; \: ~~t:: . ••y: ''' IMIIM ~.: ;<;~: i:`,'.. . . , . NAM EMI =EMI MAIM N, . „ f • • fir.• .'•.i:'~ I " `-'Y' E=EME ERE • '.'• : 2 `• •!,•4I1•: •.' , •: : :;?•`4( 4 l' ~; • .%)* 4 . ,1%.*. • Y., f 1:; •- •-• r.•••; 1 : 1 •,•• •X'•••• • •.• • •-•.. e• • • ••;•*/ •••• • :•:;; •=.4::•'.' •4 4 .1; •: •.` ;t••1 •••• •_. •.• 1 1 ,7 .•; • • '.• !••;•••••- ;1•. • • 1?: • ".! ~i I. ' ;._t s', • '• - • • .r: 6 '• "§"4 , _ ifithdwgii isantk gmB44 440M12 JITLY 24. Tkei liepatas Comaittee—lte Straa -irelaatolaid allopperkead Sea . The' 'idiot of the people, at the election of -18fily mond to' impose upon the new Legislature the duty of inquiring into the fraud sand and believed to have been perpetrated in the; passage of the bill to re . pad theaTonnagto Tax. The lime was or ganised by the election to the Speakership Of kir.Rairx,aellnion Dement from Frank lin aunty, who was indebted, it is believed, for the suceasfui presentation of his name to theindustry - dials oolleem Col. Weems; who wu then a Senator from the same county. A • Committee wee raised to make that inquiry aftsr's iivere-and protracted draggle, is which one , av:pi:lWD *cambers took aaaoti,. and leading : part; as it was "pests& he would do- , That Committee wasframed in such &mai_ an to" quiet the appreiwnsions of the Company, if not made wader ith 'direction. It' Mot ,was pu y ebtrged, atoll wirenta,anditot denied so far se we are aware, that immediately upon the push's of the resolution, the same Colonel who had bee, so itkingly iden tified with the obnoxious measure through out, as to Unfelt. called upon to denounce publicly and Ilereely• the Inquiry and its adhere la &dosses, and who was thee In attendance at the bed side of a sick friend at Clambersburg; hurried at once to the capital, where he was seen closeted with ea Speaker on the very night before the appointment, and then incontinently hur ried bath again. There was no place on . It, of °mum, for. any man who earnestly desired the investigation, except the mover ' of theresobathm, who could not be excluded seder the neneg and whose health wu but helifferent.' If the company was satisfied With Its textues, it was not so, however, with*, Mends of the invutigstion. The irm Urged by them, and by none more earnestly than Mr. Haws himself teasadia a place upon it, anima obviously lit and prow, to the leading advocate of the meames, The was, of course, entitled tos shall in its direction. Hs protested thathi could not do it because that gentle man was from Pittsburgh! and dedired thathe Would rather resign his office than yield A* point. They then intimated their -pdrpose to add two members to the Com mittee by a sots of de Haw. The friends of the Speaker still objected that he would °Midi* its reflection on himself, and even a Democratic member of his appointment, endeavored to dissuade Republicans from insisting on the individual in question, on the ground that be was bent en ruining Republtoan Goilfrnor I The matter was .deilaremisel at lastiy an agreement on the part of the Speaker to select the two addi tional members—U-Idt to him—from such ),ts. 40,suirs should terribly not lidnaing the fianii:d the diuded *quid tar. And even that ogreement wu not ob served. The Committee, thus constituted, began latfunad. acted- languidly. It was sur rounded by the Company's spies and satel lites, who telegraphed to witnesses about to be BUILIA10110d; **der to keep them out of Alsocersy.-:ltwale baffled: by the refusal of both the President and Vice President d the Conapenyie, as witnesees— theeiriding Sentenced by absenting hirhielf from the State, and the firmer be hag aliowid to peeps under a mere un !When fiernfifiet` Iv : Philadelphia doe :, tor, that be was undergoing "injections of lonar,e4astie t n wad his system is a state too Irritable for an semamination, although Ara to bars heal mein can the Mends, if not'attending to 1} law as „dud, on the following day. Itires,',eareeeed and flat tered, if we' advised r by the condeseehdcminkths (burner--:.'.We have been inforned,' at ill emits, on whet we amides 'EMI iunadity, that a Demooratie ilthin of It was silo to secure • Captain te private individual of kis own pen ile* It Ind an hour, when a Republican Elendorsould not make a Lieutenant out of a loyal soldier in Biz months! If there laiebeih . nobody there to overlook the Committee and hold it to account, it is ex • inanely doubtful whether it would have made any *dons investigation at all. It was out short, es soon as it began to look du. ) 5t!r,9,%. WlP l llzatigo aftiontament at ' satitepOni*ldnie inlet important of ell nof pablio beilied; which was hurriedly • . , &hokum] even byname who were pledged to a 'pedal ellindOn foe the revisal of the Tax heawe r and baboon sent to Washing. .Aconcs4 thez, • " 2 r trThitt 4 ° . COMIer with -LbsCossittee of Semagrens, on thst subject; the hainisimenssi of the House to filfraf:it ;to - antique' its 1181 02 2 1 1 1 40.1011 wisawiliog thwisturand Of lbw Chilhastal thea aithettazad• stiller/ tinf; had '''the Possession of a clue 70 1 11117/41,13 eitablia7l4l, 1n a very short time; to unrsvelwach a sceneof iniquity as Todd make , the hair of the people "of this State stand on - end.. It was urged, koweverjaz the fled, that the other mem.; _lawkwe wane of these, ireuld decline to act! TlWOOssiaittea did Sid, hetnne,—ss they , tisield set helpfladt4 *ma the light was " limbed so -..inzettgly Into their eyes—that ',o4l9*iisti monied by the use.of frandta lsat a nd *Misr means ..on the part Amor attoodhlt its :44attrms.hii!fo tiov lido; !Wad xiiiimireended . proceeding ;Itf. ,4*;;Aic * ll t tae ' , likoWe *lnlet the, ortadere...o4uotok- ' . • Illeitiathiiiiinforrei, however, that the ' 11 4 6. ilitith7l# .l 4tddiv.4,7 ll4 ipubulfa piFt. Fliers was no man Wale -Leglilitirc"motlihet r¢_la bringing aboitt :Stiollftinkroaloi hisiotestiO mew %within tie oeunty of Bedford, who bad tohlitrai@ifirf nil report of a:party Dialeinee, without lueiing been ,eleoted waderth Thiniewilsmein very , , mnoli Stied& the pausge of a bill to re • apportion the impresentation in the counties wriameeset said Bedford, bydividing time Into umpaxlta duets, M 4 try sec legal all thaseihnretruis. HO**. Mb atember. ' leg it JatireJsidg ilerioletiorisf &pante Palm 4011ftfinekbilld ., UMW kind through the Bean vithes! Mop. That bill was de: sadist! In Senate, where there was if Republican inejorify. It ootdd'he Jos the 0. IT =hub H. Wad is PRO IMP *7 iteitites 01=4, nisi had 1 ">rMi dklwtlaiiid *OO7 mid iff l 'oPold7 and inblkaFt was .elm. _. _~ - C:.L! a ~. ..... r~.t~.z '_~,-..Y'.i ~a~A........ ... not, of course, unwilling that it should be arrested. The Governor was weary of the Legislator% as subsequently confessed In his,refesel to re - convene it on the occasion of the draft, equally impatient of its in quisitorial impertinence, as shown by the Message, which we have already published. The member from Bedford had great power with the Demoeracy of the House. His vote and influence were valuable, and he wanted his bin, Although a Democrat of the most untameable species, he was all gentleness with the Governor. He enjoyed his confidence. He was tender of his re. Imitation. On some important ocoseions, he was Ids Organ on the floor.. He had pre viousli refused, by his votes and speeches, to refer even the Message in regard to the signature of the bill for the repeal of the Tonnage Tax to the -Hopkins Committee, for whose special use it had:been obtained. He feared that it might convey a reflection on the Governor, and his regard for a Re publican .Executive would not, therefore, allow him to consent to the reference. The Governor was grateful of course. His ad viser in the Senate was equally So; Be lent his aid in putting the new District Bill through a Republican Senate. The Governor signed it, though obviously un constitutional, and certain to oust a Repub. lion member, and substitute • copper head at the next session of the Legislature. The Democratic member from Bedford voted for the adjournment, and against the continuance of the Hopkins- Committee, and a new district was made which brought him back into the next House as its Speaker, and enabled him to give the 'casting vote in favor of a Copperhead Sen ator, who now represents the great State of Pennsylvania. Why this Bill was allowed to pass the Senate, or was approved by the Governor, or whether it was the result of a bargain, as some ill-natured people have alleged, we cannot undertake to say. We state only what we know, and not what we have merely heard, in regard to these matters. Our readers will make their own inferences from the facts—not forgetting when, they are called to pass upon them that the Member from Bedford was an ex treme party man, • prominent oaudidate for Governor on the democratic ticket, and one of the last who was likely, under or dinary circumstances either to favor or even spare • Republican Executive. It is enough for our present purpose, that :what ever may have been the reasons for that expensive and ruinous liberality on the part of Governor Coerce, Wetlands demon strated by those facts that the Republican party was not only broken down by him in the Session of 1861, but actually handed over to its enemies in the Session of 1862 Cuirass A. BucKszaw is now a Senator in Congress from this State by the act and election of -no less a personage than As- DREW G. Coerce I • Now, if ever, is the golden hour of thd Republic. If we would reach peace, it must be by a mighty, violent, and over whelming blow. The rebellion hi reeling. See the cries of despair that come from every Southern journal. Crush treason at, home, unite the North in one mighty army, and then advance along the lieu. Victory is fa sure as sunlight after the dawn. , A tralfoton• T. legraplilo Kessenigerr Oar Washington dispatches briefly stat ed the fact of the meet of a telegraphic messenger employed in the Wu Depart ment- The Washington &pub/fess, of Tuesday, gives Mei followingpar i deniers of *the case: John Lancaster, a youth about fifteen years of age, was on Monday arrested by Capt. Johnson upon the charge of opening and destroying important Government tel. ,egraphlo dispatches. It appears that this boy was for some time employed as mee 'tamer in the American Telegraph office, but of late he has been employed in car rying dispatches from and to the War De partment. Some complaint was made to the Department about dispatches not reach ing their proper destination. Capt. John son was immediately notified of the fact, and to ferret out theceuse. He kept strict vigilance over the boy, and he discovered that he used to open the dispatches and read them, cad if there was any informa tion in them that would likely be valuable to the rebels he would, through other sour -eel, transmit it South, and.destroy the dis patches. When arrested other evidence was obtained which clearly proved the above statement. He has a brother attach ed to Gen.,,Lee's staff, while his father holds an important position under Jefl. Davis. He acknowledged that he used to send in °emotion South through the medi , of his brother, who used to run back ards and forward'. He was sent to the Kew England and Kentucky. This is a strange oonjunction. Bdt we And the follewing passage in a recent letter of Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge, declining tc attend•themeeting of the'Aluuda Hof Harr- . and University, to which he had received it'll:M(010; through the Hon. R. C. Win throp : It may be the wiif of God that the most dreadful changes await oar countryk It the very worst comes, I look that true and regulated liberty will perish last, in New England. In rest years . I have, spoken freely in disapprobation a much that has felt =it'll influenae from New Eaglandi as It appeared to me . Bat Inner doubted .111/11 now loss than ever—thialke root/ or whatever produees freedom, equality: and high civilisation, are more deeply set In New England, than in any equal popn4 lation on the face of the, earth. As .for Kentucky, I 'will not trustmyself to "peak: I heard GSM Burnside say that he coast& entd - the loyalpeople of Kentuaky the most decided and disinterested, he had anywhere seen; and that emlnyeesiwo•thirds of lei entire population. ILaa People held by its amides to be bosstMl ; bat they wl do, re ll always, more, thin they ever say the wi do. - • ' - ' Summon or ' Noz•Coniesrsiers.—The, Richinand Dirpatele says: Steps are beet ing taken by the proper authorities to relieve this community of all that dais of perms now, remaining here with foreign protection pipers in their pockets:, and whd refuse to perform Unit military-service in time of danger., of these creatures have already inuessed large, fortunes by this war, and now, if , thsy, are not willing to protect their own property along with other; they deserve to be dispossessed of Avert dillar they have made here and lOU driven berefoOted. beyond the Smits of the Voifederattre /et litedi - remain •no longer to anuntets ; Ike aseesmeries of life that calf serve to tied better . people, but make ;Nand ge quickly - and empty-hand. - ed." - • innu annum es Ofasitruit.—Forrtuthi yearn peat controrereler hare been carried on between professors of the healing art, with regard to_the.correctuees of the prin. alPiCuPert which the Romoeopethlosystent ie founded, which is, that the-drug which produees a disease will cure it. All doubt with repid-to this principle Is now at an end, for It is certain tlutSall the disagrees 'able dogs of the drsft - suiy be !amid by I draft at eight for POO. :~. ~~ ~~,: A Tully Christian Appeal Against Rioting and Resisting the Laws. The lingele papers publish the lellowhig besottfal address from the Emma cisthelle Bishop *Mat piece to the people of his di. 000502 ITIIII QUO' OF GOD LID 111 AUTHOR.. ITT 07 THI HOLT 111, 11310? CP BIIV1411.1). To the Dearly Beloved, Faithful Laity of do Di. oust, Heald and Benediction. , BILOVID 1 In the name of the God of Charity, and through that charity which Be. who celled us to be you abbey, hes given us for you; through that charity of Christ in no, however unworthy, through which we would olieurfally give our life, if necessary, for each and every one of Ion; we beg ofyou, far Christ's sake, and for the sake of all that yen love is Heinen and en earth, to abstain from all resistance to law, from all riot, from all tnenaltuotte gatherings, teem an violence. Is New York, many misguided men, yet very :swore believe, of practical Catholics, have shed blood in the late riot ; and "the . volts of their brothers blood cried to the Lor from the earth." Some of the rioters have fallen, many mere will, we fear, suffer much, any will, perhaps, be ruined; all will feel lb. pailful 'tinsel golith oonsoince, during Nth rapt of their livu, and, an their death bed, (if, indeed, rioters who aid in murder could die otherwise than is -written that shall kill by the sword, must be killed by the sword." Apoo. iclii,lo,) they will, either through God'. matey, einowely repent for their partisipation in the riots; or be lost forever I Dearly beloved,llitin to the advice of a father who dearly. loveo you; submit to law and God will protetaet you phould then be • draft, feWer will be drafted thin Would, probably, be killed In an • rinhily thistle against law. Arid if any of You be drifted, we will try to protect and add; friends Will protect and aid; God will protect, "aid, and bless, in more ways than we know et dare seise. Withdraw yourselves, this, we'beg and exhort, from all who would excite to es soolations against theist/ of theland,or to vio lence and mob law. For God's sake—for the sake of your dear familles—for the lake of your f and mothers, whether still pit. grime on earth or mingling with the" blessed crowd of witn " who from /leaven watch Over your conduit on earth—we exhort, you to hint in God, aid not to lend yourselves to any exciter to mob violent", which leads so oleo to murder. Ifyon follow-this advice of your Father in Christ, we omalldently assure you that "Whosoever shell follow this rule, peace will be upon Aim, and mercy, and upon the I mei of God." Gal. vl. We regain that this letter be read in mry church on the Banda, aim Da mention. Gives at St. Joseph's eatitedszi, Basle, on the Pout of Our Lady. of Mown Gruel, A. D. 2IDOCOLXIII, t Joan, Bishop of Basle. Tax New Turk World, not satisfied with the recent riots in that city, now openly preaches revolution, and makes the follow ing suggestion' to its friends, a" the way in which it may be accomplished; ' , lt the Federal Government directs Its officers to disobey the prodess of the courts of New York, and entorcies their disobe dience, It simply makes t, war upon the State of New York. Whist the &ale o/ New York will do in such a continswney; how it wilt weal revolution, lit wtsweesory now to iv. Whatever it does, 110'1544' i t the way of resistance or remonstrance, w be done 'calmly, coolly, with the dignity be fitting the Empire State, and with the pow er which its contributions of millions of treasure and twohundred 'regiments to the war hale not impaired." Tax Fifty-fourth Plassachasette (colored) regiment are among the forces that are as setting Charleston, and at last mounts had landed on. James Isiah& We bare no doubt they will do all that may be required of them. Some of the men in this , regi ment came from Charlestrio and its vicini ty, and are familiar with its location. Witile in Damp at Reedville they expressed a wish to form a part of the expedition when Charleston was assailed, as .they " had an old account to settle down there." They hare now the opportunity. The 54th is attached to Gen. Terry's division.—Bor- Oni Transcript. The New York Work', after making the assertion that the Government denied per mission to telegraph to Vallandigham's address, over the country, has the audacity to add: Of course it is not the purpose of the administration "to interfere with the freedom of elections." It would be"trea sonable" to say that. It is, therefore, the duty of all " loyal " men to believe that our rulers at Washington were and are not aware of the fact that Mr. VALWIDSOILAII is the candidate of a majority of the peo- ple in Ohio for the highest office in their gift. "ALM:DOUBTED TITLL"—A French pa per says theta New Zealand chief his just taken up his residence upon apiece of land, his right to which was contested. "I have an undoubted title to the property," he oh served, L's fate the preceding owner." arms- .iuummtrzegisisArra. TOUEIS Va WOULD DO WELL TO 3. Gal sad 'apply thatossists with that Tay Goa. tanitat arttel*, BIGLIGUI int TII•VZLI2i4 BEIIIITO. 01 which oat ha's scatted a largo lavolos of Tay nandfame now Lyles .11•041111• GLUM Jytil 78 Ifatkat al., Let. Sarah a Disatand.l 11 ANCHEST ER PERT Y FOB SRL el& LA—a. two star, kraut duel/Wig latim4 08 s rooms. with stab* da Two lots of aroma own YO nit fronton Maga sitar try ISO fad Soap on catantots attest. to as Way.: Moo faJO. Terms. Wilts haat son Daiwa In Saorally PaPhsuutra. - 37115 B. 00Tfillater • 1101$0. isk mania AL CikLEfitE I iUkLEICtiII I V WO bozo Hainborg fit woo • 100 do dd. R. yr..= Obsioe 75 do Common dot Jodi reolved so 4 odd No lid Nlaodd stmt. -- 754 • ' /MUM VAN 0011D1111. I .ovAkaiNt* 0 ati4ess. , -4to Ms. Lot JLJ arises Omitted sad rolOulstd Lost sad I. ' sot *blur sud"filLw daps., Jost rgashred sod • ado by tbr Mural or at ratal as the Must stays 13tOre of . . ,- T, ,. I . i 1./OLtiGNA eutUtlati.ll:4 4 -I,ooo,pousuis Tory (wok* 'Saloom, nut ago ups*, ref on matmoraba. jut and kw oda JOHN. A. AASSEAW, St °ovum [Awn sad Eland manota. A LAMA Lo titiatabliti Alt TOClOlttd truth Lemon Illseilt • Alketam.lll. Gram% AUL Iramit7, Swim nud WlUins ' a Mrsak 01. JOB S. '.2.101 can tansy sad NNW otresis. It/ Vitfribi . r A uutirms joss nastred and/or limb iebollese.oaalltddl,st,4lii /anal, emeary isters - of i ' , r• J/111 owner Llbottirls4 Hied Mote; ttokkr14C:01:7•44•118:111:rI s ; : "Il f aU : 11 4:::15r P :'1 0 1' 11 ' 11V4 12tantsl9.-100 bbzerprizatk Lair, ; Id; -do . 410 Y In eras sad inf,elln 1 / 7 . 048. (thinly •nnot, 3UI • ...Xs.. /age. Utt.lsAa Vlllakb • ..ll* boas Itialsh'rab7' . Just noarpd ,-.‘ •Malle WILKINON. 500. 1W4-1"1111111 Armin Of lair by ' itt4 WKBaa WI LIU BBC/W.117 Liberty bt. AtAXlLl!illts& & vo %rims Are 4031 idit ktift litorstoolt ; 11c %beacto6,' , esstuls-Aaak - iisahil4 '. J At &• vary, Jima arat Diu (wad. initiC fa' 1 1 11 01 r • lakitirli • id UWAI Butt dtusep: kJ Stott Broods, ItoomPWWIS dui - /AWWWI 0 7 Willis.% lowan. To 'Mob Sr. added umurooma oho %Hu sod Msoopooost of *beep lOUs IloWid Sudo, tits IBwattatlf moosolOP 1 Tao d /W. Palos $1.%/1. Iralt • 00 M Wood scoot. PUtit.,lll • • Alla lattrUkt V,• ItUK litalw—alabatualost lat or. Put Mow 11 Vatted otatas. wits the Of the Post artors. with is !gallium uaitataLig the zags of 'Crap Pats., the ant Fan Mai Dill, sad gam Import. sat pomlf•ammloa: Pais $l.l/0. • ' ' fie' Way • 00. ea Anal d. I . TM VallbAl4 ULtilatl§a Watt* • kl —Tim bat that!. 11111611. Oen WI Mal*. town paraludag iftwortiort Gassuitold 1 10 • imagftstfolc—Vorikdo at &beluga fidget 1 44 14 st ni•=i r A" T: Quo .).. siortiOlk., Rums: IL COLLINS. " 31' .ra AID ri11717/111X/ILVIN A.1 1 M 1 22. 1614 )°" 11 r VA" FOR mei Mao aleattlyitlea:trun2 dwe irds ll:141'4 pad 220.200 acals.lCakner, the wae• wider tram Imp bared 1 lima; wasibsr•boirdad cabin barn two et *ea Quality of grafml bida at Amy variation. (bieffloa 140 "4'93° hall tall); ha hi stub . miry Sold. Ihb ,ars le NUM 4 altaa tram Kally's &anal, 0 . tb• /OW' alias irailky Unread, and tir sem dl. snap boa' tba- loribuorerullailread; of hos* at the bolt grata Int atockfanaala the 42:03/107. 7 90 ,17 111 U9 rasa pas Wont no Urn Os boura 10w . Sod on eary team apply to 4,15 111 Waidaill rOO 102 Toorth at MOTION IS HEREBY .GIViEI that the Partnendiip We aiding between DAN. rib 1111151211 r? and IL T.IIINVIST. nadir the Inn of DALIIIIIII. BtißNm SON, was dinotred " 1 1 1 lit. LIM by manna meant. DAWINI. BIM TTY itanicaMal testate ail dehte dee to or by the Goatpany. DANIIL BIBNZ tT, IL L 11115/011.1.. NOTION IS HERSBY GIVIIN that I fan ameetated WUJAIIIt.II2IInITT with me in the manufacture mar%ihf lauweerwae. the shirr: of the Ina to be D. /Ur HICIBIST, the partierder to.data from led, tprtrlihs JAILIter lAGAZINIAP, TON AUGUST. ALL NSW • ROOKS ooNecoutonosi 'nor. only 6 wan. . Mehl 114 of Dl 6 ZtalB Pitt. 601te /ROM THI LZATT. teal, lame. BTATIONZBY FONITOLIkI3. OUDBILLA,AND DAiKAAK NOTE PAPAWS. IBITILLIS stomped on Riper and grallolea• paoromurn ALBIIIS, Priess. dim sad gadflies. OMIT= as Y15I? POOKZT BOGY& OUG111102)1OLL118, to. . GOLD PAN* warranted AU bed ibis am rude. • BOLD AT JOHN P. HIJNICIO I Masa/della% Fifth Street Jot S. IMAGII . LARGE FLAGS, ennoble Ow, Houses, Poles, Patti!maim, le., Kam 07 1111111113* TONTINO. SILK AND SMALL FLAGS, Iva 00I1PAO1118, AP TEM Erms Razz /LAO M43uP4 07027 ; PITTOOX'S NEWS DEPOT, 111TH mart. 01706171 r. O. 119 FAMM kUli SLIS U.R. ASA T, 0011TAINU3 U AOULI. Alk ands f s,.ad Ili, • good state of laveresdids "slat of epos 1111,101 DWI!. LING, awash tie Ut nos.; lards IBA= HAM; TULIT noun, with 6 tows ; and good disbud of yews tam.. COLL mar. Os Idol* tens. 011. übin Islden toviably. abpst An intim Don the city. Inquire of lIMEWIT, 1•1111.114. & CO., **AIM north stmt. psulisNos EFFECTS° manoravx ANDPIinEMS, IN narr CLAM OONLEILNIIB, All Ads raSea, JAMBS W. ARROTT, linnuaroa Aautt, sr fins 11711111; Phistargb It/IS MUNICIPAL CLAIMS OF .THA CITE OP I.l3lll6llloB.—'fbe llestatiod Mabenot the Oily Ihr the eoaetractlan at thorsta, Wthe lleategot oteset„ a et nd so Kn. toK der the byoutradlarzrof eldagtoo eat Pettey aelteelmod al 1166, hulas been &Ode! by the 00111[3: Is *ear at the atty, settee le busby stein to en smite who ire still ta mean fee say ot eiet abbe" that Wilkey trbb to we feather oasts thermal temedlately mettle thceotaattes. sow la the hale of the eaderdomed, sten, Belktter. tub J. W. Ir. wa 106 NU arm, MKOGOT MUSTANG. LINIMENT JALd..e lorosals,ea.. Wu' !a thi Do* oar Wok ostio Irairokrtrobii, Oa% or Woos*, ol is/ . • I lot air sa 1120. DIM NOM e.. oldo sad Torsool *lust NO • 28,000 BriAlria MB BRICK r . Air,alosttbe azonuos Ina. AND z.nrs ILAszoti MINIM ALMON= 01n. Alan*, , JA/I. BAIIO. 8 0 014103%105. .wAIMBP. • • - • • .• A? : • .o:se itAteranna t maunatte lOU • ;Art . fIi6.IIIIMITH RUM „ O4BARIFT PLACE . pi THII , 00 7POR 0 P, GAITNIB, ” IcsatAinrs, sae. Kuzma Bo Nxßuts , Azigsaiaraq LUMMOX - ' .'156 Etna. • • OREM e • - itogiatuites Alotiox bull. • ". .! CO. AWN e "'it* buy your .BOOTB; 1.• .$451111.114 `ftiatintat Irrupt Oar, d ' but . -DP sykilhyb,lll Nutlet stmt. 50.72 . 0440 4 EA 1111 be nesheiPap is the Mrs MT, no, et tlip ebbe of tee iledenbgliee. Is 444 1144141 /wee 61esebit, ela MUD , I tsb. Ourte wee. Paierre alley. j 4 1 41 of 113 a* g lino 111031' D NVENITEI BT 101 l _Am mate! Blmosisa 11.11°14' sborbotiml= ir kisaf at ills law it ,l . adb.' et itiMllood*. ft.. IaCITIOE,We 11110 . .114 WOW. LI ilk' lif Ith as IL IL tin bk w saisallatim of •NUal be ni n e *1".111 retire, .mlle fXN BSOT • • _ - • .- EINIVILIOI2I.- lat: . Islam N ° Med= =debited to the 1.11 les onset Det D 1.111111111710111 an no ' Wad des JAIL= IL ItoOIdLLAIFD, =rem di Meet era Odd.ene wte 111 ter MIL lor led tete= tid Weeds d tbteet ma ltd. Nis. . , DAUM • , T RENZIST.;.-Bkiir h Wyeth's; mod sanise.tir. =kb& ,i;I * 11 3 1.21111Millii Widow 41assatar iwil nabrel mewls id IMO.' A. sztArs coonau.a39l ...,,... 'mr,, owe lialholonliateas. . ' ' -WIC • ft i k o r SOK I ' Italbir Shod* hit • ' : ximiLtsmain. , __ aizw• .teirmarze NNIFEB KNOWN TO FAIL I D1X.01103 /101010 ILICIBERRY. CilliniTllß, DTSINTIIIiY, DIARRHEA. FLUX, OHOLLIUI 11013138 AND BENNER COXPLAUST. The Isusenee Wes tistiiy to the sseette of this The ousteretit'datly riposte oil astax!thlaig curse sitter. Its taloa. It bee advantages ow any Wry t .atones sartectbe dhow. and Ingarting tow 11111.101.11 th Io the systant. • sad heredeue prunirial to shdt gem • : the. solitarty; It IS bialnablaybolag 11111topellttijlama b 7 Pub bi elsV ommatsah • • . - lifoldiere.33Wend." = a szi Dad it =Petit to sz main rip NAM:MAP' 'i rk rpm gist to thisid i tivr bi 10,101141 Bobl trp respectable ileabses ereerrberee, lelarkece t 25 011/FTS sBO LL WL P. DAVIDSON, W azionmen. o. ME A N At Una.- 1 ;11.4. 1" 4, • jp,„ IWO& 10210. 0 'V Amman& ......31.0. Pan uz.lsoa. ILEP. St. LOUIS, MO. Sum .01. 0 V. , 11•1101111111...... .01. 44 A -s. • wAy55.........16.40. . - rlan atontimittlo Atom Mr Lout, taloot tho 811111 Ha PLa °LILY, filed Isar It Loa, Ilo. : “ b olts ao athiatioa ekis mutated Manabatarms to tllWAntlyala ghoul ans. as aciportial tl ia = ALA. Bah of Baca, al J. O. Boo th , st 16 1 14 taglialloriftsk tkit toot of aotata aped. nom .by _ma ma PUrotomb, Clin *flag mad kt. Icia; iiiitomata it to to ao paws S and nod nhiablo am now known, wroth gor =ial• Ibis sada leant ft Ina stood ta a the gi l io from 6X to 6 months. aka Mania Walks Oat as tau from eke as., lama any warkfaii or pragmatic' what. It polmlass put adisansama aadlostiolty qualitka, whirl aro not skarn by ao and whisk Wain ciao adatturc of a Lugs proportion of abti sr banal day. 1 I am sow_ pIOPPIMI4 to 611 warn fbr awe Clay, to to appal from OE lads or danrod berm iftLEX. GORDON, • Ne. 11100HD tams Premainson. P. • HOGS AND DOGS LIEGHBNY.'. Mina, /now threnththece Wage, to Dogs.) nbroe and after the pow* cc ttua asthma' It shall not to Isola' for sly doge to go at large in the' City of Allegbesy, except under lbw Ibllowhig ri striations, that le to say : gray dog going at tarp' within the satd•cdty shall have round a collar of metal cr • collar et hatter,' with • meta* plate; Ca. which collar or plate shall be buorlbed the cams of the owner of loch dog, and his or bar pine of rest. .deco ; oho that cash and way dog wield, at large 'hall hove eitheely wet on a good, entetauttal au. ala, enclodag the whole month et wild dog, so as hr ettotaally prevent Mat hen Mktg cc anepplag •; but that nothing hereto containel abed be cooshind to permit any mealy dog, - canted or otherwise, to nth at large ha the City In • Iblitutay, but that say to ro t a . to going at largo shall be taken up and . I. 41. O. AUX MI OBS, Mayor of the Olty of Al. ielthenr. do how Oda, my , troolainstlon, ULM on and after MOIADAW, the 11711 day of J. IVA dep lbaad manias at large vitiate the =Dorian thane of the City of anegbow,y,, booing to the abort, ordinance. Abel hod eals with aotordiaig to law ; sad all owners Si doge, or ovate, or tern= harboring dam art hereby unites test pageal ties wlll I. Maly omforterl ; mid all are b.r to .Imartere with tan Polies he the perlbrsoumnof glob duty, aa far as Mateo to Oa amet aUM proottiono of We oodlooara. lgamidair Opyintid aad mat this lath day of 3617 . / 1641 . A 4 1 . 0" Atithrfillt, Maim . V OGU inane the amain at loop of boss In the fate of Alioluso has beaus ea latokiable saloons; thaelbse I. A.O. AtiZZANDItit; Moor of ails , {leas. do hew thia, as Prodaraeldos. that oa sad f ound lloabAr. the 21 46, of Ally, an hole roaming at loge l the Otty of *Nihon, OM. be taloa up aad sold to the Alsbeat bidder if not na domed bn the owner is more within tweary.foor boars front the taw c e:r: &deadhead. Osseo of bags will thentore notice Oat the provlsione sad peaarthe or the es will be ealbseed. Plum al band sad seal. thls leth do of July. A. D. 111611. A.O. ALIXARDAII, Maser. pall/OLAINIATLON. HOGS ♦HD DOCK. OITY 07 PITTABUSOH, is. MUM , SAWYND,Jr Mayor ot said e, do wise this my O. Pnelustion. that teem aid a lly lder the IS= DAY OF JULY. A. D DOA evw7 1 : 4 4 going at large withia the dty with in mud Its Leh adds: et add or Lather, odal plate* on which Nadel sonar sr plate .halt be lambed tbs seas aid rediumtw ths swear. Abe shall frost this date. to the 16th deptelabm have exterely rat cm • sow% so a Me r V tAv ab t s t s a a n id t Ddo t a Om bim aoacfiLDog. ban d wiWoat t sad musts abS7e de:wtad SHIGIL—day, parson whit shall wilfully suffer his or tee lisp to inut at Luso ta this say. shall, toe lash alas% osivlctioa Minot. lottdt • and pay he sash of add aallads so main at largo, the oato et toss dollar, sod Is shall lb the ditty of 04 poises; tasa so either of this to sem sad tale tots anted) sad hadoshd enzyme of did salmis so losad o. shod at tarp. as atm bar days' palate so prima Awn sons Seward to °Wm the saato. n°4 = n pay the mkt las sad outs sad other sharps at. taseltag She addasg aad Its•Pag the ism, than tbsy shall tossed Be tho an of as ally. lstldw 0 8A1 1 1131,1e.. Ns • . WILIALIIII A. 'WARD, DIINTIST, T Ileashaves BaUding, Id door. back; entrance oa Irborty amt. : tom hom 9 a. a. tad I p. la order to 'props Endue . aadlag cm the Net elbow who wry all ape ms, I deem It my dray , to &Mosta moss of the thing common fmthepaho. tire el dentkby. which I - do sot do. la the find Plebe I de mat ere • dare reedit to say one. not malts three NM of teeth; 1 do not eacillioe, by bib Whelks mead, n, Meth b order to leant artilkdal ear • I do h net,, ii soy.trath do. ellery. be awns of LetA, thereby mnadaractleta Usbili tO the Ent psta dkams. sal tbdr early Imo the merean. Throe. and anseros Mbar tikes with* I could spicily. Idr not do. In the ohms* of materlals proper for NUDE the both. I make but a baited am et sold, sambas) hallisk proved ft the lead of aL ellertaat la their OrfarTs• lika. In all am% homer, toroidal the - ettheboth.ldoawMtlWbmakememit. As to thOtolall of Mailer plugs of gold. a mmabor of suck tomorted In th e yam of - 11.19 are etlll bourn Inetnarsy to my workmanship, or where I ationkl say proliagosal iyUktl 14-14 BDLBJFt, tj• . iiiiisafsaUnt M easy irtritztimilcrm?,in . ai... .auntraur. NISMEti • , nraisoacia, pi. • . . t,AtD sworaisitAMTIBUZALAIMPAck• 173itILD'11711111111110 ardastly WI, (OW Ira will sell tt Ow brawl prow No 114,111 L • letlwair-la hllOlllO/124 P124/MMISYI LANIJ ILIOACO - AOlll/1 OF PIU TIXDU WIDI, , Eaton sla to the it litary's Tao lia • Clasal Cetvi =lauds rLo b th the UMW Piaui vtg bit Oland Acacia at Public imietton; In , Datimit, au Itu DUN' alleTlllolll MIXT. la NSW% &pat, DNtnlL -- STILL A OILINOR • earn' nu *ogaz !mix swum scast sircbu am pi _ mhos ILLIEIr nun. GP' MUM commis an . 0 7 10 W Flak MILGRIM GLTDIIII, Isis lississt+i, roartb aDtngne. 'JUST ing,!M'int • 962 / 1 / 04311 "ga t 002 .* 41-1111)14 'Mid" d 1414" Eirtmaisma 101114=1011111 &Ma ' 116,11161/11114210rr. Dit r WOODS. LAS BERAGEB, ER DRESS. GOODS, SILK MANTLES, SUMMER MANTLES, SA. C,41 II S • CIRGUL.A MMHG TM 014 AP AT •49.1e= .lE3Ette•se s , No. 21 FIRTH STREET. •eir • tall oft& at DOIDIVITO AllD MGM& lILIAPGR% GOODS ctrostiatly on Lad. J WAY 186,& MACRUM it, CLYDE'S.' Ws in la toolpt of ZillW CaXiDAi bought dating' the prows drprodntaprbs,sad cm offaf to wbalo- Bala and retail toque, at ICON LOWI BATZIif THAN 171311 AL, land aom asiottematta of THUG Snip, HANOI' GOODS and 210i101116 • Also,—We an dail; oat, at ,nidhies4 prior,. our' stoat Of MUIR TBUILIEMO, AITCUIR, BBOIIIIIII2IIp 6UM 113 point* .01,0 M (IMMO 717P.111811119 . G00DP. 10.4 $o mate roam Ibr ear Tall parchnet , Sar Ocem try 'Sesames WI end our Wholesale rsportsienle will stocked with all pa ta ear Ilse. sad at peke§ as km as spy home this city or in , the Zest. MACBVM GLYDE, N MARKET grain. • Satyr= Rooth street and Man& GREAT OLEARANOB BALE AT 33.AL1A.33.111111.'05.' 59 Market Street, Or 1: 0 1tOla 8 C3lO 01) Eh i CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Laos Points, LACE SHAWLS, LACE BORNOUS. NEW GOODS 1 4- 7 GRENADINE V E .I I,EI Solis wow and bauttihil *pa. - CAMBRIC TRIMMINGS, Embroidered istadkerobiefs, Lace Elea, Pau, and Bun 'Umbrellas, PARIS TRIMMINGS, It a She dosinalle Mat _ AL% Oa of par "rip 1100 P OMB J ust l ' °11 " 41 /' 4 . 01 7 - , Jrostrik non* & CQy 77 Amin gR 113DUORD PIitICIES! To'elose oat oar BUMMER srrooK. To mold aserytog on:Any portion of earIIIII MIS "TOM !0bi...N0.614,110 Reduce Prices :04inch is Point A. I'm maks it in object Tilt imsnisulas to Oar stocarb now to boa garchrin bra boi l ad.& •us Moly Oily m*o of NEw AND DIKILIDADLN 000 DB Zeosill as leElas =s ll36i th es o sod au s iga i r lerthadta ud Dealers who buy for Cask WM Rol oar prka as by a• m layass. LAM. r 00.. jpl maw. DRY r < Y- GOODS 1 - • • J. M. 13urchfield's, • arapta. LT ' • , REDUCED PRICES! outs; VerrAM; amicas.plutot mops. vssiimo;'-. LINN &lINITILLI. TN7 dr , or.pi Minis! 444 ; • ' watli • laciatiamtaiesi ct wits itinntci at N. & UNN,IOIISTILIND StAZININCL Nrir.tooneu- 7 - '2IDUOSTINItatir ' Dll/3001 WO ailik • R; . .r --G!•003')191 iloancettiodik. .*. • paimmumunices, • Jut *hti . *Wit* . 46.14 11 " 1 " 1 ” 4 "? 1 ", 14 . 61 1 . . • • . • . 1 ; . *0.1.0111,910V10,.. wiiinravia«isd- O IA M I R E, Am, / tfrAr2'7,, a .ffi AZ:4 /SU zo--- niladias IL. bri. Month biaalvast. ^.~ u: M=M WW!ONIO HALL: — c COMBINATION TROUPE, on sOnsult Ottho - pad mesa at An , : Lie iber sio• krunnns, and AT general Inn As leak MONDAY riIeNING, July 90th; ud,ff, * in... fog daring the week. 7 STAN ARTISTS orM !ppm I n mar ear programme of &MG% DANOU. Bustatause. a7nlol7aN ACTS, iN.I7BIINCIITI. mtuA JULTBAYADANNAD, to. WA Azad Maine* gm SWIM/DAT AMU. NOON. MIME OF psocizairsa Ateil liagr. Admission, ild Mal% 1001 v IIIEAOLIEBB Teach. as wanted toe the goboola of &natal* Ton. • Alp.. reec elect on will take place atßoboa Nona of add tounshlp, on BATIISDa.7, Aerial% at d o'clock a. la" to elas Bannaer Senn ok one isontha, co commence on Atonday k 4eigtat YL, IldL. 'Ron: p r aVapoN, Pre:wag; uswo..enawir .. liA/ANTisio.—Ou aturprtt-z_Wil,wail il t yH a = tmo lui at Vris month, exi.eiisis, tU a titik &Wm; BermerA sod. Wher new, odeSel and ourtetuferthgte. =WO Wee J . Wen gist free. Addreee, ; • • raw?' SHAW kOTJAAHAMIIeIhert, WAL . 1011ANIIMps.44541toitil1..41NiattO litro4grate tam* anint* iu VA *litho ovum. pad; total' my now °Mop Thong Si!IO1 Illoobtook /Came, ' *Moot . 11OU'ANTISD--a good second. h4id. OA - Inder. Holler, awitt 20 feet luny BO Inio - dlasetet, /Again EOHONANIIII A LANG, , Mob 'GAM. LIQUORS: BEGABS; - ceßoostass; ao.—On 134TUDDSI NOUDJINGI, July Mk/ ar, jd Wolook, will be ecld, et the thatimutlei Salo do Dew Odessa Mobilises; 6 do tnit end Dry Smoking 'l'obagoo; lb .e. 6rsadlu; . ' 10 bone Imported &gum. 10 do Drow3 So p 6 do 011ie do, - 11211 . ••• Dian 12 *Kull NutKarr • ) . - II BAZIIIIDAT Jab. 2Stb, at 11 Wolcot t ti l sald, at ths Covismuroimt Alms Boon* di rush stiod, this superimd TWA** ameurebdug I Saromobe ,Zoitaaway mud "JIMMY UAL • • DANN A-MlaiLWAUSLAmeordm..:. tlicv r taPitan •:' ••• PELOTOGROH,gtooms,„ .I .- , Goma rovrioni-muntrimilpFix) .• *maid reinies, oier likleirdsonh Aro) 4 , Prarsiert,FA., PHOTOGiILPHB, of ereu atm and etyle, plabi Oi 'adored. toot the popular Galt* do Visits to Oehhaet teletllll Itse. --Er. runsuzsns would gorurcuartr con tit, ob. toation of thu ;tact Lon mtmt to the art opitOol. batty of tbio ortgataluomiti bolas midis* by lobo. - • ; . 416 that flight of Mtn. • , ' ' Oar Plum - nuaraal!, - vid liithhotion-goOms• GouritoltDimb `;WINDOW SHADES; oB Zi. . :UM WA - AND LIMIT COLOkP Now and depncistuiiii, lac readvat at tir NEVI CARPET STORE McFarland, Collins 14'... G 0.,. &Wok the Toreprnan mid TharArai Enigma. JUST OPENED. • NEW CALEPETS. By mares ioade . ht tru; noon' dpTs Y.otw sasteri' Men" we are mates the hem* pat. hula bt RUVUMA at EAGZSINg, wet ue Ale to au•complete iinxtennt cd • _ _ Carpels, Floor 011 Cloths, Kitting, hi, WW •= 7 Ism rulactlca view. • OLIVE a ircuarrous a 0., kis s> Intik MATTINGS, • . • ' iron BIIILMJIIt ruumeaura • w. as tint wiling at Stu piot• at • int Wi!tel Checked and Pudiltattoll6 • Urn 07 10 na of m. Perim oLivEzt reraitTocrx * Co. , , lIUUD .• MO W_ /AM " INSTODNDI—Jtort published. m saris/ ap voloos: Moo sts teats.- A - Leahy* us -- Us NA. RONA 221LATIIINNT AND BLDIOAIi•OUNSof =.of Misled , Misled , Watitsoah larolaarrif 11 =1 wll, sot lopplharato Ilatrauts paiwaltr: iftw Nosinpossoos,Aftuseauptloni,......lll.• td sat Ibrdasi tea from tuff-Abusa LA' ' 117 BOW J. Intl. N. D. author 0114 Chas Irooke,flha—HA loos to. Thomazol of Dolorora.". :Bout =War tial. • soda osoolops. to any address foth larh.tg a n. ads W of atz amts. or too an* "SOPI. ateLIAD. Doworf,,'Noot Q To zguirrzohors:-. • • • •- izoin 44Ailini0 maim rim gbh: dralni ap bY edl4y , ; • Opood . Offic, A 1110.4. r DB>FTI etto . th" atiir omoitas : ivZDVDpr. Ma los suits. Tits i. , TbPd dam bilow lL I.lLUTlRL."="iiierythioir : sk i * 10 USW fcc . alb clomp, at therest 0114Motb Ite 11 et. Obar itresi • 111. fan@ tt Ofik Mtn JIMOINAS T.--&-LIOGRTT i _Orrrnousie tr_ond ailans Ail% Pub. wow". rum' -- • u s 'T.sr (RAW 'AMA • ilk buYt BUM • wiffam—whey. ster. no bowleg s :i n k sualkop, 4 o. 4 ikaq DIA tato admit° • 1,01924 Imp, 1W bozo Uheells • de- BaithaiO 4 ., by , 8 cia:lrtrak. INIML /Subsist'. wutiurtti patcsad lane is uses; stw: see arivaicurst. oar sant sz.minurre, • - .LlGtisi ,11611,31-.-20 bblallossembr.felikitsas quanatradudsow . • L.EL VOIGTI , • , '"Asf"*Ar " b itiniel 1* USA •BU • • • tap ' • , Avi-7 ; .4.m wobrabgad, WWWIMW/4.WM - 4 , bbla, vic4 n 4iiipseyibroubarnar, retnuxv;ise. 07_ ti ostrum ' An.: n , '1404-1804.406kr 4 'lltf - fit ,11. - A '"witedi sod tor arty , " 1 3 4** JIAITISEJffIgJr7I. H WIRD LIN3B ONE WEEK EoNoiNE: MIXTB. .4 lICTIOJe 841.114.- FIFTH BTR
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