CII AS Rae llolasses, Stuart's Syrup, epper, Spice, Cloves. Mace, Nut lieratus, Cream Tarter, Soda, ! o we Salve, Catsup. Candles. q Yaiem Zl ar l Starch, Cigars, etc Id and for sale a large stock of .114 IC WOO SW Mackerel. Cudfish,Jierring, d Ipple,s, Wheat Flour, Lard, Antier'and Boston Crackers. f Fruit and Nuts ; Preserved Ralqns,Oranges and Lemons, of German. French and , t .I,•••‘•ripttuns and prier!. m a call. A. J. NOBLE. , • 1 , 453 • - • c ."'" • • . t - CONVALESCENT. rErz cong, .01 re,urne h's official du• %! :h. , lit diy of And next._ Puldic. square. %%here he t o frirad.i, a nd all others ivho re : _ r • ‘.l a Ju,ttce of The Peace.— ti .ti r • tr..rn 9 10 1 2 AM . and frump tj, 'Cowatt,: t, July '23, 135:3. - - SHERIFF SALES aro' of Ve),,l Ezponas issued out of ot t'oinin• , n Picas, (4 Bradford coun• . • ( i • nec'e will 1 , 0 exposed to public • • • ri.i• , l in the bon , ' of Towanda. At •-• ' ,„,,, ite 5;41 ,lay r f SEPrEMBER. at 1 p;ere or parer: o f B l iriiur , nn Ip. at.d bi , un•b•tt and de— t I •u.:—Nooh to; ibt• public road f , v Itur!in,ttoo. r. 1,1 It% ~1 c r ,,_ to 11 I' and a , rgnr,l , \ - -ter. • , tatt) by \ h• ar , t We-t tt .1 Heti 11'— r ,_ at. ott •-tx , V acre , . al. , ut" ,harry Jed i ,art !(.1110 , atttl 'the 00,- - .31111. 'Aril and ,rrinit,l t•tt _ . e.l ::r •t, rz 'cut ,n at lot. .“11' of Cha: • N .v 11 , the eNtate ,kr ne ! viece or parcel r•te , he..por , c.a.•,tining about I , ur acre. a. • Ili 10i by lands K .t.- I.e:rs of Perley .11 • V ;1111 ' .• t:1 OFZIOK to Samuel rt, 7. lormerly owned by ihe West by lands be. , t.' 1 111 % l lite a .!, e A reim,on at the suit of H N 0 r. e of Guy Tracy vs. James g pl,ce or parcel of land 1,1 tp bounded and deNcribetl •,v of R C Hortou,ea,l by lamd, • by landh of Reub,•n Young, =I Calvin Smith. Ouniathin: fr rt. or less • about twenty live orb. bt• nou , e, one log barn and an ME tketi in t xeculion at the suit of Win 14 (•,, vs. uttrtis Ittt. Mere or parcel of land it s x Ip, hounded and , described as t, ht iat, , ls of V . E q J E I'iollet, west t‘y . L.f Hoe:land, on the south by .. - ,1(r•t; littor and on the east by lands cd . 5 .... & apt", \V,todburn. Containing shout e r less, about twenty acres a .„ t ! ,,;,e n , ;1 exec u.n)ti at the euit of Alex -llnt•mi )Vhitvey. rtdc.,wirg de-cubed piece or parcel ?..:•I•.:ve in ',any tp. bounded as till d's belt , liging to the rotate of Nti• :ec . d. on :he en , t by the Berwick k.ll south by Wens Wilcox and lames ae! the west hp v.i!d !ands. Containing aodi - ,,cy acres be the same more or ,at f.r•y acres im proved, in.l oi.e new Pram, '• on erected. taken in execution at the suit of .1 H ;•. u„u• to the uae Uri C Adams vs. Ben— ME ME f..!: win" piece or parcel of l a nd tp. hounded and described 21N .a.—Ur the n"rth by hands of Henry Win ...tereusnt,, on the ca.t:by laud, of anrn 11. rw , un the south by lands belonging to au•i on the west by lands of Lorenzo Post. am ut eighty acres, about thirty-five cil, with ot,e plank house, due franked t a fek, flun assn iherrOn. ! at. I taken itt execution at the snit of Bur how to the u,e Of 0 D Bartlett vs,. V.ll, n, .u,.1 1 (: Blauvelt. =I =I itig lot, piece or parcel of Idnd , br,tw o .,,f ‘Vysta,bt,u.ded and described the north by lands of Vakntine the ra , t by lauds of B F AVadit r, on UM • h hook id Robert spidding, and on the : t ;w , L ofE R Containing abou , :even res-m:111 ah , nt ttt enty acres improved. d nonse•and one log barn and a few fruit . :!.rf I 'd and taken in execution at the suit of Pa— t.: vs. Levi Walker. tl stl-4 he roii,,wing, lot. piece or parcel of land e : n ¶onnh Towanda tap. bounded on the north cf .1‘ , 111) Fox and others on the east by Harriet Means, on the south by lands of H i.sivt. and im Me west - by lands or .I,din Fox. Con ' t. 4 ahem!. fotty acres, all improved, with one •w, , tn flamed house, one framed barn, one &am t..- h.mse and shed and apple orchard thereon. Al,stt—tine other lot, .piece or paicel of land sit ,tie township aforesaid. bounded on the north •1' • .1 . John Fox, on the east by lands of P Ii *; '. and others, on the booth • lands of the ;,...;,, ;1 .1 R Bowman de'c'd. and n the west to; f James Nemo! . arid Wm a ,I Michael pres ,' r , r.'7utlin2 a b;in I sixty-five (Tres with about hoes thereof improved. sr . ..wd and taken in execution at the suit of D F lirgnw, now to the use of E W Baird vs. John M Fr:. qsn—The f9llosving piece or parcel of land-sit h'Sm.thfield twp. bounded and described as I v the public highway,east by lands of E 8 True}, s tuth by lands of Augustus Phelpa& if „ " (; Peek, and west by the road leading to 'Le ':faal L.r.: mill belonging to H St ¢ G ti Peck ; about oue acre, be the same more or leas r'lattA IP use, one framed barn and a few fruit tree, !here er—all improved. etzett and taken in execution at the suit of S & T Lawrenc e vs.ll M Hale. ALNO—Th,e tollttwing described piece or parcel land situatk in Sheshequin twp, bounded as foi -1 " - s—on the north by Elisha Newell and Joseph Pist. en the east by land of Samuel Owen, on the by land of Leonard Putt and Wm Post, end the we.t be land•of Elias Post and Ww Post ; cvntainin g about twenty-eight sores, about sixteen acres improved. one log house, one old board shed and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Dan iel firm): ¢ :lon vie Dennis Post. A LsO—The following lot, piece or parcel ofland :itaate in the township of Wyeox, bounded and de terined as follows On the north by lands of D p and Wtttkitturn and Elijah Tracy, one the east bit land of John Johnson, on the south by land of T 4 Woodburn, and on the west by lands of T & E Wo o db urn and Hiram Frost; containing about one hundred and thirty-one acres, about forty acres im proved, two log houses and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in escalation at the snit ofßur ion Kingebery, now to the use of D. Vandercook John C Adams vs. A J Gorsline and Cr H Gorsline. ALSO—By virtue of two writs, the fnlleiving lot piece or parcel of land situate in the twp. of Leroy beanded and described as follows—On the north, isemcnts WAL9O% ttd BrOViSioll More. /I Phinnry's Store, Main Street. n r desirous of enlarging his respectfully announce to the gridyicinity that he is just re 'ork and Is now opening for .nt of MEM !hereon 222 south and east by lands of John Hammond, and on west by lands of Francis Harris., Containing four and half acres more or lees, all improved, one block house and one framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of-Al: C Amour vs. Nedebish Smith 2d. ALSO—The following lot,piece or parcel of land situate in Smithfield twp. bounded and described as follows—North by lauds of Ebenezer Reeler, east by lands of John Aldrich and George Rest, south by lands of Joseph Smith. and West by lands ot Geu. West Jr. John Smith Jr. and Wm Smith. Con•ain ing about fifty acres be the came more or leas.about thirty (acres improved,one framed house, one framed barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the. suit of 13 S Davidson and Charles F. Welles jr. ,copartners vs. Daniel Smith. ALSO—The following lot, p ece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp. bounded and described as fol— lows—North by land of Patrick Crowley, West by land of Henry Sible, south by land of Tobias Lent, east by laud of Bartholomew Pearcal. Containing about sixty acres, about forty acres improved, one log house, framed barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in mention at the suit of David Barber vs. Solomon C. Ki nner. ALSO—The following lut. piece or parcel of land sitlate in Franklin twp. bounded as f o llows—On the north by lands of IE , D Montanye, on the east and south by lands of Daniel Green, and on ,the west by Lands of Wm Craton. Containing about one hundred and ten acres be the same more or less; about folly acres improved, One log house, one- I•ig barn and a few frutt trers thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the'suit of Job P Kirby vs. I) A Webber. ALSO—The following described lot,piece or par cel of land situate in Pike twp. bounded on the north by the highway leading from Leraysiville to the ‘it y. Musing creek, on the east and south by lands of Or ange Bosworth and on the went by lands of Wiliam Johnson. Containing one acre, more or leas, all im proved, one framed house thereon Seized and, taken in execution at the suit of Or ville M. Bunnell vs. Henry M Tupper. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Athens twp. hounded on the north by the highway, on the east. south and west by lands of Union: ‘Volctitt. Ctitituncne one halt Bete. more or les4. all improved. one framed house, one framed harp and wood , hed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Laura Nash vs Horace How. A LsO—The following 1..1, piece or parcel of land situate in Room. twp. bounded and described as fol. low , —North by lands of Timothy S. limner, east by lands of James Liston. south by lands formerly occupied and mew in possesiii.iti of the Lents, west by lands of George Union and Chauncey Ransom. Containing about one hundred and five acres, about forty acres itnproved,one lug house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other Int,piece or parcel of land sit. uate in Rome ttirp., bounded and described as rid— low‘—N rth by •he road leading, from Bullard's creek to Morley Hill, east by lands of James Laton, south and west by lands now occupied by the Lents. Containir g about one acre, all improved, one fram— ed home, one block building that has been used fur a blacksmith shop, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Enos Tomk in., N. C. Toink ins and G. W. Potter, co partners &c. vs. Silas Gore, Samuel Gore and John Gore. :•;heritrs Office Towanda, July 2-1, 1853 Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the coo.; will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to com ply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offered for sale. - --- EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A LL pefsous indebted to the estate of Thos. /71. Benno,' lit, Ire's, laic of Roigbory towni-hip, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims agaiii , ,,t said estate, will please present them duly au thew ic.ated for i.eitlen i eni. vlecutrix. April "21, IRA EXECI - T , ol{'S NOTICE per , on , indebted to the estate of JAMES :1. LA MU. iteed 1.1!e of LEROY twp., are herehy requezded to make immediate pay ment and tho%e ha vinz Haim, itgain , t .aid estate, will please present them duly amhentieued- for •iettle mem. EDMUND KELLY, April 30,1853. Executor. _ . . . A DMINISTE ATOR'S NOTICE T ETTERs of admintstraton having, been granted I I the undersigned by the Register of Bradford county, on the estate of Daniel:O'Keefr% late of said county, tlrceavl ; alt persons indebted to said es• tate ate herebythotified to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those flaying claims namst said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CATHARINE O'KEEFE. • JEREMIAH AHEARN, Adm'r; 'JOHN FLYNN, April 14,1853. _ _ . Beg,ister's Notice. -x-roncE is hereby given that there have born filed and nettled in the office of the register of Will.; in and for the county of Bradford, accouuta of admin istration ”lin the following er.dates— Plnal areount of Sarah Howland. administratrix of the estate ,1* Henry R ewland, dec'd. late of Athens. e l ip,al account of Aarneth Ladd and Joseph Me nardi, administrators eetateof Horatio Ladd dec'd. Lite of Albany. • Final account of Geo Meteer and Mary Meteer ad rnini.trat,rs with Will annexed,ofJosepli Meteer dec'd. late of Granville. Final account tit Nelson Darnea, administrator of estate of Sally litotes dec., late of Orwell. Final account of James C. McKean and Charter S. McKean. Atlminktrators of the estate 01 .,0 13enj. McKean, late of Columbia, Final account of Martin Roger , , Administratorof the e,oate of David Sinsebaugh decersed, late of Final acemint nf Gen. F. Redin;ton, adtninistra , toe of the estate of Noah S. Fnsisett dec. late of Columbia. ' Final account of Geo. W. Sminit, administrator of Geo. Smith decea,eil, late of Tuscarora. Final neetwro of James W. Grace, Executor of the estate of Amasa Humetill, deceased late of sprinefiidd. Final account of Samu.l Davidson and James Larcuck. Executors of the last and Testament of Wm. Larcock late in Litchfield Final account ofrolly W. Cowles Administratrii of the Fitate of William Coles der., late of Orwell. All the above will be presented to the Orphan , i' Court of Bradford County, on Monday. the sth day of September nest, for confirinationend allowance. H. L. SCOTT, Register. Register's Offiee, Towanda, July 26, 1833. _ _ _ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ALL.rrsons indebted to the estate of MANUEL SILVANA, dec'd late of Tuscarora twp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duty authenticated for set tlement. BENI. M. SILVANA, TI3EODORE SILVANA. May 25, 1853. Etecutors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE A L' persons indebted to the estate of James Lennox, dee'd late of Ulster twp. are hereby requeited to make payment without delay : and all those having. demands against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. DANIEL LENNOX, Administrator.. Jane 25, 1853.: ADMINISTRATOR'B NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. D Havens, dee'd, late o(Standing Stone,are be re by requested to make payment withoutdelay, and those having claimsagainst said estate, will please pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement 8. W. BLEB, ? DEBORAH HAVENS.S Administrators A ug. 27, 1853. 11),LANES.—A new assortment of Planes and other Joiner's Tools, just received at May 6,1963. - AfERCUWS. eztat C. Tun tS Sheriff. DRUG STORE! TS nOw being replenished with a full and complete I mock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Window Glass, Pure Wind and Diquors, , In short, every thing connected with the trade. The t:oods have been bought extremely low, for cash, and will be sold accordingly. N. U. A superior article of Tanner's and Nerit', , Foot Oil just received. GO- Ran EXIBEII the place-3 doors south of Mon. tanve's corner—same building of the' Argus Office.' July 30, 1353. NO. 2 Brags. ROW, ZURNIP OUT, BUT SILL ALVE! EMOVED to the store recently occupied by . .11. S. Bailey as grocery and Post office 3 doors south of Montanyes corner where he has received a full, new and complete stuck of DBCGS, MEDI. CIN ES, GROu ERIES, Am. which he will sell cheap. er for cash than ever. Here you will find annexed a few leading articles : Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cordial do ludie Elix ()pi Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment Sup C Soda Hair Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks do Carb, do Dalley's du S S do McAllenter do Henry's Shakers Herbs ' j Colocytith do Extracts du Appli Tilden's Alcoeulte Ex't Cochineal , Rhei Extract Trusses Hulls ilatap Extract do Marshes, IMeakirn's Vanilla Ex't Jo Shaker, I do Lemon do Balsam Wisters 1 do Mace do do Cheesuaana 1 do Almond du do Fir i do Cloves do Copabia do Allspice do do Tulu do Nutmegs do do l'eru do Peach do do Pulmoffary do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange do do . Acetic do Troika do tlo Benzonic Lubin% Springdower do Citric do Musk du do Nitric I do Viulette •do do' Oxalic I do Magnolia do do Hydrocyanc do Sweet 141 . 1',10 do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed do Jocic'y Cl'b do do Sperm do Caroline do do Olives I du JectlY Lind do do Castor I do Boquet do do Neatsfout Nyrings, Pewter as'in'nt do Almonds do Glass du do Amber Rect Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Red do do G. E. do Anisi Rad Rhei Turk du Caraway du do do Croton do Ipecac du Cubehs I do Jalap do Cuininin do Ginger Whde do Fennel, I do Orris do Lemon Gum Camphor do assia do Opi Turk do Cod Liver do Myrrh Tor': do Lavandula G do Arabic do do Neroli do topal du Jesmin do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg do Aloes Cape do Orange Chloride Lime . do Rhodium du Soda do Rose Castor Russ do Cedrat Isinglass do do Copabia lEveme Lancets do Ergot 'Nitro Silver, Op't do V eihen a Oxid do V os.cite Blue Pill .1 mer. do Melles...e lodide Potass tto Mellenuer Tart do do Patchouly Carb do Brushes. P..intl- 4 tilph du do Varnish Itlaustie do do citrate Ferri do Ilair,Cantel lodide do do Nail Tannin du Tooth Prato lod Mercury . do Shaving tirychnia do Flesh ,Pi perm Cloth lEl:vermin d..) Hat lodine Soap. Yankee Verona do Crystalline Kterrsote do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Creta do Coopers Morphine Sulph do RLi . ,e I do Act do Victors Calomel, American do Orange do do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erosive do White do Castile Solph Zinet do Military Bronze, Crimson do Sevin do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do Fricopherous do White Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op% Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters reerie a do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue Chloroform Fig do Hotiman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varrii,dr, Dye- Woods fie Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con nested with the trade: Having secured the services of Dr. S. Hes-ro - s, whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee. torial, sehencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orriek'a, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicine now in use constantly on hand and for sale at REED'S Drug Store.- Three Doors below Montanye's :omen. Towanda, January 3, 18.53. 111 T MEC 1101117 - SPRING GOODS UMW= marzsaavaz l I S now receiving a large assortment of all kinds of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which will positively be sold cheaper than the cheapest ;:call and see. • Towanda, April 24, 1853. IRON AND NAILS.-. 11 Toes sore onolis arid Nails jost received at may!O MERCUR'S. I= STRAIGHT LINE!-NO CURVES' aRLTEFUL fcr past favors, announces to his ,frieuds.arol the public in general, that he *till keeps on hand a good apartment of 'tripe Moe Ctoratso, which he will sell cheap for Casa. He lielieves that a ' Nimble SlSpince Is worth tn ,, re (has a slow shilltng.' He also has commenced vraactiartng Clothing—selecting the cloths him self in the city, a d employs none but the I eat ...I worttnim in making them up. lie would a•-•ore his customers that his Clothing is manel at tored un der his own eye. and in his own shop. all I 111 t I.•i out by the job to unexperienced tn. inc.•u,prient u, i k men. Thus. per.•ous wishing a soil or uny poriom thereof, can order the seine with a perfect ce. taint) , of getting la good tit. He has alio on hand a generiiliws•flonesd Fen. denten . * Shirt* Collars, wlu li he a sell cheap for cash. • Cr Custom work promptly done as usual. He invites his friends to call on him opposite the Wald House before buying elsewhere. Now if you are wanting, 3 .11 +urrty can end, Coats, Pants and Vestv jn•t made t.. vow - So nice and so snug tiwy'd ,uut to a „ So perfectly fine, there', no f,,r a _ilea. If yourlirten wants clisnginz.and sometimes it will, shirts and collars lora very small bill; Come then on. mod all, who tire out clothe.; lot omig, An I you cut be fitted by Gcona F. 11. ltettrrism ! for the counties of Bradinnl and stisiltielianna. Any person wishing to purths-e the right 11, 11 , 112 the above Machine in said countie, ran Ire iieemnmo• dated by calling on blin, whet the; ean :41' it ope• rate. It is well demonstrated that thi. is Ihe best patent now in use. It. validitv ha• to.en established- by trial at law in Boonn, itr .1..1v. I 552. This trial resulted in fully ctnht wing uhti tog the claims of Hosse's the elusive right and eii.e of all needle and I aril !tla chiney, or their equi valetits, and the h formd.tliereby• 'lowarda. A 11g13 , 1 C. IAS:3. _ In the South mil of the Ward ',loose, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &-c. THE assortment is large and very extei l -ivis, a n embraces almost • very aitide used to the either for medicinal, chemical or mechanical 1•11rpo.e.: Particular attention will be given to all who iy wish to esarnine the stock, the cheapness of Which, the quality consithred, can nut fail to satisfy th , se who purchase. Medical itiformation will be cheerfully and Aera:u itoully riven to those who inay wish to consult coo venting theumlyes or their trierli. sup plies of fresh and recently pre , , , aie I arth les will I.• ree,ived carefully 4elecieil with a sie.v t u fulness, an I any article wanted not usti illy kept. either will be I;.ond here or procutc,l by Express h,r those leaving their order. Acertomicidating clerks utll alw tys ha ret ly to salely romp:wit any pre,'6llll.l"l anti rndt'S, (11. to make it (whatever the perchase).mutually tic reeah!e. All goods Than be considered warronfrii as repre. pentad. and being Agent fir the hest out p—podar Patent mrdicines, all those found in this N:i.,le can be relied up )11 in all cases as being genuine. The stock compriws all kinds of BE ACI DS, IRA I.SOMS, t 1.:s• ENC ES, EX I' RAC TS, 'SEEDS, • LE A. V ES, t; t• )IS, I FL) )11' E RS, • 1011. s. •.1 LIS. I:001's. 11 Fa; BS. 11. A fERS, POWDERS, 01 I'M EN IS PILLS, &C . &C. &C &C. _ _ _ All kinds soaps, perfumery. fdnev goods arid mi.- rellimeons articles, brtishe*, tru—es, 'sup!. oler., IllIn•ing bottles, breitst pump, thermometer-, he. All kinds of dye Ntuit4, Patitts, Oils, V-trni-hes. indow Wass, h e. New and i•eautifui p itterns of Lainpq, and cainiihene. choice brands of purl Ila vana cigars, tobacco. &c. GROCERIES. Sugar, Collet: and Tea .1 all kinds, m01.....•2,,pice pepper. cloves, mustlrd, nutmell, mace. tl.h, r,;ns citrons, currant+, oalad oil, c :miter crackers. rice, starch. ginger, solemn., wh., and I,ar soap, sperm and tallow candles, ju g s, IsAile. pipes, pepper sauce Sr. Ohird and .i'twrlcall Brandv, St. Crart. Old Jamaica and New Enietvint Rum, time Rolland and Arm Gin. Irish and Nlonomtaliela Whit.key, dei.a Lisbon, Sherry, Teneritie Port, Nlusear, Clamt and Champaign Wine:—Cordials, [env, Amon ' . M,, kee. Noyrau ..Cre , cheaper than ever offere.i. Patent medicm , t, from Dr. Jae ne, Orrieks,:no..nm , nd, Keeler, se!ien 1., If ool, ; in I Graeferiberg, 4c. Peptitii,G.auliir..., Oil. Ch :•,•• Aeouttic Oil, Dyspoptit Bitter., R it Pols. Pam Killers, Pile Medicines, Rheum, 'l', nor Spa vin, Founder, M'AlliNter • s Ointment, Ac. V ' , 11 , : luge, Galvanic curatives, Heavi. and Cmi,Mt,o, Powders, Cherry Pectoral, Rock Rote, f' a d v dir, Pooh Ache Drops, Ifairinvivortuor oil (1,6. Bed Bog Poison, Eye Waters, W tit , , ,hi•,, Benneti's Soule's, Jayne's ['Mum now rot,s other kinds of Pills. MI of wit', h will b e t a t unusually low rate. cO -- Remember Dr. Powrrit's Drin^ and rh,ln:i• Store is in.ihe South .?nd of the War I Hmise. fr •tit , ing the Public square. 11. C. POll it, M. D. NEW ARRANGEMENT! T HA RVY PHINNEY, Jr., having purchn , od for J . cash of G. M. Bowman, his entire stock of Merchandize at a price far below the actual cost in New York, (and 15 per cent. lower than any Mer— chant in Towanda has or can buy) is prepared to sell for CASH, more Goods for one dam, than any man will sell for nine shillings! This stock is large, embracing all article. -usually found in a Store, viz—Dry Goode, Groceilea, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Leather, Nails, Sash. GlSas.Hats, Cap: and Bonnets. All of which will be sold as above, and no mistake. At the Brick Store, earner of Main and Bridge streets. Towanda, July IS, 1563. FARM FOR S• LE, THE subscriber offers a valuable FARM for sale, containing 65 acres, 10 acres of good timber, about 55 under a good state of cultivation, well wai tered, sad a water privilege thereon, capable of running machinery. Situated one mile from the Susquehanna river, and half mile from the road running from Towanda to Rome. Any person or persons wishing to buy. cannot do better than to call and give this Farm an examine. tion. A part of thepurcbase money will be required down, end the balance can be made easy. GEO. J.., STROPE. Wycox, July 4, 1853. IE3II 43.73-OTROTI ;13PINITY.Z111 j (Opposite the Ward 11.0u.t.e.) N. B. He is Sole AVrnt for EL!*s: Howes Jr ratent Sewing Machine,. TOWANDA D It. 11. C.• POI: T E OFFICI N A L PREPA IZAI !uNS Liquors. m Awerded to this Machine at the Fair of the American Institute, New Turk, Oct. illbst. A Diploma at the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia. First Premium at the State Pair. Vtica.New York, and at the Columbia and Rensselaer County (New York, Fates and a Diploma- at the Westchester CoMaly Fats at White Phthhh ME _= z;; .- - HICK.Ore PATENT IMPROVED CIDER MILL. In the present arrangement of tbi, I.l:thly eLproetd and 1 l kier rem, ern If the apples were ground as finely as on vainaLle MIL, the labor is .Loided tY ha - nutting a eurriug :Le i•ni rood ' , rill: end if tko apples were merely et - lobed. Cylinder to ',meek the apples, and then edict: ti.eto to the ed to the Nor Machine, it would require a lonagure of one lower i'l.liteters to be it...1u50...1 to pomace By titit t• is to Irdnce the result accomplished by this rantrement the work is performed faster and nith natal I Patent Mill. the following may he caktnced as the decided {Me labor. 1 04' an tege.s of this Mill. The l•ress is arranged vll , e much lerttsr Per,: thou I 1 its—lt will make ruo,re rider than are other Pm% with formerly. end bra sere Ingenious ..levice the u:.. of :be be; • e gaen quautity of apple, In a given Unit, and with much dispen.ed with and Cho loh mode Wtu en et ill to de- i kee and setoen:s - e. liver the pomace. while at the tame time the t ides is lett —it eat soaks cleaner-wad eweeterCSder than any clear and the work me be loss Blur e till/ -- . _ .. -.- . _ .. . . .... by the old method. the t y limier , :or ~...,cet,, . ..1 with .heac a I Tltlrl--You can rnr..Ve the Cider as yru want it, and Whim alteet 'Zinc, le,th on their perip....ri.^ and end.... the 'o of yOo want tt—and in quantitiee from one gallon to 6 of 10 in them la an-enact r , el c,,t t.O '' ',AI • 01,1 Lite crlvpla rork ilarrele. On the 1101 awl Pree.- nook in the ~ , t- . crest loattr...r a...d i 1-.urtlr-trith it cou can preen your Curranta, Chen/ea, arrnnired with c.i.....cril li..w to their .:r Jr.!!l , y u.,rl ..wrsico. ilercica, ri.c.o.aa ttniter, Lard. and Tallow. No Farmer sho me,. the ‘llll carefully and twoordlng i Enna-it\ itit I' you con save one..fourth of year t4( l / 1 ,,.1.)1. xlll be dl or ta 'spoil' Lc d,hu. on lireetas time in tnahtug Apple-butter. hand he will find th,. otn. it tbe nett salue'.la Ana t.liSclent i , at, ure you am at all tin t e d have Fresh naarb.l n, on hla find and Sweat Cider. The machine is udele to run by ',ran. *lung. or hand V. 11.1 all the cdvantagm resulting from the poseendun and power, and ellen the at i•lee am ,r •Itd, a tali tin (A II use of au It to machine—at a pri. aon low that it to within yours of nge ^nn 1 n... 6. the 1. 421 ttf.2 Wl , l. ~.;/ the reach tf all—mu It be that any intelligent Fanner In all firmer times It we, )112: that a larza leto: thy de a lthout It' of elder weld ',el. I. made /-y v si-h to Lace in Tour home at ell times Cider that that slowly crushed the 14 I.:es without theal hoc. is awe,... at I Leah, the oily thne it is really healthy end ft They sec.' thou lonat h.', a mane. c .hrere in sr and a r, do you alit to aa , "(l a great portion gt the most severe and lone pressure was ruquircal te egtract a bard labor ail ending the making of portion of the I I,ler. a ..t..u-ktc-al.le qu.,llJt . tarn,: ppl e-b utter 1: lay this marline, and our wont by the straw and the Illaa• of pomace, and to obtatu tbis for it. y u v 111 n t be .thee painted. unreal-but ,rs r, alt the tarn., Lad tu take all 144 hani., 11111 u warrantol superior to any otter portable and perbalr 1.1.0 ax-h..,na tonal :ta.d let ma awl:alert:A:, tint in c tlnence. and ilia Proprietor to ready at any tittle. emit have Imo rd enn 1.,,et, b. male n fir n... 1.11, 1.,:n1 norm, to teat it with any Portable els or right t..larel , of 011, . the dllieulty the 111'. that I+ not an infrinzement en tt. Farmers hunt lab, el under. tie , Maclrlao inn , Farmers, examine this newly IMPROVED teen invented. and the ,tatert.erd of 0 c a Lien will prose ' 11111.1., before yon buy any other. that it Is!nut rutty the lost starlit.e r..S the F lad In en , e, , One area . ed , ent sp. of 11t14 machine over all others, but It ir the mar p Mel'', that a tram ran base n Lit r, tl.u• it aylll not choke nit, and hard or raft farm. The apples are by this 'Machine gratcl up into a foe ; can 1.,d prdatut. cud yet the Cylinders still always retnaln pulp. so that a repiare, hut a ...Juba:a...rely light pro-sure deist L. , ! Leh g vJwg enkr. and that bet a minute r two. le eNtroct all the 'eller, It I All orders y ill be :nod in the order In which they ere being ascertained by practiml ec;eri none that One Fourth , meets t.!, en] ell I,: , nn. wanting them would do well to mare. julee caot nt ,, aireal then I.y the old purge-a. Ito rood t Len orders early, and state at what time they want sides Oda. It old) 1001 rare. two Wei. b, f eint I the into eider a !arr.:, rio,riity of apple° than ern to Trorott 'Mi. 51111 sttcric.l by 2 men. will, wben properly worked done on the tiki-fniihiroued mar prate . hi ties. in this prate . ow in:: to according olrecilm. mate ri to 12 barrels of ticker a day— to the cmi.pactness cf the pi Lance to the tub, end the min- I Ana in..] alone t} - horse-power fromlootO 399 bushels Filet° manner in which it to irronnd, a pressure cf [mai :tto r of novice n dap 5 tons-that can es-sily be obi-shied—will pr - lute a iiiore ! Stir Ihe Price of the Nlil is $lO, free of freight. Peron:tide result than fifty tons pressure on the ordinary 11 inRl33CsO, Pt., May, 1569. W. 0. /1111KOK. EutCod e.,e,Leg to .I. r ot cf Congress, Da the pear to the District Conn of the Eastern District of Posinstriegnia. he t i q ,, nie distance away—as I will allow thn tak,n .41 the Into .1, Intik! .IJV el I.llt !lel& I , „e',. jet it can p.y the freight and sand i.,141 1 O. HICKOK. 0114 11 , 4. p. T 11 _ L: 'CVC "1", tA I, r Nicrcro'A s4 l3 thrid and Welh.bili* ihe ti V. & E.C. U., every Mower, .Ly Fr.tutr at . ti U ' el ,, ek A. %f.. and a•i.,. e 1: 1 ,4 r,, take ttic• :t;_ttfl -r r.l-1 or raffle day. kt,tri,,t.:2. 6. , IPAS. Till 31.,1 Jt Cr !ht. ant% d .1 the 1.41.,1..,.1 :1,, 12 Jetrerq,to, un. l l s-imP day. Ntrt Our . .. /1111;4. • ,1 Orb:4;4:01i. 17 ft , F. 1.4 4 • ill LO WI Iktiu , g tlepiit.. I .•• I:ire94 packages to or ir-In the IZ.til koal c, , te heeled at moderate charges. D. 81..131.1.1. (It N. 1g52. F A it 1. Another Arrival of Nl, \v GI)Y. I S. ‘11.:1;(•I'it Inodyr • \•s. rt.lwro t'Vtqr Ili/ord rhe Imp -or %It ich.trt w 11) g very cheap tor T,..wabda, June '29, 16x3. NEW AN!) CIIE:11) (MODS, II 1. WIT ET l'. is nut w rectum a l al4 , `..J• and carclu!lr .eken:d NEW GOODN, ra.d, ,inc. the 1.1..1 declnln 111 1.; wr:. y. r Irmiy pay at prwei :.• I Invm , parilem!ar aticwitmo) IF,, a, , ,,,surinet,l"l a, Ai, 3ii.rt l llls ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA I frr h • 14'1 F LSII \!) 111 LOF SPRINC &'Ur dr_llllFiiiit tler ,- .. in,Frcnr h and American TOVS of every de .. ion and phre. A few earthen and pewter te.t lor Ittr,e et rla, and a few tns' sleta . h‹. ; ; ;ittA'N's WASH BO \ Iths, SEGA R BOXES, ‘v11,!.0 W . AND r'T LINT MARKET L'AtttKETtti, Pd(l7 - .7"; , ,IwYEE , e 4 3 8 la T , , t)!;:\ he 7-` , p,ile and 1114 in fur t 1•FILln dairy :.alt, grnund rock :salt, Sal i na s alt both •). `i" , • l, •:t ;.te J..nre ,r-e and atte. Alms, a quantity of White atone rANI)I - t•r retail. of all kind , " and minteraidc utiter mate tes, fur sale at the new store 01.. Court tionke„ Powanda, lice. 1, 1 , 153 BAILEY 4 NEviNs. CU) 1L S. o I \ L. 'I GO 11$ , i l wr ". If, La.: L•• 1 iliot to he heAteiA • 3. .11 I I.: . the. I.l 'l .ttemt.o. ;.• their 2:13'1:c Yirb!',s Consknny, ~ t . J .lL•oavt an.t r4trks Ni.t Prn•rd tiara I,lr, tins, Met nmar 1 . :.11 'Elver and ott. e r American (wile., can •Iv. late assortmeng and for cheap. They ,aee NIN(1, farce ‘artety ui VA.NKEE. TI enc. , Arin7 r Rob: from a Crochet Needle to a Lad , .•, el Try partienlar attention to their ‘ , l Carpctt ng of :I'd price., and style, at, 1 Suinnier 'Loy, Bouts and Li hoes, Sime Ftikaiwzi and Gru cell, -hi if li lid , are &c. Their tiS:C.l.k ha. u i;h care, told tel',l bt, sold cheap. Farther c•iinmetit 7.. tiontsre.‘ary US dwe \V! , I 10'1 Oar g uds ntol prit.e., and c. , tr..i.ce v• a 111,t11,2 itDoVc - Is no ficut n. Uuk• r •• R. I'n & Quid; Returns. VON & CO. Towanda. March Id, 1843, POCKET-BOOK LOST. THE übscrth , r lost nn toe 3d in•t , in this bow' a total! FLACK It,.tioct.o•Lioot;, con• taming. be .Scl., a small ..tit of money, Cotes and papers of value to him, but useleis to any one eke. l'he find. r 1. welcome to the mOney. and will be further rewardrd by reuniting the other content., with or without the pocket•book, either through the Post Office or otherwise. GEO. SANDERSON. Towanda, Aril!. 25. 1853. . l 700 P d . R. ;l:: , :j u r ie lt ! s trs i 1 . 1, 3r s, xo l s: l7 en y s! en d TRACT di. MORE. SILVER MEDAL • 'i , f. l• 1'.",.' • • -•.t...,. _— 4;&•• lit -' .4 -', •.•-• -0,, -:;*lii-V 'i ' • 'Jr .- . . - . :0. ?,eig N. , . t; '.. i n"" , • r;-• 7 . - 7;7.,- S .. A . I 1 ' 7 . . ' ):111*C:7" 'Tli ' ' , '"3' 3 4"4 . 33 II , I .. . 4/111 111 1 '3,113 . 1d 3 31.`t' '4llll, 33 ‘ li *.''' (. 'y ', 1 .....; ~,r; se 7 4 ...* 4- , —.7.3 "t ' 4 . 1- .-- ' '..... 447.,i •-• _.ll--- r 4 ~, ~ .. t .•-•.. r :;;,, ,-.5-,,,,i.: ;i ,„ , r ;.;;;' 4 1 : ' ;;;--',::—. -',-.---'-_,...... I 37 .1 , I , ::: - „,4::: - t<Az.._: , -;1.1- --- :-&-.=: , , :i p,-....,, / _ , ie.. ....,.: ...,...... -;,,,- .-..,,,,,_ ,—.).- . @I [“. MEM =EU AND NEW .G001)S, OPP.:.SiTE. THE COURT HOUSE. aarzaTT. di. NEVINS, )tt,t r onp!eted a large and finely finished 11 N 14,1 e Ole • it.. of the two they had hornet', 1!1,d It Ant, the largeJt and most comprehens- Groccries, Previ:,,ions, Waukee Notions. rrit, Confectionly, Toys, &c., etc. 'Ade t.I lhecity. c tt ne Iwo Cash, article-3 of the beat tat t : ; aro>el•icat!y are prepared to sell at as. i rilcf - fs a, 11,,..t z•eme quaitty can be bought at . , r And we flatter uurlekei that tf 1, atzninst (tire having conaurn : tva ,totes of goods) our old ens 1. • nci •v. ;II not follow the precedent, tf they call Nev t•tock and hear the exceedingly /ow Arcon:z the many we have are GROGER!ES, re.i, • lir at% c , •trec. choco:.,te, cocoa. tnola a;, !.) rup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves, hot- C 11,311 1 ,41, le rat u., soda, cream tartar, ~,,ond mustard. pepper saute, calaup, ran dt,i, bar soar, v mega r, starch dc., .Ste. PI3I)VI*IU.NS, Me.s. park and Neer, harm; and ahuulders, %divot il..ur, buckviheA tlo.rer. corn meal, „da and I utter crackers, mackercll, codfish, 'had, nerroz, uptal.;es beans onions, &c, &C. 'ET X T A N .2) NUTS, l'reserved runes, Ettgiih currants, r,inons, cri en a,. I aides. A:ln.:nits, filberts, genulAr aid brazil nuts, peanuts, chest- II ht, h nry nuts, 2 2 'A" EC .111 '0 710.4 N) Ivorit. born and woad pocket combs, toilet, combs, lice tt , tiths, hat r. cloth, teeth, infants, and j blick tnK but-Lies, wal6. s. pone moues. and purses of many pu t tz,t Ilk stands, pocket and small fancy mirt"rs, tobacco, bores, snuff boxes. and almost et . rt art:, le ut this •ine. Work h o Nes, t oi l e t ca s e s , sect eta rtes, Flan: and embruidered, work baskets ut . to lily styles. CLOTHING STORE. J. 4: L. A.LES.A.NIDEB., & CO. 7'N the Brick B!ock. next door to Mem tars store have I ju , t ad•tcd to thcit stock, a large and fashiona- Llo assortment of Ready made Clothing, AhArrEH To THE SLASONy .‘f every variety%both of otyle and price, to which thrl agit the attention of the public. This is now tLc largest stuck Ever Offered in Towanda . 1 1 rilyl will he sold at prices coniii3erable lower than before known in this place. Our goods are •elected _with a regard both to style and price, anti offer iodacementa i not to be met with at any other establisbinent. t - e - Strangers visiting Towanda, or oth ers in want cf OLOTUMG will end THE I. ARCEST AbSORTMENT at our c , ;abttsluneni, in this section of the coyntry. and made iu such style and materiakaaa to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by LOW PBZCZS & GOOD 0L022132011, to secure Fgtronage. feeltng confident tnat our arti cles will •e satisfaction to the purchaser. The ,•lortment cmpritres every article required fora duotternan's outfit. TERMS.—.CASH. evereoufs, Coats Pants, Overalls Caps d'e. Lor rtoas.—.Next door south of Mercurs mans t. rowantla ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouta Han. ~lmira; and under the Troy Exchange, Troy, PC. Cr All kiods of Country Produce. Wool4o..tals - en in exchange for Goods. Towanda, May 10,'68. PRINTS and GENGLIAM 4 .—A new awietateat a 1 . . - inte and Ginghams jut received at May 23, 1353. MERCUIVB,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers