li I I li 334 1aD211120412i11, MEM ,'l5 - g--I'.° [ F m " ;he, Dollar Newspaier4 Animal Magnetism. . IT %SS. SLIZASiTS 8. SWIFT. pace thylittle palm in mine, cushion for thy bead; kit hgeyesba fixed on mine,' ..young Professor said; F on y, with a bagliful grape, j o a sad looked him in the face. a u p and down, like ruined witch, , i, hub . moved in the air • r , &I s sweet mouth gave a twitch, : ' . , . e e eyes a sleepy stare.; . -._ 't-youfeel queer 7" •young Mesmer said; rely queer !" returned the maid; . the bands went up and down, e . touched her forehead fair; Cupid had just come to town, • .e wiley rogue was there; peeping from behind a screen, slyly watched the magic scene. e young p ro fessor's heart beat fast, • e too an influence felt ; , etvisions o'er his fancy, past; eihoughthe could have knelt, worshipped Fanny in the chair, looked so wondrous sweet and fair. tarad aside almost in fright ; as—shall a maiden's eyes, iondrous science, - his delight, :2 hobby of the wise,. ta dight„ lip woman's looks ! cibed he bid old Mesmer's hook.) ; passes now he vig'rouimakes, =hands high raised in ail; his keenest arrow takes, 4ined not to .spare; ',leek the Professor's heart, wait a delicious smart ! bi‘pened then 4annot say; there were vovii and sighs, cheeks as blushing as the May, spirit-looks froM eyes, 'ill the fuss that lover's make, a first their hearts begin to ache. Elv dog, laughed out in glee; el posting, said, " They dare, it fools, try . .cheating . me science span of air,: ktthem know, these would-be-wise, - I done eaa magnetise !" The Wife to lir Dying Husband. . 1 2.0 loved thee in thy beauty, Thy glory and thy power— id dial! I now desert thee, . • la thy sorrow-stricken hour? lere is no hand, save mine, to wipe • The dealt -damps from thy brow;' Tahoe! as thou but been-to me, • I will not leave thee now. I . .fitenda and boon companions-- The gallant and the gay--= tnr lovely and beloved ones, Lo# round thee—where are they connate; friend is near thee now ; No genile rove appears, • Te hang o'er thy death-swimming eyes, And bathe taearwith her tears. Am] I done return at last, ~". ify.right hi thee to claim.; Leith toy sad and broken h e art, Ity blighted hopes and name ; my love, which, strong as death— .4e in good and -I.ll—= • * ash ding to thee, in- scorn apd shame,' Enchanged, unchonging --- A 4,11 come not to reproach thee.— (b i --would I came, to save !) but smooth the rugged path rbtt leads thee to thy grave; sitlorever at thy feet; ° • lietping in hopeless woe— • btAt beloved ! would for thee lineocvr; heart's blood might -flow; hoe hved ihettin thy, •beauy, f 47 glory; and tby power, 7 Twill not desert thee soirow-stricken hour. is no hand, save mine, to wipe The death datuPs froro - thy brow; ral • dearest to my heart and ion!! !till not leave thee now. lleatty and Talent.. t ze•ls , iature with her-magic art, rim Paint the sweetest smile, ' "tive-to man a,talent rare, 4 1 beauty e'en the while. 4 rDsy cheek anti piercing eye, Ile mild and gentle placid face, l'itlaimediiy some a nobler iTErs aids, by every racy 414 tigh bewitching forret; may channi I N man who bubbles with the kill: *nee power will sparkle far, °P.lthining besCtics foors.delight. 'I :' 1... 1 . --: - . - . , . . , , . . ... 1- i fieJalb - 170 . ... . ~. . . ... • . . , Am ok ° r • . . . . , . • .., . . . . . . . . , . . .. . . . • . ..• 0 , 4).:..:-,.-, ,--....:..._.,:"-:•--,- , . .. . k ..,.,. . : 7:' ~ . ... . . . .. . '-- - - , . ~, . . ..... • ... . . 't_ ••••- '- '-. i 5:,.....::.„...;,...,,:,. . .....•,•. ~... . • .. ... ...,(i. 6 0 e..,. 4 .., r ; •,:.,.. ....... ~. ... . ....... . r . :•,,.... . _ .. :1 0 1 . ..., . . • , •, . .. . • • _ - . .: . .... . • • • i.• .. . , [From the O wego , Gazette.] A Tariff fiir -Revenue: TILE DENOCILATIE POLICY. The Democratic policy upon the Tariff question needs but to be univer sally understood to enlist in its support every friend of _EQUAL RIGIITS. The subject of the Tariff affects the interest and reaches the pocket of every man of every occupation in community ; hence it is deserving of the attention and the study 04.2 The system of taxation pursued in States and Counties con cerns• more immediately the owners of property-. Not so with the Tariff sys tem. Through its operations every man is taxed—the Farmer' upon his implements of husbandry, and his mer chandize ; the mechanic and day-labor er upon their clothing, their sugar, their salt, and so on 'dm' upon almost eve ry thing _they purchase, even to the sewing Silk and the needles and pins used by their wives and their diughter„ It is therefore of the highest importance that 'alt'; lasses should investigate the is, through this system that the aristocracy of the country can most successfally (because most impercepti lilY) reach the pockets of the people and rob them of• their substance. Un der the hypocritical pretence of Pro tection to 3mericim ..Industry," NIL ; LIONS UPON 31111.10:VS OP DOLLARS have been and are still being annually extor ted from the great body of the people of this - Union, in the shape of duties no imports, for no other purpose than to enable the *ealthy monopolists of the country, engaged in manufacturing, to realize a greater profit than they other- Wise could, on their manufactured com modities. Does it not, then, become the peo ple to examine , this subject in all its bearings, that when they come to choose between the party which enacted and persists in the perpetuation of the pre sent iniquitous and 'oppressive policy ; and the party which proposes so- to modify it as to make it' uniform and just in its operations, every voter may cast his ballot understandingly ? Deeply impressed with the vital im portance of this question, both as it af fects individual interests, and the corn- Mon interests of the whole country ; and aware that the most unparalleled efforts are being' put forth by the- vota riel and hirelings of the stack jobbing interest, to mislead the public mind up on it, wi feel under obligation as a de- Mocratic editor to give more than our usual attention to this subject. CEN. JACKSON AND THE TARIFF. Gen JAcksoN is often referred to by .the federal journals as a supporter _o the High Tariff System. But we-are not left in• the dark as to the opinions of this great and good man upon this vital ly important subject. They are given at length .in his FAREWELL ADDRESS, as - deliberately formed, after all, the light which past legislation had thrown upon the Subject, and submitted to his countrymen as the very...last act of his public life. The tariff question had occupied-much ofihe attention of Con gresi during his administration. ,He had "seen the oppressive operations -of the high tariff system as carried into practice in 1828 and 1832; while on the ether hand he' had witnessed the ibeneficial tendencies of the gradual re. duCtions under the 4. Compromise Act" .of 1833 ;,and whatever might have been his earlier opinions, those expressed in Ale following extract from his parting. message to the American people, are his "Matured opinion upon this question, arrived at from personal observation, and the investigation of his giant mind. ,Sappose General : Jackson's earlier Impressions were fayorable to tective policy, as the federalists allege, it would only add to the force of his matured opinions, given under the cir cumstances and upon tfie . occasion of the following, when retiring from the field .of politics forever—conclusions which he drew from the additional light afforded by the developernents of time and experience ; and which he felt im pelled. by a high sense of duty, to pro claim to the' American people when bidding them a final adieu as their pub lic servant. Here are his viesys drawn from actual observation—practical ex periments during his own administra tion=and given to the people as a solemn admonition against the perni cious, the oppressive, and ,theAlanger ous tendencies.of the' High Tariff poli cy, which; though '*ridatted for a time, he foresaw woulii,again be at tempted to'be saddled tipoO the country by the federal party. They correspond in every respect with the- views- of Mr. Van Buren, as expressed in his Indiana • _ Regard/4m of Denu nciation from any Quarter. 'Gov. Powns. • UCM,k,IZMASs, ISEBISitIOO2BM saMISPWZ 1 letter; andiare` admirably'expressive o the policy'proposed.and advocated by the democracy orthe country upon this question. Wensk" for them an atten tive perusal. FROM THE FAREWELL ADDRESS' OF AN- JecEsoN,AIARCII 4,1837. It is Well known that there have al ways -been those amongst us who wish to enlarge the powers of the General Government; and • expertence would seem to indicate that there is - a tenden cy on-the _part of this government to overstep the boundaries marked out for it by the Constitution. Its legitimate 'authority is abundantly sufficient for all the purposes for which it Was created; and, its powers being expressly enu merated% there can be no justification, for claiming anything beyond them. 7-- Every attempt toexercise power be yond these limits should be promptly and firmly opposed. Foriene evil ex ample will lead to other measures still more mischievous ; .and if the principle' of constructive powers; or supposed ad vantages; or temporary circumstances. shall ever be permitted to justify the assumption of- a, power not given by the constitution, the general govern ment will before long absorball the powers oflegistation, and you will have in effect, but one consolidated go4rn ment. From the extent of our country, 'its diveraifiedlinterests, different pur suits, and different habits, it is too ob vious for argun3ent that a single con solidated covernment would be wholly inadequate e to watch over and protect its interests,. and every' friend . of our 'free institutions should be always prepared to maintain unimpaired andin full vigor the rights and sovereignty of the States, and to• confine the action of the general government strictly to 'thesphere of its appropriate duties., " There is, perhaps, no one of the powers conferred on the federal govern ment so liable to abuse as the taxing power. The most productive and con venient sources of revenue were neces sarily given to it, that it might be able to perform the important duties impos; ed upon ix; and the taxes which it lays upon commerce being poncealed from the real payer in the price of the 4 article, they do not so readily attract the attention of the people as smaller sums demanded from them directly by the tax-gatherer. ,But the tax imposed on goods enhances by so much the price o the commodity to the consum er; and, as? many of these duties are imposed on articles of-necessity, which are daily used by the great body of the people, the money raised by these im posts is drawn from their pockets. • " Congress hate no right, under the constitution, to take• money from the people, unless ifis required to execute some end of the specific powers.entrus ted to the'government, and if they raise more tha4 is necessary for such pur poses-, it is an abuse of the power of taxation, and unjust and oppreisive.— It may, indeed, happen that the l revenue will sometimes exceed the amount an ticipated when taxes were laid. W hen. however, this is ascertained, it is easy to reduce them, and, in such a case, it is unquestionably the duty of the go vernment to reduce them, for no'cir cumstances can justify it in assuming a power not given to it by the constitu tion, nor in 'taking away the money of the people when it is not needed for the legitimate wantspf the government. Plain as these principles appear to be, you will yet find that there is a constant effort• to induce the general government to go beyond the limits of its taxing power, and to impode onne cessary- burdens upon the people. )111a ny powerful interests are continually at work to procure heavy duties on com merce, and to swell the revenue beyond the real necessities of the public ser vice; and the country has already felt the injurious effects of their combined influence. They. succeeded in obtain.' ing a' tariff of duties bearing most op presOvely on the agricultural and labor ing:classes of society, and producing a reveinie that could not be usefully em pliiyed within the range of the powers conferred . upon Congress ; and, in or der io fasten upon 'the people this un just and. unequal system of ta;ation, extravagant - schemes of internal im provements were got up,, in various quarters'to squander the money, , and to purchse support. Thus, one un-, constitutional .theasure was intended to be upheld by another, and the sbusn, of : the power of taxation w!as to be main tained:- by usurping the( power of ex= pending , the money in iniernalimprove- - ments.; You cannot havg forgotten the severe and doubtful struggle through i which we passed when the executive department, by its veto, endeavored to Efil arrest this prodiga) Scheme of injuitice, and •to bring rback the legislation of Congress to the bpundavies prescribed_ by the constitution: The, good sense and practical judgme4 of the people when the subject was brought- before them sustained the couis t e of the Execu tive, and this plan of !unconstitutional expenditure for the _put.pose of corrupt influence, is I trust finally overthrown. ' " The result of this decision has been felt in the rapid'extinguisbinent of the public debt, and the lqge accumulation of a surplus in the treasury, noLwith standing the tariff was reduced, and is now very far below the amount origi- nally contemplated bp ; ' atlitacatee.— But, rely upon it, the,[ design to collect an extravagant revenue, , and to burden you: with taxes beyoqd the economical wants of the goverpment, is not yet abandoned. The various interests iphich have combined together to im pose a heavy tariff, and to produce an hverflowing treasury, are too strong, and have too much at ttake, tosurrender the - contest. • The .'corporations and wealthy individuals 14 , 110 are engaged in large manufacturing establishments, de sire a high taaiff to increase their gains. Designing politiciaPS support it, to conciliate their caviar, and to obtain the means of profuse expenditure, for the purpose, of purchasing influence 'in other quarters; and !since the people have decided that the federal govern ment cannot be pernaitted to employ its income in internal im'prOvements, efforts will be made to seduce-and mislead the citizens of the several States, by hold. ing out to them the deceitful prospect of benefits to be derived' from a suplus revenue collected by the generalgovern ment, and annually divided among the States. And if, encouraged by these fallacious hopes; the States should dis regard the principles of economy which ought to characterize every republican government, and should indillge in lay , ish expenditures exceeding their re sources, ,they will, before long, find themselves oppressed with debts which they are unable to pay, and the temp tation will become irresistible to sup port a high tariff, in order to obtain a surplus for distribution. Do not allow yourselves, mt fellow-citizens, to be misled on this subject. , The federal government cannot collect.a surplus for .1 such purposes, without violating the principles of the constitution. and ,as. sliming powers which have not been granted. .It is, moreover, a system of injustice, and, if persisted in, will in evitably lead to corruption, and must end in ruin. < The surplus revenue will be drawn from the pockets of the peo ple, from the farmer; the mechanic, and the laboringclasses of society ; but who will receive it when distributed among the States, where it is to be disposed of by leading State politicians who have friends to favor, an political partizans to gratify t. It ,will certainty not be re turned to those who paid it, and who have most need of it, and are honestly entitled to it. There is but cute safe rule. and-that is. to confine the general government rigidly within the sphere of its appropriate do l lies. It has- no power to raise a revenue, or impose taxes. except for the purposes enumera ted in the constitution and if its income is found to exceed these wants, it should he forth With reduced: and the burden's of the people, so far lightened." . . Nn people -soon get tire of .any. . particular diet as, Indians ; and their longings for change, even amid the best - cheer, are often .irdictilous. - The flext bilities of their stomachsis no . less-sur prising. At one -time they will gorge themselves with food: and.are then pre paret4to go for several days, if necessa ry, Enter their tents, sit there if you ,can for asingle day, and not for an in stant will-you find ' the:fire unoccupied. by persons of all ages cooking. When - not linnting or traveling, they are 'in fact, always eating. Nov it is a little roast,-4 partridge or n rabbit, perhaps now titbit . broiled ;' anon a portly 'kettle, well filled with venison, swings , over'the fire ; ,titencomes a choice dish of eurdled blood, followed by the sin ewo.andinarfow bones of deer's legs singed -on - .the• embers. And So the grand business. of life goes' unceising,ly found, interrupted only by - Sleep. :Ant "other physical singularity of the-Nor thern tribes, is, that though capable of of ; resis resisting with -great fortitude the Most, intense cold, -they are wonderfullY fond of fire. , estnbluihment.e . veu When the weather is mild.and ; OleSsant i onf of doors, they are seen ; heaping on. fuel in the houtte,.afid. actually setting , cress-legged: on. the hear•th , where:a man , would speedily be roasted...4ns- coveriesbn the .11 1 6rth • • .EILLT ft; IR& 09 . 1 Indian Appetite. 044 Washisgton in the Field of Victory and - Chatoiber i , of Death. From Custis'a Recollections of Wish, ingtou, we copy the following ; relat ing to the-, Seig,e of _Yorktown, , and a domestic scene. The weather during the seige of Yorktown was propitious in the. elf treme, being, tvithlthe exception of the squall on the night of the 16th, the fine autumnal weather of the South, com monly called the Indian summer; which greatlyfacilitated the military . opera tions. Washington's bead-quarters were under cal:trees the whole lane. The situation of Yorktottii, after the surrender, was pestilential. :Numbers of wretched negroes who had either been taken from the plentatiOns; or had of themselves followed the- fortune of the British' Army, bad died of the small small-pox, 'which: the camp-fever. was raging in the place, and remained un buried in the streets. When all hope of eicape was given up, the horses of the British Legion were led to the mar gin of the river, shot, and then thrown into' the stream; the carcasses, floating with the tide, lodged on the adjacent shores and flats, 'producing an effluiria that affected the atmosphere for miles around. Indeed; it was many months before ,Yorktown and its environs became sufficiently purified to be hab itable. with any degree of comfort. For a great distance around York town the earth trembled under the can nonade, while many in anxious and midnight xvatcheiascended to the house tops to listen to the sound, and to look . upon the horizon, lighted up by the blaze of the battries, the explosions of the shells, and the flames from the burn ing vessels in the harbor. At length, on die morning of the 17th the thundering ceased, hour.after hour passed awayond the most attentive ear could not. catch, another sound. What happened ? Can he have escaped? To suppose he had fallen, was almost too much to hope for. And now an intense anxiety prvaile : every eye is turned toward the great Southern road, and the express! is upon every lip. Each hamlet and homestead pours forth its inmates: hei is seen leaning on his staff, women' with infants at the brest, children with wondering eyes, andliny hands outstretched, all, all, with breath less hopes andfears, await the courier's coming. Ay, and the courier rode with a red spur that day . btit, :had be been mounted on the wings of the wind, he could scarcelybave kept pace with the general anxiety. • At length , there is a cry—He conies! he comes! and merging from a cloud of dust, a horseman is Been at headlong speed. He plies the lash and spur; covered with foam, with throbbing flank aid nostril dilated to catch the breeze, the generous horse devours the road, - while ever and anon the rider waves his cap, and shouts to the eager groups that crowd his way, Cornwallis is ta ken. . And now prose a joyous cry that made the very welkin'tremble. The tories, amazed,- confounded, . shrunk away to theii i holes and,hiding placee, while the patriotic. Whigs rushed into ,each other's arms, and wept for glad: nese. Anil obi in that day of general ''thanksgiving and praise, how many an aspiration ascended to,the Most High. imploring blessings oh • him whom all Tithe Will consecrate as the .Father of ! his Country. 'rhe prediction ofVornwallis in the tent of Washingtonn-Wes verified.. The 19th of Ochiber, 1781, was indeed the crowning glory a the war. of the Rive hition hestilitieelanguished thereafter,. while Indep'endenceand Empire dawn-' ed upon the destinies of America, from the surrender of Yorktowe. , - . -A domestic affliction threw a shade over W4Shington's • happiness, While his. camp still -rang., with shouts of tri unitinfor the surrender of. Yorktown. His step son, - to whom he . had 'been.e "parent . and !protector, and to whom he - Was fetidly! attached, who had acesim panied him to the camp at Cambridge,. and was, of the :first of his aids in thkdawn of the Revolution, sickened while - on duty as extra aid to the'Com mander-iii-Chief in the trenches before Yorktown Antare . that his, disease (the c t emp4feier) would be 'mortal, the, sufferer had yet ono last lingering Wish gratihedoind he would- die con lent.. It Wes to - behold the surrender of the syverd of Cornwallis. . He was suppOrted Ito the grain& and witnessed the admired spectacle, and was then Eltham, ndistanCe of thirty.' miles:.fratn'carep.. .A n''.eZrikesi- from'Dr. Craik - Proton ced,..thatlthere;ivas'nS longer . hope,. who WaOingtim; attended by asiugle e tuw as. izquantecia lino,. VW officer; and a, gromp, left the head-quar ters at Midnight; and rode:, with 4411 speed fortlthatit. The anxious _Watchers by the couch of the dying wire, in the gray'ot the twiiigtt,, aroused by a trampling of horsedand, *king out, discovered the Coritteander-in-chief alighting front a jaded "charger in the Court yard. He immediately. summoned Dr. Craik, and to the eager inquiry. Is there any hope? Craik mournfully shaking his head. the Generslietired to a room to indulge his grief, requesting to be left alone. In a little white the pocir sufferer expired.— Washington, tenderly embracing .the beiesvaLwife and mother, observed to the weeping group around the remains of him he so dearly loved, "".From this moment a4o . pt his two youngest Oil dientis my own." Absorbed in grief, he then waved with his hand a melancho ly adieu, and, fresh horses being , ready, with Out rest or refreshment, he re mounted and returned to the camp. Spring Work. There is no season of the year iti whieh energy, activity and-good ealcul lation - are more requisite thah the pre sent Animals of all kinds,youag and old. and particularly- those-intended for lab r, demand increased care and,.'atr . tension: Thie is one of the most " try ing seasons for animals, as they are, as the saying is, between hay and grass," and too often the supply of either, they can obtain, is barely sufficient to sup port life. If _farmers would consider the much greater quantity of milk a cow will yield in a season, • that is in .good condition'in the spring, than one that has ,‘ been on lift" through March or April, we are confident there would not be so many skeletcoCcoivs on our farms as there now are... If too,,they would for one moment reflect that a large part of an animal's power of draft lies in his 'weight, and That where this is wanting and the whole thrown on muscular exertion, the'animal must soon . give way, they would feel the necessi ty of having their working stock, horses or cattle, at this season in good heart, their flesh sound and durable ; and we • should be. spared the mortifiaaiion of seeing• so many poor and miserable teams in the field, at a time. when • all should be life and activity. To work well, an animal must be kept well : and The work in nine , cases .out of ten will be found best done where the teams are in the best condition. You might as well expect an Asiatic team of a Jackass and a woman 'yoked together, would break up - the ground to a proper depth, as that-a pair of scare-crow hor ses or oxen can cto it. Never under take to see on how little food your team can subsist. No 'better. criterion is needed of the nature of a man's culti vation of his grounds, thaffis afforded by his animals: and he who starves them, will soon .findlis . land will starve 'him. ' At this season of the year sheep re quire much attention and will repay it. Sheep are' among our most profitable anio) ale, and on the whole require, less care thairmost other's, if the little they demand is given at the, proper time.— LOA out for the lambs and the weak ones of the flock, and , do not suffer a drove of hardy rethers to-Rick over and trample tipon the fodder before the ewes and !arnbs can get a taste. , the tirne; to feed out your turnips to your cattle, and alittle conk. or beans. to your sheep°.—Cicitivator. DOW 0.1,1' MATRINONY.-DOw, Jr. closes a sermon on kissing - with the following quaint advice " I, want you, my young sinners to kiss and get. married ; end then devote your time to morality- Sad money-mak ing. Then let your' homes - be welt provided, with such comforts and neces. series as piety, pickles, ,pots and ket. des, brushei, brooms, beeetolenCe, bread, charity, cheese, crackers, faith, flour, affeetion, cider, sincerity, onions,. integrity, vinegar, virtue, wine and wisdom; Have always thesion hand, and happiness will bb withyou. 'Don't drink • anything infoxicating—eat mod. erately—go,about business after break, fast—lounge. a little after dinner—rehat after Ma, and kiss after quarrelling: and all thejoy the peace, end the bliss the earth can afford shall be yours, till the graves close over you, and your spirits are borne to a brighter and happier. world. • So mote it be." swaltzm orliEßri.-:-.6• Sam." iaid one little `urchin to another. yesterday Sara, does.ynur schoolmavter , ever give you any tetierds of merit P' 4.1 s'pose he does," yv as' the rejoin. der, he givei me' a regularly -every - dayi - andeuye . l merits two f" 111 ME MI WOO .45ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers