A EAST Is the titled A. 3VEW SrX'OiST nTitten for THE DISPATCH by Rev. Edward Everett AND Hale, iue opening- chap WEST ters win appear in next Sunday's Dispatch. FORTY-POUETH YEAR. AW MISTAKES Gen. Boulanger Not Certain He Did Rightin Running Away From Paris. 9 HE IS YET IN BELGIUM, But Tliat Government May Force Him to Fly Farther. FEASCE DECIDES TO PEOSECUTE HIM. He Bold a Conference With HU Advisers, Who Come on to Brossels From Paris A Mob Surrounds Ills Hotel and Slcnl fles Its Dislike of Him The General Grants an Interrlevr to the Dispatch Correspondent He Didn't Want to Leave Paris, but His Friends Insisted That He Shonld-A Kent midnight Lunch Partaken of by the Conspira torsThey Will Probably be Ordered Oat of Brussels Soon. General Boulanger it to be prosecuted by the French Government on the charge of treason. He is yet in Brussels, but his refuge is becoming insecure. An angry mob continually assails the hotel where he is lodged. The charge which will drive him from suck a convenient shelter will probably be that of using the telephones for political purposes. He didn't want to leave Paris, and now thinks he made a mistake by doing so. IBT CABLE TO THE SISrATCH. Brussels, April 4. Gopyright General Boulanger looked like a man who had made a mistake to-day. All the sprncsness and nattiness of his carriage and attire had disappeared, his face was color less, and his eyes were encircled by heavy, blue-black rings. Forty odd people were waiting to see him when I called at the Hotel Mengelles, and guards were patrolling the streets, dispersine the crowd. Henri Eochefort's tell figure blocked the door for a moment-, as he left Boulanger's room and hurried back to the. hotel. The General was pacing the floor im patiently, with his hands clasped tightly behind his back. He wore a short, white fatigue jacket and military trousers, and gnawed his mustache as he talked. The table in the middle of the room was littered a foot deep with telegrams; there were hun dreds of them, with more arriving con stantly. In Search of Freedom for Awhile. "I came here," said General Boulanger, beginning to talk with great emphasis, "at once, because in Belgium I can be free, and direct the movements of the National party just as well as in Paris. ."This would have been an impossibility had I 'remained another day in Paris." "Do you mind telling The Dispatch why yon came away so suddenly?" "I acted under the urgent advice of my supporters Laguerre, Haquet, Turquet and Laisant These gentlemen sent me a letter. Here is the original," said the General, snatching a sheet of "note paper from the table, "urging me to leave Paris at once, and announcing that they would as sume all the responsibility. They feared that my-life would be forfeited in The Absurdly Unfair Trial Proposed. "This letter, you observe, is dated March 14. I refused to go then. I received! a per sonal note from Laguerre, urging me to leave Paris, and every effort was made to jret me to consent to it. As time, went on this pressure increased. As I watched the course of events I saw, by the light of .inside information, which continually reached me, that my life was to be forfeited by my political enemies." "Do you mean that you had authentic in timations to this effect?" "X do," said the General. "At 5 o'clock Monday evening I received positive infor mation that I was to be arrested, on Tues day evening, with -all that such an arrest implied. The mad fools of Parliamenta rians would have begun by placing me in strict confinement while waiting the result. This would have -prevented my efforts to complete the Grand Work of National Emancipation, so I came away. I have but one regret. I did not know that I was being dogged about the'streets by a police spy. Had I known it I would have Issued my manifesto in Paris. I know my departure has displeased some enthusiasts, but when M. Beaurepaire y was selected forProcureur General I had distinct proofs that my fate was sealed. Why should I allow a lot of mad Parlia mentarians to remove me from the control of a work that is as dear to me as life itself?" "What are your plans, General?" "I must wait the turn of events. To-day an effort was begun in Paris to have me tried by the Senate. If the Chamber agrees to k I shall remain here till after the elec tion next October, for I do not recognize the jurisdiction of the Senate. It would be like walking into the lion's jaws. I am speaking on ' The Basis of Absolute Facts, for the very men who had been notified that they would have a commission for my arrest on Tuesday came to me on Monday and .gave me warning. Prudential reasons were forced on me.ihave no longer the re serve strength I once had, and a long term of imprisonment was full of menace. This ismy retreat now, but it will be the asylum of my prosecutors after the October, -election. I have been fairly inundated by telegrams from my supporters everywhere in the French provinces, commending my action, and so hearty have been these indorsers that they have taken out the sting of the few hasty revolts in Paris." HOW THE GENERAL HEAES NEWS. He Knits IIU Brows and Leaves the Boom When lie is Perplexed. rnr CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.3 Brussels, April 4 Copyright When the news came from Pans that Boulanger's trial had been ordered it reached the Countess Dillon first She was with Tthe Count, who was receiving a body of deputies. He had seen" more than 100 people during the afternoon. Pour hun dred telegrams for Boulanger were received during the day, and both men were worn out The Countess Dillon took the dispatch and ran along the corridor with it to the General's room. She burst in while Boulanger was standing near the window. He knit his brows when he heard the news, and turned abruptly away. After a mo ment he strode into an adjoining room, leaving the Countess and the General's pri vate secretary alone. Bonchez' presence here is regarded as sig nificant of the existence of a plot for to morrow, and there is much excitement over it Booms for the eight guests from Lon don have been taken on 'the floor above Boulanger's. Your correspondent, who is installed on the same floor as the General, ran across two of the most famous Parisian detectives at the door of the General's apartment, while the conference was going on. He claimed to,he the correspondent of the London Times. The students, who issued it proclamation calling for an uprising against the General at 11 o'clock, made such a 'w outside the hotel that the crowd increased until the police and soldiers patrolled .tbe streets, and by continually dispersing small, crowds, lessened the disorder. Amid all, the clamor the men walked in to supper, the doors were closed, and the conference began, with the detectives prying about BELGIUM TO FIRE HUT. Brnssels Cannot Harbor tbe Politicat Wanderer Slobs Snrronnd His Hotel and Hiss and Hoot at Him A Kent Sapper for tbe Conspirators. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCS.1 Brussels, April. Copyright Gen eral Boulaneer's day has been a busy one. He rose at 6 yesterday morning, worked late last night, and rose at 6 again to-day. The beautiful woman who an away with him brushed against me at the railroad sta tion to-day. She had been to Mons, pre sumably for Boulanger. In appearance she is distinguished, young, and handsome, with a well-rounded figure, regular fea tures, and hazel eyes. The Belgian Government has communi cated with the French Government about Boulanger, and it is not unlikely that he will be expelled from the country on a charge of using the Government telephones for political purposes. This, however, will only be taken on the strongest representation from France. In case of trouble here the General will take up his residence in En gland. To-day the General left cards on the Ministers and on the Mayor of Brussels, but this courtesy has not been reciprocated with anything approaching enthusiasm, though he says he has received unofficial recogni tion." Belgium May Act With Violence It is said here to-night that it is quite likely that the Belgian Government may take radical measures of expulsion. After a long conference here to-day between Boulanger, Bochefort and Count Dillon, there were so much cabling to Paris that I wired an assistant there to look up Laguerre. I have just received a telegram from him announcing that he discovered accidentally that Laguerre, Deroulede, Laur and five other leadingBoulangists leftParis to-night, and are on their way here toaeclde oh a de cisive course of action. Concerning Boulanger's "movements, I learn also that a midnight supper is being oooked at the Hotel Mengelle for 11 persons, 8 of whom are expected to arrive to.night Count Dillon and Henri Bochefort were at the station when the Paris train came in, at midnight A Conference of the Conspirators. Loungers were soon attracted by" the pres ence of the two distinguished men, and the secret leaked out that the Boulangist lead ers -were to have a conference. It was rumored at one time that they had been ar rested on the frontier, and also that they were trying to escape the country, since nearly all of them were involved in the trial of the League of Patriots. When they tumbled out of the train, Laisant and Kaquet and Millevoye, as well as Laur, Deroulede and Laguerre, were recognized. The new comers were greeted quietly any mysteriously, and the whole party hurried off to the hotel, where General Boulanger met them. There was a series of warm greetings. The menu of the supper showed that it consisted of pea soup, broiled salmon and Chateaubriand, with salads and clarets and champagne. The waiters were anxious, but the guests were tardy. They talked in low voices, and Fairly Besieged General Boulanger, who stood among them, his rather small figure erect, his face white with fatigue and sleeplessness. Beside him stood the tall, white-haired and handsome Bochefort They all listened with most earnest attention to Laguerre, who is only 28 years old, but an acknowledged leader among them. His face shone with youthful enthusiasm. , A telegram from Paris to Countess Dillon announced that Boulanger's trial before the Senate had-been ordered. It came part of the way by telephone. Its effect onthe General was pronounced and dispiriting. The news of the coming of tbe conspirators, as they were called, spread through Brnssels like wildfire, and a great crowd of anti Boulangists assembled and made a great uproar. Bouchez, the deposed Procureur General, who had refused the invitation of Boulanger, had been in hiding in Brussels. Just before midnight he joined the General in the hotel. PE0SECUTI0N DECIDED UPON. The Chamber of DepntlesTakes the Extreme Step Demanded. Paris, April 4. The Chamber of Depu ties to-day agreed to the immediate assem bling of the bureaus for the purpose of selecting a committee on the prosecution of General Boulanger. A -committee was ap pointed, and subsequently presented it report to the Chamber. The committee advised the House to authorize the prosecu tion of Boulanger. The Chamber voted urgency for the dis cussion of the accusations against General Boulanger, and the debate proceeded. M. Paul de Cassagnac pronounced the charges against General Boulanger a tissue of ab surdity 'and falsehood. He declared that the real arbiter between Boulanger and the Government was universal suffrage. Premier Tirard called upon 'the Chamber to authorize the prosecution of Boulanger. He said: We desire to prosecute a man who it seeking to overthrow the Republic, It is our duty to defend the institutions of our country against tbe intrigues of factions, and to take every means to safeguard France from tbe horrors of civil war. I am convinced that tbe people will Justify the action of the Government. After speecb.es by other members a vote was taken on the .question of (sanctioning the prosecution of General Boulanger. The result was adverse to Boulanger,' the Chamber deciding, by a vote of 355 to 203, in favor of prosecution. PABIS PEESS ON THE SITUATION. The Government Papers Think That Bou laneerlsm is at an End. Pabis, April 4. The Opportunist and Badical journals declare that Boulangerism ended with the flight of General Boulanger, but that the prosecution of the General must continue. The Journal det Delate says:, "Since madness and folly, which would have ruined anybody else, made General Bou langer's fortune, it is impossible to predict that his recent weak proceeding will minor diminish his prestige." A BLOODED EOBBEtlY. Two Well-Known Horsemen Are Arrested forSteallng $30,000 Worth of Ken. tncky Trotters They Wanted to Enter the Stolen Stock in Colorado Baces. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH.! Denver, April 4. The Denver Detective Department last night unearthed a robbery that for audacity ranks well up with the First National Bank hold-up. A telegram was received last night by Chief of Detec tives Linton from Superintendent Hubbard, of the Chicago police, asking that two well known tnrfmen, Barney McKinney and Andy Larkins, be arrested. The telegram stated that the men were wanted for steal ing astring of .six blooded trotting horses from a Kentucky stock farm, and that tbe horses had been shipped from Chicago on March 30, and had been billed to Denver, presumably with the intention of entering the entire string in the spring races at Over land Park. An investigation was made and the horses recovered in a prominent stable. Both McKinney and Larkins were afterward arrested. Tbe string of bones are valued at over 530,000, and had been removed from East ern stables. Barney McKinney is known all over the country as an expert horseman. He makes a business of late yeare of following the grand circuit and betting on the races. Andy Larkins, who is about 40 years old, was a widely-known and.snccessful jockey in his day. He used to be considered one of the crack riders of the country, and some times takes a spin at the present day in hur dle races. The men, when arrested, abso lutely refused to say a word about them selves. Larkins told Chief of Detectives Linton that the horses were the finest to be found In all Kentucky. WHITE CAPS POISON WELLS And Docs, nnd Scatter Strychnine Around In a Profnse and Careless Manner. SPECIAL TELXPBAH TO THE D1SPATCH.1 Chattanooga, April 4. The excite ment caused a few days ago by the distribu tion of White Cap warnings inBidgedale,a suburb of this city, was greatly increased last night when some scoundrels, supposed to be White Caps, poisoned fthree fine dogs belonging to A, B. Caps, a prominent citi zen. Strychnine was found profuselysprinkled in the feed troughs where his horses and cattle were fed. A considerable amount of the poison was also found on the curbing of Mr. Cap's well, and it was discovered that the water had been poisoned. The county authorities are now actively at work to nnd out who the villainous per sons are. GAEEETT'QETSTIO-SIB'," He Says He Had a Plensant Time. Bnt Does Not Blentlon Brigands. rSFECIAL TELEQBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Baltimore, April 4. Mr. Garrett and party arrived here this evening from Bich mond, and was driven at once to his home in Uplands. He looks bright and his skin is clear, but he still is troubled with ner vousness. He declined to talk about busi ness matters, but did not hesitate to speak of his trip. He said he had a very pleasant trip. For the time being fie proposes to re main at his country seat and next fall he may take a trip to Europe. This afternoon, in company with his wife, he made a tour of the groundaand responded pleasantly to the greetings of his employes. Dr. Jacobs is with him. ONE WAY TO EVADE TAX. Electric Light Companies Claiming They Are Manufacturing Concerns. ISFECIAL TELEOBAU TO THE DISPATCH.! Harrisbtjrg, April 4. Arguments were held in the Dauphin County Court to-day in .the Commonwealth case against the United States Electric Lighting Company, the Northern Electric Light and Power Company, the Scranton Illuminating, Heat and Power Company and the Excelsior Electric Company, of Harrisburg. Payment of tax on capital stock is re sisted on the ground that these are manu facturing corporations, and consequently exempt from taxation. A EICH FIND OP SILYEE, Lncky Find of an Iowa Well Digger at a Depth of 110 Feet lEFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Ft. Dodge, Ia., April 4. There is con siderable excitement here over the reported discovery of silver on the farm of Peter Keason, six miles north of this city. The find was made by a well digger, at a depth of 110 feet r The vein is 54 inches thick, and jewelers pronounce the quartz richer than any ever examined by them. Several pieces have been sent to a Chicago assayer for examina tion. MOEE NEWS FEOM STANLET. He and Emln Pasha Marching to Zanzibar With a Large Force. Brussels, April 4. Advices received here from Stanley Falls state that Arabs who have arrived there report that Henry M. Stanley and Emin Pasha were heard from in February. They were then march ing toward Zanzibar with several thousand men, women and children. They also had 6,000 tusks of ivory. . ' The Arabs who brought news of Stanley and Emin arrived at Stanley Falls in Feb ruary. They claim to have seen Stanley several months before that time. SHEGEIETED FOE HEE BEOTHEE, A Sister of the Late Congressman Mahoncr' Attempts to Kill Herself. New York, April 4. Mrs. Lucy Cahill, a sister of the late Congressman, Peter Paul Mahoney, attempted to commit suicide to day by throwing herself from the second story of her residence in Brooklyn. A nurse in attendance prevented her from accom plishing her purpose. I Uncontrollable grief at the death of her brother, to whom she was strongly attached, is said to have unsettled her mind. Cleveland Honored at Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Fla., April 4. The Cleveland party arrived at Jacksonville this morning by the Plant steamer from Enterprise. A .long "line of carriages drew up on the pier at 830, containing a delega tion of citizens to escort the visitors' to the breakfast at the St. James Hotel. As, in formal reception'MIowed,- , PCfal& PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, CHILDBEN$20 APIECE Premiums Paid for Pupils at Some Soldiers Orphans' Schools. NOW ALL OF THEM .MUST SDFFBB. Magee Gracefully Gives Up the Fight for His Street EailTray Bill HE WOULDN'T SEE IT KNOCKED OUT. Adjournment or the Legislature Finally Fixed for 'Thursday, May 9. irEOM A STAIT COB11EKPOXDENT.1 Harrisburg, April 4. The syndicate soldiers orphans' schools were given a black eye this afternoon, but all tbe other soldiers orphans' schools were staggered by the same blow. Hon. C. C, Kauffman, of Lancaster, is the gentleman who did the business, and he admits he did it at the suggestion of Gen eral Louis Wagner, formerly Inspector of Soldiers Orphans! Schools, who is well re membered in connection' with his last re port, which he has always claimed was sup pressed. Mr; Kauffman had the appropriation for soldiers orphans' schools brought up on sec ond reading, and then offered an amendment to the effect that the schools at McAUister ville,, Mt. Joy, Mercer and Chester Springs, known as syndicate schools, should be closed in 60 days, and that so further contracts should be entered, into with them. Captain Billingsley, .Colonel Bean and Captain Skinner opposed this as a -reflection on tbe integrity of the commission to be appointed, as well as on the integrity of the Speaker of the'House, the-President of the Senate, and the Department Commander of the G. A. B-i who will make the appointments. MERELY AS A KECORD. Mr. Kauffman denied that he had any such intention, and'sald he merely desired that the House should put itself on record on this important subject. A vive voce yote showing that a call of the roll would carry the amendment. Captain Skinner sug gested that the tirae be made four months instead of 60 days, so as not to embarrass the commission. Mr. Kauffman accepted this, and the amendment was carried by a vote of 147 to 42. Captain Skinner,- during the debate, told the House something concerning the plans of the joint Committee on Soldiers' Or phans. These are to send, as many of the children as possible, to their homes, and to place the remainder in church homes instead of in .the present schools. They had offers of accommodations now for from 700 to 800 children in1 church institutions,and intended to move them as rapidly as possible. All the children will, he said, be out of the present schools within a year. These schools, he declared, are all in one ring, and the so called syndicate schools are not the worst of them. CHILDREN AT f 20 APIECE. Mr.- Parrel, of dlearfield, said he bad heard that a McAUisterville official had offered a member of the joint committee a bonus of $20 for.each child sent to it Cap tain .Skinner gave indirect confirmation of this, -and., atalpd he. "believed premiums haa been regularly paid' for .children by-managers of schools. As for the McAUisterville' school, it is to be the first one closed, and Captain Skinner said it would be closed within the next two or three weeks. Representative Kauffman met ex-Senator Wright, the head of the syndicate, by ap pointment to-day, but an hour and a half's conversation with him had no effect what ever on the views or course of the young member from Lancaster, except to confirm him in them. Simpson. ADJOUENMENT DECIDED UPON. The Legislature to lleinaln in Session Until the Oth of May. FROM A STAFF COEnESFOKDEXT.l Harrisburg, April 4. The Legislature will adjourn on Thursday, May 9. The Ap propriation Committee of the Senate held a meeting this afternoon and so decided. The resolution will be reported to the Senate on Tuesday, and Senator Delamater will move its adoption. It will than go to the House, which will agree quite readily to the date, which is the earliest now thought possible. Hope of an earlier is entirely abandoned. The House Appropriation Committee is struggling manfully with the measures be fore it It met last night, immediately after the adjpurnment of the House, and was is session until almost 3 o'clock this morn ing. The principal matter before it was the appropriation for the Ashland Miners' hospital. The committee is investigating grave charges against the management, and will not pass oa the measure until the mat ter is cleared up, and whatever is wrong, made right This careful and conscientious work does not hurry adjournment, but it produces good results. The Senate Committee also intends to exercise great care, and will visit the State institutions before recommending their ap propriations. The Western Penitentiary is among the institutions that will be visited. The Senate Committee has Senator Bobbins' resolution to investigate the institution in 'its possession, and will as a consequence. make a more careiul investigation there than elsewhere. The House Committee has not yet acted on Captain Skinner's resolu tion to investigate the institution, and will do nothing with it until the Senate Com mittee has made its report i PEETTI NEAELI PEESONAL. A Rather Lively feccno In the House Spoiled by the Speaker. FROM A STAFF COREESPOHBENT.J Harrisburg, April 4. Eepresentative Cochrane's compulsory education bill was taken up in the House this afternoon, and indefinitely postponed by a vote of 87 to 71. There was much excitement during the de bate. Mr. Lytle, of Huntingdon, said he did not attribute the authorship of the bill to Eepresentative .Cochrane, but to some crank. Mr. Cochrane then proceeded to dis cuss the gentleman from Huntingdon,but was called to order by the Speaker, who said the ninth section of the bill was the subject before the House. Captain Billingsley took the floor and. in?, jsisted that the Speaker gave privileges to the gentleman from Huntingdon he did not give the gentleman from Armstrong. The Speaker explained the parliamentary differ ence in the language of thewo gentlemen, but Captain Billingsley persisted in criti cising the Chair. The Speaker declared bim out of order, but the Captain insisted on holding the floor, and declared be was In order and intended to stand on that plat form. Mr: Cochrane declared he would appeal from-the decision of the Chair. The Speaker said his only object was to prevent personality in debate. Mr. Cochrane did not insist on his appeal to the House, and just as the Speaker was about to. call he Sergeant-at-Arms to sup press Captain Billingsley, who still con tinued to dispute with the Chair, that gen tleman subsided. Mr. Lytle said he had.no yobjection'to being criticised -by the gentle manvfroEV Armstrong.- ""The Chair," said HpeaKer.-ooyer, "aaa-great objection to it APRIL. 5, 1889. ., MAGEE GIYES UP THE FIGHT. . Finding He Couldn't Win, He Resolves He Will Not Lose, t - IVBOX A STAFF COHEESFONDEirr.l HAESiSBUBO.jApril 4. Mr. MoManes went back to Philadelphia last night Mr. Leeds returned this' afternoon. David H. Line arrived this morning, and said he came to .help along the J udges' salary bill. He would say nothing about Senate bill 70, for Jear he might, thereby, injure the other measure. Mr. Quay passed through here this afternoon, , for Beaver, Pa., or at least so it was 'given" out He rode from Philadelphia. Itr. Magee arrived this afternoon from Washington, and is full of fight The Democrats,, on whom he has. been depend ing tp.support him almost solidly, have, gone to pieces. Many of them have bills they don't.care fo; jeopardize by opposing themselves to' Chairman Andrews. Those wherthiuk it would be good politics to join force with the weaker side in the fight, have sent urgent telegrams to Chairman Kisner and ex-Lieutent Governor Black, asking them to endeavor to force the party intoline for Magee. Mr? Magee went up to the Capitol at a little before 9 o'clock this evening. He went ,to the Senate Chamber, and there re ceived many members of the House. He admits that he will not have votes enough to-morrow to put his bill on the calendar. He also says no street railway legislation wlU.be passed at tbis session. Tbe Hines Ineprporation bill will be reported from committee, but he declares, the orders are out that no such legislation shall pass. Mr. Andrews says the Hines bill will go through allrieht Mr; Capp, who made the fight lor this bill, says ifwill go through, and thatdie can muster enough votes to put it through, no matter who opposes. A friend of Mr. Magee says he could have "com manded 117 votes last Friday, if his bill could have cdme up under the rules. As the Democrats have been weaned away by promises, and as enongh votes cannot be muttered to put the'resolutlon through, it has been resolved to-night to withdraw it is the morning. . T Mr, Magee stated at midnight that 'the fight was off so far as he is concerned. He smiled as he said it and seemed happy as a conqueror. , FUNDS FOE PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Some of the Appropriations' for Schools, Hospitals and tho Penitentiary.. rSFECIAL TELEQBA1I TO THE DISPATCH.! Harrisbueg, April 4. Among the bills reported from committee in the House to day were the following: The Shlras act, repealing the penalty clause of .the act relating to Sunday selling (negative recommendation); fixing the salaries of Judges In tbis State; allowing those from Philadelphia and Allegheny 9,000 annually Instead of 57,000, The following appropriation bills passed finally: Ten thousand dollars to the Meadville City Hospital; 10,000 to tbe Spencer Hospital at Meadville; 370,000 to the Western Penitentiary, to continue tbe erection of tbe south wing; 170. 000 for annex to the Danville Lunatic Hospital; M.O0O- to the Pittsburg and Allegheny Home for the Friendless, in Allegheny; $375,500 to the Harrisburg State Lunatic Hospital for repairs, tbe erection of new buildings, etc; 583,000 to re build tbe Normal School at Lock Haven and f 145,000 for various institutions in Philadelphia. ONLi AN OPINION, ft The Veterans' Employment BUI Was Uncon- stltstlooal and Had to Suffer. rFBOM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Harrisbueg, April 4. The veterans' employment bill, for which so hard a fight was made in the House, has be'en 'shorn of its strength,. "The Governor., decided that the penalty clauses were unconstitutional, and commnnicated'his opinion to the gentle man who fathered the bill in the House. -It was therefore Withdrawn from the Governor by a concurrent resolution,, was sent to the House Military Committee and reported therefrom to-day by Bepresentative Lemon, with the penalty clause stricken out. In this shape it amounts to no more than a mere expression of opinion. MONEY FOE THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Senate Committee Recommends 8-.-000,000 as the Proper Fiarare. TFEOM A STAFF COEBESPONIJENT.l Harrisburg, April 4. The Senate Fi nance Committee did not meet to-day, and will continue its consideration of the gen eral .revenue bill next week. The Senate Appropriations Committee recommends $2, 000,000 for the public schools, and $50,000 for a war library bnilding at Philadelphia, under the control of the Loyal Legion. Also $2,500 for the work of a commission to de vise ways to prevent waste of ' coal in the mining regions. THE LEGAL WEIGHT OP COAL. A Ton of Anthracite to Weigh 3,340 Ponnds . Other Bills Passed. lEFECIAL TELEOUAU TO THE PISFATCH.3 Harrisburg, April 4. In the Senate, to-day, the House bill prohibiting, grade crossings in cities of the first and second class was favorably reported, and the follow ing bills were passed finally: Fixing the weight of anthracite coal at 2,240 pounds and imposing penalties forbidding tbe traffic in registered Dottles by persons other than the owners. Punishing persons injuring or defacing monuments. Autborizingltbe erec tion of wharves and the collection of wharfage in boroughs. NOT ENOUGH IN THE CHAEGES. The Western Penitentiary Management Will Not be Investigated. rntOSI A B.TAFF CORRESPONDENT. Haerisburg, April 4. At midnight tbe.House Appropriations Committee ad journed. Captain Skinner's resolution to investigate the Western Penitentiary was considered, and the committee decided that it had been conclusively shown there was not sufficient in the charges to bother with the matter. ' .PEAISE FEOM SIE HUBEET. Judge Gresham Indorses Judge Brown for the Supreme Court Bench. I6FICIAL TELEOBAU TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, April 4. Judge Gresham has recommended the appointment of Judge Brown, of -Michigan, as the successor of Stanley Matthews upon the Supreme Bench, and Judge Brown also has the indorsement of most of the leading lawyers of the northern portion of the circuit Michigan has never had a man on the Supreme Bench, while Ohio has had seven, and it is be- Llieved that the coming appointment will go to tne lormer State. General Harrison has intimated that he had a man In his mind for the placs, but he has not yet indicated who he is. MAY BE COUET MAETIALED. Captain Amies May Yet Regret Attempting to Pall Beaver's Nose. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH. Washington, April 4. Inspector Gen eral Breckenrldge to-day handed to the Ad jutant General of the army his report con taining the charges against Captain Armes for conduct unbecoming an officer and gen tleman, in thrusting himself into the in augural parade, and in" a'ssanlting Governor Beaver and attempting to pull his nose. The charges thus formulated have been passed over to General Schofield, who will within a few days decide whether Armes' conduct demands a trial by court martial. It is a prevailing impression In military) circles mat a court mamai wm oe oraereo. 1 -wf -. y - i- . - . . . A'BBEWERS Mfflft Latent Campaign Material Goes Off With a Boom That Presages TfiODBLE .TO PROHIBITIONISTS. Secret Session of the Master Breiren Endr With a Banquet. -THE F0BE1GN- BEE WEES SYMPATHIZE. A Speaker .Says, Ihey Can Buy the Opposition, Bat It Isn't Necessary. ' The first roar of the brewers' guns was heard last night when the Brew-Masters' Union opened up with some red hot speeches. Their banquet was interrupted by applause impossible to quell. They say they would buy the Prohibitionists, but it is not necessary. Yesterday was a red letter day for the brewers of .Pittsburg and Allegheny, and if prohibition should prevail on June 18, they will never forget the 4th of April, 1889, as long as 'they ltye. T ' The business which called them' together was the annual convention ot tbe Brew Masters' Union of the United States, There were about 40 gentlemen present from all over the country. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning they assembled in the private par lor of the Seventh Avenue Hotel, and Mr. Louis Frisc'b, of Chicago, the President.of the National Union, called the meeting at once to order. The business transacted, as it referred to the laws and constitution of the organiza tion, was entirely private, and none of the members could be Induced to talk upon the matter. It leaked out, nevertheless, that an insurance clause had been added to the bylaws, which gives every sick member, of the organization a certain amount per week during his inability to work, and it gives the widow of the member in case of death 52,000. Prohibition, of course; was also discussed. The meeting adjourned in the afternoon, and the guests were conducted around the city in carriages to show them the great in dustries and wonderful progress of Pitts burg. In the evening, however, the convention was brought to a fitting close by a grand banquet TLENTY OF GOOD CHEER. The tables in the private dining room of the hotel were groaning under a weight of the daintiest, of delicacies and brands of wine which made all the guests smile at the idea that this State cciuld be threatened "with anything as 'serious as prohibition. Anykow, for a moment they seemed to for get it, and while they enjoyed themselves to their heart's content and reveled in the epienrean feast spread out before them, they did not look as if they cared for ail the temperance apostles in creation. After the eating and drinking was. well under way, Mr. Louis Friseh. of Chicago, made a few introductory remarks; then Mr. Charles Anton, ot Pittsburtr. made a short .opening speech, whereupon Mr.'J. Uli ch- uoner, 01 .ounneapoiis, maae tne speecn oi the evening, as follows: Gentlemen I believe I am echolne the sentiments of tbeguestapresentwhen I say that I bave to express my ntmost gratification and pleasure at tbe maimer in which onr Pittsburg brethren are entertaining us. and inasmuch as tbe brewers of this citv and the State of Penn. sylvania are at the present time in a very pre carious position I think the least we can do is to express onr sympathies for them. Gentlemen of Pittsburg and Pennsylvania, the ISth of June is blandly staring you in the face, and tbe question whether you will still be allowed to follow your business as honest men and loyal citizens of the United States will come before you stronger than ever. Now who are your enemies, who are the people that endeavor to take your honest bread and butter from your- mouths? Who are tbey7 Tbe hypocrites, the temperance apostles, tbe old maids and tbe weak-minded men who are cringing and crawling in the dust at the feet of an unmanly rabble. ROUGH ON PROHIBITION. If you were antagonized by the honest, hard working man, the citizen who loves this glori ous republic above anything on the face of the earth, I would say, gentlemen, let us lay down our weapons for the sterling element of this world's Inhabitants are against you andLyou are wrong;' But nol the honest man, tbe nn who loves liberty, the man who has individual courage and tbe man who has the manliness to stand up for his own honest conviction, the man who despises an element that seeks to un dermine an honest business, that man, I say, is with you. Bo you think I am talking to you in such a manner because I am a brewer 'and talking for my own interests? No! brethren, I am talking as a man. as a citizen of the United States who is imbued with the sentiment that when Qeorge Washington and his advisors wrote tbe Consti. tutlon of the American Republic be never meant to have" It govern a hypocritical, falsify ing rabble like the Prohibitionists of to-day. A mob unable to command the passions of their own weak-minded spirits, refuse to allow the rest of tbe world to indulge in a glass of harm less beer when they feel like it, Bnt believe me, gentlemen, the 18th of June will show that Pennsylvania is still full of people who are against a law that tells them what to drink,and every liberty-loving, honest and brave Ameri can will rejoice with you in the defeat of the Prohibition amendment A GKEAT UFSOAB. This speech was applauded in the most vociferous manner, uiasses ot- sparkling Bhine wine and champagne were raised and a threefold PereatI was" called down upon Prohibition. Mr. Friseh then attempted to call the meeting to order, but- he hammered with his fists on the table until they were sore, before he succeeded. When silence was partially restored, he made a few remarks, in which he Indorsed the Minneapolis man's a'ddress. He concluded by saying: This is not like a fight between two honest men. No! And we have' to resort to other means to gain onr victory. One ot the chief Weapons in this war will be money. If it were necessary we would buy these people, but I don't think it is, Decause tne honest man. who can't be bought, is with us anybow, and I am pleased to sav that honest men are still in the majority in Pennsylvania. Mr. J. M. Hammel, of the Keystone Brewery in his address, gave a history of hops and malt. He showed how beneficial it was to people if drank in moderation. To prove his argument he called the attention of his audience to the fact that most brewers were all strong and healthy men. "Gambrlnus is still the greatest King on earth, and no phantom witch of prohibi tion can down His Majesty yet," he concluded, and again the walls of the hall resounded with hurrahs, which lasted for almost five minutes. Then Mr. O'Beilly, of the Frauenheim's Brewery, made the only English speech of the evening. He went over the entire State, showing where- Prohibition -would win and where it would lose. His opinion was that the State will be carried by the Anti-Prohibitionists by a majority of 125,000. A Buckeye Gas Well Is Ablaze. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH East Palestine, April 4. While Mr. Lonn Taylor was watching the drilling of a gas well near NewWaterford, quantities .of sand and gravel began pouring out of tbe well, and, before the drillers could make their escape, the gas burst out, in stantly igniting, and in a few moments the derrick and bniidinsrs 'were consnmed nnd three men. seriously burned. The gas is roaring loudly and blazing CO feet high,-- ;. A1UBCHTS TORCH, A Bold Band .of Incendiaries Unearthed la. Brooklyn How Benzine Filled, Bladders Were Manipulated A Remarkable Consplr- ney.DUcoTered. New- York, April 4; A band of An archists organized for the purpose ot arson and collecting insurance money in Brooklyn has been run down. How many buildings they have set on fire is not definitely known as yet The police know they have been working since September last, how ever. There are two clear cases against them anyhow. On the 20th of February last they fired a store on Bristol street They had opened it a few weeks before and seemed to be doing a good business. It was the ground floor of a tenement house. By a miracle only was loss of life prevented. After this mysterious fires broke out in every part ot the city. Trained detectives were employed, bnt for months they could get no clew. At last the fire marshal learned that a . celebrated Anarchist named Bernard Nan man had left Chicago. He was noted there for his readiness to apply the torch to any thina inflammable. Marshal Lewialearned that be had.been seen, in ,-Brooklyn. For days and weeks detectives scoured the city for him. At last they, learned that be lived in Jersey City, but had ibur warm friends ip Brooklyn. 'He was the chief of -the fire bugs. Chief Murphy, of Jersey City.secretly arrested him at 21 Porter, street in that cityMonday night He is 28 years old, and married. He was taken to Brooklyn and shown evidence said to connect him with tbe fires, and offered immunity to a certain degree If he" would betray his, allies. He refused, but tbe officials finally secured evidence tha't led to the arrest of four of his associates. Twenty-eight bladders-containing benzine and other inflammable fluids were fonnd under Nauman's bed in Jersey City, where he is known as Blnem. The method, of 'the gang was to rent stores, put in a small stock, and obtain a heavy insurance. When preparations were made for the incendiary blaze a lamp would be broken. Hear it wonld be, placed blad ders filled with benzine, ana around a bladder a circle of gunpowder. A slow fuse was used to ignite the powder, which exploded the bladder, and like a flash the place would be in ablaze, leaving no trace of the incendiary work, except the broken lamp to deceive the insurance people. The' occupants of the store wouldof course be ab sent the night of the fire attending a social gathering at the home of the other con spirators to prove an alibi. HAEEIS0N DE0PS A HINT. He Intimates That Sir. Field Will Bo Postmaster at Philadelphia. SPECIAL TELEOBAU TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington, April 4. Late this after 'noon Postmaster General Wanamaker and Assistant Postmaster GeneralOlarkson had a long conference with the President in re gard to the Philadelphia and New York postoffices. Mr. Wanamaker argued (as he had previously) in favor of filling these two great postoffices with business men not ac tive in politics. Mr. Harrison agreed with him that this would be a good policy up to a certain point, but that it was necessary, in the imperfect condition of administrative government, to mingle a little practical poll tics with reform. -He had decided to let the Postmaster General have his way in regard to the postoffice of his own city against the wishes of Congressmen and politicians but for the New York office he would accept the verdict of leading Republican members of uongTess. This is looked upon as making it certain that Mr. Van Cott will get tbe New York plum and"-FieId that of Philadelphia. It is surmised that the President is smart enough politician to know that it is vastly more important to keep the New York ma chine smooth in running order than it is the Pennsylvania. HE FLED IN A TEANCE. A Recreant Bridegroom's Queer Explana tion of His Strange Desertion. ISFZCXAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Minneapolis, April 1 James W. Vic cars, the young man who disappeared from Minneapolis on the day set for his marriage to a young lady by thd name of Bay, has been heard from. Mr. Smith, his former employer, .has received a letter from the young man, who is with his parents at Green Lake, Mich. In it Viccars says he does not know how he came to leave Min neapolis. All he knows is that after a period of wandering which seems to him like a nightmare, he reached home, ex hausted in body and mind. He expresses remorse for his conduct, and says he could not come back to Minneapolis and face his friends. In his letter to Mr. Smith Viccars does not mention Miss Bay but has written another letter to her, explaining his disap pearance. Mr. Smith has written to Vic cars asking for a detailed account of all he can remember after leaving the store on the morning of what was to have been his wedding day. BABY M'ZEE'S MAIN THE SOUTH. She Is Astonished With a View of the Famous Magnolia Gardens. ISFZCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Charleston, S. C, April 4. Charleston is full of distinguished visitors, to-day. The mother of baby McKee, in company with Senator Davis and the other-members of the party, arrived here early this morn ing. The forenoon was spent in driving around the city. At noon a number of ladies and gentlemen called upon them, and this afternoon a special excursion party made up for a visit to Magnolia Gardens, on the Ashley. The visitors were provided with a special train, and were chaperoned by Mr. ana Mrs. J. L. Weber, Mrs. J. C. Hemp hill, and other distinguished Charleston ians. " - The visit to the Magnolia Gardens, said Mrs. McKee, was a revelation. She had never seen such a profusion of azalias and japonicas in her life. Her only regret was that her mother and baby McKee were ,not with her to enjoy the 'trip. The party left here for Savannah to-night GEEEK MEETS GEEEE, Bnt the Proverbial Tog of War Falls to Show Up This Time. rSFECIAL TELEOKAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, April 4. Previous to his departure for home this morning, Mr. C. L. Magee called upon Senator Cameron. As he was about to leave Senator Quay was ushered into the room. There was a mo ment -of just the least bit of embarrassed hesitation, and then the two statesmen smiled a pleasant little smile in eachother's face, shook hands cordially, ancT murmured an endearing word or two about the weather, while the senior Senator looked on with a benignant countenance, and perhaps a gleam of merriment in his eyes. Of course the encounter was not designed, but the friends of both parties express a hope that the friendly, though momentary, contact may result in new thoughts of peace and good will toward all the people of earth. A Defeat for Premier Salisbury. London, April 4. The House of Lords, by a vote of 05 to 77, to-day elected the Earl of Morley, a Liberal, Chairman of Committees,-rejecting the Marquis of Salis bury's candidate, Lord Balfour, of Bar AN EXTRAORDINARY ISSUE. The Dispatch, of Sunday next trill be made up of TWENTY PAGES. Many new features win be Introduced, and all. tbe news of the world presented In attractlre form. ETerybody 13 reading Thk Dispatch. s ;T-;1 vHEEE GENTS! .1 . IK EOBEKTS.? Ai!vA-n fW?5 Iot0nIjEelterate' flT" va x.Tss .HDD -.- s-m tnarges a C 1( il All UUIl foSI IBAYIBLOW." DELIYEKS AKOl Interesting and Eicn of IheirVn Immense Business. THOSE CHAEGES OF D1SCE1MINATI0-T., 'J Au Official Talks Back and Bays He Knows a Ibis; X- Two of fiara-fffe. -i 3b -J ' Andrew Carnegie evidently will not ac- -cept silence as an answer to his; charges against the P. B. B. He forcibly repeats n ffttTYi A 1 vmnmlna linn nmii-tet "PJv'crirt-w and formulates other "charges that may not V fall flat. An official pointedly replies to Mr. Carnegie's stinging comments. Another letter is given below, written byv Andrew Carnegie, and it is far more sting- ' ing, far more specific, than the first It is"', directed straight at the Pennsylvania rail-' road, and if the gentleman has missed his mark, it is a thing nnnsual to-him. There Is no quibbling, no evasion. Ha -hits straight from the shoulder, in the vig orous English of which he-is master. It is' ' , evident that he declines to accept silence as' an answer to- his charges. Mr. Carnegie in- sists upon an answer, if there be one, as is' seen in his letter, as follows: It is two days since I gave you the, figures"' proving that every ton of pig iron made in tbe city of Pittsburg was subjected to an over charge of SI by the railway monopoly, and we have-no contradiction. We have not even a. " suggestion of error from any quarter. The President of the company, who is re" sponsible for tbis outrage, declines to be inter- viewed upon the subject Naturallyt for when the truth is stated, he is a bold man indeed who ventures to' enter the lists against it Silence , is confession. THE GIST OI" IT ALL. We charge Mr. Roberts with carrying coks to Pittsburg, when destined to Chicago fur naces, for 30 cents per ton.and charging for ex actly the same service 70 cents per ton to Pitts burg furnace-; and he tells us that he is eoinc to make some improvements at Walls station We charge him with extorting .-from Pitts burg manufacturers SO per cent higher rates than are paid by the furnaces in ;he Hockinc Valley of Ohio, or by tbe Chicago furnaces, from tne'Lake Superior mines, and he tells us that he is engaged in building a bridge some where. He is here preaching a crusade of rigid econ omy, but he has just published in Philadel phia his statement for two months, which, shows that the enormous surplus list year has been exceeded so far this year at the rate of 65,000 per month. r, His net earnings for the two months of this year he admits are $130,000 more than they were for tbe same two months of last year. His sur plus, therefore, at the same rate, for the year. after paying dividend, wUl amount to $5,000,000. When his employes began to ask when their proportion of the $4,000,000 of surplus was to ba received for labor is entitled to its share. . surely he informs these people that there will he no reduction of wages. Reduction of wages! That would Indeed be . a spectacle. 3Ir. Roberts with. J5.000.000 per year of surplus, beyond his dividends, on tha. one band, and rigid economy toward bis em ployes on the other. We should have no use for the name of Shylock in the English lan guage, did he try to reduce salaries or wages under these circumstances? Air. Roberts has no answer to the accusations I bave brought againsf him. He can only run away. But his appearance in Pittsburg and bis attempt to ignore the vital issues which aro exciting this community, remind me of his performance at the recent meeting of railway Presidents at Mr. Morgan's boose in New York. There were really important men there. Men who controlled the railroads foe which they spoke. Men who hadacquired for tune in the channels of business and enter prise. " HOW 'WICKED THET ALL ARE. Mr. Roberts rose and began to preach to those men upon the jniquity of bankers who purchased the bonds of competing railways, ' and on the sins of those railway magnates who built parallel lines. One of these magnates, turning to his neighbor, said: "Is this man Roberts tbe man who has just sunk sixteen millions of the good money of the Pennsylva nia Railroad in paralleling the poor Reading system of tbe Schuylkill VaUey?" The other said, "That is the man." "Isn't it strange, said the first speaker, "how little sense of the ridiculous some men haver" v The New York people, however, did 31r. Roberts great injustice. Knowing bim from early manhood I have always said that he was a modest, well-meaning, worthy man, and total ly incapable of the presumption they attrib uted to him. He simply did not folly under stand the situation there any more than ba does here. Mr. Robert Pltcalrn Is naturally very anxious to disclaim all responsibility for the injustice inflicted upon the community In which he was reared, and assures your reporter that he has nothing whatever to do with these wrongs. We know that If Mr. Pitcairn had to perform such services as some other of the officials of the Pennsylvania Railroad here, he would resign rather than discharge them. Nevertheless, al though Mr. Pitcairn's mantle may cover him self, if pretty well stretched, he has no cloth to spare to throw around others. Even our kind friend, Mr. William Stewart, General Freight Agent of the Pennsylvania Company, who looked at figures just as I did upon a recent occasion, now says be looks upon them differently. Mr. Stewart's remarkable powers of observation, when anything is to ba discovered that can injure the community in which he resides, are well known, but everrhis most intimate friends have not given him credit for finding two ways of dealing with the multipllgatioh table. My statement was one of figures only. Mr. Stewart should take a lesson from his chief, Mr. McCullough. He knows that when Pittsburg is. to be robbed the hands should be busy, but the mouth closed. Silence, with-llr. McCollongh, is always golden. ANOTHER RICHMOND IN THE CTELD. Mr. Chipley, the Division Freight "Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, nterS the arena this morning. Even though he finds his-llfe is too short for the higtydnties which he finds himself called to perform, he takes time to tell us that If the general Freight he could add to the figures, which I have given., j0M man. None could tongue the story of Pitts burg's wrongs better than be. But, unfortun ately, if Mr. Chipley dared to speak tbe truth he would lose his salary. I will, however, oblige Mr. Chipley by stating to Pittsburg what he probably bad In view. He wished, no doubt, to show Pittsburg tbe discriminations against it upon finished iron, as I have shown the dis crimination upon the crude pig iron. His mouth being sealed let me step into Mr. Coip ley's shoes ana tell the story: I make this statement: Pittsburg is equi distant between Chicago and New York. The fair rato upon our products is, therefore, one half of the through rate between tbe latter points. It should even be less, because tha bulk of Pittsburg traae is loaaea ana unioaaea - hj by the shipper, in carloads. There are no" .' Jj terminal expenses here to compare with tha. expensive terminals at New York. Instead of being half it Is 60 per cent In either case, to New York or to Chicago, of tha throngh rate, a clear discrimination against Pittshurg of 20 per cent exactly SI 12 per gross ton discrimination upon the existing 23 cents per lOOponnds through rate between New York and Chicago. A State Commission would cer ' Continvtd on Sixth bge, Sgfi H 1 ""! Wi,'-'. I'&m .54.' .. ?. l'j.z : ":3. ;''.jJfeMtfifca Aki
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