ssllK ' tL irtT" . W' "'Bbs at S5k it m- o THE IrUTTatJU-KU- mtSJt'A.ll.'U.tL; TiUlf3JJ.Xj lTJAUj :k j-oow. saK" - 1 . iu 1L -- ,-i 1 ... a r. i j j st . I.1J. 1 l.i.tll. A 4 A -ff'i" f J fl OOrt t. -i -J H, I I . . !..-. v n-xvm m t- - vnnti niniv rtAnnrfn -t 1 T T that drove other corporations, with less cap! . tal, out of business; then, unable to pay a fair rate of wages, they cut down the compensation of their workmen; then followed suspensions from work on the part of workingmen and "bankruptcy on the part of competitors, then followed crime, and then the prison and an in troduction to Mr. Warner, whoso intimacy with honest men is so limited that he knows nothing of their wants, feelings or aspirations. After that came tho letting of the labor of convicts, not to the highest bidder, but to some favorite In the employ, possibly, of the Standard Oil Company or some such agency. After that came the throwing of the products of the prisons on the market at a very low figure, and then honest manufacturers were forced to cut wages, for no matter though prison labor be only the drop In the bucket that many claim it to be, it must be remem bered that it is the lowest rate of waeespaid that regulates the price and not the highest. If the labor of the convicts will not be let for lower prices than those paid to honest labor on the outside then we will have no objections to offer, but it is impossible to maintain a fair rate of compensation nben a certain article can be thrown on the market at a smaller price than tho wares of honest men can be obtained for. If the Institution presided over by Mr. "War ner is filled with the 'mentally and physically unsound, the aged and crippled" why, they cannot work ana do not come under the bead of convict labor such as the Knights of Labor object to. That workhouse is not considered and if Mr. Warner has been told to take up the cudgel for the patrons ot prison wares and con tractors, who often hound men into prison, he should remember that the workhouse is a far different institution from the majority of our prisons and penitentiaries. A VEKT DITFEKENT DEFINITION. In another place he says: "Free labor pro duces all our raw material." Raw material is not produced by labor of any kind, for the mo ment that the hand of labor touches anything it ceases to be raw material, and Mr. Warner simply betrays an ignorance of his subject in making such an assertion. But that affords him no argument, for material will go to who . ever buys it at the price, or in quantities suf- flcient to secure a rebate in the price. Compe tition is what makes the material How In the direction of the prison and not because the producers desire it. In another place Mr. Warner says, in speak ing of the possible passage of the Mil: "It would convert over $40,000 worth of machinery and tools into little better than scrap iron: it would render useless shops and buildings of equal value; it would render unavailable more than 123,000 worth of stock and cause us to re market it at a heavy loss as best we could, etix, etc." On the ISth of next June the people of Penn sylvania will vote on an amendment to the Constitution of the State prohibiting the fut ure manufacture of liquors, ales, beers and all intoxicating drink: it this amendment is adopt ed machinery worth hundreds of mill ions of dollars will be rendered worse than useless, for it cannot be used again in this State for the purposes for which it was constructed. Honest men will be thrown out of employment by the thousand and yet I have no donbt but what Mr. Warner's experience with the results of strong drink will warrant him in voting for the amendment and lie will give as his reason that "it is better that a few thousand should suffer temporarily than that hundreds of thousands should witness the debauching of the men and women who drink to excess." Themachinerv of the Allegheny County Workhouse will not be thrown into the scrap heap unless it has passed its days of use fulness or the use of barrels, kegs, etc, etc., be discontinued. SHOULD IT STJTEESDDE THEM? Mr. Warner's complaint that the institution Is not self-sustaining is no argument except among those who would have tho workhouse and prison supersede the honest shop and fac tory; It was not for the purposes ot creating workhouses that crime was invented; it was not to make criminals a menace to honest labor that they were first locked up. The chief aim was to punish and prevent crime. Let us take a. barrel maker on his way borne from work on Saturday evening; a lazy vagabond assaults him and robs him of his week's wages and his watch, then beats him almost to death and escapes. After his recovery tho barrel maker enters suit and after a diligent search the thief is cap tured, triea, convicted and sent to Mr. Warners institution, where he is put at barrel making. "When the man whom he robbed on the outside is able to go to work again ho is told that the , market for barrels is not so good; that the man who robbed him on the street is permitted under the law to continue to rob him of his em ployment by taking the place which was tem porarily vacated by him. How can such a man regard prison labor philosophically? How would Mr. Warner be able to put himself in the place of that barrel maker? It is not, as the Superintendent of the Alle gheny County Workhouse would have us be lieve, the intention to make lunatics and insane persons out of the criminals, that u not tho reason why the workingmen demand that the Sractlce of hiring out convicts be prohibited. io worldngman wishes to cause one inmate of a prison to become insane, but all workingmen wish to prevent such persons from driving honest men to crime by entering into unfair competition and lowering their wages. HOW" THEY MIGHT DO IT. If all criminals were employed on State or national work, improving waste places, making habitable certain localities, reclaiming waste lands, etc, there would be rfenty to do for all of our criminals, and they would not be doing work that would interfere with tradesmen or laborers in cities or towns; and if they were permitted to occupy the lands they reclaimed, instead of allowing some sharks to monopolize them for speculative purposes, they could lay claim to something tbey could call their own after serving out their time. It was not that prisons should earn dividends for contractors that they were erected. It may be that some of the kind-hearted philanthropists will say that even in the reclaiming of waste lands the convicts would compete with somo honest men. 1 admit that, but they would in jure fewer people than m any other way and would not hurt the feelings of tho sentimental a bit more than they would be hurtanydavin the week if they stopped for a moment to "look at the thousands of poor,unf orturiate immigrants who, through their ignorance, are working for prison wages on our streets v hile citizens and taxpayers stand idly by. awaking the summons from hunger that will turn them into the road that leads to the workhous-e and penitentiary. Mr. Warner says that "pnson labor as prac ticed in this and other Slates north of Mason and Dixon's line Is the Outgrowth of the best thought of philanthropists and specialists, who have labored incessantly for the advancement of the best interests of the people. It marks the progress of Christ! .anity and the nineteenth century." All that s ounds very nice, and if it is intended as taffy f or the philanthropists and specialists will ansv-er very well, bnt it is not the truth, for the s-stcm is the outgrowth of a sentiment which causes men to grasp for the dollar, no matter who is trodden under foot in getting it insanity thrsus inhumanity. The system ot the philanthropists is to cm ploy the criminals at something so they will not become insane, so that their minds will not dwell on evf jd it was a merciful thing to do, but the present syEtem wh ich lets the labor out for a pittance 'and then compels men and man ufacturers tjo compete with it. was" the out growth of avarice and inhumanity. If the effort to Snake Christians of the criminals was as strong on the part of the "philanthropists" as the efforts to make money out of them, to makj workmen out of them, I wonld believe Ms. Warner, bnt the evidence will not bear n'm out In attempting to show such is the case. Here is the aim of the Knights of Labor re garding convicts: Do not keep criminals in idleness, but do not throw their labor on the market for a less price than that paid to honest labor; reform the lmprUonf.-d as well as punish them: give them work for their brains to do as well as their hands; teach tliem how tobeChris , tians while teaching them how to work; keep what is given to the con tractor of their earn ings and give It to themselves when they leave prison, or allow their earnings to go to the sup port of their families. If they have any. Instead Of throwing these families on the chanties of the town while the p rison contractor reaps a reward from crime thi.t causes him to wish that the crop of criminals may grow larger. This, in a nutshell, is the AIM OP THE OEDEE of the Knights of Labor, and if we had the making of the laws of the State on these things we would not be credited with blunders of mismanagement oT workhouses or the pasago of pernicious laws. As it is, we must strita for what we can set from others in the way of leg islation, and it must not be charged to us. I am not now discussing the merits of bill No. 477, for 1 know nothing of it. I know it is the aim to have all prisoners be come insane (on paper) if kept unemployed, but there Is no law to prevent prisoners from reading, studying, improving their minds, eta, that can be done, and if it is done we will not hear the cry against Idleness'in the prisons that we now listen to. but in any event we do not ask that prisoner be kept in idleness. If the picture painted by Mr. Warner Is cor rect, then the quicker all workmen make a rush for the prison the better, and it certainly is a paradise to the homes of workingmen that I have visited -within the pait two weeks. If a little more of the sentiment and atten tion now given to the prisoners by "philan thropists and specialists" were bestowed on the poverty-stricken workmen who are now being driven toward the prison; if the same de sire were manifested to keep honest workmen employed at remunerative wages that is shown to make convicts beneficial to contractors, we would mare fewer prisoners and the majority of criminals inhabiting prisons wonld in all Brobability do the first hard day's work of their res after being locked up. 'i'..r. FOTTDFUtXT. BV . .. .1 .., - r.t I III II 1 I r I I I II 1. IJ I I II II ll.ll III Jlli I LJ JL . 1 I II. - J 1 1 I J. .us. tha nnr m nnMnpw Laen. un&uiH m lav ii idu i B- u mi -. --m. . . v . -. B rate of wages, they cut down the compensation I I I llll 1 I I Vl I I I I I . TYT -nTTTmr ATI TCRVIT - - HOTiSB AHD MOTIONS. Mil U UlXKlfUTS. TA .(V wmiivumi a vt. The State Commission Sets Free 15,000,000 of Them IN THE WAVES OF EEIB. The Interesting Process by "Which They "Were Propagated CATCH OP WHITEFISH INCREASED. Wall-Eyed Pike to be Planted in Western Pennsylvania Bivers. COMMISSIONER LONG'S EXPEDITION Mr. James V. Long, of this city, one of the State Fish Commissioners, returned home yesterday fronr""Lake Erie, where he had superintended the planting of 3,000,000 young whitefish. He left the work in good shape, and before the week is over 15,000, 000 whitefish will be set free in the lake. The operations were conducted on hoard a tug at points in the lake .three, four and five miles out from the harbor of Erie city. Nearly five months ago Mr. Long secured for the State Commission the eggs of these whitefish from the Northville hatcheries of the "United States Fish Commission. Since then the eggs have been hatching in the State hatcheries at Erie city. Several mil lion more are yet to be hatched. AX INTERESTING PBOCESS. The esrgs were placed in McDonald jars. One of these jars holds 180,000 eggs. It is about one foot high, and, by an interior ar rangement of syphons, the eggs are kept constantly in motion. The little fish begin to appear in four or five months. Then by a suction process the little fish are taken out of the jars and transferred to glass tanks. There for a short season they are permitted to grow in size and strength, so that they will not merely make food for the big fry when freed "in the water. The next move is to change the small fellows to tin tanks. These tanks are about three feet high and two feet in circumference. Fifteen such tanks were required to hold the 3,000,000 new whitefish set loose by Mr. Long's men this week. The cans were hauled by wagon from the hatchery to the tug. "Wholesale fish dealers in Erie fur nished the tug, and helped the commission in every other way possible, as this culture of whitefish is a big thing for their busi ness. From the tanks the young fish arc quietly dropped into the lake. EGGS ABE FBEFEEEED. There are five hatcheries in Pennsylvania, two of which are in Erie county, and for the maintenance of these, besides the many other public works and dnties of the com mission, there is only a limited amount of money appropriated. The Erie fish hatchery vs under the exclusive charge of the Penn sylvania State Fish Commission, although the roe from which the young fry are propa gated are received from the United States Fish Commission. In former years they were received after the initiatory steps of development had begun, but for many rea sons, not the least ot which is that there is better chance of avoiding injury to the roe, the consignments this year were entirely of eggs in their very first stages. The United States Commission gathers these eggs on Lake Erie. The eggs are ob tained by men employed for the purpose, who go out in the fishing boats, and when a female fish is caught by a dexterous move ment the eggs are forced from her into jars reserved for the purpose. The take of white fish spawn this year amounts to 215,000,000, the largest evercnown. These eggs are dis tributed to all the hatcheries along the lakes, at Dnluth, Northville, Alpena, San dusky and Erie. The Pennsylvania Commission re-stocks the lake within the State every spring. HOW IT SUCCEEDS. Questioned as to the success of the work, Mr. Log told The Dispatch reporter that there has been a very large increase in the catch of whitefish, which has found its way to the market through Erie. That city's immense business in the fisheries, is shown by the fact that last year the value of fish caught was 5304,080. "Do you believe that the benefits derived from the artificial hatching of whitefish are really what they are represented to be?" a reporter recently asked E. D. Carter, one of the leading fish dealers of Erie. "Certainly I do," was the reply. "Why it is only three seasons ago that we had de cided to quit fishing for whitefish altogether, it had become so unprofitable, but in 1886 it had improved, and since then there has been a steady increase until now we take more than twice as much whitefish as we got in 18S6." "But is this owing to the work of the hatcheries?" was asked. "Might the in crease not be the result of the fish having sought other feeding grounds lor a time?" "The result is owing entirely to the work done by the hatcheries. "We can say this without hesitation as we judge from the character of the fish we take. "With but few exceptions, the fish are all young, weighing two pounds or thereabouts. These are all the product of the hatcheries, and any of the old fishermen will corroborate this statement. The large fish, ot which we take a few, are doubtless the remnants of the original stock, but the great bulk are all the result of artificial propagation not of the Erie hatchery alone, to be sure, for the whitefish is migratory in the feeding season, .but many are from the hatcheries ol Michigan and Ohio, where many more are put into the lake than at Erie." STOCKING INLAND STREAMS. Within a month or six weeks from now the State Commission will commence the distribution of -wall-eyed pike in inland streams. Representing this section of the State Mr. Long will secure a large quantity of the eggs for planting in the streams in the Allegheny valley, up the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and along the line of the Pennsslvania Bailroad. This will be as important in its way as the stocking of the great lakes, because where the one perpet uates a great industry the other makes angling as a sport reasonably sure for years to come. THE BREWEKS SANGUINE. They Are Confident That Prohibition Will Not Become Law Here. Mr. Eudolf Lowenheim, a representative of a brewers' supply house from Philadel phia, is at the Seventh Avenue Hotel, and says that from his observations he feels con fident that the prohibition amendment will be defeated in Pennsylvania by at least 30, 000 votes. He said the brewers were all sanguine, and that he had received as many orders from them this time as ever. The concert, which takes place on Friday night at Old City Hall for the benefit of Chas. Corcoran, is under the management of our old friend, Fred Parke, and every body who knows Fred, will feel assured of us entire "success. Many Blatters of Dlocli and Little Moment Tersely Treated. Now spring housecleaning. Summer bummer weather. A spkinq opening A rat trap. Teuth stranger than fiction in some peo ple's mouths. The insane son of JacobBasblnder was taken to Brookville yesterday. John Sukodep. is charged with assaulting and battering Bridget Faloon. Grand Abmt Day Committee will meet at City Hall Saturday at 3 o'clock. The American base ballists must be more than half seas over by this time. George Smith is charged with taking a shotgun from a Market street store. That idea must have struck the young lady very hard when it caused her to bound from her chair. It is not true the All-Americans are expert cricketers, though they can paralyze the Eng- fllish bowl. , The pretty girl Is no believer in the old adage that it is the hardest thing in the world to be Miss taken. The suggestion to vote as you pray at tho coming amendment wrestle would disfranchise many, if enforced. A graveyard beside a church may make things more solemn,- but lots of people don't like to be solemn. In a short while expectant Pittshurgers will be in the height ot the ball season, and perhaps in the depth of despair. Two New York ladles have written an opera called "'Uovetta." The next visitation will probably be "Roosterlet." There was a shower of eggs in Allegheny yesterday. The Italian victim scrambled, and the poachers were arrested. That the average man is made worse by censure, and better by coddling, may be a strong argument for women preachers. a gentleman alleges a ferocious dog bit his son on the Southside. Pending more specinc charges he Is held in bail for court. Neu-es Bailey, an Indian Territory girl, drugged her young man and married him. Certainly a case of the intoxication of love. Lew M. Moore, a popular traveling man in the carriage and hearse line, Is enioylng the cuisine and comforts of the Seventh Avenue. Edward Sussenan, charged with being an army deserter, was turned over to the United States authorities by the city police yesterday. A flash of yellow, or a stream of gay rib bons now and then on the streets, is the surest indication of the near approach of Easter Sun day. Rives reiterates her only defense: The pure will see purity in her book, and the foul, foul ness. A fragile defense, for it is thusly with every thing. Joseph Much, employed In the Black Dia mond Steel Works, was struck in his right eye last night by a sharp piece of steel. His sight will be lost. Tom Ochiltree told the President he didn't want any office, and the latter went right home and told Carrie to put them all In her pocket for safe keeping. Violate nature's laws, fold your hands and receive your punishment, for there is no ap peal. Violate the laws of man, and Well, have you any money? Confidential B-n H-r-I-s-n Don't know what in thunder you will do with Dudley. He might go well with a little parsley and thicken ing, if seasoned very highly. J. u. B. Now they have a telescopic a-la-Langtry-bustle theater hat that can be sat upon without injury. Ladies' high lfats in the theater have been sat upon for years without injury. John Ikwtn. Jp, has presented Mayor Pear son, of Allegheny, with a valuable old book. It contains all the ordinances and regulations of the borough of Allegheny from 182S to 1839. AT a regular meeting of the Forbes sub-District School Board,on Tuesday e vening.a mlnnte on the death of Prof. Richard Prosser, one of the musical directors of the city, was adopted. Fashionable lunch at the Womens' Benev olent Exchange He Who is that beautiful creature at the opposite tablet She An old friend of mine. He Indeed! She Yes, she's 40 if a day. The Humane Society's report for March shows 61 complaints investigated, 47 being cases of children and 14 of animals, all of which were amicably settled. Three children were placed in the Troy Hill Orphan Asylum. The Abe Patterson Post, No. 83, G. A. R., is taking steps to have an amendment tacked to the Soldiers' Homestead act, by which all soldiers of 90 days service, soldiers' widows and children shall receive 1C0 acres of Govern ment land. On account of failing health, Miss Anna A. Adams resigned as Assistant Principal of the Stevens school. She received many kind re membrances from scholars and teachers. Miss Mary A. Kodgers, also a favorite teacher, will succeed her. "Algt, why in tho world did you shave off your mustache?" Because, Lulu dear, it was always in the soup." "You mean thing. Do you think that I am going to to" and Al geron went away and softly kicked himself for not thinking of that before. Frank Parsons was arrested yesterday on a charge of having forged the name of Joseph F. Gallagher, of the Pittsburg Spice Mill Com pany, to a bill which be collected. Parsons de nies the charge, bnt will have a hearing before Mayor Pearson this morning. She misunderstood him. Mrs. C "Awfully bieezy yesterday, wasn't it?" Mr. C "Yes, the winds" Mrs. C "Stop, you know I despise slang." Mr. C "And the winds whisk" Mrs. C "Silence, sir; I insist." Mr. C "And the winds whisked through the streets." lNQTHET will be made whether the Michael Conley now in New Castle jail is the man wanted for the murder of James Godfrey. New Castle jail, by the way, is the prison from which the noted big and clever McPhlIlamy,of Maharneke-penitentiary fame, escaped. He took along with him, merely as a guarantee of good faith, two other prisoners. Wiggins said 'twould rain to-day. It didn't rain at alL Now he thinks it's going to snow. Perhaps it will, next fall. He said a lowly um brella wonld not be m the way. We took the fakir at his word and lugged it 'round all day. And now he mentions overcoats, with other chilly talk, and, goodness me, he has us there, our only coat's in hoc He fooled ns with a few good eves, we lingered on the stoop; we asked her to the matinee, and now we're in the soup. The thing has come to this sad strait, 'tis over coat or girl. We can have either, but not both, and our whiskers fairly curl. THE HALL OPENED. Masonic Lodge 45 Has tho First Session in the New Building. Freemasons' Hall, on Fifth avenue, was opened last night by the holding of a ses-- sion of Lodge 45. The meeting was held in the smallest of the three blue rooms, the only portion of the building that is as yet ready for use. The interest taken by the fraternity was such that the room was crowded all evening, over 500 members be ing present at different times. The music was of a special character, and was ren dered by a selected choir led by Prof. Slack. On the opening of the lodge A. B. Rut ledge, W. M., made an address of welcome, thanking the visiting brethren for -accepting the invitation of Lodge 45 for the meet ing. There was music and a prayer by the chaplain of Lodge 45. The work was E. A., "conlerred by G. C. Shidle, D. D. G. M.; F. C, conferred by Joseph P. Andrews, P. M., Lodge 45; M. M., conferred by A. B. Rut ledge. W. M., Lodge 45, and P. M., con ferred by James Taylor, P. M., Lodge 45. Short addresses were made by Major Samuel Harper, G. C. Shidle and others, and an original poem was read by the Rev. Mr. Kelly. . The new hall will be used steadily from this time, but will not be ready for dedication until June. FOE SUNDAi SCHOOL MISSIONS'. The Work That Has Been Done by the American Union. J. H. McCnllough, Superintendent of Missions of the American Sunday School Union, with headquarters at Henderson, Ky., is at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. The society employs missionaries in over 30 States and Territories. In the 65 years of its existence it has organized 84,000 Sunday Schools and gathered 4,000,000 teachers and scholars. They have also distributed by sale and donation 8,585 Bibles, 11,600 Testa ments, and made visits to 40,041 families. Salvation Oil is .guaranteed to contain nothing of a noxious or poisonous character, He Says No Attention Was Given to Andrew Carnegie's Letter. THE PITTSBURG DEPOTS INSPECTED A Consultation About the Elevated Tracks In Allegheny. THERE WILLBENOEEDDCTIONIN WAGES The officials of the Pennsylvania Bail road Company, who are in the city on the annual spring inspection of the lines, were taken in charge by Superintendent Pitcairn yesterday. The party visited the Union station and went all through the building, after -which they visited the Duquesne freight station at the foot of Liberty street. Here Station Agent C. A. Carpenter showed them about the yards and platforms. After inspecting the stations some of the party returned to the Monongahela House, while President Eoberts visited jhe office of the Pennsylvania Company.of which cor poration ho is also .the president Here a conference with General Manager McCrea and other officials was held. The most important matter under dis cussion was' the new bridge of the Ohio Connecting Company, which wJl connect the Fort Wayne with the Panhandle road near Nimick station. The extent of the work was explained to Mr. Eoberts. The company has secured all the necessary rights of way, and work will go on as fast as pos sible. talking of elevation. The elevated track scheme in Allegheny City was also brought up. When the pro position of the company was rejected by the Allegheny City Councils the President and other officials were much piqued. Since then they have been working on a number of schemes which will be sprung in due course of time. Another meeting will be held to-day in the Pennsylvania Company's building at which it is supposed some of the Committee on Railroads will be present. To-morrow the officials will go over the Pittsburg, Vir ginia and Charleston road, and then leave for home. They will not go over the West Peivn or the lines west of Pittsburg on this trip. President Roberts was seen last evening by a Dispatch reporter. The writer asked the railroad magnate if he could spare a few moments after supper for an interview, at the same time holding Andrew Car negie's letter in his hand. Mr. Roberts, who does not possess the cold, enraptured, supercilious air so common in his 540 a month clerks, was very courteous, and said: "I really have not the time this evening to spare, ana under no circumstances would I consent to be interviewed. I would like to favor The Dispatch, but will be en gaged with other matters after supper. NOT CAKING A BIT ABOUT IT. "Can you not give us a few minutes to re ply to mr. uarnegie a letter, in which he at tacks the Pennsylvania road?" "No, sir," was the curt reply. "We do not care to say anything about Air. Car negie's letter." "Is there not some one in the party who would give your side of the case, and pos sibly deny what Mr. Carnegie has said in reference to the discrimination?" "No, sir; I do not think there is any one here who will say a word one way or the other. 'We are not concerning ourselves about the matter." In the afternoon President Boberts is re ported to have said that "the outlook for railroad business is not encouraging. The general average of the earnings of- the railJ roads last year was not good, and this year the outlook is not much better. Freight rates are extremely low( and the general de pression in the mercantile lines of business is evidence that the outlook is not encourag ing, and there is no chance for advancing raiea. n iiiik remains lor me raiiroaas to do under such conditions is to economize wherever they can. "The company has not given any thought to reauction ot tne wages ot its employes in any department. The local business on the lines of the Pennsylvania Bailroad has in creased so rapidly that it is now 93 per cent of the entire business of our lines, showing that the through business is proportionately small. We consider this as the best evi dence that the local industries are in a pros perous condition, and we shall certainly wors in narmony witn tnem. A SUPERINTENDENTS' MEETING. Officers of the Pennsylvania Company to Talk of General Railroad Affairs. A number of superintendents.of the Penn svlvania Comnanv arrived at thR TTninn depot last nicht on the Western ExDress.fnr the purpose of being present at a meeting of the omcers oi mat company, which, will be held in this city to-day. The gentlemen arrived in the private car of Mr. J. F. Miller, General Superintend ent of the Pennsylvania Company at Bich mond, Ind. He was accompanied by Mr. J. T. Brooks, Mr. F. G. Darlington, E. B. Wall, Superintendent of Motive Power at P!n1nmhns- "R.?1t1i "Pufpfo RnninlanilAt J Cincinnati, and W. F. Black, of Louis- vine. The gentlemen refused to state what their object ot meeting was, except that they will discuss general matters pertaining to affiurs of their company. TO FOUND A HOSPICE. A Special Collection to be Tnken Up In the Catholic Churches. Bishop Tuigg, of the Pittsburg diocese, has issued a circular to the clergy of all the churches, requesting .them to take up a special collection during Holy Week, which precedes Easter. In addition to the collec tions, boxes for offerings will be placed in all the churches. The object is to raise money to found a hospice in the 'Holy Land, and succor the Eastern Catholic missions. Such an insti tution is to be a place of refuge or enter tainment for travelers in a difficult pass or a dangerous country. There area number of them among the Alps, which are kept up by the monks. Some are used as convents. The moneys collected in the diocese are ordered to be sent to Very Bev. Stephen Wall, V. G., Sector of St. Paul's Cathedral, who will forward them to the commissary of the Holy Land. IT WON'T BE WAITED. That Bribery Hearing Conrted and to Come on Schedule Time. Considerable discussion Is going on as to whether the parties accused in the Alle gheny bribery suits will waive a hearing for court trial to-day. Some of the officials expresed themselves to the effect that this would be the best thing. Mr. Scandrett, speaking of the matter, said: "I do not at all care to waive the hearing. Of course I must comply with the wishes of my counsel, Thomas M. Marshall, whatever they may be; but it will not be by my.wishes that the hearing is waived." Mr. Had field also expressed himself on the subject, saying that he would certainly not waive the hearing. ABOUT COMPLETED. The Wcstlnshonse Electric Car Surely Will Be Ready Next Week. The new electrio car of the "Westinghouse Electric Company is now almost completed. The two Tesla motors, the regulators, the brake and all necessary machinery for put- uug me car lu.uiuuun nave peeu put on tne iirucK,Buuuii:iiuw requireuns a lop. t Coal Miners Plocklnsr Into the K. of la and leaving the N. p. V. National Master Workman "Bea and Na tional Secretary Watchorn,.of NT. A. 135, K. of L., composed of coal miners, were n the city yesterday. They addressed a meet' ing at Courtney on Tuesday night and every miner who. attended joined the order. Mr. Watchorn has been organizing in the Hock ing "Valley, while Mr. Bea has been at work in the coke region and railroad dis trict. They met on Tuesday and compared notes. Mr. Watchorn says he visited four assem blies in the Hocking Valley, and since Jan uary 1 two of them have doubled in mem bership. One of them trebled and the other now has four times as many members as compared with the report on the first of the year. i Master Workman Bea says the letters "N. P. TT." in the coke region are now in terpreted "No Particular Use" instead of National Progressive Union. He believes that when the April reports are received it will be found .that Division .No. 4 has quadrupled in membership since the first of the year. Encouraging reports are also re ceived trom Division No. 22, Eastern Ohio. Mr. Bea could not say anything definite about the Pittsburg railroad district recent ly formed into Division No. 25. A convention of this division will be held at Knights of Labor Hall this morning to discuss the -wage question, Master Work man Bea will preside. A satisfactory settle ment may be reached. THE PIKES LIGHTED. Graff, Bennett it Co.'a Mill vale Works to be Started on Monday. The old Millvale mill of Graff, Bennett & Co., at Bennett station, which has been idle for over a year, will be started on Mon day. Fires were lighted in. the puddling and plate departments yesterday. All the machinery has been overhauled. Only a portion of the mill will be operated at present, giving employment to 150 men. As stated the other day the mill will be operated by J. W. Friend & Co. Manager Stauffer, of the old Clinton mill, has been engaged as superintendent. There is con siderable agitation among the former em ployes at Millvale, who claim that Stauffer will select the men needed to start the works from those thrown idle by the closing of the Millvale mill. Both sets of men are members of the Amalgamated Association, and it has been decided by that organization that they can not interfere, as the concern is a new one. The only part the association can take is to ask the firm to sign the scale and employ Amalgamated Association men. COKE AT A I0SS. Somo Operators Now Selling Their Prodnct at a Dollar. The coke trade is not reviving, but if any thing is worse than a month ago. Some furnacemen claim to have purchased at from 15 to 25 cents below the regular rate, $1 25 per ton. One man said he believed the operators would take anything for their product rather than suspend operations en tirely. , "Coke at less than SI 25 is sold at a loss," said one operator, "although some might be able to come out even at that figure. Those who own drift mines'can make a few cents a ton at the present rate, but there is no money in coke at less than 51 50 a ton. I cannot account for the dullness in the iron trade. When coke sold at $2 a ton the iron trade certainly was not twice as good as now." River Miners Idle. All the river mines will likely be closed this week and the coal loaded sent down the river. Captain W. W. O'Neil. when asked when the mines would be started again,' said: "1 don't know: not for a long timer j- A DETECTIVE ASSAULTED By a Woman, Who Is Arrested and Ordered to Lcnve Town. Detectives Glenn and Murphy, were searching for a man all Tuesday night, and about 3 o'clock yesterday morning entered the house 62 Cedar avenne, presided over by May Verner. When Officer Murphy went upstairs to search the rooms he was assaulted by Miss Verner. During the struggle she fell downstairs, where she was caught by Officer Glenn. The house was then raided and six people were cap tured. At the hearing last evening the Mayor fined May Verner $50 and costs, and gave her 48 hours to leave the town. The other prisoners were each fined 3 and costs. All the fines were paid. MORE U. S. MATERIAL W1I Arrive From Baltimore for tho New Government Building. The United States schooner Haven (not the old phantom ship) arrived in Baltimore yesterday from Blue Hills harbor with 450 tons of additional material for the Pitts burg Government building, and another schooner, thePartoick, is to arrive at the same place with 700 tons in a few days. This material will bring the Government buildiDg almost to the root. , The successful bidder for the construction of the roof hasnot been announced; but it is likely that the Pennsylvania Construction Company will get the contract, because their bid is the lowest. GAMBRINUS AT A FEAST. Brewers to Have a Banquet In a Pittsburg Hotel This Evening. The Master Brewers' Union of Pittsburg will hold their annual banquet to-night at the Seventh Avenue Hotel, to which dele gates of the Master Brewers' Union of the United States are invited, and it is expected that it will be a grand affair. Feter Walter Dying. Peter Walter, Jr., the well-known poli tician, of Allegheny, was reported dying last evening, and was not expected to live through the night. At 1 o'clock this morn ing he was no better, and there are but slight hopes of his recovery. That SSO.OOO Boy. Arthur Cruschinsky, the Chicago boy, is ofill nt thft TwPnt.TT.PlffllfTi waWl etqttnn house. Inspector McKelvy says he has hail nn renlv tn his lnnnirv nWint 4lia!nrt4 which was made on Sunday. Rare Tenacity of Life Giving Way. George Harper, of Thirty-first street, who shot himself in the head some time ago, will probably die, according to the doctor's statement. His tenacity of life lias been marvelous. . At Best With Mother Earth. The funeral of the late Prof. Prosser took place yesterday from his late residence on Freeland street. The interment took place in the Southside Cemetery. " Our Own Importation, English Slobalrs, Plain and fancy printings, $1 a yard. We have also a large line of those popular dress fabrics as low as 45 cents a yard. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Lovo Come Llko a Summer SIgti, But it won't stay long if you persist in ruffling your temper and spoiling your health over a hot bake oven. Don't do it. Get Marvin's bread and cakes from your grocer and be happy. Thssu The People's Store. Embroideries in full skirting, $i skirting, 14 skirting. Nainsook, cambric and Swiss, edgings and insertions to match; great bar gains in black and cream lace for skirting. v..- t lrttnnv ft i-n E , . . vair , iix. tR ALL-BIGHT, It is Hot Run Merely a3 a Feeder of L the Pennsylvania Railroad. AN INTERVIEW WITH MR. M'CARGO The General Superintendent Gives Facts Which Illustrate THE REGIME OP RECEIVERS A SUCCESS General Superintendent David Mc Cargo, of the Allegheny Valley Bailroad, passed through the Union depot last night on his way to New York, where he will meet Mr. J. F. Barnes, the President and newly-appointed Beceiverof that company, for the purpose of consulting with him in regard to coal, freight and other matters in connection with the business of the Alle gheny Valley road. During his conversation with a reporter reference was made to the fact that Mark W. Watson, Esq., attorney for B. F. Jones, personally and as executor of the Laughlin heirs, has asked the Court to appoint a re ceiver on the road who had more of the in terest of the general bond and stockholders at heart than the benefit, of the Pennsylva nia Bailroad Company. Mr. McCargo, speaking on this subject, said he considered the request of the attorney to be entirely without reason or lounda tion. He denied that the Alle gheny Valley Bailroad was merely used by the Pennsylvania Bailroad as a conven ience and a feeder. In fact, he said the con nectiqns of the two roads were such that any advantages accruing therefrom were chiefly to the interest of the Allegheny Valley Bailroad. He then referred to the last inspection of the Allegheny Valley road, made by Presi dent Boberts during last autumn. "Mr. Boberts," Mr. McCargo stated, "then wrote to Mr. Barnes, our president, telling him that the Allegheny Valley was in a better condition since it had been in the hands ot the receivers than it had been before that period. Mr. Barnes told me that himself. 'The Allegheny Valley Bailroad is now in a better condition than it ever was be fore. The roadbed has been greatly im proved, the motive power is better, and our business has largely increased, both in pas senger and freight traffic. Since the road has been under the management of receiv ers the operating expenses have been much smaller than they were before; in fact, for last year they only amounted to about 57 percent of the gross receipts. The capital stock of the Allegheny Val lep Bailroad Company amounts to $10,000, 000, of which the Pennsylvania Bailroad holds $8,000,000 and the Jones & Laughlin interests $2,000,000. CONTROLLER MORROW DENIES IT. He Says There Are Largo Balances an Hand on AH Appropriations. An item in an afternoon paper yesterday stated that there is a deficiency of $50,000 in the appropriation for the current running expenses of the city for the month of March. The report went on further to say that the city officials would neither affirm nor deny it. The writer ot the article evidently did. not take the trouble to see Controller Mor row. When approached, the latter said: The statement was 'evidently written by a journalist who was bard up for news. Hit was true it would be news to me, but 1 know it is .not. This 18 not the season for deficiencies in theapprOprlatlons. Unlike the flowers that bloom IrLtaojBnrinsthe shortaces in. the ap propriations for tha running expenses of the city blossom fortft m the middle of winter. Tbey turn up anomf the close of the fiscal year, which is January 31..5' The deficiencies never amonnt to anything; but it would be an extraordinary thing if there was not a shortage. It was estimated that the outstanding tax receipts for this year will be $250,000. I think the receipts will fall short about 570,000. Last year, if you will remember, we had a shortage of 8150,000 in tax receipts. The deficiencies generally amonnt to about $150. From what I know of the finances to run the city, there are large balances on all appropria tions, instead of a deficiency ot $50,000 for the month of March alone. A GRIP ON AUGUST 15. The Central Cable Cars Will be Beady to Carry Passengers Then. The complete route of the Central Trac tion Company has been decided upon, and all the contracts for the material necessary for the road have been concluded, and the company has stipulated in each contract that the cars must bernnning for the con venience of passengers on August 15. The 16 new cars are expected to arrive shortly. They will be the finest' in the city, and will be painted yellow. For the ac commodation of smokers the old horse cars will be attached. The speed will be regulated so that any body can be taken from the new Postoffice to Herron Hill in 15 minutes, and to Herron avenue in 12 minutes. A DANGEROUS PASTIME. A Little Girl Rides Behind a Runaway to the Verso of a Precipice. Last night tha 6-year-old daughter of an East Ender got into the buggy of Mr. H. P. Smith, who was visiting, and was carried away by the frightened horse. As the latter was about to "plunge over an embank ment above the Jnnction Bailroad tunnel, he was caught by Officer Waechter. Chairs Coursed Through the Air. Mrs. Enden sued Mrs. Swearer, of the Seventeenth ward yesterday, alleging that, while Mrs. S. intended to throw a chair at her husband, the latter dodged and she (Mrs. Enden) was hit on the head, sustain ing a severe scalp wound. Any and AH kinds of Curtains Here. Lace curtains, all new patterns; largest variety of poles and fixtures. Sash curtain materials and brass rods and fittings; hand-printed Java chamber curtains silk curtains, chenille curtains and portieres, jute velour curtains. A full line of uphol stering materials and furniture coverings. Cretonnes from 25 cents to $2 a yard. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Startling Prices to Close Oat Stock. Pine lace curtains at 65c, 85c, $1, $1 50, $2, $3, pair, etc Elegant portier curtains at .$2, $2 50, $3, $4, $5, pair, etc. Wood and brass trimmed poles, 25c, 40c, 50c, COc, etc. Silk tapestry to cover furniture at $1 per yard. Furniture goods, curtains and sash goods, by the yard, below cost. All goods mnst be sold in'15 days, to vacate store. It Holtzman & Sons, Xissa 35 Sixth si The People's Store. Ladies, our handkerchief corner on the left as you enter, is really an interesting place to tarry. You will find the best, prettiest, and we believe the cheapest, lot of handkerchiefs ever offered. Campbell & Dice. Passover Bread. Pure and wholesome, made especially for the Passover season. It-won't pay you to bake your own when you can order direct from your grocer, S. S. Maevin & Co. -xhssn Totr can't get the good of your electrio light unless you have proper: shades or globes. .The most complete assortment and newest designs are to 'be found at (Jraig neaas .uamp store, bis umitnneid st.. ' d GREAT GRANITE SETTLES. The Slasslro Court House Pile, Though Founded on a Rock, Wriggles Down a Little Rooflag Tiles Loosened. The frequent patching of the tiled floors of the new Court House has been the cause of considerable adverse criticism, some peo ple suggesting that it might be jobbery, and others' that the work had not been well done by the contractors. What at first was a subdue growl began to grow into a sullen roar, as taxpayers from day to day stumbled over barrica'des erected to keep them off the new work. Yesterday, during the gale, a couple of tiles fell from the roof of the Court House and most people who saw them supposed they were blown loose by the gale, and there was a fresh impetus given to invidi ous criticism. There was one man, however, who hadn't time to think of criticism, and that was Procureur-dn-roi Porter, who narrowly escaped death. He was satisfied to get off Commissioner McWilliams was -asked what he knew of the matter, and he said the explanation was simple. When the Cen- (".iiiai ceieoration was in preparation soma workmen who put up flag poles left a box containing nails high up in one of the re cesses of the' tower. The blast Yesterday blew the box out of its resting place, and, as it fell with its contents unspilled before contact with the roof, the shock w,as suffi cient to shatter some of the tiles, and they fell to the ground. Just at this juncture in the investigation Building Inspector Frantc came along, and he was asked to explain why 'the Court House floor tile bulged .up so generally. He stated that it was cause by the settling of the building. Owing to its vastness, the settling is imperceptible, but it settles all the same, and, the tile being laid and ce mented so closely, they must either crush or bulge up, and being strong, they tilt Mr. Prank opined that when the settling was finished the floor would retain its horizon tality. A SHOWER OP EGGS Cause Some Excitement on Federal Street, Allegheny. A very amusing scene that is, to all but the victims occurred on Federal street, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon. An Italian has a small fruit stand in front of a vacant store in Boyle's block, and the upper stories of the building are occupied by several families. One o the occupants hung a basket oi eggs on a hook in one of the win dows, and, about supper time, reached out for it. A portion of the basket handle broke, letting the contents drop on the Italian and several pedestrians. The Italian yelled "Stopa re murder" and called for the police, and Lieutenant McNimrey responded. After investigation he discovered that the "ovation" was an accident. With eggs at 15 cents a dozen, the owner was the greatest loser. SWhere to Go For spring overcoats. Gents, don't fall to call at the Hub. We show the best $10 and $12 coat in the citv. We lead the town in suits for boys at $2, $2 50, $3, $3 50, $4, $4 50. and $5. See our men's wool dress pants at $1 75, $2 and $2 50. Fine dres3 pants at $3, $3 50 and $4. A fine ball and bat to every boy customer at the Hub. Call and see 'em at Boston Clothing House, 439 Smithfield st. Cable Dye Fast Black Stockings are the Best. Prices right. 25 cents to $1 a pair, all sizes. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Ob, Sly Poor Back! How often that expression is heard by people who will try to eke out a miserable existence on some old worn out sewing ma chine instead of being sensible like other people and getting one of Hopper Bros. & Co.'s "New High Arm" Davis sewing ma chine. 307 Wood street. tissu Cable Dye Fast Black Stockings are the Best. Prices right 25 cents to $1 a pair, all sizes. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The People's Store. One of the specialties of our large storeroom on Fifth avenue is the large space devoted to hosiery and gloves. In short, you can find everything in the way of stockings and gloves. In regard to price and value, we have no fear on that score. Campbell &Dick. Ladles' Muslin Underwear, 25 Cents To $35 a garment Don't think you will find as complete and large a stock any where else as nere. JOS. HOKNE & CO'S Penn Avenue Stores. Use Angostura Bitters, the world re nowned South American appetiser, of ex quisite flavor. In Your New Home. Don't worry about the baking" while you are getting settled in your new home. Give Marvin's Dread a trial and you will never use any other. Fresh every day at your grocers. Thssu The Bargains In Torchon Linen Laces Are great indeed prices lower forquality and width than ever before seethem on the counter in lace department. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Joseph Cook, April 4, Old City Hall. BIBER & EASTON. NEW SPRING COSTUMINGS. 40-Inch French Side Band Suitings, self trimmings, only EOo a yard. 46-inch Pure Mohair Suitings. 40-inch Henriettas at 63c. Extra Satin Finish. 46-inch widths, 85c and $100. Silk Warp Henriettas, spring shades. Black Henriettas in all the numbers, from 85c to $2, the most perfect finished grades im ported. The most complete line of novelties and FANCY DRESS GOODS, All at attractive prices. Second shipment in Silks brings to us a spe cial bargain in a colored Satin Lnxor, all the prevailing shades, at 85c. reeular SI iroods: Fancy Stripe Sarahs, for trimmings, at 85c Novel and stylish designs in India Silks. WRAPS, Cloaks and Suits. New and handsome effects for Ladies. Misses and Children. JACKETS. Stockinette, fair grade, for S3. High grade Jackets. 5 50, 87. $9, $10. Bound Corkscrews and Wale Cloths, lined and unllned,with or without vests, 85, S7, $9, $12 to tie. Colored French Cloth, Loose or DIrectoiro Fronts, 99, S12. SIB. Bead Wraps, all grades, from 3 to HO. Braided Silk and Cloth Mantles, S3 to $40. Nottingham, Swiss and Irish Point Curtains. Curtain Nets and Sash Draperies, neat and effective patterns, low range of cost. House Furnishing Linens, Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels and Quilts, the best values shown; underground prices. BIBER & EASTDN, " 05 AND 507 MARKET ST. Si t&&Mk,i, .r S-JtnlHMEI '$M !.. . .i ' . r- Jtr.f!! weMt-?xs1 ,1 ..Tssssas"sK--t2 , Krmnnj-rrsBu, , ,1 . ? . . ;, '-?jb sat-, ,; i: a. -jhisssv vxjiBssmut-masssssi i ,'? AN APPlICAHrS DEATH. Amand Flerle's Petition for Liquor License Falls Soddenlr. Typhoid fever caused the death of Amand Fierie, a saloon keeper at 152 Franklin street, Allegheny, on Tuesday. He was an applicant for license. His lawyer, Henry Meyer, on Friday last requested a postpone, ment of the case, producing a doctor's cer tificate.' The request, Mr. Meyer says, was refused by Judge White., On Saturday morning Fierie, who had been sick in bed for two days, was taken to the Court House and, wrapped in blankets, earri.-d into tha court room. His ghastly appearance alarmed the judge, who denied that he had ordered Fierle's presence in the court Attorney Christy, representing the tem perance people, declined to question the ap plicant at that time, remarking that he 'wouldn't jump on a corpse or interfere with a funeral procession." Judge White yesterday said he would not announce any decisions until all applica tions have been heard. This settled a false report yesterday that announcements would be made in the afternoon. AN AGED CEIPPLE'S FAITH. - He Travels Over 100 allies to be Cored fey ' Father Dloilinger. i James "Vaughn, a cripple, 70 years of age, traveled all the way from Cleveland, yestei. -terday, to be cured by famous Father Molv ", linger. t ' "Vaughn got off the train at the Federal street depot and hobbled to the Allegheny Mayor's office, aided by a crutch and cane. He asked for lodging and the Mayor assisted " him into his private office and gave him a bed on the lounge. A Popular Veteran 111. The many friends of Major Sidney Omo hundro will be pained to learn of his seri ous illness. He is confined to his house, Meyran avenue, Oakland, suffering from a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia, but last evening was resting easy. Mr. Omc hundro is prominent in G. A. It. circles, and has been filling an important position in the business office of The Dispatch. JOB. HORNE k Ctt'S;. PENN AVENUE STORES.1 & MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS 1 - NOW Al J.JJ - S LACE CURTAINS, " -Wr f .w HEAVY CURTAINS: PORTIERES and DRAPERIES.8!, Curtain Materials by the yard, 15c to r finest qualities. New Velour Curtain3 Just received. - New Velour Table and Piano Covers. New Cretonnes and Furniture Cov erings. Pillows and Bolsters, regular sizes" and special sizes to order promptly. Our Lace Curtain stock'is all new -this spring's importations tl a pair to finest Brussels Point. , We make estimates on high decorat- ' ing lor interiors equal to any in the country. r Our Curtain Boom is large and well lighted and customers receive prompt attention. All the latest styles of Printed Silks r as fast as they come, out for fancy .- work and sash curtain use. , New styles in Upholstery fringes, ' Gimps and Sash Curtain Loops. r Send in your orders now for any kind J of drapery' work, which will receive oar best attention. i; JDB.HDRNEJcEi PENN AVENUE STOREsISi 4, -T : y w zg - ;. '. , t a js. .- '. rMliSfjai'J'iiaS3!,Iii,-J!-Bj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers