Jfarmtr's gtparhiuut. Kohl Babi. ' Tliis is au odd name to many, though not more so tlian was ru-ttt-lia-ga only a few years since. But whatever may be thought of the name, the tiling itself is excellent. \\ ith in it takes the place of both cabbages and tur nips, and is decidedly superior to either of those articles—to our taste and digestion.— Several subscribers have enquired " wnat it's like ?" " how it's grown ?" " how it's cooked ?" "how it tastes?" Answer. — Kohl rabi is a kind of turnip cabbage a cross between t!ie two. Imagine a short cabbage stalk with a round turnip upon the hp of it, and about a dozen small, long-stemmed leaves growing out from as many points of the turnip, and you have an idea" of " what it's like." It may be grown precisely like a turnip, and quite as ca sily. If wanted early, start the plants in a lio't-bed, and transfer them to the open ground as soon as danger of frost is past. It grows faster than cabbages and is even more hardy We sowed seed in the open ground where they were to grow without transplanting, on the JSth day of last May, and commenced cooking on the Ist of August. To cook them we sev er the heads from the stalk, remove the leaves, cut into quarters, or into six or eight prices, according to the size of the head, and boil in water until cooked through, which may be known by trying them with a fork. They are served up with drawn butter, or cream gravy, similarly to turnips. They arc sweeter than cabbage, and more tender and less strong to the taste than most varieties of turnips. IN c find them more agreeable and far more diges tible than either cabbages or turnips. PIG MUCK ! DIG MUCK ! !—We have very often referred to the value of muck and swaiup mud as fertilizers for all crops, and on all soils not well supplied with organic matter, and especially of the great utility of mixing it in large quantities with the yard manure, but we eanuot return to this topic too often. If we accomplish nothing else than to stir up far mers to appropriate to their fields a moiety of the rich stores of organic matter now lying useless in the swamps, swales, and low spots, we shall not labor in vain All these black earths are the remains of plants, and, as we have formerly shown they furnish just the ele ments to nourish our plants of every kind. If already attended to, note is the time to dig out and pile up large stores of these materials before the ground gets wet. The ear'.- ing to yards and fields can be done at leisure, in the later Autumn, or Winter months. Re member that one load of manure and two loads of muck are better than two loads of manure not so treated. SOMKTHIXG ABOUT Scnoous.—We know a man w ho last summer hired four eolts pastured on a farm, some five miles distant. At least once in two weeks he got into a wagon and drove over to see how his juvenile horses far ed. He made minute inquiries of the keeper as to their health, their daily watering, Ac., lie himself examined the condition of the pis ture, and when a dry season came on, made spe cial arrangements to have a daily allowance of meal, and he was careful to know that this was regularly supplied. This man had four children attending school kept in a small building erected at the cross roads. Around this building on three sides i a space of land six feet wide : the fourth sdc is on a line with the street. There is not a shade tree in sight of the building. Of the interior of the school house, we ueed uot speak. We wish to state one fact only. This owner of those colts, and the father of those children has never been in that school house to inquire after the comfort, health or mental-food daily dealt out to his offspring. In the latter part of the summer we chanced to ask, " who teaches your school ?" his reply was, " he did not know, he believed her name was Parker, but he hud no time to look after school matters. 1 ' —American Agriculturist. FI.OIUCUT.TCRE. —The plants being '""lit of the house, there need be little said at this time.— The required attention is in giving water ac cording to their different constitutions and habits. Where there is no rain or river wa ter, it should stand at least one day in buts or cisterns, to take the chilly air from it, and be come softened by the surrounding atmosphere. This is mora essential to the health of the plants than is generally supposed. The small plants in dry weather will require water eve nings and mornings. Give regular syringing* as may be required. There are frequently rains continuing for several days, which will materially injure many plants if they are not turned on their sides, or defended by sash or shutters, until the rain is over, especially small plants. The syringings should never he done till after the watering at the roots, and they should never be more seldom than every al ternate evening. Turn all plants frequently, to prevent them from being drawn to one side by the sun or light. Carefully look over them at these turnings, to detect any insects, and observe that the tuberous-rooted or deciduous geraniums are not getting too much water, thoy being now dormant.— American Farmer. FEEDING HORSES. —Your remarks in relation to the amount of hav and grain which a horse will consume per day, have attracted my at tention. The actual amount of food consum ed by a horse will depend upon his form and disposition. I have that horses of a compact form and quiet disposition, weighing about 1,- 200 pounds, and exerting a force equivalent to moving 150 or 200 pounds at the rate of two miles per hour, for tea hours per day. and six days per week, will require each twenty pounds of oats, fourteen pounds of hay and seventy pounds of water, with a comfortable stable, ami to keep them iu good order. Then also, much of the condition of the horse will depend on his having a driver who knows how to use him without harshness. This is the conclusion I have arrived at, af ter thirty years' experience, with a great num ber of horses on my hands most of the time, the cost of keeping horses for farm work is expensive, when compared with the cost of keeping oxcu or mules.— COß., in Mich. Far mer. BSf* 1 he Country CeutUman savs, spcakin"- of thumb pruning, that every one who raises a fruit tree should remember "that it is easier to rub off a small green shoot than to saw off a large limb ; aud that it is better to give a well tonued heud to a youug tree than to mutilate large one in nttemptTng to cure carfr (Mor- fttmlgmbiec, &c. TOWANDA HARDWARE CUTLERY, IRON AND STOVE STORE. f .Sr Wholesale and Retail Dealer ;■? 'd in Hardware and Stoves, Iron B"n"lifft n -ffiji't"!''"' l Sails. Sash. <'. lass, Paints ' 32 '' and Oils, House Trimmings— : r all kinds of Carriage trimmings, fPWHllilwli'e Stma Seat Cloths and Laces, Carriage giiaflSii'krv anil Scat Springs, Car 's' [-.enters' and Joiners' Planes, and Circular Saws, Blacksmith J Hammers and Screw Plates, Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—A able, Log. Trace and Haltr. Chains, Crowbars, Picks. Shovels KKTANP TABLE CITTI.ERV —Shears and Scis sors. Edge Tools of all kinds. Brass and Enameled Kettles, Shovel and Tongues, Spoons sud Ladles, Tubs and Pails, Mops and Washboards, and au other kiuds oi house-keep insr implements. . . _ , In the II VBDWAI.'E line, Brass. Brittama. Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar, Band. Scroll and Hoop Iron, Steel of ail kinds. Nail Rods, Ac. Pumps. I eld Pipe and all the ticcessarv fixtures for water works. Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, and id.OOO other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now re-iivinp direct from the hands of manutac tur.'rs andiinporters, ineiuding the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVES Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining- Room. Six Plate and Cylinder.ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which wc are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates and on as good TKRM.S US can be found this side of New-Y< rk. from the fact that all our goods were bought of first hands and in full packages and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and Drv Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to II per cent, less than auy of them, which advantage we shall ofter to any who will favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Pon't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of Fox's, and nearly op posite Tracv A Moore's, Main street, iu the new Wood Building, lettered all over. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass. Brittania and Copper. Pried Fruit of all kinds. Feathers aud Bees wax wanted for goods. 10.000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price in CASH will be paid. Towanda, April 2. 1817. R. WATKOrS 11. M. SKW AllI) K. U. COOK. KWATKOUB & Co., DEALERS IN • HEAVY Z SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A 3. Water st. Kltnira, X. Y. We have recently made large additions to our extensive stock, and have new on hand a complete assortment, of ev ery description of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel. Nails and sjiika. Ropes and Cord age, Paints, Gils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and shape, either Malay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber A leather. Glass at wholesale. We are prepaied to supply Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at .Man ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. C< >RTRACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vcls. Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Rich A Wilder'* Patent .Salamander .Safes, Fairbunk's Platform Scales, aud Welch A Griffith's Circu lar saws. Large sizes up to fit) inch, always on hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by mail. Elinira, W>rll 7. 1956. n-U-]2m 4 NEW and singularly successful remedy for ti.e cure A of all Billions disease-—Costiveness, Indigestion Jaundice. Dropsy. Rbciimati-m. Fevers,'Gotit. Humors. Nervousness, irritability. Inhumations, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side. Back,and Limbs. Female Complaints, Ac., Ac. Indeed very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medicine is not more or less required, and innch sickness and suffering might be prevented, if a harmless hut effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No per son can fee! well while a costive habit of body prevails : besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judi cious ue of a good purgative. This isalike true of Colds, F< veri.-h symptoms, and Billions derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and for midable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first im portance to the public health, and this Pill has been per ! fected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An i extcn-ive trial of its virtues l>y Physicians, Professors, and Patients, lias show.n results surpassing anything hrtherto known of auy medicine. Cures have been ef fected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by per sons of such exalted positions and character as to turbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention : Poet. A. A. HAYES, Analytical Chemist of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high Profes sional character is endorsed hy the— H >n. EDWARD EVERETT, Senator of the United States. ROBERT C. WIXTHROP, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Miuister Plen. to England. fJOHN B. FITZI'ATRICK, Catholic Bishop of Boston: ul-o Dr. J. R. CHILTON, Practical Chemist of New York City, endorsed by- Ron. \V. L. MARCY, Secretary of State. WM. B. ASTOIt, the richest man in America. S. LELA.WA Co., Proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certi ficates from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men, is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies extract ed hy < hemieal process in a state of purity, and combin ed together in such a manner as to insure the be-t results. This system of composition for medicines has been found iu Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more ef ficient remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any process. The reason is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition ; every medicine is burdened with more or less of acrimonious and injurious qualities, hy this each individual virtue only that is desired for the cu rative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qualities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self evident the effects should prove as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a more powerful an tidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that many medicines should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physi cian, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have suppled the ac curate Formula? hy which both my Pectoral and Pills are made, to the whole body of Practitioners in the United states ana British American Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will be forwarded by mail to his request. Of all the patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken it their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject j freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic i merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scicuti | lie men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were ; known. Many eminent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and I are willing to certify that their anticipations w ere more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the inter | nai viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into heal ; thy action—remove the obstruct ions of t lie stomach, bo w | els, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, sucli derangements as arc the first origin of disease. Prepared by Dr. Jas. C. Aver, Practical and Analyti cil Chemist. Lowell. Mass. Price 21 cents per Box. Five Boxes for tl ,00. Sold hy H. C. POUTER aud I'ATTOX A PAYNE, Towanda, and by Dealers in Medicine every where. 51V / URPETIN'IiIS.—AII prices superfine aud \J ingrain car|ieti!igs, just received by April 6. 1*57. J. POWELL. BOOTS AND SIIOKS.—The largest aud most complete assortment of Boots and Shoes ever | exhibited in Towanda. to which particular attention has in the purchase, and which will positively be soWJless than at any other establishment in Northern ! eunsytyanu. lust rs.t jrt'i l\ Aprils j POWELL. iJit3iac9s (Cariie. DLT CHAS. M. TURNER, PHYSIC IAN A- SURGEON, oltbrs his professional servicos to the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res idence in the dwelling recently occupied by H. BOOTH. Esq.. one door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Maine Street. TAMES MACFARLANE, A TTORXE Y tj AT LA IV. TOWANDA, PA. Occupies the Office, in the Union Block, formerly owned by John C. Adam* Esq. IfHf will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants and Pensions. _ March 22,1X55. H. J. MAPILI P. U- MORROW. MAPILL A MORROW, A TTOIIXE YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LA IV, —Office over Mercur's Store, Towanda, Pa. Towanda, April 2, I s . n-43-tf DR. E. H. MASON, ph ysjcia x axd SURGEON, otters his professional services to tin people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he can always be found when not professionally engaged. R B. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT FA LA IV, TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. M. A 11. F. Long's store. Aug- 7, 156. TIOGA POZ2TT R. M. WELLES & BROOKS, ATHEXS, BRADFORD CO., PA. Manufacturer, Wholesale and retail dealers in Smery's Unrivalled Horse Powers, THRESHERS AND SKPKRAToRS. THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, CIRCULAR AND CROSS-CUT PORTABLE SAW-MILLS SHINGLE MACHINES, &c We wish to call particular attention to Emery's Splen did Thresher and Cleaner. The superiority of Emery's Horse Power all others, is well known, and* our farmers will lie pleased to leuru that they can now get an Emery's Thresher and Cleaner equaling the power itself, and which for simplicity, rompactnes .A, durability riul rune of operation is lar a ahead of all other machines in use. It requires a* little power as a thresher and separator, and will thresh and clean thoroughly without wasting the grain.—say from 20 to 25 bushels per hour. We have machines on hand and on the way from Albany and can fill orders at short notice. We can also furnish Wheeler's Nno Cleaner, a very good machine, and warranted ; as are all of our ma chines. We would also call attention to Emery's cross cut or Drag Saw Mills. If our fanners knew their value, they would adopt thein extensively in cutting up, down trees for fire wood, shingle bolts, Vc. Send for our circulars and any information you may want concerning Farming machinery— it will cost you but three cents |Mstage. EXCELS OR FANNING MILLS. Emery's and Hickok's Cider Mills, Corn Sheller's, Seymour's Grain Drills, Clover liullers, Dog powers. Rubber Belting, Plow*. Ac. Ac. For sale at the Tioga Point Agricultural Woiks. It. M. WELLES k BROOKS. Athens Pa.. Sept. 1, 1857. McCA B E ! S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, Between J. King sherry's Sf J. Powell's si ores. ttSESfBS THE subscriber would respectfully tender to customers and the public generally liissin- Jt If cere thanks for the very liberal patronage ex tended to him the past season. He solicits a continuance of the same. He would say to the public that h<> intends to keep con stantly on hand a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds, the best the country affords, which he intends to sell for very small profits, either by the side, quarter or pound.— l'lea-e give me a call. 4*-M eats, &<-., will be delivered on short notice, when ordered, at any place in the Corporation. Towanda, Feb. 12,1857. J- McCABE. w. iL NLOCK & WATCH REPAIRER.— The v_/ undersigned is constantly receiving from New-York by Express, new additions to his Stock of Watches, ('locks, Jewelry. Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Kpine and Plain Watches, with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, sm-h as Gold chains. Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys, Breast-Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware,such as Table and Tea Spoons, Cream spoons, Butter knives, Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which will be sold very low for CASH. CLOCKS.—A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from 75 cents to Fifty Dollars. •5 Watches repaired on short notice, and WAKRANTKD to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would beg leave to say, that he is prepared to execute the must difficult Jobs, such as can be done at no other Shop short of New-York eitv. W. A. CHAM BERLIN. Towanda, February 1,1857. WAVE R L Y MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. 11. BALDWIN, having purchased the • Marble Factory of this village, under the superin tendence of H. Han ford, the subscriber is happy to an nounce that the Marble business in Waverly will now be conducted by him. He i> constantly receiving ITALIAN AND HI TLANI) MARBLE, for Monumeuts, Head-stones, Tomb labels, and Stand Tops, Paint Stones, Mnllers, Ac. Having secured the services of G. M. POWERS, who is well known to be the most perfect Artist in the State, he offers unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to secure any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and Aitisti cal beauty. Waverly, N. Y., Feb. 3.1857. I" gjjAMBROTYPES, LAiNOTYPES fa* AND ATYPHOGRAPHS. I > Or, Pictures on Glass, Iron 4" Paper. J \ ALSO, I \ Electrotypes, or Raised Pictures, I \ Taken at 6. H. Wood's Gallery, J PATTON'S BI.(H K, TOWANDA. 5" Particular attention given to copying. Pictures taken in cloudy as well as clear weather. The quality of my pictures is too well known to need comment. Call and see for yourselvss. Rooms open at all hours. All work warranted. Towanda, April 14, 1857. TO WAND A FO UNDY. IHIE subscriber continues to carry on the Foundry business in Towanda. and is prepared to do nil kinds ot' work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. He will keep on hand or make to order Plows, Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon- Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may be required. Turning and fitting up work will be done on short notice aud on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purchase Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantage to buy at the Foundry, as they can be repaired much cheaper. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. Old cast iron and Grain taken in payment Don't mistake the place—one door cast of Mercur's Block. SOT I would also say to those having accounts stand ing over six months, that they mnt l*> settled without delay, and those having notes that arc due will do well to pay up and save cost. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct 22, 1856. BARCLAY COAL—THE BARCLAY RAIL ROAD ANI) COAL COMPANY have now on hand, and will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA a large supply of their coal, at $8 00 per ton for B/acksncith Coal, and $8 50 per tun for Raked Coal. Apply for coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coal will also be sold at THE MINES at s*2 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and $2 50 per ton for Raked Coat. A liberal discount will be made on sales by the boat load _ Oct. 34), 1856. KPW'P OVERTON, President fOO BBTjS * COMMON SALT ; 10 bills. IV A.." Rock Salt for packing salt, just received by IV- 10, Dad. BAILEY A NL'V"F. fflieccllanecms. jsuisqutjiaMra Collegiate institute, TO IVAN I) A, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS. ItEV. JAMEfi McWILI.IAM, Principal, Professor of An cient Languages qnil Mental and Moral Scienee ; DAVII) CRAFT, A. 8., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. MISS ANN E. FRITCIIER, Preceptress-; MISS KM 11.IE A. BUTLER. Assistant ; MISS (). LOUISA JKNKK. Instructor on Piano; MISS HELEN M. CARTER, Assistant Instructor on Pi ano and Melodeon: MISS CLARISSA A. STOCK WELL, Teacher of French and Drawing. Mr. CANFIELD DAYTON, Steward. The Fall Term commences on Wednesday, August 26, and will continue 14 weeks. The Winter Term commences on Wednesday, Decem ber 2, and will continue 14 weeks, exclusive of a recess of 10 days at Christmas. EXI'KNSKS PER TKRJi. Payable invariably in advance, or one half on entering the school, and one half at the middle of the term—Fuel and contingencies included : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term.... $4 00 •• Fourth 6 00 " Third 7 00 " Second x 00 •' First 10 00 Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for uel and contingents ; tor instrument on which to take lessons. 50c, or for practice $2,00. No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside wit inn two miles of the Institute shall be admitted to tui tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian. EXTRAS. French $5 00 Drawing -'5 00 Tuition on Piano Forte with use of Instrument,... 12 00 do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.. 10 00 Board in the Institute, per week, includiug fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 30 The arrangements for Boarding will be under the entire eontrol and management of the Steward, while the Prin <-ip.il and Teachers residing in the Institute, will he able to exercise a constant watch over the pupils, mingling with them as mcmliers of the same family; as a Board ing School for youth of both sexes, the Institute will af ford increased and superior advantages. Parents and guardians may be assured that all due care w ill lie exer cised over the"health, the manners and morals of those en trusted to their care, and all suitable aid rendered at all times in promoting their advancement in study. Pupils hoarding in the Hall, will furnish their own bed, bedding, tow els, Ac. and the table silver at tiieir option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The boarding bill* for the term must be paid in advance or onp half at the entrance, and the remaining hall at the middle ot tie* term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the regulations, and noue will be admitted on other terms. Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. S. F. COLT. Secretary. C. L. WARD. President. August 12, LSS7. ' A. WICKHAM, Treas. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. Til. Warner's Xetc Splendid Jewelry Store, one door north of Pat tuns Drug Store, HAS just tieen opened with the largest and JKR most choice stock of FASHIONABLE LjjjjsJEWELRY ever offered to adiscriminatiug "jl public. Indeed, he can safely say that with gvg yjfafe the opening of his new store has been in augurated a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along w iili the choice and elegant assortment he gives tbe most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. M. W., when he reflects how. for the past years,with a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so large a share ol public patronage, flutters himself that the immense in crease of Goods he now utters, which have been bought.so much more advantageously, will enable him to increase the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. #SrTHF. WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to be distinguished by the skill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of tieing the most reliable in town. Towanda, September 24, 155. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS would respectfully inform his friends and the "■ '-*• public that lie is now receiving at his old stand one door north of laiporte, Mason k Co.'s banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahojranv Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining, Tea and Pembroke Tables, Stand* of every kind, < ane. Flag and Wood seat hairs, high Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany ; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards. Looking glasses, Ac. WCOFFINS, of every size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions wlien required. The public are invited to examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as I will sell cheaper than any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda. August 8, 1855. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! TIIR nb"rllicr would announce the public that he has now on ''' jgSjjsSS! and, an '' ,v '" niake to order all fpC Pll"., | 'Tj kinds of CABINET FURNITURE, 0! §Nf ft as Sofa*. Divans, Lounges. Cen -16; |g| Ml jaj-tre, Card. Pining and Breakfast Ta *s^6''' e- Mahogany, Walnut, .Maple and J nCherry Bureaus, Stands of various —F ■■ ii ¥ kind ' lnir i mil Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which thev will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will lie furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. Towanda, January 1. 1857. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. diC I Vest side of the Public Square, opposite the Court House. BAILED A* NE\ IXS are just receiving a large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries, Yankee Notions, Tovs, Fruit. Confectionary, Ac., which will be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhange for most kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would do well to call and examine our stock and prices. GR< fCERIES. Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Molasr-es, Syrup, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon, Ground Mustard. Pepper Sauce, Soda, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. PROVISIONS. Flour. Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Feed, Pork, Hants A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codfish. Shad, Lake Trout, Pickeled and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Butter Lard, Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Prunes, Citron. Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Lem ons and Oranges, Green and Pried Apples, and Peaches, Almonds, Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Filberts, Pea nuts, Chestnuts. Hickory nuto.Ac. GERMAN, FRENCH and AMERICAN TOYS, FANCY Goons, Ac—Boys' Sleighs. Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood Tea Setts, Dolls, Trumpets, Toy (inns. Accordians, Har monicas, Glass, Paper ard Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus, Secretaries, Ac, Pearl, Iverv, Papier Mache and Leather Port Mouaies Wallets, Purses' Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket aud Toilet Combs, Tobac co and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases. Tooth, Hair aud Cloth Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac. Foots CAP, Letter, Commercial Note and Bath Post Paper. Envelopes, Wafers. Sealiug Wax, Ink, Inkstands Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales' Ac. Ac. TABLE AND DAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NEVINS. Towanda, November 20,1855. INSURANCE.—The undersigned is A agent for the following safe and reliable Companies: Farmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa. Capital, $200,000. State Mutual Insurance Co. . Harrisburg, Pa. Capital, $200,000. Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, $300,000. These Companies insure against loss or damage hv fire on the most reasonable terms. Dwelling Houses, Furni ture. Warehouses, Merchandize, Ac., and Farm Property insurer! for any length of time. All losses will be prompt ly P a 'J- , T C. 8. RUSSELL. Towanaa, December 25, 1556. FOR SALE. IJ J1 THE subscriber ofTers for sale the HOUSE ffffA a d LOT at present occupied by lain.situated rlllE on Se< " u 'l Street. comer of Jefferson, near the jiitjßKCollegiate Institute. The lot is 4b feet in front S£J!aaiid extends to Third Street. The property will be sold cheap, possession given immediately • for further particulars inquire on the prrmises. Tow-..nds, July 7.18J7. JAS. M'WILT.IW DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Square. THE subscriber, thankru! for the liberal patronage of the past year, intends to keep constantly on hand „ full sortnient of the very liest articles usally kept in our line, which IIE WILL dispose of on such terms AS will b-sat isfactory to all who may patronize iiirn. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the LASH ost customers will receive the l>ene/it of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer our and are warranted as represented. Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging 6B |y for the Sttdiciwi. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London, Porter & Scotch Ale. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES' The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Sfursingr Bottles, Nip ple Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, Ac. American, English Sf Chinese Razors and Knitet. FRESH CAMPHENE 4 BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO A SNUrF!—Choice brands of Pure Savanna, Priccipt and Vara CIGARS ! Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Brushes, Perfumery, Shaving *oap, Fancy Articles, &c. &.c. Hair Dyes, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for lit Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port monnais, Purses, Ray, Colonge, Rose and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indellible luk, FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas; Ilio and Java Coffee; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, St c 4t Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, kc, REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! Towanda. February 1, 1855. H. C. PORTER, M. D. NEW ARRANGEMENT. jjt The Mammoth Hardware Store CHATFIELD & STOR . IUmMS Is now receiving a large and well selected asfurtment of '..... Sfaf Foreign Sf Domestic Hardware BMBgSujli Consisting of HOUSE TRIMMINGS, of every description, Jf Carpenters, Cabinet makers, Black smiths and Shoe makers" AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In faci almost everything that the industry of the country requires. In V addition we are constantly receiving and kv on hand a full stock of Strides and American Iron, Horse shoe Iron, JVail rods, J-c. M arrantf.-d of th best quality, and sold as eh. aji as can i-e }>urchased of any establishment west of New York, lis Parker mill Nails, l.cad Pipe, '.las,-. Sash, Putty, \\ hite Lead, Linseed Oil, which is warranted perfectly purt. Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Maker's Goods. COAT. ANI) WOOD COOK AND PALLOR STOVES. Parlor and Cook Wood and Coal Stoves, Regulators and Sheet Iron Stoves. Stove Pipe, Ac. Now receiving* i supply oi the •'< lehrated < '.ink stove (lot EIINOR, which is pronounced by all judges as the best cook Stove in# market. It is especially adapted to tbe Farmer's use. As we have the largest and most complete Hardware Store on tbe New York and Erie Railroad, and we intendß purchase goods in the best markets, and by keeping a full assortment, selling as cheap as possible, we hope towns the patronave of those doing business in this market. STORUS & CHATFEU 1 Owego, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1856. ~jT NEW~~A.ItBA'NGEMENT & , PAT TON Si P I V.Vf;, I c JUST OPLXED, | JON THE CCRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, THo. % Tat tons' rlock, Towanda, Pa. THE subscribers would respectfully inform their friendsjand the public that they hav -furmed a co-partnenkif the D ug business, and are now receiving at No. 4, in Patton's New Brick Block, from the cities of P&-J& pliia and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, Btc, SURGICAI* INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of the most approved Trosf Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on hand. ► London Porlcr and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Crushes for the Hat, Hair, Teeth, Nails, Boots, Painting, Varnishing, Whitewashing. U The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOBACCO, will find a large variety of choice Ik"' na, Yara and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snuff". (ampheiif—Particular Attention paid to the Manufacture of BtRNING FIJIIK And a fine assortment of LAMPS, of all sizes and descriptions, Bird Cages, Cups, Nests and Seed All of which is offered for Rale at greatly reduced rates. Our stock l>eing large and mostly purchased free A Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us to seii at reduced prices, that mo>t be*! i tisfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stock of good? and pik* 1 Onr Motto is—" THE CASH SYSTEM—QUICK SALES—SMALL PROFITS." Jj Our Goods are selected with the ntmost'eare and warranted to be what they are represented ; if any shooMpj'w the contrary, we are not only willing but request'our customers to return them, and the money shall be refunds-1| MR. PAYNE will give his special attention to the preparation of PRECCRIPTION'S, which will be .•.>inpoaa"F| accurately on tbe shortest notice. JOSEPH G. I'ATTOV j; Towanda, June 2(>, 1556. EDWARD D. P.VY>'& AND NEW ARRANGEMENT. COLLINS & FOWELL are now receiving a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH ING, which they are selling exclusively FOR CASH, as they think a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Their stock consists of Business, Black Cloth, Fancy Cassimere Tweed, Kentucky Joan. White Duck. Linen, Marseiles, and Brown Linen COATS ot all kinds and qualities— Black Cassimere, Fancy Cassimere, Brown Linen, White Linen and Kentucky Jean PANTS ; Silk. Satin and Mar seiles VESTS of all kinds; Black and Fancy Cravats; Gents i Hose, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Hats nnd Caps and everyihing in the line of Men's wear. Their stock of Cloths and Cassimores are unsurpassed, and are selling cheap. We are still ready to make up all kinds of GAR MENTS to order on short notice, and warranted in every particular : all of which we are bound to sell lower than was ever offered in this market for Cash. Cutting done as usual. COLLINS & POWELL. Towanda, April 16, 1857. NO EXCUSE FOR BAD BBEAI) ! If you procure of DR. H. C. PORTER. South store in the \i urd House, THE INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER. Equally adapted to Loaves, Hot Rolls, Biscuit, Buckwheat and other Griddle Cakes, Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet Cakes, Batter for Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies, Ac, Ac- Price 25 cents. March 29. WHEAT GRITS, Samp, Hntiiraony, Gra ham Flour, Oatmeal, Farina, Tapioca, Mucratvni, Yermicilli, Rice Flour, Corn Starch arid a variety of "Itm l-rgood-.tt Junell FOX'S LIQUOR STORE, Q FELTON woold respectfully infers f- * public that he is now ready at his ohl stand. •?*! Hall & SiKWill, smith side of tile public square, 1,1 Ish thnsr vanting PI'RE LIQUOBS, with almost? . tiling in that line. He has lately made large his stock, purchasing of the best importers, tad.'® original package. lie has on hand, and for sale * quantity from a quart upwards : Brandy. —Signette, Cogniac. old Henucssy. ana t Gin —Swan. American, and Schcidam Schnapp*- Mhixkry. —Scotch .Old Rye, MonoitguhflaandnO - }Vinr.— Currant, Port.and Brown Sherry. Fresh Cumphene and Burning Fluid kept consW . hand. Also 95 per cent. Alcohol. Cigaks of the best brands. Jugs of all siKS'vj flasks, and a large quantity of empty barrels. Binghamton Ale by the gallon or Imrrol. Those favoring me with their patronage may that all articles will be what they are represented- ji X. B. The person who borrowed my" i requested to return it. Towanda, January 18,1856. | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN application will be made at the nextsessi- 1 " Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the itic-orp'''* Bank, to beoallc. the " BRADFORDCOUNT! with hanking privileges of issue, discount a" 1 r : with a capital ot Two Hundred Thousand the right to Increase the capital stock to '' ir v. we d ! Thousand Dollars, and to be located in the w Towanda. in the county of Bradford, Towanda. June F2. J*s7. —^ PURE CIDER VINEGAR - A fa at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers