, ':e. -^-',', Nuifori Itgortit E Towanda, Pa, Thursday, Nor. 23; ISM LOCAL AND CENERAL. TnArss-begin to run "oil time" agaio. NEviThursday is Thanksgiving. Re member the printer. THE heavy rains of the past week have raised the w.►ter in the river very percep tibly. DEuocn.vrs don't think they have much to be thankful for ,this Centennial --- year. • , SUSQUEHANNA county polled 8,808 ',rotes f(l . r. ?resident this year. HAYEs' mijority l is 038. TVILKEYS are "roosting high" now-a -" days. Those that are captured will prob ably be selling high. I=l .TITE City Fathers are putting down a terra-cotta sewer from .Main-st. to the river, on the south side of Park-st. • A UNIVERSALIST S6ciable will, held at the house of C. L. TRACT, ou Friday .evening, the *24th inst. All are inc=ited to atteud. • IF Tat person who took. the December number of Harper's from our table, will return it long enough f._.r us to peruse it, we shall feel under obligations. THE union Thanksgiving service on Thar , 4lay morning next, will be , held iu the' Presbyterian thumb. , A collection for the Ladles' Benevolent Society will be taken up. THE Wardliouse which was burnt a few months since, phamix lik., is rapidly rising from its ashes. It will grobably lase finishml and thrown open to the public some time mat spring. •-E „Mts..; HELEN Husz, of Scranton, be ing aftitnced to a Scranton merchant; one of the impels there mtys it.-4 a strange thitiOn- SAr t udon matt to i';-o to Helen Hunt for a wife. Wicked fellow. F. 11. lIAGEr..atA*, of Asylum, Ftarted West on 3londay evening, for the purpose of puichasing a ear of sheep for him self 4.1.1 Itroirrr.. He intends buyirf.r, the best breed. fit. li. is one of our best farmers. Firrr.r..N hundred and four Centerritiall, -tickets were sold at the Railroad Office in TcscAnon.t.—lt has been some time tlii place. As many more, which should. sipce your readers beard front Tuscarora, have been boualit here, were purchased in I but do not suppose we are all dead : the IVaveey and Elmira, b ecause * t b e pr i ce i ele.lion returns will tell you better than was lower, _ Ithat. People have improved the bemiti . _ C. 11. SIELEY, of the Oyster Bay, plac ed us under especial obligations the other day by the, presentation of a bountiful supply of the largest and fittest oysters wa have ever tasted. Mr. C. buys his o,Vsters Wine shell and open's them to or der. s.) that hislcustomers arc always cer tain of getting the bivalves: PnoF. McGRANAir,‘N, and wife are en: gaped in conducting Mu Teal Institute at St-,:ventvitie this week to conclude. ne..t `week with two concerts on Thursday and rri.lay evenings. The repntatiou Prot. ..Mo.3ltANAtras has established as a tho t-oncl, patient and systematic instructor, !bakes him a great farcirite wherever known. The concerts will afford a rich musical treat, and. we doubt not will he well patronized. - 017 a-friend, J. A. Ifteorim was pros ) - fr4tal in a most singular manner on Tlinisday last. , lie was feeling unusually well. and in the best of spirits, when tol dertly be experieneed a singular feelim.f and noise iu his head, and 'in a few min utes fell back in his chair senseless. Iris -,4tre apparently partially paralyz ed. Ile has so far recovered now as to be able_p,i.sit up, arid, if mtt overtaken by a relapse, will soon be about town again. TriE "Compfiny K" boys are gettiM!: aloag finely •with their arrangements for the entertainment to c.nne off next Wed nesilay.evei:ing, and iu this their first an vil:ll rce.-ption,:ivill spare no pains . or eN -1,1211;,e make h successful,pleasant and agrevaitle to all who may attend. Guests -deshin!r carriages.mill be furnished with them free of charge, on application at Ktitnv's Drug Store, or to in:y of the Comn.ittee. Can iages NNi I commence ruatiti; - :, at 8 o'clock. Sniper will lie t‘erveri in the Green Room of the Prica ticket. 2:10. Company is cm - - o very line tmcanization. and a creiLit to our hiwn, and we hope flieS• may inea `with suit ilhe encoto agement hum our ell tzars at their reception. ~ eases of the lever. Stomach, Kidneys ti e d ' . -........- Sl•inC; ZScrefilla and all d3190(1 DisC:.SC-; G R EENE . I. j,-N1 11N(::•-••• We give yen cur e s Nt reuses Pee.tration and Weak ne -, ; some Hems from our sitess-rotini, and hope of either sex, Ifeetering Tesw :el Vieer ;hey iney interest a fete at least. The ,to the wiceile system. Read the following ex, itement, o f the •‘ c an v as s ' , has given ; cure -:- , •j p 1 tee to sespinse, and tedious' Waiting 141 . ,Pri.l. 11. A. - Hi i.eON, Saratoga, N. Y..' know who; is to rule over its. but we hope 1101 - e• HEL Mee lee STEWS 01 - sTERS. ',4';' . ;5.'-lelY , k Dow it :Is l'tb, ei pal of one our nti the beet. :and it pi epared to accept Take .ire (wart ef liquid 1 - , • SLUTS, put the leadvieg it utiotis of learniue, says the: the tvere.t with good grime, as becomes liquor (a teacupful. for three) in a stew Ms wife-has usteillw •‘ Medic e l Weeder" good citizens. 'Our chief interest has cen pan. and add leer as much more --- A mete- • for a cemplicatein of eiSeMeei with ti•e 1 teed in I.llr `: Centennial" Seltnel House. self: a good hit of pepper; a te,ei»onful , most haepy effete. No other remedy ever We have been a long time waiting for it, of reed creeks r for. each. Put on the touched the case like it. ; 1 11(1 new that ive have it, would like to stove Menet it. boil: have Vent sestets,- De. A. Demros, Morrieville, N. Y.: eve the township school board our reedy is a betel. The mom e nt the liquor sister in Led two years with female and li etn e- s , and eleuffest our appreciation of begies to peel pout- in all your oysters, say nervous diseases; cured. - • the model building just erected. It is of tete ter each pet sem or six will do. Now 1,1 NORMAN 111 -NT, Shcds Corners, N. - Y., i wood •26.1,:40 eeet, 14 feet in 'the clear, watebearefully, ate Las soon as it begins Wonderful cure of dyspepsia and heart I slate roof, cellar uuder the whole, for to le; take Out your watch, coma just disease. i. wo id and coal, and to protect the house thirty seem:des take your oyetets front Mits. I. S. leemeroN, Ilile s eoro, N. 11., I fn.:lie:Mee. as Hell as add to the-warmth the st; ve. You will have your big deli spinid dieciSse. '- • . of the nean. The building is covered ready with one and a emit tablespoonfuls' Mite. Z. A. \Vw - re,' Sheds - ('orncrs, N. i with snatched sheeting, then siding of of Oold milk for each person. Their your Y.. terrible Scrofula and kidney disease; ipine emtside. of that; windows hung with stew cm this milk and serve immediately.- gained 40 lbs. . weights, and provide.l with shutters. In -Never boil au oyster in milk' if you wish Geo. lIAIaES, Oneida, cured of terrible side is a bull nest the door, live feet wide, it to be geed. . - catarrh. - ' clear across the end, provided with - Eetzene.Tit Wool, Sheds Corners, N. shelves, coat hooks, etc.; main room pro' Os TIIE retirement of the Hon. WlesoN Y., ovarian tumor and dropsy, reduced 15 rids d with Mark board across rear end, MeCeNrieess ' from the United States inches around body. also raised platform .the same, and patent .„ 4 , judgeship, legal fraternity, resolving to present him loathsome scrofula; supposed to be in cup- j jag same wen will scat sixty sholars. web a testimonial of their esteem. decide stitutien; cured. I The . stove is to be a base burner of late ed epi n tendering lapewith a handsome A. 11. lIAWLEY,.Sara t9g.t, says that design. A belfry.' containing a ; bell - Silvis urn. •Thtenen. Wrought, in the - ren- "Medical Wonder gtiee liim e ehealtli f (bought by subscriptions of our enterrn is nrdesanee stele, is of coifs silver, weighs i sti-ength and appetite. itie.neighbors) surmounts the whole. The eel otmees. and is ab nit thirty inches in 3111 s. C. P. Oenwer, Concord, 3:• He bell can be heareP distinctly two miles. heiebr. The base represents a shield sup- confined to bed with ten-tale and kidney' It is pronounced the best house for perted by fasces. At the toe. of the body disease; cured. , ischool purposes in Athens township. To ott sue side is an open law book, and its- No space for osoo other cures. ; the clintractore Mr. ARCHIE MeVercle of mediates}' above it, forming the chief fie- Ask your Druggist for ".eledieal Won- 1 s a y iet ' the boai a gave much credit for the are is a perfect likeness of the face of the der," and be eured Prepared by Dr. manner in which his contract was execut jielee is profile. On the ether sideis the ; teeter & Co., Sar ite ,-, a, N. Y. eel—all firstelass work. To the president, Ileum of Justice, and beneath it, ow - the For sale in Towanda by 1)r. 11. C. POI:- nf..the hoard, Mr. .11:1.117s' IIAYDEN and bees- of the urn, tile switch of the s: L nle TEt l ; wholelllC, by lIEMIY CuRR.AN ' Mr. .1. P. OVENS/III:E. tf , Cey, melt credit gollese. Teo insceiption, which will be Co.,-N. Y. 1 - ; . is due for the convenient and comfortable as simple in language. as possible, will he ; „ • nienner in which they have been largely _. I'o THE P-VelteiNe ov Blteen'OnD AND pl wed, on the shield. tinily has been instrumental in providing , ft r the school Jet - eI.:VAN CoeNTies : The' 11: 1). I'. engaged on the urn for three months. ceildren of this district. They intended Granee convened at the hall of Highland . s , 12,?.--- r . Grange, Litchfichl r efon the lath lust.; eh i .. 0 he a model house, and have succeed- e'eseseNel e -.-nee. HALE TOWNSEND, i aolteabbi to melee. .Notwithstandingei , and they have not neglected to pro- e wilos;i - erfoillied misehiPare work In ihee.the unfortunate. Mut seemingly unavoida- ebbe proper nut-boa'-e , : ! s• n,tase penny intereet of the Episcopal Church, in this.' liete-eiumble in 11Xing the time of the meet- weei ones do. This district having some SVetioP some sixteen Years since, \vat> . in 1 ing, the ?diesel:thee was medium; and the seiterprising people volunteentd to grade tiwn lest week. lie was the guest of iilr. 0 . e . Si-ters ' Br - ther end. of Highland had the S l°ll'll ' ll4 ' and -Wi l l d°l . -ibiless see that E. T. Fox. - _ , made ample arrangements tcreaccommo- 1 proper shade trees are put out in the 1 sprang. Total cost of abovteabotie eleven _R ev . F. W. BARTLETT is spending a l date mid sumptuously emelt:fin live times 4 . nuc e ee s fired defiers, being very low for such sliert time with his father in this place. ; the number. Supper was, served in the 'a :medial Hall,' end the supply and variety of sub- . , —Mies Aft - NA SIIIPSON, dam:fitter ofThe ;alit of Our strays have returned, i s , istantials, and deecacies for replenishing ' Col. S. V. StiteMAN. of Chicago, 1 111.,i and newly all have visited Philadelphia. visiting frierels iti this place. and refreshing the inner t..ranger, seemed ; , leel lady had her picket picked while endless. Sister Lreetet preeided at the , • —Tee, friends of Rev. E. PAYsON ILktl- ' , thvre of upwards:ref thirty dolLsre.: organ, and led the, singing as ; occasion re ; Some most, iu this, place, will be interested in ; (mired. BM. E. R. DeLoNG oave instruc- ' improvements are to be made the f elm:Ville from' the Philadelphia le- 1. tous in the work ,f- 1 P ' ) - ill i De ;rt e to sevene 1 here soon by way of moving shops and Taxer: ' " The reviviel'emeetiugs couiluct- Brothers an d sisters, et he numerical. . I ..u_ - • es-se:nine them into deellingese Then to by Rev. E. P. HIIINIOND alld :the pas- in ' entl, meted. political, Mel pee:tie:try in- ; we eetpect Greelleffle to settle •down for Ors in lieneiegton, are, attracting crowd , arrests 4 t.it tlranee ' were, liberally and ; themext cesqury and remain quiet as a • (el - coagneettions. Nearly twenty-live itter disois , i et• 11 L. 1 , lamb. N., .. _., .. _...teoiere. tak- ;' e - • t Seetst. ' huntired.pereans were seated last evening t • , e: , . , I '-' O % - . 2 0 , Lee). , I l e a H ewing arm promment pale nestle • in the new' chairs in the Reformed Epic- I • lotions and meesures, looking toward a i Sv.NICROLAS is ENGLAND.—The pith ; ' copal churels corner of York and Sepvi . tie:sough canvass va.streets, and ' a large number were un- , . . • and 'general awakening : ushers of tie Niche:rat' have been sending among tue enuentmate Granges in , ; thei an edition of st. Niehotiv, to England du able to be accommodated." 1 . Disenet, were unauimously llf•Prerleli ; sing the past year, and this is what they ..---....e.. ,- furt•'er particulars of which will be : com- say about it over there f _ A SUstICE/lANNA Cowry Hoe IN LUCK. municated by the Executive Committee, "Se Sicholas is the king of all publica ; —Mane of the old residents of this cbun- with which the tirene'erS are expected to 1 Cons issued for the young on either side j ty will remember LEWIS MooDY, wh o , co-operate, in tint e r that ; the emeasures lof Atlantic. Its pages contain a fund formerie- resided in Springvire, and wbo, ' nese- prove succeesful. llarmeay, utillell - 1 et-amusement and information that must' with !es family, moved to Michigan soma -' al good feeling red unlit: Meese • retailed 1 insure it a bratty w. Mame wherever it is tliiityeive yeah: ag,), and SCUll'd in Gran- :threw - ghoul the 1024: .*11 , 611 , 0011 and, 0.01- ' kioiwn. and it oueht to be known CA'..Yry• Vinc i . Kent county 'They will also re- : sag sessions, the eniee eereesions of me i where.',' The soutledapton Obserrer. mein er his eon, Hets - ne Se who for the gret and disappointment beieg at the ab- I 7'he Dvoll Chronicle speaks of it as the past fifteen years has been in South Amer- - sence of so many of the Brothers and Sis- i "very paragon of juvenile books," and ica e at and near Rio Janeiro, and in New ters, whose presence we had i's right to e , - the Daily Nelcs adds : "We wish we 31e*ico. While -in the letter place he re- peer. . could point out its equal in our own peri eeited word that his fotiner parteer in iThe foll Owing officers -were elected eedical literature." The London Literary Bra it hid cited, leaving his property to unanimeuely for the eneuing year. to re- 1 W”rld says : "There is no Magazine for hint. Mi., Mooer has been making a vis- ' port at the FebroarY Meeting for installe- 1 the youn"-that ems lie said to equal tide it to his old home and relatives ,in this tion : \V. 31., E. 11. DELONG; W. 0., C. i choiceproduction of 'Scribner's press. All eeunty, and while here is getting the ne- i 1). Ross; W. L.,. r e J. Allele; W. C.. B. ; the attic) e. whether in Pane or Ithyme, l l CeSSary papers from the propsr, authori- , F. Bowen. s; Iv • S., 0. •I• WErt: W.. A. ! are throbbing with vitality. * e The' , ties to enable him to settle up• the estate_; S., J. H. CALEINs; IV. T.. G. L Fct.wr l literature and artistic illustrations ate in Brazil, when he will ! mime to his for.: W. e.. 1%; Wm. IL SuAve; IV. O. IL, WNt ' ...l both superb.''- The Weekly Timex gals: . :- pm Lome in Michigan. The estate of - C•llANSlSElrlekiti; W. C., `:';ter V. S. Less 1 "Sf. Nieholag is 1,4 tilled with nambye W. y„ i Pat . stby literature, but he. 17 • solidi he is the sole leg-a' ce -js valmetat ; DoNe W. P. Sister A. D. :III:NN; a ~ aninsvie; — 0„- e , .dependentße- - ''' - 31. a - IV. L. A. ' -s• :,---'• ''. . . . alga i4,o,ol.4).—lndependentßepabliran. :Si ter A. H. Connor o; •. -. S., Sis- and eicver writin: , fills every pal:0" .* * * ' — ** ---- r - 1 air. 3loonv came to"-•tids - place last : ter EtAtt.;-Kixost.Ert Executive Commit- "far beyond l anything of the kind we get or See what you can do with a little week on a flying vied, and while here dis- I tee, Bros. B. LAPOUTII, V. S. LANDON, ! on this side of the Atlantic." money at the Main Street Crockery Store: . covered that his funds were ; vetting low.. !F. H. .loitiisoN, B. F. NEWDEItItY, WM. I An English critic says: ' Stand Lamp coMplete ter as cents. He accordingly drew a draft for twenty- 11. SMITH. I " Boys and girli will range with glee Krareit sMd Forks at 65 cents. Jive dollars on a Bank in New York, 't A resolution of thanks by the Worthy : through the pages of St. 4Vieholas. Tho' ' 0 Gallon Stone Churns for SO cents. which his- friend, C. C. Worn). endorsed i!Marshal to the members of Highland i written es.,ecially for the youth of the i Doz. Iron Stone Plates for 0.00 very cheerfully. 3lr. Wool) did n't feel .'Grange for our kind reception and hosl- 1 New World, the :Magazine is as fall as it 1 Doz. silver Plated Knives for t. 1.00. so good-naturedly about the'matter,-Pow- : table entertainment, passes unanimous' . I can bold of .entertainment for all who. 4 Gallon same Butter Pot tor OD cents. ever, when he learned a few days later 4 Adjourned at 11:40 P. )1., to meet at speak the ,English tongue. To indicito ' - moms ens; Batter, Cream and Bpoen Bolder, that the draft was dishonored by the Itame, on the first Thursdayin February, what is specially attractive woeld simply and Ij itox. Gaits. au tor ?Leo. - ._,- - ~ beak .. _deura tweet RlS:Wrikittukrebted• 1671. _ , .- :. E: O. Owa l !Ref; j:b to pupas. un, itnittintit Usti- libit,thati t.l".coettiii*jes Diagold r uii m thi; _•., , ::..1 1 i i - ir *imam - -.-..„. -, ..- . •_.:- _ .1144--wpfl igi_lirtth ,;:....„ *--, . Alibioislittert' _ ,,i. , , ; -i k -i--..-, -..-, - -_ , ...1- - ,i- -- -,• , --t'.. - ,- - ._ -- ,- -L.-:1- .... - :---;. - 7. --,- -;:-.Ni_ -- - - _,,.,,3-- - - .- -_ ,-, ; -- ,e -,,,,,- ;;;: - - , •- - 1 - 4--,:;-:43 - .': , ;-1:::-- , *4 , :. - ''. ,- ',- -, 14 , -f-;;•‹-F- - •Pik-4,-f4...:;e:;: , ‘'.7-41; , ' = -1 - , , -.', -_ - _....,--.,-,„-; -J , -- - A.,-- , :zl=-3 - -„z, -, f-t.-_ - ,- , -,:, ,- -,-ir , ---_,.4 .- ---- , _; , 1,z4v„-..F 1 / 4 , ,, -.,.. , :-44 -- .-4--F, ' •.1 A”,.. „..-o ~',..„..,' ~ ~..4k , . 4 Y, ..f -- ~ .... 1 .-:y> ..t .- -. ~ ,--.'::._',;,-', -, - - -4---- ,; i4-t- -- ,- . ..3-„,..6 .4 :?.:.. `F ,.. h.- - ---s o . - .. , =~ . 24...-.7,,.. ‘4. - ..,-- , 4f4tJ . - ,..k :.; - ---- ~.., .-:.!.;. , N= .‘,::0 ...-: ~ ,- --:,-i=-,-?--;.g- - .-..,---- -- - - -,-1 .-- -.-/ -- ---t- - - - - . .et 2, g g ......---- 7 .'";:- ~ '-... "^,- " --....-.^- : - '-' , .......,,,;:" :.f . • , - - • - ~‘.., ~ .-- - , BEM Ilaiitisii::=-TitiVOlgiant non - intervening , between - autumn and. winter, denominated "Indhm fituntner,! *thus beautifully described by a part Oh t these days._ Autumn days! • When the languid earth Iles dreaming • in a sort of golden haze; When amidst the verdant woodlands ) Stand the maples all ablate t Gold and crimson, brown and prangs, tiow they rise. ti Glowing pyramids of color, To the skies. • When the summer tasks are done, And the song birds southward gone, Aud no sound t 1 rs the voiceless, breathless forest; Have when, far away and seldom, • The ripe acorn strikes the ground. ilr st.hen leaves, , With a melanctrelly rustle, And unstirred by any breeze, Circling downward Irvin the frees, Spre.d arennd ' A rich carpet, brighter tinted • Than the cunning Persian irk:ayes& Oh these days, Autnnin days: Who can paint the glow and glory Of these haltlon Au, orun dna? Eateric 3Lsosimr..—The Eclectic for DeceMber makes its tribute to the inter est felt in the recently-closed, Centennial Exposition, at Philadelphia, by presetti ng; its readers with an excellent portrait of Gen. JOSEPH R. IIAwLEv, President of the Centennial Commission. The por trait is accompanied by. a brief sketch of Gen. IrAwLEv's .; t • The literary contents of the number are unusually various, there being .no less than seventeen articles, besides thelonr EditoriatDepartments.: A mere list of these-articles will, be sufficient t "chowaherr value, interest and variety: "Auiomatissird EvOlUtion," by Cif s. ELAM, M. D.; " Daniel Deronda;" "The Two Chancellors : Prince .GortschakolT and Prince Bismarck;" "Astronomy in America," by Richard A. Proctor, B. A. F. H. S.; "Primavera," by W. W. Stony; Kafir Weddings and Kafir Kraals;" by Lady . BARKER; •' Ctiarlotte Bronte : A Motigrapli; 4"The American Centera ry," by lionicE WHITE; the Sea was Young:". " The Story of a Life;" "Fairy Plays;" "The By Ways'of Book making:" "Isam.:," by L. MAsos; " The Planet Saturn's Dark Bing ;" by Brim Alto PHOCTOH, B. 1•3:; "Au American CO-operative Communityp" and " The Waiting Angel." It will be seen that several of the arti 'eles on the list are peculiarly timely—the flue one on "The Two Chancellors 7 ,7,_ throwing a flood of light oni the recent! amteurrent history of Europe. Published by E. H. PELTos, Bond street, New York. Terms. per year; single number, 4S ets. ful weather of the past feW months in do ing up the fall work, and minding their own business. - S. F, ACNLEY conducted a musical convention' of two weeks, clos ing With concert' at M. E. Church, Spring flill. It wa a success. hey. E. F. Hon- Eirrs,Ch l aplain in Sherman's Army, has favor.d t i tle `prang 11111 people with two very interesting lectures, entitled "Hook er tig,hting above the clouds at Lookout Mountain," and "Siege and capture. of Atlanta, Ga." November 1, a goodly number of the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. ACKLEY spent the afternoon with them very pleasantly, It was the fifth anniver sary of their weildilfg:T7The guests ate a ii~a,diwuer; and went in for a good social,' musical tune generally, and left score ap propriate presents. The entire community 'were shocked last Thursday at the death of liosmEß E. CM:SWELL, the nw.tcla at Silvaria. 'lle went out hunting and shot himself acci dentally. lle was buried Saturday. Ile was the son of, BELL Coo!.AVELL, Esq. The bride of six'months ago is left a with ow. l ' On Friday evening, Nov. 17, the large barn and sheds,of C. 11. & D. Dosor.ks, were burned t4i the ground, with :form. thirty or more tons' of besides grain. farming tools, et r., etc. It was undoubt 7 ei ly tL work of an incc tdiaiy. We up detstand the loss• was partly or mostly covered by ins•nrance. ANON Nov. 20, A W(iNn]s'. -Our ex changes are .... t .uts Of most v. - ondert'td cares etActed I Dr. GAGE's WoNnEn.",, It is said to be the gicatest vitaliser 'vet discovered. giv- ing bit yttney,to the spirits, elasticity ttr the step, anti Intl-.ink; the invalid Iteatt, , , coutragt:ons and strong. It ernes 'all ths tr's: tilletat(YelielaWhirti.4*ll43l4- Griiiiiit &hod were neither tard-inor lent during the Fait Terni 12 weeks;, Which closed November 10 : • ' - FRANK. Wmunzu,, FRANK= Plumps, TREAD Salrru, HARRY MERCUII, HENRY' KILILEA, HOWARD LEITZELSIAN, CHAR LIE BUCK, FRED HyArr, ROY LYON, FRED Kr INE, EDDIE PHILLIPS, JULIA DALTON, HELEN KIIALEA, HArrre, SIIITU, War. LEWIS, GEO. BEERS, - Wit. MITCHELL, MAT•MITCHELL, Lucy Mums, LOU StOW, LAURA BLAKE, GEORGE HENLEY, GEO. Moorm, MIRY 1t05A,34 , WALTER SUITE, SUSIE STETENS, FLORA THURBER, RALPH' MERCITR, FRED SMITH , _ DON STE TENS, JESSIE KLINE, JENNIE LEWIs. - GREI.r will be the wailing among the little folks this month, for St. Nicholas for December, which has ordinarily been issued on the 20th, is to bo held bagklui til the 25th; but it is then to be the Grand Christmas Holiday Number. ' We have not had a peep oven at its pa': ges, but Editor and Publishers promised to do tliair,.very best; and that means a great deal(where St. Nit/colas is coacern. ed. They tell us, among other contributions' to this number, will toe 'a paper by Mr. Bryant,: "The Boys of My Boyhood,' the boys of the latter part of the last cen tury or the beginning of this. The number Kill have" nt.arly one hun dred pages and over fifty pictures: Pro Pitorrott, the 1 lightillapstrono tier, Contributes a paper called :TA Clock in the Sky," illustrated by drawings shi m ing how the tail of the Great Bear points out the time.of night. Then there is the account of the'great "Horse Hotel," with very spirited pic tures; an article by LUCY L.tncuM, "The Poetry of Winter," besides lots of Christ mas Stories, accounts of curious Oriental Spirits, and more good .things than we can find space to mention. Besides all this, .1. T. TROWBRIDGE be gins his "new story for boys; " His Own Master," in this Christmas Holiday Num • ber of tit. 9tas. Nerd we say more? Could we say more to interest the young folks? •• OBITUARY. 'WILSO', who died Sunday mornitig, Nov. Is G, at the Lome of her daughter. Mrs. Dr. E. I).. PAYNE, in this borough, was a daughter of the i .late ElAsna CoI.E, of Monroe, who was very widely known in the early histo ry of this region of country, and wife of T. M. WILSON, who survives her. - She was married to Mr. WILSON May, 1834, and after a residence of seven years in Wayne county, in this State, and fourteen years at 31,phroe f and the addition of four children tOheir family—two sons and two daughters—they moved to the State of Illinois, and settled in Ogle coun ty. There, iu the soziety of family and friends, she was happy in ministering to their comforts and ;necessities. The war of the rebellion came, and to it she gave her two sons, who died in the service— on. of sickness resulting from hardships, the ether shot at Chickamauga, Georgia. The lo.s of her sons was a great shock to in r nervous system, frinn the effects of Which she never recovered. !ler last ill ness began in July. Pi7s, -since which, to the time of her death, she %%as a constant and patient, though helpless and hopeless, sufferer. During the etirly period of her sickness she had the watchful attendance of her eldest daughter, Mrs.lll,lt: Rums; but in January .01 the present year, urgent business called tier husband back to Penn sylvania, who, with the assistance of her 0;11pr daughter, Mrs. Dr. PAysr., brought her. to Towanda, where, at her daughter's reidenee, on Huston street, she finished' her sufferings and her life, aged 73 years , and 2 months. In she identified herself with the Christian church; and during her subse quent life she was blessed with all the J' Vs and performed all the duties of a itm , st conscientious believer devoiity„; herself to the cause of Christ by a life c6rresponding to the,liikh profession she had made,—so that when death came it was with no wavering she. met the great destroyer, lint with ,trustfnineSs and tont , - ing, as one.who was to relieve her Tr,im pr,,bation and suffering, anti lend her to that rest in eternal life she was sure must tato:Ted. . lier Christian life supplemented a nat ural eheerfulne disposition and firm ness of purpose, a hieb. agacti t.O an undy inz :lifer:Gni for ha: husband and ehil di en,. enabled her to overcome all the vi cissitude:. of life—all hardships and trials —:i!l doubts and perplexities: death C1:11e, in the'eomplf,teness of life, in the_ fulness of age, in tinwiolisnes4 of immortality, slut w.ts gathered in. like a sheaf fully tilt'. E. IL Na , Sr New •;a rectilf,d tsP3 at AI Fi.tlio 40, air Etigravlng &Jai is lisnost.itasts Jewett., Store. r/r. New Dress. Goods at Karr & ntiast[teg• irraiNtnalt&N Offers a rest reduction in SII. ter-Panted Ware. air New goods in every Department St KENT t fiLligr.jeept tar Bnttrick's Patterns at Kirr & ttss, 1111117 far Dollar-and-a-half books for 09 cts. Mercur Block. Vir Ladies' Tics in great variety, at JUN? h BLlBB`.(llep7 t 4 , L Ladies' Collars , and. Cuffs at KENT ellusil.csep7 f New Bazar Pat erna for December at Mrs. Mnsi:or. • rr Look at Mrs. 311:mos' Gloves and Hosiery fur the ladles. lar Mrs. MINCIOS has new French shap....s In Hata and tiounots. tar Call at ,KENT & Blass' and see heir new Donee Corset.plep7 12" Call at KENT & BLISS'. for your ta-_ . blc Damask, Napkins, ke, &c.[iep7 Now Cloth': and Cassimnres at x. cm- & iss..iscp7 • Vr One more case of those cheap quilts, at KENT & t You eau buy a plated Castor for 99 centk, fu 3tereur Block. car Call :.t KEIIT & Buss', and look at the,li Matt Greuadthes. Alargo stock of games and toys; at cost, at WHITCOMB li HIIACT's. rg" All the Lltest publications, very cheap, St Winicouß & SliArrg. Of - Everything in',the lino of station ery at WHITComti h 9►►icr'B. rgy- Call and see the latest Ladies' Ties, conari and cuffs, ht Mrs. MI st;mr. rff" A new arrival of Ladiesi . Panniers, lu colored arid white, at Mrs. 111N00. • WHITCOMB & hell the best `Bliuk Books manufactured In the country. 44, . nr" You can get all the latest styles of Stntiunery, very cheap, at NV iiircomxi 4Sn/tura The largest and best, assortment of spr;og clothing In town, at M. E. franti:Nrittars. M7..A large stock of School Shoes, very chap, at Conste.'s, oppoAte the Ceurt Iluuse(eeta. ItrnnEu PAINT, price reduced to 02 per gallon. In 5 gallon pails 01.90.1 R. 31. Wicctr.s k SON. 'rjr " You will be surprised to learn liew muih yon can buy fq 99 conle In 3ler ur Block, Ur Great reduction in American watch - Es at CIIAIIIIKILLIN'ts , .[JiIne 5. Elr To RENT. A house u n College street, near the Institute. Enquire f N'ATHAN air Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectalea, and Eye Glasm,s, In great variety, at 11ENDEL3IAN . 8 Jewel z • ryt. Nrs. has Ladies' Hats, tilnaued fur one dollar and nrty cente, In good Style. .73- A large assortment of spring and summer h a ts, just received, at 31. E. liosirm- MEE M'Every little boy wants a pair of I h?se Coatluental Bouts at Consta's, opposite the Coact lloww.t.sepVs r-Ir FOR . ' SAI,E.—S good Gold Watch. P.ddeet time keeper. WIII take borough orders In paylntmt. Enilulre at this tare. -.,..____ a- A new stock of Trunks and Trav riling Rag,. Jil.l received at Consxat's, and at low liytiees than ever. [Aur. HEZ , MELI , if.i.x has the finest stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, ever brought, into this town, Call an.l seeit. Cam' If you want a suit of clothes cheap er than you can buy the same hit Just eall at 114E.NFIELW5. Aar Don't fall to call at ;lea:Dr.emaN's, If you wish to toty anything In the line of Jewelry, Silver and Slicer-plated Wiry. Mr The largest and best assortment of Bruck4,s ever brought to this place, can now be seen atiTIMST & 5.):4; S. • [Oct. 20—tf.] Or Take Notice, there is a great re itsql,,s In tVilthatil and 'm on Watches. Call at llrsnta,mAN . F. and yeti Will be sure to buy one at the prices he Ss offering. A large supply of tine :white pigs, rrooi of ChoAter AVhlte and Suffolk. two months old flu, 15:It of Oct., for sale ctieup by Wll. J. DEL rt ECII, ra.troel23. 're-04 iuong ,gentlemen will be ae conatualiied with a pleasant Boom and Board: First-class family and location. Addreis Box 1,000: Towanda, Nov. lati. Ur FOR SALE OR TRADE.—A "BOYS TO"" NEW RALTIMOItY. REALM —llm been used a few times oily one winter. Is comparatively new. Can be Ilan at a Magian. Address P. D. Dos 1,113. Towanda. I'a. car A. KLINE, the .11erehant Tailor, Iran moved his Tailoring establishment to DAVIs k Co';4 Store. Clothing Matde to order; also cutting, fitting and trimming done with neatness and dis patch. Give him a cal. CLosiNG OCT SALE. —1 am now closing out my entire stock of Ready Made Cloth -Ing and Furnishing GoOds regardless Of cost. A good and rare chance to purchase fz.r those who are In necil of clothing. Towanda, Oct. la, 7G-lf To WIIOII IT MAY CONCERN.—The Toddle ar.• hereby notified not to purchase a note given by inefroi the 21th day of October, 1876, to the order of jotlBr Ruin; s, for Idle. as by arerird agreement lite - fald note Is pnyablo In.work, 211(1 wily negotiable ou those terms. Nov. 3, 1976 ura RARE CHANCE.—To procure a raluaidelinto property en reasonable terms. Ow ing to 111-health I will sell my Hotel. known as the International lintel. 7 his is ono of thonest eon• structed buildings in Totramia. being 3.i feet on Main srreet, are 64 feet on Elizabeth etreet, tiro stories high, with all the modern ImProvemonta and contains one of the best ball rooms in the Item. If not sold by Mandl' I. It will be Girl rent. For further itiformation enquire 'Oll the premises. StILLIVAN. ar CHRISTMAS Itt COmmo.—What nice present can I ..?„A for tny wife. sister. or sweetheart, or for husband. brother, or friend. as the case'may be ? What wilt be more acceptable than a nice rhotogrAph at Wootc's? They are very nicely re touched and painted tu neat styles. Or If you want a photogrgtpli, large, from life or copy. you can also get them there in India Ink, Water Colors. or Cray on, lidthing like it made In this count}. Remem ber. at G Ea. 11. WO. IfirS. Gallery. There is so much cloudy - weather, you need to, think of it in time. Only a few weeks to Christmas. .... - P7' Every genuine article hasits coun terfeit: cry honest man has his !pretender. Such Is th - se with our estimable and honorable Nothing cadet. 31. E. itosksirlkErr. having sZ made!the bus, a study from early youth, and being controli I In business transactions by the strictest regard fin tr nth. and the right or his eas terners, who aro not prrsumeiralways Ilassobe as well t lasso a., himself, others who have no regard fete the precept of the "golden rule." seek ro prntlt by his ruv table reputation, by engaging In the same business, and mate large professions. 4 .4 00 k out for them... S , - - -WA • • ` , • l' . ' • • • - ZAVOTVg4= - 0 - 13010,60/04911if 0109th it Sall la 63,111241 ii NON; and coattisaTiestwo, Thureds,ys so d SalstdSis. TOn best assuie ever offered la Taws:ids to buy whiter goods ebesp. - ' ' A. 'gams Merears Block appellate. the Mute. • .^ or FROM A PHYSICIAN.-•—Great Bend tiaipteitanna County, Pm; soy. V., tels. Messrs, BlVfit W. Fowls # 5 0 Net Boston: Ottwrs.xstmx nearly two years my toilful!** troubled with a long difficulty. After endoling the trial of much tomileine, ' she was persuaded to use Dtt, WISTAIt'S BALSAM Or With CUltitir. After using two bottles she experienced great re. Heti a4affer sbe had taken six bottles she was freed of her cough. 1 with pleasure commend DR. WISTAWA BALSAM OP WILD CIILIDIT. • J. T. l'Axst, 31. D. 54 cents and it a bottle. Sold by all drugolata. - - . Mr"' The large ready-mado clothing business, built up by M. E. noststriat,D, Is attract• lug other establishments to this section, but the prudent purchaser will bear in mind that all deal• ers are net possessed of the sagacity, liqtalom. and strict honesty that actuates Mr. R. in his business transactions. Most men who pretend 8911 cloth ing Y'sbeefl." are 'Caere pretenders, which the trod. ulous buyer learns to his cos!. Our advice is to all who want good goods at fair pricis, to mitt on no. SPNFIELD. It =hell no dlffrrence whether you are a Judge of the article desired or not, he Is, and will not deceive you. Above all things beware of the man whip never Invites you through advertise mente to call. ur To •CoNsVUPrtvEs.—The adverti ser, a settled physician, baring providentially dis covered, while a 3letlical Missionary in Southern Asia, very simple Vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, ssth. ma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all throat and lung Inleeliontr--stso a positive and radical specific for Nervous Debility, - Prematera Decay, and all !Cry- Vous Complaints, feels It his duty to make It known to his sulTerit . ig fellows. Actuated by tins motive. ho will cheerfully send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the recipe for preparing. and full directions for successfully using, thli ptovidentla!• ly discovered rem ly. Those who wish to avail themselves of the benefits of this discovery without cost, ran do so by return mail, by addressing with waterer, naming paper, rsir THE COVNTEY GENTLF,MAN--0011 ITM/I PAPICKS—FOItTI , SEVENTII YEATI.—The EbottN l TltY GILSTI.EXIAN Is published .weekly on the followitsgrerms, when paid strictly In advance:— Oitst Copy, one year, 11.50; Four copies tie, and an albiltional copy for the year free torhe sender of the tin's, Ten copies, ¢W, and an aalltlonal copy ter the year free to the. sender of the club. All new subscribers for lea, payteg In advance at l ter November I, 187 a, will receive the paper weekly, from receipt of remittance to January Ist ISM 'Without charge. Thu Country Gentleman possesses an unequaled Cot pa of correspondents, regular and oecissional, among the best farmers of all pisrts of. the country and constantly reflects the practical condition and land progsess of the husbardry of every section of w I lilted States and civilized worm. Tho Country Gentleman gives in Its Itorticultu I Department a continuoustariety of information ill suggestions, equal or superior In the aggregate what Is obtained In the monthly numbers of lost magazines devoted to Horticulture. • The Country' Gentleman has probably done as quiet' as all othea Journals combined, to Introduce nil disseminate Improved stock of every kind !trough the country; and commands ton greater even than any contemporary, the confidence and .up port of breeders and purchasers, The Country Gentleman cooilus unusually full ,nd trustworthy Market reports, and devotes spec. al attention to them and to the prospects of the reps, as thrust log light upon one of the most im rtant of all questlons—When'to buy and when to The CountFy Gentleman embraces numerous 'nor departments of a practical character. such +s the DaLIZ, the Poultry Yard, the Apiary, the 'lneyard, and so on, and weeny pre - sents a column r two; for the llougewire and an Interesting varie yof firesidereadieg. It contains a well edited re , levr of t urrent events, and Its advertising pages Furnish a directory of lathe prinelyal agricultural n.l horticultural establishments of the country. Specimen copies free. Address • IXTHEIt TUCKEIt & SONS, Publishers, • Albany. N. Y. MARRIED. i -, 'HI:AT—EATON. —ln Towandh, Nov. 111. by Iter:'T. A. Edwaril4. 31r. A. C. Wheat to 3163 Lydia G. Eaton. all or Towanda. EWIS —SECOIV—At West Franklin. Sunday, Nor. 19, by Elder Calvin Newel', Mr: Jacob Lew is, Jr.., and Mtss Addle 0. Secor. both of Monroe. IIEECE—OOOI,' EY.—ln Owego, Nov. 13, ism by itl`v. W. IL King. Mr. Frank L. Pierce. of .F.Ftst Smithfield, and Miss )Tatt le Cooley, of Otre go, N.Y. • DOrd LASS.—In Wllthot, Nov. 13. Is7f.. Mrs. Or cella Douglass, wife of J. P. Douglass, aged 33 years. She jeaves one little 4laughter of four sears. TRUCK FARM FOR SALE.- J. The undersigned offers los farm for sale. siteuetrid Wyalusing, Bradford Co. Pa.. /111:I eon. talking 23 acres. The (ann Is well adopted for snral fruit culture, V I miles form Depot, and from 'agar Run switeli. On It IN a dwelling house with good cellar, and a good weir of water at the door; small barn. and some 35 fruit trees, and '; acre set to strawberry plants last spring. For ptrtlenlars enquire of W. 11. BRoW IMr• Mee, Sullivan Co, l'a. [Nor. 23 4w.) AD3IINISTRATOIt'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that all one In debted to the estate of D. O. Newton, late of Ath ens twp., dce'd, must make Immediate payment t., the undersigned, and all persons having clalins against said estate, must present them, duly am. thenticated, fur settlement. JOHN HMO, hdin*r. Fast Smithfield. l'a. OM ADMINISTRATOR'S ',NOTICE. Notice N hereby gtven that all persons In debted to the estate of GeorgeeMrtabe, late of To• wanda,must make immediate payment to the under signed. and all persons haying claims-against bald estate, must present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. ORPHANS' COURT SA LE.-Bv vlrture of an order Issued out of the Orphans Court of Itradford County; the tholersiguml, ad intnistratrlx of the estate of Ira Adams. late of Smithfield tall, deed, will expose to public sale on Saturday, Occenther If„ Is7e., at two o'clock tn., on the premises, the following described property, situate in Smithfield tw'p and botiduled as follows: on the north by lands of Clark McClelland, west by lands of James Voshurg. *mob by lands of ,ten ley and east by lands of Robert lie Queen and Tem pleton, containing one hundred mins, Improved. TERMS :--(110 upon the properly being struck down..one-fourth of the residue upofi the cntpl na tion of sale and the balance In two equal annual in stallments thereafter, with Interest. M. LEWIS CHI TN BANKRUPTCY.—In the mat= ter of George T. Granger. bankrupt. In the District Court or the United States, (or the Webt, eru Dlittrict of rennsyivania. To the creditors of Geo. T. Granger, bankrupt This is to give you notice that a second general meeting of the creditors Of said bankrupt wilt be he'll at Towanda. I'a., In said District, on the 15th (lay of DECEMBER, 1878, at to o'clock. A. 71., at the oftlee of Edward Overton. jr., one of the Regis trars In Bankruptcy in said District. for the pur ple:es mentioned In the 271 b S-c. of the Bankrupt Act of March 7, 1867. And I further give notice. that I have filed toy final account as Assignee of Ito' estate of said bankrupt in said court, and on the day named above t shall apply to said court for the settlentent-of my account and for a discharge from all liabilities as Assignee of. said ,estate, In accordance with the provisions o the 28th Sm. of the Bankrupt law of March 2. 187. lie present tbe rear. • C. S. RUSSELL, DAVID WHIPPLE Surviving AsPignee of Es•ate of lieu. T. G ranger rrquAL LIST FOR DECEMBER TERM, ;876: • James Wood et al vs 74 W Whenlock issue Nathaniel nutter et al vs Jag M Bowman eject Euzene tinth.rhill. vs .1 DeWitt's adm'r lssue J V Satteriee vs J DeWitt,s aillit'r _...L sue Wm Crook's one vs Elizabeth Gable ....Issue C W Clapp vs 1) h Walker debt J It Itaymrs use vs W J Ender Issue A E Comstock va E B Williams debt W m D Powers vs John McQueen a siou pt A Waltman vs Wln and Petri' Hunslnger—trespass A Waltnian v' Rufus Potter A Waltman vs Justus I.ewl trespass Jefferson Carley vs Peter Miller ceveLant Pet-r Brady vs Jane Gibson ...appeal Thistle Kinney vs George W. Kinney deltt David Randall et al vs Au•tln Randall. et ai..ejeet J yt Correll vs Overseers Poor. Atlitiin appeal S II Hors vs Cornelius llnnsirker S F.M.L Guy Titter vs Antaziah Kihney eject 31 C 31eveur vs Jttlitlltanst•nt issue. Andrew Bailey vs Michael Lyneh • appeal .3 It Cowell vs Contelta M Kelly's natter app-al James titillivan et at Irs ilanict DMA.°ll....trespass Mlt hael Coleman vs John .1. TholepsAin....trestat.s Michael Pp.'s V 3 the ,N. B. Mercantile 1115.0 J—debt S P Lathrop, adnr.,rs Lyman Asherart.i.trespass A Lewis a Son vs A Waltiiian s assumpsit !bear V Ayres mr.lellii 11eQdeeti assmnfislt LaCerty k Landon vs Lyman Braisem.. ...... appeal Wasliltigtim 31iller vs Jelin 11 Sehrader......apral 11C Elshree v N Charles Elsbree appal Harding et al vs Watson Freentan.....4l,:et First Nati(Aal Rank. Athens, vs H Courll—att. ex• Edwant Herrick is Henry Coryeli • att. cx First Not. Dank. Athens, vs Ells. Welles et stale); First Nst. Illank,Athens, vs Ells. Welles, et aidebt Marvin Tompkins vs Wallace, Miller • trespass. Mathew Palmer vs Alexander Murdock dent. H W Patrick vs Renjamin Northrop eject Win May vs la T • trespass Susan Curtner et al vs CV Doane eject. John Thompson es Michael Coleman.. ..; .... eject. A Waltman vs Warren Ayer appeal. Marvin Elsworth n V E ........appeal Dr Wm M Cheney vs Mark )(1nt0....,..... .appeal M McDonnel vs Abram and ThotWaltman..cov'sit Nathaniel Diplion vi J Leßoy COrtdd...allintlajniC , 1- It Caothangh vs Josila .3..1116111111511t. T. Campers adieVis vs AWhimple et :Tuft ,?!iip-lit,i-Attii3o9 4 stive-!1!. - K 414,4, •::::,,vi,•;.?„,.;,,:0.1.-.44, - laktkiltariaii 4. • :. • .i.,••• • ,•.v • •- • "i . "' 4 • , ••P• • _ . I)R. CHARLES IT. 3I ARM A LI., 33 Niagara Street, Buffalo, Y, Y DIED. Ne 7 Advertisement:. JAMES McCABE, Administrator AUItELIA. FURNIONI). Mintlntstmtrii EOM= SLEW:O WEEK. -.'-'.'' 'fi.... , '-',4r..-z - 14 . 2 .. ,?' :7,,.<;!.:.;,-*7 r 6. : !7.* V 4-3 ' ; ' ; ;f 4 ... , V:-..;* , -%'5. , :(i'..: . Eff..!„ . ..2:.:.. :,-. ,- .:; ,. : 1 . 3 `;'.q:•,,,,:5 4.--, i; , • ,f -' , : . : , ...• , L,•,.) -,%., r..i-_ ,- ,: ":":-.1.-: I QUOTATIOikIbt c WITITE,POW. . 'ELL - - it CO., Bankers and Ilroliers, $0:4, , South Third IRree!,..Phlldelplifs, Nov. 20th, 1870 . . . . , • -- sta. ASKED.' _ , 11. s. ma, a s. IN 418% 663-20 66. 103, Go , 41, /lON : 110% - " "' 'CS, J. awl J. 112i11i3 6* '66 SI la. .6 66 . - litl 1116% 44 44 44 %a, 44 44 117 11173 6, 1040, coupon. - '1144;114, , i 6, • Pacific vs : cy -I=W:24 Neil Vs, Reg. 1851 - kra, - -It t% ll* "c. 1831 112V024 Gold . 1091 i ; 11971 Silver - - lOO :100 Penneylrani& Needing PbUadqlphis k Erie... Lehigh Navigation.... .` Valley, Ex. DIY United R. H. of N. J.. Oil Creek Northern Central Central Transportation Nespnehonlng C.kA. Mortgage a•a, 19 NW YORK PRICES Current 'or Country Produce. for the week ending Nov. IS, 1976, Repelled expressly for the lIRAD roSo RIPORTSIt, by 11. k R. Tnint.brAt & Co.. Weet BroililWay, Redd° and Hudson Streets, New York. BUTTER.—Receipts for the week 27,000 packages. 1 There Is a good steady deMand for strictly fine amid fresh made at mull prices. Other grades are dull neglected and lower. A few purchases are being made for export. The quality being decide ly superior for that purpose than earlier, lit the season. The prices exporters are willing. to pay however do hot correspond with the Improvement In the grade sought fur. Dairymen are as a rule willing to sell and would undoubtedly accept lower prices than they were offered a few weeksalnce. , • We qutate: .2 . State Dairies, pails, selected • ' 133gt:14 " " fair to good 1rq,12 ~ creamery, choice 3.'40 good to flue 33034 . " firkins aslected 104.:1 " " fair to good '27@::.9 " half firkin tuba, choice selected.— 4.tc2Fo " :•"" •• fair to goal - v 032 " Welsh tubs, selected • ...370) •e" '' " fair to good - 23031 Western. creamery, choice 3:14:15 •• 4, .. fair to .good • 32(iivia • ~ - firkins, selected, ' 21 , 0)22 fair to goal reT,l9 Western dairy tubs, selected 2t(0)25 " • fair to good 7.102:1 Western factory tubs. selected . a 24 *4 fair to good 21@:..'3 CllEESE.—neeelpts for the week, o,oonpackai..es. Tho market closes strong with an active demand for hest shipping grades. This Improvement lu the demand And LICIV34I In price Is sof ~ty the result ,if Foreign orders for strictly flue• September giroibt. 'Oilier qualities have participated to a.certain ex tent In the Improvement noted fur the best grades, though the advances Is not so well (legged.. It Is generally believed that tim tins.luetionbf ('hers•. such axis required for export Is barely sufficient to to supply the demand that In likely tp exist. • We quote:— State factory•, fanry •t-s '• fair to good Western factory, cheddar nue flat, poor to good 08.—Illecelpts for the week, 1,500 barrels. Flue fresh stork Is In moderate supply and sera rmulny on arrival at moderate Ilzures. flurried are abundant, dull, and barely steady atmtotatloto. We pude:— Stele and Penn—. Western flee fresh f3lr to good FLOUR AND ILEAI Flour In he.eter request for home use. Trinsact nous for export are more moderate thntr at 'file eommencement of the week. Meal Is qulet 'and slT!ady. ,1 su r rflne ; 41,„ Sprlug wheat. extras 5 If*Tri 4i = •• fane) , ,, ' Coil' meal, yellmv while GRAIN There has been a falling re In the fleutand fur local use owing to a lwarelty of freight room. Pur chases for export are very notch diminished. Barley Itye kin better request and mote firmly held Corn quiet, Wheat, Spring, No. 1.... ehlragn, *s. Milwaukee, N 0... Ilyd winter. " " White Barley' Rye oats, ...... white' Corn. western mixed ", yellow BEANS. New medium are Fearer. In good demand and Marrow are plenty and weak. Pea It, ar• searettand firm. ' White Kidney bail. a ate Inquiry with full prices. lied la more g-neral supply anti.lower Pea. fair to good Medium J Wirrow White kidney Red Kidney HOPS. The market Is In an unsatisfactory rentlitlon. Brewers and Shippers alike using 'the utinced eau tlen In purchasing and_htlying 'only to supply int niedlate wants. Crop Strite, good to pri me ••'75 Wis. fair to pritue.. Crop 14. poor to g00d... ~... SEEM.. Clover continues to In active requect at qucia irons. A Alzp! Improvement In tltn ll.linnatitt for Time nai Is In modcrate nquest, and firm at puitations. • C loveiVt. we,tern rough Timothy. per 1)11,hel TA I,LOW. • 4 , Aid to prime DRIED Apples are in fair request for expurt.l The 1 , 31 trade :Mounting to lon mll . O. entiseqttently all qi , al-• Wes excepting such . ' as the requirement+ of 'the Foreign' trade are thin and neglected.- Peaches are in monerate supply. firm and higher. The to rolptg of Illark Herries_art, more and have eau.ed a decline In Cherries and o:lier .mall trials are 'firmly held, the tiopply fig un tore than sufficient to, meet' the requirement , of Apples, State, sliced ' quarters Western, sliced qulrt ,r 1 Soot hero. sliced quarter.' reaches, peeled, fancy ~ fair to cool unpeeled. halves.. quarters 1113ekberrieN. per !b.... C.herrles. pitted. Per tb per ft. Itapia•rrie+ 11. K. Si F. B. THURBER & CO., Importers. WlttAesalt, Groerrs & Cem."St.nrhants West Braldway. lt , volt. d Hudson st 3.. N. 'V Traduce Conimission Department in charge of .1, S. Gates. We reeeive anti sell on 0111=1v-sluts all kinds of Cptintry Produce; make cash advances ou consign men is and furnish stencil plates and mar ket quotations when desired. Correspondence so licited. L) EGISTER'S • AA, is hereby given that there has been filed in I to, office of Register of 'WI is In and for the County of Bradford accotintS of admlifistiation upon the., followirg estates. viz: Partial account of W. IL Wilcox,. Ex'r of A. W. • • -W,licox, late of Leßoy, deed: •• Final account of rJohtt McGovern, glianlian of • Alice McGovern, tenor child of John Metlov :to Final accomit of Charles Daugherty. adm'r of ;Flancis W. Daugherty. late Of Orwell. ti-ed. Final account of S. C. Ilovey,guartitati of Chas O. soyder, minor child of Orrin I). Snyder. Partial account of J. A. and Marla It nmin. ad Ines of Etislus Bloom, late of Canton. deed. • Finn account of G. W. Kilmer, atiurr of Egbert Sies ler ' late of Asylum, d• , e'd. Filial account a f Levi Noble. guardian of MI,. M:•Klnney, minor child of Russell 3lcKinney. Final account of Wm. Wolff. ex.'rof Julius Woilf, 1 lase of Towanda, deed. Final amount id M. L. Rockwell, adnlT of Bet. acv Cole, late of Biuriltigton, aerount of James C. McKean. guardian Of Chester E. Decker, minor child of Andrew Decker, la's of Springgeld. Final accoutit of Ruben Barrett and Lucinda!, Ann Barrett. adnirs of George I'. Barrett, late-of 1 Springfield, deed. Final account of P. If. Ifatding and Chas Stock- 1 well. atlntra of Am Pratt, late of I"antou, deed. Final acchunt of Georg:: C. 'Vest, guardian of E 1111 l ta West. Einal account of C. E. White and Laning Whip- ; ph,. mina's of Jonathan 'Whipple, late of Asylum, deed. Partial account of II; N. Sif Whims. W. S. Jayne • and 11. W. Clark, ear's of Charles Wright, late of Cantowdee'd. And also the appralsement of properly silt off by; ear's anti ad tars to widows and child:len of the fol• lowing decedents, viz: • . Estate of Douglas Parison. Estate of Daniel P. Jones. • Estate of Simeon West. Estate of Edwin K. Collins. Estateinf Samuel Wheaton. ' Estatelof Rmos W. tvllcox. I:Matelot Moses. Stiles. Estate of , Lewis 11. Standing. Estate of D. Stunievant. Estate orwhitlug filfferd. Estate of John E. Rockwell. • Estate of John 'Keeler; • Estate of Patrick feeliey. • Estate of David Rinehart. Estate, of Oscar Elliott: • Estate of John IL:urigan. Estate of Israel Smith. • And the ?tattle will he presented to the Orpnans 01,11 of Bradford County. Dee. 1'.1676,a; o'vjoek. I'. AL, for confirmation and alloww:ce. • C. E. ANDRUS. ' It -glster. Register's Office, Towanda, Pa., Nov. 6, tte rvol SSIGNEE'S matter of the voluntary assignment of Moses WRIkIIIB forlim benefit of his creditor•. In the (Mort of Common Pleas,of Bradford Co. Nr,, 984. Sept. T.. 1873. The :Dual account of Win. Snyder. Assignee in Above rase was Thou In fah! Court for Mims:time and pllfirlln3thin on Thursday of the firm wee): of Dre. term. 1876, when It wl.l be allow, (I, uuk•sB cause br shown why It should not be, LIENJ.;II. PECK. f'roth'y. Nov. I, 1676. fiXECUTOR'S NOTlCF.—Notice Is hereby given that all perimot Indebted to Me estate of Juhn il*.tehrr, late of Atheoz4 , wp decd, melt wake Immediate payment to the uttd rnlgtn d. all persons having claims agalunt mild estate must prrrent , ,them, duly authenticated. fur set:len/eat. - B. 31. PECK. Executor. the renter of the highway to the place of hegi no tea; ' —'7 I containing c: acres of law 1, more or less, about. 9U , 1t.T,,,e t„,,, I : 01 ` ,,4 IMPFOTOII. with ito rd house, 1 framed hrro, 1 1 ; ." . "'" ,-. ‘" 1 " • anti. orchar of fruit trees thereon. Seized ntt, is hereby given that all person* Indebted to - taken 'time . ecuilon at the suit of the Second Na e estate of "David Ellnberger late , of -Menai hank of Eitnira. NOW York's me vs C 11. Wl'inot, deceased. must make immediate payment. • Yenit4. ' I. . iba undersigned. mad. all persona having claims . AVSO—One other let of land In -Asylum trip. plata Sald -estate =LW:mama. them. duty_ au. ",. boutood north by lands bt ar Ellenberger and WII,. sti 4 uticalvs, for aessiestant.:. : _.,, - ,:-.. - 4 --, . . - . -., -1 son . Prateheyt, east- by land ,01 . ,It timpi P.r.titebOyt ,' ; '4 '?-:(:. • -.--•,-,-- '-_ ' '-'-',-,L - -: , ::::ni41.-wrifwvtiitis:: - .' - . - .. „ .T sonlttr i "W - . 0 laeob , Eettlek and ottottgrAresb r i. - ,;.,-..* ,, - , j -- ' . 4'.::::::,?,=. - !A ... .,tectiblWityllpiti i : - ; - :;; , .Atas a - 011msLL-peits_.f - isetftt-'lktt Sh AIRIIP . -,t4. z ,..111r., , i ;, -7 c -i , : , : _- ,, -:fi--?..iii , - . ;?,,, , : - 2 . -p-.! .. ,.. r V. , ;; ; ;;Al.;:**; : tiVe3 . -. - . . ,, e4 , -4 - 02.;Alif t- '! 1 - , 74;:lii.-4 ; ;'•: -. ':! - W . 14i.D . ,:zi.: - W = 4 -- i ,, , ,: • 4 - : -„ ,, 1/44, ,,,- ;4 4 1,2:: ,- '-'4:- , ::-I!,..1,41'.--• .--.15,i, ,, r;„'..i?.;t4it„-f4,07 , 3„..."`5 - `-'t,...-.t:;., ~:,-;;;,.,:„-74:4-,..TZ..„4,-,„"1,-4,-,--,-;..'''AIT v0y. , 231r6 WE .. 45h; 4476 13;;; Vt 7 .. 49M, :49 , i isc.i 1126 N BM '27 2551' 7 935 soy( 52 107 110714 1:( , 14' 13(413 , 4 11.(413 ram 74 9 t , . 7- qa 0 .1.A(.42,i,., Emtg 4LPO 5 310,1 65 5 Kritg 7 0. (5,4 2i 2 510,310 1 3.7,60 40 :two. 21t 2:0.1 .10 270 e 2 RI :10 .(a.l 40 (a h 7 Of G 97 47(0 Su 4414 81 .701 GI 89(5, G 2 (at! 2i I V( (Zi I 111 0,2 21 1001!, ZO ME 2:61:40 te,l2 13L.0 I 61(ir I .2 Oi 0;2. Oo ME re et f; to, , . 7 12 63.1 , 1 Y 61:12 27a,23 Legal. -:;,;? - ',1:',..-,_ , ,;,','..:' , .'f'4 . i , , ?.•;.:'! . ,. , ;-:; - .: pL4.2-,...., ' - 'HERIFF% ; SALE'S...7.IIy : .. virtue of sundry writs .tuned - Outer the. Court -of Common Pleas. will be exposed lo.pubile sale at the Court House, in the borough Of Towanda. 'On, -FRIDAY, the . . Ist day - of December. 1570, at one o'clock, P.-M.,-toe following described property.: One lot of land In Columbia and Armenia twps. -bounded on the north by Lands of John Kennedy and James Cowan. east by lands of II and 1' Peck, south by lands of Frank Horgan and Horace Ha. j gar, and west by. land of Helen Bird, containing I VA acres. more or less; it tieing tho same farm now lu possession of Earl Kennedy under Case,' about 123 Improved, with a framed house, framed barn and few fruit trees thereon.. Seized 'and taken into execution at the Suit .of Eleazer Pomeroy vs II A Case and Lydia-Tomlinson. ad ministrators of John Tomlinson, decd and Lydia Toueinson. ' . • ALSO-Ono other lot of land to Pike twp, bound ed on the north by the public highway leading from Leltaysville to Polterville, east by land of Wm Brink, south by lands of Win Brink and Seymour Wilson. west by lands of. Mrs John Harrington Containing 6 acres of- . land, more or toss, - no um-1 provements. ;Seized and taken Into - execution at , the suit of Gee W Bailey. ex'r of frontal Halley,', deed, vs John A Ilarringten. , ALSO--One other IM of land in Athens linen. I bounded on the north by lands of " . .tbe Pa it 3: Y H It Co. east hy.New St, and south' by lands of-Ml chael Bourn and Patrick Nell, containing about .7.1 1 of an acre of land, more or less, with 1 framed of- flee. 16%16 ft, I framed barn 42x60 ft, with ad add!. Hon 30120 ft. Seized tind'triken Into execution at ' the suit of the First National Bank of Athens vs II C Smith,A 31 Ely, Jr. . ALSO-One other tot of land to Canton bow. bounded north by mill creek, on the east by !and of Mrs Win Bennett. south by tritton St. and west by lauds of l'atriek Itonan, containing b; of an here of land, Inure or less, all inipioved, with n.fi anted house, out building and few fruit trees :ben on. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Perm mil Bros vs Win Bennett, J A Hooper and E L 31anly. Al.BO-One , other int of land in Canton boeo, bounded on the north by lands of Win Clayton, east by lands of .lames Fox, tomtit by blots or Wilt Bleckner, west by Troy St,' being 26!..,1 feet from iia slid street, depth 98 ft. I framed bultdlng theraon. SAziel and taken into execution at the suit of Hen ry Morgan vs Win Crooks, et al T. T. ALS( i-One other lot of Isntl ; itt,..ifonrbe twp bounded north byjiands of Eton Wlleox;e3s't by lands of Itenj North, south by lands of Jud,on Black Man, west by lands of W i t, A . Ma--611. contain. lug 37 acres, more Or I.lse. about 23 acres itoprovfil,- witty I framed house and few fruit tint-s thereon. Seized and taken lido exerullon at the suit of Welt aril S Coniii's use vs F l- W tleox. • At.st)-on.,.nniblimr, a 11111.11111 g 111)11:411, Inll.ll , ri's high with a ha4ett.ent, hailm; a front of ar ft. and t i depth of 29 , ..y ft. situate upon a eertale le , of lam! In Athens twp„ Isiuntled mortis by plety,int st, , ...Ist by other lands of,•salil Ellen •B.lrker_setiti. by Moils of 1) f. F Clark and west by Psillon-st„ bring ~ aaft front on Pleasant and extending soothe -Aril "siring the eat side of Fulton ...trees' 173. i f..., being lot • 1 ,- ...3 52 In I.toek 0.. on map of II I. F nark's extenston of South Waverly, made by Z F Walker, Feb 10, 1473. Cornelius Case vs Eliza Ilf.rker and Geo. E Barker her husband, repi:ted - Owners and contractors. ALSO-Due other lid of land In - - Athens- twp. hounded as' follows: Iteglonlog at a plus stionp. thence north 52.'4 0 east fl2o. thenee north ' 4:1 0 3' east alp: thence north -tso 3' east 34 - .2-101e, thence north aho 3' east 53 k-lop, to the State line; tle•nee on the S'ate line 81 0 42 west 134 p: thithee smith 5° 13' west 21.: thence south t 1, 40 42' east 15 0-top; thence smith 2so 27' oast lap: deice sent') 13° 27' east inn: (limey south 24° 3:l' west 10p: thence south Slo 33' west aO-10p; thence south 39 0 33' west 14 2-top: thence south 26 0 33' west 9 4.dop to an elm tree; thence south 1:. 0 IS' West -1114 to a point - !ot the rocks on the dam: thence south 7 0 .36 , east 20 S-101.: Behr!, smith 74° 3' east 24 75.10fp. to the is e corn. of S Crantner's loti,ltheneelsouth 17 0 west 4 22-lo decree north ;lowest 15ft, thenee wrath 170 we =- a s• - eloop. to the renter of the roast; them... mirth 77 1 1 °wetd In the road 3 51-100 p: thence south 16 0 west a sl•dr.op. to a white oak sapPog; thence south 75° east 7.5 top, In the place of beg:toting; containlog 7,9 arr.'s and 115 4-Inp„-more or less, about 72 :sere.; Improved, alt:: I - f mined 100t5... 1 -, framed nagoa home, I framed Wan - with sheds attach,' and orchard of fruit trees thoreen; with the pr‘enege of the water as. Net fl,ntil , ill 1110 deed 10 flora., Shipman: also the Ilydratiiie ram belonging to , :till. iiorave Sh11,111:111..C. ,, liN11 - 11Cieli 111111,i the 1111:1, NNIIII the privise;,.... of !ogress and egress for the purpo,e of repairing the sanso. and 1111, proper enjoy...he or I the privilege as reserved and set forth In the et--ed to sal.) llortsee Shipman of the mill prupsrle, being iht• same likee T..f land as conveyed by said Horace I Shipman te .1..,-boa Coyk-ushtil by - deed slated :Mandl 2.0 Tits, and recorded in the office for record ing .1...41:.te, In and for Bradford county In il-sel Iss.lt No SS, at Page 24(1 s;cexcenting 3114 roserving therefromsl x; acres described as follows: Begin. ping at au , ettis tree on the bank of CaYela creek, Denier north 2ao 35' easll,2lft to a stake; do--aeo south 74 0 45' east 3saft to •s take; 111e10.4.t. 'l.Olll IS. 21',' sees o 3 S 71-10 ft to a sta .cm ter cif a propesed .k .... read (Soft wide): thence : og the VIM' Illq'til 71° -1 , /' NV,-,4 332 ft to a stake Its f a toptof Muff also , - tis:t slam, thence north 130 Is' ..Ist 1.104 2-10 ft 10 the 1,,, ) place of. begllmlng. Selzer ,mud taken into e 3...eit -Iton at the stilt of II if Slllitill is (;••(; ttiyk!•:ol,o%, Sit' , an Coyltelelall. Harriett . (A.ykeisslall. Also at cult of II E Cuylers, 5a111... . . A LSO-'4l hie other lot of laud in Franklin twp, I eelnd, d north by land of Samuel Fair11:101$: east lc 11111(1 of It I' Crap ots, south by TrMandri creel. and west by; lands or esutte of Letlyard Chaap. 1,. (too's'. and Alonzo AErse. containing Z. 3 acre.; and I_4p, abottt 55 acres hold-% ed, with I frartit,llltpuw. 2 framed - barit,, I framed granite!: and few fruit trots litelt.olt. , . .1 ' --ALSit--1 i!-.t. (411 , 11- 10t Of land in Franklin tw•p, bounded north hy lands of 1t a stnith. east- by land of Samuel Fairbanks, south Icy the ecru of Led yard Chaapel. west by-land of Ira Sinlth,,eniitztin jug GI siert , and lap, more or 1et , 5.12 acres Im proved, 110 buildings. S-izod stud tak:M Into execution at- Ile• suit of ft N Bowe's Itze vs W 1-1 Crofut. Also at snit of II C Fairbanks vs W II (•reftit.' - . A1.5(!-'--(isse tabor lot of 1,11,4 In' . A Oleos twp, hounded ma the north by Willow street, each by lot Ns ) ls, south by lot No 11 and west Icy lots Nos 5.%: 4 , said lot kpown as Tot No ie. In a 1.1.5 t or.survoynmde I.:, Z F. NI alker coal called ore Al .1 tang 0.1, solo moiming at a state 154 ft and Tin front iron plts in center of throning na.l, thence e,7 felize-7411 - nests -41° 33' cast: then,. Holt sin. 44° east: thence 1.7(1. 7ln mums 440 33' west; IlLonee I4oft hits nerils 410 wrst to Wave or b. ;0110111r, esaitainteg ~., of ;marry more or hts , . from Centre of 55 . 11 . ... w steee;, I N ':), , T, 111 r same Pit! , e or mita eonveyed by )formula t I. mg to :40.1•';'h ivanail IV Lucas by dee I dated Eel. 27. 1574. and recorded In tint (eke h.r tets,t,ttng ,T,..,1., .k• . in :AO for Itrial rord cmm,..-. ii i Deed lick No. 12.spait• tit &v. with 1 I rameir house and few f Mt trees :horror, - s t nS41:111,1 atiken 1100 - eN.,• , 1110 .at 02'. ' , lit of Athens Itolnlifig and Loan •A50.....k. lon vs 'risontas W lascas•._ .\ Lee)-(hue othor tot of lard in-Aliens troos, he•tint,ld on the north by IV:01111: ,111s.er, ea-t 1 , . 10: NI ) IC, south by 16/ No 4, and we s r)o: leis 5-.1.2 , a, neing lots No 3 A 0. v. hich ts.g,siser With the ilia M are lots Ire Ina plot did survey nia.l.-heZ E Il'a ' , ter :ta d known as the Smith it Ely Itch. 111.0 Suit., & ; 1 ' . .-.Y I , '"t , ltolloled on iii? north by Walnut 'sti et. .vrest. Icy Main genet, east and south lo,' lands of .10 Vonn'a st. N 'V Castel it ftaitroad Company, , lid car evllVl•yeti 10 the. rt.:till (ir of the .1.0 .1 Icy Chart. - - F Welles and wife by deed dated 'April 14..1 , 72. .lid rs:conled in Bradford county Deed. I ,:a.k. No . if, page 17, Stc.i with I framed seder', j-tramed T, ern ani few (cult 110,‘ .h. real,. sein,l and taken cd.. ,xeentton at the spilt of ,Athens Bending ~,,,1 1. , T) , AC/Oda:1On vs Daniel P Weller and Mrs )Tar's J W.•ller. - . . ,kl,sts-One solmr lot of laud in Troy ho,rotszh, I,..mollest mu the north hy the public Istgliwar, (. El 'lms a acre -t); ease by land', of Franklin II l'er , Ifl, m.. 011 Icy Sugar Creek. and west by lands of Er:. a's- Ilr II liersmt, contaltilog about ' , ....an acre of )sad, more or les-, all itstprc cod. with I framed hens... I frl.m. , d intra and few fruit and fa - nano:Mal t: :es 01 , n...a S dz..l and , t.keli Into exectition .at the-, suit of John 3lcKean VA lames It Adams. ALSO-One ether 10 , of land fit it sill ingtoti Is.ro, bmtteled on the north - by land , of II 31 t'tark.- . ast by lands of Chester i"ampbell. smuts by St.gar Creek, and - aces( Icy lands of (1 if Trail'. IV )1,-air: 31r, Geo C 11111. Monroe Ayres, S 11.111i1 and Mrs Mathew Betts, et al. - con ;lining 07 !acres of land. Inure or less, about all Improved. with 1 framed bease..l large framed Lam, corn house and orchard ... of fruit trees thereon. . - - ALSO-One other tot of land In Burlington bore bounded on the north lands of 31rs Honry 111(1, east by lands of 31r4 J a A ralklns,.lioillster Compton. Mrs Dayld A .c. .1 V Rice and otb.'rs. smolt by Stain street. and rat by lands ot . el it-11111- rant Scutt 1 . 11112.. e0111:1111111r Ix' arms St lats.'. more' Or less, all Inihroved, no Itaildings. Seized and tr.- . kett into execution at the suit of A :.1 :Siorley vs Reuben Morley. ALSO-One other tot of bud In A. , ylton . INIT, beginning at the old white oak corner of warrant In the nante,of Wm Smith; theme by the north lin e of that warrant nor! 11.51', 0 west iiio perch ea 10 an old sheaf nut corner cif said warrant; thence moils 2 1 , 0 east 701 to a stone lo•ap hy a pine; thence smith 571.,..0 , east 160 p to.a siono 'lmam corner of John Bra tuol'i k;: the, s outh 2 ...,:,e. west 7 , 1 , ti , ..{,„ Piave Of 14'011011g, Contaltsing 73 acres-of iaml, untre or less, about 50 acres Improved, _M:itil . olit. / j am,' .n„n., i t aim hoard shanty, :nut few fruit tr.--. , t htimm. 5..11,td andlaken Into execittinli at tic• suit of It W 1,:ttl” NS Mantes Ilotte•nstein. 1.1.4(I-t me other it.: of land In Athens bor.), be ginning at the southwest corner of lot Litchi - owned by M's David Cook. widosy of Vlach' Cool:. dent. :11,1 now owned I.y N C 113111,1, 131 3(3111 Sll^:3-I'.. It M1'311,131,1; .9 Own,: thence south 12'_ ° ivestnlong line or St3to-,t 21., feet to the dot dime partition and wall ..r Tile tfr;r - r.tore on the borth of the lot: thence an eas'erly. emirs.. along said ditision wall and at sight anghts with the street and,the bainling as It SlOO,l 11‘401,* It was destroyed by' till-. tad said Inn GI reet to a corner; thence north 12.,0 e; , , , t to %Mil Coek'slot 21 , : i. ft to a corner; thence along hard Cook's, s tow Ilarrds , south line to the Vete- of beginning. all Improved. no building:. Seeded and taken into execution , at the SI:11, of Danlel Itensley . vs 13' liancoek. . . A I.SOOrie.o(her lot of land In Soulli Creek t wp be7.innlog at a stake and 4: , •131.`A on the State line. at the mu-Om-est corner ofiGeorg.t Dunham's land: 111.1tre , south 1. west 111014: sail .I)tinhatn•s I:.nd 192 7.44 reds to a c..rner; thence Westerly along lands of said Dmthatit and 'parallel - with the State line 41't , rods to a stake and stories . tor a corre.r: th-twe north to east along other lands or said taco Kinsman 192 7.10 mds to the Slant lint!: them, ettderly along the State line 41 k,i.: Todi 10 the pare of beg ionh!sr. contalM tig 30 acres of land. more or . lesii, :11 , 014 fl'iler.l'S illliorOVOli. With 1 :'leant saw 11/iii thereon,belng a part 4f warrant lot No U:31; S..lis E d, ; I to taken into e%ecutton at tne snit of .1 I'H Kirby ti=c vs Georg c Kinsman. Al.s.)--One other lot of land In Athens horougir, sit nate on 'he north tad , of North street and ko...rn , as lot No 74 Oa 111(41/1.:SlIr1111y 01.1thenA lout made 1 icy Orson Rickey, helog, the same property deeded j by .lel4 ame n d II Stone to .1 It Reeve by deed dated .Ii: y 15, 1969. and by Idol convey. il -to S'Alli Si try Stem. Icy deed slated f.attot eat' Skull l'eClPT , i*.,l in Bradford emnity- Deed' Book,No tr 2, page 410, Sic, wi•li I framed house and few; fruit . trees theleou. Seized and taken Intl, exeeution at the suit of *he -Athens linthilog mot Loan Association ' v3' A 11 S:1 , 1)1. 8114 Mrs Mary S.one., A LsO-4 )ne otlo•tr lot -of land In Canton 1,..;p, bohnded north by land., of 17rial WHO's. and .13. old Ito . serts. east'hy kinds of .1 Lk-Wright and Lort.•,l:l \Yr 'gist. south tly the potpie highway and c.est .hy Warren Fitrwater: contatuti.g -10 notes, more. or 1... L aillMt 30 acres in, ; .ror,,e, , P. h I ft:tined hut .e. 1 I - limed ham 1 frane sl honk.' tetra 1/11 , 1 or. ; tar,. of fruit trees thereon. S.dzesl and . taken Into eXt 'n• mien at' the snit of .1 A 111ti.oUerr 11*.: V.l" IVltr• ;I) • W7irift. AI.SO-011 , , pater lot of land In Pike 1 wp boweail ed on the north by lands . now owned and o. , eup.ed t-y Wm Pierce. east I,y bat-Is ml 33: Benham, so [tic I,'. lands of Win Ii S:eveii - s 111111 1 1 1.1.1 t by the I..T.rft. avay leading front Lestaysvilie pa*: the that.. of Wis Pierre to It rustiviLe, eentaini ti nacre*. is one or less. It bring tilt• same tor votive) ed by Eta •I-al le:' and VIM, 10 Preso r t Wl:son, Icy' (I.•ed its est Sept I, 1673, with one trained 113111i:111113111. 51,11 'C'l.l an 1 taken iwto exeent.on at the s . ..it of Wm S Oa vh• w- , vs Preston W /ISOM- - r .91.... , ,0...4.)11C other .0t of bind in Welles I ep, hoended,as follow.; 16ginislita at the center of he. hlghway 'running from:the, so-call"! Baker std . - .01 o lose to Leonard's. Shtatil milt; th..atee east al- itg It, . stenth line of Jackson Soeley's lot to ,Intites 'Tv ifeger's lot; thessee south atom: the west till • of James Twilegio's arid, C II Leount(PS lots to 'its ito:•th.east corn• r of Nene'l Leon_ rd's lo •:- Medea west along the north fine of said Newell I.conatil's lot to the centre, of the highway: thence horthattng . . ?-=`,l:,;;- 1 :: - .'.'v....:1 -.--_-,2;-.!;":filt-letikL,.,:;_ MEM -;--,,4,,,et-11-.,,,,,-t•-,„-l'.-----r7,-7,•-•:,,,,,r-7,---!-,--:,,-.,--,-,, --- esthris*; etinUsinlng 45 acres. Moro or Pnis, a - bout 50 acres Improved. wits one framed bottle and few fruit trees.theeeon. Seised and 'taken into execu tion at theatit of Seth Boatel% useira3fastgomery _Vanderpool. I. ALiails-One•othertot of land In Athens twp, hounded as follows:, beginning at a post on tot - 147. the ,s e cor of lot; thence west 1011'01s to a post: thence n0rth . 14314 - rods to a post; thence east 1.0_7 rods to a post Dear a pitch pine tree; thence south 4a4 rods to th•i; place of beginn lug; contain ing 30 acres or land, more or less, about 10 acres improved, with I framed house and a few frnit trees 'thereon. Seized and !taken into execution at the suit of Alfred Bennett vs John II Wiggins. • ALSO-Ono other l lot of land in Athens twp hounded as follows: beginning In the center of Pit ney.et, thence north along the line of lot do Is 7 to lot.No 181: thence east Loft to lot No IAS; thenco south along the Jinni of lot No 185 to Pitney.st; thence west 46ft, to the place of beginning, embrac ing all that lot knowit as lot No 186, as laid down and mapped by Z F. 'Walker, on plot of It G. Crane , lands in South Waverly, having thert' 1 framed house and few fruit trees; all lit:prated. Seized and taken into exceu iou at the suit of John Ellis' use vs Charles F Hall ia. - , . .... _ ALSO—one other lot of land In Towanda born', hthilided as follows: . beginning at the n e cor of a lot Old to 3lts,.Kingsttry, on the west title of Main str.n.t, thence north rly along the west line of Miln street ifOft; theilre westerly SG(t to a ten foot lane leading from IM Vision street; thence southerly along the east line oil said lane Oft f 6 to the.corner of .11rS Kingsbury's Mt; thence along the:line of said Kingsbury lot td Main-st, the Ware of begin. , ning; all Improved with j framed house thereon. Seized and taken intol,exteuthut it the-suit of Ella abeth Itt 3teans• use v5.1131 - riet C Ilowes. . ALSO—One other llot of land In Towanda barn. hounded on the .north and east 'by lands of Joint V • Means; on the south lie lot contracted to Andrew S , • Lich; west by Seeiind,st; • Iring 40ft front on said Secontlest, and do //t deep, with 1 framed home tiler - gm. Seized and take:. Into execution at the suit John I' Means ••.sS Eliza Gibson. ' ALSO—Otte other lot of .h a d in Athens twp, boutuf,tl as follows; t,oginning at a chestnut oak tree h, the sea. havest,corner tj It No Ittl, on war r.ant. No riia; thence least I lin. to the south -v,est corner of lot No 147. en, ked in th e e. map to Ai vlu IMorley;,thenco. song!' 161 6.10 p to i t be bomb west corner of lot No 152; hence west 1671, to a eten'e. the soOtle4...ast corner of tot :No 154; thence north If, 6-10p. 4 t0 the place of Iwgthiling; coot ai r t3ing his acres. more or less. Selzed am! taken too cm,•cu lion at the ;oft of :Albert ti Cran3 and , Flora A Crane. ex i':> of Jolut,S!Crane, deed vs John B. Wig gin,: a n d Clara Wiggius. . .11...4)--Oue other Ifj of land In Towanda barn, Winded on rth by Lon hard-st; east by lands of Sirs Mary Brennan; tooth by lands of Mrs Ellen Ward Miller: west by lards lof Wtn Ronan; helog about 60 feet front on said Loinhard-st by 123 ft d• eh, wl•h 1 framed house and few fruit trees titer, on. Setzeil and t Oren into lexetoition at the suit of Sam uel Walbridge vs Edward Wr.lker. ALsty_...o:;,,e other tot of land in Canton borough. ismod.,l as follows; begliming at the n e cor of lot No 36; thence eastcris[aloog ill.? line of Kahl lot No :".6 aml tot No .17 16711, , more or less. - to the corner of Itivishaest: liteticlaortlierly ahoy thir center of sald'strect 225 ft tnbreor le3s, to the ceithe'lsof Cas son...st;-t hence westerl; along tile center -1 o( Casson Of 'lot No Get Iliew , e sOuth salli tot Nwegi,J2l: ft to the tilt:same Inn s• or less: being lit down an, the village pint ID W C Omutt, for 'Dog: lilt Meant planing mill, It ith tares belonging there.), I' t.li and framed barn th-re- Hl° exertanat al thb — sult of to E Seymour. .st. 11;7ft, to the n e rot' orly wof{ the of pare of beglnnlng't be lots No Zoi and 49. as I. of Canton, made by 0 bury. Newman & Co. all machinery. and ti store house. JUDI hrr sl' oh: Seized and taken E C S?ytnour vs Jeron ALSi/—onc other lot of land In Troy twp. bound "ell north by lands of Jacob A Linderman and Jo, seph phinips: east by hinds of .T M Smith: south by lands of David Sllngerfand and on the west by ihud.. of Juob A Linderman: containing , ' 7,7, acres, more or less, about .4O acres ' Improved, with I house, framed barn and idled attached, I (rimed' horse barn and few ;roil trees I hereon. Settiil - and taken into ekectuloti at the suit of David Slim:errand vs F Godard: A t,so4—one other lot of land In Litelifielti twp, bounded - on the - north tby land of Jelin Rogers Jr and J II Rogers: - takt hy land belonging In the es tate of Edward Barton, awl Jay•es Campbell: south be lands Of A Lawton and .Itom Complicit: west by lands of S Li garmun and Jurllt. Drake: ta 4 ol. g Ifin acres of land, More or less. about Ito acres linpror. 4. with a framed ilOlll- , e. framed lure a two orrhard.i of. fruit trees tli reon. aod taken Into execntion at the suit of M W k ! vs S It Carm-r.." A yo—One:ot her of land in Troy twp, !mutat tt,dth by land of G a Hager; rust I v lain! of Dan. 1,1 White; south Daniel. White; sect ihr 1111411W:1y: 11101.. a lees, all improved, with 1 framed house. framed born owl few fruit tree, thereon.' Seized and taken iMo ev..ention at the suit of Hobart & Porter vi A A LSO-,The defeAdants. (' D and F A ,Inagrs 11148 - hied two Interes't lii ai tot of atal in Itarela - Y twp.-contantleg Ila aces. mere on its:, in the w a rrant e e nan,,of D II thtnningitani, with a saw 'MIL two toll! Loa-4c, and a stable Thereon. ALSO—The defendants' undivided two-fifths in ter; -t onc other lot of kind in Barclay t vvp. con joining ..11.n'arres, lucre or less, In the %varmint , name „r Peter Lad ALSO—The der!, tu.dividod two-firths intv - est in on-, other lot of land in-Itarefay twp. containing act arses. more or less, In the waz ranti;t, name m Ladmy. I.4ll—The undivbh , d two-fifths inte'reSt in one other lot of land in Barclay top. cof,taining Cr,-.,, inure or lass, in the Warrantee name yt 'll - 31:cr Sn•wart. A I.So—The deft's undivided tWodilhs intereseth uilr other bq of laud In Barclay and livimlon'lnv, eontaining MO acres, more; or Mali, in the'warrAnto no.net r.l NU:II,W I,:plier, A P C Interest it on • 01:ter lot I,f .nrol lu Tonanda born, IrumMl, street. east IT Fourth street. sowl, by the line fence .4 F.' too , : ir aimut :41 f t sat:!4;d st. and about :;an ft on 'said Pine A.. 1, lib t i rt. lieu cr4v,o, ther:nn.; T 11,; dert,C 1) Cash's. IIIt•r .t therelA is also toda• sold. , . A 1r e !..0-116' t , other but bf tart In Towanda I to:r11) I,y land, \V to A Cllamhk:illi;l C -ail[ 1.1" *. , 1 1.4; oat I y = !wing :thont a"ft flout MertiatOirs sr aro! 1. - r , ft •1,1) S-Iz,l 1!1:0 ex ,, trlioll at ii bait of W C I> C. 041. F A f'a.b. Cash. (;," (!;',11: and 1' W ALSO—Thed,rt. ti..o oar . ri in a, 1.4 . 4,f land it flar,Zay twining 113 :ere!.. mole or In Warr,lntor drink* or I) !I a .Caw :•tii lo , lisk•S anti 1 i•taiii,• ,I,f .4 6m...fifth Inte:vs oth-r•: , t f - lay top, Curitali 4111 arr,s, Dior, or ',Cc,. in tilt; ,warrairter• trano• 0 IN'ter thlt's undivi4,l on9-fifth int; . `oS hi "al oilier lot of land in Ita • ,!ay - p. coatal.•:l4 339 tmr, nr 2c,-4. iu ti n e warmatee rr ALS()--Th.: deft's fulfill - I,l'd one-fifth hilt re , In ' , no ot lauti in 12:“.•••.is zv - p, cont.:4ll Ito raprO tio, warr,critee irallo , 0 Walter SteWari. ALSII-011.:raher lot eat land hi Towanda I•aro le:1111,111 north ttree:. ea.,t by laud, o Bea) Knykendall. sonta.l v Poplar snyet. and t , es by latnnl or G.-0 II W.: wt. being about 50ft I—,rt and nt.out I.9dt doll. all Improved. no I,ttii iii g , A I.So , —The de,r( 7 -r Pae-11(111 - _ f , lie arisen tot of ,land in Itarrlay 4 [vaunt It 1,, eontalalog 4ao a. r.- more r len in the war, at: mime or A Ldr k ,v Selred and to .et Int" e - x.,.1 , 1a at the ~ a lt of ..).lex. 1),%11.g,'s r . :r vs 1:1•0 I' Ca,ll and 3I A CaslV,l.llsu at tlitisuv_ c E UV" Cas;ll. LAYTON. Slier):2 Nor'. D. IS7ti. Ql-1 ER I FPS SALES.—By virtue: ut nundry writs o:surd out of the Court _o !Ammon Pkai•vt Itrad rot d County. and , ro to di rested, I will exp-o, to public 'PH If lit s 1) Y. I lie 7:lt day of 1 teeewbe r, at the door of the Cour: (oust!. in Towanda, the.folluwlng descritxal prcp,:r IV, to-wlt :. One lot of land in Towanda born, bounded as fol. loglonlog at a point in the nor, h.line of State ':St, and west line of north Fourth st: thence along the north lino of - oak! State st 10 fklci the prolapse t.0111(..r ut State and Fourth tits: tree along .11 , north line of State-st, as aforesaid. 50 ft to a out'- tier; Thenre northerly at right angles to' the afore said line of Stater-st; 150, ft. to the south line of al:, foot alley: thenee.a!otig:t he south lin^ of said :filet parallel o itlr the line ot !State-st a'fore,aid. to a is.ln. On propo,ed liar of North Fonttla-st: On-tire by the saw eotir.o. lift to the 'nest line of North FoOrtn-st. to the place of beginning: ,exeeptlng reserving therefrom the pi irrkge of tezio strip (.1 lanst tali in width. nteasuted on State-st, f1.0:11 the Islet of itttet'seet lon of the Mirth line 0• said street with the wait line of N.rth•Fottrth-st. extending nort - heriy tq the aforesaid 17;ft alley. to tho 1,31..4 said lot tor the purpose (4 . viltlehlog She aforesaid North Folirtilh.St. whru the same shah, In g.p.•o:.!111.0 tl e grid ai uC :,vit t ltrongh to Waril ttek., and tetrleting the right ok builthog on said styli of land, or of otherwise obstructing the nse:of strip of hold for the. parpos,s aforesaid, a ita fr.t0. , 1 house and fe. fruit floes thereon. Selze.. and taken into execution a: the suit of Ellen Wit it 3111: , ...r's use ns Ella V Myer. • . • ALSO—One other lot of land in ShestoMuin twp„ bounded north by the publie highway: east by l a m, of Miles 'boom: ,oath by land of Joseph feel. we - st by boat of 3tiles" }torten: containing 90 ace s. more or.let , „ all Improved. 1 trained bettor, 1 (tam ed barn, I flaw6l granary and 2 orchards of Trutt trees there-li. Seiced am: taken Into executioa a, the haft of C M 3lativilie 'v,., J A iiitnicr. , ,11.' , 0 -..-4 Unt- ,tier lot of land lit Wells tarp. 1:o::wleil al f011ows; beghal tog at the s e eor of I No 125, of the allotincitt 'of the latidti of the Bing Mon estate? 11l yells tarp afole , :thl, conveyed it John Strong, thmee anon:; the 5..,,t tit nue of sato lot north istio west, 07 S-lop; thence along the Eas: Yoe of lot No 22,4 conveyed to Mo-c,k I) ,IVylie south tt. l o Witt - 05 2-lip; thence along the cast lino o. lot No 239 conveyed toll:mit:1h II Colilpton, soull: I't. ° ii ., ' , ".. 13 7 -1 0 14, lbonce along the north due to Jot no I't''. hereinafter described, north S9 O , east 09 3-lop; thence atoll the, trust line of lot No 225; %ho hereinafter de,c tined. north '.!., : t' east 1091•, ut the place of begibning; containing 03 3-10 aces. More .4 - less, 'Milt the usual .adowahee ,of 6 per c : tor riva l &et It being lot No 224, of the allotmem of the itingliant lunds.lti NVelis twp,, /Ste. . A I.Sit—One other lit of land In Welts twp, Lomel i od 3_, folt,ovs., lt,gittnlng at the s e ....or of lot No 12s, conveyed to Junta str lag: Monett along the eas. tine of said lot north 2.,° ea , tt 59 4-lop; thenc, along the south line of lot No ::"24 - i:onv eyed ttl , Th, ,pi.us Moore, awl I he , 5151111 line of lot No-215., MU V..'1C.1 to 1, 1' Adams, south LO.P. , ,i°. etWt 49 SOM. thenee along the west line tat lot No 214., CU11V . .!....! to Joliti A AyreF, ,011111 11_ ° hest NO 4-lop; them: sold along 11th of lot' N0 r 214 anti titt West line o Mt No 212.monveyed to Jesse Shepard, south 1.1; , . west 05 7-10 p: thence along th; Iltte, of lot No iT. atore.ald:south IMP west in 7.10 p: thence along . to nest line of lot, No 224 'above oescrltvd north '.° cast Ithp; to the vlaee of Ihegloolugt containing' 4! arras, were or less, rilth the usual allowance of t percent for roads, &e.. It beiug lot No 225 tat it allotment of the Vingham lands In Wells'twp. ALS' i—tine ~ t ier lot of laud Tit Welts twp.tKei•id ed as follows: beglonlng at Cu- S W •cOr of lot N. =I, above tl.!,r.lbeti; tlienee tiloug the south Ilue o 1 totM m ,s Mt, coal the otttli Ilno of 1,,t No 225, ',bole t•es tsrl'o.A. north yl.° es,t ((Sp; Owtiel., Wili,g _ttto V e: Ilhk. of lot • Ni 212 More-:dd. VOIIVYv el/ JO ,1, ._,• sOoltard. synth 1 0 nest 65 5-lIp; th% .. are . along - le tooth rim,. of lot No 1.:7, lit!relnatter tieverlt•:, north 1,1 0 Vivst. CO 3 , Oup; thenee alo,g thO n, lit ilne or tot No St :1- ,-0,,N,*,.,1 to 9'llut3s Ho: 011 „s, i o 73 th e t , !Inn of lot No 2:21. f,•ret aid. et.hvesol to litttklta'i I; 1.1041‘ • 0.10,1. tit 1,-111p. 10 111,1 0 • negotning; :.-ID actes, more or I ss. • til,tl the usual atb:wance (4 61,14 cent for nl:ols Ir. It I•eing tot No 12n, 6f the al.otutent of ,the hautbnals in Welts tvtp. I.S(t—ilit?other lot of land In Wells tv,p , „lol,nd ' ed as lollons: beginning at tle w eur..ut lot N. 12:i, convey: l Al to'..lottu .1 ;tam,: thence along h. wee) sldo of sail lot and tile wesilitie of lot No conveyed to jes.S...! Soopartl, Ur. said. north 1 . 4? east :la 3.10 p; thedce still along line of ~lot .51,6•2; I. north iu cast 112 10p: thence along the south ' 2- of lot No 129 aboie ilesetlbed, north 89° I%i'r , G., • 9.lop;.thence :Ming the want line of lot NI, atoresald, conveyed in - Thonnts 1101 ton. and line o' lot No 244:ronv«yed 10.1 Steele,south west :140p; thence stilt along line of lot -No 240. south •89!-I east7-lhp, and, ta.uth 2,49 west 99 1•10 i: and thence along the .north llu- of lot No 126 vas. 37 3.10 p., to the place of beginning; coutaluing 9.11) acres, Moro or less. with the , Wm*. allowance oftl'per cent for roads, /cc. it belug No,l 7td the allotment Or the 111141 tam lands id-Wells twp. The above described 4 lute of land: being the same laud conveyed :by_ Virm -, Uingblusen .trustees taste. peen krannerser,•ey'deed Avid January 11. All litAtimi.ferntged In- We attlqe' ter m gid ordineoll • Mir i tint,ls;ls2s2aka- Ftbill* • ' - - 4 115ross MOTs or less.aboot 180 itce.calis4trm+Oorltit'.l • 1 framed-house.-3 framed , bane and Orehstrd of fruit trees thereon. Seixecrand taken Into SZterr ti mat the snit of V 0 Ball's S L Varmerter. , • ALSO—One other lot;of land in ' Wells tarp.-;.- .: bounded north by lands of Joseph Grover. east by lands of Charles Suffern, mouth by, lands oflior. man llulburt and west by lands Of John Salltilin t • containing 110 acres. more or less. about 70 `acres loaprcrred, with "1 framed noose ' '1 framed barn and 1 °retard of fruit trees therecui'.Seised and taken into execution at the suit of. Sylvanus Vanbusklrk vs IV It Hatfield. Also at suit of Lewis 31 vs W It Hatfield. - ALSO—One other lot of land in North Towanda- - and Burlington twps, bouteled north by lands,of„:,-: Martin Flannery and Darwin Russell. east by lands f of Michael Lynch and John and TM* ifigan Smith_ by lands of John Berry and James Lynch a nd west by lauds of Morris IteDonald; contsdottlit 80 acres : -. mire or leas, about SO acres improved , with - - framed houses, I framed barn, 1 framed granary and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at tho cult of C M 31.1W7firt use vs John Sheridan. - - ALSO—One other lot of land In Towanda bore, boundediiorth by roplar.st, east by lot of. D V Stedge. south-by lands of J F Means. west by lot: . claimed by Bradford comity, being about 50 ft front and 140-ft deep, lot no 64. as ou map of Casts - estate. with a two story framed house and framed bard/therenn, now In posse ssion of C A Griswold. _ m A - LSo—One other boo and lot In Towanda Isom bouioied north by State-st, east 'by Western ave._ (q 0 Palled), bOUTiI by lot now owned by Jobn Holms - (fornutriv A Cash), west by an alley or lot owed byl , l .1 fleeter. being about 10 fi wide and about Weft long, with one two story framed house there. on. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of Julio Holmes vs W Bramlusll. - EWE ONE .1 LSO--One other lot of land In Pike tier, bond ed north by lands pt W Gibbs, clef .by lands of Alexander Gibbs; south bylands of William Wblte. ney; and west bylantli of Lyman Pickett; ctmtritt= ' log Csi woes. more ar less, about 40 acres Improve n, woh 1 framed house, 1 (rained 1,07 n with sheds ats , tat bed, and orehare of fruit trees thereon. -Selied 'and taken into execution at tlx suit of Julia dell'suec•vs Sarah A Clapper and a W Clapper.' Also at Butt of Julia Canfield vs E L Clapper and J AV Clapper. A Lst )---One other lot of-hand In Towanda Bozo, bounded as follows: beginning at the Louth east. corner of a lot owned by ls.aap 3/IdOlnlign. on the Dort.' side of Poplar st -extension, In Said bore; - thence northerly along said Nllddr.ngh's east Brie, alsoit GO ft to a lot owned by' Mnry Jan:, Sltelp; • thence eagerly along said Shelp's south- line the south line of lot owned by John Posey, shout GS ft,„ - to a lot owned by W Allen: theuze.tssutherlY along tail Allen's west line, • abbot 90 It to the not th-lide . nr•PopLar at extension; thence westerly along said Poplar-st about M. ft, to the place of•be ginning: with one (ranted • house and few fruit trees thereon. excepting. and reserving out ;of the above d• scribed property the nmlivided one-half of said premises, sold anti conveyed by W Bram - ball and wife to chat rick Westbrook by deed bearing da.c Sept 10, 1872. Seized and' taken foto execu tion at the cult of Sarah E Seovell'S use vs Mahlon -0 moody. ' • •• ,t I.So—One other lot of land In Warren trrp, ' Itomoled north by the public highway, east by lands 'bf Henry Allen. south by lauds of Henry Alien, Ft - vd If Honkers: mid Lafayeile Mlekerson, and on the West by lands'or Clark Bowen• ' 'containing 112 acretk more or less, about 100. acres improved, with - I -"framed house, 2 framed Barns and other out 1a01h17,4 an 1 orchard of !frolt trees thereon.- Seized and taken Into execution at the snit of Ed win E Chaffee vs Hanson Cr Chaffee. .Also at the of. .t G Mathews. adniTuf Abram Wood, dee'd G Chalice. ALSO—One other lot of land In )(them twp,„: Winded north by the Pa & Y State Lthe, east land of D%V C Atwater.lsonth by Bradford-sr, and e.st by lands of Thos'lD - M11; containing li,of an acre. More or les:a, all Improved, no buildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of le ' %terror and E T Fisx, adagr of L L Moody, deed, and li It Morgan. miner Wll Morgan, deed: vs Peter Selmoutnaker and A Ferguson. terre tenant. ' ALSO—One Other lot of land inßurlltigton Wit; • I ) 4 i/toted:north by lands of Seth Gustlii, east by lards of Daniel Lane, on the south by lands of.ls as, Mureellus and I' , Burns, west by the public highway and lauds of Lairreucts Kendallt.contaln. - It g 97 acres, more or less, about 70 aermcitirproVeds with t framed house, I new framed bans; I granary .a,,,,1 3 'orchard, of fruit trees thereon. A I.r-o—One other lot of land in Burlington MN • • leeinded north by lands of Decatur Ayres; east by . , . Mods of -dol; Bollialer and David Luther; south • by lands: of liavid Luther; west by Ltinds of L3l RN:1,1 , 11; contai,Edng co arras, more or less, about all Itnprowil, Iv:at I framed home. I fralnied barn with sheds attached, and orchard of fruit trees ALSO—One other, lot of land In Smithfield My,. isem,ded north by lands of Adam Schell; east bs ' lands of Andrew Campbell: month by the public 1114/IWay: Trust by lands of Dar - villa Ford: contain- nig to acres. More or less; about 35 acres ltuproFed, N': ill a lug hottie therCUU. A1.,.0.:•-s..sne other lot of land in Burlington . boro, bootolml north by lands of 11ollIster Compton and Long Bros; east by the brick .illl of Long Bros' ' cow, being the center of the main huilding;;south bi Troy-st; west hydands or Gra I' Tracy; being • aise-it 33 ft front on said Troy-st, and 111 ft deep, aides three story brick building thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of 11111un thomas vs ALSO--One other :Ed of land In 'Windham twp, bounded north by Mutls in possession of Morris Lawrence and Mlehigh kitillty; south by, lands In possessionof Walace Nichols; east by lauds in pos.- E rheeney and Alleit Shoemaker; west hy !ands In possession of Washington Wenster'and Ede. and Dwelt; cbutaliiing about *.X., arms, more or Seized and taken Into execution lit the suit M Elhanan smith vs Norman Cowles.. • ALSO—One other lair of land In Tinranda bore, b , ,,m1,(1 an folloWs: be.ginning on the west side of Mdll,t at the n e ' corner of, the lot lately conveyed :. 2 ; Burton Kingsbury and wife to E T 'Elliott; north 2:1 ft C In-to the-the s e corner of the of lately pnrcha-ed by-Wm Masnu of 0 D Bartlett; ,Mmim hest along the south lisle of 'salt( Mason's , i.t 71 ft to an ally, being the a as cur of said Ma . .;4,s lot; thence. south along said alley 21 ft to a. oruer sated oC s-.1(1 Burton Kingsbury . ; thence `",-; along canl land 43 ft. 3 lit to the west line of E. fallott's lot aforesaid; tirade north along Gild ,tmt,l n in, to the all pion thence east Sr ft 9 in' • the p lace •begi"uing; together. with all exist.- kitOWII :IS t FOlllll In' •. -w: , ys and _4:01'1.11:Lill:, excepths , lliliS retaviirg rvfl'oan 311,1 subject to alt . rtgitt. :Tod interestiv coto:eyuli by said Bux ua Kiugbat:y,t,o rrtt,kyvN tlio 31 - nNoule died j .o , 1 31:i . oh 13, 1% 3, and reetird.nl lii ti -ea 1 trot. f , ... le , . p: pt..? 6.1..te. Also exeetaing Of, ft by 6ft , L. tho n. o‘a. of the abo'vedesorthtut hot, which Wa's , I, ~ 1 ,,,1 tortik; .:Id Cll Patchby 0I) Bartlett and v: ife. on the t.. 311 <lac of Augu-t. 1e64. And further ~. _ .- -,11,1 party-or Ifie seet,sii._ part tC uyal. , : hi Ito ft,r. 4 lllncself.-.1i1.3 Dein a7:11 assigns the free per tee ci , r of au alto- ruaniug fnci r a Pinrc-+t tothi - tit et..l of 34 alh.r aria ill exle.t,nee it. like rear • , .lie at The szthe Mei .nth end of s.•1010.:my in :he rear of said Nationzl • .•k: lids salq • alloy to i.e open to: the public A mueeor said inartou Kingsbury, his heirs.. exec ❑ •a - s, or a•indandrators shall Km dwelling loaso en the rumor of Ma:u and to-•t.• n :Mesabi. I ' • '0- slid PAM!: to 1:0-ep I gat., at el:eh end of . ...id alley. melt ouch sale is made. And further, 00.• said Patch, hi. heirs -or assigns has and shall Mire the right to at tact a pipe to that leading from_ 011.• cistern to the dwelling house aforesaid, and e the use -of the water of said cistern ia the .•ere, prodded no damage Is dour to said pipe in , ,ronaii.z sold coon eel lots, dtid without . destroyiug or M mating the water In ;said cistern; with I three -I..ty brick, bulkling - dl•er, dn. *cited and taken in- execution at the snit of 11 L Scutt vs C'3 Patch. • A I.sO—One other lot of land In Litchfield twp, nonod•al, an. follows: beginning at then NV cur bar..- •-. in line of Hiram - 31erretes laud: thence south west 132 2-1(0 rods along Mods of WIS Merrill;* , .nome south 87. cast 165 6.10 rods along lands of Vattloun and Vought: thence ninth 2° • 60( 4-10 rods along lands of Wm Harrington; to ore north sic° west 1122-10 rods along lands of Merrell; thence north 2° east 69 2-19 rods; ;item , north Se° west 53 •;-10 rods to beginning; ' santaloing 91 acres, more erlo3ss, about 70.0 acres its- . brOvod, 1 teamed house. I - framed barn with sheds „?!.ielted, and orchard of fruit trees thereon.- Selz- Al and taken into execution at the Suit of John , 11.•rk le vs ,f 11 Wheaton., • ALS(b—One other lot of land in Canton .twp, mmudml north by lands of G P St D C Manley; east -- 0y lands of George Meeker: south by-the - Towanda reek; west by land's of Dr N Smith; containing 75 teres, more or lee., all Improved, with 1 framed noose. I framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. - Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Jas FOX, ex'r, vs Stephen A Randall. and Jared S ...LSO—One other lot of land in Shestacqula twp, nomad-d north by lands of Ralph Gore: east Icy . 0:001s of Edward Arnold; south by the public high- • ,e,,c leading from Shesilequin, - to Romm.west by a, .l of Joea Ellison: containing !„; of an acre, •amd or loss: all Improved. with I two story framed - a m., and few - fruit trees thereon. Seized and ta -am Into execution at the suit of It 11 llulitt vs Ara • ; Al...sto—One Other lot 'of land In Athens twp, :: lots• 11 No 4 ,& 5 in - a 'plot or survey made by tbasiden Sajlitti.land called the Ten Acre Plot; earn paid lots contninmg 1 acre of land and:lying eon- - goon). andSirnate ,on the south able of the river • - •4101 and extending from said mail to the Chem - tine , r. having thereon a small framed dwelling • . .•. - 01se-and few fruit trees; all improved. Seized - to 1 taken into'execution at the suit of Martha.' .1••hn Ackley. .11.4• 0 0--Oae other lot of land In 'Albany twp, ! , 00011:0•Ied north by lands of Codding k Russell; east ' lands of emitting; & RILS,4II and —.Mclntire; ' •n h by land------ d of Meltitire; nest by lands of ileverly anti Orlando Mere:Vt. containing S . C. re & amore or least with I framed house and saw mill thereon: Seized and:taken Into execution at -;0:. sot; of J 0 Frost vs Jolla lieverly. 2.:A1- , 'SP—Olie other tot of lanb lu Monroe - boro, north by lands of A'L eraniner, east Ly ill.. 3143 church lot, south' by a street running from vain street to the M E Church, west by Maim,sr, nelng about 91 ft front on Main-st and Mft dello. • nith a framed home, framed barn and blacksmith - hop thereon: ,Seized and taken into - rxecutiturnat : snit of G M,Deeker's use vs G W Fisher. : • a LSO—One other lot of land In Leßoy twp, . wooded north by lands of II Montgomery and if Iteelelland: east by.lards of Daniel McCarty; West by lands of Patrick McCarty: south by the warrant 'Ube of John -Price tract: containing 100 acres, more or less; no improvements. Seized and taken Into -a - et-tato.' at the suit of Charles Wridht's ear's vs, N:ram Rockwell alui WMGolger. . ' , .110SO—OneOthertot of laud In Wyalualngtwp, . waded uottlerraigisof G M Bixby: east by lands • d bamuel Howard and)/ W prows; south by Janda • • f bait- Bixby, Trustee and Geo 11• Welles; west 101 . • • he Wyalusing creek; containing 164 ace.'?, nore th 10.0,;c aloottllCO acres Improved : WWl framed honses,,, teamed barns and orchard of fruit trees - thereon: seized and taken into execution at the suit of„Rens , -., -; ,0,, & us,.! vs C. 'it i2OIIVIIIOCk. Mao at • nit M Bixby's use vs e R Ifollenlawli. I ' LSO--One Other lot of land In Athens tut., Madaled north by Divlsion-st, east by land of How:- : aril Eimer, south ; by lands of Hugh iloot, and west' -• by lands of wi}' ciark; - containing 34 of an acre, 'more or less, ?.villt one framed horse and few trait ,t'n•s thereon. Seizettand taken into eat'ellt lan at :lie stilt of John Merkle's use vs Clark. Bonham. • . A. J. LAYTON, Sheriff. ands, Nev. 14, 1976. - triwrows NO'rICE.-Geo.,. Atwood,vs Richard Graham. No. 695,--Fol , . r. 0, 1 7 n. In the Court of Common Pleas of Brad dtd - • Cne untiers;gee4. an wilittor ainiolute 1 by the art to ( li.orit,,lte thy' fund athatig from Ahrritra or tteft•ntlaars real estate, will aitet4 to tho I of his appointment at hls offices In :ToUatteta. Nuc,•min'rth, It‘74, at o'ol , k. P.M., All , n snit ss here a:I rerson• i•Asyteg e.'atuw en Bahl," mint present them, or 'W. (wirer dehatred, nt coming fa ItEuli the same. ' JAMES WOOD, • Anditer. MEI A LION IN' DIVORCE. ZA_ —To wtou Phinipe, 48s May T.-18:4 are hereby uotilled that maniantha C. Phillip, .00r Wife, has: ;Applied to the Court Of. CenThion in-A8.5 for a divorce- trout the, bonds of Anal rileon,y. and said court has :Appel:MA 31ouday. the 4th day 4 Dee., 18:6, for hearing the said Samantha o tiny prendsee, at which time and place you cats ;WOW If you ;14Ink proper. Oct 26.ve4. A. J. LAYONiSberilt. A VPLICATION IN DIVORCE 1 - 31„. —To Cardona N. Travers. No 100. De. T. '74. . . Volt ars hereby notified that Changes 11, Traver:, - - y ,, str hosbaad. has applied tatho tftrt ot Cotaniora i d•„. riot." of Bradford County tor s divorce trout ttoki,-1 bonds ut moorturny. Lind the said 'Vert' has 10 , .>...r., - • Pointed- litanotay. bee. 4.1174 ,ta:thol'Antra r itteken:... ; :, 4 ;4 Vowatsdit, for_ kestlag-Aiii*WC*loo 4 l: ll '..t . 1.„ ItsWe‘ illig r i i r0 1 ,4 0 4 t, , .. ce - Atoll '2 ' ,1 ":,'-'': , -- •--- -_, '-'',- , ' '.- • *,4Fi i.- -. l M,' ":"-, • .-,:: 7 41 7 100N 1 41 '„AI ',. , `,:! 4:.../; ,..:_fj- ,t , ',.,-,: . .. ; ', , ,,,,Zg-ti,q.:'..,: , ..-,,,,.*' y ~Z,..,,,4, - .34,'^',, : ::,,, .., - .. 4r7-1.• ^" ..14-1,-5 • 4 ` . :';4i 7 . -,- l'ili'-'4 tq....'. -A• ~.:".4.t.,z-,ti, L,f 6 M El
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