. : I : - .'. i. - 2 - lIE r' . i : ESTAI3LISRED .-.IN 1786. _ tat 0 bait IN - pima!, is LAZBAR, WHOLE GBOOM 00 .111[1831011 lElKThirjusmi, o sa W, 1 4 11 ; sa. alarri 114 . 111601, , PITTSBURGH PA. 1017 - GORMELY,' wrlOLltatimi Gleam 80. in ratr4iTT warn, irrisiuson, Hatton mehamed' looldro It th e o the interest of ld Itta Isne Ind od ollbo idaa. itplowed moslm ea patronage of hie erd li a to d customer& IoY • • 11 r e , An . :taaw:.....: ' i•arsa atatitioL in MUMMA G aoas Ana Coarnmannt &Mara In PHODUOT.„ watts; BACON. OH= IVIH, CARBON AND LAUD OIL, IRON, lIAII4OLARN. COTTON YARNS, and Pittsburgh znanahataral . aurally, 11.9 and 111 Second 'tree Pittato • . • Do ■=Me erzemuso....„*„..ozas. • allo. ahwassm, tot O h o., W kW -Inn of D. a D. K'Dosabi IPlteabsergh. ellavifi•, Ohlo.) ArDONALD ARBIJOffid4- Waoz ALL sash Gacexass,, AND Oceocuszoi Kits, Jobbers is 00M/0. N. 0. MAK sad KO EXJ/INICD SUGARS sad BYROM Timm hOON, - '10841.000, Tidar.DJODe OILUSN,NNiDeI, -No. DK sod 414 I at, Ptltenzerh holias P. 111211111.........4.8.Z 111131121. Alr. tcit ig n aa kizose au Andaman; Wyp WTHE4 PONXIGIN MITA, NMI AND BPI INOTIONZBY,SUOLDB, MN WO • • &A., • ca. mo n a d 1S11 1!"4 *Kirk link • MOM IL 1/3•* mow s 113111u.5. a METZGAR, GROOM OD tfadr iffkunam ° os arsinaurn, and deal= yam of 001211ITZT Puma. Asa Pmaanaut m004. 6-11401 dbartyalreet t ypiamik. had of Vltt.blagb •.... MT. fiya B. JONES &BON, Wa 1, %if Guam azo,Boar,Tumumuns, peeks In MAZILLia SOI . 4'OAXIJX, OILS, PITCH; and • Pittsburgh maaVaatatrat H 0 .141 Water t• at., abate the Ka • ••• .• • Br 1• , Pitultutgte. Pa. - . • • - - V. DA/4114., ROBERT -DA T. ZELL (XL %anal- JAI ants Anoccin, 0011:1132Q0111 renwiantaa lissaatrai - deem tn PHODIJOIC and Pitts burgh ninnatietanen:Fittannik. T AMIBEZT, SHIPTON & CO., WaoLit, AI lA= GSM= sad Psalms Damask So. 6 Jal6 • 1011:11 WATrat WILSON,. Wsoustiza *to am, Claxiiipm Bizscauins, and daalen t Produas and Pittabargh isuitathcianis, No. 158 Idb• arty street; Pittsburgh. 226 iasisa DIOJENY 4.X) ; WsounAla .1 anocais, Ckornanton Kinannwn,' and Illialern in MOM% Fo. 110 Water street, and 66 Front street, Manna. OWNW, sumartiL DILWORTH dro3., Waoxiaum arma h l t e , m1 ; 19! !Isclortil atnuf,4r 01137 F 1 - LOYD& oi,WHor.aaus Glo- Uooan A uselos tta bargh. e. Mzeicourrts, H WOod 2EII Liberty reet, Pi HALLAM .13A(.1ALICY, Waouni•La _ . SO ood stria, 'POW- A • • • 41, Wanzasta asomsklmporw of 812 SA &EL No. ria Liberty Meet, Pittibmxh. Pa. 146 AraforUFACTURERIL IEL BENNEIT &ON . lithru iiinvirazu or ITHILTX BTONN CHINA IIND QUM OOLOBID WA .= - warm. Aral saorra uNo. 74 Parrs Briar, Prrrusraan, P. , .111•116 XaZt. IiIACHCINTOSIIIEMPHILLe & .corna PDfa sad Macs Meets, near lb. Of; Kolar Waits, Plttaeovb,. Kaaufacturoni of MAOLIWrOSH AWD' WAMPAILIAI IIiPBOYZD _TIIKA,O6I:IITIbaI ANOINTS .AND ALM VALVED, of all mizos sod bort IMP& H *Timms ny - toachtuaryorlarga , A4?aelty - aad of 'tMba4ars' ars 'pro:lmM 66 tpary job. t biog. ouat - wark rear nod; trotting that by andlbo ebaraotar tirObt work £0 =DU Vil7faulMiATlNa ENGEM, adkosabbAlas Adirafkbagoa hantolbra fouttal66f TA' tie; 4* of 4 NPR 10.. ILWILTON & (inter' a tied end Maly stristm, afar/WA:M(II4 111,. 50.:WatIfa •P VDOUGHer 'IIisEdihetiimW OOXIWIAJSID AD, : =l =articabaldskitiiiiitug \ , Infiglaapr vitscudlondeloordat, atiguirlf Max, imadvmormiainouitmft eft band.: nyllmito ISLLE4 ILLKILN 4._ ' .Bo: 5215 • • t prdetsiii ito4 ikeispnikapt ' •hr IlhilnAd so pm instructions. , • nrectbsolnir 08.24.1163.4 B.l4lBcAluiBB __WORKS.— wOLIMLTALIIr 00. ihrms NANIVAC. evoad.' Warebouay 2 Wood utrost, corm. of Itett;Pit sida d XUSICs . H.haLo 7 / 3 ;k R ialdlolfy C ASIMAILISIOALF. /IrSTISIIICZNIS. dials Iva JERABLIIOOOOI MANOO,II.IIIIIB asoe.Awice,ased.llll2lo34lr 0018 IIZLODY -91111,;. ORM. stmt. smooxid doer MS. Wood, visiekorak.ra._ INlVlssaisaissoia4 Wrap L sz • got new.: 1- r • 10 Lllaftliar& B/111, - DIALEHr.& tin 626' ktrziaAr. DilrataionNfan4 gamma be Altatawaril aahtiratd 11100, - iiro. 63 '13‘3331301,113011nina4 • • : - OHN ZIOILLOR,-Duat.ix nr PilarOi MizalmaleVia lich4l" Wood itnmit,, boron rourtb strut Mil D 11.044 PittibtFti, • ".-- - - - - -77. 404 4 1 . V.:bitirt r., - - , f 4 . '„,„.i.tiiiitartr ,7 l.l6kralir. 2 Vingdin • - , P i 'CAIN' 131 , T1M 1791.01-M1 An'AIRATIIB NOD*fip . psOtt.ft • AVFPZLIff Mtn Una 4 ~' -- . - '-- .' • .• • - .:: --,,., I. Maio* patbmini 411•1: thettlialtibe ' ..42.1 , : diediesitksztractedbpay mom; sad an to 1 ty IMMO luta She rill asil paligerlisii.e: lb* sz t ris. ...; lioe-ebstorsaJias.btiessaimrponoWn to ' larretbigili, coiling, Win no ktiorr Pl ray surasTiirOtiViikin thisread in 'Twit•ylo, - astaiartiersity rsierwarnatoritiviams to ?• al . .., -v:. •• IL, O llD l44 ;Dltiladlhatiiii•ldai• " -943041 ADMlADElrintr.Vonnallys • . ;up„,„„,.'.- 1014 %•of..Plizianhof, Oran!streih or.-iLsook. Amu. **ay 8 9 0 ALs - Ef•Leiut,. o l,c.. ; Arcunterroi * co., 6. ir wt go. L. 2. t k. Lit 00., BoozuLusi ALIND - li venm , jr .;„717O.iftWootIl Blosot,litli door to tho , Po: 601100 L osol _ _ • READ...RoamsAli= AND STA - AP. orsants, No.lll,4mMiatni?‘dpiilo TILIJMINIX GS, Jitc. 64 011PEE:HORNA tosoupaaar ma Bream roe reaumsr `' Y ;Tr t -at, 11., Amnia •• :n vinitydrat.riunnnt• sou j, - !..W/ 1 4.k,woridzie:40/Arrs• Dula:ear? • Amex iftwriume, Nig at isemstervarts.r . luieiress prisarLOAßlllbromik FIT. 1" 4 07 . maw i14;04 guraltiziftpik fad maul iu 110 1, r. ,aanataloitimsattlatardresietriattroon.6., bend. 01,11ovenit ihnosi, mods. Bt. Abort /abet • I it:. • " • Diur ' VI Nada - 4. l %aropicsagras.#4...Xo. S 7 Wm/gismos__ — , agrimpmph,.., 4%1 o. r oCio • Or., RAIII,'STSAW thy. _ . 1in7491 AMeler;E:mors DIIQURt3NEI BRASS WORKS. canzsue es CRAWFORD, Mazadootaroro of 'Tory misty of flubbed 'DRAM BE rim nans o Bl, erzeit oa GAB-TITTEBt . KA AHD BRAKE &MIME, ofdimatalaatiaado to ardor. BTELKBOAT WOIIE, until( ABD Gad. AIME% and RTIPAUI gao mp r attokd ta to. Particular att a r , 12n I odd LIK to Mos up WM. EMI FOE 00 D 0/1111011 OIL& =Bole Vs shoe Jae Wagons District it Pena. Vt:I3PETFINT 11118 1 0 E LM MI but mat Intantod. Having ao valor, ft Is ;tot Haab to got ontof ardor, sod .ritt Ora aura aster than any map of Moo Ea Oft aPIB D BARBOUR, . mt. ios• - a. L. WEBB•BRO., 0~ of Auk sod anesseree anosts, 134127110814 GINBILLL 0011XNUNON 111111110111kNM And Atp-Ibr 'BRn tIeem*L9LBIIpONT'S GIINPOW- Becalm ki olk.maue of Western Pro. duos, aral make, N. 8.--Ballriski back boat of Warehouse, wok to_ L alth Ptiolbsisah PWI , sr k I ffi Bkketaoo. Boman: •iarrard, fa Chap Bbsoltard, Klochilide Book. Baltimore ; ti. Di Toed a Soy , ethikeak PATENTED 00T. 8, 1861. Dithridge's Patent OVA ;°,P ,CTUMNI323, lesnaotigiele XX Irlatr, Thum Chbaxice am Int/44W Ibr Ist glass, which Mani all parts of 11:M.M . 1 4 1 79 doss Dot snow Deco L D. DIMIUDG Tort Pitt Gime Works Weabbigis b h street, aplf Pittsurgh, pa. _LADIZS'ENCY FUR; CIIIILIYAZNIS TANCTY CURS; GENT'S SUE CATS,OOLLABS a 0 Loviat B Tory 'Arley mad lON of the above goods ea Load arid tor, I..tsa , I) VA.! (1);I 074 nrnauses,, PARK, BROTH:SR 4 CO, , BUT Q041,1T1 iIIITEIND OAST STATE, Open, Iffst and Octavo, of Idris. Warranted mind A to any Imported or numnfectured In thu ellke and-Warebonen. ken ISO and ISt ITEST and ISO and 122 !MOONS STENNIS, PlttOmpk. felltlyd STILL A CHANCE I Quire nag ramai °Ala EQUAIti l'Orb sirwi and ast • pair, && F R WORKS, FIRE-ORLCKERB, J: TOHPHDOM FLAGS, 11111021 LAHTI:HIM OWINOW&A MIL J. W. HADVIXLD haring even l oe Umoaly Depot fa Maim Lane fir bti oaMrsted Saha. Palif lOW lIRIWOBICS, We are prepared te *Gee theta on to. suet Womble tames, fir cub. Wet .1711,1) DROP OBAOILICSJI and TORNIDOD girths lowest market nom Ordereloll.l , ad andpramplay attended to. GTE e.)a01:B ADORN. Importer& If Tore and Yawl Goods, ad Malden Lane, comer of William Mace; mytkLea. Wu, Pogo. - ~.!/1138131141E, 114 WN. Tileriß t Jr., dk: CO., Driers lu LEAD PIPL AEI= LEAD, HI- - DRAIIIIL PIMPS, OBADDELD2BB, DBACE72I2, rmiDarze.' Dirontopp 22244 op oath AO sad cold maim sad ipia/n_Emo_mootoopproolowlogr. n 3 4 (*on oldo,) maraud =mar, 2d doorboldw Bobbason. Alimemor• S.R—Boaoirfocroroootly .u...am to. N4a. A LLE.N, ... 14340/i It . W., Yawn is : l iaa r t l " tab . 1 i I "bortAttest. • 0 i't PARLOR AND NIA T. LNG 0T0 , 7123, PARLOR AND &ma= GRAM HOLLOW W eta, Real and Ghia Nanid,ll4l - Yrn cattnii, Amin& Geo.:Wats, and Az tisan Pips, Pad Lent=froon, Warn Ewa . gar Ev.Uss„ Oar Win** and Osatbai ii i i ilk. Alio, jobbing and Outings to 'Order. Pntanted - Pula& Nal. I 1 t 6 ateate far . Rano Nana. apl4And MlO LOAD! MAkirialst)ri TOBACCO. ISPCOLLISTIIIR & BAER, 108 WOOD STEW; hut doors fro* NUM attest, Are now prepared hinall Butlycelebratad WIII CUT OUBWIL/B) TOBACCO may tat, and Si the alley lowest firm. ' It • L' -- Jte tr. K. amass: MUM& ALLEGHENY COAL 'YARD. OOAL, 0013, LULL PLOMPLABTZE emus. OX3tUT, l INam AND rum CLAY. _ StOrar y set Amain* qrs!eg oaf fosai Cbl{~o. imguatMAiitca I a 00.,Beiler ,1111 Maim. and:lbeet Iron Workers; yaw • . i mam, so. 94 end HI Having unkind • • • yard and Ihralabol It with the axon Improved leackhneg, Illalroxignret to nianufootore every • ption of BOILERS to the beet mannery end inonusted squid to an . Mak ,the. see* ov2u. s .. . p$ op I • "I f .v . ; •o% ' Pv t. \ 41 ' . OW4lB' OITUATig Or , Di BtilA ED is 04. bottaipcuii ****Pcnrur. It up tfflarto iipeedal pm" tie liquid Ottsate at Blegneelh: %Mt root Itlnerat Wotan, &alias ankles. Whoa W Masi ingalarly, It has an admirable Meet on thennaral omen. removes otnaNinalon, annettag witgisieNair MU Wenn ane. ilatate. Mos Wont*. bsort • nittim a 00. argh, and at the Naannietery, No. lig Nen wet ; • IL No 412 IsQob W. 0414 • !• yioniltr . 111Atila:Agsai by John *ma No ft ionotsatly lboril# . o 44 knioot - Atoiltot Pea Ws Adi lo Pazikoilief 1 vilopeod !typo maim of , . .- ... . glom AVN , All „, NtSfilAl k ,baNigaz Ana JLJiilluOIN Jim . tomb of ONNITZNII" HAVANA. Aldo& of SMOKING AND Inizwina < wo Mt" TANDY NNZBSONADY- TDBit an. to., IA Wed A VNt ',Wilt,/ UNDIAI • INZ 0 an. Barra., elttaborsti, Po., ,• . - ~., N. D.—TA• 14o& imppNod <a Moral torois. - • - 'N.III, /4 e iYblabl7Yi. , 100 Miss laistitag sail W. R. Chown donek.'prinde Dry renclun, Nato); "13.1 VA NI. 11 441 4.54 20tt. ' Idi td doess - Ilevaddding Jed unshod and Sin!lahnit No: isizooond stmt. Jdl FRANK VAX GOR,Dia. EIMIN/TUAN /*MA t ilar r ill Art i l U ttl ' °. B ks * 6W- Naiiigeny abd • __ - • 1, 7 ;4 24 444 21114, Oak stmt. WM, lIIMZ4IIIIInr • k 10 kb& CU. Ilbeedtlen raramis J. 11 . 4i fqlgt its rottarni' TAIL - Y . ' . PITTS I U SLUM AND 04.111. XCCORD Ilk CO.'S, No. L9l WOOD STRIA% Itikauhetaren al Another arrlnl of BOOTS. JAMS ROBB'S, Ns. 89 MAIM= MUM W. M. IMAINEY • Oa, Dealast& SODA 9 °~:, Wr:.ro :e J. &EL. PHILLIPS. 1 osir toad LE. vozwia 00. PITTSBURGH, TUES lAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1863 111W7Jr0 aracmurEs. asaias 6 -FM-rON'S IfleallET PE.111:111116 CaItINTL&R HOOK SEWING MACHINE WORLD% PAIR, Lowzoi.--.---.1862. IBDUSTBLAL ISPOdITION, With •ataable improvviaants. The only Machine In the World adz' aLlllllotrrst Hama. Baeroza and Oman, with Improved -111vszyqa• =e tweed to call at oar - Moan mica) the In irperatkon. avow *Rofinsimmimi ran. eirSeed *ea Otroa Will. SWMAIER & CO., WESThRN AGENTS, hymn:nix—No. 27 111TH EITBIZT. Otecmrun—PlKl'S OfIRL ilituLDine Lovumaa—No. 1 MAXONIO TTIIPLII JoZausikwr CI W. WILLIAIIB & 00.'8 V. IBII'IIOYID PODBLI RIUMAD Faintly Sewslow Jfiaskissica. Srlairma, No all loath .tend, Patabargb. Throe Ifachfsei are from =MU to twenty dram cheaper than : other reacildae In Sheeny. nay will do al lands of work, and an warranted for ghats years. they are as shoals that aag child 11 yam old can use Qua to owiwalon,, Oonstaatly on hand, all kinds of bowing *mum need's*, Bowing Ootton. ha.. al loved Market prices. tall M. 8711411111. Anent. Pla.ro& 17NABE & CO.'S PIANTAM I —Ant opened this weeks clot supply of them beentrat betruments. beyond a doubt the Moat In ths country- but Is now Mated nnlvereally nencedsd. For scam now r we lave not been able to owleff of our order. WARRANTED PITA TEAR& EWE= BIitOTHILEIF ILIGILBIOR PIANO FOBTSB. Me best cheap Plmm made. Fm sale by CII &FLOWN BUM& la Fifth street, Sole agent Pm FAIN= HEATHERS` PIA3IOII sad PatItiMEIS MILODZONe. Jan STEEENWAYS prix noel vvil Out 17287 W 4 Pi! I RDA L, u the Wasuo's /ma, Landon, 1861 itirttratrootad mitotic,- to on others In mry to. mom O now stock of t!e above jut arthrlng. air 80. Airatcy far title district lbr the litabilny num st H. 6M131.8 • BBONS.. son Yo . 6111Itti strait BARGAINS IN SECON P/A.19011. • V octave Chlakartog, beautiful Oisok walaol Due; MIL .1350 CO 1 T octavo abLatartdig, rondvas4 Erma ass. =rob-0M Wit K O CO A 1 : 041 m 1 *WI ammo* • basidasio Thula, to goad odder-- 1111 CO itt4art, dial•arood. tamed psaald to 1116 OD • eS6 04 ; 4 40 Gag I 00., ad - mism . twat; dui dacrUsal 2 110 co LC OCIATO kbaut,. tow•wi I,d mut ex. •214—.- 150 DO A C octave Halloo. Davis • 06., rodawood— 116 00 A codas; isiaboyaiy--..... 01 00 d octavo 0.101, —. 15 OD oviss• Gams" " 80 10 A 6 octave Dunham, " 50 00 A r octave Loud. " --.... 40 00 • 1666 octavo Ma•lo4, ID co A. 6 sedan •!t 31 4011 H. NIILLOS,• m ri Weed rinse. 'or Ws by 11.111 TN MB ORPHANIT 001111 e OF ALLZOIIIINT 00IIWIT. If a, March Tar 1163. Writ of Partition or lop le. UN Matta of the Mato of lobe= J dimmed. To Bullet,',Album, wile el Andrew YcOlnn, n. Ming in Wrothblithe toasty. PI.; Catharine R. Sharp, (formerly Cathteto• R. llothh,) sabot it. B. sharp, of Iltrthite twenty, Vs ; ear th I. Richardson, (former)y Sarah R. bialta,) wile of 1110. P. Richard. tha eidetic* county, Ohio; Beath Z. Hervey. (est. ewe/ Raney ftlth.) wile of Jaws. Bang of Brooke county, Va ; &theme B. Akbardson..(tore lastly Rebecca H. lhaltl4) nib et Samuel Richard. ma, of Xianros county, Ohio; Rebert .e N:mith, Ile. tag in Oblo. Ram B. Wright, (taw Bm*w B. Smith,) wile of Zwick B. Wright, . saklngtaa county, Pa. ; Ztherthr A. Z. Smith, residence un known; Prances Z. fowler, (kirmarly Ifisaala Emlth,) wife of Tibia fowler, of Brooke county, Va.; and Illsabeth White, of Waradegton county. Fa, hrln and boll representatives of lithecce Junes. deceased,—Tot are hereby notified that an Itqabltlett will be held in petwassai of the ileve meationed order or writ of partition. en the Wend. am, In tits Borough of fiewey, TRUBSeIitY, the id day of July, Ansa Ponta 18f3, stip winlech a. m.. to wake partition to and sang the Item dn. of the said deotered, In such =thaw and In 'nth =lens as by the laws of the Clommintwes ) th of veal. k directed, If inch - pirtltion can be mode thereof without pr.Jediceito or within the whole ; bat II such partition cannot I. wade thereof alcinewld, then to wales and swabs tit said. so- cording to law, at which &Lassa place you may at teed if you think proper. • HABIT WOODS, Sheriff. Ilanstres Owen, tt Pittsburgh, Jim Pd, PIGS. I SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No 110 Ellinansto Smarr, (opposite the Olsten liouok) Mustard by the Loghdetort INTION/S1 Pneasat-J/JIZEI:PABI,,j a. Wo. D. Daub, John loaning, Thor: D. Itsed.r, Thom. 8. Bhdr, Wranclo Won, Henry Lloyd, 0. T. Rudd, A. lilethamark, Joshua lthoelas, Jacob Stoeluath, Alex. Bradley, Alfred Black. Jana Irdng, O. Ens, O. 11.18rda, A. O. Deli, Jes. Dilworth, B. ICOoduan, 8.8. icoviar, . W. A. Need, Wm. Smith, J. W. Woodondl o i IL O. Schmertz, 0. D. Jones, 7. Baum C. W. lUoketion, B. P. Joe.., J. It. Tiernan, &H. Eutaw, W.H. Maps, D. K. Loos , R. J. Anderson, O. B. Harm, le.. W. Bsztar, D. Z. Yelfirdes. . flumes. learetni, sad ............ —D. I. •NiNzair. ope e &FY, Don k 1 11. rs. ts 1 P...m.. Aler. Tomasy sad D a .- - - iiiiitarai ins? 6 ColllVakali.. Deposits readmit 01111 DLO sad upwards. Dirkleuds declared la December sad June of mob Midis's& allowed Co musala No placed SO the craft of the depositor so priardpel, and bad biter. mit, thew mmmumdbg U.. Hooks am lapdog Mertm, DpLawi, as., fundabed et So oas. "..• eirTble itistitutkra olitri,..epecieily to Mae pas iota wham. eitaLeito tie soma, the opportualty acoonnlate, by moll llepoette, erdly saved, e Kik WWI will be • rename whet seeded, their money not only being bot beetles latateet, of of zmprceutim slysictlyampu RIM. BSTI.I'H BAMGB EBIITITIITIOI. latoripc#oll by Ow /ftWotan a Posnsitisala. Open for Itqadla boos 10 a. in. to (Moot p. m.. dolly ; Mao en BATUBDAY XVIIII3OO. Pen • to Woloolt. M owe, POURTH MOM& . - • emrs,!voininniurr am' 7110/ITABLI DEPONTONY, ilwituaka, LAWN" ants, sad all than *boas Mao or IMMO as • all. it also ormasada Itself to lisoolcm Adadidators, larams, Arm% volitatary lloolsdas or Amalatkru, sat=ot all dams. al-lbaraitAilliLt. Pi CUT. pair as. - ma Is odd oa Mardi; whisk tf sot dmra, be placed to the arida of Yu &Miter ol MOM& days of Map arid liayszabsr, sad timallio boar the latarsal. a thatrlaalpal. At this Ma, moan wW deli In is this twain min. latawtwillammanaoaaldepaNtathsAnds i sto days of the mom* altar mob Moons anmods. Hooka, aoatalalag Chatter, Hy-Laws, *a, foralsia oa appllaatlau at tha oa,. Prerl&we--1141•0 , JONIM ►b Prvolidsol—W. B. OOPIILAND Wm Ti m% M. Scrim law W. 11:1[ 47 14%21. Harm Mild', Wia. ■ R. J. E. p illoo , rboadi 0. GI. lioami Jacob Painter, Maiollas WWI", barelary dud .444111 - A. A. CIAZIUMA. wiMbewl, j44,MUO **Mil Ail) Yu/Gay, • 011101 . --1 0► agate of m o m, 4`, otoosfoi as, nom riff wzoanson se a Wm% , . EIMMIIIIIIIIII ip#ts burgh 'Small. S. RIDDLE & 00., EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, Publication Office No. 84 Fifth Street. MORNING AND NVZNENG IDItIONB, DAILY, CONTAINING TB! LATEST HAWS DP TO TB! HOUR OF PRBLIOATION. , TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30 Hooker Relieved. The country was astounded this morning by the sudden announcement that Gen. Homan had been relieved, at kb own request, of the command o the Army of the Potomac', and that Gen. has taken his place. We have no knowledge of the causes which led to so grave a change at this critical juncture, nor have we any inclination to indulge in com ments, other than to say, that such work is not calculated ; to give assurance to the nation. The. Repulse of Banks. The account given by the New York Harald, of Baturdai,ead published in this paper, of a repulse of the Union.troops, in an attempt to storm Port Hudson, te manifestly greatly exaggerated, The affair took place on the 14th (Seaday.) The loss is stated at 700 killed and wounded. By a later account we 101171 that on the following day Gen. BANES issued a congratulatory adder's to his army on their steady advance, stating that he was conldent of an immediate and triumphant issue of the conflict: We are at all points upon the threshold of Me fortifications. One more advance, and they are ears. 00X men In reported to have behaved mag alltetutly ; but the dilloultier of the ground, and, it is laid, Maufbotaut mommoLtranoes, caused the attack to fall. The New York Comaercial, of Saturday, make' the following remarks upon this affair, whioh two emphatic:slip endorse: We regret to loam by the oonespondenoe, that the plans for the last assault upon Port Hebei: were matured on Saturday evening, and that the light cook plane.on Sunday. It has been noticed In this war that In the ease of Sunday battles, the attaching party has ; generally been worsted. The rule has been nearly investable and if no other reason should control, there Is evident* in this array of tes timony that the God of the Sabbath does not look with favor upon the desecration of Hls holy day. The President and several goer al dicers have land orders against Sunday duty and labor on the part of our Woo, but every little while we read of deliberately formed plane, fry which engagements are ar ranged tor S unday, and we regret to say that almost as often we read of disaster. The see est days of the weak are simple for military purposes. The army needs the rest and the want* demand, the repose of Sunday, while the Calms of religion and the faith which in spires our efforts, demand that theism °Mod and the wishes of the Christian wetly be re. sputa& The /Success of Federal Operations in Louisiana. Tha official report of Col. Thomas E. ()bick ering, recently publisbgeighows that daring his administration as military Govan= of Opelousas, Louisiana, and Commandant of the United States Military Depot at Barris Land ing, six thousand bales oreotton wereeolleried 'ln the parish of St. Landry and shipped to New Orleans, besides large quantities of su gar, molanea and other product, of the coon try. :Cowards of tan thousand freedmen wore sent by Col. Cafeterias from Barris Landing by steamer to New Orleans, and thence to the pversunant plantations. The mills at Ope lousas and vicinity were sot to work and kept is see grinding corn, of Which thousands of bushels ware issued (hilly to the army and contrabands. A free market was opened at Opelousas, from which the public were cup plied gratuiteuly with fresh meat and corn meal., The printing °Noes were opened and worked by the Forty-Tim Massachusetts mg/- email. A daily paper was lathed from the owes of the Cbterier. The report vencludes delinring om to the Quartermaster at Brisheiir the train of six hundred and thirty wagons, over three thou- sand mules and horsekan ammunition Oak of Afg army wagons, and coven thousand three hundred freedmen which had nuitehed from fialn'e Landing to Brasher, a distance of one hundred and ten miles, in Ave days, without Umtata of a wagon or part of the twain. Nearly throe million dollars will be realized to the geivarnmsat from thivone part of General Banks' march to Alexandria. The Late Attack on Charleston. The Washington correspondent of the Dos ion Journal, who was present at the engage meat la Charleston harbor, says: Thkevidenee multiplies that we came very near taking Port Sumter in the attack in April: lutaMien°. has been received from one who has been in the fort sinew-the attack Re says that the wall on the northeartern face is cracked from top to bottom ; that the last shota want through the wall, clear woes the area to the opposite walls; that eh the morning after the fight pieties of canvas were placed overall - breaches to hide them from our sight; that the °Mon In command tele graphed to Beauregard during the engage ment that he Would becomPelled to imrreader. A portion of this Is corroborative of the testi mony of Captain Amman, who was confident that his last shots went completely through the wall. It was apparent to all of us who watched! that Aght that after the fast halt hoar the Arad the fort perceptibly slackened, and almost °eased on the northeastern face: Admiral Dupont evidently lost a golden op portanity when he deolded not to renew the attack on the following day. JeS:lawd2w Tam Posrstox_cy Vicusuuso.—Tho St. Louis Reptsbliette, in • moat artiste on the punka of affiirUat Vicksburg, says "General Grarit his not been willing to abide altogether by the chinos Of Pemberton's muroder on 'natant dim* of prevbdoni and antannitlen. Abate. he hit oonstantly ;kept his topographlealengineers and working :par ties engaged inmaking scientific approsones, with a visa to roodoriog Gs ambderolo storks ofieot 41. We °oasis we. Ckitilrore 440.3t0 this than to the starring oat promo for speedy ,noes! at Vloksburg,.and unless all signs fail, we do not see. hot{ the drowning vietory,ean be delayed many Gays longer." SPICY RINIOLVI OF MOIFOOII Botanize.— At a meat meeting of dhows and soldiers of th e snood Prorilional Regiment of But Missouri Wilds, the following rostiution was unanimously adopted 3 Besotted, That we adopt the following lag our platform as regards rebeidom: RmansiPs- - lion with deportation ; tequutration without litigation ; oondsmnation without mitigating mummination without procrastination; sena illation without botheration, and damnation, without reterration or any hesitation, as the means of bringing to a speedy termination the Southern Confederation. Poe To Tura Dsanattao Usu.—Copperhead, newspapers ars sometimes pot to the use tor wklek = their publishers uidign them. In D a g gs , cough Wiseonsin, some days ago, an enrolling Wiser was shotlishile pasosablyen gaged in bledaties by a copperhead resistant. /Vs wad bilk whisk ha was shot consisted of a piece of a ntallifoulai "democratic" journal published at 11111Wankle. Journals *eggs Our are 'ford of as muting that "paper pellets" would ter morn wroth.. In rippreasingruibellion than D.° they refer to their soiministration In 11111 form and manner adoptedha Wisconsin? Votaoxottutox's NotingAxton Amax. emittaxo.,—Tito Weabote of Colnalms, 'the Voillfroold of Clooloastt—tho loading Diatomite GRUM PPM Is Oldo—rotaso to rapport Valloaditkaal ' - - I a-; GH GAZETTE. IMPORTANT FROM HARRISBURG The Position of Our Forces. THE SUSQUEHANNA GUARDED ON BOTH SIDES. A HARD FIGHT EXPECTED TROOPS 'ARRIVING VERY FAST THE FIGHT AT WRIGHTSVILLL The Long Bridge at Columbia Boric Be., 4c., ate DWI Dhlpatehte to the Pittahargh Glazett4;. MEIIIIIItURO, 81111118 y, 9 o'alook P. m.,} Jane 28, 1863. The streets have been filled with !malted people all day. Large numbers of olefins have been on the river bank on both eider of the bridge for foot passengers and wagons. In the Episcopal, Old School Presbyterian and German Lutheran clatirohes no Berviees were held. The other Protestant ehurehes mostly held prayer meetings. The Roman Catholio churches held services as usual. Oar forces on the opposite side of the river occupy three positions. One position, south of the railroad bridge, is almost a level The other two positions are on eminencies commanding the bridges, one of them 'wisp- Ing the plain before mentioned. Cavair7 (so far as seen) occupy the plain; infantry and artillery the heights. Light artillery and troops have crossed the bridge in some numbers to-day. One eon- . pang of Degrees well armed, also used over. As they were about entering the bridgei they received cheers from elitism and soldiers. Amid the cheering a lady resident of Harris burg was hoard to exclaim, several timee,that they (the negro soldiers) were a disgrace to the town. The river is guirded on both sides. Passes are necessary for one to ba able to cross. All the rolling stook of the railroads has been removed from the city. Preparations for the remoral of all the telegraph instru ments are also made. About six o'cloek this evening, • viatie• man of undoubted veracity arrived from the eountry 11/1 miler from Caritas. He states that yesterday, at a point seven miles bejond Carlisle, the enemy's cavalry andbaggage train occupied an hour and • quarter in pair ing. U. oho states that there are six hundred rebels at Meohanleaburg, and that their plek ets extend to Shiremanstown, flve miles from here. • Another gentleman, who arrived this even ing, reports seeing the enemy's pickets st tar Point, about tame ands half miles from Item Prom high authority the following ie ob tained at 9 o'oloek, p. m.: The enemy hive had • light at Wrights ville, opposite Colombia. Our forme were obliged to retire over the bridge, ad left the enemy In tmissission of Wrightsville. i We have prepared to destroy the bridge at Cam bia. The enemy have advanced u far as Btltige port, ten miles this side of Columbia. They are stated to have • pontoon bridge trains The enemy occupy Fulton county. llhey have a force in bl'Connellsburg. The enemy in Cumberland Valley, are titiW known to number about 20,000 strong, with forty-six pieces of artillery. They are also known to be very near our works on the other side of the river. They have deetroyed all the' bridges this ride of York. It is thought t u tt the rebel Oen. Early,who is marching up e Susquehanna, from York, intends crostini the river at Bridgeport, or march to joie Ewell opposite Harrisburg (who to known to be there.) It is thought that an attack will be madebetween this and Tuesday. Our troops ara cooling from the eastern part of the State very fart, so that we Shall have • Large fordo. There is no sub thing as the rebels getting possession of-Harrisburg without whardight., The bridge at •Oolumbla (wkkth isatalitiand. a quarter tong) was set on fan at 6 olibreKr. K., by oar forces who retreated (rim Wrights ville. Up to this hour (10 h Pibl.) the blip ' is still burning. -- It ii maid that Hen. Ewell his issued an or-, der restraining his sadists from seising pri nts property without' permission front the sit perior *Hoerr. It. The President's Attention to Busi The Washington eorrerponAnt of the Springfield /i4iebtients writes "It Is diißoult, to say who It is that eons minds in this vicinity. Hooker is so near that he is in daily consultation with Hallia, and while it is so that Hooters:amain& the so-called "Army of the Potomac," yet Hal- . look has en active control of military move. moats in this vicinity. As ihr that matter, so has Mr. Lincoln. He oversees orarysiiiiip. Those persons who suppose that he contents himself with an easy-going, story-totting life are very much mistaken. He never tabu( his breakfast until he kis made a visit to the:Wor Office. Be Visits the War Department several times a day, end acquaints himself fully with everything that is goingon. 'However itinay be with the other departments, this one it not Independent of. Mr. Lincoln. I have good reasons for believing that the President does not control either thank or Hooker, except upon very rare occasions, but nothing of im portant'. occurs of a military nature without his sanction. lie is consulted almost every hour by Mr. Stanton, by Gen. Rollick, or by Gen. Hooker; and in this military business the Provident exhibits a good deal of ability— more, I 'sometime' think, than Rollick does." Inducements for .inlistment. By th 6 new order of the War Department all men enlisting in the regular army for Ave. years' terries within ninety dye &pito receive a premium, &dynes pay and bounty of $402, as follows, viz : Premium pild on walletutent,' Ad; &dunes pay, jilt .payuient after mnitir, $l3 ; atrium bounty,ltald at depht after Wag aooepted;s26; total, $4O. Bounty to bielield at the mead regular pay-day after. enlist mut, $6O. Bounty to be pa id the' drat pay-day:After twelve menthe .. .serviee,f $50.. The bountyto be paid at the first soY-dar at ; ter two years' sepia As 850 after four years': servios, 450 f and at the expiration of Hideo, $75.- The bounty 'of f4OO aforesaid shill be allowed Ind paid to alf now in the regabtr ar my whose terms loapire , within one year, and who shall re-enlist Within two months before the eipttation of their present' term of sir- Ittronrshr New. Movarnir.—A. Wash logien dhpiten of Friday evening says: It is rumored here that Steretat7 Welles Is about sending • circular to the Commanders in-Chief of the different squadrons, direiting them to report to him from timisto Aline the Speed made b,7 'the - steamers of their fleets,. with a view to detach for enpidition.serviee, ifiteteissrlithi,hitaltaitong them.' ' Inter matiOnhas bientwieivett hire that thellipton, a new vessel recently' sent' on verviee,, an steam 18 miles an hour. , Mr. Box is aid, also, to favor the: plan of having Itotni.ltsiowledte laid before the Departmtmtof the speed of our vessels. ' TVS Philadelphia Ledger inia that a hand ennui dwelling- OW - lifonat Vernon' `street, In that city, -- bis, been • radiated oat of o fond raised by.prominint ' niekbere of Us 'blithe dist lipisowpal Ohnrehi and lito`-be presented gim. .3 Bishop tkicapion, - ltr , oesieldennlan '4 hie soaltingPhltadaiphis hie p a / a ilment:veld nee. itja,underatood theek thaz Waling hiked t kit istainsmsnio:Witt lie end the bolldlag Jaite ba et 91,10.. Pitt:A padition fa:oam. ........, . • •. I , • boon ordered to a ova l tedielloakO.' - lima', • • lean-tor Now • if= ^. tit*, abatis Lo EffE2 ~ . . - . • • . - g51:041,42atXf..§4.51743,4451.Yea 0311-W.T.AMY-NitV4RIWYeiVIVOeet CP3 ig 4 Y-*.4A'i;lll OILS, Sc. wALLACE OOYYIBBIOH 11171110H4RTII, And dealers in CRUDE & REPINED PETROLIIIME, No. dd NORTH SHOOED STRZST, Paxtenetrate. 1/11111torege cepa& (under cover.) for 15,000 bus. Also excelleut obilMoll to dloorkno end Tomlin parte, at our whorl on the Schuylkill River, near the pistfann of the Peaxot. R. R. PROY BREIVITS, BURKE &CO., COMMISSION MERCHABTO, Agents of the GLOBE, PAOMO AND LIBERTY OIL WOLK& imr Lftoral cosh advances made oa conalgumento of Refined or Crude Petroleum OWL DIMMED WAY ♦ID HAIDDOL BUSKS, WALES, WETMORE & W., COIS2BIZ96ION'IkLICRCELAN'I'S SHIPPERS OF PZTLIOLEMIX, 119 111111$1121 LANE, NSW YOBS. Mr Ample icilltlas fur STOILAAID ABU} SHIP PING, it their prd and wharf, Ban Boos.. myl4:tf 0114 MEN need not be embanweed by the enforcement or the Bulk Ordlump", when they can hate their 011 barreled and .Upped without touching the Olt: Wham% as obonbr more prompt, with lest nob, leas tremble and In better order, at HIRE'S OIL YARD, _ On the Allegheny Tetley Beamed. above Lawrenos ill* where 011 In pumped trots the boat. direct to the cars, thaded to any point, East or Welt, eddied any deytng or 'midlands.. All orders p®mpW attended to. leirOdbee it lard, on Miens Amongst. B. D. Pool WM* eddreee, BOX PM. Plttabargb ; or I an be teen dilly at. the Olt Badlands. Imre DAVID KIRK. IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LyDAY ¢ 0110EPRAVNING, liannbotarirs and E 0011.211 of CARBON- OIL, BENZINE AND LOBRIOATINO 011.8, OBLfDII PETROLEUM 11111 - Warke, oypcelte Seuerpebaig. Office la PYRILY BLOCK, Duquesne Way, RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., CommLuton and Forwarding Illorokants CRUDE & REFINICD PBTROLEII,II, Po. la IBWIM STREIT, Prrqueusan .11111M1bAlral OA= .aDvasca-cm-osultavannta It Pittsburgh as Mots= Markets. Maws. J. B. Dumdum Jt t. 0.4 ersinaza Elkaxinair, Xsq. Thoresok Buz, L 4.. Pree't Ckantaarotal Bank inla10:60 • MME‘MI Mo. 1 DT. CLAM IiTSLIAT. Pittsburgh. Forwarding & Commission Merchant •ND DEALER IR OIL& Or ILLUMINATING, LUBBIOAT/NG, (MUNN PArsoLsint OILS, kc, canuaatly ort • Laud and Ur aela at the lowest lostkat plan. Ogismanorn AltlioaDiss smarm. " 5p1:832 Hs. Ir. sowikair. WOODVILLE OIL REFINEJIL 42BODGE w.,zoirwire•avo., BURNLIG OMANI) LUBRICATING OILk &imp eemettintlsas head, the mit bust, quality of ' RUIN i 1 ULU steer and without Warta/Jo, woN. LUBRICATOR, pate WILLTR ItENZOLZ sad OAII ~..airAu admit .it at Ho. 35 l'irtit ihmater. Hank attack, moat Soar, will be promptly atteadedld. dokdtt LUCENT OIL WORKS. DIINO.Uf, MISLAY A 00., FOSS WHITS BirlsllD °ARBON OILR. OM»; No. 1191 Ltbartp ==l JAMES IRWLN, Ilanufactnier al 011.01 VITIIOL. exOOaL Ord lat at Hobnob * Oahu Otllce, arr. maul Market. sittlirst stn.% will swan prompt Wan • sa) DIAMOND OIL worm.. MAYLOII b SMITH, 173INIDIJI ADD ;mum IN O.IIIDON OIL, Unsurpassed by sap In tho witarket. illsdrord i n toft at their ofles, No. 41 MARX= BTRZET.or at duds works In Issurenoevillo, vat he penn....ettesded to. • nu saws OP OHM OIL. rhll 11111131011/ aura. DETROLITS OIL W 0413, J. JuxtrirmFriviss: MU= viers awes om, MED inzotannt ivassosarrea Clajelif twig clumommi barrob iper wsea • • Rims* GRATA l roprietors. 110 u Pfusburgb QTORAGB ROE iiIiFINSD UIL. -The B.lattaitlea 011 , annt andt4boro tr Galled to the Stat that the :tuolutliiod too* lormcool and dry milt; multibto tot to Botinod Olt. HOST. ASHWORTH, m)l3 DuquotottWay oanit Bt. Cate limit. BRDFORD SPRINGS. .. popular simmer resort will be *mod Mettle someau Of "baton me abe lOnt Or JOSS MT, ind will be ItePt Von Until pet tlectOber. 'The Hooll_l4 be =die tAll *ergs otattorbincat muumPri. ak5,...1an-stakalgymeie ham been made ti . Mee inure guests. The Balked glellteed mut be completed In 'a few days to Yourmatallsafitealm, sin end opa,heltailles NW of Balltud, and froth - that pointmitt be ocumeyed to Stains mdat Amin asf,t . iTafteti -,t; dealers and _hullytdelat with Bedford Water s -IA standard mks, at thnfolloring titer, at ft* Sietag Sok ball baradi Osiabp 3 )lo toalt.) 10 ' am L' 4 .1190. t " ball barml, took. 90 ' (9 01 ., All orders admired to B. L. 414.011210N,' Bed turd, Iltonn/tly tIIMI, indents* mem: any part:of the certain— Imdssltabla that iparldenter Otres; anis InooM shill siesiiklet Psnoviswitithe roina, OTMOnfOrMatWOODOSIA.....,: lag ski Astbsoorilt_plem alldsteCTEll Pao. TAILTObiI Of S.111:914111- Ofatillan., 1, I, IigEW,GOODB:--11ming just it A.N tom the Mat, instarb mow fa ti* aricizienj olvermostasat ot scam and &Oak BOOTH 4.14423 sozdzo AdaPtea tO tht ' •Deelers eat be with tilifilir.`iniglire onnosura‘monAusionsis snow estulaota gust% attnux• fat glib* . , .• 61(24 013“11098kalj,04:" .101. 09ri11e.W044141 • Tr 'a:LIGGETT& co. , • e , 1 1 4 1 1 11 4r:.41 .1 - 4.l^_ 7 VOLUME LXXVI---NO. 195 PEOPLES INBCIRdNCS OOD AA Y, Office, N. It owlet Wood and Fifth Btu. FMB ANDIFAIIIIR LIFSURAniI Wm. Phillips, John Watt, Wm. H. Hay", J O har ohn es B. Y. Parka, lue Wm. Van Kirk, WIC P. OAILOBIZI JOL 8:4: 11` I :PA`• 81. '4l M AMOZ • • Al. DOI • • OM COMPANY. or PHLkADIII.PICIA on BOILDINGO, _Um tied porpotnal, M AROMANDISAPITHMTITIAN, ix., In town or country. Mao No. 308 Walnut street. 8259,610 t Mon, 1011008 N—larsatal mai blIon; EntllfOrtgege 00 _ ./nlPr o Ted PooPer ty; worth dimble the amount.. : 00 Ground rent, lintt g e m on Penna. R. B.'Co.'s 0 per cent. Mortgag — e Loan, $BO,OOO, .17,1)10 00 Oity of,Phlladelphhe, 6 per cent. Loan.— WOO 00 Allegheny county 6 par ot. P. IL R. Loan ROM fic .00Ustond bonds, wa ll meared.... * .11,440 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad Company, ortg age ban—. 4,000 Pennsylvania Railroad m Co.'s 8t0ck....... 4.00 to Stock of Bellanos Maui Insurance oo MAO to Stock of County. Fire Insurance 1,00 00 Brock of Delaware M. 13. innvance Co.— 150 00 Conunerotal Bank .do 6,186 P 1 Mechanics' Bank de , 2,012 Union 61. Lantranoe • 11113 CCD Bills Readvable, bushman papar......—.. 16,297 10 Book Accounts, accrued Interest, M 0..... 6,210 11 Cub en band and in hands of agents... 11,296 16 PITTBBIIIIGH, PA. .16011,606 91. =GLIB, .redni. els s H. L. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Bobt. Toland, Chaa. Leland, Frod'ic. Lannig, Jacob W T. Bunting, SB. oed,, mith Bowan, " Jan. S. Woodward, John Bissell, Pitts2o.6„ NORMAN, Bwrsiary. . J. G. 007.112 i, doss my 8 Wartheatroortar Third and Wood 'erste., Qom Tinglat un Samuel Blip Wm. B..Tkompetnt, Robert Breen, frednrick Brown, Wm. Bawer, 1110=11111 Ben]. W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marina mu, I NDICid.NITY AthuNer was 1:4 J. SMILIA—IMIANKLIN FIB& INBINIANON COM PANY OW PUILADILPHLL Wks, 433 anti an °bailout 'treat, near PM. • Statement of Aosta, /Antoci let, 1800, subtitled scrombly to an act of Assembly, baitgg— Plnt fdortgsges, amply a 00 Beal Itatate, (prowl n 1.1108,314 el) cot 102,0t1 ao Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral 89,115 Stocks, (present calm $80,067 71) 0na.... 59,715 00 Nato and Bills 1,811 .* 'Cob 11,919 00 Aar Tris cnaly pinata from minima .which this Oompany am divide by law are from risk a wok have been determined. Inaranee made on every, deectipticei el property, in town and onurtry;at rata eillowm are Dram.! with security. Bina their iticorporation • period of thirty yes, e, they have paid beelerbi Ire to so anacmt crowd:kg row Maks' of Dollar . s,..theplby affordlop„ evidw. of the admix of Itsidanoe, wellei their ihtii• ty and to ant with proneptnan Prrrnotas, PA. Loewe paid daring the - year 1868—...-4101444,0 Marla Ducker, Uordacal D. Law* Tobin - Wagner, David 8. Brown, Eianoiel Grant, Gaditlati N ZDWABD 0 Ws. L.E.LLIL, &votary J. GAILD my, Off. Narthexes WFTERN . IN: I • NY Or -PITTSBURGH 0. Di. GORN, Seorearery. • • : , Office, No. D 092 Water larva, taping Jt W• la holm, up stabs, Pittsburgh. - . • WU imam aparasi a 0 Ha& or lire and, No Co Baks,-at limas batitation, asaaagod by DerICOMIIOO aro WU: lamas is Ow oorausimig sad oho an MSI '- mused, bp proMptaeis cad Überaiily, lo alaidain rdomsetoreaUeb they Sam amused, as offerlag the hell proredios to agar ado &aim to NI Jawed. • '• ABBNTS, 001OBNB. 513, - 1115, Stout Amounts 9 3 1 909 (0 Mortgages ..... '2,86 0 (L Ortase - MCC 0 Open Amounts, ,7,13C9 CO 18,261 i ,Prandum 27,995 34 Notes and Ms Moons 171,078 19 It. Hitler, Jr., - James ktaLcdoy, NsMuriel Holaw, Alas. Maack, Norco' Dards, 11. O. W. Biaketroo. ' uty.3o • ' • IN U RAN OE. 111813 - WiIVIS tOff a l OF NMI PELILADMIX/116. PIITSBIIIIAIR, PA Instinuice Co. of the State of Pena'a4 Hartford Fire - lasmaoo COmpaay; kulanno. in the above old and reliable; Wed pinta oast be obtai.d by application - to • W. P. JONT,B, Arent. 42141 y Bagslily's DaDaum 67 Wet& direst 01132.10114 INSEMAN tX.MPAN vOPPITTSBUBGIL ODIN, ooinei /indult an Water stmt., second dam • • • WM. BADAIMIf, PrOffilosi ' SUIT= BSA,Ssonnau um Insures Steamboats and Insane dolma loon and damp 1n In. novigotio of the Southern and Western Itlnes, Lobo in papas, and th• navtptkm of tbo fkon. hums against lam and dim., by ften. 7 Park , K ll `. , W. G. Jolmam, Jr. L . •r, Nem Owens, - J. . • 1 r., Hon. T. M. Hem Jobe B. D , era Barclay Prestea. - Wailes EL. Der & ' Georg. Bingham. ' - semeami A LLEGBANY iNtIUI ANU UUm , 4511,PANT OF FITTEIBUBOII. Moe, No. at !Mb strookßosik Block. Insure* kraut al bads of Niro and Nadas Lid , v IfidAo JOHNS. Poroidyg, • JOHN D. HoOOND, Roo !Volta m.. • N. NOON, LDIAN, 6ioiroS4g.os. base • ' '.• John D. McCord. O. O. HAMMY. Piot. Adam JaClobo Horny otil,, B. B.Bttttln ~, 111: angt, Oflkh - Oat. Wm. Demi. Jr„ „a. McGrew, '-- Jr '''; • - Day* sours a Da ' irawAin. DAVIS & MaILWALNIA, A!gction*ors, ma.sl.4tirmaraur, _ • ' , Via Sao(lkea, &ton aid Bonn( Aoctkna Baia. 11143 Wilma Inv Joba D. Bowls, 'Bill d Artisulof told , staVo. I:4 nth be.. 'ft IWO D VD3 if /I WAIN" JOB. 41(44:418' balitit tij lands* arßk hi m :ABALAOI4,WAL= 4 :iadi • kaolin solnaos In -,tdoolooan DOi o Unil t =o.4 .A. doh. to • wiswli 10••• - hi ',hid, giiiplirte bad losapktpoconaldostly so. arum, • at goods. othratia• made whoa dad • •• .3atati,"6 Bonds, nay Litkolriataad door aft room. Wanks bad aukino(banno ocaktadon; of Books sotoloaaal in WM° ado. : • - ANItVAiiTtt.bVKMA S. inland aids to ced ar i n u...5,1,121„DHAn..-niasica /Toni MEL P / li g e el ' the °V iswit maw -ioa HAT, imus. cmiso m - amaceir lawkwAnoihot, Irons at .1411,3tOttir-,, -OAM -1-1 10.t.an te .44,64 ireilti mitgeetjhur-favitii - * at. „g ar au illseiltiitElleihrt Whig TATZIOT as% ruck Is - athiltimini 1101 to to 4=ihellOadartlMPANg $ 0 44 1 .161302kk0a • Alitgrtieka intor4r-tuphd,g, neat alidgaz a p. satibrikw24, UM* -...nditim-2i4.4korsir.im. Waft Beatilflllaa . 001 Mg* '5O en/an:a-)b il r.7u7 0 e.,-Bifsimaulxmareta. Lirs VIEGAXCIIC, pot 0:1 Jain D. Varner Capt. /obi L. Diced: Ilsaniel2. &Wm, Mafd D. Jona, Wallace, O. HAMM Lon. TA/LUTA Pnisidal WATT, nos Provides . i4908,0at 68 =X= DIM:ITCrILI bow Laa, Jacob B. Smith, 'Edward O. Dale, GOO. . T u tu. lobacaa po Georp VAN PaWctoo 0. DAL Y, Vice Praia:oof.rc toes. Dija/l. • . digest, t tOr: " cod t Third .t,. OE OOMPH• Jr., Praiser 4 ups,an Andnow..tokloy, Alazondar ppoor, 0M24 Loos, Bees J. Thomas Ban). P. Bokowie, John B. Wangs. GOBDO7i.hrsviliain PEILADIMPRIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers