.. ..-.. . • , ...,.. _ - '.• .......,-- -,...,.......:-........, ..... ~. -1 , - ~.. _ ___ - ' ' -. , • .....,-,:-^, .„....,..4,,,, ..... ..... E . I' .', ---- ...... R ~., i B .. z 1 - ‘ irvi.evs Jffacm.ams. viaBBA "ILK Commassiox & WILSCIDPB M illirewns, I D wirfrrytvg Okivit, I. VILIN '8 'OUTT+4, Mias , tigh -.4 ..1 4 ` .. iri if" ; mourn Palnllti. trIBOULLII HOOK 1111 4 ,4 4.1 r .F:. €4;,ort.: .:.86maltaittsta , s0 • -vortasib t • Ik4tril. aidbat. /it &lOW 'Artus duCLoga.r , WE( IWN s LiNO4I:IT, AoLar. itil riertp.4,14,.41i, uwounxim - Cc= son, lord. 81114,1 ICK{S. nee ew. J ..t.deu os, got= TIMM. Timothy. (110114 =WWI hitehi= Clerk amen moduli Ckozdjambeati. apirly No. ma 1. atH El & B. cf.I.ATICINEE LD, Qum. U Ass NoswAsszzo gAticAu n end tirboilio els desks in WINITIEBN =METZ BUMS, LARD PORK BACON FLOtr, roT AHD TRAIL Amiss, &dais mis s= AND LARD 011.1% DRUID YR and =rodeo lck Tra.3.l,staset, Csm. as P 4 8.111 PARD J COldraddlON lAss• ousts cid dooms Jzi FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODITN„ No. DO Liberty street, Pittaburgh. Ohokr Wanda of MOUT for Bakers sod Famo) •••,. dotudc.tly on hand. Parrir.ulAr att•olion pal, CLlCAr.orderrfor ilferchandic general:v. cdidl) W. aCHOWalat LA.NG, Gomeniatiox &dm fir CHIOOK RIM IOW& ,(talllN 1_13,..D0C111, .S:o) .IMOrti7.l.ll4tOw;Ait.yo.. , 71oe Oolly c vl t k i A LISD Aga lilllllllllOlOR M 110 , 7,04 101 .:134 154 . OrbabefiglDS. crinnr.bE ---W,__SOCISIVte e If OW - it**, .airoislifood:oolllo4l,,rtlib-ifti , 11(11Msiiioti; Ai.OXIIV.IO TLIMILI or LAUD OIL, .Lod Oumenswon Oflie of CRUDE r ktuD REM ELI PIPCO 1401,11511, Nos. 6V sod To. W sty 111101 IL. -'Adrozion mado_so twoilgoroiiot• 1.:41.01:594Mi1.W6".11'.':--- ,iiviricrar,fsr, t ,., oo t oeti s sor to Lino. burey: OESVILAt. - VILO - D131.1E, crommlssips ItINEWHANT. rip Oonatiptit.u. rospectfully U...asairArrausKta..tanttec. KisKPATiticis 131{uTELTitt, er (bottom to Eirort a . lima to.f MO, .4 go". 11111.3 iNKKITS,II64. 11 , 1 a4!d LlEvr_ty stroet, itiSrusi mous, i-. . I win. Oosii*tet, trrn I Part 4 ILLI.. L. C*llllll , Special Partite, AgßiNg Al tAW VI /.. , , gooootseont to :ILL wassails, Xs... &th..-, , -* EIOWII3ALS duo. WiliB, corner of Wsod sisl_Wsisr strisnah Pittsburgh, Pam's. .., . Jy3aLly VANAKOWER,VVIDUCIS • 4121,..r1:1016131072 -1.).a." M . & 01 711 - • Al SESII9. t&lk - , s en Zgll= o,o l -.LE.Miodax• asilwae. lio. 128 &mud etrok4;PWAlrpsigh. - - 11413,1,6=-t t 4..... - ..4:.:......1.5.a5.. Yam. $Ol 0 ,L ; . • . Pitliborec, eta ;Ass von. 143131Er-Itt=""(74--Witaits)+,. U (Ism= AJEWINgIaIiIIaIP.IIOIIANTS. =Mr of Smithfield ediarlilteditede.-Meeltl. rd. Jr & coutlg4o2t Wiscamers;ati &Ola larttuDElO/121VIatiklE. a_LOWIONQOI.4 011.6114.10., Jim .3141131 Lid Moot. pltiflrH ‘1071147 VFW Ala? kiliAZELTON A Witcasaila =ban. tam uwitufaos actErtudir. iblikS 434 r ,9l.l . l mi- D osio o.-114.14 suusay wbs - . •;: f _ _ rfv• blNit:' a • • Ewa 431001a8:11tiOCMIUliDt!AV.,,X111:116ZSO. 167 Wood .tsoot, qfPnIr"E;M ( PDR. Cosa illitikrit—ng"W. 011.11/1 T IF' • - Aria d 0..) :-.11110,31140 44E0 9 d 91 11:09411a1N-429/9-ZMINTW-DST 41019198; 94 tos.4 .4490119991 bease.abois • • 134 t• ..441 _ gLlCX.l3A7ol3s.l)inials Fora AIM Owl.* D1V414=6;0 1 , , 0AK8 A alisOinA No. SITU= 014,115 rssuabl , N.B.=tAAAE oodw asamiG.uacs—:4AWhinfit tiCAlor: l t ilnkßOKA 'W., Diggers .in k,=2l•Asta m ,,, 444o .Ddn to 4 , l s rms.. noosio .• • - mew EATON,4IAORTft= Whiguale rvA rt 16110WIEJI.RIXDBOIntaal4 and anarman noinas - nr mon If STAPLI Wu)" 7131111111511114_ 8 a., Ho. ;TS NNW dirt* Wows Dimond sad 'mirth. rntabaxo. • J IL BURCAMID, isooessar 10 asarou•da a 44,,, imagoe. sod Detail Dodoes to (MAILS Y outh AN DM GOODS, LOY WA wart of u sod IlLortot stmt.. sot TOON.NE. ERNS.Hhesale awl ge- GOODiLio-.Nas.l7 iaMS_ElattststneL , JW.BABABit CO., Ih•Lass lir Div uJ . Oxasi.-11e. CA Ibikl4 stmt. between TWA spil DAVGGLfiTS. OODSIDE-It WALL&Cits vniamalus osueourrik Asa a • OliWystri —13.31J1:#-;aiiiitaTit asaverr. op vaszuoa Dts now vasoorro LSD tTITI!, inn _ll2SS, oA ,- • , aIMOrjOINTIM " VO A" "NDID 4=12 'Amor DIASUiIf &wit ( =at tb s j.trt. t h illbeell4n rs=2o. oedaW gam • •• • at nu bows, &.'. moanntsioninixiiio su lot ISAD AND LlTL26l4 4 orrot at Wool esti IL amtabtlesk.:, 1 1 ----4111"411.DEODE. 01/4:1111E/Ea= DYE SWI No. 1041 M 4b444 4 3 14 ; 41_4,11544.111 roosivi prow 7.4 adU11e0 , : 4 1". . KRYISSIV . ea" Ul4O Wood 44t00t, Of Innit rind Old Ye& 413(% Pulantrik. Fa. . PRODVCE. ;;;I*-171.17;;;:;:s MKS 1113.101.1. 11_114D8LY TELFORD_ J.AAsoi. Raimi-asocisib nous Amp Pao woos DlALida, 1.117 Marty streets Pittsburg& `g, cowW. out ocinsassios one andd dolor la Stinit, 1786an4 Trance pereally, :11k WIPPIIStaII4s steed Wader, ""H•bd.wk• - (IRAS. L.- OALDWBLI4 (ntimeipor tb qv hams Zebus Ch'M) PODS raar 42 la d dal la 'Nov's:toms, • cram of ILorkat mad Stoat ataborgb. . • ) 11 , 00_ 2t ---Wsorail 4 dada. to monk asLur W3L, a J. TOWNEEEND, ( rnommoz views herummead,) Tout PACEIII AND is P 1 li6, No. 111/earth st.,asir sot, .= -4171 1 0/iJrE l 7th GECVOm _ anlsa:M LW. (tea; id7dd: diMM PlalibmiA Pa. 41.1/ babas agraMll 141 bL can will =MATO prompt, atandon. made la allmeray mad to aLL autos °am= 61. tram nail tad ponoptl • • agdy TOW :41. • limaltbilißLlA, Antis.addif. Ornaammol idea Zwall LW Mad& -147--4.14.4*.ah.eu Sid Cal& MOS at cadao, boasting, ha. la =Vitriol at Oolualda. m Intl i i i nhrnrir= AT LOr, Ito. MI last* Prat, Ave dna oboe eadaloki. Pitt' • . Tukr . • . AT B. 0. BOHOYER, Assolunns AT IV. - Vila, um 7oartli mod, Pittsbergh. BOOTH AND MOBIL - - IdAitt ndoeut otlliii = or r ag . A./7 "1.811 irmikk4 a seigi iftwrsalmossmeg, • SEWING MACHINE. woman 11114 Loroas--.—.—...—.urn. 11.1DVesium. Th. only MAIN" In th• No:id, using an CLOTH BMW Rsum, ant .110:Dsse with isrprcrrid Mum •je 'respectfully Invited to catl it our Weal sod in die %I whines to opmitiou. wren Machkswwarrantsd Ares ream Mend fore foroaLor ZV 111 . sunuituu & co., WESTERN AGENTS, Przrutraatx—do. Si /LIM MIXT Ougatsz BUILDtI96 lacruniza--Ho.l XA ONIO TIIIPLI e&usawl, WILIAAXEI & CM'S IttEBOTIDDOUBL7 RICIINAD iratledgy Sawing Machines. all ?oath drink Pittibasth• Them Iswohtiow on tom Chow totwenty dollen oltoorq :hart arty other siaddiao b to elty. •IG7 will do all kind, of wort, 51d ors warn :aid for ttxr. Tema Thcy Kea io mot - Mai alur ohnd re.n 013 ea= D.e tb .2 to wirio:oo. 000at.uUy tm and, all at heart.; Studasta Sta. , -Itt to. .4 thirket Orton. lar &MIMES. Amt.. L'" N.e B op CO '6 PIANOS shludoe PEI! of thtttlxl!44 1031114 ar °2161111 0 11111 'beyond • doubt 'Mt notet hi the eonntry. hut It now slated nopervally conceded. tor Rolm mounts putt we have not been able to 111 l ve•44if of oat ardrts. 1./M Wahl 811.1 ESS"-EX.M.BIOIt—PIANO WO arts, 'be beet chw,..r/anoe teed. Tor sale by -'olEtt SLOTTOBlZlrtddltith street, Bole Agent for HAIKTH BROTaltar FILIOd and PSI ...ohtr , WIAODEGIFE. - V) Al titi ;1. VOICCO , - a..ko ripaoas. T oases ettiSoirtog, beautiful black aslant • case; tar, Uttis ysd octave eldolosing, *Unread. and 00: 13° °I) Dori • Ord rue icatruzasut, W 0 00 • T octavo Mors a oo.rogsWoollolqrstaWars Plano, In good orhur lll OD • e. octavo BtaliWsil:Pesal, weld push hou 1,65‘, maws Mai- a 00., rosewood, mud iserarrailairahhit Plato lll3 OD Illoidaeftribirlarlog, rosewood, "wad cor- lib co . a/W. & e octave Roast, .11011 rairirod= LS OD A e octave 603.6000 i OD 00 A 6 octd".116111. • T 1 00 A*CMS MOSUL " •••••••••••••••••a . . c° C° A 41.0nese Deabash -- 50 CO • 664161 M Istool. 10 CO ID CO 41, 554 'Wow 101rok. • 15 00 • 6 _dots Tor We by /OEM U. itIILLOILI ISt al Wood stmt. STEINWAY'S PIAN 15.7rectort iserfirase,iiin 111XIII.L, at tL• Woub's Luz, Letatoa, 111(2. • inrWernintri snorter to ell Mum In envoy re., spool . new stook of du stare pato:stela& Or Bob Minty Yr nag Merle is tat Btatnwsy Plata se R. 11.11311.11.11 Ila. SI PM steset A FREER SUPPLY HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, LII! OF 811101110 NWIDIIII. No. I—Fat Form, thagestiou and Inthatmatice. NO. 11—.1tt Wotan Toter, Worth Collo, Wetttog the ed. No. s—la Clollo, 0h714 Sheathe and Wthathl- ' nem of Labidn. . - No. fl—lice lileitileh, Chaim Inhatornend Elam so Osuiplalits. Ho. 6.—For Collo, Griptsp, Breathes or Moody M Nth ax. 6--lor Cholas. Cholera Warta" Ithothint. • Na. T—Tat Magi* a Odd% Indoesuo. limo 'Mad. Nn—For Tooth-otha, Peca.ethe. Ne No. 9—lor liesdacke, Vertigo, Haat al a aMnal• of N the o.lo—;Dparopeti Prfft—Tot Week and Deranged Strtheche Othitipatton and Um Othaplatnt. No. U--lfor Vemalelrregularttios, gouty, Palatal at lle t laggrenlat Porirds. taz-rirLinentriatel.Probree Nome. Dearth& doss Noll-.Talir Ofirali Chog;l4 Bed Draothtsg. No.ll-80 Shwas Mila—Fre ltrydpetne. irks- Sion% Plaplua on.the Faze.. N0.1.6--ihoonals Pille—For Path, Lareetwe or flanteres to the ChM, Neck, Loins arldsthe. No. _ll4Mrittlitlaivolantesi Dtactuage 02:14 •0 r 1 •: 4 Erg, , a Eatker o f adults cer chil dren. No. ICl—PeOlyi limotimenoo, Wetting the 1101 No. 51—Paratat Perfeds, Wows or &playa. No. fil—Salleting at dm* of Übt Flashes. No. th—Nrdiegoi and Upson. Money gt. VIM 41—Ta me r ihrretantl non, Chill Toyer, thstub'Agee, ' Old Klemenapd *gum P—For Mu, Wad a Illeedlog. Internal or ll' m O O- -Tags, WO tie IndithetWee sad IFllidei FaMag. Weak or Blurred eight, . o—ToOmienty, of bog staadlaitir recent, althea' with obstruction sr proem W. V. •F Whondag OsagNabering Ilvdoleas. rer /semi ar klithaa—Opentmea. Waco% to bond inatabig, ottesililbda PIMP Ind lispeoto• ration. high 60 esate m sie box. for Aar Dlieggle DistirriAniairro from the Lace» malt at kariet neer, Masa oe Nee: lor Lips la the MA .liskbling atilear tug sad Maytag Me the liata sad lica , Actme. !it" 50 oats par IDOL ilrii= p 6 lll Sidab w i im"Vwxr - indna. Wairfo Caste ptr - For amoral .—P rKerma Weak. ; me, ettluir the ittemics itel4. cation r ! doh 60 amok Dropm—libili Smil tura ''Aire: ileardiy Bemettom. Prim, bro. per britr. • Ettebrate.—Doetitly Siotem Vertigo, lan. me, Iromlttit& mallieltmem Dom or etkm. Pro, SO orate Par NM • Per Warp Usearea.—Tor Gravel, Dotal Camealt, lAttPalatal Velilia o liliyitimeree of Dee libbirra Mate roe Mum isWom--11svetsuatary Dieobargme sad Coosecasal Pregnant *mil Debilit TIM mod mmarmad sal salmi to kaowo. ay. wl may ba relied oyes aa a arm Pritm,lll per boa. 201) Apat Ix IM Wsdern Country WILL "' Am Limn lasurrnox. UMW" DT all WOWM a.ramiqhl,l ar a x i f e g r a ll t Arra s itrillr % a i l ° " ur moo I UK mum WIJUg t Attowl • SAM_ 001•11103W2 raorrrenkt nirourou, to lbeheatat, Wanes, act% aid en Owe whom SSW or hitless ere sekell. It elm' esssesie Itself to Itteeutem Attadaletars, 031, Wm, Ape% voluntary loolethe cc Amoodaties• es=et AU einem et the tete d 1111. PIZ (num per Oa— Ils told op, depot% 'Mat, It not inswa, be Owed to the met of the depodta ea the fret ileled Nig sad Merstaber, sad thorns, Ott e pdati use Wend as tbi pL AS Udi :Me vOl dad& th kr aim - Mobs IWO. Lemma oesseece oft ell dawdle the Pm u 4 APNEA due al the isasth ease , pea depoelte en es alertetrily.Lote, 6:4 faxahhe el es ilpplketloll Si UMP,•,,h S. RIDDLE & 00., SDITORB AND PROPRIETORat Publication Office No. 81 Fifth Street. HOBHINO AHD ZTZNIRO IDITZONB, DA11.14 OONTAINING TUX LATIIST RIMS UP TO TKO HOUR 07 PITRLICILTION. I.'r=7=ITI7F77;"MIM I Impravemints. Eirwroa. HIINPICILETB snout° Fos lUi PlO Pll. Amu str=mm JONI4ArisT O2 . Nos. 67 Ass) 69 Purim Brun, h...“Lho spins.'2._ ,' r.«Nouisir-w. 11. 00113WID. i l ninirkin, am VI" IL 86 , 114. - .-.1141-4L-Tia --.0.1, Loom & . • .- O. Gelliliey. W. ii• 0 am 026 bad, • Josob Pateitir alcasialramiely. Ins. rata. Icimorr ad ftwordp.a. IL GILIIIIM. ' Raw= arilarirt pitisbargh 6auttil. NEW TERNI.O OF THE COLZETTE, Moan* Ifirriol, by matt, ger year—....llB 00. 111 wroth— TO. 14 week-- IL 14 . Anita eapies----. 0. liviorraa Lamm by um% Per. year—. 60. 44 month— 68. week-- 10. w single L I Withth Zorrioi,elngle copies, per year.. 9 06. oltthe of to 10, w 160 . w date of 10 or more .. 165. --and one extra to the Party muting club. for • Club of Mean, we will Mad the Vionao GANITTII deny. raw • dab 'of twenty, .we will end the Wixom Cleat= dilly. Single ooples, 6 cents. DTAII eaberrlettento evkay f• advance, and papers always flopped when the thee neptnea. Oar Southwestern Border. The news from Gan. Room', given In our special dbpatchis train Washington te-day, is by no means demisted to inspire oonlaenoe in our own security. We think it Indicates that Lee's forces are moving . rapidly WOO , ward ; and that he will be able to tail; np a formidable position in the Shenandoah Val ley, guarding the Gaps leading Into the same against ROOKIE. so that the latter will have to approach by the Potomac, in order to find an assailable point to attack his adversary. We are Informed that HOOK!' is advenclig rapidly, in light marching order, to intercept Lim; but from the admissions made by the correspondents themselves, we Mould see reason to Infer that there an be no hope en tertained of Bootle being able to . prevent Lo from entirlng the Shenandoah Valley unscathed, and without fighting a battle east of the Blue Ridge. If so, we may look ant ler invasion by heavy forces of rebels. The news from Brod erick, Maryland, MoConnellsburg, Pennsyl vania, and several other quarters, indicate the same thins. Under these cirmaistanoes, our people can not arm too quickly, if del I. prepared ia time to miter the danger eo olcusifeeily ulna [ see. We may perhaps now,—(thaaks to the en ergy and public spirit of our manufaetturers, and indeed of almost all classes of our people, for almost all have done what they could to meet the great emergency )—regatd Sam ci ties as tolerably swum, environs:li as they are by strong fortifications; but the country south and west of 1111 lsexposed to the enemy. West Virginia is in danger, and we owe it as much to ourselves as to the people of that lit tle, and coarparstivaly weak, State to go to their risen,. So long as they are safe, we am sate; but if we suffer the rebels to get a strong position In that State, it. would be ruinous to southwestern Pennsylvania. We must not-- we cannot afford to have the rebels get foothold again in Western Virginia, so that they Gould operate thence on oar borders, and by cavalry raids actually bring us into the condition of a "state of siege." Copperhead's= in Obio...Fruits V allandiglians" Teachings... Armed Resistance to the Enrollment— Prompt Action of Goy. Tod. etc. The Cleveland Halstd, of the 18th Inst., Ono the fallowing =Weida= of the armed nalstanos to the enrollment in wren" oonn am in Ohio, of old° we bare already publish ed Lome brief advice' by - telegraph. The fruits of the disloyal and treasonable teaph lege of the rebel-missionary and oopperhjad "martyr," Vallendigham, are already ripe hi many planes On the 13th of Joss the Deputy Marshalat Wooster wrote to the Unitod Blame Dlautin Attormoy, D. P. Paine, detailing the trouble in Holmes county In relation to the draft, and regiustlng him to oubposas witnessesld procruse Indictments immediately s gainotli so abusing the enrolling officers and Nola g Captain Drake, the Provost Marshal of r,t, rain, Medina, Wagner and Nolan ootintlis. It wee thought that those men wouldbo not not ',- slat sashostry... The Oland Jary tug ti 'Hagan; Itsishal BM 'sad United States Commandos*/ D. Whits wont to Wooster lon the I.3th of Jon*. On illondag. the 15tlie they lammed from Captain Drake that Riles Robison enrellibit offerer s bad been stoned out of likkend town. ship os the 6th Jame ay, a party of .men, iof whom the names of four were known. Gait. Drake, with a posse of men, went to Napo- leon, a rlilap . te Rio:Wand teleasblp, to er rest the fear men. They found them In the upper story of • hoses and armed. They re fused to surrenders, .saying they would riot consent to be takieneliy sanitary authority sad Wed by eoustemsecial. Oa being assured that they would be sent to Cleveland mid triad in the United Buites Court they at once .pv• up, and the pirt: itartad!los Woos*. LITIMPTILD 1.1301711. Ths . p had , proceeded but a little distance when a woman gave them notice that a party of armed men was ahead which would at tainly murder the album. Tharouprat one f the pristmers said he pruned the news ,w ..tra, for be..selooped- to a spree eosiev •esbre. bandare:wirerraora. So Irlett, go oseerirer i arra% nod said pennaran ago akar a aphis masker. .-.docordtagly be Me United Eliabx Deputy WOW Anderion WI the *gat aik4 went ..os. They, net as patty &Mama or twenty and , Oretten: the prisoner? explalaing , to theta that they was to be haat over to tho civil - atithaity for trial, adthat they wen volantorby gob! gb►atNd,, the ormod men were sada ana diaracen6 , .Seeping on for about this. mike, they most - alma alma parties, who was also satisfied and disappeared. IficatgateMUD. ID at LIVID Thlaklag lame& over, thoy waited Air the wagons tg" cobs up, and intim aboard stated on. -51ol1g, about. halt a mile, and lioaringbhontlag la the rear, they- found o* looking beak,. party of one hundred and fifty amid mss La hot pursuit. Tho ls 5 • 12111 1 alb adored the Pponers from thn wagons. They took revoiren from lOUs CAM% and after dbolarglagratruset them. ihureunalng Capt. Drake with twenty dila pointed at his breast, they ' d's:untied that 4 should rosigAlliCollios, that ha should prom, ise never to come again into their town, he r l do., en pain of instant deith. To :Wei which he replied, thatPa compile:toe yould be diet honorable; Quit anether would be appointed, If yen wish to madame jonlarre it in your power." They then demanded ids revolver! The Captain promptly replied: AlYou shall not have it. I wIU hill the Ant man who attempt , to take it.", • The °Soars were thin let go. On the) 12th and 13th inst. the carolling Mare wee driven out of other ton:lsl4s in 'Salmis aunty: ,anascr or 115(10 oorrnstuns. Marshal Bill, on obtaining the names of the , rescuers, returned to Cleveland, laving Com mbsioner White to bane warrants for them, On Monday, the 15th, after the. Marshal two men, one of. whom bad been in Napoleon on Saturday, and-one on Sunday, Uhl and 14th, brought authentic new to this affect: that about one thossaad sea were is oasfsboss Napalm wilt *, tt aimed with ofwinif revolvers. That they had come from obies, Knox, Ooshostion,Sununit and other oountiss; two or three were from' the Slate of Indium; that the were being orpnbed Into amps. ales end drilling. Provisions was eoming In by the wave load. Yuloughs were Wag cartel. • Pickets wen thrown out . direetiou. Signal guns Were placed, which, in twd itotire . time. would increase this force to fifteen - hundred men. All were breathing de ism* %the ' Government. • ' I Two , nion men in the neighborhood been giarmed. One Getman, for mks ng to Join. there, had been taken from hie h e, a rope thimen over a limb , to hang hint, and he was only saved by the tasks and entreaties of his wife and children. :Tinder these in stances prompt mesoures were deeme d moss sary to suppress the insurgents. Ob min. sioner White went to Columbus on g Imlay evening,bnd reported the feat to Col. P rrot, Provost Marshal of the State, who promptly, on Tuesday night, dispatched a body of troops to that:girded diet:dot:: ' ' grown ACITOS 'OF GOY. ' PrevioDS to the departure of-the Mons, Gccernorlod addressed the following letter to oonimandant : 1 t Tan grits or Otuo, Exacrarrva Dr 1. ' resmesur, Cooonsun, June 1863 . /., Brigadier Omer& Mater, Present: 1. ___ Learning that yon are about to sendlOsili tary foree to Holmes Malay, for the poirgore of arresting a body of armed :men who are them assembled to resist the emotion 9f the laws of the United BMWs, I have to request that before `litlng • upon the party •yo sand forward under a flag of Unto thienelo ap peal or proclamation I lave made to em;, and if, In obedience to my sdneenitio r the , party stall promptly ' Offer to disperiee that yen permit them to do es. Of course Ido not wish in the slightest degree to Interfere with tie performance of any military ditty Oni nittted to any of your °goers before this as-, semblage took plea. , Should the rioters tefouf to give obedience to my repeal, then *hoar them so quarter whatever. I ' Iteepeetfully yours, , Dem TODD, Governor. ...THU grata Or 01110, Re :MIT* DIAPALTS tikr } COLCINUII, 'Ono 16th, 18t.3. ,.. " •To the men who are note ossenatisd ly for the putpose of minfilemnd fora in raw die ererei4in of tbs law ITO , ' Itiblisiata Cietierandust. l ".1 have heard, with pan end mortillmtibn, of g o ta7o ‘ er ' srril:t i t yoti"%uwbel"mfros'r±tfe Met of law and order ea will as the ere,r tend of yourbolves and your families. I colt upon you to at once (*lune and return to your quiet homes. ".Thls order wit. be immediately oomplkd With, or the conssonences to yourselves will be destructive in the extreme. . .The government, loth of the State awl nation, most and shall he maintained. " .Do not indallethe belief fora moment that there is not a power at hand to miroixtl obedience to what I now requitb of yew Time carmot bo given yen for schemes or manlOnattens of any kind whatever . "'I have felt it coy duty to give you this timely warning; and, having done my duty, sincerely cps you will do run Da= Ton, Governor..." The Latellf/111112 a t eavalry Fight at Captain IL A. Paul, in • letter to the New York Ness, gives a spirited account of the cavalry fight on e T ednesday between Gregg and Blue: . The advance 6krneral Gregg's cavalry command reached Aldie, Va.,at 2 p. m. on Wednesday, what live brigees of the enemy, commanded by General Smut to person, Were found in p After three hours' lard fighting they wire homed to retire. :The fight, while It lasted, was one of the eherpelt that has occurred during the war, and, es • consequence, the less of of6oers and men on both sides to very bistro. The enemy!' pickets were first' ' emieitztored • little Base of thi village by compailicie end M, of the 2/ New York (Hani. Lijiht) cavalry, under the: nommarod of Lieut. Dan Whittaker • and Weri by them driven through the town bunk to a ridge of hills half a mile to the West, extending emit from the Mid dleburg and Erilatirs Gap rood, whore' l the rebel force was Ia position ready for action. The admire brigade, under Gen. Kilpstriak, immediately mosedittrotigt oto Illatirty edge of the town. The let Maine, Colonel Douty, was sent to a point half a all. to ;the left, and the 4th New York, Vol. Cesnotai to the right, to support • section of Andrews's battery placid on a rise of ground North of the Snicker's Gap road. The enemy at, this time occupied the hill, es before stated, where they had four guns in position ; • line of I - their aklrmithers occupied a lance on the Eastern slope, and a - long ditch, just in tient of which were hen • dozen stacks of hayedl thus commanding both Middleburg I Bolster's Gap roads. When the exact position of the enemy had been ascertained by drawing their the, ' Kilpatrick rode op to the 3d New York (6ar rls Light), and ordered them to ; eery lite the valley and emenwthe ley stacke—the ditch or ravine at the rear of this position had 1 not ban been disooreted. Conapanirs U and M, accompanied by Lieutenants Whittaker, I Raymond, Nielson, Ilawan and Abaft, moved off down the Middleburg read, the fun to the right was quickly thrown down, and with • dash, this forlorn hope miskedorp to the hay stooks. This was Ailed wttb 1401 cavalry—many of them armed with rides. Captain Debut, with Lieutaaants Mattison and Shafer, and Company K, pushed up Ant medlstaly to the support at thesetompautss, lf, I, D and G, went to the right tine the lik er's Gap road pleoe, toned to the laft, moss. el the field, and mooned the sane of emitH4t in time to take au active pert. The content for twenty minutes at this point was about es spirited • scene as is often wit nested on • tattle field. The 6th Ohio, MN. I Steadman, was not up the road to the halite support the Harris Light, whenthe whet* command, with the Major at tta head, duffe d into the fight just in time to decide .- the Mi i equal contest. Th. estate were forced ito abandon their petiole, and all who were not killed or captured fled precipitately; hp the hill. They midi a Short stand' behind the kook whoa • dash from a battalion of the 4th New York, celled in front its wittiest behlid the battery, tigether with the other reginnits already named, drove them pell.niell over the hill. The Ist MMus, at about this, time, wits called In from the left, and with the lot Mo.; saobneetto, stationed on the Snicker's .G h p road, to • position held by the Id battalion of the 4th New York. , • • , • The rebels, at this tins, °barged down the same road and drone bum them • needron, when Gen. Kilpatrick ordered Abe Ist Akan., Vol. Donty, let fdassaohnsetti, eel. Curtis, and a battalion of thi 4th New York under Col. Comets, to charge up the rod. amoinpaeled by of the let Maine, and Capt. Costar, of lie Pleasanton's staff, went to the front and upon' the troops to follow. The whole e nuns made a dash up the road In the face of a terrible Are from carbines, rifles and manta, sweeping elerriking before them. This gaily ended the .Aght. The rebels, after la little more skirmishing, fell bask, and Cdr forces to-night occupy their position. Col: Cowls was under wrest at the coot meneement of the action, but set such • ire - bait example to hie men, by . leading the Arst °huge without his sword, that upon retard ing to the road, Gen. KUpattiok released from arrest, and ppiaad upon him hie ow sword. He altar !Participated in casettege 'with the 'lst lininedct n ot sad 4th Neer York, and has not bed see* abbe. A sergeant of the regiment ' setts that he saw the Colonel I fall, and is s that he was killed, and some of the re prisoners soak= this reports —Bet the me of his &stk. is not genuaNy benne& .1 this charge eat. ,Ulipstrisk as horse sio from under Moir and Col. polity; of the firs Maine, was killed. Two shots 'track hint-4 probably at about the lame time. 'The lit Meesschuutts captured 'the battle-lag of the 4th Vlrglalo WWI- • Mote .thew 10,0,0soners 4111thuleti Wombs* prise:o o h of the tat, 3d, 4th an , bth Virginia Cavalry. They , say they were under the commead of Gen. Stuart. Amon the prbonws steals oolong!, three major, an • lot of line The major and -sixty - men, who wen .stationed behind the la s tub, werenal ti lainaPtared; The maJorl considered his liwspieelwb mk be-1 thobs that ter7, o h ms , upen . ehe plaeeowept 'as the whole; field trailey three Una of Eons. The westin OfJbes Ore gg'coommand Waal entirely enespeg otelby the =We. etustt hid wind thee yet enriferowl musk bto land—herieg-matehed” miles this moraine: and ora tios to .tek en the roadside II the' sinning. regigantr-bat - entered' tilte town, and kikpreesed into the lento. the. blacksmith bob to, .14 honk and, whew air edema 'ireard 10.1Wea404 wwe May implied &Wig dr441., YRy '.tles re t a : Til 14.1141riail orth m.alLtt IS Ro solimpaskft;WathOw , -- • A Tag OCININDIIILLTI 13111111.0. Ewell's position what it may, if ha to in Maryland at all, and contemplates a t rlit e into for Pennsylvania, ha will probably s Gettysburg, and theme to York, for ilia to personally perfectly familiar with that nem try, and knows every foot of ground, r in the early days of railroads sun ad a route fora railroad from the town of PT ills villa on the Susquehanna rim, through York and Adams counties, to Gettysinul.— Mole. Pulsar:ow% Wxr or Proarrso.—A <loop), of days after the fight at Beverly Out. Blear aston's oor mud mato i requisition for tirsoti grind-stooos with 'whisk to Ora op/ their Woos. This issipasitirs foot, sad illustrates vary pointedly tho nature of the *utast. Hand-tirland it Wet la earnest. , . . AXICILIII VOX PLIMITIVAXIX AND Mann r.airor—Tounease trains of utlllo7 Owed. along Tennryiraitia avenue, WashinOt, on Tnesday night, for the lining of bailie opera tions If t h e North. SVBITIII LIM OP ArPLIOATIONEI FOB BILLING LIQUOR% Ned baths Malec Otlkie apt "June 10th,11301 t . . _' Kamen V. &ousting bores,lst ward, Pittatimet; Immor Davideed, - do, do, dco Watson IL D., "tom ,- do, dcg Visa Tratleelok, • do, dcr, .. Bawdy Isaiah do,- ' do, do; Kloppmein Daniel, do, do, do; Bodnar J. 8., ; 'do, do, dm ' themes Miab, do s . do. do, ILKlollidrites, do, do, der, ~ • 'Plokhoulls W. J.,.. do, . do, -Madison Daniel, do. do, Boodle V- - • do, 'AI ward, Pittsburgh; Boodle gtopheds, do, - do, do; Mama Wm., eating • Mow do, do; , 1 - Nawigpn B. di Ciao:Ober goods,do, do; ' -War-disarm - . , do, -• do, -do; VCIIIIMiII J. 8., do, 3d ward, Pittsburgh; Gibsonllm, sating home, do, dio; . Kellam= Fronde. - do. do, do; ,MoStay . Bernard, tavern, do, do; 1 Wolff Slim • do, 4th ward, Pittahrogh; Marron Ntstbeth,do, do, do; McOullomh Jan other gooda, do, do; Myers It H. it Oci., do, do, do; rb iLlhostl. li., do, do. Bice Joseph, eating berm, sth ward, littanugh; Bonito Nary Ann, do, do, do; l'ox 'ha •b tavern, do, -do; Williams P., . do, de, do; Weber Henry J., do, do, do; Lang Dlieha -I, do. do, do; . Felix F. Neon, other geode, do, dm Kane F. A H., do, do, do; Amon John, tavern Bth ward, Pittsburgh; Vogel John, eatiog hoar, 7th ward, Pittsburgh; lianddan Owen, other rods, do, do'- Mallen-Gotharhos, do, de, do; =wards Hobert, Warn, oth ward, littablugh; -Nethese, - Muderfek, •do do, do; O'Connor Andrew. other , geods, • do, do; 011areiltary. db. do, do; MO= Shame m, , tavern. nth ward o, d , Ilthi o;y beryle; Ballets la de, d Boeleatlr Thomas, 7f do, dot Mesa Nazis, do, tot Ward, Altai:may; Grant Felix, do, do, do: liaindas J. N.. do. do. do; - Fmlaindar Ohm., do, 11.1 ward, Aliagneny; B' David, do, do, do: Br- IMMO, eat'[ home, id ward, Admillony; lffelaia 3 :, . ells goods, do do; Rees 1. - : - . tavern. do, do; 'Portallaium do, do. dm Starialreg 0.. other goioda, 4th wad, AfferMui; Robanback Henry, do, do. do; Conaolly Jan, eating hones, do, do; Barter nasal, do, do, do; Smith Ill's, . tavern, do, do; Weber Llama* do, do, do; - Handel Barmen, dm do, do; McOloaey Oorneitu,do, do, do; Mather Jana. do, dv, do; Boom, Whoilhad, do, . do, do; rand Philip, d,, Birmingham: Irtsioah Fradli.. do. ' Hillattabd Peter, • do, Itutllnuthgbani; holing Jos. A Cli., oh,r good., do. Ibbeicsato F.. - do, d0:..,_ , - Burrows George, tamm, 11=rosr, _, _ - - - silt John, do, Lawrenceville; Glynn, _Margaret, sating hem, do; Froelkh lilecoge, Mears, Isneti dm estar; !bo!portTalactine, l 3r., do, m i II IlarjUlli, . do, Nonongshale; , i 1 Jul g. Henry,. calls' house. Noliempan; Linda J., other goods, do; Jo lpinvorph, warn 8 - do; Frank, ether goods, South Pittsburgh; Rang dotard, torero, do; hello KkINO. °Hoe. goods Wes. Pittsburgh; Mate John, Jr., amino hale, do; Meta Benj., tavern, do; VarGloe 11• whist, do Tarentnam Bendier John, do', Temperandevllle; Shaffer John, do, do; Rushee Mary. eating home, do; /, tavern, Elisabeth; Taal Wm., do, Baldwin tp; Gamier Joe.. do, OdUns 1p; lease Robinson, dm Iffarelts/1 Mita. do . rwsur tp; Jarrett G.G. do, south Fayette tp; , Odes James 8., do . Bath Fayette tp, White James, do, Plimpton tp; Bengt Boni, do, Harrison tp; Thomas George F., do, Indiana tp; Powea • Margaret, do, do. Millar Andrew, do, do; Hartman John, do. WOW , * 44 Lantr Joon; sating base; Lower It. ear tp; Schaffer Wattin. do, Sillitser George, tavern, do; ' . Mather Mamas, do, do; Yocum William, do, do; Roitenhaoesr F., do; Pitt tp; Belts George, dm do; Motor J., do, VIII= tp; Murphy John, do,Penn tp. Vigra= Jaime, do, ' Problts tp; Ram Istweed, eating hood', 11.111111 tp; Davie Thomas, tamers, Richland tp; Duffy Paula. dm Wools.= tp; _ Gelber 0... do, Shaw tp; stiller Chati.•. do,do; Winched Lorentz, -do, do; , Ands/sot Wm.. do, Boat tp; I- lantintm Jew.; do, Final p; litOoMl W. L.: de - Plum tp,• Miler Waal; do, Patton tp; eel-lament Peter, do,*Rhine tp; The Court will meat on WIDNIIDAY, July Ist, 14013, at lOW-Clock a. no. Ramonstrances must bo Shed on or before that day. Applicants will bang their Bonds to my aim Was the day of I.lccid W. A. BElti la tt OWN. ! BA3 C URAIQ I!fflf=tl ; ... • AbLINIZINY CITY. lamp coaatantly on band a lam sad tbolgqi sesaortW..otialtof Naar/16.80M MD H Ni t , ri.aat •11111Dtl - w Main mar, Walla's: HUB 4 LH, JOI S T & HPOHIIIRI LAT) ri., LILT as. z . ordon r tor. sairink Imre' Irtiai oroui 'ma at fair taloa. N. PIM= wanting LONG TIYGNB or FOP. LAB, partitalstly Witold to ma:Gar Ws atadt: tr oti Oita ta sTv.urr, .1.7 irAhhien• Ma , AI .., •: r.t.7. - • R: Diaw titillol INALSI4I% —Nandilistandtes the 'amyl's of Yuba • vendf.rs• who asiMe M 'ha ••••• of Ore RUIBL&J PUN.' SPECTACLE!! • 4 A2ll teozleing daily Me srliresuticHilsrszaurteol'oar. citizens. 411 lba brzsicol, is to szszillte &Module lipsotzeies; then all sad ezzintos the SMUT YBBBLB oats. Tor NM by . " : J. Dl/010111D.ftiodal,OPUciall, teshellirtr 01 the Bud= I",b?eltpeeteeki, If.- FROM-TIM KUADA .. : OI ' • Mie—Tkie =airtime 4 :now k ill t&MI sedgreate fro. oar vast a WA sr 8011,54.01th5t lir model hat ttn at il Stassers, Whim' the asaisigth striasesll I 114111111611,” sr fill atm itaityg Y the lows tisa tkatipts ow tosszzobtottforstaidilM Pittstparsti. Ito staasses Issys WadviiWks, tosslibui aS Losslanderry Ile The saLllsig moil Ism Ltltermgrterlimarj ' Addrage, rscoquum. isroposn Ain Chrsaitis Salldlag. O kntrie i EITONI42IIIi, ~• li r . .. • ualtusktrunizus wins' woss, t , Hoe elms in Woad wit maw t•O order 1102/AID MIAMI BOHM WNW CLOTH ; amm Yo! a kthia v SIDDM;:i rogvan_ yin ery WOIX 101 WILSOONO.; autism lIMIONTAL WllOl WO I; Wl' Molowato., sigs, of iff BRIOK 114. N. trnontatitio l l. • ' rnovisigc,.. %mil& be adna T...• isorooke.lo. ' 82 0 22 '. pa. tksorr: r p— -61916191AlitolnULUCIREALWW11111. • 03 4 0 "1 23: SP 114#101. -, , _ z!.. . a. II ',Mb aka" ' ii0 . 470* -, .. •:, ~, . ~.C;:i..451,!! °LLB, Jrc. WALES, WETMORE & W., CO2I4O!dISSION ATICR.C33.A.I.7TS. sairestus OF PICTROLICCIA, 113 LIM'S LANE NEW YOWL. Mr Ample facilities for . BTOILLOZ & D SHIP Ylito, at Asti yard aad.witLrl,Atzo Hoot Rpout & owls, comakor xaBosa T 4• Amt lhatorein PETROLEUM .LSD TlB .1.110D1301191, one, OAUDLIE,..*4 61 SWAB szeuerr.—......--...einv Tom 159 SAND 818EZT—.......----.PrrrisOLL33. - Wlrigts Su the PORTLAND EBBAWLWB 011*. WOB WSW YORK PLILLTITOVOLIIDL I 001 LP . Aka. , w. A. tmeertnaii, kgea, rilic WEIN need, Oatot tie enibarrsiontst , the ostarogoont tholtulk, °raki , :mei 'whelk tap oartaimb tae, on buteud 1130 . ShiPPai Intheit 04-WhSTIM4 0 2,10 P: MOTt prompt, mitt Lei trosiple and M !mum iczara,oik YitaD,„ SIA 9111.11,Sherkp Palley .1/Alliotel. *ban Lairtencer vllle, where 011 'ls pumped trout the hoetedtest to U. We, ent p ati to , any - polltS Since "et, theta MI ot reektPestre ... • All action attended US. 9191POStent Yard.= Otis= PIIONIDIIC It. B. Post Oftioe addreet, PDX 902, Pltttbotigb i of 1 Anus be men dolly at the Oil Methane. • 1 e. 22 DAVID EIS'S. pON CITY OIL WOILE.S. LYDAY GEORPENNIRG, lisoufactraero Ond itefloOnf of CARBON OIL, BICZIZINE AND LIIBILIOATII6I °BUDA PXTBOI..BIIM igriiraski, °malt* Littarpobarg. 00los In NUM BLOOM., Dag - Emmy Wsy, RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., COBlillitioll and Yorwiuding fferekants CRUDE BOOED ' fIiTROLE!SI, Hs. 19 IBWIII STBRlT,Pmestus. P 1 - Liberal, WE EDWINA on cowling:net:lto for Ittsbazgh or Liter* Merketa. 1/lIMSEIIIAII aIr.WOOU Yews. J. BADisorowni B Go.; STUNO= adIALVILU. Vaoltrooli Bus.d6q., Pros% Commercial Beak .5a410:613; ROBEAT eitiuWoittn, bo. 1 - at. CLAIII BTIMILT, Pittsburg"h. Forwarding & CommissionNerohant AND DEALER IN OiLS. ILLIMILLTIAG; 011.131374 PATAIOLZUN 0110, 8.3., conniantls an tend , snd kerb lathe krirest.ran!ket Gruninnswis •, . Gam. w. nossisnir* * .suutai nomissur. iIirOODVILIX OIL lIEFIAIRBY,. 'GEORGE W. gouvBBlp4. , mustrtiortunis or .11171111HIGIOLL AND OIL,; Loop ao _natant!, OW hand the Jars bast quality of HIIHNING . fly and arltkontodar, also, a good LIIISIOATO II , pen WHITE lIISIZOLE and'Odlt GRAMM Wlrital gams left at No. gz Puma wraurr, Bank Mock, tit kosor, will be promptly *Winded to. ocendtl LuopiT OIL VVOitlid, D 1111041.24 DIPSILAY it 00., euu WHIT, 1/11FIHYD 0131010 H 01349. Olimite.o l LiberWsb"gt WOO LEWIN, OM Of 1TT11,04 WV& railiONLA. Ordeis loft at Halmos tOS*, al nor at Mutat and Vint arm% will Rah! Prewiri aunties. DIAMOND oth WOl Y 40A di,BMITH, gignotip t s AND : 011.11891i A 44 ; I;lpatoatrat an, in tits otatkon aigrOtitita fan at ttia . br atm. No. di MASK= lITSJIZT. mat Unit works In Lairreneeetlis, sllkto nattattended to. _ ata" OF 0213 Di OIL. JACO* MOB • owisouraoth xunrrurrous ruse I MP0*11110!1 1121113!.1 Aim ' , mouton &usciulange Ompaelliv inn t.r wows REMO # GRAFF, 'Prbprittors. iimans4da Lbiass o , etumbirtzb. QTORAGE FOR REFINED OiL—The IV attention of att. motead *them hi tailed to the Otat Itiagrft"tbus sterse,,oool sad dty taal it Ob : for ! 4 ", IDS 1 1 01 8 1 fiwo .113 . Thellteeste Wo sad St. Clair meet. Bi,EDFOB.I) SPRI NGS `- -. t ' . ' •' - • - • .11611=4.!"'Jrn a ' PIPPO lall be Weed ter tie ecceee ' bt *tom= the - ters IR JULN 111111T,'still itillbilotA epee until Ist' OLOctober.. 1 Ale.i. Picot mu totharsebt 4 0gruacid , s. nut been made i i :Abe isms eeety.ergeseepost hr L tl r =tlre ietbdiotteleto mote. ' ' • nd -satio.dinit -bwiculaieri hi i :. am. to Mbrent ktintejltatios. de ens oistakalt sibs brio( Ilbtterd. isti troigt_thstmda; comagne VIII 'be Omitted to' tbe 00,0 be pet clew ttectte eked' ' Ample artsete Writ ben able to eoPPIP &aloe wetU'oete .1ettat..1144.190 elandant betke:it tbelbllowlai Mee, ec fir . t yob hen b01(nateia10t,....,.....ar..;.,..3,1034..—......43- u 000; . . Poet I CI . MU ) )0 , 'in i irws to - L I lla h 11,11059. 2.4 ad. looippety Wel sad better'lect'Ao turf part 44 Wm otestelesJie ilt le Chet , partlecter dtiel ' Weil altoeld be &hes IbrAssekistit bernls... -. ' . . . u Pereele *letting roole:or ebfittexteetleiocittoir big_ ___...ette Sotto, will Owe eiterelei "Palk PT PW.LI'Ut OP ANDIVIID PPILLIMIL . - •''' ' Wsw GOODS.—arattptllk'riltatne4 boa as Motor* biro noir fit "Oki extent Aro imortswest of soros ad desinkbli, - d . Making tie sm6ll4ivittitiitiel lgtBM aatunnurrnmv, Gums ainair !InoPtit,s oftiotehriamsor cab, at, %Pc tonna yaw anturoessiiita. I WinlineatP,NOr * II: ;-4;to A. UM &hi limit Am basteriala' 'eltrieret . die firm to MI; qllOl/ DOLL.:Ibo PottiotobiP to tag elbot T sia V e r 011 '.bastagisyl!) ao, oarporloa, bribi ' ' as bast4fort. '111n!ii.41414-. Sa. ao lIYTH BT W. - wing Jusuriir imam -aminif J. ain.z. maw; WO". PPIA sTejot.ikrbousi did --. • • • - lama S•w: eirMler.:o4lllff dt timitkagat strata. v -- Ja • a, r—••• - - - usisaikr., & 00.; Clitliandicet * Litourti sektlassie!ststotkrtw; •-•+ " - • .sve PSIIIIIO 01 .013" 14 pl 4. • oaf la mai maul Ix ale le smut di.„,„o":sulabottiarrthelowit sizza LXXV.1.."TN . Q:,1..... 189 6' .miscEraatrwirpirs CARDS. DUQUESNE BWS WOESS. cent er ORAMOILD, • Bakes woax - wow n • anssus. BTICAN 01 Gal3-TITTIDWAL&OH IT LNILMI, AND 00i44112811Hia BRASS amernias,47in desertpuons, made to order. erseirsorevlVOlLl4l3llLlM 01,9 PITTERO, owl ynataptly attended to. Partlcula; attention lan to littbol E se ntriziz• RIL3 itta.-Cgig...42,0..0&1330.11 0 Mao, Sole Agents nat.aba Worn= Mitaiet of Penn oylvatha no Ant, oak A- of likrlol,' IikObDILL 00.`d P•TgliT SIPHON. PIMP. the bent Our Invented: Haring no - values, it to not liable to got . out or older. mod orill Shwa more water than any pomp of inks it dos. spin . .D. BARBOTEP., Cbrasqf Prattt:sd ami3tim-Benwt., GINZISALL COMMlBEllo2l.llllololiallia, andligenia for like sale of DllPOtirti llTitiroW - DIM AND !mirror Tug. - swilre oD oonsigaineat all kinds of yealai. Pra dam . and Ida& atrahowtheroott. N. B.—Ballraa MEM d ;mak front oi.Watibtauo. _ TO a Co., Patiaamaa t' • Miler 4 Ricaotamt a Ilpermiir iairisra,'.' alp /Thip_bagd. , Nesoblais' Zaa. liallaoaro • ill. ail roof &sum: And dealers In Prrrovaatc, thiabctocers of PnMMBIQUGH,Pi ,isms imanra al BEINIE Boars ;AND '16*5)*03 :iihipttdlo Mars.: NowabotnierO of m ry misty of flubbed %Tea e. L. iptasli knao., 'PATENTED OCT: 8, Dithrldge'i l'atent, wax CH IC ttanufactured of IX FLINT GLAfir - Tii;aa ii - aateur. interded , eat aszaeortileb heat:ll4 all pi. eas.equally. AM lot MON s a D. DITHDiDGI, Put Pitt Glass WERIca Washington street, • Pluabarich, Pa. T. ADM' FANCY -MO ; 01111.4)1MIV 8 /AHOY ryas; Emma FOR OAPS; OCibLAEB t GLOVIti; stxri &ND oars livery variety and lityle the above goods on hand MEM ItaCOILD It CO.'S, Na 131 WOOD BTRIZT nol6 BIACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITTSBITBOH, PA. PARK, & CO., Manufacturer. of BUT VAL= FISFIRXD OAST.Evrgzi, • • &Rare, Ilat and Octagon, of el acme. Warract , l equal to any, import pd or manufactured In thls cotuttry. filarontoe and Wareboacit,ltea:l 4 s l and 151 If EAST and 120 and BLOONDAITIIIIIIIIIS,,POtaettaIt. STILL A CHANCE I Another irtival of QUIT'.I3 8117 E . /117.11011 CALIF EVART. TOID BOOTS. sarcult end get a petrol!, JAMBS No. E9 , 711.71EXT tirilitSZT Ti' I .13. E. WORKS, FIRNXI.AOE33.3B, TORPIDWG9, rpecri, 1181011 , panalliS, 41113110 E, ft. - • ' • ' . . Ma..T: W. HADITICLD haring even m th. only ,Dspos ma'am Lane for la celebrated - !HUM PRBMIUM 7,pimp rise. them s are prepared to oder the on themost faridalds rms. for cash, best, GILD OHO PiOBADIGMBII and TORPEDONS, at the lowest market rata. , Orders sollobed and promptly attended t 0.... GTItaSBUMCLEIL di MOEN. Importer, et Tops and 'nutty Goods, td Malden Lane, corner of W flllam !anat. ray23also -. Haw bass. pLIIhiBMIG, _GAI3. ' .AND _STEAM I. irrriNG.— NS W REITARLIBRIIRNT. TATE Jr dic CO Dodos In ISAR, PIP 10:. ERZ= IMAD. RT. DRSRTII, PIIRPH QRAisTaitaiss, BRLOINTI., and PIDROLRTI3: p Atlad til) with hot and cold watts end gib %Os mat arprovad manner. - _. no. Ss (laataIds,)IIIIDERRI , STRZYT 4 • • , 25d docilboiaor Robinson, Albsgtueny. N. B,,Ronsltingssostnalatuniks l tot fetelv iOll.l - 111ALTFa dEVILLE, (anoaeasOri:to.W Ta• Tan; a 0f.;,) 'PRACTICAL PLOKBPs, CIAII RED OVUM BLITZES, No. SW Llbse+BL, Blttsburgh, and No. 59 redend stmt. All sty, time on band and will furnintr LEAD'rrrz,B EET LEAD, BAIL LEAD, GUM , ape& lIIDEAST SHOWER BATES,. WATER% CLOBENI.ATLI 'TUBB; Lim 808,. Ind • ARE BILE ' DERTILIC OHANPNIZIII4,'VZIFD Wre. BRACKETS, L.: A.ll wart , .irrant.d RI she met. I salon. . A Liao; mouomrc 4....-folnrDzi,-Plttsburilt, larWAtimousii, Libeity street: _ lisattlie tun. at WOK, PAELOII AHD HEAT. nut STOVIS, PAILLOB.AND EITOIIII2i ORATES. HOLLOW WAIVE; do., SW aid Wad n.,.1.tc, tag Mill GiAlnp. Kill Awing, o.,,Wdrr ace. Ar. !On Pipe. Sad Luce DoS imna, Wid a Bends. RA. pr Oar.Wkwey,Vglipliwi and Outing geterilly. Jobbing ,ImA ifsafia Ordlogr. modir.to' order. PalmatedTatablo 111 H, whii &am or Bops. Palm. . 'lol4trood MICHIGAN " MAYFLP MBE." . TOBLO00.:•,-•• itINCOLVISTEEL B ilgta /Cla WOOD -MUM. tau doom from Ruth West, ... M now priparal to sail Oda Jostlyealetwated WIND OUT OUZO LNG TOD&COO in iumquautfty and at the very lowest Seam. Oho It a trtaL da carsia-- • • ALLEPFIENT, COAL YARD \ • OLAINFY4 I I 004 DeaMfi I, .00A4400 InOMPLABT1111: .0:14414T, /WI AND 11314.474117..; • • eirCiirier . VI - 111Lili&VO.Atoiler mid Biwaute Warty* Plll3llll KM= Magi% Sai 44 an • , 11*vbit nitro" a Leta yaps a; l 4. forOduwi , tt with magma hammed i.= ll o 'f;irctit'a an) l d origc n == .opiauirrsi .8810WIN,q VIRE Mei '1 7! vrettivxmootorva ma'am, oortnusszik 11141M-PARINTATIMI,OIL BILILLS,"44IITATO IIB . ESTTLING-9.411,44 , 8011.1 1111 ' IRON DIUDGIA BUGA.S. PASS. and sol• ssimithwitatow.ig BAJO. 141.W' YAWLS r - 801L.1111., •••• &Wring CO • • tb•abottemt optics— ,-, • .2 .1114L44 tiOjaktif,taTiCialfi MADDINes .A.ti hi d 00)Ottee, fn . the : drA • OLlN:rider. - Is sainted tonsils! prdertme r er. the 114 old Crittit• ot Kauai* en.togo $44 9 itiossolAtotie., . eiddllte Voodoo, and other slather "Ode& WM; talon la Illok•niorologhtgoleoly, It bat ait 'WM& effect on the denied qats m • ores enuniPtildlh amidlnk. itoo cool i ng elt idea tote• idslntd. two &Sant& gold rov maim - wrasnoct 'a cid: Pair m ir. and it the Ratudectery, 19:38. . C W gaIIROIIMAN .311 Wm* , ssoat, mast, Thnioaphis?Apit P.r3 0. ' SODA,***, : ." • ilssioinstuguyir mel;si the konet oar pdos. sig4 o, to ae 04 . 11 4 glom yoN; ••EN • • bin) Wra ifirsiato Woo. tostaasot =mos .usva,Ne. ammo , end all kis& e_snu ot mArmial f SUOrtsti 'tam =Mao . Toßsooa 101/281:MOnt - Pn'at T.a. %IVO teeter.: IMP1112; , 710 • [-tritrObir*s4l:l4l44,9o.l 11. ~~iwJE . oP wIIQM W ~ yslla:..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers