vmm9/ riperacanois. II Tile BRAD7OIII O ., BIPORTI2 il 11011.10 d stresi uta today Ilamlag li 8.• W. Wasp .at Two Do per annum. la Mmes. . , 0 - Aa,ortlitag to all . cam exclusive el enbeedp. Clot to the paper. - sr • NOTICES laae rt eit at alma corn per Übe Hirst Insertion, and Trim sans. per Las tar Fub r ent haseTtlonli. 1 AL NOTICE& same strie se readies - =Mem T wt. cirri • line. • vElingilleilin mill be Insmied sesordin So be f . Hewing table; of rates : • ... lw 1 lUs 1 Int ea 1.1511 11.1 . 511 5.00 1 0.00110.00 5' I ' tae I 11.00 iL.OO 11a4110 1 1600 I 1111.011 &00 1 ,8.50 1440) 1 L 1131,11 WOO !Ilk nmn 1 5.00 l• V , •r.. 1 Invi I 10,00 110.00 I NM I 0.00 I iL00311.00 !I.1! ... I I I . .liii I•,_ 'A, ministestor's and Executor's Notate" ; Audi. toe Notice', 12 50 Easiness (lards. toe lines, cm/I,i ye,e) . o , 'additionalivak. $t meta _yeerly advertisersire eititted to quartarsautes; reitnt lavertisementi =sibs paid for sdeareee. Ali iteeointlOas of .kimst Ilontslusallestbsiis et limited Or individual interest. and neatens of Ike; ir acne and Deaths. exceeding &Olin". Inficanegadi vex Cx.cra per line. The Karon:rem having a anger circulation than att. Olpers in the comity combined. makes It Use beet cirrrtleing modidm in Northern 1r r ItINTTNG of every kind , lb and cents, done with nestricasin Itandbilla, Irtailka, Cards, Parrots, giagagyodo,k4. e - c ry variety an atria, printed at -Ike Aorta* Doti C. The llaroirrsa Office to well suppliadvilk p„ presses, a good - nuortmend O'er typo• aad me hit* in the , Printing Una can be assented is the • old 'Wait, manner and at - the lowest, rides TV. MS INVARLUMT CASH. B==3ll C=l. 'M. TINGLEY, Mansell . 4 4tt0.1 J. tionetr, Rome, Ps. AU calls proa=attemilo, ixt Irt. _ 1878 I WALLACE KEELEj!" . • HOUSE. SIGN AND ?REMO PAIIY TOwrxida. Sept. 15, 1570-yr tpit, HIIDDFLL & SANDERSON • •••••1. • !diners 'and 13:hIppers qt the fitla..ITS.X ANTHRACITE COAL. mar.V7l Therm* Ps. CAmp &Titt•IcENT,MuRANCE , AGENll4.—ollioa formerly oremplod by Mare* Morrow, one door wrath of Ward Hones maylo.lo w. ° T. R. CAStP RFOWLER, REAL ESTATE . DEALER, Ito. 160 Wisedmake Street. bs tn-ef o La. Salle and *ells Strecds, 'Chicsito. Illinois. r.eal Mate pninchaised end sold. limsbossits made rand Money Loaned. May 10n0. TIRESS - MAKING, PATTERN ma i iNti AND FITING in an fiabionri 0..i0s on short notion. ROOllB in Mercar's ow tror Po & Ktebre Drag Moen. MB& H. E. GARynt. °wands. Pa., April 13.1879. • , AIR WORK OF ALL KtfilbS, Knell aR H‘s iTCHEB, CIIEIB. BRAIDS, raiz S, kc., made in the best Manner and latiot=e, lie' Ward IlonFe Barber Shop. Tama nano e. ..,canda.Voc. 1.'1669. Li , "FATLORD BROS., General Fire — arid Life Insurance Agency. Policies coveting aiht da7nncC causal by lightning. in Wyoming. yther reliablo companies, without add'licnial ! . .11f . ;.! B. GAYLORD.. 175tirusin . g.. may 23. '7l. S. C. 0A:21,.01tD. TOHN DITNITE, BLACKSMITH', el - moNnorroN, PAT. pays particular attention to tronin: Buggies,-Wagons, Sleighs, kc. Tire eetgnd repairing done on short notice.: Work and charges mrtranteed }tatisfactery. ' . • 12,15.6 . A 310 S PESNYPA.C 4 HER, HAS aealn etitablislird himself in TAILORING .Shop over Rockue , me. Work of curry iwriptien clew. in the' s. TOWaltaa,Apra '2l, T Elt kYSVILLE V 4 A :'-'7" --, • - ' ~ pie underOined would rerzriel nll y announce to thr pnblie that he benpa conat4tly on band Woolen ilitha, Cassiniema. Flannela. Ytirna, and all kinds at % , liolepale and retail. lIAIOII'.¢ 13110ADLEY. • 1tg.10,10. Proprietor. • (11 S. RUSSELL'S 13F:NEILit, NSURANCE AGENCY, ‘32T7MI--tf ONIIAD I%IYER I 4osent , And 'Manufacturer of the celebrated Iron ;116 pianos. Wareroonis, No. 771 Arch St. Phila.. ha , receive&the Priv:, Medal' of the World'. Great rliolatien.iLondon, Eng. The highest Prizes . arded whiTn and whercrer exhibited. • !Establish ed "(23.)mar:J . :1,11-3m . , DAYTON & BROTHER, Dealers In WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, CALF sRn - s. run's, &c., T which trie highest cash price is paid at all`tirnes. a..e in' M. E. Itosendela's Store, Msitirst., A. DJrTON, • . DArrom.) n0r.14. • ; 0 TOWANDA, PA. (HE . UNDERSIGNED HAVE omme - ,1 a Banking Flown hi Towanda. under the 1 , 1 . 0: F. MAF.07 , 1 tc., CO. They are prepared to drew tills of F.:change, and collitctiona In New YoWk,Phibidelpkia, and aB rafions of the United States. as also England, Gew lt)... and France. To loantnoney, reculvardepostta, quo do a general Ranking buslnees. G. F. Mason WWI one ar the late firm of Laporte, J.: of Towauda:Pi., and his knowledge of t. bietinetot men of Bradford and adjoining counties IT having been in the-banking tmalness for about itttai years, tuako this bowie &desirable ono through to make collections. • 'O. F. MASON. Towanda. Oct. 1, 11566- A. 0. MASON. • E W F RMI 'E 606DS AND LOW PRICES AT 'O.NP.OETI:fit, PA. TRACY & -HOLLON, t tI Pi alers In Groceries anti PrOVilliOna..Drl4ga ; , 1 Me , Prines, Kerorene Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Tlyr titutim, Paints, Oils, Varnish,Yantre , T..h.ieco, Cigars 'and Snuff. Pure. Wiiels and r, , riore. of the best quality, for medicinal purposes e:y. sold at the sery lowest prices. PLO. . , !•. Tti ,, ,,,, -- c..cfully compoundod at all bowls of the le , itiii-nir,ld... Give. us a call. TRACY k lIOLLON. M .r:r...ton, Pa.. Jan,. 2t. 1862=17. IitEAP PASSAGE FROM OR TO . IRELAND' OR ENGIIA.ND. uiox • co..S LIKE Or RELAIMILEII FEOX On TO QUIERNSTOWN. on r..rrnrsooL. , . Vl -. :11A1119 k ciuion's old •• Black Star Lino" of Lir• l'avketa, sailing every week. ' Linn of Packets from or to London, twice a month. Is I‘,l...taneestto England, Ireltind and Scotland pap t n 41..nianil. • jr“ furtlior nartlcnlars. apply-to Williams ft Onion, Now York. or G. F. "MAWS tc C*. 4anters, Towanda, O 1. 1. IArX. A .NCIIOR LINE STEAMERS. 4NuTy NVlAnemlay and Satuaday, to and Nj•nV ItAtK AM) GLASGOW, $: nt f,octlen s d eery to land Malls and Pasnongera,. st...ine•i'm of the favorite lino aro built ex , , :3 G.r tho Atlantic Passenger Trade, and fitted up csi ry tetp , vt all the modern ttnprore -11.,,, cOeulats•sl to imaire the safety, - comfort, and ;, of p:IFSCTI;:erg. Paasage Rates, Payable cur. - en , t, iILASSGOW, LIVERPOOL and JNI , EIIIII7. 1 . 1 iNT c.131N. $55 end $75, lonotalng to location. \ .1:1:1171IS TICKETS. $l3O, 'wearing drat as • • 13TEF41.-. ' hug for their friends In the 01(1 Cohn- I ti..k(ds reduetxt taus. For fur • ul irm apply to IIENDESISONIIIIOTHEISS. V. or to S. C. MY.61. 4 1. Gentnil . niar.ls•7l ArEilktußG mras 4*_ . ! \1 I !Y.AT, 1; V E AND BUCKWHEAT 0 "0" 8., ! !'•; \; MEAL AND FEED hand and for solo cheap for.CASIt CUSTO3I WORK WARRANTED A., • hand a lir;,••• quantity orOUOUND CAYUGA PLASTER, from OM Youger Bed.. , • Rye, Corn and Oats ten trCorchs,age for ffM N NV STEAM FLOURING IN SIItI t ISIPIQUIN, l'A.. I tlim:res to give COW* that Ms new 4E . ,111 s F i I,OURING MILL I 'I • • , wempuital crperatlow, anti that he le pre. ••• all work in- his tine on &bort nntien. • .1 , ffitINDING DONE ON. TUE BARE DAY TIIAT IT Is RECEIVED I.ll:twltsat and. nye Flour, Corn Mod. Itraa, .t 4., always ou hand and for Isle at 1. •. ,- c;•.;. 17:145. ziTINILtR NOTlCE...Persons- 'twinge ork the w .4 e‘i., 9i the giver desiring to toatroniss,col.wal. •v•• r_ine tarryage paid both ways, when they of.toe bushels and upwards. • 3:‘l 4'71 • , 7.• S. ATM: I` / ES AND CRACKERS.--GRE, \.; Srot.:4 Hoer", Orange, RAW% ter • • ,! 1 1 1:,11.1er • Cakes, Nranttingtott Juinbles and 'n" !% , “‘Atit,lin4 alit:lnds of Cracker, at Teich 4, '7O. R. A. Uocxwzuia. s. W. Ari.vcntri, Pubuistier. VOLUME XXXII. TAMES WOOD, Arrovannr; i► Ootnemaas am . Law, Toinada. Ts. 'WM. Fail* ATTORNEV AT If LLW. Tolima% Pi., Moe 'rah 11mIth. south Me Moran" is Block. . Ara 14. To CIEORGE D. MONTANYE, AT- Pt= gOrmornagp 11 oils LawPorlsen D . Offleo—rag S k ew or Miia sad osto, BACIKLLY DEMMEIT. OF- V V • Iles Over Widduienac aura Tone* Ps. N. Is. Wt. IL WESTON, =oil In Patton% =dr. an GannWit P. WII,LIBTON. • ATTOIII3I7 - AT LAW, TOW/XDA. Apra 31 booth rids et IlfefearN Bleck.•up Agra . 111-4 L . B. MaKEAN, ATTORNEY .11-1. • txo ClormukotL Lox:Tema; Pa. P. Unlit attottion told to bittoom tit lbo OrDasor Oottet. 107110.111. WH. CARNOCHAR; ATTOW . ••• AT Lew.pplaiet Maria for Ike& ford Ooantf).'rfc7. Pk. 00•1560111101161111314 .= 4 " tr rammed. fob T 4 1 / 4 -D. 0. DEWITT, U - 40 Lim Towanda. Pe... lath% tamed a aerobia. leader-Matt professional sortie= ae tb. =a. Special 'Omahas eves to ETA= MART of the- bustease. at the atintly ant Sr *ie. obar*. _ JAMB DalrITTl • • D. MIXT= ValtrlTT. Towttnu. Pt., Dec. IS. 1170. TORN. N.. OALtFF, ATTORNEY As Lam, Tosmailn. P. Peibeeke Wended Ow en le Orphans' Omni • badness. Ocernseachse del .odlectlope. dir - Onke In Wad's nes block. monk of the Pint 2letlossal Bask. op stare. .1 Fah. 1.1871. • - C , H. WARNER, Physician and . Boman, Lelthyrrille, thudford Co.. Ps. MI calls promptly attended to. brace tint door south Of Lellayrrifle Hoene. . ' • - Sept. ILI( 2870 , ..7T • aEORGE SANDERSON, dim NA Philadelphia, Attonwy at , :trw. Oft, with Samuel Robb, PAK., 230 South Fourth. atnet. 'Busi ness in any of the several warts of Philadelphia promptly and faithfully attendedrio. O vERToN ELSEREE, Arrow. area L,t4, Tenruida, Pa., !ming entered into copartnership. offer their professional services to the public. Special attention Won to business 'in the Orphan's and Register". °audit. 441410 orzurns..aa. et. o. ate. ..& DAVIS,E- ATTOR ALA_ WiTIAT LAW; Towanda. Pa. The undersigned haring iaiwciatediliemaelvei together in the practice of Law. otter their profesasional earrteeit to the pnbilc. ULYSSES - MEltetili. " W. T. DAVIES. March 9. 1870. - EN MILL W . 6 A. ic t . B. 31._ PECK'S LAW Maimed *et, Orposab Mel:011 , 17m, Tordida,Pa. Oct. 97.•70 AA. WRENEY., COUNTY "SU- . • PERIN SDEST..Towanda, Ps. Odle with 13. BE Peck. second door below the Ward Holum. Will be at the °trice Molest Saturday of each month and at all other times when not called away en bust. nese connected with t - Snperitendency. 111 letters should hereafter be . • roamed as above.. d0e.1.70 ' TOWANDA, PA • BEN.' :Id • ODY,. • PRYER AND 131311010 N, Odern his professional set-rites to tka people of Wy. Clueing and vicinity. oMoo and residence at A. J. Lloyd'e, Clinreti •tree!. , AN,.10.'70 TOHN W. MaIX, ATTORNEY AT Law, Towand a. Bradjord C. 0.. Pa. GMIERAL nfistin4lxcz Acnerr. _ CL7entiir attention paid to Collections and lihyttans• r7brtaineaa. Oillee—Mesa'. New Block. north aide Public Square. adm!/•" .12 - - . TITt. DUSENIIERRY, - -If ;pounce that to compliance with the requellt of his nnmercms friends. be is now prepared admin ister Nitrous Oxide, or r Laughing Gas, for the pain. -lese extraction of teeth. Lertayarille, May 3. 1870,-1y - • DOCTOR 0. LEWIS,.A GEADU ate of th 6 Coltotfe Of "Phyateiani and Enirgeona," New York city, Class 1843-4. girres eaclnsive attention to tlic practice of his profoanton. °Moe an d realde ace en the ()astern slope of Orwell 11111; aikleining• Henn Howes. • - Jan 14.'69. DR. D. D. SMITH, burnt i, has purchseed 0. 11. Wood's propertY, between Mermen Block and the Elwell lionee:Wkere hethaa located his (erica. Teeth 'extrecteel without pain by rime of f lu. Tcrwand.i, • 20, 1870.--ryr. WARD HOUSE, 'AMANDA, PA. DINING . ROOMS . , Wo are prepared to food the lannOry at all time,' or the day and evening.stars 'mid Ice Cream' in . their seasons. :larch 90. 1879. I - D. W. WOW k CQ. Em" .T.T, HOUSE, TOWANDA, Pa. 1 -, JOHN (1. WILSON Haying leased Oda House, is new ready in seconame- Abdo the travelling public. Norm:as nor expense will spared to give satlidaction to those who way give tat a mil. s3r North side of the public square, east of Mer " ear's row block. lIIUMERFmr Tf C •: - FIFK• . HO PET= LANDIEDISES., • Having purchased and thimoughly,:votittod this 014 and well-known stand. formerly kept by Sheriff Grit , hi, at the month ,of linminerileld Creek, is ready to give good acei:Miumlatimos and satisfactory treatment to all who may . favor him with a ciAL !Dec. 23, 'BGB tt. MEANS •EfOUgE, TOWANDA, FA.. - Con. MAIN LSD ItiIIDGE BMW& The Horses, Harness. kc. of all guests of this house, insured against loss by,Fire, trithonkany es. tra charge. A superior quality of OlckEuallah Bass Ale, just received. . T. R. JORDAN. Towanda. Jan. 211.'7L . Proprietor. BRADFORD -HOTEL, • TOWANDA, PA The tubsCriber having leased and lately fitted 'bp the above Rotel, lately kept by him as a saloon and boarding house, on the south side of BRIDGE STREET, next to the rail-road. la now prepared ententainthe public with good aceoniadations on'rea-, sonable charges.- No trouble or eXpense will be, spared to acommotte those calling on him. Ilia bar will be furnis d with choice brambißf Cigars, Liquors, Alex, ke„,4 o w 000 , 4 Stabling attached.,vrx. fiENitT. • Towanda, June 1.18 . 71.•tol krsyll• ' Proprietor. ATLANTIC HOUSE, Tim undersigned having fitted up Mils house for a Hotal and Restaurant, will open for business May lat, 1871. b t he public will Ana a very neat and corn =shoos use, with Musical Entertainments, to- gether with four or the ,best Billiard- Tables in this section. AU are invitod, to call _BMA examine for • themselves. ipLl9ll4l C. W. fICHWEKILEC- NEW .PLANING lint , T4l - MATCHING, BE-SAWING. MOULDINGS, kc., At 'the old stand of H. B. Ingtnim's Woolen Factory and Sawmill, In - CAMPTOWN, TENN.I„, - A HEAVY SIX EOM =PLAN►NG AND MATCHING - MACHINE. • In charge of an experienced Met-Utile and Wider; the public may ci , GOOD JOB EVERY TIME. From the recent enlargement of this water power 'work can be done at all seasons of ths year and soon as sent In.. In emmection with tha we ars able to furnish bills of sawed lumber to order. STEWART BOSWORTH.. Camptswn, May 23, 1810.—ly - E. - U. MEER. nm=arg ommi 5 i - ' 5 • Hotels On Main Street, near the Court Elm*. C. T. surnr. Proprietor. Oct.:B, ISM ITT cmancnolt RTIIITHE BAKERY, 7s- Xoar itui'Ocm:tl-Boaair. SECOND STREET, nerwEElt nurpoz 11CD PINIVEMMETEI. TOWANDA, VA NOTICE TO .CARPENTERS ! Indinidi to ptai haws matFarrangetinikents i eovertn/- them imams TART My pa. All desiring such insurance aro reeppetfully invited tergive AB a esIL - • CAMP t wars= • • Oen. huh:trance Agfa.. Towanda. Pa. .doe2Blo - pp EMEKBERTIIAT FOX it 31:EM CUR are retailing all kinds of Groceries. at whole:al/prices. ' The largest stork in torn. Glxls, first class; Prices low. E. T. FOX. Sept. 90.'70.. 00 TONS REST CAUGA. Ground Plaster, for sale at Rockwell's =ls. Nourootos. feb.B7l W. A. WARM= . Try.TABLE OF THE MILLI TAN 'A NM- DATLEMD.—+Tsibst sated MI Jam 33. 1371. lIITATIONL L 'IL ' 3:10 SAO TOWANDA, 2:10 11:10 ILUICLATIDNOTION MOO 11:30 MONROE 3:116 0:05 3:45 3:53 ....NEW ' 3:63 9:35 4:20 11:50 ••• DINDIONE I& EX3I "NTEW ROUTE.. TO % PRILAMEEr ..a.‘ PEI& /M)C1_4:11VAO0 itti;ll.*:/1 :10.14 • lihartestanot Ilmadireettine to r2dlniallbla. 7.01- Abeam, Wald:oom, widths Math. Passengers byi this - route take Pennrftranla & New York Railroad train. paaairm Towanda at 7 : 15 '1..34. make close connection at Bethlehem with Ex. train of North Pans% Ragroad. and antra In yea at 514 P. time to take night trains for the South or -West. • my am an at the Depot .4ro arrival of • I UV vey imensagera to thetarlone Depots d troll p t its at the city. tuvaxssa • . • an Myth Pan's ßailroad corner Bata Ind Azaelicait atre4-. at 1 all ring at Towanda - 4:59' evenlai. Kaaa's Bactaige tape Isla . eallacta awl *Aran bait. ram oaks italos Boat 111Xt- Freight received at Front and Noble etreets. Phil* delphia, and forwarded Daly Pu t t Freight than. to Towanda. and all points in Susquehanna valiey with =k disFalch._ =as CLAIM". Ant. N. P. B. Front and Willow Sta. ' Nev. 21.1879. _ Philadelphia. A. & N.Y. CANAL & A.R. CO. . : OEM= air PAIDIENQICA TRAINS. • io take effect Vmday, Xi 1,8. 1871. sotrrawann. SOILYIPWArD. PIIIXC2PI.I.: -. No. NO. No. ;No. No. No. 33. 9. T. El T •TI 0 NS: 34. 14. 36. ..,... wat •It .•5& r . Par PM I'M .. ..... ...`,.. ~ ..... ..... .... i 43111 In 745 --Mahn .... .. :. 12 40 5339 45 310 12 40 - 830 Waverly ' 11 45 -60 0900 0 34012 48 114 --Athena. 11 33 4 5118 50 420 120 9 Towanda 10 48 420 813 516 209 10 5 .....Wyahutug..... 950 3 337 20 535 227 10 35 Lecerrille. .. 931 317 700 601 237 1190 .... lteehoppen.... 908 3006 33 609 11 07 .... bleboopany./ .. 900 1630 640 321 11 85 ....Tunkhannock... 833 2 30,6 00 750 425 12 551 litteton. • 733 1 354 43 815 445 1 13,....W11kee Barr e 710 1 15 ; 420 .... 715 4 101... Mauch Chunk.:. ..... 10 431._ PII 812 6 33 1 ' Allentown...-. •II 9`45' PII ti 2 3 sso .....Bethlehem .... 9101 8 50.6 25 ' - F.-scion.— :.. , 9 00, 1 10 20 813 ....Vhlladtlpllll.... ' _ , 735 j , , . _ 11 431 ' 6 00, 9 90 New York r I I ` No.. 30 learra Towanda at 7 10; Athena, 754: Wa. verly, R 05; antra at Elmira at 910 A. Y. No. 31 leaven Elmira at 540; Waverly. 6 30; • tlr cna, 6 10; arrive at Towanda at 715 9. at. Down Trains dine at Whito Haven. lip iltias dine at Pittptor. Passengers to and \ [rani New Tort and PhtWel phia without change of cars. Down train connects at Allentown with Through fast Eves. for Thirrihburg. Pittsburg and the West. (d, R. A. PACKER. ' Superintendent. TAYLOR'S 7 4 FAJ1RIC OIL ! This 011 his proven RUH s medicine umarrattest In tho cure of Rheumatic lammteu of any had re. nearing an outward application. Wo defy the coed'. cal world to bring • material better adaptod to the alleviation of pain and lameness in Han or Beast thithis this medicine. It works upon the same prin ciple as its nearest kin—Eliwiricity t and although, like all of our best medicines, it someUmea falls, yet the eases of Whirs are very rare, 'and. are always complicated ones. ° It works like magic upon burns, frost-bites, sting of bets, and all external poisons. Every family should hare it in cases of fresh cuts, bruises or sprains. It will not smart like most med icines when applied to a new sore. 'lt is no quack preparation, but is compost - Kr of nine of the best materials known td eictcria eirdfca, compounded up on scientific principles. Asa home metticthe it is taking th e lead of ailything- in'_ the markbt. and try it. If yen do not like it, retnin it and 're ceive TourinoneybiclX For sale byall drag - Mitts and dealers in medlcise. Price 50 centa,per bottle.o. H. 11110WtinKi TAYLOR, decG".7o-tf Proprietor, Leßaywrille, STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, 'ALBUMS, CIIROMOS, E. H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 5111 BROADWAY, NEW TORE. itivite the attention of ttle trade to their czkrodre assortment of thel atom goods, of their publication. manufacture and importation. AESO, PpOTO LANTERN ELIDES AND ORAPHOSOOPEEL NEW VIEW'S OF YOSEMITE.. H. k 11. T. ANTHONY k CO., . Importers and Manufacturers of AIA - TERIAI,I4 591 BROADWAY. NEW YeltE... . nrtr.4sll Opposite Metropolitan Ilotei, MISSES KINGSLEY k• EATON fare opened anew • DEY-sil MAKING Et3TABLISDMENT Ia the room oterilMiss Kingsley's Millinery store (one door -south o Fox k Merenesi, where they Sr. prepared to do all kinds of work in the Dress Mak ing line, at reasonable rates. FASMION PLATES • • Of the latest style received u soon u published. They will also give instruction In - • CUTTING AND FITTING DRESSES. JENINIE KINGSLEY. LYDIA G. EATON. 8 4 4 . 29.'70 %jERCURS BANK, TOWANDA, PA.., z - (Buo r to - 121. S. Patra;cll. it CO.. Ds:liens.) i lzs d De oc r a y.ita, L.attet Mowry, 41.1kels ColloF GENERAL BANKrsim BUSINESS, To persons desiring to send money to .11 S I PANT of the 'United States. Canada or Encore. this 'tank offers the best facilities and the lowest terms. ..P4.SSA.GE.TICKETS To and trove Nora Scotts, England, Ireland, Scot land, or any part of Europe and thc.Orieut, l y the ORLERBATED INMAN LINE Itnyet and sells Gold, Saber, United Stales Bonds at market rates. Agent. for the Salo of Northern Pacific 7 3-10 Bonds. RN. S. , iTXCWIT. CubLer RgEt,MTISBI-NEURA.LGLk A . . . to any person iamb:Lela' any Medicine shcn‘lng half -as many living, permanent cures as Del Frrames Yu - mums ItALCYAIIC REMIDT. teed inwardly . only. A pleasant -Medieine, free trona Injurious drugs. Warranted, under oath, to have permanent ly cured-95 In every Ife) patients treated in the pied _ten years. (9en testimony). It Is the scientific pro. seription of Prof Jos. P. Filler, M. D., a gnidustecif the Ontversity o il Penusylvsnia, , A.., 1833.—n0w r ono of Philadelphia ' s oldest regalia ;yttrium, and l ry Professor of Chemistry, and Tolle° .—wno has made Neurlgta, Chronic and Intim Mumma. i lam the itsicisity of his entire p •ofe atonal life—a fart smiebed fer, by' tbe,signaturrs accompanying each bottle, and Other testimonials of many promi nent renowned physicians end clergymen. -Te pro tect sufferers from pcdamona quack nostrums and useless expenditure of rocmey.:43egal signed guar antee, stating exact number of betties warrinited to cure,' : will be forwarded gratis to any sufferer send ing by letter a full description of afiktion. In. case of failure to eme„ amount raid positively refunded. Medicine sent anywhere by Payee**, collect on de. livery. Afflicted Invited to write -for advice; all in: formation and medical advice:sent br letter gratis, Address Dr. J. P. FITLER, '29 Smith Fourth street. Philadelphia. Pa.. The Denied) is sold or obtained' by Drugsbits.. ' . . WANTED AGENTS FOR GREAT FORTUNES. Aim Row Thu Wins MADE ; sus Spirt:atm AND Tait:nom or ors firs.r.MAhn Mr.w. By 3. D. McCabe, Jr. Profusely 'illnstrated and bointifully boned. The most taking. instroctire.and univerwd ty sougldallor book islinedlof run. Paiensting As fiction, authentic as history, praciical as o Poor Itichird," with lessons mote elevating MC popular purposes, than the pram:Wert - philosophy. Agents ate clearing from $9O to $2OO per month, is spite of hard times. Setts fast and easily, and de. .hirers splendidly. Send for Circular, eta., and no. ticoostra terms. GEO. MACLEAN. Publisher, 719,8ansom Strout, Philadelphia. mar. :I"n4m - U1i24111 - 1 ILIIICVR. A FULL ASSOR IitENVOF maim sad caws warm. at • Mara lOlato. LO;141 a =its & ~- . r r." -'4 - IMII r'~~i } Bailaoads. NOZTKIIMID. 1.. N. IP. K. 1210 7:10 /20 TAO 1110 6:40 On 11:2 513 10:55 5:45 10:30 5:10 A. X. R. P. GOOD 11.. X. Genillosessior A gu& '• film= *ow Xiscellaneom sumo an an Incorporated Bank Of Steamers always on hand M. C. NERCUR. Proddent. 450) WILL BE PAID Veda - tithe I - PVT DOWX TEM IZo znatitcr how well thetriak $s matter ha strong the attires is - When Ton . find it running' on the, dentriultii ' 4r!Ai e e p Pat down the wages 6O If the deniOft of drink laws tiliwedtheikal;,, And hia power is getting beyond V= co And otndieng You nu to s terrible limas • Pat down tho brakiwil .( Boramibor the O&M "Mtn wttb ftre," , Temptation, you know, M await a rias; If yon Want to crust. out the buinlntiteske, Pat down tbo3isslesl ArUyotiiUnning in debt by being too last? • Dalai look back with • shame on a' p . 1'1:44100 And feel that your ruin Is comlngat last? • Pat down tbo braes! Whether for Imonlodge, fochounr or gahk 'you're fast wearing eat yonr body and bridal TV nature no /anger antiwar the - Put down the brakes! El The human is nook Waco oldAdanea tall, Bemire, bine you yield to sprolteli "Bo temperate in all things," waitisracticod by Pant, Pat down the,biskall • h , a terrible thing is human lib?! Its trek with many R danger hl Do foti seek for tho rictor's crown in tho at • Pat down the brahest `4tactUanteas. THE SILVER DOLLAR The Dagoine Brothers, as they were called, were small • farmers, re siding forty miles west of Mon treal. The father, at the time of his death; had left each of his sons a small farm of eighty acees in the lit tle village of Grand Pre.' Francis Dugoine,:the elder r .thoUgh deficient in the perseverance and In dustry which characterized thuyoun ger, was nevertheless, to all appear ances, more successful ' and prosper ous than the other. It was a won; der to all how Francis Dugoine, idle `and 'prodigal in his habits, could have more money and make a better show in the world than his brother 'Paul, whe' toiled early and late and was al ways prudent and saving. But what ever the_cause, such had really been the curt since - the two brothers had come into possession of their respec tive farms. Paul •Thigoina, though` ioemingly less prosperous than his elder broth er, in a worldly point of view, and wholly unable to furnish his family with the means of making so aristo cratic a show in society, was never theless; as a farmer, in independent circumstances, Laving already a snug littio`sum deposited in one of „the Montreal banks. But whatever he had been able to save it was the positive and undenia ble fruits of industry and frugality. It was acknowledged that.no man in Grand Pro labored with more skill find perseverance.than Paul Dugoine; while every one was ready to testify that Francis Dugoine, so far as the interests of his farm were concerned, went entirely to the other ettreme. For some time prior to the cora menicement of our story theie had been several atrocious robberies com mitted at various times in and around Grand Pre, wtich defied all the in genuity mid penetration of its detec tive force. The outrages were perpetrated in enverfinstance by a party of colored men; but so far it had been impossi ble to obtain any definite eine which would lead to their detection. About this time Paul Dugoine had a ,certaiii snm of money which he was desirous of adding to his bank ac count, and the fact was not unknown to some of his neighbors—that is, the fact of its possession, though not of his intentions respecting its disposal. It was on a beautiful. September morning . that Paul announced his de termination of starting for Montreal to deposit his accumulated horde. As he looked over the contents of the little leathern bag, and counted up the pretty sum of one 'hundred and some odd dollars, in gold and , silver, , -he remarked proudly - to hie wife that little, Jeeie, his only child; would have a snug dower when/ she arrived at a suitable age-to be/mar ried He was looking d long way ahead, for Josie was then not quite five years old—just the age of the gieat St. Ber nard dog stretched on/the rug before the fire: Rover was the admiration of all who-knew him in / Gratsd ; Pre, for he was-an animal a wonderful wisdom and sagacity,,besides@ being one of those clever, good-natured dogs that never baited or snorted at anybody without a•iirovocation. " shall leave Rover" behind," said Paul, as he was getting ready to start on his journey, which would occupy about two days, "and you .will be as safe with him in thelonse as though I' were here myself. There are 'no four men in Grind Pre that could harm a hair of your head while he is around. Give him a free run of the `house and you are all right. No one will molest you—not even that bind of black desperadoes who have al ready-become the terror of the stir; rounding neighborhood and country, if they knew he was 'with you, and unchained." • Ho kissed his wife and little Josie tenderly; for he was a most devoted husband and •father; and mounting his sturdy Canadian horse, was soon on his way to Montreal. . That Uight, in consequence of the absence of its head, the little family retired early- 7 0;e servant girl occu pying.a room adjoining her mistress, and the faithful dog allowed to roam at', liberty through the lower and un occupied rooms, - *hose doors, in ac cordande with Paid Dugoine's area tions, had All been left ajar, with the exception of the outer door; which , was securely locked. Mrs. Thigoifi, who - CUfuld not bid; feel a little uneasy at the thought of being left alone, if only for a single night, had left her light burning, and was lying in a wakeful mood,-think ing of their ldnely situation—two lone women and a little girl, in a lone farm-house a quarler of a mile re move.' from any other house, and the knowledge abroad, as she had reason to.know, that her hiisban - money sairet:l • mar.lsll PRIME .12 ,- - • f.. 1 4 1 • "`; '-"C"' • " Pl.ll.i • "PI - - , . -..: TOWANDA; 8110119-: , , •„ .• . •, .• • .„ • • 1 ,, w • . . 4 , , r. . Wirli!dri ;2.2..1; MIS Mr • . lir dhlthein ilmiteilithr billy -he -her mind; shileticsiithe lidoildo.tho radiational' fidgety, tied' ditty trig** ni . nnaloneverfaintAili ;she wale- it Irina rbeludatt imposeible to eke* her ere in sleep if the lay tthero tar however, eleptgOstiind. :sod the sarratirt in theniectsvoll was equally obliviooni to) julgia frost her lend and4ignisr brenthnlfF_ - Boon after emir :eiotit ;rhea' stan* ale liaidat that her iraiel lit detected the ismod - offootatepr '-U timely ameithe the, end ;then a low betlliarknErWill steep -premed voices ow thlrattaido' )Tbei Bovefteemi Soterk,suediteiabout in .the lower *en& , Tbea she head - a wreathing of-thir,deer lock, and preeentky the dithiagiound of the'boltnis it lkiwitsok:* - 4 • She could so kinger doubt bat tint some one Iran worhing at the , door, and for to igood purpose. Fora zoo- ment it seemed eh tiumgfi . - her tbeart eked Mill She couldiThet mem out to Helical, for - her very toegue seemed paralyzed. 0 ! what would she nit have given at that moment to . have been is a Once of safety with little Jode, whp was shit sl the uttedeniciout Sleep of tare childhood! Bat bad their lives depended upon it, - she could,not have mcrredalinsec: to NM them. She could hear. the, Invaders below, though' dill on the' outside-7 not yet having . veahrredlo open 'the door—trying in subdued. tatter :to goodie and pacify tbedog. She heard them Ball Ins name: quiet ." lloyr—be v Bever,, ;i7.1 g0 raydOwn e .. That's 'a' 'good) doggie But Rover war now fairly . on the rampage, and not to be quieted by any such specious pleadings, either frTDfiCniek4 t d f) xftter e. :srith the clog,* irowled a rough voice on the out aide: " Give him a button—that'll '" .settle his hash. _ Then Mrs. Dugoine heard the door cautiously open and shut, and all was quiet after that for several minutes, excepting an occasional demonstra tiOn of belligerency on the 'part of Rover, who still maintained his po sition near the outer door. Oh, what moments of.horror and suspense were thodo to the poor mother Up to this time neither Josio nor Helice had ' awakened, although the Boise below had been: aufficieet to arouse wierysonad sleeper. At knell after a painful _pause of severnl minntefe; during which the dog had 'relapsed into con immtive silence, the door was again opened in the same cautious manner as be lore, though to, the. attentive cars of Mrs. Lingoincy the slightest noise was distinctitanaible. It was very strange, she thougl4, that for the last minute or two she had heard nothing froth the dog, and she began to entertain fears that he had swallowed the button of which the 'ruffian had spoken, and which she had .good reason to, believe had been cast to him at the time she had first heard the door open. If pch was the case ixkn. Rover was proa bly now in tho' agonies of death, or dead, and the helpless three, above stairs wore left without a defender,, atrthe mercy of the assailants.; - None but a mother who haslpassed through a similar ordeal ,can imagine the fearful agony and terror Of Mrs. DeLgoine at the moment. She 'poked upon her sleeping child, tunl i in im agination could already seethe, glit tering steel of the tounissin at her throut, and feel its sharp 'edge sand ing a murder thrill along her semi- Aire nerves., She wad so paralyzed from the horrors of 7 the situation that She could not more a limb-cotdd not cry out even/had those shudder ing imaginary/ears proven a reality. She heard the door creak as it slow- ly opened, acid the ngt_moment a rush of heav,feet 'sounded in the pas sage. Then came a cry from. Rover thatnded lice the fierce, madden ed hoi sou rl of a wild beast let loose ry .on jts assailants. The wild, confused sound of a deadly struggle ensued. / Fierce growls and terrified oaths were blended, together , as though- every inch of ground was being bravely con tested by theirsgallant and` unyield ing defender. ' - So terrified was Mrs. Dugoine by thedireful uproar, and Wench a pit:ch of alarm had every faculty been work-' eti up previously, that she absolutely fainted in her bed.. When at last she came to her sense, again, she found Josic clinging; to her in childish , ter ror, and Helice bathing hdi face and' temples with some potent restorative. All was still below stairs, with the exception of occasional groans, as of some person in disfiess, followed; by munching and growling from the dog. 'The brace animal had doubtless proved more than a match for his ad versaries, and ; Mrs. Dugoine began to breathe easier. Still the timid occupants of the chamber could not muster sufficient courage to go below to ascertain 'the condition' of the wounded wretch, Whoever he might Chance to be, and so they . renained whore they were, and tremblingly awaited the approach of daylight, when some early riser of the neighborhood might chance to _pass by. Sor were they disappointed' in their expectations, for soon after it began to be light'a couple of men riding nearby, who were passing the house on their way to work, chancing to cast their tyes m that direction, imaginf3d there might be something wrong in the ontadoor being open, with no sign of any one astir about the houssX, They knew-that Paul Du goine had started the day before for Montreal, and:thata csreful, timid woman like Mrs. Dugoine would :not be very likely to leave her door open ouretiring for the night--especially of housebreaking and robberies had been of frequent occurrence of late in and around tim immediate vicinity tit Grand Pre, Taking into . oisowid eratiai these facts, it Ina erica* to induce the two men to'turn from the h ghway and approach the house. Oa reching the .door they were sheeted and'horrified at the speeta- - cle which awaited them. = In the boil! entry WO colored men stretched oat in a pool of their °Wu blood, and just over the threshold 'of the kitchen lay a third,.. with Boyer staridiog,lied by~ throat holm* m yeemikM4 mcmtinemt or $ Om in. EMEINEZ : • • T 41.: 5, 4• .; I um Si= MEM .00 !.. ALOW , ARMIIIiik ,f; 4644 Oaf utt - -invidi: still' Vied: - . 1 thin44 . 1 301 10 1 34 m of the WV. *O7 4::ifiee4 4ecialTea rosoa ,to sav 4 e themthee from , OW: .. Demise irsi *Bee had rsea dm tem man from their chaetbsr &w as they approached 'the- house, he preseettly ising -thew as thait naq n borehrough thetas perfectight the-mornmn thqinita. terett.PP:ll4eieet 'eine q t epieek thadoor of their Amber and des ceidlolthe kitchen:- Tho'lo2o'4 hand wig lees Min hall si mile di4lint *Hu the hone. sadone of' the Ilia:was' die:! pitched *Mir to irifixtiti ilip dies of the frigleal beennenee, „end in hidf saloarthe people, of the. vil lage had gsthered on, the green in front of Ile house. =- The three robber, IMO d ont Mid laid on - the gram, 'there the on et - ivied withal:ale mold see them, and the examination hoed that two out of the th r ee were already: dela nip remaining one was alive -though amnia* .and on retain ; ing ilia can and rani to examine. the extent of his injuries, everybody was imrgrimi to Ind that the Imposed, black was a white man. Soap, water and toweht wsautuusight out, 'and the faces of the robbers were carefully wished i. Judged the - - SS toniehment: of every one Present . cui discovering in ,the featurei 'of the three desperadoes the .faces of throe well kneel% citizens of Grand Pre. The bodies of the dead were claimed by their. friends for burial, while the eme-thal atilt, lived was removed to the village and placed under medical treatment He recovered in a short time, and on the examination which followed was 'revealed the star/lino Met - that au organized Ralf hid 'for some time existed in the immediate neighborhood and its surroundings, whose chief and prime mover . was Francis Dngoine—Stich of thehand as did not escape =',were speedily -ar rested, and the trial which followed resulted in their conviction and sen tence to several years in penal servi tude. So • pleased were the citizens of Grand Pre with the heroic midi noble conduct of Borer, that, it contribution was taken up, and a Silver Collar p - chased for him upon which his own name sod that of ,his'owner were in scribed. -- • " - Mra. Baldwin, the 'elision:). ry to China, lectured in Philadelphia recently. Of the women/in China, .she said : The women of China are divided into two classes the' bound-footed, who'are the ladies/ and the large footed,. who are the common class. The latter earrythe burdens, do all the drudging /aid out-door work, while , their husbands do nothing. When a little girl is born the parents the the gods are , angry with them, and they hold a consultation whether she shall bo allowed to live or not. If she / is, when she arrives at the pge of Jour years they hold another eon saltation whether she shall be a /bound-footed or a large-footed wo min. If she is chosen to be a hound footed she is not permitted to do any thing, but if otherwise she has to ;be the family's , slave. I have seen a woman with four children strapped to her back and rowing a boat, her husband laid in the cabin' smok ing his pipe. 'Girls have no choice of theirusbands ; the young girl is sold by her parents at the highest price they an obtain for. her. She never sees her husband, nor he her, until after they are married. If he chooses he can be divoreed from her for talking too much ; if he becomes poor, or , gets tired of her, he sells her again. '. In the coldest weather the large-footed women are not al lowed to wear stockings, and cannot dress in any other colors than black or blue. ThOF manner in which they make their feet small is by binding the fotir toes under the foot,' which they keep hound up about eleven years, when" 11e foot beconies dead. I have walked through the streets when the women would brush against my dress so as to see my feet, to discover as td what Class I be longed, I would say to them, "-I will show you my feet, bat do not pull my clothes, as it is rude:" When I wouldnxpose my feet to them they would exclaim : " Why; have you no real ladies in America ?" And the only stay that I could make them be lieve that we had, was by telling them that the women read books like the Men," which utterly. astounded them, as the real Chinese lady is brought up in the utmost ignorance, and they only marry rin the rich familes, bemuse they know and do so little, and need ,so much waiting upon that it takes a rich husband to support them.. If you ask a Chinese woman how many children she has, she will give 3 , cra only the number of the boys. She has to be asked the second time bow many girls ihe_has, Ina' they are thought so little of that. in many .earses they are killed as soon as born. A large-footed woman told me once that her. first child was* a girl, and she dtim*d to me how she hived the little one. "My !hus- - , band went -one' she slid, " and brought in a trth of water. I . begged him to spare its life, but he took the little one and put its head in the wa- ter, and held it there until it was dead." 'Her second babe was a daughter; and it was served the same aethe first ; the third child was' a boy ; 1 he lived until be was about .1 1 yenns of age, then - the gods got an gry and killed him; , 'tb,en. my hue! band died ; and now it eat any thingthat is nice, and if Iweargood cle thes, - my relatives become angry and treat me harshly." Even in our Christian churches in China, the wo men are tin* allowed in 'the 'same room with the men, but are tdirti. tinned °Min a lattite,worittoom. j A Inimpuitriilia s Dathengsn hap =tinniest Ilan lon* giant to path. tiry • maed and" appeared to retoir otti es& °Uteri WS awaken InaPeeliant #241.. disoovered their nistake, abyti the imam WWI oat: Arnsbr erred I thougkt Wined!' you, millet inonant It wash nop, and, Nth I it neytbe rtebnak nvDe,tir rw ash I" repled the Da '!t Istob ; you ieh not par Ittak and I bh not Inieelf,we' Ea both' keno Oder podia ; s b, ,Thk And Pal 14•1491!. . ' .. ME pcs47(§) 1 3.(04 1 )11.01 . .; 3.. ,F .::T frilipaiper Amiammilitiv.Advance. FlifEß , . t :;Itr i Iltratlhe Ritaituul. - IMEM M: ' 1 - AltiLlt.D;TO l o4444, '• L.) !b r - ow iketuriOttut - 9f Okalpig/iiliCid the IPS " rettier ofNateuts!,,weraa he interesting to yeg, numerous read; Irk 110440 t?g/T. 100751F09 1 4 , 0 th4f4004 41944 1 0 1 ,4/44 1 )=1 2 W least &portion of thie fertile State:. Lliktml4l l 4, l obrsOut____„.___,hasi*** oll 44__,, In . uition l 3B49 uo 2pruicipao. yaw. Ban. 414 0014Atir•Alka4ST4e tO I O I-111 5144. .es a pre-eminentiVerjhaod Mid id destined, to far nrpnes any of her ale terStatetili The Surface is giii,,solling, -but seldion is declivity so abrupt as topr&int' easrealthation.z. the WiliniOd *allay of latiPlattOthe sur 4 i*Ce letekidtd, _the. ferbcrt the :rich soil 'aezeOt q die stir palled in thiworld. 11 is well adept-, ed to the , enitivition 4of' smallron, and in &suitably wet season noes an abundant arop•Olcorn. o rtatoot growlemarludgy well,and are often` bur enciugh for use as early .0 the 18th of rune; • paideturre, with incredible Vigor. AR ' kinds of garden vines produce altindantrintitieffof frukmpecially - melbas, iihich grekw, Impenough, _to ~tmapt any 'Emden' fPcgreett talut ifirlp to Ifebralks 1 1 the season cif:thstr lgecious fruity and be. may be *Wafted that he never Wed melons among the stone-htmpa. otinrEasternfltate. Prairies grass grown in rich .shundeace all over this virgin `toefil; affording delicious pas turaro'fonituiy herds. of . Battle that are raisediiid fatted Were frith itoni perntivelylittle labor or expenif& The grass - tentairis niche' rich' nutriment that cattle bieorne . fattceon. it 'than the stall 7 led Ones of thiZaateinStatei Young ; cattle '. 4 0rM . 0 turned; out the present year the,2oth of March, and even _those that had been ill,cared for during the winter and consequently were very poor, were in excellent con dition for beef by the first of May. ,The gram makes excellent hay for winter use. They often cut two, or even three, tons on an emit, ivhich is very quickly cured, loing generally put up the same (Tay it is cut. \The climate, of Nebrask& is, to say the least, delightful,' save ono unpleasant feature viz the wind, which, dering a wintry storm bowls - fiercely over these vast prairies with a cruel force, inflicting much suffering on any man or beast that happens to be •=fortu nate or foolish enough to be 'exposed b::• its fearful fury. The State is well watered by riverg, creeks and rivu lets, beneath some of whose clear sur faces exist enormous sized members of the finny tribe, which, when caught, make a very palatable dish to\ add to the luxuries of. Nebraska. The large 'streams also contain many animals highly valued for their fur, such' as the otter, beaver, 'mink, and others less valuable. - The country is yet new • so that only kfew have made a trial of fruit culture; but those who ha re have suc ceeded well. The citizens are very energetic in planting forest'• trees , of the kinds that grow quickly, which will soon protect the yoting fruit trees from the fury of the winds, also ar resting not a little their 'fierce- pro gress across the vast plains; and in few ,yeats I think we shall see a greater quantity of fruit produced than in either of the Eastern States. Some wild fruits grovi abundantly now., Two years ago hundreds of bushels of plums migke have been gathered along Shell Creek—somens large as hen's egga_and very delicious,' but last , season wai too dry for them to grow much. • - Nebraska is a very healthy State. A case of ague and fever—that bane of some of the 'Western States—is seldom if ever found here; and those whti come here afflicted with lung, diseases are generally benefited and. often cured by the pure air of this de sirable State. • - - Timber and Wood are rather scarce here, being confined to the margin of the streams; but coal has been die covered in same places, but it is brought in abundant supplies from the Rocky Mountains, and is now pretty high priced, which all con sumers prophesy will soon be reduc ed. People are settling this lovely valley very fast. The emigration from other countries and - the immi gration from all States of the Union it truly astonishing. The reason is plain: Our good Uncle Sam'S best farm of thousands of acres lies in this fertile State, and you kno* the rich old gentleman issued a decree a few years ago to give each of his* poor nephews or nieces 160 or 80 acres, of his land ; according to where it, lay, if they would_ comply with the simple request - of 'going on it and staying five years. Of course, many aro wise enough to accept of his generous of fer; but others prefer to stick to the' roots, stumps and stone piles be queathed to them by their fathers or grandfathers, instead of accepting the rich present offered them by their noble-hearted uncle. 3 great many homesteads and pre-ereptionn have been taken, and many more lie inthe northeni pad of this county ten or twenty milks from the County seat Schuyler, the county seat of Col fax: connty, was,surveyed two. years ago ana is now: quite a large town, containing a great number,of cosily edifices and many very enerprising citizens;' and many kinds of business are carried on there, but Printing not among the number. The 'town is built on the ThP. Railriiad, and bids fair to become a huge place. • - • a A.':l). ficartum. Nay 29,1871. _ • HOME rotiCATION.—We should not hesitate to attribute greater iniport anie tcilthme'edtioation than to school 'education;' for it is beneath the pa raffin roof, when the heart is yDung; and melted by the warmth Of fireside affection, that the deepeii inipres sion are nude; it is at home, beneath latluar e ar.dexampla i that the foundations - of physical, moral, and !naiad- habits sre Isidp it is at hens where rmlsating` , 'opitrions are founded. School instruction am neir er impoircbdii The Miciissity- of vigilant leadifg,iinilfig at thO • Max mire Iwo who ie Incmrdle, by mosey, - ma they eacudder avollnuis is whom Oat quality is seen is mi psalm by • . . t. • - ~. • . • BE .~..-.,F , : ate.._ .~~ i .:.~ 3 .. _ r.'~'.':"~ " • 1.1i4. •hr'',l••:', • s.i i A t_ • • , 4 4 4 . '•"" „ - ' • INI -7- - V ~ MIZE !MZO ` HOW TEM 18 ;MADE. NtillaP;PAgre4 of :L4zifordi dellverekeriee,tum Ou,thfa adulteia gokdfpqtkipi,' to - a 'ciowdeil meet ing in - Wek•iille...'' He: his hear tire that he ,bad been, is ;,tbe liquor l buaintiia,and knew Abe . methods by which, r. in, thia country ill! in Ame s dealers get - 401. Pure ; lioors are not" to 'TM &taut any drinking house, hbNiever "respectable:".Thu mtiakyg brandyrum, etir the.gin *YOF buYi amlaiildinauligsted*la Roux:telt, i gen 3 , /,,110 444 knob stuff. even but'tit:te "din, are elite* shed their civil` Iliek-irhether: they tic* Woe hot,. The fined 3ikverf3d Woke 014 Bourbon liwbiehyau buy.4douer bie Filup„ at Au moat reapeetabl o Ipeosiuiaartford or New Xork, vire:raw" nr Whieb you get' at the " eorner• groeery;i l 18, - if possible; worse. BIM How TILICSI:DRI3II3 AIM We can buy a • barrel of "-high *Wei r'ot pun spirit"—:,the diezipm eat iimr,the poorest ' forego ~.4f a leehnl —rfor;iiij thirty mute a gallon.. 'this is neutralized by adcleglime, Or 41- ' Tlist makes-it *hat* call NA.: lent "leaves it. withent thouoLas, towerlanT alOohclic as be fore:,,, :That is. The 04—the- bias's-Isittont: fOO B Ol- whiakY• brandy, rum, &M t ,: Vue;&c 4104 die 4 6 4. drawn - *Pc _Where is Aie jeattOji rear wins - bp( the beet Of it is ueaiesaz'ilY rargqly mixed with the off whlch is absolutely 144 le - froin it,` by the process et ti1k140714 - - . 16/:e§4 ,each care;: is used as no distil* ei , ,er; Yet 'took. Oil,ofjpziper,.a .stiong poison, is InUed . with - this "silent" . basis to Make the stiff you:drink feegin. • 'MS eleantialnil Of hittei - alMonds, a highly poisonous substance, is put hi to make 'vines and brandies: For making the hate; the distilled son known as "oil of cognac " is also used. ' . , To give the Old Bourbon made Of this neutralized alcohol what' we call an . " old flavor "—the " smooth- Voss Of age " so prized _by drinkers who are sure they can't be cheated— tail oil, a deadly poison, and which " makes drunk come eluic.k, and ren ders many then demons when. under its influence, is added under - various proportions; sole that energetic creosote:. That makes ". Scotch , " or Irish whisky "—the flavor of the Peat! . • , Toisve it a "bead," they add su/- huric i acid (oil of witrioll) and sweet 011 - Wholesale • dealers in. -Newir York send •out, " druznmers ". to all the smaller cities, and .seU thousands' of barrels of this manufaatured, stuff. It is sold by the glass, torday, iu 41f teen drinking places in - Hartford. There is .a Oefit of 400 per cent. in it. Printed recipes' are also- sold._ Capt. O'Farrell challenged the rind .sellers to name a committeeof three, to act with a similar committee from the temperance side„ go to the. - most " respectable " saloons and hotels in Hartford orliackville, select the whis ky or brandy there sold, and submit for analysis le any respectable chem ist whom, the dealers themselves might select, and if that analysis docia sot justify his eharges, ho will - make si public ;retraction. . Fifty new names were added: to the pledge. _ DEOIY OF THE LATIN BA0E8:- This trinmpli of ' Prussia over France has a broader significance than appears to the. unthinking 'ob server. It revolutionizes the leading influences of Europe. It is the tri umph of the Teuton over the Latin, of Protestantism over Romanism, of the new 'civilization over the old. The Latin races, with their intri guing priesthood, their ignorant, poor, and-superstitious peoples, their monkeries and nunneries,., and relics and ' shams, are sinking to decay. 'ltaly, France,_ and Spain, are all m trouble, .while,.. Portugal is - hardly. counted among thenations, SQ insig nificant and powerless has she be come. • All are bankrupt; and neither ofto, hold within itself the power of recovery. France is a republic to day, nominally ; but those who know France well, will be , surprised if she remain a republic for a year.. • The whole head of :France is sick, and the whole heart. is faint: The Latin blood, wherever it flows, seems to be 1 weak and corrupt. There are 3101) . n (If ideas, and pure life and noble as.: 'pirations in all these countries ; but what are they and what, can they do, against. a church organization hoary with experience and united in its object 7 ,-- that object being the perpetuation of its .own power, 'at whatever cost, aa4 . inst . all • the en croachments of eedom -and. free thought ? • Spain - osts, Italy knews , and- poor France will know within a twdvemonth. Nothing but univer sal education=instituted, controlled, .and directed by the. State—and a -free Bible with free men to preach its truths,•can save Latin*.e frail fatal degeneration and ,d,ecay. Without .'these regenerating: influ ences Frantic will, follow Spain und Italy into a `powerlessness that' will be alike henprotection from national jealousy and from the fro the world's reaped. Bound as their peeplea . are byao many • . chains, it is impossible for.themn to hold a re spectable footing in the race of free nations -for power and greatness. The Teuton: blond, with its While thins, is the blood or the intUre_ , e' , Th Terlitoniq 1340143 es era , the laugaNZ es of the future ; and Protesituit cm litioz, Under various terms and pha.: -=-• mov i n e; throigh various I =idea of progress—is the civilization 1 of the future.. ,Does:.any doUbt it 2 Let him point to a . single Catholic nation that is nral preim:' to-, day, - 'andte al - single Prott int ' tiOn that is not !---Di. J: '6:: Hellatict, in Sertloner's Monthly , r fordtay ' ' • • - - A. utp*atz.a thing:tdok piece at a meeting , sipki not to ngi _lime:. 'Th e' 'minister -a notaoed-mdyiooking-ehep in _ one thtv seats looking as though- he needed 'religion or. good . , ‘cquere So be stepped - up to him, sild atikedbhu if bewails arise: it " 1 1410, ode hi; "I inn 'Wawa the . - Anna:ratio' paper in-:.this ulikee.l. ,131444,in the wow of Ciod,lei Us . pray 5 7,044144.0a devotad mada. • 1 + t MS ~ ~ ... ...._ s •.a tivil= ME MEIIBMI - trewwerisyk: E4 7 1r1 s. "Vrt f i ett i ft , proof that hov e be. the nude whoin tlwt l HalXrie abundant !ace, freely asp &dank, and TatillifiHrtreee failjnff. ' ' • tha liikaltiOtotitl"\ - praytorkt young nsan, VS** 'masa ni,aadseathightliadfaiiie thilitoor, looked on, the Otoitahlb# sire indifferansb., ~ ' ltir suet was a noted gamblatlidifti bold bt _4P bib l / 4 1 0 11, iifffitater4- boyhoi. to tor the Wail anitldallo. ding .frlTlSTailkitilebkitrabn• p per jos G Eng 4 lag rOr 41,511r°=.4. Tha limtfollinia - a' • iii most of the Metes of . Vakn, and Vis lawdettedin 'crifies lbad conaloedlita r to State prison Wore than on* - "thkrabova "loeiudost he'd phasing the docent - IW' lir* isittkNitith - 110 pertiOthi 4larpoit-- in view; end'only entered/ from ten* While the few Christi:it:ilia:Worn blatiwere "tili, inlytalaT; he -j* a strangb be -within, and s draia= fl !"4 , =.4 °f at ill w a i * 4l eleisuloatiry Rieke to hintfaid learned..stere, forlike„,prnt• re lodging. The rilgt daY visited and foima to . undei Alegi ogpviatioxia. w , B M aidukl not ihen Yua Isiteekieel r 4.4 traveling company of lowtheatrical elitraoken, end Wither_ .eityi _te be rid r if possible, atlas - dradUL -load which continued day *ad 'night 'lO weigh upda..his- canekstam. "After seven months . .of isoffieetwil effcats„ at one time naiTrii* testi to &dm* his hre;tte mist offthwitiorden,Se re turned tci the City; idid. at quee rected his steps to the.Mli don again, where be fold 'iondiflon to the sumo xtus' siOtisrywhh . .luid - Molted him at the Arst. Now, Am longer disobedienttegrkjelklufferi;!gmer. cy of God,, ke — fetionnoarlia, sina assofig l ions,lw hunnli- O•ana.patieuce oilikozord° Jesus Christ. The ing, was in ataataneous. and•AerzflaHli*. - For years he had lxieultdatabird - as well as gambler; but now, binding Christ , for 'the power, he was saved from the appetite and desiVei for liquor, as in 'a moment., and has not otperfencad any "return of Abet) old Ambit' since.. Soon this regenevited , man obtained employment * and began gevetix' spare time tip niissionary efforts among the . abandoned characters of the city. His efforts have' not without success, while his modest - bearing ban core ende d hie testimony to all who thus behold the staulfaabiess of kin new faith. He. remains a worthy member of a Christian church. Tru ly, our God is a God tliat doeth won der's. WM] MI . , WITH ../.I.INISTRBEL-1., There.' are Many persons whose. relit . gioli consists in . finding . fault with , ministers: s ' Nor are they- sdl of 'the world. Some church-members think thiS- one of - the privileges of their proi - - fession. And as Satan desired to sift Simon as wheat, so they sift the cher aCtor and life of their minister. Every word he speaks and every act heper forms, in private and in public; at Lome andabroad, must be weighed in, their balance; and if he is found wanting, they , - must mt. up ; ‘'the:-‘, Church and the world in referencelo his, defects and infirmities. ' This part of religion must be attended to--by some one ".All-members have". not the. sametoffice." Afid as they , have a peculiar taste, if not talent, forlind- - ing fault, and no relish for anything more :spiritual, they • are faithful in pointing out his real imigirsary defects. And Aims they save him from - that woo which Christ said rest ed on ministers - when all: men spoke well of them.—Exchange. ALL Soars or lam—Mere is a great4ifference in men. Some are trim-hearted and iininivcions as. .a Newfoundland dog; -others are like 'ratterrier, always uoseingptround Un der the impression that there is some. thing going on they don't quite un. derstand. Some are noble and gener ous; others thoroUghly meenand con temptible. Some others are overrun with vanity and egotism. Some and in variably kind and considerate; others go about with theirves `shut; _in ut ter ignorance of the trouble, they are giving by their *carelessness. Some ares/ow and efeadr.; and to be de pended upon others are quite brill iant and unreliable. - Some' have a taste for detail, and *attend to all the minuthe Of a .subject, while •°there care, only for mat prinaiplea, and require a thing to be gigantic before it arrests- their attention. _Min of genius are always uncomfortable to live with. Absorbed: inone \subject, they ignore trifles, and tritleit, 'mike up the Comfort or-discomfort of\life. 31 . .wrr" Acrivrft.—lf • the water rnnneth, it haldeth clear, sweet, and„ fresh; but stagnation turneth it into a noisome puddle. *lf the air be fan ned by the winds it is pure and wholesome; but froin_being ,shut' up it groWeth thick and : putrid: If ,met ale be employed, they -abide smooth and splendid; but lay. them ,ap, and they soon scontract dust. If the earth is labored with:mita:mityield sth corn; but, lying neglectcdotriill „b4a overgrown with bushes and• this tle% and the better the soil - is the ranker weeds 'it wrn prOduee.._.6lt nature is upheld in its being, ordecr;" .and shape. by constant agitation; every_ mature is incessantly employ ed in action conformable to its de- . signed mime; lhe preservation and-imprOvemont of the factdties 'defend on their . militant exercise; to it Goa hagf:AfiziAmaa, the best and- most desirable rew*rd-- =cosi to our• undertakiUs, weld*, honbr, wisdom„,_virtue,' salritiOn.— ZarrOtr: ' "'. MODERN DICTIONAIM--131k:Re lations—People - who incaKlt3 they have nelaim to roll` - you tlycra arc ricb; and to . insult' ,yott if you aro pxors;: - Itelle—A-beautif4but uselesi in sect, withoat wings, vfhose colors fade on' being 4emovedfroti teem- Aki H o; eart--A ,rare artach3, etenetimes b o o in Mutat Wing& It is' soon, however, r destroyed by mfteered 'iktb r th - frevrial er'elee b 6 e9m.AUtal tom -- The Ka thr,ongh which . the hOpy Tom lame hil v s en chlintedrenaw2diettaniiitrh• ]nth=Aii ill bred taffy', lie *pleat seiseasi sad' ing upon them' hns'adL, _ _ JOIEUMUMeII saya..that tiOtbOOta , v/e Slum telsumellt es tfier tigh t tnin korgyakil smother It Xi! Dave bees - comt fo:y eartleseilEe ta etousg 'he the* , oft en tee IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers