Nan 9tivfrii9.tmelits. 8. S. INILAZIZISi arr on.racir .410_1:wits?, Office with the Register ,itildißecordet. TCIWANDA, P. i t. - Notice to Railroa d C o n t r actors, HAStOlq & WATER GAP oeßAlLßOAD.—ropsals will bveceived until oen, AY 251 h, for P the o Graduation e and Masonry Ilefaid Railroad, from a point on the Wissahiccon about fourteen miles from Philadelphia, to Heller oil, a distance of thirty—six miles. Seventeen miles more will -b? ready for contract in a short tne. art now offered includes a Tunnel 1800 e amount of Earth and Rock , tri long. and a larg Uerk and Masonry. The. route occupies a very femle and healthy,country, accessible at all fwints. The line will be really for examination, Mak 10th, and the profiles and specifications snd forms of Pro posals, may be seen at the Ena. gineer's Offiee. No. 88Soutla Fwd. street, Phi lad', after May 16th. EDWARD MILLER, Chief Engineer. 11 . 1t,"1 - - - Fre Democratic Convention. OTIOE hereby given that a FREE DEMO. V CHATIC COUN TY CONVENTION will be bdti 31 the curt House in Towanda, on Wednes day it. 25 of May, at I ("cluck. P. M., to choose de,egates to the State Convention, to be held at floysbure. on the Ist of June next, and to adopt ineasares 1..,r a mote perfect organization of the friends of free principles throughout the county, and alo lo devise ways and means more success fa„'; TeilSt the powers and exaction and - usurp!. flunkerdeni and Slavery. • A general attendance of free democrats is urgent •fe ,uestrO. Our whig and democratic friends are y luse respectfully invited to meet with us. Per. or der of ibe executive committee. {.;ea—GEO. F . HORTON, Secretary. 8. I 1. • Susquehanna Collegiate Institute. THOSE who have subscribed towards the erec non of the building for this institution in To lambi, are requested to call and pay into the Trea, wry :5 per cent. on the amount of their respective atheript.ons, the building having been com menced. J. D. MONTANYE, Towanda, Nfav 11, 1853. Treasurer. Field Peas. • QUANTITY of FIELD PEAS just received at ma}•l2 MERCUR'S. Wyalusing Bridge, THE undersiened Commissioners for erection of a BRIDGE across the Susquehanna River at Wyalusing will open hooks for subscription ',retook therefor, at Turry rlr Morrow's store in Asylum, on Thursday the nth day of June neat. at t o'clock, P. M., and hope for attendance of all those who are indebted in this undertaking. lIS J DULL, FRIA!! TERRY, M l ILENBERGI•:R GEO F. lIOR fox, EL MEITERT, JUSTUS LEWIS, Ghtl H WELLS, fl G.ll LORD C. F. wEr.r.s, Jr. B. LA POR re. Mar 10, 1633. .AJ)MINISTRATOR 'S NOTICE 1.1. persons indebted to the estate of DAVID n 11, ()WENS, deceased, late of Monroe twp. cr• here 4 retine , teci to make iininfdlate payment, ind :h,tse ha; ine claims against said estate, will pl. , a , e present them duly authenticated for settle- THOS. ELLIOTT. C00.1.13A UGH. 2d, Administrators 11p , 11, 11453 H. C. PORTER, Agent for the Waterville Manufacturing Company, Waterbury, Ct. rottl:c atten lion to his display of superior CUTLERY, which is warranted to give staisfae :ion. South store in the 'Card House. May 6. PLANES.—A new assortment of Planes and other . , Tools, just received at V 415, !:53. MERCUR'S. STORE, NEW GOODS, 1211 T4l3o'' - :424 :iOW.7d.A,A' 4 .PLII.IIV(PE 1 . HU ENG located thepselves in the Brick Store , w•it , ide of Main nearly opposite Bridge tills day rece ved a large and splendid MIS anti Drynrctic Dry Gods, Groceries, Paints UL',, lltrthrnre,-Nails, Stone-Ware, s'e, kc, I;,,ra notwithstanding the advance of Goods, they . i , ..mund u. sc!l cheaper than ever before offered all market. Quick sales and small profits" is t'tt- motto.. ; Most kinds of Product taken in exchange for 's.• The .highest price paid for lumber. May it. 1853. HHTS. Mr'LASSES, from 2 to 4 shillings, and . 11e k.!st 6 cent Sugar in town, at r May Ff. 1,453. PHINNEY & BOWMAN'S. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ! II roR sale in Granville twp. The sub. scriber will sell on the premises, on MOl3 , day, the 23d day of May, at public Yen due or outcry, his valciable farm contain ^B=' s acreq, 145 improved, with one framed dwell q house, one framed barn and a good apple arch s: Thereon. Said farm is one mile from Granville vre,,and five miles from Troy; it is cinder a good art of cult , ration, well watered, and very product' good chance is offered tor, those who are Pzues to purchase. JAS. B. MORRISON. ri - arirdle. May 2, 1853, 3 . ' - ‘latir PRING GOODS, FILLVWO72"2 recessing a large assortment of all kinds of B PRING and SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest ; call lee. otranda. April 29, 1853. SPRING GOODS. /E subteriber has just returned front the city of with a very large and most superior select- • B PRING AMD 80.W.WEB GOODS, lid ) in respect to style and prices will lingoes. 'nably give satisfaction to all that may favor bim rb a eat!. JOSEPH EUNGSBERY. T o ands, 461 . 30, 1853. BOOKS AND STATION RY. An extensive catalongue of School and Niscella. na BOOKS and STATIONARY, fast received 'eh rill be sold at the lowest prices. Carpe ti ng. nett' pieces of Carpeting added to the 'rock. making the assortment good. far sale on 1041 reasocabte terms. 411, ao, 15A. TERED RIBBONS.—A new article just re , celve t t at 1442 MERCUR'S. _ Plastei. Jabseribers have made arrangenients for. a amity of Plaster, to be delivered in the Spring vitl be pad for $8,50 per on for ready pay : Corn, Oats and Buckwheat will be re ' a Miura at the going cash price. °lnds, Jan. 27, 1859. BAILEY 4 NEVINS. Banels of SALT just received and' for sale at B. KINGSLIVIIrK ,randa, March 22, 1853. They have also a department devoted to the BOOT and 8110 E huhircess, and feel confident they can offer better bargarios in that line that any exeln sive Boot and Shoe house in New York, from the fact that the expense is much less in proportion' to the amount of sales. Mr. Baiid flatters himself that having the benefitor 15 years experience in the mercantile business in Bradford Coi.hii knowledge of the style of goods adapted to the Northern Penn sylyania trade, will make it an object for merch justs doing bu siness; in thin section to• 10,4 hit * call. . Any ordera fur coeds in the above lines will . he promptly' attended to, and the articles warranted to give satifactioii. New York, Martyr; I, 1853: 308. RINGSBERY ine6l)anOig, &r: NEW SPRINGGOODS. H: *.S. , tytEit.a Is wow Rzczivise ♦ !lir L.&IG Alb OZNIULAL Js .110111111F.NT Of . SPRING GOODS, Whirls are offered to the public at wholesale or retail, at very /ow prices. Towanda, March 31, 1853. lists, Caps aadl Bonnets. 'DRENCH Silk, Cassimere, Kossuth, Panama, Leghotm Canadian, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. Also, a lame assortment of Ladies and Misses' Florence, Straw, French Lacb, &c., Bonnets just receivod at , MERCUR'S. April 6, 1853. Moots & Shoos. VrENS, Woolens, and Children. Boots and shoes .1.1 . 1: a very large assortmeht at MERCURISI. 11.ardware; LARGE addition to the asibrtmerit of Common and Sadlery Hardware now arriving at April 6, 1853. MERCIJR'S. Groceries. . P 7 MUDS. more of those cheap Brown Sugars, f Coffee, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, common Molasses, Stuart's Syrup, superior Green and Brit . . Teas, Rio, Java and Mocha Coffee. Also, all other kinds of Groceries, except liquors. at wholesale or retail at Mlle UR'S. French Embroidery. EMBROIDERED collars. chemii.etts, flouncina. under sleeves, linen handkerchiefs, edgings and ening' at Elhawls. WHITE CRAPE. bl'k silk and eared shawls for sale at MERCER'S. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. CI D. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large V. and carefully selected stock of NEW GOODS, bought for cash since the late decline in prices, which he will offer for ready pay at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things he invites particula r r attention to his assortment of Dress Goods. Towanda, April 15, 1853. • Binghamton Stone Lime, for 1853. OUR arrangemente are now complete for supply. ing any quantity of this celebrated lime fresh from the Kiln at short notice and low prices ; war ranted good or no sale. WELLS &HARRIS. Athens, April 23, 1853. To Oontradtors and Others. r ) wE hatre on hand, pork. beef, butter, corn.-oats, wheat, buckwheat, beans, dried apples, flour, feed, iron, steel, .t hOiels, bars, powder, fnse, fish, tea, coffee, sager, molasses, soap. tobacco, salt and cement for sale as cheap as at any other house. Athens, April 23, 1853. WELLS & HARRIS. • Nails and Glass. ALARGE supply of Nails and Window Giagg of almost every size for sale at MERCUR'S• April 22, 1852. • EARIA' PFAS.—A quantity of early Peas in pa -E•d pers and packages ; also, by the quart, peck or bushel, at ap22 MERCUR'S. TAIEEN 17P. T JAMES T. TAYLOR, took up, on the 13th day 11 of April, 1853, 2 ordinary sized arks which were afloat in the Susquehanna river ; said arks appear to have been made, at least a year ago, and are cbmpmed of about 3000 feet of Lumber each. Towanda, April 21, 1852. J. T. TAYLOR. Apprentice Wanted. A BOY about 17 years of age, who can come well recommended as to moral character, &c., can get a situation as an apprentice to the TIN NING bnsiness by applying immediately to Towanda, April 15,1853. HALL 4 RUSSELL. arodett and Provision Otordi 11 1 141 1 1 a i DaL)Za THE subscriber being desirous of enlarging his business at the old stand (earner of Main and Bridge streets) would respectfully annonnee to the citizens.of Towanda, and vicinity, that he just receiving from New York, and is now opening for sale a large aseortment of GROCERIES, such as teas, sugars, coffee rice molasses, Stewart's svrnp, tobacco, ginger peper, spice, cloves, mace, nutmeg, cinamon, saleraius, cream tartar, soda, ground mustard, pepper sauce, catsup, candles, bar and shaving soaps. vinegar, starch. &c. He has also on hand a large stock of PRO F7B /0.4 - 8,, including hams and shoulders, Mackerel, codfish, herring, potatoes, beans, dried apples. wheat flour, lard, butter, cheese, soda, butter and Boston crack ers ; also, most kinds of fruit and nuts, preserved proneccuron, figs, raisins, oranges and lemons, together with a large stock of German, French and American TOYB of every description and price. Q Please give him a call before purchasing else where.,Cl) A. J. NOBLE. Towanda, April 30, 1853. WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE CHURN! y Aed Patented Apr it 2, 1850 tro this CHURN was awarded the Premium at 11 the late Fair of all Nations held in London.--L It also took the Premium at he Canadian Provincial Fair, held in Toronto, U. C., in 1841. It also receiv ed a silver MOW and Diploma at the Fair of the New England Mechanic's Charitable Association, held in Boston; October, 1850. In short it has tak en the first Premium at all State and County Fairs wherever it has been exhibited, and is universally approved by all Dairy-Men and Dairy-Women, where they have become acquainted with its merits. This CHURN is construc,ted fur eau alsoco, arra— SUING, WC/TIDING AND SALTING TIM BUTTER ! a:Yrhe&e CYLIKDRATED Cerrass, are Man ufactuf ed and sold by WELLS & CO„ Towanda, Penn'i nearly opposite the Ward House. Towanda, April 21, ISM. =IV YORE ADVERTISEMENT. H. BAIRD, formerly of Bradford Co.. Pa. . is still engaged with the firm of VanDusen, and Jagger, who haia this day. removed to their new and 808601:111 store. N° e 0 Yesey street. corner of Church. (In the rear of the. Astor House) where they' are prepared to exhibit a very large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, adapted to ill. country trade. They will keep a large stock of kferimac,Cocheo; and oth er desirable styles of Prints. Cash as well as. first class credit cdstmiters Will find it to their in terest to call: iegfccsAtioralwpm ATTORNEY AT- LAW ; ToWANVA. (Knee in the north end-auto Ward house, itotely ocropurd by lApOrte, Mason /h . Towanda, March,3, 1115 t: A LL permits indebted cto die- estate of Thos. .4; Eetsulght,,deOi,latsinfttightny township, are hereby, requested to make immedjate paymentomd those, having.clainriagainst said estate, r ill please present them duly authenticated for settlement. PIIEBE BENNIGHT, April 21, 18L3. Executrix. A LL persons indebted to the estate of JAMES Ais LAMB, deed late of LEROY twp., are hereby requested to make imthediate payment and those having claims against said estate, will please present them duly autitenlidttted for settle ment. EDMUND KELLY, April 30,1853. Executor. lETTERS administratnn having been granted 4 the undersigned by the Register of Bradford county, on the estate of Daniel O'Keefe, late of said county, deceased ; all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti6ated for settlement- CATHARINE O'KEEFE, JEREMIAH AHEARN, Adm'rs JOHN FLYNN, April 14, !Safi. • ALL persons indebted to the estate of Joseph Brigham, dec'd late of RiJ;berry tp. are hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all those having demands against said estate will pre. sent Them daly authenticated for settlement. WM. J FULLER, April 20, 1603. Administrator. M E RC UR'S ALLpersons indebted to the estate of BERL AH PRATT, dec'd, late of Troy, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against Faid estate, will please pre , sent them duly authenticated for settlement LEONARD UPHAM, H. DAMAGE. March 23, 1853- "Administrators NTOTICE is hereby given, that a Special Court of 1- Corn. Pleas will be held at the Court House in the boro' of Towanda. commencing on Monday, the 20th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A.. M., and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Rob, ert G. White will preside for the trial of the follow ing causes to wit: Robert Spalding vs Nathaniel Clapp et al Pendleton Riley & Co vs Henry W Tracey Thomas Elliott vs Israel Smith Welch, Longneclter & Co v:s John Wood et al Stephen Powell vs Ii W Tracey. Ganrishee &c Earl Nichols vs Wm Coryell et al Lyman Matson vs Ira Jennings et al C L C DeChastelativ vs Lyman Mitson John Beidleman vs Nedebtah smith Horatio & Rebecca McGeorge vs Ebenezer Pan• . ham Newton Humphrey vs Win Humphrey C I. C DeChastelaux vs Ira Jennings et al A. McKEA N, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's Office, Towanda, April 11, 1853 ALLpersons indebted to the estate of Wm. L. Grenell,dee'd, late of Burlington township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having demands against said estate are reqocsied to present them linty authenticated for settlement. ANN E. GRENEI.I., MILES B. GRE N ELL, Administrators. March 16.1653 ALLpersons knowing themselves indebted to the estate or MINOR R. WlLCOX:deceased, late of Albany tp., aie hereby requested to make ,immediate pyment, and those having claims nainst ! said estate will please present ahem duly auther,rl - cated fur settlement. JOS'EI'H NIENARDI, May 7. 1853, Administrator. List of Jurors Drawn for Special Court June IBS.I. Alban y—James Hearerley Athens twp—Ednumd Hill, Spencer Elston Burlington—L W Swartwood Franklin—Oliver•Dodre, Jamec Ridgway Granville —Malcc.n Nfelac2.tit Lemy—J G Landon, Monroe—Wm Lewis Orwel!—Thomas Mathinson, E. J. Eastabronks, deg Av.•ry A G Frisbie. Rilgbury—Nalhau Dewey,Janaes Sliestiequin—Thos Minirr D Titus, (.;:to King Sprit,g,fieM—Solnitnon t: Robinson, Darwin Cleav land, Ed P Chncc • standing Stone—Geo A strphens Towanda horo',Job P Kirby Towanda IJorth—Benj C Go ,, dwin Eljah Granger Troy twill—Chas N Strait, B II Taylor Wells-0 Smith War ren—lesrrnbs Sleeper. Noah C Bowen Wyaltising—tyros Avery,Sl W Gkylord, G A Gly• lord, Washington saton Wysox—Andrew Menarli FRESH AND NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING & SUMMER CORNER of the Public Square and Main Strcet, Towanda, Pa., reqiecifully give notice that they are now opening and receiving direct from the City of New york, their NEW STOCK of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which, with their former stock on hand. comprises one of the . largest and best selected ass .rtments to he found test of New York. Having been purchased at GREAT BARGAINS! They are enabled to rfl:r them cheaper than ever.— They invite particular attention to their assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods Consisting ofJaconet and Swiss Maslins, Printed Lawns, Ginghams. Bar'd Muslins, Merrimac, tocheco, Fr.II River and other styles of American Prints, in endless variety, a large assortment and for sale cheap. They have also a large variety of YANKEE NO )NS, embracing almost every thing from a Crodhet Needle to a Lady's Satch- el. They invite particular attention to their assortment of Carpeting of all prices and styles Also, Spring and Summer Hats, [toots and Shoes, Shoe Findings and Leather, Gro ceries. Crockery, Shelf Hardware 4c. Their Stook has been selested With care, and will he sold cheap. Farther comment is unnecessary —give us a call. and we will show you our goods and prices. and don v ince you that the above is no fiction. Our motto is, Small Pr fits & Quick Returns. PiIONTANTES & Towanda, March 16, 1853. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS AND TAX-PAYERS. COLLECTORS of Bradford County are hereby authorized to make a deduction of frog per cent. upon the State Tax of every individual who shall pay his or her State and County Taxes in full, on or before the 21st day of JUNE next, and the same shall be allowed you in your settlement—provided the same is by you paid into the County Treasury en or before the 22d or 22t14ays of June next. By order of the Commissioners. Comm'rs. Wee, Towanda, April I. 1859 L O. of O. P. RECULAR Meeting of Iradford ocampment d are held at. the Odd Fellows Hall on the even. ing the Ist and 3d Fridays of each month.' C. S. RUSSELL, OtcribP. Those Indebted to Ire BY note or boot: account will please take NOTICE that we are in want of money, and muarhare it. All who neglect to attend to this timely ;warning, may expect a tkisit from the Nile Constable No jo. king this•time. HALL & RUSSELL. . Towanda, March 24, 111.53.- D OOM & 811'0ES—the largest and best stock ..UP in' worn' at ottfl B. KIM. EMTllitrtt Eigat Muciliseinints: EXECUTOR'S NOTICE EXECITTOE'S NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ADNIINISTRATOWS NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE SPECIAL COURT. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'd NOTICE 41:111. ODD 121110 • PitoNmazinrins & CO., kind/OMM • - 1853. } . 1853 . THE info r niiio tiie t - as aha etistoiniitetliat they base inttettied ihtdrfacell• ities for manufacturing and intend keepiiifihe stock and assort ment of CLOTHING, Sli/RTS, • D134012q, FURN ISHING GOODS, .OILED CLOTHING AND. RUBBER . • that can be found in-the Btate.C, new and pri ces satisfactory:, HANFOßD 40110Y1114 R. 29 Pirk Row. opposite the_Astor House New York. Miceli- 9, 18.53. Tavern and Store to lieut. • . - THE subscriber!' offer for rent for a term of years, their' TAVERN STAND s s ti r and STORE at Sheshequ in • township. The Tavern hie ..large and well-arranged building, with stabling . attached, well calculated for a Hotel, and is well locate for busi ness.. Two or three acres will be rente d with the Tavern, if desired, with an orchird., The Store is a new building, of good size. and the location a first rate one for the mercantile hosiaees• They-will be rented separately or together at the will of the ap plicant. • D. BRINK & SON. Hornbrook, Feb. 17, f-!'L3. rmirrlrl•fi ron TEOSZ 117310 iIiTELNT ELI FOR THOSE WHO HAVE MONEY OR PROPERTY !!f Do you want to sell or mortgage any real estato ? Have you a bond and mortgage you wish to sell ? Have you houses, taverns, or lots, that you wish to sell or lease I Have you a mill, factory, foundry, tannery, or oth• er manufacturing establishment. that you wish Lomeli or rent I Have you iron ore, coal, potters' or fire clay, or other minerals, you wish to sell or have worked on shares ? . . Have you Irina that you would like to have drain er] or cleated by contract or on shares I Hive you water power that you wish to cell, im prove, or rent 1 , . Do yea want additional capital, or a partner in your husitcas 1• Do you want to sell your stock of merchandise 1 Do you want to form a Company to cteate capital for any Fpecifc object ?• Do you wish to exchange ycur property for other property 1 Do you want in your neighborhood mills, found ries, tanneries, or other manufactories Have you any well tested imp ovement in machine, ry, orin the art.:, which you want to sell, or which you want menus to manufacture 7. If you have any of the above wants, or others of a simile' character, and will inclose to our address, (post-paid,) a legible, clear and exact description of them ; and if property, its locality, proximity to ca nal, railroad, or navigable water, to churches, schools. mills, dores, &c., the lowest terms on which you will sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, or4otherwise dia• pose of it ; and if you will also inclose to us a Reg istration fee 01,51, (the receipt of which will be ac knowledged,) your want shall be recorded in our Register, and your letter placed on the file designated for your state and County, for the inspection, free of charge, of those who are seeking to purchase, lease, exchange, or invest. We make no charge to any for examining our Register and files. When they make known their wishes, they aro referred to your own statement of your wants : and as we have Maps of the different States, and of such Counties as we have been able to procure:• and as we employ agenta,to visit the ves sels and steamers that arrive with Immigrants, (of whom from 1,000 to 6,000 are daily arriving,) and we also have agents to distribute our Circulars among the strangers at the hotels; and as we advertise in the principal papers of the city of New York, and in vari ous forms throughout all of the states, u well as the different countries of Europt, from which Immigrants come, and where we expect one of our Firm will for the pre ant reside, and where also we shall agents in the principal ports df embarkation, in'.iting all who uish to purchase, exchange, Lase, or inveit, to visit u r office, without Chargt "We are confident that we of ter a better medium of making your wants known to those who des re to knJer them, and of securing the end %uu desire, than any olier mode yet practised. The lost place for you to effect a sale, lease, ex change or loan on your property, is in its immediate vicinity. If you cannot do it there, the next hest place is in the city of New York. Or if you want Immi grants or settlers of any class here iti the place oh, tain them : llr cruse here at all times and seasons, there are from 30,V00 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom are Seeßinkr I , lr investments or homer. Because th -re are probably 100,000 who want to mine, e from the city or its vicinity. Because here is concentrated a great proportion of the surphiA capital of the Union, seeking investment. Because here, money is ordinarily worth from 5 to 7 per cent. per annath, on undoubted security, while you can afford to give as ample securil, or other in ducement, where it would produce greater rate of inte rest, either in anhnel income or increased value. Because kere, an examination of our files will inform those seeking to invest or settle, where the property is to he found which they seek. Because here, there is an opportunity to exchange country or other city property, for property tin this city or its vicinity. Because a perenn, by spending a few hours in our office, without charge, can obtain more information of the property in market throuzbout the conntry, and the wants of community, than by months of travel. Because, finally, hens in the commercial metropolbi, where is concentrated the money and wants of a vast multitude throughout this and other countries, by re: cording the opposite, but corresponding wants of of countrymen, both parties, those oho wish to pue.thase and those who desire to sell, ran be mutually benefited. In the description of property, be careful not to over estimate lie advantages in any respect: for if you do, and we should send you a purchaser, his compari. son of the reality with your statement might defeat your object. When your property is Sold, or other. wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be imme diately informed of the fact. As we do not propose to sell, but negotiate, and send purchasers to tte own ers, no special authority to us is requisite; but when it is desired that we should sell, authority must be given. Our commissions on salm, exchanges, Eta, are 2 per cent. The raising of companies, ■nd other mat ters requiring special negotiation, will be subject to special agreement. Q Several farms in the nine neighborhood often (Ind a more ready sale then a single farm, u Irnmi grints desire to remain in companies. BRONSON, KNAPP & CO. Ft: el Estate and Property Brokers, 110 Broadway, New York. Refer to Courtiandt Palmer Esq. 117 fin:away, !j, Y.; Hon. Alvin Bronson, Oswego, N.Y.; Gov. Wood. Ohio; Ex Gov. Ford, Ohio; lion. R. W .Thompson, la.; Hon. 1). A. Noble, Mich; Don. J. R. Williams, Mich Hon. Rob't Smith, Ill: Hon. J. R. Underwood, Ky ; Hon. A. C. Dodge, lowa ; Hon. J. R. Doty. Wis. fr, For runner information inquire of HARVEY McA LPIN, Local Agent. (at the Law Office of Vt ni. Elwell, Esq.) 'Forma*. Bradford county, Pa. 4ty ,_Cloter Seed, . * 40 susnfll,s or Clover Seed j ust received ana for sale by the subscribers at the letvesl cash pike, or exchanged for roost kinds nt . pirdnee. Towanda, Feb. 5,1853. BAILEY &NEVINS. GARDEN SEED.—Every kind of garden seeds for sate at ap22 ER'CUIN: PAP= ISLANGENIIIIL THE only assortment of Paper Hangings kept this vicinity, with a . fresh stock just coming in, at unusually low prices. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, April 2t, 1853.' Cistern and WoA•L'nmps ! T EAD PIPE' ! Hydraulic Rama ! of soy kind, .14 size, &c.. cheap, fur ready pay, for pale by • . Jan. 1053, R. M. WELLES.. - -.•.- THE S''.ll"E-RETURN Of Si John: Franklin;:- should anui. no Rada; ex; citanta r dast tit NEW 'STOCKED et- --OTIIING RE' . CEOR If BUNTING „, • OPPOSIT2I 'Atte AVAILD • 110171121 _ - IakUNTING respectfully informs his (lien s-and 1-1 the public generally, in town and the surround ing country, together with " all the rest of man kind," that he has just received from , New York. one of the assortments of Mena and Boys licady lade Clothing ever before offered in Towanda * toiethet frith Cloths, Cassimeres. Vest. ings, and.Trimlngi which he will make up in the aniffoved style. and ai the lowest price. lie h4sailso 4 . ! , 1 hand Km of the aids' fashionable stock of Furnish ing Goods, , such.,Woolen Una dershirts, Overshirts, Overalls, Dcawers, arid every article in his line pertaining to Gentleniens7 War drobe. which will be sold cheaper than any other Clothing Store in Bradford County. He is Cutithleto that (rota Ilia long experience that he can give general satisfitetion. Ifeemploys none but the most espert workmen, and feels assured that his work vi ill not suffer by comparison with the best city shops either in elegance of workmanship or el, egance of style; and hopes b$ *let attention to business, to merl• a continuance of that liberal pat ronage which bait been eitended to him heretofore. Returning sincere thanks, for past 'avon he asks the fihblic to give him a Cal SO see for themselves. (f - CUITINCiI done as usual and warranted to fit if properly made up..CD 1:0.1;km% mistake the place, on the corner of Main at., And the public square, opposite the Ward Houie.„Cl) 'Tis even co, this world is," all a 'rage," And gents most drtss in this progiessive age, Each have their taste ofs!yte, of cut and drese— The lineation asked trliere can pre getthe best] Where can the largest stock of goods be found! Say where the cheapest and best abound ?, Where can we st the shortest notice gel A coat, a vest and pantaloons that fit I To answer these, I frankly say to all The cheapest place iq " Hunting's Clothing Hall." Towanda Dec. 29, 1852. CLOTHING STORE. Si de O. ALEM=IMR, & CO. TN the Brick Block. nut door to Mercury store have I just added to their stuck, a large and fashiona ble assortment of • • Ready made Clothing; rED TO THE SIALSON, of every variety. both of style and price, to. ;itch they ask the attention of the public. This is now the largest stock Ever Offered in Thwanda and will he sold at priers considerable lower than e7er before ßnoarn in this place. Our goods are selected with .4,regyrd both to style and price, and offer inducements,noi to be met with at any other establishment. • • E. - F Strangers vlsitin "Z wanda, or oth ers in want ofo a Will Sad THE LARGEST' ASSOHTMiNT at our establishment. in this section of the coyntry, and made in such style and materiale as to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by • . LOW PRICES ec GOOD OLOWEIGMTG, to secure petronage. feeling confident that our arti cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser. The assortment comprises every article required fur a gentleman's outfit. TERMS—CASH. Overcoats, Coats Pants, thrcralls Caps lic LocsTross.—Next door south of Meteor's Main st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Amours Hall. Elmira; and under A. C. Porters Hotel, Tioga Vill age, Tioga Co. Pa. Towanda May 25th 1951. Ta',FirS l 7 rIDNA ALNID NEW GOODS, OPPCSITE THE COURT HOUSE. 3- • 0, : AVE just completed a large and finely 6ni6hed, Store ou the 'ire of the two they had. burneo, and filled it e,iLlt the largest and most comprebewt ive stuck of Groceries, Provisions, Yankee Notions, Confectiettnry, Toys, &c., dice. ever exhtbiled this side or the city. We h ive bought fur cash, articles of the best quality ; consequently- are prepared to sell at as low prices as the same quality can be bought at any othil - place. And we flatter ourselves that if lortune has been agaiiis . i ,tis, (fire havtng consum ed Iwo stores and pti4 s t ock , of i goods) our old cus tomers will not follow precedent, if the" call and see our Finch and _heat . exceedinkit low prices. Among the many articles we hat: are GROGERJES, . Tes, sugar, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, molasses, the wart's syrup, ginger pepper, spice, cloves. nut megs, cinamon, salera me, soda, cream tartar, ground mustard, pepper sauce. catsup.ean tiles, bar soap, vinegar. starch &c., &c. PHOVIBIONB, Mess pork and beef, hams and shoulders, wheat flour, boelrhe,t flower, (torn meal, soda and butter crackers, mackerel!, codfish, shad, herring, potatoes beans oniontr,-,Sec., &a FRUIT AND NUTS., Preserved prunes, citrons. Englit& efirfihis, flOins• green and dr . ?edAlthond•,,fillierts, ennoble and rna , !eria ufen(ll4fitalral data, s eanuts, chest nuts, hickory nuts, Ste: IraJr/iC EE Jiltiftill*Si • Ivory. born and wood pocket combs, toilet, combs, fine combs, hair, cloth, teeth, infants, and blicking brushes, wallets, poite monies, and purses of many styles, pocket ink stands, pocket and small fancy mirrors, tobacco, boxes, squff boxes, and almost evers , artielti in (hill .ine. Wort boxes, toilet cases, secretaries. plain and embroidered, work baskets of msny styles. Crernian,Preneh andericail TOYS of every de scriptloa and, rihr. A jew,eartliep and pewter tea setts, for little girls, ann,a few boys' sleighs. BROWN'S WASH BOARDS, SUGAR BOXES, WILLOW AND SPLINT MAKKET BASKETS. 13 A, L , Ashton dairy salt, ground rock salt, Salina salt both coarse and fine. Also, quantity of White Stone Lime. . CANDY wholesale or retail, of ail kinds and into:in:amble other articled, for sale at the new store opposite the Court noise. Towanda, Dec. 1. 1852 BAILEY + NEVINS. - - . glorOngh Ordinance. BE it ordained by the Town Com.eil of the Dor°. of T.,wanda, in coqpcil assembled, on , the 6th` day of April. A. D., 1863. That if any perr or' permns shall pile, lay, or atore,, any boards, plank, or scanil ntz, shinal , s or ifteater,,. upon the public square, oi wf:httl' a cf the public stunts, smelt Person nr pernr:s forfeit and pay • for eve ry such olTsoF,e MAT of Five Dollars for cvtry day the said prop .11y shall remain upon the said Fr i ; s ar t i or in any part of said streets, aftor twirl k ern a street Commissioner orto Town GAincil t o re. move the same. Provided. that while any Iv:aeon /l b a ! be erecti ng a building, he may oee7,py opposite his land for a reagonablu length time- a portion of the street for the parpost-s idotessick not howeverin-a manner to obrauct BLWELT..4' Bairgess. J. I'. MEANS, N. N. OBITS, 'T61141 - Council. J. BECDIANNN Attest—Fl. MoAlpin, Cleft. Towanda. April 1%1853. re LOVES and 110131illY et et erg,- deseription • st Dec. I, PS:, • , MERIBUIR.- 1:71;% 12E2 . , gT AG - E-8 LEAVELTarratila4irnarcaies • ' i b r.r. Milbl i ßp#ProD,Eo3llBED -'—• le r1:1 a . :Wailaba4Ld Rid be rid • pot on the ;' . evert Ma of easastand FILIDAT at a erfork A. M.. and arrive at dm take 110 , evening train'of cars either east or irleat, crone klilY4 . Returning Tvattritsc - Tabastis* enn,..rrAventsv, after the arrival of -thii-Eastern train, and also . dip We.tern cam from Jefferson, Elmira. &c.. and ar rive at Towanda ditztie- day. Firikr.Torianda ter Mercur i o mills. "37/1 to:Burlington, SO to East'Smithfield, 02i " tp.Riduebery, I.ou " = -to 111 7 0),sborg depot. 1.25 Espress packages to or froni Ae Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges., r. /S. M.:11;*. NOPMpla, LIQUORS! LIQUORS! THE Subscribers bovine formed a copannership under the firm of S. FELTOS & co , for do ing a general Liquor business, wonld respectfully ask lintel keepers and all others in want of any thil?gi in the:it hoe to giva.them a call. We 'mend keeplng dri.iiaiid a general assortment of Foreigti Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any ono else in the county, (turn the fact that we buy direr{ from the importers, and thereby save - a large profit charged by the Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant ed pure and free from °alteration. Also constant ly on hand Whisfiey of,ihc best quality. Wa have made attaufeements by which we can furnish our ens , omers with any quaatity.of Binghamton DEER fresh from the Brewery. Please give us a call.— The orates and acconntasof the old firm of 8. Feb ton & Co., are in our hands fat seuletnen. DRESS-MAKING a MISSES C. IL& M. A. LYON, have establi?bed themselves in liionroeton, intend carrying an the above business in all its various branches, and respectfully solicit a share of the publie patronage. A choice stock of MILLINERY. will be kept on band and for sale at etc lo.west pri ces. Miss Lyon will he constantly advised of the latest fashions by the connexion in the city, and no endeavours will be spared to please. .-Monroeten. Nov. 20. 1862. TNT H. WILSON, formerly of Bradford Counti; V • Pa., returns bin-thanks to his friends forpast fators. and solicits the coot innation of their patp2p, age. Having made arrang.eMents contiatie with the firm of Fuller ¢ Dayton N° 142 West street,be tween Barclay and Ve-ey streets, titt4re He cAri found always ready to supply hip customers' want ing GROCERIES, with a supply at low prices and on favorable terms. Particular pains will be taken to keep on hand desirable goods for that !erdion of the country. • New-York. Feb. 9.1852. "They can't Keep House without it s Experience of more than sixteen you has hitablestesl the fact that Merchant's Celebrated tiargliog On, or t.e. vemal Family Embrocation, will cure most eases, ad here all such as Spavina, SWORney4 Bingbone. rat Evil; Callous; k`racked Heels, Gall. uf alt kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Sruists, Py tula, Sitfast, Sand Cracks. Strains. Lameness. Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Mange. Rheumatism, Bites of Animals. External Poi sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Buns. Corns, Whitlows. Burns and Chillh!ains. Chapped Minds; Ciarrifs. Cosi- uneVuris of Jtmaitacles. Swellings, Weakness of the Joints. Caked limasta. The unparalleled success of title Oil, in Ma cam of AIR eases In Horses and Cattle, and ofen In human dark hi daily becoming more knowni to the farming teeenanWw.. It can hardly be credited, meta by those who-bawl hag% Se the habit of beeping It in their stables and bower, what a net amount of pam, enfering ant time, an sand by . the timely application of this Oil. W Es eery the name of the BOW proprietor, Rmin t og„ W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. icalown. In the Skin of the bottle, and in his handwriting over the cork. onion addressed. to the proprietor will be re=Vto.' ainealet of the Agent, and see what wieine adkomplabed by the 'ere of Ilia medicine. guise6s, aelpilv AM rimers potently, to ap, Rohs. bane tea Canal. Sue kit ,;. Ada vrq.--11. V: POiter, C Athens—Eli Baia Way —g. • l'ibirriesl Coln's** Plata—L. D. T., dir , Burlington--Frisbie &" 848- Orwelt--E. yer, Bina. Ransfield—Humphrey, & race, Tioga—Turrel. Montrose -,-Perry & 6 Ce.te , Elmira. Wholisal agents are Ward, Close 6c Co:, 83 Maiden st., Ns vr York. rI3HIS e.rtraordinary prep:trot...alms been for ny years the mostjerboa' dnd speetly remedy for CrIDAIIIS, COLDS, ANT#Ntici3IIONCIIITUD;IN ILV a a - 21, A N'D DINEASKS Olr vres Curer AND I.isos. To those suffering,frotheGitfriatehod confirmed Coughs, m they give the o timmediate and perfect relietand when great liability to take cnti estate, and a trout lesome Cough succeeds the slightest exposore. these WAFERS produce tbs , most marked results. The,s, at once relieve the Cough and other Syniptorrtv, rnl entirely remove that morbid irritabilit7 Weak'. news of the Lunge which give , rise to Ore - Complaint. The tindical propertio.; are combined Oran agreea hl:3 form and pleasant io the taste. so that any child will readily take them and, they are warranted to gists relief in ten mindfesaftet use in all cases. Price cents pet ter. tor sale by Dr.. H. C. PORTER. Towanda. a. Towanda, Feb. g. 1853. HE subscribers are compelled by the nece•Yily Af bahilitj ask those knowing thehmetres indebied. to o.noe and_ ogeide and matte payment, Kanner/se they need not be nurpriaect to findtbiliact convoy lodged where payment Arm he enforced. • Towandtt. Feb. 4, 14'53'. MON IA N YE'S & Co. The accounts ated. notes of ISAAC POST deed. are at the store cf the share firm: and immediate at% tention 10 thuttientenvent will save cast. THOMAS ELLIMIS I • • .6, D. MONTA NM. Tmranip, Feb, 6, t. 6.3. AdatiniFiratorr. •7 .7'.,atinauct-45tagcs-, Towanda. Oct 8, 1832 Towanda. Dec. 1, 1852 tiviorkkftrtvol-3:t1; , t1 AND II& IC tig3Xir fMPaa2'ANI Farmer, Furier & Stake PrOprletoi a d li Eo. W. MERCHANT'SG6I4 0111/11L111 11 Tllll 111111 TORY 01 11/111110111, 4 the most remarkable) External Azdicatioa em BRYAN'S q- A\ fIN (.6 PLLMONIG VAFritg f I . A Friendly Call 113] 8. FELTON E. T. FOX.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers