sJ 5 -t J 5: - f Rr r mgzmLmm mm nr r m&riffw53l'BffA. ' ' TRIPLE SOMBER. .' FORTY-FOUHTH TEAR S 4 The Royal Pretender a Boyish) Frank ana Charming Companion, but NO MATERIAL FOR A RULER. The Bunaway General Ceases to be a Kovelty, and His Fame is KEAELT ECLIPSED BI THE Bra TOWEE. BritUh Tories Elated Oyer the Thought That Uncle Sam May HaTe a Sooth American Rival An American Secnrcs V Wealth j and Bcantlfal English Bride All London' Detective In Search of a Smart lint Dishonest Barmaid Emperor Wilhclm's AciKity Surprising Europe London's Tramway Men, Their Trials and Poor Fay Queen Tictorin Returning to Society After Urine In Partial Re tirement 30 Years The Salt Trust Peo . pie Getting in Deep Water. Boulanger has ceased to be a novelty in J England. Mayor Hewitt, -who is stopping at the same hotel as the General, thinks Prance could find most of her patriots in London, ready to fight with their mouths. Emperor "Wilhelm's way of skipping about, getting all over Germany in a week, is sur prising all Europe. Queen Victoria is also astonishing the natives by a nearer ap proach to appearing in society than she has made in 30 years. The Eoyal Geographical Society ridicules the statement of Lord Lonsdale that he has discovered anything valuable to scientists in the Arctics. C3T CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. Loinoir, April 27. "Copyright The Due d'Orleans, the son of the Comte de Paris, came home to Sheen House this week from India. I had a talk -with him on his arrival, and heard the royal claimant to the Prench throne tell with much gusto that -wonderful tiger story, which first ap peared in the columns of The Dispatch. He lias the rifle which the tiger literally chewed in two, when he sprang upon the elephant and dashed into the howdah. The Duke also showed me the skin of 'he tiger, -which was afterward shot, and judg ing irom its size, I should say he could have carried at least one royal pretender to the throne of Prance inside very easily. The Duo is boyish, but a very frank and charm ing companion. He -will never make a Strang ruler, even if Boulanger decides to enforce tne claims of his Xamily, whichis the latest scheme of the General, according to one of the morning papers. Boulanger, by the way, has ceased to be a novelty, and the interest in him is falling off. Mayor Hewitt, who is stopping in the same hotel as the distinguished Frenchman, is in his usual condition of terse and cyni cal placidity. He stood on the stairway to day, meditatively stroking his chin, while he gazed down at a group of tattered, threadbare, impecunious and beetle-browed Frenchmen, who thronged the lobby of the hotel waiting for an audience "with the Gen eral. "Hum," mused the ex-Mayor audi bly, "what a stirring array of reformers. "When Prance fights again she will 'know where to find her warriors at least, as far as talk is concerned." In Prance, Boulanger is rapidly disap pearing in the shadow of the Eiffel tower, which is a thing of such breathless and towering immensity that it beggars descrip tion. Compared to it the Allegheny County Court House tower is a puny thing, the towers of the Brooklyn bridge sink into mediocre stature, and the Washington mon ument is but a marker in th e matter of alti tude. Eiffel started out to build the highest thing on earth, and he has succeeded. The tower rears aloft into the clouds and forms a fitting sentinel for the exhibition which, though to-day unfinished, is already far in advance of any similar exhibition of modern times. WILHELM THE ACTIVE. The "Tonne German Emperor Travels Over the Greater Fart of Ills Empire in a Week He Shntters His Wife's - Nerves To Visit En- gland In Jnlr. BT CABLE TO TUX DISPATCH.: London, April 27. Tour Berlin corre spondent continues to chronicle the ever increasing activity of the young Emperor, who has traveled over the greater part of Germany this week. On Monday he visited the Thiergarten in Berlin, and shattered the nerves of his wife, who accompanied him, by the daring manner in which he ap proached and provoked the wild beasts. The next day, the 23d, he went to Dresden, the occasion being the birthday of the King ofSaxonv. Many royal persons gathered at the Villa Strehlen, the King's residence, and there was much kissing and hugging. "While at Dresden the Emperor sent a very natriotia telegram ot congratulation to the director of the ITorth German Lloyd Com- iany, lor wnom me new nuer, .naiser u elm L. has been built at Stettin. Stettin scores one against Clyde. On Wednesday the Kaiser was happy at his old occupation of early morning review ing. The spring maneuvers of the guards commenced on that day. Before 8 o'clock he rode to Tempelhof Common at the head of the second regiment of the guard, ,and re turned to Berlin at 10 o'clock. He wit nessed the march past at the junction of Lnnden Tind Priedrichstrasze. To-day he paid visits to "Weimar and Essenach, caus ing great perturbation in the grand-ducal breasts. He had an enthusastic and very elaborate popular reception in both places. It must not be supposed that these are a half week's doings of this Emperor. He never lets a minute pass without putting in some useful or what he considers useful work. The fat royalties of England must perspire at the mere thought of their Ger man cousin's activity. Your correspondent also sends some in teresting information about the Emperor's prospective movements. The naval officers have received information that after his visit to England, at the end of July, the Kaiser will probably make a cruise along the Norwegian coast, as far as the Lofoden Islands. He has been attracted by the ac counts of the great beautyof the scenery on these islands. It is also on the cards that he will pay a visit to the royal family of Greece iu October. This statement is not confirmed in Germany, hut I ieara that BOULAHGER HERO iRjiCSTe' t . .s -iijiirvr ...,-, -., ? , .1 " .! preparations are being made in Athens for the event The old Empress Augusta visited Char lottenburg, at the beginning of the week, and watched the three eldest children of the Emperor seek for Easter eggs in the garden. The imperial children got very muddy. THE QUEENJJOMIM OUT. TlrinK of Her ConTentnnl Life of Nearly Thirty Years Discarding Some of Her Somber Gowns and Ways Irving and Terry Flay For and at Her Majesty Their Rewards. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, April 27. The Queen returned to Windsor this afternoon after spending nearly a week with her eldest son at Sand ringham. The newspapers have devoted columns daily to the Queen's walks and drives, and her visits to the Prince's farms and kennels, dairies and piggeries. One fact looms large and lurid from the immense mass of fulsome descriptive reporting, namely, that Her Majesty wore a somewhat juvenile hat, with feathers and a dash of color in it, instead of her somber mourning bonnet, from which it is augured that she is at length about to emerge from the conventual retirement in which she has lived for nearly 30 years. This hope is strengthened by Her Majes ty's attendance at a private theatrical per formance at Sandringham last evening. "The Bells' and the trial scene from "Tne Merchant of Venice" were performed on a tiny stage, an exact imitation of the Lyce um's, built in the ballroom. The scenery was new and good. Irving, Terry and the entire company of 63 persons were at their best, and the Queen, the Prince and Princess ot Wales, and the young Princesses smiled and cried and applauded like ordinary people. The actors and actresses were regaled at tea and supper, and so kindly treated from first to last that all of them will henceforth be most devoted loyalists. The Queen wore the diamond star of the Order of the Garter, and was dressed in a homely black gown. After the perlormance she presented Irving with a superb set of diamond studs, and Miss Terry a brooch, made of two love-birds with diamond wings. The presents were worth 50 each, but the lost night's profits at the Lyceum would be about 200. Irving gained nothing but the honor and the'additional prestige which a private performance before royalty is sup posed to confer. The Queen left for "Windsor this afternoon in a royal saloon car constructed of satin wood and maple, decorated in pure gold, with white silk hangings. "Next week, per haps, or irfa fortnight at the outside, -Her Majesty will put her royalty to one side, don a motlttrly cap and apron, and act as a benevolent' Mrs. Gamp to her daughter Beatrice. THEI SPEAK, J3DT SAI K0THING. Columns of Words Poured Forth on a Suf fering Fopnlace. fBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. 3 London, April 27. There has been a prodigious amount of speechmaking this week. Lord Salisbury spoke ten columns at Bristol, said nothing new, and poured forth the old platitudes -with that deadly fluency which with him passes for eloquence. Lord Hartington, at Birmingham, was less fluent and more somnolent, and Joseph Chamberlain, at the 6ame place, was volum inous and virulent as ever. He was sup ported on the platform" by the Marquis of Lome, and it is probable that the Govern ment will be called upon to ex plain why this son-in-law of the Queen should be permitted to break the wholesome rule that members of royal families must hold aloot from party passions and political controversies. JohnMorley made a fine speech at Newcastle, in the course of which he flatly declined to promise his support to tne bill fixing the hours of labor at eight daily. The speech was cour ageous, but many doubt its wisdom. Mor ley has already been fiercely assailed by the Socialists, and the Tories are industriously misrepresenting the speech as an attack on the rights of labor. One man, at any rate, in England has positive knowledge of the electoral strength of the Liberal-Unionists. He is the Chair man of the Rochester Conservative Associa tion, and he announces that there are 12 Liberal-Unionists in Bochestei- no more, no less. He made this discovery daring the recent election. lMDOK'S TBA3IWAT MEN. A Life of Long Hoars, Small Fay and Little Recreation. mr CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. 3 London, April 27. The strike of the tramcar men at Vienna has revived public interest in the almost as hard lot of men em ployed on the London tramways, and ef forts are being made to organize them in some way, in order to compel better treatment. At present they work 14 hours a day, with one day off each fort night, and they are paid $1 to $1 25 a day, which is reduced on an average, by a tyran nical system of fines, about 10 per cent. They are liable to instant dismissal, but must themselves give a week's notice if they want to leave the company's service, and their wives must not keep a shop, or in any way help to increase the, family earnings. The present idea is to agitate and, if need be, strike for 12 hours a day, 6 days in the week, and $7 60 weekly wages. The competition for places on the London trams is, however, so keen that the men can not hope to succeed, unless, as is probable, the great trades unions help them and help themselves. The subject will be among those discussed at an industrial conference to be held at Berne next September, and the social reformers cherish the hope of an international agreement prohibiting seven days a week labor, and fixing the working day at 12 hours. THEIE DAE OF TROUBLE AT HAND. The Salt Trust People's Woes All Coming at Once. rUT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, April 27. The Salt Trust peo ple are getting nearer to their day of trouble. The agitation of their workmen for increased pay and shorter hours is gaining strength. The people living in the salt districts are combining to compel a compensation for subsidences of land directly due to the operations of the salt getters, and now there is good reason to believe that the rival Ger man Salt Union, so often threatened, has actually been formed with a capital of $10, 000,000. ENOUGH TO MAKE FOLKS TALK. The Manner In Which Some of Sirs. Slack ay's Gaests Were Treated. tBT CABLE TO THE DIBPATCH.l London, April 27. There is some gos sip over Mrs. Mackay's dinner to the Prince of Wales the other night A lot of pople were invited to dine, but when they arrived at the house they found the Prince dining with a select number in a small ante room. The whole bulk of the guests were seated outof sight and hearing in a large apart ment adjoining. A New Yorker Gets a British Bride. rnr CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, April 27. "William J. King, Jr.. who is a well-known figure of New York life, was married quietlv to-day by the .Registrar to Lady Vane Tempest, a beau tiful English woman. A few friends were present Mr. and Mrs. King sail for New York "Wednesday on the City of Paris. PTW?5 f ije ip$tag Wplirl). CAPABLE OF SETTEE THINGS. A Smart Barmaid for Whom Every London Detective Is Looking. 1BT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, April 27. Every detective in London has for a week past been hunting over the metropolitan area with rage in his heart and a photo of a- young woman in his breast pocket. The young woman who is so eagerly wanted but cannot be found is Annie Lloyd, described as fair, tall and graceful in her movemerits. Annie was under sentence in Millbank for stealing the money and property of a saloon keeper whom she served as a barmaid. She is capable of better things, and may yet make her mark in the world. This day week she entered the matron's room, donned that lady's clothing,, from boots to smart fur-trimmed cloak and stylish bonnet, walked through the corridors, past scores of female warders, through, the many gates, and finally passed into the busy world, where she has been since enjoying herself. EYEET INCH AN AMEEICAN. Secretary of Legation White Rotalned Be cause of His Social Worth. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. 1 London, April 27. Among the events spoken of in the minor gossip of London is the retention of Pirst Secretary of Legation "White by Minister Lincoln. Mr. "White explains it by saying that his value is so cial, not political. He knows the Prince of Wales, and is of importance here. His in come is large and Mrs. "White's entertain ments are popular. Mr. White was the first "black Repub lican" that turned mugwump, and so held over under the Phelps regime, and now he comes back to the Republican fold in time to get well in with the new Minister. He is more of a diplomate than most of our rep resentatives here, and a thorough American in sentiment, instincts and bearing. . WEALTH JOINS GEEAT BEAUTT. British Society Agog Ovor a Magnificent , Coming -Wedding. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. 1 London, April 27. The Prince of "Wales has warmly congratulated the Duke oi Portland upon his betrothal to the hand some Miss Dallas Yorke, and has intimated his intention to be present, with the Brin cess, at the wedding. Society is full of rumors of the splendor which is to mark the marriage of one of the richest peers in Eng land to the most beautiful woman in the . United Kingdom. Among the hundreds of presents the new Duchess will receive is a dozen pairs of lovely silk stockings from the frame-work knitters of Sutton, Ashfield, one of the num erous villages owned by the Duke. THE LAST STEAW CAME. An Actor Watts on His Actress Wife, but Won't Do Her Washing. TJT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, April 27. Altred Roberts, the actor, found himself inthe Police Court to day, charged with assaulting hiswife, an actress engaged at the Drury Lane Theater, but the evidence proved the unhappy man had been more sinned against than sinning. It was his wife's custom to come home in the early hours of the morning, and lie abed all day reading dime novels. Actor Roberts lound that gradually the whole domestic work of the house was de volving upon him. For a while he patiently cooked meals and carried them up to his wife in bed, but he" rebelled whenjt became necessary to wash her. clothes. SHUTTING UP A CEITIC. An Aged Writer of Love Verses Who Can Also Write Strong Prose. rBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, April 27. The Honorable Jtoden Berkley "Wriothesley Noel, uncle of the Earl of Gainsborough, although arrived at the mature age of 55, has taken to writ ing amorous verses, which he and the so ciety newspapers claim to be poetry. A smart radical Scottish newspaper, how ever, dared to describe the verses as dog gerel, and the honorable one forthwith wrote to the newspapers furiously denoun cing his critic as a common British viper, an ignoble creature, a clown, an insect, a cub and a dotard, mumbling impotently with toothless gams. , LAUGHING AT L0ED LONSDALE. The Royal Geographical Society Takes No Slock In His Discoveries. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, April 27. The members of the Royal Geographical Society are laughing at Lord Lonsdale's claims to have done something good in the way of geo graphical discovery. He has tramped over a dreary waste to rid him self of ennui and Violet Cameron, per haps to his own satisfaction and certainly to the amusement of his acquaintances, but the assertion that he has discovered a thing worth knowing or has gained any informa tion which will be of value to the scientists is treated as a huge joke. GLOATS 0TEE THE PEOSPECT. British Tories Delighted to Think of a Possible Rival to Uncle Snm. TBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, April 27. A Tory newspaper, commenting on the enormous Italian emi gration to the Argentine Republic, gloats over the prospect of au Italian republic in South America able to hold its own against the United States and the other European nations. England, in particular, is invited to hurry up and secure a share of the coming riches. CLAIMING A .BIG F0ETUNE. The Heirs of a Fugitive From Germany After His Property. rSPXCIAL TELXQBAK TO THE DISPATCH. Charleston, April.27. Colonel "W. W. Brooker, of the Edgefield bar, has began proceedings for the recovery of a fortune in Germany, said to be valued at $10,000,000' This property is claimed by the heirs of Jacob Brandenburg, who fled from Ger many over a century ago, and settled in Lexington county, South Carolina. He was accused of treason, and he fled to escape con viction. As a result of the flight his prop erty was forfeited to the Crown. His heirs now claim that they have discovered evi dence that clears him of the charge of trea son. They have looked up the forfeited property, and have found the real state and the record of the securities. Colonel Brooker will consult with the Ger man Minister at Washington about the case, and will then proceed to Berlin to be gin formaLproceedings for the recovery of the property. THEI HATE FADED AWAY. No More Democratic Dlatl Clerks Left on the Fort Wayne Road. SPECIAL TELXOEAX TO THE DISPATCH .1 YorHGSXOWir, April 27. Grant S. "Whitslar, who was appointed postal clerk two years ago, and has been running be tween Pittsburg and Crestline, returned to his home to-day, having received notice that his services were no longer required. ne was tne lost xeniucriii remaining 1 the service on tne entire division, ills si cessorisl). W. Milllnger, residing in lOUlH. PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, TEN MEN MfiDERED. That is the Latest Beport. From the Interior xrf Oklahoma. A SOLDIERS' COLONY ATTACKED. One of the Unfortunates Said, to Have Come From Oil City. GEN. MEEEITT KNOWS OF KO TEOUBLE. A Eetnrned Buckeye Who Still Thinks it Is a Great Coantrr. " A report from Oklahoma it to the effect that an old soldiers' colony was attacked by cowboys. A bitter fight ensued, in which, ten men were killed and others wonnded. General Merritt has received no official in formation of the trouble. A Youngstowh man has returned from the scene of action and relates his experience. He says that the rumors of lawlessness are generally over drawn. ISPEC1AL TELXOBAIf TO THE DISPATCH.1 Wichita, Kak., April 27. Out of the many wild rumors with which the border la lull to-day is one which seems to bear the elements of probability. The report is of an attack on an old soldier's colony in the1 western part of Oklahoma. It was first brought to Guthrie by a runner of Dr.'Min nick, the chief of the colony. He at once left for the scene. The messenger states that the fight oc curred "Wednesday night and lasted an hour. The old soldiers are located on the north bank of the Canadian and near the southern border of Oklahoma. Their lands are very desirable and a number ot cowboys tried to take them from the settlers. The cowboys were well mounted and rode down on the camp evidently with the intention of surprising the colonists. The old soldiers, however, were up. BULLETS FLYING FAST. The cowboys rode up and down in front of the camp, yelling and shooting in the air. The settlers began firing on them, and a man and horse were brought down. The rider jumped up behind a companion, and all were soon out of range. The cowboys then held a consultation, and spreading out Indian fashion, began firing on the camp. The horses were used as barricades, and over their backs the cowboys shot and killed six of the settlers. "When the soldiers seen they were getting the worse of it they charged on the enemy, and the cowboys re treated but kept up firing. The battle, lasted half an hour, and resulted in nine killed and several wounded. Then the cowboys rode away across the prairie, but sent back a threatening yell to the effect that they would return. None of the killed were from Wichita. Prom the best obtainable information: the dead are: J. Ni Eedfield, Oil City, Pa.: "Willard Woodworth, Quincy, 111.; Samuel Hertzger, Port "Wayne; Stephen Dennyj Paris, Ky.; Anson L. Toyere, Galena, 111.; Robert Hutching, Milwaukee; Anton ' .r i JL3 onruujuuu'uiiiri-k - - The following official report has been forwarded to the authorities at "Washing ton: Fort Reho, Ind, T., April 27. Have just returned from Kingfisher; found everything quiet and orderly there. About 200 homestead claims have been filed, and large numbers are waiting to make entry. Reports of bloodshed are without foundation. All over the Terri tory, so far as I can discover, there have been cases of violence reported, but In no single in stance has investigation resulted In confirma tion of tueso reports. In cases where different claimants contest for the same quarter section the matter is com promised or left for final adjustment byproper authority. I am thus explicit because Kansas newspapers are reporting scenes of bloodshed. These, as well as the reports with reference to the invasion of the Cherokee strip, are. so far as I can discover, without foundation. I will be at Oklahoma station to-morrow. Mebbitt, Brigadier General Commanding.- 0KLAI0M1 ALL BIGHT. A Alan Who Has Come Back, but Still Thinks it Is a Great Country How He Secured Claims for His Party Tlio Cher okee Strip. TSrECIAL TELEOBAH To THE DISPATCH.1 Youngstown, April 27. B. P. Holmes, who escorted a party into the Oklahoma territory, returned here this afternoon, having secured a quarter section of land near Seward for each one of his party. He was on the train that penetrated the territory an hour after the land offices were opened last Monday. The party remained on the train until they were well into the territory, and as the conductor refused to stop and let them off they waited until a steep grade was struck and hurriedly disembarked, rolling over the prairie. But this means they were successful in securing the finest quarter sec tions. Mr. Holmes says: I am satisfied 'that before Tuesday night every loot of land In the entire territory had been taken possession of by some one, and those who were not hustlers Rot left. With all the excitement I saw no violence, and did not see a person under the influence of liqnor. The reports of violence sent out I am certain were overdrawn, as, while everyone was In a hurry to secure land, they kept good catured. Many complaints were made of Government officials and depnty marshals being sworn in, whose only object was to enter the territory before the time prescribed by law and take possession of town sites and lots jto hold them for purposes of speculation. This "was done before tbe land offices were opened, and tbe parties will donbtless be ejected and the land given to those who complied with the law. There is no lack of water, and streams are as abundant as in Ohio. The soil is very fertile, the climate fair, and it is seldom frosts occur. Many who went into Oklahoma this week will become discounted by reason of tbe country being new and the privations they have to en dure, and will go elsewhere. Those who go there three months from now will find more advantages and can secure land for farming purposes at practically what It costs now. I was in the Cherokee outlet of 6,000,000 acres, and it is tbe finest land the eye ever looked upon, but at present a steer Is better than a white man, because he can roam upon it. To-day there are few Indians on it, most of them being at the Cherokee Nation. It will of necessity be purchased in a short time by the Government, and opened to settlement. THE INDIANS WILL NOT PIGHT. An Army Officer Says There Will be No General Uprising. "Washington, April 27. An army officer on duty at the War Department, who has made the subject df the American Indians an especial study, said to-day that in his opinion there will be no general out break among the Indians on account of tbe invasion of their lands by the Oklahoma boomers. The Cherokees, he said, are not now a tribe of fighters; they realize that they have too much at stake to engage in anv such pursuits. There may be some individual troubles, UO lUVUKUt, WIU iU5SlUI BUWB U1UVU3UCU, but if whisky is kept out of the territory; there will oe no general uprising. :, Henry George at Glasgow. London, April 27. Henry George ar rived in Glasgow to-day. He was presented with an illuminated address ana was en thusiastically received. -' i APEIL 28, 1889. INFANTILE MUBDEB. An 8-Year-Old Urchin Deliberately Slays His 5-Yenr-Old Cousin A Shotgnn Used With Fatal Effect A Result of a Quarrel. IBrXCIAL TELEOSAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Canton, April 27. News of a fearful tragedy, with children as the principals, reached here this afternoon from Malvern, a little village just over the Stark connty line, in Carroll county, in which Charley Dickman, a 5-year old tot, was' shot and killed by his 8-year-old cousin, Johnny Hexamer. Both boys, with a group of other little ones of about the same age, were at play, when there was a crossing of temper between little Dickman and his cousin Hex amer, The smaller boy was having a good time and wanted to continue, and the Hex' atner lad insisted that the playing for the afternoon should cease. "Words between the infantile combatants grew warm and finally the Hexamer boy warned the Deckman 'child to leave the E remises. This warning was accompanied y the threat that if the child did not scam per away he would shoot him with a shot gun which was standing near by. Not scared, poor little Deckman did not stir, but remained standing there, challenging the execution of the threat of the now evi dently enraged Hexamer. The shooting part was but too horribly carried out. The gun was snatched up by arms that could scarcely hold it, and ere human mercy could prevent, little fingers pulled the trigger, there was a flash, a Dlood curdling cry, and the deed was done. The 5-year-old cousin was fatally injured. Tender arms carried him to his home. Ex amination showed that the charge in the fun took effect in the top of the little boy's ead. He lingered in agony until death came to his relief. The Hexamer boy was knocked down by the firing of the shotgun and badly injured. JUST LOOKING FOE HIM. The Romantic Meeting of a Bherlffand His Wife In Oklahoma. rSPXCIAL TELEOSAIt TO THE DISPATCH.1 Dentke, April 27. The first romance from Oklahoma reached Denver this after noon. Some 'weeks ago James C Kendall, Sheriff of Garfield county, deserted his wife after securing from her some.$400. About this time Clarence Martindale, one of Kendall's deputies, intimated to Mrs. Kendall that as her husband, had deserted it would not be out of place to elope and begin life anew in some strange country. After giving the matter her serious consideration she decided to avail herself of the opportunity afforded, and accordingly the two left last Monday for Oklahoma. On "Wednesday morning as the pair were making their way through the crowded highways of Oklaho ma City seeking some unclaimed piece of land who should make his appearence upon the scene but James C. Kendall. Martin dale on seeing escape impossible, walked up to the unfaithful husband saying: "Jim, here's your wife; we've been look ing for you for a long time." Then there was a jollification meeting and what would have been a tragedy in Colorado turned out to be a friendly pleas antry in Oklahoma. Pinding it impossible to secure desired claims the party have once more returned to their homes in' Glen? wood Springs. A DEAD MAN'S TEEASUEE. Tbeich Discovery Mnde'ln tho False Dot (' '; - torn of a Barjk. -. Indianapolis, April 27. Isaac New man and wife, early settlers of Miami county, died, the first on Saturday and the latter on Sunday last. Two years ago Mr. Newman suffered a serious illness, from which he never fully recovered, and during the time made mention to his son, Benja min, that should he die he would find in an old family bureau a small sum of money, naming the amount at about $100, and which he said was there for contingent ex penses. Mr. Newman recovered, the son moved to Minnesota, and the subject was entirely forgotten until after the burial of the couple it recurred to him. Diligent search throughout the bureau failed to reveal the cash, and the conclusion was reached that it contained no money. The search was again renewed upon sug gestion of possible false drawers or Bottoms, and a more thorough search disclosed a false bottom, in which, neatly sewed up in various articles of apparel, was the sum of $7,000 in gold, silver and paper. Mr. New man to-day deposited the money in a Peru bank. - AS ONE BE0THEE TO AN0THEE. GracefafiBterchnnge ot Courtesies Between the Blao and Gray. rSPXCIAL TELEOBAH TO THE DISPATCH. Philadelphia, April 27. The Phila delphia Brigade Association, when they visited Richmond last October, were the guests of the Pickett's Division Associa tion, and were entertained so handsomely by them that upon their return a unani mous vote was taken that, as an expression of their appreciation of the treatment re ceived, they should send them some token. They have, therefore, had a regulation United States flag, with 42 stars, manu factured. It is of the finest silk, the fringe, cord and tassels are of the "best quality, and the metal mountings are gold-plated. On the staff, which is ebonized, is the badge of the Brigade Association, a silver trefoil, on which is the following inscription: Presented to George E. Pickett's Camp, C. V., Richmond, Va.,by the Pblladeipbla Brigade Association, Blxtv-nlnth, SeventrJirsSevonty second and One Hundred and Sixth Pennsyl vania Volunteers, 1889. A DUEL PEEYENTED. Powell Clayton Draws His Pistol, but Doesn't TJao It. If FECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.t Little Rock, Auk., April 27. A. W. Webber, publisher of a small Republican paper here, who has recently been liberally abusing ex-Senator Powell Clayton politic; ally, was met by that gentleman in a drink ing saloon this afternoon, when an alterca tion ensued, resulting in Clayton slapping "Webber's face and both parties drawing re volvers. Before either could shoot, how ever, mutual friends disarmed them. It is a Republican party ruction, with hunger for federal pap at thebottoni. Clay ton is dispenser of this patronage in Arkan sas under this present administration. The affair was suppressed in the local papers. MUST BE A DEMAND FOE PIPE. One Branch of the Bankrnpt Reading Iron Works to be Fat la Operation. Reading, April 27. The assignee of the Reading Iron "Works to-day issued orders to start up the large pipe mill of the Company on Monday, May 5, for the pur pose of finishing a large quantity of pipe which was under process of manufacture at the time of the suspension of the company. This work will require three weeks' time. The two large blast furnaces of the works, which have been in operation since the fail ure, will go permanently out of blast dur ing the coming week. The assignee will commence disposing of the property1 in a few weeks. Will Banquet Mayor Hewitt. London, April 27. Leading Liberal Unionists ot London propose to give a ban quet in honor ol ex-Mayor Hewitt, of New York- t - MUST APPLY 1EE LAW Harrison Says Civil Service Eule3 Mast be at Once Extended TO THE EAILWAI MAIL SERVICE.. Father-in-Xaw Scott Eesigns From the Pension Office. MES. HAEEISON'S CENTENNIAL DEES8. The Execntiie Epjoyini Better Health Than for SeTtral Tears. President Harrison noj decided that the civil service rules must be applied to the railway mail service not later than May 1. Mrs. Harrison has received the dress she is to wear in the Centennial quadrille, and it is said to be a dream of arapery. Her father has resigned his position in the Pen sion Office, and will take up his residence in the White House. rSFXCTAL TELEGRAM TO TUX-CISFATCB.l Washington, April 27. The President had a decidedly easy day of it. The office seekers kept away, feeling that it would be discreet to permit him to have the day to prepare for his New Vork journey. It was expected, however, that the consideration for him might result in the announcement of several important appointments, but the hope was groundless. Several resignations of important officials have been accepted to take effect on May 1, and their.places cannot be supplied before the President's return,but this doesn't seem to trouble His Excellency in the least. He appears to be determined to freeze out the comparatively few office'seekers who yet re main in the city, and he is doing this very effectively. no fubtheb delay. Civil Service Commissioner Lyman was one of the very few callers on official busi ness to-day. He wanted some information in regard to the application of civil service rules to the railway mail service, and was informed that the rules must positively be extended to that service on "Wednesday next and forever thereafter. An effort had been made to induce the President to again extend the time at which the law bringing the railway mail service underthe civil service law and rules would become operative, but he has decided against further postponement. The reasons urged lor further delay were that but com paratively fe"w of the experienced and efficient men who had left the service within the last four years could, within the few days yet remaining, be reappointed and re stored to the service without danger of ap pointing men whose usefulness has. in a measure at least, become impaired, and that the Civil Service Commission could not after the 1st of May become fully ready to make certifications from all parts of the country, HE 7EAB3 NO HAEM. The President, however, was of the opinion that as the commission had con cluded its preparations except as to a very few States and Territories, -no particular harm could result from allowing the law to go into efleefc on-the day prcYiousry-flsig nated. " Mr. Lyman is the only Civil Service Commissioner now and has been since a short time previous to the advent of the new administration. The law prescribes that the Commission shall consist of two representatives of the dominant party and one of the minority, but Mr. Harrison ap parently has not considered the appoint ment ot the successors to Oberly and Edger ton at all. Ex-Congressman Sowden, of Allentown, drops down occasionally to look after his interests for the minority appoint ment, but th President has not given the least indication of what he will do in the matter. BEGGING PE0M THE PEESIDENT. Heavy and Numerous Demands Upon His Fnrse for Charity. rSPECIAL TELEOBAH TO TBE DISPATCH.! "Washington, April 27. Pully 10 per cent of the letters that come to the White House now are begging letters. Committees in.charge of fairs, societies engaged in erect ing monuments and managers of all kinds of institutions, existing or projected, write to the President for contributions. The needy individuals throughout the land seem to regard the President as a good per son to appeal to for financial aid. All kinds of tales are spread out on paper to be read, not by the President, but tne private secretary or his assistants. If the Presi dent responded to half of these appeals his salary of $50,000 a year would soon be used up. These letters all receive attention, and are acknowledged by means of a politely worded printed form, which informs the seeker for charity that the President regrets that so many calls of this kind are made upon him that it is simply impossible for him to respond. THE PEESIDENrS FATHEE-IN-LAW. He Will Resign His Position and Live In the White Honse. SrXClAL TXLEGBAM TO TBE DISPATCH. 1 "Washington, April 27. It seems the President's family have concluded it isn't quite the proper thing to permit the father of the wife of the President of the United States, a very old man, to fill an insignifi cant place in the pension office, and so that gentleman, the. Rev. Joha Scott, D. D., has resigned his position in the "department, and will move into the White House finally on the return of the family from New York. He has passed most of his time there since the inauguration, and will now have no other home for at least four years. Mrs. Scott Xord. Mrs. Harrison's sister-in-law, will have charge of the Executive Mansion, in the absence of the Harrison family. " FIXING 'UP THE WHITE HOUSE. Mrs. Harrison Creating a Morning Room for Herself. i lsrXCIALTELXQBAVTOTHXDISFATCB.I "Washington. April 27. Mrs. Harrison has had a busy week, preparing for the Cen tennial celebration. Beside that important matter she has been superintending some slight changes in the "White House. The large bathroom in the southwest corner of the house has been changed into a pleasant boudoir and sitting room by replacing the curtain that hid the bathtub by a firm wooden paneling. The edges of the floor have been laid with new wood in stripes, and as there are two large windows in the room overlooking the White House lot and drive, and the buildings and grass sward to the west, Mrs. Harrison expects to have a delightful morning room in it. Senator Cameron Going Abroad. ISnCULTILIOBAM TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 . "WashJcon, April 27. Senator Cam eron y, .'rpuslly preparing for a tour abroaf j&fMrs. Cameron and their little girl. Vhey will probably start about the middle of May. The Senator hasn't called at the "White House since his return, and sees few of the'many office seekers who ring uia uourueu v THE F1EST LADI'S BAEL DEESS. Mrs. Harrison Receives Her Costnrae for the Centennial Qnadrllle. ISPECIAL TELEOBAX TO TUX DISVATC7I.1 "Washington, April 27. Mrs. Harri son's ball dress has arrived from New -York, but Mrs. McKee's dress will await her in that city. Mrs. Harrison's dress is a trained princesse robe of rich white faille francaise, ot which the back and train is composed. The sides oi the skirt are silver brocade in a fern design, and this is divided from the front of the skirt by two rows of ostrich feather trimmin?. The front of the ,skirt is made of tulle embroidered in a irreuiuu pattern Troriteu wiui bui aiu pearls, and the-immediate front is banged with pearl pendants. The corsage is cut half high and filled in with net, and there is a high collar of the white ostrich feather trimming about the throat. The vest is of tulle with garniture of pearl and silver pas sementerie. Mrs. McKee's dress is made after the pat terns of the continental times and is of white armure silk and embroidered mousseline de soie. HE'S ALL EIGHT. President Harrison Enjoying Better Health Than for Some Time Fast. V rsriCTAL TXLEORAM TO TUX DtSrATCB.I "Washington, April 27. The talk about the President's health is somewhat exagger ated. Anyone who has heard a story that the President is a sick man, and then seen the President for the first time, is apt to be lieve all he has heard,- and more. The President's face is almost colorless. His complexion is of a waxy whiteness, almost startling, but this peculiarity is not a new one. Plaxen-haired men and Mr. Harrison was flaxen-haired before he was gray are either exceedingly ruddy-faced or white faced, and the President is one of the white faced kind. Men who were with him in Indianapolis during the campaign tell me that he looks much better and stronger than he did then. HABBISONISCOLD. ' Philadelphia Politicians Complain of the President's Chilliness They Fear the Re salt at tho Next General Election If He Ooesn't Make Haste. SPECIAL TELEGBAK TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 'Philadelphia, April 27. The Re publican politicians the active ward workers are growing exceedingly impatient for recognition. They think the new ad ministration has been at the helm long enough to have made some changes in the Federal offices in this city, so that they might, in turn, be given snug berths. On all sides there is much grumbling to be heard, and many are as ready to curse Harrison, whom they charge with being slow and too much given to civil service, as they were to blackguard President Cleveland for displacing Repub licans during the four years of his incum bency of the Federal executiveship. It is not an uncommon thine to hear very uncomplimentary criticisms indulged in as to the course of the new administration. Already Republican politicians are charac terizing Harrison as being, "cold," and the fear is being expressed that when changes are finally made the proper recognition will not be given to those who labored in their wards and divisions in behalf ot the straight ticket. Before this time it was expected, that thecustom hoase, pqst office, mint and internal revenue offices would be in the hands oT Republicans, and that several hundred of workers would be given places. "Two months," exclaimed a ward politi cian to-day, "has passed since Harrison has been inaugurated, and nothing has been done." Several who were standing around manifested their displeasure witn the ad ministration by saying that for all the good it has been to the party, President Cleve land might just as well be running the af fairs of the country. It is no unusual thing to hear politicians say "it is a cold administration," and to predict the most direful results for .the party at the next gen eral election, unless something is done to appease the clamor of tbe men who think that ere this their services should have been rewarded by appointment to places in the federal offices of the city. ALLOWED TO EESIGN. An Office Holder Given an Unsatisfactory Sort of Recompense. "Washington, April 27. On account of the injustice done Mr. R. Williams, Chief of Division in the Third Auditor's office, by the erroneous statements published regard ing his removal two weeks ago, Secretary Windom to-day revoked the order for his re moval, and accepted his resignation, to date from the close of business on the 18th of April. " CONTENTS OP THIS ISSUE. A Guide for Rapid Readers Where to Find News and Choice Rending. The Dispatch once more offers its tens of thousands of patrons a triple part 20-page number. On account of pressure on the news columns by live business men who believe that it pays to keep the nubile posted on their do ings, it has been found necessary to make some changes in the make-up. The most important is the transferor the classified advertisements wants, for sales, to lets, business changes, auc tion sales, real estate cards, etc from the Third Page or the First Part of The Dis patch to the Eleventh Page of the Second Part. The First-Part contains all the latest telegraphic, local, baseball and sporting news, the miscellaneous matter being distributed as follows: Part II Pages 9 to 16. fageS Saltan of Johsre T. G. Carpenter Besntyand Health SnmLET Daee Nye, the Historian Bill Ntx Washington Bellas Clarissa Pageto id Honse on Stilts GAIL HAMILTOK Yankee Daredevils. H. A."W. Praying For Office E. TV. LiaHTXXB Easiness Cards. page 11 Classified Advertisements -Wants, For Sales, To Lets, Business Chances, etc. etc. Page 13 Etiquette, Society, The Drama, G. A. E. News, Ullltary Notes. Page 13 A Good Character Iter. GEO. BODGE3 Market Bevlew and Business Cards. PageU Business Cards. Page 15 League of Patriots PAUL Dxeouledx. A Little Horso Talk...-. Bobt. BomrxB, et AL Art BeTlew. Page 16- Paris In the Fast He:tot HATsie Amusement Directory. Part III Pages 17 to 30. Page U A Cuban BuU Fight LlLLIAXSCXSCItt Music for tbe Poor uadt Campbill East and West (1'lctlon) Kdwaud E. Bale PageJS- Clsra Belle's Chat CLARA BiLLX An Indian Battle CAPTAIN KctG, TJ. S. A. Everyday Science Statt Warns Page 13 The Golden Island "C-E. HICTRICHS Killarney'i Hills E. L. W AXEMAN Bunday Thoughts A Clesotmak Fireside Sphynx E. B. Chadsocex Page to ATronical Cruise....... Bxvxblt Catnip Tbe Lolling Boom Mast E. Humphbxts A Study of Mankind BSSSTS BsAVStS Business Cards, . Tfk PAGES. "30 THE W MM Americus Club Boys Celebrate! ' the 67th Anniversary of Grant's Birthday afc! WITH A FINE BANQUET. ) Plumb, Goff, Hastings, McEinley and ' Dalzell Orate. . EYES MATT QU AI MADE A SH0ET SPEECH Tribntes Paid to Grant's memory Republi canism Xanded Interesting Letter, Read From Absent Gaests Fine Floral Decorations a Feature About 300 Seats Taken A Grand Success. "- The Americus Club held its third annual banquet on the sixty-seventh anniversary, of Grant's birthday last night. Senator Plumb, Generals Goff and Hastings and Congressmen McKinley and Dalzell re sponded to toasts. About COO persons were, . present. WHERE thera are such-orators as Hastings, Goff, McKinley and Plumb, of Kan sas, such a clever speaker as Con gressman Dalzell to introduce them; such a shrewd manager of politi cal forces and manipulator o i combinations as Matthew Stanley Quay; such enthusiasts and good fellows as the Americus club for an audience; a ieaa worthy of thaods served Jn the best style; of the Seventh Avenue, and greatest and, above all, the sixty-seventh, anniversary of General Grant's birthday to cele brate in the face of all these and under such cir cumstances there is bonnd to be an overflow of good feeling and an out- 1 burst of the wild- est enth.U5iasmtJt povcrnor.SUct JSaSha is needless io re- js. uojf. - mark that the third annual banqtretf tho. Americus Club last night was A X GBASD SUCCESS. The scene in the large dining room othe Seventh Avenue was magnificent and un precedented in the his tory of the hotel. Tha covers on the long lines of tables were all takes, and 300 people sat down at the feast. TheflorsJ decorations were up to the finest in the decora tive art. and the menu was first-class in every Bxlver Tanqued Major WV-. McKinly. The invited guests were arranged on either side of President Paul. On his left loomed , tall form of General Hastings above the slight Goff from "West Virginia like. nrntotinir anzel. Ahe General did not ar- rive until 850, but a committee was at the depot to meet him, some of the courses had already been served when he en tered the dining room, and as soon as he ap peared there was a clapping of hands and cries ot "What's the matter with Hast-The Hon. John DaUeu. ings?" etc. Amid the applause the General bowed and sat down to pay his respects to the menu. THE MAH WHO GETS THESE. Kext to President Paul on his right sat Matthew Stanley, and just at his elbow Major McKinley was placed. The little . Napoleon winked and blinked with his off eye, laughed and chatted with Mr. Paul, and seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly. When Dalzell in his speech made a slip of the tongue at a critical moment and gavs the credit to the Democracy rather than the . Republican party.Matthew Stanley laughed, the heartiest of the great crowd and Dalzell joined in the chorus. McKinley for tha time laid aside his usual serious cast of countenance and became one of the boys. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, a handsome man with. well shaped head and chin whis kers, occupied a place between the Presi dent of the club and General Gofit Stats Chairman Andrews sat for a short time at the head of the table, bnt he was soon called away by the sickness of his wife. Senator Delamater was on hand, and opposite the distinguished visitors at the table was Con gressman Dalzell. Senator Cameron, Secretary Stone and Ben Butterworth, ot Ohio, at the last mo- , ment telezraphed their regrets. Reinforced, 3 by the local1 representatives, the dining -room was full of a fine collection of men. The Rev. Dr. Leak delivered a short ' prayer, and then the waiters were given am -opportunity to display their alacrity. A TELEQBAM FB03X BEN. At the close of the feasting Mr. H.D. W. - English read a number of letters of regret. President Harrison, while the banquet was S A.! L.J 1.1 t.l.XS: iu progress, teiegrapucu ui cuubutauoust ami regreiieu ne coum not aueuu. xie re ferred to the good time he spent with tha club one year ago. A letter from Grant was received quite late. Ho wanted the boys to remember that "the latchstring of the American Le gation at Vienna would always be open as long as he was there to the member of the Americus Club of Pittsburg." "Vfhea the letters from Senator and General Sher. nM iTaKas4 T .TvvmaI Oaaaa BrlA A . J t "i -yrr i iimi,JK?5i r wi $7 VESK H j ir'sr iuuufXwuukAjiuwju, ocuawr x.Y&xis.Aaa(a -5 Buaioumwa weru reau me applause was? ,- --a -1 1 iaft. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers