vitts•burgit #lsaatitt. MONDAY MORNaG. TUNE L CITY AFFAIRS. arOPPICITAIL PIP= 07 TOR GMT Christian commission. The Army Committee, representing the United States Christian Coinslesion in West. ern Pennsylvania rispectfully reports: That commissions have been issued to seven delegates during the .month of May, vie: Ileir,James Allison and John K. Palsy, H. D., of Sewickley, Rev. George Clerk, Rev. J. D. Norton, Rev. J. S. Gansu, William A. Payson, of New Culls, Pa., Rev: A. H. D. Melon, D. D., of Maar, Pa. These gen tlemen left this city immediately after the late battle on the Rappahannock, arriving there In time to be of great service to the wounded. They were abundantly furnished with stores, from the large depots of the Com mission established in the vicinity of the dif ferent armies. The Government officiate, as well sei the military officers, have granted to our delegates all possible facilities for the thorough prosecution of their work. The Union Relief Assosiation of Western Pennsylvania and Northwestern Virginia, waking In connection with the Army Com mittal, have sent two delegates to the army on the Rappahatmeek—Rev. R. S. Morten and Jan McCarron, M. D.,—who have been laboring , in the field for two months. This Association has contributed to the Christian Commission about eight hundred dollars, arid have forwarded twenty-five boxes of stores, distributed by th& delegates. Bee. L.. Marks, of Paimethilki, Allegheny county, now stationed at Port Donalson, Tan., writes that he his been most cordially maimed by chaplains, *Moms and men. He preaches _three time every Sabbath, and holds • prayer meeting, every evening, occasionally holding anion with the rebel prisoners in the guard house. He reports that, in connec tion with a number of soldiers of the 83d Il linois Regiment, he has established a Sabbath sehool in a camp of contrabands, and fully .mpplied them with testaments. Misers. Lan and Patterson, of this city, are now stationed at Franklin, i l ea., dem= miles from Nashville, where the right wing of &morass' army, under command of General -Granger, is encamped. -They havi found the soldiers eager for all kinds of reading matter,' and have received from them the most hearty greetings. At Nashville, and Murfreesboro, the Com. abides has opined library and reading rooms for thous* of °Qualm's:it soldiers. Efforts are making to get daily papers from all the cities. These rooms are filled-with soldiers at all Utah each one anxiout to road the pa per published nearest his.own home. The delegates in connection with the army chaplains, have established • daily Union layer meeting at Nashville, which is very attended by soldiers end chinas. The lieverament having taken all but one of the churches at Nashville for hospitals, the aims are in a groat measure dependent on bar delegates ante the army chaplains, for any 'religions strikes. rho greatest harmony and good feeling ex bit between our delegates and the edloient chaplains of the army. At their weekly con ference at Murfreesboro; • reseintion of thanks to the Oh2tatiall Cola/Wilton for sup plies furnished, and-ace assurance of hearty co-operation; wasulanimonsly adopted. Gen. Roseman, has granted the delegates all needful fealties for carrying on their work in the Army of the Camberand., The Pittsburgh delegates, have also received much kindness and many privileges from their fel lowatisen, General J.S. Negley. There are new about thirty delegates in that army; but the laid Is so vast that many more good men are needed. For this important work, earnest Christian men are wanted—men who can not only distribute good reading matter, but also lead a renstiou service, wash •or dress a want, prepare food and drink for the sick, Write Mae letter,, oomfort: the dying, and bury the dead, it necessary—in short, we want men who eon do 'snicking Slag will add to the axolotl of a soldier. When sea men offer, we weal lad a prose for them. -We do. not want, andosanot accept shoes who would go from rattail of cariosity, on a desire to visit their Mends in the army. We want those aim will be Irliadt•Wad brothers to every man wearing the national uniform. ,The Treemater would thankfo ll y same 'l edge the following cub 'meats : .owatral Prosbytarloa andsh, AlWattony.—.2ll 90 :Pona Pleunwrah....... 33 a) Alowed • do do Zonowliir, 0...90 70 46.4 th _ do do tants 7 LI 83 &aid" Proabywdaa Monk pa. Dr. Unn.lben to au -Zrehyterna Church, klaßoes Ran " 600 do do lour Aloz.nds=. 23 OS do do 33 36 do do Iwo; t o - 7 66 do do Butiesw6= 21 as - de do /474 - Vatwo—...--. t 5 • do • Coot 16 03 o tg ,:ketarliat Merck bithe4 Upper St. Clair, 2 00 mu, mob,...ast. &Osceola Church, Plitaburgtall 02 ,ahrthisdistSZtd roh. l Uhurcb, 111.1nrr10.--. OU g o •do - do Birrus-- 10 00 d o ' co 60 ' Tareutuut. 6 0.1 tint mow onggilarhus Church, Pittsburgh to oo &mond •do do do Allegheny 21 6EI Pint do - • do • W. Idsroar..... 17 le brood 17. P. Church, New Witt010gt0n......... Bg g Iltiltsd.Prosbotaglan Church, Doer tar0k:...... }5OO ' do do dal Canosobsulg— 19 70 de do do Zilshboh--..... 23 10 •do do do Rocky Opting... 16 00 • do do do Betind...... 16 00 do ' do do Peter's Cretk..„ 619 Lecture by Cot. J. B. Clark ,-113 CO _ Soldiers' Aldthxisty. lit. Pleasant —.......... 90 00 , - do do Pagurarrt36 60 do do Abeakirstillo —............ 10 00 Ihita ds Ciusondiurg 35 Cain Balistessociailos of West ProusyTraula • aisd North Western VireArds, GO CO -Nov. I. C. Pushing .6 00. A. J. L Moors, Carrollton. 6 00 6. T. Banda, A. W. 600 dahlia. la /art 4 00 Ohntuts t sou • • 200 • lieltUsts' Aid Soddy, Adams Op., Butler Co.. 760 do do " 666 Cash contributions . may be sent to the • 2riaitanar, Joseph Albno, No. 71 Wood street. Ike thanks of the 00011111tts• am die to Cot. Z. B. Clark for an interesting isolate, laid' Added a mnsiduable sum to mu .troasorg. • ire are also wader groat obligations to -the " Atallroad oompsales and oapteincof . different ,shmaboata for Ores MitispOrtation. - The Army Conunitteamoknowle.lge ,the coairibettons of stores during Ake rbez hospital atom from Martini Wow& 1 bbl. do. from yisinity of Canonsbneg. 2 bona, Ladles' ;Ugliest Aid flocatj of Hearse. Pa. 1 box, ladles of Smitlitteld If. 11. Ohara, --Pittsburgh. • • 1 bo*; India of Baths county. Usisstlisilet Society of -131 taler township— / box clothing, I do. of traits, 1 keg of A6les, 1 Issebt of egge,l do. Of butts:4l do. bosts,l do. asparsvas. Any einsunittoe of Besesr-2 bbis. of po. . • Vetoes, /of•gp,l box. of butter; 1 do. of franc, do: alms 1. lam hoz of Clothing, and IlpdxsildelteiC " - Ladses of Beeond Prsibytutian dutch, Phasbur7. box of clothia& oontatning 07 attlides of clothing, antlf• nos of fruit. •.:1 box of trait bon Wilts of-Latrobe, Pa. I bones fops Union BNBI A/iodation of Witstara Virgin/avid Nortitwestrunst Pennsyl. 1-1 box hem Lam of Latrobe; olothiax mad &Ulm from itakitows pations, Por MellettLie Railroad. Imam' Aid 8040 of Roollooteor—Riontoo of WI, Uat, clothing sad bandages. ' - 1 box from J. Watises, Browanille.- 1 box of bread from Rm. Shaw ; of 'B2alei Ladka of tipsier, Westmoreland Claitity, 2 Lam matidatax 81 articles d clothing, 2 ' gallon et driodirals, 18 tau of unit, 2 tear of apple mato& 1 rex of frail from the lodide of Brow; , „ - _ _ • -- kkx marks from Me MAIN onaszums• of potatoes from J. Murdock. • • - .-#l.sdios of Bed Bank Zama. Clarion Cola" tri 37 alob of Iran, 1 Miami drl.d kilt, and D3onSoluio: elothips 1 box of laaditaeteom L a dkj a um 8 0 4. go of Jolfonoi, emu pow,. • box of troll from Kn. J. AL D. OroisiM. :14,4W All Booloty of %Motown, - 1 box atom oostabdag ambles of stoning,. :VldoWft% , 114mori'Ald tioeisty of Itooboeter,2 barrels ~ , ,ssagew, 1 box oontastas 7b wades of Oslo, 4.41-11booftwoufralir box of motbtos sat ldo abated Amigo a =kb of bow% sag baskets of_ goats' taxi - SWAM 'booby . mu m oistropxbroot-WUklas Tomuldp. .ba t imeApx atom - of LAT. • Maio 0011217, 3i Writ - App,' II mar - of boll, 1 box of ototblai L ' IMX Of bits, tlrr. i JAL 1 box of Mons from the Ladies of Craig'. eine, Armstrong County. 1 box id storm from the Soldiers Belief Association of Harington, Washington 00. 1 box from the Ladles of Unity Congrega tion, Latrobe. 2 boxes from the Ladies of Bridgewater. Mover county. 2 harm from the Soldier? Aid Society of readom, Bowyer County. 1 box of fruit from the Soldiers' Aid Cooley if Mount Pleasant, Westmormand County. Bolden' Aid Society of Glade Mills, Butler oonnty-1 box of clothing and 1 keg of butter. Soldier? Aid Society of Adams township, Bola ooenty-2 boxes of clothing and fruit. One box of nandries from Mrs. Capt. Bir mingham. TiUM Ward Kalil:lag Oirols-28 pairs Nooks, 1 Amami shirt. Three barrels fruit from Zhartiers' Church, Canonsburg, Bev. W. Ewing. Also contributions of clothing and fruit from the following persons: Miss J. Shepiy, Mn. hi. H. Mechlin, Miss P.' Baird, Mrs. M. A. Kenney, Mr. J. S. Backofen, Mrs. 1. 0. Per shing,tliss Lizzie pasting, Miss Mollie Per shing, Mimi S. Lemon, Mrs. Thaw,Miss M. Boinason, Mrs. S. Nesprr, Mrs. Cark, Mrs. Bodes, Mrs. M. Harkune, Miss A. 0. Snyder, Mrs. W. Bryant, Mrs. Collins, Miss S. Atkin son, Mrs. B. OlarkiMrs. Capt. Tomelson, Mrs. Low, Miss M. B. Copiy, Mr. John Hill, Mrs. Robert Albson, MIL J. Coply, Miss M. La throp, hfr. A. hi. Marshall, Mrs. J. B. Sem ple,.s26 worth of books from the Presby tartan Chursh of Haat Liberty, Miss Burchfield, Miss Barns, Mrs. Poiadexter, Soldiers' Aid Society of Ciroleyille. Mrs. liberew, Mx& Isaac Jones, scholars of Miss Pike's Seminary, of Buena Vista, Mrs. Faber. The following articles have been forwarded to the hospitals of our armies, and distributed by our delegates: • Comforts —.--.--. 24 lfrult, ...... 929 'Sheets ---..--. 33 Drloi Dolt, 1b5....—. 1260 Pillows -- 145 Oranges sod lemon. 650 Plum Cases .. 38 Butter.E gp,N—.-- I 480 Shirts *XS d05............ 190 Drawers, pat....—. 671 What., 24 un. Potatoes. B u---- 67 Pads and rfags..... 123 Onions, bn—....—.— Bundles of 290 • lank.. ' —.2190 Bolls of bandages.— 09 Pickles, gele—.— 24 0 Gorky 234 Chars 10 Kippers, 43 81111ibl 2300 Dnweing Emma_ 63 Book' and tracts—. Ma Hazdkerchlefs 129 Cora starch, Me—. 65 Wrlangpsper,reams 28 Farina, lbs —.— 35 Tea, 41 Chocolate, lbs-- 40 Sager, lbs 132/ • dad • large lot of paper, and magazines. The following articles are most needed at present: Shirts, draWers, sheets, soaks, slip pen, fruit in can,, dlted trait, wines and li quors' condensed milk, chocolate, tea, sugar, books and magasines. Persons or societies sanding boxes should place a 11,1 of the articles' in the box, and land a duplicate by mall to W. P. Weyxax, No. 79 Burrarnum Sy. Ea:endive Corunitte;—Holl.Robt. MAKl:Light, Chairman; Joseph !Libre*, Trani= Wm. P. Weyman, Reaetrer•, Robert. 0. Totton. John H. McCune, Joseph Horne. RIZOHT Or Tar Subsistence Committee for the month of May: We have fed at our large dining room, at City Hall, 3,105 soldiers on their way East and West, making since our organisation, 108,923 soldiers who have teosived meals front our Committee— • At the Soldiers' Rest, No. 347 Liberty at, 1,398 sick and wounded soldies, from the army of 'tie Rappahannock, hare been furnished with meals and medical attention. Transportation has been furnished to tan sick and discharged soldiers found in our city, without insansaur reach that!. homes. Nine soldiers have been placed in the hos pitals daring the pait month. • We thankfully acknowledge the' following contgibittimui during the month of May : :Eennlyirania Railroad Company;ssoo; Ar chibald Stewart, Esq., $1.091 W. itniw, $25; Liter Nitta Lodge, Itirmiegham, $2O; balance of funds collected for reception ot Coi. Clart's regiment, $195; proceeds of exhibitlon by 47h ward elocution class, $55; A. War mane $2 ; D. Weymen, $2; A; Verger, $5; a soldier, 25; Brig. Gen. Willick; $l2; Mrs. Parker, $2; , a Wend, $3; Samuel. Morgaastein, Captain et Tanana, $.l; silver, $3; a friend, 2.5; Captain W. Moorhead, $l2; mob, $5. Also, coal:Libations of eatables for use of sot. dkrs at the roam on Liberty asset, from Gs*. Black, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. B. hi. Gordon, Mrs. Garrison, Misses Beeler, Junes U. Ball, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Carothers, Mrs. Tterman, Mn. !Radar, his. G. Whits. W. P. WE:lux, Josue ALeus , } Ex'• 00EL M. M. ATWOOD. Union Delegate EiecUone The primary elections held on Saturday, for the purpose of choosy:lg -delegates to the County Convention, to be held on Tuesday, were generally well attended, and ffi some dis tricts the *outset was exceedingly apirited. The following are the names of the delegates chosen from the Normal distrima designated: Ii , . , 1:0113 First Ward—Geo. WI eon, John Orem. &wend Ward—oar:la O'llelU,, O. l►hnatock. Tided Ward—lint Tree-lois: D. time, silexacder Hlloods. Second Precinct: A. IL Drown, klero7 HeDy. Pausth Ward—Boa 'Lackey, J. IL Hate. Fifth Ward—Piret Precinct: A. MaLlintock, Oro Vaterbey. 'Second Precinct: James Taylor, 8. J acerowan. Sixth Ward—A.G. Ida Godless. John Phillips. hensith iiisiiihannsol BareMy, liobt. Thompson Xigtitti Want—J./L. HUlln, C. H. lilornisn. ninth Wand—Jams B. MU, WlGum Williams. Im=o • • • 112 t Ward—D. T. Johnston, Moat. Mina tkoond arard—.Tanws D0nn.117..1,bn McDonald. •, Th Wsrd—Mrat ProcinOt: Arthur Hobson, D. QomDna.- ascend Priclaci t Gams, Gant, Dorian. lhog. Tonna Ward—Ylnt Prwtrict: Jatin Mays., A. N. Buccal:Ml: Second Preclacc; Lotus Mold, Ww. Brown. 110111.00131114 Manchesiar—Jame.Hai. W. J. WHiou Tempaninceville—D.Robinnoci, Thos. Yersoson. Wm' Pittsburgh—Sl. Bprturg. J. V. Auth Xowragabsla—Richard hazy. nos Bonito. &nth tutaborgh—W. H. Barker, nos, Odaelday. Binalngham—nvt Pradnctt. Dada Wink% J. Beddlar.. Stand Prmlnet Wm. Oraluksa, P. IL Bditaird. Lot Bludithim—Geo. E. Mama, Wm. kfittim. &ups P. Dinhaml, Butte:told. • ToginHim . Brent—James Dania; .LlFiliellitain. licanno--ame. Alartmen.lioob Prams. .11eme—Wm. Peter*, D. tt Cunningham. Charlion—And. Aldiertney, Jae , hioGonhilln. Ih:don—John AL Slacker, Nosh I. Gilmore. ' Zinley. J. AL Gomm Lollar Bt. Clair—Jonathan' Neely, lemM Whittier Pitt—.T. O. Oro; Wm: It Hanlon. . _ MoClondlemo—Jee. AtoCiealii, John Mg ani. '' Ple t 4N—S P °6l4 ' 71 r 1 . 4 ° 1 .1 . W• MAIM 0 . W nal QUIN BUIV.00i;-41F - ilithliZUM inter eateid in this' important. entesprb• will please War in mind that subsoription- books will Do opened at ten 'Vele* ads' morning, - at the Macluint's /I:4'ns% when thesewishing to take stook In the company con hare an oppor tunity to do so. 151!ECLILIL, LOCAL MOTH:LIM auras LID Bazars ammo Matnuza, ISM family snd - atanesstarliepasposes, ars Ms best fa us. 41:' d. Orretoirr. esaaral Apt's, ID, fifth street. Tuxes Neat, Plain lad Orsumental Mate *afar, sad dealst.tri Piaitylvaala sad Tu. moat &dad the bait qaatlty at low.rata. .011°1 at idisghlll4; war the Water Works * Plttsberhl s Pa. _apfelha Pawltsx.ft. K. Brew McCoy, at their staad...in_the.ltlainnad market, are in ;daily setmapt of. fresh' Blanks:rill, /Mad, So. Bass, Lake Push; Elelatese, Lobster, Bala and Crabs: The Brat has factUlties for Nowt* the Tory 'pick of the laarket, antl thee. parebsslng can rely: itpon _getting Ash flsrh sad siistt. 2447 alms have on hand all bads of vegetables. 'Band see the setups bi 411 P/s7. - • ;, 7 • limos so PsormAT llossaso,Aportssis AsS Onus JArsuaras:—Founotirs or al terations to otorts 0r,4 • .I,,rosir roofs, or osgthlss obi is tho 14,41111111, at . CatAbortatoz:.l3koh Virgo &ley, abo» d stmts. -AU adorsprostptly . 41141,61 lot'd earpetsjust treetrod on son slieesenty sad will be sold it n sednood prioe; all, nu patterns aadd the ellsaput inepets the 01E7.: Wyen.aaaf,awlmumbleaUwool as low as.Bo Nato, Blals carpet at 3 cents ; zap, to., N 0.143 Wood street. , Tiro COlimittoo of tatangtisoitts and 11- ommoofor tit* roooptios of the Bath - Rogimont Noss. Volunteers, GIL :Thor.** 14417,401. Ittlt moot - St otrollhoO this hrtaihr -ot teo,,kmat.",. . Zhou O. Sus i Dintis Ida k, weelto Penanie& sit**. attend to 111 latlasis et - -- -. -. -- . - .: -. ABM TO LZATZ,-011 Wadnaaday cat Dr. Randall, who has firmly established his rep ntation for effecting the instantaneous and efficacious cure of corns and benions, will /save the atty. He desires us to state that his visit to this city will positively conclude with Wednesday next, June 3d, lard:wive, and ist leaving he most sincerely thanks his numer ous patients for the confidence Duty have :s -pored in him, and should he at ani time, (as he hopes at no very distant day he shall) re obit the city, he trusts that equaltheoess will attend his labors. The Doctor has certainly relieved the understandlip of many eitisens, and as his visit terminates as above stated, we expect that he will have a full attendance of cripples at his rooms on Diamond street, oppotitt the court house, for the next few days. -As a proof of his Skill we append the following certificates: Dr. Mendell has this day erased eons for me which have been troublesome. I hers seen the operation before, bat anything No perfectly to my satisfaction. Taos. M. hicaasuu.. Piusbicyl, April 11, 1863. Pittsburgh, April 18,1883.—We certify that Dr. Sendai! hu operated on our fret, remov ing corn. therefrom, doing so without pale, and entirely to our satisfaethm. W. Primus, F. Bona. Dr. Randall has this day remirred eight corns from my feet. The operation WWI 111 painless one, and the relief As Inch that I ad vise those afflicted with Corns and Bunions to give the Doctor a coll. Ms Tonne, April 10,1863. Snuthileld street. Oen. Curnturs Lira Win= To BIM Tm. —The enterprbdag firm of Wm. H. McGee & Co., merehant tallon sterner of Nederal es Diamond square Ankeny, Wing fully aware of the extriordinary admit, in Spring goods, have purchased last fall a beautiful assortment of oloth, cassimens, nitings, and they are now ready to open their Spring trade with superior articles, at great/7 re._ dnood prime. They will mil their goods le i the yard if-desired, and as they keep con stantly on hand a Miry supply of ready mad* clothing, =stomas an be accommodated on demand, or have a neatly fitted snit to order. The all done under their mpervision, and always warranted to purchasers. Jun Barnum IPZOX run glar.—Samuel Graham, Merchant Tail* would respectfully inform his friends and the pulls in general that he has just returned from the East with his new stook of Spring and Bummer Goods, consisting of all the latest styles of clean, oassizaeres and vesting& Gentlemen desiring a stook to Belem from that (=not be surpau ad by any other in the city, and their gar ments made in the most fashionable meaner, would do well to give him a call before pew chasing elsewhere. - Skill:rat. Gatusar, Merehant Tailor No. 54 Marko, street, one door from Third. ATIIIITION, RITMO= V0L171117118 I—The attention of our country's brave defenders :s -cantly returned from the seat of war, and of the public in general, is again directed to the very extensive and handsome aesortment of the latest , styles of French, English and American piece goods, for pante, *oats and vests, Lately received by Masan. John Weler A C0.,1 Merchant Tailors, No. 126 Federal street, - Allesheny. A tasteful Wootton of get/Manion'," furnishing goods will also always be found on the shelves of the iistabliamant, together with a lot of srady.made clothing, got up in the beet manner. Pamirs Tale( litaini.—Rev. Awe Bien chord, hieriden.B. EL, writes: "I think very highly of Mrs: le; A. Allsa's Wl:idea Bair Restorer and Zylobalsanium. Both. myself and wife have used them with the Most saris history results." Those preparations are ex portid largely to EurOpe j and Am ► world wido reputation. • Boni by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 148 Greenwich street, New York. MOW ..: /teats awl Comas." Ilesea al/1 be Sakai sk tea taaloo, °Moe, No. laf Marty : sareeti w WO:. All evilest left se as above Atli to Promptly attive.i o. AO eight moat f Donal. lorarrars.—.4ll emit &beet this establishment is guaranteed to be better NM ebeaper Qui am be had to the .It. ' No. 251 Peon street. 1 IMICHIISIS Ha•a.dq liftman". EOM all !tn. autism:l . BROWS. Tn. of Asa Whabines, •ed —7• Notice tontral b. [lran In emoulai piper dLid E.l OARDNEILE HEMMING'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, GRECIAN ARENA, ELIGANTLY &PPOISTICD LID IQUIPPID, Rill exhibit in PIT 2' S EITTBA3-Et. RED LION LOT. (tn tbs rear of Esn Trtistdes,) on Taesday sad Wediesday, Jane 16th, 16th and 17th, 1861, Presetting the but trained collectfon of ROHM and PO eat'. and the LiEGIUT—TROOPII OF TAILINTOM PZEFOZIIIIII2I lel £Y•BlOA, the obeheunder the tinsudlaie direct:km of the Peoples Own Oboe, DAN GARDNER. oar 'The Initial aatartatommut sill two than oa MONDAY EVE ONO at II .41409—Dan omit at TA o'clock ; lad on TIMIDLY awl WIDE IDIDAT, Omni will be too grand partannannoon and atoning. Dom t.pan at 9 and 7 o'clock ; matM , takunant a CIRREPOSSIOD at 93i, and a oN9onsk.. sir Admission. $5 ants. itaarrind rats. Nanal. tnYy carpeted.) NO cants. Gantltamtllmben Is 644 Madam, and tants fur avarytody, EM=ii&M;ZI - Grand PrxruWw will be mad. cc Iffocuby laOrniag. as 1 1 5.o'clw.k. wySthoyBo4Wl•2l 6.5 /1-10434111,- THBATHS •rw- . Pen= or ADIEINIOL—Vittato Box" if 001 SIP es was to PATato Box, Si 00f Ausifette asof Drat Mule, Ottally, 60 oats I Melly OM* ants' Ooternd 12.11647. Mtn; Odors" BOZM i 110 Nits' gallery, lb aata. . • air rine night, of the re.angagenaat of Mr. ea Kra COINWeN, the great tragic artfatee.' • THIS (Iloofign Iwzinao, • wiumprosatid, •• - Peep of Day F. 21, cIoNWAY. sfman• W. E. 43021WaT. Introdaolog the mum of Dgmbrook grotto sad right-had tho tartflo leap frets the cr.. tress height of the Theatre. To antacids with NATURE AND PHILOSOPHY. irawb. NATL.= PHI 01 1IPPANDALI. twin r. , e►nai. 108414 M IS *crouton. • Jlt th ,Ll.odY. ,—All - penWpaW a r. V "011tai U - tho doodle of Taste Addy; fa do gouda Word, faldaoo7 Od.•ltao Xszi drool was t o • —dot end, nualag tams 01410 and to Avery olord'ood•parollot wait the lad Oodamoo. Okada, of talon boob/ addled tad Ys a. &ad nal : Itlowdo, oppoladd to osomo damp boodle to tat opalairof the IMO, will. miss di the groand, 142011 DAL 'Jaw Mk Ufa. 1 °Wok p. m. W. 161111111DET. • - • LUGO allOtallfo norm. ; ittottlir • RIO aldr 1180 WM. Jul/. 41.1,1411114i, WOE tiIiViLLE ) (mama tollf ♦ ' . Tato,-Jr.A oa,t PltaotlOole 140118118 ; AIM 82.110,12 II211188; 211720 , .I.ltabowob. mad 'No OW lidera WWI bays ow Load sad will Wald; D PIPL LIM% 'll/.8 00* HOB& 812018,824 Ilona B oXlia. WiTZR CLOUT.II42II 2'08o; LIwT, 11./801 wad AL/I PUM h, ay. DRAIDFLIO Boar, OPIANDEL/888, BRAVILITo, Ao.• All . wook iragradad Ow give raw • wiwklvont • .13°.`" SOOD peat& Boma Sider, - 600 • do - do 610,0164641 '!00 do do Sftq • • 40 bbli. 11:10a haft 11;gul 86 -do Satre lap. do; • 6 mils Potash; 10 Imo Lord; • " ' , • ' • 4614:841/10140; ; Irem 4100 ds! It ! 6 P &lnra a Lamm, soybi lir rdfffdt4frd of lows, re a. r . 4b litaauumegoi , d &Wails mamma, vbe vooth.,'osaarri elrat. Pitubunrk. to , - plat • rAriumes—tmasozne • n oat. itosewcod sad Wilma Itaz k V Nob. stoma. JPII. THE LATEST NEWS BY UMIBAPH. FROM I WASHINCT6N czEEOM ~.11113PATOES. Spicial Dispatch to the Plitaborgh GlassUs WAsanramm, Mey El, 1845$ TTTTTT OXT OP may waitron. Foity rebel deserters were ma to PhiUde phis yesterday, and thirty Mae will follow to-morrow. By the new pansy jut inaugu rated by the government, all rebel deserters hereafter muting within our lines mut, in ad dition to the oath of alleglaiee, take an oath to remain In or north of Philadelphia during the , war. If head South of Philadelphia they win be treated as splu, the Government laving discovered that large numbers of .rebels who Mtn here under the garb of desertion hen, after pin ing valuable information, rebel mails, *e., returned south. . • 111L1011011 DAY Gen. Martindale has issued • special order proldbiting the sale of liquors to.nthriow, ohotion day. A large cavalry guard has been detached to execute order and preserve quietness. couranteurato ice similar. • Gen. Stahl telegraphs a eompihnentary port of the bravery dloplayal by Ident Baker, of Col. Mann's oomnand, in the :aunt affair with Mossiors gurrillas.' After receiving a grape shot in Hs thigh, he gallantly pushed forward, crossed sabres with the rebel, and toned him to sunendor. YOIIID DUILTY. 1 The Genera Court-martial of the Potomac Ann finds Oapt Almen D. Bowies, Co. IC, Third Micd4M, 'guilty of ahietioe without leave, and sentanoin him to diet" dual from the service. Lieut. James D. DenaUtt, Co. B, Third Alia:Ligon, guilty of the same offence, was sentenced to forfeit all ply aid 'Rom ances, and be oishiered. Geis.`Hooker ap proves the sentences. • MEM! For Uui llrst tinte r tlecTreasity statement of Friday showed s podia's &mew Use volute of legal tender motel out. The de posits yesterday foot up over tht# ralUless. IXIMIPT;071103( contsciirios. It Is said tkak persons from 9sorgis are hers, representing large landed se4 cotter' toi termite, designed to be exempted from eiinger cation, on the ground that the emigre are axosomoa or raisoitaas4 - - *Col. Ludlow, sow Comadotioatir of Hz (amaze, reports diet the robes ao*.refuse to give ap sixty osiighty of Col. BtroNat's oil. Cm, oa the paw; that Depot* Item found with the ecnoteatiL • Pooling tha !madders tioa of this tomato', , the imminent has Wooed uppish say farther exoh4se. Limit MICK yrorsairsii.t The followiej ti the latest from Via:tub:lg: iillD4l7lllllllll, AULT or Tits 161 . 011/1 May Stu, *a. Hal braids Lisusol:l4, prosialt 1%. Cfeited &Net: - Oor olden Mite evened umbra ling of true to. day broaghtmo mere; biet -saYe that the Wen sum refortedvasa , dli,maiftont Gen. Johnmon, of tam rftitelm *data tidt dp To that time the Marsh had , beeasarialmed veltk grim& slaughter. !The dead. -wen yet unbar tied and becoming very °Pensive. • • I [sled,]"i • Borrammum, • .44PaultOtiles1W bows .tFOlPallki _ scares near the mane 'of eye. Grant's opera tion, dated the Uth, states that Pemberton had propelled, ander Afteg of trace, the burial Of the dead I that Gen. Grant had acceded, ATI inatishaa NMI done. 1111111 TUN. wrix ti. rimstojurr The ?reddens had au interview :with the gentlemen representing Dr. Okaferis chetah, and the leaders of the Republican party. He said he would gladly 'ono the Mn!.. of every *gored man who wanted to should,: a unapt, and would, protect Lim, sad would give a oomatand to Elsa. Pre/moat if :lie would soorpt it, adding that Is relied npott the Col ored troops as a rateable usistanoa In the week, of putting down the rebelllim. The Closandttee win have another Interview morrow morning, . . WM. n. arms - Sent abroad so Mpg advber to Mt. Adatnt* - mime hers that he is wall robeired : and hie pod restos to believe that the BritisisßOv. amment Is determined to pate *1) • to the mans of rebel nritateert--- via reremiors osair:vitynn, hro. Privato letters from Bagland state tiosti r itt Russell has determined to send no esti, maid maU.bapby rontie where a rookhrin dan. get of being interrupted by-oarmislimt, thus walling the Petahoff qaistion. The writer of one of these MMus, roogAsko l o isms i s of peat weight* gain that to Ms 41ersonal kassrMdp. dayin the last war lb. British, were in . the habit of tithing lettere•ftom net esosele*irea Miters th• Tends theimalres ware not adjaileated upon and that they ro tated to she e ny mereantalettits Which wen identified. - WAssizerow, May 81.—k teleiniza from On. Stahl, dated Paltfax,O. E 4, says that Monks, with 306 Jaen sad usehowitzer, shaped our gala of can sear. %lOW/ sta.. ttok yesterday, ead tits taardliarladoseeped, be burst the ends. Col. 'Mean, wile am. minded: idea beating todlt a per-, ti on : o f lig for.. aadfollsead h search of the rebels. Es saes teed thew two ages kora Ovoidal* when My had taiga a strong positloa. 0.1. Maan obarpd aped **rebels, aid Soak thols' Sank- 0.04 Yana regaled at * dark hie . as la beat, kluging fa artil lery, sad ail oar dead sad aoudad. I Re. also brought fa fault Mailmen and it of tke !atm . The ea• Wit patbilaVy. Idiata4at Hader, Cor.foNele wag state jry a grape shot fa tbe thigh. Me armed sabres with Oa rebels, sad loaklit desperatetr - , oar vu Woladed; -. . . ~; thicSoial ttlits44. Medved here to•a sy , from gia stall of Geo. freaky dated tie Mtb, mammas ao sMerfel Osage' in swain BUM the sit& O ihi we ft that day, thou lie*: bergs salad fel** and halt boars traesto kry the dead, wldeb was graa'al. noels ao truth hi the rumored doff& of Gea.l3teele:. , . Important firm New Toth:, ". ' ' fire You. /47 10 0; 4 14" Weeldegtoe Ist iss of:lke . iPosweerobd, of Ude silty, seal:alas the follewhis flow the Boat of the_ v 'of eke Potato re : The rebel way Is wh s . and the politico et *erten fords Is &of offeadm Th. lain Plaid Brie oaths Bap. pamertesit Is as Wrong as war, bat the, quo". Wag ibedielelobere appeal. to have , moral A elsewhere. , letter also says that no htrUter atehasse of primers 'will be allowed tor the prawat.. The rebel satiltallies lum lass thelaltletlve step sad the Wei Digartatat'ker protapuy Were/ it I. . _All sunhat olleeiroe pawls have beat Grim* abr/ 1 1914w Iseinlion - -: „ as , 14 to probable that, aspotlethatsWlll sees be sommoseeed for a. wetlauses elem idimps mem the laWeartet. , - - • . Bor.:Beat/ Warkpeodwr salted to;der tor Ertglied, la the ; mama City of -Baltimore; A y i p per, et Ida Maids 1100011pelded. Wl is u ks does the bay, seem whoa wire littiashaat, Bee.;*111111010171, Clalaginaddat sad Others. ~, - -Tits stssiekl 4 P s - 007 et ZailleO ; tribal sailed tatty:tor 'ldearpott ty „ dx a id s pssostai sad 1167A0 la I The amp: Icsilimilk Woke*. smo: makti a feet, Ex-Oraraw sirt o ts . is - Jsgsaos..Comalsdshre_ c ar tie Realiat'S dbilibitior 4lll : 244 o 4 / 0 * 01 MA “... . s pa ssas • itillWmeolipsen Brothers i iists oasidideisisSA: i sss olossoitai.. - - "be w tib Vitp Asir IMS‘lablod 41 . . e• das-disom adisiipti al , "MO sviojeiehw: -' a 1 Mae pewees Itai arrested ts-4lq by the Prevost pant at Aseims Xs., 441 Borwhise, Wes traillWOleiddiellik - / J 1 -~' ~ - ~~ 1 1 1101 THS 1111131111IPPI ARNIM CAPTURE OF FORTS AT HAINES' . BLUFF. REBEL STEAM RAMS DESTROYS". GREAT DESTRUCTION OP PROPERTY WMIEDIGTOII4 May 31.—The following has been received at the Nary Department to-day: Biro-BBIT, BLACK BAWL, MUSIIIBLPPI EQUADROX, IRAK VICKSBURG, Via Cargo, May 30th, 1863. To How. G. Wellas, &watery of ths Navy: Ma: I have the honor to Inform yen that the expedition I Bent up the Yazoo, ender Lt. Qom. Walker, after taking the tartest Haines' Bluff was perfectly sueousful. Three powerftd steam rams were destroyed at Yazoo thty. oft= was a monster-310 feet long and DI het beam, to be covered with 41nek iron plates. IL ail nary yard, with molds* shops of all kinds, saw mills, blacksmith 'hops, go., were burned. The property destroyed and captured amounted to corer $2,000,000. Had the monster iron ram been' finished tike would have given u some trouble. Ose bat. Lay was - destroyed at-Diary'. Bluff. Our lois Is one killed and seven wounded. rgiviado Dana D. Nam, Acting Roar Admiral Commaaddas. Oen &tog, - May 29.—The meamer Jan, with Liverpool data of the 21st, and Lou dander', of the 22d, was boarded this after- A general feeling of swum prevails in filiation to American news. The Derby 711011 was won by Illaoaroni by a short head only. Lord Caton was second. Cotton—Baba for Ares days, 10,000 Wei, the market dosing dull and slightly lows?. Breadstuff' quistlind steady without change In plias. Provisions dull and unchanged. Consols 9330)9335. Tor 'Larmr-gtay 3L—Cotton--Balffs for the weak 28,000. Prins are 3(@35 lowa* for Amer' isa and Swats.. The Glasgow arrived out on the 21st. TIM Yaa7 LLTZS? Liverpool, May 22.—The ramose of an arm- Wise having been agreed upon boatman the beWgerent partied in America, whlalt mem re ceived by the skimmer Glasgow, hem to. day, oreatod alnoyaney in the cotton market, and the week's destine was partially rearremd. Breaditaffs dosed arm and steady. The pro vision market Is dull but steady. /wades, Max 22.—Consols for money elided at 93%. - - - The Cork Examiner contains correspondence fransvarions•points' of Ireland, which leaves malady any , doubt that recruiting for the Northern army hss been attempted td be car ried on there on an Wands* some. •It appears that Nitobalstown, Oharlearille .and Permoy lovelorn visited by seven American gentle men of military aspect, who publicly offered to give passage to any number Of young men who were willing to accept it, to New York, for three pesos *sob, with a certainty of eon- Winona remuneration for work when thiky err= rived - there. The pollee were present on ma.' oral occasions, which feet obviously discom moded theitrangers, but as there was nothing Mogul in their proposition, no promedinge could be taken. Several hundred young men, who beyond all doubt have engaged to go I. 'America on the taw offered by the American agents, are amsittegahe sailing of the—early Ittemome.. i • • • The . advice* from " Cherbourg . report that consideriblapreinforeements are being die (pitched from them to Youleo. There h really nothing. news. to' the MO7ll. 'menu tof *the Polish insurgents. - The Sank of England, has advanced Its talnlinitt rite of dlsomust 34 per mint. The'politioalimwe Is unimportant. Tlivarrivid of the stiamsr Glassoli dispelled the moor, of an armistice in America. E;ME3A?g=I , . Tie, steamer. Itlanonki • did lot leave South ampton for : New...Torkowthe 20th, owing to dame/pc' machinery. The Rammaaia is expect - id to arrive etilhi 22.1 Lest: and will take her phi". ' '.- ', , New You, May 31.--The steamerlpidoni from Ltveryoel, with dates to the 19th and Qaeenstewn of the 201 b, arrived this after noon.' ' Nit &deices have twin mainly antici pated by,, the Jura. - • GMAT Barreic.—News of the destruction of l ui dem muds o ff .Peratunbooo, by pirates, tutd hod Ragland. ' Port r advises of Rooker's battleton the Rap . oak were eagerly anticipated. , tail atm looks upon Gull. Rooker's plum Ye frnstratad,'ind thlnks that his defeat will bathe teat china °nutmegs in Pliginda.„ The reply at President Lincoln to the ad dress of the Rmancdpation , l3oclity,las been recited._ He says the addries is very grail : . log, ens expresses friendly feelings torrid There iiiiegil' Wog to be a ,gentral good feeliiein -Esigisad; especiall in mistooratii eirekwoirising out of , advioes from. Ameriew., Ofiirs• ins Mit it 69f. 450. ,VOLAND.--Thirrallah telegram' 'report a eoattattiCsprostkof the insurrection. Trom Clizatanati. 0110/111ILTI, Efoy 31.—Ozt . Tomb) , nut, flornotdo will remove the Headquarters Of the Dirparuasatof 'the Ohio, to litaktoatk, Brfdp; Ky., about too allot /oath of Motto- JAMUL . Brig. asa. N. o.lloLan has boon appoint ed Provost Minim' Gonseall of the , Deplete. Meta tio,Oalo, with-his headquarters at The Ctimurciai has the following Southern tient f 'Trti - Asipectl, of the 29sh, ,eue two gunboats itigie.been sink at. Vicksburg. CoL Orion',ers cavalry snide another raid (rob Baton Hogue, capturing'and deitroying a large rebel asp. - - Pemberton's' Qautermuter mounded in running Seven hundred mules out- Visks. bug, thereby redulng the tonea mli tion of Dorn.. She gsuboa has full rattoas or abe t' dna. _,. . ._ •• --: ... The Anus& uonsionefaitit, or trio- Illth; notbru i the arrival •of Brookinridge in that . - • A 'dbpatolt i trim ilintsbie . tii Brum an nouncing his determination to hang all the rebel odious in his Medi, in ow - retaliation for two'splu tried andbiesstodin amordance with the usages of war shield be resorted to, was yeitarday .00nmed_ frou'llitutteesboro redder li deg oftisoe. • , . . • - TrolatkirltatipshailtiOck4;.Tltsi e ay ' 'WLincrecirox, Hip;l o .--ihntimaisi who 'e thyl to-night from' the'llakiehisaboit say that a **Le ulna& of Om enemy la ;moan. win iniesd'._yesteid'ay Ulm of Malkin the nai:ortheirAti.g'ireat. While 0011. wan moriag southward, the „pireposuistertee of **muses append to be fn ,to'dtratiost,of Eaki. l o l : /la sal' 77 iCkf r ii14 fitratit4isaid it•Jia pia telicy% Bordahis beau milldam hip istereased. within the. put "day or two, widoltia'Coaltiled • 11C/011A4' (111111rIaos , 1116 • rtls to cover ef a raid by dm atcria Oulpippegiumlaspieheaneeklitatloii, • .listretut Jtialt, of itiedugesi paid a 'visit to Gum! Hooker-jut eilay,atostatiuded by' wird WEI' mid amatiosim-. ' , They won coutsouly sad Warta, teethed by the ilea: afar sidleft.iliit a bearable ~i ssprituioa;:of his abLUsy to defeat the ribels.WititithUpteper sipportaatty shall =:%7.': i , :.lii. 101004. the' eassiy:ito ptuaidam to dementia somiiirhete on our' Itself a . iner,sect up pa the other side map beaiily'W sameethehoint. Louts. - - -Run Loth;May, l l9:-;-441broatili hem 04*.rifatipit - iceitoora afithwida, Us iamb mould Arau s kt o is " ? Port Gamma oa , thir tweatieth,- aid attacke d Ookotel ;Prow but; wire repidsed and driest but istressOus ii 1•11%, Oar !loss is the Eint7's.milsit Pude& ...All the dimeallies-betwith Gus. tEltdiOdeld and Xenia bang beat reeetelledfaid.thi genet newt the waimisid,ot the the fr 11 ontlet sadjuiralerthe'lladla 6•014 •1•1111•0 . preparations arti . , sing "made korc tc; the, uoutioiref. the womaded trek _ c ,oo/14 Va. lidigebothe li tsit is ti,tiw ssiesip-ay . isf s lailiW: •sktA. . sallaturday ii!, a = ja w jhrap k:is :. ~,,,T i. j sk u se r a• 4 W ,Tlos or - • +lel • • ~,06.09,11110, 4.r,t*, - - maw( . 11 . .' - or . _ • enikainity, ad oio la flis gmnumatilnif is as more ftia will aph is wad on ailli*, ammo. tat& . _ . - Southern News. Muarauweole, Nay 30.—The Chat Betel of the 29th hat the following: Mobile, Mgr 29.—Bapertairom bar burg crate that Banks' army hadie Bayou Sous.... , Grant sent in slog of lame gaiter& the link and wounded. The staughto Pedenit is far greater in the w:111 Vicksburg than in any bottle in the The dasseinippins of Tnesdn day's battle as Vicksburg was the nit bowl of a/1. The Qautermaster , at Canton says the Yan kee gnnebats bane left Yuoo City: /U 41510314 Noy privatedlapatch from Canton says sit was - well yesterday. Vicks burg holds ont bravely. The Rebel eays.Capt. DeMeyer of kforgan's eaysl4, vu Mod in a akinalsk near Beady vine on the 8611._ The Mel bellareithe umy of the Cumber land lain: a, weaker seedlike to-day than at any time anon the WWI of hturfrembuo. It Woks Romareas relnforeed Grant. .7. Th. Reba thinks Vallsadigham's *hums of Wag Gotorsor of Ohio ars Tory fair. With snot a man asTrosident of the United States iould away, have pesos. ' . bttais, itog 28.—Valisadighiiii is till h o rs.o lie Till sow Virginia la a few days. Cavalry eiWraush. . _ MAIMS Conn Home, May 30.—A detach tent of the Irennont cavalry had a sklmobb yesterday, near Thomiugbfare Gap, with 40 rebel cm airy. The latter led, Wong' killed and 2 wounded, and 1 prisoner. We lost 1 man prisoner, and 6 horses wounded. On the morning of the 30th, the rebels attacked a train of 16 ears from Alexandria, loaded with forage near Mettle Wm, and - the train was ut terly ierced d e b m y owM The ' 100 olopno tbvaell s, being p the cars burned.Th dmennon d the train escaped. A form was cent out and marked the place 16 minutes after the occurrence. They pursued the rebels and came up with them, and had a brisk engagement. Trey out them up badly and captured their two pie ces of artillery. The rebels were a portion of Mosby's guerrillas, 4 of whom were cap tared. Front Fortress Monroe. lowness Monson, May 29.--The election at Norfolk area Portsmouth, yesterday, want of iiptietly;'The entire Union ticket was car ried in the afternoon. The citizens of Ports mouth had a pole raising, on wbioh ;motion speeches were made by Col. Johnson, of the 14th N. Y. regiment, and several 'prominent 'Attains. . Bexenty.lire deserters from Minimlppl regiment game WO clulfolk yesterday. : They havi taken the oath of allegiance, and are to be ant north b the Baltimore boat to-night. The election in this distriot passed or bar; monionsly as fez as heard from, except IX the Hatipton precincts. There are. two site of Omigressmen, Ems. Joseph Begur, and Di. G. B. Watson', both of whom claim to be alitited. • Markete . bg 'Telegraph. . Itztanizrzam M. I 03.—Bnt little i s doing In brimiantle- due OM Ohio extra family itold ge,76 07; iayarane doll at POW. - Bye door aaW Mow. 46(04,116, Cern meal at hi. Wheat moves Lyles 3,00 Q bah rad at $1,6031,i8 and white at $ 478. By* dmUned to $l.. Corn Iti tate rm. mien &XI tomb wild, at &Way& fir yellow and 80c Sir emote . = mixed. , Oate moody sod DAG boob: - meld at 708730.. No Wm of barley or-malt: - Oliver. Bred wanted at 13,73. Timothy la nandnalat i 10.30 and dammed at AUL Come drooldng. and tali , mid midair attract vary little attention. , Provisioner held but net much doing." Whisky ham ad.' vanced mod okeed at 46(letee for Pen= and Ohio.. , Mot Yawn, May 30.—Ootton . qalet- at '5130:15ii. Floor Arm and advanced 604 saw LIMO Ws W. OP rat% a nt. "' Wl Si rat )43s oaa 1 ar ° 1 3 •14211t 6 ;12: 47 1 wpm 'far °Mew tsPtthis 1; 2 @IA few auk and sl„teig)l,6l wr ed. Lora advasced salaa 60,GU0 bash. at noneo. pra,iski.• quirk whisky doll atHt Ildtkiin • . adpts - ot_isoar. 14133,W/4 Wheat lit, is r boaki bash.- rtaights unchanged. er.a.irrs. ORTE a WANTED.—An experienced P attn. with • ettiotly Itteprreli 'baba% who oils cone Intl reommended. nun. other need applz. tor29:et - 7DW. UZAZZLTON. to Di.a.ado,' WALNITSD Iliblll/11aXLY 7 - cOO bal.rhai Clovaatad,.; SICO -des ' do Book. ba; . Arintruartihrsi t 1167 Litany atri...l 0319 . std. S. alaa't t.OO. WANTED.—S7S • NoiTsl—l , want to g hiss Agouti In otior ‘ oounty at Miiisoatb. upoopilpalC toad! my suniviwoo Irsattly hewing nowliteee. ghtiewe h. kte.DISOJI, meiklheir • • • Med. Motto. 111ANITED.$60 • =KM 1-.4YR w a n ,Tll, Apes. at pa ripnisis pact; so ma o i se. E. 0 11.0.• awaits. - 04.=a a...... 4— gleams othiCzaw; odd sod • eitions saiRRA valise enttfrolo Addrup., SHAW l CLARK. BklikArra. ifia r „TIIIRVIANCIET PIiiiTOGRAPU 001319111 rani AND ILARILIT WOOERS, iltd and ;410o:toy over litabardsoWs..T .01.1ra14 Preramini: Pi; PROTOGILkPIiIkie over: and dyis, plata 9F caloped, from ths papaw °arts . ds '.to Gala MA LIM lila% Et; I , o7lylMialtweckt particularly till the et- too dm of no Am imp tirrut to the rotifi *and Nifty of this ostabltsholoot, !lies rosoind by'i itn shad light ot.ststra lir Pawls samars, sattitiotice ignarai 4W.i; , mv4ls3l#ii;w 11111115 Ak4l4 VAJL. thr LADIZP, mow s oanDßEire O.IITBES, BALMORALB & B0(5/13, soRLAND.r. gO. Or Mato( Oailidetbirot olrAl—Cialto:7 ALII.IIWA&S.; Mime Covina astute sad Obllaislo Irot*All4l mnis. Alio. NW!, Age, ,m Tooll'or Som a . esitaro and Balson. Yor s olnAlo 1,0,1 well WWI I ' examlao wry . Moak "bi1..4/ introboolog /olosilarA' Xeatitt Was durplkatel. ; Batomoble. ay . I. H. Bconiliili s ia a.boad 400 fro. STILL e °genii • m , ob* :it or • 4 . aura iTat l / 1 1 50 /OALT KU_4 lO / TOW, 13 0 / 0T V., • earilaiiapt IS *JAIN! ,I,litB3llM l .0;s0 rArda j o &W ,r 1) MAU& 1.4#4 . p., wake% *germ 'VAL !!,X, 1 . 1 !I4 - ./40=1411168taiiille - Noma ea /otos qatrititla:_ , • -. •. • - 1411". X • eitannoixra Jilmbitak•NCloaniuktalso. -41r14, Wa.tritei eitioarteopattr, a vela. Bakruptcy. sult•st Marcpws. Stara *gag JOsprodisc.; aim id; Ira ast• 611 'Wood et. • NISEI—Of all how . : • libiduadomedlas Gad Imp, Liilltds: Wag -Baltirarallarlas wanii . frai elkirtaingla a klys; AD; Abo; . Z. I m o r • Mee* IDW'D , Toriale by Ws ta -1011.11tENDB 18LIMP13.1.:e r r.'i.d:t, isenfolf Limnos ttaaps Ittept as band at the wawa!mite"llillte,' no: sr vast Moo, 4144 , :) atarobadaito vaatigies um be 61- . .syra• oigua.r of theft' 11 1 10it8n TOR BALE'=—AV'itneiba % RONA -Pathea*Y off, , VAI owl Imam hiteblas. sad w mom oI.G. lacaaiaba. ij ,av at 1011. , 1/000 aTaliriar WA. aApx.' 'vault maws, Fmk strint„„ 'iIIIOLDIBBEr''OBETIFICIATIS, o.) 0011iielr ilMnimuw b 2 l ': =l;r Wittitri x`7l4lß is, IlarlidwoodoiOdWr • -- --t qls .ftwolopoolotoseiso e z4OWOOlovIlookaio!o lin" *A. -01" a kht - Ves i Lr y Ciltintit tab OlAnkiti 1 of all laidlesidielesisllpOpm. Mao 01/ 01o* De. 11014.211104 OIL alskstwa. NW t--r„- - 7 . 41U0111. HENRY G HALE Co, illsoesmes ter:small Wia.l Merchant Tailors. Ass saw neatebyt tbstr • SPRING - 131Ver OP-GOODS, Adapted to a Int alma boa, latch basted mixt. ad with gnat are to mast tho Ip of tvs of *Mr many Wands sad patron, sad trouble, by alma at. Mation to bamboo and 'ldiot latomlty, to meet to. approval of all who may tams us with ORSICIIRB` ITNU'OVIEB Nods to order la the - irt nannii Old odituocUibis term. Huhn finished . grakipaiwunxrouss, for Buff, raid and LIDO Mew . % u it. Nam we propored to ozocati d iu.lutile du with witssotaoso and deopatdo._ Llourfoo Von choice oolootisicUXUAlLlßinhil GOODS stone cm boad. ' • COL ON PIE- • BT. (man anzill. 0,0110.4" &gams. 1101 - 011INSUULD lITTENITURE, BOOK AA CAW 14.-04. • IlMaDa2. , -411111110101, Juno Ilk at i o'clock v[ll hi sold, at the Bowater. dal Woo Looms 54 /nth wag, a stock at goO4 Boasonahl litualtunk abt.h tan ban tut a awn Mau In non, lungiachug 11rOclitirthi OM red Lounge. Jgoo Janay Una owls Matiapiay Bodo cad, aio.out Walnut taiga paat Maiamad, oink Matta rah Oginti• Sri Lied.. rlOO.ll sad Iltoktoto,knotoobd wrath Stood. Mahogany Doro,n. Want Itztonmoo TWA. dimly Dining and Broakfus Tad.% i coo Soot "ut.1,1 Okalt, osmium Vows; Looking sues, Pa , la Pie. Um. oblong Maatoltnodi. Mud. Bilk Dad Ware, Altman Utonntio ate lanutoso a agpslor Coot Stove, &O. IWO Goa and glatuarany Book ,Claoa Ikon Elan t, Condor, an. - DaVill mottorithyg. aarg. TlO ADINe—D.B.I ..111001)r, 0 . or .1../ TaAMM—On TUMMILY holitllllo. Jaws 2d, at 1000626 wall bo told to ins trade, at the annotoro al Salsa Room, 61 2Mtb strait -40 piaese L,Yis Poplin; • - • 46 %ambito Lawn Moog gdacealtrise &term • loateas; . 3 all moil 6-4 t amnia %loads; 2' u Pnntatnen Staff, - 6 u Dram Mande; WO lads Ilinnitult ova Island Kunst; au Oath and vanity Meath's.- 136 algal Hopp bidet. ben_quallto; '2O dose's 01anos and floonity; -20 u Linen Mt tenting • it) Maroetilan nhirt Samonza; 60 asecetod oda Mal Tao, 1.11 ••• •• Onituniz Won -jai Mhirlit ildbM4llssl. Anat'co. ONONGIiIiBLA -VALLEY.PhOP BIITY.—Wit 01430/11 avUNtNs, Joao ad, eta o'clock, wall be add_ at tic Oionwarcial. NJ.. Moab, no. Ca flick urea; tha'Sdand.., Valtarßiosary, stouts alt , itatightio Statiow; on tan loaaalL.tty ludlioad, *HAW NOS an."" ULM SO 'h. dry, babelbe woll:Sna as satialow, liatrast," In filial aownablp. of tb. lac* Sanwa lhompaan: Lot is 1 la 3 aria ad ptroho Of meadow land, be. ths Iktonvndah•hlt slaw ana Pittaourab a Uo• • nalarida Bahr:447.n ada.lowds tato fo: mama*. LoC so. afa 6 Mee 6 ;craw,' battrain dm rail - road and brow of sae hill, ine winos Ls a two -4.0 4 .• ll iiiffa Puska, rick, vita- is moan, L.:la:a:oat Allebsoe IMO Maw and beta holmy wull happhad with Warn witeri frame an.., o.Oxlag• house. all. Abo s perm MEd water,' a.. go 4 water, cholas and stwadant.pappka of hat. to igtwas aarody. Loa hi. 3 la o sores 67 perabwo or cool. land' In rear of La hot 11, lb@ most awie.l4o Landis% also I. lb. county, baring =tombs flaw aif air mar. and 'annum of dubber.,. istradashaataad .040441 tilattitti:. Tame at Isla m0at...:... 'Da Vitt k MaILIVAIENY. Ated'sa. 0)11TH .P.l.TUttUialft .1.0113 'AJ AIIOI7OM.—Do -TOMdDs ATZti ISO, Jove 415 o Mock; frill be nolo. at Mu Comas: o al dem .11:oak51.11Mtilt straft, ime tniirdbld Jou odigiound saute oa thatawarrup road moo sdOmdowpc.paty of m. a. Day, Mrs. 5•60..Wra.9711.1ips Ka, o: has, doh g lota boa 7.8. 04 , 11.amd19dst-d. t&. Valle pfah—lotallloa 7.8, 10 .5419 eaoli z amalnlo‘ boom oalf sh lure i lay ! :.1to. L positafidag aluut so sus • .7 - 1.34 is or OALI-410 oak rieildue„los ;et ste alb. •lib menet, Gatti paid tbo. , flaws of Jul. proper." and rartites 'Unmet eon can be het st_the.enseOn [tom tayie .. .-1,41T1b i kIeILWALIHR. Anat'rs. V*L UAiiLIiSTIN.4I:I-AS nutiritni. • :••••=4:ii VIITZDAY SYKNIIiO, Jimui 2d,. 11-4441224 will 54 IDi iltaiwwwwal nand liania, 00. 14 filth Waweft • 20 abani51124251052 task- Mock; • 24' do Usiatiataiillailiksais24.l3auk 51.14.4 25 de. .•Allighawy 114:04 WU*: • ao' - ag" Allegheny aaapaadaskAddp 00.13k4i ,25,10. • llawmapiallalawarsoo4o4. Moak; - ' P'4452.14; *a-ILX 1 1 0 .r•••*/ 4do ,540wwlaibil* iticriptke biad.kl 15 de ..5420olieswe &vino D.* ataili • ' wyltiP liAlius• a nallAralill. wuovre OUD IiTBAST PAUP/LAT Y AT _2. . . sulititiB.=4)4.llMatilrisltirausa, Jacob 214 at a . cialcatc. 4e kid;-. at 4,11,' Uominur4al 2 °0mi.'* 1 4 11 1 4 ,4 1 ..g. fay. calmly* postx Banat, on lohyuly. desl.w ooa Mot; art, pmaSi 13th. flnt 4'xisastartan 011C103. ma Oen°. lag 7d 9 taakialnica Ilia .acitfts al 1 , 1.44 utd !dub, .azia 04111114/21,1 atom ,Woo“, prat 60 uet ri "inalast . and - earaajaa alga,(9,tatopx • 101 ch trectrd tiwask. at apa,ta skcivcomrtlic for VA° Par 'lva • v at,ldati-,►steno. Acet'ca ; atIANT eIIi,ABZ Puts Y AT WI- AUCTION...i' Ti6=6A6 6.9 6 / 1 1210, Ja, • 64 46 6, ce•10614, ,b• •oid, stopt• (knuannisi 'Uri "Mama Alo:66",11661 calla of M. 666 6 66 3 n of 6•3116.61, 6•61•641. That taatabl• lotAtirtaaaol •6146* as ths.,auisity oda cd Gnat sabot. xi . troca stijia,, Ant cvlokink as k - 664 . 064666n,61• '64601ib two •144,9411ek dwell% . 6.164m114646•066.. tan. ei 00 1 / 4 .46. VI isa4wAikLlk Amtet. li 6 mu9Bisoßotaite:Y/#,IseCIC reY wAir*DAi • -°:' — /ipatinetz Emmitwrilaset, z lop rim i•e,ad46:41441r.:fx . :4940 Church. 'ziolia magi. / ' • • ' marissw amotr, 'prrO,terr,Otrd*O.Attek mitorAqicrassliaf •Intnig cuiloiros, IQipii • / MID rbsosscraitallto•llllll/ We. 4taa•Msd OiniY pR Tut tREEPrit GRAFI?, .ftoprie' tars. WURILROWits3, , N 6.42 ocrub ,excu,! reidap!dk A g n , , t6, 4 1P" allAm 0904 1 , • _ SODA. AMU. BY pambit* for lab at the kneed khaki* Woe. ,kkhikahle taitteek‘riy adapted' to Its laather a") - - 334aisstfaxiss; No Joireks dor stiq://iiiliale anal. ars its mum at soncuotm irksatnas. . HAS. 0 - - BALISLBY iladisl imieColuMutullentianL 11,91y=111., 4; 41:41,,kiiijFitositimplioDuc,„ &gni* • • • • TAN ° 4q 1 • 1 "1/ _ ; , an a il-0013 finkaion . ltaralants 416 P IV"tti " 0 , k rft? • le -1010 :astiiaiatiolOCIAL OikisatMed. taihr R 0 is X • Vallitukeco 4 , yußiau- RR . lukt-lituun uusbuorbouss but alluidui et , llobluelPlusi et* au gar. as irozpo,cus C•AimiLin awing: . l opyiaisubd foci 281100 FFKRlotko.cyat vp,tuiptzgAsc. XIA'YMVUIta :RACION ON CONSITIIMIM sooolbt. nib Irsing - • - . lb*: Aboddin; OA' LOAM bit. Clow - ri g 1,4 - •i • • -rt V uotociateapat - • 111 "•;Flor j‘ 4.1 L PPUklAUtibali. WPAWYeat ' 449. cooroomeg re. a - OW!r w imam tb#10 1 ,..40900 riot • VA It.w r.L. tr-wa544.41 _,.. WWALL , f r ArsOMS . - Sai.t.b.Ubi it JIM , W Wan osiseaslft- Dein Wan stls4 oll 4 Nish kw ; arDr. lEB=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers