L aocllogrl silimfili6.s Arm ..:. " - -••••• ' Cbet , IL ' -•• f i i ; i i ii : , j , i i i ii . - s itt,,,,,21.„...„ ,=atersi. .cfit-LUDV?; .r..2t=:z .. ~ :P/44.1 1 .1: 111 1:* t. AIBBIX 1 31 12 : 13 L . bossibrip aroma aor 110 - 110 - extrel LIME agoW,,ST: , ! isiikom sad lrak sir 1 W 2"21"11;4 ' bB O " • PHILAbILLPIHA. /MN D. Yams. aQt Jew Samoa P. Shrive.: B. Jame O. Sanwa ree. 15MEMNI1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers