e l,grkulhOl Treatme4 of an Tfaiaaaapaide Home. ' A beautiful and hiih!spirii,ed horse would never allows shoe to be put o ► his - feet, or allow any one to han dle his feet. In an ai,i,empt to shoe, arch a horse recerily, he tesietel alt efibits; kiacd ask, e evtirything but an anvil, fted calm near.li'lling himself apitisi4-tla;:, and finally was brolight . back td his stable unshod. This de fc was 'just on the eve of conFigm iughim to the plow, where he might work_ bare-foot, when an officer in . our service, lately returned from', _3leXico, took a cdrd about the size of- a: eammon bed-cord, put it in the mouth of the horse like a bit, and ' tied it tightly on the animal's head, passing his left ear under the string , liot painfully tight. but tight enc•ugia to keep the ear down and the cord in place. This done, he pa'Aed, the horse gently.on the side of the head, and commanded _hiin to follow, and ; in stantly the horse obeyed, per ,- fectly , subdued, and as gentle and obedient as a well-trained dog, suf fering his feet to be lifted with im punity,-acting in all respects like an old' stager. The gentleman who thus liirnisned this exceedingly siTple taus Of subduing a very, danger . -ous propensity, intimated that it is practiced in Mexico and South Amer ica in the management of wild horses: ; CII _.ICE. , Hot:SEEL—NO farmer should be without an ice house, be cause it is, absolutely necessary in every family to preserve fresh meat and other things ,in the summer sea son. I once knew a farmer who drew a few tons Of ice in large square cakes, .ana. pSckdd them on a few rails near his house, to keep the ice froth the ground, With a bed of straw between - rind upon the rails. dfter the ice .had reached a bight of i'bout eight feet, with diaMeter of ten feet, be covered it two feet thick with straw, top and sides, and then set some -boards up so as to .shad 3 the ice and 'carry off the rains,; and that ice kept till September. This scows that ice.will keep. well above ground, Build:a cheap house for it about feet : square, with :the door on the north side; lay ,clown on rail 3, or anything to keep the ice ofi the grotnid, pack in sawed cakes, le: vin eighteen - inches of space btltwevi the ice and the sides of the house be filled with straw, firmly packed down. t .fli . 2 door should be in two arts, each about five feet long, the upper one - to be used till the ice getsJ:elow the lower. oue - , with movable steps to get. up to it. Between now and Jan uary is .the time to build your ice house. • I know of • no, advantage in having icehouses under ground. IRENCH SYSTEM Of SLAUGIITEEINO BEEvEs.—The forming of sa?':eties for the prevention Of cruelty to aril nails marks a tide of public lealing averse to the infliction of 'neelless pain on the lower .o.ttinuils. Some Lave to spend their lives. in ow: ser vice, and these deserve a constintly kinti treatment in return for the la bur .they perform ; even when untow ard and fierce, it has been than that .mildness lelleets more than vio lence or compulsion. A Rarey tames by gentleness a horse that no vio /ence 'Could subdue. %%litre animals must serve as our food, humanity and a regard for the general health.require them to be ta= 'ken to the t hambles so as not to over heat them aud inflame Such blood.; and to dispatch them in Such a way as to cause instant death, gad pre vent instant long lingering torture, whi eh . must. exercise an injurious ef fect on- the flesh as food. A - method of slaughtering food an imals has been devised iairrance, at the new abattbirs of La Villetts, Must challenge the attention V every friend ,of - dumb beasts. A mask is placed over his head, cover ing the eyes; in theforeheadjsplaced a inetalic . plate, fitted with - a sharp =spike: The killing is done by the: - butcher striking this spike with a _heavy hgriuner, thus 'Piercing, the brain and causing instant death. L I , , IBOILED CORNED BEEF.- It RuOtliu be Iput into cold water and skimmed till no more scum rises. It should boil slowly, and a piece weighing five pounds _requires three and a half hours to boil. Nothing is poorer than underdone corned beef. Now - let me tell your renders bow to make the nicest corned ,beef. The follow. ing Will .be -found . a very pup erior way of- preparing it. Meat to - corn or pickle should be of the best qual ity:: It t -is poor economy to pickle poor beef."ro-one _gallon - of water one and a half pounds of salt, half a a-round of sugar, half an ounce of i pot sh and half an ounce.. of Saltpetre. In this ratio the pickle should be in .-creased to any quantity desired. Let these, be boiled together, till all im- purities rise - from the sugar anti are Skimmed off; then pour into a tub td . cool. When cold pour it over the lleef, to 'remain the usual time—three fOur weeks: The meat should be well covered with the_pickle; should itot ii put down for at least three clays after killing; during which time it should be ivell rubbed with salt pytre. A Q . USEIL WILY TO 1141..RDEN BUT TEU.—An English butter maker of large experience, who'; is now-on a Visit to this country for the purpose of looking over our cheese and but ter dairies, gives us the fallowing in formatios concerning a method in practice among the ' best makers in , England fur rendering butter firm and solid during hot weather. Car 'bunait a soda and alum are used for , the purpose, made into powder.' To twenty pounds of butter, one tea pp:-11dd of powdered alum 'and soda, irtre . mingled together at the time of the churning and put into the cream. The effect of this powder is to make 11;e.butter come firm and solid, and to give it a clean, sweet flavor. It (toes not entei7:into the butter, but ats action is upon the cream, and ' passes off" with the buttermilk. , The :ingredients of the powder 'Should not I.s. mingled • together until required to be need, or at the time the cream 'is in the churn ready for churning. VALUABLE Cow.--ar. F. B. F•taric the famous Litchfield, Conn., farmer ' has on exhib ition at the Cen tennial, a Jersey cow, two years and st half old, which is'it - rars one. The atecurste record of her milk for two months was a f011ows: • a all._ attigust I,7UMMIZa. On the 83d of august this heifer . weigned just 700 'pounds; so Unit in that month she gave about nu — e - -third weiett ofsank - than , La own' *eiftht. • • "7 , _ • • • - . . . . . - . • . . . . • . .•,-.. . . - . . . . . , . , . •.,-•-.- - . • • , • • . 4-' - "P : -- - „ l i1.-.-;.:.-... 17 --;.,•....:•''''," • '.-.•: - -'- : :-, . - „ * . - . _ ' _ .- • ~.. -.• . ~,' ... •.- . • . . . - , -,, .- - . -;- - .... ...; ; - - ; . .. • - ~,, 4 . ,- -.: . • . .., -,• .t..-.... -• -.-•- - .• . ~..-,,. „„- •-.., ._ :- -i: ; ;......... ._ • ...z•-:-:-...:-..-•-..-." , : - .:..!- ..•••,L't..; , -:...: - - . :if.c.iW-.;•••-` 4 ,.1Z-;•1 1 ;.•filif,,;i2e. :, ..r..14.117,..4..V.,1”...,111:2 , 10.1-4?...0,0,[177.12[4. , 1•,, , ,,tar0re,e.35123.1.401.261 ,• - r ^.-- _. . I' a , . ~,,.. 7,q.,........targ :. 4,y, '; ' ' ''.......: '-':" -.."'-'' .'' O' 14' W 14' " 7 - - _,- , ‘ ,-- -"--46.4'----e - 7 - ......' -.•••;.; . '.. ..,..• :7K*. , 1 ,., - ,• 7 0,-,11;.ft-,: ti —%.7.,c.. 4 ;-_-,, -- , F ,,,,,, -. e%,: -•- ,: g •.- -4 „ ,..; . ~. - , --4 Aoe,t - 7 "t"-."'-' 4 (1,-•:.: ' 74 " ' ' .:'''''':.'. 1.-- ? ," - *° .iillrF i-: V : '.."; ' ; ',t' f• '',,l, .:.'''' '''- ,h,',; •,' CsF ' •‘... ' -.* A 4 W 2O Ve3 , 4e 14. '1.&,.,.. ••v,....., •• ..- -- • ~ 4 . .r g,,, j,,,, ,, * ital. ..;,.,... , , . , 1 ..... ,.. . , 5r,...,.4. , , , ,,,,,,,...e .- -LW ..,.;.:' , 9 . . ~..7.';', ~.. ~. Fsl'4 t..--` kllr a, ._ ...--'2A- ...111-± , ,, • , • ' -7- - t.-.74--.-.'.-- ‘,..k.---•:<.= ~.,....;.,p., . ..:,...., . .:. —.•...;: ~.. , •24 .-* -..,' ,-• • - • , - - --...'.i ,, ',74 ,-, x.- - .' • 11.4.' '' o •''' '''''''' - ' , .....` - ' 4 Z .,- " . ' . . ', ' '''' ' ' '' 'S '''''''' - .... '• • • : •• . d 'ffl. ..,1' ..' ..; - >'!t--!: . 4 ,:' ,%-,' t'!'•'7'?.._"7:'-':L5?f,, ,, W., -, ;411 , ..-• .- -:- 4.6- - • -,--- -••••-* ' ....4"1"....., . '',..?"1• . • • -st liVr "' A. ` ` Q ItAlitliElt Z r XX.: : -Ellioli , * ; . - „ . - , , '. ' Ganger Tsai • - ‘ l .s.- • . . . - - -- : - - ~ a OAL:1 .• - _ . . • I. I._ , ; : • , • .•. • ' yard all sizes of Pithier i • . , and Loyal sack coal. ft , . Allnet. Also Barclay I • ‘ • , i - • est quality of Lime, limo • , 4 Plaster, all of which Tr ' D D 1 A 31 0 N 1i 1 , • • . . - • PIERCE & . . , • . . . . i . . . sad • I lowanda May tet.lB7l , • • puAE ,43 * Rr 1 c .. FINE - I, ' I R.L. . . . • • . • • , - - , . yes wk. ----, and „ • , , . . ..5... , . , ; ',' .EL. Ili. WATCHES AND.CLOCKS: . ,TOWANDA, PA. -- i i Jul -74. 1 4.- ~~►~'_ ...... ._. _ --. IL 8. - Ocissi...x,. . . - . -'J.A. Ti •v'. . - COMPUltef ILv. O. Ca'rr, - of G. W. '?As. • Associato Editors. A. A. ZemsiT, J . Commonteatimes may be "tat :3 e►tber of the above edltort as way Z , e pre:err.. o l r. 42 will Appear to the tsrae wldeb be has etskrge. £.4ICINILAN. Etirebr e.estent Week. Or Examinations of Teachers for the public scboo■s be held u follows: Oct. 30, llarilligton and Burllngton West at Boro' School Boast— oe,l 3', Columbia and Springfield, Columbia X Boa,* School those; NOv. I, Troy, borough School Ilonse; Granvilk.; Windfall 2r . evol iioute• Nor. 3, Canton. born' school house; Nor...e. Leßoy :ad Franklir.. Chaapel school house; Nov. e, Aryiuti and Monroe. llonroeton 'School house: Nov. 7.1.7 1 .cer, vitiags school house; Noy. 5, Siand:ng Stone, Fisher school base; Nov. 9, Wyse loslog Camplown school house; Nov. 13, Fikr. Le- Rap-Vile school house; hici. N. Wroren, Bowen Palo" School horse; Ncrv. i 5, Windham r od Liteb- Sold. Windham Centre school house! Nov. la, Cu , well. Orweil 11111 school (rouse: Nov. 17, Rome. hoiougb school house; Nov. /3, 11.!rrIct, Landon chdul house: Nor. 20, Tnyarora. Keeney sebuoll house: Nov. 22, Bidebury, Doty Bill -school house; Nor. 23, Wells and South Creek. °Melts school house; Nor. 21. Athens, borough schoo , house; Nor ,Sheshequln, Valley school house; Nov. V, Wy sox; East Towanda school House: Nov. Albany and Overton,. Bahr school house; Nov. So, Wilmot and Terry, Terrytown; Dec 2, Towanda, Bono' school house. Applicants wall please come provided with pen, Ink, fuol•s-cap, Icad pencil and reader. Easminations to begin at 9 o'clock A.: X. A, A. Kit.ENZT,, Co. Supt. Towanda, ra., Oct.?. 1876. , The Bradford Coanty Teachers' Asio-: ciation met at the Academy in Wialusing Nov. 7, 1876: Rev. D. Craft conducted devotional exercises., Adjourned to meet at 2 P. 11. The Business Committee reported the following : Rcsolud, That the system of self reporting is wrong and ought to be imme diately abandoned. lksolred, That the practice of publish ing a report of perfect recitations is per nicious. Raolced, That one hour of this after noon session be devoted to illustrations of practical methods of teaching portions of the various topics taught in the common schools. Rentlced, That the 3letriz. or Decimal system should be taught in all of our schools. Redoired, That Mental Arithmetic as a separate study in the common school is unnecessary. Third resolution discriggf.d by Rev. D. Craft. ". 11. Thompson, E. J. Angle; 4. A.. Keeney. Adopted. On motion of Rev. D. Craft, Prof. 3lcCollom proceeded to illustrate the method of teaching Ge ography by map-drawing. Fourth resolution discussed by E. J. Angle and I. Crawford. The system was then explained by Rev. D. Craft. Reso ution carried. • opened with singing. Prayer by Rev. D. Craft. „Music. The declamation by Ed mund Sherwood was finely rendered. Ed ucational paper by J. P. Keeney; subject, Method of studying Classical English Authors. Song. Rev. E. F. Roberts was then introduced and delivered a most interest ing lecture; Subjeet, " Sherman's Marc'? upon and Capture of Atlanta." The song that followed, "Marching through Geor gia," was highly appreCiated. A recita tiou was well given by Miss Lizzie Keeler. On motion a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Roberts for his lecture. After the good night song, the benedic tion was pronounced by Rev. D. Craft, and the Association adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock Saturday. , lieeting called, to order. , Prayer by Rev. D. Craft. Fifth resolution discuss ed by J. F. McCollom, E. L. Hillis,- D. Craft, I. Crawford, G. W. Ryan, S. T. Peet. Lost. On motion the Association proceeded to election of ()Ricers. - G. W. Ryan Was chosen President; JS F. Elliott, E. L. Hillis, and J. A. Wilt, Vice-Presidents; Miss Susie Hillis, Secretary and Treabur er. It was decided to•hold the next meet lag at Athens. On motion, G. W.. Ryan, Rev. D. Cook and A. A. Keeney, were ap pointed a committee to prepare a history of this Association. On motion of D. Craft the following was adopted Resolced, That the President of this Association be requested to_appoint two members to exemplify at die next meet ing of the Association. the practical meth ods of teaching some topic required to be taught in the commorbschools. J. A. Wilt offered the following : Risolred, That a committee be appoint ed for the purpose of drafting the, several points tobe embodied in an Aet 4.0 provide for the better attendance in schools of all the children of the Commonwealth; that the committee confer with the senator and: representatives elect, and report the result at the next meeting of the Associa tion. . - Carried. Thefollowingwere appointed as the committee: J. A. Wilt, Supt. Kee ney, E. L. Hillis, E. E. Quinlan, Arthur Head. First resolution 'discussed by J. T. Me- Colton], S. T. Peet, D. Craft. On motion the first resolution with the other not dis posde of,Was laid upon the table. Report of treasurer accepted. The following adopt ed : . lit -oohed, That the thanks of this Asso ciation be tendered to the citizens of this place for the. cordial reception given by to the trustees of the, Methodist Church for its use, to the choir for their excellent mu dc, and to the trustees of, the school building for its use. The folloWing are the appintments for the next meeting. Lecturer, Rev. )John McMaster; Essayists, Miss Bernice Wat tles,- Mrs. Swartz, Miss Julia Kinney; Papers, Prof*. Quinlan, ItcCollotn, Craw ford and Angle; Declaimers, Frank Park, George Davidson; Exercises in Teaching, A. A... Keeney, Rev. D.' Craft; Business Committee, E. llerrick, S. N. Blood, Dr. Gorhaa3,•Olive Khmer, Melvina Allen. After the benediction by Rev. D. Craft, the ...association adjourned to meet at Athena the seconeFricLay in February, 1.2377. 7013 WORK, at the lowest rates, P 3 executed at the REPORTER OFFICE. OR SALR.-:-A farm of 100 acres, S improved. south-west part of Smithfield township. Bradford Co., Pa. Two orchards: mostly grafted fruit, house of 11 rooms, arranged for one nr two families, two barns. For particular'', en quire ou said premises, or of FRANCIS PEE:S'CH r l iAng FOR SALE...tale Jarm z _ lately owned by 31411da Vaztgordar. of /- law offnted at initaie ape. Tbe Una 'a •atna 9s semi, W twnroveil, R wand and nc ,l ; Are tante trust Toranda, and C. •'•at to :dun, and antra. For terms. At*, lag • of Tzs V.ANQVIDifft. Liberti Coram• LAI* D s" LONG, 'ear ilia prezattes, Os Q. L . 8(;L Yon :veto& 0ct.2.,_704L FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, a pod farm, eoniatair4 116 arras, la Orwell •anneldip. lauellaat trait, a tout 4/eilaalaptad i• attaar nr,,lalry sows. Tara* Saadi paraliarem /Incuire ut _ - JOHN—BLAI.CII.. Oct. 30,1876. I Imre air • Urge farm, us ertdeb I now live, whirl, I nil/ NM ebeap. FARM FOR SALE ... SOO 'Pound!. ... KW "' Ttre autseriber oSera for sale at s bargain his tarot situate in Asylum twp.. eoatalatri Si irrea, all but 4 sues Improved. TIM farm is in A good Ante , of improvement, writ feared and Awed, arab • Ins stream of satyr running titrough it. aod Wall% of frnit. dwedling - inane; bora, barn, and lane sum, of , 70, bather particulars address the smfictitar at IlLar . ,4nbeirp _ostalli:at Holes m iteor - Mnek.. l NTJUIDZihrg4W EEO s~~ AFTERNOON SESSION. tvElsaso SESSION' SATURDAY MORNING ELL: BPJ.LDIING, New 6diertisemeats JOHN BLACK _ WO RuiTimirn imp _ A ,huri,r(frir-Yort' malting Howie havtag been otinged to tail, Wm sent to as $30,000 WORTH OF CLOTHIRO/ Cog of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAM GLOVES, MITTENS, 10.. 'Which IfIIST be sold In order to Woe mosey, they haring agreed to pay their creditors U cents on the dollar. and tutre sent me the goods to dispose of for them. - • ' . 1 . SEE THE 'PRICES WE HAVE: 400 First-Class Gray Overcoats 43 00 =IS Up. SOO First-Class Gray and Black Ker._ , L 4 Overeosts - 4 - 00 ' " " 400 Plrst•Classilarrit'Union Bezel's 100 ..., ~ 755 Ftrst-Clss Sawyer's Chinchillas. 700 ," " 500 Union Merchant's Sults—. 500 640 Harrison D. it T. Cassimere Suits sOO l• " M O Heavy Westing Pants.:. . 1!00 755 Crown Cassimere D. & T. Pants. 4 75 and Up. 400 Genuine Woodward Cas, Pants.. S EL " " 1000 CaNsimere Vests , ' IWO Cashmere Vests , r...... 5$ ' • t Come early and secure your Bargains. • TMe is no humpug. as these goods MUST and SHALL tr4sold within the neat GO days, at M. E. ROSEgFIELDS, TowAxDA, • November 'l, 114711 NOTICE. M. E. SOLOMON & SON, Are now retitle; from the Clothing Business, and are therefore offering :their_ immense stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &0., &0., &a., For 2.5 Per Cent. Less Than Cost .f This stoek must be told during the next sixty days. A beter epportunlty to purchase clothing Cheap, was never °lewd to this town. PRICES Heavy Overcoats 43 50 to 400 and up tintoo Heaver Overcoats;..., aOO " " All Wool Beaver °Tomcats.. aOO " 10 00 " Heavy Undereoata..... ...... aOO " • 400 " Black (all wool) Dress Coate. GOO " 300 Heavy Pants .... 180 " :00 " BOYS• CLOTHING AND ALL OTHER GOODS i raorORTION, Arne store for Reisi. Parties wishing to buy . sh o stock will bate a good opportunity. M. E. SOLOMON d SON. } S Persons Indebted to the 4boYe Ann' w please call and settle. Towanda, Oet. 11. 1876 THE GREATEST CHANCE TO BUT FALL AND WINTER CLOTHES Ever offered to the people of BRADFORD COUNTY. As I have a prospect of gaining an important suit in one of the west ern territories, which will render it, necessary for me to retire from the CLOTHING BUSJNESS, I take this method of informing the people that my present large stock of MEN AND BOYS! WEA'R, Will be sold regardless of cost, FOR CASH. Sept. 6 Print it Sons. AT FRO O' & SONS' - FURNITURE STORE, On Main Street, THEY ARE BELLI:go NICE CHAMBER BRITS At $2O, 925, and 930. ALSO, WALNUT SUITS AS LOW A 3 $35, And all other Goods it'', proportion All they ask lt for you to - call and see the roods and prices, and be cotaluced that the Only place to boy good goods cheap Is of the manufacturers. MMI!!!! UNDERTAKING Lower that any other person, WE INVITE THE PUBLIC TO STOP AND LOOK AT OCR GOODS. FROST & SONS. - ' z g.t.. , ... kZ •.. A PM"ITSP AMERICAN CYCLOPADIA. Entirely rewritten by the ablest Writers on every subject. Printed from new type, and illustrated with Several Thou sand Engravings and Maps. TROD TIM DR. STRONG, Editorof McClintock and Stronre “Cyclopediaof Biblical Liter/4pm. "The preparation of our own Cyclopedia hauled, grid, Indeed, required me to keep an observant eye upon ail the general cyclepediaa, especially the new ones. I and on myteturn from abroad that the new edition of Appleton` American Cyclopedia has made rapid proms; having now reached the ninth volume, bringing down the alphabet to I am hlghirpleased wlthlta character. The first edition was a very convenient work, mid more com plete for American resolersthan anyother: but this greatly surpasses It. 'The articles have all been re. written, and then subjected to the most rigorous criticism, the effect of which Is shown In their dearness. eomprehebsion, and condensation of statement. . "The vocatnibuy Is particularly rich In American biography, popular science, and all those subjects that are most Interesting to the mass of readers. The style Is simple. transparent. and chaste, and the information Is all of the most practical charac ter. The discussion of disputed points Is wisely avoided. and the .space thus saved is devoted to sterling matters of !Mt. The maps are admirable, and the woodcuts are exceedingly appropriate, as well as e egant. It will form for years to come a complete family library on all standard topics, and deserves, as it will doubtless have. an extensive circulation. JAMES STRONO." We fully concur in Dr. Strong•s commendation of Appleton'. American Cyclopedia. EDWARD ERIMIT, 11. D.. Editor of Me New Fork Examiner. DANIEL CURRY. D. D.. Editor of the Chrtittas Advocate & Journal S. I. PRIME. D. D.. Edit/or of the Sew York Observer. EIENItY M. FIELD. D. D.. Editor of the .15'coo York Evangelist. FROM REV. DR. STEEVES, of New Castle, Pa. "Aptiletons' new edition American Cyclopedia la the best work of the kind published. It Is well written, fildfctallyillastratef, and I regard It as the standard of anthority. This work should be within the reach of everyNaly. . . JOHN R. STREVES. Principal New Cari/e College. FROM REV. DR. REED, Pltteburgh, Pa. "PrITSDURGII(PIII, Feb. 3, ISM. DZAII Silt: You aik me to give my opinion with reference to the article in the American Cyclope dia which relates to. the Roman Catholic Church and its history. These articles are written, so far al I have exam ined them, by Roman Catholics, from a Roman Catholic standpoint ; though at tho same time they strive to be Impartial. "It seems to me that this Is a feature to be com mended. We want to know what' that Church thinks of its doctrines and history. I regard it as a peculiar excellence of the Ameri can Cyclopedia that, not only with reference to the Roman Catholic Church, but also with reference to all other subjects, the articles are written by per sons who are specially familiar With these subjects. I am, yours. etc.. WILLIAM J. REED. P. P.. IfjnlMer of First U. P. Church." . - FROM TILE RISHOP OF CONNECTICUT. I do not think so excellent a work as Appletons` American Cyclovedia can nerd any words of com mendation from me. I am. Inewever; the mote ready now to say that I cunslder H as far beyond any similar work in Its rharaeter,and usefulness; and I assure any pervins who may purchase It, that they will have secured an unfailing and trustworthy help In all depart ments of knowledge. I speak from a thorough ac quaintance with the work. FROM PROF. EATON, of William College. "LIBERTY, Mo., Dec. 18, 1874 I rep Ace every day over this Cyelopa.diar regard ing It as the Cycloptedla par excellence. I congrat ulate myself continually. as I constantly resort to it, In being In possession of this Invaluable aid. J. It. EATON. Professoi Natural Science, W. I. C.", FROM BISHOP JAMES. "NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 1873. The Amerlran Cyclopedia . . when com pleted, It win be an authoratlee text-book on all subjects—an epitome of human ithuwledge. • Senior Bishop, Methodist Episcopal Church.” -FROM PROFESSORS IN ReCIIESTER TIIEO The articles give evidence of most careful prep. 'oration. and often present. compact form. re markably complete Information, and the latest re sults of critical investigation. FROM PRESIDENT CUMMINGS.- . ..MIDDLETOWN, Conn, March 4 l, 1875. I regard tht4 American Cyclopedia as a wonder ful work. It Is recommended and indorsed by many of the ablest and most conscientious scholars of the conntry. It Is worthy of the attention of all who desire a reliable. carefully -prepared and well arranged epitome of knowledge. JOSEPH CUMMINGS. ' President of 'Wesleyan Coker/iffy:, Now Complete in IG Large Octavo D. APPLETON & CO., Publisher, New York and 922 Chestnut-St., Philadelphia. (J 27. BRYAN T'S POPULAR HISTORY OF TR& UNITED STA YER From the discovery t 4 .876, preceded by a sketch of the pre-historic period aud . age of the mound builders, by WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT AND SIDNEY rully illustrated with original designa„ to he eorn. ple:to In four volumes. largo octave', 71itqwges each. Scribner, Armstrong & Co., puhlisherg 743 Jr 745, Broadway. New York. Fir Information address, ; MATTESON & Judson, General Agoutis, 1707 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. •)r St. S. CONY ERS. Agent tor Nhrtherp Penn 71allia, 311 William St., Elmira, N. Y. 4unitt. Immense SucCess I 60.000 of the • Genuine . lIFE AND LABORS OF LIV- A I N GSTONE, already acid. and de.nand in creasing. The only new COMPLETE life of the great Hem. Explorer: Fall of thrilling interest and spirited iliststrations Of thirty - years strange adven tures, also the CURIOSITIES and WONDERS of a MARVELOUS country; the millions are eager to get, and more good agents cre needed at once. PROFITS are SPLENDID. For particulars and proof, ad - atess, HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 23.Sansom St., Phila.. Ps • :Oettms-iv. H. J LCOBS. Vascoluau .6.dvertisement4 , 0 C Tur. LITTLE STOVE 'itot - RD ias CORKER Is the best place In Towanda to buy good CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at low'rates. Remember MERCCR'S BLOCK, opposite COURT HOUSE stow oz• Tax BQRAW apr25476. • THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES Pleasure in Mlling the attention of Ids numer (los patron% and the public generally, to the fact that he still continues a GENERAL MARKET BUSINESS , . At the OLD STAND of "ATER BUNDELL, In Carroll's Block, nearly opposite the Means House, and that he is prepared to furnish SALT AND FRESH MEATS, - FRESH POULTRY, VEGETABLES AND BERRIES Of the very best quality, at as low rates ai any other establishment,. C. M. MI ER. June 1, 1117641 F IRST NATIONAL BANS CAPITAL .$125,000. SIMPLIM 80,000 This Bank offers UNUSUAL FACILITIES to the transaction of a GENERAL BANICINGIIIISLNESS INTEREST RAID ON DEPOSITS ACCORDING • - ESPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO TUE COLLECTION OP SOTILB AND COWIE. Partite wishing to SEND MONEY to any part of the rafted Stater, England, Ireland, Scotland, or the ; prtuetpat aides and ;arm of Europe, can here procure drafts for that pupae. To or twins the Old Country. by theben steeps or ailing flu, always ea haw*. ; rAitiLtimiaotrag? outs ILIDCCJID SATZ.; highest vise paid for . U; 8., Bonds, , Gold and - Blint. 1 I (Oa a. ; .j ; . ME ME NEW RzynED inrnozr. "MtDDLKToiVx. Conn., Dec. D, Ws J. WILLIAMS, - Bishop.of Con necti ent." =1 LOGICAL. SEMINARY (BAPTIST). "ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEIII:4AItY, February 3, 1874.. AUGUSTUS H. STRONG. Fresidrnt and Professor of neology H. J. W. HUCKI.AND. Pinfeßsor of Church ifigtory, WL LIAM C. WILKINSON, Professor Ilomacties. Volumes. lIOWARD GAY OP TOWANDA. TO AGREEMENT PASSAGE ,TICKETS ' k„, '- c:7l - 4 STMINS . k LON% A_.~.- ~r~.~ _~ r ~~ ;,: WHOLESALE RETAIL CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, COUNTRY PROCtrCE, GRAIN, &C. Baring a lair!, and eosamodlous:store ws an prepared at all times to carry a large stack. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, GRAIN AND PRODVCZ. Or taken in exchange for goods, an lowest cub pd.. ces. Oar long experience in the Grocery Trude gives us peculiar advantages In purchasing, and as we are not ambitions to make large profits, we fiat. ter ourselves that we can offer GREATER INDUCEMENTS TO Buyers than any other establishment In Northern Pennsylvania. STEVENS & LONG. • i CORNER MAIN A BRIDGE,NT may*. fI_ROCERIES at PROVISIONS f , MCCABE & EDWARDS, h dealers In all kinds of lES & PROVISIONS OROCE - wan OF CODDINO h UV SELL C NE DOOR Towanda, d MO= THE MUTUAL PROTECTION' COMPANY. Home Office, 909 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pal Acting ;under a Special Act of incorporation From the Pennsylvania Leg/stature 11. S. CLARK, AGENT. TOWANDA, PA. Special attention is caned to the following rate table, which will be foilnd strictly equitable, as be tween all ages, and which the company will guar antee to not exceed one-half the cost of any first class OLD PLAN Company. Thl following Table shows the 141 and maj be multiplied for any tudditl up to I}sooo, which is the largest One lfe. Twenty Cents will nt of each assessment for = NNI - 1 LfrHE FARMERS' MUTUAL Al 'MIURA NCE'CO., OF TUSCARMA, 1 • Is now tuning perpetual politic on FARM PROPERT`: ONLY. . E l ach member pays a fee, at the time of insuring; to cover charter and t". dental expenses of the Co. after which no fu'oer payment Is required, except to meet actua ),:otonhy lire among the membership. This p i a" ofl insurance for FARM PROPERTY, is cOrn!:,g rapidly Rao favor. i r iace of Business, SPRING HILL, PA. • The Agent will canvass the Townships of Tusca rora, Pike. Herrick, Wyalusing, Asylum, Terry and( Standing Stone, and farmers in those Town ships wishing 1 insurance or information, may ad dress, 11. SUMNER, Sic. and Agt., Spring Hill, Bradford CO., Pa, W. M. SIFIUMWAY. Pres, 1 foct74m THE CHEAPEST HARDWARE STORE IN TOWANDA IS IN MERCUR -BLOCK! Farmers can buy their SCYTHES INDSTONES, FIXTURES, !ROPES, -0., itc., bc. , an at Any OtOr'Place FORKS, Cheaper T s on hand neitsics tSC I the You xo 6u.stirtOtt Mattint Machines. I hare, alway WAHlllOl7.&nd PERRIGO . SIDE RILL PLOWS Best in Use. All kind: and Tin work o of TINWARE. on hand all kinds done at lowert pekes. Towanda, Jo 23E3 and Dress CARDING, COOL srlr • • AT THE MILLS, CAMPTOWN, PENNA.. WOOLEN Also manntse to on abort nod from the new ell fast sa offered. Candynrsrnnet !wing and Moth dressing attended re. We are already making rolls p, and are prepared to do Irish as H. li. INGHAM lESSIMI HAIGH &BROADLEY; Marinfacrunrs of Woolen Goods, Tarns, lie CARD NG k DRESSING, ;sali!inter. ' ' odtair liE i s. ,:~: ENE DeWitt In ; , :TOWANIIA, PA Insuranze. ea for 11000 anal amount aken on any ded to the t risk boa( ollect ZINE i 1 C ~ Y e 7 . ::. E ;; i' t ..e . Hardware. S\ ATIIS, H. T. JUNE. MiOatlallitlebsalgld tailrool R.' iL C. I'olltlN - - OLD. CASH . DRUG STORE, Corner Wen sad Pine BM, Towanda, Pa. astablfshied slier o *varier of a Orstsrya Wiroksals and Retail Denier in • DRUGS, MEDICDIES, CHEMICALS, ACIDS, DYE-STUFFS, k GLUE, PERFUMERY, TOILET AkDFANCY GOODS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, BRACES k TRUSSES, SOAPS, COMBS, PONADZS,Vit TEETH, SKIN, lull HAIR PREPARAT ONS; RAZORS. POCKET-RN IVES POCKET-BOOKS AND PORT•MOSNAIES, MACABOT and SCOTCH SNUFF, , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, GARDEN; FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medidual Purposes BOTANIC,ECLECTIC & Ilolaccorarnicßasixrdas, And all genuine popular Patent Medicines. SUPPORTERS, SUSPENSORIES, DREAST I PumPs, Nirrits, NIPPLE Surla,s k SHIELDS, NURSING 'BOTTLES. TEETHING SINGS, SYRINGES, BED PANS. URINALS, TUE/INK/ME, TERN ELASTIC STOCKINGS, &C. KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, DATII mupx. SPERM, LARD, WHALE, SEATS FOOT, . TANNER'S, AND MACHINE OILS, , ALCOHOL, AND SPIRITS TURPENTINE, Sash,Paint,Varnish,lnitewash, Counter, Horse, Haw, Shoe, Scrubbing, ' And all kind, of bruhes. WINDOW AND PICTURE CLAES. of all sizes PUKE , LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, PUTTY ! AND VARNISH. • READY MIXED PAINTS OF ANY DESIRED COLOR, GY THE POUND, PINT OR GALLON, GROUND IN OIL OR VARNISH; - AND DRY COLORS OF ALL HUES. All articles warranted as representect PrewrlpHona carefully compounded at all hours of day and night. ()pen Sundays for Prescriptions from 9 to 10.•. A. tr. to I and 5 to 6, I". N. Dr. Porter can be consulted as heretofore In the office. I f mayl37s TASTELESS MEDICINES. A prominent, New York physician lately com plained to DUNDAS, DICK & CO. about their SANDALWOOD OIL CAPSULES, stating that some times they cured miraculously, but that a patient of his had taken them without effect. On belyg Informed that several imitations were sold, he in quired and found his patient had not been faking DUNDAS DICK k CO'S. What happened to this physician mar have hap pened to others, and DUNDAFI'DICK . St CO. take this method of protecting physicians. druggists, and themselves, and preventing . 01 t. or SANDAL- Wool) froministg Into disrepute. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsules will c o n tinue to do so. fill' they contain the ppn in the best and cheapest form ul.,!..:DAS DICK & CO. use:mon; t /IL OP SAN DALWOOD than all the Wholesale and Retail Drug gists and Perfumers in the United States combined and this Is the sole reason why the D ore Oil Is sold ohea perlu_theircapsulep than' In any other form. OIL OF SANDALWOOD le' fast super6ding every other remedy, sixty Capsules only being, re 'quired to insure a safe and certain cure in six or eight days. From no other medicine can thlare mit be had. UUNDAS DICK h CO.'S SOFT CAPSULES tudve the problem. long considered by eminent phy alcians. of how to avoid the nausea and disgust ex Twriencee In swallowing. which are well known to detract from. if not destrby, the good etficts of . many Valuable remedies. Seft Capsules are put up In tin-Toll and neat btor es. thirty In each, and are the only Capsules pre scribed by rhie.lrlans. TASTELESS MEDICINES.--castor oil and many other nauseous medicines can lwr ta ken easil and safe ID SIUNDAS DICK CO'SSOFT CAPSULES. 'No Taste Those were the enly capsules admitted :o the last Pails Exposi tion. Send for circular to Xi Wooster street. New York. aug Sold it all Drug Stores Her - 18. • PUBLIC NOTICE.- HA N AS. being a Blacksmith by trade, had of ten felt thn want of Fmnie means wheceby I could soften IRON at the Mtge. so that I could work It at a butter advantage.• this induced me to make many experiments it It h different substances which offered the best prospects of success. It was. on one of these OCCOSIMIS that I discovered the wonderful effects of Eleciro Silicon upon THE HUMAN SYSTEM I had a defect in three of my fingers, which were bent or shut up in sus hand in such a manner by the coNTHACTIOS: ore nle Coltliq. that they wen• very troublesome Mime In my daily avocation. I could not handle my tools as I wished. and often thought that I would have them rift off to get them out of my way. I bad:used everything that offered any hope of relief. but - all to tmetteet. Well. I say, I wax working with F,lectro Silicon at the forge, anti of emirs. , could not prev.ept Its coming lit con tact with my hands. I took no notice of the effect It bad prAuCed, un til one day wishing to use' a heavy It:tinnier, I grasped It with my crooked hand. and much to my suipriNe I found my crooked fingers straighten out. and I had as much use of them as ever. I could bardty tolleye my eyes. I showed my hand to toy wife and family, and a general rejoicing was th result, The s questlon now was. what had produced lhi wonderful effect? Every act was recalled, 2114 A. ter a long and careful Investigation, I at last mad op my mind that my good fortune had been can* by ELECTItO SI.LICON. My next step was to discover some 111lealla by which I could combine this wonderful substance so that everybody could use it: a made diligent search through every book that I thought would throw say light upon the subject. and at last. in a very old medical book, I found a way by whlch I could dolt. The result was perfectly satisfactory. and I was able to make a it:time:ll, i the like the world has never p i s t o n before. I nowibermito look about me for cases to try the effect of it odothers. I had a neighbor Itylop abut a tulle from my shop who had a lame , knee, caused by the cords ber Mg contracted by rheumathm. I sent. hint a bot tle of ELECTIIO SILICO:s; I:EU:WEST, And told him to use it thoroughly. Ire did so. and at the end of three months. he was aide to throw aside his cane and walk to 'my shop apparently as well as every It had worked Just as It did in my PRODUCING A PERFECT CORE I gave It to other of my neighbors and friends (for miles around,) who were suffering from SWELLED Limns,t{ • RHEI.73IATISM; .;CEURALGIA; STIFF JOISTS, • BURNS, &C., All of which it cured without any trouble. Finding that the Electra Silicon Liniment would penetrate the skin of man, further than any other substance, It 'occurred to me that it must be GOOD FOR THE HORSE, And It has ,proved Itself one of the very best appli cations In altexternal ,dlseabes matting In that no ble animal. Prepared by the Eleetro Sinew' Liniment Cora pany. U ce,76 William Street, New York. Susall Druggists. 1 B" CE N TS PER BOTTLE. 1=33 Dry-Gcods. MONT'A N I E S MONTANYES OFFER A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON, AT BOTTOM PRICES! MON T A N. Y E • . !" 1 1 , 11"?';`e" '~'. ~.rJF ~, WATCHES; FINE AMEItICAN AND SWISS GOLD AND SILVER WATCIIES, SILVER PLATED WARE FROM TUE CIIEAPESTi TO, THE• BEST SPECTACLES &,, EYE a -LASSES One door north of Dr. Porter & Son's Drag ;tore, Main Street, 11n6-73 PRESS. TS FOR ALL, NEW JEWELRY STORE is constantly recelvEng In adtlit lon to Lis large stock or jeweiry, FINE GOLD SETS, PINS, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, SILVER PLATED WARE OF ALL VARIETIES SILVER AND PLATED RINGS AND CHARMS CLOC4 OF ALL VASIETIES, Watch, Clock and Jewelry repalrlug done In the . ' best manner, and warranted. Thangifor a liberal patronage anil hape•to merit a ' continuance of, the same. novl2-73 e.• H .. 0 0- = t, . . 0 .„. p t , CM " rz <- - st Q 1 o sr. ft 1p ' M .. et 0 M "'" ..... ' ' -' 0 0 2. =... '' ;gp m c,..;= ri =, .? • 0. = 1..... ft " .... ...: ........ ° ' 4 c.:4 4 0 2' e: ..:- 0 1 ot.l Pi , .....,,. 1 9 . ..., ..x - ..... -1 - = t ti . S 'a' o et p .0-2. z cp 72 a c. "0 - = '', P CD it e . it ,-t• P 9, tO 0 e•• 54 tz p ".1 .1 b' •-• ".. .1 it . Imo t ., ft e•I• `. ' CDP ••• co' - '...,.. CD• 0- ,` " l 3; = 0.4 - CD . 1 .3 1 z ,,, W 0 M , a L . 0 GC ." ; - .7 m m C - r.... ~ 0- 1 ..1 00 -1 ~.., ...: .-. -1 4 '-' •-• °'Liol F P m ;'.: (:) 'rte__ tt -- ii,, -- 0 ---, ,-. 4 .oa' - g ~.. - - .••4 .= cn 'F' ' ---: .... 6— , CD o '3 ' Z ' = ' Z.T . V. = = ~, ......: .-.I Li . ,- ~,,,, t= E., = :.-: , -- - ..* ,-_-, <.7 1 . r., Ciii rz :.: el, MI . 01 oi r• '''. 0 ..Its = cv , .... te..• 1 ~.. ,-,. ~..., .• n ,-• . - -,,.,:- r: :., ,-, . _ c'' .., ... 0 ...... ~,,,, aCn ft , z ......1 LtA • i Cl' eb th 6 " Q et ,F. ~ - . '.,, e l . - z - • - = =, &.- •:- sz - . . P M ~_,..,4 = ,'„ rn 0 .-z 'Z. ; . 0 0 0 - . 4 , i . 0 n . 7. 0 ... D I ez —,• ^ „m •-• , h '.l oi •ti 4 .., '' rn ;.. n ...., 0 ....,• 1., . 0 .-•• .0.1 0 t . , D '0 . t; ::: ri' 0 eD .1 , • •,..• .1 0 P tc? • i 1... „...°' =6 cm ...-, . - -1 ..= 14 - ie. : ..... .., r , . .... = , til ': Z 0P LD C. 4 8 : " 4 .. CC ...f IT , e , , el.. 1:1 .1 0" ep 4 w p t."l- , im.4 rt , cl. 't .1 , .r • • e l ='• eD ~ el. .-Z ti .... c , ft e.„,; T. 0 1 bemi 0 c.:. ..... ... 'PT' : CC ft t.,D c,,, , . . ..ro- • al, . LAND FOR SALE. 11 ~~ ~ ~ THREE HUNDRED .Acßgs, 8 miles from Towanda. Mill be isc Id for cash or And easily cleared. Whole farm well watered. Will be sold in lots of an ofl r 100 acres, or more, as purchasers shall desire. 4'rF, ~ ,'`^r' ~ , ~. yr: .r ~5i•::%: k'i'p': ~''t..h'•l° j,~', JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, I • 1 M. HE ND L E HAN, Dealer In L • "" rPNE JEWEIRY. Also STERLING SILVER CLOCKS, GOLD, SILVER AID STEEL' TOWANDA, PA., AT THE W. A. ROCKWELL BANDS, RINGS, STUDS, CHARMS, NECKLACES, AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, ''''' and 0 GOLD, Sliver AND STEELrECTACLES, Also at the lowest prices. W. A. RoCKIVELL:- Of Ivauttful •~ LAND FOR SALE. ON TIME, . To suit purchasoo. 100 ACRES AIPROVED,; With house and barn thereon; balance WELL TIMBERED, Inquift R. C. LOCKWOOD, Wellsburg, 'N. Y., or of J'. P. , KIRDY, -Ai JAMES WOOD • / 1 7. 4 51ri'T;4' ~~t~:, ~: ~= C °Al4l COAL, We keep on band at our yard all sires of Pittston , and Wilkes Barre coal, and Loyal Sock coal, hum' the Sullivan Coukty .illtiet. Also, Barclay Letup and Smith. : • We keep the best quality of Lime, Hair and CO meet. Brick and Planter, all of which we will sell at bottom prices. - ' • • - Towanda May let, 1876. D ;GROUND ROUND PLASTER I_ I hue just received a largo supply of FEES)! GROUND CAYUGAPLA'STEE Manufactured frAn stone selected by myself, and PRICE.—Casb, #8 SO; on time, #7OO. Send ln your order' i•J Ramer&ld, March 1, 1876 NEW COAL• TAR'. The undersigned haying' taken the large and commodious yard, at tho foot of PARX Street, has now on hand a full supply of ALL SIZES &C. Oct2l-75-tf CHEAP COAL AND LIME. From and afier%luly 1. I wlll eel) coal, lime, te.. for cant' only, and the price list will be corrected monthly. PRICE OF COAL' FOR JULE, PER TON OF it,ooiitbs, , ,AT TILE YARD: Pittston Stoic., Chestnut anti Furnace . .15 00 4 .. Pea • 3 . 66 • . . Carbon }tun Lump ', . 400 Smith 300 Barclay Mountain Lump ' 3 5e ‘• Smith ' 2 75 AllentMam Lime hustle! .-. 32 Lath ?M. 3. 2S If air "., bushel 1 - 4( - • Bricklo Ok' I am always prepared to deliver purchases,,on: short notice at the usual price of delivery. • I alto tender my thants:to my many friends and customers for their very liberal patronage in the past awl hope it.ider the stew departure to make it to their interest to ci,ntinue to buy where they can get the best gfloils for the least money. Those who are intbdlted to mu will take notice that . ' must have more: or I can't buy for cash and pay freights. They must settle by the first of Au gust next. Very Respectfully Void's.' .4 Towanda,Nlyl,llrs NOW IS YOUR Cheaper than. you will ever again have the opportunity of doing. —I Imye a large assortment of my Wartanted in every particular, which That everyhOdy can afford to have 'one of his own. 1' also have the sole agency - inthis place of 1 . OVTATT S PATENT RUNNERS, An invention which has come into very general use all through the west. They give the best satisfaction wherevere they have been introduced CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. jan646 NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY! Respectfully announces to his. friends and patrons, st he has built a NEW BRICK CARRIAGE FACTORY, Where he w constantly keep on hand a fultassort ment 'of FAMILI CARRIAGES, TOP AND ; OPEN BUG:I32S, PLATFORM WAOONS, TROTTING SULKY'S, ANI SKELETONS Made of the best nialerlal and elni'shed In the best city style. Ills long experience in city riage Factories gives him a decided advantage over others in the FINISH, -STYLE AND DURABILITY • Of iinons. All .he asks Is an . INSPECTION OF HIS WORK • • Previous to purchasing elsewhere. ALL 'WOitICWARIPANTED TO GIVE Thankful for the Mesal patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully smk a conttnuauco of the same. : REPAIIONO PItOkT.T;,Y ATTEN*DiD TO . ~,', ~~,~ •:~:~~, Std✓%n 4 - - WlACi'',=;'' , l:k, - , .'.:Mi« COAL.. I PIERCE & SCOTT. RIIMMERFIELD I warranted PURE PETER LANDMESSER. OF ANTHRACITE, LOYAL SOCK, And BARCLAY COAL. El LIME AND. CEMENT. Coal delivered on short notice TERMS :—Cash. HENRY MERCUR. JAI: PIIINNY Ctir:~3.s 9PPORTUNITY; TO BUY CARRIAGES 1 1 KND WAGONS DB B R AN T S, OWN MANUFACTURE, I will SELL SO LOW JAMES BRYAN T. Opposite the new Jail, TOWANDA, PENN'A. HENRY .STITLEN PERFECT ATISFATION. AT REDUCED PRICES HENitY STULEN., ry e .' <7 ry+.."y_ u 'F r,~..Kji ~~~n~-jXA y+,,. . ~ t^~ ~'= EHIGITYALLEY AND PA. & BAlLlloADsArranoinent of YID.. senor Trains,:to take erect April 1.7; nns. ERE STATIONS. Niagara Valls Buffalo' Rochester.. Geneva.— Ithaca, Owe . g•ii 1 6 00i •••••110 J 501 ....; ...., _ Elmira 9 001 3 45110 521 8 30; 2 43 520 1 Waverly ' ; 9 35: 1 2071 20; 2 96, 820; 6 06. Sayre. ' 2 15 1 1 2 7 111,.,( 9 12. 3 28 6 14 Athens ' 4'o: 4 3,0111 113' 9 Isj:11 34;5 20 Milan 1' _ .J .. • .... 1 9 aor a 45 530 Ule•er ; 1 ......1 . .....1 ...J 9 40• 1c 56 640 Towando.••• ••',102K 051205:1000: 415'. et 55 - Wysankiug ! ....; „,.I ...,;i0 09:4 27 1'.31 standing stene....! 7 ..! ~i ....la :a' 4 29, ._ 1. Rummorfleld ..... , ~...t „,1 ~,,,,,b) 25; 4 4 , , ~_ Fronchtown ~ , ... , ... ; ,1 .. 1 ,-10 25: 4 52 ..... Wya1u81ng........• ...•.; 5 451 .....10 ao; a 12 .... .1..a , eyvi110., , :11 23. 6 01,12 5911 12 5 35' .. Sklnaer6 Eddy....' ....4:6 08; .... ll: 15 53 - .... Meshoppen.. ..... ' .....; G 23: .... 11 32' 6 0 ...... Mehoopany • ...4 626 .... :: 38 6re .... Tunkbannock ..;'• 12 101.7 10' 2 05J2 25 6 33 .... LaGrange , -••-• .... 1 7 20 1 ' 1 12 35, 6 451 _— Fulls 1 . ... 7 35; ....it: 1 1' 8 591 .... nansoni ....; ..... ;'.:a.. , , ~,.. 1 03! I 10' .... L At nJalictli , a • •' l 2 50 7 53: 2 5& 1 29 7 20; .... witkes-119rrei...•1 1 20, 8 25 3 15.-2 001 7 50 •—• Manch chunk..., 3 41.10 50: 5 2.5 4 15.-....1 ... Allentown 1 4 411 45' 6 2-5 5 50: 1...1 .... IlethlAeln.. 5 00 12 10 640; 6 05; ....j ....' Easton . 1 5 35, 1,00 7 - 00: 6 ssi ...:. .... Plinadellthla..•.•l 8 45 2.•05 8 25; 8 151 ~...4 ••.. New Ynit 3 29 3 49, 9 59 9 59 1 .... ...i.. • '• •A i .31.•P•31. , P.11. '.3:. P. 31., •::.. • I FTATIONS. I 8 ' ! 3 018 , ' . , 1 1'.51.1A.51.k51...11 . ..315A.MrA..51 New Yotk . I ' 6 30; ..:I .... 7, OCI ... 1 .... Philadelphia I 8 COl . ....1 ...1 85196. .. , F.a.,lnli ....... .. .i, 9 251 .... 6- 6C:10 Oliill 39; ....1 Bethlehem .I, 9 sri ....I 6 30,19 30 32 601 .... ulo'.rn 1 10 0t ....: 6'4310 421/2 111 .... .I.Tauch Chunk ... di 351 .....; 8 09:11 95, 1 201 .... Willteltarre .....1 1 151 7 20.10 49, 2 IIV 4 00! :„. 1.. & B. Junction.; I' 4 0 ' 7 51;11 10 2 41! , ,,4 30i .... Ilariscm..... ...... i ....I S 0011 23, —.184 .II ....,, Falls ' 1 ! 8 1911 341 .... 1 5 OCI .... LaGrange.. ' ...' 8 35/1 51' .'...1 6 Is' .... - Tunkhannork.... 2 24 1 8 . 46'12 2h 3 22! 5 30; ...... -51elamp2ay ......... ...: 9 12'12 452: .....' 5 53! .... 7.11c,h0,41..11 ....... ....: 9 1912 64: ' ....1 HMI; .... SicinhersEddy.,. l- .... 9 VP 1 10 ...., 6 16! ...... I....weyvili , . ' 3 07'3 - 39' 1 13, 4 97: 6 361 , .... WyatuAng , ....;10 00, 1 25; :.'..! 6 40; .... Frrlielilr,wn • ..—iio 15 .1 43 -:t...j 6 53i -.... Itrinmerflel3.•......- - .... 10 2.5- 1 68,,. .... .. 7 03' 1,...,; S 1010111.: Stone...: ....,10 32 2 05 ....% 7 10; —• • Wy:.a1:1:1n.x..1.;,... .... , 10 41 2 15- . ....1, 7 20* .... Tow4nda 4 10,1055 237 i 500' 735, 730 1 - 4--ler '.... ....11,Q8 2 451 . ....! 7 49-7 45 31 I !an „ ...... 11 119 2 351 ....• 4 03'17 5.5 %Oyu. ' .... 4 42 ill? 3 61;!.5 29 : 8 10'''S 03 Sayre • 4 4 , it !•,5'3 10( 5 33 8 . 114'8 10 Nl'avt-Gy 4 55111.15, 8 20 5 40: 8 L 5 8 20 Elmira , 5 3512 3i.1 4 10: 6 15 9 101.8 10 Omega - 5 40; ....1 ....; 6 80 ... .119 56 Ithaca..... j' 6 45 1 6r, ~...: G g1eva,.....1 ...... : 8 40' 3 55! '....i 9 23; ••••1:••••- Aobarn . .... 9 05 .... -.... 9 30, ;....I 4 15 flooltPster - 10 55 ... i!. .....!11 20, ....1 6 55 11,11304...;:c.....,.. 12 25; .. .. .... /2 35 8 20 6 15 , Nlagqr.t.Falls....l:-. 12 51 .._ ~ ....' 1 0.1 1 ....I 0 40 4 Talus $ and r'S run daily. with Phllmau Rleep irg Cars :14tliehvd. ty,twern Dralra 4nd Philadel phia, and r , nil N. r. Yuzk. Draw'nz IlootO l'ars liwia-111 to - Tralus 2 and 9 All Phllailelphia tralus lull through to Centeuni al Groutills. - R A. PACKER, Superintendent. ; Towani.l;•AFFlll26, 187G-tf. • FFIA )IVA RD F.1.31E11. ItEWE.. ENEVA R . ITITACA. ATHENS . - .Monfian Jan.. 21, 1576; trait, iv7ll run as .•11 this road as 1,;Itows: s-; - LEASI NC SAYRE NOP.TIMARD. • .' No. 8,-5:06 a. rt... Pal'mar. 'eping Ccnch tbroazit tr io N,w ortirfns, at Fan. F:t , ..a 5:43. Sitent. , :. Ituo.ra 6:50, Taugbanlr Fails 7:1' 3 . Trunl.tw.barg 7:25, Fa: met 7:43. Ofld C . ...nt , r 7:52. Rvtaulus 8:12. Gene va op:n"er:oli 4:43*1 ati4 we,t 7lth train, no N. 1"..§. 11. It. It.. attiring at IZ , chk•ster a: 11:20 a. in., Butralo 4:16 p. in., and Niagara Falls at po.-12.G0 a. tn., daily* except Sundarg. oa ar rival or L. V. toil from NVlikes i3atrn, Pltt.ton, Tunk!rtamamA, Ton-aiula. ladling at 'Vat: El ton 12:45. Spenc.-r 12: i 55. I .Lar.:cll:ss. Taughnnic F:01: Tnattrzndt.:?:g Fartnr - 2:53. Orld Corner" 3:20, Retittdia. 3:23. Ge- Ll ' ad:t., train. eaa: and Nest nn Y. U.& !1.11. d..•y ,•ari-pt Suntlayi, Ithibrough ear frvm I:7Litrt Geueva.l,:iving Elmira ars:lo p. m., an!vi.:z. a' Vitt Eaten .•,n.ptrvi•r TaE;:4ahle Fal6 Trinuansan - g rarrn,..r 5:44, ov:d Cwilers av 4. It , Ailulu , 9:17. CVLIMCrter wiati tr in, na,t we:l. wri :C. Y. r. & 11. L. It. A. = No. 7.— . ?:61. a. esenpt . 9, islth 111 roar.::: ear fr.-or rivl.r.-la. to E:ialra, (1 , .:12- ‘ a at 5:60a. et.. It; mullis s:n, 'Hayti C't , rtp-rii Z.:47. (P. id F:., t:, G:65. 'I" ruioan,.,,rg n.,iglniplc Falls 6 ',J.°, Ithara. 7:v5. Van Et t.•II at rivir4 at ..i: sa% :e with I.: V. liafE rr,i .arrl ring at New York at ICau p ,s;2O F. to. N 3. `ii.-1:2 , ) p. in. daily. Sandaya. h.:tying 4:..ip , va a:•m..1(31771, flay to ()yid retiter L 1 :55, Fatat.or g I I :17, Ti...igh.ink• Fat!. I; =. I thrica u:45, Fprncer~ 17511. Var• I:ll‘..tt 11%.11/5: orrtiglit oi•ario eon 'yet ir.iovl:ll 1.. V. Fat Lion, ihrrlviLig PL.ll.adoi phi:l-10.30 p. in. • No. p. m. daily. I.:1lb, Pullman Sleeping u. 14.11 Now Yak ebattg.i; I,ave , Grirt,To 5:P.1 p. Lu, an arrirta of N. Y. C. trop! tin' East Weft, itontultul !lay ts 4.'dotier d.:1141, Partner 6 . 07, Trliiaurlyar: Taaglhaa,h: lthaca it. sp Eltea v.Aittoctlug with L. V. Night I.lla, ,!;tang at Now. Yuri: at a:/4 lad t:45 .. lii. x and to all pal it. Las. T.. A. PACK FR, Gen. Supt.' R. M. TICPV EY% Gen. Pan,. Sgt. W3r. pItI APELPHIA 5,-, READING RAILROAD. NI{ILV.s!f;EMENT .PASSENOEit TRAILS'S sErlrnfi:El: um!, 157:1 Tr',ink I.,tre tre rillwrs: 1;rq::,11.1 For Th!tml..llo.lin at•rt.2o, .s.:10 a. la., .12.- 0011,x.11. • ill. 141 - N DAYS'. For I'll:actOptith, :It •1.,39 no ( - ,n anti 3.10 ; ! p.m. (rbr E P , nna. Branch.) For iloadittz. 1°.1.30. 5.36, and 5.55 a. 12.20, 2.10 4.3rrand 9.00 1,711). For Itartlsbnrg,t..3o, 5.50, and 5:55 a. to., 12.20,, 4.20 and 9.00 p. m. For Lanenster and Colnintla,:s.so, 8.55 a. in., and 4.20 p. in. tl)ov., nut run on 3huolara. F'ir 11.adinz. 2.3 a a:ln., 2.2: and . a.OO p. in. For 11:;rrirbil It. .2. 'ln a.• :a; - aud;nta) p. in. Trains fq• A /La to ma learrt.ris follawit (a•ia Perkiorn , n Tr.anch.) I.Pn.v^ P3ifla,l+•lp?la. .6:2Q, 9.3.1 *A.'l5 awl .7.1". , p. ni. L - tr. 1.:P14, , p0rt, $.52,,9.56 a. in., 2.47, 6..e6, 6.17 and 7;i40 p. in. . .. . Leave Philadelnltta, 5.t15 , .8.20 a. in., and •4.10 p. (rta East P,nna. Branch.) L;•ay.• 1 Ming. 7.10, 7.45, 10.35 a. m., 4.00, 0.10. and' 10.30 n. Le avo II arrlsburg. 0.20, 0.05,8.10 a. in., 2.00, 3.57 and 7.55 p. m. • 1.• .ayt. I.arwa.t,r, 1.:1(..7.-15 a. 1.i;,12.55. and 3.45 p.m C0111141 , 11153it; 7.11) a. ,01.„ 1.00 and 3.35 p. wal 7.40 a. ra.- Lr•aro 11144ris!otrg. 5401 . 1. In. Trains marked thus (*) run to anfl from depot oili (3,l'^e st7ovts., usher trafms to and frog Bromis , "etq 41rptr,• The' t..2n a, ni. tr.dn from Plilh.delphin and kg p. m. tinin tons 1 Upntuwu havo,threugls ears a 7 anti fr 9.1.1 Mini! A. N. T. • Tii.• p. in, tr.,ln from Phlialit:nhil and 12.00 :loon train from Ailnutown Lay,' tl.irunzli ear. to and front Int:owl. !, The 5;.55 p. to. sllrqrolll Philadelphia and 8.20 a. in. train front .111eutown hare through ears. and front hooch Chunk. • J. E. WOOTTEN, Gill Fifa superintendent. octl-751y: TIIE CE:NTRA L H OTEL, ' 1 !.TER, PA. ' 1. k The uhdersigiwil having takell posm , ssliF . ,_ of the above hotel. re6ret Lally 40!bifs the patfUu• age of hf, ohl frienaa a:atthe'palkifce,uerably. aughi:tf. 11. CI YORIChziT. riAyELL 110ITSE, TOWANDA, PA .; Having leased this hon. , ,e. Is now ready to accent .toodate the travelli Rt., pubilc. • .Ne pins uor expense will be Fpapod to give satisfaction to those who, may give him a call.. '.. , .*'North side of Public MI are, east of Ifercur's - new block. . . AIEARS 'HOUSE, TOWANDA, CORNER 0..A1N AND DIUDGV STPa.ETg . 1 • The Horses, Harness, Ire., of all guests of thli hosuse, Insured agalust loss by Fire, without auy extra charge. A superior quality of Old English Thus Ale, Just received. T. R. JORDAN, Towarula.Aan. Proprietor. EAGLE lIOTEL.. At the corner of Court und Pitrer-tts., directly in the vicinity au:i t,outti of the Court llouse. t BURkE, JOIIN ET! Pitoenurrou. :The above house has hoeu re;furnlshed and to Ottod, and IA now open' to tbo• travellug Thr Bar will at alt ilntea ta. , supplied vrlto tiro liaat , of Ilquora, Good stabliog attaetted to :fee premiss. Boarders by the day or wee:: aeoomputdafekl. May 10, 1400 JOIUS BURKS. 0.„19 a, day at bone. Ageilte wante4. 04 Outfit and terms frae. Truo _ 41 "-" K"ga3tl3, Mate. i2ichurn-ty. ~'• a .„.• 2(} rdi to . pe yathoma. Sam les, _ITO, $1 , free. l atig i : 51... x, ~~.y5..~^~:~ WARD. 29(31 IEI 04. eCit; , 8.W51 .r. 001 ....ills: 0 42'..112 51• ••1 2 I/ ..•: 66,av asri ,: r ,• 4 001 00, TI! VAR Li ECIII 2'4132 CRIME tn., 5.15, SUND tYR DEEESZI n,,,,,F JOHN TOW .1 'SIM Pi =1 ' -^ - -N.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers