Vitistfurgh 05auttit. MONDAY MORNING, ,ftrim 29 CITY AFFAIRS. 077ZOILL PAPER Ol SBl ant The eltuatioi. The news from tlui Busqueluinia is hnmill atin`; and yet twthaps it Is fortunate that the pusllaalmity of the umis of the eastern mattes and of Philedelpida has encouraged the rebels to come so far north that Lee can not them in thns to assist him against Hooter, who; we bay. every reason to be news, build= in a bay. We are hopeful of a highly satisfactory result of this great crisis In the war. • WO fondly hops that tba man of Wastain Pommylnnis will stake a belga , mord of their manhood. WI think that a very satis factory plan of organisation win bs arrived at to•day. no may to avoid immeioa of t►ie sad of the Sects is to es tor sae eha essay. Work. on the Portilleattons..flusl. nem Resumed, ate. At the meetive of the liisontivo Committee Judd on Saturday 'menthe, the reports of the parties working on the dlficesat point. ware received, u follower. oa ariacaes Juzi A max mix. Ora= & Tlaber-- IS Brown Miami Drayer --. 14 Thm 8 Blair— 4 flooMarda and clerks itame,Graff a from Fifth, Harker, Clark & so 6 Main 8 Torrence T A Lippman 4 co-- 5 to and alerts am Mutat, Libor ty and dt2 attatts-.130 Pare. 8m &Co , Past, 11140ully_ 2 00., and awn, Plait Co-.. 265 Ilantlng 8r0d...-. U !tactual Clarks and Oltisana-..--"..-.111 Ilarrboaltroa.--. 40 - &venal 40 West d 00 --..-- 25 404W1lie ow, OW L4T4 160 Toms Bry 16 70A Cooosil 4 • W Witty Eno 7 W Smith. 4 o a vuottz:: — ......=" so Jaz 48 00 . 37 1erc04444. menu so. Wow 404 clams. • rept Am— 10 Colama sad Crawford 10 J Eillaads l9 alatamaa sad oo— 17 6 Bilmeroaa 4 1. Miter 14 Perdu B 70 Photographaa—. 21 Dogmata Depot 26 WO= aad 1 Cast 10 larteall s Mar- 10 W B 84.118. te sad. Impla 01444..... 8 W • 84bmitts 11 A ProinmB.lB sad Itro Mac Bal 4 J Robb- 6 Dona Wades...* 4. J CI IS Kt ors &Chaplain.... 21 Glasgow & 3 Pdion 1 L0p5........ 6 Badly dltiolowthanserlil rmi Bactott..--- 2rt earn —.—... 6 Mar, liartntan 1 Oa.. Si Ilhe•to a 16 Junes ' 6 Tomo tictory.---. 16 A • D L Itterso—n— 19 J. H w.l lay it Co-- 96 lime, 2 bona • plow D 17 Mr.Ternuld. - 1 D 61 u u &Ma— --....... 3 Hamlet. a 10 Moll 101 John X 2 BA Nor 3 Bryant, Boer andt.lif. tan-------- 3 Smelt 6 Jonsoo *Lotion B Gray— 2 lorriron--.--- J a Moe -- 31 IlsnOhld iltstlso- I 91 . H Anahrn—...,-- 13 H Pobsnly--LSI Hutchinson 12 Bar. It sans If Co.— B Horris---- 8 D Dohs.= t eon.— 82 Osocor—.—. 6 Sus Paterson. t Gisy l Leach.— 2 s BbssilL..--- Guards..—... 61 Win D J B W Patten, two-horse leas. tlr Plitinten, ham lad wagon. W. 8717. horn and cart UPS & Awes OddwetL 8 Realtor 20 7 M. • Leggate.—...--- 2 2 BeckflaLi i 14•11•rmy,.. 8 8 P 2 Thuom & 2 74ms, 2 hoses. IZinkand t 08—:.— 7 'Joe Pbher--- 4 lIC News, harm sad . wagon 2 en 17GIIIMAI HILL. IWilkins told:Alp...—. Sanintl Wes --. 1 Dahl Lowsts and two Lana. Total —..—. SVC= alitL— Dlotion. Slowart 3 Oo 48 Spriushili Coal Works 18 Joao. 2 Four Lorshozant.— 2 Minas Zut Iduerfg si 'Zug at Pa1mer......... it Gleuahaw Citizens of Heston. Indiana and West snap, Gadd a oo 100 Loots DaJolt a Co_. 2,5 cyan& thatfant & Co 120 Jas • aohau a c 0.... 00 Jam 39 Clark & 30 Flamm Walls Co— 14 esins. BaltrosuL.-- 17r Lockhartrow— 12 Froth-2, Nola: n a Co. 49 Hallman. Bohm a Co 225 O'Hara Gloms Works- 40 PaTeOD a Co. 6 J. 111yora mm 3.3 O. Dolar..---- Wm. McCully a Co.- 61 Iditchsll. Hama &Co 46 Deer 110 ibeenberger 210. Om Bradley.-- 112 BR. ]meet 2 b:tgre 4 T Enna 55 Grey, Poled k Sets— 12 Duff College atartent• SO Caton, neer= a Co 20 tawdard Ott 15 Glekwa, Stewart &Go 6 Agana and Guard.— DS --.--.—..-Ztie !MEER rgram& & 33 & & D H Chuabors.. 130 etwon, Preston so. 100 Porter & Dilworth.— 100 'Odra , Diackbarn..—. 35 1 . Defoe 12 &log & 45 Mo k 110 Glatt, UM:Ma & Co.. ISO Jeans Latiablizia.... 800 Tircoara of Baldwin— 85 Bataan 8 Garrison.. 66 Bale wall Pr... 66 tl Koko" 61 auzirts inza, ao P T. IC at 0. Co (own toots)--.172 %was, 2' ploughs ffMEM Laughlba and. t 0... 28 Robinson a Cambial 9 OMs., Both and oa 164 eve homes Tim n011mw...... 9 John Badman 14 BUMF and litukti ." ; 14 lIMICee a nd Bav:-... — ..... 47 M.courew.naDocuelass 19 Bata Lea................ 33 2 horns and plough U 11 8010. 7 Teamsters .............. 16 a Bartman and 0n... 6 blace mad W00d5..... It Thompson and co-.. 10 1 18 bones and carts X Warsaw and co.-. 33 Preetimmid foster- 92 Citizens. 14 Tobacconists ........... 11 Magoon and Kunnas 22 B stopriey...-..-.. 11 itorphy andß.sp.-. 18 D1ipata1t,0111m........ 10 3lt 8cnati......—.. 111 Cloned rm. Wilco-. 3 3 Plazas 66 torso!! sad Bur t *so 114130d11 a 00.... 25 Brun, alchards aoo 22. Keir,43lover a C 0... 13 n •cd.on a c 0..- : bromplass42 inglisb- 29 13 rowan a co-... 66 W / Sichardson..--. 18' / bone sud cart W 13 Bann 18 Hartope• /1. c 0.......... 42 Bartou, lUDs a CO RA L / anai a Snyder—. 9a ~batk inmbert......... 30 Jos Ttiont a . 0......... 33 J Seamy acorn and.... . 25 Litoontt aCo ......... 7 Bobluson • Campbell 8 XX0t0t..........-...... 0 6 horses Nelson a edager..... 13 ruleton. 10 Boon a . 0—.....-. 4 tioward's Paper 11 . 71 3 ' Pickenglll a C 0.... Old Bean.... ....... 17 hobo Works* 326 Wm 919 3 9 -***-- /- Gra end ........ 46 Jas 8an5................. 17 Bich y and Thiliblne is Ramsey and Benton S and 3 hones. dr Clan Curd 5....... 126 3 A Jmna.-......... 23 Emililarnll and Wan* 011 Audere0n.......... 8 &that- II ioitao a Oregg....._ 10 Eloatettar a Smith.... 20 Juo rienstedy and Co. 3 linden advocate... 8 Boa s and Bias... . 3 J Plinth • 03...7.... 33 Jae IF =Wen * 1 ID. bitruldae..-,- 63 itmemns a dal; ' 5l 0.0 aaPff it w— 99 Moinadiess; Jailaita NOlrial W00L1........ 86 sod i.:O -- 6 111180WII a...... 11 Wnlimors a c 0..... 6 Twisty Works...* 1 Jn Tanoer—....... 3 Steln 1in0............... 6 3 J O'besiry—.-- 3 obit Oracey-...sass. 1 JPincomar-........- 1 Win Drumeath-...- 9 Altorro ............—...... 60rojr Ss Pa10ta............226 011 WM10...........-...-.. 16 Womb, Corlis-......... 46 Wm. JIMAI7 • 0a... 66 f05........-....-..:. 66 TOblloouolll l / ..............*SINOW/ 1 3•Jir 41 ang...... 65. 1.00, Shotb • Vo-... SO flooMmu..-.........-.. SO Moub, li le iolm av ni- aii......-.160 J.Woodelli tm.........-800 Slow IS P 0... 7uj . ....-... re. or az' or z.,... 0. 1kb00pf110.......- - . 93 Joao Da110r......-..... la Il t ury.ostoralds........ it now Geier .-....... 10 Waal 34.811ar 0 rod Corporiart.... ..... ...... 13 John Bata- .........- i. li.ivaver A BlUlli* 1 Joon 8a1ya.,............. 9 Wary tbar........r.... 9 Boast r 010.......:...." : ,. 9 kraal a .toton-........ 4 W. laaakomp-...... . 1 ryad. Jaa0t0n.......-... II Joba • Flatiott-.;.....4.. V. H 0115.............—..-.: 0 Owe fkd0m0n.......... 9 1 Yorwob...-.-........-.... Gottsadorf a 1141110r...:..9 Joao Art............. 4 areilk ik , i 0 °- ,0 Jam.... 7......—. - &At W. oultfatoo... II O. Boa • 00........... i Nokia= a : Bliasma... 3 Barra Mawr....... .- I 3 13.19. 0rr..................• 4, Dr. Jar. Bar 012:........ liandlaill 111 'lntact. • t00d........r........... $ Ott iti0............;,....... ID Wok( 9 0 5 0 .........." Olttrair La Itaosa... di Wigton& 8aapi11,..... & John L . 1... 5005..... & BBridlo-...........-... 11 Daum a 8r0.... 7 T. sad 31.14 y............ Zi John P.0.,. __ _ _ __.........» 12 Oltdasii.-................ 16 1. Zestar. —.. 13 (apple 8 War -...-. 10 o.Lla ps it 80n...... B ............--, • Hare -,.... 6 U. Wett5ch..........- 7 BolstOln «. .......... 9 Mead ii 8r0....-...... 3 0.*1493118.......-........ 4 dip a Btowari...-..... I rth a l irn oi l re p rnri : 1: J. X. Xr0wn............ , S roigs a AleTaltdisr... 25 Mims Part-_...... S Mm C1akt5d1........... 6 iU. Dade& Wm X C 6 - 4 Taampoos , I Ggirnt• - sliger.... a forreame a lialisw.... , 4 X. X JtaalindJ cC ll l 4 ......... 4 J. Vorgisy A 0......, LI Wm. D10k,......-rm•--1 ( 6 41tMear.......—......... 76 1:10 Mort ......-......„..1 60 Smut with amplir•.-'.. - 16 Wmar cam1ar5.,...... X lobs 0ntb.........»...... 6 sand pati05........ ; 4 • La addition to the above, the woe were Masked Jelin Bemearsejek hone esi wet:- Greg, AMISS*? lr 0(42 below saa Pifer 72ewissa, 6 bona! _ Raeleer; Thit the Mats of theßzeontive Committseare tendered to those cost diggers from flaw Mill Bun, whorolniteered to work on the fortifications free of charge. Mr. Chin stated that W. H. Brown gent 40 men for two days and then withdrew them; bat 27 of those volunteered for the work. It was then Beetled, _That the thanks of the Commit tee be ret urned to the 27 coal diggers from the goal works of Mr. Wm. Brown, who continued to work gratuitously after their employers refused to psy them. Mr. Balser then made the following report of the Sinithlield street squad for Saturday, Juno 271 h. man; for the week, 757 men. 3. Kilsaln, hone and wagon fi days. A. M. Berlin, horse and wagon 5 days. Money tailgated and paid over to the Com mittal of Safety, $17,00. R. B. Batumi. Mr. Balser announce the dissolution of the Smithfield street squad, and gave as the rea son, that the majority of the Smithfield bosi we men had f ailed . to turn out. The committee of, twenty-one then present ed the following report, which was unani mously adopted: lb the Executive Coma:wee of Public Safety Your committee of twenty-one members, to whom was refined the question of a farther suspension of the general indtuitrial interests of the vicinity, respectfully report, That the most cordial flasks of the - people of this com munity are due and tendered to the manufao- Wren, meohanies, merchants. and others of our citizen., for the patriotic and voluntary .eficort they have made in erecting the fortifi eationsiround Busse cities and vicinity. That the employees from the various mills, facto ries, ahoy., and stores art entitled to the hear ty petit:ado of their fellow-citizens, for their persevering and successful labors upon these works of defence—works that will oontribute to the pride and boast of after-times, if, as your committee believe, manfully and mucous tally defended against every foe. That whereas, said works of deem and protection are so far completed that a farther anspenelon of the general bnatness of this community for their entire usafulnes is deem ed unneonsary. Therein., Itewleed, Test it to recommended that bus litall be resumed from end alter 5 o'clock p. m., of this day. gesolved, That the Sanative Committee be requested to appoint a committee of five citi zens whose:ditty it shall be to provide that the necisesary number' of hands (to wit: 8,009 per day) be furnished on the requisition of Major Geniral Brooks, for - the completion and finishing said works. Resolved, That it is earnestly hoped that alt parties, firms or parsons who feel that they have omitted or failed to perform or famish their share of the labor and meani expended on the emotion of these great works for the defense of our firesides and homes, will make known to the Committee of five, heretofore referred to, their willingness and the extent of their aid in money and forces ' for the com pletion and arming said fortifintioas. &soloed, That the Executive Committee be requested to call upon our 011iZeits, if no other means can be adopted, for the oombietiou of these works. "They mast and shall be fin ished." On motion of Mr. McKnight, It wee resolv ed that the committee of five, alluded to above, have the power to appoint dlreetora to superintend the different works. The committee of five above alluded to was then named by the chairman as follows : Jesipit McKnight, Joseph Plummer, F. li. Baton, Win. Thaw, James Marshall. It was then resolved that the Committee have power to increase their number to nine. Thos. Batewell, Treasurer, then reported ' the subscription of money, via: J. W. Long 3 days' time, $5,00. Long Lane, $5,00. On motion it was resolved that an Invite tier' be extended to the merchants of Pitts baigh and Allegheny to send 50 per cent. of their force to the fortifications on Monday morning, they having tendered tho tame. 34 T. Leech was added to the Committee on Moved, tkat gut tools as are not In tire, be returned to the Government stables oo Third street, and the Committee on supplies consisting of Joseph Plummer, John Flem ing and A. T. Leech, Jr., bo notified of all such tools returned. It was stated that James I. Bennett would ba sips office of Capt. Clew, cora.: of flor id/1011We, and Pam street; from 7 to 9 a. in., Monday morning, to fans rations to all par ties r•ported for work on the fortifications. The G'eoratary was then desired to publish the fast that J. A. Euerober had had s force of from three -to ten hands working on tho fortifications all the west, and had volunteer ep the same for the ensuing week; also, that the Arsenal Guards, Capt. Ewing, bad workod from 50 to 20 men on the entrenchments for the past three days.. An Appeal to Western Pennsylvania. Pries& rusce Fellow- Minns :—Tbe armies of the South, which have so long threatened All invasion, have carried their Mamas Into effect I Thst soil of Pennsylvania is polluted by the presence of ruthless enemies and ma . . rending guerrilla f The Capital of our Com monwealth Is menaced by their advancing le gions, If not actually invested by them. Are we seem? In this emergency it well becomes us to oonalder the means we pares to repel an attack from the advancin gine, and the probable:Gault of a sacceesfal inroad. Let not oar manufacturers and capitalists expect any array from the Southern army, if It should math oar homesteads, flushed with victory, and burning to destroy our factories and workshops. Long and often have they been urged to enter cur atty. plunder our warehouses, destroy the gunboats, arms and ammunition, rase to their foundations the es tablishments engaged to their production, and leave smoking ruins and mouldering walls to tell to future generations the melancholy sto ry—masa ones was Plttiburgh." Nor let oar Industrious mechanics end working-men "lay the flattering uneaten to their souls" that the rich will be the only suf ferers from the capture of the city—that the bankers and brokers, by the contribution of a few paltry millions, can ransom their homes and Amides f Their Ala, enterprise end in dustry are too well known to be let off on such easy terms. Should the rebel forces seemed in their attack, our coos happy community will be swept with the bosom of desolation. We trust, however, that a merciful Provi de:toe will avert so dreadful a calamity ; but this ein only be effected by our own exertions, la placing our city and environs in a complete state of Adam and by the angel union of all elutes of the eetamunity In organising themselves into military bodies. Various ar rangements for this pnrpose are now present ed for your consideration. Toucan enter into the service of the United States for six month*, under the late prate , nation of the President and Governor. You can join one of. the regiments now recruiting for three years, and saute the bounty offered bast °sesta you oan enter the Departmental Corps, by which , you can pursue your usual avocations when not required for the iounedt • ate defence of your own homes and firesides; alma as altars those in whom you have fait oeithdesee, and on terms more favorable than have ever both offered you, secure the protec tion of the National Government, end a pro vision for your families in case of your falling in battle. Or lastly, you can join the But. voliateas, under the last all of the Govern or,when you would be mustered into the Stets sevire for design std and on your arrival at the pant detignated as randomize by the Adjutant - General , would be supplied with arms sad clothing and subsistence. /a prelating.thite views, we disclaim all idea of infineardng your choice. All we ask la that no lather delay may occur. Let no more time be lat—nor wait till the roar of Bannon on our hills shall rouse you from your lethargy what too lite to stare that protec tion which earlier attention could easily hare accomplished. Signed by Colmittee on Organisation. JAY= Pau, Taoxu Ilsgswita, /axe!. I. Baser?, We. Parana, Beer, P. Sextersza., Itzwazo Game. In farthenoe of the above, public meetings will be held In ail the wards and boroughs, this (Monday) inning, for the purpose of or /pawns LIMBO anephiss. DAD IeiSKIWOOD—Oa ths 26th lost, at Alexandria, 'Weis. of woods received at see battle of Can. OA: SERNWOOD,ot the AM se. gloat Pounsylactis Yammers. _llllllll—the !Ada mac' t. AMID 26th. at hi, rentendente gsw l a kley ,Xr. AWN lit WM, Sr., In thiletirPlar if bleat- Seatakesmllol 6 l at his resitleeoe i Beeickley, on _Naar, Jae110111;at /Volta R m. Carriages .lei a 1i Walla; k the maid Street astion. al. 11.1111*Of tett/alts l6 Prom to iheAlhaire.: -*it% MMi M!M THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON. Spocisl Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette WABHIIIOI . OI, June 27 Ind. GRAZ! ODEFIDUT Wo aro snared that the utmost isollidenoW with regard to the aepeot of military spars exists on the part of Gen. Grant. I=3 Comptroller hineniloch returned last night from the east, having been as flues Boston, Ile reports the disposition of the Yankees to bank under the uniform currency act as favorable, The Merchants' Bank of Boston, with four million dollars capital, has already taken ini tiative steps, and he believes that others will follow their example. Mr. IsloOnlioch thinks that in fire years but one system of banking will exist in the United States, but ho does not desire to hurry matters. OOLOIIL BIII.IIIT, who has been so efficient in raising the First Regiment of United States Colored Volun teers, has been authorised to go to Norfolk and Fortress Monroe, for the Tarpon of re cruiting United States colored troops there. He will open ofaces at Norfolk and Fortress Monroe, and it Is hoped that at least two reg iments will be raised there. Henry A. Sol:metes has been appointed Pro volt Marshal of this Distriet. Capt. Smith, Co. B, Sth Illinois cavalry, and Lient. J. W. Heffner, 00. I, 27th Infant ry, have died from the effects of wounds re ceived at Beverly Ford and Middleburg. Lieut. Charles Schroder, O. I, 65th Ohio, has been dismissed for drunkenness. 3lsjor Selfridge has bean relieved from the Assistant Adjutant Generalship for General Pope's Department. The Vallandigham men presented a written paper to the President to-day, being an at tempted answer to the President's letter to their Albany allies. The President's reply is expeoted on Monday, when both will be printed. All of Western Virginia west of lianooolt 3 !winded in the new department under Gen oral Kelly WEIZZIABIIrr3 OP THE IMBEL-AINT I haTo jest 'returned from Frederick. The rebel army are all believed , to be across the Potomac]. Lee's headquarter' to-night are sold to beet lisgerstown. A. P. Rill's divi sion crossed the Potomao yesterday. The indicatiens still are that they will wait to give battle in Maryland rather than under , take Gariotialy an invasion of Pennsylvania. They continue Bending back forage and pro visions collected by Ewan through Southern Pennsylvania. TEIBCTI OF RESPECT TO ADMIRAL YOCTI The Navy Department has issued the to owleg general order : NAST D11'4171131; June 27, 1863 A gallant and distinguished naval officer is lost to the country. The hero of Port Henry and Fort Domelaon; the daring sad indomita ble. spirit that created and led to Iwamoto° victories the Mississippi flotilla; the hereto christian railer who, in the China seas and on the coast of Africa, so well as in the great in terior rivsrs of our own country, curtained, with ca.faltericg fidelity and devotion, the !loco: of our flag and the come of the Utrion, Rear Admiral A. Hull Foote is no more. On his way to the command of the South Atlantis Blockading Squadron, a position to which ho had been recently assigned, and In the duties of which were combined the earnest energies and vigorous movements of a mind of no or dinary Jb.sraater, he was suddenly prostrated by disease, and after a brief illness he breathed his last at the Astor House, in New Yolk, on the evening of the 27th inst. Among the no ble and honored decd whose names have ad ded lustre to our naval renown, and must ever adorn our national annals, few stand more prominent than that of the gallant and self sacrificing ahriatian sailor and gentleman whole loss we now deplore. Appreciating his' virtues and Mementoes a grateful country had honored him, while living, with its willing honors, and will mourn his death, and there fore, as a mark of respoot, it is ordered that the flags of the several navy yards, naval Its- Clone, and on the flagships of squadrons, be hoisted at half-mast, and that fourteen minute guns be fired at meridian on the day after the racotpt of this order, (Signed) GIDEON WILLIS, Beeretary of the Nevy. OIL 500151 RILIRPED OP PHI 0011KA5D 07 781 AOKI OP POI POTOKAO AID 0511. IMAMS A5810P1D7011110055110. There has been a °hangs in the commander of the Arm of the Potomac. Gen. Hooker asked to be relieved and the request was granted. Gan. Meade has been assigned to the command. There are various accounts In ciroulation to the Dimino for the ohange. moVimswrii 07 TRI 71111111 II MAITLAND The rebels captured a train of one hundred and forty wagons near Rockville, Md., to-day, and at Mat Iwo:mots were moving toward. the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, to interrupt the communloatiori between the capital and the north. Another toroe la reported moving on ilevre de Grace, with a view of breaking the connections there. TROY 110111101 D The Richmond Enquirer contains a general order from the rebel Adjutant General, di recting the seizare of all iron in the Confed eracy, for use in repairing the railroads and at the arms faatoriee. A levy, en moue, of all the arnipbearing citizens of Virginia, by tho rebel authentic', in oortaln counties in Virginia, Us been or- Tho Riobutoad Enquirer prophesied that the last two week' of June would bathe most momentous of the war. Only a little ahead Of time. TEI ViLLLNDIGRAM COMMITTIII The Vallandlgham Committee h #lll here, aid is very unaory to get home, and is, then. fore, very anzloths to hate their little busi ness attended to. I=IIM Tho Treason has gold enough on hand for he paymeni of the July Interest. OM MILSOT TO 1111 00IIRT-MAITIALID It is rumored that Gan. Milroy is to be oourt•marUalod. Judge Advocate (In. Welt to now making up the ease. WASDINGTOD, JUDO 38.--Mej. Dlz tel egraphs as fellows : FOITIURI MONROE, :JUDD 23.-001. Spear, of tho 11th Pennsylvania cavalry, whom I cent out two days ego, completely destroyed the bridge of the Virginia Central railroad, over the South Anna captured Gen. W. F. Lee, Lieut. Col. lisrsable, four Captains, five Lieutenants and one hundred privates, and brought them in. Re has also brought in thirty-Eve wagons, with six mules each, and one hundred and fifty mules in addition, and from seventy-five to one hi:Lady:id holism. He took $15,000 in confederate bonds just Dined from an agent of the suthorities of Richmond. Col. Spear's loss was three killed and wounded. The. Army of the Potomac Raving. lizornosmin Ater 07 rairovonoo, Jane 27.—The Army of the - Potomao to in motion, and will soon be to to the front and north of Bantams. The heavy rains have made the roads so bad that the movements are swum rilYvery slow. THE INVASION. Carlisle and Gettysburg in Possession of the Rebels. APPORTIONMENT OF THE MILITIA• The People of Harrisburg Aroined. &a ; IN, 1-e. iIA/1111017800 Jane 27.--Cerlisle wets occu pied .t about ten &aloes this morning by the rebels. At twelve o'clock they were three miles this side and still advancing. Our cav alry force Is gradually retreating. The enemy have a line of pickets extending from Carlisle to Gettysburg. They are moving in this di rection in three columns. The authorities were in telegraphic commu nication with Hanover Junction at noon, but the appearance of the enemy's column is hourly looked for. Wh a t hie remained of the government ar chives are now being poked up for shipment. The Susquehanna is rapidly riling, and all the fords will be destroyed. Gen. Smith, commanding the troops on the opposite aide of the river, considers his post tibn impregnable. There Is not as much excitement here now as there was when the rebels Arat entered Ha- preform. The greatest -fear la that Ito rail road and other bridges across the river will be destroyed. •The authorities expect the bridges on the Horthern Central Railroad, in the neighborhood of York and Hanover Junc tion, will be destrpyed today, cutting off all communication with Baltimore. HEADQUARTERS PRIIIISTLYANU MILITIA, HARRISBURG, June 26. ' GRNERAL ORDSS No. 46.—1 n organising the troops responding to the Pronlamation of the Governor, just lusted, calling for 60,000 men for the defense of the State, to be mastered into the service o the United States for ninety days unless sooner discharged, it le ordered: lit. OSMDI of rendesvone will be Oistsbliah oci by the Untied States Government fer di" triots comprising the adjacent counties, at such points as may be indicated by the com mandant' of the Department of the Susque hanna and the Department of the Mononga hela, in charge of which cemp-oommandere end skillful surgeons will be appointed. 24. Squade to companies will be received at the orreps, and as rapidly at possible orgen ised into companies of notion Main misty-four men and into regiments of ten- oompaales each, and mastered into the service of the State by officer' appointed by the Adjutant General for this purpose. • 3d. Officers will be elected—company offi cers by the men and field attire by the com pany er line °Seers. 4th. Transportation to the damp of rendez vons nearest their location will be furnished by the United States GoSernment, on applica tion of any one actually having charge of a squad or company, to the agent at the nearest station. sth. Troops responding to the call of the Governor will be clothed, subsisted, equipped and supplied by the General Government, af ter arriving at their rendeevone. 6th. Annexed is the quota required from each county in the present nil, after meet ing those counties *bah had already respond ed under the recent order, with the number of troops furnished and adman, mastered into service: Adams, 469; Aesighany, 3,600; Armstrong, 720; Beaver ; 600; Bedford, 640; Berke, 1,738; Blair, 550; Bradlord, 866; Backs, 1,147; But ler, 640; Cambria, 688; Cameron, 70; carbon, 426; Coaster, 881; Centre, 5403 Clarion, 620; Clinton, 286; Clearfield, '365; Columbia, 321 ; Crawford, 980; Cumberland, 587; Dauphin, 744; Delaware, 2ss; Erie, 1,600; Elk, 115; Payette, 800% ktantltn; 840; Peron, 180; Forest, 120; Ilreeue, 480; Huntingdon, 502; Ladino*, 076; Jederocu,44ll4.J.unista, 297; Lsecaster, 2,154; Lervielfer 460 ; •Lebanon, 614; Lehigh, 907; Lusa*, 1,44 7 ; Ly coming, 623; Merrier, 746; MoHears.lBo; lilfain, 330 ; Monroe,34o; Montgomery, 1,201; •blontaar, • 175; orthampton 911; Northumberland, 472; Pony, 460; 1:M1,141,10as, 7,718; Pike, 150; Potter, 240; Schullktli, 1,312; Snyder, 232; Somerset. MO; ratillivan, 80; Susque hanna, 655 ; Ties., 554 Onion, 90; 580; Werren, 380; Washington, 950; 640; Westmoreland, 1,080; Wyoming, MT; York, 1,138. By order of A. G. CusTur„. Governor and CeMilhander-lit-Chlef. A. L. ItonactL, Adr6Herel Pence.. [Country newspaperriars requested to issue, an extra, for free distill:ration an the ooitntry, on their receiving G Oral Itustenrs order calling out the Michriyht.—The rebel occupied York at five' o'clock this evening. $o resistant 4 was made. by our troops. The regiments of Cols. Thom-. as and Frick, are kn,oWn to be' safe. York is 'ten miles from Columbia. At three o'clock thbiaftornoon, a skirmish !', took place at Sterritti Gap, 11 mites from where the Yennsylvanti Railroad Grosses the Sasqiettanna river. itahad v foir. win killed; in skirmishes. The people from ell i psis of the State are promptly responding lo the Governor's pro's lamation of yesterday.:.• Tho exsitement is mat intense. The streets are crowded with oitiains and strangers, who' IT. turning out by thoisands to defend - the city. The greatest harmony and good haling pre. Tails, each one endeavoring to do he Gan: to assist in redact:dna his State and the oonn- Adjotant-General .Bossed need an order this afternoon that alms !should lie given to all cuisine on appileation to the . arsenal.! When it beoame knawn, the result was that' et least three thoorind persons made spirit (ration, most of whom curled' away a 'gun.' Most of the men who had arms were formed into companies and marched across the river, LATlO..—lnformation he beenreadvod here that the rebel force white was at 8 tarrett's Gap at three o'clock this afternoon, has ar rived in front of Duncan= at the Junotion of the Juniata and Susquehanna rine. In that event the Panntylvania Central railroad wilt bocce. ' , ' Riltalleinal, Jab 28.—The Oily fri-day has boon oomparativey'd quiet, considering the jc , near approximati 'of the smeary. The banks of the die '• but lineffiwillitne, women and ch il dren- curly exPeetingile sp. croon of the teensy. - Time trains deputing from here to-day pan been crowded with parlous fleeing from the city. York has been 'oemplad, and a portion of the bridges on the Northern Central Railroad, this side of that pen, have been barbed. • When our troop fall ban from Carlisli, they left lune benne equipments for one company of cavalry, one regiment of infantry and twenty thorned rations, wbloh have fallen into the hands of the enemy. There is a repave that the barracks have been burned, but has slot been confirmed. The report of the capture of York lutnight was rather premature. In the afternoon the Chief Burgles of the city, in company with some prominent citizens, hearing that the rebels wore coming, started out to meet them to aturender needy. They had to go seven miles before they met the advance. In the Meantime, the operator believing that the Chief Burgess had bees eaPiAlred, telegraphed that the rebels were coming into the town, and than left. A fight took place late this elernoon at Wrightsville, oppult• Columbia. The troops which were giudiag the Northern Central. railroad, retreated to Columbia bridge on the approach of the enemy, and all crossed-to this side of the river neat CoL Prick's regiment, who nmaineMst Wrightsville to guard the bridge. . The rebelegtecked him in heavy fora, and in order to sale his men, was forced to eons tonum: This negnifloont bridge was the bend top revent the rebels item reach ing this side of deriver. The Governor l a g ' , ntenti that sit an are at Bitter 12 miles above Colum: bia, with a 110Itotin dais inflielently lug* to oonstruot a Midge. The rebelewhelt draft our men from Bier- . rift's Gap yistardaP, and then taoiedtowards DoOOADOol4;have returned to the esp. No demonstration has been Inns on the - Inn: 0 1,,,,,u, Rgusead 1 . 41 that directionteHatili, se far aa kuston'T -, •-- - . ''. -- - ' ' ::‘. T_ Major Wcaldelf _llar.teett oirpointorl by Gomel Conlis 0 1 44.1 1 . 4 . 1191 4 la Shb 40' partawmt, Capt. Brishbr having been ordered to his regiment. Troops under the now . = ors szpidly cr. riving. Two companies •of colored troops composed or citizens of the place, were armed to day and sent across the river. Col. Jatning's regiment, which had the skirmish at Gettyeburg, arrived here to-day. He lost abont three hundred men in prisoners and stragglers. The slicers were sent to Richmond, and the , men paroled. Some of them have arrived. ihmanino, Jane 28—P. M.—The capital of the State is in danger. The enemy is within four miles of our works, and advanc ing. The cannonading has been distinetty heard for two or three hears. Oar troops are all in position, awaiting the &tut= The au thorities feel confident of their ability to :o pulse the assailants. A baths will probably take place before night. _ The Pennsylvania Railroad to so fat safe. KLIRI6III7IB, June 28.—The rebels now oc cupy Wrightsville, on the Susquehanna, Im mediately opposite Columbia. Our troops have rotund to the eastern bank of the river. The bridge woes the river at this point Is a mile and a quarter long, and will probably be destroyed. AfidnigAi—The artillery firing heard to day was a skirmish between the enemy's ad vance and oar outposts. No damage is flown t i to have ble done on either side. It conned about live les from here. Oar troops then fell back, a up to the present time the rebel advance in our miles from here. The att thorites expect an attack to-morrow. The Governor has received notice of 25,000 men who ha l ve enlisted under the last call. MOCONNI4BBIIIIG, Pa., Jane 2l.—The reb els evacuated this place at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. . Oa Thursday evening their pickets were driven in by a detachment of the Ist N. Y. cavalry, under Maj. Adams, causing quite an alarm among them, and the cause of their re treat is supposed to be the fear . of a flank movement on the part of Milroy, an opera tion for which the country offers great faelli- ties. The rebels were about lira thousand strong under command of Gan. Stuart. They re treated to the direction of Chambersburg, and will to-day reinforce ' , their 'forms that are me:ruing Harrisburg. A destructive raid was made through the . . . lower part of the county, yesterday, by a body of Imboden's men. They paid no re spect to any kind of property whatever, and what they could not carry away, they de stroyed. Thee. bands of plunders' are more to be feared along the borders than the regular rebel army. FRO.ff PIIIL.IO.E.LPHI4. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Oasstia. PHIL&DELPHIA, Jane 29, 1863. Thero is groat preparation, here for the do of the atty. At 19 p.m. the excitement was intense. Gen. Dana is in constant commu nication with the Mayor. Hoa. John W. Forney has been - appointod as Volunteer A. D. o.,With the rank of Limit. Colonel on the staff of the Major General commanding this department. The adjoining counties have commenced organising. Martial law will tut daubtedly be declared to-morrow. The May , or has issued a proclamation calling on the °Wiens to aloe their stores and organise for home defense. Gen. Dana, who has command of the de fames or this city, will commence building fortifications to-morrow, and place guards over the railroads and bridges about Phila delphia. His request to close the plaess of business will be complied with by many, and to-morrow will be a stirring time here. The Mayor summened - the Superintendents of the Pollee districts to-day, and instructed them to obtain the signatures of all citizens willing to for home and State defense. The Superintendents will report at once, and those willing to serve will be unuttered in. There is great esoitement over toWn, and people are begtnaing to realise the impending danger. H. Seizure - of the Revenue Carter Caleb Cusliku2 by Hebele•-iier Re eAdpeate, btc. • . POITLAND, Ma, Jane 27.—The revenue cutter Caleb Cashing was run away with last night *ore Lieut. tieramen, who was sent there tJ take charge of her, had arrived. He Immediately starter in one of the steamers tent in permat of.the Cushing. The steamers are now engaging her, she easing bred six shots at the steamers Chesapeake and Forrest City. -The engsgement is . still going on, as the itsai cat be distinctly heard to the oily.: Later-2 fee/rick p. explosion has jam. taken place. ann clouds of smoke are seen Wait /had - the' spot wham the maw was during the but the vessel has disappear ed, and it is thought that she has been blown sp. G /Moak p. m.—Capt. John J. Lisoomb, ca tits steamer Forrest City, says Wavelet:l came within gannet of the Ualeb Cushing half en hour before the Chesapeake got along. Tee Cashing fined as ..the forest Ulty efn times without showing any flag lobsters:. The Forrest City then laid too, waiting for the Chesapeake to come up. 'When the Uhes-I &peaks mined, and after a consultation, it was agrsekto-board the Cashing. The Classuake then took the lead in this, being a propellor, ant also being promoted by Gotten bales. The rebel perceiving the intentions of the . Chesapeake and Forest City beams frightened and abandoned the Cashing la two boats and sent off in a third boat the regular mew of the Cushing, who they had placed in irons. This last boat was Voted up by the Chesapeake. The other boats, with the **bill on ward, steered for Hartwell Shore, and were punned and nicked up by the Bonet City. The rebels proved to be twenty-two in number. .- The Forest City also picked up a small boat 'containing a Mr. Bibber who had bten sent adrift , from the . Caleb Oushink. lie with his partner were captured yestetday by .the reb els while in a small fishing boat. He inform ed Cipt. Limon that he was captured by the schooner Archer, of Southport, which was in the possession of a rebel crew from the pirate Tawny. lie also says that the Archer came in last night and anchored, intending to burn the two new gunboats building , in kortland. and cot out the revenue cutter Cushing and the steamer Forrest City. This, they toned themselves very mash troubled to do, but at two o'olook this, morning they boarded the Cashing quiet!), :and send the ,small por tion ;of herdrew &bread, put them in inns, and nide their, way . oat of the bor through Hussey's Bound, thus eetrolding the fire of PM torts} . After passing the fate, Capt. Lisoomb learned the intention of the rebels, and brume ulateiy. penned the Amber, Width was making her nay to the eastward as rapidly as. the light brass would permit. He captured her, and found three rebels and Mr. Fibber's part ner aboard.' He towed her up to the ally where he , arrived at half past four o'clock this 'afternoon, landing the rebel prisoners at Port Webb:. The Bennet City, as well as the Chesapeake, was receivedwith the greatest enthusiasm by ontnitiasni. The former Tenet, was armed with two rifled 12-piuidere, and had on board thirty tooopi from Fort Fable, and oni hundred armed aiding. From the report of Mr.lllibber, Capt. Liscomb thinks that then are three or more saunas with rebel crews on board, on our coast, destroying our fisher men.,.. LIA. Bead, commander of the rebel crew, is reported to have said that he was well ac unstated with this harbor, and knew where to put his hands on everything. lie intended if the wind had been fair, to Mon aU the ship, ping in port, and to seise the. Barnet City and anise along the mast, burning and de streylog all the vessels that came in his path; His log book stated that be bunt the Ta oony, of which be was the commander, dad- log that the nude of the Bosierel Govern ment were after him. • Bllipelliioll of Beanelo at:Norris. Koasursowa, Jane 28.—At a meting of the leading martateetarers of this place It was , resolved that - all the works stop and remain (dosed 1011 g 111.117 Of this Sabel forme main In oar Mats, and at a ,town meeting hold this altenvooni,a committee was appointed to raise Maley to pay yaps to - all who bare _their eveloyment, at bag as they muds alriy, ominobooo,wasithia'an the Aye headre4 tan haw hir Itartisharg In ths • idsigraflr Is 11.040iIhearOthesh,C4s 6 tsslsituosq of Asnovit FROM GEN. BANKS' ARMY. THE ATTACK OR PORT HUDSON THE UNION FORCES REPULSED. Federal Loss Over 70Q. AIWTHER ATTACK ANTICIPATED. &v., zte., tEe Nair You, June 27.—The Moir Orleans correspondent says a mond assault upon Port Hudson was made on the 14th inst. by the 17nlen -6 troops, and again disutrously repulsed: The loos of field officers was vary large, ifituounting to no less than five Colonels. Our troops, though repulsed; fought bravely. It seems evident that Gen. Banks has not force enough to secomplieh what he so dar ingly attempts, and it is to be hoped that he will be speedily reinforced from some quarter. At was expeoted that another usault would be made on the 19th. Col. Dadley volunteered, and was to lead a forlorn hope or storming column of four thou land volunteers, all picked men. The remit of OIL attack remains to be known. The loss in the repulse of the 14th 11 stated at 700 killed and wounded. Among the killed are Col. Holcomb, of the let Louisiana white regiment; Col. Bryant, of the 176th N. Y.; Capt. Hurlbut, of the let N. Y.; and Lieut. Hutchinson, of the 75th N. Y. Among the wounded are Gen. Paine, in leg, lovers; Col. Smith, of the 114th N. Y., mortally; Col. Carry, 1234 N. Y., severely, both arms; Lieut. Col. Babcock, 75th N. Y., leg, eight; Capt. Bavery, 75th N. Y., arm, nightly; Lieut. Thurber, 75th N. Y., knee, slightly; Lieut. Otookee, 75th N. Y., slightly. These were but a few of the injured, the authorities re- fusing to give any list of the killed and Wounded. The enemy'sloss is not one-fourth of ours. It is thought that Gen. Pain's leg will not have to be amputated. _ Col. Curry says that Port Hudson is one of the strongest places in the world. He de scribes the works as follows : First, an abattis 'dialled trees for at least one hundred yards; then a ditch 40 feet wide, with four to six feet of water in it; then a glade twenty feet high, sloping gradually to the parapet, on which is a protection for sharpshooters. Behind thh, say one hundred yards, is another line of works, on which heavy field artillory ale mounted. The correspondent of the Herald does not think that it will be taken except by starving out the garrison. One hundrid and fifty of the Metropolitan cavalry have been captured by the enemy twe miles from Gen. Bank's' headquarters, with; out firing a gun or a sabre drawn. The steamers Anglo American and Bybee were captured by guerrillas at Plaquenitn, and the crews taken prisoners and Hut boats destroyed. That. Is no doubt that Magruder is in the Allahfis country, With 15,000 or 20,000 men, destroying all the property we did not move. He is alto fortifying at Franklin, to defend that country should Port Hudson fill. THE ENEMY OPPOSITE ILIKILISBURO A FIGHT IMMINENT Attempting to Cross at Bridgepor Our Forces Drivenacross the Susquehanna at Columbia. The following dispatah was received by Gen. Howls but wrentng : ILizazaavio, June 28, 1863 Our forms have been driven amen thorium at Columbia. The enemy it making an effort to erode at Bridgeport. He Min large toms op- Podia this Mtn and if he attacks at all, no doubt it will be to-night or in the - Morning. Us Will bo resisted. [Hrldstport la six miles below Hanish:mg.] Iliseoult Suite Convention. Jammu' Cirr, him, :use 27.—A motion by Mr. lienderson. to reconsider the vote of proud', by which it was agreed to submit the ordinance of emancipation to the people, passed: 65 to 21. The question then , recurring on adopting the report of the committee, Mr. Drake moved to amend by substituting 1666 u the date of emancipation, Ittihad of 1816: • Goy, Gamble moved - to amend by striking out the second station of the' ordinance; sub stituting the following: Slavery shall ease to exist in-Missend on the 4th of July, 1876, fret-. ' all slaves emancipated by this ordinance shaltremain ender the control aid be subjeoc to the authority of their owners, is servants,. daring the following periods: all those over , forty years of age, during their lives ; those eider twelve, until they arrive at twenty,. 'three; thole of mil other ages until the 4th of Ju1y,11574. Mr. Drake than moved to amend his amend melt by the adoption - of Gamble's, but still adhering to '66 instead of '76 u the date of emancipation, to which Ganikkraieurited. Mr. Henderson moved to 'olW:out of Mr. Drake's amendmeit '66 aria lie, which was earried—ayes 51, nays • The amendments were ordered toile print ed. From Pon Hodson New You, June 28.—We - are Indebted to the New York Herold for 'dikes front Port Badmen to the 20th. • Elen, Banks on the 15th hsned, a migrate,' latory address to his troops on their steady advance, stating that he was confident of an immediate and triumphant bane of the eon. hint. ‘f We are at all points upon the threshold of hiegortifications. One more &drone', and they are ems." Re then summoned the organisation of a storming calwan of 1,000 men, to vindicate the flag of the Union and the memory of its &tendon who hare falln, promising promo tion to acme, and medals to °Moors and pri vates. A letter of the 20th reports no =tidal change in the position of ears. There are nightly akinahhes, withcnt defi nite malt. 0 was rumored, and generally believed; that an sultan war to take place on the night of soak, to be led by Elea. Orlirson and 001. Van Patton, of the 116th New Tarr, the awaiting patty to be supported by Oen. Waltzers *la brigade And that of colonel Ondliy. - • The rebels, by all acoo s 4ts, are represented to be ut r a most. miserable condition foit lomat of food. Late from IttehmanC—Bereside:lte. peteed—The Foree-at etteentead:: WASIIIMCITOW, June 'M.:— The Riolila/ Dispatch of tke 2U says it 41touibt oily that Itioksburg must fail, without the ia terpositioa of a miracle.' The Dispatch has a report of .• battiest Dig Creek esp„ : Best Tennessee, ou Nriday, last, between On.. Dueltaar mid %ballade:lW under Goa. Berusidepik which the Federal* •, were repulsed Melee with heavy loss, Bennis, tium:aommaseed &Sulk movement, and Bunk tier-fell 'beak to Vinton, to eaves Snoi►tile. It is asserted here that Richmond Li held by not more than four thousand men. , Oarso, .71soo 37.—A wasbet,of Gee.. Ls. des bo staff, treat Oolasibes; reports Osioral Pries, with COSS sbeis,m viehalti.of hind No. 37. It is said ho,,l3lprowhisptifts to ososs the Iliu4eippyit his object loan to pe ewits with the rebel foieela the vicieriti of Ascitlisr - tipertisys he' will co- Sopy7ileadltio..33, aid liters:opt the nevisst• Nos. 'Ositt: Voniook, of posy, is on tie slettikad will Wasp Poise. The latest dotes kw. Vialtsbin eri to he steals; of shallot. Tie isettosedum of the 30th and flit, reported yestordsh L tearlit• --- irrelli the bouth-west....empisis of 3,000 Rebels, Re. LorraTnam; Jam: 28.—'s Neatrville Maar rep:hi that one division of the ?Metal army captured three thousand rebels on Bat nrday, when going through Hoover's Gap. No further Rardemlare. The 17th Indiana regiment of mounted in fantry being, surrounded by four regiments of rebel infantry, cut their way through, taking • number of prim:nue. Col. M a urer,, of Neg. ley's division is reported ben wounded in the eye. A special to the Loa's:rine Jeer:o4 frois Manchester, says: Wilder's mounted in fantry dashed into Mearhester, and captured a large party of rebels, including Capt. An derson,-of the Lt Hentsoky earthy. Wil der's scouts .ciptured, yesterday, a courier from Morgan and Wheeler, it Is remora, with important dispatches. Bragg reviewed the troops at Hoover's Gap on the morning of the battia: Wilder's force burned the trestle work, yesterday, on the Manchester and Tallahome road. • The Chattanooga Asbal, of the teth, rays that firing continues with increased rapidity . on Vicksburg. Organizing tor Sate Defense. 01.100/11.71, Jane 28 --Chicano! Tod in re sponse to an argent letter from Gen. hai made a strong appeal to the peopple of Ohl* to °manna* for %bedsits's of the Me& lie recommends all phone of bissiness to be olosedst 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the rest of the day denoted to raising voltam& The various independent military companies in this city are rapidly complettng their In put:talons under the aUltia law. Desperate Charge at Port nudism— The Attacking Party Nearly All Captured. Rut 'LOW, June 2L—A letter from New Orleans of the the Tribes' says! Yesterday Gen. Banks issued en Grua 'few one thousand volunteers, to make a deal charge on the enemy's work,. The dth and isctonsin regiments volunteered, and were repulsed. Thry lure afterwards taken prisonus74lll; or nearly all. The Indiana atate'Debt• laatusiarocta, June 28.—Menn. Window, Lander & Co., have concluded an arrange meat with Governor Morton for the payment of the July Interest on the Indiana State debt, and fonds have been placed robjeot to the ors der of the Agent of the BMW, for that purpom, PROM WASHINGTON. Mall Dbpstchee to the Pitiably& (bootie. WASRUGTOX, Jlllllll 26, 1863 TEI 111111•11011. Military movements sow indicate the pos sibility of a collision between Glens. Lie - and Hooker in Maryland. Military men doubt whether with Hooker following *sally La his rear, Lee will dare to 'advanoe Into Pennsyl vania, before giving . Booker battle. Should he do wit will be regarded as lemur& the better for as. But the probabllitlis seem to be that after baying advanced near the Penn sylvania border; he will minium, seeking to draw. Hooker into an unfavorable position, and that in the and a desperate battle will be fought somewhere in central or. western Ma. ryland, probably not far from the old told at Antietam. Hooker is, of course, following Lea rapidly, and beet opinions base to the belief that a battle must some off within a week. DZOIIIOI or vas 111101ITAST or Tall ISTITIOS IN Missal) TO , pumas. In opposition to the opinion of the Attai ns, General, and the prestioe of the Penidoir °Moe under previous laws leas liberal in their provisions, the Secretary of the Interior has Mudded that to entitle the widows of those who have died of wounds or disease bowed in the Navy service to receive pensions under the act of J 14,11863, it is not stouter, that the deceased should, have died while actually in the serrloo,but only that the cause 4:diktat' should have originated at that time. . RITSIUSDIonaoss. Coal, Illuminating oil made from passible and boned', which are the prodiott of distaD. _ baton of coal or other bituminous substation oenumerated in region 7d,. stitisot s ditty f ten coats per gallon. Binizoup, as a product of dl tlffntlon, is subjecit to a duty of three per "iseatius'ad lorem. , r. All perfumery. and 0011MiT464,4111# Schedule "0" - of.thi Eroble:LSW, itre't it t e l t t to stamp dory, whither mantifitotured without a private formula:. Vser , ailitalso squally subject Sti stamp ditts mhasaold,* irregular packages. ,korfamegg And waist , ios pat into and said In. botttu or Packages furnished, by the purshasers ars sdoe,subjeca teaumapstuty. Romon.—.The committee . for proanringalen to work on the fortilimilono earamtly anima all pononalo' roatinae tart o(their foram fir anotbirmek; anyitew:Mornitionlihrig to mpg* is tha good Work will pleats mince at Jot. Plammer'o, - Ne.399 Wood stmt. ". Porton saperiateMienti forilliegiOnn are requestiat to„ otumar n sratire roggse , , , l PLUMY'S, MeKrifim „ " • ,1;14:16111141, - _ • . , „ • '..' 4 l , diddided Batiddif IXm Wd.dd;• psadthrivill , Libtiy Bzwiaai Pieuto..-= 'mat,VailialVitstaii-Ms4 P4.'4405; ant ; Medi= Depirtuddit,Zosspldse 'it:Bkiider; Mho Mason, and Naimoli J. Bell; Primirs Dapirtattat, Anzaadi Eat' Midas, Mirprot Maw, Ades Pattarsoili Josepl4avelzwiti. • , PUBLIC -",;-2*.alt& Char Bacon, hameg o llese ^_~eg u. THE 01710SEtti : ABU MEN, of BAT flirt vitt= their thanks to the labdsteseeCkehmitte. tor toe geed eg retail/tem them an Saturday .eviting. the. Intlitglib 2 4 . 1 .11 &nu& the lay esteoate gOt 011)1P. 411:11. - , SKIM WI., N. u. Cootestc. , °dais* will bed 'Octal matting it TIM ()Corday) num et S o'clock- /i; tall •11. tendons is dialled. WA bodkin of lepartasiverrel to Dnitl3lo24 bay* ttii tailltatkxuti'4ol NESS hr ban witb xs. • ' • - th.(keteltlet • ix aad nxinst.. .U.S. Gilman; ' J. It. lactants, J I.'Lita, • Wx. Pastas: Joss Stn.. . . • o o.wegirtak, ~s , • • G. 11.1•111.11101. Wor. txxxxis - • Viß; Tilt 11 tam inaktag • 'can aoitilyth It P.M.'S worldag wastally and &ya k and. taint 'lce n OLAag SOON AY mn JAs M. - BasannsuN Daum vas VOIADICk B. O. Mist, P PUZSOL J. r. Dar, Jar II oar EPDall. *mar Lamm", J.ll:"Piassoari 1113=:21 RathlUllti • AN/1W I - ' fee' ibo %no' 91h Restment Ps. B. T. 0.. or - MY oast resen7lreala Rottenest* now he the s.t& flash ta. craft ..111 receive Co. leanOnd - 01ollese;Isents , . Twestpstie dame will be pal la e aurora tato the Rol ett Sense eirties. Tor other Infarsation tair* at No. TSRtelle Sr* opreatte the Poet p n.• 3.10011/AD D Pint Idiot. neni Reeralthig olds r, 9th Iteghseat Penna. Relays Conn. • le heeds IP . lag 1 , 1113 PA. Twenty mop ow/pia/11a cias - • - pinyon. stamp flows, Arai sad atemitumiuNdi - may km tiro nacho as thair strlval la cum. • at. to , berp. OLU. 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