.2-'a 1.•• • • ••• INTABLI' , b4Bri!tiFIP(IT AA. LAWS OP THE WHIM STATES, Pasted at 1A041411 &Has of 14 Thirtr• seventh congress. [14432. ACT la,provide, ar,tereporary genera-. merit fiwthe„Yreirliory- ut . MINIS and for other paws's. Boit eoiacud by the Baulk end How's Reprerenistivesoj ilta , UnitedCstssis , tea in Cea r aiseit6Tetl,'That that part of the present Territory of New • .r i zAf r =„ltag w d ei ne t Neith e r o i the Teril i tEof Colorado 4?init.the t "iittlie!Perritertafgetvidez raTWITte; 1 44iarit6ttuftli'w %non etvidte'Vrf riaitittifait govern , 4. SY. elif tWiletiribirTiiteloTy cfrATV seas: Provided, Thalifefitin'terbtAalmd in the 'proViaions of this sot ehall be constru ed to prohibit the Congress of the United States Acorn dividing. jaald Territory or . changing its boundaries in such manlier jeadvit sashtizacvtait- 7 AaWele propirri• itOvernraeat aka DO maintained and oontinn* until niasit•litweas thezipaspla n 111114114 111:' te..-.lbuitaryldiallfwiStcolseosenasa; ot.Ca lk in follifini Cenaiitutlo of the I nisei States, and apply tor an. obtain admistilen in% the Nana a*: 7 on an , equal rtititlneltith lie origins States. I "";: Seaton ,?!.- Ott it farther • That bb "goierateit hereby anthems shall consist, of, an executive * • - `anctindielarpoirei,. shall be vested in it govirini:" . Wive !Rower-shall consist of aca '+i€ nine members and w, of , tives'of eighteen: i lliejbolicisa proislblit be vested in a supreme court, to co 4 `theimitative council may by "....41/6' a-, 114 9 1 d & . general for --said Territory, who, I with ti t gaTer rr d prom e 2 President, by and with t o he a l d4 ' .-- . senbifete . the term olBoe fotesch, the manner or their ap • tment aad the t erere,. Antis& and the penes._ Neheor 'goverithii judges of -the supreme court, taiy, marshal,) district ,gy, s e general 1 aforAi yor th Ik° draughterman, dainties, and " ' a-t ' fi lt=t= s griett ik gat ri tg:thei Territorial government of New:twin* ;addeihinbettishnititinon - sekelf ed in the same manner;iiiid'idt its number thosazreated by said act; saw amendatory tiler:lb : together e*g:r islative Cuticle* d'fe rri Mexico not inconsistent with 'ens , a herby e,v,ded ate fintetg foroi re t in the 4alMYrithry Of Ai- - hon., until repealed.or amended,,, by futtira. Teglclatleit — diCryit a:ottlaw shill be due or paid the offihers created - ry^thi act until ther have entered upon the .duties of their ; respectlys, Territory. • Om b. And be it further enae • tiorindallitidtker satiny nor idvatiht , tary servitude in the said Tonne ' 1.46 asge , ifluieSrate h ive convicied,• and all acts and parts Itlikets; ,iitlierettlai of the Territft New Mexico, establishing, regulating= in., any way recognising the relation of btu* and "To-W9444.A.fisrOghlaw-hezetiia-i- ! [P:ram—No. 43.] ;-- • As igT making appropriation/tier g'.; ; Islatira r tAlutive,,sid jadiiialespeneee of the for the year ending . , thirtieth Sine, eighteen hundred - and eiiit74 o % leublaiV.the Year eighteen hanthtedlind itltkithree and for, other. errftl i • s ' giCitmaiger#ol 4 3kiidi ' Repipaikiiiiet Of iho Unieed atata ofict oohs Ccawreis'auanbied, That the fol,lowing be pptkiler mum omit: hereby nppro, p, .eutDf,anu pow in,ths. Treasury -• 'Mot' apprepritt4 for the Wats hereinafter exprmuted-fne.itter 104 year endinigthe thirtiethA Juns, hum. "dridniadidity butt, . ' LZGLISLAITTIC'. I * . 7 .c.:00. - "r...tcufraulaan Issikalleige of i Bona lors, WO hundred and forty thouirimil four hundred:and thirty dellirk' '-• - 1 For souiPmilmtion of the officers, cistit4 messengers and others receiving an'annu al miltepTeillireeiviiie 'el the Benste, vie; c4=l7 of,tbsAiesg% three thousand si 1161tatiolebei. charged oath die- 1 and =ie t W astir i; - cleikl cru ittVit d d five hundreddolims; principal clerk an prin cipal executive clerk intim office of the SCO. sekle4AlhallellaWifillisifillonsarid one hundred, and, sixty dollars each; i eight' ideridibiiilke Witte Cemetery of the Ben i 7 , sa i i taitekhouritOtslgap higdgad arid fifty dash ; kape'oftthilitalitiney, one ihouserid seven hundred and fifty-two dol t lam; two mateitigierk,:ritlintiiheasesd • eighty dollars each i„rine,pisit Seri .. died' dollars; Bergeantii‘ Mus and DM& ' keepe* sad' Mki denim; Atilta seven thsirod • J; " ' ilt 11 )11t iliroslicu ` 't er li i the Ekoiste,lkii, • 7 ••; , :lliebiutilleriins litadriT adlifty daft • =Yospiiiiii_rikkik. mail carzi4eae , Your hundred.and forty dollars; ‘..tekhPilitilAtiyikAhrldsriPlirifdted Ohm' •• , .e....ii ..e.ssele pimpildistiseaiktorelielbefiklitintioom ;ems* tiourisadgirciEbusdirit ihilbefetwis sew sistantriMellnadentriekka - Venti thousand two hundred deitimseriab4, puperintrindent, eif the folding rociriy one thousand five inn. =lt Aire .I — okido'bri, aotiuglaif. t orkeepers, st ' one thamand !.:11thishiulke 1141stesob; seventeen' , ties= Nagent at .94° thotßand ir hundred u douiii,ti - ; irip - effritesdeilt ,- ejp --fleastr-fassmisimuss34llf UN ifeitisilariff ifisisfitiViii=idampiiit inse t; oft, six hundred dollars; labor - in _ .pmwar six hundred dollse; two Is ' 1 ,- 4 :?' „ .`s ds ° M WO* 111111Y0dUall *Mkt . . . k or secretary to the President Was &mate, one ehouesiul seven' hunallsg.o4. , tiftY-tirerdolliii . Coleik Co the Committeemt• Finance one thong= el : t krindreifiria Shy: dollars ; clerk.tof •• -,Cssiipsdijoief. Claims, one AossmicA , , :itithared sad , NW dolherimitz. - :.. • g reciMbi,• oafs- . • A • •• , • and fifty; • - •1 , ? to , • lielete, seven how 44 4 . 1 1 11111, X '.--/ •- - • . r.,,, . . ~ p making ealeatp , •`-'-- -,-thitilgikiliiiiiFiliniaricenlig dollars. i i; - 1 ::. -l i gr z e i ttdffed l.l.-?;!1,4#,.; ~. ilemstmlioulliat lifthemilmesnd ailing , ~ ~ Foy serespripers„,thres. IlliFusts WOO -.- 'loisrealicisislifto 'bev twenty Iliod. t- 1 , tan . II id an ; us ) , 1 4... P • theemmatrigstitisnal comma i n 1',4.,. r ptthe Senate for the, C0n .40. • . ••• " '' • • - firi- Ming the pdt. , - -az4 • • dibefSesata fo rt.lnt ul reg#3 sa t 111 . 11 .CIMPK I I Costal& 1 ImarsalloiMer WI, *Miss lassozev mf,t. , .1a1.i. - i.4 - 4,-;:s. l.. ,'.V` ~ ... _..fileAssie.o9 ._ time, pages, horeSic . - 4- 1 • 04 •41,CMAT 4 'Able thowand dot, ,et Algaiti ra g /..." rt 544 f. ctle , __, j i l it f r liten thousand' Mr, .C... , iei ' TdolliM4 ' - , - . !, ,A.Mlllll.=npnd ventalaft oar d dollars. se. . . 7 "..uid - INI -- "lstx.diii z', _ ; .tsar. „kat-2,1 :::: r4.., - : iti.rya5....,,.. • • . " ~.......... moo ._ t . "`°": ..'''' ::!!..- 7' ,:... r writ ea.,- , . . r ::. .-- r-J.;-:- , ; __. t i IN 176 ._ T'. M 4 =Z=5Ml - ::2otveutpessaties.and mileage of Mem hos Oahe Aim of , Represestatises and delegates from Territori=e hundred And- afttl.'four thousand • • - For compensation at he Mears, clerks, roessmigers, and ethers esoshring an Wm..' al salary in the et s terlieierthe goose of Ketireisandietio, sis : Clerk of the House oftieptisentattess, three thstutand alt bun- Bred ii 316 thimisiid intilitedied iiiiiidittyi dollars esolt; elm en clank at one thousand'ifght . hundred" *UAW A&•' ... a ledrielpatrittesenpr, in the Vale, st - liiir -- Anllass and eighty cents per day, one thousanikideretti hundred t and fif-, Ay-sit dollireand iiiglittioidii;, three nits veng;eve, at adethmand two hundred dol lars eaehl -- ideseeler to-.the - Speaker , at four .daltars nisi eightretille par day, one *Vned eerie hundred and fifty ' u dol lars and eighty Vents ;.- olirk.to , llie Coin mittee,of of , end , lifeink , one thousand' eight hundred dollars; clerk to• - •Yhe Com mittee of Calms, one Montan' d sight' hott%' dud dolhiri; itilirkl.othe ttee on Public lands, lite thousand eight hundred. dollarst..l3ergeantAt- • Lin, thousand' one hundred and : . ark ' •lirk to the 'Sergeant-at-Arms, one theuland eight ` hundred dollars; unimenget to the,.gunt gc4lnssline Viehaind:two 'hundred - dol. tare; Postastasteri two - thousand vie -hun dred-and iixey,dollaiii;‘ one messenger it the I'S* one thoutand anon hundred and ''hrtY4liPireT fonininiken 'Band 1 '00.14 .tkalr iiidlartY inch; AWozi _ol.l3orpv4taldate• 4044edi dollars 'melt, 911tlifqtatiONITISIV thl?tilapd- one 1 464init nut aininnfiKasilarThii•Jiaoringeri two thansand one hundredavd. Itinty dol lanitinripirbteltderitt;ottliirfiging room, 14 ~thkii4d*.iigiliktintlieLdelhiri•• two *Alieglaill-oas:tlittemutp-seven! hun. *of aittliftYliii*Airearg.iiliiity cents each; one inniseligir, atone th ousand Oren auindredintfortydollamessengers, id euttlitustnidAti ado e ach; , 5 1 ., 6 4., eidonCii/iiAA 'bun ? ai aollars each; - , twelve russet to be leyeddialsg:timsessiei of ' pea, li it . e into of oll6l:alitliiiff -twolitgred sloilara swarm larittiny Chaplain 1 to .the mite ttpreiftili . ietegc are' ' liii tliqfPliggitinni 4 Ant i ti tails "Otousand four hundred And eighty Anitiltliiillesinmateittity cents. • , .-. • For contingent expeesee of the iiiiie `of ilepreintatiteriefs i - i ~.Fes -.. two thor id dollars? °.-'-• .. cortege, two dictum. For - twenty-four espies of the einiginti olonakelobe and Appendix for each gime ler and .delegsts-ok-tbe regninr w iden , ittilieithlit.j4l Ciotipiiik, and one ,linnWpopiei-ipL, %Worm. for the Home brJ -- xiorwnine: tieueand nine bun-, drat attd , iesettfolTire, AiT414 6 4V 01 40 61 1 , ,. 0 4 - - stake to corn ninon in.thi ninon eif4he eleelVertatigonetiof Ropreientittfrna 011Mlivan* L in,dItaiht - hiantred:intijatixty 'tour dollars. .Per foldiag,dotninieleta, rano rf thihrthrd.A.o4 Jor. fast and'inintitiinglotp of en *seam Aremin,' 'And iaborM; zombi; and, inaterieli tire We • thounind dai ere., . . ~..Y9rotarnitare nopaincenikpookink box es 4he members tent iomd - Adolbtrii. itiddiOnonee, :Ifoorlabilieri‘Eiettor thotieilirdp • . 7 aokum." ; d For newepipiniy: yellye!,i4eini*ut 'five inindxtr.dollitrix = tentpiia4 ataii - ixirktfn *wand two iinxdred nt, id, Fr 'repo _rtf.m., end tinhUaNng proceed jugs in ilieboyst. ems. dollen . ..ad - fift3r*Mar o?itif,ifittitok.thinixend , . . , Yor'7lo4anevy, twelve thousaroldol: - addilloWal aiintioltsa'thnt i ta gre t a ' za tilitiviern of • the Haws for the Con- Olobe forteporthis thy *wood- Inge Of the - Houss'for . the -first resnAr.: Aionvf -We Thlrtywighth, Coagressoight hundred dellutu eseh,-fooirlthousapsCdol --- korit= t wor nbrou 4 threw al= 'Want '44enienger . 'end litior. maim thousand ]lore. rfr;"/Itiztgat 4 lPeimi 4 1 , 4 A4 1 4i5r7; • For immhue of boob fbr et Llwarn alit thousand dollars. For Puziguiaka law books for said Mir . ry, two thoossad dollars. For atom. flooriag for library of Con- - gross, Your thotussat dollars. Potioattiemstioitf the'Superintendent of Public Printing, and the clerk,' and messenpr in hie, office, nine thousaid en en hundred and seventeen dollars and gli ty cents. For contingent expenses of his oillair,tho For blaarhatko o t sertising tor. proposals far paper,:furni ture, teaselling expenses, horses and:irag uns„snsant, and miscellaneous !items ; VAT Thousand four hundred and fssenty !habil.« • For the public printing, one hundred and twenty lour' that:sand 'fist hundred and-Ildrty.nine dollars and netenty; yin* . - #7i•idrk i niksw lithoVis t rr . "-‘ l 4 (l ‘*u is • • • lieit Use otir epee& ; • ••• ea& end fgfkr - dbffnti t . - idilll knot Nld beet' bidder for then 7 •tor the flosenanut, aftAte'lltte 'bilirekil*l,OVit•t#ol9o*tetidOilt Pr . girruAttok. • ilesgetper-fertiwiting, Istcan 'rutpasi.st ,p0w. 1 0 436 4'4 11 ir .eThtindzed and tweistrldallars...4 ' • for end twsnkg alwitunpadAltriefiiid .ild and iiiiii tPidititisilswicaalleippbei*--;- 0171112 - 03 CLAIM. i' l44 4 4 lbtibi4.loiiii:of Coat or.- solleator, laiiistant solicitor, ispettytter tiler Militant clerk; -them twtlLlton gialinsillimailiti 40 ; • - 4 wierosemitanolia 4sum " 4l.4 Mll , lSll mi ts`),4o o tt -40 1 ! . -1-6t=rilthlokr4W-ta= end ' t r..;IZIMMIVIVA - U9itof th, Preidisitt of tie .livestraii: r thousand dol a/ZIAN:,::::ti . • 0 :: , .Ifornajnipinplidon of thiVies Pronident ofAtuiLlSCriatakvight , thousand dol. ' 14aireetszy t•ci sign ipatuthillarlande l : thOtßattd: bun- Arid 40 1 4%.'" 1 ","' ti tie pirate seism, issiihissait4;o , the - - Prisi gitrel„ m ,titilatk.thilmul - iissithAetA ezrOsnit *eau). 4etni, ttii n 414 stationery - therefor, 4 • vir: ; . .... 8003 4 7 For oomproasktkon of the , py awing iimaii•,weirmairk of este,. Infr=7= l --Or • IFilgentni o y seven then; i d g bila ,, l4ll l*Al l6 '' .:::: . . .. ;;eor.vtsbd6thtootAnit.jiaigh st.; .d: if7unirniri'W—sossinirontsur.-4 , .--; uFeolottaletilliWiiiirtie ti,_ . tguiipida i nom. ist .: , ~,..rAs ea ems` Ea P PA Ii ttNV IS 'ePO*Pgigigi 46 _ , :1t..0-m iittli VI M s ': ~ V.Z A -i, 1 -mi if ...w..:, ivaVasA.: Yd .s i j' . .4.44 -', - 1 .41,-,14r4/1. - tt.von. .61- t"/.l.!'s PUBLIC: LILINTLIG PITTSBURGH, - and documents for the rario legstiOn" For; , -ter" 4 , !beiTl i fia - .. And consulates, including boz ebWad trams- _ . , ptitallon of. the same, three thousand dot - For eareln of Wiakhir and d iststoa. lure. able Con liallo VA 4 to For etationery, blank- boots, binding, in puisnanii of.theprorisiennean -la forrilture, fixtures, and repain, twelve the ,joint reselutlett tif'Contra* thousand dollars. twenty eighili ire4narYt.till'Ore . hundred For nffisceDeneolui item, two thousand and. Aliar 4 oveoi and act , in F' five hundred dollars. , eighteen hundred and tillyarinit,;_ ren-• For copper-plate printing, books end send 4 Sant . ~ mope, five thousand dollars. Office cif Indian .. Maim ! -, _ .; .;„........ 1 , , For-extra clerk hire and eopying; ten For blank' books, a ~, thousand dollars. folk lights, int Natidlanano ' In-.; sournimer sniCervivz - BOMDrara. ding two of.the' daily city ne n Cat to be filed, bound, and wreetWed for 4 use Far compensation of four watchmen and ~,,_ two laborer, of the ,Iliirtheast •Executive of we office , . o. _ . . 1 - Building, 'three thoimend six hundred ' dol- For emFe nsaibee ''' e- , -It, of the General thud Inn* tie* . I , lrIL For - contlegent ex ' purses of . said b u ild_ and the reciord_ , erLdrat ........ mg, viz : for fuel, light , repsirs and mil- draughtsman, e.nri•_„niete,,,, • in , °elision expenses,'„fire theu.and five hnn- leeeee n g an 't Taca"gic--"Z!!!", labor , Cr. in his office, one Inunuiend. renlY died delbt'n. 1- 'allit ' . . Tentelllnti LINzAHTKILNI. ' five thousand four hundred. -f dot. • t a rs; ' ' - ' • • ~ :o i ;1, Far 'compensation of the fietretill ‘," FOl ,, addition/4 clerk, In th e ene my. the ,Tral"Pirre Assistant seerellirT • ef `"" lend Offiere, under the set of blank Treasury r clerks, messenger, dsistuit meg thomand right hundred ' and' ire, sensor and laborers is hie officeilifty-foni• ' one ~-, bc°° r ° ,-, tft . a , , and for *mutant eight l'oadret..dellani- e' irsides;ellTift — 'pel Id thane four For compensation d the First-Comptrol- praF,L, ...„,...,.. m ,....,, , S , . ler, snit therclerks, messenger, and labor: unnnal!euntneriaa4,77,2 That •'• .hoz Cr. in'hil offuesllirty-three tinneand see- tarT tn , the . ;s' tent.= er ear, en b un c,...a si n f or ty dat um bo rti and h t l i fit i l mi utry i artawris f *us For compensation of the Seemed Comp- ' la' ,ea .„_ approp riationr.• ~ tipller, and the clerks, messenger, and la- werarbLn e e r tay , .11 rata :It Ment„ Jr igt, borer in his o ffi ce, twenty -eight: thousand at eac h rates auccedh , , ' er ., 4 „„., two hundred and ferercomn, • ; • and fair, not fr lty For compensation of Die first, Auditor? hundred "Lel a Pl a an ne a ,'-' ''''''''' Per - fuel , lights, and issidaddi and the clerks, messenger, assists:A mss- inn . ding sensor? and laborer in his o ffi oe, forty-two- attending: the "zero 1 11 . thoudanti nine hundred and, forty Idollerli. nnea-bee P ee ; keur ' tbeneand For compensation of the Second Audi- -For compensation elthe- ggig h*l sn g oh leo g er k , torvand the clerks, messetiger, samstan . . . ,,,, • messenger, aid laboiar in of f ice, thirty ,_latt,,_ r o i re,glai w e "a•- c r i al eight thousand one hundred and forty dot s er tn ..• a °et -- • -cna !"" - hundred dollars. ; ''- - - ' Tfilid A u ditor , :For cow on, of .iket , For compensation of the -„,, Pensi on ., en d, the and the elerlrat, messenger, assistant mes- r-._•• , ,,, out______en , , sengee,,and laborers in his office, ninety- ,e o l 4l ";lneemaWet mee t -SIN trine - thitithaind four hundred and forty dol el; in we t , "Tex 4 _ ene'hanalet t five thousand tve h undred! For compensation of the Fourth Auditor,.tar s ; , r __ ~,_. ; a -.... in and the Merles, messengers and assistant _ F or arobtuog A . lan c e, thim , y _ ons t h ou . agent,.._ tw_o ..... thoussild-tin.huadred 14 msseenger, in his office, sand nine hundred and forty dollen. Pe nto n office.; 1 .., .1. AM compensation of the" -Fifth Auditor, For Itatlensry,lnetluser PALI, r and:het:larks, messenger, and laborer in and Marina she eftalltall hisdithe, permitter' Mansard eight bun- lle, 2ll ,le,einglalt Pre eallYliill drdend forty dollars. to eeleteit..,°*,-suaa22.tnt_„„cuiv For compensation of the Auditor of the ase';'ea• e,er_ r i, - ,Pet_n_ ' Treasury for the Post Office Department, touching Pew", '2 l :, ,, l'e;;lev infrunsaoki,misseoger, assistant mes- printing Ant IeaPIS eassalaV aengereand , laborere in his office, one hen - "ale "them •.. _-• .,__ ~,_ drama eighty - two thousand seven hen- For compensa ti o n o f ',II. , e, e , For compensation of • the fiegister of the messenger et , 41.14 .preascriy awl , t an "V d . th da de igiL lerks, messenger basis- oareaPL*ll4llll " .n I" : • ' lca .. . 146 Palf . toinr . lbs."l.' ~''' tad neetrentpu, and laborere in hie office, For station =, , manictingeboop,nt expos pea fifty.three thousand three hundred and for- ingst a , , -; office of the Commissionerof POW (" P IL OT compensation of the Solicitor bf the hills, are buottrd dollar'. 3, ~ , e_osvprows inswaasedinximi treirs. -sensory, and the clerks and messenger in his offitte; eighteen than _ sand fi ve hundred „,,,x o „reaelPllesa sleiae__,,,_ ypene, g as s i tr igli re ek neri e and roily dollars. . . : "o f 'Wisc o n sin ,nil - For compensation of the Commissionere in his office, fira i eboaaen „ - of Customs, and the blinks, messenger, and aol;ari• of the -;• liner. " ~ I - laborers in his offroe, twenty thousand four ; F o r _ ool° F enev len t _,__,.. LI., /Mali, hundred and forty dollars. • - al d_urelfent s:e hundred For compensation of toe clerks , musen- five ;thousand fiv , !kanrod dollars. "-'"' gar and laborer of the Lighthouse , newl , ! a r b r z t i ll=l:lol,6l,,, fi,,,i nine thousand two hundred and forty dol lars. twelve thousand fire hundred do "Poi computhatioe of the Commissioners. For X°;''Pellgill*Sit thlhOMPl° liwitr'• at Internal Iterenue, and clerk., procur i ng al of Washington Territory, +S ella dies, sumps, adhesive stamps, paper print, in heroffice,six dollars. °°a i gnee# oll, er tbo All= llen_er • - any other expenses. of carrying into effect 14 of N ew erne), a nd the a has the atter July first eighteen hundred end.,°§4elr three Acull, ng2 9 , ~- ._ • . sixty=4, f i" h. n .a.,,a L h on i an d d e mo s .- " ---Por emptiest:end Ws 41F. -- '''''''''.-------- - -- --- - fin of the surveyor general of W MPS. mieunann ' a "" or " a T" '" co, two thousand dollars. o , 1 - niPASTKINT. . For compensation of the surreyet gene?- ' In the office of the Secretary of the at of Kenna and Nebraska, and* alerts Trearury, •.. ' in lib office, six thotinirdinie but dol. For„ cloning, labor, binding, sea li n g , ships, muse. . tranaLa .,,,, ungforel „,„,,o k 'I' l l ,: — lor °amputation of the gerier.' P a ig e, -"----•' extra -- not Minnesota, end the clerks in office for preparing and collecting infortnetion to ~__ ~,„„,,,,,,,,., hundred , be laid before Congress And tar miscalls- "7 0 7" 00 — , coect raa "gr• hc ••••• .. mini. neon itennewenty thousand dollars. ~...:_ al of the Territory : of Colorado, led Irai eapipeniliti__on of _..tePP°,rarjr cler ks in clerks in his o ffi ce, four thoneend liellicit" the T 4111111117 the rent ''"'"'''' ''''''.. For compensation ofthe surre t tagenere• eh, Secretary of Treasury be and he is al of th e Tenciwly, f Dakota, an d oak"- hereby, aulltheltele In Ida Macre, ,ibziai to in his o ffi ce, two Siousend nine *And clesaley ic e D alerts authorized scniorplag to and nix dollars and fifty-nine WWI --...i, the characr of • their seised. or I assign v. .._ ....... ~, 5urvey0r,„..,,,,....,,., As u u, ,,,„ , to rook at them as he obeli see fitnay core- - e r l 67 f ,V: lc d o il i ti e;; ll7 - 7 " 1 474. pensation not exceeding that of clerks if incid ental anpaucca. including pay t h aw the &stelae', two hundred theunad- d 1- ''"'• Banger, two thousand dollars. _. - , lea , ' ' i i - For rent of surveys; genellgi I cifffir 1 In.iin nada (4 111611 x" ...Co m b ... ol l er ' , ColiforMs t fuel, beeaste l eth i neen d elks, ' E " fuezdtne°, blank b " --1 -- g' I- er incidental Ineneall, hosinding y- of clonal, public • docuctieds, State and Ter - messen ger, to ur thousand, -ritoriaL statutes and - inlicellaueons, iteme, For effi " rejoer the purveyor &Ira one thousand eight hundred dollen: of Washington'Territery? fuel, bus at; In the office of the fielpid.Comptrailler. _ - Winery, and otherincideirtalexperuise? two Iroblank b ee le •„.. bnab t°° ,,, ago n iO nadcn t, e i nd thousand dolls* , I `,,,,‘•- r 01406111 nend ----, ----- 4,_ • __, er _P". -For vent tithe surveyor general! AIM* tionto one city newipaper,' to ee ee‘te._,,aeu io n N e w I,loo,rfuel g books,steffibasAy, sat preserved for_the peed the office, 0 4 5 saw' other w o og en o s i e ve..., ed. , ' ......4.1 send two hundred dollars. .. , ~..„„,.. ,l, ~ F ---- ; - ; -, 7T 71 , N In the office of the Vint Auditor. , "Z r ' n •- ffic e - ism, c y ibi _ ~; ii Tor blank books, binding, stationery , and ° Lic itness:go o, N e b ras i e 7R n o miseellaneons items, and subscription. to „,,_,„, _____ one ~,„___,..„_l.-,_ one city eitynewspaper, one.thimand fiver hue- 1 0 7 1 ; v s '''r" . ""*t . , _ .......,..7n,, , ...:77 , _, ~ ...c, eked dollars • - ' ; F or ren t, o f the surveyor iiiiirla' 'll lift.; ili the gen of the Second Auditor. In t u e T en howet e010ted0,•.64 Irtieffir t :For stationery, office furniture, and oda .„„„„,„,d7, a nd o th er to,damatt_smi„.,,.. oellainens items, including two of to oity - :. - _ - :17. 2 n - r.;0",; - ,i3- , - 77 --- 7 - ,-, ,--, -- r= neerqarrit to be died ' beund, and. f " eae. ' loT:iiii of tiiii.- " 'll aea, kin o 4 Paw, for We use of the office, and or ad- in ma i Te m,o h o r y. o f ,15 6 16. 14 ,4 4, 46 1 / 4 4 &Mona' office innutura kw the contimpla- ~..,, „„., and o t he i g i ga gd anoi g , ' ted Dieresis of the clerleal force of ' the of • "'"'i l if" gi0...-m on c ret ha n th own •." • ens MOM i . , ,fin thousand douse& ` 1 ' Forldirri or , lk" rettr 4 o_,artlkai titles In the office of the Third Auditor. in m i nnis k 141 1331 6W} ;worm.- Far blink boalts, binding elalloaein of _per Ike they ofthe_iffitteraf._one jerk In floe furniture,: esrPitiag , two mugs .9, t h e cone land ethos at'Desffiloinee, preserving files and pipers, bounty l o wa , ens o l o ile fAi trp. .1 ii , service, and miscellaneous items, two it- '''l,. •_ _ .--- . sand two hundred dollen.' ; - - • :walangeltragar..-• , ' , 1 In thecae, of the Fourth Auditor. For compensation of the 1_ of For cotitingentinpenses of the office, one Wart tselelege Secretary pt wart acid the thousand Ave hundred dollen. Make,' me re sPOWut t roilism In the office of the Fifth Auditor , 1 '; ' and 14kirectA; 1 4.,914%:N1A.4**2 1 4 Per blank books, stationeiy,pastageand fonekundnd San . inghty_aauarse . .i miscellaneous expenses, in which ave in ' Vol oottimsz!!!.=„ 4 . l es rest t 29. j . chided two daqnsltiVslors. one thousand SOlt dollars ii, iox t in 6 0 :7 1 7 ai a ' nine e'eal. andw In the office of the Treasurer. 1 , i ,tr„tali,gfalire - , : e ia ll i , l l l mes. Fox,fieulingena ' e aPaatee d =le '.°d toe , ' ' ' B9k 4 117 1 office of tint Quatteminetew onesefonesni fire hundred 1 sellger g th ous sq, .w h In the office of the Wilder. ' I • General; forty- f our - , sere - . . , "or"• 'Per sesPenerift arranging eld *Gm. awl oid'IRIAT L" ',f'''' ' ' •Lile . ti c asik e llaX edn a'F a F eel C .- a neel l-l i f" '' " of ' 7"1 ti m u i r ...robordok, lua 'uLlOOll NOW PeOrdbin fa/ thouind eig ht. : led 4 1,4-...... Ili:hiding - Ala furniture and arra. eritiotightraana ••so _., Ang, live hundred thousand ilcillent ; - _aft W l7 ;p e = ii -d i in t h' s - , ,g mhni m ,., Office of the Solicitor, e L the Zr e =;, _... ll" .n evi t, in; the offietenf 'the I Contz For stationery, labor and ; wet ea...........--, • t, . needed. twisty thonsankein lini: items, maim acetates, and reports, two itilm l l,_,__,7 6 — r - c -- 4,, cuam , -. . - thousand two hundred dollar& 4 + Ind eau_ ..".„„_ cg. , t L ,-_,„., ;• ; ..'' Office of theConunissioner of C "For ffiemPelte_ jrf,._ office 7r• _ri.22ller.t.:- For mtheellanecon Mtn; Ind "ea fur-, ger? siaigLebe„,,a7 . 4:47 oci r :ffian has- LQUO thattsind five huedied dollen. tillek° ll l l g o gu ost ~ • - , : Dight.honso Board.. ' ,- ; , died dale y wog via e i ,ti .,,.. For statiOnery; miscellaneous exPenns, Per - i ,o„ um n ob s o f ",,,,,,,,„„„=,,;_ and postage eta- hundred_ . dollars. • ge nd i l l iseere, ' Mein theiluZliin g ii xi , iron east 011317341. NORIONIB 01 25.1 .nets . - Pe so ycialimLi• tut axxotellralll7ll,DlNGl/10MIDUIQ Ice , di 4 4 th e la rr o. in is XIM II / 011 ! , •'' c t ' *lnne r;b7TiliaSXAt all aiddli" raw., For. Otthipensetion of Weir, 1,4 1 0012.2 .air i i n t enniOrtir,litrudred *ploy* dcA: sad eleven Wenn nt tire godhead give. -- 41 , a , nave sau d i tt a b irt er' reb er an d ; efg b a• 1- r i co i g ieniiiiimotthe olorks-Aact 11W luilyetrety contingent expense- et ' ier g be i igt ; g gampr e 4=e i n tho t offi ntio esez i t tit oorr u lg o l q sa rat. 4 Ind, light, labor end misaellineaus Item*, 4 111141 9, " -., Y. twenty thousand dollars . ; " ',....."„ ; forty _ _ zzmnei _r ii st___. oiniiivveinoseens. , , .. DZPAZ2VIXT ON NOS ENTMIIOI2 `, , - 'fg alTlll°l4 ", ,_ • anity, ••• i _al 7.,. 1 ., For eisolponostioll of the Secretary of the ro am s o f the lkinetail of War. . ; Interier,e'fiedstant ffithetary, end the 7 nr uintposiOjrlik_AN,iitpt dirks,- messengor, esslathin measengers,' extra - clerk . and -misw•mawallallatai l evatelones and lobo:train his office, forty- ; wa rs wins deUersat .;•;e., ..r. .,. ~,, four thousand_even hundred dollars. . 15.0 o f Ain V igip. Pll4 ! ~ ' • ;I , . V 110112ENOUT *NLUNLIP..DIRA3 LIMAINT " ilil ' - Kw y l. folii, 1 ' 4 , 4;4 / , y ., , , ~i, xliniinitlOL and , •-• ; . r 00100.4 the geeretarY'er the Interior dollen. •,i .' • " awligingfiC;•= -2-'-'-ghorksiTsta L titutegtan fika ; Cl/6"atkilt AVIA& AWAIT , m i ii i ..,,Ogbkninnd '. c i a g n re l i t li - ca .. ' d a „..f" F0r_..141 1 1& 4, fth a l i mmi g . — d x. 0 64 .,„ ---- ,: : : -- - 1, -- , -- 7 ,---1134 . '' ,- zi we.:-.4.0,..mvai. , ..: ~. , k -- - -- -----'— , AR. t ucj, =;,... lo "AG:x-3 ‘ 54040 `,..fa : .1 10 1 . ,..} ;Et, p„;;:,,,,t , e.." l, f !, . 1.; ...- -.....-. r-j.. q 1„. , , ~ ~,, 1 V.. , . 1 Ibt i .1 q....t lily ar. , 11.,1ri.t to 1. ',,'",,;',,, - • ; „. ,_,,,, • ,,,,,,„ i tmreo ' V,31, VA.) PI .1. - ' VlO ...t ~.1.1 .'..;;W! At ...stoni - or --, -- , ..) . ..-4;,,,,, r , ; , 1 , 1. 4 1.1.11vt .u.i. .t ‘r.:o,—. 4,.) 1 traz)l4 rH. 1 .0 .1 t - .- « :T'... , _.x0 - :..;*;.. V4:IRD :'_.loLl(..,. : :pi'_t':,is.w -!, , _ , alba PamarterGeneral. ... or;blanli bcalti.,liinding, stationery - nifeiellanitent Items, axes th..a ~, Offitenf ths aommisnrs GefioraL - , - - L-Pbeiblank booke t alationerri4ndakind4ll including rent of office and lariat *itch-, nzeutletenibouo o 4 ll l l hts 4 hed egPix t r i I dollars. • ",- , 'lnite of Chief 'Engineer. ' ~,,,• _ .-: ' • _ Tor blink looks, : tinffini, - eleitlonery• iindiasie lienffioni 4=4 one tiolniand, fiye, hundred dimwit— ~ , ~ : ' - . Office °Lake Burgeon Oenirak, ti ' ' - ' 1 For blank boob; binding / ' -gnu spa , Irobtoellineoint-itecos f 4iva-4tkoni 4101-., `: ~ ' ~omisecer, c kkbiitefitthimitai•— .- - For blank bfieks; : filiding, - :statioiitif, aid tileoellaneonc. Itenilk ::tfirbly Oionsandl fijeliandrel dollars: -' • , ---011kwealt-thenel of Topographica l 1 ~ .• 5 1 / 1 .4.) C.....V.'...,..1 .2,/ :,..Itor-,bliakibqokeptindliqvalatioury, an aciss items, tern tfiensand dof • • -i, ,:a , ..41.1 c. 41 5 Er ...J .t':.. . .. + ' -410f/Ilitmeit44llllroa* Or tan loam { ' • ", ' •IVintariniu isantraibtei. Virsiiiiini of irtipiiiihierident,Tour• 'itittelhine 'Mid Oro= liborritof • the N'orth- , iiiltliiiibbfeg- AdEree 'thousand , alt i ki f lil k f .l iftl l / Pr 1 4 411411; • mly , 001 , 1402to**rdisfeemen• 1 - -'' "- e rf,3 7, r , . .. a aotodk . - titri9.l4.ll:4i.464tiott Ore pi, : lirp ':berers froreeld oild-i ilt ers. l *lfgoqatna , e l oo l l l 44 o/ 63 4 IRV: FOilUel; otiii. i.eithwoh. , iintr mimeo usilvorito*frilthoiiiiiidin btlil l- , 'Ortf dollinl. - ..T.,• • :: ..-rq • •- 1 :'. „Fee siciro;orei 'error of W boilasii*44f!, , 'it , r , ...e.asei Aillitma atimpl. _ ~ , rotelteirintroufeitt,iritektheo,fatoillgbi; and mieeelleeeou6 item,' ton' 'donna ,dol " For:reipiiiailoi .of the Secretary' of thel‘sty, and the ,olerks, messestiger, as sistantaguleager, and laborer in *softie% thirty-eizlhousend-two hundred dellare: . 11ov ,oseepnieelion.ef , As Chief of. the ,Illatatelof bissylYardt end Docks, land oiriLenginetrpoikkeeleilostiager end., la,-. 6 °Zerill Ida' *moll' ofilfgaak Ithodand. two handrotiad-fertysibellirk-) " tql ? ::z gailciapoliiiistiai MU Chief of Alka An iiantaf alhafintanir4indiltaandtliti v and the.elieksuigaiseiggit II his Abou t ,ttst tbeseaudeLidtdirdret sad-foittlliollaret ~,, For etnnpensetiewof theiCldet er i the Ita-, mirorierrigranswid - the clerks 114 d iii loMiOlt. : 410 `kilakortW ifOr.laivi;!o ll ii busorea ti iii i i=w , nws: —' -- . • 6 " ' • . . , . . z- 'TiitrNtkto on'of- the- 'Chief ,Ord nhinW- -tbe-'hillitital,, Clerk, ''. tik'aughte, man nieeeliiioUid t leherra in - bla . ogoo; 14,4141l'ilmii*A-tl,O kindred- lUil lt,prenty. dollars. ---Pireenipenseikm of : 114 Chief of 4.l;ii,gi resietChisibrirotion; iftililp - riant, and ; ip peitvsnelhenierba, draughtsmen; iieerui._ ter, luidlideirer iir hi . t'ollree el!eteen ,thcea l ' illui=lintelilundreor aukalerirdellaki.,,: N . ' , For ceniviiiiithib of We afetdihijle, I Vie of Stiien'artigineerlit wed Wei clerk., , drouleinkivlabroi fu' -hie iiiibei 'tWumftlierotieloOliii42.id rib i te.denc„ii,..k: ~ —La,-,,L . .7,z, ...,.. 1 - Mitialipeasitioninkeehier or tie ; ' ii: mart& -Frovhdone and Clothing 'lnd Oki elerkk iNesenirer, =and" Warm, thirteen theasandliesliutdied nod forty dollire. -For eiiiiieetitiori of eirf'Oldaf of gos Bo= rem -ifilladibilki and , Battery,- y: i and tielierkvuusenurAnd labe t i r l e a i t . e : n ln bilisimapal4la9kdte d,uA .kri l th.l,,.w c!-. : 1 ie*ee teiiii.: 4a. N•ivi Ijignasessi otrioaJda of iho Ilsoi• • - Fge bleskilmka s bindinvetetiontrY; la- UFO* . . FoFOlom:Voa?, And Wood lerumuktori=?Lk tene eight lcundred ad ~, ,Bnreieu of Teals sat Desks. : •,. _Nor atatbieer7i 'boob* *oar -dr.Orlimor ind misoeUeneone itern*ight Mamie dol iink----.7==.7____ - ' - :•-, - - y t d orl sabilteontiebi For ~tioasi infars, furniture, qadtis. VrIBIZUF7i*r.,,---4._44 4411.04161ak+iceioniEkekiPilbt Thkrelin • 43r4 do 1 • • dollare • Equipmeit t - and , • , stationerh do limit_ i ii.lllllllllo:*llamiN. 141 it htuared • ;d O4ll . 4 121 4eir 61'7 . 1 ' ‘ . , of Provider/sad Clothlak. : , For bleak books, stattobsti; and kdssad, eams items, oar amassed deltas. ' I !Bartati•of itedkale eadflutgery.l '‘ ' 4 ' - uar ' ' 144 1 , sti VOW it .illow*Oster•haaszia.w Atti c Mrs: , 'Fbrliiffijkli***:. l o4 - **:z -. 6" _#ft,4llp4tlli. •• z i i " -tili':ii;iiliiitiOt Of 4/4 . , .: Iriteill Ilid:2l; m lorkiii)t SW 80tUrtilit 'MP" , the late#Mild estewitt adiial 'Zit_ oo 4tkikiunr eitiooc..e , $ 4l bad : . 0 - ,...,v ~.,„......„ , i ~,,.,,_ 0,1 4%,4 11 0•104 ' mil% Ilv• niaaid Amu" , Ij, . No Oitsigitertamk.,. , 1 It i L '' For empeasetka4re,thaesiiiiiiterelik end three Assieleatmrtsleitestert , Genial, sad thteletiut i ldelltaat cat* satiktii(adibreei.l434:ers oFteldt it•FnUmati gar 1 ; 1 4 1 1 605 Sad lire 601 V1=Auma:444wasits, UM "liir ilia! tasayresdaltioni; 61 cammowatitkomad . pars, . 44 ` ; `, ... .. •1104041010,11 net g, sad stittlot= irMitit*-1 1 00otterat hal egos liityd i " lab itiolildhag the atsilleatv..oll% 0 0 , - Oh( 4 *. 6l l4 l4l okiAatiniiszipeirs of thi Wai; irillbettOine. Whiles, oleos tosattare; l ' Asimrs ' , '1" 111=:1it; T 75 '' Aittiain for i ir i i sigikik ?' . ~ Alalrtra *al t,cis , , • . ' Mask Viitte4l•ll t :0 - Ile • LD few 6 1 2 /0 041 4 04- • r th i Way Or tlik;Comogaleser It Agdeultari;:thise &Mum& dollars. or the nasty ilVtlie chief -clerk lot the it Of 4 14016 1 1 % ih#llmsd rek.thecelleation and compiling el.-ay. nionlmonratetietiol - hr.Prialkotilli sgrt OUMUSI AUld. Mid 'WNWWA ate VW ofnatting satseeds tilickantAtCsilinl riatlil; matefill111W1110171!_ Ma pro ceether of initionesectem hinavtinl, saki Mali or iiii 4 Akkiwil 4 1 4agal, Ors* tIS toi-#4l4*Alerkg Its 4 easmf ritylim ta m ta n d tio if nned , tig * 1"/ • 110 #.et!wtht .1 01.amisi , n11118tsgalaveatinktitelity 'Zigfri4ll473.l4-:4 t r77 ,oBl~widiattraisKsktialitila • r • • tirm der . 5:<1 , 04.7 .t. , 4kitrs. W4' . 10 1.Z.4141:1 .9 02. b t tgativiz.w, For wagei of iiindied and 'and dollars - - ' For incidental and contingent expenses, including repairs and wastage,. forty thou-- „Bald +l9llars. , • specimens rot ore and coins to be m isread in'the eabinet at the mint, three %MAW dollen: . Yer_trastsportstion of bullion from New Xyrisimmy.ilifion to the United titans mint fur oolingiten , thowund dollars. F1M 4 4 ,00 , Catiforais. `,lila; Main . les: '44' Saperiniendent, tressui. er, - Wissjer, Vetter and coiner and lix elteltsilliiny'llonsand 'five- hundred -• • , wages et- workmen .and &enters, oiie hundred and fire thousand dollars. - • • 'Pet ineldeitat and contingent entwines, dibludhijprignifs -: and ' Wastage,' forty,tne thousandlolistir - • big! , ev York. For ealarieb of superintendent, tram= assayer• Wild !miter and refiner, asslittint :assayer,. °Mears and -clerks, twentyAiiii thousand fire hundred dollars. • For.wages_ of workmen , .forty` thousand 'dollate. _ • . • - „, our suussourt ran TintFr,o, , Fweritory of &mitotic°, • , Forealszies Id' governor, tbrer judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. Forisontingent exppeenses or - said Territo ,y, onirtrannsand - . • For:interpreter and trlnslatbr in the ex . - esntiventle4 firchnisdredliollare.. For compenistiosi' ind - mileage of the, members et the Ie li~tire assembly, of-, doers, elerla~ , cad contingent expltises of itsilinblyi . .eighteen *nista &Wt. Iroi:rilihry ofelerk - sti the !fated States 'depository st . Blinti . Fe, Neer tidi4or,.,, • . armful,' eighteen hitudred"dollire,, watch -Men, per sesints;4ii'hinadred . dollire,':poa ter,. per annuto,q6ur hits:area dollare. - Forealuies of t governor, .three judges,. sadse,Orptsm - terslie thousand dollars.: For contingent expenses of said Territo tic.otte *parka - fly* hundred dollSni. For oetappnestion. end znilesge- of the ineinliers,of thelegislitise assembly, oftleers cisris; Cuitinfiiitt 'Venue of . the sa . thou/aid dollars: , '•” , ..,... .Territory 0 1.wafkitsriw ~_ o• 1 ' ism selaries.of. governor; three i jidge4 and rreeretiry, twelye., thous and: fire 1 hun dred dollars. .-. .„ . ~f ..-:: -• . ' , For'aontingint.stpensos of said I'errito ryt_OIIILeCIIIIIIIIICI Ave hundred . dollars. • • Xer.compinsationt. , :and• soileage of the Members of the logislatire assembly, officers clerk, and nontingent.:, expenses of the ss learbly, tient-Fs - thousand dollars."- ; - --: .---•• Territory of Arsbrsal ka, •': , 2 For silitilife'br- governor, three -jtidges,- -andSorretart, ;mil' thousand fire' {undyed ffollars.);T: - - ' - , .. -. -'-'-iForsinithigent expenses , of said' Ter:rift. 14-Intellionsandlollers: - ' ' • . •,.. -, For :Compensation - and" mileage of the Wietriberi er' thir =legislative -, assembly, Of= Adak clerks, aid contingent 'expenses of ihtfassembly, tour thinnand dollars. ffiwrilei3i it ChtoiiidO: ' Far eateries of„giverody and superinten dent of In d ian affairs; three judges, and seciatary, riirie "tiourAnd.: 110T011. , hundred dollar's. , , . gar cox4rient expenses of said Territo xi, one thousand dollars, •,, ' , For se t izipe and =110ov:riot the minriwill of :Om Wiii . ditive. assembly; at :,-00).:1, 4 7 .04 1 # inVeontial@uk e xpenses of 4.4 L. • .-, assembly, Penti-tkonfand, • dollars.::: .„ffuritorsof r , .-....: , , .- For salaries of worrier 'and superinten dent of Indian affairt thrill littiges, and secretary, -nine- thousand , -seven . hundred • For contingent at said Territo; ry; one thousand dollars. -, '- - 'For compensator and , mileage id'--the members of the':-legislative assembly is of- Sows, clerks, and-contingent -.Spouses et tlwassenbly,-trtenty thousand dollars. ~a.„4 ....-; r.re;i 4 ,.., - 4,. 0 f Dad .., , 'for atiSitii 3 OiWYo/1141:04:40rinten. leneof 'lndian iffeliii three,, judjes, „ and ' ll ° o oeatr-.1 1 /#." 2 2 1 h 1 o;Yest hundred dollars For ;contingent expanses 'of, said Territo; . ..._: rj, one ' thotessia'fie ll ars. . , • ; 1 ' , 1 ' For etimPeiwition .iind mileage of 'the •mearbiris' et , tlift legislative' .assershly, ot licerip; Clarksoind • offontlngent; Aspens es •-: of thw - asaiably, - tifteel thousand 'dollars:, I 'VolidapEat thirinmolthree thousand tiro hundred-and' - forty ode dollars and thirty= Ibis. :an& one-third -cents •' direct Cal:laid uponi' the T4112110*. of . Dakota' be..peid and 1".0P1104!).7 deducting and amoun t from the Ispprtipriation far legletellie expenses of sold Tarlton; 'of - Dakritit'foi , the' - }fratr end ing the thirtieth of Junksiihteei isindied 1414 . e1.07-,Leur.: •.,_ -_,,,. - ...,:::f.: I • • f 1,,..-,:;,::-.,::...- , ,,_r,...,rewiefars...it ---L,. - - f •Lnit - iikuriii of tiii - jirstici it the Snpfeme lkiert kid aftliVrraswilite 'jiziftl* 1 thirty ... ~. _ , . , , . thturitandloltam ••' - --”- 0: - ' - -- 40:Wailes or the die tilb tg r aik' thirty: thrtisiiia dollars. ' " ' - -""- - , 1 •- • ••• - 'Far ittlary',orthe sVietilt jolgi 1! Oaltfor . arlg - sixuthodsand:ffrillars. --' '.• • -.., Jr•Viiabitiei-oC`the 'Alit liigois: Of 'the' District dif ColirintiOhb associate judges CV thi.arlarinal - 'or court' Siii - "the - phans' Ow.. irt ilfteen•lliid : siffiCien :hrnd . ri l d and tatty 61/1,1 i - i,9llis kP:r i4i °mi4;li" ;*4lrhiiip( the; .-IttOrney;mle s!, t443pl4.lierierel, widths *larks' i'.4 l C l .4 4ll PatlKAir _his nag*: twenty' thou truid,thwilthWndrO,riellarsi Viintbiffotit ificifSetook of • the office of the tit4e.r.thing4 mii. way ;•• , • _ • - - _ 1 . 1 4 1, -*Are tsitwiturO,Stotiiiniiirand items,- three -• thousand dol. 7= --- ' '','•-• - -•, - • ~-Fir Ptirator,.iiw Anditiotsisri books` fir,.. 11 4 1 osoirot.3.lLOMOrneySkenerq. two. liandridelkillty.dolters , -:, fi.- - ••; ,: -4a' and ofier,arietasar •rr=li s t!4 l l- . =t a l i : ll l=A 7 -„.....,_----. - ~,,.it7f)•b:t.i .. 731 , :id-G ' ' - • tar - '' i;ti: ' 444O l / a r estisordliff4 - Li! „,_„0-01lltondll , lrind Abbr.- ten ± thou WI Pge-0r k...i.-,014 i: .11, i :c:.l .1: - .7 - ; 91,. 041100f.the ;Klaus_ *4 i /i carsf.tuuk _Ahouipuudi three, l4naric, , ~..a r , :icrs_;,i I , J A i 1 Supsiserjiboitevar lus o ; i stip,,,l - • • •..., Pordofrayfit d thdr=eiiiiiiiiical"the`lid; intonaleittniltiisid 'lllstribt flaunts' of the Milked 43fidou, ~D ididitiil: fldol.l3strfit"' Of Coliasatatlt ,l lloci flitlt . tiort- - idid q . **_ithAseili bl aid oVihtfdlidettkliiikt frofttniu, pan illiasvi'ilulloifoltiirusirittOrried , bitbVilloal yolaroldfurAtid ibirtfith, , Oltheridi I Mu drod uitd - lh W--foitr, 'OA' ppierfoill'iip*., and likowinfoidteryiart the dip rises; Or suits-in.v)dotitturifniqd-Slates..urre, con=" mictuarli4Uf-tf-qprOiiiciutfinal , lbr. °Shoes . OuVuittfAbilt t4u ., .ttnitOd litutt*Auut forAiirfo '91211.4tE.110.32.V1i9xv sail-. Ildn:ilbiliiii:: -.- . . - - •• , , -...-z , • , --c. --. =l:4 --,.. ;La: t, .-• . - 6 e '-" . :,11111614114 41 •:. ~ : , _i' •.. Boiliiiistfiu of itiO'ilidiiiiiiii-"lrelaUrer „fll.l,l7lotu& Btifkli 'UV New' tut, Boston, l A iiiiallg.totairili;elitisinli vsfctiOdUltiriliiieFliotAiti,4lfirisi; of • dUldtaft raididtWer,iieriolgt4d.dol:' i vi n garro r-.,10c- . ., %,...::.,..,,_,_: ~.-. r.•• , ~.; „, ~,,,, ar-'Foe odbpfil otiftioliwtiiitifieliesgsr: Itilditirauitsidoluit t WOniter - ut"B0 1 011 , 1 four thoUssadrifiUntiiidred•dollirs.” 111114. 4 "ar g== ° W . e .—"M" - e r e 4 fr t' 'bora v oi lr la ff 7 ;.ttftlr e t- n g *. lietiortigigret simiamiggie %HQ . '*. ikeof lii6; ab-m aslr..v.a.t. - Enu 4.3 - 414 Atr.^ 4 .c' ,-;,..., 1 , ... *lnti 1100.1,1 * b`34-1. , :c r.r.- a 'aTIII 7 4: , tr--_ , ~ ii3::;1.:3 .1:;`....g0 edi • HEE .4; ;ion. - • Supearrieing and Elf .ty locair.inepeotors.'; sppoiate&undr act thfrtlethaktigtA algtiteint knichifid and fif tyltnet,:fertissi bettalriterition We the lira of passengers by stesmitratibiitmitli travel ing and - othe Incurred - by them, tWeatpilvellmeMand kikdiare For oentingent . edirsnistsi 'tinder the sat of sixth August, eighteen tundra and for !l,-114, ,f9r 'the lab liteaPlPSorMuee tion i trariefer, and disbursement of 4 ,the public reTllll9ll,additiongeimlika which him been May be rioetiveill'ent transfer di:Oar:Avoid/A That me part Att said sum shall be =wand for ,iiinilcsk services, s, i ' o4, liaNc"i•i! ,D44 , 4' railt;l4.oyedion •• _ • • -07'Distritrie.:' • Vox compensation- of • thirti:litree oom ,mbielominyatithree' thatoisnd dellare each, and *yen At t I,3rAve ;unmixed eseti; one hundred, an 4, ilreiva thou. sand 'two' lin:arid dollars For contingent' 'elkilinilibit; eta thousand dollars.' - J.:: J. Por.',oompstgation th*,i4borer in eher:befthe water , oktselaiiiths Capitol, four tendteavathiio !Aga - Mars. For cerapeeisOon4 the puillitardener, thotisiad fog.; handrail mirk rty dol lan. • .1511;444 For compensation" ,of foreman and 'twentiene:liTiOreittiMPlOt la the pub liernds;l/40•114::OduilaiCIPur hun - For„ compensation +of the keeper of the mastozn. pia -9spltsi , equare,-eight hun dred. and seventy-six dollara.':- . • _For voMpengstiotz or two dar*atohmen employed lathe Vapittil tultta,pho then eland two hundred - =--For itirgietiastlast Of twiiiatifitiatohmen employed tif_the, Piesidant's'ilouse, one :thousand two kindred dollaie.:,l For oompeniationof.thee,deorkeoput at, the Pnsidtatt's House,' • iS hundred dollars. For oompenestiog of Ake isststant keeper st IturPrealdent's -HOMOII/2 hun dred dollars. ' • -• la W--jegietdtiiA* - 19. n 169. L.Lu Until , throe thou- 6lioAlikal9o: 4 ; 1 4;40011* - oorepinsation OF' enelifght watch- • man eMplojedforthellndesw , psititetion of lha•bnildilsWAYlag e 9 14 'nf.7.4 1 1". Capital, And used as , public stableantiddmrponter's MOO, 'Bli - hundred comperneition'ocellitituiiiiiensiloyed .an resersatiommitsber Min! KW hundred _ For oompeniottion ) of,elghl diaw keepers at the Potomac" bridge, and for:fuel, oil and Snipe, ids; liiiiiiisattilielittidred and thirtylwcrsiollanc - For koilipettialloi - af - AWo4WW-keepers At the :two bridges = Amok *Se Eastern Branch of,the:Potottmonnst•Aor , .:fuel, oil, And lamp, one thousand.oas Anired and eighty_, dollen. • • , For Furnaosi:keepliiiiitthe'Xiesident's Mouse, Six Sindied'dollala, -To enable 'Ctititillieliniie'tif Public Baildinge - to employ is Sepik orthree far nwiectider theold , hallisititilethe House of RePnWentatirettyllinknadzodApllore. Metropolises lidises For salaries and other -useekkary aspen ses of the metropolitan pollee for the Dis triot of Columbia; including the Aame an- • null com pensation (tire kundrediusi fifty 11 dollars) so each of the 'two' eskillhilo mem bins of the Board Police trine : lke organ'. salon thereof, August ;alnottnn,'eighteen hundred and wisty-one,we idlillowed by law to, -the ConunisejentoAd Payee Belo, 2. And be Ii /eraser :pada; That in adffition en' thorised in' the 'several 'departments and offices hereinafter - .petalled, film' employ ed and'oontiritte only during the and for leaeafter itself:semis : In the Wu:oot tissof She Treas ury, Ave clerks of ekes four;, ; ; - In the office of the Second Auditor of the Triastu7, three clerks of class four, eight of elide Wee, teielea of clitilwit, one as sistant'mresentef at a sitarid ;Seven hun dred difill'itudene lihoraret icsalary of six-hundred dollars per annuli: y- 4 In; the offio of the Third 'AnditOr of the Uses, urn six Assiut cecina tottatalaYen of clue threw &Meet eleseatmend„eighteen of elate one,*ad ten'elerlut u:colyieta at a rate not dollar. per month. In theiffeer Of 'the Fift4 Auditor of the Ttessurprine , olerk'ef-"tdue fit*, two of elan three; four:of-elasetire 7 -eldrteen of allaantlec.an4 Ole °apple; elerkrist an an nual salary,ofelx hundred. dollar each. In theAffie of Ike/n . O/414 rarer at it gitsielve hue per annum. ' ' In *Waffles of the assishintleilieurer at New Torlr r olerks,mpeengers,;keeper, and laberenk:whose Plates in theleggregete Shell-not ,ezeeed- eight Ihnnale Arlan hall -deed . cliglania‘,'. In the of the, titiututiq t e le mint sa depositary , in of tie at hereto fore' authbrizetV dab = Witt nger, whose safeties hi the '-iggietairaian not exceed five thousand:Ave. kaiak dollars. In thootPokottho trminrer at 131014 4i5t *Wel. ItlitOttuti% and la- Oiti o rOirtiine:oolonios WAG 'mete sha ll -not anent MO' LlU:mania Abliart. Inllnibfßoint SitotitarY6f - to Navy, Woo oinks of. -gotta thin Ant i —three of the second onus. In the tletda►n%l Mutsu Of the Nam one chest clerk matt thee idea, of the second 7 Iu the _ Alrelea-odßessietheutigue [l4.eyio:cdeski (pito firstAsee gO two of the eesiauf elms , Is eiehbf SW Bonnie Of idlidlelne and Surgery; StiedYmeue aniflliiiiedifiug sad Nse*Stiowoneisboserieseilieditift "Mary of six hundred dbdlere; - In the Nay Digartsusi f tsce additional night eiltahmen, swat se eisAnsust salary or dollasa, • the RezudenCllioe;,thriloof clan four; fOtti.of fouteridotes two, nine of 'deli' ha!, one aseletant niewielipir=itii Wiwi - of - iiireirlituulred dollazikiandoneitddlebniallabitt seal riry.apeix. hundred dollars yeti slim,- for ..tho Aortgot7eir ; flte . addltbpst alerke of die P;l%-.lllzAdtissibiPeiftWOlebag tircOraidedzteekot thin ippoddition -11-Iseletentidesieriter* a id 'even hundred dollors, and 'od d floral labor er are 461 w -et air handied -3 dillars per annuwfor the - Seeed.perikendlogrilane 30, 1)304.: • In thekofticie of the AlleretamoLlifar, six alerhe ofaims - Um and W00..4444 01 °IL in the' ffice - of the "Chief of Didfukaca of thilirer Department, ilizei:Ofirlik *fetus linriint twenty of elide tineF ' lll4 In therrilles,of Alljedant.-ilenel eight AlothaAt claw tw0,..10-.tirintY. oleos one.. • - ' the officel id, Co era, _ tWelre clerks of cl one dri# - h#zl:lgrr ,Itt'iddialoitei6ltiwkallidiad, one olerkaPolselloniticerlii 44 htfe, two at:oleartikvandltirontrawotillaas one.. Aktbe iof Aft "Mom.*floral, &u.:plegics ia;:olOol , thrgii. l ll4 fir4m of cols 04.:443 1 `Atitrii 16 9 0 <4l/44144,f aillneers, teirehleria'atalsia Hiegel elerkinid*W. ploy art aiitherfred - V / 1 1 1 , IDl2l44,btaailledeitiall46lllllllolloPalt promr,F R" for** .711747*7,9p.444, --7 s o w litedeadf and .‘ll I J . 4 1 t 11 , 4 4 , Cita vf .ba-4 t " r4PßAzoWira* nol" ac,p 04,50 . 1=50nd - - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers