Trouble with the Mormons. Files of the Desert News, have been rcceiv i j;i this city up to the 6th of September, Vh breathe defiance of the United States and indicate that the Utah ques tion may be the most notable arising during •i! present administration. The speeches of | Taylor, Stuart and Brigham Young, f j icre reported, surpass anything which even t l ie j) o iort Xews has before exhibited in the •v'iV of fanaticism and insolence. In all of them l ' ie government of the United States and , policy of interference is denounced, and the I i L . te rmin at ion expressed to resistsuch interfer [ e, !C e to the last extremity. if this people," says Elder Kimball, d ould consent to dispossess Brother Brigham Young as onr governor, they are just as sure Ppo to h—l as they live, and I know it, for IjoJ would forsake them and leave them to themselves, and they would be in worse homi er,. than the children of Lreal ever were. •• I mean just what I say, and the people say t] lf v will not have any other Governor, and t (.specially any one that has to come here un -1 ,] t r arms, for we consider that any man is a f p, )o r damned curse, that has to come here nn- I ,j v r arms to rule over us. These are my fecl linif. a! "l if anybody votes against it, tliey are not of us; but there are but four or five but what vote for us, and they are apostates, and will go over board. There is not a child but what goes with 11s in these things." ■ Arm your boys and arm yourselves univcr | calk, and that too, with the weapons of war, I for we may be brought to the test to see if we will stand up to the line. Elder Stuart is confident " that the Saints | as a people are living five years a head of the • umes ; but I feel to rejoice that the time has I vorae for this people, by the sanction of. the . Almighty, and according to the dictation of his [ MTvants, to take an independent position and I throw oil' the yoke of oppression. I have j frit in my heart, under these circumstances to | -iv in the words of the old saying, " Let 'or [ hip, she's all oak," aud I know the Lord will I .-aide her safely into port." The sentiments of Brigham Voting are equal- It fv ferocious ; hut he exhorts his people to pity ! their enemies. " There are thousands and millions in the Edited States, and in the world, whose hearts | are like an aspen-lcaf because of this little hand- I fill of people iu Utah. Pity them, for they I know not whom they are fighting against ; tliev S know not their destiny. " This army that is reported to he coming to this place know no more about you and me than you know about the interior of China ; they go because they are sent. If they knew our real character, the soldiers themselves * uild turn around aud tell their officers to go •• li—l ; they would take a stampede, and if \ ir officers urged them to come to light this I -"pie, they would turnaround upon them, or ••■li them to do it themselves. " Now do not feel angry. Arc not they to !e pitied ? Ves. Are you to be pitied ? The Saints needs to lie pitied for nothing but ! : forsaking their religion. Be careful that yijvi do not get darkness into your minds." Tar. LATE .STORM— VESSELS WRECKED .ASP Li", ES LOST. — The kite storm raged very fierce- Y HI the Atlantic coast afld on the Lakes, and \ K num.hcr of vessels were wrecked and lives -t. The Bark Warden, of Boston, was '..•recked near Biddeford, 011 the Staunton or brant.m Sands about two miles off the land. i'heC-intaiii and three men were washed on - ore, on portions of the wreck, but seven of j ; ,:i- 'Tew were unfortunately drowned. The steamer Reindeer was wrecked in Lake I Michigan, and twenty-one lives were lost.— I To. onlv of the crew were saved. PF.ATH OR A IHSTIVGRISHFO L.APY. — Mrs:, j P.oT'be Aim Rush, wife of Dr. James Rush, of Philadelphia, and daughter of the late Jacob llldgway, the millionaire, died on Friday last, Saratoga. She lived in great splendor in 1 I'hila U'lpliia, ajid was one of the notabilities of the city. E.UTIOX. — The Mobile Mercury cautions ' .epublic in regard to feeding stock with Chi •s -u_'ar cane. It says that the blade and •■talks are excellent forage, but the seeds are N'VHI.KI FEVER appears to lie scourging a portion of the Mississippi. The Macon Jiea ?ays that since the first appearance of the ' sense in Noxubee county, f three months ago,) ' aere have been upwards of a hundred deaths, la some instances it has carried off as many i-fhe "!' six members of a family. Till T! ' nintt. TIOGA county, Pa.. October 4.lth, l.\ Rev. ('. M I'o'urall. Mr.JOllft A. HOUPBR.of the firm NT Mix il ~T . .r. „F Canton, to MISS LUCY A. GRANTIER, of the fofmdr place. Eimira, Canandaigua & Niagara Falls R.R Takes EFLFI-ct May 25, 1*57. RLMIRA STATION", SOMN 1 AKRIVE. . x -*m Express.. .4 30 01 N.Y.A Flfll. Kxp.. It .".0 v.* i Way K.XJI 4 L.T r.tiiNcwTofk Fxp .12 30 P.M ! Iri>l ?iu J O0 A.M -'Stock Express ]o 45 r.M 1 nn> ting at Klmira with the principal trains (east ' . )nn the X. Y. K. K.R.. anl at the Suspension ■' ; with the (ireat Western, forming un expeditious ■uie for tfestcTn travellers. W. (}. L.VIMf AM. Superintendent. New York & Erie R.R., Waverly Station anmPD.-in? Monday, June I'., 1*57, Trains will leave w At'ERLY at about the following hours j n jsmxu WK-T. T KAST. l '®' ir p half Kxp 120 p. M Cincinnati Exp. . 523 A.Ht T .S'M EXPRESS 347 A..M Xiglit Express. .. .12 57 Ml t 113 P.M Chicago Express.. T; 47 A.M { -' ra,lt A43 P.lllSteamboat Exp 217 r.M j ***** 755 A.M ..STOCK Express, .... 122 A.M • .'nt, Xn. 1 .12 10 p. MI Vrcommodaflon .? 17 F.M | X 0.3 R 35 A/M j Freight, NOV' 1 30 r.M I "N ■ ' 10 \.>R Freight. No. 4 340 R.W J Mail Arrangements—Towanda P. 0. LKI.KY. dailv, arrives at 124 M.; departs 1, I*. M.; ' LO esat 11, A. M. - 'MUX tri weekly, arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and .ruays, at 1, p. Jf.; departs on alternate (kits, at 7 ; Wp - a t r 'i -A. M. 7 •J- >,! ' RO. arrives on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat .. - • AT 5. P. M.; departs on alternate days, at 7, A.M.; DOSES ATFI I A y ' ' ' 'i iv. atnves on Mondays, Wednesdays and Vri- P.M.; departs on alternate days at 7, A. M".; a, .A M. at I';'lV*' arr ' ves °n Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays a* ni l' °i> alternate days, at 1, P. M.; closes I z' A. M. by the way of Rieshetpiin, departs on Thursdays and Saturday*, at ?, A.M.; arrives f-AW ' F *' St " M ' clobeSi at ' AM " fcvlf"'r mi weekl ?' arr ' ves on Tuesdays and Satur jlg' ' "Mparts on Wednesdays and Saturdays. rives on Wednesdays and Satnr- ] top F * ' departs same day ; closes at 2, P. M. l ~i iadeht ed to this office for paper postages • eat are requested to pay them immediately. — HENRY B. M'KFA.V, P. M. THE TABLE aud Dairy for LI FF> *P B y •audi Jnly Is, if.,;. W"M A ROCKUXLL. Xruj "iAbpcrtiscmgnts. A Competency Secured for $2. HPHE suliscriber will ell the following valuable receipts J- for the above mimed sum, putting anv energetic per son in possession of information which will enable him to make a fortune with great ease : Patent Starch Polish; lndellible Ink ; How to Make Cider without Apjdes. WApply or direct to A. <i. KINNEY. November 3. 1*57. Sheshe-piin, Pa. PROCLAMATION. —AVhcreas, the lion. liARIt S BE 1.1 /)(' K, President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford ami Susquehanna, and lionorables AARON CHI 881 I K. and !'^ S L' ,? G ' Associate Judges, in and for said count v ot Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date th'e 2.thday ol Out. A. I). 1857, to ine directed, for holding a Court nt Over and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan v.u y r of Bradford, on the first Monday, the th day of DECEMBER next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices°r the Peace and Constables, of the County of ailtord, that they be then and there in their proper"per son. at 10 o clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions,and other remembrance's, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who arc or may be in the jail ot said County, or who shall be bound to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall tie just. Jurors are requested to be punctual m their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, tin- 4th of Nov., iu the year of our Cord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States', the eighty J"-'- THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. J. MACKINTOSH, 1)]:X --7 /N7'. will be found at his old quarters in ' ' T-* Patton's Block, until December next. Towanda, Nov. 2, 1857. JOHN MACKINTOSH. BRADFORD CO. TEACHERS' ASSO CIATION.—The annual meeting of the Bradford Ceunty Teacher's Association will he held in the Public School House, in TOWANDA, commenting on FRIDAY, the 13th inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M. Addresses will he delivered before the Association by Rev. W. SYM, and Mr. (>. F. YOUNG, the President. Es says will be eead by Miss MARY A. BOWF.N and MARY I. VMA X. Various subjects ot general interest on the sub ject of Education will lie discussed at this meeting. The public arc invited to attend and participate in the discus tions of the Association. Nov. 3. 1857. JAMES Mc WILLI AM, Secretary. Xiumber Wagon for Sale. 4 NEW TWO HORSE I.pMBER WAGON Tor sale 1\ for Country Produce : enquire of the subscribers. _ Towanda, Nov. 2.1857. BAILEY A NEVINS. I >HARDING COURT WEEK -A few -* Boarders can find accommodations through Decem ber Court—enquire of the subscriber. _ Towanda. Nov. 2.1*57. SIDNEY B. B A ILEA". U ALT.— IDO B l tls. Salt for sale, at No. 2, Patton's Block' by Towanda, Nov. 4.1857. W. A. ROCKWEI.L. DRIED BERRIES. —A <|tiantity of Dried alJcrries for sale hv Towanda. Nov. 4.1857. W. A. ROCK WEI, L. \ UDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the jfin Iter of j X\~ the estate of ll'rn. Chi/son, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of the j above e>tate, will attend to the duties o! his appointment at the office of D. A. Overton in the borough of Towanda, on Tuesday, the Btli day of December. ls.">7. at 2 o'clock. ' P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must or else be forever debarred from the -amc. Nov. 3. 15.",7. E. B. PARSONS. Auditor. A DMJNISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1V is hereby given, tlint all persons indebted to thees tateof Hiram Gilbert, de.-ea-ed late of Durell tup..arc re quested to make payment without delay; and ail persons having < '.aims agaiii-t -aid estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. Nov. 3,1857. B. LAPORTE, Administrator. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.— Notice is here by given that there have been filed and settled in the office <d the Register of Wills in ami for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates, viz i Final account of 1.. P. Stafford and J. J. Brown,admin istrator- of the estate of Hiram Brown, late of Wyalueing deceased. Final account of Samuel Warner, guardian of Mary. Susanna E. and Ezra 1.. Jayne, minor children of Ezra ■ M. Jayne, dee'd. Final account of Josiah Rinebold, administrator of the estate ot Peter (Ton, late of Standing Stone, dee'd. Final account of J. F. Woodruff, executor of the estate of Fhidelia S. Smith, late of Monroe, dee'd. Fiual account of Stephen Bostwick and Maria Degraugh ; formerly Maria Rogers, administrators of the estate of Win. Rogers, late of Warren, dee'd. Final account of Electa Tyrrell, administratrix of the ; estate of Robert Tyrrell, late of Warren, dee'd. Final account of A. \V. Ayres and Amanda J. Strong, j administrators of the e-tate of Thomas A. Strong, lute of ; Wells, dee'd. Final account of A. A. Ru=ell and Samuel Ca--s, ad- j mini-tr.itors of the estate of Austin Uu-sell, late of Orwell j deceased. Final account of Lucy and David Stuhle administrators of tiie estate of Richard Stuble. late of Rome de -'rt. And the same will lie presented to the Orphan's Court i of Bradford county, on Monday, the 7th day of December next for confirmation and allowance. JAMES H. WEBB, Register, j lb gi.-ter's Office. Nov. 4. 1-57. ! /A 1 YI G A GROUND PLASTER— 50 | * Tons C:iyuga Ground Plaster in barrels, 300 IVrs in each, just received by the subscribers. We will take in payment Wheat. Bye. Corn. Oats, Buck- i wheat, Potatoes. Onions, Beans. Dried Kruit. Butter, I.ard Cheese. Pork, Eggs and almost any other kind of Farm j Produce. I B. We will not refuse the n .'os of any solve?.* Bank —(not even those that have suspended specie payment) j in e\i liarige for I'lu-ter or Grocer;--. Towanda. Oct. 20.1*57. BAILEY KEVINS, j ITK STONE LIME.—SO Id-Js. Wliito v V Stone Lime just received, am. for sale for Cash or Grain bv Towanda. Oct. 20.1*57. BAILEY A NEVINS. \T r ANTED.—500 Bushels of Wheat at T Y \BE market price. Towanda, Oct. 2FI, 1*57. 8A11.E5 A NEA INS. XTOTICE TO ASSESSORS.—The seve -11 ral Assessors for 1858 will make their returns in the following order, viz : Assesnors for Ulster. Athens boro., Alliens twp.. South Creek, Ridghury and Wells upon Monday, Nov. 23.1857. Springfield. Smithfield, North Towanda, Columbia, Sylvania Boro" and Towanda Boro. upon Tuesday, Nov. 24tb. Armenia, Troy twp.. Troy boro., Burlington wp.. Bur lington West. Burlington boro. and Granville upon Wednesday, Nov. 25th. Canton,'Leitoy, Monroe hora, Monroe twp.. Overton, \lhanv. Franklin and Towanda twp., upon Timrsday, Nov. 2C, th. Wilmot, Asylum, Durell, Tuscarorn, Wyahiing. Litch field, Warren and Windham upon Friday. Nov. 27th. Standing Stone, Herrick, Orwell, Pike, Shesiiequin, Rome and WV-ox upon Saturday, Nov. 28th. Assessors are requested to lie punctual in making their returns upon the dav designated in their warrants. Tliev are ALSO required to extend the amount of each person's valuation into the right hand column of their assessment. Bv order of the Commissioners. E. B.COOLBAUGH. Commissioner's Office. Oct. 20, L-.,7. ( ierk. TT'XECUTRIX NOTlCE—Notice is heff- J_J hv given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN K. INGIIAM, deceased, late of Wysox town ship, are requested to make payment without delay; thuse having demands against said estate will present them rfiilv airtheutleated for settlement. July 27. 1*57. AMANDA M. INGIIAM, Exerut-ix. UENRY B. M'KEAN, ATTOIIXK Y AT LAW, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay prompt attention to btfshiess entrusted to him. Collections made on reasonable term-, with prompt remittances. oetlti The Latest City Styles and Prices. MM & BAiE,IH6 9 TI7OULD respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda V* and adjoining vicinity, that she has taken the Mil finery Shop formerly occupied by Mrs. E. H. Mason . where HIE is prepared to furnish the Ladies with the LA 1 LSI STYLES of Bonnets, Caps, Head Dresses. A-c., Ac., and at as low prices as can be BOUGHT in any Millinery estab lishment this side of New A ork. BLEACHING AND TRIMMING done at the shortest notice. Th Ladies will please call aud examine our stock of BONNETS before purchasing elsewhere. October 14.1857. 8. DARLING. WOOL! WOOL! rpilE subscriber is buying WOffL for the L Utica Woolen Company, and will pay the highest price in CASH for any quantity. Also, the highest price paid in cash for SHEEP I'ELfH at M. E. SOLOMON'S WE ARE NOW OFFERING a very large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we oflerat extremely low prices for READY PAY, and invite the public to rail aud examine before PURCHASING elsewhere- June 2d, 1857. WTFRRTREY JR WFCKWAM XlliorcknuconG. MONTANA" r. S Are now receiving their Pall Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, 'JJOUIS & ?L)DF tiiiings k Iratfjir, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. II hick U'ill he. sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. C'or. Public Square and Main st. J. P. MONTANTB, i TOWANDA. IJ. p. MONTAN'YE, JK. j E. P. MOXTA.VYE, y September 8.1857 ) F. P. MONTANYK. NEW FALL Wm\ Just receiving at William A. RockwelFs Store, PTo. 2, Patton's Block. JTowanda, Sei>b>mlier it, 1857. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of Dress Trimmings. Velvets, Ac., at _Sept. 15, 1-57. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. MOHAIR BRAIDS and Twists for the . hair, at Sept. |5,1857. WM. \. ROCKWELL'S. and French Merinos, Deßages, J DeLaines, Alapaecas. Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's 1 Plaids (a new and fashionable article) Prints, Ginghams, ! and in fact all kinds of Dry Goods mav lie had cheap at Sept. 15,1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL^. A NEW ASSORTMENT of Bonnets] J.\. Ribbons and Gloves, expressly for the fall trade, Belt Ribbons : also a new stock of Laces and Embroi deries, set of Collars and Sleeves, <Ae., Ac., at I Sept. 15,1857. W. A. ROCKWELL'S. A NEW AND GENERAL assortment : Jl\- of Boots and Shoes, Cloths and Cassimeres, and I everything in this line, for sale by I Sept. 15, 1857. W. A. ROCKWELL. (CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, GroeerieT Vy Yankee Notions, Looking Glasses, Wooden Ware, and everything von want may be found at tiie new store Of Sept. 15." 1-57. WM. A. ROCKWELL. NEW GOODS! rpilK subscribers are now receiving at their New Store, L West side of the Public Square, a large a-sortment of sea-onable good- ; consisting of Ladies and Gents Fall and Winter Press Goods, Hats and Caps. Gloves and Ho -iery. Shawls, Family Groceries, Crockery. Nails and Gla-s. Hardware and Cutlery- A very large stork of Mens. Boys. Ladies, Mi—es and Children* Boots, Bootees. Siioes, Bu-kin.s, l ies and Gaiters iu great variety aud style. Side and Upper Leather. Calf and Kip Skins, Morocco, Linings. Bindings, Lace Leather. Shoe Thread. Shoe Nails, Ac., Ac. In -imrt. a general assortment of Goods I for the country trade, all of which we offer to our pat rons and the public generally, for Ca-li or Country Pro duce at very low prices, and respectfully invite purcha sers to call and examine our stock and prices liefore pur ! chasing elsewhere. Git. lu. 1-57. _ HUMPHREY & WICKHAM. |H. A. BURBANK'S BAKERY One JJoor Xorth of the Ward Mouse. TOWANDA. PA. IV HERE yon can find a constant supply of Bread, Rusk. ! \ v ('rackers, Cookies, J urn hies, and all kinds of Fancy < 'nkes. s - o VSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook . Ed to order. Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us during tiie past year, and hoping by close application to business to merit a continuance of the same, we remain as ever, your humble servant. March 16.1857. H. A. BI'RBANK. QTRAYED OR STOLEN, fro to 0 Smith's 1-land. in the Susquehanna river THREE HEAD OF CATTLE. One n l.riirtrt Zjl 7f red Stac. five years old. short bodied, carries Ws bead liigli ; a light brindle. line back cow, C, years old new niiich ; a three years old Bull, dark red. with -nrta!! star in the forehead, light under the hellv. A liberal reward will Ve paid for the return of these animals, or such in formation as will lead to their discovery. Dun-!!. July 1. 1857. ISRAEL SMITFL_ 117 ANTED.— I wish to purchase 100,00 D T 7 feet of MAPLE SCANTLING 13 feet long, and 31 inches square. Any one wishing to make a contract for any or ail, can do so ly calling at my Furniture Ware Rooms in Towanda. Sept. 15.1857. CHESTER WELLS. i/STR A Y.—< 'ame to the enclosure of the A Suli- ribcr in Burlington township, about ten l:iy since, a DEEP 1!E1) STEER, about two years old wiili small white s|>ot under the belly. The owner i- request ed to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. Burlington, Sept. 12.1837. PHILIP LALLET. A FAEM FOR SALE. rrtllE subscriber offers at priv ate sale liis 1. Valuable Farm, situated in Overton tv. p. Bradford county, containing I2u acres. The land is of excellent quality, well situated ; the WyiwP improvements are a log house and log barn. two good -lied- and corn crib. Tbi ie is from 50 to 55 acres cleared, all in excellent state ol cultivation, and 10 acre- of a fallow burned : tba land i- free of -tones, the soil is from 14 to 4 feet deep, there i- a new orchard of 4n i lioiee grand apple trees in In uring condition. The part cleared is laid out in 8 fields, .m 7 of which there is living water, and a good substantial rail fence to each field. The spring at house is within 80 feet of house and burn, and the -pring house is a few feet below the spring. It has a floor laid with -mouth stones, the water running between them : which keeps milk arid butter nice and cool all summer. Below the spring house is a large wa tering trough for cattle. The State road runs on the west line, the only level i route from Muney to M-mroetoii, a distance of about 45 miles. The main road from Dushorc to the coal beds runs along a part of the north line. A b year old Mare, 2 year old Colt, a yearling Colt,and tiiis jear's Colt. Cattle, Sheep, Hay, Grain, and Farming \ tools, will be sold, with or without farm. An indisputable title will be given to the purchaser of j said Farm. Terms easy, and price reasonable. October4,lßs7. JOHN FLYXX. I The Hanks have Suspended! Bi'T GUTTENBURG ROSENBAUM &. Co.! Are just opening a full assortment of isf AND READY MADE CLOTHINGJ IT* Mi THE FALL TRADE, which they wiil sell at New- York prices. Onr motto is " Quick sales and small profit-. TIIE LADIES will find in onr assortment an endless variety of all the goods they need. Our shelves and drawers are crowded with articles tor their u-e. Vie can special attention to onr new styles of FANCY' SILKS, the finest the market affords. SHAWLS, broclie. Bay state and cbaslunere. of all -izesaud qualities. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French, English and Ameriran Merinos, plaid and striped I>eLanes, plain and figured Auipffrca-*, in fact everything usually kept in Dry Goods stores. First-rate calico at fi cents p*r yard, good muslin at 5 j cents. A fine assortment ot BONNETS. Ladies' Collars, Undersleeves. Handkerchiefs, Laces. Gloves, Embroider ies, Hoiserv, Ae. OUR CLOTHING. DEPARTMENT is replete with fash ionable goods ; Overcoats from $4 to f2O. business coats from $3 to sls, vests all price--, pxnts frem $2 to s<>. A general assortment of nndercfotOThg, collars, Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, nn* ujttm the shortest notice. Don't forget the place, in Patton's new block-, corner Bridge and Main streets. GUTTENBURG, ROSKNBAI'M A CO. Towanda. September 30, 1*57. 1 IST OF JURORS drawn Sept. 11, 1857, for a Special Court £o I>6 held on the the third Mon day in November, 1857.- Granville —L. F. Clark, Elisha Bailey'. Canton' —Geo. Williams. N'iram Rockwell, Asylum—T.J. Ingham. Rue 14 Axtams.- Wyalusing—James Lewis. Shexhequta—John Randall. John Mi-Mahon, Harry Shaw. Windham —William llazaifore, Henry Dunham. West Burlington—Danvers Bourn. Rstigbury—H. (J. Cornell. I'lstnr—Myron S. Warner. Derrick—l. A. f'ark. Smithfield—Calvin ChatrtberHn, Or fin E. Wiicni. Burlington—Washington Taylor. SpfingfioM—Geo. H. Voorhis. Jmos B. Fanning. Warren—Roswsll D. Coimrn, Jolm I'ison, John D. Ar nold, William Kinney, Rome— Joseph Elliott, G. W. Eastmn. South Creek—Gii'Aen Andrews, a Standing stone—George Nandyke. W'eßs—Floyd Holmes. Sylvania Boro"—William Scouton. itiscarora—James C. Culver. Pike—Trnmble Benhatn. Troy boro'—D. W. C. Herriek Af-nnroe— James R. Iron. Franklin- fjuai'Jol Webber. C-nal. ECU TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is licre- J bv Riven that ail persons indebted t*> the estate of FKEDfcIUCK FISHER, dee d of South Towanda, mu*t make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. SALISBURY COI.E, JOSEPH HOMET. August, 15,1557. Executors. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the. matter of . the estate of Marnn Tyrrell, ilee'd. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hand* of the Administrator of this estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda on Friday, the 30th of Oct.. 1857, at 2 o'clock. P. M. All persons "having claims upon said monev must present them, or else lie forever debarred from the same. I'. D. MORROW, September 29, 1857. Auditor. A I>M INISTR A Til IX NOTI(3E —Notice - is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ABXER GRAVES, late of Ridgberrv town ship, dee'd., are requested to make payment without de lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARITY GRAVES. Septemlier 25. 1*57. Administratrix. *I7XECUTOR'S NOTICE —All persons in .lJ dehted to the estate of SILAS TITUS, deceased, late of Herriek township, are hereby notiiicd that pay ment must be made without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. „ ZOPIIAR PLATT, September 26,1837. Executor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—/. 11. Ransom AX. 8f Co. eg. S. [\ ITashburn and C. H. A men. hi Brad. Common Pleas, No. 60S. Sept. term, 1856. Also, Gilbert Prenti.-s A Tuttle vs. same. In Bradford Common Pleas, No. 260, Dec. term, 1853. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to , distribute funds raised by the Sheriff *a!e of defendant'* j real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at : his office in Towanda boro' on Saturday, the 31.t day of 1 < b tuber, A. I>. 1657, at 'J o'clock, A. M*., when and where j all persons interested are requested to present their claims 1 or be forever debarred from any share of sajd fund, j Sept. 28,1857. IM>. MORROW, Auditor. | A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— HaII JlnsscU ! ix. nr. /. 1.. H. L. Lamortux. In tlte Ommoii Pleas ] of Bradford County. No. 176, May term, 1*57. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real'e.-tate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday the j 31st day of October, 1557, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at j which time and place all persons interested are required ! to present their claims or else he forever debarred from said I fund. Sept. 2*. I*'.;. P. D. WOKBOW, Auditor. Q HERIfP'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry i kj? writs of vend, exponas, issued nnt of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will lie exposed to public, saleon THURSDAY, the 29th of OCTOBER, A. It.. 165T," at I o'clock, P. M.. at the Court Hone, in the borough of Towanda. the fol lowing lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgbury twp., Bradford co., bounded north by lands of Alexander Stevens and lands in possession of Columbus Burt, east bv land of said Columbus Burt, south by lands ot .1. B. Wilkinson and B. F. Buck, smith west by lands of Yin cent and Alexander Stevens. Containing about fifty acres more or less, all three story framed tavern house, one plank house, an old framed house, two framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon ; ex cepting therefrom about six and a half acres of land known as the mill lot, devised in a "sheriff's deed from John A. Codding, Sheriff, to David Burt. Seized and taken in execution at the slit of Hector Owens vs. David Hapcman. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 29, 1857. Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE— By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bn dford Coun ty, will he exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, tlm 24th day of October, l-*57. at 1 o'clock. P. M.. the following described property, late the estate of Henry Sihle, deceased, of lierrick township :—A certain lot, piece or parcel land situate in the townships of Rome and Sheshequin, and bounded and described as fol low.*, to wit: On the north by lands of John Crowley and Oscar Young, east by lands of Michael Coffner, Patrick Crowley and Solomon Kinner, south by lan '* of Stephen Dickens and lands formerly owned by Jeremiah Kilmer, and west by lands of William Stephenson. Containing one hundred and seventy-six acres, about ninety thereof improved, with a framed house, a framed barn, a log house, a wasron house and a large apple orchard thereon. Also, will he exposed to sale at the same time a lot of household furniture. ANNA feIUEL, PARKER SI BEL, Sept. 23,15 V. Evecutors. i DM IXISTIJATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice A V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of M ARK 11. GRKKNM AX. dee'd. late of I'asSin, arc hereby requested to make pftvmtnt without de lay; shrd :f*l persons having claims against said estate will please present them dniv authenticated tor settlement. CHARLES STOCKWELL, John Vandyke. Jr. Canton. S->pt. 21.1*57. Administrators. \ DM IN I.STR ATRIX. NOTICE. - Notice A A. i* hereby given, that all person* indebted to the e*tatc of V.'M. B. KEIFSNYDK.fb dee'd, IsCe of Albany twp. are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said c-tate are requested to present them d.tiv authenticated for settle ment. MARY REIFSXYDER, September 21, 1857. Administrators. ORPHAN S COURT SALE.— By virtcfe of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty, will he exposed to public sale upon the premises, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2. lsr>7 at 2 n.cloek, P. M.. the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Asylum township, late the estate of Samael C. Quick, deceased, j and bounded and described as follows : On the north by ; land* of Paul Quick, west by the lands of Cornelius Quick, south by lands of Riley Quick, .lames Gamble and Joseph Gamble, and on the east by the public highway ; leading from James Gamble's to Paul Quirk's. Contain- ; ing about 116 acres, about DO acres improved, 2 frame j barns and 1 com house thereon erected—being the same ! land which the said Cornelius Quick conveyed by deed to j the said Samuel C. Quick. Terms made known on the ] day ol sale. CORNELIUS <>UICK, Sept. 20. IS". Administrator. A EDITORS' NOTICE.— rat rick Forrel- J- V. ly to Ike ust of John Mr M thon vs. Mntthew .Mr- Mahmi. In the Common Picas of Bradford Co. No. 251, Sept. Term. 18:541. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at the office of D. A. Overton, in Towanda,on Saturday.the 14th of November, A. D. 1*57, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, when and where all persons having claims are requested to present f hem, or be forever debarred therefrom. Oct. Iff. 1557. <l. D. MoNTANVE, Auditor. \ DM IXIKTR ATOM S NOTlCE.—Notice _g A i> hereby given, that all persons indebted to the cs tate of Hansford B. J bailey, deceased, late of Pike twp. are requested to make payuYent without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will pleasfcpre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. P. 11. BUCK, DEBORAH BAILEY, October 15. 18.57. Administrators. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is liero by given tiiat letters t'stantcntary upon the estate of Elijah Lucky, late of Sheahequin, dee'd, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present tlreni duly attested for settlement. NANCY LUCKY. JOHN LUCKV, Sep?. i'.s. 18.57. Exebrftors. \ DAI INISTM ATOIES NOTlCE.—Notice J. Y is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Clarissa Grace, late of Springfield twp., deceased, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. Sept. 1.5. 15.57. JOHN NORMAN. Administrator. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice il is hereby given, that all persons indebfed to the es tate of James H. Morrow, late of Asylum twp., dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay; and all per sons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. BABItA A. MORROW, Augflst |B, >8.57.- Administratrix. SPECIAL COURT.—Notice is hereby gi- O .ven that a Special Court of Connrron Pleas will be held in, and-for the County of Rradford, coirtmcnring on MOND AY, the lf.tli day of November next, at 10 o'efock in the forenoon, at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Robert G. Vftiite will preside, for the trial of the following cases, to wit ; Newton Humphrey vs. William Humphrey, Ejectment. C. L. DeChastelleux vs. Ira Jennings, et al. Ejectment. 8. V. Stripman vs. David Wilmot, Appeal. A. 8.-Smith vs. Samuel Kellum, 2d, et. al., Ejectment. Subpoenas made returnable on Monday, Nov. 10, 1857, at 10 o'clock. A. M. ALLEN M'KEAN. Proth'y Office, Sept. 14,1857. Prothonotary. YITANTED. —Butter and Eggs, and all H kinds of coijntrv produce, hv July 28, 1867. WM. A. HO' KWELL. ■£l!i3rcl!(Tncca3. TBS GOOD SWISS SALVE 1.8 THE GREAT CL'RF.R OF FEVER SORES. IT gives immediate relief front pain, and in as quick a time as it is possible for thisdi*ease to be affected, it heals the wound* gradually and safely, alter extracting all poisonous matter, until a permanent cure is made. ITS NAME As its name imports, this Ointment is of Swiss Origin, and is the most remarkable Ointment for curing old Sores and Bad Legs ever known. Its curing properties seem to be perfectly irresistible. f,ir The receipt for making thi* rare mediaine, was ob tained trom James Kondou,an old Swiss tar-niaker in North Carolina, who brought it with him from Switzer land. AS A FAMILY SM.VE, it has no equal, both in its powers for doing good, anil its extreme neatness a.* a CLEAN. SWEET. PURE, PLEASANT OINTMENT, 1 healing without the least injury everything to which it is applied. MOTHERS USE IT for their Caked. Broken and Inflamed liicast.* with charm ing success. Thousands oi Mothers are thi* due blessing the hour in which thei first applied the GOOD SWISS ! SALVE. SALT RHEUM and SCROFULOUS SORES and Swellings it rapid!} ; cures bv striking at the root of the disease an < drawing the humors to tin- surface. It nkvbk ohivks rncm i\"- w van! Under all circumstances of the case 1 T IS SAF E 1 Good Sv iss Salve i tires Felons. Good Swiss Salve cures Piles. Good Swiss Salve cures Burns. flood Swiss- Salve cores Bruises. Good Swi*s Salve cures Flesh Wounds. Good Swiss Salve cures Toothache. IN SHOUT. B'6~ Wherever Pain or Indentation exist, apply the GOOD SWISS SALVE, and you will tind relief. KW This Salve is put up in LARGER BONES than Ointment in general, at 25 cts. It i* also put up in large China pots, for the accommodation of Families and tho*e who use it for Fever Sore* where several boxes may he required, us it is one half cheaper. A pot holds * box?* and sells for one dollar. Hundreds of families keep it in this convenient form as a necessary household article, A. K. Bahx.'bv, Ithaca. N. Y.. sole proprietor. Sold by J. Kinosbkisy, Towanda, Pa. SCSLE EITHS ! OTTSLOFFE IS THE INVENTOR OF the cele vJ brated ALPINE EYE BALSAM, which has gained such wonderful reputation throughout Europe and the United States. It is extracted from plant* taken direct trom the ALPINE MOC.XTAIXS,and prepared by Dr. Heindrich Gottslolle. a native ot Berne, Switzerland, and for many years Professor in the Berne institute, now a resident of the I . P. 'fhi* BuUatn is superior to any other eye medicine, he it salve or Water. It i- a safe and iKHTXir: rrtiE for all INFLAMATIoXS, Phem'The FaTTXRE OF SICIIT, XtHHT ID iS'U.D.-s. Bl I K on Plf.M, Pais on Eximisi hi: to Light. Ac., and always makes a yricK cure. TRY IT ! It i* reeotuended by ail druggists and Physicians who have become acquainted with it* vir tues. gig" Each bottle b-ars lr*s written signature.— Price 25 cents. A. E. Barnabv. Ithaca, X. Y., General Agent. Soldby J. Kingslierv. Towanda. Pa. IT. FOX TS NOW RUCK IVING a large stoeh of Jt FAMILY GRDCEUIES. which are offered for salt at as low prices a* the same quality of Good* can hi bought anywhere this side of the City of New York. To All Concerned. ' IiHE Subscriber*' liabilities are such that th*v will ■•- J. ther he obliged to *e!f the Judgments and Notes they hold against their customers, or enforce collection. We hope oar frimids will not drive u* to such an alternative. An earlv attention to this notice is requested. Aug. 19, 1857. MONTAXYES. FOR SALE. T - THE well-known and well est CAR- Rl \('.E MANUFACTORY situated or, M .inst '} J J'jL in the south paid of the Borough of Towanda. JjiijiSHgAlso, the Smith Shop, Timber House and Barn ?iV"Aon the same lot, and stock of Timber on hand. Also. HOUSE AND LOT adyoinrng ?>e shop lot. KnrThe whole will be sold cheap lor ready pay. For terms apply to the subscriber at his re-MencC On the pre mises. N. 15. The subscriber has on hard some jm-> 'tw. vw FDaiO or SIBOO worth of t '.VKRIAGKS, different kinds, whi' h he w ill *e!lon reason able terms for ready pay or approved credit. Towanda, Aug, I, 1857jii3 G. H. DRAKE. T7XTRACTS for flavoring, for sale chsap l J at F <l.\ S. PASIT PAID FOR BEEF HIDES, AND .SHEEP PEI.T9 AND FURS, at No. 1 patton's Block. augl? V.'M. A. ROCKWELL. NEW GOODS! FROM New York and Philadelphia ! CHEAP AND DESIRABLE! JUST received ami now opening a very extensive and cheap stock of FALL AND WIN TEH <SOOUS, which for beauty, variety and cheapness, cannot lie surpassed in fT.fs rc-arke?. It comprises all the best make of brown and bleached Sheeting* and Shirtings. Ticks. Jeafts. Den ims, Checks, Yarn, Hatt-. Wadding. Ac. lit the ( loth and Cassintere Department our stock is full- embracing the most reliable styles. Our line of LADIES DRESS GOODS embrace- all the new styles. Also, Dress Trim mings, Ribbons. A'c.,in great variety. SHAWLS in great variety. Embroideries, Laces, Cloves and Hosiery, a lull stork. Housekeepers' Goods, Carpi tings, Oilcloths, Ac.. Ac., Pbots A Shoes, to suit purchasers. Crockery and Glass Ware. Hardware, Iron and Nails. GROCERIES, a large and choice variety. Hkmkmbkk ! That our store is th p>ac to buy Goods CHEAP. Our motto—•• (Jiiick sates and small profits." Remember, also, our store—south end of Tftrcur's Work. Main street. Oct. 1-2. 1857. TRACY A MoQHK. 011i>, PAINTS, GLASS, Ac., ;i 11 sizes, for sale at Oct. 12. 15.,7. TR.U'Y A MOORE'S. BARCLAY COAL.—THE b ARC LAY RAIL ROAD ANII COAL COMPANY have now on hand, and will keep constantly for safe at^TOWANDA, a large supply of their coal, at $2 50 per lon for Hiacksmith Coal, a fid §8 00 per lan for Raked (''onl. Apply for coal at Towanda to O. D. RARTI.ETT. Coal will also be sold at the MINES at $2 00 per tan fur lilaeksmit/i Cool, and $2 50 per tun for fluked Cool. A liberal Jis' ount will be made on .-ales by the boat load. Oct. 7, 15.57. S. sfM'FARLAXE, Geu'lSup't. A CHOICE FARM Adjoining lie. llt>r'iVgh of Ti>ira"da, ror Sale at a GREAT BARGAIN! A T ?2.5 an acre, for all ra-li down : J\ At fSU an acrft for flhlOQ down anflbanftrce in .1 years. At Sll.'i an acre for J2OOO down and balance in .5 years. At $4" an acre for $ 1 <M>O down and balance in 7 years. The farm contains 200 acres with a good Hou-r and barn, and,au orchard of choice fruit on it. It is well wa tered with penrctnon? springs- c< ii?< n'7'n'ly distributed over it. About one halt of it is cleared, and every acre ofitisgood tillable laud. It could be advantageously divided so as to suit two or ni'ofi' persons wi.-liing larius of less sir.e. 51V daughter has lifty acr 's adjoining it wh'nli ..'m would also sell. Towanda. July 21.18A7. W. PAH-OX. XVXCB.E NEW GOODS '• HUMPHREY awruKAM ARE just receiving, in their New Store. west side of the Public Square a large n\,d well selected assort ment of goods suitable for the'.summer trade. Consisting of 1 ostus, Chains. 1 bareges poplin. Delaines, Scotch and Am A rican Ginghams. IVCoges, Black and Colored Silks, French. English and American Prints in great variety : Gents Dress Goods Hardware, Crockery, Fish, Sugar. Tea, Coflee and other Family Groceries. Also, a verv largo assortment ot Soots &. Shoes, of almost every variety, and having made arrangements with the manufacturers by which we a in' constant re ceipt of new work, we arc- prepared to oiler to the public the largest and best stock, and at lower prices than an* other store in Towanda. Call and - 4 e. Sole and Upper Leather. French'anf American Calf Skin,. Morocco, Colored and plahr Linings, Rinding, Shoe Thread and a general assortment of Findings, wholesale and retail at reasonable rates. Grateful for pa-t favors, we invite the patronage of the public and by strict atten tion to huHuess and particular care in selection of our goods,both as to quality and adaptation to meet the wants of customers, we hope to merit the confidence of the com munity and respectfully incite those visiting Towanda to call and examine our goods. HUMPHREY &, WICKHAM. Towanda, June 6,1857. LEATHER. —A new supply of Sole Leath er, Cow Hide. Kip and Calf Skin, at No. 2. Patton's ? ck e ig2 fi WM. A KOCKWXLL. illwdkmrons. Philadelphia Advertisements? FROM JOHX A. T^TDTJj.Ii:, At Merchant's Hotel. North 4tli st., Philadelphia. TO THE MERUHBXTS OF THE WERT AXI) NORTH WEST: FIII.APET.riI IA MARKET loin? easily accessible, your attention is <*nllr*l to it, n pnwsnnr facilite-a and advantages, worthy <>l' your consideration. Among it* advantage.'* nuy 1* enumerated it*, location, having shorter lines of em minii ati< n to the interior, its proximity t the Iron end Anthracite COR! districts of Pennsylvania, the large and vty-jed extent of its manufac ture.-, being tar in advance of any other city In the United States, the moderate expense.- necessary for carrying on business, Ac. The market possesse- unrivalled advantages for the sale of nunv kinds' of PRODUCE, „IIC!I as Flnrtr, Wheat, Barley, Wool', Butter, Chec-e. At., while iL ehargea incident to sales and attendant cxptn.-e- . are im-re moderate tbaa neighboring seabord markets. JAMES, KENT. S I XTEE CO.. Itn porters and Jobber* of FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOOD>. No. 22'J and 21 i North 3d -licet, above Race. Bl XX. RAH,' EEL $• CO., Importer? Of BRITISH GOODS, and Jobbers of STAPLE SILT GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, Ac., No. 37. North 3d st. HAAS A- TAYf.QR, Importers and Cash Jobber-, No. liii.l M.irii't street. HOSIERY, GLOVE*, SHIRTS it. I DRAWERS GEM BELTS. SHIRT 80. SO MS. White Goods. Embroideries, Laces, Suspenders, Threads, Combs, Ac. I AIR RJ: Li. As A- P 1 R A SOLS.-W M. H. RICH A RD-biN. No. 41*. Market st., manufactures first-class UMBRELLAS expressly for retailers. Ever* article warranted. SMpRLPY BROS, Manufacturers and .o.bbcrs in HATS. CAi'S. FURS.STRAW GOODS and SH.K BONNETS. No. 41. Ninth 3d street. WO I. EE s- A / AY/, Wholesale CLOTH IN(r JfOT SR. \o-. 430 Market and 42.5 Merchant streets. C/IARPES S. EE A Til EE, Wholesale Depler in BOOTS SHOES, N>. f'J, North 3tt street, below Afch. PARRISIT RIfA DP IIA IV, WALL & WINDOW RARER Warehouse, N. K. corner 3d aui? Arch streets. Gilo nop iv. PLIMIA' Manufacturer of every description of PAPER RwXES, bl N. Fourth ftreef CAVI'FAt I.Y S- CHEW. Importers of ( HIV L Gf.A-JS HAD QUEEN'S WARE, NO. 21, Xortt# Fourth street. J. ('. Eh 1 EE LAM) WITH KLIXE A CARROL, Importers of WINES, BRANDIES, GINb, s<., No. 304. Xot fh 3d street. KP YS TO \E STA TP SAPOXJFIER, or C'ONc EXTRA! ED LYE for making Soap. Manu factured ly the IVnn. Salt Tarfntunf, AlTegh.inV county. PCun. Ki pri.-ntM by J.KWIS, JAMES A Co. Philadelphia. f. s. s- /;. L. PEROT. OKXERAL PRO DUCE < OMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 315. North Wiwr'i--. Refer to mCitlmiils generally, All cot's'gnmhtits of ofier.s vvl'rl rcvfWe pref&pt and personal utienfion. /•; B Y, r o x, H A M ,V IT E Rr. WHOLESALE GKOi ERS and COMMUNION MER CHANTS. V„. ;,v>, Marked Street. MOORE. HEXS/EY. S- CO.. Importer* and Wholesale Dealer J it H SUDWAKK. CUTLERY. ami GUNS. 427 Market 4l". Comment; streets. A.i V7, //. BfJiICHA I S. Itiijinrfor ami and Whole-mil Dealer in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC HARDWARE, No. 2.T-, North 3d street. Li-low Vine. X. A (1. TA YLOR, finp.brtef? nm! Whole sale Deaf-r- in TIN" PLATE. COPPEH "HEETIRON, Ac.. 3t3 and 3ft,4. Branch -t. HAMMERS HATCHETS, S-.. in .-rent variety, ttriinnfu'.'ured by C. HAMMOND, Depot 503 Comineri e st. Tie attention of tlie trade is called t. the -e goods as being (qua! in quality .md tluisli to' any ngtdi. /•;. HAIJ. or,I)EX- Fl.iladelpMa Maffen- I.le" iron Works, corner of nth ami Jeffersonf Streets ; Warthoit-e .307 Arch -t.. above third. Manufacturer of GENERAL and S VDDLERY II \RDWARE and MAL LEABLE and FINE GBEY IRON CASINGS. MA XC HESTER SCA L E S. HA Y. COAL. coi.'N TER. WAREHOUSE, WHEELBAR ROW. R0T,1,1 NO MH.L. RAILROAD SCALES if im proved patterns and superior quantities, WARRANT ED SUPERIOR it. quality and tini-h to ony other scales trial?'-. Warehouse. .Mi*. 23. N*. *sth -treed, OEC.- W. UOLL-Y, Agent. OREEXS KEYSTOXE HEATER AND RANGE. -The Heater has no equal in this coun try—is a'd c-a-t iron, and will create 3b per cent, more heated air with the -ante amount of a.-!, than.any oth er fit rum ein n-e. The Range Ims two ovens that bake uniformly at the -ante time. These inventions have no equal in the market. Rights for -ale for all sections of the Union. FIT 111 A X. JOXES A- CO.. fnipoifofr ntul Jobbers in Bl IT -H and AMERH AN* DRY GOODS, 21.5 Market, t! 10 igh to 204 Church Alley. C months credit for appiuved Notes. TOWANDA iFiMAi-E Bi . IHTK MIOSES ?• SXSON respectfully inform the public that the scholastic year will commence MOXI)AY, SEPTEMBER 14. continuing to July 14. Miss 0. P. HANSON will have tli" superinten dence of tin- school. as*Mel 4 r Muslf b* Miss REBECCA I). HANSON, and in French i.y Mi.-s KM MA HANSON. Thankful for the patronage already extended to them, they Keg leave to a**ure those enl rusting their daughters in their charge. that every effort w ill he made to deserve'fidenv* and favor of tlifrr patrons. The school year will con-i>t of four quarter®. of tlevi n weeks each. The summer vacation commencing in July, and ending in September. A recess of a few days will Co taken at the holidays. Weekly report* will he -fnt t< the parents, who or requested to -ign and return them. Wo can promise no improvement unless a scholar is regular an* purtefnnl in attendance. TKTIMS. run QrvuTri?: First Class To include'the elementary English | t . hranches. and t!ie study of the Latin language. 1 Srcond Class- -To iiulndA the more advanced stu-) dies oftir; English hranehcs.with Mathematics*, f'j Ot) and th* study of Latin and French ' Third Class— To include Mathematics, M>> ;I ]■? and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, B'.tan ~ Jte.. *l2 O<V Wit H Latin and French ~ f Kach pupil will bring with het a <Vshtuu! -hair. Thcrs svill tie no extra charge whatever. Mrsir—liisiruetioii on tne P'.,no. with uFf* of instru ment. will he given bv Miss IJLEUKCCA L>. AANSOX, at *l<> per quarter. Boarding tor young'jdlos ran he ftbffair*il id prlvfitb I iniiln sat it a-'.uiui' j i ii c .s. I'upiV fr< vt a distance will receive tho e'jiec* .1 cure of the ! hey for ,e to refer to h* folldvJirqr named gentle men : —T?L. P v. Ai.ovro POTTKH. It shop o| the iViocSse ol Pen- a Philadelphia : Vr>. f>r. SLVVI.KAN, President of tho ' oP „ge of New Jersey. He-.. HVvm Wii.vtir*. p. (■ j JOvitn E. 'IF.AX.-. I>. F. P.vKsfow, H. F: Mmo TK, if. I. ftswV i j.TT. K. t>. <iooiiKH ii. Um. ( ROCAKT, To.vanda. thk tuvth >norT kansas f * GOV. GEARY'S in Kansas ! Large l2ino. .11* pages, UTITH A COMPLETE HISTORY Ap THK TFRRI TOBY, until June, Is. - ,7. Km bracing a full account of its discovery, tocography, Soil, Cb'matc, Products, its organi'/ait'ou ff* ft "*evrt*ory. .t*" v f.'sactioh- : r.d tvJnts un der Governors lie< der and STianifon. political rti-sensions. Personal Becouuters. Kh i tion ft ami*. I attic* and outra ge* with Portraits of prominent actors therein, all fullv authenticated. *v JOHN H. AlflftN, M. I)., Private Secretary to Gov. Geary. t'arelully compiled from tho Official documents on Kit* in the department of State at Wa-hingpui and ther papers in the possession of the \nthbr. with fin'? •trNmnt of the invasion rf Ksmsas tfoni Missouri: the capture, tnal and tveatincnt of the Free Statu prisoners, the character and movements of the Mis souri Border Rnffians. tire murder of Biiffnrtt and other*. The controversy between tloveri>or (leary and Judge f.e etpiipte, The piqceedings of the Terr:torial Legislature. of tin* pro-sljtvi -v cAViv*nfion, and the organization ot the National Pemocratic Party, with a sketch of Kansas, during its early troubles under Governors Feeder and Shannon, its invasions, battms, outrages and murders. A copy will be-aent to any part of the T'nited Stater, by mail, free ol postage, 011 the receipt of retail price. Price in doth, fl 00. Paper, ill) cts. CHARLES r RHODES, Publisher, Inquirer Building, Philadelphia July 28.1857. OUSE FURNISHO GOODS—Don ble and single fold worsted and linen and worsted damask=. moreens, cotton damaskshleaehrd and unhleach ed table linena, Marrailes quilts, toilet covers, and a v* netv of other conde in this Ihm.juat received by April *,1357. J. POWELL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers