A 5k , E- - Edition. , ";' '" - X f LL JAktAk ' - "'i ' Jl pST- On Wednesday moextxg nextTrasDis- g W k mj m li 1 1 I I 9 II wf I I fl I I I I tor a complete "VSj"' tha CentennIal -"'H S patch will issue a Washington IXAuauitAL QL B 1 1 M, ji .P B. ,M ssL T-B M. P lAJLlI ZILW MJ& LP CWWJssL Jl I At exercises In New v Mag the present - ,M K' Souvenir. Agents should send in their'or. g " T ' VJJ Jr VJ wWfcBoinrniB E t Wednesday 'J K - ders early. vEPJuLi-rrn - ' 'aH W- PORTY-POTJUTH TEAR i PITTSBURG, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1889. ffiR 'H fm, I . . t . -rnn-n nmr TiTrnflTT TvommTm nTtn TIT I P 1 Tl 1 TKVV:- V TT AmTTr"nCI m ML sue. first Day of the Great Wash ington Inauguration Centennial. THE SIGNAL THIS MORNING Fired in Twenty-One Eonnds From the Cannons of EineYar Snips. - IT MEMS LIBEETY LIVES And That Her Principles Are Daily More Firmly Grounded and Highly Eevered. AIL ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED. DraggleS Decorations Eeplaced ly Bright 5ew Ones, and Only Fair Weather Keeled to Hake A GLOEIOUS SUCCESS OP THE AFFAIB Mondax, 11 A. M.,.BInrlne Farnde. Monday, 1 P. BL...... 'Welcome to the Pre.l- dent. Blonday, 2 r.M...... Official Kcccptlon to the President. Monday. 4 P. M.....rnblic Kcception to the President. Blonday, 10 P. M. ...Centennial Ball. Tneadoy, 9 A. M......ThankelvinK Scrrlees Tuesday, 10 A. M....CommcmornilTo Ex ercises. Tuesday, 10 A. M....MUUaryPnrado Start. Tnesday, Koon.. ...... Parade in Foil Swlns. Tuesday, 6:30 F. OI..Centennial Banquet. Tnesday, S P. M...... Illumination. Wednesday, 10 A. M-CItIo Parade. The formal opening of the three days Centennial celebration of the inauguration of the first President of the "United States in Kew Xork begin f at 8 o'clock this morning, -Kith a salute of 21 guns from the nine ships of war in the harbor. The preparations for .the great event are complete, and 2x ew York rests on its oars, satisfied that the thou sands of strangers -within its gates 'will be more than satisfied with what must be weather permitting a grand Eucce3.K ttrZOXZ, TTXEGKAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New Yobk, April 28. To-morrow morn ing cannon will thunder the word of com mand for the beginning of the grandest popular celebration in the nation's history. "With the boom of the first cannon New YorK will surrender to the whole country all other right and title to the jubilee except what part her citizens take in the management and labor of following out the prearranged programme. From early dawn the streets will be thronged, and the mighty multitude will more toward the water side to riew the unique and extraor dinary marine display, some to join in it in boats, and the greater number to fringe the roofs and wharres and parksides, all with their faces turned toward the harbor. There people from all the States, from many that possess no water front or ships, will see the remnant of the navy that Farragut knew, and the nucleus of the modern fleet of swift, well-armed cruisers we are soon to , complete. Loud Sonnds of Rejoicing. Everywhere will resound the tumult of cheering, of band music ami of cannonading. In the streets and in the harbor thevery air will be made joyous and gay with the na tional colors, flung from towering cornices and tallest mastheads. Glad will be the faces that are turned toward these signs of the nation's jubilation, and gladder will be the million hearts that feel the privilege of taking part in such a mighty exhibition. But of all the gladness none will be so - mighty or so keen as that of the New fe Yorkers, for they will have no doubts as to the verdict of their guests. All know that fethe great metropolis will crown herself with - folaurels as the most royal entertainer and most impressive, glorious and successful ibitor among the cities of the continent The Arrival of President Harrison. Before noon the President will be on our waters, and then the multitude will surge to the heart of the business district to wit ness his landing and his passage past the treasure houses of Wall street to Broadway. "The naval display will overlap the military procession to the Equitable building, where the great men of the city and nation will he -made acquainted and then served with luncheon. But in an hour or more the turn of the people will come again, as -the President rides to the City Hall and makes his way tothe Governor's room, to receive all who geek his hand, he and the people together crushing beneath their shoes the roses that our fairest, and brightest maidens hive flung befoTefihenron the nicked and dented steps of ttiejgncient capitol of the city. AfCerflhat night will have fallen, but only fcThare its somber curtain pierced by the brilliant glare of the myriad electric lamps that will illuminate the most gorge ous ball in which xanKee maiden ever ven tured a slippered foot or native beau ever bowed to beauty. The Formal Opening This Morning. Nine ships of war in New York harbor will at 8 o'clock fire simultaneously a sal ute of 21 guns. It will be the formal open ing of the Centennial celebration of the in auguration of the first President of the United States. At the first gun the nine ships will break into a glory of flaes and jgennants, and this town will throw aside its cares ana laDor and business, put on us oliday clothes, with red. while and blue trimmings, and begin a three days' jollifi cation. President Harrison steams up the bay aboard the Dispatch he will witness a naval pageant the size and grandeur of which has never been equaled on this con tinent. He will be rowed ashore at Wall street by a crew of the oldest sea captains of the port. He will be escorted up Wall street by a notable guard, representing the veterans who preserved the Union, and the sturdy fighters who spend their lives in its service. All Completed on a Grand Scnle. The preparations for every detail of the celebration have been completed on a grand scale. It took four months to decide who should be orator at the sub-Treasury build ing on Tuesday, where Washington took the oath of office a century ago. The ball will be the finest in the country's history. The military parade will be made up of veterans, regulars and militia. Nearly every State has sent her troops, and they will vie with each other in doing honor to the State that sent them and to the name of Washington. They will cive the people of this city such a show as has never been seen here before. At the banquet the boxes will contain the handsomest women in the land, while on the floor the 13 greatest orators of the land will speak in praise of Washington. The industrial parade will shame New Orleans' far-famed Mardi-Gras pageant in variety and beauty. And after all this pomp and circnmstan.ee of peace, the hun dreds of thousands of visitors to the metro polis will still have the wonders of the great town to view, if they have strength left, so long as they are pleased to remain with us. SOME SUNDAY SCENES. The Centennial Parading Begins Early A Sabbath Full of Noise, Bnstto nnd Bush Two Southern Governors Bepent a Historical Scene The Day at the Hotels. rErECTAL TIUGE1K TO THE DISrjLTCH.l Ne-w Yoek, April 28. Daniel G. Fowle. Governor of North Carolina; John Peter Richardson, Governor of South Carolina; both of these gentlemen, each with his staff, are at the Hoffman House. One of the staff from South Carolina reports that when the distinguished executives met, Governor Fowle said: "This is an auspicious and sug gestive occasion. If it were not that to-day is Sunday." Whereupon Governor Rich ardson interrupted: "Governor Fowle, the least we can do is to compromise. Have some soda with me." The main difficulty with this story is that the staff from North Carolina, while agree ing that the phraseology was substantially as given above, insist that it was Governor Richardson who was puzzled by the Sunday law. However this may be, the Governors are within easy reach of each other for the whole Centennial period. The Centennial Parading Begins. Centennial parading began to-day in a re markable fashion. From about the middle of the forenoon, when it became reasonably certain that the skies would plug up their water tanks until after sunset, there were continuous processions of people on both sides of Broadway from Wall street to Forty-second. Occasionally, for a rod or two, there was a break in the line; but on the whole the sidewalks were filled to the curbs, and in many places the, way was ac tually blocked. Especially- in the vicinity of Madison and "Union Squares it was diffi cult to force one's way through the crowds. Thousands of people sat on the reviewing stands and watched the slowly moving masses. The Scene on Fifth Arenac. Fifth avenue, from Twenty-third street north, is always alive on a pleasant Sunday, but to-day it was thronged. The roadway was filled with all kinds of vehicles, coupes, landaus, hansoms, road wagons, one-horse chaises and various styles of country car riages, in which residents of the suburbs had driven to town. The number of modest pri vate turnouts was remarkable, and they were all crowded. Broadway cars were blocks apart, and every one was loaded to its utmost capacity. Many a long walk was taken simply because the people could not get aboard a horse car, and, as for hiring a hansom or a carriage, it was out of the question. The livery stables were empty, and the public hackmen were all engaged. Not a Vehicle to be Had nt Any Price. The clerk of the New York Hotel said at 5 o'clock: "We have been practically isolated here for hours. Not a wagon of any kind to be had, hardly a car that one could get on, not even a messenger boy available." The report at every hotel as regards accommodations was this: All rooms taken, and some turned away; the real rush not ex pected until Monday morning; the few vacancies to occur in the natural course of business are sure to be filled within a minute. There were apparently four objects of especial interest to the strangers in town to day: The Metropolitan Opera House, with its ugly, but useful annex, the triumphal arch at Twenty-third street, St. Paul's chapel and Trinity Church. Between ser vices there was A Constantly Passing Throng of people through the churches, and at St. Paul's the attendants wearied with inces sant pointing out of Washington's pew. The procession stopped abruptly at Wall street and Broadway. From there to Bowl ing Green was almost as deserted as at mid night. - Most of the people who tramped so far south turned into Wall street for a look at the sub-Treasurv huilding. At the Opera House admittance was de nied to all save those at work there. Theo dore Roosevelt took Henry Cabot Lodce up to the guarded entrance, hut they were not permitted to go further. Director Stanton kept discreetly away from the premises. The United States naval and revenue marine contingent of the great naval parade, which has been gathering like a flock of birds from all along the coast, was got into place to-day. The flagship Chicago and the historical Kearsarge, which both lay in the navy yard, got under way early in the morning and they steamed out into the stream without accident. The Chicago cast anchor in the place from which she will start to-morrow at the head ot the two-mile-long procession. One of the Prettiest Sights. The ships formed a pretty sight as they lay in a long oblique line toward Robbin's reef, across the tossing sun-tipped waters of the bay. Behind the Chicago the Kearsarge anchored, and then in order lay the Yantic, the Juniata, the Yorktown, the Es sex, the Jamestown, the Boston and the Atlanta. The latter got in from Hayti baturday morning. The schoolship St. Mary's was also anchored out in the stream, off Governor's Island, with the New York State flag flying. The lighter revenue boats were scattered about promiscuously. The bay was crowded all day. SDNDAT WORK STOPPED. The Police Conclude to Call a Halt for Ap pearance Sake. New York, April 28. An army of men were put to work to-day to finish the differ ent stands for sightseers to-morrow. As soon as it was learned at police headquar- i . - w t- rsiais. s ! in nil !- n i ! i v . -i-mib h ii i.a iTr ! m-c i il ( . v a-c -' - a-? w vr:sn ters that these men were desecrating the Sabbath, orders were at oface issued to the Captains of the precincts in which the work was going on to have it stopped. The first gang of men encoun tered was found in front ot the Church of the Divine Paternity, Rev. Dr. Eaton, cor ner Forty-eighth street and Filth avenue. The foreman at first refused to stop work, but as soon as he was threatened with ar rest he changed front and took his men away.t The Aldermanic stand at the Stewart mansion needed but a few supports to -complete it, but the police refused to let any more work go on. Contractors are offering as much as $8 for carpenters to go to work after midnight, so that the outstanding con tracts may be finished. THE PEESIDENT OFF. A Distinguished Party Leaves Washington to Take Part In the Big Show A Mng- nlflccnt Train Tho Start Not Made Until After Midnight Blaine Too Sick to Join the Party. Washington, April 28. At 5 o'clock this afternoon a magnificently appointed train often cars pulled up at the siding on Sixth street, just outside the Pennsylvania Railroad station. It was the train' to hear the President and his party to New York, to attend the Centennial celebration of the inauguration of President Washington. It was immediately placed in the hands of an army of laborers who endeavored to give an extra polish to furnishings and fittings al ready resplendent. A throng of Sunday sightseers soon surrounded the train and looked in at the open windows and doors, curious to see everything pertaining in any manner to the Chief Executive, and to see the degree of comfort the inventors of American genius have brought to the science of railroading. The train, beside the engine and tender, consisted of library and smoking car, the sleeper "Premier," of the New York and Chicago limited express; the sleeper "JStruna, of the JSew XorK and uincm nati limited express; the sleeper "Pelion," the dininc car "Continental," of the New York and Chicago limited express; the sleepers "England," "France" and "America," of the New York and Chicago express. THE ESCORT COMMITTEE. The committee to escort the President came from New York to-day and called on the President, the diplomatic corps, and other high officials. It consisted of Messrs. John A. King, John Jay, ex-Mayor Cooper, Judge William H. Robertson, Mr. Seth Low, Mr. Frank S. Witherbee. Hon. G. B. Potter ,and Messrs. James Duane Livingstone and liiinora ataniey Dims, xn me evening they were entertained at dinner at Worm ley's by Mr. King. The train was drawn up inside the yard early in the evening to await the arrival of the guests. Lieutenant Mason and Mrs. Mason were the first to arrive. Justice Blatchford, Justice Field and Chief Justice Fuller came down about 10 o'clock. It was 10:40 when the President and his party passed through the gates. There was' quite a crowd gathered iu the station, but way was quickly made for the party, and they passed quietly into the car reserved lor tuem. whicn is. the rear car of the train. Mrs. Harrison, escorted by Judge William H. Robertson, came first, the President and John A. King following, and Secretary Rusk and his family bringing up the rear. The other guests began to arrive rapidly, and were shown to their separate cars. HOW THE'CARSWBE FILIiED. The President, under the escort of Mr. George W. Body, Assistant General Pas senger Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, went through all the cars and then came back to No. 60, where he seated him self. The smoker, the Etruria, and the Pelion, were set apart for the newspaper correspondents who accompany the party; the England was occupied hv Chief Justice Fuller and wite, Justice Blatchford, Justice Field, and Retired Justice Strong; the America by Secre tary Windom, Mrs. Windom and the two Misses Windom, Walker Blaine and the Misses Margaret and Harriet Blaine, Sec retary Rusk and son and daughter; Lieu tenant Mason and Mrs. Mason and Colonel Barr, of the War Department; the "France," by the members of the Inaugural Reception Committee; while in the "Aleroy," a composite car, were Private Secretary Halford, Colonel Wilson, Lieutenant Judson, Henry W. Raymond, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Halford. The President and his immediate family and lady guests occupied car No. 60. Be sides the President they were: Mrs. Harri son, Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Kate Davis Brown, daughter of ex-Senator Davis, of West Vir ginia, and wile of Commander Brown, who is at Samoa, and Miss Ida Murphy, of St. Paul, Minn. BLAINE COULDN'T GO. Secretary Blaine was not one of the party. The attack of lumbago from which he has been suffering did not yield as readily to treatment as had been expected, and he de cided to abandon the trip. It is thought, however, that he will be able to be at the State Department to-morrow. The time to start, in deference to the President's antipathy to Sunday traveling, had been fixed at 1.2:10 o'clock. It was subsequently determined to delay the de parture of the train until 1 o'clock, and shortly after midnight the blinds of the President's car were drawn fast' and the party retired for the night. Here and there in the other cars closed blinds indicated that those within had also sought their couches. Many of those aboard, however, remained up until the cars had rolled out of the yard, and conspicuous among those were Justices Blatchford and Strong and Secretaries Windom and Rust. Promptly at 1 o'clock the cry, "All aboard!" rang out, and the trainmen sprang to their places. Conductor Larkins pulled thebellcord, Engineer Bailey in response threw open the throttle, and the long train 'slowly steamed out of the carsheds into the wet air. ALL EYESUPON THEM. Great Interest Tnken in the Pennsylvania Troops Where the Regiments Are Lo cated and Horr They Are Pro Tided for The City Troop Has to Tarn Ont. IEFSCXU. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 New Yoek, April 28. Adjutant Gen eral Hastings, who was here looking after the quarters of the Pennsylvania troops, went to Philadelphia to-day. He says that all the militia will be comfortably provided for. He is expected to return to-morrow. New Yorkers are mightily interested in taking the size of the Pennsylvania soldier boys. Visitors from Philadelphia are con stantly questioned by their New York friends here as to the number and training and skill of the Pennsylvania soldiers. The 8,000 Pennsylvania troops will be exceeded in number in the parade by the troops of this State alone, and their bearing and dis cipline uill snow lor tnemselves-. It mav be put down as a certainty that in the big "fef 3Kt 2SS$JrE?& watched with more critical eyes than the army of Pennsylvania. The application of the City Troop, by the way, to be excused from parading has, it is announced, been refused, and the troopers will have to turn out with the rest of the militia. . The Second and Third Brigades came in this morning. General Wiley, of the Second Brigade, and General Gobin, of the Third Brigade, have their headnuarten 201 Second avenue. General Snowdf'Jf 'Continued on Stxtk JPage. : -' l UliiiJllAIJii UN A UAH.'1 -iiuus nwa nan ATUUJ& mim fl JLiUUll. v- .a -u.aiiiAmvx.uiJj.iu Trunk, Near Hamilton, Ont. SZXSi.11 tune and Crosses the Ocean - Xmtsmr. EnglWiiiiSKd Americans. II TWENTY PERSONS Bodies Charred Beyond Becognition In the Burning Wreck. SAD END OP A CENTENNIAL EXCURSION. The Scene of the Catastrophe Known as the Dark and Eloody Ground. A railroad accident of peculiar horror occurred yesterday on the Grand Trunk Railroad, near Hamilton, Ontario. A train loaded with passengers for the Centennial celebration jumped the track, cars were telescoped and ignited, 20 persons were almost instantly killed and a number In jured. The greater number of the dead bodies were charred beyond recognition. rBrECIALTELEGBAMTO THE DISPATCH.l Hamilton, Ont., April 28. A terrible railway disaster occurred just west of this city at 7 o'clock this morning, resulting, so far as known, in the death of 20 people. The limited express from Chicago, due here at 6:55, ran off the track a mile west of the city at Junction cut. The engine struck a water tank, turned over, and the traint dashed against it The train was composed of an engine, two baggage cars, a smoker, a Chicago and Grand Trunk through passenger coach, a Wabash coach, a Wagner first-class coach, a Pullman car and two Wagner sleeping cars in the order named. The accident oc curred at the junction where a "Y" is built. This "X" is used to switch through trains for Toronto from the branch to the main line. The train is said to have been going at a speed of 40 miles an hour, tfhen directlv on crossing the switch the engine jumped the track and plunged into a water tank which stood in a space be tween the "Y," smashing the tank into atoms and turning it upside down. The baggage cars came directly after the engine, and the first of these was pitched over the engine and thrown on the main track, leav ing its wheels behind it. FIBE ADDS ITS nOEEOES. The smoker and leading day coach tele scoped and imprisoned 18 passengers in the cars, which immediately took fire, and they were burned to death. None of their names are known, and when taken irom the wreck four hours afterward the bodies were burned beyond all recognition and lie at the morgue unidentified. They all come from North western States and were mostly on theirway to the Centennial celebration in New York. Fifteen of the burned bodies are men, three women. In addition to 18 mentioned, the follow ing were killed and wounded: KILLED. RUDOLPH J. EDERER, of Chicago. L. S. GURNEY, of New York. INJUEED. 4 HAMILTON CLARK, 147 "West Ohio street Chicago, donble t ractnro of the right leg; head cut and bruised on tbe arms, ANTONIO ilARTZ (Italian), cut in the back of tbe head; from Wisconsin, on hla waWlome toltalv. -w " EDWIN CHAPMAN, fireman, of London, Ont., badly scalded'on the right hand and right side of face. ENOCH KENTON. No. 9 Mincing lane, London, England, mining engineer, several ribs fractured. C. C. Azbel. Edwardport, Ind., cnt In right forearm and badly bruised. "William Lipsey, 69 North Sangamon street, Chicago, sprained ankle. A. L. Doney, 43 .West Adams street, Danville, cnt abont head. J. A. Paler, Ilion, N. Y.. cut about head. George Wise, Union Hill, N. J., right ear torn off and painful scalp wounds. Andrew J. Carpenter, Yankton, Dak., cut about the head. S. E. Young, 284 North avenue, Chicago, badly bruised. Joseph Morris, Clarke's Island, Maine, cut abont the head. SCENE.OF A EOKMEE DISASTER. The accident occurred a quarter of a mile from the scene of the great Desjardines canal disaster. .The express was composed often cars, containing about 125 passengers from Detroit and Western points for New York. It came down the steep grade which terminated in a double curve. The tracks were slippery and the train heavy, and being late, the driver was anxious to' make up time, so that it was running at high rate of speed. At the bottom ot the grade it turned the first curve all right, but instead of turning the next it rushed straight on and struck the tank. The wreck was terrible. It immediately took fire, and frightful screams came from the men and women Einned in the debris. The survivors worked eroically, but before many of the injured were removed the flames gained such head way that the rescuers were driven back by the heat, and helplessly watched the swilt but dreadlul death of their fellow travelers. Wrecking trains were speedily on the spot, and police and firemen from Hamilton hur ried out, but it was too late. The whole train except two rear sleepers, which did not leave the track, was burned up. It was 1 o'clock before the wreck was extinguished, and then, in the presence of thousands of citizens who thronged the sur rounding heights and crowded upon, the police lines, the bodies of 18 victims were taken out and placed tenderly in shells, while the multitude stood bareheaded in the drizzling rain and saw the mournful pro cession of coffins being carried Jo the wait ing car. ALL THE VICTIMS AMERICANS. All the dead are Americans and no Cana dians are among the victims, but tho au thorities are doing everything possible for the survivors and have placed ail tbe bodies at the morgue awaiting the arrival of rela tives. There is little chance of identifica tion, as in most cases the bodies are burnt to fragments. It is likely all the injured will recover. An inquest will open to-morrow. Tne junction out at the western end of Hamilton Bay may well be considered "the dark and bloody ground of the Grand TrunV railway system. Ever since the ill- latcd mgnt in lout, wnen the express plunged into the Desjardines canal, death seems to stalk around in that vicinity, and the occurrence 'of wreck after wreck, all more or less appalling in results, have caused superstitious railway men in recent years to look upon the locality with dread. Now another has been added to 'the ghastly list, this time a catastrophe of such magni tude and horror as to rival the original predecessor of this series ot railway butch eries. BECOMING CIVILIZED. Indians Go Into Polities and KJck Like Their White Brethren. Pender, Neb., April 28. The first Democratic convention in this recently or ganized county of Thurston was held here d Mostofthe resident are Indians tW -ere oa.ln force and seemed to be fully as able to gramble and kick as their white brothers. A St. Louis Fire. t. Louis, A.pni 28. A fire entailing a of 555,000 occurred this afternoon at 200 North Main street in the building occu pied by the Lee DemingGrocery Company. W. L. Anderson and Westcott & Hallet sustained slight damage.. Losses fullv cov- Jiered by insurance. , . - ; Is the Proof of the Standard's Ohio Gabble Another Confirmation of Tho Dispatch's Revelation of tho Deal A Rival Thrcntens Tronblc. (SPECIAL-TELEGBAU TO THE DISPATCH.l Lima, O., April 28, Tb deal between the Standard and the Trenton Rock Oil Company has just been consummated. The Standard will acquire 10,000 acres of terri tory by this move, 7,000 of which has been developed. The Trenton Rock folks were among the earliest producers in the field. The Standard Company is arranging a land department, and it is understood twill con duct it under the name of the Ohio Oil Company, which is incorporated under the lawsofOhfo. The present officers of the Ohio Company will be retained and will manage the land department. Two hundred men are now engaged on the Solar refinery grounds building large reservoirs for the Standard and enlarging the refinery. The foundations of 12 new agitators were completed during the week, with a capacity of 1,000 barrels each. Their boiler shops are now completed. There is a well-founded rumor that the Globe Refining Company, of Philadelphia, is coming into this field and will either build or buy a refinery here. It is the wealthiest independent refining company in the country and proposes to fight the Standard. A SICK MAN'S SHOT. He Kills a Bnrglar in Order to Protect Undo Sam's Postage Stamps. fSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE PISFATCB.I Philadelphia, April 28. Postmaster Edward S. Jimison, of Ashbourne, eight miles from this city, shot a burglar who was trying to break in the postoffice at 1:45 yes terday morning. The man who was shot stag gered back, dropped a beautiful jimmy and then walked a mile along the Reading tracks, lay down and died. He was shot square between the eyes, and walked all that distance with a bullet in his brain. When discovered the man was ly ing face downward on the ground. His right hand tightly clasped a burglar's lantern, and in his left was a handkerchief soaked with blood, with which the burglar had mopped his bleeding brow. Postmaster Jimison has been sick with pneumonia for three days, and has been sleeping behind his shoe store, where he keeps the postoffice. He heard the window lock break, suspected burglars, grasped his re volver, stole to the side of the window, and just as the burglar's head came through the open window he fired to kill, as no ex pressed it. A DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT. St. Louis Flooded With Good Imitation-of $10 Legal Tender Notes. St. Louis, April 28. Abont 50 counter feit ten-dollar bills, "United States legal tender notes, issue of 1875, "O," red seal, with vignette of Daniel Webster in left hand corner, were tendered to the United States Sub-Treasury and local banks and business houses here yesterday. All of the bills were in the hands of innocent parties, and no arrests have been made. Bankers estimated that several hundred have been floated here during the past two days. The connterfeitr-may be detected by the inferiority of the picture of Webster, the poor scroll work in the right-hand corner, and by the tbad spacing between the words "This note is a legal tender." On the back of the bill the word "this" is spelled "tens." It is a very dangerous counterfeit, and has not been much in circulation in'ten years. Nine years ago several men making this counterfeit were sent to the penitentiary from this city. THE SAM0AN CONFERENCE. The Enropenn Press Thinks It Will be a Success. Berlin, April 28. Mr. Buckingham, the Secretary of the American delegates to the Samoan Conference, has arrived here. The National Gazette, in an article on 'he Samoan question, favors Herr Von Barre's proposal to restore the tri-partite control, and to appoint a nominal King of Samoa. It is reported that the British delegates to the conference will take only a mediatory part in the proceedings. The London Daily News thinks that the readiness with which Mr. Bates' explanation was accepted by Prince Bismarck is a favorable omen for the success of the Samoan conference. A MURDERER CAPTURED. A Maryland Fagitlvo Located in Montana and Will bo Tnken Back. JSFEC1AL TELEGRAM TO THE DtSPATCH.l Cumberland, Md., April 28. News reached here to-day of the arrest at Helena, Mont, by City Marshal H. O. Hard of John J. McGady, wanted here for the mur der of Barney Creegan, at Midland, Alle gany county, on the night of February 17. An indictment was entered by the last grand jury. The murder was unprovoked, but in liquor, and McGady's escape caused excite ment here. Sheriff Otto Hotting, of Alle gany county, located him near Helena. He will be brought here at once. KNOCKED OUT BY DON" CAMERON. Pennsylvania's Senior Senator Gives a Tucson Mlnlng'Cninp a Setback. (SPECIAL TELEGTtAM TO THE DIsrATCIt.l Tucson, Anril 28. A bad setback has been given to the new copper mining prop erty at Washington camp. Philadelphia men were on the ground, had a force of men at work, and one month in which to make the first payment, when everything was knocked into a cocked hat by an injunction by Don Cameron. The Camerons own a large tract of land there by virtue of a Mexican land grant, and under this grant forbid anyone from opening or working any mine on it. A FIRE AT SEA. Tho Richard P. Back Burned to the Water's Edge nnd a ToTnl Loss. Bermuda, Ajjril 28. The American ship Richard P. Buck, from Philadelphia for San Francisco, before reported here in distress, was discovered to be on fire on April 19. The flames spread with amazing rapidity, owing to the inflammable nature of a large portion of the cargo kerosene, whisky, etc. and the ship was soon burned to the water's edge. She was pf 1,490 tons burden, and had a cargo of 2,149 tons of general merchandise. It is roughly estimated that the vessel and cargo represented half a million dollars. Fatally Injured by a Backer. ISFECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISFATCH.l Braddock, April 28. David Phillips, while at work on the water works improve- lments, was struck on the head with the Biieei iron uuc&eb useu iu uai& ma ttaicruut of a well. He was seriously and probably fatally injured. He came from Jackson, O. St.Xonls Carpenters Go Back to Work. St. Louis, April 28. The carpenters' strike came to an abrupt termination to-day upon the basis that all carpenters may go to work at 35 cents per hour, eight hours' work. i Canadian Authorities Refuse to Settle for k a" t in A Tale of Rare Constancy and a Straggle With Pride and Poverty. HAPPY. SEQUEL NOW IN SIGHT, When on a Farm in Kansas a Dented Fair of True Lorers Will Meet. A pretty romance is just developed by the claimant of a fortune of 5200,000 or more appearing in Denver. Miss Mary Tobin, a pretty Irish girl, wants the money and property left her by her brother. When she gets it she will look up her lover, who left her years ago in Ireland, and who has since been farming in hard luck in Kansas. ISFECIAL TELEOBAM TO TUB niSPATCTM Denver, Col., April 28. A pretty Irish lass arrived yesterday from Limerick, Ireland, to claim a fortune of nearly 5200, 000 left by her brother. The history of Mary Tobin is a most touching one, and can hardly be equaled outside the pages of fic tion. Years ago, at her old home, the girl fell in love with Tinie McMahon, the "Coogan Darrah," as he was called. Owing to his position in life, Mary's parents objected to a marriage until he should have established a little home for his wife. Disheart ened, McMahon left for Dublin, where he joined the Invincibles, and was mixed up in the Phoenix Park murders, in some way that put Scotland Yard detectives on his trail. He was forced to get away from the land of his birth, and by means of numerous friends he at last in safety reached the little port Yonghale, where he was smuggled aboard a fishing smack and carried across to Crook's Haven, on the coast of England, the de tectives lost scent of him and he was able to reach Liverpool and take passage for the great western land of promise, without falling into the jaws of the British sleuths. THE EOVEE IN GREAT STRAITS. After he arrived in this country Mc Mahon sent back a letter to Mary, inform ing her of the terrible straits to which he had been put, and bidding her hope for the best. He then moved to Kansas and began farming. He was unlucky, and what money was laid aside one year was swept away the next by the drought. The parents of Mary refused to let her come out to him until he could furnish satisfactory evidence of being able to support her comfortably. This he could not do, although he wrote frequently, asking her to wait for him and keep up a good heart. In 1886 the father died, and left Mary with her mother and sisters to care for, and no funds to do it She was too proud to let her lover know how destitute they were, and to saddle him, struggling as he was himself, with a poverty-stricken family, so that brave Irish lass swallowed her pride and accepted the position of maid-in-waiting to a lady m Limerick. MARXfc BROTHER A RICH MAN. Years before McMahon's advent to this country there arrived in Leadville one John Tobin,of Limerick, Ireland, a brother of Mary Tobin. Through good luck he man aged to come out ahead in a number of min ing speculations.. Two years ago he was suddenly taken ill, and on his death bed informed a priest that he had 5200,000, which he willed to his sister Mary. Without giving her name or address, the man expired. The priest in formed Father Raverdy, of Denver, of the matter, and when the lather left for Hol land some moths ago he determined to visit Ireland and see if he could not find the heir. Advertisements were inserted in papers, which finally attracted the attention of Mary Tobin. Several weeks ago the future heiress, with what little money she had saved, departed for America, and arrived in Denver yesterday. Father Raverdy had informed her that some money had been left her, but did not mention the sum. With letters of introduction, on her arrival in Denver, she at once called upon the law firm of May & Co. MAT NOW BE VERY WEALTHY. Her identity being established, efforts were at once taken to turn the money over to the newly discovered heiress. Miss Tobin immediately engaged Mr. May to attend to the details of reclaiming the property, and has given him full power of attorney to act for her. The properties are located near Aspen, Central City, Georgetown, Silver Plume and Chihuahua. Besides this, John Tobin left 520,000 in cash, which is now in the custody of the public administrator. During the interval which has elapsed since his death, many changes have taken place, and it is possible that some of the claims mav be vastly richer than is now supposed. As they have been in the hands of the public administrators of the various counties, it will depend very much upon the way in which they have been handled as to how much their sale will prodnce, but it is estimated at 5200,000. Singular as it may seem, Miss Tobin has not forgotten her old lover, Tinie McMahon, and she savs if it takes half her fortune she will seek ''My Tinie, and then live happy the remainder of my days," BOULANGER STR0SG IN FRANCE. Ho and His Friends Nearly Elected to Of fices They Do Not Seek. Paris, April 28. In the municipal elec tions at Saint Ouen to-day General Bou langer, M. Deroulede and Senator Naquet, although not standing as candidates, almost defeated the candidates of the Radicals. General Boulanger's friends gave a banquet to-day in honor of his birthday. A letter from the General was read by M. Lagnerre. The General has taken a house in Port land Place, London. He passed a very quiet day yesterday. OKLAHOMA IN POLITICS. Colonel Dyer, a. Republican, Elected Mayor of the City of Guthrie. St. Louis, April 28. The. latest from, Oklahoma is that Colonel D. P. Dyer, of Kansas City, a Republican in politics and an Indian Agent under President Arthur, has been elected Mayor of Guthrie. One of his first acts was to give the gamblers 24 hours to leave, and the next train north took away a good many of them. 'A. W. Herancourt, special artist for Har per's Weekly, dropped dead in front of his tent yesterday. THE FAYETTE FIENDS CAPTURED. iVi Ive Men and Three Women Arrested and Tnken to Jail. rSFECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Confluence, Pa., April 28. A party of men from here and Meyersdale captured the Favette countv bandits to-dav five nn , ih. . Tl, ,, Vn near Markleysburg, Pa., and were heavily armed, but no one was hurt Thev arrived here at 8. o'clock T. M.. oa their way to Somerset, Pa, Canadian Authorities Kefase to Settle for Illegally Seizing an American Vessel They Must Apologize for Palling Down tho Stars nnd Stripes. Ottawa, Ont., April 2a Captain Allan, of Brooklyn, left for home yesterday, having failed to obtain from the Dominion Government any settlement of his claim for the illegal seizure and.detention of his ship by the Customs Collector at Shelburne in 1887. The United States Government has made a demand upon the British Govern ernment for compensation for the owner of the Bridgewater for the losses sustained by him, but Captain Allen came to Ottawa to make a final effort for an amicable settle ment, and the refusal of the Canadian au thorities to treat with him will, it is be lieved, strengthen his case in diplomatic circles. It is claimed that there is little doubt that the British Government will pay Captain Allen's claims, and collect the amount thereof from Canada, pot wishing to add to the existing causes of ill-feeling between Canada and the United States. Captain Allan ba3 hitherto made no refer ence to the most important fact in connec tion with the seizure of his vessel. When the Customs Collector at Shelburne ille gally seized the Bridgewater, a regularly registered American merchant ship, he ordered that the United States flag which the vessel was flying at the time should be pulled down. The captain, it is asserted by Captain Allan, obeyed the orders underpro test. On the Foorth of July, while the ves sel was under seizure, the crew hoisted the American flag in honor of Independence Day, bnt the cussoms officer again came on board and had it hauled down. By releasing the vessel unconditionally the Canadian authorities admitted that her seizure was illegal and unwarrantable, and it is expected that the United States Gov ernment will insist, not only that her owner shall be compensated, but that an apology shall be tendered for the insult to the. United States flag. AN ELEVATOR TRUST. Tho Latest Thing In Combines Inaugurated at St. Louis. St. Louis, April 28. It is about defi nitely settled that the 11 grain elevators of St Louis will form a trust or combine, the idea being to put a stop to the expensive competition which now exists. Captain D. P. Slattery, the moving spirit in so many successful enterprises, is authority for the statement that the majority of the St Louis elevators have agreed to enter the combin ation and that the project will likely go through. Realizing that competition has placed the elevators in a line of business which is somewbat'uncertain even-when confined to the limits, the managers of the different concerns have come to the conclusion that if competition was removed and the eleva tors assured the certainty they might make a warehouse and the saving in many other directions would, in the long run, make the business' more profitable than it is now and wholly remove the hazard to which the business is now exposed. It is figured that 575,000 per year can be saved in switching charges alone, while 5100,000 per year of a reduction would be made in the expense of operating. The size of the syndicate which will manage the elevators will naturally be large, for the original value of the property is about 51,000,000. BISHOP BEDELL RESIGNS. Continued HI Health Farces the Venerable Ohio Divine to Cease Work. ISrECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Cleveland, O., April 28. Bishop Gregoy Thurston Bedell has finally given up his charge at the head of the Episcopal Church in Ohio, on acconnt of his long ill ness. The two communications were before the standing committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio at the meeting here yester day. One of them, without condition, re signs to the Bishop who will be chosen at Toledo in May, all Episcopal authority, jurisdiction and duty. The other contains the resignation of Bishop Bedell as Bishop of Ohio. It is final, and explains that the Bishop realizes his health to be such that he cannot continue to be Bishop in any sense of the word. ' The standing committee agrees that the situation must be accepted. A fitting re ply accepting the resignation will be drawn up". The resignation must still be assented to by a majority of the American Bishops at the next meeting of the College of Bishops. The consent of the College of Bishops will be ajnere formality. SKELETON IN A PREACHER'S CLOSET. A Dominie Reaping a Heavy Harvest for a Little Romance. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Buffalo, N. Y., April 28. A clerical scandal involving a Niagara love romance is being aired in the courts. Rev. George Tompkins went to Niagara Falls from En gland, six years ago, and met Miss Lizzie Redpath, a dashing girl clerk, in a cataract curiosity store. He returned to England with the intention of marrying her as soon as he could get divorced from his wife. In 1885 the engagement was consummated, the clergyman having obtained his divorce. Their bridal trip was in Europe. Rev. Mr. Tompkins was worth 580,000, of which he voluntarily gave half to his new bride. He claims that after his bride's family squeezed his money out of him, ex cept 49 cents, they expelled him from the house and ill-treated him. She charges that the dominie gave her the monev, and that she left him because he tried to shoot her for not giving false testimony in a church trial. A BROKEN BRIDGE Precipitates 75 Pleasure-Seekers Into a Lake and Several Are Injured. Kansas Citt, April 28. At Chelsea Park, a summer resort across the Kansas line, this afternoon, a bridge across an arti ficial lake gave way and precipitated about 75 persons into seven feet of water. Most of them scrambled out or were as sisted to the shore more frightened than hurt, but 15 were injured, four of them seri ously. Their names are Mrs. J. H. Pren dergast, Miss Mollie Parish, Samuel Lester and Eddie Stevens. A FOREST FIRE. The Greenbrier Mountains a Mass of Furloas Flames. (SPECIAL TELEOUAM TO THE PISPATCH.1 Lewisbueg, W. Va., April 28. The Greenbrier mountains, near Greenbrier, White Snlphur Springs, are a mass of fire, and millions of feet of valuable hard timber have been consumed, with tens or thousands of rails and other property. The fire is far beyond control and must burn itself out A Blind Factory Destroyed. New London, April 28. A fire this and morning in Bishop Bros., sash, door Lltnl fAtmn. JaatwwMl 4liA .nliva Tilnnt together with the lumber and coal yard connected. A storehouse was also burned. Loss 566,000. Killed In a Mill. fSFECIAL TELEOBAM TO TnE DISPATCH.! Bitchie O. H., W. Va April 28. Washington "Hardman was caught in the belting of bis saw mill yesterday and fatally crushed. It is Once Moiayjfeosed to Make" of m A GOOD TEING IN CASE OP WAS. l America .Would Think So, if England B Conldn't Quite Bee it That Way. B rj "m GEEJIA5I WOTUD BE 3I0EE EESPECTPUL M And Other Sations Have More Fear of Us if ITe Only Hadnch an Ally. The possibility and desirability of an Anglo-American alliance is an old topis now being once more broached. The Sa moan controversy has caused the agitation. England, it is claimed, would benefit almost if not quite as much as America by such aa alliance. No practicable means of forming a bond of the kind spoken of is yet sug gested. rSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO IU DISPATCIL1 Washington, April 28. Since the ad vent of the Samoan trouble, occasionally there has been some discussion in diplo matic circles of the possibility of an Anglo American alliance, and more than one dis tinguished statesman is said to take a deep interest in the question. A gentleman of national reputation, once a Senator and then a Cabinet Minister, to-day gave tha following view on the subject: "It. is not a new question. It at least dates back as far as the time when Lord Lyons was Great Britain's representative in this country. There are many reasons for such an under standing between the two great English nations. In the first place, there is tho powerful motive of common interest En glishmen own 52,500,000,000 of American securities United States bonds and railway bonds and shares. They own 3,000,000 acres of land in great stock ranch companies. Our Pacific railroads furnish them with a route to their colonial possessions nearly 12,000 miles more direct than the water route around Cape Horn. Any attack on our great cities would jeopardize enormous British commercial interests. A blockada of American ports of three months' dura tion would starve all England, for her main food supply comes from us, and 200,000 souls would be out of employment if Ameri can cotton were prevented from reaching English factories. ALL TO ENGLAND'S INTEREST. "These things alone are enough to make it, to England's interest to prevent a closa blockade of American ports. There aro other reasons. Under the new franchisa bill the English voter will be on a par with the American voter. This will be a'n addi tional menace to 'monarchies like that of Germany. The Western farmer could not afford to have the English marSet for his products cut off, and when he got to under stand it where would the Congressman bo who deliberately permitted this to be done. "Suppose war should suddenly coma upon us, say with Germany and aside from the Samoan matter there is now a diplomatic) -question growing up that is of the highest national importance. I refer to the seizing of our naturalized citizens by Germany and drafting them into the German army. There are four cases of this sort unsettled of German-born citizens who left the Father land before completing there the fnll term of military duty required by law. They aro now being compelled to complete their terms, even though they were duly naturalized and full citizens. Prince Bismarck holds that naturalization does not release them from their military obligations, and lately France has taken the same ground in rela tion to members of her reserves. Our mill protests have been in vain, and the persons are held for military duty. We shall hava to take some action more positive than mera paper protests on this matter pretty soon.. Suppose New York was blockaded by & German fleet, and an indemnity levied on that city. We have no fleet or other mean of resisting their demands. Suppose En gland, with her navy of 283 ships of war, were to ofier ns her assistance; would wa not either be compelled to accept it or sub mit to the payment of such an enormous indemnity as would be a national humilia tion for all time. And which do you think, the American people would preter to do? I am amazed at the stupidity, or worse, of. men they are mostly in the lower Housa of Congress who owe a duty to their con stituents and the country in furnishing means for the construction of modern works and high-power heavy guns, that they da not seem to dream of. We have in all the States fit for mjlitary duty 6,797.000 men; but in what way could they keep ofi an iron-, clad fleet, get arms, or how would it be pos sible to mobilize them into effective soldiers in time to make them available? Modern wars take place quickly and are of short du ration. 'It is the unexpected that happens, said one of the greatest French statesmen ot his time. We are the only nation that seems to give no heed to the teachings ot history." AMEEIOAN THEOSOPHS Meet In Chicago nnd Listen to Words of Wisdom From Dime. Blavatsky's Representative Fees and Dnes to be Abolished. Chicago, April 28. The American Theosophical Society began its third annual meeting in the club rooms of the Palmer House to-day. The morning session was business meeting, at which few were present except the 15 delegates. At the afternoon session there were also a number of visitors many of them women. The report of ihe secretary, William Q. Judge, of New York, said: "It has been suggested that the dues and fees of tho society be abolished. Madame Blavatsky is opposed to doing this, and I do not. recommend it The new members or fel lows since the last meeting are 232. Local sections number 26, of which there are two each in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia' and Los Angeles, three in St Lonis, and the others distribute' in smaller cities or towns." The repoi accepted. Dr. A. Keightly, of London, who present as the representative of Madan. Blavatsky, the ruling spirit of the society, read a communication from her chiefly de voted to exhortation and suggestions. The afternoon session was devoted wholly to the reading of papers by delegates, one of which was by Mrs. W. L. Brainerd, of Chi cago, on "Idol Worship of the Christian Creed." To-morrow will end the meeting; LONDONDERRY RESIGNS. He Refuses to Hold the Lord LlenteBaaM ship of Ireland Any Longer. London, April 23.-The Marquis of Lor, donderry, in an address at a banquet at tha! College of Physicians at Dublin, onSatur-' day, announced his resignation of the offica. or Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. He denied that his resignation was duo to anything that Mr. Balfour had said. Ha. accepted the office, he said, for two years, and he agreed to remain a third Tr nt tb J request of the GoyernmeHt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers