i I i V "-F2dR. , Transient Advertisements, . au - , INCLUDING WANTS, TO LETS, FOR SALES, ETJ., FOR TO-MORROW'S ISSUE Should be handed in at the main 'advertising office of The Dispatch, Fifth avenue, up to midnight. PORTY-FOTJRTH TEAE. FOUR EMPTY CHAIRS In Pittsburg's Councils to be Filled by Special Elections to Comply With JUDGE WHITE'S ORDER Debarring Saloon Keepers From Leg islating for the Municipality. POPULAR POLITICIANS KNOCKED OUT Three Conneilmcn Bare Resigned and Another Will Do So They Need Their Licenses and Accept Judge White's Con ditions Ther "Will Not Attempt to Evade the Order by Running for Re-Election Wholesalers Who Were Refused Lleenso Say the Court Erred Petitions for He hearings Filed Retailers Follow Suit A Veteran Displays Ills Indignation Pnhlicly Foreign Brewers Will Con. tlnne Business InFittsbnrg Judge White Telegraphed For. Judge White's decision that no licenses would be issued to Councilmen has resulted already in three resignations, with a fourth pending. The Mayor will issue a procla mation for special elections to fill the vacan cies. The gentlemen who have resigned intimate that business is business, and pro fess to be glad to get out of politics. The liquor men who were refused licenses do not despair, and are filing petitions for rehear ings. The wholesalers say the Court erred, and the retailers insist that they are neces sary lor the public comfort. The pressure On Judge Magee has become so great that he has telegraphed Judge "White, asking him to return at once. Next week the Mayor will issue procla mations for special elections in four wards. The ballots are necessary to refill chairs in City Councils vacated rather hurriedly on account of the conditions under which Judge White granted certain liquor licenses this week. Clerk Sheppard had received up to yesterday the resignations of William Bnhlandt, Jr., Common Councilman from the Twenty-sixth ward. N. C. Dwyer, Select Councilman from the Eighteenth ward, and John O'Neill, Common Councilman from the Fifth ward. James Getty, Jr., the Second ward's representative in Select Council, intends to resign to-day. Mr. Getty keeps a wholesale liquor store on First avenue. The other three Council men are retail liquor dealers. Their licenses were granted by Judge White, con ditional upon their resignation from City Councils. Judge String subsequently, re fused to approve their bonds until be was furnished with satisfactory evidence of such resignations. City Clerc Sheppard has now certified to the Clerk of Courts the resigna tions of Messrs. Enhlandt, Dwyer and O'Neill. Rumors of Rc-EIcctions. During the afternoon yesterday a rumor emanated from the Southside to the effect thatall four Councilmen would, after their resignations are accepted and after safely procuring their liquor licenses, become can didates for re-election to Councils. As all the gentlemen are popular politicians, it would probably be an easy matter for them to be elected again. When this rumor was mentioned at Mu nicipal Hall an official asked: "In the event of re-elections, would not Judge" White revoke the licenses of the members, with the excuse that in effect they did not respect the conditions upon which license was granted?" This question was repeated by The Dis patch reporter to a well-known lawyer, with the additional query, "Would the Judges have power to thus revoke?" "Judges White and Ewing made the con ditions in the cases of the Councilmen simply as a matter of public policy, I think," replied the attorney." "Having thus indicated their idea of what the quali fications of a Councilman should be and doubt whether they would trouble them selves about the cases afterward. Dwyer Denies It. "Now as to the power to revoke a license," continned the lawyer, "the Brooks law says: Upon sufficient cause being shown, or proof being made to the said Court that the party holding a license has violated any law of this Commonwealth relative to the sale of liquors, the Court of Quarter Sessions shall, upon no tice being given to the person so licensed, re voke the said license. "You see it does not 'mention membership in Pittsburg Councils' as one of the causes for revoking a license, however mnch of a crime or misfortune that maybe. But when the applicants come up before the judges next year for a renewal of licenses their Honors might remember such re-elections and regard them as indirect violations of promises. Councilman Dwyer, of the Eighteenth ward, was asked if he would he a candidate for re-election to Councils. He replied: "'No, sir. I have sent in my resignation, and I shall not again be a candidate for Councils. I think Judge White did right, and I shall obey the law. I am sorry to sever my connection with Councils, but, of course, I must look after my business. This ward is growing. New streets are to be laid out, others to be paved. To attend to these important public matters there should be a man in Councils who is "free to devote his whole time to looking after them." Mr. Dwyer has been in Councils eight years. His constituents are sorry to Jose him. He had two years yet to serve. , to Do the Others. Councilman John O'Neill denied also that he wonld run 'for re-election. "I am glad," be said, "that the Judges make it necessary for me to resign. They grant me a license and make that one simple request It would be an insult to the court to be a candidate for re-election to Councils after I take out my license. I have been in Councils off and on for six years, but busi ness is business." Councilman Getty denied the rumor In these words: "I have been in the wholesale ''liquor business here for 16 years. I have oeen in Mmncus two terms. I can't get along - -- without my business, but I can get along without Pittsburg Councils. I will go up to court to-day, and if X find the Judges wish me to retire from Councils I shall send' in my resignation, and will not be a candidate for re-election." Councilman Buhlandt said emphatically: "No, sir; J have pp such intention at all. Whenever I have been a candidate for Council in this ward, I only was suchat the most urgent solicitation of fellow-citizens. But I can assure you that in the future I will never run for Councilman again. I am very glad that I have now a pretense which allows me to get- out of Councils, and I'll take care that I will not get back again." Emanuel Wertheimer, of Guckenheimer & Co., and .F. L. Ober, the brewer, are the only Councilmen who got licenses. They are in Allegheny Councils. Wholesalers Still Petition. - The wholesale dealers held another meet- ing at No. CO Fourth avenue yesterday aft ernoon. A. V. D. Watterson, Esq., was closeted with them aiding in the proper signing of petitions to the court for rehear ings. It was decided to simply file them with the request that they be considered when Judge White returns. From the meeting the following wholesalers went up to the Court House and filed petitions: Julius Gottfried. Chartiers borough; D. Lutz & Son, Chartiers; S. Kllnordlinger, Third ward: John Limegrove, First ward, Allegheny; Charles and F. H. Breuning, agents: Charles Hook. Seventeenth ward; William F. Zollar. Twenty-sixth ward; Albert Bertalbot, Fourth ward: L. C. McCulIongh, Fourth ward; T. D. Casey, Fourth ward; William J. Schenster, Ninth ward; J. Z. T. Robitzer, Mary E. Pollard, Fourth ward: John Mellville, Four teenth wardJames Euhrer, Fifteenth ward; Elias Kauffield, Twenty-eighth ward; Christ BeuhL,A Kochendorfer, Arthur Audrlesen, Third ward, Allegheny; Frank H. Uusoh, Mc Keesport. These petitions state that the Court erred in subjecting wholesalers to the same re quirements as retail dealers. It avers that the law regulating wholesale trade simply says the applicant must be a citizen of the United States and of good moral character, and does not take into consideration the ne cessity of the store. On these points re examinations are asked. Retailers' Commltteo Meets. Charles Yowinkle and the other members of the committee appointed by the Retail Liquor Dealers' Association to confer with the wholesalers, waited upon T. D. Casey yesterday afternoon. He advised them to consult attorneys at once, and get in peti tions for rehearings before Judge White re turns. It was decided to cite in these peti tions the fact that the Court overlooked the necessity for certain saloons; that too short notice is given to quit; that immense loss ir entailed, and that a full bench should heas petitions. These petitions will be printed to-day, but yesterday other petitions were filed in court by the following retailers: N. S. Snyder, Third ward; John E. Fuchs, Sixth ward; Leonard Rauwolf, Eleventh ward; Isaac Joseph ; First ward. A number of petitions asking for the granting of more licenses were also presented. Judge White Telegraphed For. It was reported late yesterday afternoon that Judge Magee had telegraphed for Judge White asking him to come home again on account of the accumulation of rehearing petitions. Judge Magee had left the Court House and the report was not confirmed, although an officcial in one of the county offices said he believed it true "because Wednesday next is May 1, the day on which the license decisions tak effect. In the window of John Bush's saloon. No. 17 Sixth street, is displayed the follow ing placard in bold letters: Will be CLOSED For serving in the UNION ARMY and In REBEL PRISONS For 8 years and 10 months, By order of HIS AUTOCRATIC HIGHNESS, The Czar of Allegheny Co. It is stated that the agents of the foreign breweries that were refused license by Judge White have concluded to practically con tinue business in Pittsburg. Heretofore when retailers or private individuals desired foreign beers they ordered from the agents located here and transacted all their busi ness here in the city. Now it is proposed that when any person desires a consignment of ont-of-town beer, the order will be sent direct to the city where the 'brewery is located.- The proprietors will ship the b'eer and the Dill of lading will be sent to the purchaser with an order on the warehouse in the city. This, they assert, will not in terfere with any stipulations in the Brooks law, as the transactions financially will take place out of the State. A LITE MAN FOE A TARGET. The Fan a Little Boy Had With an Octogen arian and an Air Gnn. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.l Flint, Mich., April 26. Fourteen-year-old Edward Coy lives next door to a man named Bigelow, who is 80 years old and somewhat deranged. To-day it occurred to young Coy, thatMr. Bigelow, being old and quite likely to stand still, would answer all the purposes of the receiving end of a shoot ing gallery. Accordingly, he led the old man out into the barn, and standing him up in a .horse stall, began to blaze away at him with an air gun. Bigelow grinned as he was hit, and Coy had a merry time of it. At last the boy grew tired if the fun and led Bigelow into the house, where he was found by his relatives, who had been away. The old man's wounds are severe. Coy has been arrested. A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY. The Novel Defense Adopted In the Hawes Murder Case. Birmingham, April 26. During this afternoon the theory of the -defense in the Hawes murder case was developed through the cross-examination of the State's witness. It is that Fannie 'Bryant saw Hawes pay his wile $500, and killed her far the money. A man named Thompson, said to resemble Hawes, was her accomplice, and he it was who was seen on the dummy train from Lake View and out to East Lake, taking Little May out to the latter place, where he killed her and put her body in the water; that the witness took Thompson for Hawes, and that the former disappeared about the time of the murders and has never been seen or heard of since. A Chance for Opium Fiends. Utica, N. Y., April 26. On May 19 15,000 boxes of opium stored at Cape Vin cent will be sold under seizure by the Deputy United States Marshal. TTAVA TH? TT 17 contribute some lively LliAHA. JDttLLEl gossip to the columns of to-morrow's DISPATCH. She sveaks of the latest society fads. Easier fashions. Centennial squabbles and other bright and breezy matters. A PLUOKY YOUTH. He Opens Fire on u Brace of Burglars and Rings Ono to the Ground Tho Wonnded Man Halls From Pittsburg Quite an Adventure. Chicago, April 26. After firing four shots from a revolver, Charlie Howard, the 13-year-old son of J. O. Howard, chief clerk of the "Wabash railroad, captured a burglar, on State street, near Twelfth, to night, who had just plundered the resi dence of the lad's father. The burglar is now in the county hospital with a danger ous wound in the thigh. He gives the name of, Joseph Riley, and says' he came from Pittsburg. The Howard family have suffered two or three times recently from burglars, and this evening Charlie, being alone in the house, decided to play watchman. Securing his father's revolver, the lad secreted himself near a window where marauders had once before obtained entrance. An hour's wait was rewarded by the sight of two men climb ing in with a bag. Either throngh fright or discretion Charlie waited until the bag had been filled with valuables, and the two burglars and their load were well outside the premises. Then he pursued, revolver in hand, yelling "police." No police ap peared, and one of the men turned -upon the boy menacingly, whereupon Charlie opened fire. The fourth shot brought down one bur glar with a shattered thigh bone. His com panion got away. A patrol wagon now dashed up, seenred the bag of plunder, the wounded burglar and Master Charlie. To complete the youngster's adventure, he was held at the station house several honrs until a certainty was reached that the burglar's wound was not fatal. PR0SPE0TS OF THE SOUTH. Bnroa Erlanger Believes That It Will be a Great Railway Field. Chicago, April 26. Baron Erlanger, of Paris, whose large railway investments in this country were the foundation upon which was built the Cincinnati Southern and connecting lines, was at the Palmer House to-day, arriving from 'Cincinnati with a party of railway officials. In an in terview he said: Ibave just comploted a ten days' trip over all the Southern roads in which I am inter ested, having coine to America expressly for that purpose. The bouth certainly has a great future. I realize what the war meant and how it must have stunned every tendency toward development, but when I saw the coal and iron fields in Northern Alabama, the timber and stone supply, the agricultural resources, and the quick enterprise that is at work with them, I don't see howl could havo other than great confidence in any investment there. In rail road building :l believe there has been too much progress in the West and Northwest, but not in the South, which is yet a tempting field. A S0KT OF FAMILY TEUST. Cottonseed Not as Plenty In tho South us It Aright Be. rsrzcxu. telegram to the dispatch.i Charleston, S. C. April 26. There are indications here of a trnst in which the cotton farmers will get the best of the deal. It seems there is a scarcity of cottonseed throughout the State. Some farmers have a good stand and plenty of seed, but they are not disposed to sell their surplus, except at paying prices. Those who have seed say that they will not sell under $1 per bushel, and many are holding out for those figures. The ordinary price is 15 cents. The peculiar part about this trust is that it is a family affair. Cottonseed at this time of the year is only purchased for plant ing purposes, not for the manufacture oPj oil. ilany larmers sold their seed in the winter to the cottonseed oil mills, and are now without seed for planting purposes. Their long-headed brethren vriio held their seed are now holding it for fancy prices. DOES IT MEAN A EEDUCT10N? Pennsylvania Company's Agents Investigate the Incomes of Employes. rSFECIAL telegram to the bisfatch.i West Elizabeth, April 26. Quite an excitement was created by special agents of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company going over the Pittsburg, West Penn and Monon gahela divisions, interrogating all their agents to ascertain what their incomes were from express companies and outside sources over and above their stipulated salaries paid them by the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company. Some agents are inclined to think that it means an increase of salary, while others are inclined to look upon it differently. One of the latter was overheard to remark that trouble might occur if, an attempt was made to cut wages, as the present financial condition of the road from the last annnal ireport did not justify a reduction in the wages of the employes. CLEVELAND TO SELL HI8 STABLE. The Famous Beat Browns and the Other Horses to Go at Auction. tEFECIAX. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, April 26. Ex-President Cleveland has decided to dispose of all his horses and vehicles that he had at the White House stables and at Oak View, and they will be sold at auction from a stable in this city next week. When Mr. Cleveland left Washington he was undecided whether he would send for his horses after a time or dis pose of them here. He finally decides! to sell, as he would have little use for them for several months. Among the horses are the well-known seal browns and a pair of handsome bays, be sides the single horse that Mr. Cleveland had a fancy for driving in the last days of his" administration. In selling his horses Mr. Cleveland follows the precedent sefby Mr. Arthur on retiringjrom office. A MISSOURI TBAGEDY. One Prominent Citizen Kilts Another With a Winchester Rifle. Mammoth Springs, Ark., April 26. News has reached here of a tragedy at West Plains, Mo., at 7 o'clock last night, in which William Summers, one of the most prominent and best known men in that State, was killed by Hon. A.Xivingston, a lawyer of West Plains. The killing was caused by bad feeling in regard to a bond for a yonng man who left the State. The weapon used was a Winchester rifle. Summers was not armed. Livingston is under arrest. A Boy Crashed to Death. rSPrCTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 St. George, W. Va., April 26. In Licking district, this county, William Plum and his 7-year-old son were burning brush in a clearing, on the top of which there was a large log. The boy sat down near the fire, when the log rolled out on him, crushing his skull and killing him instantly. A Rather Singular Damage Suit. ST. PAUL, April 26. Frederick Schultz has sued Michael Ford for $2,000 damages for covering him with a coat of red and black paint while he slept, and afterward -calling in other boarders to laugh at the sight Schultz was asleep and was awak ened by their shouts of laughter. RTF T 1BW rehearses a little ancient his DILL 11 1 El lory in to-morrow's Dis patch, in wnicn ne aescrtoes ine rise ana fall of the ilormon empire, and relates the sad fate . Dirt K?stri fHomtnt ty 0vy4lW&M vrwiyta PITTSBURG!-, .SATURDAY, APKLL A KEGULAR EOAEER Is What Hew Yorkers. Now Realize the-entennial is Going to Be, THOUSANDS LOOK FOR LODGINGS, Although the Great Crash Hasn't Began to Strike the Town Yet, MAYOR GBANT.BC0BE8 ANOTHER POINT. The Bain Storm Snins Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Decorations. New York begins to realize that a great event is about to transpire within her con fines. The city is filling up with strangers. The great rainstorm of yesterday ruined thousands of dollars' worth of decorations. Mayor Grant will preside at the banquet. The decorations of the Metropolitan Opera House are described as something beautiful and wonderful. The committee is having its usual misunderstandings with every one. ' rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Ne-w Yobk, April 26. The town is be ginning to show, in a noticeable degree, the presence of the out-of-town visitors, though the rain kept them indoors to-day. These early comers are the wide-awake country folks who know that it is worth while to start in well ahead of time if you want to be comfortably lodged in the metropolis dur ing such a rip-roaring celebration as the great show is going to be. Shoals of the strangers are beginning to crowd the corridors of the up-town hotels, and to make the streets interesting and picturesque to Gothamites. Irr the cheaper hostelries, down-town, the crowd is greater still, but the great centennial crush has not struck, the town yet, and the bonifaces don't expect it until to-morrow and Sunday. By that time the jam, they asserted to-day, will be so great that it wonld scare the father of his country if he could come back to life and take a look at the metropolis. looking foe lodgings. Captain Allaire, of the Broadway squad, reported to the Police Commissioners to-day that 3,208 strangers inquired of his men, be tween Thirty-fourth street and the Battery, on Thursday, where they could obtain lodg ing. The Bev. F. Marion McAllister, of Elizabeth, N. J., brother of the leader of the Four Hundred, has cansed a peck of trouble. The clerical gentleman was on the list of people to receive complimentary tickets, until his brother was deposed from the management of the ball. Then, for some reason, he only received an invitation to buy a ticket, and even then was struck dumb upon having that refused when he applied for it. Mr. Bowen, the Secretary of the Centennial Committee, is making a desper ate effort to placate the brothers, and Mr. Ward McAllister and all his friends are saying "real mean things" about Messrs. Gerry, Fish and Bowen. The Jersey so ciety clergyman now declares that he will buy a ticket and won't accept the compll mentaries which rushed over to him as soon as the row got into the papers. on top eveke time. Mayor Grant .will preside at the banquet. The committee has respectfully invited him to; and he has politely, accepted the invi tation. The invitation hears date of April 26, and at the same time bears witness that another of the committee's little private arrangements has been swamped in the publio character and larceness of the event. They had planned to have ex-Governor Ham ilton Fish preside and the Mayor officiate as toastmaster. It is now known that the Mayor objected, in his official capacity, and gained his point. Mayor Grant and the Centennial Com mittee have another row on hand. Permits were is3ued to the committee to build re ceivingstands in Union Square, on the ex press stipulation that a portion of the seats should be free to women and children. The committee to-day announced that there would be no free seats. To-day the Mayor promptly revoked the permit, declaring that he would have the verbal agreement carried out or CHOP THE STANDS DOTTN. The committee has been officially notified of the Mayor's action, and informed that they could have another permit when they set apart a portion of the.seats for the use of women and children. At the Army Committee headquarters in the Fifth Avenue Hotel it was evident early in the evening that there was trouble, but just what it was no one could learn. The committee went into secret session be fore 9 P. M., and did not adjourn until 10.30. After the committee adjourned this proclamation was issued by Colonel Cruger: At a meeting of the Army 'Committee held last evening it was decided to make a portion of the Union squarestands on Fourteenth street and Fourth avenue free to women and to chil dren accompanied by women. The portions reserved will be indicated by signs. No tickets will be issued. The first comers will be ad mitted until the seats are all occupied. Bear Admiral Jouett came to town to day, to represent Admiral Porter, in confer ence with the Naval Committee regarding DETAILS OS THE NATAL PAEADE. When he arrived at the committee room he declared that Admiral Porter's orders must be obeyed. Admiral Porter had ordered that the Dispatch proceed to Elizabethport, through the lines of the parade, and ac company the war vessels up the Hudson river as tar as Twenty-sixth street, then passing them in review. Then leaving the war vessels, the Dispatch was to steam down again round the Battery and land the Pres ident at the foot of Wall street. The orders the Naval Committee had issued were that the Dispatch should pro ceed from Elizabethport at once to the foot of Wall street, and let the parade take care of itself. Bear Admiral Jouett declared that the Dispatch was a Government vessel, and that a Government officer was marshal of the affair. The committee contested that the whole parade was pnrelv a civic demon stration, and that AdmiralPorterwasacting only in an honorary capacity as Marshal. In place of THE EEVTETV" OP THE 'WAR SHIPS that Admiral Porter wanted up the Hnd son, it was represented that the Dispatch could review the ships of war in the harbor, on her way to Wall street. As a result of the conference, orders were issued in the name of Admiral Porter providing for the carrying out of the committee's original plans. The storm has played sad havoo rith the elaborate decorationson the buildings of the town, causing the colors in the bunting and muslinrto run and wash out, and blowing away the cloth in many places, It will re quire thousands of dollars to repair the damage. The Centennial banquet will begin at 7 o'clock. Ipo speeches will begin at 9 o'clock. A great effect 'will be caused by the entrance of the ladies into the boxes. The appearance of Mrs. Harrison in her box will be the signal. Half a. minute after ward the long tiers of bare boxes will be filled. Superintendent Murray wishes it under stood that for the special benefit of the guests at the banquet, details of mounted men win ne piacea on oanquet day at mrty-iourta street, xorty-secona street 27, 1889. TWELVE and Fifty-ninth street, to open the lines for banqueters upon presentation of tickets. They will, therefore, attempt to cross the city only at these three points if they wish to get through. BALL AND BANQUET. Extensive Decorations of the Metropolitan Opera House tor the Great Dance A Perfect Bower of Trees and Flowers The Honored First Quadrille. rSFECIAXi TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Nev Yoee, April 2$. The work of dec orating the interior of the Metropolitan Opera House for the-ball and banquet was pushed through most of to-nieht. 'The Broadway vestibule is being made a garden of old-fashioned flowers. Primroses, hya cinths, tulips, daffodils and the like will bloom amongshrubs thai border the walls and balustrades, and old-fashioned fruit trees will grow everywhere. Here and there will bo delightful paths bordered with garden box and daisies, and dwarf shrubs will inclose the grass plot of real grass with old-fash-i ioned, odd-shaped flower beds all over it, no two alike. A great structure in flowers will "rise from the stage at the ball, kit will be a succession of terraces of red azalias, white azalias, and blue hydrangeas, repeated again and again. There will be big and little trees, pine and hemlock brought from Virginia. At the banquet roses will be the feature of the dec oration of the President's table. The publication of differing lists, both in correct, of the ladles who will dance the Quadrille d' Honneur stirred the entertain ment committee to-day into announcing the real list, which is as follows: Mrs. William Astor. Mrs. A. Newbold Mor ris, Mrs. S. V. It. Cruger, Mrs. W. Bayard Cut ting, Mrs. Edward A. Jones, Mrs. Edward Cooper, Mrs. Alexander S. Webb, Mrs. Robert F. Weir, Mrs. William Herbert Washington, Mrs. Levi P. Morton, Mrs. A. Grade King, Mrs. Elbrldge T. Gerry, Mrs. Frederick J. De Pcyster, Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, Miss Carola Livingston and Miss Schuyler. The ball wil open at 9 o'clock precisely. The President will arrive at 10:30 o'clock, and the quadrille will be formed immedi ately after. A comparison between the offi cial list above printed and the original list, made out by Mr. Ward McAllister, the publication of which was the turning point of the difference between Mr. McAllister and Mr. Stuyvesant Fish, will be interest ing. The original list was: Mrs. William Astor, Mrs.-A Newbold Mor ris, Mrs. S. V. R. Cruger, Mrs. John Jay, Mrs. W. Bayard Cutting, Mrs. Levi P. Morton, Mrs. Henry Van Renssalaer, Mrs. Buchanan "Win tbrop, Mrs. Charles Francis Adams, Mrs. A. Oracle King. Miss Carola Livingston, Mrs. Sidney Webster, Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, Mrs. G rover Cleveland, Mrs. D. B. .Hayes and Mrs. William Waldorf Astor. The last nine ladies have since, it is stated, declined to serve. Each of the la dies who will dance in the quadrille will be accompanied by a special floor manager to and from the presentation to the President and dance. ALWAYS EATING YEP ALWAIS HUNGRY. The Man With the Champion Appetite Lives In Massachusetts. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TILE SISFATCB.1 Gloucesteb, Mass., April 26. The champion hungry man lives in Essex, and his name is Samuel Morse. He is afflicted with a most peculiar -disease, being con stantly hungry, and will eat ravenously nearly every hour in the 24, getting up several times during the night to appease his appetite. He has been examined by many prominent physicians, none of whom can give any reason,ior this abnormal appe tite or prescribe any medicine which will afford relief. He is not at all particular what it is, if it is only something to eat. He will bake a quart of beans and eat the most of them at one silting, and in 10 minutes be hungry for more. He recently purchased 4y$ pounds of lamb and made a broth of it, and ate the whole in the course of two hours. Snch a free partaking of food causes con siderable uneasiness and depression, but there is no getting away from it. The con stant hunger calls for appeasement. Hungry he goes to bed, hungry he rises in the morn ing, and the vast quantities of food which he partakes of do not seen to benefit him. He has been afflicted in this' way for ten years. v NO YELLOW FEVER IN FLORIDA. Suspects of Sanford Closely Watched, but No Cases Are Developed. ISPECIAL TELEGBAK TO THE DISFATCU.t Sanford, Fla., April 26. There is no fever here of any kind, and only one case of sickness in the city. All the suspects are closely watched and kept at the Demont House, where the death reported to be a yellow fever case occurred, and none are sick or ailing. No fears seem to be felt now, and verjr few have left the city. The city authorities are enforcing the strictest kind of sanitary regulations. Many here serious ly doubt that Mr. Demont died of yellow fever, though all are obedient to orders of the authorities. Surgeon General John B. Hamilton and Dr. C. Hornbeck, of Charleston, are in Jacksonville to-night in consultation with Dr. B. P. Daniel and other members of the State health board, who arrived there on an evening train. General Hamilton thinks that Florida will be well protected this year. This meeting this evening was more especial ly to decide on general plans to guard the State. The General Government is co operating with the State officials. General Hamilton and party leave to-morrow for Washington. GALLANT WHITE CAPS Fire a Man Who Jumped a Toung Lady's , Claim. Dakota, Dak., April 26. Reports from the southern part or this county are to the effect that a band of White Cap) called on a Norwegian named Johnson the other night They seized him, pulled down his shanty and shed which were on a wagon, and he was ordered to skip. The supposed cause of the visit is the fact that Johnson jumped the claim .of a young lady who was considered unable to defend herself. Two men were arrested to-day as members of the gang and their cases will he heard Monday. They are residents of Lakota and protest their innocence. NO HOPE FOR THEM. The Extradition BUI Is Finally Passed by the Canadian Senate. Otta-wa, Ont., April 26. The Weldon extradition bill was passed by the Senate to-day. The measure will be assented to next week by the Governor General. It is reported that the bill-will be submitted to the English Government for approval be fore it beeomes a law. An examination of the recent vote on the bill in the Honse of Commons shows that nearly all the legal gentlemen in the House voted against the retroactive clause, which provided for the surrender of fugitives guilty of offenses prior to tfie passage of the act A YOUNG WIFE'8 SUICIDE. Her Husband Is Crazed With Grief and Tries to Follow Her Example. New Yoek, April 26. Celestine de Marco, the 18-year-old wife of a young and wealthy Italian contractor, committed sui cide last night at her residence by shooting. She was suffering from an incurable com plaint and had been in a melancholy mood for some time. She was the daughter of a railroad contractor in Argyle, Wis. The husband, crazed by grief, attempted suicide, but was prevented. PAGES. BLAMED ON BLASE. Canada is Getting Very Wrathy Over the Behring Sea Tronble. SOMETHING JIDSTBEDONB AT ONCE. Compensation is Demanded for the Vessels That Were Seized. SIR JOHN EXPECTS GRAVE TROUBLE Unless the Claims Becerre .Prompt and Satisfactory Attention. The Canadian Parliament has assumed a belligerent attitude. The seizure of British vessels in the Behring Sea is warmly de nounced. Blaine is held accountable for the position taken by the American Gov ernment upon the matter. Premier Mac Donald says he dare not name the conse quences that will result if Canada's claims are not considered. The ground taken by the United States officials is characterized as absurd. Lobbyists of the Alaska Com mercial Company are said to influence action at Washington. Ottawa, Ont., April 2G. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Prior brought up the question of the alleged illegal seizure of the American vessels in Behring Sea. He said that the United States, England and Bussia signed a treaty in 1821, in which Bnssia abandoned her claims to exclusive jurisdiction in Behring Sea. He referred to the seizure of three ships from Victoria, B. 0., iu Behring Sea in 1886 by American cruisers. The greatest portion of the catch confis cated at the same time was caught long before the alleged American waters were reached. No settlement had been ar rived at for these seizures nor had any com pensation been offered to the owners, who had been ruined. The amount of the origi nal claims reached $153,000. Eight other vessels were seized in the following year. He referred to the hardships experienced by the seamen on these vessels, who, after be ing landed at Alaska, were obliged to re turn home in a penniless condition. TO LOCATE THE BLAME. Three of the vessels to-day lay rotting on the beach of Alaska. He knew that the Dominion Government had asked England to secure a settlement and he wanted in formation as to the delay in bringing the international negotiations to a close. If any blame existed he wanted to know where it rested. He contrasted the delay in settling the Behring Sea affair with the haste shown by the United States in the Samoan affair. He contended that the majority of Ameri cans on the Pacific coast were opposed to the monopoly enjoyed by the Commercial Company in Alaska. Nothing, he con tended, could justify the seizure of British vessels in several instances many hundred miles from land. He referred to the issue of the proclama tion by President Harrison, and said it was a violation of international right. Mr. Blaine he regarded as the author of the proclamation, which simply proposed to en rich the Alaska Commercial Company. SOME DIEECT CHARGES. The monopoly, he said, had its agents and lobbyists in Washington. He wanted the Government to ask the imperial author ities to send t ''British war vessel to Behr ing Sea. He felt certain that even if a little gunboat put her nose near the Aleu tian Islands we would hear of no further seizures. Mr. Davies, Liberal, agreed with Mr. Prior as to the importance of the matter. The delay, he said, simply showed that Canada could never secure summary justice until she had an agent at Washington. If English and American treaties were un friendly no reason existed why Canada should suffer. The present Unsatisfactory state of affairs would continue until Canada had the right to make her own treaties. Mr. Davies then turned his attention to the alleged indigni ties by American cruisers in Behring Sea to show that Americans had no jurisdiction outside the three-mile marine limit. AN INIQUITOUS ATTEMPT. Sir John MacDonald replying, said he would not deal with the question of estab lishing a commercial agency at Washing ton. Parliament had already decided the qnestion. The United States, he continued, claimed exclusive jurisdiction in Behring Sea. American and Canadian vessels had suffered equally from an aggressive mo nopoly. The question was not a local one. It was one that afiected all maritime na tions, which he felt certain would resist the iniquitous attempt of the United States to claim the Behring Sea. Sir Julian Fanncefote, he felt sure, as Minister at Washington, would do all in his power to bring the matter to termina tion. England had indorsed Canada's claims and recently admitted that the American pretensions were unfounded. If the United States insisted upon its pre tensions grave complications would arise. What the results would be he dared not say, nor did he dare to think of the results. Canada had resisted her wrongs. She would continue to resist them, and compen .sation was inevitable. AMERICAN CLAIMS ABSURD. The Marquis of Lansdowne, ex-Governor General of Canada, took a warm personal interest in the qnestion, and when he went to England he took with him a statement from the Dominion Government The speaker said he felt that Sir Julian was equal to the occasion. Sir Bichard Cartwright took occasion to show what he considered the necessity for Canada demanding the establishment of an agency at Washington, as Canada alone was unable to settle .her grievances, owing to interminable delays in the Foreign office. He declared that the claims of the United States were absurd. Sir John Thompson, Minister of Justice, followed. He denied the truth of assertions that Canada conld appeal from the judg ment of Alaskan courts. The matter of appeal, he said, rested with the owners of the vessels and he was glad that they pre ferred to claim compensation instead. LADY CAMPBELL JSSTOJSZ ttymorroufs Dispatch, in which she describes the good work done by English musical socie ties in awakening a love for music in the masses. . FAITHFUL TO THE END. A Little Boy Refuses on His Deathbed to Tell Which ofHIs Friends Killed Him. ISPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.: Louisville, ;Kv., April 26. Day be fore yesterday the little 9-year-old son of John Thompson was playing baseball on the commons with some companions. Dur ing the game another boy struck him on the right forearm with a hat, breaking both bones. Young Thompson was taken home and physicians set the fractnred limb. He was asked the name of the boy who hurt him7but he refused to tell. He said the boy washisfriend, and he didn't mean to injure him. He wouldn't tell who he was, because he might get him into trouble. Shortly lockjaw set in, and this forenoon the boy died. He sever divulged the name of bis little friend. 55. jTJa-c -S(j5Sfjt. iT-is jraisient THEY MUST GET 0U1 Secretary Noble Will Bounce the Depot Marshals Who Invaded Oklahoma in Advance The Situation at Gathrle Is Somewhat Improved Rail roads Doing Better. t tSFZCIAI. TELEOBAM TO THE PISFATC1I.1 Washington, April 26. It seems pretty certain that the Government officials in Oklahoma will get very cold comfort from the officials here in their efforts to deprive actual settlers of lands in Oklahoma. A talk with Secretary Noble demon strates the views of the adminis tration that the officials there were sent to earn their salaries and not to take up homesteads. It is considered vastly preferable if a Government official like the United States 'Marshal, the District Judge or the Register of the Land office desired to enter land, that he resign his position and become a homesteader. It may be accepted as a foregone conclusion that all contests against entries made by officials will be sus tained by both the General Land office and the Secretary of the Interior. The Government officials here are filled with indignation over the tricks played by the alleged Deputy United States Marshals to get into the conntrr.ahead of the settlers, and it seems quite likely that all of these people will be deprived of their land on the ground that they illegally entered the country ahead of the date set by the Presi dent for the openings of the lands. Secretary Noble said to-day: I shall insist upon the military forces exclud ing every person who may enter the Cherokee strip as soon as he may Set foot thereon. There will be no dilatory business about this and no toleration of iniractionof the law. That strip Is Indian country and must not be Invaded. On the other hand we propose toprotect ourhome. steaders in Oklahoma from any invasion of their rights by persons Who have taken unfair advantage of them. A dispatch from Chicago says: Officials of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Bailroad, claim that information just re ceived from reliable parties on the ground, is to the effect that little or no foundation in fact exists for the recent rumors that set tlers -in Oklahoma are suffering for supplies. Special attention is being given to this mat ter by the company and commissaries. Emigrant outfiU and other necessaries of life are being hurried forward as promptly as possible. All trains, they say, are mov ing regularly, and while it is impossible to handle all freight that is offered without delay, the above classes of traffic are receiv ing special attention, under specific instruc tions from the management A marked improvement has come over the aspect of Guthrie in the last 24 hours. Everything is moving rapidly toward an intelligent and peaceful settlement. Water of fair quality is obtainable free, and the resumption of reasonably regular traffic ou the railroad has brought in supplies. DOESN'T EVEN TRUST HIMSELF. A Custodian of the Public's Millions Very Particular In His Precautions. ISFEC1AL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.I New York, April 26. Sub-Treasurer Ellis H. Roberts made an innovation to-day that occasioned much interest in the build ing, when considered together with his de termination to put the employes under bonds. From time immemorial the combi nations of the locks to the big vaults, where 183,000,000 in cash is stored, have been known to one employe and the Sub-Treasurer. Mr. Roberts to-day changed this. Two men will own the secret one to know one-half of the combination and the other the other half. He himself will know nothing. These men will be known to their associates, but to avoid complications in case of sickness or death. Mr. Boberts has given, another two the combinations, - These men are not known to their associates, and are not even known to each other. Further, to guard against mishaps, the two men known to have the. combinations have written in separate sealed envelopes each his half of the secret, and Mr. Roberto put these envelopes in a big envelope, plas tered it with sealing wax from end to end, and locked it in the safe. This is for his own benefit, in case the holders of one un divided halt of the secret should be sick or die. Mr. Boberts wonld then break the great clump of wax on the big envelope, and for the first time know the secret him self. . MURDER AND SUICIDE. A Father Kills His Two Children and Then Cats His Throat. Winnipeg, April 26. A horrible tale of murder and suicide just reached here from High Bluff, a little village only a few miles from this city, the victims being a farmer named McLeod and his daughter, while another child, a boy of 13 years, is so badly wounded that he cannot recover. Mc Leod'a house is a mile or so away from High Bluff station, on what is known as the "Back road." " He was last seen last night about dusk. A neighbor nameo? Lotta visited the house to-day after dinner and was horrified to find McLeod on his side with his throat cut, lying near the stove. Both children were found in the bedroom off the kitchen. The girl, who was more than 8 years old, had been struck on the head with the sharp edge of an ax and was dead. The boy, who had his clothes on, had four deep gashes on his head. The ax with which these horrible crimes were committed was fonnd a few feet behind the dead body of the father, and the knife that he cut his own throat with was discov ered in the cellar. There were tracks of blood from the cellar to near where the sui cide lay. The cause of the deed is attrib uted to the financial difficulties of McLeod, whose wife died two years ago. He was one of the best known farmers in Manitoba, and a man respected by all who knew him. A MINE SUDDENLY FLOODED. The Employes Have a Very Narrow Escape With Their Lives. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE EISPATCS.1 Wilkesbarre, April 26. The surface over the Boston mine at Plymouth, oper ated by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, caved in this afternoon. Mil lions of gallons of water poured into the opening. A number of employes narrowly escaped with their lives. Six hundred persons are thrown out of employment The damage to the mine is estimated at $70,000. CHICAGO BEEF SC0RE8 A VICTORY. Tho Delaware Legislature Closes Its Ses sion by Defeating on Inspection BUI. Dover, Del., April 26. Although Legis latively barely noon, it was actually 2.45 P. m. to-day when the General Assembly adjourned sine die: The clock had been turned back. One of the closing acts of the session was the defeat of the anti-Chicago beef bill, re quiring food animals to be inspected on the hoof. A Boy of 14 Commits Sclclde. ISrZCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DIsrATCB.1 Paterson, N. J., April 26. Felix Klee, a boy only 14 years of age, living at SO Fair street, went out into the woodshed to-night and committed suicide by shooting himself through the head. He died in stantly. .No cause can be assigned for the act An inquest trill be held by Coroner' uooanage. T A TYITQ wn0 tciaJi t0 know how to keep 'their Un.ul.XjS3 complexions from growing harsh and dry in spring winds should read Shirley Dare's advice in tomorrow's Dispatch. tAglrn TS-'r?rZ X AUTBruseieits KeceiTBn jLi tiio JBranob. Offices of TUe .Dispatch. For to-morrow's issue up to 9 o'clock v. x. For list of branch offices in the various dis tricts See TH1KDPAGK. THREE CENTS LOOMED IiiJUDEA?! i.'V.-mw ! O Tt "OS jT .1. rt5aJl ie.in Pilo-rimci Vatv Warmlrfi'4 A.,.. -. 0---UW . V-J ...-jf at Nazareth. IN THE HOLT LAND. General Eoulanger and Partj Dine Witl Lord Churchill. HE DOTES ON RUSSIA AND E5GLANR las American Samoan Commissioners Are Eeady far the Conference. "" The American pilgrims have been warm ly welcomed in the Holy Land. They are mnch impressed by the religious observances there. General Boulanger is becoming very intimate with Lord Randolph Churchill. He thinks that France should be friendly to both England and Russia. The American! delegates to the Samoan Conference nave arrived at Berlin. rSTXCIAZ, TXLXGBAX TO TOT DI3FATCS.1 New York, April 26. The CatAolle News has received this cablegram: Nazareth, April 26. After a four days' ride across the mountains of Galilee the American pilgrims have arrived at Naza reth. They are all well, with one excep tion, although greatly fatigued by the mode of locomotion which brought them here. The Rev. Henry Robinson, of Leadville, Col., is suffering from painfni flesh wounds, inflicted by the kicks of a vicious horse. The pilgrims have camped out for the past four nights, am the experience will not cease to be a subject of conversa- tion until they reach their own land' again. The Americans were received, here with more than usual solemnity to-day. The sodalities of this city met them out side the walls and escorted them to the Church of the Annunciation, which is built over the spot associated with the announce ment of the angel to. the Blessed Virgin. Inside the walls the procession received ad ditional strength and beauty from the Ac cession of a large body of school children, who led the way, singing as they went. Within the church the scene was splendid, and the "Te Deum," from the grand organ, seemed to have a sweeter sound than ever before. Here, where the beginning of the mysteries was witnessed, the father guar dian welcomed the American pilgrims in the name of the' Franciscans, and expressed his delight at the privilege of being per mitted to receive a band of American citi- BOULANGER AND CHURCHILL. The French General Takes Dinner With the "Young Tory Lord. London, April 26. A select party, in- eluding General Boulanger, Count Dillon, General Graham and an unknown lady, dined with Lord Randolph Churchill this evening. In an interview to-day General, Boulanger reiterated his disavowal that he! had any intention of precipitating a war be- tween France and Germany; nevertheless, he did not consider that the future or France had been settled forever by the war of 1870. He declared tie would never consent that France should be insulted. He was anxious, he said, to cement France's friendship with Russia and England. HE DEMANDS A RAN80M. CAHPlD&gP' A Zanzibar Who Valnes missionaries ntB .-JsS Rather High Price. Zanzibar, April 26. Bushiri, the chief of the insurgents, has released Rev. Air. t' Roscoe and his wife, church missionaries, who were engaged in work in East Africa, and who were captured during the recent troubles. He still holds in captivity Bev. Mr. Taylor, Rev. Mr. Edwards and Bev. Mr. Hooper. He will not surrender them until he is paid 1,000. The English Consul here will pay the ransom demanded. A DRUNKARD'S FREAK. Ho Climbs Up a Church Steeple and Una rangnes From tho Cross. Pesth, April 26. A 'drunken tinsmith at Warasdin, Hungary, ascended the lofty steeple of the Franciscan Church there to day by means of the lightning con ductor and stood upright on the cross at the top. He remained in his perilous position for fully 15 minutes and delivered a speech to the crowd that was watching him from below. Afterward he calmly descended to the ground without being in any way hurt READY FOR THE CONFERENCE. The American Commissioners on Samoan Affairs Arrive at Berlin. Berlin, April 26. The American dele gates to the Samoan conference were re ceived on their arrival here by the attaches of the United States Legation. The Na tional Gazette says that the Government, instead of avoiding a debate in the Reich stag on the Samoan questions will give every facility for such a debate at the earliest possible moment i KEEPING THE CZAR SCARED. Russian Police Arresting Nihilists Who Are Suspected of Possessing Bombs. London, April 26. Dispatches from St Petersburg say. that arrests of Nihilists are constantly being made. The police of St Petersburg believe that the bombs secretly ' manufactured at Zurich, Switzerland, have been conveyed to Bussia, and that the plotters are awaiting a favorable opportu nity to use them. The Nlpsle Onee-Kore Disabled. London, April 26. A dispatch from Auckland says that the United States steamer Nipsiewas again disabled while being towed into Apia harbor. Mataafa has returned to Apia. READY FOR SPRING CLEANING. Collector Erhardt, of New York. Will Cleaa Oat the Custom House. New York, April 26. The Down Town Business Men's Club xo-night dined Joel B. Erhardt, Cornelius Van Cott and Ellis H. Boberts, Collector, Postmaster and Assist ant United States Treasurer, respectively. Among those present were: Warner Miller, Bussell B. Harrison, 8. V. White", E. F. Shepard, Noah Davis, Bernard Biglin, H. O. Armour and Mahlon Chace. Collector Erhardt, among other things, said: "General Sherman asked me the other day to do him a favor, and I said I would. He asked me to wash the outside of the I nusuuu AAuuie, uu a repiiea mat A would' rwash the inside as weii. Laughter and appiause.j a intena to conscientiously ob serve all laws, especially the civil servioe acts." Applause. J I r" -,
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