ptissintrgh putt. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 24. clop County Ticket ~kW W HAMPT /ode ON. el Ai Disirgel OO • Per Imo/. JOHN P. OLLS& •LIFOICO BLAME. 'Mt. IWO) H. HINRON. IT. MM. H. DiNNII 4 TON T. THOS. J. MEWL✓ .7 Per 01•41 of awls. INN. A.. HIBBON. For Owe", Veen..r. DAVID AMIS. Jo. 11.5DISG IeOGUaL M rr i r: IF J. itIOIUBD onv IL war. .10811:11MY TON. A," Ofewirre qf A. Peer JOHN r. DRAW. The Contempt as witch the Herbals Bead the Northern Peace lien. We wish every reader of over paper, who Ass the misfortune to hate 'Roman a crea ture for his neighbor, as a professed follower, of VALLOIDIGHAY, VOOII.IIZU, WOODWASI4 Wins & Co., to put the following mitotic copied from the Richmond Enquirer' , of Jute 12, in his hand, and ask him to' read IL If he is not utterly depraved Mid de based by long enslavement and grovelling under the tyranny of his old lilies and masters, the Southern consßirators, now/ rebels, he will be stung to tie quick ; and If there is any remnant of manhood l‘ft/ it will rise up in revolt- • 4nd so possibli, in some asset, repentarthe may com‘„eend deliverances be trot:Alit. We mtie%this request, eepecially,..,because we k II that .1 the readers of alt the so.ealled,"Demottrat /1. io"—really, pr4levery en So-rebel 3ournsli never got 's ehaneetto see how their "dear‘iitithren" of. he talk of them andAVeir leaders, / — / hoir they can talk so unsyrdisthelloslly of, their sympathisers, so unfriendly of their Mende, and so little In 4spirit of peithe Y of northern peace seheites and petleachemers. We would hit ' s them info / rmed, also, that it is the ; 0111 d of their favorite .Preeident, ~ Mr. 31171111CIR'DRvis, whom they have so often and'sofustily been cheering of late at thele/mUtings—it is the home organ of • the siehfiscressionist and traitor himself— that/ writes of them, in the manner fol.- Tem the Richmond Seminar, of Jon. 111 ti TWO suns nation. In two years, as many persons hope, we I may possibly nave pesoe7-that is, always provided we continue to repulse and defeat ' the lauding enemy. The Yankee "De meorsoy" is certainly rousing itself, and preparing for a new struggle (at the bal lot-box) in the great cause of the ..spoils," or, as they call it, the cause of Constitu tional Liberty. Those Democrats are evi. destly beginning to raise a Peace platform for their next Presidential election; and if they have the good look to be helped on and sustained by more and more serious disas ters of the Yankee army In the field, there is no doubt that the pfsent devourers of the said spoils at Washington may soon be so discredited and decried that our enemy's country would be ripe for such peaceful ballot-box revolution. It is sincerely to be hoped that those earnest champions of consututionel free dom-will be helped on and sustained in the meaner they require—namely, by contin ued and severe reverses in the field; and it is the first and most urgent duty of our countrymen so to help and sustain that Democratic party. St is nothing to us which of their factions nay devour their "spoils' just as little does it signify to us whether they recover or do not recover that constitutional liberty which they so wan tonly threw away in the mad pursuit of Southern conquett and plunder. But it is of the utmost importance to us to aid in stimulating disaffection among Yankees against their own Government, and in de- moralizing and disintegrating society in that God.abandoned country. We can do this one way—namely, thethrash ing their armies and carrying war to their own firesides. Then, indeed, consci entious constitutional principles will hold sway; peace platterms will look sttrsotivr, arbitrary arrests ;will become odious, and habeas corpus beNnoted at a prem ium. This is the only efay we can help them. In this sense, and to this exn those Demo crats are truly our allies, a n d we shall en deavor to do our duty by them. But they evidently look „for other and further help at our hands, and of quite a different sort. No doubt they are pleased for the present, with the efficient aid which the Confidante army is affording them. Onanoellorville was a God-send to them, and the tremendous repulse at Port Hudson le quite a plank in their platform. Yet they understand very well that no matter how soundly their armies may behappily beaten; no matter how completely Lin coln, present war policy may be condemn ed by its remits, yet all this will not be enough to enable the unterrified Democracy to clutch the "spoils"--or, as they phrase it, to restore the Constitution of their fa thers. This, of itself, would never give , them a Peace Democrat President and Cab inet • it would only result in pother Abe lltionLt with a new Sec retary of War and a new Commander-in- Chief, and a slightldifferent programme for " crushing the re bellion." Those Black Itepublitans are in power . ' after long wait ing, pining, intriguing in the cold shade of - the opposition; and they now have the nu merical, preponderance so decidedly that they both can and will hold on to the of fice with a clutch like death. The Demo erste can do absolutely nothing without the Elonth,r so they persist in terming these Confederate States; and they cannot bring themselves to edbrit the thought that we would refuse to; unite with them (as able I we used to do) in a grand Universal Presideutial campaign,' for a Deniboratio President, with a Pesos platform, aid the "Constitution as it is." In [sot this whole two yews' war, and the two years' more war which her yet to be gone through, is it self, in their oyes, only a Presidential campaign, only somewhat more vivacious • than ordinary.,.. > This explains the Vallandigliam Peace Meetings in New York and New Jersey ; and the," manly declinations" of Mr. flo ral* Seymour and other patriots. "Do not let ne forget," says Fernando Wood, writ• bag to the Philadelphia meeting, " that those wands rpetrate such outrages as the arrest and banishment of Mr. Vallandig • ham, do so as necessary war mesaures. Let us, therefore, strike at the cause, and declare for posse and against the war." This would sound very well if the said . deolaring for peace" could have any effect Weitstaver in bringing about peace. If a Vial falling from a tower could arrest his fall by declaring against it, then the de slarstious of Democrats against the war might be of some avaiL As it is, they re semble that emphatic pronouncement of Mr. Washington Hunt: "Let it be pin claimed upon the housetops, that no citizen et New I ork shalt be arrested without pro cess of law." There is no use in bawling from the housetops what sverbody know i to be nonsense. Or this resolution of the New &rim ;.; Huelva, Tnst in thie illegal solemn! and banishment of the Hon. C. L. Valliadig - ,bare,,he laws of our country bay& been .outrepd. the name of the United . ; States disgratelk sod the rights of every citizen • thenseed, end that Ills new the duty of a law rsepectiag people to daunt of the Ad thinittration that it et. oneeand totem - 4ist from such eke* 41 dappt.iso ad °Om de , %Wilk tuna? Tle.'l4othig dist Mr. Sterns saw In the nags, said only "I can't get out." It would have been moil! "mad- ly" to eaream, "I demand to get out—l pro-1 claim on the housetops that 1 evil/ get out.V. -- Another of the - New Jersey resolutions throws an instructive light upon this whole 1 movement, and its objects: • Resolved, That we renew our deolaration of attachment to the Union, pledging to its friends, wherever found, our, unwavering) support, and to its enemies, in whatever guise, our undying hostility, and that, Gila willing, we will stand by the Constitution I and laws of our country, and under their sacred shield will maintain and defend our liberty and rights, "peaceably if ire can forcibly if we must," (Great cheering.] This phrase, "wherever found," implies that there are friends of the gizmo in this Confederacy, and the resolution obligingly pledges to them the eupport i of the New Jer sey Demooeady—not surely without an equivalent tauten. / •To the same' meeting Fits John Por ter writes a letter, deo ring, of course, for the Conititution and/resistance to despot ism, and ends' - oa ending t i ...... "The contest of / Silas, however, wilt not beiequired; the/certain and peaceful rent edy wilt be foetid in the bllot-bex. Let us *it possess our r eofils in patience. The rem 'tidy is orirs."/ / Gen. Fite'Joian knows well that the rem edy is nol theirs, unless "the South" con sent trairow its vote into that same ballot box • is for this, and this only, that the ballot box; hook is baited with "Peace." But/Dijii speech of Senator Wall, of New Jape); before a Democratic club of Philo, daplita, (which we find printed in the &n -/hail), is a passage more fully expounding the Democratic plan than any other we have liken. He says: "Subjugation or annihilation being alike impossible, I am in favor of an immediate cessation of hostilities,. for an armistice that'mid the lull of the strife the heat of passion shall have time to 0001, and the calm, majestic voice of reason can be heard. In the midst of such a calm, I am for en deavoring to learn from those in arms against us what their demands may be, and inviting their co-operation in the name of a common Christianity, in the name of a common humanity, to some plan of recon ciliation or reconstruction by which the sections may unite upon a more stable ba sis—a plan in which the questions upon which we have differed so long may be har moniously adjusted; and each section, by virtue of the greatness developed in this war, may profit by the experience. If it shall be found that sectional opinions and prejudices are too obstinate, and the exas perations of this war have burnt too deep to settle it upon the basis of reconciliation or reconstruction, then I know that separa tion and reconstruction are inevitable." Here is the whole plan: an armistice, and then "inviting our co-operation." Dar ing thatarmistice they hope that the "calm, majestic voice of reason' and a "common Chrtstianity " might do something consid erable. The game, as they calculate, would then be en the board, with stakes so tempt ing l Mr. Wall would endeavor "to learn from us what our demands are." Anything in reason he would be prepared to greet us; but if we replied, our demands are, that you bring away your troops trees every inch of our soil, that you leave the Border States free to decide on their own destiny, that you evacuate all our forts and towns which you now hold, and make us rid of you and the whole breed of you for ever, then Mr. Wall would exclaim, What! do you call that the calm, majestic voice of reason? Is that your common Chrintianitrt He would say, &ten I spoke of the calm, majestic, ii - c , I meant the spoils; when I said a oommou Christianity, I meant money. Let us talk rationally—how much common I Christianity will you take? I In vain is a net spread in the sight of any bird. We are aware of them; and we will watch them well, and the friends dl the Union, "wheresoever found." Our views go a tittle further than theirs—we hope to so disorganise and disintegrate society ut their country that they:vat. rush into armed rceolution and anarchy. We spit upon their ballot box. We oars not what they "de mand" in resolutions, nor what helpless trash they proclaim on the housetops. We do not believe in their power to attain so much as an armistice for two years to come. If an armistice, indeed, were offered, and the invading troops were withdrawn, of course we should not object to it, and good use could be made of it. But, mark well, ye armistice mongers! During that suspension of hostilities all negotiations must be between ‘ Government and Government. Our lines should be more strictly guarded than ever. No ne gotiations or fraternization of parties by public meetings or private conferences; no .bargaining with the calm voice of reason; no secret pocketuay of Watts "Common Christi anity." Bat armistice there will be none, and we are glad of it. Oar sovereign independ ence is already won and . paid for with treasures of brave blood. It shall not be mid by peddlers to be baits into a Yankee Oat- A False Report Contradicted. Two or three days ago the New York Herald published the following paragraph: The Harrisburg(Pennsylvania) Tekpraph has been suppressed by military authority. It was an abolition conoarn. This veracious statement had just this foundation—that the Telegraph, which is an unquestionably loyal and patriotic pa per, suspended publication last week, for a day or two only, owing to the faot that its compositors, who were all returned nine months' men, enlisted to drive back the rebels from their State, and the paper could not be published till other compositors could be found to take their places tempo rarily. This most honorable and praise worthy proceeding gave the Herald, or some copperhead correspondent who fabri cated the story for its columns, an opportu nity to trot out the old, but now worn out, waraterse of other days—uabolltion." Bat whether as war-horse or war-cry, it will never do "the party" any kind of service for ever more. Cause and Effect: Mr. Claiborne F. Jackson, the last elected Governor of Itiseouri, who was chosen as a Douglas Democrat, but who became a Jeff. Davis traitor and died a fugitive and exile from the State which, had he remained loyal, be would have continued to govern, in a Disunion manifesto at the outset of the rebellion, thus elucidated the philosophy of the cue: "The destiny of the. Blaveholdiag States is one and the same. So long as a State continues to maintain Slavery within her limits, it is Impossible to wants her fate from that of her dater States who have the same Social Organisation." —We wish our "conservative" friends who are trying to uphold at once the Union and Slavery would ponder the above words. The whole philosphy of the rebellion and of emancipation as its radical cure is enfolded in those words. —N. Y. Tribune. ASCOBISUOP 110011,E 8 oa THZ PZACE QUIS -11021.-111 the couse . of hie sermon at use dedication of St. Teresa's Church, New York, on Sunday last, Archbishop Hughes said that one party can make war, but it requires two to make peace, and that, at present, there seems to be but one side dis posed to make peace. He, therefore, perti nently asked, What prospect is there of. peace? It might be well for the Pleurtrps meoracy to consider this point, and : , barter the Archbishop—if they can. Talmo' or Maarkaanzaa...—On account of the Government's .orgaciaatlon of • hoick= corps: $t the Washington Navy Yard for the detains .at lhs. aft& n • Rumba at Nada= iron Marillaid ba left the pit i aV~ PlOlll Vtoltabtlrg. A. latter from Capt. D C. Irish, of the Itdr teenth Begaiste, dated Vialtebayg, Juno 13th, V/stre progreseing favorably, though _slowly. We have got Vicksburg ea closely uriowoded that nothing larger 'halt a rabbit ciuld get through our lines. We are pro ,greasing with cur slips and mines, so that we will scoo be able to blow np the who'll rebel works. rs We would rather meet Joe Johnston in our rear, with his one hundred thousand rebels, than attempt to storm views works in cur front, with only twenty thousand men behind them. It is the opinion In the army that if Johnston orosies the Big Black River, Gen. Grant will never let him get book again. Some hilesissipPlans, who deserted pester day, say that it to not possible for Pemba ton's forces to hold out more than ten dap longer. They state that they are in a starv ing condition. We hope and believe that Gen. Grant will yet crown this eventful oampaign, in which we have marched two hunored miles end fought Ave suocessfal battles, with the cap ture of Vicksburg," PIJJJLIC XOTICES. ---- IWSHCOND Q. P. CUURCEL, Ersru ',Exatal.—OurTastcr, PL T• L. hat returned home, and will be piton% at the p Meeting Tall EVENING, and will pteach Blear 161.11BaTEI at the tette home vie: 1034 o'clock a. m. are D &Octet D. tr. 1 2.4 It -------------- U 17.0 1 11 01P MINUS% 'I ZWISPOSTAS IOII Pittsburgh, liar 29th, 1t6.1. j a . .NOTICIL 18 lIERABY lIIVE.N 20 the Ifinbeeribers to ibe Mock of the Went ern Trastepartation Ormpany that oo aseseelnent of rivz Dusl.faitfl ($5 tiO) PEA BHA LIZ has been levied upon the etook eubscribed, payable et the office of the ffreaturer, at Pittsburgh. on or Wore the 12th day of Jane, 1E63, sad • like arntriot every thirty days ihereaner lentil otherwise notified By order of the B ' oard 1.1:3 vs n. LlYLflOWlittfl.. r eareterv. okfolliaktilf'd 0111113/.. 01.11,1f1.41111 d l'lrtillioll,oll Iltti.aoso Co.. ClevelstM. M VA b. 18t3. SI'FOIAL MisETINO OF 'f LIE urY STOrfESOLDItIifi of this ComoooY da tss held at Its °Mao to t,e, W R PADA 1, the Ist day of July nes .0 ltf o'clock m fetid day, to take luto couslaerattou the people', lucre.. lufg the eafttal Stock of the Cbmpany to . IllatlCleUt to allow ..f the ocuserstott of Its Btoft Imo Bootle The trtaider BMA. will be closed from June toth to July 2d i C.atlOO.W ELL. ros29:lm slemetst7. - . oNOTltal—The Subscription Books of .1t• Oooper Var. Amos emournatcrial Oomptoy gill condom open at the 001ov of J. YL 00... ems A 00., ELIA Wont, fifth carrot, until far. thet notice sp2l:o MILE IdERCANTILE LIChN: 4 ,ES for A. thi Cll7 of Pbureh Fre dz., atte hove pod on or betas the let of intr. et the City Tres.- the streen °Moe, to older to • v.* betug plated th ehlermao for et/Heaton. B orer. ••:11 Jame S 3 ,fft. WO . LiVEKPOuL, (Lowago AT lAL• 11.1'1.1. SAME/ Lnots Is.)-.T.0 flue B•ltab hip PStanokliktZ, iosAng at Won Ca Wharf. w 1 I sail WI% Jct. , bay freight empiro by Ibis Y. 'I from I I ..t.orao TAIL u• for•arded s bo• of ctrOin • Ito, • If tousigned I> fr.endln Livery:o4 Ilberut • m•in. Vox . f •Ight .app., Co tor undae.neti. t•uitto. A. BEARS, 68 4onih Guy • t.. Baltimore, Bld. k atnilik e l 1 NUKtINI I haring seise bvid • en CO , a' o. Which tve best meta. d ns vs. A starlit dol. 1,5 a..• ems. as he. total... The oothses but stoat .oa'd save ens Dorsteiea. A mateces is said, tovush the last was wail syolte, 'laros b leer by 111 r to cefeed it wish oak chaatia. whet Stan hat!, thesis tosetnar. try what yeti pietas there's is ithini like s•ld While • MT5.13 listaava" Id ZUHAST capitl, Jost usyon pi a , e, 'Tie clear as a BIM beam. sera 41 nothing bike CHEES Which bas been aipirivd oy the ton with sostal term stbl It metre, tJ aappliad at low rates by 1 .1 F. .111 a 217 I\l 1.). 33 tine tsr. Vott 'rte.-story Brick Honest the corner of Second .nd Qrwt etre.. •0 offshoot to a , iun 'ur nosiness 5 room. on 0:01 door, 6 rota" on ~coed lint, good oci•rs, gm 'aid on otontd Olrett. 1.0 prig• s d lams op 4.7 to n. tier n nista• MINS, 51. 141.krt et. tin s7oo.—s smelt imelling house and Int of Aro fad, 1 1 14. 68 Ann 18 trot front by b 6 p; rooms U. kitzheu sad co lor, by tr•st oto. A bpll 10 j rA ,01111 • r ,, A. Al Marko* Cl. F ft icnh C. LAKGE ROCK CZLIAII, Eultablir for storlarg Oarbou Sequlre of :4‘ AAAAAA •Artil Pa G 111.141.4 111 TICS, ,JUT. 24, bB6l 00 TONti ii&Y oaled Proposals KW le r calved .t sta. ofsce until 12 m , lbw noon U• 2 big. 1866, for (amis . : log sof d,ll%ery Plttsberpb, Pa" Obi IL U Datil TJN I of GO •r) IllibeaatsTAlMS lo b. a sal booed weigning &Wt.t two hundred and Ally pounds mob, as follows: 25 tons cn or tef re tea 7116 day of July, 1863. 25 tom on or re tbelf , clo nay of Jog, lee. 2. tons on or before Um V.:2 day of Jot 7. 1561 26 sous on or be:or I 11 , 13 3016 day of July, 1863. krop 'rats na.t be no kr ..lorcpcsals for 10) tons of Paled tiay," and odor. serf to 0.1. 0 0110155. Dtpnty Qoartarmastar w al, 0. 7. Army, Pair burin, Pa. _ . Onersene The ability of the bidder to fill the contrect,should it be awarded to him, mutt be gusrentemi In two ninomibie ',aeons. whom signatures meet be ep• ',ended to the mutrar.tes. The ninossibisin os the gustantors mum le none D the olden' tertificate of ne Clore cif the merest Distant Donn or of the United Siam Distrlet At torney. Blttde s most be preen. in pence when the bid. are opined, or teed" reponse will not be Cleateland. Deo& equal to moues to hell the sum to to se. mimed on toe contract, stood by the o m traotor and bole of his guarantors, nil ne regtined ef the nand ceseshll bidder njo.n stoning the moult. lee tee bead most somunoeue the ccetrast, it will be nem. *My for the Midge to have their bondsmen with them, or to have Lunde stgLec In sv.tielpeti n, and read to be prod Orel when tees ontract ts signed. Pons of Cieennete. Ma, of tee county of and Mate of --, and of the county of and State of --, do hereby griarantee that —ie e we to faith a ml. tract Is eceordance with the terms of We proposition, and that. &bora hie proposition be accepted, bevels] at ones enter into a contract to warden. there pith. Ithoeld MO nuns= awardool him we are ropond to tocomo his mestr b it e ies. To this "num teie mutt be appended the edictal ornsficase ab me mentl.ned. Proposals from isliwojel puttee will net be comid• ern. ant an oath of atheism sill be regairn of encases el bidder. before Organ' f oatrects. Sea stud/malted reserve. to Mullett the right to reject soy or a t utits that he may deem too lugh. Payment tor be mwds upon the completion ef the rientran, or e c mom thtreelser as the uodenignei nail he a find.. ii. 011.0io, joaf 34 11_.±_________ ---eat. Clot. and D. QK. uenesn. ~A`~WLLLaTnB k BAILK, ilaaaMiaaagera sad &alai i. 2 all kind. TOB&000, IntlITT AND BULBS So. OS WOOS EMBWIT, rrrnimaa; PA. .I t E i ro a•va , b•ud • wry Tarkti:::dir 69 BUILDING LW 8 F It A ALB 1 . 404 IS THE Trite L T 1 3TA rs TIL vver MONET IN REA II By order of tile Orr.koir CAM, there {WILD it be ING • sale oo the prosaism, of 'ell X • Y•to jr. WTS. 'HAMA Oil am the of island Lane sod tho New lirlehton roal, In the domain of Morobeetar, oo fbe Altairketry City line, 70. DAY, at 10 o'clock a. m. Theo lot* Mime to the sesta of H. U. Ford. do. loaded, and ero admirably caloolated for billdl g wpm's. ideolianies and °ikon mbabini to proof:me • elm for • Woman& home troold do well to attend. A plan of UN lots mop be sae* at the office of Dr. J Galatber, 112 linclibfield Crest, and on the TWA D inoa—azdakolf rash. whon ode le co:imed,he lA, IP in Ona 701 X thosaafter. to t emocrad Dl bond and mortpae. RILIIIMBII II . 1 8081 AND 110UATAIN Tit CANDI rim be obtained at the I lee hple Cse.:7 Store, the Dew .1 6. kbt. 1144144, 4 Ilaigh •ey fit r Jok'hlerh REAVMPI. ME.110614 blUcleMi LtraszA 1 oast abano anon, owe. Palo. In I. Book o,res muss.. ,tralni, Bums. flirh Onto, or %V °mill DI SDI lind. lor saw at 00 n. EMILIA'S OZISABAL DBOO MSS. oar. ~hko and Wilma (Judi kid Oati&Tici MstttrlsClA ie prodactiva of tb. Wit molts In 1!1!ok Ilesdaoht, tt mt.@ of tko Otomach, boartbonf, and all cam• pl.tota arfalaig tom •oiol y. for oafs at d a°. A. K ELL 'S (ANTRAL DBCIO 81081 C , corner Oblo and WAS L _ . 14,1,ULL1 ALENNISi.-1:11 , mr & 14 Wolf Belinet. for voskieff in • taw misfit S. d•io oft* demons, past received and for We 51 (.CO. k. KELLYS Ottader. rauu 51011.11., oor. Obis and P.deviii .rreeo• 1•29 OULU /BMA 11113U0 BNUe, OPY. bla aril clan Rem will be ma Su the neer ilia el swat on Jim, VAL itelicir 7. Ir. OLIII. Prbefklier. %Weal in i , :~. _ A DINItiTRATOR'S SALE or REAL A. Law, tova• of an °Aire of tit. Or- . p .30 tirmet of Alterbiry musty. 1 will <irate to ;labile's.% by yesdoe er ocir:y, AT /lir, rOCIIT '4°Tielee .h6T• Cite of Pit.eburgli, Clor .131:111/- DAT. VIII lel PAT OP JULY, a- D. 106 et 10 frOtAiCK A. , the follcwlrg dercalbed teal *stet*, late tiro property if CHtitLZi & BIOS, deresed. ea: All that earwig Owe of ground dictate in Pod townthip ['Sty Dtetri. h . ] WORDY ran.l7 e ele and deeatbed es follow.: Beginning co tbe of hood no• or late of John Wright, en • corner al leluia?, townsitty, nevi ; Memos lifortlt.l3ll4°, meaty-tour 67 100 Lit 07.1003 ?etches to the middle of Prato's, stmt. to load now or late of b Wylie ; thence Booth 14 degree. minutee, not 'ln. bee.' deed and ntutty.elght 400 (10.04t03 perches to a , treat.: theca, broth 61y, &give, W o w, twenty.Wx 10 ICOLtd 10 10 - 1 perches] to land now or tat+ f John ee fight: theoc• Sorth notin degrees, Wed oee hue. drat rod ninety-eight 1340 I,gs perch.', to the place of be/tinning. cootelnhog tine* L 3 acre batty eight 6.10 [4l 6 perches, beton %be same property which •as by ;Led dated Auguet 0 th,1663. recorded to Deed seek volume ICS, pip•TeT• •d to tbe said Charle. Be& by !Abort M. Wright and wife. 7he iteprameentsconetst of & YUMMY DWELL. IBM HO nl. two statics end • half high, contais ing TEO *0055 1151801 D IN ood order. with THM ligisT be TM?. • go - d mils'. end all to g 'HMV" LeSOM O,STEBNY--core of opting water ; also, A GOOD BASS &WWI:, PICAOti AND OEICIIIIT TH.MMX; • good A rden, end • hose quan tity cf ODUISANT,4IOO,IiOIIBII,T, 16A5P8 WHEY, Ort&Pli, nod other prise plants. Tee loostion le excellent T , and bet IBS 111115111TW W eta If 0011 HM autilmiriLLEPlBl3ll/401/1. BAIL- W hy STATION. Also all that meals other lot or tdoett of around dine sin the Sixth Ward of the Otty of Pittsburgh. conoty sforeasid bo:ned .rd detcribed es folows, Met .tree*; teetoe Wong . 13 . ginning at tbe distante of fortpttirte [ift) tom th. watt corner of Wide alley end Logan and six V) hochee. thence at eght angle. been to the 114unit:tett. twenty-eix [lB] feet d: tab it witty-eight I.M] t thews at right sonlm Wide Orly twenty six [463 -feet ard ele [el Mate.; then eat right angles Orrea•elfibt PS] ..; to Lanett Went, Iho 04;00 bationing ; being t par o' the neme lot etach the ea Charles A. Beak Lair. °bested of Abel flutings, by articles of ointment dated Bept.aber let. 115'. Teams or Be.l—Tbe whole of the pm : chase none? to be odd on the delleery of the des direor one-t of hird of the cloches. money to be peld on delt•et7 ual ennuel pa of the ded, and the belance In two eq meets from the dote of the rot d motion of the We. • Itti I;tteren plyable onnually, to be ixoted by Bond and Hot tgege on the sweetie. sold. at thesis c• Won of the putottamr, with 1•1015 to leen I gird facial icellt.iih on Innate top principal and listens& le toll at the stipulated time. ALMS. W. BOOK. Adudolatrater of 0. A. Deck, deo,ased. 148:11wdliet N l k Vittt KNUIVV.NI VAIL I iIIOILTIC MAMMY CBIINiTIYE -,, DYSENTERY, PISRICHER, FLUE, CHOLERA 3101 BUS MID 11011DILD: COXPLAIST The Itomilmo oo'. Until to the merit. et Ms roux dy It has al antic, the to the q•tem. giant and harneleta to the Infant, and povreth lb. Oat% care. To the rdller, enpecislly, It Is Invi natal. banE pr-priptaly tensed by diem, In many cortlflant4a, -.Mother. Sod It roportor to any ao Atilt:to gray for obtliron tootbtag. ood from the lajorlous effects of h A BOUM& ens trot to tbo manor by removing rs. So .1 by r epectoble dealer■ everywhere. Or Pr m, 25 0E578 A BOTTLX !nal' 141)•rsl•••TILIA • tire Pict @bores. Pa , June t 2,1, 1863. 1.0,000 BU3kOiLS OM O&M. Pea ed Propo•als .111 be received at this office until 19 o'clock m., the thetn D a T t , 7 JONZ, 1860, for the fornfahing and de:leery at Pittelurg_h, Pa , on or ba t ,re the 13,91 day of Jaiy, 1993. of TEN TtIOOB , LN tl CBBZLI OP GOD. OLEAN, 80019 D O k i stro-g Nark.. welt sewed a?, and to weigh g•faro poutthet to the Imakei. Pr.pos eta moat ba narked ”Propositha for 10,000 bn.hela of Oath.. end addressai to Lt. OaL tl. Oarota SIM Qtialteraleerer General, U. B. Army. Pitts burp, Pr Georentee The ability or the basest t 3 fulfill De contract, Mould it le awarded to bite, mast be guarante by leo renewal* prows,. whom signatures must t ay • louden is the pais ,tea. The rem y of the guarantors menthe shown by tot 0fti.3.1 C Uncut. of toe Omit of the stunt Dbtrict Court, or the United States District Astor. soy. Bidders mast be present la peleon when the bee aro opeatd. or the'r propmale will not be son • dieted. Bind aqua' I &none% to hair the sum to be received t tb• contraoi, dined b the contractor and both of hi. guarantors w be y required of the mieweial bidder. upon elgning the contract. Le the bond mast someepsny the contract, it will be name. mry to the bidders to have their bondmiten with them, or to bats bonds signed In - outicipation sad reedy to be prodded when lb* contract Is sign ed. Pees of Goooroodos. Ws, —, of the county of —, end UW*ol—, and act the codnty of and State of do hereby guarantee that t..ble to Wad a =i tems in aooordanos with the acme of boa pooped. Lion, .red that, allied his 'depletion be nonented, he will at one enter tato e maimed to amoidance therewith. Ibordd the centime be 'awarded taut • e are prepared to become hie maarittes. To tats gemnate, must be appended the cadet ow CUMIN .Core mentioned. Proceeds art m diel3yal patties will not be condi]. end, earl an oath of aliegianoe will be requited of ant annul bidders before ebpilog contract. undusigned reflect to abased ohs right to relied say or ell bide that he may deem too high. oo P nt a a m cte.n t t r • t 5o bmee mne ther ea fter h soothe l u e n tio e o ign th ed shall lee to tends. 0. ono's, 10934 Vent. Col. sod D. Q y Gosersl. r. li&lfigli, 230 Pwnnl•aol• Ar•n•e. pkA AN ; au Yr LAnsT oselad ILIUW B/11201119 I—Jost publiand, In Zn• wirl , pc 'Prim iii cents. A Lotion on the Bit. 2811, Till•TallNT AND RADICA L, BUBB al r t I " S" HT W , k in p t :g ehm t 7o M a' am* pnw z enr: l florwwwwfwl.Ckmannption . My • and - nu; amt.* mad Phynical loos= [ Distatiog fans Wit-Abswo. Lo. By flobt. J. wal, IL D., Mahar of tho Gross Boob, • Boon to Mumma of Rods r.." Bost nada sea, In • plan enwlopt. to any oillfewti pas ließly nu r'w nap' of lan man, of two wasp stamps, by T. OIL J. U. 1 Llii, IV Bowery, New Took. Pont OM= 800 4614 tob•lasodawla . E=l Vas i &dim' favor! Dann QIIASTIMMIJI2III orgies, t Lotnerrui,ll oo ., 3nae lill ISO. i BALED PROPubIALS win be receiv- S - ed entd 11 m. CO JUNE 30ra, fuer farahhlng um following enpplea, "blot must be delivered t at Lounrel ls, by ,tn a of charge kw paekegee or getgh and ready for sh'pro . nt. Nene out loyal peril's Deed apply, and the oath of seance presort. bed I y Coop" el will be required a m t : of oment bidden - AITIOLIS 111QIIII1CD. WO (ere hundred) Camber , Belts, 5046; .• KO Bee misdeed) " .. Sa!!; . • 000 (to. latentrod " " 2%25. lft, b,„, r .,......, . . ~.,.: 1 6001•• hued ed " " 4s 3 t s" 630 Ire bailers I,IXO (Spleen buttatel) ornate Minch )roil; 1,100 Own thousand) butes Sae " " 0 3.06 9 antwes oboossao) M . . . 6,090 (Cr. tbousaud) " 3-16 " 7,000 oaten th uwand .. .4 •• 0 7,10 t (low thousand " 74e it " 0 1,01:9 ,wersa thousend " 3 4 3,000 (Ouse themend " D.") 1 7,111.1 paean Ikon ano " .4,040 Veer thavalaad) " •4 . . 0 1,000 lowa thousand," . . . 2,000 (two the:man ) "; . 1 " • 8,000 two thon M eend) 0. 1 " " " 120cealkollI 6,13%) (sixonsead) " by 1)4 4,919 (tour theeesno) 0 ay 1 4,0(0 (kur tboarano) , 0 knob square ° 9,000 (too thoesead) .• $ 0 o /111 11,01111 two: eaussr, " " 6,00 , sir :boomed . 4 " " 6,9-0 (s: tbowand " t " " . 3, 1 90 two tboasa: ) . I§laah 0 07 " 4.900 lour thcontsa3 . 1 9,000 l a ic Meowed " al% " 60/ bar thongs ) to et Coat lour tnonsw , d) " :I 4,900 . our aboutand) " 4. 0 . 6.00 0 ttlx. thousandl " 14M ". " 61100 We thousand ' tM " . " 0.000 dz. teoutand . • 4MO our aharsolo) " " " 3,000 (knee tbrasand) 11 2,600 two tbosuand) 2,000 two amused) '• ell .. . 74000 Iwo thawed " 1 1 4, . . " 2.000 two thnisand . , 1 ' 1 . " 11,(90 two thousand 0 a " " 2 000 two thousand " si•i al .• 0 0 3,000 three thousand) 0 41% u 0 0 6,000 lex thonesed) " ei. .. o .. 40 onty beadle. le inch 110. p Iron; 40 (forts ) 0 ,Si 1011 SI 40 (one hundred) bundles 1 Web }loop Iron; 1,000 one thomand) tarsilig Inchßprtog Ittoto1; 60 alztylbars s%h)/ moh 01 CI CO alm % s 0 %a . , 0 0 1,06. oce I Duane) pomade $74 inch Cart " 000 toe haudred) hens Mule ants gem; 160 one hundred sad Ills) togs Hone Sloe Halley 3,000 dues thousand) lip Herm Shoes; 9,000 (two tbomand) Wee I,OOD Om thouseind) Worn Pepe Boss, 1,4311 in., 11 In. long; 100 (four hundred) Ambulance Pipe Boise, I%x . 1% 10)4 In. long; 10,000 (twenty thomand) Wind Witold (Army Weisel) evokes; 6,000 (five Mouaand) flout 16 hot (barmy Wagon) i polo; 600 ( fight hundred! Army Wagon Subic 1,610 (theme hundred) Mad Wheel (Ltabehmee) 6,oltaa; .• 600 (lee Imadred) front Wked (AmtmliM 3 o @pekes; All bids to be Warmed, alehtg rod °floe aeldress, to i tt i l Army4undemlgaed. W. J1H111398, , td AN• .6 V Nlie.— _--- 4.:".. 'DIXON'S elle aCITICUMIN 111.1/XIDT TO% d.llj reports of aetco's'aLng MUM 1:10. l , rlll OM any otbar noway, at once lowa, and Imparting tone and stsangth The Idoldiere' Friend. TWAILID 01LT ST WM. F. DAVIDSON, CINCINNATI, 0 !mason lissanen dimmest . . orrim, Weshoist= It 0 , ■ lday Mt, M J IL ALL MEN WHO DENIHIG TO JOIN any paticalar Regiment of Cavalry now in tba UM. are hemby authorized to vomit toemaelms at any dm during the oast thirty days to the Board of llareismat ta tbeir relipectivs Districts. TM Board shall examine them, sad deternibm not oar amen I', the service, sad if toned to be et, Me Pr, sod Marshal of the District MAD give them trans ticket. to the general rendezvous, at tie = 1" carters of the A. Provost Marshal Owed of the Stat.. As mo m es they pressut thsmosives I; this general mammon they aball be dolt ulostat en by a mustesing and dUbarsing tear, sad sold by BIM lb* Downy alkowita by law. JAM= B. TRY, siyitlids Prirdit Maraud General. UMPITMAL DMA* erlolifis 6lgo <tad Adana Btreds, 4th7havy OEO. A. HELL T, Proprietor BPLIIILANG &OD& WATEI_I, PATMIT EMDIOIXICS, 443 Pbpdctaus precorip , lam socurctoly compound W t atncsizrre KALLPITON. FLOSIXII4 lOUTII WLSH. add vrtavoltiNo lIXTaioO7ll Mt old Was ; and artlolsi otrh so BUIPIRIVId I e DIETZ to at oomdtdog lido Yoif their forma priced. JOtiEBTOIS flamer Tosith end Smithfield etteeta. TO -kilisavrtuitas ussiasaiti—the undmiime w‘ide respectfully loath, the at. teaks' ot ell l'utnltant Nolen to 'hie PterghT SPRING BED, width Is universal kilswn hs the sdastdard Epring Bed in the utarket. 'they teak. as excellent bed.—ate cheap, heat and &Rabbi. Mao. at, ador sod tor sae by lafal 713411.L8, bs ca ed .. .n. Itairemo Block. Watch. lima NGLISH SAUCES AND KETCHUP. E a Perdue WM:l4ol s 'dr* In phda and bad pinta, Aryan,' elatsna. Jobs Bull, Sealing Han. okT, London Olab, Lambarlant and Boyd Tat& Pawn, Walnut, Ilaalar..oak and Tamale lialobnpa, la gala wbo:aaala and titan by JOBS A.111391311AW, manor Marty and'Efama arras. POTATOES... --A few MHO of the ume klod to who Icor load oerooth MAIM to *WM 1 oar load Nino. Alberni , la bbls.; Direct from Lentpot Talky, IT T.. and t 411 or ads bi jolt K. 011.1 0, 00. ___-•••••••••••••••••••••••lir rivilgtioAL Ut.ollllsls tDttrA • lb. my Wringer dint ts wtrnuttird to id,. US, I.hottoi. sod tomato thorn to tors poroluotag combos'. Ice sal• by Ws, and 4J.•H. Pa ILLIPS, jlm 11 St. Mit .t.'.t, i LSI DLA --- =BiV mil ULU I 11 ietti,--tisph .1 Estelecks, Pillows, 0004 01 .• 11 1=s. Mina% Banish BilllP. (torrrol • , yoga/ at Wait ardelo Is Us at • latI• iqtalD•pe• SI eel t• St. egi , _ ' ,- J. a i: 'loam JID MATH, OA% ALUMINA *MAO. St. LOUIS, MO. Yu la. IS= SAO 11 ° L 100 Butts manta ths Ague, for the sale of the ElMPhil MAY. Ward near Me the attention of abut and Steel llanufacturem to the analysts given aloes, ris reported by Profs. A. A. Hays, of Boston, and J.O. tooth, ofPhiladel phia, which. tamest= with the tun Of actual expert. sop by inanubMarme In Pittsburgh. Ointitineti sad to. Lords. determine, it to be the prireet and irdiet valuable Cday now known. whether Ircrelgn Or American. Pots made from It have stood in the Glen Meade tom 134 top month.. the Analyst Is of the Clay Is gams how the mine, witooat any washing or preparatba what. ever. It pommies rut sdliNftel/Min and plasticity qoalitisa. which ere sot down by the Away*, and whieh admit of the admixture of • lug, proportbso of shill or burned clay. I am now prepared to 111 mdas for the Shave play, to be snipped from St Lords or delivered ham LLEX. GORDON as 121 gioaIsiD.OTEXIIT INFANTRY, ARTILLERY AND OAVALIII T14.02/011, at 11 N ♦O 111141TAIIN BOOM, AS HUN TB The BOLDIRRIP OARIP COMPLWIO I I LNG WRITING DWI. M HUNTS. STATIONTAT POITI O LI O B D roma MK ST &EDS. si H II N T'S. inners 6T&TION11112 Powriotaoe;caly se noteSOLDIZar WORK BOl lts & Ilarri ll7 DZSI6, at H II N T'S raoroutArs •Lsuus. aim% oyis, col itis* wad prior, etth daor, from 6 0 mots 141 1 tho ohoopot ma boot to Ma city, at II II N T'S. wawa DOOM t'D•LLOD • A LIMN. far July, us HD N TB. BTATIONZST. .11 kind., at HUNTS. / Kamm Niacin:A aria. pkitrl Bair • 0 SL*UlltS. PUOTOGINAJICIO ALBtata. iuOTOGIUUIO AIBVIIEL PIICYfOGII&PRIO LIJiIMIL PIE6TOGRAPIIIO ALBUMS. Istpst, bat sad °Mips% socetliAZi la tbe edgy. at T TOOX'S, Opposite the Poet Othee auo, tar.. sevpair at 00113.1101 r 1101.1111116, POOL= 11001.11. WATAMS. ha, JOll3 W. PIT1'0137:11. Book, Itstkaery and am Depot, °warns lbw Post CLELPIII'S, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Ms. :VLFDAY &KM WIN 1141:81[11811__ LIIIDs DOTlaso; 84 DWI USRNANIBI; TAID WWII BLACK IMO; °ALUM" f 10a. 85888: IMIGHAWS, au Fk.BB NEW OA.RPET iSTORE MOM DIM GOODS, and CM? ANDUOTION IX Pito2l IIeIARLAND, COLLINS & CO., 'IL AND 78 117111 STEM Detrion dis Pot Me sal Diestaill Milloilag. W• hare pat noshed our Woke volobamd fit a eat reduttiou from prior of last hots& SOS. of proing moot estmelve sod • pleb seuertment atm ameorlpfas of goods Isk our Use, "'Wit we oar for sole at • melt nace to aft. we more 001 l Otte et flout TIDE TO TWallatl4lVll 0131 L ilt dui OIWO geOdll Ole now sailing for la it Tort sad Pliflodet• W • • gloom , jUbT (MANN% NEW CAAPETS patetsses was to ths PIMA &maim el the Lute= Markets, ROM rocolvlag th• wrest psi. ursi m suceasui sad INOBAINII, and on odds to offer • aompist. matottmont all A Carpets, Hoer Oil Clothe, 'Win& ke, With• rum Urge atop** t$ prim. OLIVER rognoci og co., 1.4 SWlMfraltre. ATTINGS, 701 1111131 wi.r•stm•duagatimplasousrffirsdp , White, Checked la ma *Os mai • glebe quality. OLIVER X'OL' TOOL & CO.. 'NTH MOM in) • ••• • r JUN 110 : I ' d • •Aliratatia *got gook r ll4lllOOlllll Niko ilid4 OR AT RETAIL. WS MADE% 699 lIIIBBELIAE6 CIDTPTIBS tam. useD:Griari. GIONADIIII VIEUX oasra , WM= 11111BONS a mimes. visor a ,paas•a OA 880111 ItATI4 IMO imam HOOP MESS% oolarrs. STOOKINGS. °LOTS% Lot s wry abisP nu. 01 L iszNs•NDKxs oatzrs. At 4 o Et. 0 1I VA 77 and 79 Market Street. CHIL&P I CHEAP I CHEAP I asw t win! 1 zisw t 59 Market Street. S A. 0 Q, ICI "Vs et ovacuLAßS , Isir. ..A. - v - Tr L. 311 a DRESS GOODS, °SNAFU' THAN JUN. =M l l l° iyinamitY ?DIN, lambi will sad 'apply thameelysi with LIMN COLL&ES, THIIIW faint, COLLARS, MO SING oAle. And ill dcsaiplions of 11011111LIIHING GOODS. Macrum & Clyde's, 78 JURIST BTUS% PrrniTllllll. Pa p ARRIVE TODAY, PARIS TRIMMINGS EASTERN PRIORS, MACRIJMI & GLTDVS, Luaiwn , CIODNTRY BTORICKNEENES AND vv ULTLIL TIMM, of eta city sod neigh borhts toms, st• zospectiollr Invited to =mum oar stook of NOTIONP, murex a GLOWS, INSBOIDNILIBP,• RIBBONS, IWO NIS, LAOS Doom'. Essko-D maw as Zits, KIM% ODIUM!, BAINBBILL ANDAS, SON UB BUTTONS, TBSNA Dd, P 8, • I And Dukvartala mall artlelis mots 112., of Impeneds Is car Wltotntale Deyertnunit, ou tbe second and tktrd deem will be found sztenttre ticadatersta et tke articles earmaratel @bore. We theta ratan s all frost 6U bolas. samtred that witkoor Imam ed lectllttee we cos ere tturs berptee In the quaUty and pekes of ow golds. D. L o. OLT DI BLILCRIIBI & GLYDE, is lugs= essurr, -141 the Duwana. i. WIWI Vatutb /IMPURE LACE SHAWLS; 111111. L• ISAWia; MINOR rum* ma owner BLAO[ 4,PAOT BMX% B.IIIITIAND BRAWL% • /ILI SiOrrink SILL 01EIUMAIIRI SILL luarram OLD= BlLCQtrifl: cuing racrumans; • 3,611110 1 BaOQl3lllll HARMS DIM/TIM At hawed prim. .$ Al. irr 3111 T o COUNTRY DBFKIIIWITS AND ELTO ISTIOUIea. AOOl. um* inmonmans, ame. inorm, 11110011116 RIICRIB, OD' J•F LS, TIM, 11081111 T. GWYN& 1111.?8TSB, isoltiP , had a toil mortowes of MALI WWII eariona. no low Woo al wish* oat•mak WIWI oarobwool olabloo who Oaf mot holooomnts so CIITT ocitnrru innioamstre, alumina N. 4 PIDDLIVIS. sad all who bin tossil spia. NIKW GOODS I Mae IMIZILMS AIM CIS RAT DRY Q.O0 DS BEMIS ?INN GOODP, J. M. Bur hfield's. 1018 . 0•113111.8wrs ; LIOB ooLLLBL GISTS, do ZOIJAPS 013118, Do. LISLE PiLlSi et lIIAILIMILLYS, ple.d and plait, LINKB CIIICES i BLOIISL LIMB; cu li COTTON& DID, for P o; PLIESISO CIABSIKLB DI KISTLICIIir JKANS . D 'rir RID% BLACK BUNK= CL TII ; VIETINGS And • full assortment of goods of every daattiptial, on handl and sailing SUPERIOR LIOuP eLludE t esbarns d Classmtaa's Slamlam sad Impsdal Ciorso4 VO do Quoin t; Do • do lairs Gore Pa beep; LoranYfidata end nitla lon•. tor or ohm sod tall Ladle. TI2T (lanoline Draped. or trzonak W t • tail line al Bra , /ley'. kid. Asap on band. SeaUti, hIAOISUIII U 0.,. I.l* Noe 11 wed ye T ag NEvr COLONS, IN BONNET RIBBON% Elegant goods of English manufacture, bought cope. dohs for retail Jima° seiou, izACILCiI • CO., SUN UMBRELLAS. —A large and chola Asamtwut of a6a AND OaNGEIAkt BUN UtIBRELLAP, at low=ot possible price., to wholesals sod total btu ors, at • -- D c. JOHN O. OREM, AND OTEBSD, ripais ooLL►sB. IrILDIIIS' DUBBING 01.1129 Birinial TOO= LID M. 11031) SOO PMCES ♦LL ooLow. Th• tzsd• mainad a. TS MAZE= WIWI= Ille•ewa Toarte sad Dlaatead. At ridsout pries. MI. GLOTIL /OD 1117101111 DILITLZIP. 21 MYTH 13TBZET. 111111CRIIIS & COy Nos. 17 AID 19 Fars armeJ Jobbansad &AO= of RID UOND PRIOSIII twori - WM WA B• gal. to imam*. issast, mil• - Cheap for Caoh. Nn.l7 171.11 •trn.t. PATJP, 61A . CT,L'U & No. 17 Slab sttort. 4 441111.1SEallEArni! THS ORLT.3II.AISD CELOIPIrsIr, t Who °Send to Oght soy mon to Lomita. awl who 11:W about otahlog a match to next the you. g giant, J Y..itUT O. toe t•o thoustkg dollars, will give ■ grand tatahttion Sn NEOZAIVE 73411,1.4 Seventh St„ On I'BIDP.Ir IVISHINO. Jute 2801,1863 Kr. OBSII will be a Waled on this OCCOLIOII by some of the that clans *skean or the arty. Sba entertsisaetat wtli coco.aae with a rigid Play of the manip art betaeete J. U. oalllll. oat JOHN ST ' Mr Doors open as 1%, pulorzoacce to *Asensio) at 8 o'clock. Itekete, lw 0 jaltSt r, srlPlTflll5Ji tsll"iLl tTr Wi— no aico S. Flizossion, 0V1211070111 Pines 01 A.Dgusion.—lertente Dozen, $5 60 ; 51n. gla mats In Prlesie Bon. $1 uo' Parsikette and Liles* Muir% 60 mute; Family 171rcL. 06 Daniel Ocilotri Einllers, 115 Denis ; Oolared Bois. 60 Denial j Gallery, 1D mum fliirtleneflt of tto 'renewer, UAIIILi OVSIANG. TON T 111.5 (Wednesday) BV ..01.113, Will to performed, for the time this seaton, the ether sethatioa drams taut from Zi:ei firaddes'a poplar novel, sagged. ..durora Floyd J0HNH._._......_.—•---.. «• ..0. TOBTiB. btrION. I. tilt P4bDA.I4I. athlth— lilß ABP. ',WILL; ALBS lag& To aoudads with tte faulting drams, written by snakes . in Uth army, tnuriod, The Two ,Brides; or, The Volunteer. u Mt MLitt, W 0 fthi Toff. Llama ........... istiltrE Labia khaftLlS. D:gamy, Mae& of Mr. QM ITY MODdLii. ilratXTEI. I £BUII WANTIiI).-M him JLA Warns, cem the Ilse of toe New U•st . le beaver Vsbey Railroad, Lswieeme tummy, IL roe per , 60 as: and prunapt tauutoly pey• . neo WaP ew te. s SI Mai ti.iitt,lSNl Ll+ 1 IS VU. t li Cost* Mal 27, 1863. msZtlaud3W WANTIW.--$6O A MONTH 1--Wd MELIA Agents and $6O • month, srp•nsrs peel, to iMH our Svorleauf tmoda, Grimed Bons•rhand theztooli other luse, weed bed curious arced.: Histrou rac• Ware !waifs,' Addrew, ostylustos • • SHAM & MARS. Warlord, Me. W l iballa).--01b • :gown/ I—/ want 10 IT tar. Agent+ M every matniy at Pe a month. expetmoll M sea my now otaap towing Manninwit AMMO', ilidaintsier Anton, Blaine. 417CIllorr satLEs. - - A D ALIN .14ATOK'S tiALF, OF bTuoi.e.—On'TUZlDkir EVLHI.t G, Ise rontb, at o'o:oob, ettll be • Ad, et, the tbronbActal Belts booms, tio.lslmweet, try ardor ot Kowa L0W10..8 , sa Sauer Jame. otamead, dec'd 1. 100 shares next of Plttab.agh 1.0 dO Leoheage ISsok ewer; . .1146 Lea be a eieltorAl3ll. Lnatrs, ITALM AALA catnap Al V —On TUIBIONV EVENING; Jane actin, al 8 o'ck•ok, will be sold, is tho llommerend Min Nowa, No. NS Sift streets Aires 11.nongdikla eaviap Vont Stock; 10 do bank of ttstabargn stock: 10 do 'People's lam. dam Go. /stock; 3J do Wotan 11111011IICO 00. Mock; 20 de Elinsonge.Dele LDIIO - 191100 Oe. Moots do ktassoneibela lidelgosson 00. !hocks Nat GeV ss& roc thBe*lNE. /soothe. E1403/011: 1.1 tioLD TOSS AT A.GOTIOP.—THUBSDAT 11108.1 - Veti, .trui 11th, at 10 o' precisely, at Ho. 6 LionoXl * street, (peer Perry Howl,) aid to sold, without nurse, as Lb> tom ny to tootoolog from 'lns - city, the sudte Household YoriVehment or new sod eupritor Halm& Puroisure,Carpece, do., comprt•hit Hero e Tip Heatro lapis, 'Li 8.10 Best Chain , ' lota Cost Arm Boraa, Spring 0.111 tot*, to hat-Zoot.Qou. rota ,abLo, Pada ...d :details T. p Torrents' Bureau, Ottacaoni, JIM Hack, Oats beat Chain, do. hackert Loge leraluot Nutoutrh Table, co., Bo l l s staid., two Broad. Lariats, 114 can co., Bolt owl wr 81140 111 00.. lbalaber AloiOng. Ball 011 Clotho Transparent Bliede, Hsu mess and ilAdiog, Mhos, Ez.chen litsHila are Bps del attention to called to tai. nab, the artists beteg in me but steer Weeks. Terse oath, gar Lunde. . ALAND act. CANVAS SHOES, • OLSVAII SHOES, SW easkit. &ad beat &Aldan; Shoo was. A lot Piot recelsol at MeIthILLIIND'a 4170710 ff ROOM HoOLLIZAND'S AUCTION HOW. MIOLXLLUND•B A 110210211 MOBIL XsOLSLLANYI3 AVOTION 1101:1811 RISUM-VSLO led 11XL= STMT. UMW MOROCCO Burros, Da. SID ELIMED Co. CONG. HISLID GAITZEO;O I If Ur. ISEE'S CAW BALKOZALB,4-2.00. CHILDUNWfi COATBODTS. BOYS' AND INTIVEI BALMOHALISI iilB5llV AND atILLDBENII CONON= GAIT= ADD DAL.II.OIIAIX Gll wd SWUM ► 6►spdodlo.dp. j H . OngT.AN n. na nkTarkwt .tree 0.6,113 , t...d.TLUAL Lai: • L LL,LA leNt. this iLattica Luton:oNi oar .t•r puulic ilego.rall. • 9.,t RO. .61.. Dow ar-,3 TIMM .VIT 0001 ?etS to th. 0 „, 6 •Or writi gt , y. h , 410 1.1410 kowlte was ih.r aLI drroded epenaL•La var 7 not wo9lo tbolr rua clue cc • 0.11. sa retar wo hors lc, oar boa boon tho.lughly trawl Our. lag the post four lean, folly 0,1.9,fi0123 :he ,Jo mod gabbro ohassotor of Lb. opin-,,L/on • ri. Druo ar 0/monkals nor Gamut° Banco umd. all these wtAicg the asilloorot a good cod collaolo loutlot. am /9/0 troll to WI and ctooolt with Jain 13. (NG, D. D./3., • Do 98 fifth tt50..31 or, Ds; 0 111N41, No 17 .n.1.101......V.r0v010r1i. - -- W at. e. W en u, -DH girl!! 21 Hr remora bli alSoi WWI °owns or MID AND /warn Stuzga: BaDaniell. co hears from aa. in. all $ m. ;IV° 0i11 1 7103 SHOSA,
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