"/IC~, u %.A=-"?=`.~s; ".'l.S.Y..3:~~~'`w~lL'{.Y'"~w!4 KF'~%+S'S~"`)ZIM-i yS+ L ~ !+X T»~{ Straw Ctitteii. TICIVEI 8 Patent Spiral %rife Hay and Straw .14 P atters of various sizes. Nos. 1,2, 3.4, 5 and 6. Prices. d, $9, $10412, $l5 and s 2o . Theie Straw Cutters are better and cheaper - than the straight knife cutter, with knives set, diagonally on the shaft. . The knives on govey's Cotter-are spiral. which enables them to cut at right angles against the raw bide roller. They cut steadily, with no jerking-- ere easily kept in repair. Each knife can be taken ar and sharpened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives,)and if necessary each knife can be set out or in, so ss to keep them all true, if one knife should wear faster than another. Every farmer should have one of these sabot and feed win.: ma chines. R. M. WELLES. Athens, Pa., lan. O. 1853. Corn Sheller*. Tlif. very best article to be (bond in the county, and cheapest—(Warranted)—for vale at the Agricultural and Stove Store of R. M. WELLES._ Stoves!. Stoves! COOKING Stoves of various and excellent pat. tens, sizes andprices. Four patterns of eleva ted Oven Cooking Stoves, the best to be found in Bradford, for sale cheep. Elegant Parlor Stoves, for Toad or:coal, of different patterns, Arc.: Bat old toal Stores' for Halls, Stores, Churches, alicips, &hoot Houses, dtc., very Cheap. Call at the Ath ens stove store of - R. M. WELLES. Jan. 8,11153. Bathing Tubs!, QPONGE BATHS and foot bath pans for sale 1, - -7 cheap. My bathing tuba are equal to ihe best city made. R. M. WELLES Jan. 8, 1853. 0413! 011 s! Cl.7lllrBeelebnited winter strained Lard OIL, for machinery, warranted not to gum. Also, an excellent but cheaper article for Lamps, *c. NVAT'W Fo6l' On, for Leather, Harness, &C., all for sale by the quantity or less, cheaplor cash or ready pay.-at the Athens Agricultural store of Jan. 8, 1853.. R. M. WELLES. Patent Loathes Stelling ! ALL sizes of Patent oak and hemlock tanned Belting and Lace Leather, at 10 per cent. less than city retail prices to be had for cash at,the 4th vta Agricultural Stars of A. M. WE E&: Jan. 8, 1853. Jobbing OF all kmdo in 77n, Sheet iron, Copper, Bross, &c, done on short notice. Workmanship &c., war .anted to give satiffaction. - Tiq rooft tig _do ne in, inch a manner as..qh a II please Cal t n - 4 •'•it M. WELLES. Athena,..lanuary 80853., Rate ei-treiy kit prineefottlinay---pay ;' tha very best VI _tee to quo' found 'thin vicinity, blade /mot the beitLeaafentiailver-stael, - of vat;ons patterns far lumbermen- and wood choppers,-and warrantedi--thall at - thulkilleir Agricultural store of Jan..tils 3 3, -, -', • Ag:l4,llll.Esg. HAgo':ouT.THE BANOER!! A honief a horse ! my kingdom for r . , a horse"and customers to take away • - g i ti the goads:: . Notwithstanding the late disesteems Are, A. M. WARNER is - - himself again And at No. I Brick-Ro* you'll find Most,anyibing thit's in his line, Prorrincambric needle of_the finest kind, To .jewelled watch - of eighteen karat fine. Clacks which keep time accerate and true ; Breed pine-ofevety style and hue, , r Goklotilvei;4leel and,platniehahtti-.7 geldotettinb the- ireatest pains: . . llngefrinifs, my gosh, why what - t pile Oteverl shape and every style, • TO Snit the' old. the young, the grave, the gay, gay there be seen in elegant array. —And WARMER, whO is himself a " best," Is always ready and at his post, • To' Wait ispbh his customers and all . Wiio chance upon 'ins to give a call. • go with good advice Make up your mind., `To'Call on him and there you'll find tilach eights, my eyes, 0 ! what a View "Jewelry of every style and hue. alSwet mistake the plane No. I. Brick row, where he is prepared to do ill kinds of -• JOB—MO ditiC dts his line of huskies, at the - ehespest rates that can psytlbly afforded. Ue will Also sell his jew s elry at 20 per sent lower, than was ever before offered in. thirmarket. el' Call and see..CD roirapAla.Nar, 12, 1882. A.lf WARNER. lisiond to -B. Kingtheres "Brock I 1111".6 Clitamberthi, • - r . Aginsfeetarnedfrovatbecity rp . J.. 14 'of New. York with a 'large 'ripply of Watches,. Jewelry, and ,Silver ware, comprising in part, the following erucles.—lsiver, L'Epinsand Ptah Watches s itith • h., * complete Unit mint of Gold Arne6y, andh u Ear Rings, F. set 'Hi, Ilp;irteuti s intOrlinalatarrintketa.Gola chains, Geld Pens, Keys, etc. •Atso, all ante of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel trea&—tilrorwhich be offers Au sale asceesdingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice. and warranted. to rut :7010e the money will be refeedleillOre:tatt . um agreement' tiVento (het o fled7ftriquirnil, •,,. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, seircultdry.' . ltrodac , taken halervtatent for work; andelexi'keirkrier4 an ewer, tut efe Pfleftier enrol freirslikise#l7Artsr or # done—l war against' credit in AU iti mss; .w. A. CIIOIIIIPATICAgent. Agri' 0 8 ,1 9 5 k • - . LOOKING GLABEr and filled or any size, to be had at the Jewelryistore. of May15;1852: W A; CRAMBEAbW (_ • - X •# ' API Saddle, Harness arTrunklanufactory. Tug CULP & terpeetrallylnftirm the - public eiP the% they here remind to the shop' otiMaisketreet, madly cieenpieti by Smith & Son, ettatly opposite the Went Boum, triune they will keep on hand' httt stoilt of nalaumm4 tammataa OUNMIta. ?*C S, TUNIS, WORM ETC. 'SU 'art/cleric' their line manufactured to order, and made of thebeetWaterial,and farworkmanship cannot be surpeased - rn Northemetwowylvanho. They solicit call from thaw wishing to perdue, confident that they can give satisfaction both as to qualitrand price. gUllides and Sheep Pelts reestiva Airwaric and on jncoUnt, lithe lowest ratan Sale LeailieeMppe - r;taallierdtaisera.Ceatlat, and calisfrus for cafe io •D 7, cueoll. :PAITTICULAR. (IN gewand of loom supenee , ail4thelsoi Ara %-1 ore obliged to, callow those ielrftto u fo, a Pigott-settlement, se mitre miles ..thek Iteeessilr, bavieg what is owing to us, we trust this notice wli• ha =Saint Witted rimming to other, num Towileki - Dew 1924: • -.. • • • , • • IVrlittellol:4llto4i large and desirable assort, Iftentilbisboelawns, swiss and book mus- KANN jams*. satabrus•and bared ausslial at Dec 1. lan SIERCUIP, OR:TEL-, . . DO' t gr. 0311305 OR " ' asiitroitiktiCtL Q,,TOREirrAssouttsinitof the ,Waid.Mouse, weft knoterfosibilattl* eliespestandMoit extensive Piirecuheaderitirtit be given to any or all who-may wieb to call, either to itamine Or parttime, and r allrinedioa. Atiformatithl wilt be cheerfully and gratuftweity given to those who who wish to consult concerning - thernsebros or friends. Contlnnoie sepplies of link . and 'recently prepares/ ' tietesmo iteekly aniviegituoring been -carefully se lected with* view to theirusefithren,ond any article wanted not usually kept, either wilt be found here, or procured at the , shortest Mule°. by Eapreas, for those leaving their order. Accommodating clerks, always wilt bir eady to safety compound any. prescriprion and endeavor to make it (whatever the purchase) mutually agreeable. All goods shall be considered warranted as represented, and being Agent for the beat and pop afar Patent Medicines, MI those found in this store can be relied upon, in all caseit, as being genuine. The mock now comprises every article in the trade, 42M00t which may be found the following : ' Drags anti medicines. sem. aloes 'orris Acetic ' asafoetida squill Citric arable valrean Nitric mphor, *rues° Muria* copal - **reap:mill Aquafurrie, gamboge ginger ale Sulphuric • prairie SAITO Tartaric etc myrrh magnesia samara. shellac 'sulphur ragscanth etc. brimstone rocs. calomel quicksilver tartar lemons 'rods 'eves= tartar reptant antimony alumalum corro sublimate red precipitate quinine qualms arsenic XIIIICELLA A NOVIII alcohol ether ,landanlim 'paregoric Fir Copaive TOW, nlpfitrr tife• ea nests foot tanners alma &nor 3 apenn ongantim 1. &moot lemon Wintergreen luicinnamon closes hemlock juniper. ,in tansey tar MUM Btoemq Cinnamon Peruvian (Jeers) Elm eta ESIZITC I& Peppermint Cinnamon Wintergreen etc - TITS& CTS. Sampan& thuidelion` Boneset Horebouni Aconite• Vanilla Lemon etc mammy orange di peppermint linseed cod liver etc LT.Avus. [huhu ova area etc ROOTS Colombo gentian dap tunnerie apijelia (pink) hellebore ipicec rth uPrice mink commaty enbarb GROCERIES SEEDS. Fenigreek Anise Caraway Canary Rape Garden , • Mustard Cardamom Colchicum etc )LOW ens. Chamomile Arnica Lavender etc 0131101, opium • Sugar, Coffee, and Tea of all kinds, molasses, arks pepper. cloves, mustard, nutmeg, mace, fish, mins, armor; entrants, alma . - oil, cocoa, chocolate, mode, butter crackers. rice, stir' ch. .ginger, il - derates, white and bar soap, sperm and tallow candles, lugs, bottles, pipes, pepper sauce &c. Liquors. eggei l e, Otani and American Brandy, Bt. Cron. Old Jamaica and New England Ram, pore Holland and Am. Gin, Irish and Monongahela Whiskey, Ma &dm Lisbon, Sherry, Tenerife Port, Muscat, Claret 'and Champaign Wines—Cordiale, Rose, Amour Mo kee, Noyean Etc , cheaper than ever offered. Soaps, Perfumery and Finney Goods. Shaving seam, military, windsor, medicated, ean.l, musk, almond, palm, french, toilet, rose, and transpa rent soaps, Lnbins, French, and Wrights extracts of °ekes club, pstchoully. bog, de caroline, musk, mile Bear s , verbena. heliotrope; sweet brier ' geranium spring flowers, west ead and new mown bay &e.-- mirus, cologne, bay and eons waters. Lilly white Spanish' pearl powder. rouge hair dyes, hair invigora tors, hair enu,icators, hair oil, pomades, court plaster, perfurile sachefir, playing cards, pencil points, stee l pens, fish hooks, drawing pencils, percussion cops, r e I black, and indelible inks, combs, purses, pocket books. port monsis, wafers, pocket mirrors napkin rings an 1 travelling - eolociattiMr die. BUSHES. }lab, hat, stove, scrub, shoe, paint, marking. viunish sash, attiSt camel's ban. striping blender's and badger's whitewash. counter, flesh, tooth, nail comb broom cloth infant, lather, table, horse and blacking brads!". linscaLttneons. Tobacco alld snuff boxes, nipple shells, nursing bot ties, breast pumps, teeth rings bed pans, syringes, shoal der braces, trusses, supporters, pessaries, catbeters;cap log glasses, graduates, mortars, spsruls, f o rceps l a ncets thermometers, liquid and spread adhesive plasters, &c. V alit* and- Dye Ilitntlis. • Piic.red, eanyendlog wood, fustk, lac dye, eudbear restssinndera,•medeee, alum, copperas, bins vitriol, sol. tin,tomposition chernic.oil, vitriol, mane and all the acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten stone, American & Chinese vermillion, Spanish brown, American & Eng Ilk Venetian verdigris, Paris green, white, black and red lead, chrome yellow and green, japan, coach and copal varnish, lampblack, litharge, potty, whiting ochre spirits turpentine. Wttseedoll, math, chalk, umber, aeo ns, gold leaf, bronze, alto. • Frenei 0115 -1 2444, 20;2040, 20,24, 22-24,14 18, 1240, 12-18, 12-19, 10-14.10-12, 8-10, 7.9; Patent Medfclues. MOLE AOC!? FOX Dr. Jaynes' Allcestive Elllnctorinkldenntlee ,Fiteheit,lxpeeWint, tonic humor corrector, 40. Merchant's Gargling pit for horses, Sweynee . medicines, wild cherry. 4c. Bran's ruhriancry Bats= and Zsinrct, etc. Quitles Vennifuge. Houghom's Pepsin or Gastric juice for dyspepsia. Osgood'. Indian Cholagogue, for fever and ague. t3carps'a Acoustic oil for Deafness. R. P. Towneet Bersaparills, - litchenclea Pula:Mite Byrup : Dr. Keeter's Family infilicines. Hutchings Ditpepsna Bitters. ,ffoodand's German Bitten', for Dyspepsia and Debility Brown'i Essence /melee Ginger. Dul oy'i Rit and Mieit'Esterminator. Also agent for Herriclesineirteinis,- platten, etc., Au drew'ir and Dish? Pain Kilter Oraefenberg medi • tines, Rile Eli:cicada etc., to:It rheum, tatter, ,lint worm, spasio and founder ointments, etc.; toot) cordial, &sierra, poor man's salves, eye waters, lini ments, evasive soap, bed bog poison. Hobermack's ainrClark's Worm syrup, Cluistie'sGalsanie cum. civet, lifotrat's Phenols 'Men% Trial's magnetic, Mean* Dolley's, and . McAllister!. Ointments, DR low's get* POAder.: COnaitioif Powder, eke.. All the numerous kinds of . Witt. Phosgene/ suPerlor Burping fluid, Complicnie,wha.c, lard, cod sperm oil; new aria beautiful patterns of Raid amp: tuiw being opeoed Campbene, side ena bang trig lamp, for hall and store use, ginindoles, etc. • Tobacco. 'Civendiali, James, Katmai leaf, Turkish scarfalatti Sohn Anderson's fine cut; Bogg's Jenny Lind chewing rte:; cholee brands, pure Having Cigars, etc. etc. All of which will be sold at unusually low rates.-- Remember that Dr. Porter's Cheap Drug - and Chemi. eel Store I. in the south end urthe Wird lionseor few doors 'shove the post office ' Towanda. tlnel, t • NEM sfitjtra, a drat rate article kFt , for sale bf = Ir. FELTON 4k. Ca. D1111:tat GOODS.. , A gocelaseortotent of almost every style of dress goods wom by /mites and children, for sale at : _ ileol - 111$11017110. 201 , 0 'rerdb; 64. ll. I gisl"laiZjuit: Towanda, March'23, 1851 L REM "',:~~ ISSN DR a BRICE ROW, SWUM OWN, BUT STILL AUVE ! °EMOTED to the store recently oceripied by $. IA S. Bailey as grocery and -Post once 3 doors south of Montanyes corner, where he has received a full, new and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDI CINES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap' er for cash than ever. Here you will and annexed a few leading articles : Senna Alex., Fosgate's Cordial do Indie Elix Opi Cream Tartar Hay's Liniment Sup C Soda Hair Dye Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia Calc'd Ointment, Trasks do Carb, do Dalley's do S 8 do McAltester do Henry's Shakers Herbs 3 Colocyntb do Extracts do Apple Tilden's Alcoeolic Ex't Cochineal Rhei Extract Trusses Hulls`Jalap Extract do Marshes, Meakim's Vanilla Ez't do Shaker, do Lemon do ... Balsam Wisters do Mace do do eheesmans do Almond do do Fir i do Cloves do Copabia do Allspice do do Tolu do Nutmegs do do Peru do Peach do do Pahnoffary do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid Tartaric do Orange do do Aceticdo do do Benzonic Lu b i u' s 8 PrTnl i t a w e r do Citric do Musk do do Nitric do Violette do do Oxalic do i'lltagnolia do do Hy drocyanc do Sweet Br* do do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed do Jock'y Orb do do Sperm do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do Boquet do do Neatsfoot rings, Pewter as'm'nt do Almonds do Glass do do Amber Reel Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber Red do .do G. E. do Anisi Rad Rhei Turk do Caraway do do do Croton do Ipecac do Cubebs do Jalap do Cummin do Ginger White do Fennel, do Orris do Lemon Gum Camphor do t'assia, do Opi Turk do Cod Liver do Myrrh Turk do Lavandula 0 do Arabic do do Neroli do Copal do Jesmin do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg . do Aloes Cape do Orange Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda do Rose Castor Russ do Cedrat ,Isinglass do do Copabia lEvens' Lancets do Ergot Nitra Silver, Op't do Verbena Ozid Sian uth do Violeite Blue Pill I mer. do Mellesse lodide Potass do Mellefluer Tart do do Patchortly Garb do Brushes, Paint Sulph do ' do Varnish Gaustie do ~ do Hair Citrate Ferri do Hair,Camel lodide do do Nail Tannin do Tooth Prow lod Mercury ' do Shaving Strychnia do Flesh ,Piperin do Cloth Elateriam • do Hat lodine Soap, Yankee Veratrin do Crystalline Kreosote' do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete: do Coopers Morphine Sulph do Rose do Act do Victors 'Calomel, American do Orange do English, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erosive do White do Castile Sulph Zinei do Military Bronze, Crimson do Sevin do Pale Gold do Brown ; db Dark do Fricopherons do W bite Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Op't Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters P russian Blue Chloroform g do Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English Together with Paints, Turpentine. Varnish, Dye- Woods dr, Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liqeora for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con emoted with the trade. • Having secured the services of Dr. B. Unseal', whr keeps his office at this store, and will give me dical advice gratis to people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions carefully compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec toris!, Schencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes" Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now In use constantly on head and for sale at REED'S Drug Store. Three Doors below Montanye's :onset. Towanda, January 9, IBM. EC akers herbs gold leaf castile soap eniee turpentine aqua ammonia opedildoc cubebs brutish lustre bronse I burg. pitch I eantharides corks bath brick emery sand paper white glue otter or aunatto 60BARRELIS ofold Ohio Whiskey just•reeeived and for said wholesale aad retail, at Reed's Thug Store.- B Q HINItES of Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring, b bands tot Saleratns, warreoted in prime order, left on sale at New York cub prices at REED'S Drug Store, Towanda, Jan, 28, 1858, MARBLE P BOPLE of Bradford County wishing anythin • nice in the way of hfonntnenti, Headstones onto Tables, Centre Tables of holiest and Amer. ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes, can ye them on the shortest notice by sending in their orders, cheaper and ben.. than can be pur .ased eliawberit. • ' c"Chester Welk, Cabinet Maker and ande • ,wearlropposite the Ward Home. Tehran , Agent:.: _ O.W. PHILLIPS. Towanda. March. *l, MS. Okarai liked. • .IZreceived -a •eoantity of very superior Crover 3. Pars ets %%old do well' to purchasc tbefr erect early. ' J. RINOSBEI?. Towanda, Veb. 8, lae.a. .kii**;o*poodi. ttOR _ „.,... , OWEGO FACTORY, _ llamas bt• T war • • : 10314111MWMPAIIIILTI1P. Otir the veflea - atfi r iligrave, isplothat I. my faintly and friends had loat'all boot badmy re covery; Whertin th is situation, latimg res cues) by the use of BcieneY3 Pulmonic Syrup, I de site to testify, with grateful emotion to Br. Schenck, the unspeakable benefit I bore :waived from the use *Ms invaluable medicine. Early last fall, contracted a violent cold, and in consequence of which Iliad chills, alternated with fe ver. pubis in my right breast shoulder blade, with s bad cough, and no expectoration. I kept getting worse until I took my bed, and had the attendance of my family physician. twos under his care about four weeks, and at the expiration of that time was reduced so low that despair took told of myself and friends, and even my physician abandoned me and gave me op to die with the hasty consumption. My appetite was gone, my bowels very irregular. fever and night sweats, pain in my breast and shoulder, attended with a distressing cough, which was very tl:it ;my flesh had newly all gone, and Was so weak that I could scarcely raise my bead (rein the pine*, and was truly au object of pity to behold. My friends had been sent for to see me die, and my sick bed was surrounded by kind and sympathizing neighbors, who had come to witness my departure from this world. When all rays of hope hod fled of my recovery, a neighbor, Mr. David Conrad, propoied to try Schenck's Putnionic Syrup, with a view of loosening my cough and relieving me of the tough phlegm, and as a means of affording temporary relief, remarking at the time, " that I was too far gone for the Syrup to be of any permanent benefit." My wife, anxious for the relief of my intense sufferings, procured some of the Pul monic Syrup. I found it afforded me relief, and con tinued using itd I could feel its healing influence upon my longs. I continue to improve under its use, end my friends were much gratified to witness my unexpected un- Foramens ; many of my neighbors came to look at me as one raised from the dead. E;1 . • My cough now became loose, and I felt something break, when I had the pain in my beast, and I dis charged large quantities of yellow matter. I have for weeks discharged and raised a spit box full of matter every day, with hard lumps like grains of something. My bowels now became regular and natural, and my appetite was so far improved, that I could scarcely re frain from eating too much. My strength improved, and I regained my flesh. I continued to improve in every respect soon after I commenced using the Syrup, and the improvement continued until I was restored to my health. I have passed through the inclement weather of the latter part of winter and the spring, and feel as well now as ever I felt in my life, and I am this day a living testi mony of the great efficacy of Scbenck's Ptdmome Syrup in curing pulmonary diseases. Lest this statement be thought too highly colored by some people, I subjoin certificates of a number of the inhabitants of Tacony, who saw me at different times' during my disease, and never expected to see me restor ed. I also append the certificate of the brothers of Mystic Lodge, N 0.270, I. 0. of 0. P., who kindly watched over me, and fully believed they would con sign my remains to the tomb ; but, thanks to Dr. Schenck for his invaluable ,PUillOODie Syrup, my life has been spared, and lam permitted to make the fore going statement for the benefit of suffering mankind. I reside at Tacony, and am well known by most o the people there, and will be gratified to have any person call upon me and learn more particulars of the virtues of this medicine. JOHN C. GREEN. June 24th, 1851. The subscribers, members of the Mystic Lod 0, No. 270,1.0. of 0. F. of HolrneSburg, Pa. do hereby cer tify that we know John C. Green. (and is a member in good standing in No. 270 I. O. of O. F.) who was dangerously ill with a low Pulmonary Consumption, last wint,r,so that they give him rp .o die ; that he is now fully restored to perfect health, and they believe his recovery was produced by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. We believe his certificate is correct in every par ticular. HENRY NEFF, P. G. ALFRED ROBINSON, P. G. ABRAHAM ARTHUR, P. G. J. K. OSMAN, N. 0.1 JACOB WATERMAN, JR I JAMES C. CALVER. JOSHUA PHINEMORE. DE Holmesburg, Philadelphia Co., lime 25, 11;151. The undersigned; residents of Tacony, eight miles above Philadelphia, being well acquainted with John C. Green, and the circumstances attending his use. feel impelled by a deep sense of imperative duty,. to make universally known to the public his entire recov ery from the very last stages of Pulmonary Consump tion. So entirely helpless wire his condition, having been but a brief period since in that rapidly sinking end emaciate state, as to two/1y preclude, in the opin ion of his physicians and friends, who watched by his bedside, all hopes of even a temporary recovery and restoration to his present robust health. Thus the care ful use of your invaluable Specific, the Pulmonic Syr up, makesit our belief, under the circumstances of his previous prostrate, not to say dying condition, one of the most startling resulurthar the whole annals of medi- Cal skill or science can produce. It deserves to be im perishably reco-ded to your credit, and secure to you, the greatest discoverer of this hitherto temediless dis ease, a lasting monument and a world-wide reputation in the healing art, that no time may either diminish or destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green's distressing struggles and sufferings from a continued cough, su peradded to the other symptoms consequent upon, or attending to the last stages of a pulmonary disease ; and moreover, it being so generally believed by his nu merous friends that no human power could relieve, or protract his life, much less restore him back again to hie former health, we feel it thus our duty to give, our unqualified of Mr. Green's perfect recovery, by means of the exclusive use of your wonderful Syr up ; and we should indeed rejoice if we could be made the bumble instruments of relief and cure to others who may be so unfortunate as to be similarly afficted. David Conrail, Jesse Duffield, C. Hinckle, A. Heath, Joseph Head, Jr., Jesse Watson, Stephen Lukens, Robert Allyn, Matthew Toden, James Torbert, John Bloomesbury, Allen Vandegrift. Prepared only by Dr. Schenck, and sold, who!, sale and retail, by his sole agents, John Gilbert & Co., Wholesale Druggists, 177 North Third street, Phil's, Clicken & Co. 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Redding & Co. No. 8 State it. Boston ; IL Blakeley, corner Third and Chestnut streets. St. Louis ; and by principal Druggists throeghout the United States. And by the following Agents in Bradford County : H. C. Porter, Towanda ; D. Bailey & Son, Leßays vale ; T. Humphrey, Orwell ; Maynard & Woodburn, Rome ; J. J. Warford, Monroe ; D. D. Parkhurst„ Leßoy; C. E. Rathhone, Canton; King dr. Vosburg Troy; 0: A. Perkins, Athens.. p All letterssachessed to DR. .1.11. SCHENCK, Ewe aloha Gilbert 4 Co., Whok sale Druggists, No. 177 North Third street, Philadelphia. floors & SHOES—the largest and best stoat is town at ocilt B. KINGSBURY'S. ter. Aweitanei. BOOTS Se - SHOES! Soba - lar. *now H AS removed hie eatablleltritent s to Mix's store, mot of aMiti street and the public squaws mid will centime the mansficturis of Bests sod Shoes, ss heretofore.. - fle hulas' received from New York a large *Mort ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes. which ere offered at low prices. The attention clam Ladies is particularly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles scEilemeilediesury Lind gai ter boots; db: . does ; black belting and silk gaiters; walking shoe; finskinikite. Misses gaiters and shoes, or every description. A large amorttaimtof Children's fan'cy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen. almost every style of-gaitem ind shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and be believes he am o/rer superior articles at reasonable prices. az? , The strictest attention paid to Manufactiinag, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu ance of the liberid patronage he has hitherto received. Towanda. May 8. 1851. JOBS C. ADA?ltill .. wiz* xacrainritz ADA Md &MIULOPAULT4Unk ATTORNEYS AT LAW. re 1111.11WAlt Nrailfferd Coast. Pe.' I zi.rir c—i-s, lo c a•-• .1.: lc •_3 iPT_-11 COUNTY OUNYJIINN, HAVING located in Towanda, his services may be obtained by addressing a line through the Peat Office, or by calling at the offiee of Ulysses Mercor, :Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap• I licatfuon may be left. Na,. I, 1850. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. They are determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE-BHOEING done in the best manner. All bin& of repairing Machinery, executed in the moat skil ful manner. WOOD 'WORK for wagons wilt also be made and • repaired when desired. All work done at their shop, will be warranted to be Well done, and manufactured from the best materials. The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge for themselves. ESEN WINE & ISEEBISCITH. Towanda, May 2, 1851. Important to /gamekeepers: THE subscriber thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore re begs leave to . inform his r. 0.10, friends and the public general y, ' andthose commencing House -, 1- - - keeping in particular that he has 11; now on hand a large assortment "" 11 of FURNITURE, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of the best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and fwalnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and end tables,Sofas Couch es, whatnots, ifec. BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, together with other furniture usu ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms. i The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. OFESTF.R WELLS. N. B.—Furniture of all kind made to order, and warranted to be of the best matt rials and workman ship. Towanda, January 17, 18.52. L_S3Y.SIV,s:63II (.):161 VOLIT Genuine unless accompanies o a roe .sinr II le of the above Engraved Wrapper of Dr. E. SOULE & Co., upon each box. In offering to the public this justly celebrated SOV EREIUN BALM OF LIFE, it is nut our wish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior efficiency in restoring to health the sick and suffering, 'well knowing that their reputation as a STANDARD MEDICINE is of itself sufficient refer mice for the afflicted. Marty proofs might be given of their value on paper, but we prefer those unacquainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills. They wi.l (end them perfectly safe and reli able i in all cases : being purity vegetabk, and a medi tine worthy their best confidence and patronage. The following certificate was sent us for the public good: Htarairrra, Monroe Co. N. Y., May 10, 1851 We the undersigned, citizens of Henrietta, haying used personally Dr. Souk's Sovereign Bairn Pi/b.and witnessed the health-restoring effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pills to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted. G. M. ROBERTS, M. D. PHILLIPS, H. A. TIBBETTS, P..,8.—Y0u are at liberty to publish this for the pub lic good. Bawasa or Coniersaratra ! We are not aware the any one who is making a 'spurious article has yet dar ed toltnake use of 0111 name ; but some of them has had the impudence to imitate our totes and copy otn Circclars, Certificates, dec. [Weis the pablic are careful when they purchase, they will be deceived. ' The genuine &merely& Balm Pills can be had wholesale and retai', of Dr. SOULE & Co., Syracuse Onondaga Co. N. Y• Sold by Dr. H. C' PORTER,Towende Pa., and by their Agents in every town in the country. 1217 Lafayette Burr Mill Stone MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned, formerly foreman for many years of the Lafayette Burr Mill Stone Manu factory, 240 Washington St., N. Y., (W. Tyaelt, agent.) would inform his friends and the public in era?, that he has established a BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY, AT SINGRAMTON.N. Y. In Leroy buildings, opposite Exchange Hotel, and solicits a share of patronage. He will have constanUy en band a large stook of Freursh'Eleiii Milt Stoners, As ilacia large supply of French Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, and Patent Self- Digesting Bushes. The undersigned 'assures his friends and the public, that be will faithfullye;xecute all Ordereeto trusted to his care, not only ie quality but in pri , ces of articles furnished, and solicits their kind pat• ronage. ORDERS by letterwillbe executed with as much care and as cheaptas *hen purchasers arson the spot. REFERENCES—Hon. IL 8.. Dickinson, Hon. John A. Collier, Hon. A. Birdsall, Hon. V. Whit ney, Dr. Eldridge,:Col. H. Lewis. W. 8. Weed, & Co. Binghamton. D. Searle, Isaac Post. Judge Jessup. Salsbury, & Co.. Montrose, Pa. Caleb , Carroalt. Priendsville. Thomas Phinney, DundatT. O. 0. &H. Shipman. Waverly, , N. Y. Thomas Pearsall. Bmithborougii, N. Y. Major D. Merseream Union, N. Y. M. T. Nichols,' Owego. N. Y. Royal & Whitaker; Waverly, N. Y. JOHN W. OLILLIVAN. Binghamton. Nov. 8, 1861.y23 CLO . TIING.!! A CiatfilitiaL. hiving . been •purifie4 1.1.•• iticititt"fire, have again fitted mtlteito _ CL0711151 , 810114 r:_- In the ,tuilne iiiatgt before ,and-ave, . now - offe — rhig torAide;a - o)ixAtit,tioollitei* 44720 w inter i oo 2) a =h• - i-%:-1 being desirois of makintriO4irtoecent . lota, will sell at unusually low prices. • T A: . • - Towanda, Nov. 6, 1652. M=l=E= !ERNE G. H. DROWN. D. G. 0 CIS, LEWIS REED. STEANI - ENOS - NEti AND • BOILER 4. .1011131•3 1 / 1 .1g.cionatiun r, LAWRENCE, MABB. IV/rAE:LTACTURE 'Steam Engines an d Bail _ lyg, t om b's ta 1000 horses power. liorize em gines, ortheavy iron bed Plates, cast in one pi ece. have espassiouYelYea I. all joints ground as tato b e steam tight without , peeling oe Paine bearin g ,— wearing surfaces huge, aod running in edj eweahio ba 'sa of bronze or Babbitt metal; all balance wheeler: turnedbelt faces. The Regulator is ahed to t •plate. The Ponce Pump is in an i ndependent s. ne. , arranged with crank shaft and tight and loose p ul T' ready to receive a bell from the engine shift or fi any other shaft. • The whole style of work is n et ,: t° passed by any engine builders in the United g w ,_ ". Boilers of the best American or English i inl T alaa; cast or wrought, iron—either tubular or with the e _ made io the moat thorough manner. Engines from 8 to 100 horses power Collilluldy hand or in propene, to be delivered within leaden ca of the receipt of an order. Also, Steam Saw Mills, capable of sawing Soo f „, Board' measure, of one inch boards, in 12 ho l m, we ; one Muley saw, and requiring no other fuel than sawdust. The following are the prices of a few of l b ws , as. giness— prem Mill, inernifing steam engine, boiler sad trop chimney, complete ; pi nnan , malei awir ee , setters ; feed, and as was and noes for ao feet of carriage, complete, fatnik, Steam engine, 10 in. diameter of cylinder, 2 5in. sopa, with tubular boiler, containing 3EO wove atetot heating mine, and all castings, pipes, ,sue s , Tay s other parts necessary to set it m complete sp ew Lion, $154 Steam engine,l t in. diameter of cylinder , 30 in. so* with tabuar boiler, Containing 480 square feet of heating surface, complete as before, $177:, Etelivered on the are of the Boston and Maine Nil road at Lawrence, 20 miles from Boston- Terau s e es h on delivery. Boilers for the above modified to suit purchasers, and prices accordingly. McKiy ¢ Hondley, late of Pittsfield, lir ea whose steam engines are already widely known, bare rec ent/y taken charge of the works of the Essex Compemp, e d will be able, with their increased facilities and eq., rience, to make their approved engines cheaper and better than heretofore May 8,1952. y GORDON McKAY, Agent saoo CHALLENGE! W HATEVER concerns the health and happi Ate of a people, is at all times of the most riluabis importance. I take it for granted that every pes o will do all in their power to save the lives of the r children, and that every person will endeavor tom. mote their own health at all 'sacrifices. I feel n ton my duty solemnly to assure you that WOlitlk ec cording to the opinion of the most celebrated phyacuss are the primary causes of a large majority of discaa to which children and adults are liable ; mf you hare an appetite continually changing from one kind of Wok, to another, bad breath, pain in the stomach, picking sr the nose, hardness and fullness of the belly, dry cough, slow fever, pulse irregular—remember that nil them denote Worms, and you should at once apply the metly : Itobeimack's Worm syrup An article founded upon scientific principles, el pounded with purely vegetable substances, being p r fectly safe when taken, end determined in all its dem and not leaving the system in a diseased condition,, most advertised nostrums, composed of Cskimelint& removal of Worms, such 'as Lozenges, Venadem. &c., but bas performad the most astonishing cores.sci saved the lives of thousands, both young sod old,vit4 have been pronounced hopeless incurable by Phyk clans. Read the following, and become comincel its efficacy over all others: Ma. .1. N. Hostarsacx—This is to certify tan nr child, 15 yeats of age, having been sick for)lunio;! was attended by Drs. Loper, Whittle andbillet fort long time without receiving any benefit; when tke gaming her up as incurable, I went to Philmlelphu tot consulted one of the best physicians; her dans sit growing worse. It was at this time I was mated to try Hobertarnk's Worm Syru, anti after him tw bottles she entirely regained her health. Hoping the this well prate a benefit to parents whose children:re similarly affected, I am yours, dm., nobensack's Liver :Pills Pro part of the system is more liable to disease the the Liven, it serving m a filerer to purify the bleed. or giving a proper secretion to the bile; so the wrong action of the Liver effects the other imprint: parts of the systein, and results variously in Janke. Liver complaint, Dyspepsia,Ac. We should, tbeef , t l watch every symptom that iriett indicate I von; action of the Liver. These Pills being compose e Roofs and Plants, furnished by nature to heal the sat —Namely, let: An Expectormu, which seZtUtALI the secretion from the pulmonary mucus membria, promotes the discharge of secreted maser. 2nd—n Aileratite, which changes in some insensible and in. explicable manner, the certain tnorbi•l action of IS system. :Yel—ir Tunic, which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and rigor to 4 parts of the body. 4th—a Cathartic, which acts ir perfect harmony with other ingroatents, and °peep' on the bowels, and expelling the whole fuss of corrupt and vitiated matter, and pyrifying the btew 3 i IWO/ 4e. strays disease and restores health. Agents for Bradford County—Dr.ll. C. Porter J. M. Reed, Towanda ;- C. H. Herrick. Athens. Bullock & Co. Smithfield; Barnes & Bailey, Wm' R. Spear, Springfield ; Eli Baird, Troy ;LP Taylor, Burlington ; Brown & Rockwell, Moans• Parkhnst & Lamb, Leroy ; Chat. Rathbone, eta, also T. B. Howland, Columbia, travels in the rdisero counties. T OLD MAW STILL IN cOPERATIOIO THE subscriber vvra 'once to the public 62 ,1, ore now on hand, and slaw order all kinds or Cabinet rIIIIIIB III ich as SOfas,Dtrans ,Vin ;enter, Cart!, Dining and BO Ist Tables. Maboganc 1X.4.- Int, Maple antreberry Blonds of various kinds.Ckv7 and Bedsteads of every description, which:.lS will be made or tbe best material and vcrittcv o manner, and which they will sell let cash cbair . • than can be bought in any other Ware•roo coantry. autaing-iorAD ls du:ATM „ 3 on hand on the most reasonable terms. HEARSE will lie furnished on Funeral 0cri.,05: JAMES Towanda, June 1, 1852. TO THE TRAVELING MR. OLMSTED, Paorat siva Of the ... Ilschange, gives his thanks In hts and the traveling pubtic generally. fortheith.ll: patronage, and solicits the centine We of the sa- 11 A N`O M . NI 18 U S, will ran regularly to and from the Warerley 4 to meet the Mail Trains for the accornankle't') strangers and travelers, who wish to visit ' P , 7 Apt village on business or otherwie. A doll of first rate Four Horse Coaches , are running through to Towanda. Those wisri will he insured a seat in the coach from tha P and those going to tho RAXL . RO AD eau stop at Athens, and spend an boar and be insured a conveystice in time to m eet regular trains of cars going East or West. Also those wbo wish to leave their team canbe conveyed to and from the cars free of este Atheos. Sept., 4, 1953 FLOM—A quantity of superfine dour. tos.," ceived, and for sale by B. 10,10 891111 ' Towanda, Feb. 10. 1553. EMI Moßnr RITTR, N.! R. Bowan ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers