- . A number of years ago, M. Lemurs, $ 7 French . engineer, made an arrangement ; - , With the Viceroy of Egypt, .abject to the i 7, , ,Approval and sanction of the Sultat of /.. Turkey, for the privilege of constructing-a - ' ship 414 from the Mediterranean to the Bed' tee, debauching into the latter at . • ; . Sues, -It appears that M. Lessees never obtained the sanction of the Sultan, but went on with the work in some kisid of oonjanotion with the Viceroy, the latter laborers by conscription, 20,. .. - 0004, the former furnishing the Roads ~"ngineering skill. teal . , - This is a 0114 project in itself, and is . ~: • - - ;donbtisistatogether feasible • but between , . the dull Wiliam of the Turks and the jealousies of the greet commercial powers, - -.lkhaa been delayed until now, and may -' 'delayed some time longer. If finished, I t would be to open a maratime iltl itz WI y between Europe and the East In dies, China Australia, and all the vast regions, continental and insular, washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans, without having to double the Southern cape of either Africa or America. Itis clear that the nation which succeeds in achieving such a work as this, and con trolling it when finished, would acquire a footing in Egypt against which the pnblio ' power of the Sultan would be as nothing; and it was that oonsiderition doubtless, which induced the Sultan-to vied. Egypt a fry weeks ago and put hi. foot upon it. He ordered the work to be suspended until he received such guarantees as the safety of his empire required. He says that the company having commenced to work at • their own riot And expense, they cannot complain of its stoppage without compen , - - salon •'-- yet the Porte is. willing to rebn,, buns t i he expenses of the conapany,in which ' ease the latter would surrender the proper , . ..- ty. and'the works in return for the repay= ' meat, and in that event the POrie, in ion art with the Viceroy, would adO • pt such z , mamma as might be most appropriate for t editing the ex e cution of the mork t Thie is an exceedingly.liberal offer on the part of the Sultan, as he agreei to pay debts which he never incurred; and the offer is' more remarkable whenit is observed that the original contract between Egypt :and hi. Lessees made the' anent of the Porte indispensable, and hi. Leasers' prom s. ised to Obtain that' consent 'in . eighteen - - months, and had 'never done s o . ~ It is very,7prehable that the finger 'Of ' Greai Britaim And peritips of Russia, is in the action - 4i the Sultan. The Sultan more. , over, protes ted against LIMEY - stem of forced •-:; labor, liii4;r.,which the enterprise was being prosecuted. He, however, seems detersain edAhat if the work is to be accomplished at %it shall be done by his own authority, // ra'''' Made' nd be , s means of sapping that • /•'Untltority ~ end , menacing the integrity • ,y,•,/,• /of / his empire. • 7/ ' _ ... •', Z , ' Tsar the rebels could send reinforce.- ' menta l Rem Charleston, or Richmond, or ~,,, Murfreesboro, to relieve Vicksburg within / ~./ ' the fifteen days mentioned in the intercept. / ieddispatch from IsarlDAvn to PiILEIZTOS, 7 /ti incredible. It would require, at least, / : . F; ia.,,. :j .a~•.... ~r ESZE3 -;";.// 60 , 000 'ta 6 0,000 men to enable JOSEITOS to ,/ raise the siege. at Mr. Cormons_ say. / that the railroads in the rebel States are in / / so wretched a condition that they cannot ,` carry reinforcements to Jones roc in Mb / sill ippl at gre.ol., rate than fifteen bun dyed num a. day, and carrying so many, the railroads could not carry supplies for the rtmy. Wrecks of carp and locomotives are .sea ' l 4ll along the. road sides and at the tensinir E=WI SIM • ';•:" •• • • . 4 1 • ;.z ,;••• ,1 • •• .•t : •-• ;01: • • •:•Z• ; • P • • el\ •••• ; •;•-•:-•,•:‘,4:•••'•4.74. •‘ . ti..;; • ' " , -0•N.:,•;•.••••• • SE=MEE '‘' • ' •'' ••*, —"a . • . 41: ••• ' • • •.1,1 '.~;:- , ~~:,._. =SIM - -:-, 'l - -.loittsit'4lT - 1......'705.a!ettt1. MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 1 Ike Suez Canal.. Tao Situation at Vicksburg. The 81. Louis Repubfiece, of Friday, fur - - lashes the following letter, dated akToung's Point, May 28d, which presents a cheerful view of the situation. It would seam that 'Oen; Gas= arilloipated an attack in the rear, but lie was prepared for it: “As territe.here in the cool of the early morning, the sound .44 our mortars slowly booming on the other side of the stream re- I :minds ms that another day of siege has be gan for the handsome oily over the way. It is now a city girt with fire: our gun boats in front, our army, inspired by re cent summates, coiled in ita rear. ' , Will Grant take Vicksburg? Deoldedly . yr. The dangers of his superb, romantic campaign .ars past. While marching from Grand G u lf to Big Black, by way of Jack son and Bolton, his progress was brilliant but perilous. A stogie mistake or disaster might have overwhelmed his army with • remsdikas ruin. But the mistake was Sot awls, the disaster did not come. At Port Gibson, et Raymond, at Jackson, at °ham. , pion's Hill,. (Midway Hills, or Baker's Creek, the bawds has three names,) and at • Big Black bridge, om brave - veterans of the Rest drove the rebels before them like Mumi - p. Johnston retrectsd northward from Jackson, and has • not yet rejoined the Viskaben insurgents. Pemberton went lilt from Vicksburg to capture Grant, with sixty plow of artillery—be fed batik with time. :' - -"Now, how can Vicksburg fail to fall The ground in the rear of the town is cut plateau, out by • thensand ravines, a great sheet.of little hills. On a half circle of alxnat two miles from the heart of the town, ars the rebel defenses. On an exterior led! circle of hils, lust as high, liseCter army, its, artillery occupying just • as rionustanding Positions as that of the samay; while from the Yazoo we can get all the supplier we need. . PA* seven siege guns which the rebels .lefis •at Haines' Slug on the 10th, white marched In between that bight end. the city, are probably by this time • awned, wins& the rebel works. "Bat some say that Johnston is coming . is roar. - He may *Dm now if he ••• Be must collie ova those same 'hills, through those same ravines of which I havespoken, and he Will Awl them the plea of death." Gar. Dramas rurassao to Move,—A Chaslaasti dtspitok of flatarday, says . Gas. Bartels! hal 'bawd . order No.l, as . I- sodas oarastand of Oa troops la ILoatasky, asopt the Xlath Amy Clospa sad tika. • . toes dtvishot, with hoadqualon at Lasiss -,.. sus Pals; as& 807/0 hs• ands if • _ road aid &op, Valls thAtadhallt ha Etat*. • —Thasatnogsmwatfladla tathatGaaml Baustoz lo prayslitts for a mom A latter, mitten a day or two ago, from °Weiland, Radio the probable statement that ha is to Ink e the Asti tattk the Niatit Army Corp., and • Ilipatroops, sad plows throsigh Saatasky to feria sum OP ADJ. ass. Taolus.—A. Cairo ,Aissmelt, of,..the 1911 i, says t "All. Goma :Theism poled &rough Cabo to4a7, fassisville. go is viry sliols , so auk otitis& it 1s thought Witte will kis, I* stow' kulebors like: . 1101 pike lb . paooat." , .• Toni sow ololqi•frirliioil or drop litters (to be odoptoff Job/ Ist) orIU *oho Uke postoolt of (*googol iloolltoos. Genii Smith's Speech at the Utica Vadat League Cetnveatioa. ' We give a few - eatssets from the speech of Gorda Smith, delivered at Utica blithe 26th: SZE CAUL. I ask, what is this common cause that has drawn us together? Just here give me your special attention. I ask again what is this common cause? Is it to save the constitution? Oh! it is inexpressibly more than that. There are many good, patriotic men, who don't-wish the oonstitntion saved as it is; they wish to have it altered. I, for one, would not have one word of it altered; I have pleaded for it with lips and pent more than any Democrrat living or dead. I would not have one word of it al tered. ' Well, if this common odinie isl4 ,i it. to save the constitution, is it to " save th Union? Ohl no! unspeakably , more than that. There are good men and wise men, who do not like all the terms of our Union; I like them all. I have never taken in my life, with lips or pen, the slightest exception to any of them; and probably never shall Well, is it then the saving of the 'solidly' that is this common cause. It is not even that, for there are many good men who do not like the present boundaries of our country. - They wish it to be made smaller. For miown part, every rod' f it is dear to my heart.. 1 would not have one star pass from the national flag. Not /even poor South Carolina. I love her for the memory of her noble men who Stood by, the side of our revoltitionary fathers. ; ; I love her for another reason: I love her for what she will become again when ehe shall hive come out of her present degendraoy and madness. Well, now, if this common cause which has drawn us together is 'not the saving of the constitution, nor the saving of the Union, nor the saving of, the country, pray, what then is it? My answer will be—and it will , leap up from all your hearts to your lips— it is the putting dosin of the accursed and causeless rebellion, we all stand together at this point,..whereall good and just and pa triotio men can and stand with us And that Is the very point where unpatriotic and selfish men refuse to stand with us. ,' 811PP11338186 run IMBELLION. The putting down of 418 rebellion must helms, come what w constitution, and Unto*, and even.doun : I hold that our duty to justice, in putting down this rebel lion. is infinitely more commanding_ and absolute than any duty we owe to the Con stitution or the Union, or even the boends -ries of our country. I claim that we are to go for putting down the rebellion uncondi uonilly. Can you go that? . You are not to say, we will consent to put down the re bellion on condition of saving of the Con stitution, the saving of the Union, or the •saiing of the country; you are to eel, we go for putting down the rebellion unoondi. Atonally, and that is just where these trai torous enemies will not go along with us. What! some one questionime, Would you go for putting down this rebellion' with all the possible risks that the Union, the Con-1 'Citation and the country might go down with it? I answer, I would. I answer, I make no calculation at all at that point. My only duty has been, from the first, the putting downof this rebellion. And hence, some old Abolitionists, perhaps, would ask, .Do you go for putting down this rebellion at all possible hazards, that slavery ogy sur vire and be stronger than evert r would. 1 run that risk. I have no conditions to make in behalf of any of my hobbies, and have not had since the day the news reach ed me at Pet/shore of the bombardment of Sumter. And now lel me here say, that in my philosophy, the putting down of crime cannot bring any harm to any good, cannot bring any help to any evil. Hence the put ting down of this rebellion, which is the crime of crimes, cannot bring any possible harm to any good, in the Constitution, in the Union, or in the country, or in freedom —none whatever. I call it the orime of crime". • PASSION HEEDED And there is one thing more we need to cultivate, and that is resentment. Can yon go that? We need more resentment to fight the rebels as we ought to , fight them. That has been onr want all the way through- Perhaps some one would remind me of the prayer, "lather, forgive them, they know not whaethey do." Now I hold that this resentment is entirely compatible with the highest civilisation and purest Christianity, and entirely consistent with forgiveness; but, moreover, these rascals do know what they do. Oar loyalty is to be unconditicrnal. We have tried our Gov ernment, and we can trust it. I do not say that we are bound to agree with It in all its view. of tariffs and other things; I do not say that we are bound to approve all its war measures even. It is entitled to our loyalty, because it' has abundantly proved itself to be honestly and earnestly intent on putting down the rebellion. A POSITCAL 15A1317/4 Some persons are afraid that this grand Loyal League, into which I would have all right men of the North, Routh, East and West antes, will becomes pirty machine. Now I would hare this grand Loyal League a mighty power in politics. I would have it work day and night, to keep out of po litical office every man who is not uncon ditionally against the rebellion. Ido not say keep out of office Democrats or Repub licans, but every man who does not stand by " the government, who is not =condi tionally for the government. I have never is my life voted a Republican ticket. For I am, as I think, a Democrat of Democrats. Not a sham, spurious Demoors4 but a man going for equal rights of all 'men. Put down the rebellion, and the Union, and the Constitution, and the country , will take care of themselves. The Honor of a Martial Ca At the recent meeting of the Loyal League of Utica, New York, a letter from General Sickles, concluding as follow; was read: Nothing will contribute more to the mar tial spirit which the exigencies of the times require, than to make the profession of tams the passport of honor to soldiers as welt as chiefs. The brave men now returning to their home; after a long period of faithful and heroic service, shpuld - le met every where with affectionate Isola= pad -hearty oendtanditlon. If Aleablid by the casual ties of service so that they cannot so-enlist, a just Government 'and a generons people should accord to - them preference in all public and•prisate employments; and this should be extended to the bereaved families of the hal= brave. 2 A martial people, maintaining their, own free institutions, will not regard, thil con eaription cot as a bard method of compell ing a sacks not. dne. They will rather accept the national enrolment u a just mode of ascertaining the order in which those who enjoy the prohrotion of the GOT* gramma shall perform their part in its de; tense and support. In all wars ' whether waged in the inter , . ast of human ity or of ambition, the great reliance of nations is upon the poor—those who have only a home to lose and 'll country to save.' Yet, in a republio, neither riches, nor office, nor social position ihonld furnish any ground for exemption from- military sack* Every man not exempt . forlactual disability, who, by evasion or fraud, fails to enter the ranks when drafted la time of war should be forever ineligible to any post of , honor or emobusent, and all bis property escheated to the State he diaboli c= and would betray to its enemies. Putt r Swou To TUX STur.— Among the speakers announced to address the copperheads of Newark, -N. 3., at a maw Vallandighent demonstratian on Sat urday nut, we notice the nanui of Hilts. John Porter _Esq." We Inoue this re• raw to the Quaid. of that name) who , hal him ditualasit front the radio service for I s wittduefiont#3o,7, , .irettet,nUdi T he tub. 110 will not bcflpVer t *Fir, .- ,* ' . .,f Isottaippat livskoviris- t girths' qui apelbghd of the most of an the Northern gympandiers with the dui holders' rebeilkut.-44 Y. *caw Itvg. PUBLIC .rorregg. OMR FIFTH. PUBLIC MIMIC Of tb• tOmses of the United States Christian Commission, Will be bee THIS ITEM% at I% °Week. In the MST INGLIS/I LIITHILEtkI)I MUM!, Um B. Ellis.) on Sinrenth street. Addrrous will be &Humid. by GZHILGE H. BITAHT. Zi., of PhClidoiptgis. Pr Neat of tho Ooo=Woo, mot Bor. 0. P. LltrOND of Wealth:4km. • All An cordially Invited to gland th 4 meatlag. JAM 10.0 N 1 UN (X.W.EIT If OM r EN. 71011.—the loyal voter or au . tY. want sopporten of the Ad s manlanda m e ta. rigorotte proareatioa of the Wax for the Oaks. us tiquoited to wont at the& zonal places of hotel* eleotkras,ch UV:BOAZ the 30th day of May bat.. bang th t lkiorday of the month, In lb* atter. soca of ridday. to Wood two delegaks from wit Motion dadaist sad puha t ta the twat, , to rep. :T aut theta In the Union Oatreatlea wbkh will ametable to the Chart Home, to the City of PIM& burgh, on TtliaDAY. the lid day of Jane next. It It Vale* n. m. of to day. Tb. °Wet of A.. Oen. matters to to place to nondestkm candidata foe We bUowtntomom,vint President Judge the Dtarke Chem Pie• Moberg of As Home et Roprmealatien. =er Deral;, 80. Begieer Oferb qf Owerta One Orrefp Onatakirkwr. Diraidir of Ow Poor; and &Wake to the OM Mien Ckeesitioni. The primary meetinin sal be bald tn the Town ships (esneptfai Peebbm and Collins.) between the hones of 4 and 6 e'dook p. m., sad to the Wu* end Boronghe and in Peebles and Collins Township be tween the bolus of 4 and 7 p. m. The voting to the cities and boroughs be be by ballot, and In the townehips by bettor or mark:tabu esohleiniebtp may determtne. By ardor of the Zzeonthe Ocormiltbre. CIL B. NZOLIT, Ohalnesa. 4AB. L. StITHISLAID. Noy. wrylisleirt4T . 112011ZTAR1'll 01110; Minima t tinsmith Ilausom Co.. • Cimetend. hay 15th, 18h. WA SPECIAL ISLEKTING OF TAB ffroaKEIOLDIRS ot tau Company MU to held at it. Mice to Cleveland.= WZDNIEIMLY, the ht day Of July text, el 10 o'clock a. m. on eald day, to tate into consideration the propriety of lacreas• is the Capital Stook Mho Company to assususuat saindent to allow of the a►anedoa of its Rothe.. loads. The transfer Books Os clot= in tvos MA to July Yd. I. 11000. WELL. inithltu banot•ry. tantota or Psaaararaata ISSOILLIRIZ Co., Pittebenh., Nay Nhht IBeL I O,T HS DIRECTORS of this Company barithts day dasliad a 'Mama of /11111 Ptt 01INT.eat of the volts al the het da MOW, applkable to the toderaton a stock obllgstioas stook not My pliar-lapould parable to bolas* cif pale op stock la oak oa &mod. • N. VOZOI'LIr, Priedeat. T. Ginza SPROUL. OW?. mss hlas 1W ATTENTION, DISCHARGED BOLDIIMB I—Prommet toy intend Orden No. 105, the Board et Borolhomt yin men deOy, at t o'clock p. is. at their Booms , Odeon Baden& 4th street, Ihttebiugh, when dlansmid odious sad widen desaing to ester the for Olors, aes pn. nut thesneeiro tor examination by BlBltera. J. L. 811111801, Caplan m 25 sad Provost Manna 201 O. is. Pe. O•CITIZENS' BANG.—,A Special Meeting of the StookhoUler* of *baba will will be held on TVZSDAT, SN day of Jane next, to moulder the priprlety of ergudalagose far as preo. slosh* ander the era of the hut Oongreee of lb. U. 5., entitled why Ad to provide • flatboat Mrs rency." Was. 5111.1=11. Pirlabilut• Pittsburgh. Kay N. 1563. usebles [Oz •NOTIOL—Tho Lkibeoription Books of Iho Mow rite Aniseßlauu Oompooy =Us= opus at the 11111aorM CiOveltti & 00., Bank Block line lino% math tar tbs. nabs. POLITICALL JrO27ICE& .jr - F O B ASEIEMBL Y.—Auramo sum. of Alllogbany elev. wILII be Ilmlbre lb* - Maim County Omit, Coaoreatiou cos commildsto tar tta• above ale.. bias o.llB6llliiilLY.—Ths friends of COL. T. M. Hem will present hts mune Wen the Melon Comm Ckeveation r. esartidete he Me oboes ettke. from myth.l Me Mete Ither.,_ Se 10•A8EIEltiBLY.—Jogar J. Qs; of Plittburgb. lOU b. prenatal as b candidate for the ab - me padilon, subject to lbs derives of Lie Oslo. Goiania ricaveation. sordf• o 0.1/0B - ASSEMBLY, (North side of the Ohio isralsr, W • snit awe 6r tM Owe poste tign, nth*: to the &dem of the Itazt Usk* Oane tr 00. aatiam. • • sylhcte 10• FOR ABBBILBLY, its B. HIP" sos —atm B. Bitsam of Boapton town ablp..lll praoat saao for abotaition lot Le. warty to nu ljoh a (loarantkro, to to held /aloof& worlik. to fr - PREdIDENT JUDGE OF Tilt syS , DIVIIIIIO I' COURT —.limos IllAaOcnoccu. toMg., (of itobb llsoOonnolOullltswitd foe r the obovo Was fie moduli Union Minty Cottosatioa, soyilbleoto MLOY DILINkI2S. Ly.FOB COUNTY TILEAtURBB•-• Mare Aiw, Jr. et Peebles teunAV, yin s eLesidete kir the gene ear% eaWare le de. chaos Orbs art UnteeCkaninatteri. zed. COUNTY 00111IISSIONEB. —Amax Dmi r Pittsburgh DhOrkt. Osto the Bluth Worda will b o • atimiLlato Oinstj rocoesisdoner," subjsd to ths &midst ot ths Intim Gooey Cloovs4llol. - s Mito W( F OR COUNTY COMMI&OONEB. Bums Lava al the mg at I.torgb, vIII b teats UN Union -Camay Oaans tkit a candidata tar ta. labors egko. vaikta WiTOB COUNTY COMMISSIONS& Chown linanutos, of Plttitourily will to candidate for County Oonindosicsuir, tattlect to Ali dscition adios nett Minx Gonvontlon. Watt, 1 . 9.1 1 '011 COUNTY 0011161118143NKE4 —J. G. Coauroms. e gnievemeg. will Ye a candtdot• tor tho ohm odic% tuldoot to tho doolobist of tho Next Union -County Ooniantloo. - • • Mt* 10.17011. --BICCACIRDEIL—Asmii Ours; et Mint tosrualdp, *lli be os wadi. date Oar liaccarder, subject Was decision of rye swat Cub's • Ocentutlen. 'eal&to RECORDER.--Huris BEM. tr, of the &month Ward, Plttabargb, yin to o reminds** Ow Itamodor, outdo* to the dootdos of Lb. Union Oortety Oonosatloa. • llsto O.FOII. 111142118TE8.—Ituxic of Pitt twinkle, till be a esaildete ke, bestater. autiest to flee declaim of the Craton Oottate Ckeivnatfoo. Illue WOB, REGlfinft.-.WN. Gus% of Bobbsost towinbtp.wW be • =Aida* tit the acre Waco, *abject to the datiidos of 144 i son trotou °maw Oosmialko. WFOR VICOD3TIIO. —Jaws Err; of trpyor Bt. OWototrathrtn b &aut. Moto tor Iteightir, ontylot to the ditddat of tlio OnttottembottocOaroontAloit. othfroto FOB REGISTER, Wwag J. Ilaciumim Imo asiiksr 16,011101 stll•glititrof WEEK ars, of Ons, misty r astfoot a tie *deka of the Union . • oouveattot. BUS CLERK Or TES OMITS. lairmind of Meatier/ :try whip, will be csedhlatel , for Malt of tie Marta, ra tat to the dew GLAD( the lie ire Coast, Ho fer n• - •: FOR CLERK Or Tall COURTS. uvir. —wg. A. Bnfor, et Pik 0 amadidato kr OM *. 01 w 0 liii !°ln n e l rr Cburty, arkkot - ko. the timaka of tbrilmin t Nom! curiae Carnalka. shit Ito fr FOB CLERK OF THE °CURTIS. loetY Goma, et Whaler township, will be Won tbe Milos Cessiy Ocwreatlme r • quidielate kw Cock lASI* Oasis - •44:6* aDniMITEIVNI4''m ANCONSTER. PROP/liar , ILLS 'Asa limitary 'Mier 41,81111 s ft.a.• sad lot of pond Ibt unit inane OR Ghanian A pply nil; andinnil .. 61 XisSia and la pod win. A to ' • . • IN _S. OUTHBIZT it 110111. Mirkaitt-- OB WALT•BTBEBT,.frorienoWni Let stoke boons toes ter eabesith SUMS ho* by Int ntst, &sp. . Temwthwietti ortoesulader In mins yenely mom& Apply to, L 00*1111101T SQIII, al WM* , . VALUABiaIiiiiiitDIOAIA • PURLI(* TIONS, Woods` Practice el - 11411101.4. 2.744 Woods' Illinaposes gal PtuirowiNagy. 9 vol Waisq's 'maks at VOW& tralvonsi heraulary. Ono' eistwo of tlary.q a vol.. • ' Mal %l utlay. 11 vela. Lowy *Qum. - Daselloca's 111•111/21 Diatio• Wibno'. Emu Aa . , Oupszatea . Tar ado . £ 00. V. Wail arra: pUBLIONOTIOS—Iit taboriiiiiie midi do id et Asesekt, lasseemiballie MAP WO Quite Illetteeetiosperkleeks - 1,01 be ed Gm. ima to NJ dirk' akage. abuts'. . is ILMA elf MIDIUVI, ea AMlDA:filit et .Tu' la Wlock lb a l Art epee all a . laulellaisiemFeammozUllumu. - -, 1 4 Mid w 11002 410 zolut ..•,‘ iL Malll u. T. a.m r. no. IL OAS . L it. Liaelifer. Wk. lioollsllXr. aid odor ClarrisMa6 MUM Jrair 4wrigiernrietz.rrs. sPzow, NOTICE! STRAW GOODS ! R IBBONS! AND F . 1., Cr NV TZ, S I Oa MONDAY, Jane let, Ns ‘lll open • sow sad cot stook of BATS, HOINITS, RIBBONS aad Ir-LoWsits; to wblall w. fennel Cho attention of Itllllineas sod other wkokside buyers. JOSEPH HORNE & Co, 77 slk 79 MARKET STREET aldlt FOE VERY LATEST FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Roos ono of the BMW YORK DAILY PAPERS We deliver Moto to all parte of tlus city tr Till POI Mir XXIX POBTID.IIOII Ito NZW YORE DAILIES waived every mow. 'in& nay contain haat norm from Um Army IMPLuseo your addror with tbs Unit; JOHN W. PITTOUK, oproaris Till P. 0 M' AIINOW YODX, PIULADIMIL!, AND OIDOINLIATI DAILY PAPIPS o i Is bind cm ==!l pHOTOGRM'S ALBUMS PHOTOGILLPR ALBUM& PHOTOGRAPH AILBGHIS. PHOTOGSLP2I PHOTOGRAPH ALBCIWS. SMOM39BA.PB ALBUMS. 3033.15 T P. H-ITN-T, Masonte Hail, Filth Street, Zan no:oohed soother large lot of titcoe aepotb PHOTOGIMPH ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH ALGONA. taorocaupa ALBUM, IiBOTOGIBLPIt ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM& Wile► kt &Nara sad eLlasoe la* unrupsawL Mr • largo stook of CARTES DE VIDITIB on haat. cutirstris. ,FLOOMI OIL CLOTHS. Ws we WILL the balsam of our Wilting Monk of New aad Desirable Goods, Lis very oasslettabls !silts:Ron In prim McFarland, Collins & Co., 71 /SD 73 FIFTH STREET, ay2ll lIXT DOOR TO 11111,POR? orrlas. NEW GOODS I The nalers of the Geslivi ken by uotteed that leffaiLLAND, No. 66 Fifth Street, am jut noatnd tram the Lit a largo and Tubed iSicalasat LADINN. ADMIN. AND CHILDDIN'S Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Balmoral" Aka, mire UD BOW Boots. Shoes, Gaiters sad Balmoral. 11.11 dadtlai airar atylaa sad dare seas. ahead an awl Mauna tears booted. Eqso BRDPORD SPRINGS. ' papaw mummer resort w W be opeied for the sesommkeestlos of stators ea the 10mt 01' Anil 1111! and will be kept spat mall Ist *l'M:teller. lbe EAU will be leader the *up of experienced lostallude sad were ansampaset hem been me& to goo satire sittallectlea to guest& lbs &Weed Unread sad Os completed hi • few dap to Want Dellis Station, oti sad one half• males ems of UMW, and from that plant pamsomen wlll gad to tie ',pelage la ant clam becks mad ,• • . AMP" aringeatents liars bola meads to *apply %Coldest.. eet.' to e 10222 10110224 al tie Mowing life. se du 1171245: Tar hill larra i lialbpril) 20 6211026.-42 CO. S Meal, ( 3 CO. be 11 2 •20 0 4, 002) so' s 00. , Modem addrisied to 12 AMDEL2O2I. Bed. bstdolosplly fiats,(ol wager oat to say part of / 11 • 8 •Wl_ 137. Ma &drat& ea puncture dlrso. tfausailid4 t* Or sarktat bands. lhvonwilkiarram.orasy futforaistui sonc•rn in 02 WM%vtll plias 2400 m, "TAB PRO. lIIIRTO2IO 111012012 D Mules." ANOTHICEILRICIVAI4 - ittPCOLLISTESK at. BIER, 101 vooD .sow 40•0trost stab strut, or Z . . , Am am ' tail laipot sad awl moped... intlaata ot i to tat ollql. osobssOpg SO Ma gag* of um aalodolloia mot. So ablia heetWeoll/ ttM utostiols se tbe mit ehlt the 1, 1 potrally; .21M,i/rOolattaten. ou km& • 'norm Nuratid's Onum t Ronetb driset. Pitindrondr, Clit. NMI LL` WHO DBBIRIS TO ENLIST IN Az._ OM Patinifor Reidinent of akar, now In Ma sem are bum/ reqemood to Orr eat ihmuntme oillAtiedor4lle Rat Aid; dap to Um Baud of Rudiment ta do tits RieMd.Tii., '.Mn , tie 'Read will ezaranni all mod stplicente and 'Meer sup tidir Mum Ibr Mutes I end* snob lite Raid truspertaties mill be Bindeited to to Rim* Ileodmiattel‘nleis ttwf 111 / 1 bo loottoul Ind Melte the regnier bunt. end theme be tor. to VII Ultlntat tIII-matiretrot. 808. , ;.. J, RIB end Provost of Mid = a im , Biithuibm .1.A.111i •AT YUMA() 41414411,:41:1L0ta Dill/ova lAA Mbwysburg. at YN Bbagmbets MAW tat ea tM Use of lb• 4.4tb merfersapt Mailtray, WM be' band at PROUD prtabAA sAMATITMDAT. Ma solh ma et SWAMI to. r . ilaw-oardbizok.eibib;th• - tmehadiri OM 1110 M mu' losilasAtt, vitb Mark l o wed by IA4III OM EMMA, - - , WILLIAM VAUD. is tudniaer ISUDIVIS /Winn • A. ' •I* , Jr MAJllAblitt MU Dr. It br: s .sw,, •ol: rommL T . 40.. 7 azunking eibil iv A t t si T 2 : 00.. 0444 a1t i 7 51A02710 nem virsour PArs,-and it. ii", of th e NNW . TN illklll Ibi .10114b04 01 r e - 4=tior =ft ti or r4t e parrolly UM AO t illiorkOmllirli R. 1. LF: _l,lll,pl_43.eas t c j -- a — sze• MIN wow iw►; - %~, XElr. 4D rEstr/sffmxwrs. rpallerfEit'S SALE of the valuable J. propirty keoim as the f By tut of a Deed of T rout. made oath. Met day of hi rob. 186 8 . ottween Henry Moors end others, cos lug the late Arm of Norton. adman di Cb., of to ewe part, ma mr elf, as Mates, of the ether pr r c I will, on tha TfirlTO (10tb.) DOT Of PONS, MEP at the hour of 10 o'clock a. we. offer lbr sale the pro My heroine ter dernitsd, and will dam the 4: 1 sal AIM precisely at 4o' p. in , of the said day, at the trout door of the rt Dome of Ohio county, anl State sr Virginia, tn the Olty of Wheeling, whfeh will be sold to the beet mad kbiturt bidder thtrefor„ the following L e boa property bt one wroth:hit Is 41 eal 1 That PIP= of land in the Path Watd of lite Olt, of Whmitag. containing two acne, on which haw. been emoted the Palling Mil, Call 7setory sod other buildings of the Belmont Iron Works Ocnipsny, belonging te the fate Arm at Porten, Autumn a Oa, true her with the strip of land, er landing, on the kat mid. of Water street, and &brevet of the Reid too scree, a:tending-Prom se d street to Mw•water mark in the river, which were hereteftwo Marreyed by Jeeeph OeLimill sad wife to Ptlwa•rl M. Norton endothelia • • Also, The lot numbered 7.3 in the addition to the city of Wheelleg. as lead off by Jamb Caldwell. also, Lot numbered 73 in the same addition to the *By of Wheeling. Mr., Lot numbered 71 id the mid addition to the tile of Wheeling. Alp, Lot numbered 71 in the said addition to the city of Wheeling. Also, Lot number one in the said addition to the city of Wheeling. Also. The parcel of .ground on Gamin street, in the 71fth Ward of the oily of Wheelies. described al follower Beginning for the same on Garman street, at the it. W. corner of the property on which is erected the glass works formerly owned by Quorrier A Co.; thence with the lime of the said 'property 8. 70% IC 100 feel; thence 8.1934° B 80 feet; thence X. W.lOO bet to the mid wain= street; thence B. wiW W. with said German statet to the place of the beginning. together with the coal and the exchteive privilege of mining the muse under and In the land of John Bog, adjoining the said parcel of greund y. Mg between the ground and privileges formerly sold by the mid Joha Slott to WWl= Anderson and nth. els, and now owned by James B. Porter, end the south nee of William Chaplin*, and Wan iron se moth of the tract of land conveyed be Mid John /Goff to Z. Jimobi as la included between the north line of said Porter, and the south lin* of William Chaplin* to the Wander, of said tract to conveyed to the said Jacob, to the farthest limit of that tract. • • • • - - Abu, IL" coal and tbs exclostre right el ialairug for the MIN under ths tract of land purchased by Z. Jacob from John Xtfrs Lis. and sOfolaing en the east the coal mins last describes. Aber, Three coal iota In the town of South Wheel ing. anti said county, and known on the plat of the said town as coal lota 99, 80 and 81, and town lots designated en-said last named plat as lots Noe. 11, 19, lusting,* 48. and lota torabosed 11, 10. 15 end le In mare No. 47. Amo, A lot of grimed Masted in said town of &nth Wheeling, in weld county, known and desig nated on the plat a mid town as lot ntunbeted 9 in the quarts No. 48; ell oI WILD& property Is more fully described in the said deed of trust, recorded to Nook 46, orsuneadag on pets 841, to which reference Is bete made 101. a MOM tall description which will be sold so abets, together with the good wlll of the maid Ann of Norton, Athena • Co., with the franchisee end immunities and privileges appettaintog ice the mama, and the purchaser thereof small also saw the person:at chatters thee belonging to the said lames of the paid properly who are all of the late Inn - of Norton, Acheson* Lb., except the said Hoary Nocue, at an appraliamint er rairtation to be elide or shim Lair, dietnterested perarna ane can to be nutted by the puelaterianother, by the remalalngmentbers of said Late area of Norton, Ad:um &Lb., exelardee of the sate Dewy Now., sad the third by the other two thus chosen: the amonet at said spynOseinent to be paid upon a enrol% of 4, ft. 8, T and is stomata. with negotiable notes with soctuity. Rim sale of the said teal estate to be made on tee rallowhig terms, that in to say °fleeter% cash In h.nd at die time otitis sale; the Nmainner to be paid in tom equal inetal. meet!, payable la ale. tenure, eighteen and twenty. four mouses altar the fourth of duly, 1804 with in terest from the sold last mentioned date; the tido to be retained by the Trustee until the putohass money shall bey. Men indly • paid, b.% the possitenion of the property to be deltemod to the pruchmer on the said earth of July, 1863. The °Meet of the trust sad sale ti to snake a distribute% amongst the nimbus of the lets Zinn of Norton, Acheron& 0...1 she pro- Caen, et the said property, scooreing to their wend interests therein. tollkug •• Trustee, I will ouly mum such title as to sated In me by ma dead of oonvojamou. 30:td It. OttatititA, Trott*. STEAMBOATS AND MACHINERY FOR RALZ. Oi.i QUAZIMILLTIZVII Orrom °spat of tonterillsi, Ey., May, 234, WM. I Sealed krepsate will to smelted at this aka Ens 11l is in. op MK J17fi1i.1863, fee tba panbase of the wreaks --of the Mamas KART 014.12 Z sod TWO, Lachsting all smacklary and apportansuiem of whams kadois MO boas toy. These boats wrao barßed by therebels shout Jsmary;lB63, and are reported mw as lying Is the Onalbaland rim, r Wow; at: TRW, a brad of flateetb I halm right Usti bank going ay the Ora, X 7 raise arose Olarksville, at 6 Met 010(0 blunder water. • killer tIRSIVe, at fattglown bonding, (Van Leafs Irandialb) right-head bank, It Mks *bore 0 erkseille. et 4 Mt stage can be worked at foe mat chiners. Tlie May Oren woo aidarn.whael twat, and built at llialion. Ind, is 1862, of lit :MI tans; has II high.pressare balers 20 Mt loaf, 88 inches I:MUM. ter, of cydnideal ter conatrented of tack 121311, i WO 2.12 inch return flan in each. or 3i inch irsn airtime; one slaty. Ms with 4 ware ME aces; one supply pipe of 1; Mama dLunstem cm MGM pips of 4 loch dame , two Iligh.pneare angina, etch cy li nders 10X la diameter each, and $ ->i feet Mole; two Mang p pi of 3 loch pitons and 10 Inch taroks, arab, e ed ray deem mOne pdo asap cools, and OM seam gage; one Pm pimp of 8 Inch stoke, end 6 Inch drams= plTnge.ube -Trio war s siern.wheel boat, .m 4 bait at Loulaills, Hy., In 11168. of 158 tons, hms two blab. proem balm 20- het Mg ad it holm &Meta, of WM:Mod arts, onnstnionst, of MIS huh Ma, Mtn 2 it Inch reams Om In such, of 13411 Mk Iran thickness. Ms ens safety tetra with 1.1 WlOO seam ME arm °Re supply pipe of 2 Inch dime. ter. Om Main Opt of 4um Masten Two blebs memo mem, with cylinders is look dildnetat, sack, and four PM stroke. Two forcing pimps ot X Lob plunge and 1.8 lab strokmarab, worked by docs tar engine. tin pugs oaks and one wear pip anis nußforoing pomp or 8 back stroke . sod ti'ls!ch Monier of °hogs. ' Paola pumping will oaken:eras offers for the two boats.. bidders will plant ere MI name and Pat v Pia address, : . . . The tr•poutbatty a bidden mutt be tertilleil to ty the Clerk of the atereet CbastrUesurt, or by some dhow at the Qat' ternestres Department. Taarie—Oash, to 17..0. Teresasy Motes. AU bide to.to &taunted to .• • °apt. W. JINKINS, Ardstant Qciarfarcurtor, U. B. A. myltmxlll.lo. Sy M'OORMION. & GIBSON, kaaahatiusra of LE•D PIPE, SHEET AND EAR LEAD, &ad dada* la Pig Lead, Block Tin 4 AND Patent Shot, azNra sraiir,. roma Kau asp Mama; : lallkamea GIBOINNATI. 0. rRAILROAD CONTRACTORS.— ased Proposes will be teceteed by the All,. gassy Volley Itettroad employ, at tlese aloe on' like sent. In the j Olt; of Pltteborgb; • astUl 6 o'olock p. m., oa TRUKDKX, June 1004 Me; to the trtedeatkw and Memory et Emotions lliog al sod lig of their read, eel about ate In length. No; It gads sad Ko 411 begins at the month of Onnath - Manes Oreek,tbse miles abase the prime trims of the road at Kittanning. Time Emotions tardode the heaths* work tontine* itemising sad Igaboalng, and sal wellwodli the attention of esperitneed owersokes. . won Palmed tor the twat to ha au4s to ark la thly sgthaatet _ Übe line will be properly steed. awl prolUse and magnetos" pa ne p for ezhibitioa by the Ist et Sans next ; say can toonatue mark psalm to th at thne. theyobtain ail the Inkrination neosseery to enable theta to do eo la sitiesotory mime. on •PPlinittion to P. Winn. linginew ant enperlatewsent of the load, so Al. °Mos In Plitabargh. FLUX 1.31tOSIOT; NIES. ALLIIN!Iti MOTU • • ! PLANT/MOl az rms. ;moon or TOUTS, - LINDBIT'a sham mum% IIQUID BTOVIII gaunt • BUEIIIIOL'a minantu, CaTTLIE IVWDZII, HaLtYDOLD'a /IIVIOIIIIII. 0/11150NATIZODA 111/111111111111111111011=111iT, KIN MILL WATIIIIII. all Walla SLTIOIBO3i sussarra psuenquenosa, • For ads. 81.11011.JOBASTON, . lay9s amass aaaltheald aed /aunt min s. MMI MI I WORlitl, rltiltptltitUKßJAt4, .1: TOSPIZOIIB, TUG% 17111021 1.41112,131116 01.1111011, Mo. • _ 801188. sisurr. Ws. L W. HADFIELD hong Ittnirat tho 0017 Depot la Melees Lase fort* coletaaan •^: • 711181 , PBBNLIENI 7.IBSWORXII. Wasseism& to ober than es ..ths mast Avorable true, nab. test GILD CHOP 011AOHEMS oat TOZPEDED/A at the loseat market rata: Ontate eollelled sad preoptly etteadat to. . ECEN. . 2 Deporters al Tose and= Furor Hoods • Deana Leas. eons/ of MIME!' atnot. - Dow loam. /10 AhlUi AhLtS.—Ds. • pays portfontat *Wootton to Me troonsene lanoxio WIJIAVIL tbo XIX owl 11AS titOtaiIIicATAILIOTAQUIXT llorairralk tuAL XUPIL, lovers MITITI , tram pl InftditaltlLTUßff XVO4 ; goo VIZAILIXA, awl all dY sees eirwtint tbegar sad yeadA6,llltestsam. akrumi nun. wit& maw GOODS. AT EUIM3CB, 59 TILABILET STREET, .ACQUES, CIRCULARS, MOTU% &C• 4a Twisty and at pans that deti caloystittork AT BARKER'S, S _A. VT S An lawman Moak to Enamor and xiiii—ths mot daddrakdononde aver otainat. AT BARKER'S, BLACK SILKS: The selsbratad DIAIIOND.I.I72TaII. full boiled, toe SACQUZS, eIIiOUL LIB, NANTLIS, DMA. as, do., in an width► we sell, the lowest grads at $1 45, wholsiele *los. Also, Bleak Ilgtowd Doable Two at $125, and a large stook of PLAIN A PAINT BILKS, very low. AT BARKER:B, DRESS GOODS: The Wiles at Indulge their testa in theme ad Mims, as ow satiety Is Natty alms unlimited, end dispels/ the choicest wahine ever exhibited. and beyond ell oompeilson the cheapest. AT BARKER'S, HOOP SKIRTS, of an tuai.--aw zanize. mans MSD OHM DRlllN—verycheip. A'Y BARKER'S, BUN lIMBILEILLALS, • nu larire wean be liodentele AT BABKEWS, PRINTS, Tbs nary await itylia and fut co!ats. at la amts. AT BARKER'S, SHEETING- ISUSLINS, per Ml so d mom SO sad 2:5 outs, flat met bit boat at 10 pats AT BARKER'S, Honey Comb Quilts lionual cane of tht so at Was mot than an ordinal_ Ehoolog Lunn. AT ILUMMI3, ZIMILYTHING'OII.IIAP 701 Bays' and Man's Wear, Housekeeping, ikc N. 8.-ONLY ONE PEI= Ath or Newinr, Ck4::::•cociss, AT . BATES', No. 21. FIFTH STREET. LAOI IPOINTS—A fall sappl7 at all pleas. BILK BADQUINI AND NANTLIA—Tba wind ia7la canatautly on Ling. saws BLOW= A IiLANTLNA—AII rimy You dump. CMILDBMWS BILK 111 aummii raamo— lists to area tram the latest paltams. 1111 Mill aid as the Writ GOODS, at 1141128',.21 Fifth Street. sy29 24 KW MIL VIEUULAIiti J. M. Burchfield's. RIX morn; Laoiluarramis; - swami nuarm manna lawn: J/100nrri L&V/114 PLAIN Burr Ll3llOl. toe Dragon • LOT OP la= ettliM i ll DRIES GOODS. roamed nod to Nasal. to der wank P. it.,inatituatiurr. warn =Lk watri nae . • _ . 1 / 4 0 / 0 0 111 . - 1 0 1 . 110 4_ imam Ammon= EMIG& NSW 0 9 0281 ' NW 94"3411 EATON Eat*lakdoCO.; Aro !pow_ 1 . 1 "tog a cedes *mike of 1100M1,11.1D Haan: AID 01.41 IDLD.DI AID 111311111 &MD 00 XILLILSO T AID ZIMTEMIII FanaV Goods - 91r-Nlytions. To wbk the limbs the stlolimpl wirousAta'• Ain surzali - NU 17 aid 19 ?11th Strut. isunisistsuktrVist4 101 MU 0 / 21311141. Leas Ida lad this as eceillssi _ _ • _ nit Im bet ir bowsittr_ !Eft win. a.* takesslieks " suicalTht glin" `M arta war. mot Ad. juin onamak - ,, lOW Stant= WOW& lintik 'IIIAUMII SAM OD * o w saksomm=rivoLft 77- --,‘ sidow - 164* t i ch , .0 tn. ' Lai[ bbls. VW • r jusior a s =MIT IL onialltii Dyer- "socevs. MOST DlJA.clifiX. OSBORNE 1k cHREsMAWS DOUBLY MIMED OVEN SK fRT! YID ZUGINIIII, RBI& GORE, ISTILA GOB.II QUAgik,, IXTEA 00 8i17.11.1E1 BerrOMIS4 PRYBI/1711 Goa), 011 BRIDAL BRIX% OBLIAOLIISqI . DEAPISIMa. Maas Skirts axe mods of tbebut P3GLIEGI c ail BTELI, WIBM, with Whim; Beads, Gonains dads Ikaouion. ana Is addition to belay second with co% Sr. rinse vita Wowed liar" Per sea wbobsala and retail, by MACRLM & GLYDE, No. 78 Market Street, Mamma Youth street and Dlimond.) aza722 p 00uNrHY hiERCIILNTH AND DLI.LXFUI. EATON, MACHVIc2 & CO, Noe. 17 Anw 19 Font Sum, Jobb.ra and ttotallen of THImIII~U~ ILOOr ttautsis„ ffi BOIDIEICB, !SEBBONO, litrafirS, OOLLARB, T/It HOSIXELIf, GLOVIEL ZEPHYRS, TA Axel • fall oseortattoit of SMALL WAHL! AHD . The low pieta at which oar stook war nobles as to offer pest toducomiata to • '''• COMMIT ICEPLUBANTO, MILLI - • PMDDLIBI3, end ell who be to eeU optoreolm NEW DRESS TEllitidlN(ls, NEW ZIitIIBOLDICEII3, NIW ISIINKIB, HOSIZIIT, NW GLOVES AND MIDI, NEW MILD DIIISTITX AHD NETS, ENW BILK AND mar aeas, NLW PABIBOLES AHD SUN =ADA Izmir ma incosium, To which we invite the attenUm the pall°. MACRUM & GLIEDE, Tit KAMM' MUT. Between Fourth end the DismaalL BALM/AIM IJN UNA 4:11.H./Du{, LANE, M'ABOY 140 19/D111.4.1. GlTHZET.Allaighsay, .01d door below the aro Market hones.) Bleached •arta Cableached limns Dirk lad Light Clamed Prints ; Preach and Saguia' adeameg frenedi tarn. Rae Wool de Latta and Lew koarshog Goods; Mohair and bilk Warp black, Plain and Platred Bilks; Obsoltsd and shke; poolior, Lostrso, for Traveling Drug Idols and Cotton dabeting; Pillow linen And Monlin; .41enntlantan'a Goode; Clothe, thwinteres g lilt and Glom Elosollmohielar Beelr.Tleato atiglimio ►IlO OPERA GOERS. " WHITE ?LID 'aHovies, for 76 cents porPalr, ILIOBIMI, a MINIM% No. Id Market etreet, east Mde. A FEBta SUPPLY HIIBIPAREY'S BPlar/0- 11021EOPATEICI' REMEDIES. NOB TES PDOPLZ. LIST 07 UPEOrino BICHIDIEB. I—lor lever. Om:quo:Ion and Lamrostloa. /do 51—Pre Worm Irons, Worn Clodo, %Miss thellad. ao 3 -Tor 004 Crying, Toothily' sad wa.fF moo of Wants. No. 4-4 Or Dienhea, Cholera Lasatam arid Saw leer Complaints.- • No. 6—Nor Cotfo, °rigor, .Dyseatary . or glooil No. 6-lor Maws, Cholera Norbasi Vomiting. No. 7—For Cough., Colds, Indomum. Imo Throat No. il,itor.2ootn.octoc locomiono, llonnigno. Ho. 9—rosEloodor.luo, V 1 1 ,11417.1111114 and guinea No. 10—.0mprooto Pals— Tor ond Deangoll tonmen„ Onnolyntion and tdvor Complaint. No. ti—Vor domalot intiotdatoico,imang. Palatal Periods: Laboorthaa, Proton Nos*. Naming own of Vomake. No. U—For Orono, Hamm Caugh,RodßniatiMkg. Half-43sii Alma Paie—lot Zr,.yilsalso !ar N0.15-6lwomonlo tillo—lfor _Psis, Titlllolllll dorenoso in lb. Ohost, - B.ck, Loinsor Limbs. . 80. 1111-Branfnal smwon., Inordruitara Dbrbario and Borrow AptrUlty. . Ka. In .-rdiora Month, or Cantor of Idaho or oldl• no 30—Delnerr Liamttheuce, Wetting the De& Do. 111Z.Patatul Periods, Preemie or Own& No. a I-41uthrLag at Natio of ur.,Sunken Zio./M—lplopsy and womma. °bora% at. 1:—.)or FORT - sad Agee, CM Tear, Dhmb Apo, Old litansammed Arum - • P—Vor Ppm, Blutd et abiding, Internal or 1i o—for iota, 'Disk or lOdamed Zps and Drill* Min. Weak or Blurred Bight: - 0-1 or Oitantyof long standing or man*, atter with otetnution or prams Mecham% • '1 Odor Wnoophie• Coankabeting tte ylolenN• #LBOSDILODIIO6. lbr deities. m Petetifo.—Oppre Mad% bawd Breathing, attended with Croup hint Dr -Pe ,- ration. him. Woman per box; •• For Fur rgraowArawd .DweineeW:H.ciung, fr tbs:r.ari it. result of Omelet Tenn. Iltsd6 •-• outlab. .Ifor Nobles la the Deed, Hazdawn fawned HMV! In the Dm, and ?ter..tehe, Par diratter li ernige mit Ms, r• lobe Oacheug.of htklion.- • Pre. 60 teats me . Fs Dewed Daaitr.—Pbrdeal or Dermas nem, alum the moat or bleknOlM. fiedllllTO cation er Lehi/nth% Dfinharmat. ao Jibe Dropi—ilnid Accuiikidatlaai,VlgLiwia• Inem with Omar necreMnt a.' do. AWE= Bkiee -Deattic 81eksmo, Teridgo. Den. sea: Waiting. and glob hunt Maw or =Om VarM; 60 mate pt - bat. • - • , far Mir Momaa.--rcirlime4 Renal Nana; Medi. •Pandulihtutianitilauesia 404Sidnag. Ptl De . _ /WOW aucometa - Brrelebi t l a lrti Dsokag p -mad ConemeatZoetratkmeD a . m ca The Mat Mud'plandbactattun knownd mys oeax • oure:, Price, sl_perbox.l 1 70 /lif PULTOt Noa. 67 Ain 69 Peva Bliss; Pa, Sal . alprAt ths *estal,n4 9crontm; R ia BULOBB, eXir, MinaGUM la MeV ' ± 4I.II;TR° ton inifttei:aedprrEES OE E4I.IEPAG. mum Innunsusse combats" on kw. 'k m gaerlDalitYeYMea Was kr . 1,-, I UTAGONB GUMS 808. EIALB. yr, .4 out tta boat no mkt to ,aidor kb& or- WAGON ' DILLI(11, 21311111 ii waxing, wa - AHD OVUM Tate di rood• at. tbr bort Oratootato trod inn. maid. 'the 1141 Y--11•111.: Irks tiboloto ETSSL 11'708 ELY Lail, earl olleroot' IlLszloa Avorre.l2 row ot , tin n'7..14 . 4 . 5enn Olty. W. S. 1161/11..........101/11110RICIT BF A I IWN , ): 14 9* R PIF,O S O; aoapt. ostaisalrriOuinima, .iimatimma.AMD_GLAZZl*- No. 91:37411//8,117/'. sough= eulog. - Utnasi DUDA Vra lint" to. randela 'Aard.oi•iicknis Tot maim sa Batacat, kinds, !lab was agg. Ii Y. itAfai. m g • 11%it Ziessad, autihow. vrucn. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers