t _ Oil ; i ..,...),, r_ : ~ , ~... __ ISIOnAY 11011FRNG, JUNE' 29. U Mos Comity- Mimi roe/W./W.4 NZ$ .4/ 6.1/Xstl4 l Odwd: mess RkirroN. • :owe P. 'nem ri, isci• tye • gLrasAs na omao s." • c t _ w - tr. WE. H. DINNISTOS. T/106. J. MIHAIL WIL A. 111111 -terßON.loir draws. •• # • lli4 cow* • DATztp Atassi, is. • • for Jtvendin • • AMIE. XbaratalC .11.1 4.1 ea 0-:callotalltiallilbv; r c.. a . r • WX. waii4DPll9*.“l- E _ 11* 1ti7111L13 1 %. - • 11101141 1 Dtediter:if o ,ko JOHN r. MT°. atoroardsyt • so, given ..in our Ms- Tatobeig emstalae matter ofmore Importance -*Weary , envdsp let monde pse .t.4lLaxi 'l4 daf, persapersinee the commencement edt talsr-u-leas brought ne. We leave out .........bN 'lirdere' in , speaking thus, the repulse of "griPre' t Port Hudson—a repulse that, at 'OM wars c an only amount to a temporary Cheek, or a postponement of the taking of .Port iitta on until GEA.MT has taken ylcue . burg. No do we regard the self relating story the robe have published in a ftieh. wood paper, about Buckman having defeat ed Busettos, but an finding himself flanked by the latter, that he was faUtng back to ease Snozvtlls. All this, and the amounted theprogress of affairs at Vicksburg, and of Rossonans' army being In motion at last—which alone would be ample as a field of speculation, end quite sufficient to enchain our most interested attention at any other time—we now turn away from, attracted by the more powerful interest we feel in the ler citing and imminent situation of affairs in the emit. As events in that quarter' re so reply evolving, no review of the relative position of the fortes to be engaged so soon in deadly cronlict—no statement of the facts already reported, however carefully made up to this hour of writing—would probably rep resent the actual situation even when these lines would tame into the hands of our redo:leis; so It is better to await results than to hasten on to that favorite foors-play of same, of our prophetic and oracular 81111.8. bye Of the press, speculation. We prefer to add just this statement of a matter of foot, to whatever other state manta may be fortheoming in our die. patches to-night—that (len. Rome's army, when it crossed the Potomac, to force Les to fight on the north side of that river, numbered just twice what we have heat some confident arithmeticians reckon it up at, for several weeks past, and that he will certainly receive barge reinforoe - mints at once. 141 .i f 5 ,: ,~. the `_ iU ...And now, we say with a New York coatemporst7, that II the rebel army, which Ise has just led arose the Potomac, sets back apta safely,- as LI did last year, nit trill bs.s iiisproloofis roma for is, 1" "A Word to Pennsylvania." Is it EO that 1111 the brave men of the Slate are in the army? for really it looks like it. A formidable Invading army has been suffered to enter the State and pane trste almost to the capital without the lose of a man. It is a disgrace—it is a blot upon our record that ages will not take away or efface, unless it is done before it liras itself more deeply; unless it is done at once by a spirited and universal rising of those who claim to be men onelection dor,. and by the immediate expulsion or capture of the invading boat. But if, se these audsolons rebels have threat sued, they shall actually dare to ;some to the Susquehanna or the Schuylkill—less than their capture or destruction would not redeem the good name of Pennsylvania. Let Booxrat's army constitute one jaw of the vice, and the maid home the other, and Utica' never again reason the Foto -um with an army. But if we are to rely solely upon the army of the Potomao, we may have the desolations that have made "Eastern Virginia's desert visited upon us. 'lt is smatter of choice. If Penneylvisnis is desolated, it will be because _she Mould Am prevent it, not because she amid not. Ws ehell now let the New York Times • „spina "A word to Pennsylvania." Per haps that "word" may reach the manhood of some. It says: "The Suits of Pennsylvania has a pope • dation of three millions. She has something ''` 01 ; • • . ; b. • • 1.• . 1 1 1- . e '.••••••• •-• - elks a hundred thousand soldiers in the - armies of the Union. She is believed to be threatened by a rebel torn estimated at "hinetY.thonsend strong. It is, undoubted :ly, very desirable that the army of General - 4n ooir should tune her from the danger rehelinvskion. But it is impossible at present, it seems, to prevent invasion alto gether—though it does not seem unlikely ,that Penney Urania msy, for a time, be made ~,the. battle field for contending armies. %Under, these circumstances, and to pre „moot- the bloody horrors that threaten the' ...Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, one would -.Waging that her people would rush to arms tedrive the invaders from her soil 'Won they obtain a foothold upon IL Be. - :11de the large and splendid force she has . :ionitibisted to the National army, she ought still to be able to raise out of her popula tion, at least two hundred thousand fight. leg:men. Ono out of ten Is the popu lation . rianertelnly not too large a draft to make -.from her resources in case - of actual iavr -aloe. If there were two hundred thousand .-man 'on the soil of Pennsylvania awaiting “theadvent r of I4s's army, we venture to thist that rebel would at once have - up the ides” of capturing the than or quaitering his army in the I , tae. .1L le now a fortnight since the rebels •/,•. Most their operations Pennsylvania. _Xhosa was but a small invading force at ,Alret, it is true, but the iPennaylvsflans, ..like ourselves, believed there was a very -Urge ose; and might have boon mooted -4o sot accordingly: Bat whether the first Abets was large or statll, it pia the State 1 ' seulaateat v 1111134 of whin was, or might -chowomiss. It showed that Muni= was "tlinilfilo„ and with the (sets • been them : 4 4,t u iii_pdtha they nor had an* right .46 ant otherwiso than If it woreawn .4 , "%liars Smiled at the apathy.that seems to pros's/I among 'tiko people zet ale.. Panto and apathy, apathy and plate, 'l. **l)iii4ll,of: Okai#ll* tatidrants • as, ~A S the first sr Isaili*SlMEirain t i ' llt o 4 ll a zlas to hare been thrown 'Mita' IMoir.:•W• are 4 , a1 • ••lail MIZE 41 4 .. *, . • 4 glad it did not fall on Its belly. When he pet* they ilbsd their eyskand fell teloviiitionceka. Whenksarealineared, they were once more struck. And new that they have had time to gather up their wits andbraoe themselves for work, we see those of them wiu4,annot be said to be altogeth er-apathetic, engaged in paltry argammts as to whether their term of service shall be auteek rirr tFo,.trc! south or two, more or less. . ~;he„or4n;ht, they 14T9 . 4*” root has, been iimalnable... to. the. enemy. It iheald have -*ought-at , lout a hundred 'ttihssidifsaidVistittartanians to Harris- to - iddale after New York had heard the news of the invasion, this -Sttlsi-looVeent nineteen regiments to help 'bnikowthern sister—fifteen of which were uom thi lie city. We have not beard of fit teen regiments being sent from. PhiWel. phis, nor half' of fifteen, nor five. We doubt if all Pennsylvania has yet, fifteen regiments in the field. We do not say this invidiously. This is no time for invidious feelings or remark. This metropolis will send fifty regiments, beside the fifteen al ready Bent to Pennsylvania, if she needs them. But we should like to see a more patriotic, energetic, warlike , feeling in Pennsylvania, when alto is intaded. We hear painful tales of the rebels harrying the farmers, plundering the towns, and galloping to and fre at their pleasure. Yet even this does not seem to arouso the State —nor even the neighborhoods which the rebele are ravaging. We even hear of old military companies disbanding, for fear they shall be called to the field. Our Har ribbtirg correspondent of this Itorning mentions that city men have enlis ted from that neighborhood, whore there are twenty five thousand people. "What in the cause of_this? Is it fear of the rebels, or confidence in HOOSIZI1:11 army. or iodtderepce? '''ear of the rebele would be pusillanimous and disgraceful iii a populous State like Pennsylvania. lt ie well to have confidence in Eicusetee army but events have proved that it will not do to confide entirely in it for the defence of the North. • " We call on the Pennsylvanians to wake up, arm, organize, and help to drive the. rebels at once from their soiL But perhaps it is hardly worth while to call, when even the trumpet of invasion does not wake ap the &ate." Explanation of Governor Parker's Actual of the New Jersey Troops. The following explanation of the action of Giiv. Psazza, in reoalling the New Jersey troops from Pennsylvania, for which he has been hastily censured by some journals, has been published, we presume, by authority The call on Gov. Parker for aiff came from the Governor of Pennsylvania, and not from the National Government. The President did not include the State of New Jersey in his Proclamation calling for 100,- 000 six months' volunteers. The forward ing of New Jersey troops to Pennsylvania was simply the act of one State voluntarily helping another State in an emergency., Gov. Parker acted under the State laws of New Jersey, and under them the militia cannot be called out for over sixty days, ex cept in case of the actual invasion of New Jersey. When, however, the New Jersey troops reached Pennsylvania, they were refused acceptance unless they would be sworn into the United States service for six esonths, under the President's Proclamation. Tne Governor of Pennsylvania moreover instructed his transportation agents at Philadelphia to forward no troops to liar risbargh who would not enter the United States service under' the six mouths' call. This was not what the New Jersey troops had offered to do, nor what Gov. Parker had called on them to do, nor what he had any authority by State law to require them to do. And therefore he ordered them home, the entire expense of his volunteer ser vices, it seems, falling on the State of New Jersey. The expression in GOT. Parker's Prole , mation, that "the emergency was past" to meet which the New Jersey troops were of fered, was justified by the dispatches from Pennsylvania on the 22d inst., the date of the Issue of the proclamatioh. It was an nounced on that day that all the rebels had witEdrawn from Pennsylvania, and that no farther use remained for the troops that had been hastened forward to repel the in / 'resign of that State. re _ Destitution in North Carolina A letter from Newborn says: The women and children, numbering some fifteen hundred parsons, on Cape Hat ters., Dante, are in a very destitute con• &lion and threatened with starvation. Every man and boy among them capable of doing military duty has voluntarily taken up arms in defence of the Union, 'Mich leaves-no one at home to care for the innotteAt idici needy. Being a very re aglow; - people. they bale not nailed upon 1 the government tor a mouthful of food, tio• itievtng it wicked and dtehonorable to do so while the nation is struggling to maintatn its existence. Nut even a otergymaner doctor remains. It is earnestly hoped that some benevo• lent Christian aesootation of the North will Immediately dtepstch hither a representa tive with clothing and other necessaries to relieve the pressing pante of these devoted Union-loving people, whose prayers are constantly ascending to Heaven for the euccess of our righteous cause. The wives and children of the lit North Carolina Volunteers and the let North Carolina Artillery are also suffering for the want of proper clothingi and require immediate assistance, having been driven from their homes in s destitute condition. Brom Pleasanton's Coutinande.Cav• airy Iteconnottering..laciden ts . A oorrespondent with Plensanton's Cavalry, in a letter from hilddlebug, Va., dated the 23d, gives the following interesting gairri *noes Writing of Ewell's command reminds me of an event that transpired one week ago last Saturday night. Wyndbant's brigade—now commanded by Col. Taylor--was °Mend to Warrenton; among thew, the /int New Jar- I cavalry. Idsj Beaumont, was ordered to primed to Meucci°, and jut as far as poui- Ms toward Amiss/Die. At Cuter's Creek we found the bridge destroyed, but through the wag of a rsilabmoontraband, a crossing was sffeeted at 1 o'clock a. m. A sigiadron was thee detached to CMS Hodgman's river, and fad its tray toward Anitsuills. At the fording plus the Oolitic tired seurai shots, but no nuke was taken of it, and the squadron pusbed on. When nur Amiss ville, a rebel soldier ran upend innocently tee guhed to what Division the party belonimii. SW. Beaumont :upended by asking velure hesdquaturs were at A.missville, and was told that "Liens Gen. Swell is at Amissville, and, his troops are all about here is the woods." True enough, we were in the hurt of the en ', soy's camp. It is hardly necessary, to say that the squadron got across Sedgeman's river jut shoat as quick as circumstances Weald permit. The odoers relit. many interesting lac& bate of this experience while cutting their way Wreath the etunty's lines. Lieutenant . Chedell was shot from his horse, and fell in the road. Th. rebel omen in charge of the purities force, fa his credit be it said, told Ids men to the right, as then, weil wounded Dee r la Aimed, sad heves com pelled to Ise his sWord to eaforo• the order- Meat. ChedeU has not been seen SW4. Capt. B.sby sad lust Bowyer wen SOIT I V . CaptallMl at the time. An Ater came tip te OW.-Bisby and said, "It le so see, yaw bad better enertader yen will all be applied. Capt. Bixby raped that he could mot ewe 4. Both bad pistols drawn, but neither seemed disposes to kie,, and Cept&3l:ll daii . ked off. wii:Pubsintantit 'rotund "Ili* in the thigh ad rigkt sidiskwhib9beng closely pur sued. Llnit. Sawyer's horse kicked ip, and both feet aims down inside Capt. Bixby's reins. Bixby told Sawyer to cut the rens. The latter felt in his pockets, but could find no knife. B. then searched his own pockets, but he hid no knit*. Just at this moment B. heard a man say, ..Here are two offlosts—sur render. you Yankee —," et the same moment firing. Onalball struck Lieut. Sawyer's hone in the .neck, and the animal dashed off, olsaring blind( very readily from the bridle rein without this use of a knife. Bothofficons escaped capture. Bixby has been wounded four times before. AtITIORISID DIBEANOMIS IMO x limuum scrim. —WO learn from onrearrespondent etH►rris bnrg that a regular systematic) way of pub lishing military news has been ordered by Gen. Ocuolt In his Department. He has, in an order just tuned, appointed 001. Oeppee, formerly Profesior of Girard College, to col lect from ofbial'dispetches all the inform.- Don that is not contraband. He is to make up two dispatches each day for the use of the reporters. Tan ,Nashville Union of a recent date says: "A gentleman who has just arrived in thin city from Lebanon, Tennessee, in forins us that the wheat crop of Wilson county is large and very fine. Bat little of it has been harvested, in consequence of the scarcity of farm hands. Farmers are offering to divide their crops equally with any pettier' who will gather them. It is not probable that more than half of the wheat will be harvested, unless the army wideitokes the job for the benefit of the overnment." yr .41 so ircid res sr-int &arra. paOTUGRAPEI ALBUMS PHOTOGBAPH ALBUMS. PIIO7OOBAPEI ALBUMS PEWTOOIIS.I . II ALBT PHOTOGII :PH M,80113. PHOTOOIIkPa ALBUMS. FOOT Aka& Pa ALBIIIIB. Atio'ber lugs atigrly of PHOTCGRAVPH ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM! PHOTOOHAPH ALBUM& PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM& PHOTOGRAPH ALHOHY Whloti foe beauty of style Id &upon' an moor sod, bays boon noolind • •Q' N "1" , Maeonio Fifth Street, 549 _ _ _ Eem WEEKLY TO LIVER -11/ S'Mary touching at quzzasiowN, (cosi Usasas..) The well knows 11:011.12•1. ul Liverpool, Isom Yo* and PlallaSelphis Steamship Company ma lutes 44+1 to sell at tollsors s OITY OF 111/...NORESTSS......—Satorday. July 4. OITT OF WASELISOTOS—.—J3aturday, Jut; ti. OITT or BALTLllloll2....—.—..9aturday, July IS. ind *wry suoxeding Saturday, at soos, from Piet 44, Borth Ulm ISM OP !SMOGS. Porabl• Is Galt, or Lb townstles4 Es Common. n 1 un CAM __....P0 oo STSSI•OI.--..-...1131 /0 co. to London-. BS 00 do.. to London.. 66 t 0 do. to Peru--.. 46 tO do. to Peru—. 40 60 do. to blsmourg t(1 - 0 0 do. to Hamburg 57 MI Passonprs sun lotworded to Ham, Bnemen. Sot. herdsos, wawa.", to, at equally km rases . P . trots IttTerpoOr 414oponstopro t let Chado, 1175. VW it 80/nags. $3O Th se who teleh to send for their *leads can buy tierces hers at those .etas I, Inrthar Information ar DIY et DA Le , Larne, the Cioterdte JOBB 0., 15 Broadway, B. Y. 30811 IBOYarfi )hl. agent, Hand st met, Brat hoes, trcm Ina Bings, maliktf Pit.shor.. h. N NW tAn.I3ItINIktnNT. 300 damn Bow ha, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; 210 do Hay Rotolo; lOu do btraw aad flay form; nO do Oran .e7ttsto; t 0 do Horn linckstg Now rscaPtlng and for Fan, ar a pp tl SIDDLIa. No. 133 Liberty alreoL u AUnlretl UN. WOWS, SlM otodolt Otnal Doer. Ta.carsys. county, Ohl., on tt• Clovolond l Flitatonrgh BolltoN ond. Ohio Canal. Oon to pot to blast st • molt mope's*. Per •Opli orth ng to cumin* Os pros:arty can do so upon spplu:anon to Br. 080. B. DIA.NDOBIT, Canal Dover. Tor term% to , oddreos or apply to DOYLD Td011&B, Llano mono. Pa.; or, TEM 0. STURGIS, 10. a Bross 51.., N. Y. 1.5 Olio.' Alf &PLE iICGAR.-30 bbls. strictly ILL Mar Kayla Burps on& band and for rale by Lrrria 111.111 CIA, 114 and 114 4..nd street. 13.1,i1l bbl. in store and , or sale Ey 1.122 114 &TUT IM, PST 112 .24 114 6.<KM at... 4. t. Juasinb. 1161 CITY SOALES.—: , ,ealea Fro pees* @advisee to she Please• Committee of W i se ll., wld t. re/stied at t• • as& FBI. OAT. July Id, lade, at st o'clock p m.. for Idelah. 120.111 , .te for the am.ral titt• Swab dads 'Matta • will set• how mu Is per mot. of the gnu revenue atlas' las d S. • they pey to IS Cit. fee tee Ile of the 50... am Id WoCIA POO. OmtroPer. LtVlifcrooli, (Lo• Doro AT BAL- L: 1111 Ilts Tutu rtT6.oliLl.)—Tae flue Benno Md. lo•Aog at 41raall Wharf. w11..11. a /AU JCL*. Aoy twOght WM *.r s from s i ..aurae will oa tote •rde4 rim ,1 anon • int. • d twusigned 11l ay Mood§ In lellepAo, dorsal oniu Wilt... I [13.1e. for I.leiglat oyidy to toe nulles••nad. uo Az. A. 69 .oulh Mr Haldeourw HOLES I MU t..Eti I 76 LAEIGIC K IGCILY (broke) MULLS, if 00k 15 to 16 henda high. Can be taut at Da Lim /keel f r mr.. ..i.. 3- 0.3 11; .. v! ,; ; 1.1 101't 64611.1.1:666136.063..•. 61.6 67 Vcsase 461666, All 066 y. Pore.* plambulog gassilltha E. .t. Loun4 (Al a0•66.6.66a DAVID Pl. V7IIST7, .06 tRA tint 61.66.. ia HINGLEA &ND litiiißELS. 11l 100,000 So. I ,ptlt Mangler, - 100 mum flour &anon; . ion, en . Moira do; would tall for Orur, cox, (NA iv taw ou, cis, sit Va On of and tie solo try El ISTDDLIN molt n MI I.4turt, ...at- A~A&XIO&N MUoTANIi LLNhIIcNT ILL Odra. nestentlan. owe; Pant In tbe Beck nee Ili 0 , ears wawa. attelos, Bums. !hob toaa, or W /ninon or ant kind. Tor isle st oao, d HILLY'S 01INTILLL DB1:10 [MIKE. ear. ..hio end Ireton) sawn. ion R ix*Ears CITBATB bIatiNZEIIA is productrrs of du bad malts la Blot Ebadsobs, saws of Us, btosasett, nearibura, sad ad cam. p I arldas Irma acid y. fa , ssla OSO allatAT'S OINTEAL MOO MHO, cora. oblo sad Iradsral 011.114. 1.211 LIQUID RENNET.—BIair k Wyeth .1.4 Liquid Boadat. for.addrlog •la a low Wont a, &ort. dome* fait roodirod sod for We as 0110. d.14.11LL 111 b131:10 d'loB2, ow. Ohio sad llNdoial draws. COLUMBJA BOthsic, CIaPIO MAT. Ms Brut elan Honor .111 Do oprn for Um ramp tan of 'wits os Jdoo nth. Pike. J. P. (MK IL Proprietor. CIASIWILESOALMA+. OAPS MAL Thu first ISSN Liotet is nordpos for Os reception af,trueotas.e. ALUM,. A WASP, Proptletora. 14X4H. bAJLAI9•444it goo. route on .0 Ramos OMMI. avatars at the Wanting tatln ttllo bolus of 0 and a o'etcot R ra, or at 704 Pima moat, from 6 to 9 o'clock leattr. LUJI. RIINT,Ni. new and pleasantly situated Mick Deollion Boom, on Beath Aeo. non Alhabany Clay, elm ovum* nom of the 11r4 Nord 001011 UOTIMI. having . tom rooms, tltohon and oda, • sta. and pato au tam rooms, loge yard; trine, to. To a Gamma Want rent will be mod.rare. Apply to Inn. IL H. BIDDILII, on the rooming, as to In niDDLI, at the alledsany rose Vince. oflttf .2 5 W sod nos braogbt book on Toomloy ovoolsig. sa. lost a 1.14E1T BAS *Las, sOotit 'l5 knob tilob, with Ono *tilts Idol fool, tad star 10 bone; coo Siker tm bar tight Mad big; totwoon_tbo imam and boo Joists. pssaspers &dm maid will b. l imn ftr tha rstotnot Om soft so • - 011WasED4WILOON, nniffs'p ihld nise. Pinssuma. ry ri t 1 FOURTH OF JULY.. 1883. snow fOUR COLORS. Pi' L 11. far Si I til Teem 6 Inks to 60 feet. BIGINXIST&L !LILCO! HOSTING !LAGS I BILK ILlioB I Au mutt limo on Akio. OW We clnllange quality sad prim alai. Eastern E e=ta eIIrPI22'SBURGH ?LAG MASUFM7TOIt Yst 4, PITIOCUL'S 'NEWS DEPOT, BTEZZT, OPPOSITZ THZ P.O. AELP.NR'S MAGAZINE, f.:r July. 'L. Fie[MEWS MA.O • Z , 14 El, for Je'l. HAUNCH% kl AGA ZIN r, •or July. AT LANT.t.I IduliTTA LS, for July. ATLAUTftI M 0 STU L V, f.r Jae. ACLA WWI AfoOIBLY, for Jule , GOVEVIEI LAI:o‘I3IIJIJEC, tor July. autt are huOli. for July. a ,11tZ1.6 for July. pSTEligosPo liAun Z fN e. BA ..Lot '8 MONTH', , for July. LIS 611r15 Z hr., for July CON PI nkri r• L !GLOAT H LY, for 81a hilllnt MAN, hr J. l l. TAN no.lll CIuTIOW. for Jule. B 10xr ot PON. fur July. blithe 001, for JOY A 11T411 et , O AliA Z. NT- (sr July. 1 AL I .o' REP , litlo..T,!or Joy. All the idlfl.lTAeT All TOO DIME ,tiY •oo otSer D112.¢ B •OEfli All •he I.le' PAPAL S, McO.ZlNlt.a end AKW BUOES. All kinds of ST ,Tleibl I OY end MANE BOOKS. w.t.o Pktio, the be , that are med. PRO , 00 li,Arki ALb OJie, Lilo bol and cheapeit to the cite. CAA.. PlinTrOR , PO Pr lIrIISITt . , AO la it lo's woo as d 0, Psper.end sus .lepse, in the 'sleet and beet sryt et JOHN P. EIONT , S, Minionle gad Ugtall Brk. Stat'ocery, negating sod Jeamep•os - • rpporiL hi &BM+ 10 Li i.L. T tITTH STSTET. • tl lllVlOript.ott• iged ior Ps pain anti D 1 ..•• j•Vi N EVES KNOWN TO FAIL! IRIXON o s AROLiTIC BILICIBIIRRY CIIININLTIVF MI SOTILItilll UUDT TOR DMINTLIT, DIABIIIIES, FLUX, CHOLERA MONSEN ♦ND 80MALDB COMPLAINT The Immense aide testify to the merits of this rems.dy The 131191111111:111 daily reports of astcn'sblag cures at.tllt he Talllt It has adr.teges aver any other remedy, at onos curing the Weems., and imparting tont and strength to the system. 1. wee and harmless to the Infant, and pstretful In the ,Ault CALN. 're the repectslly, it Is lovinehle, Woe gpmprlately leaned by them, in :ashy certificate., The Soldiers' Friend.' Mother* Sod It superior to any frothing syrup fur children teethisg, treed Vero the hilarious effects of 11A1100T109, It rest to the sufferer by nmoslng the dim is Bed by r. opectable doidelrs everglade re. Par Pepe, pa cams A Boma TLEPLILID ONLT WM. F. DAVIDSON, 01.120121NAT1, 0 puavi taiCE' Hi PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS COSYKa runt LSD BILIMST STILINTE rid and Scl etre toe, over Illottordeou'i levrelr7 Starr PROTOGBA.PI/8, of enory du end .tyle, pleln colored, flocs thi populor Corte do Visit. to Cenlast 1ME:132 Kr. PUBTLILIOI would particularly call the at- WWl= of Its Assa oto unman la the way we.a batty of thu •tahllhhmeat. Wag roociod hf,• .10 ils short light of star. Or Pawn sairwm. Sod, je Wird I BEAKS rows PEEPS. A!ISI•PEELLIEB PUMPFS, IKON WELL LIED POWS. _ _ EEOINE WELL PUMPS, T &BD WIILL PCDIPS, lIZZD PUMPS, RAIL. UOAD TOIIDD PIMPS 10101 PUMPS, LIQUID ID• Is UDE PUMP". Lilt A.LID ;NAOS PUMPS, • And minty *that PUMPS citanufacinnid by Chiming On. &nabss, rOliPn f Ere Welts ra And s. Chianti,ouch which can b• tl with any kind fit pips. Tor alio by BAILNI, re.aaaLL a ou CdNVAB :SHOES, • I). v • 116. Ms mart awl best manadag Doe made. MiCLILLANDI AUCTION 1301TER IisOWILLANDT 4170T108 1100b8. ihoziLLANDT 401:711010 EOM 1110MILLA1DT AUCTION NOMA REORL V Ell AT Levu" ionooooinarnits,esl7—•• 60 Do. KID EUIDLIID DOOM 78. EL OONO. 1121113 D MUMS, only lie. GRILDBZIPS COAT BOOM ogal BOW AND TOWSlit'S DAM:MAN; MUM B•14i1ORAIL Call and soota• blisPin 40'40 ATTENOS 7011 Fannon russumnaci wo &NAM selling at to viola of • you op, White, Checked and Fancy Matting; ovory Ail, sad of • main Ouslit7. OLIVER X'OLINTOOB M. MU/LUSTER it BARB, iliundloctarirs and &gag Le all kinds of TODAOOO, ANDTIr AND ILWABB. Ho. 101 WOOD Snow, rmsrcruni FA. ittp ceestaiijli as band s IsrP WWI' of MIAs tell disoiSkiV r~K&ND A Ali ittLOW ellatois—A stoiliad alto atd suet breatttel 114).. of adt. staneOlgtett, Gbocelsts-, se glees Oda% otg mg. lot a 1 aad9al at. Olidt et, -011 0.4.11118.1,811.1tta. YEAClanni suits • 'Mrs sed for sap by MALIN BIOKO& 00. baFfsT QUARTFIaIIaBrEIr B OFTICE, 1 .. Loci/vat:A. K ,.. .Itrae 16 5e63. f . Ti 1 0 4 ,1 Ea E IDPm u,P JO S E 3le n w u r hb i , fallowing Ferrite., whica must be &tinned at a en 14, hy .100 of charge for package; or Irelibt d reuly for Wpm na. 1i . ...ae oot loyel patrol need apply, and the oath of enlanc• prescribed I y Oa lr.a. trill be rogittred Of Lomita Mddurs AbTIOVEIi HILQI3III.XD. fOO (nee hundred) Carriage Balt., tx9l6; 610 (the bandred) " " 6 esi l fOO rye butler. , " " 24r..1.16; WO in hundred " " 9 .5.16; 600 6111huodagl . •' •'4 2 4 4 . ....K8 ... :0 des bow. 0 0 63...,„, 0 (.Intern tottact , el)poatat's % loohltound Ito% (two thorotod, pound, 3-to 0 o o Woes ihocesoe) o ti se se (die thoosaud) 0 C.. ,100 sewn to aloud 0 1.(. / (*even thous.. dI 0 7.13 0 0 7,000 .nett thoottald 0 .n 3,000 (three thc as. no 0 9 '6 " 10 41 •I 01 ' T o,ol(sivtn thou arta) ° .000 ((Oar thousand) P j ;00 lobe 08030..0( " 0 • ° ,u 0 (two thunotall t. I o o o ,000 (two theramod 0 l " " ,OLO (VS ttousato) 0 byl%ht.orid/rOn .4,603000 r tboaseno) 0 A toy 1 to. " 4,010 (Law thoo.aat ) 0 % loch spare' 2,000 (too thocutud) ' . p 0 1 21,003 two t.ostsl 0 4 " -. 600 tla tho.waod 0 4 0 " 60'0 a x thoU,autl 0 1 ° " T 7,11.01 ono tbooa - 0) 0 01 % tech boo 4,000 (Cour t•lcaoa . .o) 0 el% " 0 • 2,000 (too thormaad) 0 .1,4' ° 0 ,0 /rur , h.12..ti0) 0 It 0 4,00. 'oar comsat d) 0 til 0 " 4,%0 boor lbw:lnd) 0 as 0 0 0 000 ,eix tb..nsetc..} " Li% 0 0 IJAO (ox tooasoac • aN, 0 0 0 - 1 , ti OtIO (ellt ta, 60.6' 0 03 4 030 oar th .a0.0..1) " at 8 tOu duos th ,u.a. d) " .‘al. " " 2.00 3 ...o ttootaod) 0 .1% 2,000 eo thouso.o) .• a% " 0 " 3,0(0 t wo thooluol ° n2 O 0 " 3 040 (two th 3assoc 0 .% SI; 00 (00 113.9.40 0 a A 0 0 0 SI 003 (.wo taon.aoo) tall "• 0 0 8 tam (tare. (how& Pel) ° t1)'" 0 ° 6, , tO ( s a thou •• d) " to 0 0 0 4. , t, at) tr,die % 'nth Ho .p !ran; pu( or t. 41 •II 10(ode I. etered) 1.....d 50 at 1 bah Ho - p Iron; 1, , 00( , e .horoau t ste o.)( tam Sprit( Steel; 6u (•tat)) tars 1%a% not, . .I. -- 100 (o e uoconoa) po,.nds 210 loch Cart " .0u it... h .udrsc) aro , . Nolo cutePl, In 760 ooe h •114 ea sod 8 4 ) sego liormilhos Halls; 8, tat .0.. e th.ottoo) alp li•oss noes; a 0 1/ ,L •0 1 . 1 00,6,0) •• Mot. so 1 1000 ( air at ou .or) Wagon r. po Boxes,l%all to,. t• In Inn 'OO (f4or on .00) At:abalone Pipe 80Z..•, 35(g I% io., P,X, In. lout', ve, tit] t Is. Maur ) Fluid 'Gib& (Ariaj We g•O) r poxes; 6,0E0 (en' to. utand) Flont 30 heel (hinny Wag -) p 4.•; 800it t.,. 'not battered Atilip W• 602 Ho"; 1,6.0 a tandnd) tnind Wlttel (Leikadaties) o oke.; 003 (0.. ha .tred) /MIS Wheel (Imatalaao 4 ) Fp bee; All bias to to aidromod, glen twit alai 014010, to toe uode.olgoed W. lid K. 378, pea. OM Oapt a-d •. QVI., 11 8 Arati. A . A LI Mi.— MAISLLIS 1 . 1..i.GR I 7, 7, bun 49.R0. A LEMMA --MO. Pt.1‘.1.11140S 10•010.11141........ .01 WA556.......... 1 A 40. 100 Timing aompted tSe Agemoy for the ale of the 8 PLi uL. Y. mieo.d near ft. Louts, no., IN ett* the atheotieser of Gto,o •al 61e-I klentifscturstra to the Andy.* ‘1,.. straw. WI r.perted by hula. A. A. Elam co: Et.reb..n, and J. C. Booth, of Plans/elle chi* which, toeether with the toot of actual experi• eom by aranidadmren to titteharsh, Oincinuati and ft. Louie determine* It to be the Mined and molt reliable Clay now known. wheiber foredo, or emeriti. Pate mans from It have stand In the Glato riarnaoa Item ox, to • months. ha analyst. le of to. Only as taken from the without any washing or preparation what. It pweemes great adhesireneas sad pateticity .s, which are trot thresh by the analysis. and admit of the admixture PI a large propeettoe of str II or OM nedolar. I am nos prepered to ell °nitre for the above Vey, to be skipped from et. boots or &dive* hum Nvii.,..w.T.,, , ukuNE., b u SAS Mali OP aOTUft• DO owe' . T . lair Comnene.chartered by the hut fie • •1011:0 lily of [be butts of Illinois. with • 11. powers. hes opened book• for the so' ption • stock at thole odic* in the oily of Clelto, 1111 • ale. the manufacture or toga, from rorghu • or • Obit,. eager Cleve and tho yield of tot •• wish not fanulo - • profit from Oa article even at • rdlnary mar Irot rotes, ere fact. which now admit of lb. lull ing lurnoee rotten. As Southern Illinola I point • climate and soil, to admirably adopted far t • growl I of the .2111. sad o 0 the cuitivetitn of th cane at needy forms • great feature in the apical • rat par inane of the people, tae Atoms of the Wet • for • factory will be end ly oonceded. It le tae porno.. et the Oeuipsny to • and her In operat.eu a large Waspy before to. • of • prewent waramil and with • view to aid lu that par Maw, iutworiptiona of 'took are solicited on • foliating wrote: thane Ora Hundred Dollars each tetenty-fise dotter. at the time of ortbieri ou, • • too beware to quarterly payments. A. pt wi W peen tor earn installment, and when tli fall a • • aid a certificate el stock, beating Dm al Wore of lb. Presiesat and awarelary of the Oomph will be booed ihs Incowea of this enterprise, shoo oti started, I's beyond wieldiest. Ihe President of the Company has had mach septic:toe 111 Swope= tries. altta In the aroctidu of factories and lb* Mullion,. I tare of moor. and is abundantly sadabet tkat tio 8.14 of operation he boo seer men pram ter than till. no fully eathiled la he of swam. that ke ode he will oppose. ttfo sale of a sisals akar. of block at any p id. &meow. high. after enounti has been talon to erect and pot In operation the nest PM • . tette er that ompany. lbmateinlal £llllllO, near the Yost Odlco, Cate., ldloota. spin:ems.. Carr D. W. HIRSCH. Prrforcrua, r.. myYlkly■adns Era 129 ?math ittvet OAEVAII 2110r4 ° A live, anon. ♦ lot Just ticolved of Po MAIWCT OTSINT L 7 BA 4MOSAIA 1.00. WIWI coIGUI 0157111. 8 AND M&N HOOD ; ROW LOST! BOW LTS. hiSTOBED I--Jutt published, Ina aided Mt. Val cp s .. Prim Ws canna A Looms on Ow VIA. TUBB, TRUST wZbIT AND ItaDICIAL 0131t1 of dotratatorrhata or Switoat Waskansa, Involuntary 11mIsslons, Sexual Debility, sod hopedlawuto to Startiago gm:wally; Nerfol3/12/161. OonsumPlon. Bp tam and Vital Mental and PhYslosi Iddn i reDYl tomato' from talt•Abuta AA- By Bobt. J. cher. we% AL D., author of Dm Ontow Boob, As. "A Boos to Tbourand of dathanza." Bost under owl, Ins plain owolops, to say 'dames. poot•pald. on rs allot of Wit canto, or two patsy stamp, by Dr. 011. J. O. It LIMA UT Bowery. New :Tor rt. Pad Oaelf ts 8az46811. ' - , udlttatlowi gs VIIIIII ITB IIII7 . IV 1.111°114-1. im still sealing • A-3 1 ____ _ J. P. linRIA liD, o• warkoe smoke SL LOUIS, MO, ALEX. GORDON, o. 191 SIOOND B• •, Pirrssrao Nzg C latlr/kll6, r JAJt)III. ULU ti/AJPittl", 60. ORSAT DEDUCTION IN ERICK& NEW CARPET STORE IdoFARLAND, COLLINS de CO 71 AND n MTH Mart Botereeit the Pat 0121 cs and Digatch HaUlm& W. titre Ind nadved our nit stock, Mirchstad at • gear tedo two fr. 111 rime o 1 hot biatog. Gant. pr 511.4 • as it est.o.tr. and onmpl•teueortmont of alay ...mho'. of gouda an our tins, shack we oats fur ...I. .1 • Inman al venni on Wit* lto prove., to sal tat. stock at from TIN TO N s.rivE rce Unit. LIMB .tban Ike maw goods me nos coiling far In that Ifors, and Pallade lf l. 61.8.1na j Uta uYL.NJW. " NEW CARPETS. DJ purchases macs la she meat &preset= of Ohs Lenexa lierketa, vie are receiving Uri wiliest pet• Was In 8i113881i1.13 sad INGRAINS. slid an ebb to offer a complete .w.cts■at of Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, llat4ng, is., With no tarp roducidon to sits. OLIVER 3I'CLENTOCR la CO.. 166 la TOMS asst. FtWain( I NURILFIC 1 A town trartay seise held a actimultatlon. W Stich we. tt.• b..t to•trod of fortifteotlfw. • sterol. do. ~v. u ht. c pintos._ • That DOOM., bts• Stk. { tats the voesfeleit. A oasrastas steld, touoph tee tall was wallepoke, `twos b tow by sr to rebind It with end. A amazes, wher Lisa both three togetaar, bale, try what pen plume, there's nothing Us ladeor. While a ..watrusa Brlalve dilloWlAir replied, :oat at you pl •-•, clear as a out boom, there It *AN; Ilke— Which hips bean rappdod op the Wm, with award to.. aW lo noun., to be @applied at low rotas by W EBB • vrilaCtsboll. Ott Liberty *mat. Iimorrra.PIIIIPAIULTIOW4 0000Aldit. .„ HALLIeTON. ' montmn, 700TH WASH. td . tLA.VORING 111XTBAOTS At &Id vtdets and 'attain 'nth w GiIdHAVS'd BIT? st aonutthing UM Romer prktd. arson Joluerrox Iliornorloet4to enh Fholtho4ll lutprbi. bilhOL ltUtfltott t.t. , I ttildt—thope Hatolookt;Ptilowg, Chislitokm. Boa Psot;IIrltodo. Zattlos. Atom aka , ,raaacoaa4 a oat variety or Atom ortioko sho lloi.oVto Oat& Tiabtoir Piga 2111 " 1". " J. • H. 71111IMPIL . , • . • -... ..-=, , • --,.- ....,- ...,,,,,,„-,-, - 4,....:,,,,c.4,-,--/p,41-,..c.4...;,,,...;,...1."..A.....J,1,7, , . - 1,.;,,,5..',.. - .%.,......=....."4,4 , 4.. 4 .-..4- -,,,,,.- ---"-- • • '”' '' - - "" t4- '— ' ''''''''''-'"---•-• '.... - BLEICER & CO., 69 ISARKET STREET. scr 112 oonsioqutuos et hulas 1:0 dor 12:1 oar stars Su snug days, and to avoid Um Bait boo rid& Taal omit. ham moth sr closing, ire hove dstarmtnod to doom cation. Lamar dock. at Gum All goods will to, narked at prtOto to olio. pots === TUE GREATEST BARGAINS Ws bus tiveollired WILL BE BOLD THU vial B PSOIAL NOTIOR. JOSEPH BORNE' & Ipo Will open their Star* ou Monday Morning Next. The entire stook of BUMMER GOODS Will be marked dvin and dad out WITHOUT REGARD TO COST SuIrOAILL AND BLOWN HADDAM, IA TT and 19 Itarkat Street IVILLITARY ROT, AND Wang. Should *all sad imply taspaalers •Ah MIN 001ALi8IN TEM WSW BTlClLoomaza. 811101EING OLT% oknie, Lad all descriptions of IrODNISRING GOODS, Macrum & Glyde's, 78 ILIMET STJUT. HAM= TOWN= AID DIAIIOIO. pANTa GOODS, AT M. Burchfield's. ROW OAESINIIM; do. for sates; Do. LINKS DADS BITII7 ; DUBDIMELLZI, plaid .M Dials) LINES CHIOISI 8L0135/11 LINZ= ; OOTIONLDIA, for Pavan omssmass; EXISTUOICT JIAHa AND BLACK BUBLYMB CLOTH ; vurraae; And n foil ewe lamed goods of "fors disarlptino. on bands and Win , Cheep fhr paith. • aIIIPU 13 BB LACE .I;LAWLP . VI WALLA SHAWLS; • 711131011 !WNW; r • • • us. mg4lnag 131a10t. A FANCY Ma* AIIITLAID !MARIA; At reduced ptiota. BIM semis: 111.1 A CLUMILLIS; BILK *AXTON; CLOTH SLICCMIR CUM oisauLass; sikoougsi_.. Naln"'", TABLI D•1111181[11; 11•PLIIIIIi , LILZL tootuset La slam morskarst_d _- WU/ AIDS 11 1Aux.•••A•1 CALMS, I on 100. • Tart 121.1161/I•SS,IU Wolin lUxi&u LI s 000 DB. ma, awn Ain mon= At reilacid prim, at 8a 73,44.11113111 21 FIFE STRUT iiiil 600 PJEC PARIS TRIMMINGS. kw. ooLoas. The mai wyywa .► EASTERN PRI:CISI3I • „ - 111.A.CRIJ1III • &-6ILYIDIM TS 11181*:= 1 410; Selma Teats sad w0Ur43.113r.41110:4// EATON, 111.40111131 41; Nos. 17 aro 19 Vim Beam, Jobb"! Zetiikeii of tanaum, war mimic noutoronses. , Giar _ . II DOM, nano, mums, taw , MU= morn.. unarm. Tar" Aid i follerartmattit wAna LID lOTIOID • Tb. low wire tl 'Mikis as' ins* wow sconomoo obloo tairMizo.tadoeamais to inrlsaa trbiTal 111:114MEMPI owl n11DD1324 aodall b! l i ' l '1 1 4 141".4 Miiia NMI AND LIMAN 1A314. To 011043 Wen sad 841" IrMOW ***P i faunas ram 1010011 410 - -110 01 16 14 111111 " • n iron' .t 44. NA, VOW IN zooms miaow El ea& gad' et lisigliels,lll. • • 7.7 'Alt's, itkozirs!,**..l .l, Ifo. 1T llliii . .iA es ,iii . ' " - - CIOUNTRY STOBEICEEPRIiB AND v lemur, mums., of vse regb• boatm_ towns, are teipsottaltp ',lathed to ox• mina our Nook of 7111117KI11GS. IOOTIOIM, 1111.911orDlls1 lIMO LAOtOOODo.. Blum. ElSlV.lnltirrEcuo • c . • Rug 6111 - ' TIMRHIILLi , HUTTON , Pt A And tluvadouslailll arliclMM timer Whoemels Doutiolin thlrd 'Weis. IBM be Omani tote , Um Bethke olooseratei .boil • odt from on buyers mororei* e Iry Wiliam women afro them owl pima of oar goods. 111A.CRU1 I & LYDE, • . VIEW MUT; Boron Toortes owl tho Demon& Peel NSW GOWSI REDUCED PRICEBI flant, DiSIERABLI AIM 011111. 3:4 0 12, 7" 0- 0 OPS Waft I'ABOT * CO.'S, - is =mum mart Alimony. SUPERIOR' HOOP 1 , K DUST osewneh Gboromei Drool= and 1m pet 10l Gaut Do do Quake, hat. ti Do do /Axis, Gore P• 111100120; =Waists cid extra lone, Urge Bleed and tail The Crinoline Draper% or Trench bkllt. • lull line el Bradiere Mrt. alirsys on hand. Xl•TUti. dutch%) la •• 00., Wee it antl 11. 1101, 0tr004.. SUN DMEMELLA.—A Is and - 13 m cute. assostusot of BILE AND oalcatekt tWar uessuaLtapi at lowest possible pious, to wholessLs sus MA bums. at • EAT 63, MADRUK A 170.10. 141,1 11, it Vl,* ata Os 01.1111E.Vra. tii : kITTSB37 W 4 THRATAB taro AND Zuaue IV= de Aziokodd.—Pdisto Bow, 00; Ind• as was to Flint, Box, p MI Postio sod Dew MOW, Main, 50 woo loony Urdu. SO costs Oolorod lb as I Ookuid Bono; 10 onto' Goikri, dodo. 1111r1rarowill benefit of the !writs motor, 01115. 701111118. who Outs that h • Mu■at, on talc atta• lion, WM not forpt 4 nold•Lsogn3no... TIM (!lonian SYCHIBO, Will Do pmentog, the thrilling 4 101 dralllloi Capt. Eyd, or the Witch Of finrlgato KU' CI. Iroo t 88. WWI. B WM ostißligaMtklaan.--st . uhIPPLIS DMA. NI la triMBLII. saLLLIT. OVIBTOB/11..—.„.—.---OBOLLICBT BA. To mmlnd• with THE OCEAN CHILD. raw' commas, TIMMY Nivar ZZI i GI (ALT. WAITrisD--k second and 8 horse vi D o we r Tao/111k p eoa viatica 'Dry. . L. a. VOIGT •OU 157 blbeitrit, VITANTAD.-460 • MONTH i-a-We want •airmto at WM a swath, expanses paid, to mai oat Eradadiad Orksba Sammy arid tbiztaaa *Ow ow. wad sad asittoas "Odin: Yilteca at. 'Addriai, SHAW °LARK. litddidord. * moats 1-1 want to VT . tato Assam to may sionot7 •t 1175 a month, moans pd.:lo6mM my new otkray family boxing !I•chlnea. Addis, B. AtADIBO9. myealanurirT AlfrO, Moine. -- - if ALUArsial tavuko A AU uTioN. V —On TUZSDAT Juno 30th. it d'adoolt. will be mold, at tho Comoiroial Boles Boma. No. 64 fifth street: at: obszto lLoionpkels Soirings Bank Stock; ID .do'Book at flitobargb ;gook; 10 do Pondo'slossuazoo Co. Stock; 30 do -Weston Luanne, Co. Stock; S 0 do Monangsbala Lowman Co. +Stahl ' 4 do Ilanongohola Co. Mock: 1406 Wale it noll.'N AIM Z. Amato. A DMINISTRATOWS PALE OP nooce.—ou TIIZSDAY KtritilliG, Jane Mb, et 8 oNdoek.eita be sold. at the Ocuunerdal •lialteleocabs. Ifo. de line street, b 7 order or tidwbi M. bowie, lei, Adte'r of isms bonsina, deed: .190 @bares Beate! Pittsbarit Ittooki - .60 do s Loewe Bank brook; •, JDe.VIII igolLweilin. Inoue ILL 011001AVII I+llrlolli Iblliatea. 0: 0 Day W. HAL ALL MEN WHO DESISS. 170 JOIN any paytictder Ibegtment of Cavalry hoer In the held. are hereby asskortaed to yaws* uostealyee at any time during the met thirty dole to the Board lietelment In their. respective Districts. The &lard shill essislne amount - delta:dee spathe& OWNS be the unto.. sod II Snood to to eh the tree wed ifirthal of the.Distriot sball glue then ,treas. =trete to the general rendezvous, at the .1 the A. B. Prom: Menhel - fienvnl of the State. As con satiny preerat theasedlits es thk general renderreue they .hill .be dell Inuelnin by a ausatains end dieburstog olncer,nrd - gidd by hue the bounty Wane by law.' • • • JAMBS {p lid.' . De4oust m Goner& - • i t; as .ISWAidatis ate t. . • uteri trtteiL»SCfii 3i iffsa w 11 1 1:1 EL, IT I 'IIT IZ ID ♦ Val amontscat p(q'T&hU&6Q NAllintie• rII/LID - PIESERTUAB kW, sUltil va yawl 61 kneritt7gbantr 'WM ed vow I. fIOVERN KENT liaLN QV COTTON. %If . ..In punnet:meet the d Iredlnt of the lecistai otitis Trwass, and of nom* horeletne nablithea. the Ileeend Rale of WWl= ears AVANDOEZD MONDIII. rill 6TH DAY or JULY sun Mind - Jess ,134. swam V. r Eposisl Age& Tremor Dip t. Ihwirnit t\!! taw . 6lreatdr fitrodh 41710. Kll,LnPropetiotar. • • 'T'III4.IIIUPG'IRODL WATS% ' _ PAW! /MEDICINE% ha. 000.4BAILVEA - Iffail MUCK . """ tor oak et tho artltitionsalt - 1 Siva 111114 pews-10 0010.0 IX/DA. WATKB, Draws itollll Torespda *shall , • Lad go istkioill 108. 011AN . sa4 puma, id an khzds. bosh Nifty &fist _ "ajjvi ', ' "nT a Allegboy. valor a OVIVIgo 18. RI:101M mc..gr,B iH ;Path, t 4 SDI ••11 wortmeots of we Amt.:ore solicit tt. vrttli Pal %ones. 'mita qtallty tart noelnd It Mornimat TORTIM. Les,: Lag WatJr7B. 411/CTIOJr. BALES. ■o.p algrram trmszT, PITITBEISON, ?A. Will be mediailks Lovthlto., on , • scalzuos 00Alk /BD - L131311 PIED, JDST., ' c , Le agsvital Mk TEI TO le Fourth Street, ,' `, toe ereetfe *lbw VIM= Ml= V ez=s rbt ; 11. wAiea/AMOT• 11100 M ha. which will , be old the Ws* , M M ew -.-- airsslrEL. - - r,, , ~ • ilesialievid 14s Obi tut OOU U6i 1 6 ,; A i, Lw Anse. abun /41altait'1 Spro, iratreaw arca** bowl 1 s tmuusificr ,Isuawo . ritaor.bih 1,11.11 KB'S IMING 1[01101.: • • 1;040.711T.Ar..9111111;. ESIES iC~7 '.!%e , .~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers