nitlforA.s,:ifli,portq. Ell E 151 T,O,CAL .'GRNERAL. forget the Festival this , Halt. • _. We.'understad that :EC. grtimi, contunplatO itft.4 • ,; 'July Ith. ” ,k 1 e:•.-Ripe strawbe.rriestmatteAbW .aranoe in the taarket hat week: - Theyweret ral days carper tit - a — Oast year. - •• I 1 ~ • , '4. We 'regret. to - announce llia ,* A', Lev T. D. llosicroi. 7014!Nwiet41., died hi Li n ., 4,1 li. a - a few dayw binci..t. --, , :.:: .... :,!, . 7 i Oon*li;zy are their r'oont newly 'paporodsod carpeted:l 1h u cutuliletcdit trill!seocredit to-- tin , art actit. I . • ; • ' • • • • , • er,pt.- W. x. • cARNoc 4 A3, • of: is to-be erat4 on4commenceitrieitt -day atl \lam:fit:l4 -';curtrial ' 31. B. Conn, or! - 'lilladeltibia paih - will be the ,get. Severp.l co d refreshirig' ! ,, fers hive bcea exPi9eiktied in...this • section' lar i ng the past trceh, -Th e die—nth had become' alarming, and the ;sin was most thank -I, rreeiveit • t A . r,„)--The INI es- arra s sap:: ".Ir. Harms has twilled . 1'44 Oanise plants out' ir , .4es _are beaul Business is good, hpd ::;%tteliding, toit ciiisety.• -`• • .:” I -.; . I - - An oh . " sub s c r ib er and for m er, • ~,iti, n tor this centrity,, - la renewing his sub.! I li, cri .thin, (,-,iveaaa an earaiaging , Ward ..... y : !. " like the ring of tliollta;noirtu tie moral r and - politically. : , 7 •• • - ;,- - 1 RI3.P-.. ' toir"_As has been prernons,ly, .iiil , (l,thrfe 'wilt be ad Ice Creata . And- Straw lily- Festival conducted bilr the yoneig lokitute, initittlitia's Hall, Friday eTea , .1' this teed:. Mein:ll4le ara#Fordloillyi in it, I I to attend. made Lin-ta ;3 .dxcnrsionlo, ' • (Mita (.11 Tuesday last, byspecial train. They ..?...•••thipanietrby f..tritaNcen One band, of ira Ir learn. tbet they wen) moat hoept s rcveired and entertained by the Pittston- Tlwy returried '•at, about II safe SoLomo WALBons, a wbrinhan planing rnill; hail his kit had badly ,irvidar. saw.uu gottilay morning last. .!! IN V. alted and:imputatCd tho in httle thigers.l The Doctor hopes •to ~thur two. • We know litany of the readers . - -- • t :; , .-1,,1.rEr.u111-I.crnm.: with I,li.aEure the i• ti.r"t!: !rota the. Thu %%Titer 'WS our :::;Tr:•! , ir tLo Lint: Inv.r. :vim for auofh r t from AV. 11. Mor,i,IAN, Ilsq , is pre-, tlui tirdwing nam jail. The phris fin pi,licrl by A. Esq., of train tilt i - ippenriinee "on we believe it , mill tilt;tuo.,4 complotT institutions in the „ • _ ~.~ 1~:1•i~.~t'ii trtirt.' barn that .a youlig trutu attempted to cuter the of L. A. )I ~W in Hill, about L ~ ;LlV4,lll.Atty.liWit kit, for the .pur.:i it ised, of rubbing him. The noise 1 . 1'.1r." the A - Mild-be thief wade 1 k...-.;) A. Donation Sociable fur' the - I : . :ii . nr Rev. t'. L. F. Iriowr, will be held hear i.. , .•her...,:in Asyhon or Sal urday 'afternoon' ~... 1:.•+.-. '±. - I.r.sur. WlAvar. will deliver bili \ .. rel.. :Ailey leeture;., "Bottle and Barrel Work,” - : 1 . :h. : ...a-inn. Bon. tik.o. LANho.r.; is also ex -1...: .11 ,, lit: preseutand r i nalto an address.. c 01... i'he tiellopl directors have voted r. et a fl' w brick :chuol-itotise ou the 1.4 : e r 4 1:1:te and : 4 ccotel . streets. Work upou ...:! , ',ittut'encultlbi eeason. Judge Mort - ()..p.IIAItTIAITT told itorx.r.cs have ..!; vitoititeel a crtniluittee to procure a !mita- J. , the Imll42itig. .‘ , •KNulVLEptiMENTS.— + iadtr JAMIE has our thanks fur a box of large" and .2:.l,s . s . travrti . erries of the Agricultural Varie r. Tn,y-Nrere the finest we hare seen this sea- s. li. HAttimc,'of North Towanda. will 3, thanks fora baske4 of green rwB 1•.;.. him on-N. C. ECdnnr.r.'s' farm. fe'w mouths - since, 'KESSEN oi-.1;, of 111, Middletown (N.Y.) Prc7s, was proie ctitl,i byrrzi• of the fair sex for prefixing arm to her nll , ll -hreclaim - ed to be a single .nlan and now we notice that he is going to do the satn, thing to another lady—this titno, It is to . i)e gra. KEICSENGEn. • So s .tYli :I k of pasteboard reciircd. t Miss is t !•;• the - g business is very brisk !.. , i:mitlences are being put up • rs; jinrt (dthe BRAMITALL i • ••.1 :• • I • rf•C Or roar on Poplar street, and 1h \VXLD is mating preparations-for six tenaitt houses MI Fifth *, ivgreat demand for ibis ciass , lw..llings, and thPre will be no trouble in .... . them at reasonable rates. A nelt.tiventy-four page, eatai I d in , : .... , 3•l:r q ii,lianna collegiate Institute prinfril at thii, office. From it v.- there have been Piv, hai«b•rd and • ,tri the reds, during the past 1;•;;4 r.nornbcr, ac believe, than hay during any previ2rts 1.::1-111..nlv had acc , aiiplisheil • !, th ' t. thrtnkr; (.f trti,tk.s ef • :" 14' 4 to ,•••.,tr.tio:: tite A. ` \ f,ital accident occurred - tit - c - ,.. , ;‘; I s.) :.I::n:'.irfune 10, re ' . ••.• ,t....';:t (I; 31 4 i-s. : 11r....:8Y .F,i, • .':"iifFl:7l' V"; Wati 11 . 1iLig withß.rs. '. • " (lill.lo, V ; hen tht: /101'; , bi-Carfle , k to ~ i, 1 , - . f;:rain i g he ivaw,n , Wrur, lilting ••• •: i, ~ ,i....1.1::, - , nil itijnring a little ',, 1,..1: a+ we . caw i t •ani. Mrs. Fatactutp • , .. .•]:- iiijimiti. Mrs.; Sur.natio; was .- • • ~.,i ~ ~r age. This is the second • : i, , kind, that has joecurrcd very • . :, :Liz. .04ce 1, illtia 'the ,list .two MEI California excursion par barce--arrireil in '• ' • . iltiry are etl iu thii erifoyuicnt of an'l family, of WaslAii;,-ton, are • ;sal remain at the Ward Hum Heated tonn" returmed film the \• • , q i.n a snare with .a.„britio. formerly of Lis place, but for :•, , • vacs a resident of Freeport, II!., . , a few week's with b s friends here. .E. SVALooi . l4to cashier of the F/..• .N • Bank of ..k.theriti,•has received an• to ri , sp_onsibic poaititiil in the Bank of Wi;kcs-Thyrre. The of tie., moat i:fticiont hsnkers. to al:ti we cOngratulate the Wilkes theii good fortune to peening MI 'le a c!.tizeli )11....C.Nr. has been confined to his holm° !..' • past•frint the effects- of an in-- - . ,• by being thrown from his carriage steeks.sineo. At the time of s the occur "l^ o,ld n9t consider his injnrics AO-thing 4. and made a trip_ to l'hiladelphia. On :•• it!, )I. , ; wascompellpti to undergo a stirs: g . d 'P tiati ' i n• He Li now anprosii?g, and we h . im out akain soon. .: 'IT A . licconn' paid ash visit on Dion-. da lk , t• lit the Doctor succeeds in keeping his I •••• as well as he does hisaself„ it n'•4:t"•sft lea riolty, healthy " Clistanqns CO. is is G. L GiiiSos and O. A. BLACK. Of MI ' S itttyndirtg the Mate Sunday-Bawd, Cu/Au/tit/a at Allentown : • ':•• • lar *QOM_ F e gives notice that- ell zooms returned .** 8 6 114 / 4 /65 1 15400144101 P 01.4.4 4 40 tho first *day of July Ant, or suits tee , F. be brought for the eolWilibi of the saw. a - 4o - AN OLD Panes: —,Tonx Yam? Ittly,lpoxidieittlittiViPior tie Et Goade*aroet Jek-hili esightrasili rap It mrep2mlol=l:' ' . • e tlf i Z- 11 *-V104 1 , 3 • 4.::'34 1 • • tilPa7 tb*:, Tz,cinismorkeriverceemtteiri# l 4. %it tiQlll.- - _ _ _ ME etttitifit6 7 ditit . —ThtiAtitin e .r of trtatt B. lifkorghif tflisiet, r triff be present °l- Mast A 11 31 114, 91 PRO, g.Wllkion as a candidate for Coohty Commissioner. Hr. MoOtiti his i biteanTeitiiieit *oak& tt l ittican i erer since tholeigardzattpi? Ar the party and has Amt. lakelorraskioiglytqp4 Thelb*ces ;of 'the county iroidd 4 be faith iy and ec4i tab FallY managed SOUS ntsa of excellent judgment knd wottld rialto t.; }hod , tenet:. tie ban been disabledltonsperforrning- plantwil l a tx'r f0r.9 0 19 1 0 rm. inam, tbo-Miects dtn In dry: Ififieorei, thiitoinsfic p 'of trtster has iotsia kifitkib orei; Plirt”fart • • tifirncerififmintr. ?14 1 E:'1 1 1RPlyilg t 0.,' `che new sori,aresponaentof the npledo;Ccnit istercial, writia ot'ho'Erl4lttiltway in a recent' Trans Mk neitnfl_fiqlla h/1 pf Pineni gent, arid the now . coaches recently put .Intoon the road are mrriebkoleiagarke Arid comfort, The Eria.was never i n, suiL i tendid TrO Wag odo r h Ars tn-sitlitedfda-it.oftinAlttar-Pft. • ding he+ etklati 01• 110#4 , 11t ;0,4 11 .4110 Utn: litiffs 4 4 4 . which ikt.innangart are onotawit4ilittarnuu btuattass-sad4rili_ikta c t liaziag Weal : -^". • 7 .r" gest itstightet of MAL o.l36olsnitit i renior t , editor of Ws paprr !ir4 Stxtb at" Custornal for the port, of Philadelphia , veye ma c a d at the rird cbipi24.4; - An - g :64441 on Wedni•aday irnernoettotane TO!,:!oite riiOnT waa .11errciimed.ItT irlibatutrried the tither and nrstlwie of the btido tientpentest,yearkage. , - Atter the eeresteey st th; Church was iDeor,i the relatiree titta . ,.f . cwlitriti3d snide fre,d tithe heepUebletitansicaefldr. Tung. 0' aim,. *here a sruhptttona repast wai-praiidek The bride was the recipientof numerous bees--' tifal and costly presents, amongWhichita tic - cLd a cheque ter WOO and a one, hundred dol.: Int greenback. - ' : • - .. ter A mach base bill lwas, played in Zbtaaing4ilkspOlitrdar, cluee Caeca thellorri Itiook - Clab, of Borifitiook, ; - tied the College-Clnla, of Towel:4k resulting in. fever of the latter. More es fellows : C. SatterlCei c„ :3 8 = KennCy; a., G: Bartlett, p.i. • 0 7 ,E.,W,Hortnn, p., Geo. Gall; x.s., 4 : 5 8. Horton, s.x., Smith, lb., 2 8 11,..Fortts r lb., J. Fox; 2b.; , - 5. aJ. H. Chs.ffee,..2b4 I C. .tru 1,1 6L. Jillett, lb., ' F.urau, .r., 1, 4 J. Horton, . E..:Harton, ct., 1 90. Forbx, c.f., H. Bartlett, t r.f., S•J J. Forbp, i.f., Total, ' 2 . 7 59 Home ntioz l Fox slid Smith Prom present indications the (hid Felines 'i celebration to Mme off in i this place 00 the Fourth of July, %%1;11 he the grand est affair of the hind ever witnessed in • North en; rcunsylvania. Over twenty differeut Lodges, el the Order hare already signified their inten tion to he present. Several tire companies from Elmira, Owt and 131kghamton will,. also . take - , -part' in the c.tieltri ion,?as wilrtili.o the fire de partment of this borough. •Preparations aro being made to accommodate all who mi and we beerenk a good time. - The orator of the day, P.G3I, of New T.Ol-k, is an able and eloquent tipeaker, andiliecomm`fttee consider themsel reit , ,xtreme. ly fortunate in seeming. him: We appOil the following notices of Mr. _ The en.ertainment tt Drainerd'* fialliras all its best friends had hoped—a full 'bons° and a ilatistied audience. Mr. Barnes, who has been popularly regarded as an improvement. ittsai Gough . , was most happy in etet7 *Mort, -Wry- In MI Phi den hi% ; We coincide with the tulanfreons eipression of the " ' that Mr. Barties'.idea.of "En tertaining an Audience" is guar idea." The 111)4 WaS filled to overflowing with a delighted audience. Few; if any, of the unnicrony lee. turers, speakera, ringers of the eainntry equal him tu the power to charm and .delight the people by his rare combination of niirt and ninsic.—•floifinglOo (N.J.) .Eoferprise.. The Pa. A...N.1. TIP, Co. will isatt sion ticket; at all offices between 'Wilkes-Marro lied • • • • gW- The . Quarterly ConventiO, I; 0. of 0.T., of Bradford arid Sullivan counties, met nt Canton Jime 1, 1871. Called to order with G.W.C.4',. CLIA4 .. in the chair. After np pointrnenta to gill vacant offices, en hour n - as taken up in devotional exercises. Journal of last Convention read and Oprov, ed. The Chair then ippeinted the lellowing committees : Old Cretlezdialx—Brothers EtalLt4p - aulding stud Wright. • On It by's:: —Brothers Le Dioyt, Judson and Gabtin. Business committee re jotted the following, viz. • • 1. Report of committee credentials. • 2.,,,Verbal report from Lodges. 3. Report of committee on resolutions._, 3. Election of county officers for ensuing year And selection s Of B.D.G.W.C.T. 5. Di:emission of resolutions. - 6. Remarks for good of the order. , • (In motion, a committee wds appointed to rr,y 7 district the county, consisting of Blathers Le Diqt, White,\artt and Spaulding,. Convention convened at<2:3o p.m. Mindtes of morning session mad and approved. Oil mo tion, privilege was extended to all piesitit to participate in the discussions. Recess of five minutes. Called to order with open session. Committee .n resoluflons submitted he fol lowing, which were adopted after discussion Wumni:.‘s,..We this day assemble as a cf.nve.p 4i4n "flGOod tO rebels the failli plodg- In the prosecution of our work In which Ave are fmgaged, and feeling stronger in tbe recd tnde of our cause, we are.morc•Aetermiticd to labor ou until God shall crown our effrrrtS with final victory. Resotr.est That xe 7tnil with pkisrtre. •the snanisent progress , the ttnsperance reform during pant year, and-flint s . se deem it a du ty to exhort all in sympathy with our 'move ments to r&new their tabor' with ineremil vi gor until the vice of intemperance shall he driv en from' our land. . . liew,ired, That we deem it a duty and a privi leg . e to be identified with the cause for, which we are assembled, not only for the benefit which oath derives by association, but for good done to 'each other through ey-unple, influence, and active labor. Resofreti, That it ie with regret Ira learn the defeat of tite "Local Option,Law ' in our Leg islature—that .the Powers of rum havu once more prevailed over err earnest and conseien. lions efforts to secure even partial Prohibition. To those who so nobly dared to defend the mea sure, our heartfelt thanks are due and ar e here. by tendered. fiesoired, That we be not diseonraged by de feat; but that with renewed efforts and ger determination will we strive for the Passage of a prohibitory law, not willing to throw down the armor until this hopeful object be attain( d. Besolred,-That whila lye urge the passage of the Local - Option bill, We-would in case of its failure earnestly - request of our Representatives and Senator front Shia District the .ro-caact, meat of the old laws requiring 'the constables in thilr . respective jurisdictions to. return' ,to the couVy court violations of the law • regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors in Bradford coun ty, as we deem the' present law inefAcient;- in operative, and nbt commensurate to the evil it is intendeito meet. lirootrcd, That a committee of three.. mem bers of this Convention%be appointed i by thi; Chair to meet and confer with the a:oreitaid leg islators, before the ensuing session of.our State • Legislature. Besolred, -That we-regnest of all chnrches and Christians to make the to cense an ob ject of special praper. Also of each minister of the gospel within our district to delivers_, tem perance address on the first Sabbath of July,- October, January and April,und tbat synced jug each address due Biotic° be given to the congregation in charge. Brooked, That in order the moro to enlist tho entire temperance element of one' rrnnion wealth hi united amtharmonimis effu mit down the ram traffic, we will favor the organ- nation of open temperance societies tai every school district and provisions be medal, to offer the pledge to every Man, woman and child once si year.: During the discussion peal:ors were liatited exert° three minutes. At evening a large .and - enthusiastic audience assembled at th e Disc iple church, where they were entertained' by the neurincing remarks of one-A,,, Brother Ciume,and.eatienrint instrumental sind vocal -iiittsiOti eta iciunkieocieaciitun, i .• a EMI HORN BILOOLt 0. 1., 3 2. 4' 1 3- 3 3 3 4 , 1 3 5 0. E. MEIEI srzmoi Bzcc i"_enr ams. . oxbow opeuuT T i c , =unit* appointed , 31 =j 4 4 44 44 Rome, Outkro, Wths, Towanda and &Minn. dist#46oMMlNVlOcitiWtiarsiakke db. barged. 4 41= 5 1 41 47rTi11 . =; Athens, 467; Bprisigasilfisl4l;;=e,46ll; Forks vino, 775; Colairdibi 'X Ift,A —; Wyalnsing, 472 i9OlO ;"'Ca?" Ale,fttll Crcek 675; New- Albany 47; Northern, 123; East wz=torrethaT,to mar __. . ii th,,..-,._ in _ drt I; diNlitkill .10Uti4 1 .4,49 2 kberl Mistenhaell At termination to suitoeedleradvancing the cause of temperance over all opposition. ?clioNaitionatiiititAtigage yiirtaidiiii as follows: W.C.T.—C. E. White, North wands; IV.V.T.- Miter -Aiettill Beidleman, To. wands; W.Br-i , ili.P.Ailaylandi ifysibudng : .T. :a --.8. F l3eelse,,Trojanty.ll.—D, S. lloardnnin, Rome ; E • tr.tAir: e. - ikeli,.•cantc,t; LE . .sister ,4;, D, Wright,,Csom ; o.9.=quirlea ,E. Resolution passed at last Coven don to nomi nate, an elect ilehigates to_fir.sud ketle was reoatideAd ad t itiff4 i n aki, tklb,,:ilartither Halt ' 4 .T er( . 4 P#4.*319P1i,,,::: ISE Reseked, That the delegates fr.= Bradford coastty - to ( irssdLedge ant tectibryanstrnetpd to two all possible efforts to hate the basis of represes2l, so, ettvar ts ts4l=o re 'ception t Con- • •scutlons. tOti 2 4,th..ark 4 - 00 1)1 4 1 iPtiMPOlibtOPHSW4: to recommend' D.D.G.W.C.Ts. for each aub-di.s-' trict„ as rompaormicsitl. . After re. cess of five tylinntes, committee report and re-' ..*V.P4 1 10 6 141 4 041 tiCrailtia log District, S.C. Gaylord ; Borne District, Alen-1 17 Yon tz ; Canto:o: elfaitay ; :Wells, Brother Taylorf -- 'joserodaychNt7 - 5411111cfn, ; Wm. Tittfsilldr's : - .4 , 4. 1 41 ( 9 11 0' 41 4 0 ,41 . *0...40340 P-146 t z• - Afternoon sualorilipened with W.C.T. Dartt• Inlistwetiact work -of the ikrdesibir.G.W.G.T.lialesse. uo r Brother Lc Dioyt offered the fcll.lwin,g, which, niiittaliftenitrAtklikid..o - II:: "I .7.1 . " bcaolred, That we u Good Terupluis *retire of _ political part lines, pledge ottAfeliita, sattrult all members tnr this orAanitifiert • and . gausaltr-lo , pledgipg with us that At -Abe -tip proiseldrig State,' connty arid dons wit will support no man for one who' is , MA An openly avowed and pledged temparinee' man; and that a copy of this resolution be for, warded to the Chairman of the County Central' Committee of each party, and to each lodge of Gixxl Templar's, each division of Sous of Tent-- perinea, and to each newspaper printed in the; district, with a reqttest that the editor publish the 1 , 1131 'N • • , , • / The following' was presented by Brot er Hall : Resolred, That the executive commit ,* pointed at this session shall, at such t e as may be best, appoint in each. district a Tem perance Vigilance Committee .whose duty it shall be to take ouch Steps as may be necessary to unite the strength-of oar cause and make it feltjn the delegate elections of the respective parties to which we "may individnally belong. Resoired, That the thanks of this Conrention are hereby tendered to the BILADFORD Baton- Arvrep and Tunkhaunoek lifriblican, for f;ein vots shoitftit printing Plvecedings and tem raneeltes. Itesotred, That inasmuch as the Keystone' GcHol Tonplar is the regular official organ of the Good .i Templars of l'emisyli tufa, it is indis pensable to•every member of the• Order, and therefore we especially recommend it to the.fa vor and patronage of all fricnd3 oFthe temper ance reform. • Resotred., Tiii,t the Grand, 1...0d*e is carneitly roriusatei Cisma its I.lrefflrt Dp - Risfih, etoloo other'got'd teetnrer, as s(x)ut ng possible., • idckpted. Ilrother Grillin presented-the : 27 22 That:the Secretaries of all Lodger, of the:Dietriet, when making out the eta - tit:leant of delegates for our Angus', Convention, give the number of qual.lleti cetera in their reepee e Longue, and that onr so 'dun:ma their Lialge:i. The folt9wing standlng columittces-were thtn app lintel Ere,ligret) , ,, , ,,iittro.—C.E. White, D.S. Dartt, J. M. S.C.Oa3lord, C. M. Hall. Win. Lanelster. , O , nuaittcr.qf Conferem TWA. 1:•-igrentoiirea. --B. F. Beebe, J. E. McKay and Iteithen Long. cosoh/A,..0,, Rey,l4::•;,sfoi• ~ctl ronrention --B. F. Beebe, 11. J. Madi:l and IsaacLe Dioyt. On motion, proceeded to dect delegates do adjoining District Conventions. To, • mitre lianna, Brothers Boardman anti Warren Young, ot" ltirao; Luzerne---CraSt: and Oaylord, Wya la Mgt - Mega-12,11,nm of fipringfieltd, and Bee be, of Troy. the killowing was offerc•l and adopted: Resuir,si, 'foal we return our thanks to 9. Chas fur his ' , rescue(' during this Cu;,. tentitai ; also request of hie% to bo ',resent at our next Peso/red, That thelliatiks 01 this Convention are alito tendered t tin people of Canton for the hospitable manner in• uhicli they have re ceived and treated the oflict!rs aull members while in attendance; also to the Canton choir fcr-the Nery ex .ellent vocal t ni instrumental music furnished. Reseirrd, That the proceedings be published in our local papers: Div/flier Guyer, of Highland, was r 4 commend «l as,our local lectnrer. lindr , r ".Good of tit Ordrr," W.C.T. Dartt Was eallEd on and ansaii , cd by urging the neet.irsitY c•nga;,-ing the chili , ilren and gating them id6ititied iu the teen perance work. Also a production, entitled "Out of her . Sphere," was retti Fon, and on motion a mine:4 was extended that the Fame he pub:iilictl in the Tmikliannook Ailkirtrried to rneot at Troy on the seeolid VC,driestlay in Angiigt. CONCERT - AND FESTIVAL—A very pica,,itig and successful affair n•as Ufa ui Tues day i'ivening, at Long'allall. Cominemii;nith turn.ic and song, and c r.ding la; cream and strawberries, it arts one of thn rational and enikrtaiiiing affairs kir which Troy has b:.corao noted. Ile, or Alin, or fLry deserve praise who first introduced this mode. As to the concert, it-was a splendid sneers. With Dr. Paine at the organ and Mt. L Cleaver with the tot m, we were assnr.ll at the ontset That something good wunld be forthcoming. Their energy and taste desCrve the highest praise. sin over tnneh of it we would especiall:y note the dnett, "Wandering' in the May . Tinte," by Mrs. DeWitt and 3liss \Valour., Its fine har mony and sweet .entiinent hsug in our memory. f;' "College Glee" was qulte . lel); ari:ving ns bark to the gloriotts thos v. 11( n wet.e spent al.•ont Commene mint tinte, nlion thu moon ran high, bingim, , to ;mitts and 1)3 . 4/ accompaniment those jolly otl nogg. The re%i 3lusic iu the Air," Due uI thoe rare, swc-ct varieties, for which P. is . tinted, wits charmingly rendered 14.:11e:s31b.D,;bliin refire, Clearer, and V, illonr. The stilt), ”Love among the Iloses,^ i by Kr. blur Wart, Asa one of tle#.o little surorises flat make everybody feel good ritnre'd whether they will ornot. • "When Orandmmina 1:4 Gone," way a Fxid se lection, and W7lB rendered very sivoctly and' ef- Jeelliely by Maul, IL \Valour, Atm Wm. 11-- Witt, and Merlins: loore and This part•of the eveuineli entertainment do?, ed Deeeii, tiro Opera, ".I1;11 have to Mortgage the Farm," very amnsiegandeed. 'en :foamed tables, toothsoMo stiatch.2.r.: ricer," item," friendly greetings and spkc chats adding :mil the improving and protitabliintorebange of chinplinientsandoMX tQns Which make guilt gatherhip, , ,..‘ so pleastm and ile.airableitt every couiromtity. - - We rindentand that thc proeeeda, were con siderable, and el to be....eßwialed in . purchas ing a trip`r-reed Organ to replace the rather - in-' different ono new it: .nse at Vac MX. Chnreb: Who will glee tts another such entertainment ? It's s':g,eitnl'rea.t to campus benevolent .antle, and we tall be pleased to see home talent still mere exec waged.- 7 NurVic. - n 7 ler GaaVe. BUSINESS LOCAL. 053 - J. Ct. Fuoyr Sok; will be pr.:par& to furnish the thonaands who arc ex pected to visit this 0 - ace:between this time and the Fourth with all kinds of , Fttrniture at the lowest rater. • • Wir*Bridge street is just as busy a; ever, and r . irolicar . Friruittre in largo iihantitioa al extremely lore figure.' BEARDSLEY & PARKER'S Sun Locs. —The best thing of the kind out. Every per s.'.n building should have . them. For ealo at MAusit:tu.lluirrunts. Frsnrst.:—The ladies-of the DI. R Chnrcb and Society will give a Strawberry Fes tival at IL.eßaysville, on Wednesday evening, Jine 21, 1871. 18,..,Twovedlonantlor rent 1 L w.l it Enquire atriiirros i ' -* /. tiu"LII:IL • airtFig ull o l Y - IThit, , ,. - tell: 114ilit 614 4 ,, - ' : '. - :r• : ..',',':',: o ., ,;,,- -is.- A.L., ~,, 5,1 ..F.T.!...'7.:4 ....r.---- :.; , :i.. ,2 :- '.., - I' •L ettitntteStstek Miran* itiniiittl PatlP4.4 l Pittelf l Wnellietrl3X 1 di* &with* in 'Cottoit akedei this aALTA : ca's• TM= 'arc selling the A m m er tu k iyipfuced Lkirss.—Very cheap.Lut Tarikit co• 160,Plain 444 Jaud'aitqped Oxen adincit, just received id isertort k Co.'s. • Dom. White Grenadine, and sli ; dx 444 B4tokr, Dustily :Titling for, Grntz4cline3 At TATLOI: WhitO Nainsooks and Victoria z,.zus _IIIS. The now .'A-Tasio Tainen," for t F AT l efi t tqco.'s. : , G_' a7stock at, TAx- 1 !White Eitienfor suits,cit TAY LOR A. 6.I O NCt U . I 17.). iSk- t Satiiz i Piqii*"-hno stock at'rc(lnecti pricea_at,ZA - Lon & Co.'s. Percalck Tei- LOIt ^,• • 6 ,; 1 • ,!? - 1814 - 11 7 111te Martge Olvnat Shawls, and a s C line .0 Stripe and Plaid Shawls, at EVANS & Itn.nurries. A Toit btrebt JEDpgrpilonio afsW. , : ems" Ladies' Fine-Shoes retailed at wholesale priges, at the i lletropolitaultoot aaol Shoo Stere,llrldgc street. • • tar T. C. LIQIITE a; CO , And OW SLID WiTriCA Risinos-for salo at W. Dirrainit's ifueic Store. Also Organs, Melodeons, and all other kinds of musical instruments, sheet mu sic, instruction books; strings, etc. Ono door cast of M. C BIEUCVA'S.)3ank. ill Bpociai 4argnins' in Mick Bilki also American Black fklk, st • . - Evans WILL nth Sotto—A first-class Open Baggy with pole andabets. Nearly new and in good condition. Cost gm —will be .sold for Sin—Apply to IL Sm.= A Co., Carriage. Faetoq, or at 'the ollico of Sheriff 'Tithe 14, 1871—linr-'lrs. • '.ITT HOSPITAL,—TWO important operatioay wereperf6micd :vclterday 14 Dr. UrDr.Gn4 - r. A gentri , man had . 1)14 en tire lip removed 1)r a r..ticerous affection, (epi aieficnna), and as aged lady- had a iiiirrlits breast a,roputate4.—E.'infra.4flterti. • . meeting 6f the übser:- kers to the capital steel; of the Towanda Loin and Building k+goeiation- will be held in the Grand Jury IT,cioni on Saturday • evening, .11111 C 17. at 7 o'eloelc, jor the purposo or organization. Tie brit iintarpient on shirrs will be die and payablest that time. Itcx‘kr will alb be open fur thot-e'who have . not - al:eady•talten stock. order. CAMP IILETINGI.—The first of a se ries of four ramp 'Meetings for Troy Distriet' ordered hr the last MinisteriAl and Laymen''s Association, will be held (D.V.) in a ple.i,arit grove about three•quarters of a mile east' f the village of 316nroefon, and three and a-half miles south of Towanda, commencing 7,klr,nday, June nt 2 o'clock, ran., and clr.siug on the fol lowing Saturday. The people arq cordially in vited corny and stay if possible through the meeting. Good beard at reasonable rates will he furniFlied such as de,!re it. Z•Zo huckstering dill be allowed within the limits' prescribed by lair. Persons desiring tents will please apply at ,euce to either o' the rabstribe'rs who coosti tutu the Local Committee. I:Ev. W. W. lit - NT, llonroctoti. " C. L. F. lionT., Liberty Comerii, " O. L. GaLswi, Towawla. MARPIED. 111.,0n the morning of Monday, May 29, IS7I, by ho Clues, E. 1). to Kato, daughter ut T. M. Wii,on, • SOPER —BESLEY.—Ort - tbf: 2IKt un., by E4.1, - ; S. A. Call', H-Faii-rutt pesl ,, Y r both Columbm, 1.4-.1,14;n1 cou.tit, Pa.= - TUIINER-111tEED.--At the residence of the britli.'d in ts:,ractistt, N.Y., June 1,1571, by 11,..r. M. 1,. Berger,.Dudly.ll. Tttnn.r, of Towanda, and Uita lAdtic 31., 13=1.00111.1 tianp,-11- ter of Joseph Breed, 9f Syracnte. DIED. Wy..ox, April 23, 1371, after an illw•ss of thirty-six hours, Frank A.. don of T. W. and Sarah A. Woodburn, agetl.loyeats, 1 month and 7 days. - , • • . , STEVENS.—At 6:ow:int - tlle. May 24, 1871, 31rn. Huldsh W. widow of Peter:4:cretin nud diughtor oitiamuel ltngglen, one of the 'first ' MIAMMIIIie3 to the - Sandwich Islands. , SPECIAL NOTICES. HEYRY ii,.uutti,•MQrchant Tip tor, Dritlgeo4;treets Buy the Keystone Churn Pow er. For Rale by Ccummo, lirxaELG k CO. April 26, 18717 U:: Fn DEPAILTMENT. —The sopi-ari nna' Parade of tho Towanda Fire • Department will.,take place-on Thursday, Julie 15, 1871, at 3 o'clock. p.m. Tim Foocmen of the -aeveral Companies of the Department will haio their respective Companies and apparatus reads for line of march . at 13.1:lint:tea heron: , 3 o'clock on .rark street. By ordor of the.Cliiefl.-::iginetr. "Portal' or JuLy!—All are invited to Litewl a at tno Holcomb Horse. Roy, Pa,. Tar.A,ay evening, Jrily 4. IS7I. A is tixtlinikil. "Smith's Fe:: it ,T 1,1" eirzagi.el for the 00CatiCII. C. 1). 11 , ,Leomn, Proprietor. done ii. lea. • „ IcANTED—By a corni)ctent:aud es periciiccd young man, Cml.,oymeut as Copyist or Donkh..eper. Can a.lju4t I).M:fa an act: ante Frith ncatntss and dispatch. Will write son inga if requected.. 11.).t l'us (4- fine, Towanda, FOCILTIL Jrur CBLIMILITION The anniversary Of the Declaration Ag -inlence n ill he celebrated at .D...rue, Pa., on_ July 4,1871. lion. (100. Landon has t. en en gat i•tl ae orator of the day. An entertaining progrr.imite i 4 promised. All are cordially in .to attend. By order of the CAnninittee. June 11:1S71.- w. - tom.. sets for sale, very • ; itAwxs Bpoructm, .Junt.4;'lB7l. ' Monrocto4, Pa. • • Loss.—Between; •Burlington and E L lster, tn•o Nutei of the value of f1n0; payable to the undersigned, and the public hi cannoned agaMst buying the same. E. D. itctinr.i.L., iMrlington, June 6,•1871-9w'. • EiTUANGE - cur Tin:E.—The Concave Convex Crystal Spectacle Glasses are nntlotibt osily_the'best glass in ruse. Can be bought at A. M. Warners Jewelry Store oue-half less than at am other place in. TOrrartda. In gold, silver or etc:el Iromes: Call sad see. - - *sr Ithode Island Limo kept con stantly nn hand for • Mar. D, W. A. I;ocKwE,LL's. VANVEt.sor, ITANNEus, Merchant Tailors, Clothing, Hats and Cap:— Frirch 'nine Goal, fl road street, Watarls K gQ ; 3, 1871.. • as. lEtEw S. 3fisoN, . .gracinate of Lyons Illtistical Academy, osiers' her 54Tices ns kactie , r of. Piano an 4 Onitat. - Refeicaces-4 S. H. SlimMmotl,A.M., Lyons, - Ic.Y.; Wm. Dit trich, Tcismada. Apr. 19, 1871—tt Fos BETL—The dwelling north of Ole Episcopal .paraonago. Largo ganicia and plenty of fruit. E./ay:aro of Overton & May 3.1871. . . A Nur FaA4as-Foirrlis.—Thai merillriq, of thitViano Forth, man-1 it li i ie r ti i I nii re4 Ocal i pm , y the attli /Dowi ri Catt l become a3kes..,. Act, se edged e a t lb. besttadgesof of n all of my coon- Vitr a lrit u t Um! imiek see =1 suc_43* 4 lbe grestp!t _ ettA of the ' r nt ton e , wic !itself eralotlVT a i p 1e ar met an "f- Tit the Equalizing , Scale, which die tee tension of the strings uponadhparksall tit! itaimitallsaiwthie in strument Grote concentrated strain inamsiv .1 51 45411 6 444111141:0124414tifeePi suif&i.lld. Ability, and power of keeping in tune, the dtd iiibutWnwUatiangitnposit-Mie linear Bridge, -which rims the whole Length of Clio sounding Board, gimes-gru.l4"MM.secr`ir 1 power of ribra sliaatbroashatiitto mitre;Js said gradtros AfFaewrainseaad Wear asolaquoinama sa ait TOICti than any other instrumentloadweinws stanlly incre 114,11 SUNS as that oar effortlat In all Mit i teligili mako it or thejn pflll,partles to look carefully into the merits of this Piano. Exam rVdt w 4l loo 3 M u tilid AthilitifT eu In its constrii 'comparelts"mEM others; see wi4t e insommesants have been made ; ask the o on - of th6se ahoha m- ve used thantd the Rata Yind not rrea be led by la 8.3 I`aZzurkte este& in other pianos to purchase One whichyou wouldsotow alike desire SocabilwriF• 4l / 4 2, 4 ma' thnshek. Bornedeslers in other Pianos. have = l 4 .4 lll3 P ft t aga b ragtgMg .,l ILI that Al* 41a OW 4 WIWI' Wit# 4 Rowthad say that we challenge anCni topro duce testi mony*.a riprgoi n eatitkt that has raue4 r "vtr. On the contrary alf bob& gam during the pant years, state that they keep in tune longq Wan any . ogier. and thUl t iv t x imPmtd -10 444gar- -OW' * 4 ' d pamphlet with tesonvointalii..: t • , . r• - ) . ClipL4 PaerdwaMitso May 24, 1871. tents, Towanda, Pa. ME • • it.: .DA:4`4141 f d la ag; lireOn.reltablit • • "4tux_Y. 311 x, Agent p riy.l. 10, Office Mercer's Mock, nortAlo 4 tic § 4 ltLare- .I.llx. 1, 1810._ - 1110:tDo(not largotabhat Tisaizzo r Id t Eceler's for,so_gfpts _ Jan. 18, IS7I. , Persontudeiirons of mpurchas ing either a, Piano, Orgau, or 24104c0n will, do well to call on A. B. Culver, at TAWnidwg.„`Pa., as ho is now selling atj gr4tAtlY -reaLV-ve Pricc l4 Mr. C. is also agetir for tlio efilebra ed Elias Howe Soviiiig ltachitip, .4 Pllll'oB,'ORnittlfi .M.l3lll3DEriftB.4- IVo'aroseAiug _fira ; C•dasa ,pianos , Organs and Ifelodeofis at fedi:wed Ptlces apdott easy terms. Periods who are in-want•ola tatlittnittrfttiteont, iirMlIM is - fflualrbralbtriftMlMlgB - 117terets a call before ptfrehasing Cotat,'Pstotatn,t CoiL Jan. 13, 1871. Towanda; • Fon SALE.-Desiring to change bapirces., re otter aorf sale atm I:4W.s u ri*k, citiarlatlnt; ht - ei„. harness, %rid everyt ins neerssary to a first class livery. If (les : , we v.ill also relit liar stables fur a term Pf .y Terms ca v. rtir.tst.kur. I 1:14,ve just received a -.large statk of Vs, bbbght 012tOwilin reasithiziliUo duty on tea of ten cents per pound, and offer them nj„.the lair prices annexed ; Best Young fisson, $1,25; Good Yonng 113 . -! son, $1,00; Ookcir, 70 to9o (ruts 41ygon Fine, 75 cente.; Hyson Good, 1 c, nig ; I:cst Japan, :1. 6 1 Can Mai Jan. 18, 1871 tom' 1 ie it Pats; also tc && choice varieties Garden Peas, at Mar. 26, IS7I. L ARGE SALE- lIAND FURNITURE. . furutturb • now conia:ned in the•AnD lita:AE, TOWANDA. PA. CODnikil.g of Cabi.uot ware, Bede and Bedding, Ortletery, GNAW and Brame Ware, Parlor and Cook Shares. Math mail and Woad.) Oil Chandalicria and Lacuna, In fact brerything far a Firat-Chas Baal. . kr.lso offer for s.ale ono light Ifotel °manta with the Iforoes and Ifarners, one FounTec.l . Ale one Show one hotel cook Stove. one Fire-Proof Safe. two Table^ mid two Well, EcepCrs and all persons wishing t.,piirellase anything in the abate line will ro.cage call axxlersda th., property. It will he sold very" low. TI whr!.! st9xll gratis! l.' e:unvtl ptit, lift.b.• 2.1 of AnruPt next: • . C . T. ErNIIT.II. ToA :oda, 1'4.. Nrty 27: 1571 i . TO BRIDGE BUIT;DERS.-Pro penal.; will be rerdvt. , l for)the conitrnetion of either, an Iron. wire or wooden lirldv, (for liigliway, pitr?thse)l:2o feet long. aceroci the Sn,inelianna. riser near Waverly, Tiug courtly. N. If., until the IGtli day of June neat. at 12 o'clock zu. • • . - - For partieul;ra nadresa LEyi becratae) of Athena k Samuel= na .11r.tlre co. Waverly, May 2). 1571-w2 Wavcrly. N. Y. _ _ WHITE PIQUES,- NAINSOOKS PLATN AND Cl/EC:I:LI) OP.C. INDIES 11004" AND ,S I 17.58 CSLINS, .IWI - 01:1A LAWN. 3.ICONET,, 4TAV.I3:IICP. AYER'S • _ GREAT IinIND. THE CETZEE, NACHINEN ‘ VITHOUT TAIZIN6 THE( OUT or THE DOWKIL, AND OVESIDi sax TZETH Ircrittitfr 7AKINfi THLII OFF THE EAR. , t 7"! tit the ouly ti: 1.1 "Ala (16 11l the abore.-rA Hero iica the Itaiiie .Plareier bays cf it ; .• The annexed Engraving illustrates a i•ery,,ehapk: bustru.. meat fur Grinding the kniies of alitowing ;Lachine:. The Grinder is a cone of eeiery. and operates, in the way of an ordinary breast drill, as shown in the en graving,. The gscat advantage claimed by the' in ventor is, that the knives can be ground without pi. moving them from the Cutter Dar. thereby saving much time. In case a knife is dulled or nicked, the (binder ran be applied at any pchnt in the Acid. and in a few Moments the Cutter can be put in complete I order. Any person of ordinary judgement can quickly Icarn to use the Grinder. and not litel it any harder work than to grind in any other manner." • Ayres' Patent American Grinder, exhibited here •by the American Grinder Co., is an instrument far perfectly sharpening mowing machine knives with out the triable of detaching them. It is In the form of a band drill, the solid Emerj• Cone,,whieb is the sharpening agent, being revolved with rapidity andi unerring accuracy. It is FO simple that its nab may be acquired in a moment** trial. No farmer who has a mower can afford to dispense with it.—Cbanattee an Fareiheg lasPeniecli, at Nrclirtnice Pits, Syrei cute, NI Y..'1870. • DI ECTION - 3.—Throcr•the mower ant Of put. move the knife bar threnkh the guards till ono bide or oath portion is in such partition that it-.can be grimndiwithout 'striking the guards, get dawn co yew rifht knee behind the her, take the handli of the grinder stock in your left hand, place the butt of utoek, against your body. rt.-sting the 'emery cone wheel oh the bevel of the section, and brace yodr leitelltow against inside of left knee. (hind the bate) of section with point of eatery cone and point or 4 , 4-. Wu with: base-or large end dl emery 'cane, mcwirt. emery cone back awl, tart!i over the section try means M, awaying youfbody br.. k eOd forward, In this way the whole face of the emery cone is Orel alike and it not worn in hollows. in grintling out a nick or break.; don't bold the eatery cone in the, break too a.; there may be a b n,leney t.. liarrindintranY eection, i.:^t down equate btl.ind the get - Unlit. Lear tizhtly.• turn slowly Can you can hold it properly, then tarn last, lf the emery- b ole gla7es, yon tan mit it off with a piuo3 • of brick or sactl stone and. v. atef, in Ltaif a minute. n—sruw.. C;A.111:. for Bradford t'o. Jai IS.t7l••rl V \TRY DEPARTMENT COM _Lao 1141112.. :•\• . • • SLLIWLS,SKIR,TS,pREss GOODs, . . I'l . PRINTS- AND, DOgESTICS, OT NS; WALL PAPER, Bocrrs AND snoi., unoctitts, '+r^ 1 QUGAR IS SELLINTG VERY ebesp. - •. Lrox ir. ace •rt it. CHOICE GREENAIsID BLACK. TEA. and Cottx., cresp, at ' June 13,1871., • "FOX & IA: AKE TROUT, 'some - very fme ij ones, at a vati 10 prim Ism IA 1871. YQi IoMERCIM 1.. Fox A; 3icuccu'e 1;c7.• .4,-.l7ortinmonts -OF SECOND s vcn lo.rge itoci:, at et. (vs. WIIITE G 001,6. CIOTAD thiSillll.llD3, ^ i • cutr Asp On. ct.crrns: =MEI HATS' 4, CMS, rilmtrz •cpc)s. TierinDOODifkilatagu aim • AT THE SION OF TIiZ IUG BONNET. - . e g • B. ffirra ß & co., - irVis ..ttr d NOTNI 4 41.1 lott =1 DOMES't re ifirriV6 DRY GOODS, CHEAP, teisiowo44l siA bole)104 wad d'id bliscbtpii elf tattgeattas 44 /X+ air, I WI! tlettitriniralaig: • .aIiLt),TiE. Q It)D UN44.hOV44:KFMU:;Mr,gs49DS. st (xi Rltiiififi 101) , 61) lictaz t. • • . . , . „,,, PLAINS TAIMID:GR.086111:1141 . . . i tr.i.: ". 3 1% , 4h....'..42.p.44.., ZA,N, le .11 , i'i ii , %hal •Al . 4 Extraquailty siK=a*PE -na d a bedtrit_uwo er!..tav ..taa. "-Awl Ic Y A VartAt,- 1 ; 1 49-,W9A*Arl V. 0.411/ 441UP . 5!A..,t ztrq Hkairr P-M0.141 4 • 4tAi-lea VAX - 464114414010444 YO PAM gat Abit MOM detuar.d.s. MillhieiTitilAWlNAgt l 4l4P 9 • :4, At" .:a—t: t'—.l lll Lott -. 11 0f:1 4 11 [4).:t : W 7 b- , —Gr'kr-ATT —se 10 - 0 '17(..):P1 Beautiful. Japanese Rich Bliick Silks, ' Taylpr New Style Beres, 7 I• .. 7 :2 f, < ll:tudsome Wash Potilitas,l 0 qd .1/! 41 Ja ' . •: aild§oui '. c 15re xoot • Cheap Dress GoLitt% EE MOE White Piquoe, At Taylor t 'Linens and Napkins, MI 'White Gi3ods, Fancy Goodv, Ribbons'and •. caul ancl CaS:iiincres; Cottonades and Checks, ' , at Taylor -it Co.'r•. Kcn#tleky Joansi Yankee Notions, Hosiery and Gloves, Haiti arid Caps, - I.‘adiCs nud Chihir'6n's qttffiets 'wit Oil Cloths, Sheeting nnii Shirtin s, Priuts auk Gingtiaras, a Taylor & Co.'s. -ALL OF D12,-Y GOODS JT BARG.IINS Tlwanda, .tyril 12, i TH•2S-IILI-44,CEN STREET Carriage • T act° JAMES BRYANT Still coatlnuce the manufacture et CARRIAGES .LTD " WAGONS, pi tray a! tba old Maul at 11 Drake, 31.1nt - St/W.AM', ,Tow.ucp.l 6 Et._ • • k ••• '.IBS 'Volt -It all of. ilia LATEST 'SYYtE AND FINISH In tho manufacture of wagona nothln3 is used but • 'CIO! :." BEST STFIRT4 OMPOSITION.. BOXES MEI PLATrOII3I'-'SPitLNG WAGONS , 1 . . , LUMBEE WAGONS tc . pt cotts4titli onjaaud, Ull The had Eailatuttoc 61 • '1 II d Nwitetikro bi used n ewa o th a ' a n ta 4.4ldtaiiwrd. . ALL WORK SOLD WAP t RANTED EQUAL TO ANY As to GoSalt. sad so to.durabOltf,. • BUTIMIQB TO ANT ix THIS SECTION. , re Au.. Bois Watiwom. JAMTI "BRYANT. ' uist) Sp~ill:YYf~ubi du s: sal ; r.£ „I t io T tn t ; , i. 'l'itylur: S t,t6.'s. at Taylor .Zz at 'l'aylor at Taylor LI Co.'s. "; atillrylor Co.';,. at Tailor & Co.'s nt Tavlur & Co.'. Taylor .& at Taylor & at Tavlor & Co.'s: at Taylor & ut.Ti & Co.'s. at Taylor & Co.'s. at Ta'ylor & Co.'s. at Taylor & • At, Taylor & Cot's. TAYLOR CO Tow,etlaer Trith the, In II Work: ME _xt..440100119116k . G° T° TAVAF4z!!‘;.9 4 *- 14 7§ , ,1C. 1 For your New Spring Suit. ka 4 )crL • _ WtTO TAYLOR & GORE'S ' 1 Fora Now pcoaa ::4,,, f, 11l ,q,ra pmsn' , ^ .•' ,? (/O TO AQLOR & GORE'S • Fur_Nsvi, Spring SLyies in Pants. ,- E E UM Mr afo GOtTO TAYLOR & aOBE'S _-_—.For,a.Naur Sprang Chivrco4. cgorei r.tib &GO 'or all the La yles in Cas io:nu aadjteady-Mi4e ME ME GO it4NAtitoiti• ciolie..* • For Hats and Calis, all _the Latest =9 GO TO TAXL94',& GOAL'S For Gents' Furnishing Goods, BQwi 'Beg; IA EMI . , • , • 4. • \ ALL WORE: WARRANTED ME EOM CUTTING DONE ON SHORT - NOTICE. ITAINSTREET, TOIYANDA, PA apLl2'il THE CHEAPEST I'LACE TliEw WORLD TO LUY 33,00T,S AND 'SHOES LS AT TILL ''' 7 3 . IETIipI'OLITAN . BOOT A SHOE STOOI la• 3 ErnM-; ` 1 41ATEON 8 BLOCK. - • • - . BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA. Our Gotx'a are ALL NEW AND FIB CLASS; ;5rD DIR.ECT FROM THE 11ANUFAC, TUBERS, 4" r EMI til.lch will enable us to scll • 26 , 1 3 . ER (JEKT,CILEAVEIt . • • , ..611 011ie= 1106 g IN TOWAND.I.7:i Our elect conrieisee a tell line of I t ! MEN'S, - WOMEN'S, "MrsSES' • t AUP 111 pmg • • , 1 Dlaboaerahlo aull Lair dealing we, meet to merit Whin share atpublic patrons ge. • ,:r . llamas give flea call bWro purchasing .clacratatal for wo feel cqnfident that our rxids and Woes !ill solt.. . ._. . . . . ... yr . l.lOEl ' . U).MpT4'I I fIODDING, D lISSE 1 ,4,410, wt - W - A 1 , 1 LO • ' ';'` .4. -'" • 1 1, gTOVZS, CARIIIAGE WOI.IX. EI TINWA.RE, GAB MTE1F13114!4.- VERY -,.ii: ,,., _T-: : M .rT:.M...,y, apd'FIIENCH GLASS, HURD'S ENIILISIMEAD I ---.. atri_rr, =5. ilin:011X.011ADE114 nFJ,TA TILE P/OtNTS'ai2dbOLORS: ;: ." g E (Ik 4ir .0 '' cilAt Stoves, - '' urn• Pow ers; , Itiuivs; ~ -- ' Churns, Clothes Wringers, . . ash Tabs; Toilet - Sots, ' ' ,_ Lamps,. Tee.Oreita 'Freezers, Itefrgerxdors, Wate . afiCtxder",, ' . Ice ),'ltelie* gowing 3fseldzies,', - ' . Oultiratort, Plows, . , ... . " -" . Seed Drills, Horse Forks ' "' • dorri - Shellere, Fanning Mills, ' Grind Ston es, 1 .... . - ' i- ) =di PULVERIZED BONE DUST, in 2A or • 200 lb. packsi`A.voo. aUpeno fertilizer . foi ganktus and other purposes. `I .PABY_CARRIAGES i NM To whiehAe partienlat attention of. tilos., likely to Loteroste4. Ls invited. . Lard Oil, - . 'Whald Oil, - - . .. , ".- -: Sperm Oil, . Libgeol ojl, . --, . ,Coach Vankisii, - FurnitarcNiirni6h, . . Manilla Rope, . . Marline, .-- • 'llniup and Rubber Packing, Soapstone' Packing; '-- Onlitun; • . Sawl4,. 4.,eather, Belting. I , , i,CARR2A.G~S TITLE N-:-& CO. MI Hubs, Axles, Bellows, Vises, . Anvils, Horse Nails; r Dash Loather, • ' • Enameled _-----.- , 7%-.,/ ~.4. - -,.5. ,1 4a . ,(-4n the past so in the - future lhgx.:iivill keep an. unequallcat assort : dent of ~ CARPENTERS - TOOLS; POCKET KNIVES, SHEARS; TABLE KEITES, . PLATED WARE, RAZORS,. GUNS, FLASkS AND SHOT -POUCHES. IRON, • NAILS, POWDER, SHOT, GLASS, •KEROSENE, • POCKET KNIVES, • • TINARE, • W . • , .HOES ; • .• , SCYTHES, e SNATHS; • • FORKS, PPI U IT PLATFORM SCAL, 11= R. f Contracts for Slate or Mt Rooffing. SEWING AMEkAs• MI DEAL=S IN -:"*. P 'E` ; - Ximnitettuvtic at • OFFER THE at - M EN T Hier uuttpiallsepou,ntl7 ailm. zwnw. _ ALL iII4DS 01" Virrging. A, flue assortment cif SIX. NU. 1 NEW STYLE .TOP. (*bo x.rn at the 3 i4 .0121 01t°r) . of rI:ICES , LOY; ' - Wheels; Pipe Skeins„ Norway Shapes, '• Nail Rods- • J~iefinod. Iron, DOOR LOCKS. KNOBS, KMSORS; REVOLVERS. CARTRITIOTS. They * ulna - at Wholcealc, to the t add HERO OR OEM (eend for trade circular.) FAIRBANKS COUNTER AND PATENT ALARM 319.NEy ••DRAWERS,' UOUSE3 PIPED . MU 0 • GAS OR WATEII",, MO Or furnished. with EAVE TROUGHS; AND COND:IICTORS Oa A ... Oft notice ELIAS HOWE MACHINES 9D.DENR, RUSSELL & cci. DIMON tiPlO9.llBll. A • ROPOSAL, FOR JAlt. , ISCOled pm2hailLwilt Di - received at the 'COMMIS* • Volutes ogico, to Totritids. upon Wexttuvlday, 28th day of /ttno next. Wait o'clock, P. m., Sfor Mgt building andcomplatiug-at a at said Vace. Pbull and isPectikattteme,fat sane. asy WAN* at gabtottla2 out !ltd Cues Ij.. Vfte.Cointitheikes. e2n glittlitaktoloBB2S anxi** 4 3, wow V_ E. rto propcioatisqouilie*xeoal tbnitklenultnikets at least tvro good "n=tt thotutand.dollara, • Vie M4l/o allottetto eakt au k , tiktet tad =Ogg tininitteiontrant.4lBollllllMte 14 =01 1 14 11r1j484 = C lot tift,i2iCit* et witoOtlicf. m .bs , • • • „,..bighti "7"11•.1.< Mro Cionnilaidonwixewitogiads, IterltnitirP bal:2d ntit 'of the' 0 & ,:cc or jirr Court dt TradforillhltuttY4 theenliktnillettihalttele• testes of the =bloatThcarolt=isto dec*Not wilt - soli on . On : DAY:AIME .20i 1 ell4ito deoCnbltitimoli boun,ded as AlO. tin:north by ei Besideyi-oh this Past bylhan Chimitikan. an ail scant' by Custl*Tatralf,on•tbe mut ilforr conbiln.W Melva; 2.50 r 10 scsailmpa , •001 l IMF natossAdrtelldielonasi ono all bits ands 11:1111*4200. to' paid on the P 14 104 ibetnte ' ornerail., - -40..laponcittdintsfian oltsslitinil fin - boillzun Met .10V FM the date of aasilinostion .0( wale with Interest,' _ • SOIL`f Irf:LUIMIT; i Par 1471 4 * ).hitaliatitrataf;;l .ArPri t OR'SNOTICR-44 % the inert! 'aryvalts orbital tre6ll. 11004 deceatei. ski the at Cowmen loktisaal Btiolfordenutt: -7110 ' 01140101 0 14 0 "AWOL* , apikanted Coutita illaisaoneis In the hands of the . fetratrtz arbinalrogn ef decedent's reel a= meal eatatemilt ataand- Lathe &Mesa add meat at his -Whew --itplateakaneat of 'Towanda on MAW the 110th day- or ma. 271. at 10 o'. clock a. tit:. atiridebilkie ashroattaa perms hay. lag claims to 'laid moneyste requiem; to present the meat heltebarkear 2lo lo.loo l olll filttlfand. ;Atit:llo, ;T: e;t.a , d • 121:r fe i tlargtt i rted 4 ;-*0170) Itr the mW.W.roft the .• .. - .lpoiroorstkol..or motintaspute•ftionotsept.tetax /WM , • Meth:ole hereby &ea that the same _nasood Air eheletiorr hoe presented' hello Mart et Co'hintml MN! erArtilfor.df tit AssodEMVA sh&thy, for i r decree _of. , ! and th e ow costs uric* etcazuhied hod !Wing theal ohrrece..htll Aecriet Veit .theyclir Limipoetesd. pitted or; onitoruler.the'lleti ace a Sept: 117;a1 2 o'clock p. aide. eadaelis 'shown to thetoe 'treryl - • . •„. . yr. , TITOM,2B. Mewn'Thwt-- - 7'• Prothonotary. „. _ .X E CT 70 - Iit.:I 4 tCOICE.- - = 2tottee la bereft Vietittistal persona lidetted toil* eidiendrll.B.o/ABBAZT.Iat ot.ditabiddi; meta, twp..deceand. ~,,w,v,.. sad . sepereone ut ig Plumage it ' tats mud be preempt is rmedoly ted •. 11. LaNDON. / , • " tt /que:4 l 7 : , !,, I.t, t. - . V ftKAu4.4lutinterr i - • • I , ageartory. • . amk7 3 •1 1 6 THE' Dt3Tßsel'• tootwit :OP • fie Unitist , litateribs theiareira' District of Itnnsylvania4- In. the tnatier, : nt• ILASSEI-• MUM% • • - Ma; r • I 7•4 icom,i't Way irecors...,The uptlershinist hereby eh.. notice orlds i c rolitheent es nnifiree sr WW... ELOSIIDUKG.I/41: the fewhshlppt alarm Au the county of Beadroni, and State of.Pmnsylfanii. !nisi/ Mit*, wile bile bean. 4djudged a s own fetal= b.r the Dishict can= District. . _ Dated at New Atinxium Ito 27. 1117 L may 27'71 S. D. STEW *. TN; THE :Dismal% _coinft -OF . 3'IIE 11/UTWD EgATESk . IIIIr the Western Dion* of l'ennsyleabli., • 7Alermin C 0... a EataillalPt ander the Act of , Coagrate of Slarch.24. - 16a7;liarint: — applied fora disehar n , 6 his debts, and other claims \probibte under • said . At t. Ily• order 'of the Court, notice is hereby giveit, to 411 - peraorof who , limn.. proved their debt. and otherpersons interested, to appear . on the 16th day ofJUNE,-•1871, at, 10 before E. OVERTON. Jr., ler ii, Ilankrutry. at his office, at Tionilija. • Pi., to above curse, it any they have., why a Diacharge shoal' y, t be lrrante+l to . said" Bankrupt_ Attl further. notice 18 hereby Rim, that tho Pecnintird Znird Mcitincs of • eri,lii.orA of th.E.haid ItattlymPt, reqtrirerl trr the 17th and 8 4 th fleetlaim, of Feed:net, be held. before the said 11 , 41iarter.• it time D.F4placo.l - -8. C. AIcCANDLEFS, • • Clerit.T.l.S. Diet. Cerzzt forosid lON TINT'DIV(iRCE:= I . 7 . Alvin Licath.—No. Yon are hereby.notiEed that Eliza At. Reath, yeit wife.-13.c her nest friend. Itobt. McKee, ham applied lathe mart of common pleas Bradford comity; for a divon:ef=m the bonds of =acrimony. and *ha mid conit has arpoitiled Monday,. the 4th Sept. •1811. fur lodring the mid-Eliza 11..ileath to :the Prenliaell; at which time and yon attend if lon think iiropet: J. PEERY %WS .; may 221144: . ;Sheriff. PPLICATIOX - IN • DIVORC:E - To Charles - A. BeetOr.—No.'l4s.Feb. T., 1871. Ton are 'hereby nntittell that Martha J. Reedit.. .your 6 rife. by her next friend. Harrison Itolleson bad' ap- Otect to the court of common pl,,Nr2 of ,Dracifor.d t•O for a divorre front the bomb! of matrimony, arutthe - 44n1 court has appointed 310MlaY, the 4th day of Se t. 1$ 1. for hearing the pahrb3firtha - in tho rrrnilr,•6, at kvilich time milt plaee Son can attend if you think 21 . 917.. inar.-21'71-wt ,APPLICA.TION. EN . DIVORCE.L- Tu roster.—,No. 420, Dec. Yon are -Lureliy - r.otitlea that Mary Foster, your nilc.l.,yi rnexttlzendSSlclxterKendall,Lasappli r•i to the ocunt of common:pima of 'Bradford county. for a tlivofoo frontthoshonda of naatiniin o oY. and the said court Las appointiiit 'Stonday, the 4th day of : Relit. PeA, to:. rearing the /mid 31411, -fa the promisee, at Unto and place yam can aUepit . ll you think prOlcr. • map 2111.-w1 triE :KIRBY Thills, • TwO WhertillVloNiver. A MhM'ITA ; NT SUCCESS =I This new. Machine is up with - the times and ahead of an competitors in several of Us leading white. It Etsruls in the front .rank among single mowers, and is of novel design.joad possesses leatl n end dis tinctive features which will commend the Ives to the practical farmer upon examination. Among rrs • LP • IIING FEATURES.. . Are the following: ' A Jointed connecting \ rod,'tir. 'Oman thatallowe the free play Otter 'mire in any position of the cutti appuntria; tilting guards; no side draft; no we the bemire necks; tile Tongue can be used or rigid as may be desired p in and the change rued ustudaneotudy, without stop -ping. . The inningappara talk: \er anger -bar, can .be raised to agy angle to pass trims, stamps, or other obstructions r or folded over for Intnaportation, or unfolded, by the sole. use of the •levar. without, throwing 'out 'of gear, ' sar•Mtpe term. or the driver leaving his seat. a amt. is actes eible from the reef of the machine, la see and com fortable, and is arranged on tbe'prinelpte of a lever. admitting of balancing the machhie perfectly, and relieving the homes' necks of altrteight. • It has many other ralualde-points too numerous to mention here- It is made of flrst-clsea materials, well made and finished in every part—rendering its durabilitymmurettereed. - ' • ' • IFir It in light drafted, and la just the rimier our 1 farmers barn been looking for: and is destined to , be the leading Marine Mebane, being adapted for hilly or level land, and all kinds of =feat. c • Manufactured by . -. D.i 3Z -OSIiORNS AGENTS `,FOa BILiDFORD CO nurrs B. GLE;ISO:C, Big road, par.. for BPrillg- .. field and West Burlington. CI ALES W. SCOTT. Big Pond. ra, foe Bldg-- ••• _ bury and Smithfield. • • - JAMES B. SMITH, Souilf t're.lik. Pa, fi;r_ Beath i Creek. and 'Welts. D. B. STOWELL. Sur Lim, Pa.. fur Terry; Wil mot and Willusring,. , i • - • 4e-r • • 11t6 rub crlt. , cr will scli . N b • 1.1. 111 P ! Y . - A 0 H I N'V,S In central lirattforiL • • Wide-awake, thorough and responsilda men want act as agents in the northeastern 'counties of Pennsylvania and sontheastern Rem York. begin ning with Stubeit county and reaching tei .the Hud son river; or where there are no agents already appointed. Sample machined will Deem exhibition at landing Railroad Stations. &Mira the subscriber 0 • • 11: ES;. Genl: Att., • - arLim:if . TOWAXDA, PA ryVANDA`NURSgRY. FNLIT'AN7i) ons'ASEMTAL TraffS, EIHRIII3I3,NMINS„ &e. , I 2m now able •to supply at the Nurser or (.1('- livered stills regrind station. tirstriass Trees of the following , varieties: Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Merry. AO:Scott, Norway_ Spruce. - 'Balsam Arbor vitae, /to. Grape Vines of all the leading varetles: Strawberry Plants by the dozen; hundred, or Moue and, all at wholesale prices iL 31. 14,41,E5. ap1.1211 - • Towanda.. rl. k.otB M. I , :. _ 3.tantifirturer of BARSAI'ARMLA., SODA WATER, • . AND - Bincu /WEI/. ; _. • , Corner Meet nut and ,'WaterStiMia..Towaiida, Pa. - - tras All orders promptly attended to. —64 11114611-3 ms - . - (I._O•K El , . . 1110.DP,ST; most DEBERABLE, asurlnost ECO NOMICAL rtrzt. tbloalinary purpoimisdartzar sum • . - . 11c4* "1111IG TOILLiEDA, OALCOMPINE: • Estero emits per bushel at UM (tunas*. or sr teen cents delivered., , I . migrao,lB7o. • T r BEST 171,urr aiAss i t r x USE PORK, Harris, Idir4l, l Dried J3oef, Mackerel. Ciacom Macklp*Monk at retail. Jan. Iv, x a mucus. • - v A RAIVMS, amnia to • MUZ' CO Ogh-19, 2 . ME T. rEraa - VANF3 EEr. .1. rEmns T.6..1k7 rtECT. SherUt. AUDUAN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers