/1 ISM A [F4r the Ezporria.] I. 803. , FiLW:Nri Aivono.: Seeing nn article ialinar paper about tots in hones, rist4uld state that I have had the Wo tof ca* and the medicine I slveneverlaila to cure. • tkelxits arent work in ;Atm 4ontsch, the horse will act drooping,, •steall down,i and lift.his up per Then I take -a- half pound sage siia put it iba three quarts . of water (if you have lief, sage the same quintitY of ordinary tea will doy stop well and pour it dovrn Jahn ae srtu~ueAstion can without sWdingi, ...2.41 the hots are back the horse kites and pawa,.bites his aides and lief! down. Then take ia,no quart of alcohol and two Owls AA. hen ma- Attie, mix them well together, and ad 4 one quart of rain water; then , shave a lump . of white e bctrk th e s i ze of h thimble in it, Uke a good bottle, draw up his head and pour it - down it If that does- not elm, - repeat the dose in three• ileum After ey ing:4les, let the lorise roll and tum ble all ho will before you repeat, and aftri: Cuwaux e. =TY Gamma. May 28;1871, r r The Absorptlva Power of - Sol' • • t ilt man impertant discovery of re `--COI/i date, that Boni have the power ' 4l 4 lll e.P'exij , ting , not enly ammonia, but. :other bases also:fteno their solations, and of holding them ;with great te n4city, after .absorption. , .Thus 1.00 grains of clay . - soil taken from the plastic clay'forinalion of. England, absorbed I,osotraks of - ptikaali ftom• • alsolution of caustic potash Contain ing One per cent. df thcralkali; . It is t interesting tdob4 ca e that the liquid sip] riot in. this; e littered throuth 'the'seil, but the ld solitiOn was lnerelY left IA ntact with it for 7 tWeive hours. - •., ', "-- 1 : - - I It; has' heeia' her shoWn 'that s:oils have .the ability to separate the alkali* bases from the acids with • Which they are CoMbined. ' When saline solution's Av l er 'slowly , filtered thionp soils five lor six inches 'deep, the _liquids which _passed ,through Were deprived Of their alkaline bases, as po tash,, soda; ammonia, and mag nesia, and only the acids were to be iould in combination with some oth -Crtase. Thus when Muriel() of am mokiia Wes removed, and 'a corres ponding quantity of lime, in combi nation lVith mnriatic acid, was found ,in ,the filtered liq . uia., In the same Ray sulphate ofro on analysis. 1 . , Those soils • w ch have the greet est' amount of ca p illary - prosity will condense' the gretest amount of ma- Inurial,snbstance on their internal I- , 'surfaces; will retain them. longest fagainst the adverse, solvent action of water; and will•tivOthem out most ro readily to the tlets of the grossing t t plant. A mass et adhesive clay -will absorb but - a very slight amount of available manure; hilt if the same . r mass is rendered friable by mechan . tical pro_cesset3,itS power of , absorption is amazingly increased. In view of what has been "sta ted, it 'is very clear ' that, one way in 1 hichplonghing in __, • - 'i creases - the.fertility of land,, is by 31- c:raising its porosity by pulverization. - ?Igain,' many Manurial 'substances ,li exist in the soil, which, beinginsOln- • ble, exercise no ctio n on the growth 1 of plants, and t ntiibute nothing to• : -their nutrition, but by the slow, 'I though regular ction of the frosts 1 and rah; the a' • and sunshine, insol -1 ut il e and refrac c ry compounds are appropriated d held on deposit by. the sciil _to the, Credit-of the next cut-' tifttedtrop. ' This explains the well ; kfiown Sect- that soils, which have • been'cropped to the very verge of . barrenness, will recover their fertility if' allowed .to Amain long .enough . I under the action of ''climatic influ- El i, cuces,to'satur ite the soil • with the necessary plant food which they have unlocked from „ heir chemical combi nations, and gi en to the soil in a proper = physical- condition. - These : 1 changes are brifught about more rapr . -.„ idly ,when cert mechanical changes of_condition or wrought upon the . I Soil.' , , • • Carbonit.-aci ' is one of - the most 1. active_ of the agents employed iu 1 _ bringing the it i ohible orgarim mat -1 ter in the , soil to that physical con [ dition in which it becomes available _ I as plant food; in Order that this acid , • I -may be formed, it is - "essential that 1' the; carbonaceous m4ters_in the soil '' 1 shonld be brow h t into direct - contact 1 with the atm sphere, from which they procure the oxygen necessary to - , convert them into carbonic acid. So .71 long as sta b ntr- wate.r remains in the soil, or so ong as the soil is in a ;dense or fl-ve compact condition, it I is impossible for the „carbon ;to be . I 'Converted into lack'.—Boston Journal 1 - 6 . f ' Chemistry. - _, . !Ent/El - No.— • 'at hand. The in' Tess than nfo already pr season. Theri t- ready for this! work. Then smoothly,and in the' crops_ trouble !Iliad_ There is a t tp proserve juices gre I - there,is a way • it worth twic Mat' to cut -to illy cared. It • of the farmer in the ,nick of -awithe grain tho harvest. i sary, to b,e pre important smumer's everything' works he-business of getting Las dittle " Worry " or it. me to cutrass so as e 'rich. and succulent l atest perfection. ' and tocure hay that makes trs" much 41 cattlo as . early or too late, and should be - the study to-get in his crops just tiw—when the grass are exactly ready for ITo do this it is news pared. lirctha Cows. -Hearing one of our neighbors very recently came near loosing his life by a kicking cow, I send the 'following preventative hoping it may falt tinder his observa-\ tiou; Procure a leather strap about three feet long, with buckles en it, having them laced nearest! to one end, each tobuckle opposite - ways; buckle the short cud dround the fore leg just aboiro the' foot, bend the knee so the foot will touch the' leg . close to the body; pass the long end ofrtho strap around the leg and buck le it. Then sit down on a stool,place your, knee against her - hind ; leg, and put her tail under your arm, and you have , her, in a porcition where she cannot kick to harm, or spoil your Sundry clothes.—Kennel Leider. „ A ILELLSII FOR. .DREAKTAST OR LUNCH,. ; —Take a quarter 'of a pound of cheese, Ooland fresh; cut it up in thin slices, and pat it in a "spider,” tUrninaioverlit, alarge cupful of sweet =ilk; tad a - quarter of a teaspoonful of dry-mustart- a dash of pepper, a little salt, and a piece of - bitter as large as a bitten : lnd; stir the mixture all thelime! Have at - hand three Boston craclfers, finely 'pounded or "rolled, and f!prinklci them in gradual ly; as aeon as they are stirred in,tnrn Out the contents- into a warm, dish , and serve. t. is very delicious. . We the undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens:of Towanda and vicinity, we do hereby mitigate that our dnao f 5 v - • • QII 0 .. ' Ilk V 7-13. COATS, PANTS, AND VESTS, Mitch will be sold at such roduccib prices that it will astonish the community: Come td the store of 110SMIFIELD & WOLFF and examine our goods . and prices before purchasing. and satisfy yourselves. We guarantee alt to gin cadre satisfaction. We are thankful to one ntinter , cuirmattnneni-and friends for their past liberal pat: : rs!iiV 3 and solicits continuance , of the same. ROSENFIELD, Si, Wan% 115 MAIN STILEET. TOWANIA, Ps feb.l"ll -Meat to iOl & Mereur.4. ryitosE. GETIING .• THEIR • !' MADE To ORDER: olriihkd atuay'iro thihge. First; to cufF' Tam maw. Fraszcuss CLOTHING 13 MADE wirkuE 'IDLY dilre BOLD 011Ea2 • • • I ' : • , ; , I • e and in,eardor to bo able to sell a good ♦rticle cheap 11:tercerebant must understand hla bultneas,' and snow "how, where and what to buy as a practical man dace; and a Haymaking is almost grass will be fit to cut fortnight. Farmers 'paring for the busy is nothing like being ca t od ! t..: MU ROffI4MMD WOLFF. • ; S.PRING.GOO D S . : OpullirlsAng nyetTiltdrft isl the lino of GENTS . FITRNISEtaiO; : Sidi ig DOF~Sui..AND. 13g ! LVE14 . OVERCOATS, And all of the /Afoot Stag of Asa all of tho Lf4est , Styles of , „ HATS, CAPS, 4k.c., Secon4lly. PRACTICAL TAnort- In &Alia branches I profess to be, basing lad E:IGIITEEN YEARS EXPEEI;UPE In the brisineee. Iran been a cutter in Dome the best. Itcnises in NEW YORK CITY, I do my own buying, selling and cutting, and dlvido my profits with no man, co that lees olit will do—and with low rent and other expenses in pm.; portion, thus making the cost of carrying on the balances ti'cry irld reading the above you will Iwo why It I that I CAN SELL GOODS CHEE,&2EII, Than men following the business; and having no tumor' go of it thersnlves, have employ others at large Gs: to attend to it, and clUtainera must pay rdingly—as they. like myself, • 4 DO BUSINESS TO LIVE_ BY IT. If you doubt the *ove btaterocut, bo cosiyinbed by ; rag ou lIEN . F.Y TIAItILLS, Mk:mbar-1. Tailor. Briar z , e St., Towanda, Pa Allg./01'70 • ~;i~tnery. NEW MILLINERY GOODS 'MRS. J. D. LULL IE 110 W caerlng a larga,_stock: cf -3MILLINERY GOODS, KND FANCY GOODS, Consisting of the latebt.imported styles of Bps - Nrrs, lars, wifuroxs, kc. KID GLOVCS, TLERE,.kD . AND GLILIkALE LACES, CUR- SLTTS, CUFFS AND COLLARS, ILkSDKEUCIIIEF JENVr.LIIY. Of all the latest styles ALSO A LIEGE STOCK OF HAIR Store:lirtit iloor•east of the Seth Whit., and Dine Store, Vridgu Street Towandri, April 9i, 1971. • • MI)S E. 3.,IUNGSLEY, Wishes to . inform the ladies of To Ganda and vicinity that she keeps constant's on land a large supply of 1/1- I-1 I t' N - h -1- Goods, suitable tottlic season. Tr.anking her pat- rons for their liberal patronage heretofore, she 's emen them that no exertions will be eptied to en sure a continuance of the same. She also has alLue Selection of HAIR AND FANCY GOODS, sncbp liil Glu L'C'S Linen CZllars, _cuff' tz ilantikerchirj:s.. Beal Laces, Curets, tte I have also reorened, In coaneetlon with the above my DR....15 . 3 3LiKING eetablialuneut, aii4 I am now ptyparell to 4o - - - OUTTENG and FITT4siG in the litetA fa LienaLlc styl,ft on short 'notice. Entkuco nest door to rum & Mercer's, up bt,3{1.3 April 4,11. • spizlNG- 71 18- 'CI OCr.Ei . • A - fu?!l.ile • 1 exte.n4ve,lsaortnicut now ready WICKHAM' & BL,ACK GLASSWARE AND CHINA full variety,T both staplo, and fancy. SILVER ?LAT ED NV-A.R'E From ROGERS & - BROTHER, _ • 1VE11.17 rIECE WARRANTEO. Cl 4 - 4.I';ZD . WOK {TT ovEn. TAB L E C,ll TIL,E B Y A full C A°MBEIi. SB TISL la Wl;lLe'pr Decorataticrui BABY WAGONS FROM $3 UP. Agent* for SINGER SEWING MACHINE. iron SIIGAR OF ALL KINDS 'RETAIL- Iag st notate:Oa prim at 3 I ECVH:Ft_._ TUBE ODES VI EGAIt• AT rox a imams. • • • mummy „ . UM BM PAPER & NEW--TO .:t B iHoc PENS, but; BLANK B YANKEE Towanda. No* TOWAN M aay =I GEo Item put s• =I 1•F -M Ever cilia, Inv They kelp TOMB IEI PCTIOIIS h Towanda; IRE The sub.. 7 • hers still continuo to keep sonstantly on hand a and complete assortment of era" , thing pe g to their business, consisting main. ly of BEEP, ORE., FRESH AND SALT - s • 81:10111VORED BABEL , Sumer,l . BEEF./ I.A2CD, VIAL. t . rotraav, f farAGE. , LABS% OLOGRA, DRIED B. • TALLOW, /Fe., &c. Also. / -P s i l I S / - la FRESH FROM. THE T.AERS. ,_ ..... =MS RECEIVED DAILY Parties Ishii:a Oysters In large ( or nullquantl tics will funnelled on short notice, at the old stand, Czysnitt. 51umrr„ Montanyo's Block. Ind door norabf Di. Porters: . . Cths. G,7l.m.t.mr. l E,ELLIIN & IitTEDOCK. Tilico. Bc - t..Locs. I - Feb. 24, 1870-tf - • FIRST NATIONAI BANK, CAPrrAL Statrims Fu D Delft. This offers UNIIIIII Al MUMPS for the trataactio of a G ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ETTERI AID ON DEPOSITS neonDm} TO AGREE T. Errct► ♦ND Ca Part :c United 9 ripal cittc drafts tor IMS razz' J. POV. TOW*. Dili I Must not forget that' JUiALS ILUW(JENIN, M EEG le conet ESE IN of ill GOLD CHAINS, FINE GOLD ‘t-m . 177 - 3Ert, 1:1,- snxim MIEL SPECiACLIZI GLASSES to flt alb caseLof Impaired sight .~ ATE,VT 4CCIRJOIJATING ZNICTAULJLT. ECEI patent I a= enaba to exchange Waimea It without extra chair:. Call and see. By Oa say • , IVATCHIS AND. nmzutr REPANIXD 'pa 1nt.42103. . .di, Doc. 8, 1870.. OWANDit."--This high -bred stallion was "trod by Alv-wagatet; maul yadyt'a ••llamblstoaian;" dam,: Vermont Mirk; grand dam. Messenivor; One white, 10 11E the tubed romarkible - auimals the countri bas pro duces-11. lie is beautlltd. kind, and blood like, action perfect, possessing great strength. lie fa in_clase proximity to two of the most notable stallkats hr this nation: Rambletonlau" and ”Ethatt . hll%" a moistfartunate cross. • of , izagm-4100 to Insure, .„„ st time er servios, which will not be refunded is any event, sad $75 when proren in foaL - Re have fine atsbang and pasture, en • reasonable' terms. 'lkea passible can taken .or Mares. All accidents and escapes stowbers risk. ‘Scasan. March 12th to November Ist, let _,Towasdaadar.lsll XIX a KOMI= ,Titx otrA . 7gAs lam. COFFFIE, 100IVELL k WIZ gum GEM YAWN. JA4B,. THE • 4 1, - Aoll44llo%.wheintils sad nun. = July 1. maw kw:, L1 : :8111 ME PAPERS ;1=67/1 STATIONBT AID Picrrusis 088. OTIONS. MEE 19, 1868. Ilaneous. „Wciir k 14.4 1= McCABE d, SON , red the largest seiartarent of CA ANI4ITrALux ISM 311 .v* Ld in this ecotjon, to which they the giontion of tho 6 it an ear tt r t ONUMENTS, ;TONES, MANTLES, &c., Of every style, RE LOWEST TERME. want of anything in our line are •Nited to call and examine onr ado& GABE & SON lllfity 1, 1571 AL '‘f /11,KE'j'. In their season. OF TOWANDA $125,000 40,000 Caer. on •v; TO TUE Cousortor 01 Nom 'idling to Km, sto:sur 1.0 any part of the tea, England. Ireland, Scotland. or the prtn and towns of Europey gag . here procure that purpose. • , PASSAGE TICKETS thopldicountry. by best staamtr or nil always on hand. '..srmouciux ov Es del =bums sum. Price paid for U.S Bonat. Gold and Sgper. N. N. 8Err5..1"... Calder. . Presid6nt. Jurw26. 1869 .ONS IN glittßcH OF OLIDAY PTIVISE*S, 'LLEI: &/; SILVEI:S~IITII, One door north of . , • r UR'S thr BLOCK. TOtrAXDA, PA .Uy/receiving sd,litions to his stock of oods suitable for presents, such as ' WATCHES, ilfratlCAN WATCHES SWISS WATCMTS, ptions. Alio a selected assortment of all MM. OF ALL STYLES PROM THE CHEAP • EST TO THE BEET. • MtMMMEa a~e~rae~~d.. THIS 13111AIREIMNIIID, 'WNW* Itumasseiti6aiiiftimmot et ....i .. B. - 1 . 1. P.MII':I, ilislosll3. s.newar a 00., is am Newell 'to We to So oNlooliotamMlnt tr. 6 , l29l?st!‘,.._imilsoidt iNs* G E RIES.• yldia I lirs puidloist tet Omik rt tw mein" - 614100 MIU 4 t lierairnS weinsa ebrairs. I sow oar • ; • n'•.• r • Tem3, annals, SUGARS, reasca'aiiimem iris% .11eve ea Mild alsaisalorik at AKRON, FLOUR, GRA H AM DO. Pi/ DO.. JIMMIIIIM r I kale comouritr ea band. lOU. RAM; WID. sot an kinds of ABB. Wad! WI the allselias albs public to s Owl as Sod `STOCK : OF TOBACCO, Is wonky or pries hums OrklersColormariLres. ism- lain& aaaf t rarna wain amp. limo ND sande• at int at WOODEN *Auk ilookosist an=ItIKEI *MOH. Twin 'IOW% ke.. ko. I orkl pow blighoolemkpoloofko COUNTRY PRODUCER. Tarmacs, give us •ma be sons. slaaralmes. iu pti•o o daloake to taii ir. atotlompitoot owl aid puke immediate pspoisi, • Twin* 11. MI RACEBY . JAND.,PROWQQ, G 09 1 1 1 0 Rs MOCABE & EDkA.RPEIr ipicatesals sad &Oa Degas la FAMILY .466100F,R11S / / AND Pit/OVISIO,NB, . , • 11 NEW moot. TOWANDA. PA. We not dares It neeemarrto esamerais an the &Serat uncles we keep. oareaeartaseat Is ALWAYS COMPLETE. Wo moll nothing bat FIRST CLUBS GOODS. Cash paid for rarmers Produce Xarch 1. 1870 pEOPLE'S °ROOMY AND PROVISION BTONS, wont °Tuna =DOI AIM N 3111731 L. • new and complete stock oti. __ GROOMES AND, rnovzsioxf3, / - Which Inn be sold it the low,i pored* Ohm. CODFISH / MACKI*4 / ITF: ' ' POE MUTTON, FRUIT OF ALL ‘DAM:!MCiNi3, MODERN STONE WARE. *VC, AAi ri`i OM: FLOUR, FEED, HEAL, GRAM, &a Bring on sour produce, Which we pezryedi far. DAIRYMEN, • oonatont supply of Aabtoniinlt, an lased curia. Butter Minx. Taba. &c. Please call and look through oar steak and we Tin do oar beat to please yon. W. A. ROCZNELL. Towanda, April 2a, UM. LOOK HERE! C(7)WELL & MYER, At the okt stand of Dux"Au. it °was, ore now receiving a largo and wsf oetectorotock of • - • GII.OOEMI2I can PROVIEOXII. Which they offer to coda boyars at prime that &My eozopetitioa. • Caah paid for all kW& Turners' Prodm► . April 21.11169—U. WY ALUSING C. W. CLAPP Saving based this alorebouns and c oat natures belonging to the Means. Weds.' wosid notify the citizens of ityabsaing and victniti that as wiil Map oanatantlr on basal a tan sin* ot .0 0 A p emu, 4f;.rl - 1. t.rt, 'IF% lEO.'l Ti I I E , p 4.110 11:iro):13.0:25.1.1:ARA Al .5 A EN SACKS, BBLS., AND BAGS. C E N T, PLASTER AND KEROSENE OIL, Which tie wilt to plosaid to supply then Id* ed nnitinibit }de i smNoon 2 ist the anus quasar 4111 to aired tor wile, nossignetitig amino. MI la ing iodize ninistactioa and mutter tr Innis a/ the, ooninnutity. CASH PAID FOB GRAIN, on ilethsti. mad Ose every desaiptias ot FARMER'S PRODUCE, Or rasa In a r O zei =nagalt. lotsmitte. St e i lb. warebaum =Ord o ila r • la fit. lan W7lllssinafo alatollini."l" • Aug. Ate. 11:4 ism . pu. - 1 ! ..,N._;z1 7 - * - .3.;-.-.:--::- .. ,,,.:_• : - : ,.-- . ... .... i!,-,.;:-,iii*:::0O.000. Ell sts sow witesti gfar r a• if saw TUBNITUBZ -E*R4:?-2/13/4? so. ar wit Eirmr. . 1:11r iperled bollacremis to thew to vita at FIRST • CLASS - .11;11NITII1181 flrbit aftedlea of ai valid is higsiOWsmiled to ger tesuillran pinbass trios Golds Men tAak« lima MO of. . - • r is, • CRAB AND PARLOR 33 4 1:7"8;= TT:FMIt t W. an lbw amen ! ir - • WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS mom. ' , Amon ems, At , $5O 00; • - BUREAUS, Gragp .TABLES, STANDS,: - BLDB, . MATR,ASBg-13, 'Lod fa bet everyndag te be faus4 TR ?1Z autaport, D " TILT WI AZEIIOW WANI37 lip Sd rod do eller goods of our ova mom fortoro oloothia you mg bog ergpooado goods ofirorgbrirs. lumbar tabs,. aschsage lkir goods. Re also tarnish. a IL PATCH/ C. It. PAT N. • M . J. LONG. GIMEMM AND PEMUONS, COB. lith4tilAND 4 l4lLlDGri STS., I desire te l t 010 attention of the riblie my aroottneat goods , which is always tun and com plete, and be mold to my make:ogre atdowest market rata. JAMES XeCLBE, WM. EDWARD& L ®T ILVer alma fa Ude fascia& ~. AT. to -AM Tgatiost oat Oolis Stook at 1110ISCROOD COSMIII. =Aix cum corms 01 s description. ZUZIAL BOB= CAM Ana w• Mao bin Ma F4NES . T . IIE ., AI2BE . Ia thlo rim of coontry Goo!bi &timed to' We Depot free of elmue. j 4 :mos o.ruoisr k sirs& Towaada. Jam. 11.1!71 WOOD. WILLOW. AND STONE WADE. FLOUR, - FEED, MEAL, 4c., Na 1 .PATTON'S, TOW2i4TDA., PA. -.ccck of ' TEAS, AND , SPICES . , Have been rearehamed Moro the late 'reduction hrthe tariff on them, aud are offered at prices ,0 Cor respond. Orderw,by,_tuall or otherwise wi ll MINATO 6treht and promptittention. Thanking tho public for the liberal patronage they hays gtren mc, I wish a connnuance 6f the., sarno.t- can iAncr ron COUNTRY rtiomen feb.2oll RAWSON Mowing Machine. HARVEST . , OF 1871 A NEW INVENTION. PLTMEI7O NOT/213ER 21 1870. And applied to every Machine; Ls so constrocted that you 4o not have to use the lever In turning either way. It will run on any line just as easy as on a straight line, taking all the aid* preemie frog* the horses. It has a full Joint and will deeeribes fell circle either way, saving half the labor for the horms and driver. The upper frame is so Jointed or attached to the lower trame, ae to form • lifting lever taking a hirge part of the weight of the bar from the ground and placing it hack opal tbodriv. lug-wheels. and lessening the draft of the machine, making one of the lightest draft machines in use. The machine has been greatly improved and to manufactured by using wrought Iron and steel in the plaw of cast Iron. The Castor Wheel le upon a steel spring with wrought iron .holders. making It light and strong. We can say to farmers that they an depend upon having a machine that has no equal. It has cast steel Shafts, and both shoes plated with cast steel. • Machines are warranted in freer: particular. If any part breaks from defects in material or weekmatuddp new parts will be sent without extra charge. The Anger Bar is carried at both ends on wheels; can change the wheels so as to cut three heights of stubble. The machine has a flexible anger her, and will meant to the inequalities of the ground over which it is drawn. doing as good work upon uneven ground as upon mu FMI' 7 M7IO:TW7:WrrM Has kdouble-folding Finger Dar, having a longitu dinal: omillMlim motion. This machine has wheels at both ends of the Anger bar, and Is so arranged that you can set them to cut any height, and can back out without raising timlercr. • SULKY RAKES. iit We have a/so twk Ittetortes of th e B laY Bakes; the well-ku lor Bake aud the Dayton Kato/actor Ono l hakes. making two of th e beat Bakes to use, s or MAIL Illundrebcred u Abboud, Allcta ey county, N.Y by I. k B. RAWSON. C. F. NICHOLS, Ge4'l 1 1 1261 /. TOWANDA, Pa. STEM k Y.ry_►y, *mats for the western tort of the county. • Pin4:ll & MERCUR are now reneiv g a treat dock of Geode in their line. bought since the Ist January. to which they trorito tho at. itentket bttheir friends. We keep. the largest stock in town. Our goods are fresh and desirable. We sell at lowest market prices. Jan. la. 1871. VRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought ..1: since the remit decline in price, and selang cheep st retaiL 1N.).• it ItEIiCITIL Jazz. 19, 1671. ME CUB ar© selling Gro .l: cartes at refs!]. I Jan. 19,1871. VOX & HERCUR are selling Nem; sad Fresh Goods. lan, 19, MI. 1111011 X & HER= are selling Gro cedes cheap. • Jan. 19. tan. - pox & MERCUR are selling first "; duo Gooda ontr. Jan. 19.,1871. VOX KERCITIV, are selling heaper than ever. Jan. Xi. RIXIII2:I3ER that we are selling / ItETAIL! And that we'ezet tuaderadd, /am. 19.1871: , - FOX k auga:um. MICHIGAN FINE-CUT TOBAC CO—Tay eboioe—at J. It FOX & MEBCVH I ox & HERCUR do not deal in J.' Shoddy Goods. -,. 9 Jan. 19. 1871. nusCIISTONEBS can 'rely upon afflrth the very best the marts! affords and at kesset laires. Z. T. NUL Towanda, Jaat. 19.11. • EMMY YEECIIII. P ,LAFER- P PLASTER. b en A s, ha suppty ot TCoCiturael Calug ors oter Tango. TM* & Co.' st the su= mm. .t utoedh of ItuauserSekt Creek. 14041 Pee gored and usenentsd s pars wilds. • • - - ag4.1211.4ate JAY= =PT. rampEgr*NAVEMASIIPE 4 :3 4 ft — iWboki l ly s •lni•cbr. Jar theime. ars to do awl or osap,_ to ~1 4 1 1 006 1 .. Id* Pecie.eselll l l l . . . Mll - 41:GE:OINGS, CIECIIILAR- SAW : *HAS, MAN it tls; Lad idiii* , l4 116 iff • • sup2lo 03110 a. • - ENGINES - ti,EPAiRED, Aid iu reefi Irina - deco siT.Wllll$4O;4-' SHINGLE SLACIFIENEi Of the lkiest sad and top( a nd bigutraid 7 to Ise. • PLOUGHS, - • faumaniz. ut s ox Am, WOOER Idpas. • CIJLTIVATORS i pORN PLOUGHS PLpIIGH_POINTS qt :tl ' tl~as , ant ht trinassts lop e constantly on POWERS, . LABOR AND 'MALL • 111211. El VE CA 13-T NG S =LIAR OUT= Stan AND' SLFI . SHOES, And all kinds of Cost:top fornisbod ta March • MO. • NEM a •• • BLOOD Ba , co.. " condi= to . minntactore thetioatebr . o4d no= POWERS , Sc CLEANER, and will sill a better inachlna. for less money than can bo will elsewhere' .in tho wort L Wo claire for onr Machine* that they will Ito as' =Ch. or More, than any other, and ars snore derably built. We perionally superintend war Work and. goo that St Wed dowrt. We will send ' - of our aniebilatio, on **lintton. .2 ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, Two Sorg TILWANIISE ZEPERATORS, FANNI,NQ .MILLS, AXD MAO 3.1.11 MILLS. , • SAW AND Wan MILL work don. to order. City° W t can before purc'aaalske alasybcro. ' hoo aualcrvufi .`sicatu ‘•o,o v,adbact i /Etc. t /869. NEW ,CM=cOE FACTORY I On Pine. indirect' Main and Second. Streets, back of 0. F. Mason k Co.'s Bank, HENRY STUT A EN & CO., Respectfully anuounce to Lie. fricakinal patrons, 11. st Ilhavo , bzult a whorl Mei Eli constantly keep on hand a full saint went of COFFEES, TTpr. , - , ,AND OPEN. -BUGGIES, •••: • PLATFORM WAGONS, norrz2ia SULKS, AND 84ELE70NS. Made of the WEt material and finh.ked In the beat city style, - 11tillong experience in city Carriage Facial - tea Wes thexu a decided advantage over (Alters the- - of Ws Wagons. AU tb'y 111f.kild an INSPECTION OF lilS _ WORK MIME! preTiona Co purc haalng elecwl.•cre; ALL IVORK IYARZANTED 70 GIVE PERFECT Thai:lift:Ll the Ittxral tronage former ex t tended and rt for spts:tlnlly ask pa a continuance of the ammo.. Towanda.. May 9f. 1870.-1 t NEW PLA . NING MILL The ondernigned harinir,bitilt a large and comma dims Mill to the Borough of Towanda, and tlllod it with the moot Modern and improved machinery, for theniantifaiMure Of Art prepared to 1111 erdsra, whether larks or amen, upon the shortest mince. We IttiVelfg 11. lame va riety 44 MOULDINGS, oi)r the latest style andpattern, which we can furnish conch cheaper than they can be worked by band. PLANZSG, TONGUELCO, • esoorrsa. • - AND &DROOL SAWING, And 101 other wart pertaLuing to .1 ell:tory, trill bet done to salt ottr customers. Persona building, and not living mare - than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and have It worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other 'Wilber. and while ycrdr team is feelling,Save it ground out and take it home with you.. Re will pay . QUM for PI AND ITEMWdit LITMIIEII delivered atoar lumber' yard. Come and see as. or If you can't come. write. Towanda. Feb..•llG4: LB. RODOEFS 4 CO: ROOK -BM DERY. -THE PUB is.reep.ethilly informed that the. Book-bin. der7 has been rentort.d to the :.Iteportex" third story, where trill be done In all its various branches, terms as rcaao s tiaidc ae • the thaw " will allow. The Bindery will be under the charge of , • An experkbond Binder, and an work will be promptly done in a style and manner Which canned bo Mute, inavAines.Newspapers.Old Books, ko.;beand in every Yariety of style. Particular attentlob will be paid to the Dating and Binding of To any deidred pattern. which In quality and dura bility will be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised, The patronage of the palls is solicited, and per fect eatiataction guaranteed. Towanda, August 2, 1866—tt., B dicEttY AND DINING ROOK First block-north of Ward not*. BREAD, prEs;OAEE,CRACKERS; ukiEr.si DAILY". • And geld at Wholeaalo and In oar DESILNG 1100/1S we will accommodate the public with either a lunch or a good meal at all tinted - of the day and evening. 07743 AIM ICE MEAN 011 HAND DITIUMI TIMM BEASON. Also a fl ue V4 rlnatit of Orecrles, Confectionery, mayle7o4l W: SCOTT lk co PRICE LIST-CASCADE MILLS. Moue, best quality, per sack ' $2 12 !'" . •• , 4125 es so os bard 8 88 Castata getadhig visually' dote at mace, as the es. wit/ of the la =Mclean for a large amount of mut. R. B. 134:18AX. • Clizspacturia. July 23, 13711. BEST I PHE TV e IIOSENE OIL IN Ttawu by the quantity tor retail at - PDX k XICIUNINS. POleie.P.A TEA, STRIAE, FISH, ke.. vtLdessle and retail., July I. xccssx & ALL RIMS GROCERIES AND PrOvisfeas •at wholesale and Mall. at May 'XL • PASCWIL OPAL TAR, by the Gallon or Bar ro, fat sig. by UM GAS COMPArt. MEE xxuis ' moN CATALOGUES. fintEmEß and eLEANZIa. ! TOWANDA, -H'ENN'A: NEW DEICE CAIMIAGE FACTOIII% FAMILY CARRIAGES, Style and Driralrilily SArISFACTION. ATTI.I‘DED TO reduced rem lI,ENRY STUMM: H. S. CLAIM. ITLIDOW SASII AND tamps, - B 0 OR-BINDING, Y. C. WEIT;AItEa. :, ,_~ . . • MAC t 4*otll l Oitt BARDWARII 'll1 1 01114.'3 ., • atitpl7ll s S Ifiett 2 Bt . 0 Oit • sow Aont. - . , If/ Mrs .A. l R;T:i.177'46‘..72,p1c: ri r .eadk.-w,biks - • •••• ..ktirLoOk • -1 • •••-" HOUSE • YURNISHING GOODS,: . - DM& WM. •• ." • f,• • • jltD ..• Our pia, OIL. be:, MO et" till bpi i t ealittaindi will be acid Ti dew:. We law else glade hit Wie 0744.. AMERICAN . Ertteitill SAFE. - 01ABDCWWil PATPWT). - The only tellable Phe Proofileaods,' Mae - FAIRBANKS'S SCALII3, • • INHAGHTIOOKE 'POWDER 00,, .. • • •. •• • .. • - • *avows Mir lows ' - • SII.PH•ER , P/IOSIb!A TEL DO Shwa Of epe - • . ="NTNTAis . ' \ • - Li very large and 'lnemitecluted' an Of the beef We ere else pampered tet!le t hiebleg elan Ws meths only apish for the t iehbottedetiti . . • EMPIRE COOKING sTovg The betA : coOlatte t - setts In a ma, and every *he wieraoleA satiefaction. • March le. Ina. • T E L A ,G E S •• • . . . , . . • AND-• , . • , • • . . . . • • MOST - COM.PLEVE, • . , • , • . . ••• • • fiesortnietit of ••• ' ; • • ... • JEW - ELRY, •••• • • WATCIIES CLOCKS.' .1 • • PLAT - ED WARE; • • • 1 • - • • SILVER WA.RE, GOLD 'RING* • . . • GOLD CHAINS, &c . .,•Ac., - . • • • • • • • Ever opened In this .muket,. Is now on exhibition , and for sale at the well-known store of ' • . • , • , • • • • W.• A., CHAMBERLAIN. , • • • • • ": • , • ; • • . , • . • Mr. C. has just returned from the city, and Sat ters himself that his stock has been hoe, ht at bot tom fi g ures, and that ho can Offer better induce.' meats to v urchaae.rs .first-clasa g oods hum any e s tablishment In the country. D0e.8,10 - • PGRUM" TO ALL WHO' iFtLIIE TIME SIGHT I • The ei g ht of the a g ed &twisted. thewsik strengthen .ed and the perfect preserved. • PIILLADELPLUA' OPTICAL IIiffYTTL7B, " For the manufacturin g of-the CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL LEtISES. LONDON mamco AND 2nCT10L.1.2t5 ron wise on re . maw= eras. The Coricave Convex Crystal Spectacles, made by the above Institute are now a lon g time before Abe public. and theyapid and increased demand for them combined with the universal acknowled g ment, of their clearness inortaion and ease to the eye, shows plainly that they are superior to any other glasses; in the market. The majority of Spectacles, (mostly Imported) and no matter how fine the frames, contain but E r and.worthless article of glasses, generally or pressed:). they aro made to be sold only, w ithou t any calculation re •benefit to the e and therefore .the g reat corn tof poor and ye, weak , ei g ht. Thoesande are ruin g g luon now which tire. and fati g ue the eye.. where the objects g et dim a ft er; short usa g e. or re q uire an intensely stron g li g ht and therefore destrofin g the si g ht. which, were they properly suited, would be preserved a life time. • The advante g es claimed for hot:Concave C o nvex Crystal Chases seethe followin g : The Lenses are ground of the best material, purt and hard, and made only for optical purposes, they are therefore not liable to g et smateked or dim. They confer a hrillianey and distbactness of risks not found in any other dates. They can he noel well by day or candle li g ht without tiring or the eyes. ' They Ere ground mathematically t r ee In the eon eiv e convex mirror, according to gm of ordure. and shape of cornea of the eye, therefore s e datin g miture.ottly instead of tarring it. That the lenses ar e centered correct Ink tbeirimes. They can be used lon g er than any other &mem without chan g in g to a hi g her power. The !runes are made strong and durab i llsc tia tt. t. rimmed workmen a n d warranted JO nil* WM. A. CHAMBERLIN; Dealer In Watehes, 'Jewelry and Silver Ware. Tana. do-. Pa., yam the sole A g ency foe them g luon In Bradford county. No Pedlar* ereployosd. • July 12. 187.0-11 . • . THE BEST 'AND CHOICEST • • • • S 11-0 G TOI34CCO, • • - : lii bIiIIWPACTCBJ6D.A - T • • • _ • FACTORY NO. • - • • • PD DISTRICT OP MAIRLAXID. ' , . ' • • ' ••.-• • Mir See that Every Dackaip you. buy Dorf 'nit thoodattan. - • Dec. If. 1870. • uktmik , BAL . PORTER,' SON* CO., • OLP- - CASH STOBE, f .;) ,', ! t , - 101 , 1141101 , rg". l . OWN! , , , • ; - E Cow Itilla NA Mai Illimmili. ft; • 4 tatli ."' " - . - . ' ` - iliiiiiitile:ifilfilig -wissiliew { Asiissalmtersibi li gel l 4l l ll l 4ll miNt il it " laSeldilli gm 114 as 1 g21144 ,* „.= i : , :m4 ~ .pliwirki-Ariv, o4 - .om agskw, i , • W inlll 4 llll , . T. 4 , 6111111 *. jzo o n o ramTi mporxrint t„.;.11 • • • • • • • • PArift Talyipswoorge&imau; , An tall kiillserlarashas; , . • ItEROBOBIOR:COLzi. • PIO* , apermlarlollll46-31ablevi. M ' ern§rrt 3 4t*D ?UM= MM tam aan - Tana. 4talalea:l3 ilt alarat.Tplaty. • aPo3loEllo MD= SOAP& OEMS. roaut Boars, Paer - - " I S EF IV°4 0 I n ciri P • 11634 30 A 36 SAM r85w4i1924. • SAM 1 12131 gip raqlloll4 VaIAaX4 , SiZEII7S P 21711 • OMR 1221 2 2 111 6 *IP yedonit 1 1 , 111 ,0 111 , *seek Irshat =IL= = . nt ssigmemie '..M.Pwshalal2.llallnairitstlJarsaber .EMlSl7l/9:=s. Vl ift r a ekat 2 . Bl 74l l lint i atUnle lad Ironenpada4 Ls Noliplans. Milan Oa Molar All &Liam IN teVeletk ee rencialt a dlilmea eon receive lamb o rder. er vbish 2i12 mein, paucapt sod-sarafal aLandion. 12‘aWal adr ir emu grannbnaft at Lhe„ oaks. - 51ertn116o "Mks past IfLosegpsimsaa would Ise, psetrany announce/a their Wandcanal public-Ahab, no pales shall be spared te andissetltthe Shiano° of Abets tsolldsnebandletransixi = Air OPla Sand,* /Or nrescr l l4ol lll husk 9 t9 a.m. f , and 12 EL. tozoLlt a a lo p.m cc 6. J ll l7 1. /276.—/Tz - • # • F w B 'RAY W , ' • 131' *Am MEM TOWANDA. WHOLESALE= 'AND RETAIL 3JR.17+31<3-"I3I'• The enbeeeltege reerecif3lo:•lnieomeete to the pleb- Ile in general Abet hestiaa usp Ina 4 11" lane and well melicted " ; - IatIDLCMI23. #R1:10g. • , • .. VILEXICALS, I ; PAIru?S. • OIL ! I . ITARNISIPM : • ITINDOIN t LAM. • • • ke. • , All the popidar Patant Atedielim of the day. PURE `VINE AND LIQUORS _. Tor Medical purpoeca only • TER,FILIME.BY. riney and Toilet artick3s. 14=nc e lid denniption. • atm, ' • ' Bathing, Surgeons, and Connor Sponges, k Bair Brnohos, Tooth Brushes, Dressing Combs; . Pocket and Fine Combs, Toilet Powder. . • Buff Boxes. Tooth Pawdr-ra. . Tooth Washes, ' • • and Tooth Soaps. And other artkles belonging to the Bing trade too numcrone:o mention. Faring the Agency of the • GREAT 11. _; S. -- TEA COMI"A.N-Y, / AN OFFER GREAT EiDIIMINENTS Ti parchatiers of, goods . in'-their. Him. , : Physicians' preadriptions anh rattily receipts com pounded by, persons thorougbly.. competent, at all hours of the day or night.. Thankful Die Abe past _liberal pa . tromir, I r. Spectral snticit a'continuance of the same, pledg ing myself that ni effort shall be spared - ito make my establishment second to none in this 'section. - Dr. T. F. Madill may be consulted at this store as heretofore. • - F. W. BROWN.I,. Jan. 31.1870. Booth Ana _Shoes. GREAT BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES Ml= I+lXlO Boor 41W ffaos srosz., Booth end of Ward doom That uniersignelare rociaTing a large and wall se kctect stock of . . 00.:TS1- A ND Suitable far the SMI:KEB 'AND FALL TRADE, ;Wllich ve offer low for Camh ti Coririfstiog of GENTS, LADIES, AND CiQUiliEliS IVEAR. SEIVED AND PEGGED EOM'S' MADE TO - ORDEII. , REPAIRING 'NEATLY .DONE AND READY,WHEN PROXISITi. Thankful firr put ltivrk, !rig- Solicit a continua/pp° WIT= I,OOIOIIID. Towanda. April 5;1869 , C.FriYi . ! CANDY IS. CANDY! 11 Mi4NUFACTU;ED FROM PURR SUGARS.' Wbohsaato and Wail, at, prime that defy , comirti• lion Cousiating. In part, of "HOLIDAY Candy APPleu. ''Peaches. and Pears. Gum Drops, Chocolate Drive, Chooolato Caramels, Molasses Tata. Cream llars:Cream Bonbon'. Smooth Burt and Jordan Almonds, Clove Bud, - Cinnamon String. Pep rmintDrops • - andLozene, Candy,Jap. - antes Color. Clzusanion •pnriafs, Tar, Sour and Lemon Drops, Pee.' • nut Bar,Alintoul- • _ • Bar, Bose , Mottoes," Fl,g Paste, Juba Paste, • . . • Cream Dates, - . Conversation hearts •. 2 • Lozentes.Napolean Bon ' Bona, drained. Clear s , and • - "- Sugar Toys, Candy Hearts. Plain and Gilt. ke. Oranges and Lemons, --- • Chewing Gum, Pearnits. Peacan Nuts. • Filberts. Almonds, Brazil Nuts, English Wel. ants, and every thing kept by 'Conlectioneres in general. • J. S. k C. S FITCH,- - Opposite Codding, Sawa k Co's N 0.121. klain-at. P. B.—Batnember we sell the Fungi Favorite Weed Sewing Machine:' Towanda. Dec. 13, 1870. ROOTS AND SHOES MADE AND =POP w 1). yw C. NELSON, Has made arrangements to aommitiodate enatotnera that are constantly calling with' boots and Eames for DOW moles, eta. and haws ba l d to aye them. to their great dhiedrantage, until another day.. The constant tall for this UM of work, and the dente to haven dons inunedlately, has induced me to make such ar. rangertients that you need net return house Without year Mole being renewed- and your bash set spare, • -•• For prkes that are honest and pesfect►t fair.- • Ladiekthet have gaiters that are broke at thetas. • , To this ma r-shop . is the Naos foe toin To getthein re-vamped. neatly lipped or half-soled.' And your feet itell protected from the intend the cold • liewvork we can make ref with the above double We awake them for you thin. or we can glen Win to yon thick • We can make them with high heels. or we can gin , them to yen Bak Bo yon need not genes with brick In your hat: . S.H,-.Hood elder vinegar tir ode by barrel or gal. Front of Methodist °Muck Wain street. _. Towanda. Dee.:13.1870. L. 0. 1100.1100. . Fv:r.rowl,ll,wEi A11Z) LARD zuori ' ll 'Mt( tillanant NATIOk LEM INHUARANCE ens ttutru. $1•000. 1 • ?Ooze. 1$& •. . • tL - CLAIM iiestdent ; - • OS ODOM Cluirmais ltinazico sad Et. Cora• ; wow D. 000EE. Vloe traddem ; Matadi inlizzcsiotaiiand irtua.ri 6ThE ..„ . . ir°° iliw il°°° l Lir° Liorrance „ • ;• . , , . , 2. it A.ilt hi barn • Iliage pai tt etop enemets of haetenal bytetegr ess .d eatittaiOne =bon Dollsreta 3. It cans keeessened pitman= ; • 4. It tannehee bagerigausetent Owe *nee Com innuele g toe the liaise money ; It lila - 44E1Se and corlitta : 11—Tbare ism inennally of 'exlsr.Tteeentation 7. aquie, or naleunderstanding by poiltflgoiderr. The policies an, plain -contracts, BO touch hir reaostor so much money.; & feint:kat are nont.ntetting ; un paints" &neuroptera Attachment • A - E. W. aptalr. .11110.. lianterk PbOadelibir. C. imam= &£O.E . A 1302, 's o *get& fog ,Towitylit-sat vkinsty. ." Jan. • • - CIAMP dc , VniICENT'S • INSURANCE ,AGENCY, Pandas warn* Will et the to/lowing Popular at a reliablatoroptutiec LOSSES pattkd anal pain at traz Wien: 'PARK PfIOPRIITY, (Inclodlog . Lniz Szocc. atidttaitUlnga In town inatnoi-agli oat ALL ',Ai tsti sr Licortamo as wells. Ping , • ' • 44P4piscruilog &mood in oncloio 0(4,4". zdovertmkrsdiest comiziaies in trqs:conitl7: Li 4- /L Pl 33 Ccriks,NY.- 4108144.;.%.'i ' • ' 'O, $10,0p4,0:0 'As' Dia Ittilukkiiii COitp i tr ;;;7 - • • . noon*. Ohio. 5 ' . . .. . .. . ... . C.snuNi• ti isie • .. aerciand, Ohio. 5 ftg .. 4515 . .71 MEI MUM 3lear4 issuaulag anerA.ry,, 7 . .Cohuabut.,o. Wroiuxi:Jslxsta4scr. COSU'A I Wilkefilarre. j. 11/11 Asactta, - • Laiccarrza IsbtraJaccs COMPANY, . . Lancaster. Pa. I , ;Amelia lIILL hiNthIANCE C4)xrvi r, 'Hartford, Conn. Etl=l • NORTICLIMBICAX set C 0 . ,.• .f.ftsreford, Conn. A. • nLTON Inivr.ANct CourANT, • New- nrk. j o=l ST. toms Lfrz Imstrn.tycECourAsY. Asnetta. TIIANKniz AcciDwr Li. Co. Hartford, Glam. I.'" QUI AGRIGATE CAPITAL AI:PLESESTED, • , $20,000,000. , Strict. attention , to burinraa, fair denliii;:. zzl prompt etWemeut of Leases. iF ,to 11071 . 0. • CAtuff and try us. " Orricti Sun atre,t. oprbmtv -t Hflaa . Mr. VINCE-V:2, Merrllnt Bank frota I a. in. Lit o'clock. p. m: ' T. D. CA:Arp• . ' s 'W. R. v - Dumnr. i - Towanda, Pt, July 20, 1870,-1y 4 U.II3,EJAN itUTI4.:I; :7 -- LIFE .INSURA*X COMPANY, rOZICIES . IN FORCE_... ko4rrz, over • Airsuix. LvcolNm., over Lasils rxth . _ All approved for - Ms of l'olicii-s.isAued. . ~Li,brral modes to; pvtaent-of. pry - lA.lllms. Policies tion , forfeitable by their terms. -/ I • Tim etiOr., profits of the COulpany ilivldecl. crprt ably aium:4 theinanretl. C ' .... ' .. . AN UAL DIVIDENDS. ' 1 WALTON H. PECKHAM. I'iIeKIDENT. WILLLtM T. 110U1iElt, Viet: PNEIDasT. LTJCIUS 31 ADANIS, SECT 4ND AcTr.tax. ' A, - • A ' , . . PHILADIMPIIIA IiEFEKEIier-`1: ': Jar COONX lt Co. PaDkers. r • . ' ' ... :DREXEL 4:. Co., ..f.:LikflA., Joint WOODbILY., k C0.,-Tea Mi-rellaNts., S. A. MEEcEa. l'rrst. Partners' A: 311C41;stnies' tfiri T. B. Pcrru.loN; rulati,her. .._ J. A. ILECOLD. j1y12.10-I,l' 7 -- - ' Ageut, Towan.la. I':.. . T OWAND A : AGRICULTUIaL -,The inperintendent of th* i `st)ep 10.1! it of best 1 - LUMBER ~\VAG:42N:S; COVERED AND OPEN RUG(.4 - SHOES OAK :&ND lIICKOKY T.1311;1:lt We have the . • I very and-so dorat. , lo .thii,t even tune •liv,bgt little to do towards their • 1:c I ain i o'le Wor' 1,0t,,r,k .. Irepurcoasin.. , ,! .where. Retairinglilone ou 'short notice. ' U. C. DlEucvs, Preat. (1. IV..VINCI:NT. Towanda. July 20 , 1870. , ' Superiuttulant. ______.— • .IU:MES, J . - E. DOM , P,S -?k., ammission Merchants, GLUCK:RR W. CLARK, BL/Ik.a. VorIITLY • Ono of We Him having, resided in Scrint ,, rl for the past ten years, and havizig an extensive ac.pis.4 'Wm° with the beeinesa Wien of the city, we re. I cen thiont_that we can wil . pro4uce to the entire tat,t• fiction Of consignors. • REFERENCES. L. S. CIILIBBteK. 'A. G. PRISBIE, 1 BALDWIN:it BLACKMAN. (.101:3.1.M 4 Cot.! MAN, Loßaystille. Pa. 4 • S. G. CIiAFFEE. MARTIN- - ITANNINti. bun, . 11. J. CIIUDDUCK. SIIOEMALtiIt, villa. Pa. DOLLSjapI.26II.) A • Ti. 1,4•4`. GOLD .STILL COMING buir:s AND : r. 3,44 . • 1141112oPERY d PROVISION • C\to EL L "k; MY E 1 S . . , at prices that cannot fan to satisfy aLe . thst they ne determined not to he nretereiold by any One: 1 111,y have enlarged their Store. by sg .thuti thq now have'roora-for the fresh e . upplies that are l doly' received hj them. -They have connected with Veer store a Market where they row keep frodi men, t sell by the qttarter or piece, sue a full supply t; r oerbes and.. Provisions, to which they woul,i the . attention of all cr.sh buyertst come and Groom , eer : Goods • and PriceF, beret* purchasing 1114 sat ptv yttlartiiVeli. guareutee all gtxxls to _give vuure astbtfactlen. We are thankftil to our cuFtouler , frr . their past liberal patronage and - solicit a continliame or the same. COWELL - e: 311T11- polulai:ll}6.9. . . . OOLENJ W -FAO"I' F 01+` HALE OR RENT.-- 7 Tbe subsciibor otTerg'll s ig Woolen Factory, situated one mils.. tuna of Mon. ' roetop on the Sullivan k Into Railroad, for made Cr rent. Also one or two dwelling boures near th. Factory which will bo disposal of. TSruta mule known on applicatiOn to BENJAMIN Naliali• - Monroeton. Pa., April 19;187141u VERY CHOICE GREEN Asp • T.. Black Tea aelleng cheap at retail by • Pox k • TEE-. ItHACA ° WHEEL ItASE. -L. • Plaster anti Grain Itrosticiat dower eoiub.ned. For raktrig bay or grain stubble. -sowing ester. grain, ke. A splendid .noels. FirHars once Feel the Plaster Bower work there will be Co more leg Dlastet by hand. Per sale_by - • ToWancs, Ps apL 1211 COWELL & ABE SELL' Ina Ift.h. Teri CANNED FRUri' eery low, hia.-19;18n: FOZ s )lEIiCVL'I 00. or i/AL A. lleGi IEOI t 1301101111Agecht • .11'13;'& .T. lianager. mii:=l : rtriV 4NDA; rs WE Es= VENCENT 251 nnoADTAL' , ,Ninv YORE. $25:000'.(q0 2,1wr0,04K) I,i)oo.non 600,u09 WORKS STILL ALIVE! PUTFOIIII WAGONS eves' offertiliu liest Eeleetoi ugrd-, and 311 we made by tbc•uifmt EXtRIENCED WORKMEN 1'47E211 - RI:SSLA PRODUCE SCRANTON, PA.?' 119spectfully rolicit Ana all Other Fartn rro(lCiee are now being offered it U II $c•00.oto $2l - ,flw DEE $421.t.0 ME .... j.~~1,~Ml (r~~, $1
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