Vitishurgit igauttg. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 24. CITY AFFAIRS sir 67777G16 PAPER OP THZ OatilTMlolla tor the Bo Z. SLIM, Optician, No. :6 Vita street—oorrostad daily i I 7 lON. IR MAD!. o. 62 98 75 V o'clock, a.. L 12' 6 Barometer—.—.«» »« Si 7 IP ni . Co meneement of the Western Dale varsity. Th dosing public exercises for the present collegiate year of the Western Usiversity took place at 8 o'clock, list evening, in the • ball of the University building. Affair the Great Western Brass Band had played a polka from Labiteka, Prof. Woods made a few Introductory remarks in refer ence to the fair prospects of the institution. Bev. Herrick Johnston, of the Third Pres byterian church, then delivered prayer. The following was the order of exercises: Birgit! __..:.__..Bright Eyes, atilctstep by Kiri. n-r . Bclen.• the ti.ultuaid 01 Religion -Jolla A Wiled!, The Yoceetetu.s T1me...—....-.John %ebb Littl, The War.....—.—............--hichard A. Wl.ilams. blues.. ......... r.bcbottlsrh by Kerr. lrramdsotp..-----....................D lles eauders. liope—... ----.......-.........it0bert o. bill. Vow/ limn 111siory ..- ......J Ma C. Wiglitnian. X0810.......—.................—Ce•a4s Biwa by Koenig. The I,e-s- -...:-..................-.......Ge0rge W. Guthrie. The Scholar's ilope-........-.--John is. McCandless. Poetry ...--.... ..--..George I. Whitney. Music Come Where my Love Iles hreaming,Qinekste 3 Xiii.ary Ambitiou-.................—Tir mm Marehell. rtin5t0......................... ~.—.Heralairs Heel. The following is an extract from Master Outhzia's competition entitled "The Preis :" Bee how, in a few years, the Press has placed within the reach of all the Bible and means of education, when before they wars within the grasp of but few out of thousands. Bence, has it been, and will aver be, the friend of the oppressed and the enemy of ty ranny. And hence, also, that clumsy ma chine of Faust and Gutenberg was as great a sign of a change as ever there was In inspired history. Yes, for it prophetically foreshed owed time 'when thought, speech and action would be free, and the chained Word of God .., torn from the walls of the monasteries and ' given to the world as a common inheritance, aid, by increasing the means of education, kindled the light by which to read them. Go }on, thou friend of man 1 Organise and en throne this growing Chzistianity. And it the Press was the means of improve quilt morally, it was also the means of im provement physically. For the people, as sisted by the Preto, have built a government before which the mightiest realms of the earth pie their splendor, as do the stars of night betot f the refulgent glory of the com ing day. There was a time when liberty was un known, either In the palace of the mightiest emperor or in the tweet of the meanest peas ant—driven frem the door of the rich and poor, trampled under foot by the meanest ty rant, until It had no place in all the earth which it could call its home; but God, the Ruler of the-Universe, determined that it should not perish, that it ehonid live, and bless mankind. And to assist this, He gave - to her the press, to be her champion, and at Mat they obtained a foothold in this land, and seemed about to sweep oppression from the earth and make mankind free. But this will never happen unless we stand by the Union and Cenitiisrion ; and if we do not, let ma proPhesy "That future ages ehallirroan for ibis foal set; Peace shall go to sleep with Tirkanad infidels, And in this seat of prime tumultuous wars hball kW with tin sad kind wt. h Clod confound. Disorder, horror, fear and mutiny Shall here lobaolt, and Ibis land be called The dell 01 Golgotha wsd dead moo'. skis Is. Oh 1 if you rear ibis house against this house, It will the 'Malik., division trees That seer fell upon this 'cussed earth. C Aliment -twist it-let It not be so, Lest child', child', children cry against you, Wool" During the past year there have been 166 students—an increase of 63 per cent. ever the previous year. A fine reception room, also elegant rooms for the Phil ruathean and Ir ving Literary &amiss have been Steel up. A lot for a first class gymnasium has bean parebased adjoining the building at an ex pense ot $2,200. There, wul bee elms to graduate next year. The larger part of the endowment of the Pre feuorstup of Natural Soignee is pledged, and will be completed in a few days, eo that next year an able Protease: of Natural Science will be added to the isenity. The degree of Master of Arts was yesterday conferred isa John H. Bailey, lisq, of this city. mPittsburgh Female College•• Alu- nae Aleeoe.latzon. We attended, on Teesday evening, the ex hibition of the 41untnes Asthoistion of the Pittaborth Vaal. College. It took place In the chapel of the Institution, which was comfortably filled, only • limited number of tickets having been issued. The 'chapel was very tastefully decorated with wreaths and festoons of evergreens, flowers, minstrue national lags and other ar tistic adornment', and a select sadism's com pleted the tow imasethie of beauty and We. The direction of the exercises were commit- ted to Kies Ada Holistott, the first graduate of 'this institution. Prayer by the President. Address by Mrs. Amanda Allen, formerly Miss Bail. him. Allen diem a lively, plea,- sant and impressive platys of college life, and then spoke impreuively of the ruponsi bilities devolving upon us In this time of national calamity. Mu then spoke feelingly of the put, the present, and the future,—of life, with its joys and sorrows, and trials, and of that higher and better life whisk awaits the Christian beyond the ewe. ][smolt of Miss Anna W. King, doomed, • graduate of this institution, by Kiss Bra 0. Bic wn— &foaling and very beautiful tribute to the gummy of &Lind, pure and Ohristian young friend, whose lib was bright, beatiti ial and brief, and whose death was a triumph. "Living lionuments"—a poem, by Miss Brunets A. tisli.-liultless la composition and most admirably Midi this poem thrilled Use &idioms with t h e vigor, Wantland gran deur of its thoughts and illustrations. We shall not attempt to eharsetarite it, futther,, but the fair tumor will permit ni to impress , ths Aope tiara, will give it publleitrthrough teererese. • After the reading of the peal, a beautiful song-0 Mother, am this tha glory be?" was sung by Miss Primula limier, and Miss Maggie DlOle o* T u t u piano sooOmpiniunent by XIII Ali / • "The Wonderful Prisons?'" by. Min WU lard.-,This was a most striktiag,original, and admirably expressed discourse upon the hu man soul, la which light and. darkness, joy and sorrow, Bailee and teen, were beautially blended, while throughent ttiams ran a claw_ of strange and startling orkebtality of thought and conception. Mule by Mai Wake:shim. The Wham of the Alaimo Association, were than aanounesd as follows: President:.-Mlsa Adallelfstot. Vice Praident—Mas fade Beast Alas Besieterp—Mlas Corselle ClodeSpoildlag flecastary—Mlss Mary Mar dian: Vessitter—Aillso Sate Wlekenhem. 9esiKtietior4y Bev. W. A. Deirldsee, pes ter Of Stilt Liberty. street M. H. Ohara. a a nuntowenoly attended meeting of !ha editions of thelitzth WardiPittibargh, of, / ;for the pirpose of moortaining Qs sense of ' the people of the ward With refsronee , to fa strotating the Councilmen fiern said ward to Tote "in favor of appropriating a Wortion of the 'Weems& ground. of the basin' dot for the emotion of a onitablehelfding for the ono of :High fithool of , the city. ti 4 Goaloilmen et* thouseted, 117 almost Ale. naamilsnoas / iota of the meeting, to rout'lla favor of the 52oAwatuat Szow....=llr. - Knox will sxhlb itst hlt roomi "No. 29 Rath street, 'a ' rats &Unction of mrawberrtss. hovers of this dab:dolts frolS,Wonld do wolf to all And Posoitos. "The exalt:aim% will °options from ifo'ilook A. x. to 9.r ' . x. ,s ur hip °graph Album for the polo: Matto VOW PiCtimt, opposite the Post-of. /ice, tee jirit Weigel s la, tie supply. . , , ilos*ui:Oodoy, Actiotto, Ag ain ' Soo Jiity, lave boos roodiod at Pittooro, op: r pooh() 01 Poil4lBo. Work on the Fortifications At the meeting of the Executive Committee, held last night, the reporu of the men work ing on the diffsrent lines of fortifications wore called for: KirnialL mu.. Port Pitt Ella= --- 66 Banton, Suitor & 40 W, F. Illeherd•on . ~—.—..- • . 19 Wood Strpet Herchaota and Clerks, Oapt Stain. TS 23 Haigh a Co., J. Donglua & English 4O Wm. Barnhill & Co-.... 33 23 Bneates, Fergtoon & Boyd' ....-------.—... 7 hear, Smyth S. 163 Walton. ohillp & Co. .. 24 W. II Brown. Coal 44 B & J. Watson ...... Klog 4715 Cornell & Carroll & Snyder ___ 26 0111 cs. 4 Capt. Corosall's Sq-nad-. ---------- 14 Illotturnan & slut bine & Richey _.____ 0 ID G Besplo & 9 1). Ismail._ • 4 Vmuoloar Workmen.-.......--..----. 5 W.B. Haven .. . 27 Langkarop .......... 6 Dallyatomics --- .... 15 E. W , rtoller & ----- 40 Gxrigo ---- 2 Watson & 23 PtesUn & 24 Carlin & Stewart. 7 Waxlslde & Rosh House.. 2 Forlorn 1 Wine's 2 Watson & 23 Grafi John Redman • 11 Thompson & 9 25 Lieut. B nper,lsth SI John Fullerton..,,,„ 3 The following to the report from Cemetery Hill, Allegheny : Num) No. 1, am. Romstos. John Weir...... 6 0. Reed it White 18 Pen & M05er..._....—.--.... ..... 4 Jame. 6 CI 26 FOND NO. 2, can. crtrraussort ROAD NO. 3, CAPT. FOOD. Wm. _ • 3 H. Clarrey SQUAD NO. 4, Garr. Citizen. 54 SQUAD NO. E., c.rr. ■er Don. 0.6. Button.- • SQUAD am 6, co.". m'cr.x. Wm. Boyd & A Ilrgbeny t Its Polio* Columbus Cc & Old—. Wm. Dilworth-. Darld Nova & Wm. McKee & Co •—• scw, No. 7, CAM, MX. Belt and , rtebo scitun No. 8, car,. nuns. 30 9, carr. 101101, John Brown, I H. 9. W. & H. Mclottn, & 11 SQUAD SO. 10, curt. lerrwiLo. Selland 40 IQC . /AD ND. 11, CIPT.. MIMICS* • H. AnwAms---.----- 12 0113 r 122 ---.----..------ 33 INIVAD SO. 12, caw. v. /130.1. Belt and 9 10 11Q17,1, O. 18. cur?. rem MM. • ' H. 6 J H. Nona! d h 4 40 =ECM Busigey I &math— ....—_. Total —. 661 0 two-hone a woo, 1 loot-horse team_ All of wbish is respectfully scibmlttsul. Joax Stowe, ix., for Coinlittle,. McCully 90 100 Wm. SM.—. 33 Hanan. E.. , nu & Co.. Iron and 0.1 .10 • Lockhart • Co ... 7 Knapp, Rudd di 07. 1.10 Citizens of £..t 48 Baiter, Lle.rsules • C.. se Junes Mare .•11 Hussey. • .1 17v Zug .t epeng, tlb• i 'ant 11 Citizens Elm:onion 411 Puma. bah • flutemberger • C 0.—.... 260 Mltcl.ll, Berms 111 GorvFlg 14 White Glum & 40 Joe. /11.7.44 k 16 Pootley, A...606A 60 Norma & Z 6 litantooh, 11.mybW & 2,9 Lewis D./.1l * ( 146—..... tau Iglu sad aoldfire Actin CO • 'tad .211 v sasifis azviinost immix McKnight & C 0... 163 Grath&ennett & Ito Jones 331 Mc •• /76 ~.Istsmai .• , 07 &timber) * 23 Boleman 43 Maseeell *, 60 a,;& D. Porter 106 Ada 36 -- • 60 King......... /. • ' wawen amnion sonar mastuiaros. JainselVood* 800 J: Fllll & 00.. 30 Moja Painter maw, &WM • 120 Tamen end Elan Home 1.30 TeAw Yehnestock. Alines S 73 Woobtl 011 /3 Wm. Melhally 06 liotempon, Minnie 126 J. Blibingsr Wood, Mathews& o 0 0 Lyon. Moth & nazis (Ma. Penteryissain Witted, 2oo do do . . Newinsit / lk 10 Moraden to 310 At Mandl nun. ydaroharitli sad Mark - afro= Market and ath ata. 140 Nero Mats and Clark. from Wylie and 6th au Joaaph -..... 26 William. Chandler . - Day2o - 841461 Pauce - CraG -....."........-"........" dd 1597611 y - 85 C. Wait . 21 i. Jon. Boyd oo . 23 Gig . • klarchauta and Clarks from a arkat a fifth 66 Braun 0o 180 Lloyd a 'Cratiosa and Carters' & - misty _ " • 140 J: P. Wslaon ----- PhllllB. lO 7 1 Pion %B Brother., (2 days not reportod)-.--... It Joresh Womlaalt a 1 Weldloliady__ 16 Plitaburgb and Allrgt7oy 274 Ottladds Wlllhou Dilworth - 16 Itmat a alc - Ooulgla 17 p.uoulvanla Itallroad 66 Young Brother..-- lu Cunha from Marsat, Pirttlaad Woad .tree s__ fit. Clair Guards, o mem of Bt. (Aar. Warw., Wood and Lam tr 215 Park. McCurdy a Uo. limitn. Pa , k a V0.,285 Para litutbar &Co. Citimua of Pith and 110' Brower, Dural (whims a Umatora. Doilom.° ‘ 1"" "" Smithfield Squad „. IW' Ai an a sacCormhi. ll Llpputoott .PA) tams, from astkat and Sikh 1 0, 3 B. A. Nola a task a Thew—. • 111041alperpr i ItintosliSS SL Mtcbcocl 41; Ileßreen 80 o N. k• W aßane'a msn (working 7 day., reported onc , ) 13 G•nliam & Fish, (working 6 day., not reported) 17 Soho Works, Moorhead & _ 125 Andrreon .6 35 Jam. McWhiqn.y, Bricklayer— 8 J. Lonchrry. Saddler_ tisvidorlsr, 73ricklayer.—. =7: ''''''' IS John Boots., Bricklayer It Moue Cron, do John Kern, List of the Coopers wor log on the fortifi cations: Gregg, Alexander A C0...3 men. Allegheny. Charles Shepley ...... ....... 2 " o, John Pettier 1 0 Pittsburgh Henry Guyer 1 0 Allegheny John Meyer I ir Henry Afcerhogde I— " Pittsburgh Fayette Barrel Factory...l " ild Frederick Copert 1 " Allegheny John Rentz ii It Dunn Brothers Goodendort 'A Miller ri ir Jacob Smith 0 Pittsburgh Newman A Hethel ' " Allegheny Robert Bole " Pittsburgh Frederick Helm " Allegheny Henry Herr " Pittsburgh W. P. Logan.. ii John Fishert. " Allegheny J. T. Relya " Pittsburgh Fredenok Redman " Allegheny Albrighat iti Beck ir Wm. L•egtemp " Pittsburgh George Solomon " Allegheny George Eberhart Sl r. John P0uck.....—.... ....... . " SI Octlieb Hammer " Pittsburgh John Helm " Allegheny Mr. Hamlin 141 if John Or t it Wm. Anton. 111 II Ocher shops 1 " Total 274 The following report was then read, accept ed, and the committee continued: Year committee on closing stores state that, with a few dishonorable exceptions, the mer chants of Pittsburgh were closed during the entire day. In our next report we will hand you a till of oast. of all those who have do lled your recommendation and have outraged public opinion by persisting to took' money at the expense of their patriotic neighbors. Your committee suggests that an appeal be made to the ladles, and others not to patron ise those parties who have manifested so much selfishness and illiberality during our present crisis. On motion of Adjutant General Howe, It was Resolved, That the citizens of M onongabela Valley, as wall as of such other localities where works of defence may be projected by the Government, bo requested to form them selves into squads of working parties, for the purpose of working upon the same, and that they report to this committee. The committee appointed to wait upon the Railroad and Coal men, through Gen. J. K. Moorhead reported that Gen. Geo. W. Case, of the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, stated that he felt a warm interest in the work, and would report by letter to the committee as to the force the road would send. The managers of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland road would report as loon as they could hear from their President. Mr. Bagley (coal man) reported 40 men, R. J. 'Watson, 40 men. The et m mittee were unable to see many of the heaviest coal men. Several reported that their handl were so much scattered as to be unavailable, and the loliowing firms contribu ted as follows : Graff, Rea $lOO.OO James McGrew & 100,00 Simpson Horner 100,00 10,00 C. W. Crittenden.. ................. ......... 5,00 The resolution was unanimous , ' adopted: Resolved, That the Cocomittee recogoists the satll3 service rendered by the retail mer chants and their emi.ioyces, sad also ackr.ow• ledge their patriot :to Impulse■ In so promptly and generally closing their places of busman; at - the same time they earnestly request thee. to keep on the good work for a few days long• or, when the works, it is hoped, will be sem pteted. The Treasurer acknowledged the receipt of the following sums: J. 11. Long, $5; R. Dike, $5; J. Ilarneun Sewell. $2O. Messrs. Sheets and licely tendered the ser vices cf Line carpenters, which were accepted. Noti :a is hereby given that the following additional force is required: At Davis' Hill 600 mat. Union Perk 1500 " Cemetery 111/1 (Allegheny)... 100 " " Squirrel Mill. . .................... 100 " " Mount Washington, above Brownstown 1000 Turtle Creek 500 " W. F. Jualwrox, Chairman. G2O. R. TEIDUrfoI, Secretary. High School Commencement The exarei-es of the Orsdusting (ham of the Pittsburgh Sigh School were ocifdnoted in Canoert no!, last evening, in the presence ofa very large audience. The QM's consist/A of eight persons—six ladies and two gentle- men, and the exercises were as follows; Option--" The Beauty of Adherence to Bight," by Mr. Anthony W. Smith. Sisay—"Myarary," by Mite Barbara Staab. Sissy—"God'. Own lemples," by Misr M. L. McKee. Bisee--”It le Menai to Give," bY Mtn Jae► Flutings. Besaj='•Natural Beauty," by Miss A. it.. MeCatebeou. Lsat, But Gth," by Mks Kata K. Pattaroon. Ersay—. Is it All Well?" by Miss Eleanor N. 6hepler. Oration—" The Mission of enlambus," and Valedietory Address," by Mr. David R. Goisehor. Au or►tlon was also delivered by Mr. Jai E. id OFC CITY, 1112 thetted:lpellher, on the sub • meet "Boom Ono's Own Achievement." These perk: mamma were aii of a very high order—being abo we the average of school com position' end high ly creditable to the &redo stet and the /CHUM ea which they represent. At the conclusion of ;he valedictory address, Prof. Dean, the Prinolpsl, prevented "oh of the graduates with & diplon:s, which had been ordered for them by the Bolted of Directors. The performances were enlinsited with ap propriate mule by the Great Weitern Band, and the audience disported highly gratified with the entertainment. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Nausea AND Bazza's Burma Macutinn, for family and manufacturing puppets, are the butt in net. A. P. CnarosT, General Agent, No. 18 Fifth meat. TRONA/ PAM, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, sad dealer in Pennsylvania and Ver mont slate of the best quality at low rata. Offies ad Ales. Laughlin% near the 'Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. apBt6in How Alarvar. or Scums Otoricsa.--Of. ton we •re ulted, where can we buy a neat and oorufortable summer suit, made to order, thus haring the Ghana of aslisating oar own goods f To all these Inquiries we ean answer, go to Hours. W. H. hieticie k Co., earner of Federal street and Diamond &pars, Alleghe ny, and you will be suited aeoording to your Lute. They have jut received their summer goods, and for elegance of styles they cannot be supassod, and for fitness they are the very persons, as their work Is all donkunder their own supervision. Give them a all, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. ATSIIIIOI4 liaroatan VOLUNTIIII4 I—The attention of our country's bravo defenders re cently returned from Its last of war, and of the public in guriersl, is again direoted to the Very 01.11511111141 end handsome assortment of the latest styles of ',remelt, English and American piece goods, for pants coats and vests, lately resolved by K . John Nileler A 00.. 2derohant Tailors, No. In Federal street, Aliesheny. A tasteful selection of gentlemen's furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the establishment, together with a lot of ready-made clothing, got up in the best manner. (Deur Derrurrar.—At the Dental Insti tute, No. 2bl, Penn street, sets of teeth for four dopers, better than those at ilre dollars et the other dental establistunants. Ali pet lOUs are requested to Gail at the Institute attar having asoertalsed the lesion prices at the other sheep plains. All work dons at tie Isistltato Is summated rept:tor to say asap Dssitlatr, ks the oit7. • HE.LATEST NEWS B Y TELEGRAPH ' 4 61”441A1. DUWATCHLN FROM WASHINCTON. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gas-tta, WASHINGTON, June 22, 1863 PARTICULARS OF THE CAPTURE Ot THE Rai= The following omelet dispatoheo concerning the capture of the rebel ram Fingal are the more important as they relate to the Ant de• claire contest between iron-clad.: FLAG-SHIP WAaASH, Port Royal Harbor, S. C., Jane 17, 1863. Sea: I have the honor to inform the De partment that since milling my diepatob No. 316, I have received further details of the asp lure of the Atlanta, sent by telegraph from Fort Pulaski: The Atlanta, Capt. William Webb, name down this morning.4l4 Wilming ton river, to attack our vanilla In W&T611111, accompanied by two wooden steamers, filled, It is said, with persons as spectators. The Weehawken, Capt. John &Agars, at once en gaged her, firing in all five shots, three of which took effsot, penetrating her armor, and killing or wounding the crews of two gone. Two or three pilots were also badly wounded, and the pilot house broken up, whereupon the vessel grounded and Immediately after sur rendered. The Weehawken was not hit. The armament of the Atlanta was two 7-inch and two 6-inch guns. She is bat 'lightly injured. Very respeotluily, your obedient servant, S. F. DOPORT, Rear Admiral, commanding South Atlantic Blockading Squadzon. P. EL—The ofiloers and crew of the Atlanta numbers one hundred and sixty-five persons.. B. F. DOPOIIT. NIWPORT News, June h 2, 1863. To Hon. Gideon Wells., Secretary of the Huey r Admiral Dupont sent the Weehawken, Capt. Rodgets, and Reheat down to Warsaw Sound to look out for the Atlanta. On Jane 17th, at six o'clock, a in , the Atlanta came down, accompanied by two gunboats. The engagement was exclusively between the Weehawken and Atlanta. The letter mount ed four Brooke rifles, two of 7-inch on the bow and stern pivots, and two of 6-inch, one on each side. She could fight two of the former and one of the letter on a side. Capt. Rodgers engaged at:close quarters. The first 15-inch shot, fired by himself, took off the top of the Atlanta's pilot house, and wounded two of her three pilots. Another IS it shot struck half way ap bar roof, iron-plated, four inches thick, killing one and wounding seventeen men. E.even shots were fired In all, five by the Weehawken and six by the Atlanta. The letter grounded and surrender ed. The fight was abort and the victory sig nal. The Weehawken sustained no Injury of any sort. The Atlanta steers well, and made six knots against a head sea going to Port Royal. She was completely provided with instruments and Store. fora regular cruise. Sae had a ram saw and torpedo on her bow. Ex-Lieut. W. A Webb commended her. Nor oraar lament was one hundred and sixty-five sous. Der wounds were left at Port Royal. The Atien:e le said to have come down coofi dent of cantering the Mooß-re me.ily, and her o,osorts, lilted with spectators, were pre pared to tcw theta unto Savannah ohs will soon Ee ready for servins under the flag of the (Signed) S. P. Lex, Acting Rear Admiral, The Naey Department received a telegram to day statiog that A Itatral F;boto rem►taed in surly tic same cr.t.dirlui if he did yester day, aft., having pauid • seUlase eight . Atoohg the paper. of a decresed Alexandria lawyer, a partner of the delegate from Alex andria to the State Convention that paned the Virginia ordioatee of If 4 , 011.1i013, lass jolt bun found, aatatenstut of the yeu and nays on the float Tote fur SOCCISiO3. This yore, it will be remembered, wee siways kept quiet ,under obligation of an oath, and was always represented that, with this exception of a few West Virginia fanatics, it was nearly unani mous for eecession. Aostrding to title table, which is outifisil as correct In • foot note eigued by the Alexandria delegate, the rob stood alghty•cigbt for uoutsion, to fifty du One sea excused from rating, and eight *bunt. li=! There Is reaton to believe that Admis►l Dahlgren, In piece of Boots, will relieve Du pont, Soote's Illness preventing him from going. F.mte's physician reports that if he recovers at all, it will be with tho loss of tug mind. Tee Atlacta is called at the Mere Doan mint a mond Merrimac. The Itiohmond aquiver, of Batard•y, spoil'. of • rumor th.t Extra Billy Smith, newly elected Governor of Virginia, wee killed at Winchester, bat does not speak of it as beyond question. heoreuiry Chase has reamed Mr. Whitely, chief of the how York Herald'. correspon dents in this city, from a $lOO . O olertship, which be has held during this administration. Re has also dismissed a clerk who has been fa office many years, and who refused to sub scribe to a fund to assist In raising a colored regimelt, saying that be had lost his own nigger' under the eauseelpation aot, and had never bun paid enough for them. The Richmond Enquirer of the 19th and 20th contain' articles denouncing Spent*, the Liverpool Confederate financial agent, and all other men in &grope who have suggested the possibility of the Smith adopting a plan of gradual emancipation, in order to ream mend itself to foreign powers and reosive their recognition. The Eequirer °ells for the im mediate removal of Sperm, and attacks Ma son for retaining him in oßeejs day after his semi-anti-alavery speech. The transportation of soldiers returned by provost marshals to their regiments will be oharged to them and deducted from their pay. Mont. Wm. Ambrole, of the 22d Ohlo, has boon di ml the oertioo for drunkenness. A lugs hospital has been constructed at Jefferson, Ind., under oharge of usistast surgeon Sullivan. Mrs. Mattis Patterson, of Jackson, Miss., convicted of being a spy at Murfreesboro, has been sentenced to imprisonment for life at Jefferson. 001101111.111011117 ULM) NT 01111111.1411. Mr. Buckingham, a correspondent of the New York Herald, and arm cavalry men, were killed by guerrillas, between Fairfax Court Beam and Aldie, today. 1111101IILL TO Till PIISIDMIT Senator Sumner presented the President to day a letter from Governor Andrew, °over's( • memorial from a number of the moat highly respected eitteens of Boston, begging the gov ernment to make an autboiltativo proclema tiOn of its purpose to protect black soldier. The memorislisti are very *guest, and may that they do not pass upon the question of the propriety of employing bloat moldier,, but having employed thern.the Governasentahould and must protect them. .zoogsa AND SICKLES Genus! Booker lift foe hiskoartars in Ai gad gain' this "mini also Goneral Maki% la, WWII N.miad Ida di sups. irszoT ilmwrsi) It is understood that General Milroy hes been relieved from commend on seam:tut of the Winchester affair. It h._ 'awned there will be en ie'vestigetiOn of filtiettbject. ADMIRAL DIJPOIT It is said that the vote in the Cabinet to day, orkurdeting Dahlgren. to relieve Dupont, woe triefor to three against. Dupont's share of tke prise money anal he took oommand there, amounts to over $200,000. Is In town THE INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA. Chambersburg Agsln Occupied by the Rebels. Skirmish with the Rebels Ten Miles from Gettysburg. HARRISBURG, June 23.—The rebel§ reoccu pied Chambernburg about eleven o'olook thin morning. The rebel cavalry pickets are now Ave miles thin dde. The Notional troops, under General Knipe, which were at Chambereburgi have safely fallen back to the main body. The.authorities believe that the rebels are in considerable force at Chambersburg. likaersatrao, June 23 —There is nothing new this evening at Shipponsburg, the last telegraphic station up the valley. The operator at Chembersburg, with some newspaper correspondents, who were there when the rebels entered, have not, as yet, been heard from. A skirmish took place to. day about ten miles from Gettysburg between some of our troops and about eighty rebels. The enemy retreated, losing one man. What preparations are being made by Gen. Cowhand the State authorities, to olear the Cumberland Valley of the enemy, would not be proper to give. Those who know the true position of affairs feel satisfied that the ene my will not remain long in the State, unless heavily relnforoed. Information from Capt. Boyd, commanding the cavalry outpost, headquarters at Green village, states that the rebels are one thou sand strong five miles this side of Chambers burg. It is (eared that B:otiand Creek bridge has been destroyed again. Latest from Vicksburg—CavalryEx pedition..Movements of Joanne's Mimesis, Jane 21, via Caro, June 23.—The steamer Luminary, from Chlokasaw Bayou, with official reports from Gen. Grant to the 18th, arrived to-day. E rerything was progressing finely. The enemy kept up a steady fire froba their heavy artillery, but accomplished nothing, saucily • man being injured on our vide. • Col. Mower, in- command at Milliken's Bend, madisan expedition to Richmond, La., drove the rebels from that section, burned the town, and brought the women and children to Milliken's Bend. • It is stated positively that the rebels carried the bleak Ong, with skull and cross bones, In the recent attack on Milliken's Bend. Johnoton'o foram ere moving towards Yazoo City. Heil nod Grant re►iy to romtve The cavalry expedition south of here, men tioned yesterday, resulted in the lois of Major ilitory and a butetras en. Toe main tope d1(1,11. under Col. Meaner, will a 4.12060,1 The rebels oontioue to banal' the railroad cod telegraph Lot gem] here and Corinth, but they do not aco .copith much, as our troops are watchful. Latest from run !Judson Nay You, June 23 —The New Orleans corre.pondence, by the etaainer Locust alai that oar siege trattoria,. kind been opened on Port Liodsou, and a oOntinitorim rain of shot mod shell was being, poured into the enemy's worms. Several buildings, .apposed to contain commissary stores, were destroyed, end the rebels were known to Iso suffering acme in killed and wounded. An expedition nag driven away & force of rebels collected at Clinton. Capt. Perkin., of our 3d Louisiana cavalry, 1 1 / 1 11 milled In the skirmish. Desert ors owing into our lines report the rebel strength at at least ten tootuaric, well clothed bat suffering for lood. Twenty or 'thirty of our men are daily added to the killed and 'mudded by the rebel sharpshootrirs. Copt. Hart, of the gunboat Albatross, had committed molds by blowing out his brains with a pistol, whale inane from fever.: A rebel telegram from Mobile, of the 11th, says that the rebels h►ve repulsed ear troops twenty-seven times at Port Hudson, and that old is close at baud. A who ender arrived at Jackson tram Port Dodson, states that the Federal. hare been severely punished, that the garrison him sixty days provisions, and will hold out to the last. /Movements of the Rebels Ilawrisoaz, Jana 33 —lnformation has / been moored at tee headqaertere of General dcheok, to-a , ght, sad corroborated by other rearm, Is that Gee. Basile forces, toftke number of from 35,000 to 40,000 men; are now is Maryland, la Boonsboro They bane a large quantity 41 artillaiy and davalry and infantry. They are /Clang bridges across the canal, and aotivel engaged io breglog the coaatry, eolleattag eappllee, he. They crossed at Antietauf ford and Stiepherdstown. Gan. Kelly telegraphs that Itboden's cav alry, numbering about • 3,000' strong, are at Big Campos'. (ion. Hannah instead thin city today. He inspected the fortifloations and other defen sive works in progress here. He expressed great satisfaotion at the'rapidity with Which they were prepared, and the determination of the miens loran, Of the Union Leagues in arming for the imbibe defense. Destruction of a Hebei tronocladow The Capture of Winchester •and Siattlusbutig by the Rebels. New Talc, Joni 23.—The Itlehmond pe pere give an Mount of the aosidental explo sion of the rebel iron-clad ram Ohattahootchle, with Wadi it was , intended to make a raid upon the Redeye! nut at Appalsohleola in re venge fez the capture or the schooner Peados, laden with Mtn, by the boats of the squad ron. Twelve persons were killed and others badly scalded. The tam filled with water and sank near the shore, resting firmly on the bottom. Midshipman Mallory wu among the killed. The Riohmend Diapatch of the 90 th confirm the statement that it wu well's corps which advanoed np the Elhenandcah, upland Win- Mauler and °tossed into. Maryland. It also ham &.R./patch from Gin: Lys antionneing the (rioting of Martinsburg by Gen. Rhodes. Death of Alr. Buckingham. ENADQUITIIII AIM" !:17 ?al Potomac, Awl 23.—Air. Ditokingkam, correspondent of the New Xork Herald, waryeeterdey killed under the following ciroumstanoes: He was 'touting from Aidie with noesof the cavalry fight, and when Ave miles fr om that point he was chased by guerrillas. He put spurs to his horse whion itumblidandjhrew him off, breaking his nook and tiling him instantly. His body and effects we ttertake altarsp of by Mr. Wa , the artist. (ON a i Th d into Indiana. 01110111111ATI, Jane 23.—The rebels, Who crossed into Indiana on Banday, have not yet been overtaken. Their duct whereabouts is unknown. It was ',ported that they Ind gone Nertti Of the Ohio and Mississippi Batt road. This is net nonfirmed. The °pastor at Blooottatton, Ind., r. ports the onompment of . • thoniand deluxe, with pickets out, eight , mites front then, &ad nye they mutat the entolizesnt. The Rebel lalastryin Now You, Jane dbipatth frog; Gen. Hooker's headquarter', dated yesterday" lays It I. beyond' a doubt that the 'Atari' main forestry forts, Inttuding tke corps of A. P. Hill, is on the immediate Willt•TO slope of the Bin Badge, hutment finloker's Gap and Winchester. New Oilcans ateamar at Bootou: Boo Tor - Joao 3s-Tae stomata Oay of Beth, arrived at taw port to-day, *Na Niw Odiaas an the 14th. Ilhor hoe two tiaadrot .Particulars of the Late Cavalry FlartiL HIADQITAZIIIa MIXT 07 TEM P 0701170, Jane 2 . 3 ,—Pteasonten had the greatest *iv alr7 fight on thefilst that has yet taken place. Early elands}, morning he advanced on the enemy at a point beyond Middleburg, being supported by Gen. Barry's division of in fantry. A fight netted which was kept op all day, iltuart being driven steadily, with heavy loss, clear into Ashby's Gap, beyond Upper vile, • distance cf twelve miles. Pleasanton oaptured two gone, throe caissons, and blew up another 04118021; also, upwards of one hundred prisoners, including one Lieutenant Colonel, oue Major, and five other officers. The enemy left their dead and wounded on the field, and in the town of Upperville a large number of wounded rebels were found. Oen. Pleasant - 1 describes it as a most dis astrous day to the rebel oavalry. Our cavalry behaved with' the greatest bravery, and as inns! did great execution with the sabre. Stuart has fortited Ashby's Gap with-artil lery, and will probably hold it against our farther advanoe. Considering the extensive nature of the fight, our loss is light, And will not exceed, to killed, wounded Bud =tau ing, one hundred and seventy-five. The en, emy left a ten-pounder Parrott gun-carriage On the field. They probably threw the gun into the Goose Creek, after 1t was dismount ed. Two rebel colonels are known to have been killed. Col.,VincenVe Monty brigade, Butterfield's old brigade, were actively en gaged, and behaves with great courage. Gen. Buford's cavalry column opened on tee right, and successfully drove a large part of the en emy before him, and captured a nuns tar of prisoners, including two lieutenant-colonels. rho cavalry justly feel gleeful over their large exploits, Sod the ultantry partake of the some spirit, and are new ready to boot up the 0.. - -airy in their achievements. Four hundred wagon-loads of wounded are reported by the Musette to, have been taken through the Hap. This is believed to be exaggerated. Emancipation rn dileMild Jesrssaox CITY, Mo., Juno 23. —ln the convention to-day, Gov. Gamble, chairman of the Committee on Emancipation, proems ted the following ordinance from the majJraty committee lat. The Stet and second classes of the twenty-sixth section,. and third articles of the Constitution, be fibrillated. 21. Slavery and involuntary servitude, ex cept fer the punishment of crimes, shall cease to exist in Missouri, on the fourth day of Jo - ly, eighteen hundred end soventy•six, and ail slaves within the Stite en that day, are here by declared free. 31. AU slaves hereafter brought into the State not now belonging to the ortisenes of the State, shall thereupon be tree. 4th. All slaves removed by the consent of their owners, to any seceded Litate_after.pas sage of the ordinance of seceision ' and here altar brought into the State by cha ir owners, shell thereupon, be free. sth. The General Assembly shall have no power to pass laws Ito emancipete slaves with out the consent of their owners. A minority report was also submitted, ab • rooting the same clauses of the Constitution so the above; declaring slavery abolished from the drat of January, 1864, provided they and their issue be apprenticed to their former own ers natal July 4, 1876; requiring the Legisla ture to pass laws regulattog the relation be tween said apprentices and their masters, to secure them humane treatmeat and necessary education, and providing against the importa tion or immigration of . any negro or mulatto into the State. No future assessment of slave property shall be collected, nor shall the right to the services of apprentices be subject to taxation. Provision is also made -to submit the ordinance to a vote of the people at the next August election. The report was made the special order for to-morrow at nine o'clock. Art Drat of the ateamstnp Canada.: CAPI RACII, Jane 23 —The Ilwyril Mail „gitecatahfp Carted*, with &Limas Atom L ver pool to the 13ih sad Qacenatown to the 14. h, wu latercepted Off Oita poiat et eight o'clock oa blooday caching. Toe steamer City of Croak,. from Liverpool on the 12th and Qvientte au on the 13. h, was also boarded on Monday evening. President Linceln,throrish Muctstor Adams, hea returned his warm thanks to the Liver pool Emancipation Society for their friondly address. The announcement of the capture of Puebla was recoreed with satisfaction/on 'Crtadige iu London, and Mexican -bonds/ advanced or SX per *ant. „, ,/ All the telegrApbwires tram Warsaw been been destroyed. The ship Onerlei Mani, ashore near Bre merhaven, hie gotna. „ LLTlST—Commitact. —Liverpool, Jana 13. --Cotton Is Armor, /but unotangad. Toe Breadstuff market iI dull but steady. Pro- Villollll are flat.. Landow, Jane 13.—Consols. 91@,92% per cent.; Illtnois Central, 3131©30 1 ).‘ par cent. dlsomant; Eris It'ailroad, OP, oe„ti @SOX. The ateamer,Ohina,from Now Vora, arrived at Liverpool on Bantrday. Ft 411011: ' the Emperor Napoleon has to mitred the Annihilation's's:if the E =parer of Austria the Kiag of Prussia on the fall of Pubis It t. .ted diet the totes of the three powers/U. luta regarding Poland, will be sent Mt the ...411. It/ of the notes abstracted from the safiof the Warsaw Bank, there was left a re eelpt sliced by the national government. /La Rini s says that the Russian government nouns' towards the arrangement with Prus sia, notwathstandia; the warniag to the coil Vary. The ship Mary Filson, with brae/liras for the distressed operatives, had arrived at Bel fast, from the Visited States. Probable Postponement of the Re publican Mate Convention. HAZIIBIIIIIIO, June 23.—The meeting of the Republican State Convention, which was to have been held on the lit of July, at Pitts burgh, will probebly be postponed. -The con dition of affair, in me State at the present time would warrant anon a course. General Couch detainee to grant - furloughs to the dele gates now In the h ry ice in department. Idorgen Rectories the Cumberland LOUISTILLII Jane 23. Reports received here from ridable sources state that fdorgan has recrossed the Omnberland at Carthage, having remained but a* short time on this side. He had 4,002 men and 16 pieces of sr tiller,. He was closely messed by Colonel Wilder, of the VIM Indians, mintmending a brigade of mounted infantry. The Texas Expedition. Elr. Lome, June 23.—General Blunt left Leavenworth on Priday last, for Tort Scott. Ile will soon take the field In the Indian Ter ritory, with an Adequate form for active often lire operations: lie will light to achieve a department, and endeavor to reach Texas. The Pirate Pierian ripoken. Niw Yvan, June 23.—,—The pirate Florida No. 3, or Tanouy, was spoken en the 20th In Istituto 40° 24', longitude 69° 4' by the "We bb brig Bleetrie ' at this port, but no further information was furnished by the British cap tain as to the amuse the pirate was staterlog. No Rebels at Frederick, Rd Bearimon, Jane 23.—The Frederick train arrived safely bithisnityfeeanpied by Federal troops. No dins of the roads anywhere Mir FeederlA. Markets by Telegraph. Naw You, Jima 23.—Ootto's advanced lips; ad* balls told at 609610. Inoue heavy; 20.030 bbl. sold; %stern Ohio 60100. lover; isles at $5.750 • Blot* and Boutbsra Imattinged. Whist uschaussill 0/0 bush sold. Cora beam Itll,OJO book mold- Pork henry; Dow Mess .$14,87. Lard steady. Whisky tube sales at 4{X,(W4540. 'rues, dim; Itascovsdo, 1044111,%3. Oodelsdalt .rettolsom Arm sod mom. acute; Utude P.Sci 17,611.0 ad In sond SSW:. ' irttlithtS' puler. Stocks sours and tddlter.i Cueruntart. Juni 23:—TIcnir dull, but Morals no chugs; impugns (leered at $4,4044.50, and hoer trattandard 54.6084,76; city and grad. brand e' Ss to $5.75. Wheat dali; red 1141.681,08: Coro 6titys6cr Oats 134 X ., Whisky 400. Euthiail awls in FP,hauss at d prima amnia oh Gold 42543. Barer EL Exchange ataidg. 02 ,VV Tor fifio A. RE KIRK B.RIO/1 ,' 4" abot the • / IXONGNIOU 00•1 iip *II Yen s' N•azoi Ainonni, Addadaide Omit. • . •-•46,lditsworsti • ' - , ' lAN • No. R ' STURN - 131.1 t diti-•IIOELNAKA for : OW Oil and - Whisky Dtstillud, and Brswasy, prided and for sato bv , • __ i - • - WM. O. J 01111001" • C 10..., 2-. .---- -..,,d r itivi- . :.. :...-:;.-1,. - • •- iw W0........e. sa . w. il . 0 ` 'O - u&Narou r nb nylDarlg`4P. "". "i saaft=i" Ifa); it - „ • Tr a g =sr Bwroannto gaoler vas liasr.-Banutel Morehent would respectfully ilsformlis ftiattia and the public) in get zral that he has , Put returned from the Fast with hie new stock of Spring and Sammer Goode, ambling af ail the latest styles of cloths, eassisieres and vesting& Gentlemen desiring a stock te r elleot from that cannot be snrpasa. ed by any other in the 'city, and their gar ments made In the most fashionable manner, would do well to give Mate call before par chasing elsewhere. SAUVIIL autism, iferobant Tailor, No. 54 Market Samoa. nap dnar from Third Coast/lir Ia N scout:lL—Rev. M. Thither, Pitcher, Chatting° county, N >sr York, writes: "I am sixty years of age. By th e aso of Mos. S. A. A1101:011 Worla's Hair Restorer, my gray hair is restored to its natural color. I am. satisfied it is not a dje,-but sate on the secretions. My hair ceases to fail. Your Hair Dressing is superior to el others. For eruptions It has no equal " Sold by druggisti everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich sumo:, New York. 601.01125, TO TOR Hennas I—Yoting men, rushing into the exposure and d►agers of a soldier's life, should prepare themselves for the ;Mai fevers, the dysentery, the sores acid scurvy, which are almost certain to follow. Holloway's Pills, need occasionally during the campaign, will entire sound health to ev ery man. Only 25 tent■ ng, s•ex. 21t Norms wo Pauraars AGINTs AN D , ALL OTHIaII 1111 1111112111 D .--For repairs or al erations to stores or dwellings, new roofs, or anything else in the Carpenter line, call at Cuthbert'S Carpenter Shop, Virgin alley, above Smithfield streets. All orders promptly attended to. :.3r7tean and CAARIALMI tU! at t 1 lima:atm. orate, No. 4aa , lay or night. 'II orders lof. ;,issa 110.1 Os :.rolaptly •-stta, •t zati • no 0. BILL, Denust, ne Parrs street, etron.! to all ►mines. at hip prolepsino MILITARY" .XILOTICIEa. PllfirittiLV•sltt ouars or .no DreAlTatelv: or nth MO>olloallett- TO*Ttih tINDSMIGNED thriz glB of ln tae coon's of elle gbecy, v. leeway agree to ,o.nx a Oompmay. and .r the •Uthosity elven to M.jor otrand W. T. H. Brooks Commandant of the Department of tie Hoe noogebele. 7be amount of service not to exceed one day In the week. or' Its equivalent, miles. the De partment is menaced or lowa - led by the enemy; and u. d rno etraimaisoces are the • underelgoeo to be •atau for military a edge out cf Ohl/ Depaotment scam:llns to the term. set forth In ,Urder No. P of e Jar heperal Brooks, In the following lanteueere; Ceder no eireamt.iton can thus Poop* be troaliterei to eel ea, Depariffunt:" uoder.lgtad, aproluted a Committra by Ae• slataat a djutsot Cknorsl flows to yrApara s tOrtver Soli for tbs roll:rot.. In tons Dew. moat. kettle stdae of prctecttcg their orap-rly sod boast, sod .W 40,0 to th• pre ent filsentlos of OW lace. 111•01 cocoa:malty. bass cars a It drawn op the st, ,v 3 In tss to•m of s social cOitract. Tata. Barmait,, A. Loon 15. MX=EI ==! O. W. BAttkitl.olt, Joni Hasps', 1=2122 'Troop' will be accepted on lb, forgaorog terms. w r. cf. 13 MI/ or o:necel. Beadloartir. Department aromongsdeln, J na22l. •••3 24,1 t IVAN LO 0 kll4 GUAIIDP Meet st the A•m .7 TB IN BOBBIN(,-a! 0 k. P‘otopt wt. eaco. r.q.not-d.aettopoltsot bantams *rid to pc salt*/ By order of J.t4:lte Tiu OATT • q. tWA 11 It/ 0. I tome more mos or.ot•11 to WI the rooks of tOn MY LEtil IS P.n. EVA •••A no. in .'amp. • B.ruita Rill billtlik.11:1110 ana .qUipplrd loon it 11.ted. li. (AI.W AY, jolt Colronl U. , CO B, • 16Tii TESN'A. Tv enty m re rem 131 , 11 Wilt he ao vptvli in this Com• tinny. la le air .m, How v re.• sal • a vvi .eat oh ready fur the recruit& on theli arrival camp .sptv t> ee, et 01C, Mr If 0 ...JO'. JeUtf ' 63 Fed •tal et •et, .11.0 ny. LiAMPTUN ii&Z.LERY, ( F,) PEN bA. VOLE goed men Inn b. azerre.l in thin Bat.r7. app .:alit aiDy di Irwin t Llemit.. irn• DT.• IJAH• BOUM. or Capt. E. S. %ro kils UT. rrovost kin - Oa', at Girard Eon., c..rxier train Edd and Ebtrd strut& bla.2lr EO= 15TH REGLM &NJ% !lent. 013•8 s.6IIPae and Bergl'A. F. DAL. &L L b... balm detailed Dr tol. eea say to fee nit ter the able kistiment Peonevlrsola altheis • bey hive opened in to O's arm rr, ti o. 61 neer.' et., • Isen.ny. All rem,ite will be .:nn Into pim • jel7 tw INDEPENDAN'r CAVALRY.— The rail f /1 . o.pulcatfen . I. a , tir op a at Ohs om,. of It 11. Pat 111 1 1 1 1[1 . .Lorrr., Bat I s Di. mood tiara. Pacactit wl.olor to Jan ‘lll c•D auly.ail. take on WE0 . 1.168 Dar EV.NI NU NEXT, at 6 ock prtat,al3, Li start from It. B. Pattaracrna PL JOHN II EIT t. AUT. .no hi x•S9R. RIChUITS WANTED, f.r tho 9th Beal meat.. Ps. S. V. C., ar soy other Pe/ambulate be.uente how In the Oeld. /tech te. craft •111 naive one head , . d drliva bounty. Twenty atn. rol are wrlll be pall la edviihae Y •soon eroro Cato the Ual ed St.tee Dent*. foe other tubra all.. lovable as No. TO FUT* &nth; °media the rue& Ulboe L. B. ateg Inlet Lieut. .n Remitting Cificur, Oth Regiment Fenn.. napery. ram. J-I9 I ns-n4 PlTTTefte ttO El, Jul. 171 u !el. iL i rTHOS. M. I.IOWE, A. A .Adjutant- E 'neva, Pa.—bar bee: 7be ;mote...oat ,neopame to Wee b .dy,of Calmly. to tom a ir.en 10D t .15:O men. without engem; to lb. et. v ^•• Mould Government, except In s. m*. ennouvet to- mod subMatenoi mbile oo ctrv, gait) •e .do t us pre.. tut en eeeee cy Itel la eel •11 , 1eCt to .11a-m4 .1 hi Commanding Get aril tittle Department ct r e •.0 mug:bele Prilito be et lea t oda. Wit n be rod enough to inlo m as ob. time thus pro," oaltton can be iirmptett. Is.oo T. d. P RI, It, JunN H. STltweat t, WY_Y. HEt Bd. Are?, Gauzier nits Wssr raw Lis:etc*, 1 Pit " tsburib. Jove latti, Mayors. Bob. B. iNsunnee. /olio H. treteure out Wet M. /limb -Oasts ~n^ Mier torsi.° bdr et tVralre, to number from 10t1 to 600 men, unbent impeole.te. the State , to sore* for the Prl a•pt em.,. gamy, except for semi, ennattnitton end stieuitt Car co .s Peen submitted to MAW General liteteeke, sod is accepted. Be 11111 calms ems to be fitinlibid mecca as 'oar orgealsetiou is reported: Tours rarpogivity, TlitlY4l3N. HOWO, A. A. Ad )' , Goat Penes. CAVA.LRY 1 CAVALRY The trodorolgoid nano authority frail Midge Gra. Brooks arid Lojotant Gan. Baia to raises flank) foss to suitor hookah to SOO Men. to awe an lag the prowler ihnoriptioy, oachuiyo to Aid his own hone sod roolozoosta. Gen. Brooks will forolali arms and sounnottion: far farther posh:atm apply la. : N. PATTCREION. JOHN H wrieretaT, , 1117.1.. M . illroiliff DISSOLUTION 0 til A., —All warm,abiltereli n y tont* I that the Part. n.. 6.6. bandanna .batman MltaL at CIOUL I.lla and ',KIT L. Deltill.ON, le IV e p o int. ina Bannon, at der tha Doan ab atyla of 00 U L.TIGB IBA( CASON, 1, !web, dam Arad. Taos* having claims arable& the Am win pleats prasent tom, and, .0 ea bat,' ladottad to rano Aim . and p can, en,ao p.p. 166 go tbseraderalatint.lla;p roars!) Itraw, Plaisbarga 'aa tot ton Ma tubor o inad to mule op the trolau. of tba Atm. 41. witigaaorttrvige, _ P6lAlllag %dna; alt.l barartlsr oa anal by gm% at N9 , 2!10110ar , sone. Pbt.bargb. Jona At LE! Agit, lif l / 4 1 11L1A11..- reppeotlu lir IL in4rits of. Iminwsb. %b at Una nra.dppninfrdints vont Zdtintan of My. ore a n inon or fend 'ovum r neert•OtiknOiln• . nay An Omgcluk , ilded biStinalint t?aasts In utile/14. swing orlsit* / „ Gust, eininwq *co . !, -niann CO, deamsgazi Atto Iwo ,CUT 2vaaa Co, - DUTOEtis • - - meant - go . OuPhnee• ilkut 1101 br 1411, 7:eorti' housekeeper. Veen eeeterlll 411 aerset. ebees'Ellee • Winkle. a kezueutber Met It)le , Dol',BlGo3- test dam gbh. rf.aand ya tlr boo leiltatio . a toes ere.. Peer& l b . seal ertlole.le for late er *lt rep.theas f.r u B; 1 . reLIMICST. Intr o sus .4 o j, , corner of /frit sod Wood ape's., ellreerd - • - • r5.5.h...0,. • .130NDS, 141,0,:ke,pr4e,t,ir,,t41, • lavolotsvo.toor. <•0•1..••••••• MANOltaoTbllklia MOSI'SfiLr Elittlamg ; Sad oilier lassllisbads• St. I asks print i d .4 iu ru b: ,i C° .1 k • ill•Wsss tr arrr ukk , Ingt„ wary 14 , 4 br Z)11,??...a '—"- p 73 buil!. par -Drie a pposi - ': • • ~3 35 - 1 3 2 rtt i k , l'as Pro .. be?? •!4, 177:vrild; r 0 Vitier.,§ • Luz J. "nurra:ol Uip aiQee. i width.: at Is 004 18 pp -4W .tur, =Mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers