illiscclincons. H NG OUT THE. BANNER!! . 10 111 ) , tzA horse ! a home ! any lianricqn for _.: 'a horse and custiimers; to ankr away , : 1 1 the uo! , . Nw • . - , sanding the' lace / iii,ast-eila • ti. c, A. M. `, l i. A U.Nl . ,:fi is - ''''.:lel." him-clf aii.-1.! And at Nn. I Ilitiek Bow you'll fmil Most apsillifi7 ill•I ' n lti 1 4.4 Inc. Trmin .4 C:41111414' tit • • 4 4 . I •4,1 f. 11 1 .-1 kind, 'v. a ..i.i.i.l'ed i. atch of t. 10:trek karat flue. . (' locks V, htels 1,4•• p tune accurate and true; Break pins of retry sillr and hoe, Cold, eilvi r, ,t, el and plat. d chaii•s, Selected is oh the grewest I nii,..i. rin...,er r ngc. mygods, why 10411:11 a pile I tisevery sli ipe and every st., lc. . TO suit the Old 11141 yaung, the gr tee. the gay, - May there be sect\ it. 4 lelat/t. ticlati• And WARN nn, who is Lini,e:f a " host; , 1c always reads' met nt lii, p ,t. To wait upon lit, eti , t.inces and all Whit chance upon 'on to give a 'call. So with good advice make up v.itie mind;, To call iii. hiin and there you'll had Such sights, my eyes, 0 bwhat .a view .' Jewelry ()revery sty le and hue. G..7Don't mistake the place No. I. BrieL raw, vt here he is prepared to d, all kinds of JOB - WORK to his line of businis, at the clieipest T Ale,: Oral can pemaibly be afrarded. He will also se I I jeweity at 20 per cent ' , lwo-, than wac ever bcfule offered in this market. j Call and see . .r. , 3 Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. %1 . WARNER. Removed to B. 1 s Black'. y owidi fi r 1:,, • 14'.1. Cisriipser/in, _ ... n ,„, I_lA:spat returned from the city iiill of New York with a large 4,oe? j ) i ~ t ,..., supply of , Watchea, 6i lewel i ry am t. ! ( i : • .",..) .., the follow lug articles:-I.e l vet, t - , -•', ,-_.— *.'n''F.,„Pni,n,,e,:trei.' ‘i r ss hl o i r fl tm V‘; n si t ell u e f s, ir ll ; :1 , 1 1 ! i t JCS% elTy • knelt as Ear Ring., Fin ger Rin ta, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Locket.. told chains, Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also. ail sorts of Silverware, :and any quantity ofzitevl head;.—all of w hi c h h e a w e , for sale 0 sceeedinglv cheap for CASH. Wechea repaired on abort notice, and roarranitd to run well,or the money will he refunded, and a vat' ten agreement given to that etrect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, arid Gauntry Produc taken in payment for work; an I als ). learn 22,,w, no flrcver,lhat the Prolsre lawit be paid when Fla war to dude—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 28, 1852. Public Sale of Property in home. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Counly, the undersigned guardian of 1.. 8. Maynord'a minar4, win Rd! at infiliz SliZ• in the village of name, iu Gail county, on rriday, September 2d, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following Real Estate, viz— i. A lot of ground in Rome %illage at the inter section of the Wyiiot and 0 se4o rota, with the road front Rome to 13. TuOur's, hiving thereon erected a MUCK. 1)Wi.M!%,.. II W,E, a frirne barn and ot irr improvements, forineily occupied by 1.. r 3. Mayhard. 2 A lot of land west of said village, containing 'about 13 acres all improved with an orc h ard end small barn then on, adjainiri.; Martha Crammer, LewisA :Barnes, tho town road and o.h 3. Another lot in Rome village containing ahem 1 adj iining J. M. Craiimer, Judson Win Clog Tett aril the Baptist Church lot, with a frame grarrcry building 4. Another lot in flume village, bounded by Main street, the Baptist parsonaze lot, Louisa Wattles and Wrn k Maynard, with a fr:una More house thereon, now occupied by John NV Woodburn and nearly op— posit° No. 1. 5. Also another lot in R toe township above Bean- - Creek, bounded by Newton Frost, the main road, c•iias Seely and Marthi etanmer. Also the undivided half of another lot containing la Beres in said township, near the Taylor road ail 3aining lands of Wm E M iynard and John Passm7tre. Terms made known on day of sale. HIRAM R. MAYNARD. Ailvist 1, 18:.3. ADMINNTRATOR'S NOTICE A I,T, persons indebted to the estate of John - Busk, deceased, late of Ridgbery twp., are l.crehr requested to make payment nit:tout delay ; and all pet-nits having demands against said estate ne regleste,l to preseut them dilly authenticated t. r eliieWent. A ERA M PIERCE, '2l - Jgust 10, 1/3:1. A!ministrJtor: TO LUMBERMEN---WANTED, to 50,000 ft. Maple. 5k by 6-2) to 30.000 ft ON" do. t by 4.-10,1 , 00 feet 4 by 4, Poplar.—. JO to 20.000 ft. 3 inch plank.-20 to 30.000 ft. l inch A h plank.- 1 0,0 0 0 It. prime 4by 4 cher , ty.--0.000 ft. prime I inch cherry boards, 15 inch e; wide or over, to- he delivered this corning Fall nrol spring on the bank of the lhvr-r at ifarri•burg. liimber of good Tiabty and strait grained is wanted. Prop., , als. will he arrived till september Ist, for fort, the abive.and persons sending propo ••11s will state the quantity and quality r,f the differ ent kinds they can furnish, and at what price and when. rAruherinen having, such lumber ‘roul.l al— wiws do well in stop at 11arnebnra. Terms of payment.-141,h ou delivery and in— spection. Address (poet-paid) IX. 0. LI 1C"..<01 , :, 1/...trribbur.7, 11.1 r • late, July Chance to inahe-IVL'oney. AGENTS WANTED To canvass I'd' subscribers to " Hayward's nit rd states Gazetteer," Ow •• Cottage Bible" and o:brr e ilaab4r abd popular works, tine ;ntelltgent and enterprisieg man can make rood waes by acceplina an aeency for tbe , e hicit -are in high favor and very ea,dy tem. Apply to J. F. BROWN, at this place, t n tl Toe— Hex!, and thereafter, at the (dike of the Brad t d joneB J. F. 111{(1WN. IL J. TeILA,DILL .1 TTO 11 .iir.E r d T L lII' . with the Regkter and Recorder, TOWANDA, Pl A Mil N usTit vrows NO ricE per,on , knowing themselves indebted to the 11 r. , are. of. Edward ratterson, deceased, late of ' 4 ..tith Towanda fp., are hereby requested to inake , Inmediate payment, and those having claims ;Iva 111.1 said estate weplease present them duly authen:l - wed for -effeinent. M NRINDA P NTTERi'ON, DCNNIS WG11.1„ )One Y 7, ;&3 To Contractors and Others, f dried ap or, n : fltbGa,t/VV «heat, buckwhee {, beans, , feel. aut . , steel, shovels, bar::, powder, fuse, fish, tea, coffee, sugar, molasses, soap. tobacco, salt and cement for sale as cheap as at any other house. Athens, April 23, 1853. WELLS & HARRIS, Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, TITO: 4 F. who have subscrtoed towards the erec itoo of the building for the+ ontirurtoia to To. wanda. are reunested to call and pay into the Trea. • ury 2h per cent. on the amount of their respective •übscriptions, the building having, been corn. I:,•need. - • S. D. MOSTANYE,, May 11. 185:1. Treasurer Those Indebted to Us 1) rote or book account will please take NOTICE thossue are in_want of money, and muss harp it. All who neglect to attend to this timely warning, may expect a visit-kola Me little Constable. Nojo k:nizehiseirne. HATA,* ec RITsmEL T.. - "ovrantia, March 24, 1853. STarchizi's UTERINE CATHOLICON. ea-Wa for wliieh it ia tetra! ; heing tlioae incidental to the respect.dde fe , inale, a holier married r•rionife, an 1 usivally known by the ownie of C ( )VI -IN S. Of the.... ate Pr; I: , rod:, Vicri, or falling of the Wow'. ; fluor Ind itnation an I Ulceration of the Woa) ; Ir.rt lrnt,l liatrnorth ge. or Hooding . Pam. Suppre, and It regular Atenatroation, etze , with all their acconipitnN tint VII, (i . )11 u twitter how .•m ire or of how "long idato.:- ing. That this CATHOLIC:ON IM in «very way wiiritiv «r; the confidence of the ar.licid as a suicvssfui, safe, and cheap remedy, is vouched for by the I..ct of its having received the approb mon and liberal patronage of prominent inelnhers of the ineaiCa/ Faculty in the United states, and also by the voluntary vs. umonials given in the testimonials given in the pamphlets, from ladies and Yhy•tcian of ,be est respectability as certified by the most itati.iac• tory an4holll[V. prrparati•in i: not a" cure all," but it i: itt tendt,l ex pre:-Iv for the ahoi , e na.ded complaint.. so vPry di:;ressing in their nature and con.equetti ces and which have her. tof.r:e re:dmied the skill unit exertions of the ntit:t aecomplished Physicians of all cowl to a degree beyond that of perhaps Inv other malady to which the human family is heir. The ii.grettlent, , , ae certified by high medical au• dimity. (•cc pamphlet ) are all VEGETABLE, and are 1),1 U 5 4,0 4. 1 ted with any article unfriendly to the animal economy. ItErnawirit:.--P. 13. Peckham. M. D. Utica, N Y., 1.. I). Fleming, 11. I) Canandagnia N Y. D. Y. Foote, M. I). scraeu.e. N. Y. M. H. Milk. M. D Rochester N. Y., Prof. Dunbar, M. D. Baltimore, W. V. Ree.e, )1. 8.. rity of New York, W. Pres con, M. D. 4 oncord, N. H tn'Painph!ets can t.e had gratis at my Drag store in Toss anda. Pa. So by all the leading Druggists in the adjoining counties. DR. H. C. PORTER. Agent .1. 13. Marchisi & Co., Proprietors, Central Depot, 301 Broadway., N. V. junels 10 rue Fr." - ...r, Farrier & Stage Proprietor GEO. W. MERCHAN'T'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL DIIPADt•LLtLtD IS rat H 11170117 01 MIDICIDS As the most remarkable External Application aver " They can't Keep Howe without it." Experience of more than sixteen years has establraird the tact-that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling On, or Uni versal Family Embrocation, will cure must canus, and have all such as Spavir,s, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windgalls, Poll Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises, Fie tula. Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness. Foundered Feet, Scratches or Grease. Mange, 'Ttlieurnatitin. Bites of Animals, External Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils. Corns, Mlitia's, Burns and Scalds, Clsillhlains, Chapped Hands, Cramps. Con tractions of the Muscles, Swellings, Cram of the Joints, Caked Breasts. itc..t.c. dm. The unparalleled success of this Oil, in the cure of tbs. oases in !tones and Cattle, and oven to human flesh, is daily tvrcointog more knivin to the farming commumiy. It can hardly be credited, except by those who have been in the habit of keeping it in their stables and house., what a vast amount of rain, suffering and time, are Bayed by the timely application of this Oil. Oa' Its sure the name of the sole proprietor, G.I.ORGE W. MERCIIANT Lockport, N. I , in blown In the aide i of the bottle, and n his handwriting over the cork. Ali onions addressed to the proprietor will be promptly respoioled in Get a Pamrhtel of the Acent, and see what wonders ark accotophithed by Lite u.e al this medicine Sold by rr;trecrable dealers generally, in the u n it e . States and Also by AIIE3TS:-11, C. POrIPT, TOWRIOR--Wrll. Athens—Eili , iircl, Troy—D. V. Barnes. Columbia D. Tailor, Burlington—Fri.toe & u3ncn• .... H . Orwell—E. Dyer. Covington—l). M. Bailer Mansfield .---Buoiphrey & Place, Tioga—Torrell Montrose—Perry & 0,701 en, Elam - a. Wholesale agents are WarJ, Close & Co., 83 Maiden at., New York. CANTON AND ATHENS RAIL ROAD COMPANY. THE Commi-sinners appointed in pnr , “ianre ol the Charter incorporatinc said corn pan r open Hooks f o r subscriptions of ‘iock at the 1113dforit H0w..., in the borough of Towanda, at In o'clock. A. M., ..n Saturday, the 25th of June next. ( 1 . F. M xt''Cri• C. FAVF.I3.4 Buity(ls KiN% - ;sBERY C. H, HERRICK. }Conam'ra. C. COIINTOCK C. riTOCK WELL' RORER!' FERRIS Towanda, May 25, 18.53. Posi - ronExvor.—The opening of books for sub. seriptions of stock to the Canton and Athens Rail Itund is postponed to July 3 tst in , Auditor's Notice. Estate of Allen Moody, deceased THE auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fond in the hand.; of the adminihtrators of said estte, will attend to said business, at his office in Towanda boro', on the 7th day of July 1859, at 1 o'clock, P. Nr., when all persons interested are re quired to present tt.eir claims or el.:0 be debarred from said fond. H. BOOTH. June 4. 1853. Auditor. Adminictratarc J u h n Il.nrn rs lames A Payne, Bradford Corn. Heal . Sept . T 1552 THE etpth.,r appointed by the Court to distribute ninatt• ra ,, ed by t.Sheritre sale, of the proprety of ilif2 def. , ndant in the above suit, will attend to said. business at his office in Towanda boro', on the Gth day of itly 1953, at 1 o'clock, P. Mr.. when all persons interested are required to presenttheir claims or Ose be debarred from said fund. H. BOOTH, June 4.1853. Auditor DRESS GOODS.—A good assortment of almost 11 every style of dress goode•worn by ladies and children, for sale at decl MERCURS. 40000 Lights Sash of all sizes, just teed by B. KINGSBURY. Towanda, Mareh 23, 1853. 500 NEW 40 Gallon Casks, a first rata article fur laid by P.IIILTON 3 Co. illaital. THE undersigned, bavin;.T been duly ap pointed Agent for the sale of this truly IN VALUABLE NiF,DI CINE, would respect fully tncite the alien ,htu of Ladle , and Pracntinnrrx "r To wanda atot vitantly, 1. ihe graiifying sneer , that h s auolbtod tt use whererrrinir ed, and it:: happy : ; (1 .p tauon t.. the cure n! ult Atte rP,' ttln, IMPORTANT discovered. Auditor's Notice. filerdsmbir, &c. IP ;V h its ! :.1. 1 li e :w 1 TIN AND ct""r STORE ' It , ic., ADV • ',.'N.Z.ENT Emery's Patent C.! ha.n.7e.lble Horse Pow ors, Threshers, S'eparaters, die. lw ti to the great advance in the price of Iron, lJ the manufacturers have roto.t it ori.e4sary ti .o advance the prices. so a''•• ••• 1:•le them to man ufacture powers equath •. .1 other seasons, rather than use a rhea' • : .•• .71 their constru thin. These machine. , o. proe.ounced by, competent jud •e• - • eadmill Horse. Power that ire Prices 183. • Emery . .. Patent ' :•••wer, Thresher. oet , .• . • rim& . . SI:M 00 . Emery's Pale • :1• r.. Power, Thresher. oo • • ••.. for one Horse..,. . 125 CO horse Pow- " er, with T• r combineci,23s 00 E Pot •r alone, 116 00 tt 83 00 Thieshing 11,1- 1 1 • •for and fixture:, 26 inch ••• • :17 00 '2l 00 - .11 e 3 - • 00 Sell or Band. fir \I . extras. A.c. a 00 Vi heeler's P ocia :Lor •rz maen.iic 50 no Wheeier's " !23 00 Do. " 2 bor.,. ii; • wi h el , rifler • ...... 21i 00 I'l , •ver tor 1 ••r M., uover„... 33 00 Emery' , Patrol Reaping on owing Ma vlithe 'c , onl,loo , ...... 12(1 00 Mosvl,2 Vl.whine ”I , ole. 110 00 Ir ' 'Olt) 10 the above oi out two-ti l ud; o f th .i• ••••.1 freight from A iha it, ", ••htCh, on my chi very low, and by special you- T ra,t) will be charged ; by v•hich.arrangement.pur, ch•••••r• of machines of me. will ye from four to ..tx dollar on each machine Machines will be do• Ines d at any place on cans •,r rrd.roari. Tr.uus—Cash or approve , ••••• with interest, payable in 4 and 6 m•m•h•. tlt tnsch•nes war ranted, and in caee of fit.iiiro. •,.ay be returned within 3 months and pay rrif••. • • Those wanting machines should apply early ... • season. For further particulars spo'v 10 the subscriuer. R. Athens, Ps., June 22, I stn3. LIBEL IN DZI7'OIOE. John M. Evans vs. Jane Evans in. Br nifird Ccr.nty Cnm, Piens, No. 34 Feby. Term 1853 T ANE EV %NIS, defendant in the above cause:- •1 You are hereby notified that John M. Evam. , , ur husband, ha, filed hi , petition for a litres from ihe bond. of Matrimony. %rat an alias .oh. Tacna has teen reburied and pr••• , f e. ors n,.1 In be fmind 1 , . sud enuntv Y.m are, there fore, hereby rrginted to ,l , pear at the l',.uri in the born,' of 'rovr.,etta, nn Monday the filh day of September next, being the Ist day of Scp'enitier term of said court of common pleas. to answer ihe said complaint. ant sh OW cause, trail you hare, why the said John shall not be divorced from ~ •o. C. 'THOMV- Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Towanda June 30. 1053. PARASOL LOST. j 08T, between Towanda and Monroetnn , on Mon -I_4 day. 13th June last,, a Green rhaneeable Para, sot, with red satin fiowera. The finder is requested to let me know whew it can be foond,or leave it at Ole office of the Bradford Reporter, where they will be .uitable rewarded for their trouble. Wysni. June 28. 1853. M. C. ALLEN. NOTICE. THEREBY forlwl all p-rson, fr m trusting fa,y one on my aexount, crOtout a whiten order from me. a , I 011 1 pay no dcl.t. a, i-,n , r•cted, unless (Impelled by 14w. Hrf;!, O'HARA Twtranda, Jane 31. 1853 PAPER YETAMITIVI3I4. THE only ".""dfnent H .21,,f;:i kept in this viemity. tri , h !f••h coming in at unit.nallv Lo ,K'I•LET V. Tovran , bi. April 21. 1m:,3 1 - "1,1/1 . R qoant:tv of -.ln rflo • d nr, ji , t re 1 ceived. a , td tor .al' by BKi U 5111.121% Towanda, Feb. :6, 1853. P'TUBS ND MATS -a new supply iif painted tubs and pails, also Allem' mats, just revers's(' at m ay2s MERCUR S 1853. >. SPRING. THE subsciihers would inform their friends and customers that they have increase •i itics for manufacturing la wzu f.i and intend keeping the largest stock .nd assort mesh of CLOTin.\l:, .CTIRTS, DR Ati ERS FURS ISIIING GOODS. OILED CLO MING: AND RUBBER GOODS, that can be found in the Ternia and pri ces sattsfactorl•. H ANFORD h I - MOTHER. 29 Park Row ouposit, , he Astir liouie New York. Man h 9, 1853. United Eitatep Hotel, LAPOI:II'.. I'.;. ZORN C. r_ '3 EMIETOR. Formeriu I. , /bit e i. , l SALT FOR of Salt receLved this day and f.,r 5.,.• June 15, igs3. f! :T1.47‘.." NF.VINS. AIOC:4 FOR SALE.— 5 di. ',•r vile nn liberal terms by innelh HAI! EY NEVINS. T OOKING GLASS PI.1F1:-: cut and filled or any size, to be had at the J”welry store of May/ 15, 1852. W. A. C:IAMIIERLIN Clover Seed. BIisHEIAS 4.1 Clover seed just received and '4. 4 1.-/ for F a le by the sub..cri bets at the lowest cash price, or exchanged I;‘r most kind+ of produce. Towanda. Feb.s. 1859. BA [LEY & NEVINS. GOBARRELIS nfold Ohio Whiskey just received and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's Drug Store. 18QUINTLES Codfi.h, 20 boxe. of Herring fi barrels of Saleratus, warrented in prim: order. left on male at New York cash prices . a REEDY Drog Store, Towan.l:l, Jan, 28, 1853. OWEGO MARBLE FACTORY, . - PEOPLE of Bradford county wishing anythin • nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones, Tomb Tables. Centre Tables of Italian and Amer. jean Marble, or flack Stones of all sizes, can. have them on the shortest notice by sending in i their orders. cheaper and better than can be put. chased elsewhere. ci;• Chester Wells. Cabinet Maker and under% ker, nearly opposite the Ward House. Towanda, Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS, Towanda, March, 91, 1853. Clover Seed. JGST receivtd a quantity of very sopericir . Clever Seed. Farmers would do well to purchase their seed early ; J. KINGSBERY. Tinrands o Feb. k BOOTS & SHJES! John W. Wilcox, HAS removed his establiehmtnt to H. Mix's store, corner of main street and the public square, end will continue the manufacture of Boots and tihoce, as her tofore. He has just received from New York slarge assort ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Siloes, which tiro offered at low prices. The attention cf the Ladies is icularly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles :—Enamellod Jenny Lind gai ter boots ; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiters ; walking shoes, bilskins,&c. Misses' gaiters and shoes. of every de. c ription„ A large assortment of Children's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters sod shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and he believes he can Mier superior ;uncles at reasonable prices. (11 The strictest attention paid to dfanufadunng, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continn aare of the liberal patronage he has hitherto received. Towanda. May 8. 1861. N- -- TR 4":0111Cia• 111117.111D1111:=331311L1113P.11L-dMiE9 lIA YIN() located in Towanda, his services may be obtained by addressing a line through the FOS( OffiCO, or by calling at the,offiee of Ulysses Alercur, ENI , where he will be tom/. or where a written ap hcatplati may be 1,-11. Nov. 1, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. rTIiE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they aro prepared to du all kinds-of ELACKSNIITHING upon reasonable terms. Thcv are determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. done in the best manner. All kind.; of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil• ful manner. ()I WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desired. All wr..'s done at their shop, will he warranted to be well d.rne, and manufactured from the best materials. The puidie.are requested to give tis a trial, and judge for theinJelves. ESEN WINE & SEEBISCHH. Towanda, May 2, tt3sl. 0 FVO72WM. '211) - 8 Z:1A.11 D Ostt. :1-4 THE subscriber thankful for the ....-- -.:—..--•••• liberal patronage heretofore re .-r: ..a.: - . ,"! ~- 1, - :' - cfr:i ! i... , ] • .11 ..._. 111 ' i ceived:begs leave to inform hie Bfriends and the public generallY, and those commencing House ,keeping in particular that he has now on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, which he will a :it rant to be made in a substantial manner, and of th- be. 4 materials. IUB, such as mahogany and walnut drrss -I).t.' buyaus. marble and plain tops ; mahogany and fwalnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, 01 dif frrrnt patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Couch whatnots. &c. 13EADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low nom headsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the cnost acc.,mmodating terms. the pol• her is also provided with a plain and la , hlonable HEARSE, and will hold himsullin 1ea.:.1u.-s to anend to all orders in undertaking.. He v " Vitt nish ice boxes when desired, by the aid 'of which the'rorpce may be kept for a week. COF FINS, READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. 11.—Furniture of all kind: made to order, and warranted to be of the best mats risk and workman ship. Towanda. January 17, 1852. TON t; Genuine unless secompanieu D ■ .0c sinvi .1:11 le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. L SOII.E & Co., upon each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOY EREDIN BALM OF LIFE, it is not our wish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and suffering, well knowing that their reputation as a TANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer (lice for the afflicted. Many prnop might he given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills. They ,vvi.l find them perfectly safe and reli able in all cases. being purelu vegetable. and a medi cine worthy their best confidence arid patronage. The following certificate was sent us for the public go.pd: We the undercigned, citizens of Henrietti, having used personally Dr. Soule'B Sfrrerrign Balm Pa/Land witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted es the best with which we are acquainted. G. M. ROBERTS, G. H. BROWN. M. D. PHILLIPS, D. G. 0 rrs, H. A. TIBBETTS, LEWIS REED. ~ 1?.~.3, P. You are at liberty to publish this for the pub lie good.. DEW ARE Ca COUNTLIIVEITS ! We are not aware tha any one who is making a spurious article has yet dar ed in make nee of our name ; but some of them has hud the impudence to imitate our boxes and copy our Cireclars, ' Certificates, &C. Un'ess the public are careful when • hey purchase, they will he deceived. Idle genuine Sorereign 801,11 Pill: can he had wholesale and retai , of Dr. SOULE & Co., Syracuse Ilti.,n,diga Co. N. Y• Sold by Dr. H. C PORTER , Towanda Pa., and by their Agents in every town in the country. 21y MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned, formerly fireman for many years of the Lafayette Burr Mlll Slone Manu• factory, 210 Washington Bt.. N. Y., (W. Vack, agent.) would inform his friends and the pulicie to era I, that he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AT BLNGHAMTON, N. Y. In Leroy buililintz, opposite Exchange Hotel, and solicits a share of their petronaqe. He will have constantly on hand a large stook of French Burr Mill Stones, ac also a :arge supply of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self- Digesting Bn4hes. The undersigned - a.sures his friends and the public, that he will faithfullye!xecute all Orders en. trusted to his care, not only in quality but in pri• ces of articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat. ronage. ORDERS by letter willbe executed with as much care and as cheap as when purchasers are on the spot. REFERENCES—Hon. D. S. Dickinson, Hon. John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whit ney, Dr. Eldridge, Col. H. Lewis. W. S. Weed, & Co. Binghamton. D. Searle. Isaac Post, Judge Jessup, Salsbury. & Co., Montrose. Pa. Caleb Carmalt, Frit•ndsville. Thomas Phinney, Dundaff. 0. 0. &H. Shipman, Waverly, N. Y. Thomas Pearsall, Smiihborough, N. Y. MajorD. Mersereau. Union; N. Y. M. T. NiChols, Owego, N. Y. Royal & Whitaker, Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. SULLIVAN. Binghamton, Nov. 8, 1852.r23 C L -T IN G! ! & A CAMPBELL. having been purified by H the recent fire, have again fitted up their CLOTIIING STORM, in the same place as before and are now offering for sale, a desisable assortment of fall and winter GOO - 1111.' They being desirous of making up their recent loss, will Bell at unusually low prices. Towanda, Nov. 8 , 1852. Cistern and Well-Pumps I - T BAIWPW!--lfydranli F itay42l of any - kind, 1.. A site, &c., cheap-for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 1858. R. M. WELLES. s filisteliancons. COVIITT SOUP BY HIM. Important to Housekeepers: ErELELL TEE SIMS. HEW RI F.TT , Monroe CO. N. Y., May 10, 1851 Lafayette Burr Mill Stone Miscellaneous. INFORMATION ron sztosa IVIIO 'WANT ♦MD 'FOR THOSE WHO HAVE MONEY •OR PROPERTY !!! Do yoo want to sell or mortgage any real emote Have you a bond and mortgage you wish to sell I Have you houses, I/marg'', or lots, that you wish to sell or lease ? Hate you a mill, factory. foundry, Monet, , or oth er manufacturing establishment. that you wish to sell or rent 1 Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or fire clay, or other minerals, you vrtsh to sell or have worked on shares - Hare you land that you would like to have drain ed or cleared by contract or on shares I Have you water power that you wish to run, int.' prove, or rent I Do you want additional capital, or a partner in your business I Do you want to sell your stock of merchandise Do you w •nt to form a Company to create capital for any specific object I Do you wish to exchange your property for other property t Do you want in your ntighborhood mills, found ries, tanneries, or other manufactories I Have you any well rested improvement in machine. ry, or in the arts, which you want to- sell, or which you want means to manufacture ? If you have any of the above wants, or others of a similar character, and will inclose to our address, (post-paid.) a legible, clear and exact description of them ; and if property,its locality, proximity to ca nal, railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools, mills, stores, &c., the lowest terms on which you will sell, mortgage. lease, exchange. co-otherwise dis• pose of it ; and if you will also inclose to us a Reg. i,tration fee_of $l, (the receipt of which will be ac• knOwledged,) your want shall be recorded in our P.egister, and' your letter placed on the file designated for your Sate and County, for the inspection, free of charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease, exchange, or invest. We make no charge to any for examining our Register and files. When they make knowu their Wishes, they are referred to your own statement of sour wants : and as we have Maps of the diff, rent states, and of such Counties as we have been able to procure : and as we employ agents to visit the ves sels and steamers that arrive with Immigrants, (of Whom from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arrivin. ,) and we also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the principal papers of the city of New York, and in vari ous ftrms throughout all of the states, as well as the different countries of Europt , from which Immigrants come, and where we - expect one of our Firm will for the present reside, and where also we shall agents in the principal ports of embarkation, inviting all who wish to purchase, exchange, I. ace, or invest, to visit Our office, without charge— We are confident that we offer a better medium of making your wants known to those who des re to know them, and of securing the end you desire, than any other mode yet practised. 'rite best place for you to effect a sale, !ease, ex• change or loan on your property, is in its immediate vicinity. If you cannot do it there, the next he.t place is in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi grants or settlers of any class here is the place ,o oh, lain them: Be-ante here at all times and seasons, there are from 30,000 to '70,000 strangers, many of whom are seeking for investments or homes. Because th ire are probably 100,000 who want to remove from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a great propo r tio n 01 the surplus capital of the Union, sc.-king invc,r m ent. Because here, money is ordinarily wirtli Iron 3 1., 7 per cent..per annum, on undoubted serirriiv. while you can, afford to give as ample security, or .rher in. al l ducement, where it would produce greater r „.. ,e of inte rest, either in annual income or increase) v ue. Because here, an examination of our file, will inform those seeking to invest or settle, where the properly to to found which they seek. Because here, there is an opportunity to exch.nce country or other city property, for property in this city or its vicinity. Because a person, by spending a Cew hours in our office, without charge, can obtain more information the property in market throughout the connny. and the wants of community, than by months of tnyt I.' Because. filially. here in the commenrial metropolis, where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast n.iltiluile throughout this and other countries, he re cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of ot.i countrymen, both parties, those who wish to purchase and those who desire to sell, ran he mutually benefited In the description of property, be careful not to over estimate its advantages in any respect : for if you Jo, and we should send you a purchaser, his comport: son of the reality with your statement might defeat your object. When your property is sold, or other. wise disposed of, it is required that we shallbe imme diately informed of the fact. As we do 'not propose to sell, hut negotiate, and send purchasers to tte own ers, no special authority to us is requisite; but when it is desred that we should sell, authority must be given. Our commissions on safer, exchanges, &c., are 2 per cent. The raising of companies, and other mat ters requiring special negotiation, will be subject to special agreement. (Jr Several farms in the same neighborhood often find a more ready sale than a single farm, as Immi grants desire to remain in companies. BRONSON, KNAPP dt CO. Real Estate and Property Brokers, 116 Broadway, New York. Refer to Courtlandt Palmer Esq. 177 Broadway, N Y 4 Hon. Alvin Bronson, Osvvezo, N.Y.; Gov. Wood, Ohio; Ex Gov. Ford. Ohio; Hon. R. W.Thompson la•; Hon. 1). A. Noble, Mich ; lion. J. R. Williams Mich ; Hun*. Rob't Smith, Hon. J. R. Underwood Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, lowa ; Hon. J. R. Doty, Wis cCY. For (Ulmer information inquire ,of HARVEY McALPIN, Local Agent. (at the Law Office of Wm. Elwell, Esq.) Towanda. Bradtord county, Pa. 4ty _ _ TUE OLD ETA= STILL IN OPERATION! THE subscriber would an nounce to the public that he have now on band, and will make to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture, such as Sofas. Divans, Lounges Center, Card,Dining and Break• fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal nut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus, Stands of various kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the best matetial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the country. BEADT-INALIMI ClMMeiral, on hand on / the most reasonable terms. A good HEARSE will be furnishedon Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKLINSON. Towanda, June 1, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. ir R. OLMSTED, PROPR I ETOII of the Athens IVI Exchange, gives his thanks to his friends, and the traveling public generally, for their liberal patronage, and solicits the continuance of tho same. AN 0 M IB US, will run regularly to and from the Waverley Depot to rpeet the Mail Trains far the, accommodation of strangers and travelers, who wish to visit a pleas, ant village on business or otherwise. A daily line of first rate Four Horse Coaches, ere running through to Towanda. Those wishing will be insured a seat in the coach from this place and those gcdog to the R 11-R 0 can stop at *Meng, and spend' an hour or t% and be insured a conveyance in time to meet the regular trains of ears going East or West. Also those4ho wish to leave their teams. here can be conveyed - to - and from the cars free of charge Athens, Sept., 4, 1852 ittaital BRYANI % ,ce • ruLno mc I`l\v,4l\t-A4'..ll\l'''''4l WAFERS. rrtHIS extraordinary preparation has b een r, fry years the most certatn and speedy I, for COUGH!, Comm Arenas, BROSCII/Fri, 11l •/%0 DISEASES OF TB& CHEST AID Lt.,, those suffering from obstinate and confirmed they give the most immediate and perf eni , when great liability to take cold ells* sa lesome Cough sticceeds the slightest expos! WAFERS produce the most marked result:. at oncliirelieve the Cough and other symp ice entirely remove that morbid irritability Iv a l ` , ness of the Lungs which give rise to the awl The medical properties are combined is a ; ble form and pleasant to the taste, so that & Di will readily take them : and they are wa rrn n. give relief in ten minutes after u se in a ll tut : Price 25 cents PORTER. Towa nda, bo Pa.x. For sale by D T . H. C. Towanda, Feb. 9,1853. WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE CHURN 13VENTLD By W. H. DAVIS. STECII/3 01, 3 And Pateido.2 Ai.r.l 2 1250 r r o this CHT7RN was awarded the Prem. u ,.., 1 the late Fair of a'l Nation s held m Lind.; It slao took the Premium at he Canadian Pnro nv Fair, held an Toronto, 1.1 C., in 1851 It al so rfte , ed a silver Medal and Diplom a at the Fair nt' New Eneland Met hante',, Charitable Absocat.: held in Boston, October, IMO. In'attort it has: en the first Premium at all :stale and County La wherever it has been exhibited, and is Et:lßern approved by all parry Men and Dalt gt Ho me they have become acquainted with .ita met This CHURN in constructed tor tHeRNIRRGATI. RRINO. WOltil!VG AND SALTItS TRt RUTTER ! Cr - Yrbe , •R CILERRATEIi Carttas, are ltlamnlaelt, ed and sold by WELLS & 120., Towanda, pear' nearly opposite the Ward House. Towanda. April 21, Ixt:3. Attention Regiment .„ • • MAKE READY! TAKE AA! FIRE' JN E. GEIGER, woolil say t, hi. nld fristid iit d the public at lar2e. that he has Constant!. n hei and nisnut.tcturiiiit Ritles an•l shot Guns kr. he Amor,g hm e cwrltnrnt ~f I: nn. iii D c , an d sin ;l ie barrelled Ginn , . Ririe..-4 all wani th. PON der Flaiess. t 4 tint I' no nos. Gene Elev. Primers. Also. r") .1. Cdp,..f , h. tv. Allrna sic It irretht ' R.v .1 , 111 2 It•trrel cork iI,L! Pi- Rnfle ds. Pistols •inil -tee' and 'its—. r.stols G.. F. F U., F. F. F. G.. Powder in „ stmol. on hero!. Anv 1,1 the Ahoy articles will e no.d thus tor %Lc llrutrq Pint. Key. of any ki;ld bur d to Doors'. Tru n l i g',., tm her kind of ;.)f-k on ,h i n ,, tire and fre-onatdr , rnu ItrpaOng done w!th nrainr., and deppatc. 4 .0f 1 few rails. nooks of the Towanda. %lay 92. J. E. tiEff;F:R. LIQUORS ! LIQUORS! Tiii-: Stst,crlher• hart, c'-rth. , ! a cece••••-•h p uod..r 'he firm ‘.ls FEL • 0) A (It. • e t,.. titv. a general I, , riu-r lw. re—, sr • r.' rtilfr . V 7 a-k Iljoel he. pent. aud ( all toiler. In liar. , tf att. thing ft, thetrt:tte.t•• ,zz,v..r ihern a ra!!. W..r...rid keepinz on h,r , i a zzeheral n , rn , en! t I F. - •zn LitAti.‘r•t.,•.shtrh• P ca , e 11 e....a - zer ~hen as: -.. t , eke in the tit . from the f.rt thu ne ',or ,',,..-. from the tritp•trter, an I ih , rehr 'ate a larzr Tr ... charged' t•y the N.Y .1,.91 en- : I.tquor , are wa:-re t• ed pure and frre frt•rn adn•e-anen. A. rers - ±-. iv nn ha, d Win4er ,•1 the !en!luzd'iv. lir hare made arraneement: ht an htelt we can 'nrr. •h .sr cu•Vomern wtrh any Tia . ..'VY n C ii.s ., :hztv ,-, BEER frre.h from the Brewery. Plane ;:tre et , a ra':- The notes and acrount4 , f the all firm c! .`!:. Fe • ton & Co., are in our hand, for settler:len. Towanda, Dec. 1, 11452 NEVIT TORE ADVERTISEMENT. NTT IT. BAIRD, formerly"of Bradford Co. Pa. V • is still engaged with ;he firm of lanDnon and Jagger. who have this day remered to their new and spacious store N° s 0 Yeses street. comer of Church, (in the rear of the Astor Rase) where they are prepared, to exhibit a very large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, adapted to the country trade. They will keep a large stock of Men mar, Co-hen, and oln• er desirable styles of Prints. Cash as wel. as first class credit customers will Lid it to their .1- terest to call. They have also a department devoted to the BOOT and SHOE busine,o, and feel confident :he! can oiler better bargains in that line than any elr'u sive Boot and Shoe house in New York, from the fact that the expense is much less in prnpoinen LZ the amount of sales. Mr. Baird taners hiM`ri that having the lienefit of 15 years eipertence in qie mercantile business in Bradford Co., his knocred;e of the style of goods adapted to - the Nonheni Penn sytvan-ia trade, wil make it an object :or merrh• ant's doing business in that section ta g ee him a call. Any orders fi r ffoods in the above lines promptly attended to, and the articles waran:cd give sattfaction. New York. March, t, 1E153. _ Mei AEC MIK 1111 V ...-1101LA • saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufattin ER E C LP & Co., respectfully infut>Z the palm J that they have removed to the shop on Nam wen. recently occupied by Smith & Son, nesit3 ocrode Llie Ward House, where they will keep on hand large stock of ataaal - saa, raans.a% TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, ITC. All articles in their line manufactured to order. al made of the best material,and for workmanship moot he surpassed in Northern Nonsylvania, They 60)1aIt Scull from those wishing to purchase. contideat that they can give satisfaction both as to quality and price- CC:I - Hides and Sheep Pelts received for wort Ina a. account, at the lowest rates. . . Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather la Calf skirts, for sale to any quautiq. PARTICULAR NOTICE ON account of losses sustained at the tsts ore obliged to cation those inkebted TO as fin I prompt settlement, as wa ire under the neeessay et having whet is owing to us, we trust this notice will ho sufficient without resorting to other means. ' Towanda, Dec. 2, 1962. _AIL 1111:::1 AS.. XILICII,* Vors. H. WILSON. formerly of Bradford County • Pa., returns his thanks to his friends hirpt fa . and solicits the continuation of their Won' age. Having made arrangements tr, conuaue with th's firm of Fuller 4 Dayton N° 143 West scree. be. tw eon Barclay and Ve•ey streets, where he cam be foand always ready to supply his customers want tog GROCER TES. with a supply at low pricy r d on favorable ierms. Particular pains will he _ 'en to keep on hand desirable goods for that section of the enquiry. Near-York, Feb. 9, 1952. =II S FEI.TnN E. T. FoX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers