HKi c7 -y tk r- THE PITTSBURG JDISPATOH, THURSDAY, APR 4, 1889. -m 9XHsplay advertisements xme dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To ZaA, etc, ten cents per line for eacli inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRAXCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the folio-wing places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Vilrertlsementsaretobe prepaid except where ts already have accounts -with Tnx Dls- rrrrsBUEG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35uS Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 2UU street and Penn are. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fnlton St. . STOKELY. PiHh ATcnne Market House. EAST EXD. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 l'enn avenue. OAKLAND. NCALLISTEIJ & SI1LTBLER, 5th av. & At wood St. sotrrnsroK. JACOB SPO UN. Kq. I Carson street. CUAS. SCHWAIIM, 1T0T Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEU, 59 Federal street. II. J McHKIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEUS. 172 Ohio street. F. n. EGGEKSiSOK. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. TV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. J'EUKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. C ASS1FIED ADVERTISEMENTS, Such as "Wanted." "For Sale," "To Let," etc, intended for Sunday's issue ofTHEDis rATCH, should be received at the main office. Fifth avenue, not later than 11:30 o'clock on Saturday night, to insure appearance under proper Headings. WANTED. Male IIclD. -TTT ANTED EXPERIENCED KLECTKO Y plater. BISbELL & CO., 715 Liberty St., Pittsburg. ap4-33 TTTANTEU-OFFICE BOY-ADDRESS IN V own handwriting, giving age, M. O., Dis patch office. apl-88 ITTANTED-A PHOTOGRAPHER CAPABLE or doing all kinds of work. Address P. O. BOX (84, WeUsvlUc, O. ap4-46 "TTJANTED-FlRsT-CLASS BAKBElt. APPLY' V to GEO. J. MEYER. 171 Federal St.. Hotel Federal, Allegheny City. Pa. ap4-3 ANTED-A GOOD BOY ABOUT 14 OR 15 Tears old: must come well recommended. Applyat533SMlTHFIELDST. ap4-6S -TTJANTED-A GOOD BOY TO LEARN THE barber trade, at FRANK F. MGGLFS. No. 1732 Carson street, Soulhsldc. ap4-93 -TTTANTED-A COMPETENT STENOG- RAPHER and typewriter; young man. Address X. Y. Z., Dispatch office. ap4-S9 -TTfANTKII-SALESJIEN-lX) SELL A PAT- ENT ledger, advertising specialties, etc., to merchants. W. B. PERSHING, South Bend, lnd. mh23-35-eod TTTANTED-SALESMAN FOR PATENTED V? article; gie experience nnd reference; state salary expected. Address X. Y. X.., Dis patch office. ap:-59 T7"A-!,TEO-TWO CARPET UPHOLSTERLRS t to lay carpets; none but those with cltv ex perience need apply. E. GROETZlNGElt, 62? and 3 Penn ave. ap4-34 WANTED-INTELL1GENT BOY TO LEARN drug business; must live In the city: one of some experience preferred. Address CAbCAUA, Dispatch office. apl-M -err AN TED-TWO CARRIAGE TRIMMERS; one for light and one for hcaw work. Ap ply at once to THOS. S. O'NEIL & CO., 5S21-5S25 Penn ate., E. K. ap4-91 TTT-ANTED-AGENTS TO SELL THE ONLY V American pciishing paste; good percentage. Call at 11 Market St., between Sand 10 o'clock a. m. MAKINE OIL CO. apl-50 -VTTANTED - A GOOD ASSISTANT BOOK 1 KEEPER: must be a good accountant, good penman and come well recommended. Address So. 3M PENN BUILDING. apl-39 -TTTANTED-ENEBGETIC MAN AS SALES- V MAN in East Liberty, also Knoxvllle and Hcllevue; one well acquainted. Call on J. W. CAUGHEY Jt CO., room 4, 49 Fifth avenue, apl-36 -TTJ ANTED- AGENTS OF THE BETTER T class In eerv county of Western Pennsvl vanla. WM. F. 5IAXON. lubllslicrs' Agent, room 23, McCance block, Pittsburg, Pa. apI-8-TTS WANTED-INTELLIGENT MAN LOCATED outside Pittsbnrg, to represent, in his lo cality, a responsible house; rood ealarv; refer ences exacted and given. SUIT. MFC. HOUSE. Lock box 1610, N. Y. oc7-48-Th -TXJANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmen can makemoncy in their spare time. YAMASH1RO TEA CO., 8j Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-86-TTS WANTED-EOLLTURNER-A FIRST-CLASS roll turner that can turn all kinds of mer chant bar rolls, rounds, squares, flats, ovals and bauds, etc, etc. Address (with reference and price per day) "TOLEDO, " Dispatch office. ap4-71 -TTTANTED-EXFERIENCED REAL ESTATE Y salesman; good salary to right man; none but w ritten applications received; state experi ence, references and age: all applications treated confidentially. SAMUEL W. BLACK Jt CO.. 93 Fourth avc ap4-G6 -rV7"AJ,"rED-3 FIRST-CLASS MARBLE AND V granite salesmen; must hae experience in this line; one for the city of Pittsburg and Alle gheny and two to travel elsewhere. Address, stating experience. DUNNING MAKBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Eric Pa. mh26-78 XTTANTED-BAD WRITERS-SMART'S COL- V LEGE, moved to 4 Sixth St., Pittsburg, next to bridge: penmanship, bookkeeping, eclec tic and standard Ehortbaud, etc; instruction thorough and private; terms moderate for both sexes; open dally from 9 A. H. to S P. M. mh27-TTesu T7"ANTED-A STONE MASON COMPETENT V to superintend the erection of a stone dwelling in Fort Collins, Col.: to a capable man this will be a good opportunity of locating In a thriving Western citv. Address MASON, care Due, JlcKean & Co., 533 Liberty St., Pittsbnrg, Pa. ap4-59 "TTT ANTEO-AGENTS ON SALARY; V$ PER T month and expenses paid any active man cr woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salary paid proinpUv and expenses in ad vance; lull particulars and sample case free, we mean lust what we Bay Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. felS-3-D -TTATED-1MMEDLVTELY ONE EXTRA quick first-class granite tracer and letterer; must be especially fa6t in this line. Address stat ing experience and wages demanded. Also, three or lour flrst-clas6 granite cutters: mnst be quick workmen. Address DUNNING MARBLE AND GRANITE CO.. Erie, Pa. mh26-7s -TTTANTED-SALESMEN WE WISH A FEW V men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; largest manufacturers 3c our line; Inclose 2-cent stamp: wages 3 per day; permanent position; no postals answered; luonev advanced for wages advertising, etc CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati. Ohio. ap2-85-TTSSn -TTTANTED AGENTS -ONLY NEW SUB V SCKIPTION book or this year; "Anarchy and Anarchists." by Captain Schaack, of Chi cago police; all about the red terror In Europe and America; Illustrated by photo of Anarchists and scenes of riots In Pittsburg, Baltimore Chi cago, -etc; diagrams of bombs; exclusive terri tory; Ulieral terniB: outfits ready. P. J. FLEM ING & CO.. 77 Diamond st. mhlS-S Female ITelD. -rVfANTED-A CHAMBERM AID AND A GIRL TV to take care of children, German preferred. Apply at 116 SHEFFIELD ST., Allegheny. ap4-32 WANTED-WHITE GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework and plain cooking. Apply to SIRS. UENUY B. KEA, North Hlland avc, .. ap4-90 k TTTANTED-FROM 9 TO 4 DAILY. LADY OF V good education (not under SO): must bjt willing to come a week on trial; ?!) salary after that per weej. saubiaciDry, rcierences.. lau after 10 A. M., on H. A. SCHROEDEK, McCance block, Smlttmeld st. and Seentt ave. ap-55 male nnd 1'rmnlo flcln. -rJTANTED-SPECIALTY PEOPLE FOR THE V summer season. Aaaress w. u. uakixim. Dlspatcn omce. ap-w r A N T E D FRENCH AND GEItMAN nnrcAC rhftinhernialds. ronlcs. d Inln tr mnin i.nnTMn fierman gins. 100 house rfrls. WANTED AT OSUE-UILUKtl) MAN OB iu- n farm hands and gardeners. 40 cooks. SO chambermaids, ft 60 to f4 per wk.; 200 house girls. 4 nurses,dlnlng room girls and dishwashers; all first-class help report here. MEEHAN'S AGENCY, 545 Grant St. pl-D Situations. TTANTKD-SITUAT10N AS BOOKKEEPER. V bill or shipping clerk; references given. Address W., Dispatch office. ap4-30 "TXr-ANTED-SITUATION'BYEXl'ERIENCED Y stenographer and tj pe-wrlter; can furnish best of references. Address A. Bn., Dispatch office. ap4-37 VTJANTEl)-SITUATION WITH A BUTCHER V by a young lnaa wishing to learn the busi ness, who can give good relcrences. Address EOOM2, Richie block. Beaver Falls, Pa. api-74 WANTED-POSITION BY A FIRST-CLASS Tarm hand who can give good references; thoroughly understands farming and .care of stock. Address FARM, Dispatch oOce. ap4-87 -n? waiters, white and colored, farm hands, garden S. MRS. E. THOMPSON, COS Grant St. mhSJ-ios-BTnB V TPlT-a.NTF.U-m'AN EXPERIENCED SALEb TT A1AN, position In drygoods or furniture ' house: good references. Address or inquire K. II. L "DKEn. 87 Fifth aTenue, :d floor, lltubure, Pa, -.' uni-;- WANTED. Pnrtners. XTTA-NTED PARTNER, WITH $1,500 CAPI V TAL; this Is a chance for an active busi nessman. Address MANUFACTURER, Dispatch office ap4-3S TV ANTED-A PARTY TO BUY HALF-INTEREST In valnnhle. Invention fn.ltent aDDlled for): or, to loan $3,000 to conduct the business. Address PATENT, Dispatch office. ap4-6 WANTED-1NTEREST IN MANUFACTUR ING business by party with some capital: has had experience in both manufacturing ana commercial branches. Address 1L I. J., Dispatch office ap4-5S TIT ANTED-A GOOD PARTNER TO INVES1 Y some capital in an electric business with man of experience, who Is a builder or newest electric motors lor power and Incandescent light ing. tc. Address ELECTRIC Dispatch office arn-31 WANTED-ACTIVE OR SILENT FARTNER actlvevoung man with some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred: business established and -..... , ,n(.ti vnrt lor tirescnt owner: capi tal desired to add new lines of goods; amount re quired from ?4.000 to 8&000; references F n and expected In return. Address ACTT E PARTNER, Dlipatch office ap2-63 Boarding. , -tTT AN TED -TWO WELL FURNISHED VV rooms, with board, by May 1. for married couple (no children) where no other boarders kept: Oakland preferred; references necessary. Address ZETA, Dispatch office. ap2-3S Boarders nnd Lodgers. v m,r n fi ftlrlivirt: CTTA nVSltl'R w. m,m tith hnnrd. suitable for married couple ... &nlvin ,irf,nfKPt. AMKKll- SON AVE., third door from church. ap4-5-Trsu -nTANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR FRONT KOOM, V rurnlshed. on Arch St., Allegheny, near Stockton avenue: for gentlemen only: first-class neighborhood; reference required. Address S.B., Dispatch office r-60 Financial. WANTED-MORTGAGKSON" PROPERTY IN either cltv: lowest rates or Interest. SPEN CER 4 HLOSsER, 419 Smlthfleld St. mhS3-7 -TTTANTKD-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK Jt BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. a28-a29-D WANTED MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4(, 5 and 6 per cent, GRAEBING & LYON, 135 1 ourth ave. ap6-el-D -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP V EKtV. over JijOOO; 4f per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVERS CO., 92 Fourth avenue mh2-a2-D XVTANTED-KENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLE3 Jt BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 1C7. Ial9-Sl WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; SPECIAL attention given to this branch of the real estate business. SPENCER & GLOSSER. V419 Smlthfleld st. mh23-7 TTT A N T E D MORTGAGES IN ANY Y amounts: 4 to 6 per cent; city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. J&awK-MThs WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUMS TO suit, for any desired time and at lowest rates: negotiating mortgages a specialty. D. P. THOMAS & CO.. 403 Grant st. ap3-39 WANTED-MOUTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts, at 4?: to 6 percent, accord ing to the size and kind of mortgage. W. A. HERRON i. SONS, No. 80 Fourth avc. mh31-S6-TTS -TTrANTr.D-MORTGAGES WE ARE PRE YV PARED to make loans of?500 to 8500,000 on mortgages on cltv or country property. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. ap4-70-4,6,8,10,12,lS -TTTANTED-TO LOAN S500,tXL IN AMOUNTS V of 53,00.1 and upward, oncltyand suburban property, on 4 per cent, free ot'tax also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue se21-d26-D w ANTED-TO LOAN 5200,000 ON MOBT GAGFS??iao and nnward at 6 Ter cent: 5000, 000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property; also In adjoining counties. S. H. FREN CH, 115 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D TTTANTED MOltTGAGES-51. 000, 000TO LOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out or Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 -TTJANTED-LIGHT MANUFACTURING-A V party having a good plant and location Is desirous of getting established therein a manu facturing business; some capital may be rur nlshed: quite a rare opportunity Is offered to the right parties. Address, stating kind or business, number of hands employed, etc, P. O. BOX 732, city. apl-61 XVT-ANTED-PROl'ERTY-WE HAVE CUSTO- Y HERS for one unimproved larm of 70 or 80 acres; must be cheap, have running water, and located within SO mites of city: also for one small farm of SO or 25 acres, with some improvements and running water, within 25 miles of citv; also for several small dwelling houses of 4 to 6 rooms, in suburbs; also for business or dwelling house property located anywhere in the old city or in the hill district between Court House and Mlnersvlllc; also for tacant lots. Parties having any such property for sale will please communicate with or Send- particulars to office of MORRIS FLEM ING, Real Estate and Insurance 106 Fourth ave mh31-SS-TT6U BIlscellaneoUK. -TTTANTED IF THE GENTLEMAN FROM Y Penn avc who called 25 Lacock st. ror a housekeeper, will please call at 89 LACOCK ST., he can get a housekeeper. ap4-99 -TTTANTED-WE PAY CASH FOR SECOND LY HAN O carpets and furniture at your resi dence Address PITTSBURG AUCTION AND STORAGE CO- 93Thlrd ave. ap3-3 -TTTANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW APRIL V is the last month for cabinets at ?100pcr doz. at ELITE GALLERY. 516 Market St., Pitts bnrg. Pa.; come early; bring children; use eleva tor; apl-16 FOB. SALE IMPBOTED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residence. F OR SALE-SI.S00 WILL BUY A NEW HOUSE a rooms ana ceuar, 101 ajxiuu it., on sono Ft., near Reed st. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfleld st. ap3-I7 FOR SALE-SEVERAL GOOD INVESTMENTS in property on Penn avenue below Sixth street; Liberty, between Fourth and Eighth streets, and Filth street. C. BERIN GER SON, 103 Fourth avenue ap2-77-TTS FOR SALE BLUFF STREET, NEAK COL LEGE, new brick house b rooms, hall, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement: a complete house all late Improvements: lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. BOBERT COWARD, No. SB BlnS street. inhlO-28-TTSSu FOR SALE-PAYING INVESTMENT-NEW frame and brick dwellings of 2S rooms each: rentals 5L9SS per year; fronts on three paved streets near Ninth street, Souths!de;prlce5i3,O0O: terms to suit; a bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avc Telephone 167. ap4-S2 FOR SALE-MAIN ST.. NEAK DAVISON, Lawrenccville two-story and finished attic brick dwelling, wasbhouse, inside w. c, station ary washstands, bath, slate mantels, electric bells, burglar alarms, electric light attachments: complete throughout; call or send to office for For Sale list. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth a enne. ap2-I3 FOR SALE-ON BLUFF STREET. NEAR Chestnut, a beautiful 2-story and rn'.nsard pressed brick dwelling, with stone trimming, ot 8 elegant large rooms, handsomely papered and painted, slate mantels, tile hearths, natural and artificial gas, bath, rauge h. and c water, inside w. c. stationary washstands, large closets, etc.; this Is a desirable home with ail modern con veniences; 5 minutes from Court nonsc; will sell reasonable BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avc. mh31-lS5-apl, 2, 3, 4. 5, 8, 10, 12 East End Residences. EOR SALE-ON SHADY AVB., EAST END, brlcK house 9 rooms and bath: Iotsiixl26 to a street: very desirably located; only 53,500. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave ml) 29-11-23, 3L ap2, 3, 4, 6 FOR SALE ELLSWORTH AVE., NEAR Aiken, Shadvslde: desirable location: a2-story frame dwelling, 6 elegant large rooms, wide hall, bathroom, range h. and c water, laundrv. both gases, slate mantels, etc : lot 5510O to alley, ana only 56,000; it is a bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avc ap2-13 TTIOK SALE-SHADYSEOE X CASH. BAL- JL ANCE to suit: a 2-story and finished attic iramc aweuing. on ainui si. nearjeiioni. oiu rooms, hall, sliding doors, range h. and c. water, bath: all conveniences; nice lot: good neighbor hood: call at office and see photograph. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. api-15 I71O R SALE EAST END-NEW FRAME dwelling 7 rooms and large attic bay win dow, inside shutters, china closet, large pantries, corner fircnlaccs with 'slate mantels and tilo hearths; lot 40x137 to a 20-foot alley; ,5 mlnutci f im etntlnn. Immixllsttf nn,ulnn .TflllXT IT BAXTER, Ag't., M2 Smlthfleld su mh31-76-TTsu T7OR SALE NIAGARA ST. NEAR CRAFT, J3 Oakland A 2-story and mansard brick dwelling with stone trimmings containing 9 beau tiful rooms, hall, vestibule 2 stalrscases, laun dry, bath, w. c, washstands, sliding doors, china closets, state mantels: all modern Improvements; desirable location and convenient to cable cars. BLACK A BAlltD. 95 Fourth ave. ap2-15 FOR SALE-ON LARIMER AVE. EAST END, new, selected brick house parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, good, wide nail and vcstl bnle; t good bedrooms, bath, etc. on second floor; finished attic: electric bells andjlghts; all modern Improvements; about four minutes' walk from East Liberty Station or either Hue or cable cars; lot 47X120: 53.2O0: or house and lot, 24x120, 58,600. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth are. mh2j-ll-29,31,ap2, 3,4,6. FOR SALE-55.850-OAKLAND, NEW TWO story and mansard brick dwelling, s rooms, hall, bath, laundry, inside shutters-and w. c, bay winuuw, larc ttvu luu nar purcues, BlatO mantels, fine tile hearths, electric bells, etc; the entire house Is elegantly papered aud decorated; very desirable locality; shade trees, etc; 8 mln ntes' walk from Filth ave. cable line; easy terms. SAMUEL W. -BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave mh31-4S-MTT FOB SALE-TnE NEW QUEEN ANNE honsc, ou Sheridan avenue near inland ave nue and Hoeveler street. East End; 6 minutes' from Liberty station and near to cable cars: 6 rooms, finished attic room, nail, cellar, porches, bath, w. c, natural gas. Inside shutters and other modern conveniences, all In good order; lot 2Sx 120 feet; will be sold at public sal) on WeDNES- UA.X Aliuuuufl, .Apru m, b&o'ciock, on me premises; the house Is quite new and well finished throughout: tlUe iertect: immediate Ttossesslon given. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE CO., Agents ana Auctioneers, 121 ouriu avenue Pittsburg. ap3-S5-MTWTB FOB; SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE East End Residences. FOR SALE-MAKGARKTTA ST.. NEAR NEG LF. avenue a fine 7-room brick: in every particular strictly first class; bath, laundry, gases; lot 45x120: price 58,500. MELLON BROS.. BM9 Sta tlonst., L. E. ap3-16-ThS TJ0R SALE-A 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT J 8 new brick houses 5 minutes from East Liber ty station, each having 7 rooms, good cellar, city water, natural and artificial .gas, slate mantels, etc; all rented to good tenants; price 520,000; terms easy. REED B. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave ap4-04 FO B 8 A L E-A BEAUTIFUL OAKLAND residence, on Meyran ave, near Bates, two story and mansard brick or 9 rooms, hall, ves tibule tile floor, laundrv, bath, w. c, stationary washstands slate -mantels, French plate glass mirrors, elegant chandeliers, natural gas, hand somely papered, etc, and onlv 58,500: terms reas onable BLACK & BAll'.D, 9o Fourth avenue ap2-14-TTS Hazclwood Residences. TTiOR SALE SECOND AVE., HAZELWOOD .C the handsome residence property or Geo. H. Anderson, Esq.? a modern dwelling of 11 rooms, bath, laundry, all conveniences, large porches, etc : good stable aud carriage house; beautiful grounds, cither 2 or 4 acres, with shade and fruit trees. SA-MUEL W. BLACK & C0.99 Fourth ave. ap2-07-TTS Allegheny Residences. FORSALEAT A BARGAIN-A NEW 6-ROOM frame dwelling on McCllntock ave., Alle gheny, near new electric road, with hall, lannary, bath, h. andc. water. Inside w. c, finished attic; house newly papered throughout: lot 50x160, ex tending to another street; terms reasonable. REED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. ap4-64 EOR -SALE AN INVESTMENT A 2-sroRY mansard and pressed brick front: hall, vesti bule, double parlors, dining room, kitchen and Santry on first floor; 4 rooms and bath on second oor: 3 on third: lot 22x120 to paved alley; located on Beaver avc. Allegheuv; price only 55,500. TIIOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mil 20-13-30, Slapl, 3, 4. 6,7 FOR SALE LOCUST ST., NEAR B1DWELL, Alleghenv, 3-storv brick dwelling, contain ing, 9 rooms, 2 fine attic rooms, marble mantels, and hearths, both gases throughout the bouse painted walls, range, furnace bath, 3 Inside w. c, large lot, brick stable and carriage house: this beautiful home reasouable BLACK&BAUtD, 95 Fourth ave. ap2-13 FOR SALE THE BRICK DWELLING AND lot No. 13 Linden street, Allegheny, near North avenue of estate of Isabella Thorn, de ceased: an excellent dwelling of 9 rooms, bath, natural gas, etc, etc : to be sold at public sale by order 01 executors, on Tuesday afternoon, April 9, at 2 o'clock, on thepremises; title perfect; im mediate possession. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mh31-81 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE IN WILKINSBURG, NEAR STA TION, new house of 6 rooms, hall, cellar, water, gas, sliding doors, finished attic porches, slate mantels, etc E. D. WINGENHOTH, 100 Fourth avc. ao4-51-4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 FORSALE WEST BELLEVUC, P.. FT. W. & O. R. R. One or the most desirable houses in the borough: new frame house of 6 rooms, hall, front and side verandas: good spring water piped into kitchen; big bargain: tSoa cash, balance same as rent. EWING & BYERS, 107 Federal St., Allegheny. mh31-Oi-TTSu FOR SALE-ARCH S .-NEAR STOCKTON ave, new brick dwelling of 8 rooms, bath, complete laVindry, large closets and pantry, fur nace fine mantels, pressed brick front with stone trimmings, wide lot. side entrance; cheap to quick buyer. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ap2-65-TTS FOR SALE VERY FINE SUBURBAN RESI DENCE, brick house of 14 rooms, well im proved: 6 acres of ground: will sell the house with 2 acres, or will sell off part of the grounds in acre plots: beautlfullv located at Howard station, near Homestead. P., V. C. R. R. W. A. HEREON &SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. ap2-90-2,4,6,9,13 -17ORSALE-AT CRAFTON, 6 MILES FROM X. Union station, 16 accommodation trains, each way, dally, new frame house of C rooms, on lot 90x200 feet: natural gas: lot nicely Improved: grass, fruit trees, flower beds, etc New frame house or 7 rooms, on lot 0x100 feet, at a very low price New frame house or 8 rooms, on lot 98x100 feet; natural gas; beautiful lawn, fruit trees, flower beds, stone walks, etc 10 lots, 60x97 feet; very desirable location; low price and easy terms. J. R.-MURPHY, Crafton, Pa. Office opposite the station. ap4-SJ-ThS TTOR SALE-A HANDSOME LITTLE 4-ROOM JJ house Just completed: good lot; Center street. Tenth ward. Allegheny; $1,350; easy terms. Sev eral 3-room houses, Ilarlan avenue; quarterly payments. 2 very handsome 6-room houses. Clif ton avenue 4 brick houses, large lot; 1? ourth ward; at a bargain. 3lagniflcent property near the parks; nothing more desirable on the North side. 5 brick houses, large lot: Pride St.. city; $3,000; will pay 8 percent. Parties looking lor safe and profitable Investment should examine this property. JOHN H. McCKEERY, 05 Fifth ave. mh28-20-TT8 FOR. SALE LOTS. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-BLUFF ST.. NEAR' COLLEGE, lot S3 IX. 9 in. bT 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff st. . mhlO-23-TTSsu East Enft iiotsv T710B SALE-A TRIANSlsLAH LOT FRONT J IN G 63 feet on P. R. R. ttt Dallas station, off Westlnghonse place;, price 52&9.nnJlELLON BROS.. 6349 Station St.. E E. ap3-14-Thsu FORSALE THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton avc, near Hlland; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees; price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C NEGLEY, C106 Penn ave.. East End. Jal9-12-TTS FORSALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. R. R.. convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from 5406 to 5G0O. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ac, East End. no23-y78 FOR SALE-A CHEAP CORNER LOT, 38x100 feet. Hays street, corner St. Clair street, 2 squares from North Hlland avenue near Negley; this lot has a fine position and will sell soon; easy terms will be given, MELLON BROS., C3J9 Sta tion 6t., E. E. ap2-8-TT FOR SALE-DON 'T DELAY. BUT ACT quickly, and secure one of those desirable building lots. Bank of Commerce addition plan. Brnshton station: 00-foot streets; good walks and no city taxes. Fnll information from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfleld street. mh31-77-TTSSu FOR SALE-52.30O-SHADYSIDE LOIS 50x181 feet in Wallingford place plan, on 60-foot street: all houses to be Bet back at least 40 feet from street: very desirable neighborhood; 5 min utes from Fifth avenuo cable or P. R. R. station. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO..D9 Fourth ave. mh3l-44 Allegheuv Lots. T710R SALE TWO LOTS-ON EAST STREET JD extension: 24x125 each; price for both 51, 000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. mh29-13-30. 31apL3,4,6,7 FORSALE-LOTSON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D FOR SALE-LINDEN, OSGOOD AND MAPLE avennts, '"Osgood Place" fine large lots only 15 minutes' walk to the Market House; near the electric cars and incline; good investment; low rices; enhancement certain. SAMUEL W. LACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. ap2-59-Th ITiOR SALE-DUQUESNE PARK. PERRYS ' VILLEav., Tenth ward, Allegheny, at the terminus or the Federal st. electric railway; Du quesne Park is the name given to a plan or lots laid out on the Thomas farm: lots 50x150; beautiful view, good water and pure air; sale Saturday next. April 6, at 2 p.m. : cars leave postofflce every 20 minutes. Plans and particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, Real Estate Agent, 413 Grant St. apl-7 FOR SALE DUQUE3NE PARK. FERRYS VTLLE av.. Tenth ward, Allegheny, at the terminus or the Federal St. electric railway: Du quesne Park IB the name given to the plan of lots laid out on the Thomas farm; lots 50x150; beantlful view, good water and pure air; sale Saturday next, April 6, at 2 p.m. : cars leave postofflce e ery SO minutes. Plans and particulars from A. J. PENTECOST. Real Estate Agent. 413 Grant st. apl-7 Suburban Lots. TTTOR SALE-A FINE LAYING LOT OF 5 J3 acres near Birmingham and Laurel stations, on the P., Ft. W. C. R. It, ; a beautiful spot Tor a fine residence: price low. C BERINGER&SON, 103 Fourth avc ap2-77-TTS FOR SALE-AT A VERY LOW PRICE TO close up an estate, 6 large lots, between Ems worth and Laurel station, near Ft. W avne R. R., having 50 ft. front by 3U it. deep, from 5300too00 apiece. C. BER1NGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. ap4-69-MThS . FOR SALE-RESERVE TOWNSHIP, JUST outside Twelfth ward, Allegheny, 30 very cheap lots; no such bargains about the city: close to blue line street cars: admirably adapted to grape cultivation: these lots are the last of a large plan, and will be closed out promptly. JOHN H. MCCREERY, 95 Fifth avenue mh30-82-TT8 y irorats. FOR SALE-A ITNE FARM OF 125 ACRES, 2 miles from Etna, fronting the old Butler pfcink road; either as a whole or will divide It to suit buyers: having a fine house and large bank barn. C. BERLNGER i, SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap2-77-TTS FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT SMALL FARM of 12 acres, with a large orchard or aU kind of fruits, grapes, etc, and good frame house or 5 rooms, barn, etc.; only 5 miles from Sharnsburg on the Klttanning road. C BERINGER&SON, 103 Fourth avc ap2-77-TTS FOR SALE-A VERY' SUPERIOR GRAZING and stock farm. In Fauquier county, VI r finia. 40 miles south of Washington city, one mile rom Warrcntou Junction, Virginia M. R. Jt, ; 1.008 acres: highly improved, well watered, hand some residence with modern improvements, stone grist mill, cattle house etc.; this valuable property will be sold as a whole or in two parts at a sacrifice Address A. N. BASTABLE, 27 West North avc. Baltimore. ap2-86-TTSSn FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Stands. FOR 8ALE-S2,200-SUMMER RESORT 4 MILES east of Cresso Springs. JAS. D. MAIT- LAND, Gallltzln. Pa. ap4-75 FOR SALE - BUSINESS PROPERTIES ON good business streets for 53,000 cash; they are the best bargain now on the market ror the money; will pay a good percentage on the Investment and bound to Increase in value. C u. LOVE,- 93 Fourth ave. c epl-C7-Thssu- FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-A WELL-ESTABLISHED bakery with good trade. Inquire at the place JOHN-HAIO, Southern avenue, Mt. Oliver. api-oj FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE fflin STOCK of about 52,509, or: principal street; doing food business: good bargain will be given. HEPAHO & CO., 51 Fifth ave. mb31-83-TTSn FOR SALE-SALOON-IN GOOD LOCATION, on principal street, with tobacco and cigar store connected. Address JOHN G. GOEL1A N0.15N. Phelps street, Youngstown, O. mh30-73 F' OR SALE -FINE RETAIL GROCERY store in the last End, doing a business of from S2S.CO0 to 530,000 a year. Inquire of CUAS. Jrummer for Arbuckle&Co., sooto 803 Liberty it. mn-ji-w FOR SALE-TIN AND SLATE BUSIN tss. large tin and stove store, with slate yard; all tools good condition; wagons nnd horses; doing paying business: pay investigation: further par ticulars inquire of ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. ap2-41 FOR SALE-GENERAL STORE IN COUMRY town; choice stock, good trade: comuiunltv highly moral; excellent private academy nearby: a rare opportunity; reason Tor selling, death of head proprietor. For particulars address E. GAMBLE; Rogers, O. mh26-33-D EOR SALE-A PATENT IN WniCH THERE Is Urge money; the inventor cannot give It his attention, and will, therefore sell out to some one that wUl undertake the business: terms reasonable For particulars address M. C, IN VENTOR, 323 Penn ave ap2-98-TT T7H)R SALE-GROCERY STORES FROM $250 TO JC $2,500; drug stores, cigar and notion stores, boarding houses, bakeries, confectioneries, res taurants, hotels, shoe stores, printing office, coal workr. gents' furnishing business, etc. : 100 busi ness chances to select from. SHEPARD & CO., 64 Fifth ave. nn2 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Dtctals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, IBall engine 1 smill dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTL & MCDONALD, Penn ave, cor. Thirty-second st. JelW63-rrs FOR SALE-1P.ON PLANER, 24-IN.X5FT.; Howe metal scales, vertical boiler, 41 In. x 8 ft. and smaller sizes; vertical and horizontal en gines: miscellaneous machinery. FAUEY & PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts.. near Union depot. ap24-v35)6-TT3 riorscs. Vehicles. Live Stoclt. etc FORSALE FINECARRIAGETEAM-BLACK .mares, gentle and sound, about 16 hands high: will be sold cheap, as owner ha no further use ror them. Can be seen at T. B.MOREL AN D'S STABLES. East End. np3-85-ThSSn TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-NO. 183 BEDFORD AVENUE, rooms and attic: late Improvements: CT Per month. W. A. IIERRON & SONS, SO Fourth ave. ap2-92-TT8 TO LET-S16 A MONTH, A GOOD BRICK honse of 8 rooms, hath, range, fixtures for natural gas, hot and coM water. No. IC3 Plymouth St. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. SO Fourth ave ap2-90-2,4.G,9.13 T 10 LET-OR FOR SALE-A COTTAGE HOUSE ftn Mount Wshlnct.nn rnr. Brar and Dll- worfli etrppta? liAA oitrht rnnmt lnriro Int. and Is supplied with natural gas and cltv water. In quire at the office or the FirrSBUKG FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st. mh22-36 East End Residences. TO LET-PENN AVE., EAST END. ON LINE or cable cars, 7 rooms andNbathroom. new house 527 50 per month. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. ap3-65-TTSu TO LET-EAST END, PITTSBURG. COR. Margaretta and Bcatty sts., bouses rooms and stable large lot; rent, $23. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. apJ-45 TO LE1-522-BRICK HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. BATH, front and back yard; 4 minptes' walk from cable cars and East Liberty station. JOHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave. mh31-117 TO LET-THAT ELEGANT RESIDENCE, having all modern Improvements, corner Collins avenne and Broad street. East r.nd. Ap ply to ALEXANDER KING, 136 Firth ave. mb24-58 Allegheny Residences. TO LET WESTERN AVE.-HOUSE8ROOMS. porch, etc.; rent, 5550. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ap3-45 TO LET TAYLOR AVE. NEW BRICK house of 10 rooms: all modern Improvements; rent, $550. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Alle gheny. ap3-45 TO LET-37 ALLEGHENY AVE.-3-STORY brick dwelling; 8 rooms: all modem Improve ments; rent 540. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ap3-45 TO LET-SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY, 513 and $14. two houses nearly new, 4 rooms and attic natural gas. S. MCALEER, 67 Federal St., Allegheny. ap4-50 TO LET ON BUENA VISTA ST., GOOD brick bouse; 8 rooms and modern improve ments: rent, 5400. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ap3-45 TO LET-TWO SMALL 4-ROOMED HOUSES, near Allegheny Diamond; snltable fora fam ily of 2 or 3 persons. Inquire at 170 SANDUSKY ST., Allegheny. ap4-85 TO LET-NO. 101 FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHENY, a good house, 8 rooms: late lm Srovements; rent low. W. A. HERRON & ON S, 80 Fourth avenne. ap2-92-TT8 TO LET ON PAGEST..FINE BKICKHOUSE 8 rooms, bath, laundry, bay windows, front and backyards, ctetonlyffco. A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal St., Allegheny. ap3-45 TO LET A LARGE BRICK DWELLING ON Stockton avenue, near Federal street, Alle henv: 14 rooms, natural gas, etc, etc. JAS. W. 'RAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. ap4-71 Suburban Residences. TO LET-HOUSE 10 ROOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable etc, near Patterson station, P. C. & Y. R. R.. and Crafton, P. C. & St. L. R. R. In- Sulre or B. F. SHAFFERS, Crafton, Pa., orad ress F. C BIGOERT, Rochester, Pa. mh21-63 TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carriage honsc, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET-FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A HOUSE, stable and .greenhouse with 7 or 8 acres of land, on P. & L. E. R. R., 1,'i miles below Char tiers station; farm contains 1,600 raspberry plants, 1,000 grape vines, etc. Apply to JAS. NICHOL, on premises. mh22-39-TTS . Forms. TO LET-TOE BEST GARDEN FARM ATMC KEE'S Rocks. Inquire No. 638 LIBERTY ST., Pittsbnrg. mh7-84-EOD TOLET-A NICEDAIRY ANDFRUITFARM near the city, 1 mllu from railroad station; rent low to a good tenant: Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pitts burg. ap3-S2 Ofilces, Dcik Room, dec TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D TO LET-AT 802 PENN AVE.-2 DOUBLE rooms on first landing, suitable for offices; also, ono nicely rurnlshed room on third floor; also, stable in rear or the above suitable ror a shop. SPENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfleld St. ap3-23 rriO LET GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK l building, corner wood and Diamond streets four offices at low rent; one slngleofflcc 15x20, and two connecting offices, 20x26 and 15x18; one single office 12x15; all splendidly lighted: finished in modern style; all newly painted and papered: pos session at once. ' mli30-SS-D Business Stands. TO LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with basement, 133 First ave. Inquire of H UNT CLAPP, 95 Fifth ave. mhl-44 TO LET-NO. 1703 PENN AVE.. STORE AND dwelling of 7 rooms: rent low to a desirable tenant. W. A. IIERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. ap2-90-2,4,6,9,13 TO LET-NO. 93 WATER ST., 3-STORY bnllding, 160 ft. deep to First ave.. In fine condition, elevator, etc: will rent In two parts. If desired. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. ap2-00-2,4.G,0.13 rpO LET-STORE ROOM AND CELLAR, NO. JL 1127 Liberty ave.. directly opposite Union depot; rent moderate-, elegant business stand. In quire, same punning, EXCELSIOR EXl'Risoa AND STANDARD CAB CO. apt-U TO LET-BUSINESS CHANCE, WYL1E AVE. Brick dwelling, 6 rooms and storeroom; ncA4 sa difvnna e1 nTa enl&nil I A HAb1 Lntttlinw Lt UCtll iO " J fiVVUH OtUl . Dkll&UUlli DMIlUt I'UI tllbl particulars inquire or ALLES & BAILEY, 164 f ounn avenue xei. 10. apz-ou TOLET-TUREEADillRARLY ARRANGED rooms for general business purposes, with or without power, to rent In the new Dispatch building. Diamond street: arranged Tor work or for display rooms and for offices; light the best to be had In the city: electric lighting free: passen ger and freight elevator and Janitor service in cluded. Rents 53UO. $400 and 51,000 per annum; situation the most central, within a few hundred feet or all the public buildings and or the leading business squares. Apply between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. at the NEW DISFATCU BUILDING. 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street. mhl4-74 Apartments. TO LET-4 NICE ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR, for offices or dwelling, with natural gas and water; 2 minutes from Court House. Inquire of W. H. DEVORE, 512 Grant St. mh27-46 mo LET-ONE FLOOR OF NICE APART- TO LET-UNFURNISHED ROOMS-SOME four-room flats for housekeeping; one six room house; some storerooms. For particulars. Inquire on premises, 44 FOURTH STREET. ap2-16 Miscellaneous. TO LET-STABLE Al'FLY AT 344 RIDGE AVE., AUegheny. ap4-78 TO LET-VERY DESIRABLE ADVERTISING space on ice house, JCorbes ave.. where every body drives. .Inquire at O'BRIEN'S PAINT SHOP, 292 Fifth, aye.. -, .- ap4-44 TO LET. Special. rriO LET-OUR "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO--I. FORE issued from our office is now pub lished every Saturday (without expense to land lords) In Hie Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. ap3-S3-MTwTP PERSONAL. PERSONA L HOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have- one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 51,000, let us knows we will buy one as quickly as the other. 'LEVI'S BOOK STORE, beventh Avc. Hotel building. fcSO PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean-' lug your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Firth ave. and Wood It., second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed; suits madeto order: spring styles now ready, lelephone 1553. inhS AUCTION SALES. M ASTER'S SALE IN PARTITION-BY virtue of mv appointment and an order of the Court of Common Pleas No. 2 of Alle KUcny county, at No. 4S1, October Term, 188o I will expose to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, April SOtli, at 2 P. M., the i ollow lnp;lotsof ground: All those three certain lots or pieces of ground situate in the boroush of Slansfleld, county ot Allegheny and State of Pennsyl vania, ..bounded and described as I olllows. to wit: ' Fronting on Main street, formerly the Nobles town plank road, one hundred feet (100ft.), and extendinc back, preservins the same width, one hundred and flfty feet (150 ft), between lots numbers three and , six (Nos. 3 and 6) in Mary Sheridan's plan of lots hereinafter mentionedj also a certain lot frontinc flfty feet (50 ft.) on Jano street, and extendinc back ono hundred and flfty feet (150 It.) to line of lot number four (No. 4) in said plan, said cfound being lots numbers four, five and ten (Nos. 4, 5 and 10) in said plan of lots laid out bv Mary Sheridan in said borough, said .plan being recorded in Plan Book, volume two (2), page sixty-nine (CO), in the Recorder's Office of Alleeleny county, being property of Edward Flood, deceased. Terms of Sale: Ten (10) por cent of the pur chase monev to bo paid on day of sale: balance cash on confirmation of salo and delivery of deed. EDWARD F. HAYES, JOHN H. RONEY, Master in Partition. 127 Fifth avenue, HUGHEY & BENNETT, ICO Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Pa., mn2S.13.Tli Solicitors for Plaintiff. p RAND CLEARANCE SALE AT AUCTION Commencing Friday, April 6, at 10 A. 21. Tho entire unsold stock of J. A. Gal linger's (formerly of 433 Wood street) now at 49 Sixth St., will bo sold by auction; consisting of a large and splendid assortment of fine China dinner, tea, and chamber sets, vases, dishes, etc: bric-a-brac, bisque, terra cotta, and Japanese goods in great variety. Rogers silver plated ware, cutlery, etc, etc. Sales daily 1 A. M., '2 and 730 p. M. To positively close out to make room for new goods. T. A. GALLINGER. SMITH & MOORE. Auctioneers. ap4-40 A UCTION SALE FINE CARPETS, FUR JX NITURK and curtains at auction FRI DAY MORNING, April 5, at 10 o'clock, at No. 311 Market street, fine brocatelle, plush and silk solas, easy chairs, couches, divans, rockers, parlor suits, bed lounges, antique fur niture, fancy cabinets, unique sideboards, ball racks, bookcases, buffets, mirrors, etageres, de"ers, washstands, bedsteads, chiffoniers, u -ion tables, dining chairs, velvets. I 5els and ingrain carpets, two pianos, cham 1 1 t:let ware, oak, walnut ana cherry chain Le suits, stoves, bedding, folding beds, etc Goods now on exhibition at rooms. HESIlY AUCTION CO.. LLU, Auctioneers. ap4-79 ARCH H. RO WAND,' Attorney. ORPHANS' COURT SALE ESTATE OF PETER O'NEILL.' deceased. THURS DAY, APRIL 25, 1SS). at 2 P. M., on the prem ises, all that certain lot or piece of ground sit uate in the Eighteenth ward, city of Pittsburg, having a front of 20 feet on the southerly side of Carnegie avenue, andback, preserving the same width. 10Q feet to a 20-foot alley, boine lot No. S3 in David McCandlcss et al plan. Terms of sale, J cash on delivery of deed, balance 1 and 2 years, secured by bond and mortgage on tho premises. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., Administrator. DAVID F. EWING, At torney. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer. ap4-Z7-Th BULLETIN OF AUCTION SALES BY HENRY AUCTION CO., JJM. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, at 10 o'clock, large con signment household goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY, APRIL 9. fine furniture and general mdse., at 10 o'clock, 311 Market st. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, unclaimed freight at tho auction rooms, commencing at 10 o'clock, 311 Market St. HENRY AUCTION CO. mhl7-103 ELECTIONS. Anchor Savings Bane. Pittsburg. ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of nine (9) per f ens to serve as directors of this bank will be held at the banking house, No. 134 Fifth ave nue, on Tuesday, April 9, 1889, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock P. it Robert J. Stoney, Cashier. April 1. 1889. ap2-48-TT3 NOTICES. Office of Treasurer of Allegheny County, April 1, 1889. 1 O i J.C.IS In pursuance of the '21st section of an act relating to Allegheny county, approved tho 1st day of May, 1601, and of the amendments of the said section.approved the 30th day of March, 1868, 1 do hereby give notice that the dupli cates for the several wards, boroughs and town ships will be open and I will be prepared to re ceive the county. State and poor taxes for 1889 on and after tho 1ST J)AY OF MAY, 1SS9. Said taxes can be paid at this office until the 1st day of August with a deduction of 5 per cent for prompt payment to all persons paying tbo whole amount of their taxes. There will be no reduction allowed during the month of August. There will be 10 per cent added to all taxe3 remaining unpaid on the 1st day of September, 1SS9. WILLIAM HILL, apl-18-D Treasurer of Allegheny County. AMUSEMENTS. Grand Opera House Extra E. D. WILT Lessee and Manager. Week commencing MONDAY, APRIL 8. Special engagement of MSB MADDERN. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Evenings and Wednesday Matinee, CAPRICE. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Evenings and Saturday Matinee, In Spite of All. SEATS. NOW ON SALE. ap4-93 DIJOU THEATER EXTRA Seats Now on Sale ' -FOR- "JIM, THE PENMAN." A. M. Palmer's Number One Company from tho Madison Square Theater. ap4-l TDIJOU THEATER- crystalslipper. NextWeek-"JIM, THE PENMAN." r RAND OPERA HOUSE V3T Every evening. Matinee Saturday. NELLIE McHENRY In -3 OF A KIND." WeeK April 8 Minnie Maddern. ap4 TT ARRIS THEATER-r "Every Afternoon and Evening A BOYrHER.0! mh31-4-TTS' BIJOU THEATER Mitlnee at 2 o'clock, THE CRYSTALSLIPPER. Next Week-"JIM, THE PENMAN." ap3 O ARRY WILLIAMS ACADEMY XI -TP-NIQHT. ' . . Matinees Tuesday. -Thursday and Saturday. : THE NIGHT OWLS. - THE- NIGHT OWLS , NOVELTY. AND BURLESQE CO. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Pittsburg, Pa., March 29. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the opening of South Twenty-eighth street, from East Carson street to Mary street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be-flnal, unless fin appeal Is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief otDepartmont of Public Works. mbSO-8-D PlTTSBDEa, April 1. 1889- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessments for the construction of board walks on Sycamore street, from Stanwlx street to Shiloh street, and Natchez street, from Southern avenuo to Bangor street, are now ready for examination and correction, and will remain in this office for ten (10) days, after which they will bo returned to the City Treas urer for collection. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief ot Department of Public Works. apl-25 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of Controller until Saturday, April 8, 1889. at 2 o"clock r. St., for ftirnishing supplies as follows: Groceries, flour and feed, meat, fresh fish, but ter and eggs, sweet milk, drygoods, clothing, shoes and leather, hardware, tinware, queens ware, coal, drugs and paints and undertaking services, for the Department of Charities for one year from the first day of May, 18S9. Bonds in double the amount ot the. proposal must ac company each bid. Blanks for Bidding, bonds and information furnished on application at tho office of the Department, No. 177 Fourth avenne. Tbo right to accept or reject any or all bids reserved. R. C. ELLIOT, mh27-70-D Chief of Department of Charities. CITY TAXES-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the duplicates for March and September installments of City, Special and Sub-District School Taxes for the year 1889 have been placed in mv bauds for collection by the Board of Assessors" authorized to assess the same. First installment of City Taxes payable in March or April, second installment payable in April or September. Five per cent discount al lowed on second installment only, if paid with first: installment in month of March, but no discount is allowed on first installment. Business Tax and Water Rents payable in month of June. Five per cent added on all delinquent taxes on May 1, on July 1 for Busi ness Tax and Water Rents, and October lfor second installment of City Taxes. No statement furnished unless you intend paving your taxes with checks. Office will be kept open on last Saturday in March aud April, until 8 o'clock p. m. J. F. DENNISTON, mhl4-106-D City Treasurer. department of public safety, Municipal Hall, Pittsburg, March 27. 1S89. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 P. M. on MONDAY, April 8, 1S89, for printing and binding 300 copies AnJ nual Report Department Of Public Safety for tho year 1888; 600 copies report of Bureau of Health for year 18S8; oOO copies report of Board of Health for 1837, and LOOO copies "Manual Bureau of Health." Specifications can be seen at General Offico of the Department. Bond in double the amount of bid must ac company each proposal, said bond to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tho right to" reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. mh27-10 Crrr Treasurer s office, i Municipal Hall, Smithlleld street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, eta.Mnust paytheir license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Monday in March, ISSa, will be placed in the hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee of SO cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday In May, 1889. will bo sub ject to a penalty double the amount of t he license, to be recovered before tne proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken out, or 23 cents additional will be charged on the license. Rates of licenso: Each one-horse vehicle, 56 00: each two-horse vehicle, $10 00: each four-horse vehicle, S12 00: each four horse hack, $15 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two horses, $10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles J. P. DENNISTON, fel4-70-D City Treasurer. No. 301.1 AN -ORDINANCE-LOCATING AMBER street, from Penn avenuo soutbwest wardlv to tho line of property of Mellon Bros. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the citv of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the west 6-foot line ot Amber street, from Penn avenue southwostwardly to the line of property of Mellon Bros., be and the same shall be located as follows, to-wit: Be ginning on the north 5-foot line of Penn ave nue at a distance of 800 feet eastwardly from a stone monument at the intersection of the north 6-foot line of Penn avenue, and the west 10-foot lino of Negley avenue; thenco deflect ing to the right 90 parallel to and at a perpen dicular distance of 300 feet cast of the west 10 foot line of Negley avenue in a sonthwest wardly direction a distance of about 624 feet to the line ot property of Mellon Bros., and the said Amber street shall be of a width of fifty (60) feet Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with, the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same is hereby, re pealed so far as tho same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 18th day of March, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. '' Mayor's Office, March 22, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 642, 2d dav of April, A. D. 1889. I ap4-87 No. 297.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Butler street extension. River avenue, Everett street, pri vate property of John Berlin, P. R. R. Com pany, Julius Voetter and others,Penn and Den niston avenues. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted bv tho authority of the same. That. the Chief of the Department of Public Works be, and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with tho acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of. Pitts burg relating thereto and regnlating the same, for proposals for the construction of a brick and stone sewer on Butler street. River avenue,. Everett street and private properties of John Berlin, Pennsylvania Railroad, Julius Voetter and others, Penn avenue and Denniston avenue. Begin ning at Fifth avenne. thence along tho center of Bntler street 1.789.19 feet, sower to be brick and stone, 5 feet 6 inches in diameter; thence along tho same 1,305.21 feet to River avenue, sewer to be brick and stone, 5 feet in diameter; thence along River avenue to Everett street, a distance of 2,100.75 feet to the north curb line of Frankstown avenue; sewer to be brick and stone, 4 feet 6 inches in diameter; thence throuehprivate properties of Wm. Rankin, II. Kripp, Holmes, Lafferty & Co., John Berlin, R. H. Hartley, Chautauqua Lake Ice Company, Pennsylvania Railroad, Julius Voetter, to Penn avenue; thence along Penn avenue to Dennis ton avenue, thence along Denniston avenue to a ooint about 200 feet south of Penn avenue; sewer to be brick and stone 4 feet In diameter, the contract therefor to bo let m the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and or dinances. The cost and expense of the samo to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "An act authorizing and di recting Councils of cities of the second clasc to provide for tho improvement of streets, laces, alleys and public highways, sowers and side walks, requiring plans of streets; providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, grant ing appeals to Councils and Court, providing tor the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon and prohibit ing the use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this .ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 18th dav of March, A-D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Coun cil. Attest: GEO.SHEPPARD.CIerkof Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office March 22, 1889, Approved : WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMA.1ER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 0, page. 638, 2d day of April, A. D. 18S9. 'apl-iT No. 302.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Center avenue, from Craig street to Barton street. Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, nnd it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Worts be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with the acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating the same, forpro eosals for the construction of a pipe sewer 011 enter avenue, commencing at the west side of OFPICrAXr-PITTSBURG. Uralg street; thence to Bidwell street, to be 18 inches in diameter; thence to a connection with a sewer on Center avenue at Barton street, said sewer between last mentioned points to be 20 inches In diameter, the contract therefor to be let in tho manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. Tho cost and ex penier of the same to be assessed and collected In accordance with the pro visions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth- ot Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the im- Erovetnent of streets, fanes, alleys and public ighways, sewers and sidewalks, requiringplans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and Court, providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, author izing the use of private property, and provid ing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils,1' ap proved the 14th day of June, A. D.1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part or ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 18tb day of March. A. D. 1SS9. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLTDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office,March 22, 1889. Approved: WM. McCATLLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OS TERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 1, 2d day of April. A, D. 1889. ap4 87 I No. 300. 1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Wallingford street, from Did well street to a connection with a sewer on Barton street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department or Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise In accordance with the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of tho said city of Pittsburg relat ing thereto and regnlating the same for pro; posals for tho construction of a pipe sewer 15 Inches m diameter on Wallingford street, from Bidwell street to a connection -with sewer on Barton street, tho contract therefor to be let in tbo manner directed by said acts of Assembly and ordinances. Ihe cost and expense of tho same to bo col lected in accordance with the provisions ot an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, provid ing for the assessment and collection of dam ages and benefits, authorizing the use of jiri vate property, and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and pro hibiting the use of public streets without au thority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. ' Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 18th day of March, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common ConnciL Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, March 22,1889. Approved: WM.MCCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OS TERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 611, 2d day of April, A. D. 1839. ap4-87 JNo. 299. AM ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Conrad street, from Penn avenue to a connection with a sewer on Liberty avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittslrarg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the ordinances ot the said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer on Conrad street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenne, commencing at Penn avenne: thence to Coral street, sewer to be 15 inches in diame ter, and from thence to a connection with sewer on Liberty avenue, sewer to be 20 inches in diameter, the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances, The cost- and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbo Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Coun cils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, re quiring plans of streets, providing for the ap pointment of a Board of V iewers of Street Im provements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for the assessment and collection of and benefits, authorizing the uso of private prop- ing proceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 18th day of March, A. D. 18S9. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO." BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. .Mayor's Office, March 22, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER. AsslstantTMayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. oLf, page 640, 2d day of April. A. D. 1889. ap4-87 A No. 298.1 N ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Bayard and Neville streets to an outlet at or near tho month of tunnel or Junction Railroad north of Center avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it i3 hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Ch!f of the Department of Public Works bo and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer on Bayard and Neville streets, commencing at Craig street, thence eastwardly to Nevillo street, to be 20 Inches In diameter, thence northwardly along Neville street, cross ing Center avenue to an outlet near the tunnel of tho Junction Railroad, said part of said sewer to bo 21 inches in diameter: the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. Tho cost and expense ot tho same to be as sessed and collected in accordance- with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and pnblic highways, sewers and sidewalks, re quiring plans of streets, providing for the ap pointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Im provements, prescribing tbeir duties, granting anneals to Councils and Court, providing for I the assessment and collection of damages and benents. autnonzing tne use 01 private prop erty and providing for filing Hens and regulat ing proceedings thereon and prohibiting tho use of public streets without authority of Councils." approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be. and the same is hereby re pealed, so tar as the samo affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 18th dav of March, A. D. 1889. H. P. FOftD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. March 22, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mavor. Attest: ROBERT OSTFRMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. itecorneu in urainance book, vol 0, page(B, 2d dav of April. A. D. I8S9. ap4-87 LEGAL NOTICES. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ll letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Charles Esplcb, deceased. All persons owing or having elalnis against tho said estate will please pre sent them without delay to mh21-69-Th LAURA ESPJCH, Executrix. RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. mhl9-32-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. FRESH BUTTER ' RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K- STEVENSON & CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, - -; bixth avenue. , im-isynt MEETINGS. OmcE op the PrrrsBtmo Gas Co. ' MARCH 28. 1889. 1't STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THK stockholders of the Pittsburg Gas Company; xub&nuuii,nD jiAiiii-iu 1 - -a are hereby notified that a general meetineo the stockholders will be held at the office ot the comnanv on WEDNESDAY. APRIL ML 1889, at 10 o'clock A. it, to take into consider-" . biuu bue uujuu); ui sk couiract wiui ujo un. End Gas Company. ". W.H. MCCLELLAND, Secretary, s , mh28-S8-D - BUSINESS CHANGES. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHATTHa . XI nrm 01 wm. uening s son was dissolve by mutual consent January 15, 1889. Either " partner is autoorizea to collect any ueDta aao to tho firm or nav accounts owinir bv the same. WM. GERLING, CHRIST GERLING. ap3-M THE FIRM OF BEGGS & DDLLON WAS dissolved Annl L 18S9. H. A. Dillon re-! tiring. The business continues nnder the) A name 01 u. V. ueggs, wno 13 autnonzeu to set tle for tho late firm. H. C. BEGGS. PrrrSBTjRQ, April 3. 1889. apI-45 rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE L existing under the firm name of Becker J arris was dissolved the first day of April, ISStt" by mutual consent, W.Jarris retiring. Th business of the firm will be settled by the re maining partner. I. K. Becker, who will cos tinue at the old place. 616 Penn ave. IK. BECKER, ap!58 W. JARVIS. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between John K. McKte and Rob ert Mortland under the firm name of McKee & Mortland is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All outstanding accounts due to or front said firm will be settled by J. K. McKee & Co, Lim., 1029 Liberty ave. JNO. K. McKEE. ROBT. MORTLAND. Pittsburg, April L 1SS9. ap2-40 DISSOLUTION THE PARTNERSHIP, heretofore existing nnder the name of Scott, Poth & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. W. F. Scott retiring. W. F. SCOTT, CHARLES POTH. P. H ABER MAJN, Je., JOS. W. HABERMAN. Having purchased the interest of W. F. Scott, we will continue the wholesale produce, fruit and commission business at the old standi corner First avenue and Smlthfleld street, un-. der the firm name and style of Poth, Habennam & Co., who will collect all outstanding ac counts dno the old firm and pay all debts, CHARLES POTH. P. HABERMAN. Jb., JOS. W-HABERMAN. Pittsburg, April 1. 1889. ap4-83 PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury Department,, D. C. until 2 o'clock P. si., on the 16TH DAY. OF APRIL, 1889, for the labor and materials reauired in the erection and completion of the? additions, alterations and repairs for the U. SV Custom House at Wheeling, W. Va., in ac cordance, with the specification and drawings, copies of which maybe seen at the office of tha Superintendent xf the building. Each bid mnst be accompanied by a certified check for KC0. JAS. H.WINDRIM, Supervising Archi tect March 30. ISSa api32-TT3 JEFFERSONVILLE, IND., APRIL 2, 1889. J5ealedproposal3,intriplIcate,subiect to usual, condltions.will be received here until U o'clock; a.m. (Central Standard time),Thursday. May 2 1S89, and then opened, for furnishing at this depot 100,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, of 135 flash, test, in cases of two five-gallon cans each. Tho U. S. reserves the right to reject any or all pro posals. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production, conditions of quality and price (including in the price ot foreign pro ductions the dpy thereon) being equal. All information furnished on application here. Envelopes containing proposals should be. marked "Proposals for Mineral OH." and ad dressed to undersigned. HENRY C. HODGES, Assistant Quartermaster General. U. 8. Army,. Depot Quartermaster. ap4-78-I,5,6,7,2L22 PROPOSALS FOR IRON BUOYS AND appendages, raooring-chain and bells'. Office of Lighthouse Inspector, Third district. Tompklnsville. N. Y.. March 28,1889, (postofflce. box 2128, New York City): Proposals will be re-, ceived at this office until 1 o'clock V. jr., on MONDAY, the loth day of April, 1889, for furnishing to the Ligbthonse Establishment iron buovs and appendages, mooring-chain and bells. The articles to be furnished embrace, nnn, can, bell, whistling, gas, and ice buoys, shackels, swivels, mooring-chain. ballast-balls, iron and stone sinkers, and "bells for light vessels, allot which are enumerated in tha specifications attached to the form of bid,' which may be obtained on application to this office. Contracts will be awarded on each item, separately, and bidders are required to state the time when they will agree to deliver th 3 rticles. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to strlko ont any item or items in tha specifications, and to waive any defectfC ., ntrjjt.iuuh. itujJUJU5. L.ommanaer. u. a. N.. Lichthouse Inspector, Thiid district. ap3-2li 'TLLJDVE INTO MY OWJHOME" IN KNOXYILLE. -t: We have yet a few of those beantlful homes as iouows: First A very beantlful 6-room house, wit natural gas, water, eta, for $20u cash and- Second A lovely 4-room cottage, $200 cash. TB and $16 33 per month. ". JM Third A beautiful 3-room cottage, $200 cash; $15 33 per month. "- Fourth We have also a number of other handsome properties on equally reasonable) terms. J3-Take Sonthside cars to Twelfth street,' and ML Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and tho Electric Railway. MOXVILLELAmiPROYlMNTCO' OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, "' mh3-TTSSu KNOXVILLE BOROUGEU TO INVESTORS. The nndersigned offer for sale at par and.' ,, accrncu interest $100,000-6 Per Cent. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS . OF SHE Phrmtirmfl TTollo-r firm flnTnnnmT uuqiuuij Tuiiui uaa uuiiiuaiii. ," Bonds are registered, $1,000 each, and mature) H at various nates irom isuu to usa. Price subject to advance without notice. THIRD NATIONAL BANK. mh3I-S9-rrsu Pittsburg; CURTAINS. " We make a Specialty of cleaning and dveinj? lace curtains; also ary cleaning JJamasE xurx- lsn portlers ana all kinos of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dve Works.-; M. MAY SONS 8c Co. ap2-TT3 55 SIXTH AVE. "' Oakland Square. For Sale (991 Jd.500 "Oakland Sanare"! dwellings, moderate cash payment, balanceul 3ow per annum; new iwo-siory ana mansara, brick. 8 rooms, ball. bath, laundry, inside abut-i tersi stationary tubs, slate mantels, tile hearths.; iaiic, uub uuu vuiu water, iroiib sau rear. ' E arches, eta, large lot facing a beautiful pub c square, around which a street has been laid' out, sewered, and Is being paved with asphal-'. i turn; tne wnoie snrrnunuea witn Deauniui ior est trees: onlv 5 minutes from Fifth ave. cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth j avc. jaama-o rTUIE GERMAN NATIONAL BANK OP ! X .rittsourg nave removed to their temporary's Dan King nouse, jno. mo LiDerty street, corner' Sixth avenne. until their new bank building ia completed. Their temporary banKlne room-j has been very neatly and conveniently ar-j rangea so as 10 enaoie tnem to serve ueir, mint ti&trrm. fHendq And tha hnstnesa Mnl.' : munltv in ceneral pleasantly and promptly. 1 The officers of tbo bank cordially invite bust-rd ness men in ceneral to nay them a visit att: their new quarters. ap4-2S 3tTbs j j nONSUMEYOUR OWN GARBAGE VSlti J stoves and ranges while using the same fori cooKing, or any otner purpose, uy using war, Enreka Garhace Burner. For illustrative citA cular, containing fnll information, call on. oral address , c.i JAMES ANDERSON, jKJ ojr-stJJiamonu street, vj .3 jeo-no-TT3 aiiceneny, ra. .-, j Walter J. oasoKSE. Richard HABBOws.i JOB PRINTERS, '. v vu.uiamona street; rrw Telephone No. 812 ..-, ?- ' e-iucwrTS3n' G A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR. -1 11 Seventh avenue. , . - t ; - Pittsburg.' PaW ietrpnone ua. , jeo-n i I 3 wi'. i ,3L 'iilaso2sJEErtx, -f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers