EZEZZEI New,.: •-: 7 -- mews" .1" ' • • a 140315. 0.. r - - , .. CML Ailis enleying the innsie eitfity ptibtO parks.-: -' ;- 1 • ' -' • . rzl: - ' ••• A. • '' ''' '. -- 7 " .:: • 41:UntAni4Cin has; lan : - .7ic9 intgo!x inn P_ l 4 ll Atliin°4 B #4 I PCT' • -• /1 . • - ~ -, 4 3 10 ' -4,035 4 •917 - .9i iitilltingd * t _4 on 4-, lte 'Sß4i#T uc t49l . f. :' ,•,: ... - - ,I.:. , sPzetatiglitc-the bAlltronisf• wing t iP AIt *RIFF .O OOO4•4 I 4 init•!: r '• .' .: ~ , , - 7 . .... , - ,- • • ; • • aunty - ,a2pind non. imith l t: .1 , j,.040,440. !,,, .: . , -1 - ‘ , .._ •44 43tniliitry is " biatthig ' , fel; ah. 5 3 1, thEitilt6f, MUT/4 ' -'.. 1: '!..* ..-- i • s -- f ' ''.L Thi. • V i en4i -1 ,0 0-I; i*iitY4an "a 3 4l:* tiltuttidatiiibia• p"olituie , - , -, : ' - : , .1- 4 133 i 'National eonvention of rhor toeing:teiht#lw'seltkottlit thnsam*• , - , _ -:-- ;';-4*qrosti2l*rilig otzlirpf*" • *itPu _ 106 °94 ? 41 9 2 /4 1 ? /I " 2 '. -' • - i _ ._,. : : - . -,-.211e4n is tiakin4 about iiie I'll g,"! 44 4, 1 000 g (I° , dd. ? 611112 . e, "'Tirf/P n. ' ,, —. - 1 4 jerri4,NZ,ifi*OCOMiiiiililaah.., - cflitt thoirrsai l of innallpos 'with* We ,city liiMi. ; .. . , I c --:-ITYS•Lar :174'; Fair modesfiy - Isserts,ske never . as sa..handsomo , am die. is now.: -' - - ' • ' -..:- " I ~ ---the pow - foundriv:.l4 the, Bad, , big railroad coMpanr; StrltOkqingt is NI pperatieti. 1 1. . '-1" '. ' •- - . 4 • •-. . ' i 1: -, = I . ' -'-' exchl sayti: ' '27iogii i ii# - World, a piper fors e drithb, bit tglisa Issued fortnightly , , Wa ton: -! _ d" . ' a ' - - 7 --l eo#4; 'y 13, , tii Pennsilituila k-t.. Reserve eops; MMS" ' ' - reindoti . at' Mere 4ef,4,lllml 1. -' is "7 .. . 1' . 7, - . I ' —=Overt lweltuAred' . bruldingi are in progreiirof smooth:l%ln kho city of Tisrllle at theiraesf nttinte. . : '. 7 :.-- • . ,' —airs! Entehinson; residing imAst , Abecie*lbethasOntityi added three - to Abe popnlationAifew.uayl RM.. • . • • ---J. The; Coolie tint . Ae betw MUM and Soutk Americas portk IS 04iity. fri,u, / i • hands of the:Porttigwese.l ' - • - __—priSii,4,4ae has jait,yeorgamzed lia - Municipal gm:llusion , Idiyor Doyle begin tem g his wreath Ymisc. .• ' - • ' • 2 --TheF,ste . Snirin - Couference , of l i th'O - 11. - E.f Chuirli, irill be - bad in Meadville commencing outsell:4lld Au gist. -, - '.. -- . —ColJ.' fCotrani, sot ;of the bite Judpe, r - Ocinyngtintvi ed at Nirilkesbirre e Hay 26th:I ~ '., - .•1 r i : :,. ~ . .. L FL The . Ah'ei'l&loks ---7 dediasted their newThiltin Um Girard b,1,414 tulkutte, en - Tuesday Toning; .. . . —John . Smith' 'e was , enti-iitinck while driving steam atillgimtlas city last §itt° today, and diW on,t3an4r —Hrintingdon ty has a secret order, intended to advince the i 4 t or oit s of we' farmers. - •, • , P•-•.,. ~ . . • • " —A. boy. named , adens 'Jeffries, aged ten ' years, was ~ drowned in Tuscarora creek, near Perrysville, on Tuesday , : ' T • . , •--Ori TVedwdSy, afternoon the steam alaugh tee house of Clines & Sink, in Al toona, will entirelfr but -n od to the ground. - _ - • _ ` —A man named Hehman, nearly 100 roar* old Nt'ing In Indiana cotrn ty, recently - walked tiverity-ftrar miles in one day. It lin base flattery to call a man in idle's, who, in a crowd; will deliberately carry an umbrella sticking re§klessly - backward over WI shoulder or. - rmdet'lT arm. *. / ,:: .-1110 season fo sitting on ciren lai siwi; has begun. A Men near Elmira sat on one the Otber day, 'and they buried WO of him ijs the saine:&raye. - , • , . , :---Peace.has been restored on the _island .of Martinique, 040 of thq. French West India Islands. . :41Ion. Edward Joy Morris, ex.- Mitillstoi to Turkey, will sail fromMivre on the 18th of August for Ned York. • . . r s' . • --Pen. Willie IL Seward, Jr., and..L'lL Knapp and p rty have returned from Oregon I to' San Franc' •o, and will leave for home, tilts week.- • ' - .-;--11rs.,Faiesdeath warrant has, has been signed-by Hor, Haight, of California, and is now m , the loubls of the sheriff of San Francisco. •I —3 ' l4 Harshlirger, a well known citizen of P.Jdford con tv, has been'appointed a maiLiigint 911 the Cumberland Valley railroad. , .. —The - commeniement exercises at ' Lincoln E'rriversity, al colored institution, at OxfordiChester connt3i,took place on Thursday. - I —ln . Chic go French affairs and trio Washington TreatY excites less 'than the highly lintermittent symptoms of the water sup ply. • 1 _ I 1 • • --- Wilmingfon, N.C., has been re- frciliPa like "the rose just washed in a shower" -:the licavie4 that hies fallen in that region for montUg. - ' - Lo)iisNille Journal thinks that the resignation of nitre is ealentatett to glee ne a either nn Fevre-able opinion of the 'Mere whiiinistration. -1t Will take, $56,300 to defray ihe'expenies. of the toina., of Saratoga next year, according fo, the tat ley made out by the trustees at their last Mooting. - . . 4. " - -A young wife in New York gait birth the other day to twine; a boy and 'a girl, both Cif whom were erdowed with fell sets of beautiful teeth. . . _ : I - --- - Art exchange says: ' " It ' 'must_ be pleasant for.3lr.'Colfax to read thri tuabiont tons paragraphs enumerating the Into-Presi dent's who have, died in office. . . j . • :4Sontli Carolina has` an assoeia - tiolt of "Confederata Car e s before whom General Jebel Early li to deliver 'an oration , in November, it Colehthia. I - 1. I --4 Chinese photographer in San Fran Cisco being upbraided by a lady cestother because the pictures/Idol wait her, briefly re ' plied' ' o ` No half ha ndsome; how eau? r • - - , 2 7 -izii_ e - Havana -"-Dfario.'" o penl y expresses want of confidence in the scheme of .-SeeretarY Mora to tattle the Spanish finances,. hi - Tense it chiefly-defends on credit. I• • . , • ' - ' ' • +The Coldest inhabitant of Water loo, N.Y., ii:dead. 114 name was John Moles. His ago was nighty- ibut -years. lie .had lived. in Waterloo , mere thtinduilf a centiuy.,, 'Lit is annoniuM in-London that General Sickles, who its great favorite at the present. Court of Spain, is shorty to-be married to a ivoluag and herniae! Spanish lady. . . I -. • - . • : - —,, The minor i I polico7roports of the Glereland Poky 'fried are_modela. They con sist of three statenFits—the charge, the of • fender's nape, and e resat of the hearing. • :=-Calen tial-lias Italiati l opera, and the p [ tima donne is it Signora Coy; who receivei no kedituaeration during the season except that which - may bo,obtiditod from her benefit per forrnancr. 1 . 1 • _ t- The wiaoti of one of the EngliE4- 11", James Lk;111, iaurder.ed by the brigands of llarathori last .yeitr,has received 10,000 lines ($2.0001 fronethe Greek government as indem nification for tho lo' rs of her husband.. ~.=--The Idayor Of Bangor has vetoed order of the city, Connell, . offering a $1,500 inducement for theistate agricultural fair, and lb result is likely to be that no state fair will be ld, this year; in any part of the State. -- The Trinitarian Church of NeW Ibrd takes overetwo hundred copies of re li ripe 'Which are gratuitously (Ss- - fed. u . They are eagerly received and load bylpeople who-rarely or never attend church. 1- - --'Tliti pigeon killing industry itift9 thriving in Wisconim - that from 10,000. to 30 - ,- 00i/birds are daily forwarded on thetidnight trains mist, and one man has paid ov $l,OOO try the express company for charges !chi this - c - of merchandise, • - . A 314ssaclinsetts genius wirer his bush:mail the oth r day sending • inotmd in the rear ors circus prom Mon a mod- Mit one-horse - conveyance, carrying a liege ban crier, inscribed "T.. McCarthy is dying on West street ; call and see him." . - 1 ~ • . ; --The Springfield - Bepablicaa 'in its notieesiff Decoration bar observances, says that-the toot of Wales hi "hiaassohnsetts his net a soldier's arare within its limit", those of its sons who fell iii battle haring been carried '.to other towns for intermexi4, ' - .1 , 1 1. —Tha New'York 1 1 1'780 -Labor Bu . ~. - ~reatt has provided situations for 17.11013 perms • Lithe pint five tatinths. The oflabor me amt ia° the totmhy is Deady doable that. Of last yeatrithough the demand from the mon , tr... is still less than that from the dty. . . , , 1 I . —Two elerxreen, lat editors of ale AZiiitteriai t IrnontaistilLA paper which . appeared for form consecative week's in cldea, • go—valedieMtied as follows : ' " .n , s-_ : n . to a gim* it religions paper, pric. that et; pages Serve Satan and the other one is 1 —Zhe anniversary celebistea en Mob* bythe se i An dra and Hottonlbla Are „,,,,,,,. of Boatononis its two hundred and . tbir. t third. There was a breakfast at Wineed ;8,11 ... street , parade, ' a serums tit the Old • ” Chureh,tlirmer at the Hall. arir=> '• !the Otrremor on`tho Common sal the , company paraded ere* l en-; The hundred 7l . • • A. - I n • - - .. .. ==l fridfard Xtrporitr. EDITORS' - 7 E. 0. GOODILICII. S. W. £LVORD Towanda,Thursclay, Jrzre REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. TOR AUDITOR OENRRAL I-D__ILTA N T 07 BMX& :froitiusisrotiestiliatlif t C. 91. ROBERT D. BWATFII TAE PARTY COI.gII7NDIIKIti:/SMD* There hits been,'"and there id now, ..stietzh" t forvhirdneas . d oings of the Itepublican partY,,that .sialtd as a sure indicatiqu "of - ib h esty,, , toad purpose Of " the puriy,. Wrongs ':have been die - covered remedied; incapb le men have been ' exi+eed and ( Uerdanedi sures have heeri lhactisse4 with the greatest independencei fit will be noticed That the • DemOcratie party Wars Vilna the l*ineiriee of the Ae#Ajeaa parly k the so cluiplishineut itet-undisettised pur poses, makingl2Ospeeite Annul Of corrttption, reationii,for'opfe aitiou. ,In comparitik the','Nfltkring GovernmentNith the • ,Xorlr, State Government, the:New Turk . - .Eeeein:o,Porat ear , 41 Thaver complaints - are made'of the" recent acts ol the natiorialexecit tin*. of Congress, no fair man has questioned the lionesty - 04- patriot ista of the .federal goverolent, on the wholkln the hands of 'the Re pnblicans. The-public revenites' are collected with energy, iinpirtmlity, and with extraordinary.economy , ; taxes are reduced year. by 'clear, and yet the surplus , of the Treasury stea dily *yews, and , theliAonal dad iS rip* flail off ; the credit of the goyernment; 'whether , me asured by the Talon of its etnrency or by the price of rte bonds; constantly Ira proves, and its experLs•uf No peespris in the 'United States be lieves of suspects that any measure of actual corrtiption, known to be such, could find favor for 'a moment with the President or with either house of-Congress. " ' Again, all the accounts of the' general government •are public. The expenees'of every department and of every man arc recorded where, an, citizen limy read diem.; and the sum mary of all that done with the public money is made up in detail every month, and igiven to the cotin try. All legislation is framed and discussidin public, and the reasons for its adoption are, el. may be, known to every one. The maeldnety of administration is transparent ; no secret directory or , conspiracy con trols it, and no error is made that *. not self-controlled throughout the' land. It is a fierce light that beats forever on such a government, and every spot is magnified and darken ed bv its glare ; but we may- be sure thaethe people appreciate at lewd the fact that they know and under stand what their public servants are doing, and they . prefer even an open, candid,zundisgtused mistake to indi rect and Concealed wisdom." mg. What the Demograts really mean by Requieseence in the results of the' war, may be inferred from the following language of the Montgem -ery (Ala.) Mail, a prominent ozgan of the Southern portion of the party. The Mail says - 4 " When the FOur teenth and Fifteenth ametaiments have bsep once subverted the negro supremacy founded uppn them must necessarily fall with them.ln this belief we are entirely willing that' the °pp:pillion to the, Fourteenth and Fifteefith amendment&t all be shap ed to,whatever polity the Wisdoet of our leadinglninds may detern4ne- to be the safest and surest fof effecting. the great - end we have in view. If, for instadce, that policy shall be so shaped as to attack •the::: odious amendments on the ground of their centializing tendency with regard to government power?, we . ,are content to fight the battleim that issue, and bide the-time which must. at . length set all things even. But, although we leave our ultimate object in 'the background for a season, it, shall, nevertheless be kept duly alive.' its The following letter. from Gen. SnEmws to the editor of the N. Y. Herald, disposes of another candidate for the Presidential suc cession. Those who know „General /11:1:MAN, know that when he writes in small capitals he thinks with equal emphasis : • FORT SILL, llastuvAnoN, May 23, 1872. To the Lditor of fli`e Herald I have been skirting the Texas 'frontier for the past month, and, here for-the 'first time I - meet files of Eastern papers, be which I see quite sn unnecessary mass has teen raised by a purported speech made by.me at a supper of the Union League Club of Now Orleans the night preceding my departure from that city. Whoever reported that as a speech by rue com mitted a broach : of propriety. for Governor Warmouth presided, and before I consented to respond to a call I was assured by • the Weal dent of the Society that that no reporters tits present, and that whatever was said would sacred and-confined Out persons present, Now as to polities. I' think all ray peraisnal friends know my deep.seated antipathy to the imbject, yet, as you seem Tiot to undentald me, I hereby state, and mean all that r 'sly, that I alma TUVE 11W AID XLTSiI WILL .1146 A • CAXDIDLIT. roa minumrr ; THIS TT WOWIWATLD sr =ars rutrr I suotruk reszxrroaar az. .CLINZ, AI:Tv/ram IF iTasuraousur also= I !WOULD nectuta To szntr- • If you can And language stronger to convey this moaning you are at liberty to use it. I am your obedient servant, W. T. SECIIIIIMS, General. A I"onrr rs THE BesKatutror Bust lam—A new And impOgant -ques tion in Bankruptcy has pilaw:vitt the United States strict C&nrt of New York. It hasen fognd that 'in a majority of instances , no account has been rendered of the sums. paid by bankrupts to their lawyers ; and as all the assets of bankrupt belong to , his .creditors it is claimed that a bankrupt has no right to fee counsel with any of the proeseds of his es tate, and that tbnnsel in receiving such fees inTOltuttailitake thSplace of debtors and may be,SMA. . _ . isirOne of the •delegates from this county id the lath trentoCTatic Mite COuventie*.sa3ro the lkielation adopted - 41w t itepubliean platform, and ho believes would IlliVollol3lW+ • the Republitan eandidatei s ins 610 - iiita.miggeitee GRANT NOR TUE The in" _ EtMEI d f t l o_ ofkair "111 - m ariat have / politicians---a task ar) f c4l. k ile the wit of an archangel ; 74 patitimartsi_the...s492blign. 28:1 - rith General Grant as 'a true man 11141alitelf4 executive • and, unless. he_shall reverse his own - antecedent& it will stay - there. The Denioertiey will have to hunt for a candidate but the Reptiblicau party will need To - ao nollpl wg. 'The man Ibr the hour is niched Wits hand. Thos Asvption:aupptrt:lfhat cye;. didat,S the fitionat iepgbli ..; k.y of 'htipieising 'an oprinion ; it' iti,. that - 1 1 .717ssei, S ; (ran t is the lifityrik.,the' 'vox ;puiitotitWparty will deirmaklatie ,Wi ko mitaloW•wplveleteiit• tO W'rtee& ond terpi of Prettidenti4 ''kertice: Thevoliticauk if avytbeietc afe Planning oi ,hping. otherriiit; had better' clear the.. trig*. 4nd vere - for this' t,'" '"..- • „ , Algangni,tmalanitia 47 " 11 s3li'AtmaFnr,ssi 2, 1 - AliuseA t lf37l., , .Pl ll * Airkeet‘r*Ovis : fili WV ; of Trctru4 Iret o4 lth‘t; 0 . 31 9:4- 10. 'fiTanint onijoorpeOgi.i.lidetnp pass ihe O'i)ntinenti his etreadybeciame a htiolotOZWil itthr feet flut.teittit are loitite'llrietioiti ni4- inifhejciaineyit'posseinolitilti'ititim ;Of nc i r e t .„; . , iVd leflehice l git at clock inEwn; 4ith.fAtweelY4tortioirertide thictugh the 'beautiful! . trolling , pratiih.isaihr.mf lova bninght.cutto Onastha. Ake idartimgmnint , trine' o Peetae_palkaltd. :ht ccitN4 2 441:" 0a the P4et 01,414 1K9TcSkriTSS Po'clo! apd_werd, by s tin cimit4„: The rhiginght the as the tips t nester{ the ltdiding, it the spitointoaCY94: !API ler ehorch tersiee:MiglUiplighiative have Olmsted er "OA 'day of east,"` Bit *Miff I the!wellie r e; ecnifinton: nothing else eibidii hive tieseltb. A half-hour's ride ill's •ticketrattiA 'neer the int:l:hest of road‘bretightilis to.the ddoitatt he hbteL" The Nedirmiks • Ciiagreassnin, swim :leitmed Abet s Ilsadfonkoonaty brothetnaltitt ,thent--e fort nai l s Orplinntenoe fob the rett,Vr, !Ifs ,Thks i4 .44 in AH7 Idoedsi hterwing Furta6es.Tetiq l o44 o door, mad wo apent the, Lantainatt "doing Orris ha." .Churches, Soo hMutes,gl4, , and all the . marks, of ciiitizati* tied 'proem, ..F",e.;h s ei*! the place with real regret, " ,lit noMiwo were eti,iontO for Ogdon,.. with Ctwo diyalorti neibeforo 'ln a few hours _the-courage' our whole party began to *pip. "Vfn to ind eurseties in a eimntrY irliicfroan only be &S -cribed as the very "abomination of desolation , ' ThrOngh the rest of Nebraika, and all:or ruing, nothing brit "the same dreary prospect: Honorer, the oasiii,is found in every. desert. Imagine . our delight to hive the 13(X110 Seddon and as it by magic, change. This transfor mation took,place within a few hours' ride of Ogden. An obswation car wee here attached to the Arlin, into which wean crowded. • As our pleasures are • always heightened by contrast, bad not the proprieties of life forbade, we should with one accord have ihoutid for joy. As it ,was, we were sufficienttrtichnonstratitre. • I • is the distance the atiowilmiisped tops of:the Itocky•Montstak range, abst, trai t by- the fir. tuned Webereanyota:-esch tuna of the road 'showing new :wonders. -'We paned an 'usage which our whole party concluded must, through a Toloartio action, be the veritabli pillar of, salt into which Lot's wife wu changed, the salt hay ing become slightly soiled by time. Tho only thing which ;staggered us In oar conjecture was - the fact that " our imagp" appeared to be ax iayedin crinoline. tipw we ate at Ogden, Wednesday afternoon, o'clock. We_cliange cars and in 'two hours bLshold as in the very heart of the domains of that old autocrat, Dramas Yomto. Tco tired that night 'to realize our prieikves, we awaken ed to a proper appreciation of them the follow ing.monaing. Capt. Hooves, the Mormon dele gate tc Congress, teak us .Into the very pres ence of his august majesty. This day was . the anniversary,of his 70th birthday, but no one would suppose him to have reached sixty. A hale, ruddy-complexioned, corpulent. man, the very essence of conceit showing itself In every feature. The climax i mme when our spokesman ad dressed to hiM the following spe‘ch :""I con sider myself happy, President Totrao, in being permittotto Meet arm who ban:shown inch wonderful =motive ability as jontself." With beaming face he replied, "go you think I reaLy hare shown It." Our welcome was thus user e'd. We wersintrodueed to several other lice mon dignitaries, who presented to each of the ladies upon leaving an immense cabbage rose. BRIGHAM gave ns hia,hand in the_moat Paternal manner with the.parting salutation, "May God be with you in - youi going out and in your corn ing The only apology we could mate for his fail ing to introdnce to us his sixteen wives, was be cause of this eventful anniversary. We wero told that - the day was observed in the most tilnl meninx by his eighty-seven claire:loth° appeared in fhil dreis at dinner escorting him to the table with every mark of reverence' and reading an original poem is his honor. To atone fur par trisappointthent, we concluded to attend the theatre that evening , and endure the penance of a second-class play for the ... 1140.tsr motive of gratifying our battled curiosityUlm harem we heard was usually well represented here -seats being especially appropriated for its use. Onr set/ denial met 'with its rewanl. Two of the wives and eighteen of the children were on exhibition. Opera glasses were in re tpliaition and used most industriously, but not in the diroction of the stage. - . One circumstance deserves mention: our vis it to-the chief Mormon itore—an Immense build ing, having on its treat in flaring capitals :this inscription, !glob/jest ;unto the Lard--Fteit's Co-operative Mile lnstitution." We each purchased a - Mormon relic and:returned to" our hotel. TOWICIMM4 its proprietor, has at present:put t , eo wives. Hii fire; wife . is dead ; wife No. '2 runs the hotel, and the more favored No. 3 ]ivies In a-neighboring house by herself. . rpon.llo4.ent of the latter, No. 2 in her ago ny and damn went - for consolation to the first wife, whit as then living, and who oomforted her thuit_g. Whoa in; husband married you my heait was brokeati-the sooner this new woman . breakcyour heart the better 'shall be pleased." No. 2, however, appears to from broken-heart ed; she is a tall, black-eyed English woman, and is to all appearance quite content - with, her 'secondary position. j . ' In this strange city, Salt Lake, one might al most, inmens they were living in Old Testament times, so closely do these hlormona copy patri iredud'usagei. _Ther.Tabernacle In which, they Worship- , is modelod'after the Jewish' one. The river Jordan, too, flotri Into Salt. Liao: There. is much of interest is and shish thiaptace ; but its general sipect was osl the whole a damp. poinlntent to us. - .". - lore were heartily glad to kill in r and wend oui wsjitiels *gabs 14 Ogden. Ithadorm too, In fist speech delltered in the Tabernacle, 'made e thrtetessinglremarksabont :Gentile womer,l to tha effect that if not treated u he thought proper by. their Gentile masters, be should not hesitate "to gobble them all up," This declaration sod Alia weird Aspect of the city gam os the feeling that we were escaping from the power of some frightiol.ogre. Oare again ia the mil's, Two dogs More tad we shall have traversed this mighty s ountiaink gator* theEtste 'of Nen& is bresse44mori barresi wastes, as deliressinif is those of Na _ ' brooks. and Wyoming. ,/it 8 Veloek,. parC, we stir/4'llo'l6th% Statism' for tea, and vegetation agitinirppsits: towitatia is actually *ging is frost of tie biota:: We enter, asscrare foetid ibr the flottilimi•byf. - -John ChisiumN, Every thing ire eat is mated by: the. o ur spirit s rise. ,Ont of , /the *dogma nineribilse liar* .ii# rise—" The temadinl. Dormer . ante 'may now be seeM" We spting np to findOnrmlxes In a mrow.thed 40 miles long, and get onijihjesest ; 431 ,* 4111 4, 6196k.14 °: . ' r Warmth th e Bionsoli:-:the Etats-of Ronde Is Tamed sattbs corn: if ate . Asia Beet, tomb "the land of promise." Toilets ate bastilYcoos . this - beautiful - flabbath • morns. A temple mad vivid fmagiaittlen had ever portrayad it oozy to worship in. The moot ttunellihir 14444#0 0 1. bage• - - - - —"- But our poor banal nainieiiiinna en dure The scene clan • atit Otif ti !" "i' ll i s f r°3 l 4 * .r n Tr.ilictilotit or ho rq e 8112 i 1 *n tTolei,s4,BL 4 ,1 1 , iettlise tiaiatt en t wge ekeellatiC &nisi Acid *kelt •Seis The "Golden Gate." cifaitii betake ifILL' it . O4sl hdplaii*t *di eourfage alti Arai* tOiviitt twrl mils di Um To &calif vaielt-.4ollecon* of libel. it we ambito !tomb khozidocal AL , s, tut q 4 "Ci i3 S 44 " lvil l ne tlf .) alga tolivf. Yea. r• . • 111 ' r ligrprintsiltmoffiforlf;' - ':,`'s • •• t. -- wmatn;GT** , 9,illui, 4 41 4 . I,loorsiitippia, ZtkY welkin 9f 4/ 0 Ysiii***Cia4tiotii. l 4exkutioli: held t;cri, (rift , *olift , oef, - I ras 0: )rii*i't6ethe fl sttl - kW %omit t b Cl tee tidtrenisiffkraibee 'l4tSb-li. dineiticri!y "6 1 dori - dtAirtioatittm,ibtimsegoisbritmaciii atocd nietaamaid.- MEI It was said to have haw Mei Isggeii)iamesal idagiof its gustwiseniatiwrklhat • Wink 'peen AtedlOrlithAck,YiroirWlos‘o.o*oo... 4 4 4 14 '1 1 1'f tkik-tritivsitfr.l4?Ariog gkerfSfP:TAkr sltp.ckAMlA 00114 01 114 of:Lemon:opt !trent elrareßei7 air at ttio piFt; ictie4 . ittiiistis4- firn and erect 4elitigit wen' Ai i eht.' tili3'iiaeotlllto cominitein* belle few • yekra wifbli.ib it yotiag 'reek% la ; garret lit of:Teeittiori,: hut divi6l*llllll6 one of great magnitaile, - ;anitt limns Amid tragsailell inns Whim* Wedge tier figmlark iagivouleYAlM44hg ova Srleashile:lnd; orer city atal:eoltig t At z lias mar t iwl Jar firof; gee theriag within ilit, 1814. threw*, other wise wi,pid rff liire Nen JeaF,144... rib it i6 . e that is nereOilfid It ilia gene r ent Mfg tba" liigtivr sit' and liy-ways' blesilpo 'ot ChrtelisultY riVears tBkt ,4.31 a. ite4ree / their ty p al Sabbstli • &Ore that are'noVer ;elititi•li it ' has : giveak - •1; haste -16 the sitrangaf-tWitti *mashie! are inve•citartitc My , extended hhaseetighk tbettontes Otinitral Ind suite:tag and siren, to thbtr wen*, ; •It: hal stnagidontatal with fOorpilt gene . _ 049 into the dark and noisome . dens:s; enirne,nnti fine s??il l saved thoesands.. Diveale4 , nFt trend and seetarianiare; it-may be tiPcn as a missionityln the • broadelt and grandest. sense of tlie'term ; one inwliich.w.e as a people and a • nation lajvc 'a' deep as well etre general interest, arising not enly frermthe fact thet• in fleopor- • tion as see-are pure and jnst will .wo-bo-great end reacts roux, but also froiri the tart.tbaS is the bands of our young seen plats the thrum of theltepablie. Oar institutions and republican ism, foumletl,,we beiieve, upon the principleaof Bight and ! lusticei • and fostered, in • the broad light of Christianity, are in Bair keeoirig.• hay ire not feel that in the [lanai of men inspired with:a brie for Truth and Virtileitind in whose breasts leinst died a hatred fee opiWirsteri and :wroug-doing, Mattes snarled' Will be entirelyiafts. - • " `•• By direction of the President it was Ordered that all clerk:a in Um. Jitepariments, belonging to the association. be allowed leave of absence` dnring Abe weft - . It wisi sniprislng to observe how many of the !teeny men were apparently. over fifty years of age, and gratifying . to know What s large number of them were members of the erg-imitation. •-• 1 • • • Yesterday was . • • _ oroomtricet par, \ and-a blistering, scorching day of heat it was. Tho streets and , highways w l 'ere deep with dust, and with thecrowd of people on foot - and in carriages, together with the inkrning rya of the sun coming straight dda . n, made the excur sion to Arlington and We Soldiers' Home _any thing' bite comfortable. these places the decouttion the 'graves of their fallen corn -Mae, by the Miimbers of the !'Grand Army of the Republic," was besottl, impressive and sadly interesting; but too especially at Ar lington Heights, a high railge of hills, as you am aware, lying on the sontherri bank, of the t'blomac, and overlooking the entire city. Here upon their. sumzoit, beneath the shade of grand old oaks, beside the glistening %rids and bright waters, of a gently rotting rim; On quietly resting the bones ottbotutanda, gathered front 'a_liondred battle-fields, 'Who fait down their lives as the price of treason Ina febellion oviti4- thrown. And bereft grate* people,lliMwhig aside the cares and routine &time( every-dry life, with the'workshop : the fruit of in dustry and the dist.of trattin everywhere enlictl, in no idle pageant tame. IBut with thirst offer ings of evergreen and budding blossoms—W iens of lore and affection•—in. tcaiftil,"retriern • brance strewed the puree of gime Martyrs to Freedom's clime. ' •?. pacstetirr oairr, - Secretaries BOrrwrzr., Briaitar *talents - 2;r, arid Generals, SenatOßS„- Congressmen, aid Many distinguished porsahs were• in atti'md &nee ; and during the day', as in former. years, there was appropriate amigo and singing, with prayer, and mations that jreregrandly • elocfnen t and interesting. tai Aaux9r).l uotez, once the re4idenee of the:Lr.s and the heiee,of one who prOired T recreant , to the high trust,.giteii him, and a tMltor to his Countrrin .her hour Of peril, liras taiddhtliy decorated. • Is 'the front, with gerhattli of •efsergreetts wreath ediuid feelooned-npOn iti ,sdisaire and Unto _ worn pillars; in the rear;„eztendin4 . almost across the entire building was the .inscription,: "In 'Memoriam ; while stretched ore? and, along the rootin ireat f osergroest letters, weft, the words: "Vie honor Our fallen comrades." At the tomb where , repose together thetas:a of over eleven thousand nameless soldiers, the decorationt were magnificeetly grand andeom plete. Over this monument -that bears no sculptured name, andlthere if graved no re cord other than the number eV the -fallen braves that be beneath; was, ;Tweed - a,canortv of national flags supported upon standfirds twined with - flags and wreathed with rOaokads and evergreens. Flowers the richest end rarest were fancifully woven ' into crops* ,shields, and the old 'army • eorps,,badges, and tastefully and probisely thrown around And over the monument, while from the' ceiling of ,the canopy awayed in the passing breeie, bee-, Acts of rare and 14autiful elotics. '• . Over the pausgti wart and at - various polite titmeigbout the - broad, greitn, • errattimS. , r ' were Wise found arches oorered and feaMoned with flags and crowned with erugreens ; while at crery grave, from amid its garland of downs waved in miniature, the colors they a gave their 'lives ,to preserve. During the time ocestAd In strewing the flowers, minute guns were fired from a United Stites Battery; drawh up sad stationed . upon the greende: The ekmds 'bf smoke that rolled away in dense rebuses, With the deep roar tif the Artillery that echoed fu along these :Virginia Ws. doubtless brought to many that were present, rezones:le:sees of,dee; ,perate struggles and hard-fought betties,. with their carnage of blood, the whistling - Wile* with the "Wicking korentw of shot and shell, that Ailed these green mounds viith. their silent deeperS, 'who hares given us as as a terittige an undivided land. Here let no profane hands or Impious legislation disturb •their test. Their memories enshrined in the innermost beartsof griteful peeple; here may they pessefilty "situnber until stentoorted by the last peat er ectile to an eternity' of rein. 111. . war' The' trnkas Republican Gener al Committee of New York oily, Of whit:hi:Limes Char is &simian, gave that gentleman a reception on Monday evettinglastion the ta:asion of his return from the South. Hon. Acie Wati very consersatirs in his re. =aria. He undoubtedb; has All 4379 cm the Presidential chair. .Hia dorsement of leading rebels will kilt "khans* h& claims in that directio&t. again ns won- Ogden . Neva leap are 011IlOhl Of us—trees round to meet- TIM ILlUelloW3 6: I dLUaL:iLII ..... !I jial.l•A chiaicsta I*resting Ot not6e Meat , . Com mover , efeiT C -i" " tr o ar fo r t so e ovettr . no 'Be' blaiL ateritAbririatit Voiakstiatit by Ipcimakstuilkelfzeighloarloc oa* *a by•Atimf. :t Thin-lsidiewakft broad itleimosillitoille gnat arnl.! try upon.:bi& be ocakkoredaosanalk distinction.. Jet Nis hope that,oooe l6istaiiivssqy be &aorta remora tbis Ireftdi) veva remixed,* libershdtsro.of: ikiwers, morbid !up in ttlatkisoi of crosses:‘;wialatlr sad bouquctsitand icon: tided : b7. pert , " aims 4 .lbariade thistspolk the spatial objesit of "Abair Littentioa ;:iimg 'this same wairapablfalosoe .Thanagleab Mae tge . wre,, orbidriebs only. top- apps pm* lospirgartegaivis of,- barns* andliegraL /kit barmaids Est, WA by thasalskiiitoact , amituld• sod *hoodlum asproitiagittiiir odbeings; *aired 'arab , - EL 'sense nof aeapipidadogi.l i io a •• 111: It is rvelllkaakra lhat Stria& bait in! wird to avaimiamt, vartotbar Immo meat of bis 'swami !Mao it ought wall) be!.d . to frarasia its =itoa 'without - a Joist, se tompuirdbearipotei,-Eaa. caster Express. .4.4.•29.4.A13 act44* 4 : t o n 4: a*1 1 39442k4 fF;;sl tika avoblican! party;.. that. they hire <broireeo4 oar Zriteldi 1:31 Ot 6 telliont,, Wl ii4opini4e4t, coewthat dike lip. our organiaaiimi, they areAiskiiiated theimidreent they 4491 ate IPPerloilOn ?'-' 'w 'Elre4,- itereAlkligl.Fa!? 14. Be'. imblican leaders sang acted. ofhost:sil ty tbt the party are affirming their stio — ng edheSion to its faith anll their uncompromising hostility 'op position: ; PREACHING Tui:asox.--JEF7 in one of his late treasonable speeches said a "good biting'dog never barks renal," and advised his hearers to "be (inlet " and await the opportani ty to again strike for " Southern rights. Davis may:be consideredthe add of. the Kn Klux, and by his speeches ; "fire the , Southern heart ",in Kiska way lhatif , traitors are:stot hang the ;country wall at least realise that safety rests only in the continuance of- the Republican p ty in power. Bel" The new departure of some of the Democrats reminds the Neivark Courier era little story of an appa rently incorrigible old farmer who publicly declared,that he had at last experienced religion." Els minis ter-shortly after • asked nue of his neighbors if ho saw any difference in. .the man, and the reply was : "Oh, Fes, a gccut difference. Before, when ho ,s went out to chop in the wards on Sundays, he carried his tap on his shoulder ; but now he hides it under his coat." NIP Ti i k Baltimore Gazelle , is peril ously frank\for sr Democratic organ in these . days of Democratic false pretenses. It says concerting the Ohio new departure ; • ' The great blinder which tho. Northern Dc triocricy mate. It setting nit a &Wren* la Mark. fur ailtagonist. Th e mutat& party wapts nciplatfel*, .itspolicy et io gel in."' I"es, and if the Pennillyaaiii De- Kuper' alio platform had.heen limited tdtbe words, r- Our, policy). ie to gct in s " they wocild - bare' stood a„: much better elianee:of en eegas thin: they Mk?' Advertisement*: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to aratios trill tamale the next w get in of th e Idahoan of Sennsylrania for the ha eortiorseoacura Beringillarah, to ba caglibil known au the Towanda *intuits Dazila,- 110 hare a rit thotuand dollars. tell 111110 eti to iner 4llB tLe sada to sawant not - tomordlnetbtas Iltredied tbotutatal doUacc. The Abide of said bank as to reeeivemoa on Annan and to distonnt notes, bins, to.. sad to esarclaeiteattal banking tatTnefies. to be located in toe borough of Towanda. count of Bradford, with authority to estlik!thill broaden sl otharplacee la stet 4:011$7. • Jane 15,114 tin FAITS ! FANS 1 ! FANS ! ! The greatest Tirtety, at T HE. TOWAXDA FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDK*TILL Mlt'D 4"fLAND nfSbl?'. : lNCZ' AGENJY, 1 111 REAR TRACY, mats'i carols coatroom& BEPRESIZTED. • asz. ntimuorcil TAKEN AT REAkIOI4BLE RATEZ sr Nikita Wood aid losses printiptly tatjhstsd at this aceisc7— Also; Aai roz "'Tammuz. BoirmTas Lows. 'The following ottimmeats are datr stitborizeit to 8. scald& lootessoo forthis ageoert. 'A. /Woad. L. G. Mr.sout, . Jooto Y + ate D. L. Houxosoca. Garrosi Oaks In litchl Moak. Yates street. , - • Talmud& Jot; 114 1871. WLL & ' • • Hates Teri lame out tcU iisscatio 3 / 4 stock of DRESS GOOt)S . , BLACK lIERNAN 1, GFENADINB, • • At VOWELS. RITIMEITS FLATORTIM EX -as TRAM—Thew iiittratisatr Pew siPeticti- Wasottilese Karst !ricifjpahs a nre 1471. , 'Perk WICBCIIB. . - . .New diverthmeneds 4E_.:. e"__Wt! 40.-Ktr a-r curs *good supply or • ! • 4 ,- 1 .CpILLPIG • • • • inVotninda, coaaequently acclimated to •• • • ••• gskjitAl.. All the detile vazietist for sap as ow as et.W•wre. k.fl caw And a place to halt one or more of them do. 'Wool balarhali „TIMM Mother fall pus withaat leartilat af Alma ...3Wt. Woes i /that will gram your table with such beauty and add ,to We Do much pleasure. . Strawbarflphols.lbc oft. pee **la - Call and leave your orders for fall or spring setting. 44posito the Method& ' Tovnutda.,;lme WOOL 1,-40,000 lbs. val4tea. by W. A. Itocierw:. for which Abo.filgbest Perm be POE ' . Jena//-u VSTWOL - -rOuno to the enclosure, .4.. d at the tuna:le/4 on the 13d Ot-inize, 181t.' a dile ItaTlCLltiorgh a matt ;whibtrettip in tbs. flee- Tbe.mnat'S•fiz pi hic-byodtortrard, proving propertr and ling chews. " Illaoedonis. Jose WTI. ;- • 2011 t, tit t nitni . ! TS MB *DISTRICT , came cno , they Maid illitosior pslifintera , Marta of rennogrivanis,4in sisttgr of 9, N. 4Dyi.isITALL• - ' of Towanda olninkris • ' . - isanca .r" • To Lou if may iiotreers.—The niulersigned hereby kis Sppottitssedtt tridoldnos of ISher; n 4.4iffOrfahn on Lada. rzictorbo' has _been _adjudged i Dantrupt on petitio of his creditors. by the District Cows oN• said Di& : •r: %;;SrEYMBEX. - Dated. Toirands. - letne 3. art .11 1 8 OOLDIWA212:811,14-WIUSINISO'8021P, • , ' For sale by, rox F 31 - EIICUIL ‘.• This itateckral WIN& Writ: rids of , Vhittilag to 041 Water, WM, leatiltikaart, buy ether sow by the old k tahltmed way' °Chatting; ancroarranteil Ant to Ware 'the cloth. Itestkettther; itetthot anitre Ist} no botlLog'—quite a turinc. this hot weather. I Try it, and rattily younmolt._ • . . unekli'2,l/ ME STAMPEti DR. ItRQUILABT'S'I7 - • Qleos prom_s . hi derangetnena of. tbe - Siceigglet and Setreln.) inch NrAsis, CHOUllik *Oll{llC4 011OLZIII: Isiarrar ori•SdNitaer Commas:oz Tirrammic TErrnon t terriimm. tc.c -It la varmint to Alto Loki. and Ili Pain. rut periodical fen ado ailimenti, la a envcrign sem edy. A deeerlpttee etrottlm , tete with need tn formation accosopardel rmola • • t. Thrrimeila,im,triacv. 'mow ire ROT. Limrzegios. This may certify. that I lave for mown .1 - 11.- 0. llnpalmat of Irilirriatarre ind .helleve that I speak' ifiesentinunst or alt,erAoknown ire. when I any that an the relations of life. he is worthy of the respect end confidence • a the' vh - tetms and the intelligent' people at war county. TUOILLii Ji. IIU r. liartag derived mach Iscuefa from raking Dr. Ur quhart's Cholera t7ordial:T Sin free to recommend it' to a re/tibia preparation in casts of Diattiß.en. ZIE.4 lIURNETT. • • It la a most valuable medicine, sioVivl3" In it.; oper-' etlun,, and damp* sore to afford rrlief. • t'F. PS ItriONS. From rape:trete iii tie use or Dr. Urquhart's Motive Cordial. I havo he.heintatlon in Raying if le the beat remedy I have ever tried for Ombra Stun: bus, Char.:, and pain in the Stomach and Rowell , . . . ' - SAMUEL, 11011: I Gave meat Or tttolerit Cordial foe tea Nears.. 'ln ever; ease it effected a cats,' and I factu,tiffeit lit taytair that it is the' beat ittedicthe for Think...ma: DYagnter7. Pains and Cratapa in the Skit/aid+ awl Monde, ever offered to the public. - ' • ' •1. ISILTON - CCU:TV/MOUT. I hainvelperlancett the inmost aurpriainuly beur tlcial crests from Dr. Vrquliart's Cholera cordial • it is quick in action. awt.t re-, , ,a,rd ft as tinfiqualld fu eased et Colic. Martha's.. A!c... and I really dans% to revinumend it to all affectl with Dowel Complaint*. LOOMIS. Dr. Urqubsit's Cheers Odralata fs preparad at Willies•Darro, Nun's. amt * heL. 1 •iy expl , .* nit), where. l'lfty rents a bottle. .W 414.114111 pARASOLS AND SUN UMUREL” isplewlid assurtipctit. At DURFNG 'IIE NEXT GREATER -MARGAI-NS BOOTS SHOES - THAN EVER BEFORE. POITZLI. k CO'S .FNSPECT . THE STUOIi • • 05i - —; And.the gooda!will be Bold ut y,t`t; y LONV 1 3- Ti IC E S-1 Xsz 22, 11111211 SLIMOILAL 5170% I to caticaSr, at 1.0.17CLL LAS VIAIN.AND L'TYLES rowtur. cvs SIXTYiDIYS We will offer !sr ' CASII r.trEits Wilt dO well to /is it is I 4 ISPECULLY ADAPTED r, 'TO TILE. • S lIMER TRADE, i• U'SIPI tEy BROTHERS. • _ 1 Now Advertinmate. 1846. QUAD 1,0 MEXiSTA ("BLEB& - 1 14. BRADFORD I • :0' 14::-111t-' Z. O. 0. P. MD celebrate tho Twat/.&lb Annlyerisar7 of . its ervalgratlon. fa Toned; cel the FOURTH - DAY - OF - 31LY,1871, imanner creditable to ilia Ordeal:2l4i , *lll4- 1 feftlidimilmairs of Anierkan Independence. - - C , - A procession of the members of tbo Ordelin villa, accompanied by ttus FIRE DEPARTMENT Of this and nrighNihag aCea. The coltbrated humorous Meturrx"7r , szcF..;tr,c;i: V/,/,./f/A4,41(,, 11441tATES„ P . . ; m 4 - 1 4 . ;:, 4 , c ,ii,; attal.• • •i . Fit E 1? - 1 kr all OciaMeflagiu SnAriz xBSbG t._ iO .•,. ptu ~• "4 ' • " . „TU. BDING:' • 1 i. IC SOBBNnEtI). '• • • Com. of An - ADO/being. • L. O. Fit , • rz .7.!‘r ft OTUrBs =SE = ,• , r• I 4 - - : , ~ a:t. , l:44 . '''z2 , ;a4i - '44h - ,'' T.r. - .astit...7crite IS7I e.; . • • . - • " 77t S • • , 7S. . •C" ,f- , w • , 5.. •: 4/ o-4 3 .11• E ; a • .• s . 4 ° ,4" E • • 24. - z N . 4 ' .= 0 • 4 L ,•/ (/) • • 31, 0 2 4 s .i. 3, E-4 .-1'• ;' 1 :': 2-. ;':--- ~.. .v . ,- fr4Ez "gA-17:E4,- , , 1-•?0- 1 1. mop -.= , . i.: 1' 0 7 E - i 2-1 = .. i .':•J::: r--- .1.• ''d • _ r. g -,-.., c.) :. ,:: ~.?. !! ....4, r.'.' .4' I . 44 n .. TA :: :r., g 0 ~....! .2- 2 rl 4 1 r i — E, • 4 T. - <4 rob .= . -2 A .1 0 ..--- ... W . 4. pi ~ '.4" 2 ' i7l il ' 0 1 4 -2: 1- 1 isi .!.. ) 6 w" H 0 , 1-.• F• !.'. •!,' H' at ''. A :r ' G=4 Fl.: -il 1. . 7 . 1 . 3 i :Li Oir4Y.F. 7. i i 1 s LI r : . 3 14 1 . = <1 r, -..) 9.4 a '.ii ; 1 F 4 i' 0 -i.. -i E K. ..t L.-A .4 c. r .7. 1:: ..1 .1 ..i 't; 11 ? S 4 l c 02 .2 -a 2 . -. _.• ei- .. ..0 ~., ..... -- ri - 1 ..% -c • --q c- , _. A 7 = . E .' '^ -:j ' 2 cs e t [ll 2,_ ~:.6.4. , 0 ' L" : N . 3 Q .4 1 0 0 ~ 2. Al • HOSIERY, GLOVES • .V MITTS ANCTITER NEW FIRSI. 117 11. ISTI ICT lit LOWEIt THAN RMS. • • J. S. ALLYN. & CO. _ • Hawing purchased 41 run/Imre Nom , al, IL ?sewn= in Mercer'sThen*, hare added largely to Weir sleek, and non- Otter FURNItIIRE • 01 every deacrlptton at , prices which will DEFY COiIPETITION. • havin g purchased thu stock for CASH, they reel warranted In Slaying that they can offer greater In-' clueements than •any other eatablhdtment „ln .e eennty. ' Towanda,April 26,1871. pEROALS, C.AtICOE3' , ANI)4 • : GINGHAM& New btylc; opened daili'et 'POWELL & co. • JACOBS, • Dr.usr. zs MEN'S .14. ND BOYS' CLOTKOIG, HATS AND C,AP-S. , AU goods warranted. and sold 'M the 'mires! rites. South store In Beldleanan's lB'l l MONEY awn), BY YIIIWNASLKG YOUR • STOVES, AND HAliDwent, 1. N. BRONSON Orwell. Ps, 0rt..20.111 Tit OYAL BAKING POWDERS at JAL . -pOWZGL AIiTEWS. SPICES OF ALL KINDS WHO 464 Ground It PDX k 111131003111, ♦7D' 'll'. EMS Wivec ' MEI EEO 11, 7,0 CZ F . , • MSS :s i, VT= 1" f , h.: 1 ' • MASON S • IMPROVED a LA; Y a iaD A . 113 LL GF.NI;I4.t ring Itoito, tM' (rtm:ttlity at LOWST riGußns All sizcs, Styki .144 Colors, at ' ..t0W41.1. & CO's Now Advathelienta s• ; SILE.--BY VIRTUE k Winn of Loire Thetas issued out of this Court fleas of Ltradford county and to me di „,,,f Ida be exposed to publio sato at the. Court inthe &Rough of Towanda. Itradtbrd coon. , an TLICESDAY. Y CM, x 4 ”„, O . C/OCk• PAW the following diacribod lot, weal of lased attests In Wyeor, township, 0 5 ,6 ' • to Charles Hoppe, owner, or reputed as a er, •P. Machu% contractor. bounded as follows, to vett I lleginntng at a corner on line of the so-call. ed Nobles k Hontau7e lot, 00 feet east of Sebastian Knowles' It. E. corner; thence north 6 deg. 30 lab. wort 919 feet to a corner; thence north 19 deg. 311 - • iss.estit 6711 bet t.. mener on • F ' . 4 f tati a rt i Alle. cur s =r 4L gut • . ' slam on lino of Nobles & 3fontan7a's Id bantam's hienlioned t -therm along fine of thb.. same south 62 deg. west 610 - feet tirtdice of begfti.• ning. emit:Lining r o g. 6. • • VV.= 'ore. with three. a Unite as the *Tart ' rid!' ii of pnildinscor k L. 26 feet eept deelt - by 13 • ,fteined atatilektf F. prowttiqedo46llolear ilt Te r n te4 owner; and P. Pleactutt. centraeter - ..11.1.60-41.1-4465t9i wrielpsMti-42 0 /17A. ingflot, piece et•_, .parcel of tan us e 'Tett* bounded as Mewl. ttreitCt'llesettureir • " a r i ai u4 siltdiff neweeh ee n• iitakellita • tbence warned" vacua 0 A 3,6g.zej. te a titake and 7tenes; thence a °etc: trf7' b1idei06.4 0 1.1 10 ,t4: 144 4 01 be& ?-- Oontelatiag,2oo !Weep 4:4,106044v 4 or 4006 w Leseiletliantlete se the a AZ,YeAt$ ll . O "" 5 traprovedorttlaa ad d i m oja. I_6,w/fruit teetri)terivalq 046V t A n tto one .7'4 dtly4 mnba p ll itn at edck} , 2. sefalwe + leardelas ' vittgtanfretl dock ^IL" Ote'beet.l team' TOO:in& ten DiTn k we e.wisici ll66.:eilit t be- 17 ° i18:i edli tezo&hem at :eaelad eellearttsOgraeiteeelitaenef Bt6iP • Containing' 100 aerea of land. be the woe weave leas, oppg1(1 screirimtro.,J, with a frante6-heeee, home% kiii6o - 4 30 ;09.44 1 0tu1ia fe,3firli , st , Boum tiicti into '44W:el kt r Atierillti, I. P. Kirhy-to nee of UrialL Larry W. - Vette. I Pion. tv• - • - r -, (3 aLso_Thaulgirw.,olo.l4Thed-iot;•ee+or Larl to of land lie• Teirt - Ari- - biAtniiir zee iaR• ;lows zt , Cas toa DocuittrAculotiliobroct Vaxacuroool, east by lands of Dennis Crimmins...4.otralibigrirtr, I=liteehltre. certhe earth-414 iof Daniel e w , 3 Petsr eta, Coo ' waarewor or 304. abtltitir s SOL* fog onse; toise,Atrefiliti* = tr end_ tan apple nintistds therenn. takllsq.ipbri ieloi?leild*s•Nat Abe J, P. P. tt:oi!AT. Iy. - PratifAcrri X. 21*.kha The Mewing eleecribe4 peateaer :eet ritealmi3ONtleylsolo.‘benandittinnetraft 'On - e Worth , lands. John•ltrit4nd lititizzapa • lesion, eanfia tWaotredetennnit frob tlielreleibeen :11.-11 - .Jeepet teCaPlen. atitmeet bpiendattlk'slitiek lehne. , ,,Ountaantnia 1 scheme( esade-wentent teapaneeilr t , 44r stui liurideboomet: (known atithatittwia, as - iee butler and.frat fruit ettea4lwal6a.4 El MS MB Mil 1111 ERNI seizedll3lM-Utor 12K0 elfTutloll at the ffoil. , ; DL Geo. SLADEllibliallsoxiszt: 131311alita and S.ll. Fitclit tectuity. T. -- XLSOF--The-foll Z fiediet,-peete or pia -7 a n tatoisytag., frioneknii,t Itri atm trocrlOLungionisf Not.oUrtlarituilleaai'lorti Itraeltteatt 11tr1i.t.. 161 ,. - IktoarnalitefeietraOmistuktkolJnw libbfftliy. rota 88 tealakrOoast 113Tper. •larreatitne• corner, thence atetatttWittioNsePat. Ittirtor aboth.3l. dog: west 174tper. to a maple corner, Lama alting tatulg ordenalve.,lnt 83 Muth a per, to tj!.-e SaM of litiOsalt*.. ccettitakit 80 metes and 16 f>e - r# of land. note Dr haw tlejalt*patt 9°l Ve tract ottani tanavereas by C./Wm/2w W. dlarctx to Stephen Ilurplay, Jr., by f1e,4110414 UniZabibir of Feb., 1854. . .fr, - • - Seized anti taken Sato. execution. at the suit. 5.4 amiehae2„ltaleryty.pouttio Ala% seized-tool takefilttto executkan at Me Ka of VariaShloy rit:tebnitt Murphy.. - At.`3o;--The taknEttatedearribed • tat. niece or par. terof hind 'Coate WWl* Burn on tNap.,;: boantl. ea at. follow* : Bektorrhag at a cone corner north; cut corner 0004 N.q.,ll,_tticnce along 1/.ll.Philup' s term. cast 31 per.lo iatotaa Otter cif / 0 _ thanes alettlija 1143: 2, ttott.totely arid ; -640 ter. We *tom ogruer,tt.e voilth,wtsist corner of lot No. 2, thencesivetitesty.alengtt. lot t , wtted by Penn Crandall Tx r. w r. t4oneeor.ttoportli-wctteon.a.lot.Nu.4l Um*. olott; lot No. 4 11e4 anal 5-10 per. tin thu }Lice of beFintuug. Conte:wog 22 siereK and 13 per.. of land; tittro or lefts "about ; 5 acre' trurroverl, tirttlc a 4Q.: 1.1 onxe • stizz•d a^i rActl itio vim nbon tit rose .ctit of' Nelson allbcrt Comte of Blu.nrcl Overt n : vs. Itni4Tl Sf Tlausleol Wid,r6h.ll Or!!^11: _ _ * eprtoe 4 a '.\ nt• M Fi.ra. the thkrd,cd t. r'.cce parcol of land, eituabe tap,- boundod .4t* Clkurch eir,et at th,t , eonth-eiod esirn4r of t of laud ot.ned by David Oluitt..ad; thel4. - .3 nut(, Conn line Of sablOl:nstead's lot 35 den., west '0 per to.a corner eft - ILoe- of Joseph claPlotwo land; :Quake north aletiz littri of *4lll-liaylgrd'S land 5:; di;;. .1$ let to a :04112q the lbw , 14 bail GaTIO,rI ea,t, r. to a s Forner nn tbztret titteet; tiuhlre along Chttr.h-st. 7 , 5 dee. w teat ithtlac place st begintnng. Coutarnizutip . C. 40 per. of 1.117.1; ? li.wru or kieci. iniprove.l. with: a 'two *tory fromoil 4.lwalr.og lautn.u . theronw.. . AL64.1,-Onq other lot, AW.43 navel ,of 1.4:.t.2 Viyaluoing, boundod folluctu: the north by dandle otloaeph:Osylord. ca.,t by land of.. Ferris ley. on the-sonth by landa sif maid Gaylord. and renel Ackley ' aud.tTeit.l.Er laud CA said Jecfrillt . Gayldril. • Contair.tng 40 and 72-1130 s4unre.rodnr. land, more or lea's, ail intirroved with. a v.vo rto , ry framed buildinz used for a planing mill attic lurnk. t.arn - rruanfaetory, with .tooldnery attachol, few frat trees thercOn. • ALSO— One othi•r or parcel Of land nalrle NrsainFiD, ! : till.. 10./f,,VS, 0:1 the tearth.l.y Ltud of 'F.ltnr.i..l F. Taylor, on.tho eiat and south lan& of.ilenry Gayljrd, and IV by /and o f .Toactili Gaylord, or a ri.itta Jr/Inniug: north front tho Wyalusing;ereti; road- Containing • i.f nu acre of stand, more or 'all inirrored, with no httildfritot.' • laolzed and taken into etr.-ntion at tho snit of 'Keel. era: artigtvin's time k's. T. I. havey. . J. ri-ltr.l. F. Joao tt j . • Sheritt W .- Q . O D '1 S CELEBRATED HARVESTING •;- • . • Jt1.0271.N2. ' - l'O Mir Blachi l nc, which- Las L•e•.•ri a favorite' witktlie farmers Jortl.w i•as r t eiglitsen pars, ...11.••in;g, largely taanufar'fareS for 1.1•:c .I.atuu uf•17.1. It Fir:tiers who aYc to waur of a . • REAPER: OR :1101V EP • - will 0:0..y ote truni.44 to exaraincthi , nu:lii , n , •,, will triul nen/ AuLl perfectiyn - of ceu structioo;Durabili!y; • LIGHTNESS 10.17 D11 , 41UC11.11, Factlity ut ,Nl,U,ag•quent, a‘laptal W.ity 'to - ,uly• ,and every ivlttllP6llof crQp or Furf...l“3. laal.llWr of Icav ing the cut .117... R 'or main—nootiv‘r reapar Ir*Tc..; en c"ral , wl• a ballahs,auclous so easily boiirul. tr ' e do ziot A farincrs to Laic) our a ixertiou for it, but to put:these =o,cl:int), to tho test of a . • Trt.cizorc.ff TRIAL 4 p Ttni s rrE.X.D. •• • JOSEFLE T01V.,7M1: Goal Agt.. morubrook,-I'a. • • 11. Lewis. & tiou, agunt for' Totem - id • li;L:Orhn wet'. agtuat far 3fouroo. Franklin, Albany, .S.sYinnt Jullu G. IlFautul. a,teitt for ihitut ; J. L..11.,,r -lpu. a,...••cut for Tem; A. J. Layton, agent fur Litt b.- Gorliaut k Coleman, I.ellaysvillo, agent or Orwell. Warr in, Watulltain, caul Pike • C. Storart, Ilerrickville,-agent for Herrick. Stauditlg It'y alusing*ay.l Tuscarora ; F. W. Toulter, agent for Rome. • : • : juaSlw - . °AIN ES$ .GRASS . mom . , to striive njuli4al:3, att ghaacz,at THE 'YOUNG WA.-Rwoß 0 W Tho uudi , rgiuned,lV- .lgenLx for EA stern Bradford sold 0.0. s tuaciune for tho' east throw years, nod willitt.‘r tho rrailur ou applicatiou 'to '2OO f..rul ors lu Bradford county now - using add ulaclLLuO t. sub4taatiato :tut id clalul.cl for it. • TIIE' LiGIITEST DRAFT • EASIEST CON T IZOLL ED '111.;CIIINE . , NVIDERHTIiACIi, • • • Ida WI ' , edition an able hill ,. the wthwle,•runting nu .z TQUIIIt Instead at the eel grAte. foe the Zaino reason wing wet or ewelo laud . 2Crelitaf tha eat gram , lying loose and li:ght. I.las.•kterl ent•bar,strel plated quards,,plauctig I,,earthg, prolczted 'Mlrrn - dearth end ors . . A N.7.0_,%M; • DRAFT. nCu ow the ,heyvte'st Irstig l 4l or nue 'wet - gri3a without storpinz wurr}lue, the tcazu. CLOSE GUARDED "alio Finlcea dire protected from Etoncs . NU TEAM' c .ENOL'011" . 4 ry4. .efoc . rr, - • • -; • . . .. . . . . . To farmers inteuilitm to parchatat AL madder, we soy piesse allow us to bring ..one to pone meadows with any or all mowers to prove' oar Wasertionthat we bave ' , . : . •q , k • TAE _I24,ST '32.tCLUX 1.; TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND • .To K 6S, • . , a• great variety now in Iti;;;k, at , • 00*8., - ' - .• • , • ... . -• NEE • r I' )WELL MOST DURABLE, AND Walia..l>viz;`; KIZZNEY &-AY4.IIiIS, - ita . • 11raalerg.. 1t :41.71, " 7 . d a ltr i lq 13.44'1 Z TS. Corrected' every wectacsaity, toy '4;1.A1..4,m m to ckmagodsityr..?,• .::• tigt.• btoh .. ontalgtiest, - .1111age4.6;.:).. 4 145... ) :*.. Corn, brill • ;eh .0141111 , bct514.1 pi« Beans, gs. bash. i . .....:..• be 1 , 74, tittozr Wally 11-lb 4 - 41 -. . . ••', .•••• • 1 • " I ,b, A!' • 13 Ant i • • •i; : ,q4'• 11. ..i s re 011 if) (.0 01*111114 11,4.4 .14; ;Q VAMP Or.O.VAbf.— 1;2 ir Culla How eg0 0 1;0 3 1 1 11/ ' 4 4c.r 14 7 sows CO: H>Ar y &Tod 441ba. ;I) Peacht.4.Z.411).1.; Pried4pillergt*.i. Mee • ttP9IfFN:A Solzman . . .. .... . . ....•(.7-.4.t.e..",i ..:.• :'. • `- "".41.: - - •• c . -.. i. 7 . ' • -' nihriata.rl;.: ;,..i. ....-,; . . i **:,;tArlo4l,Ki" tatvtatimrearsrry.. PA: - ' 7 1ana411144441114)44 461U A bl i Itpai„,l ;13/11,302 040744.11715DAY, 85 4 1111 , 134 / 1 , 448 :70.;- - ::.•+••• • -.,. . ' ptiGLISli. CVATMEILCIAL. SCLENTII4C AI ifiAA:4: 1. • - 7 , .• :'.t .••• • • 70 .10.11Z - LWASTILEATR. - . ' • - : i 'ttijaig.6..t . tiitk‘ntineesdirertykoiril*Cial itit m ti, , WaLic 4 2 , t i oy Ltttirgettlm lige! hit ¢c! liVadm t ,! . if:, skSbirscierfret . .. ...„ . , i 'cr . C, . eit,'itilibp, - iffivrita,-.llfc: or -nnr i, , ,t• •e‘ ctsirth fterr4P4,74eaglemter.tildirgi.. A! Ait , ilAtsyn•li Aril) 'in 1 , 40-1.1)011 0-1,,,f etsfe 0 1114 atictPiattiefieThsrlifia.. ' -• sYsestifitilt ' - itfuealiTirotricittec in thh Rekvrg ,, Wth•fifißE b) , Ith ittclirdio- - erollection' v:f . lippaiuttil reei 4 ntlyrerattel inAlr surritA4-:-tirol othrT brstrb , h,n penal nrialcd hi ConeptelOnadetilliirlgtlsp, ticir,:' er-thlaCAL , r =4.ol,prtliar;go.s49r 9 - 22: 2,=rt (2 , 4; Segest, and in j, t; .7 :-; Osucatna - zu. branclms—Slutsfe, TSrawlbg, kaluN , :- , m xtti&z,exlleut ittaltipletco.. , , ' ; 'Wahl atiallomAii 'war lalhiAtilir,eil: in-the .1;:Pi - Pie . ; *- APPletixre,,:Wc.l42o attil E. E. QuiutaD, Aw,. Wald' itenCiprj.X. Towauda, f i .. , r,,irertlarn at, , ! I..rtivi hcm., -- - - ---- - -miLLER FoX.I , 44444:01,/ ',.-t -.F . ".progittc,,aDoaratru.ti. f , !IQ RAW/7 MADE • , WHIT L'hND BUFF stTrrs -:,..i':•.:),'-'l.'-fT.:/ . . Nr . 4.1 ror c4ti44_7e:lc, At ',I - . • A ',00A.1.1 Ysjth iN•tt.4l;l•6m.t•ori. com,LB . • 1191ka.... o,44r4imucd, baviriglease4l the Coal Yard a r.d :Dboik.k. Ma alil v.lificintft, Baoit.” 444 jug ctimpletifil - sigruct4Joie•hortoe at/40)111m upon ttla pnrudsts, at., Asiollfprepared tattraii42 the ettlitrn* of Towards awl' aftlisalirritiathetlefernatkisKt4audsizes Acute shove. =well aniiinpon the zuost rtaxiiiisklas tk.' m a,;, , a: lir a . I i,,,,,,,, , tt.44.mr,0. }, r ~,ltm yard til furtl.3..; 1- i. ~ . ! -.—• ' - . ~ . • -_... ....-.i. .. . ..;.::-.. . ft to ' 1.01171 , 4A:ag • wi. •• . • e. , .; 4,4 • • ...3 • . i.; tg) Splllat - Et1ifr.“...,.......,.. - . s. 3 . r (e . 10 - 1,211r4.,.'.......,.... 4 ., - : - . r fql ; ' Plyinotli .'N,nt . . . , Pittft.on lint ..... ' .'-- - . • .f./ - ...1)4..*y1if 11:1410.4. ~..> ' - ~ ' : . ,• 4 Cti ...., - .1-tuzi,of . 344i.s .. . ...... - ...... 4 fr) '1; ; - f , ''',. '7, . Tire.:ornlilt'lnmi*- 1 fl.) Steltria - XL thv.t.it,. , . _ 3 iv, Thc fallowialt adilitinvil rt,argra will I , e ma, , , e lc,. dale:lag (-141 Winne the 1.K.M.7;,-..ti iimits: . rat Tan s i..so acuta- ''F.t....a - (.9r-caerviikit in.:?, c , Id,. Tref T0u:.31 ... - • , ..! it ~• 2 5 ~ , gr.T0rt....15 • ...t : •"• o." ~-,, 25 •• —. - 4 4- erf [ Si . 49 m.:y/Iw. ! ,, rtiat..t,,!l, Yard. rhrt,T n• Eal. ri , ail.artillilizabali Strts, or ' at l'ortiT & Ii t: I,y'• nraziin a:; c4O, Towitada. Jizne 8, 19,71—tt. THE- .C; 11F 4 .1.117.,5T "VARIETY .OF FASO YD,r3.'Ss (i0(49,k: M. ILLES' MI LULL ySED 7fptizts. at - sartl, - S ..... ' (•,n. • In::1 In- no.:- ME 1iti 1.j , '1 .1.;..:...t: - ;;:' I ytar;....r C: , 11......43 ~ 1 -, ZS -- LAsfa ()rat:, :a Tnv c. ~', i i.r,t,, No. E,li, r -. "dra7...Nclr Ifloch, 1 - ztt: F1r1,,. - . • 1- • k...:5 - Ord: r:•,. 1t.z...:-1 ..: all, ca...4.12ir ac,.... , nipaziFfiC3 • •• the. ash: , . A - `'T - lUL.I - LINE or I;;;A :Cli 81LIS S' 1 i i - 17.1o:1:1;0r cart , " „ MEE p : _‘. T. C . 1 . ".. ..E N .r, 1 ,4 '\•• 1..3Z • •• : , .. : •7 4 1 t 1. at t'... li•ofn t.. , tSat".lr.tay ray.:ll;r:g : r! at V.' llrrt: CL;;€l•tc.ott. . .•:,•.• .. , Vl.t). du.• at of nzlrr, . , . 0‘1":. 1. by L.:1,p. , rson. v tlzt , t“ Any havir...! ra , r , !nr - 117. :01 Ir I:c•ta aro" , tnt.:' , '• ' .I',thtlir , l:::.l4lely. , At for litart, slp2r-Lne:zt:s. t, ,f • r en.,1•17 triFtti:l4 51: t'atc d b , ;ti, Clay,.l.le by 'Henry c!fts. 110 by .Snare;; by.Tcnvg, Laztlaw, The rubrck. ••rand - dam Itess,t;licr. . may it, iso.—tent ANO±I3II.I_CASEI - 91 1 POPLINS', m inae a yara, at E 1 IE IZA!LWAY . L Itats.; MiDER• . 86n Si TT.rS C,S3: . CH.Vidt or co.xy-Lti.s. VIIO.ID 6.r.t0r,--Dour,LECa. cros CI:Ey:ETA AN TOLEDO. DETROIT, CI ICA6O. • hiILWACMEE. ST. PAUL, • • ~..11;1 .it Wort ana•Nortloo.st.. • ... • I..=t)N. "ClNcrszN.vrt. INDIAN.kty , LIs . .,• • LOUIsVILLE, ST. 110U1S, ,-. • . And all roints South area St3:oll , VeSt. I r ' =+AM> COALMES - AUX r.rs T!lr"r'• 3 clurcus ‘ ro Itoour:rrE/1.. CLrrr.:_cio •On ani 4fti.: Monday. IItY tra.us lesvON - uverly at about tbo followlug bour3,-yz.. GOING .W.L.ST. Z 7'.;1.(1111* ILICI.'I`_F...SS (Mondays ex.kg , ptr,l. , lio-4.•test._r. lit: Liao, Ilnnl - tr4, Ci•-t - . !an-I eenne..tingkith tlio-Lake Shoro, .• smtllera, and Gnltid Trunk l>aiht ays at r-u'l•.:- ...Inink!rk atnignv.-Inntl for the' We , t ; also at 0, I, tr 1.41 run. f :Irons; art‘tat einL iliwati with thy an'd the Ohio St; ; for S'onth and Southwest also with lineyPif prititt-r.l statinns.:O:t malt! ,:4:1 a. !rt.—NIG-11T Y-XI.2I:ESS, rstly. t.er 11n.talo, riitnkirk. C . :t0:0ar...1 and ('.ti `ir.tritt ' divet•conzn,ctiott with trzv o ng of Gratt.l null Late Shcic P...lilways at I.3nlLitn. CP-vett:la. for pnintg aid at c,n, withtnr- Ohio Tanc,ltmilwAys fnr Sontn-w.., with c - ollilccting - .4rozs at • primeM'a.stati..ll , 8;2'1 a. Tll. —:FIAIL Lrafralcrarta Thinkirk. p. _ . I. 5:1'45 11 , 7111.- 4 5rAY TII.t.DI',; tor Eltuir?r,' Sun • CCT ' • Z ., :1 5 DAY Ss.tri,lars Ih+chrgtez,. "tunic; lilnalkirk, f*Nyelati-1, and t:10 Sontlt: . Ncw r.:l.litnprov,:ft Iliawitigitantn Sty - . from ; York t ping l'ilaclios att.inliott r.t .... uio. thr9 . to (liiaivektritt atul liattou wit - h.:in it) p.110: ---EX.. VAIL. - Sunitays etcrpt.,l.-t ., r' I 1.10. -f,r the West. COach- is attached to this train r11:.11 ; ihrnr.rgh b.) .7 AO a.r.n.—W.lY Syndays 2:UU TUXES. tbily F- \ST. 1:a . ) 4 1 ..tn.-:- . ...\.T64.r.r at New York ivith aftern , on . stc - .tniers fo'r.) . et.ni Nelv E11: -land Staying CoarheA aeo.,anpan3-tliis train to S. 5:36 cel tO.l. Coancet;ng Lt•lersey City wint at . and evening trains of •Nelv Jersoy 114dtiroorc, and Wastnigtoo: : • Icf.w York w.th •straincrs .cud aftet•no•qi Y.x.po 'Mina tor NOW lln, , land Cities. IP, stet. at apt a,tatlons and connectitv: noir:L. , cat twain o ;:•• • 2 3 4 - , Pktra Coachea,acrompetuy this trnin tc.n-w I ••• 12:113 pmt —IIAY EXPIt.ES'•-e.t•lnnziaysexoert ,, i , rioeting• at 'Jersey City of New .1.3rre.2.• - 11„v•Iroad, for nova at •nr.fueipfe atatiouerand 1 , q. inrln New and improved Di'am!nu.llo,4l3 pat• thia"trairi from Thittaln to . Ncw York 3,2 : 1 I , 4II.—ACCOI.IIOI).tTION 411 IN, • finsfro,lianna. 6:13a. m:—.111.11M. A MAIL.. Ennilays pt k.,7 p. m.—NEW Yt1III: MAIL. Rinolar3 eN•••1': 6:12 - p.m EXI'IZEss. dn;iy. , •••2 - • in;; at Vatereon for Newark : at Jor• , , - 31.0cnIng Exprema Train of New Jersry itatiroa , ll•! Italtimoru and Watlfington: and at Now -.M.rning pre.s train I ,, rflost, , n and N•w cities. Ala° atops at all prineiptlstation. , In 1 i•• !,- netting point:* ou main live, '` • 531•••epitn: Coaclie3 accompany this traM • New York... p.m.—WAY Sntnlays ea , ..1.1, , BAGGAGE CIIECKED 'ed.; A; revised and ei,.mplete..focket Time of Passenger Tralni:on the Erie Itailtrsy sea netting lines, has recently been published - , apAz , 'l, be - pre/eured eut uolication to the Ticr..et Agerl. the Company. ' 1 D. RUCHED, t in!. It. 13.111,1 t. Den'l Supt. tleti'l Pass's A:'! TIOOLEVS 13AKING POAVDEI; Th~very 7Q4 ever offered to the pnblic, .‘ jun 15,71: . FOX • (10 . 0 D - MOI,ASSES FOPS O .N...A stkuts, ier irallion'at ' '..* 1!'OX. E.: Stperort. —tma,-to: .• . . . El rowk:Li, At 1 QWELL I 'l, . )' {VILL =NZ ri)wr.Ll, e 0.3. rowiLL co :In I Lys merl•tNl HIE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers