..•. r ; ~..~: , : f ~: i:*:. UNINIZI MEM ,;._ MORMEI z£.22£/«.2' I. * S • • , ;-.# •?!; may' • ' eev • ' • : •:"• 11,01' . 1 ; ' • ; ,a »• ' : •• ••••. 0 :1;i: 7- - • ; • t•• • .• '• '•:• - `•, " 'l , " : 0 • • ' ••'. ' I 1 .. P 27- ESTABLISHED IN 1786. & LAZILAR, waouseza °loans • 'oolticoiaioas Eraoutarro, is if mid 99 iladaiwa _ ELT - 211. OORMLt, VT . WBOLZSALX awls, as m usurn ernaurL---- pp wa prrreßuies. Ps+ rth tbs Inteianol hit will *swami %be badmintths old mai= wita•edloesadvallni oaqms of hie ail Medi outoodes. mitfrAti I Lilarlasy ~. ..atarai "anima. z & • TR131131.3, WHOLCIALII' Noatiesi.in) Oniusthe M deaairs' la PHODOOIO, FLOUR, 8.400_ PUB, UABSON AND LaILD OM MOB. NAILS. GLAM.' .170121 Th .ItAlaNa, and Plilabargli-. miauleiaano y,1.111.ad 114 &coed etnms, Pittsburgh. - • .._. jaiur Of tbii ht . Ira of D. a - D. li'DoilaiJPlthibufgh. a 00... Wollovillo, Ohio. • hagNeo, L PA U N o OINK Mum. Jobbers f• 002/21. - N. 0. SOO AB sad NOLABBI23. NXTLEILD 8 004 LBS sad 81111111‘. 7L01:1112.00N, TOBAOOO, T/Ul/1, 8,104 M OUM SUDS, iia.. No. 212 axed MI Liberty -St, .14 p Slid '* :Immo:as s _ atriando! 102111611 JIWIITS; !WU AIM SPIOTA 008-1 1110ZIONIUM, BIWA BB; nal W Ogis. ova. pa.: nt. ma claw sat lams, above JIM, Ib MAWS WY. 411110•611'111M.A.; I.l}LiD - -ki&TZGLIA - Ciaomm - urx): Oosiasissoz lissetssirai od desksrs Ss OW kW/ of 'Cossztss Pomo= ASO Pireimmairmum ! . mesas, No. WS Laws* oases. °Prod:" bild of Waal Meet, Pittlburifh• agel:l7. Os si•IPOILL aho. B. JONES .1113(A %II Gomm ail)" Boai Ffrittnanft, Asalom MANILLA IDDYN. OAKUM, 01L8,:f1TWI mod. Pittsburgh mabulactunul No,l4l.Watersl4 shirts tiousuzsbeis Brklas. Pittsburgh. Ps- • • 11011 1 / 1 2 11M.131811..... ROBER/ . DA LZRI•tc& 00.; Ws imes Gums, Commis= AND - 7sawaatuai 2111 10Masn4...a0d Amami in ZBODUCLII and Mr. - AMBEKT, &UPTON 004 Wafts -74.141 eau elbow sad-••••••• DM &ua . /So.* Rath ar•66. Ptsimbiunit.l6: ' • 6 W • • • AlT'a - WILSON, Waimituth Gao cut, Ontaimost Maadurse, and cleibira Prednos and Piciabarib. plonfaci N 0.168 Lib. lofty am.. Pittsburgh.. aIS laalAw-1nvii..261 , C ou, Waousalua Onoosno, lbaamsoa Knacamimi, sad draws in' PSOPI DIRM, No. BO Wow am; and 66 Front West, . ' tiabornh. IrhiM÷Ynank B. DILWORTH dr, CO., Witouaaua ; • avow. 8ai.130 Ina laf Boxisol stmt. war Pittalnugh. nol -,--t-- t ~ •~ W1 1 .1.1A at liaddialkli Waounai.l Gnaw. 800. awl 110 Wood gird, duo: burgh, P. Iseikda A 14.1uUdniti. KING, AN HOLIMALM ii GMoosa, Import.: of &um A:Rao. fra Liberty. Row. Pictiburgly, Ps. mhe mdtJrur-acrummats. D.jk BEN NETT, MiIIICITACITMILS . or WHITS crams CECINA AND OOLUIAZD WARM. FMts!!==7M r. sum. 16141.CILINTOSli, 21F.8iPHILL & co. AWL earner Pike and 011ara straste, nom the City Water Works, Pittsburgh. Pa., . Alaitufectiuus al MAOLLUTONEI AND WItALLL:II INPsovsn PATENT OfKILLDATINQ ernrati ZHOU= AND =DR VALVES, of all due lad bent gaits. • B&doj put up machines, at Iwo *iscl asa Dangled quality. as are pretend to do dam Job blast, sad solidi "ark In thu llasorustlag that bsi pptaega, and the character clout work , to mutt public Ws g a st msgs "spscis- 1 attention to oar DADANOZD YAWN COBOI la &TING ZNOIND3, as toukbiblug sdraidesse berstarfare luiattaltddla Ihhi awl a binard FliiiMMEgIM Oates of Rest and Libeitr moth PIILIBVB.OII. Ps.. • GUMS= STEAK ILIUM. 160IUXIMYi be is. m 1634-: • titliVlittAN • Zo. Illtiataasti; asaataatmar•lßOlL/112111Thl. X004711111211118,90J1X9X 41Xpp.U1.110A.D. el anitydocitgam. larftriloalat Wad at &gad MIMI sad MT, RCNLip IMISO.S/20/1 to ardor' at abort maim • row amortamat aosataatly au bud. taitttlia AJUJILI4, &IDOLS & Iva 11d • at llbactrattast,;suratto trat W LASIIIne. A eat tdacdpataa Oahe aalkStakkam trada. and We. F-r -ihrditeesil war fearrealsea !dane a. 46 V1EJ11...,„„..... t. 174111L11T1L..... r. cutw.&. 11MOILSIOR GLASS WORKS.= 01 1 1 2.21.11125=2 It 00. doom Ilorovoo. Wooloolo,- No. 12 Wood liner, consa of Ant, Plostougly Po. ofolyd t_III.4IIIUARTE BLUME, Danis 41 Q 4 1 11 )411DAILT4OLL. inwrikua itecopirreirma as a ult.'d PLAROs, kiAlegid Ism& PLUOtioa4 PAM= ut)..a 4.11.01:011. 011111/110. IS Sim Wont, wood door ab:ao Wood; ritaboul.h WW - Pasoom so lot, and a• : I . • 11.1 & IiAW., MUMMA • Li JULsilipaerianritamal burngcruarah - ami I•4o6llo vilmaiwie• oNionited- "lamas, - 6$ it, Dassws se t'samos .116,16. Wool isms, Wind sari. Pfirbligek Ps. '.. - ,:•.., : #0 . _ .07vit.r.:.-.',, ADAMS, Dumas, Osmanli • 11nss,don eet Dimoad and ensyd. muss% • Wasussts. 4.11 L, Mock. Dr. Iwo.* Thvaldts mobbliwimai E. anima BOOkiliELLEltiti, . AL G. JUILNLITON s CU. ,_ l?Aztor' •VA W. IOOSAALLJI3I LID Mar 5.1. No. lb Wood Stria', ant door to the istateal Th Pittsburgh, Pa. 81:1110014 and 4101 - 900111 aaaatantly on band. 1 .1. RUD A Bool _ uts. aim ibid. w.fonopm. mo. TS Topa stml. Apollo &Wangs: ZULNIMLIAMOB, Ire. JISEPL DUI= nr _Tam Wir.,131A011024 & 00., Diwammitif • tzlasagia,. Wassaas, *WOW.. MP NUM gt,rwie. Patsbonli awn SM,,If;" ESTJITE dGA,N724 -WARIV - DzazaurntPaaat. , _Js.cuio.; mcntly.assi, mot all , imp , a irtic mute ihrougir my 4,7 to hivia %tor to - gooe ad . miaow And Ana sad mond clam peps 1 0 1 .t." 12 _ "Ilavgdaions MEM,' aft " IMR"if 141PONte"*".2.; M_EZZ=mazm M4Sittaku, o _ it Dummy Wax No. IT Wootton, 14; & 1i.k,rA.1.4 No. 'WOO I / 6 ....'0ts BONNATINNATO. - STRAW 'Low - awe 07.11 MP" Cllo4lllllo.a.mmahr ks ewe%) s gym,AA .4o 13 BIM OLOTHlbill—Capoi 1 oaks.. Sat m, Urballet sad ra mid i a - . `o , o,.." l" artioies lik libr ibe Usk as otafr . lona ruboor !spot, - peiorglilis. Chair stesse.___ jlO4. _ - ' _ t- ' ' ___._ _ fririe......,,,,,..._.,______.4a7, At% AO -- tb•wiritairr drig iittriliat.4l•llo - - Joyekah, plu mol twine arism . ekriebrish Ilit pilikft___fi, 0 IikVIL . t.. TAO '&11 IV 1 1114 110,111 ML . ' _ . • -• .42 • - 4A;e4.-; . w-.c.- • ✓= , 490444.-. A 4—,4• • tr • • 4 111 , OA LY PITTS BURGH T .„. GAZET. GROCER/. errrintraori. PA. AIUSIC, arc. MISCRLLANROVII CARDS. CADMAN & 'CRAWFORD, 0144 1Tiridty.,:•rAnille4 _ . RRAZB WORK POE PLUXBREB, IMMIX OR ILACIB111 M& 18T8. AND 1-71ri tne ME ERA= CASTING& .t in datertetlosui, nada to ads srauuscumwoax, VKLURARD RR& flTpreenneteene Pastieslar attention pald to litter no Rif /Kli. NMI ,r O W 0 00. Aksb.atimmi OILB. A4o4oIeKKIIIII lot gib Weans Diateknot Pens vivant& Int toe ode of NUMB, LAOBDILL /11 00.'8 PATENT MIT PE KUM ths butt net Invented Raving so viler, ft 4 not liable to net • wt of over. sail Will thaw sore vita than any non* of Mk* km IlDo. apla CELILDE•Ii% lIIiiB; GIMPS 7178 OAPB, QOLLAse • °LOT VA axres AIM OAPS. Mu, variety sad !ROb of the skive goodson band sad to uda at 160011,D & CO.'B, No. m WOOD STRZWZ. OTlSintli %YOWL'S, PliTBBr7B6lH, PA. 742.0 TEER it co., Kaantsoinives of 111®T QUALM/ 1/417.15MX1 OAT STIIIL. IhranivirtatnuZ o f air alias. Witianta4 Kul to any ha or ataaufactured In Ws country. ihrudlce and W ban L 49 and 451 /LBW hut LW sad 139 WOOED IS LISTS, Ythaburigh. tellayd NxW tittuDd.—tturing just returned limn the Est, ee bast now in slots sit *sten- Ain absirtaant of slam and desirable BOOTS AND 1i113.63313 Adapted to the mom. Dealers can laminated with I.4l.DtrB'. sad utiu.fritasbOorb. ita Mall mad rAiror /snots, at a ellaat advancer for cash, at .11,111Z7 4 , sin: a co. - q, • 17 1 4 . Ile. 71. mallbr Wadi ited Toitrtri .b. WM. TATE, Jr.,. & Dealers hi LZAD Slairr LZAD. HY. Dtt&ZTS. EMU , oaebDimusets. BR .oarra, aDd PINOLA= Dyeable) Rued up uttb hot Alia cold mum end gas In the awes a. proved stanzas. . ihealt aldej FZDZBUL BTUS& SA door below Zoldskaan4 Allegueny. S. L—auspattiep.see.atelv en-ueed m S.C.lv A Luis: , dlauxauun a kW,. if ALLEN Portaaar, PitMetrarca, Pa. ON - Wasaaoosa, No. 901 Lanny stmt. Plaoulmotaran of 000 K. PARLOIL AND HAIM EN G 820412, PARLOR ABDICITOHNN GRAM, HOLLOW Wkallomio.diaol aad GUN limalim, HQ. hag KM Ommtkip, Gmarlag, Gam, Wake sod aro thwripeoiad hrwrsiliraparAs c hi. itertisa;Pabrit, , Oar Wasab4 sod Owilags awarany Jobblas sad ClanWda " toads W Paimatot - Pftalm ItHI, with at... or 04fl. Power. aola:Mmad asaarraa. ALLEGHENY' COALYARD. . _ W. M. OLAZIEII 1 00.. Donlan E c =frAMMIOSI B PLAHTZB re. illlrCbraw Wait end &W Maw% W 11.4111.6 . 13611101LI1JA. 6 tilk, Boiler Makers stut Moot Dna Workers, PUN IT/IMM Noe. SO. Nt. !deed SL, Ileitis, MIMI .tersiessnt endierilstott•ts tit* the meet- totpterad inahthary • we ere pr_wpond to mutolhettire non dieerlptlos •ol BOILANS to WF best atemiew, mad weentated equal to say Lade the ooautry. ANIIIINZII3 O • awe, STRAIN !eft LOOOMOTIVINOW/1111, NORDIN/IU, RAM Pa" TANIS,OLI, STILLS, AOISATORA scrams IRON BRIPOIIS, 1IIGLIt" PANlkand sae oianuleoteuets et BARN. MILLS' 1'411142. ROMS& heparin dose ov .1301,411A10 . f1..4./111111SUY hiAli ZiAkold 44 elk 0914110ilsr• OW: :24 lloneue.:ls to sundae titipealal prlima oht ts Cltrata at iliaattedin earettin and MKS., an. Bottlta Powders, was etber shear ardolen W W ot ho team In the worms teenairly, It bale mai ad +habit doe* on the orearel asteat, insane ornatipalloa, cornantog Naldltts, me mods; off all Uinta coin• plalata. hies SS team bad by Sari. YAHWISM= t 00. Flits• tinriA, mud at the Ilia' Madan, No. 193 airing a., N.. Tort mytbat U W. ii.dillAtatAikA, Au. a Multi ina:s stead, POllladalphht, Apat he John Kam aithae; ,;Ass. His It senstentiy ke We at the lowest market pica ml. Ash 14 yertleelerty ideptee to lYa making el LYON . 411.2.113THA1 N Liaosm Uzi Dattam Is the mart select brand. of GENULNII HAVANA CIGARS, sad all Mode of SMOKING AND 01111 WING TOBAOOO, INCIPP, /AHOY LEMBOHAUM PIPES, THANK Act, AD., in DWI varlets, ONG= TIM BT. OKARLIS , IIOTh4 Pittsburgh, Po. N. Trois onnUoll on Mond tozion mei I stiv (yea v. ?Mau •Ginml . Commlisioa Merchant 11131=4/0151 810118, 6541 deals . ran tL ktn(la I)! 001:1MI No. UY LLISS2TY !MAIM • , m hifis - - Prergevant, .4. s.itoo sum. Ma/LUSTER & BAER, Ilamahatonts soddioslini. la all klub of TORA000 .• , SNUFF AiDIITALTML . 11o.loe WOOD maim Prrasvm. Po. glop oconton=oF4o irotiod of Pim ad I! • 124 115 E. A. H. :ENGLISH respectfully trA. Inform UM 'allots Of Pittsburgh, thus M bag boom oppolntodooio pont Air flio Ws of My. ors A Noah seismic (111111111111? Aurmaussoiszva PAN. limy on I ocomaindod by &belonged boom In sbo shy, as which ors. . Oxus. Suarer • Cloy r oom A Co., • . isoossrusr*Oe4 ---.- ea!pm too, fAurtas owl mists. foklif '1 al Wihr MIN; thuss'lroviromis, UP • WI NM OM. Paeqpilar gum,. ;614 to Übe op bud :limiting.' 011. Mid. kis& 4411114/01 - ANDIRON 0003 sale to soder. lMs. DUOS OAST/AGO, of all Wm% sub aitliiiidiailisodoa. An 0 1,, Ises i ki ft ill& al sambelle ~ IP*lol6llll4lologicairr Masi" ot umay 41ulaia ado bulimia, via Una ' oueby . PITTSBURGH, FRID • Y MORNING, JULY 24, 1863 PlaXoll. J LILY LlbT OP 866o.ND 1 Fit i HARD PIAEOB. One • 7 octavo, rosewood cm% round corners, with mouldhura, owed mods, desk, loon frame, made by Eulta..Bolitcoote • ' $l6O 00 One o 3 octave rosewood cam, round front • cornen, wit tuned tablet, mods try Btod art,Wew mart lBO 00 Ono 434 octave mahogany . Ba s ted canters, - made eyTravinia Beastwy,N. 17 140 03 One 6 edam romwood, swore coiner, lion • frarne.made by 110 00 , One 6 octavo mewed, aquas* corners, snide by Oldest, Ihntm • 7J 03' One 6 Octimwmohoganyaquarsoornsramadb Ora Wilkins & Newball llO 00 One octave, mob - NJ cornoroomode by L. Gilbert, 100 00 . Ono 0 octave, rosewood. epee mynas, nude by Arovestssa & Ashy, A. Y • .103 00 One 6 octavo, mahogany, square omen, made b Chleaming 2O One y 6 OetaTil Gerson Piano.. 1 76 0 00 0 , One 6 octave QOM= Mina ' 00 00: Porde by 0818. 0. MALLON, • el Wood steak. War A large and • splendid Stock cd Mew Plains, <ll/101101/ manutootosios, to mem donna the nest teed ays. Jyllharzawr STEINWAY'S PIAN reeehal the nun CLUB P MAIM 4 at the WouVe Pen, London, 1804, ete - Warsated superior so en other" fa. : seem med. it cow stook of the abort just ambito'. cgr• itsuay tkb distdst 117 r Plana. et ' H. SWI M lb HEM =29 as Ell rtftb gnat 0 lc NA BE Ar, CO.'S PILIOI4IIItA AA. —ut opted fhb weeks e top* of th eft betutioal lostroosoce, • beyond doubt the bust lo tbeixotetry. het fa now&hood oatmeal, otooeded. Isar UMW =alba now. N. bate ;Do been ebb to 11111 oarrisdf W. oar order% WABIZANTJID Ii Pt PII&t. ROHM HiIOTBZW. NIZUNIAIOA PIANO TOHTZA, the bat cps* Pianos aura Nor ale by • 4 OH eALUTTII HANKA 43 MU street, 1.1. Apot /or tIOINLO BROTHAIIN 'WNW tad Pat eurd rtLODAINO. - REAL Ab f kATE ' • . SAV/HGB nunranos. laccaporatad by tba Lisidataa• od Pasambrank. Opea br D•pcilta hoot 10 a. m. to 1 o'olook p. daily B.IITIYRDAS 19 1 ,1 3119618. from 0 fp 9 o'clock. OW O. 63 TOUILTII fiTalllT A mis t ownizzarn and PllO qllll' DILPOSITQLtY, to tartieakr. Lahore% end; en these whore maim Or et etherithe lestitt. - rho' eutelrenda he& te; Itrierm s. t Atlat=4; teelthe, Artho= cad mews ofth T ail Intend sr the bete g it4' OINT. Pe 42 '1 male pal, te‘ depot !MA, •tr hot, Imre , will M Owed thl credit of the deSrtur al the Ihe dap - 01 ttel and Timone:6 thitt thgerSter hew th e' rune Interest se the Iritterlyth !'Att thie 'thtb, wart all Amato is tor Interest will caroremos ph WI Omni the *lrene. Altereth date of the mock Atter nth &vane ere Book*, santaintair amnia. 11 74.411% tualla at on anyaentlon as throlaco. fromldast-1:8&10 .70225. Ras Pnwidens—W. B. OOPETanD. ' Goa That, bL Rowe, II Hos. L 11Lvarioad. Isaac Oozes, OP/ Iturf,. W. B. Clunistazd," " hogila Pidnur rtii*.7 111e001iel'oesity Wel. - 11. smith. ft...fars sod Tromptr—l.A. °plant,. foOttents aktfellaniAl rpkitlll FATIWYRICIV yft'rllol:lT FAlL—vomit. tililitarautrtaf =Latar oar 14Linta and rbe, pabito ImoliArtbat* we an now rirdn7E/eV Tma wITIKAPP ?Mt rartire balthtty. - Shan 'Me 'birb• Dew wet Ws much droplet *Oration our nob, l.p l'.lMb harraair. giro eau ea. ay the ele rate* ao tura to W. blew Wed Iteri, lag the gait Rear per; Pony 'stab Um a& .ma painless diameter of the operating. a Dtail or Gaeadoala nor eilraide Hattaily root ' 4111Mee etildeg the melon of is good red rellaota Tempi ellldo veil to WI lad Taub - JAIL= e, D.TP:tr.. • • V" gmt • fektatia IN 4T •eltheil4 112 k 9 /5.11A111 1 4 1/IAII/11 01%0/ARAM. LI; —noratibstan/teg pstart/ jusaas .specisa. masa, Imo il/ink to t" dam, tiro „ - • - RUBBLUI PEBBLEI S W2O2AOI4I Me rroslytng dally tbil warmest asidarsomonts al au dthar.a. Ail that h ukcd la to csamins .0 etbes a th an call , plot taskina DUISaI..IS cues.= Ito ele lry . . r. znAttor;cN leaareeteni et ai 1ay4j.:14,1,14; ipecteeLfe 1.10 07 Pint, :amt. mtioatme. Alo ORAIV, utrnare ittia;i 'Actions, am*. 1 a... 49 jAmil/WatiLigi II .114, iikowei Itiati..kiimed wawiwd Maili of m.ci suvraiii9 mum WINDOW Iffil . IitILMIWIR uspetromr....44 - ww, LIMA iiiibi: - •,1 •- ..‘L.., -• _7.17 • , ,Lj, Ile will FaresiMs AwAgo Anwrit lam! 1 tYlar 19%, 'Poweir tiNtliki 'as' ; i01.4 rail, pie lityliod to croiwikla his ~.*oki wirolloo DI OW , AilllNDlT,ssw. Zollars. _ Be•kt . . . • ..• . . pmagimmtuautus “ourelitrei l L.' 211 Y.^—The usdaticia fr u tositmont niiiitaate from off) , pad pr hada' AlClMA4lltbrebrilliWiervieragg taftftgThOlmiguisc4 , amprimsr a Ent dame „ WAIT!! QUA Vaito WittaiiiNd Neat andileth PittsVq. Us , _1,41 idaboy, tomtits', so .mails; tLa anity; maw Inn • Addm i• sw , oo .- Ai - se e-oak 14,104461, rtb, Olgigli &, t IFQ* BI 4 ,4 i -MAIIP/r/AO l OO, Vi1k:1 4 ,4 1 14 B as noze re 11c4/1 a sou wiftbowx_ita4 volu Mc s, asisFamitt roaam cut • swan err or wytarzopkat I=l S. as mums' P ITTSBURGB FM BRICK 14414-i DIPAOTDIII3I2 CO., M lk ing Ni GLO ssatuunrare of rtes BEIM TILXB, 0 /6110IBLSE. Wawa 11. AND 01111VIBLI.OLMr. Ilrolloo. No. OW LIIIZILTIt STEMS% g ad (be Piaui's. N. B. O m sk Mat, OW "Whom. ar4 onlIbtjf•il 11 W. R. 1U1AgV1.....J0/11• 101 WWW MORROW & 00, BaIDWN' EMMA GI ME 21211/311111 alumnae Alp p 4 s . Oa " ! HI PP 1 7 1 !' L T 4 Pleamesse. pi, 11==1 AA AN ISLUS • , Y 4". /VI ea LE .4.050 bootiod Woof GrooOldplrliky .nabs t r. tylig a r: to Ito oity.:ovntes, b orn= "l / 1 =1: Loa # ro ) i Mi l the "; chnopial, Pltesteraik tbabolhorta.._ poen , tuotgli Ibiootio of . Mx term apply to P.C. 001111114III1 i footman start, how York. or OI , No. fourth dams, Intottourgh, Pa,, wttat owl of Ow proproy b...... ' .based • IMMO lOW thainblfW/ haaPaa hand and =aka to omit au kinds c 4 WAGONS," OLINTIV - DBAYS, wnsaLe, WHisi-micanOW. AIM iron TI IS, all asle el Ile but NatastAte ant wee: ragite4. Also, tie weaehod EAT ILLIIII.I I aboisaidi ' FON EAT NAM.. =sad s 00/01 OA Aflame, le how ofi Nary. Allogiusy Guy. win pumas Kul vow otom,,,wat Dram *ea Pcsisiso Posoisites ; And gm Wink= 101 ozzaitairi CAIII4 nil kinds, bob imity 44, al a. Munn. WA.. Plaummed. A Ilortegg. ALIC-111111di ed:'E ; • ' alum orirr,.togrf.A.l4l ausasoriss;• mer ,ogges,..igo. 16 Alarms of lAborts. ad Pali . 9114% .... mars sum WIDNXBDajael gam. : . . . IM • -• ta 114.P5/ !WN 5 / 3 144' Vedidons MOW d Odds 'gifts bee , ; .41 pp. s ak i amo. rms. wow commithent wow t , , V: :61 tiVarti pittskurgh Onzaht. B. RIDDLE So CIO IDITOB - 8 AND PuoPatirroaB.- , Publication Office Ho. 84 Pltth itrcet, moszmwa amp swan immoximuir, CONTAINING TIM LATINTNIWINP TO Till nous OP . PUNLICATION. - . • FRIDAY MORNING, JULY '2L Late Events in lliadaaannar." Europe and, America by ao awanainonopo lisp all the eesps•d'eias aed is-OM:lin' of the ap. Of course Asia and Mein aldoesasion auy pot Uk - theit 01a6ta tp liar. so g 4 aline of the world'. attention, whoa either has done something salliolently startling irt Ike way of *MUNI asap. Ids Meta to•de} *lathes a piece of history to mord, whit& will read . amply even in the time of strange navel •sions, Moans, it beam the Lamm demean and a condition of society NO divenidfions our own. • ; From the anklet report of. the 111*eh Con sul at Tamatams, we derive the fOwing so. count of recant events In thi lalamdid Made geeoar. The teport Is dated May 4sud was published in ...Parts wiles Tilthnitalt. It commences with ea expinnatlon ofib. Cause 'of their:meat poA refoliana,ltiled was the rivalry betweee theatddeasen! ?its:Jamas o The young men whO at lie aeMision of Sing Redama took - power sad atonsgrldind all favor suggested to the Bing emigres dlisp proved.by the people. They wen amused of injustice, of being open to lion, and great immorality. Under their a• the Bing published a taw authorising duds, and even combats clink against tggniifend vil lage lightest village, without walla form ality than the consent of theta°pasties; thus proclaiming civil war and faniskinga pretext for hoattlittee., _ , The taws and principal faluddlants beg ged of the King to recall this !awl , he, how-. over, refasedoind the prepetatteas tot the eon; filet thin began. The Breach Consul assembled all his fellow countrymen, and the. SngWh Constd wished the Methodist Missionarles to takes similar gum, bat they did not rsepoldte ida Writs - don. The Hung baling again rdneed to invoke the law the people, slaves, and soldiers as sembled the public plans to seanh for the , thirty-three persons bronglag-to the ic.the. . Conn who bad been Proseribri by thiroon- t Eleven IMO killed by es maid tide.. Inns this was golgtietkAllituiletioni ware entered into with the Bing, who asked! moray for the nalortnnater remaimlngi who, he promised, should be Dmitri lei 111•4 This was Wand by the elnaph`stori, who del mended that the guilty should-undergo per petual Imprisonment In chains. The King , would not at grit 'comply kith this demand, , but, atter mush parieying, ended by aorept-i 'lng it. • The following day the King wait 11111111111/11 noted, and the Council prbolaimed_it neonate.: bead, announcing thst the Kibg.dponsolati at the lots of his friends, had conueitted aide. The Queen aosepted tha ColUtillitioni which stipulates among other things that oh. chill not drink strong liquors, mid that ttwi right over life and death belonitti lite Cow oil. It also abolishes the Taaquta,, aad =alai tam religious liberty. ThkTOP. „Ilfiniste4 informed H. Labordrotilaiimelueliolierkordere to tae Governors on lite °oast to protect the whites. The Lest Shriek of the neinßlow. In this oriels of the Southern confederacy, Jeff. Davis hu done the best, the wont and the last thing that he oan do. He has ordered to the field every man in the Southern CollJ, (Wenn capable of bearing ums, betweenAut ape of 18 and 45 years. This action he tool on Wednesday of Intereek—die day on whim the riot against a moderato r just and again/ ble draft, embracing only young men, had reached Its climax In this city. Bothimi daunts kiss and his conspirators in their pie pots. Blots they have had in the Bondi against the snooessive and atrocious conscrif4 tiens that have already swept into the field and to the grave, the,greater part of the able: bodied whit* man of every , class; but none of them bate effected - . their purpose; DU retbir made them more ditermined.in their work a' rain. IbBaxlbL and..,reekiers;WlSP Ale peremptory prideseetioii. titbit elithaial way of the neoesaithe of Ids sitasitosm. - The prooluntion, can only - be unformed is Six Southern Bratet., It eland bi atoned bi - any of She three Canfederat4 Stites sai al t4 the illiisistiptd Hires. It cannot , In the State of Tensusse, corer hilsabsippl IS: nand give She rebellion Sissy Men for its armies, for previonreteseristioist drawn in nearly every wide". man upside bearing arm/. Then Is saperahandast eta dean on this point. We do not , Itellove tba even if it be enforced_ rigidly- id the *rho] region Wanking froas - -thelappahanneek the Tombigbee ; it.will famish: to Jolf. Devi onir•herf as many men as he lota In tip tra ten days of the anent month. Bat even forty thousand Beardless boys and graybeard/, better than nothing': a' -Dying men snap a straws." The movement Milt ha lUalred upon as th dying shrink—the, Anal struggle of timiLtsa rebellion: - The rebel 11111911111 1111111111 gaseg destruotion. Johnston, Bragg and' Loa i their mainstay ; Johnston In a hopelass strut; lye against Grant at the Capital of Nississipi pi; Bragg retreating .no one howl where i and Lee with the remain ta of &defeated arm j la Um Shenandoah Viably. Not min tit proclamation, though not a mod amps I ' will bring up Davie' - armies ,to , their of strength, or lams him and his emas• him utter min whioh la now overtaking them. i The Fall of Vseksbarg. The liontiomery- Wm* Mali Una ;add the oonssquesom of Aim fall al-Vioksbarg baj fore Its Medan ' 1 • The news from Yirginta has abseil:4dist‘bi lio attention it suet a dione that we are ap to lose eight Id Vislubarg.' It is stem that! the recent demonstration of Gle en. Lee we ealontatad to Wand the 'deepest Internet, doubt if deo- mottos el Pimespismahm. mod tie emAgraticno farim'44lJtaf &Jai woldd esespirmato us for the loos of rssiabsig i By th e one we shall hare destroyed • outsold amouatof the enemy's property; by the oth we lose not only property. but prods's., -vi o k i b urir tor,lmo ba the 01n111114141111011 The Cosfedritof will be eat 'into. two parts,l Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas pland face pond the Noah of stmoor or supped, the Mlel suidppl river yielded,' . the Yankee, thi State of alhaissippi gin up to _tilde nod rids, sed.lokuston forced Si fall boob to SU Mend dyers sat PahaPs to the Mamma., , Gummi 'Anat.—The- following is. ad nowt from lb.eeddroes of Dr. Oliver WonJ doll Maher" baton tho Almost of Harnad 0 0 14 41 , Tel again, 0 browsers I ma benne she bear' for marrow. -Montle after nos% ISM the moaner bemuse lean, Imitate idol W ,Weal who stood upon oar "Watchmen, what of lb. sight?" They hare answered split Mod its "Tbidawn Is•teriakb6;-- - It -will loon- o That' the Wight- haipsth r ered ono irs,datkie thatebsterw. At bot—Glory: be to God In the lialost 1--U . last: we ask se more oupor.of the watchman, for over bode bedsore" Nast sea West, busts forth In owe oirorflowlap.tldentradlaaes,tha radderilzha of. Vidor; -i s _Hox.l7Auut Craws 'hos given as ophdo4 sdniroolo - 110101110102- SW: F tkoi onrollarro let he emilr' two thipor. Provost Karrhal Yu. Mr. -- Ctito cads= taluso Boo- mupts-1 mos for elimovoiroisat thitliPerstiliimaxeti e. rogatrod tolarktik's nbittltato 'l/1/ vomustla ollo o o fabrbebir lathe tr ie r i Ztididli illitqbl44o7•=he Gonorotriirsmi •oal l o, l lik ) ft,t Illittr,M= THE ATTACK ON ONARLUTON.—Government ofdoials hold the opinion that Gun. GWmose has emoted ba torte/ commanding the water plunge from ames to Monis Island, there by preventing 11 amass of Babel reinforce meats resale Tort Wagner in that *dim- Moe. The sk s between Bost Sumter and Morris Island resent the nee of cur gunboats la obstrustin the passage of troops, and l a there is afa t chance that they may throw forward infausts7 by night. With the taking of Wagner, th fall of Sumter is a foregone aonolusionias • dislanoefrout Morris Island, is Anly.sevoa hths of a mile. css • . DIM OP VII PATOIS OF HOMPOPATOTe-•• , The deatb of , Count 8. 0. 8. M. Det Gaidi Ist reported 'it Lyons. The •Ootutt wee in hill ninety-foarth year, and was . the fatter of , homeopathy, haying In 1828 converted Hahne-I atann . froin allopathy. Octant Del finial had preilotsly been a Neapolitan tonspirstori against Queen Unable, (In 1799,)) , a prisoner, exile; professor of mathematic' inspector of the - University of Grenoble, a Actor of znedi.: ChM and Amity of anti-medieint, and ltudied • chevalier of the Legion of Donor. Tau DIM in Elmira, N. Y., came off on Tnisday. Trouble had been anticipated, bet the utmost good feeling prevailed during the drafting. At Ave o'clock —the conscripts formed a procession with bands of mule, mottoes, costumes, Ito. Loud cheers were given forth* Constitution and lam. Speeches. wore made, and the mutton as one of r•-: Joicing and festivity rather than disappoint- , scent. Ths limpire State is loyal outside of New York, and slants by , the Union to the' hut. Taw Boston Herald says that since the' draft them-large numbers of men from Chu: Ositadas have arrived in that city with the in tention to offer themselves as substitutes. This number is stated to be much linger thau that of the persons who have been drafted,; and who have run away to the PrOTIIIOIIIII to! swaps the military servioe for which they were' . OHS RILATIOIS WITH EIIIHAND —The re-' port of - Messrs. Aspinwall end Forbes, who have recently arrived in Washiogton from Ragland is said to be not very sattsfeatory. It is now apprehended that the rebel fleet , will be permitted to mail , from the British ports where they-were built in spite of all the elbrts of Gm agents of our Government. Tan Rerrj•The iron-glad Pseudo has darted for Ch tutor'. TWo steam - gunboats have been.ordered to New Orleans—the Ger trod* and Granite, City. The monster Iron-, clad Roanoke Is a complete ingress, and to now reedy for Porde° nadir Capt. Gansevoort. Tan Bristol County ( Slaaa,) •Ropuldicatt Maus that a drafted man from.Rhode boa Gaged upon :the Clerk. of the Court. aff : Mauston for a copy °Vila mord of kis eon *lotion of aploay worst years aio. It. will :of courii - exampt htm. r, ATLA NTIC .I.lllB4l i fit i ' ROYAL MAIL ItTAAA DAVIGA. SION 0011PANY. • (GAL WAY LINE.) , ADEDATIO, 3 53•0 Hotio , powori 4,000 tort HIBEILDI 8, 1,1800 Hornell twor, 3.000 torn. • OOLUNlSlB.l.ooo.llnrso.pottor. 3.000 tort ANGLIA. 1000 Norio-power, 3 000 torn • TAR itAyetllotit B tonosbly ADOIATIOnriII silt tront!Lhorpool o iris Galway to N.. York, on WED. biltaDAY. the 16th 01 Jai, so b. followed by toe_ Wine iblutiorsiof tin lbw ry altornttoGitidtosisi. Yabilief Pbantoltos-Livarpool to Now Tort. Tog' ...IP Sold or Its rqamtlynt In•ouranoy: Flat 17ebta..1211 0018t0ttny5...—...........526 00 BN,Eind oghts--. 89101 Voryinageepplfat lbw Moo of lb. Agents, ' ! . . MAHAL A tiZAttIA. 33 Broadway. - LU= ilanser. r, D. 019311 LL, • . Anntor amok& budding. yylo:tyns Na TO iitttb moot. l'lttobnyntt. QTEASt WEEKLY TO LtVEttlit e POOL, teaching' et Quintino vm. Weer limace.) Tim welt known Measure va tka Liverpool, Mew park md ikiledelphla Busemblp Oomputy aia lateadwi to sell as follorrs : spuisratag....t.rasy. J. 04 1K .01. TY Aug. L I.IITY Olt 112 W 101111--- Piaterday, Avg. El Awdl +Mee, sucarecilag fisterder, et Nom tram r at Or NOVO Siverr . LSD ar mita; Aleobl - a 9a Gag. tir litsAl.44llig iss o.rwi. Itsani I.lkanaLL...-4160 Ou gritaaatia . nag - 60 I • .66: to loardos.... 14 ES do.. to Loadcm— LS tO .. do,. _lto Park-- 06 00 do. to ?arta.... 40 60 do, _46 Iliaibtug xi oo do. - to Hamburg in 6o ;teeirm .I.c. sonrardw tollarmq Braman, Bet, 1JAW1.....at agnally km nMas... ... . L Innm from varpooLor Qmazartoms lat. Oats; '576,196,1106; . tame, poix Thrm who wish ta wad gor thitr Manila can buy tkkate heia at , time • Tar faiths, hibrautibm apply at the Company' ti Ofilea. CALI, hamta r • - - JPBII4BORPION, ryal . • -.. • - Disdains. Bra home frota.the Bridge, Pittsburgh. 711101.11... WRILL 488V114.8, (suogosiers:tiTlNls. 1 . Tato; .tee ao.,).Ptiscrrioe.t. PIAMBERN DABLEDETEAIA FITTERS,Wo:II97 Illttittontk; and. tunas ban d .d will tornish LEAD PIPWEA LEAD, ELW LEAD. DUN HOBE ETDELETE; ANOMIE TATES. WATER LOGETS, BATE TIIESt LITT. TOROE and £ll purrs, DEACILIO BABA, ORABDILDERS, PIEDASTSi lINACKETS, kn. Al work worrantad to eta motto. salon lava:lnm CZNTILAL DRUG STOB, *mfr Ohio .d Paler! arm, AU•0419, , • 6104 4. YELL? Proprietor. //PAULUS , 110Dt w i r ili LiT I(iancings, derPkydaltios pmetiptima acaaniteti colos& L. °LLD WELL, onxooom. so Jams Maas L OW i POBK PAOKlit, Dolor la DAWN. WO. Braes-co RID RAMP ' 81101iliD Bur, ►a • • 00E. KARIM ►AD MIST MEETS, Prevermair. Mitiii•• • ••Of llookusi: vodka and tup, lu bble. i halm. • • bottlason Barer;.. lilatolitlfjodi sod Main& to Mts. b'hot - • :; 10.0o0N Doll* . - 100 . 0. Mil/Nolog • SO do t'llyroot ' 1/161/ 01a 0 boulptbseaMediE • ' .11100.0 EXLSEL2OII,4. XBU Y EI3B • ATTEN TiON I , SOO bow, Wader% ltoogrro Obomo; , - .. - . 100 do-rhino, Outdo, 0 n 10 -do' lluiturig - do; 90 ,do , ostrolarp Crum .d et , 181 do cosmos - dig 800 boob' choice aus.drfol A ppliri 1"k""41.146°6" 1C1010N. . wa w a wiL 100 -, IIT I-lb., o•voot.. _ll.//113/1./241/01 . N./ 301 boya W. B. andl Itainbarg Ohms; /03 boshprise Oata; '.103 dozen rug ant Wip / tain Droomr, .= 00 InishAted !ma/ow' 1 MIL Pared Dry Neches; bbl,. Orond .roffse; Ilatived ea. kurseast Its Gaon/ strait. TIM yap 0011DIA. ~AIWLLKY thaILIMM, 3, :MOON TLISI.,•• LTA TIMMONS, DAM PAT, and MILITANT MAIMS of may deicalption, oollecieglby 16i rob. inaftier, ad Um iambs rano, via Pralaooo4loA all othar claim. 8d 50. O.U. TAYLOR, i , Atforiay at tam _ . 'No. Grant atreet, ?Mahwah, Pa. N. D. No °harp ars atud• If: the dabs .dory art . merad. end dl Inlbrmatlan ea. wrath .Intlusti Vu.-25 bbls. Linseea J. 4 as maisfawoonf, and for ado ey JAS natal:lL SON, .1/18 sad 70 Watar ml trot. N it 1 I:Stt W fli t DUltdi e for .1 Army Blaakelm. lust reoshretat th• Itidis But. bee repot, VI aid MU. Glatt stmt., - jilt - - & B: PBTLLIPB: . • • U1l•-•/60 a hp ,1- • • •- & &M. • - Inisoct TO Vat.* 5t“..4. Arzaw, . new 2 anct of - , pa g ni k at 113006:16 asatkire b, , to" AV: P. M►Wll•Lle LAw6 stari: 123IVAJOA•riu'"utl_ix." ILAN ranrroe OLD PaliCnoNittios web, , , w p imippn4l.ll.. • • 54 16=1.4144- Ccriai.;4l4.44.tki ` /fir" L tfaceci_, imp , zoo. wi • DAL 144111.11021. 4 kW' , - Woad Wowpwweit pnoto o. Vrtlastisitheollovi 4k4l*''4T. '011401.10.11,1111r10- 'rtv VOLUME LXXVI---NO.,- 216 OILII, MaGOBRIOS. flr. CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS, 211 and. 213 Eolith Water it.. •Ooodgoawb solioUed. 1.1:1211 SO Lanai • 010119MIT110. bon 01:7 OH Works JAo /11 Praia's. J.' Pollan. • Co. Jao Qualm" Span& Chalfont Cb. Irriktod WALLACE a CLIE,fIES, • 001L1118510N miacuzAars. • An 6 d ' esitts to • cables BEFINILD No. 66 trona EINOONN MINT. Pra.untuaziu: Elf Menge name* (Under contra for 16,000 Alta essellent Wilde. toe shipping to Aniericen end foreign pore, et OUt • Wrl on the Batugylktil Sher, DOW the &Mann of the.resna. Je.2s:ig WiEWEE,, 111.1ELE &CO., antraskoir KERCHANTB, Apats of lb. • • GLOBE, PAonno AND LISZSTY OIL WODS/A Oi11r ; Llbei'al cash adman male on washomats of .' Relined or Crude retroleum. COIL Dl7Oll/31 Wit ARID ELUIOOCIL Bram, pi:premium, 2A. Jes Day pox CITY OIL ' LYDA! I t GIitaPBBNING, BUSIELIWILIVIII ant 114finats OABBON 011., singzurr AND LUDZIOLTING; • 0114 . . _ . .B. g 1. 44,11 10 "'M id " a". if.".citrietizert. • - • - ' Clew Nal ardiamatassai" Bost ab boor. up pips, ‘ l • ol,l 4ii•W isn'ilike ilwarlit - . sok. , 4-Ekto book" siair4 er.mmion Pio ors issl2 bum is us assios. aid 111.11 i &W. ssiss.l,7ll=SsAilml MineMilp :isst,suissmitir-slo charsolir, hz ir riorl=orkifi Mr ...:448Mai0OTOBIKet pe. wa s _ - A4c°ll!kw^ • ihooo 'A .4.1 2 201 0 , • Opel Accottntii&x. • " • '1.01:111 cobardlaszorr Aumaimix.zrris : • - - Cj° =MEI o B all x•P - Z TB o L 1 a M. iiirWarks, oirposite Elrupsbaig. Once In MUM BLOCK, Dugaarae Way, atlllsat • : Prrnicataa, Pa. WAIJAAIS, MlLtiLtsiutiS RIIIPPEIRS OP egvamason, 113 ALAIDZX /MUM MEW YOBIL Mr Amplf LcuuL. . tor HTOPLAGN AND aEIP4 PING, it GAD yard and wAsrf,, RED Nom myl4•tf Aunt& do 00111X188ION 1111.11CH4N2'S, AHD &2 reopufira' oLoi ' 044 mi," a m , • 61 BROAD . • 69 RAND Itaravuu 160 tbe mime/in xxectsciaiz OIL'; WORlia titAW YORK rna , ealfl.lllt tqUiDIA 04)81PAIIY, w. A. DUAYIKAArAtia 6, ap17:16 . 69 Rua. onst. OLL 'zeta- not be embarrasaoi by ster eaterremeat or the Both roan they out bare thrit Od barreled wad slap indeed teething the Olry Wharves, aa cheap' tame Cpl,with lye rut, ere Wales and la Wyse . ICIRSI3 OIL IdAD,_. On the Alteeheny Valley Unread. above beenrehaed, Ewa LW la paraptal croak the bests diced td the cant ea I shipped to in, point; leaf or We* without an, .lraying Cl . ma/kipping,. : ell craws srocarily attaadarl w. aliralltlas aril sad, or Ottlapias Pasisoger j Prat (Naar Moroni .bUI boehtbetgei pe-i am be tr dell., as the I.lll , lrathazgii: spa-- DAVID RIO:WM.4*A HataLicr Commizzion and Forwarding ilerokuti OIiUDE • it REFINED ' R.. 19 iBB71•8ZB1JEA• ear db era of ADTAiratir o cesdpahentite, Plitsbrash ur• trateralLeriati. • • • • Orem J. a. Diviroams ♦ Oa;- - &meq.lLlLoaMTip~ .. Th°llr2 " l 6 14 ,4 10 J• 0 tne . "Po Usk. VAIL= ABLIWOVIS, no; 1 . IST. 017A331 EMBlLET:Pittabitriti. : Forwarding &Commission Merchant ,• AND DE 3P Jil A 0144 I{ I u,i,oxisAtiso, Los gwannsonown comsang, balised rut l ee Mau the tome; =aft Pdete.l Pelleutingettot amazons MOIJAIT11). "Plzen ilO. V. SOIMSII2P.. soossolmi. WOODVILLE OILEERLEV.EY. • • eibiself ilk= =Zoom. dr _ 11.11119WITUZ51111 • irs.,,` BUR OLVABD LUBRic4iTiIIO 11/144 Coop oonitaaZOlr • Om* brit , BO 1210 0 oisic and without colco; shwa 41718.10.410 ran WHITX - 111040L31 witz; oars& 4)/k:zit id: at la: 85 kik," 060 Mack, wound door, will a• WEIN, ittindia *O.?' . *Ada LUORNT OIL WORKS. • • • . 4N 0 441.Pc14.#4 , &db. itaitutiotararsei 'trUi**l4;44lo4!:l4lil4:olll - Luny sersee; • ' L a 1 ''.: PPT l U 3 "anr - ro. j# 42, it, °MO/M* O U 101111•1 Onlmlifist ilibtl4l4 ll lolo2o,oel tor of IMAM "Al Kr w„ teditr ;Wri. DIAMOND 0.11 IVORIES t ! ibinos -"- • iarnms AND MUMS pi amizoironJ r.Plif.l9l!!!".,bT.W 11 901!. 1 4.0r.!:.:i iwo rdan lift entsztoro rigs tklitirsimasillato pcoinstiv milimuted to. , • , BMWs (rADDII'DK'x •/' INITHWATTIVOrt , KovrOung ' , wring GLUM otVismer,a _ estomsine sonsualtutomq ,Osportinr tw , posiorol : 0.1 t i ft1 1 4#1 0 , 0 .44 L.,t - EMS 0 AAA" ..Avi2ipt.issom 0,1‘a,....13,5ibas Onmilh,4o.lulkl - CgrOgiath 1.14 isaf ahlakiisievt sira ied iitoneisseidijab Ito ow dm the: lad WA =Ugh tlivikataglittVa v v olia. , - tiiki.W,ATZT":34 Otair itr• I tnaol.Uliut4.-3 he tkorartastihip, , xlitimpeshi...iimwmiaredpims.. sinew tbd Ana tam imuiP..lll,l3P4 4r. CO. MAIO aft dor , tly Molt tcsal7 , Tbai' Whams' Obt:tri sobuidia by Ofibitlllll6 - 11182; by im boA c iu t ietassaitiwtio og fram;lli.btientiYoUt , . , - uiP4Sidia t • ~(,:;; z inIiTHOL icirklsilCl 14;4741041141160nriir1y-.:;;blued. t ABlRAMAilibirdfillif Cilf44l Vir , Vibtelebletterill...t_olllll4, - -01 "2"..ttl 14; Qipeb~irihe4lll4 ,-='14,1WY01414.11X14' •;!:4,trigtt 241 IL.,!i!maxvil& pEomiss MAU - 1410.6 VOML 71 .... I 02005 N I oozier - rood ilia rilitt' . ems ERZ AID /ABM Diauzisot Tzvd„tv!.. --' =.lerzrd...t w......,,, . iraurtraikaPa4 . • John B. forks. ~. , _ aeons UT , , Cada & Bash& -- 'Ennha Wa. Van 4.411.01,1.0”.. :....ip ~ - • - -w • w4 kne ri nvo,L WM. 1/: GAlDall&' fkomainf.' ''." ,-.l V=i e INui6hiNlTY'Austheir :LOW id' Flius.... l llaMommaillßONAMOloolo. PAWL OF 11/11.A.D1LPILLI. 0112% Oa and IF Obutna Wag now lOW Y' ' . ' ' - - - OBRJAGO. fltaGaiaat 4. I.m tat;lll(446l , lillid ' iggesi tig blAr ha.. act of SMlll osci ?Izitla iu &oniply SO toI4CHSAS ;11810111:tIO Staciaapnwoot TawSKSOMOIOL.:. • AMOS 50 49 Nato' lad l3l iL •pritatftw whiblt fait wawa, cm •addl•kr bor IP:finia! Alb IrlOca bate twin ottonalted. - • • Insoronto sadism ioo.. *a anon. popotil, , wn pad toontrit 4 Woo on lowa' ant oonsonett Naos *OW*onooti aNs toa ot sk k alnatat h t is antso s 4 l'ono Mimi of looktityttwrobs alb:Sloe WHOOP, - of the odiontips ot losonuon, as wogs* MW; and • to 'lowa *Hit protoptsti , • H • LOOM in' mks Lowslliad durtni the rir 211611 .4 i madam 111. &waw a ... • baW./.4 2 ,1... L', _. Moulacal D LW", lamb Z. isaina. TothirWapuse,, 2 -- ~ . 1111pard: t =1 11! ::. ', - • DM "' 1111 ".. ~ :%.<,.; ',l e* " .* • ~ . .. Samna 1341 41 31.118a1ra11i50 -Wm A. &MEI= w ifttili ; &.: LI - 7 ' wyg ''' 0111aillatibeisVa Woad 7 It.:. Ahallii&NWS ;*. UtNitki , ON:k4.lo3 l .;lomiar: _ e Premium Mai said Dhooapeed. a. Niue:, .li. NEW, NoLislijr. listimett z elPfls.... I Gone Dank i ,r; e _ William B. 13010. 0. mr3o • rtmu_ou* urtunlazieni court& ItOATH ARAM*. lasuranci Ckr.'of tho State of Pen's., Hartford Ifiro,..,baAmme.tiampay - NW liugariam In tbeabirriiatesaiineabkif poke ass bipialotristpratiWouWoa W'' .I. , ' -.% ' - •.,' , 914 W. IN .tOWWO. Afoot: - - - t- •-... •, - ~ - T &Le 'r ai Sates " &jaws fimir k ri Wok, sbiat. flrlelZ.lo l. Bl2osl.lltatrunvotrAltnt lsa.orzterampuutr.baticsotlat mob* eh d aw jetrel lkw.. , .. •*; ru -•- . 1 witaatufair; IP,iiit . ilia. . bower aiplimet kerma diseir‘kthe WWI. al' the 89W.iza end WNW= J.l . 4tea j m Waspvesitat Savillibili anti ''. ' V.F. B 6 .0.4_, Y. lad *IAMB bytAlwr, :: ;. _.. ..:. Wiwlliwer,l e: ~...:, .. :sac mit ':I. (.- -, Jr. . , '• W. ti:lcdoldoi..:'''' . 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I tug dry.`;' Vas OW Mallow mu oh ormala by lb• .... rnadahahu ho brurneleu - 3 /1 4 1_ 7.7.71F111X.,-, -..,..,.tt.1 :.,,. rtrt iiirnrn Ulm. - ii - hir '' eaury____,Aimemil",,, _ 4,..10urn, 11 1 , 1 !likail.AffitiplThii, — Aou ..., t..r . - •,:-.:.;:-, -..- - (1-,;14 /1.1”..,.1.7, 3 11.8 "&liafolfri,,A•1 4 .a souregortelheattioaermol,lttli , 'Wass Urns Uri oltroa aorro. vs Watt ailaro ottbo tar* ; - 4 , f , ...9 ~, ro utt , air Oak. / corms iat Naltidlia! ildery .Iflitig Mr, *404 L L !Pi111N.01,41414 MIA 1 0/$ 1 01 1 1 1 5 1 0f4 , ZUM Lams arid outalall=ar• • . 161 4 I, 1 , Y4141v. ii..4160.46, 1 4k4 air'siviskrid ' .'U 27,122 1111,9 N 12 • - .1• Ascheir flaky. Oper.."•- lksalm.l4 7 /!. 'Plag‘ _ N.COBDON. • hrrlin. INI , ,A,., MEE
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