•Gov. Walker's Proclamation to the Peo ple of Kansas. LECOSIPTON, October 19,1657. By the 32d section of the organic act estab lishing this territorial Government, it is provid ed, iu reference to the election of a delegate to Congress, that "the person having the great est number of votes shall be declared by the Governor to be duly elected, and a certificate thereof shall be given accordingly." By the 16th section of the act of the terri torial legislature of Kansas, entitled "an act to regulate elections,'" it is made the duty of the Secretary to examine the returns in the presence of the Governor, aud to "give to the person having the highest number of votes iu their respective districts, certificates ot their election to the legislative assembly." Under these two provisions of the laws pre vailing iu this territory, the recent general election has presented for the joint considera tion of the Governor and Secretary, a ques tion of the gravest importance not only to our own people, but also to those of the whole Union. The question arises upon the extra ordinary returns made from the precinct of Oxford, iu the county of Johnson. What pur ports to be the returns of the election held at the precinct on the sth and Gth iust., have been received by the Secretary, containing sixteen hundred and twenty-eight names of pretended voters, or nearly one half the num ber given iu the whole representative district. The disposition to be made of this supposed vote is rendered all important by the fact that the political character of the legislative As sembly will be controlled by the addition of three couucilmcn and eight representatives to the strength of one party or the other, accord ing to the adoption or rejection of the returns in question. In point of fact, it is well known that even the whole county of Johnson, comprising, as it does part of an Indian reserve, which, upon examination of the law, we find is not subject to settlement or pre-emption, can give no such vote as that which is represented to have been polled at this inconsiderable precinct of Ox ford. But while this unofficial knowledge, well-established and universal as it may be, could not become the ground of decision and action upon election returns, in themselves reg ular and authentic, the legitimate effect of an apparent cuonnity, such as that iu question would necessarily be to induce a close examin ation of the paper presented, and to require for its acceptance a perfect compliance with all the essential provisions of the law. Such an examination of this document, conscientiously and impartially made, has brought us to the conclusion that the returns from Oxford pre cinct in Johnson county must be wholly reject ed for the following reasons : Ist. It does not appear on the face of the document presented to us, or in any other man ner, that the Judges of Election took the oath imperatively required by the statute, to secure the " impartial discharge of their duties ac cording to law." 2d. It docs not appear that the paper pre sented to us was one of the two original poll- Looks kept at the election, as required by law ; but, on the contrary, it does appear, from unmistakcable internal evidence, that the pa per is either a copy of some other document, | or has been made for the occasion, aud is not the genuine record of the votes taken at the election. The law requires one of the poll books to be returned to the Secretary, the other to be deposited with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the proper county. 2d. As the vote of each elector was to be recorded for each one of the twenty-two can didates, ttnl in more than a hundred cases ior twenty-five, and that by a rim voce vote, it was a physical impossibility that the number of votes pretended to have been taken on the second day, being uiore than fifteen hundred, with the name of the voter written., and each of twenty-two candidates properly designated, could have been taken and recorded within the time prescribed by law. 4th. It is an extraordinary fact tending to throw distrust upon the whole proceeding, that of the sixteen hundred and twenty-eight votes, only one is given to the delegate elect to Con gress ; and only one hundred and twenty-four are recorded as having been cast for the local candidates of the township. Influenced by these considerations, and im pressed with the grave responsibility resting upon us in regard to the fairness of the elec tion, and its freedom from all fraud susceptible of detection and prevention within the scope of our duties, wc deemed it essential to truth and justice that we should ascertain every fact calculated to refute or confirm the conclusions derived from the face of the papers. Accord ingly we went to the precinct of Oxford, (which is a village with six houses, including stores, and without a tavern,) and ascertained from the citizens of that vicinity, and especial ly those of the handsome adjacent village of New Santa Fe, in Missouri, (separated only by a street and containing about twenty bous es,) that altogether not more than one-tenth the number of persons represented to have vot ed, were present on the two days of the elec tion, much the smaller number, not exceeding thirty or forty, being present on the last day, when more than fifteen hundred votes are rep resented as having been given. The people of Oxford as well as those of the neighboring village of Santa Fe, were astounded at the magnitude of the return ; and all persons of ail parties, in both places, treated the whole affair with derision or indignation, not having heard the alleged result uutil several days after it had occurred. In the course of our journey to and from Oxford, we passed over much the larger part of the country of Johnson, and we became thoroughly satisfied that there is no popula tion in the whole couuty from which more than one-third l lie vote of that single precinct could have been given. We learned that some very few persons, having cabins on the reserve in Johnson'county.aud claiming a residence therein though generally absent, had voted at some of the prochicts in that comity ; but we are con vinced that bat a very inconsiderable number, not reaching, we believe, one hundred of Mis fiourians or other persons having no admitted right to vote, did claim or attempt to exercise that right, anywhere within that county. The people of Missouri cannot be justly charged with any interference in the late election, nor are they in any degree complicated with the evidently fraudulent returns made from the precinct of Oxford Those returns, beyond all doubt, are simulated and fictitious. Under these circumstances, we do not feel embarrassed by any technical difficulty, as to our right to go behind the returns. We hold the returns themselves to be defective iu form and in substance, ami therefore inadmissible, we go behiud tliem and inquire into the. facts, only for the jwirpbse of ascertaining whether by valid objections to the mere returns, ' our rejection of them will have the effect of defeating the will of the people, sought to be fairly expressed at the polls, lit the event of such consequences, we might hesitate to reject a vote upon any defect ot form, however es sential in law. " But in the present case, we feel ourselves bound to adhere to the very let ter of the law, in order to defeat a gross and palpable fraud. The consideration that our own party by this decision, will lose the ma jority in the Legislative Assembly, does not make our duty in the premises less solemn and imperative. The elective franchise would be utterly valueless, and free government itself would receive a deadly blow, if so great an outrage as this could be shielded under the cover of more forms, and technicalities. We cannot consent, in auv manner, to give the sanction of our respective official positions to such ft transaction. Nor can we feel justified to relieve ourselves of the proper responsibili ties of our offices, iu a case where there is no valid return, by submitting the question to the Legislative Assembly, claiming to be chosen by this spurious vote, the power to decide upon their own election. Iu view of the condition of affairs in Kan sas for several years past, of the efforts so long made to put iu operation here a revolutionary government, and of the fact that this effort was suspended under the belief tiiat the po litical difficulties of this territory might at length be fairly adjusted at the polls ; if that adjustment should now be defeated and and the people deprived of their rightful pow er under the laws of Congress, by fictitious re turns of votes never given, it is our solemn conviction, that the pacification of Kansas, through the exercise of the elective franchise would become impracticable, aud that civil war would immediately be recommenced in this territory, extending, we fear to adjacent states, and subjecting the government of the Union to imminent peril. Because, therefore, the paper now under ex amination is not one of the original poll-books by law required to be returned, and from the absence of the oath prescribed by the territo rial statutes for the judges of election, the re turns- being thus clearly invalid, and as we be lieve, fictitious and simulated, we have, under the circumstances no alternative bat to reject the whole return from the Oxford precinct, and to give the certificates to those whojappear to have been elected by virtue of the other regular returns. R J. WALKER. Governor of Kansas Territory. FRKD. P. STANTON, Secretary. [Correspondence of the X. Y. Times.] WA SHIXGTON, Sunday, Xov 1. The President is much annoyed by the pub lished rumor relative to Governor Walker's removal. lie says that it is erronious, and that there is no intention to remove him. I am coufinncd in the conviction that the story originated in the denunciations of Walker in dulged in by a Cabinet member, who desires his repudiation. It is evident that there has been a strong in fluence in the Cabinet in favor of discounten ancing Walker's movements, in order to make fair weather with the fire-eaters, but the Pres ident has overruled them. Secretaries Cobb and Thompson charge him with violating his instructions, but the event will expose their error. Ho can have had no instructions inconsistent with the law, and that has bound him to secure an election by the people of Kansas in legal form. The Presi dent u ill never publicly condemn him for refus ing to become a parti/ to the Oxford frauds. Hut Governor Walker did not even techni cally go behind the election returns, as charg ed, as will be seen by his proclamation. He rejected the returns for fatal informalities alone and his denunciation of the frauds was inciden tal merely. This new storm has been raised evidently for the purpose of intimidating Walker, to in duce him to resign ; but his friends here say that lie will never retreat. The President saw and approved of Walker's in augur si be fore the latter left Washington, and altera tions were made in it by his suggestion. This can lie proven. It is too late, therefore, to attempt to shirk the responsibility, and throw it upon Walker's shoulders and sacrifice him. President Buchanan has no disposition to yield to the pressure of sonic of his associates and to commit so suicidal an act. The mere rumor of such an intention created intense ex citement here. Letters received here indicate Walker's pro bable rejection by the Senate, unless the Re publicans sustain him. LATER FROM KANSAS—ST. Loirs, Oct. 28. At a Democratic meeting held in Lecompton, Kansas, on the 20th, resolutions were adopted strongly condemnatory of the action o( Walk er and Stanton, in rejecting the returns of the Oxford precinct, Johnson county. The course of the Governor and Secretary is characteriz ed as high handed, illegal, and an usurpation of that power belonging only to the Legisla ture. B®* The Philadelphia ledger says : The investigation which has beeu going on by the directors of the Bank of Pennsylvania into its affairs, has been brought near to a close. We understand that the exhibit is not fa vorable. The immediate liabilities of the bank, in round numbers, independent of capi tal stock, we are informed, is about two mill ions of dollars —to meet which, there are as sets appraised at one and a quarter millions. If this appraisement and amount of liabili ties are correct, the bank would seem to be unable to pay its debts, leaving nothing for stockholders. The bank holds, we beleive, about $1 To.ooo of its own stock ; a portion of this, however, has been pledged to one or more of the interi or banks, through the agency of a third party, who now stands liable to the interior banks for the amount. The committee representing the city banks in this matter, or a majority of it, is under stood to be averse to an attempt at resuscita tion, and the indications now are that it will go into liquidation, and probably out of exis tence, leaving as little for its shareholders as did its great prototype, the 1 lank of the Uni ted States. Noteholders and depositors will probably be paid. MI'ROKR OF A WHOLE FAMILY IX NEW URI NS WII'K.—On .Monday night four persons were murdered at a house on the line of the new railroad, about ten miles from St. John.— They were a man, his wife, ami two children. Three men committed these diabolical acts, incited thereto, as is believed, by the prospect of obtaining a sum of money \yhieb was in the house, and which did not aiuouut to one hun dred dollars. JS. U. GOODRICH. EDITOR. TOWANDI : (Eljtirsbcit) fUormnp, Xoocmbcr 5, 1837. TERMS — Our Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, notice will be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. CI.CBBIK.J — The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely low rates : 6 copies for $5 Oflf j 15 copies for.. < .sl2 00 10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r.... 15 00 ADVERTISEMENTS — For a square of ten lines or less. One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five rents for each subsequent insertion. JOB- Wo HE — Executed with aceurary and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Rooks, Blanks, Hand-bills. Rati tickets, $-r. MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an envelope, and properly directed, we will be responsible for its safe delivery. THE BRIDGE PASSABLE ! Last Tuesday the planking of the floor of the Bridge was completed, and it is now pas sable for teams, being entirely safe. The re maining work upon it, will be speedily execut ed, and the Bridge when completed, will be one of the finest across the Susquehanna. The usual rates of toll will be taken by the Con tractors, until it is finished and delivered over to the Company. KANSAS MATTERS. In another column will be found the pro clamation of Gov. WAI.KER, purging the re turns of the late election in Kansas, of the frauds committed in the Oxford precinct of Johnson county. This action of the Gover nor, is of the greatest political importance and is destined, if sustained by the National Administration, to produce the most momen tous results. Governor WALKER gives the most conclu sive reasons for rejecting the vote of Oxford precinct in Johnson county ; first, because of the irregularity in foim of the returns ; and second, from the evidence furnished by a visit to the precinct, of the physical impossibility of its casting legally over one-tenth of the vote credited to it in the returns. By rejecting this vote the free-state party obtain a clear majority in the Legislature. The pro-slavery party are greatly incensed at this result, and threaten the Governor and his Secretary with every variety of vengeance, political ami per sonal. Indeed, it is represented, that the threats made against the Governor and Secretary,had induced those individuals to consider their lives in danger,—and they had left Lccompton, and had moreover, sent to Col. Sumner for a body of troops for their personal protection. A meeting of the National Democracy had been held, at which Gov. WAI.KKR had been denounced for his interference in the Oxford returns, and charged with beiug untrue to the Democratic party. From Washington we have conflicting ac counts. It is represented that the Adminis tration will uot sustain WAI.KKK in the course he has pursued. Other writers assert that he will bo sustained bv Mr. HIVUAVAV, but that a portion of the Cabinet is freely denouncing him. We will render Gov. WALKER full justice for his attempt in this instance to see the wish of the people of Kansas lawfully carried out. It is the first gleam of light, in that dark and damning conspiracy which has heretofore out raged law and order and decency in that Ter ritory. It matters not that the fraud was so palpable that it there could be no question as to its commission—-it matters not that in so do ing he was but pursuing the plain line of right and duty, and but discharging his obligations to his conscience, his oath and the people of the Territory he was appointed to govern— for even such acts of simple justice are so unu sual in the history of Kansas, as to excite our admiration. Already the South is beginning to demand the removal of WALKER. It is stated that his nomination will not be confirmed by the Sen ate, unless the Republican Senators come to his aid. We trust they will stand aloof, and throw upon the Democrats the responsibility of his rejection. A formidable party has sprung up in the South, which yet professes confidence in President BCCHANAX, but repudiates and condemns WALKER and his course. This nl tra pro slavery party will make war upon the Administration whenever it is understood that WALKER'S course in giving the people of Kan sas fair plav, is approved and endorsed. The extremists have always controlled, and al ways will control, the Sooth. Mr. RITTIANAN has the choice to make. He must either of fend this Southern party, or lie must sacrifice WALKER and with him the Democratic party of the North. Which will he do ? We have been accustomed to sec Northern men succumb before the power and influence of the Slave oligarchy. Mr. RCCIIAXAN is certainly the last man we should expect to sec an exception to this rule. lie is now to be tried, and should he prove true, we shall be among the readiest to do him justice. His past history and the attitude of his Administration do not give much reason for hope. c see by the Harrisburg Telegraph that Wm. B. Foster, on account of ill health, is about to resign his position as Vice-Presi dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, aud Col. Herman J. Lombaert is to succeed him, ami that Major T. A. Scott is to take the jiosition now held by Col. Iximbaert. ftaTElections for state officers were held in New York and Massachusetts on Tuesday,but we ure as yet without returns. Official Vote for Governor, 1867. Counties. Packer. WII.MOT. Hazl'st. Adams, 2.36$ J ,900 % 58 Allegheny. 6,610 7,687 856 Armstrong, 2.409 2,100 111 Beaver, 1 ,557 1,999 20 Bedford, 2,338 1,508 398 Berks, 8,722 2,750 874 Blair, 1,819 1,450 569 Bradford, 2,082 5,642 6 Bucks, 5.747 4.801 101 Butler, 2,361 2,831 53 Cambria, 2,379 1,042 165 Carbon, 1,557 672 153 Centre, 2,663 2,145 35 Chester, 5,388 5,269 424 Clarion, 2,132 987 23 Clearfield, 1,459 725 235 Clinton, 1,464 1,083 18 Columbia, 2,410 1,144 30 Crawford, 2,576 3,614 Cumberland, 3,078 2,466 58 Dauphin, 3,109 2,656 600 Delaware, 1,598 1,614 609 Klk, 502 276 3 Erie, 1,995 3.306 143 Fayette, 3,104 2,520 80 Forrest, 65 79 Franklin, 3,186 3,058 91 Fulton, 817 570 9 Greene, 2,034 1,000 8 Huntingdon, 1,749 1,678 248 Indiana, 1,437 2,650 Jefferson, 1,268 1,125 54 Juniata, 1,1 OS 1,035 20 Lancaster, 6,486 7.690 1,035 Lawrence, 993 1,902 50 Lebanon, 1,980 2,664 182 Lehigh, 3,805 2,957 9 Luzerne, 6,208 3,526 214 Lycoming, 2,834 1,684 347 M'Kean, 494 565 7 Mercer, 2,539 2,928 49 Mifflin, 1,532 1,217 104 Monroe, 2,254 504 5 Montgomery, 5,448 3,608 1,386 Montour, 1,080 568 61 Xorthaiuton, 4,067 1,111 1,010 Northumberland, 2,821 974 490 Perrv, 1,965 1.564 161 Philadelphia, 27,749 10,001 14,335 Pike, 758 190 12 Potter, 495 957 4 Schuylkill, 5,980 3,079 581 Snyder, 999 989 81 Somerset, 1,741 2,277 b Sullivan, 494 265 Susquehanna, 2,419 3,224 8 Tioga, 1,193 3,284 Union, 971 1,275 162 Venango, 1,900 1,790 2 Warren, 899 1,399 9 Washington, 3,752 3,614 142 Wayne, 1,992 1,691 50 Westmoreland, 4,361 3,448 24 Wyoming, 1,226 995 12 York, ~ 5,314 1,778 1,332 Total, 188,887 146,136 28,132 CAV.tr. COMMISSIONER. Strickland . 186.906 Mill ward 143.898 Liuderni.in 26,631 ST'PRKME COL'RT. Thompson 187,023 1 I.cwis 142.020 Strong 186.823 [ Veecb 142,377 Itruoui 37,240 | Brady 26,929 AM EVP VENTS TO TO E COSSTITI'TION. first. Second. Third. Fourth. For 122,038 117.143 114,666 118,605 Against 13,653 21.412 20,305 14,332 THE: T.KGISLATI KE. Administration. llcpnh. Majority. Senate 21 13 9 llou.se 68 32 36 89 4 4 45 DEATH OK GEN*. BEST. —Hon. VALENTINE BEST died at his residence in Danville, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 28, aged about 57 years. He had been editor and publisher of the Danville Inlclligenccr about 30 years, and was a member of the State Senate from 1848 to ISSO, one year acting as Speaker of that body. He was a man of great decision, un swerving adherence to party and to friends, and beloved and pure in private life. He was the oldest practical printer in business in Cen tral Pennsylvania, and was much respected by bis fellow craftsmen. On the evening of the 2Gth ult., a large and respectable meeting composed of members <f the "Teachers' Institute," and citizens of Towanda and vicinity, was held at the public school house in this borough, at which the fol lowing resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That in Bradford County the sys tem of holding " Teachers' Institutes," has met with merited success, and is no longer an ex periment. Resolved, That to the arduous efforts of our worthy Superintendent, we are chiefly indebt ed for giving them a permanent basis ; that through his administration, we recognize a pro gress in our Common Schools, which promises to place tbera on a par with the best in the couutry. tea?* Previous to the adjournment of the Teachers'lnstitute, recently held here, GEO. D. SCOTT, of this village, offered the following preamble and resolotioiw, which were unani mously adopted : WHEREAS : The Rev. BEXJ. J. DOCGI.ASS has presented to the County Superintendent, Mitchell's New National Map of the United States, for the purpose of having it used at the Institutes, at his public examinations and his school visitations, when such use will be condu sive to the best interests of the cause of educa tion. Therefore. Resolved, That we present to Mr. T)ougla?s, our sincere thanks for the interest lie has = thus evinced iu the improvement of the teachers, the success of the County Superintendent, and the elevation of the cause of popular education in this countr. Resolved, That this preamble and resolution be published in the county papers. AFFAIRS IN BALTlMOßE. —Baltimore city ap pears to be laboring under great excitement in reference to the act of the Governor of Maryland in proclaiming the city under mar tail law. A public meeting has been called and the Governor asked by large numbers of citizens to withdraw his proclamation. The officers of the military have called on him, and made known their design not to obey his or ders ; but the enrollment of a special military force, pursuant to the orders issued by him, still goes on. Meantime, the Mayor is prepar i ing his arrangements. The Nebraska correspondent of the ! N. Y. Times announces the arrival in that Territory of divers Mormon deserters, who left Salt Lake City early in October. They bring two weeks' later intelligence, which, if true, is of high importance. They sny that Be.io- HAM VOTTKGJ at the head of a large force, was preparing to leave Suit Lake City to give but- tie to the United States troops. They further j allege that the mountain pass, at which the j Mormons will attempt to check the progress ! of the troops, is one that, in fl military point of view, will give theni overwhelming advan tage ; that in their rebellion they will receive material aid from the Indians ; and that their ultimate design is to throw off all allegiance to the Union, and establish themselves as an independent Government. It is possible that j the story told by these Mormon deserters may ! be exaggerated. BANKS OF PENNSYLVANIA WHICH PAY SPE CK..-—The Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh- Allegheny City Bank, Allegheny—Mouonga liela Bank, Brownsville—Franklin Bank, Washington—Wyoming Bank, Wilkesbftrre —Catasqua Bank, Catasqua—llouesdale Bank ITonesdale—Kittanning Bank, Kittanning— Bank of Pottstown, Pottstown, and Farmers' and Drovers' Bank, Waynesburgh. J6H3 1 * A letter from Hon. 11. M. T. ITunter, of Virginia, dated October 16th, in reply to the interrogatories propounded by Hon. Shel tou F. Leake, asking his views in regard to the administration, is out at last. Mr. Hun ter endorses the administration of .Mr. Buch anan, in the main, but disapproves the conduct of Governor Walker in Kansas. The Rich mond Enquirer and its allies seem to have called Mr. H. into a public avowal of his sen timents. SENTENCED. —We learn from Chicago by tel egraph, that James 0. Brayman, editor of the Chicago Democrat, who plead guilty of pur loining letters from the post office, has been sentenced to four years' hard labor iu the Pen itentiary. BST West of Chicago matters are getting worse and worse. The pressure bears heavily on Minnesota. Efforts are making to induce the Governor to call a special sessiou of the legislature to pass & relief law. The lowa City Republican states that far mers iu that vicinity are offering their wheat at forty cents a bushel, and cannot find pur chasers. The Republican adds : •' The same state of facts is reported of the Muscatine and other river markets ; and, in deed, we may say of the markets geuerally of the state." DISASTERS ox THE LAKES. —Upwards of twen ty Lake vessels are reported to have gone ashore or foundered during the late heavy gale. A large number of lives were lost. fiferU The Milwaukee Wisconsin says : " Throughout the pineries of Wisconsin they are discharging their hands. Lumber has not been in so large supply and so dull of sale since 1850. Improvements in cities and villa ges have, in measure, been suspended, and hence the glut in market. The same is true of the pineries of Michigan, ami hundreds of men are thus thrown out of employment at the commencement of winter. We learn that there will be comparatively little lumber cut in Maine during the coming winter. The stock on hand from last year is far from being used tip. F EARKCI. .7cnc.MEXT—Several weeks ago a rn mor was prevailing in our city that a man had been turned to a stone for blasphemy.— The scene of this frightful metamorphose was first located in Perry county, then in Mi thin county, and again in Cumberland county, each with a dilferrnt version, until finally, for want of some confirmation of its truth by the public press of those comities, we came to the conclu sion to regard it as an idle fabrication. A late number of the Ilollidaysbnrgh Standard, however, contains a notice of a ciretrmstance some what similar in its details to the above mentioned rumor, which occurred tn Hunting don county, and as it bears a plausible stamp we transfer it to our columns. That paper says : " For some days past there has been a sin gular story afloat in this community. Whether trttc or not, we are not prepared to say, but the information conies from snch a reliable source that we are free to say there must be something in it. It appears that one day last week a mau in the neighborhood of Mount Union, Huntingdon county, while cleaning grain, suddenly discovered that the weevil had destroyed the greater part of it. This* so exas perated him that he blasphemed the Saviour in such a wilful, malicious and wicked manner that will not bear putting in print. lie left the barn, and went to the house, where he seated himself in a chair, where lie had remain ed but a few minutes before he turned to his wife, and asked her what she said. She re plied that she had not spoken. " I thought" said he, " that I heard somebody say that I must sit here till judgment day." It is now alleged that he fs still siding in the chair] un able to rise or speak, with his eyes rolling, and totally|incapahle of moving his body. His fam ily, it is said, lias left the house, where he still remained, seated in the chair on Saturday last! What a terrible warning to blasphemers who suffer their passions to oversway their judg ment," THE IIOG CROP. —We hear of a sale 200 hogs at $4, within a day or two, and yesterday 250 were offered at the same price, but a pur chaeercan't be obtained. This is a terrible tum ble in price, and must disappoint the expecta tions of a great many persons. Hut there is no help for it. There is littie money here, or anywhere, to invest in this way, and farmers may make up their minds to take even less than the sum named, or to keep their hogs over another year. Luckily, the corn crop is so great that it will not cost so much as nsual to keep their stock through the whiter, and they may eJioose to keep theiw another year.— •St. b'Vi* Hep tkt. 'ibth Terrible Shooting Affray at ChainW burg. I * Passengers in the cars from Chancers, last night reported the particulars of a ter r shooting affray, which occurred at that just^previora* to the train leaving f or in which the participants are relatives a men of high position in society. The pj.j in the case, are a Mr. Craig, who is a resitjl! of Pittsburg, and his two Messrs. M'Kibbens, one a representative 4*. to Congress from California, and the other- Superintendent of the Merchant's Hote'"! Philadelphia. It apjears that Mr. Craig L returned on Monday from Pittsburg at Cbatnbersburg with one of his children * had accompanied him to the former place * the corpse of "its young sister, accidentally a few days previous. While seated in tlier'. yesterday afternoon, in company with ten ", fifteen other passengers, on his return to I' -, bnrg, r in our city, Mr. Craig was Mkij esl attacked by his two brothers-in-law volvers, one at tlie door and the other at t . window of the car, with which they cotnir,H„ v firing at him in rapid succession, one of • balls taking effect in his back and passive pletely through his body. -Notwithstand:;, which, Mr. Craig immediately sprang- to • feet, and producing a revcdVef himself, purs* his antagonist at tire door, and shot him intt arm and leg, which caused him to retire im> diately in company with his brother, who la by this time exhausted tbe ebarges in hi? ; tol -Mr. Craig immediately received medical i tention, but as his wound was not pronoun* dangerous, Ire resumed his seat in the car, proceeded on his journey as far as Ship;*-;, burg, where, l.'owevef a fC-Scfion took pi*, and he was compelled to leave the train !• further medical attention. The wounds received by M'Kibben wern so pronounced not dangerous. Altoget. some eighteen shots were fired on the ear, i the only wonder is that some of the other rt sengers were not killed or wounded. It is stated that Congressman M'Kiihr had also in his hand a large bowie kuife wy lie commenced the attach. The affair is said to have grown out of t alledged wrong inflicted by Craig upon afe and dumb sister of the M'Kibbens someyei ago, about which there hare been several putes between the parties, resulting in a pi% cntion, but the case has never been tri Mr. Craig being under bail for $20,000 tot s wer. — J la rrislu rg Telega rph. GREAT EASTERN. —Some idea may be FRJ ed of the immense exertions that are• IK made to complete the gigantic hull of the Gres Eastern and its appurtenances when we sto that there are now no fewer than ITuO c conliuually employed upon it, and that wn men are emraged day and night preparing timber and iron word for the launching era],* The cost for wages and salaries to artia: laborers and employees in the building-yard-h ] we understand, reached £2600 for out wed These extraordinary efforts are necessary order that arrangements shall be complete] : the high Spring tides, it has been deG:. settled that the launch of the Leviathan shall take place. THK (JRF.AT RACE IN* EXGI.AXD—PH: D VICTORIOUS. —We find in the English u per? by the late foreign arrival, a era:r• and interesting description of the groat ru r New Market cm the 13th iiist., for the C v witsch stakes. Frcra the description there must have been very exciting. Twentjfc horses were entered, among tlieni Mr. u BROFCK'S American mare Prioress, who " the race on the second heat, the first heat h ing been pronounced a tie, Prioress, El HAL and Queen Bess coming out even. Bo* starting the betting was 100 to 1 a p r ii Prioress. The course was 2 miles, 2 forte aud 28 yards in length. DEATH OF AJI AM ERIC AX ART?-*.—Tiic steamer brings the intelligence of the deal:' THOMAS CRAWFORD, the distinguished Amen* sculptor. He died in London, on tlie 1"- ins-t., in the forty-fourth year of hi* aje. & was a native of New York city. DEATH OF MR. BACKHOTSE. —The Pitt*'" Chronicle of last evening announces the (K of Mr. J. B. BACKHOUSE, of Allegheny coc:" The rumors circulated in regard to his to' some days sgo, although not then true, fortunately uow realized. Mr. I> . scrv D a member of the house of winter, and was re-elected at the fate eleeto His death creates a vacancy in the Allege representation. YATES CO. BANK. —We notice that A ' Divcn, Esq., of Elmira, has been nppoi:'- Ilcceiver of the Yates Comity Bank, will probably take some time before it s be ascertained what the bills of this Bank' actually worth. M An, ROBBERY. —We learn that on D last, Lorcn Ball, acting as Deputy Post V ter at Piereeville, this Co., was arrested robbing the If. S. Mail of letters and nV and bound over in the sum of s*2ooo toar.?' this heinous crime. Wc onderstaixl that agent of the I'. O. Department passed <* tlie route on Friday for the purpose of det' ing the guilty one, as surpicious had bff! tertniued for some time that all was not n> For the purpose of decoying the young ti the agent placed in the mail, prior to its ff* ing tliis office, a letter containing money to' amount of After leaving the oft* '■ mail was examined and the letter and found missing. The agent immediately ft'*' eel and made diligent search for the package, and finally found it with this J 0 " man. He endeavored to escape froiu tltf* pursuit of him, hut was finally capture 1 searched. We understand lie aeknow ' to have taken from the mails during tl* " six months, some dozen letters before, a 11 "/ one contained the smallest sum of any ' taken. Money has been lost by busing 5 f in this locality which had been the mails for New York and Pliiladelph' 4 - never reached its destination. Where it /* taken had always remained a mystery — v Branch Democrat, THE GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE tx —The Galena Advertiser says two ? < ' n ! !l \, are in that city soliciting subscriptions ! ?r • relief of the sufferers by the G Plague, which desolated many of die I nients in Northern Minnesota last They represent that many families tlifj* in a suffering condition, apd illy island the Winter. They apj>eal to s table for relief.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers