mn Tti w i fflgt sswn jf-scr THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, 'WEDNESDAY, - FEBRUARY - -13, 1889. ' 3 s LIKE- QUIET WATERS. The Monthly Meeting of the County W. C. T. D. Was a Love Feast. ONE HITCH IX THE PBOCEEDLNGS. The Land to Be Flooded "With. Campaign Tracts and Speakers. 0KB DISPUTE ABOUT COLLECTIOXS. The monthly meeting of the Allegheny County AT. C. T. TJ. was held in the lecture room of the Third TJ. P. Church, Diamond street, yesterday afternoon. The proceed ings were as calm and as placid as a river which, on a summer's day, idly reflects the rays of the sun; a perfect love feast and mutual admiration society. Friends be came more friendly, and old enemies of the White Rose and other factions became reconciled for the time being. The union is in an excellent financial shape. The most important business was the preparatory arrangements made for the distribution of Constitutional amendment campaign literature. If these plans are car ried out the city and county will be deluged with tracts, "signal lights," "Devil's Toboggan Slides" and other edifying and hair-raising literary gems. It seems rather startling to hear one of those good old Christian ladies arise and, in all her sincer ity, announce that they have on hands 20,000 "Devil's Slides," and are ready to distribute them free. GETTIiTG THE SLIDES IS MOTION. It -was 'decided at the meeting that 'to every person who applied for literature it should be given free, provided there was a guarantee for its distribution. Funds are to be taken from the treasury to pay for the cost of printing the literature. The parlor of the Day Nursery on if orth avenue, was designated as the depot of supplies for Alle ghenv, and the Prohibition headquarters on Smit&field street as the Pittsburg depot. Mrs. Campbell, President of the union, is about to leave for California. She tendered her resignation, saying that it required an activ'e leader to be on the spot during the campaign. The union refused to accept H, and granted her a leave of absence until May "1. JMiss Harrison will act as Presi dent during her absence. It was decided to secure the services of Mrs. Frances L. Harper, a colored lady from Philadelphia to lecture for two weeks among the colored people of Allegheny county. There was some oppesition to the lady feeing employed, as it was said she was not popular among the colored people. Mrs. Broadas Smith said she loved Mrs. Harper, but she did not think she was capa ble Of doing the work. She had a soft melodious voice, and would be an excellent speaker in a calm; but, when the storm came, they need some one who could both talk and shout! Some one who could "tell the colored people the devil was behind them and they had better get out of the woods." Force was necessary. Mrs. Smith emphasized her remarks by some rather violent, but altogether harmless gestures. THE ONLY SIGN OF A SQUALL. The distribution of money collected by various committees created a little talk. The Allegheny committee thought it be longed to them, and was to be used at their discretion. Mrs. Campbell stated that the money belonged to the county, inasmuch as the committee was appointed by the county. A member of the committee insisted that the money ought to belong to the committee for work in Allegheny, and said they would claim it. Mrs. Campbell poured oil on the troubled waters, and the committee grace fully subsided. . Mrs. Mair resigned, and said she would have nothing more to dp with theommittee. Resignations then becaxae popular but none were accepted. , It was decided to pay Mrs. Broadax Smith $5 a week and expenses for her work among the colored people. It was .decided, also, to engage an at torney to represent the union at the License Court, which commences on the third Mon day in March. Noonday prayer meetings will be held during the sitting of the Court, as heretofore. Remonstrances are being circulated, and the nnion expects to make a vigorous fight against the granting of licenses. After deciding to hold the quarterly meet ing in March, at "Wilkinsburg, the meeting was adjourned. FOE SIKS OF COMMISSION. Bev. Mr. McKee Sncd for Libel n a Remit of a Presbytery Finding. A suit for libel has been instituted through Messrs. Marshall and Imbrie, counsel for Mrs. A. B. C. McFarland, wfe of the Rev. A B. C. McFarland, lormerly jiastor of the Fairview TJ. P. Church, against the Bev. J. S. McKee, pastor of the Butler TJ. P. Church. It seems Jhat last summer the Bev. Mc Farland separated from his wife, and the Bev. McKee was made chairman of a com mission appointed by the Butler Presbytery to investigate the case. The commission reported that Mrs. McFarland was to blame, and yesterday the summons was served on the Rev. McKee while he was down from Butler attending the TJ. P. Presbytery. An Aromatic Fragrance Is imparted to the month by the use of Sozo dont. Itisbejond doubt the cleanest, purest and best wash ever offered to the public. Sozo dont ana comfort are synonyms. It cleanses the cavities in the enamel of the teeth, wrsu Excursions West To California, Oregon, "Washington Terri tory, Colorado, Montana, Mexico,' Kansas, If ebraska and the Great West, every week, via "Wabash "Western Bail way, at the lowest single and round trip rates. For particu lars, write to or call on A. M. Brackenridge, Passenger Agent, corner Seventh avenue and Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. TVSU Get All Yon Pay For. If you want accident insurance from a company that furnishes it at cost, that pays all its claims, pays its agents living com missions and treats everybody fairly, pa tronize the National Benefit Association, of Indianapolis. J. T. Cunningham, 51 Lewis block, Agent, B. &B. Embroideries several thousand yards of fine edges in narrow and medium widths manufacturers' short lengths; they are 3 to 9-yard pieces. Sold by the piece at less than'their worth. Boggs & Buhl. New Lot of 50-Ccnt Dress Goods To-dar. A table full of them in center of store; easy to see and to buy. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S i Penn Avenue Stores. Guns, revolvers, sporting goods at half jprice. Johnston, the gun man, will re- Ixnove about April 1st to No. 706 Bissel Block, and in the mean time is selling off ell old stock at about half price at the old store, No. 621 Smithfield st Sample Free. Ask your grocer for it, Electric Paste Stove Polish; saves dust, dirt, labor, women, carpets and furniture. Fxeeced-lined jerseys, plain and Drained, greatly reduced to close at once. stwfsu Httous & Hacke. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue. tvtsu Invalids call at 1102 Carson st and be enred free of charge. BELIEF IN THE BIBLE I Shown by Kev. Dr. Vtncent to Have the Terr Best Foundation in All the World With Its Historic Proofs. Of all the subjects discussed, ot all the propositions advanced thereon, at the pend ing Sabbath School Institute, in the First TJ. P. Church, probably none were of more general interest or import than those which yesterday came from Bev. B. T. Vincent, D. D., on "Why "We Believe the Bible:" In brinsrinir forth our orools as bases of this belief, we group the general classes of evi i dence, that it is an authority Its genuineness. its authenticity and its inspiration, xo prove Its genuineness, the manuscripts are the first proofs. There are hundreds of manuscripts, more than necessary; L200 or 1,300 of the Old Testament, and 100 or more of the New, that have been handed down from generation to generation without one central truth or factor necessary to the faith being destroj ed. In copying the ancient manuscripts, we are told, the copyists were compelled to dress in new garments and wash themselves continual ly, that they might not pollute the sacred word. While at m ork they were watched and guarded and ere forbidden to speak, even to the King. So correctly has the work been performed that it hasj been said an English jurist gathered together enough quotations from different an cient sources to have reconstructed the"New Testament. Under genuineness, wo have had councils from time to time in every country searching for flaws and proofs, and in all these they have not found a thing that changes the inspired meaning or imperils a single truth central in all manuscripts. As another proof, we have the different sects, all watching the Word and it is known that, should any sect attempt to chang" one jot or tittle of this Holy Word, there wouldoe trouble. Here is the secret use for sects. The Bible has been so woven and interwoven in the history and in the hearts of the people that even the uneducated and illiterate cannot but have a feeling that it is true. What a queer thing it would be if the Bible were an old book of falsehoods, that it could reform a penitent sinner and make him a living benediction to the people! To finish, this grand old volume, with its 36 to 40 books, has traveled through all the tongues, dialects ana countries, down to tne present time, and not one mortal with his best claims has shaken its truths. One hundred years ago an eminent French geologist found SO or 60 truths of nature from searching it, nature and it being but in harmony, teaching the truths of God. As a challenge, we ask men to prove the life of Alexander the Great, or any man of history, by such a formula. Second, it the Bibleaaid not come as we have proved, whence came it? In the evening Dr. Vincent conducted a very interesting class drill, Eev. "W. J. Bei'd, D." D.. addressed the Institute on "The Art of Questioning," and Dr. Vincent talked on "Teaching." THE JDDGB SUEPEISED. A Veteran Allegheny Official Presented With a Gold Ilcndcd Cane. Captain "William Hazlett.the veteran and popular clerk in the Allegheny "Water De partment, celebrated his sixty-eighth birth day yesterday. "Tony" or "Judge," as he is familiarly called, is an old landmark and remembers things that occurred 70 years ago, his friends say. Last evening he was invited to go to the Keystone Hotel, at the corner of South and East Diamond streets, where he met about 40 of his friends, the party being comprised of Allegheny City officials and members of the different de partments. The "Judge" was surprised when he was informed that it was his birthday and was handed a gold-headed cane, a present from his friends. The two little Misses Gerst, daughters of the proprietor, then presented him with a silk muffler and a necktie. Mr. Eazlett recovered from his surprise suffi ciently to thank the donors, making a very neat speech. CESTEAL BOARD KE0EGANIZED. The City's Educators Arranelnc to Avoid Infections Diseases. The Central Board of Education met and reorganized last night. Monthly reports were read, and Dr. Kearns offered a resolu tion that was adopted. It asked that prin cipals pay more attention to rules governing children convalescing from .any infections disease. Superintendent Luckey and Messrs. Kel ler, Hogan and McMillen were appointed to prepare the work to be shown "at the Paris Exposition. Couldn't Pass for a minister. Thomas H. Barrett, colored, was arrested by Officer Kinney, of the Oakland car sta bles, and is supposed .to be the man who stole Bev. Dr. Holland's overcoat. A book of car tickets is said to have been flashed up by the colored man; but it was known to have belonged to the minister. Representing 20,000 Men. Bepresentatives cf 20,000 Catholics met last night in the Columbus Club, with Mr. A V. D. "Watterson in the chair, to com plete the last arrangements for the parade they intend to hold on Washington's birth day. His Movements Wero Suspicions. John Kuerne was locked up in the Four teenth ward station house last night, for loitering around Bellefield in a suspicions manner. Those who seek relief from pain and weakness should use Parker's Ginger Tonic. Parker's Hair Balsam never fails to please. B.&B. 25 per cent less than usual for fine and medium-width embroideries, also 27 to 45 inch flouncings, will bring extra business this week. Boggs & Buhl. Pearl Buttons Job Lots 20c, 50c and 90c a Gross. (12 dozen); these are extra good at the price, and a necessary article for spring sewing. Notion counter. JOS. HOBNEjfc CO.'S Penn avenue Stores. B. &B. No 19c or 39e "baits" or "pretended bar gains" in our embroidery stock, but bar gains in fine goods of real merit here right now that wilf pay you to see. Boggs & Buhl. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Only 12 1-2 and 15 Cents. Not part cotton, remember decidedly the best handkerchief value we know about. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. See our handsome costume patterns; entirely new designs just arrived. jiwfsu Hugus & Hacke. Massage Treatment. Scientific and electric massage applied by L Munk, 806 Penn avenue. fe7,9,ll,13,15 B. fcB. - New importations finest French satines and Scotch zephyr ginghams and novelties. Prices low and assortment extraordinary. Boggs & Buhl. Two beautiful lines of American challis, new spring effects, at 8c and 20e per yd. ito'fsu Hugus & Hacke. Valentines. A large assortment of beautiful designs still on hand. Jos. Eichbaum & Co., 48 Fifth ave. Extra good values in black cashmeres, at 50c, 60e ami 75c per yd. siwrsu Hugus & Hacke. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue. wrsu Liver complaint cured free at 1102 Car son st, Sonthside. SSSisplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, elc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH, OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up, to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tux DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. Tno MAS MCCAFFREY, 33iA Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, SUh street and Penn ave. E. G. bTUCKEY &CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. bTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAIO). MCALLISTER &SHEIBLER, 5th av. SAtwoodst soutiiside. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAHM. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FREDU. EGGEES. 172 Ohio street F. H. EGOEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. ii. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. Blalo riclD. -TTTANTED AN EXPERIENCED COACH- MAN-for livery. Apply T. B.MORELAND, 6100 Penn ave.. East End. foS-2 WANTED AGENTS It) SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, -wagons, etc: sells at sight Inquire after 3 P.M., WM. bESlFLE, JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, la. , del6-9-D WANTED STEWARD - MARRIED MAN preferred, to takecharge of a select private cluh house in the heart of the city; cafe privileges and profits and a fair salary beside for the right man: best or reference required. Address W. M. H., Dispatch office. fell-7 WANTED-MAKKIED MAN IN HEALTH TO take charge of lumber yard and products of planing mill, manage teams, measure and deliver lumber, etc., keep accounts. Quick, energetic, intelligent man can secure situation by address ing, in own hand, LOCK BOX 01, McKeesport. Pa. le!3-36 -rrTANTED-MAN-TO TAKE THE AGENCY V of our safes: size ISxlSxlS Inches; weight 500 lbs. ; retail price 835: other sizes in proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the safe pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. 6e8-p92-ws Female IlelD. -T7"ANTED-ONE GOOD, EXPERIENCED y dining room girl at BOLEY'S HOTEL.31 to 33 Diamond, city. fel3-45 TTT ANTE DFEW YOUNG LADIES TO Y V learn to finish portraits In India ink, water colors, etc: no charge; when able to do the work will be given permanent position, with salary. PHOIO GALLERY, 10 and 12 Sixth street. fel3-23 Male und Female flelo. TTANTED-IMMEDIATELY-HEAD WA1T tV ER, white or colored; steady wort, good wages: cooks, chambermaids,, house girls, dish washers, nurse girl, MRb. MjCEHAN, 545 Grant St. fe4-99-D WANTED-PARTNEOS. WANTED-A PARTNER WITH P. 500 TO S3. 000, to start a general store in a country town in one of the best farming communities In Eastern Ohio. Can bur all fixtures and rent a room very cheap; t have clerked for 8 years in the place and know all the trade; man of some experi ence preferred. Investigate. Address POX 72, New Garden, Ohio. fel3-57 WANTED ROOMS. HOUSES. -VTTANTED-TO BUY SMALL PROPERTY, 4 V or 5-room house, neighborhood of Oakland; cash payment $200 or $300, balance monthly pay ments, R. E. security. Address P.O. BOX 94, Pittsburg, Pa. le!3-25 WANTED FINANCIAL -rVTANTED-MORlGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN V In sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GHAEliLNG & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D TTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- it l. x settlement wun itemizea statement. BLACK & UAIfiD, 85 Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-D -YTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP- T EK'tx. over H. 000; VA per cent; no tax, HENRY A WEAY.KR & O 'J,j ,82 Fourth avenue. mh"-a22-D -TTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT IN ALL V parts of both cities; established 1863. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel-49-ws TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED FROM11'- IV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLEb & BAILEY, 164 fourth avenue, Tel. IG7. Jal9-Sl -TTfANTED-MORTGAGES-SUMS FROM 500 V to So00,000to loan at 4'A, 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. rei-47-MWFS TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-WE CAN LOAN V insumsor$500to$M.000andnpwardoncity or suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE. 313 Wood St. fe9-29-MWS WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY AND suburban property, in sums to suit, at 4 and 6 per cent. L. O. FRAZ1EH. Real Estate Broker, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. fe8-91-invs WANTED-HOUSES TO KENT AND RENTS to collect on monthly settlement, wlthltem Ized statement. L. O. FRAZIEK, Real Estate Broker, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. ft8-91-Mws WANTED-MORTGAGEb-WE CAN LOAN S500 to S2O.OO0 on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. fe2-19-MWS WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount: lowest rates of interest and com mission. PITTSBURG CO.. LIM., Real Estate and Insurance, 13S Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. fe7-87-ws "TTTANTED-TO LOAN S500,C00. IN" AMOUNTS V of p,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4H per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. sc21-d26-D TrANTED-TO LOAN 200,000 ON MORT V GAGES; J100 and upward at 6 per cent; JoP0,000at 4K per cent on residences or business property:' also in adjoining counties. S. H. FREN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D TTTANTED HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS - V to collect; we give special attention to man agement or properties: itemized accounts, month ly settlements. PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM.; Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth ave. fe"-87-tvs VTTANTED-MORTGAGES-?l, 000, 000TO LOAN T V on city and suburban properties at 4, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loanrd out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. FENNOCK. & bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-Hl XTTANTED-HOUSES TO RENT, RENTS TO V collect, prompt returns, monthly settle ments. Itemized statements with check; Insurance and repairs attended to, thus relieving landlords of all annoyances and losses connected with the management of their property; also mortgages from ?5C0 to any amount In keeping with location and value of property and no delay, if title be good. J. DEKMIIT. 407 Grant st. fe!3-32-wihS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -TTTANTED-TO SELL PLUMBING AND GAS V fitting business. Address K., Dispatch of fice. fel2-96 TTT-ANTED-TO SELL-STOCK, LEASE AND V good will of planing mill and lumber yard, doing good business: situated In a manufacturing town near Pittsburg. Address N. O., Dispatch office. fel3-54-ws "TTTANTED-AUCTION SALES OF REAL V estate, merchandise at stores and household goods at residences, by SMITHbON & MOORE, General Auctioneers, office room 68, Eisner build ing, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. fe!3-18 TTrANTEO-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT V H. Tcrheyden has laid In .a large stock of American watches, gold and sliver, that be can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 530 bmlthiield St. noll-MWFSn TT7"ANTE1-IJY PEARSON, LEADING PIIO V TOGRAPHER. 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous Drocess. mh!3-k27 FOR SALE IJIPKOTED HEAL ESTATE City Residence. FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE ON Bclonda St.. Jit. Washington, rooms and finished attic bath, h. and c. water, inside w. c, a. and n. gas. In fact it Is one or the finest resi dences on the hill top; terms very easy; lot 60xi20. J. C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. ielO-126 FOR SALE-f2,700-LlBERTY AVENUE, SIX TEENTH ward, new substantial frame dwelling. 5 rooms, finished attic hall, vestibule, slate mantel, Inside shutters, well finished all through: lot 20x100 feet to alley; verv easy terms. L. O. FRAZ1ER. Forty-fifth and Butler sts. fe8-91-MWS FOR SALE FIFTH AVENUE RESIDENCE, near Jumonvllle street, a new pressed brick house 8 rooms, bath room, electric bell, w. c 's, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, cementxellar. laundry and all the latest Improve ments: lot 22x120 to Ann street. Call or address N O. 620 FIFTH AVEN UE. fel2-41-WThFSu JW IOR 8ALE-S500 DOWN BALANCE MONTH- Ll navments, a gooa ui a good brick dwelling,' 8 :olc water, w. c. hall and rooms, bath, hot and cold water. dry cellar, all In good order: nice lot; side en trance: title perfect, near Center avenue; 10 min utes from Court House. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ' ' fe9-5S.Jtwg FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. FOR SALE-f3,50C ON'FORTY-FOURTH ST., brick house or 8 rooms, lot 36x100 ft. : price made low in order to sell quick. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave fc!3-51 OR SALE N0.3C8 FIFTH AVENUE-LOT 20X 100 ft. to Ann St., 2 houses, one in front and one In rear, bringing a Rood-rent. W.A.HERKON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. , feU-ol FOR SALE WE CAN SELL YOU A NICE little 3-room frame house on Bismarck way, near the High School, for S700, i cash; lot 20x75. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. felO-126 FORSALE-AFINENEWBRICKANDSfONE dwelling on Penn ave., near Thirty-ninth St., with all modern improvements, at $3,500; cheap. a BER1NGER & iON, 103 Fourth aye. fel3-38--ws FOR SALE-?3,a-M DOWN BALANCE 10 years, buys an elegant 7-room frame dwell ing on Virginia ave., Mt. Washington: 3 minutes from Incline. C. BALTENSPERGER & CO.. 151 Fourth ave. - fel2-47 FOR SALE-ON WTLIE AVE., A NICE brick house of 10 rooms and all modern lm provements at 85,000; also frame house of 6 rooms, and lot 70 feet front at f.I.5(X); both cbeao. C. BEKIN GER k SON, 103 Fourth ave. fel3-3S-ws TT'OR S A.LE-K, 500- HATFIELD STREET. SEV- ENTEEN1H ward, good brick dwelling, 6 rooms, attic ball, slate roor; lot 20x75 feet to alley; good. chep property on very easy terms. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. fes-91-MWS FOR SALE A 2-STORY FRAME DWELLIN G, containing 7 rooms; city water; natnralgas on street; lot 25x150 from Mission to Lincoln St., near bterllng, head or S. Twenty-second street; price S2. 300. G. J.-BLEICHNER, 2353 Carson st. fel3-13 FOR SALE-S2.250-MT. WASHINGTON, 2 minutes from Incline. 2-story frame of 6 rooms, hall, shatters, front and rear porches, good cellar, house newly papered, fine view of city: lot 29x82. UL AUK A BA1BD. 95 Fourth ave. fe7-W0-7, 9, 11. 13, 15, 19, 21,23, 25, 27 FOR SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic; lot 20x80 feet: low price and easy terms. In guire at GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. de6-198-W8 FOR SALE (99J-MAIN ST., THUSTY-FIFTH. ward, 2-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms and fin ished atlic large double parlors, porches; fine lot, JI0X124, covered with fruit and shrubbery: a de lightful home; terms easy. SAM UEL W. BLACK & CO.. 91 Fourth ave. .fel2-50-WB East End Residences. FOR SALE -CHOICE EAST END RESI DENCES, large or small. Call or send for new list, free. W.A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. - fe6-55-MWF FORSALE-S5,500-COZYHRICK RESIDENCE, 7 rooms, bath, Margaretta street, near cable line. Nineteenth ward. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station street. East End. fe7-14-MWF FOR SALE-S3, 200-JUST ONE M1N UTE FROM Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and vestibule nat. and art. gas, water, screens for windows and doors, front yard; choice location and special bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-19-D FOR SALE-H250 WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; hall, vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandeliers; this is only 6 minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-PRETTY HOME IN THE EAST End; street paved with asphalt: complete 6ewerage; Queen Anne frame dwelling; reception hall, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, 9 rooms, pantry, furnace: lot 50x100 feet: close to P. R. R. station; price 87,500: terms, 31,000 cash, bal ance to suit. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave fe4-18-JIWT F OR SALE-NEAR SHADYSIDE STATION-A neat 2K-story Irame dwelling of 5 rooms and bathroom; nlcejftlc range hot and cold water, inside w.e, inside shutters, marble mantels, cup boards, wardrobes, etc. Just new and latest Im provements; good lot and perfect seweragt; price only $3,600. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue, f eG-Sl-7, 9, It. 1 3, 15, IS, 20. 22, 25, 27 T7I0R SALE-ON A GOOD STREET IN THrT X' East End, lot 25x120, frame house (about 8 y'rs old) of (f rooms, hall and vestibule attic and good cellar, natural and artificial gas pipes all through the house, electric bells, speaking tubes, etc., all nicely and newly papered; good neighborhood and convenient to steam and Fifth ave, cable cars; $3,200. THOS. LIGGETT, U Fourth ave. felO-77-3nvThS3u FOR SALE -SHADYSIDE RESIDENCE, ON one of the finest streets between the station and Fifth avenue cable cars, complete in all Its appointments, with handsome grounds well laid out with walks, drives, shrubbery, fruit and shade trees: house hasa very commanding appearance; has 17 rooms, 6 large fine rooms on first floor, S on the second floor and 5 rooms In attic; the laundry is complete; cellars are cemented: large furnace wide halls, natural gas all through, ample porches, bav windows, etc. : also, stable for 3 horses; lot 105x2t0 feet. This Is one of the best located dwell ings in the East End, lias an eastern and southern exposure and can be bought for 130,000. BLACK, & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fel-18-MWF i Alleeheny Residences. TT'OR SALE-J20,000 FOR ONE OF THE FINEST ju residences in Aiiegneny; large grounds, near the parks; allonvenlences. W. W. MCNEIE15 & BRO., 162 Fourth ave. ies-ja-jrwTSU FOR SALE-tllOO-HOUSE AND LOT, 58 Corryst.. corner Ann st First.ward, Alle gheny; lot 23x27; brick, 6ix. rooms; rents for $240; onlyfelOO. A. LEGGATE4SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fel2-i0 JF 'OR SALE-ARCH ST.. NEAR PARKS. 2 storvbr. dwelling. 8 rooms, with all modern lmnroveraents: stable on rear of lot: Iot20xlOOto Vetost; 1,000 down,.bal. to suit. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. felO-126 FOR S ALE-2 GOOD 2-STORY BRICK HOUSES In Allegheny: one ot them $5,000 and the other 6,500; these properties are both very desira ble and good value; terms to suit, C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. fel3-23 FOR SALE-ON THE PARKIN ALLEGHENY, handsome brick dwelling; 12 rooms range, bath, inside w. c. ball, vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, nat. gas all through; large lot, fine location: very cheap and easy payments, BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. J a27-107-27, 29, 3L fe2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 1L 13, 15, 16 Suburban Residences. TTil IOR SALE-AT INGRAM STATION-NICE 5- J roomed bonse and large lot, elegant! ia large lot, elegantly situ Address HOUbE, Dispatch atea: terms easy. office. fe!3-9 FOR SALE-OR RENT-AN ELEGANT 10 ROOM house with all modern Improvements; easy access to the business center of Wllklnsburg and R. R. station; pleasant surroundings. J. G. HUGHES, Wood street. Wilkinsburg. fe6-99-WS FOR SALE-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, WITH 1 acres of beautiful land, brick house of 9 rooms, finished attic bathroom, natural gas, range heater, w. e, etc.; within 3 minutes' walk of station, ALEXANDER & LEE. 313 Wood st. fe9-28-ws FOR SALE-GOOD SUBURBAN DWELLING and large lot 180x400 feet; fruit and shade trees and 6hrubbery, etc. etc , at Hazelwood, B. k O. R. K.; price only $7,000, on long, easy terms of payment; Immediate possession, very great bar gain. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth' avenue Pittsburg. fel2-65 FOR SALE BRUSHTON STATION NEW pressed brick dwelling, reception hall and 4 rooms first floor, 5 rooms on second and 5 rooms In attic; hard wood stairway: slate mantels, with improved fireplaces, laundry, with cemented floor; lot "5x140 feet to a 25-foot alley, wlthperlect sewerage: house now open for inspection; excep tionally low prices and terms to suit. JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent, 512 Smithfield street. felO-65-WSSu F IOK SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Alieirhenv uuumv; uie uuusc is irc, L-uuiainingjo rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there is a good stable and handsome fowl house: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornnental trees; the whole" will be sold, with from Ito 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOX.VILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO.," 85 Knox avenue Knoxville borough. jal9-9 FOR SALE-LOTS. East End Lots. J7IOR SALE-ONLY$I,550-CHEAPEST LOT IN j Ben Venue bhadyslde; 50x120 feet; If sold soon. MELLON BROS., East Liberty. Iel0-I3-MWF - FOR SALE-BOULEVARD LOTS FACING the circle and parks; cheapest and best lots In the E. E. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. fe4-19-4,5,7,9,ll, 13,15, 17.19.2L 23, 25,27 F IOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS QN STAN TON avenue near Hlland ave. eirh ovino teet to 20-foot alley; price reduced to $35 per foot If sold at once BlACK 4BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. le6-49-D T7IOR SALE-ON LINE OF FIFTH AVE. CABLE cars, on a paved street in East End, large lot, brick house 7 rooms, bathroom, hall in center of bouse, large front and back porches, natural gas, etc; elegant neighborhood; only $10,000, or will sell bouse and part of lot for $3, 500; easy terms. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. felO-77-MWThssu I7IOR SALE-CALL FOR ILLUSTRATED PL AN of lots on the boulevards: the finest lots in the East End, fronting the parks and circles, with 90-foot paved streets, flagstone sidewalks, com plete sewerage 6ystem; close to station, surround ed by fine residences ana at remarkably low prices; terms, only $500 cash, balance to suit buyer: come early, get the pick of lots and ground floor prices. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave fe4-13-MWF Farms. FOR SALE-A GOOD FARM OF 125 ACRES 14 miles from the city at $45 per acre. C. BER INGER 4 SON.-103 Fourth ave felS-3S-ws FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A SMALL FARM of 16 acres on Perrysvllle roadat$L500. C. BEK1NGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth aye. fel3-38-ws FOR SALE-FARM OF 80 ACRES INMIFFL1N township, 1 mile from Homestead and Du quesne: good buildings, orchards, etc Inquire ot C.A. O'BRIEN, attorney, 402 Grant st. ja26-82-WS T7OH SALE-CHEAP OR WILL TRAT1F. Ifonr JD city property-23 acres, house of 5 rooms.! J vard: will also sell stock And tmnlements- thi' farra Is oneinil6 from station. Address CHARLES' wflwiiyi, obuvjja x wry jr. v., Aiiegneny- co Pa. fe8-3J--?ren FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr liOt EOKSALE-LOTS-ON THE EASY PAYMENT plan; as low as $5 per mo. taken; some on Wv lle ave some on Wick St., some on Mt. Washing ton, others in Twenty-seventh ward, Sonthside J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. felO-126 FOR SALE-(99)-CKAIG ST. LOTS, NEAR Filth ave.. ?65 per front foot, 50x142 reet to alley, facing east: very desirable: street is sewered and craded midway between Fifth ave. and proposed Center ave. cable lines: enhance ment certain: terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK & uu., i Fourth ave ieiu-rawir Hazelwood Lots. FOR SALE FINE BUILDING LOTS AT HA ZELWOOD, B. & O. R. B., Twenty-third ward; trains run to station In 10 to 12 minutes; Srice 1150 to S300; terms made to suit purchasers. . McCHICKArT, new No. 1010 Penn avenue. no4-h9-ws Allegheny Lots. FOR 8ALE-LOTS-S340 MORRISON AVE., -Allegheny; $1,000 Klrkpatrick ave.. Alle gheny; $2,300 Avery st., near East Park: onyour own terms. W. W. McNEILL&BBO.. 162 Fourth ave. fe8-74 Mnnnfactnrlns; Sites. FOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE OVER 100 FEET fronting on Riveravenue by 215 feet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue fe6-49-D FOR SALE TO MANUFACTURERS, SPECU LATORS or any who may want for 60 days at $500 per acre from 16 to 20 acres of land lying in the borough of Parnassus, fronting both the Alle gheny Valley Railroad and the river; also from 10 to 12 acres fronting the river for $400 per acre; gas main within 30 feet of this property. Inquire of or address STEPHEN YOUNG, Parnassus post office: fel2-ll-w. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-EAST END BUH.DING LOTS, OF all kinds. Call or send for printed list, free. Just issued. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe6-55-jrwF FOR SALE-SMALL DWELLINGS, SOME ON easy payments: call or send for new printed list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS 80 Fourth avenue. fe6-55-MWF FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE FOR IMPROVED city or suburban property-cheap If disposed of at once-very desirable Kansas land. W. A. HERRON bONS, 80 Fourth avenue fe3-53-13,16,19.23,27 FOB SALE-LOTS CHEAP AND ON EASY terms, on good streets, in Seventeenth and eighteenth wards. Call or send for new printed list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave, fel3-51 FOR SALE-EAST END-SEVERAL VALUA ABLE houses and vacant lots, near cable road. Also. FOR SALE-OSBORNE-One house and about 4 acres ground; will be sold for $4,500; owner going West. Also, houses and vacant lots on reasonable terms. Also, SALE EMSWORTH Fine Queen Anne frame house and vacant lots. Also, SALE-PITTSBURG-On Reed street, 4 FOE FOE irame houses; must be sold soon. Also. FOR SALE-LAWRENCEVILLE-Lots on For tieth and FISk streets; house on Harrison street. Also, FOB SALE-BELLEVUE-Houses and vacant lots on long time. Also, BELLEVUE-FINE QUEEN ANNE HOUSE, lot 50x150; vestibule and reception hall, 6 rooms and finished attic complete in de tails: $4,000, terms to suit. Also, several good houses and vacant lots. Also, FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY CITY Eleventh ward, 22 lots on easy terms. Also, FOR SALE-WILKINSBUKG-5 small houses and one large Queen Anne residence Just completed. Also, FOR SALE-NEAR HERRON HILL-One piece of ground 72x100, one square from new cable road. Also. FOB SALE-MT. WASHINGTON-ONE lot on Kearsarge, near Grace st. ; ?700Llong time; lot 25x128. Also; 30 VACANT LOTS on Carey and Spring streets. Also. FORSALE-NEARLAUGHLIN STATION-Flne Queen Anne frame house, 9 rooms and cot tape, of 5 rooms, 2 acres of ground, splendid order, fine fruit, good neighborhood, fine residences surroundlng,-lot about 2 acres; will be sold at reasonable price and time. Also, FOR SALE-HOMESTEAD-10 frame houses In convenient location; will be sold all to- S ether at low figure 'f bought before larch I. Call on J. DEKMITT, 407 Grant street, f 613-32-1118 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-A GOOD PAYING BAKERY AND confectionery in good location; good reason for selling. Apply atoKI GRANT ST. fel3-22 EORSALE-BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, with good stock ofgroceries. etc.. on South elde: $4,600 for all. C. BESINGER & SON. 103 Fourth ave. felS-ss-ws FOR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A manufacturing business which is paying a large profit. Full particulars from ALEXANDER & LEE. No. 313 Wood St. ' fel2-41 FOR SALE SMALL GROCERY STORE IN the city doing a good cash business, stock and fixtures worth about $300; low rent. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fel2-66 FOR SALE-A FINE GROCERY BUSINESS IN a town 7,000 to8. 900 inhabitants, doing a bnsl nesaof fl,700 to ?l,80CVper month: reasons for sell ing, business Interests in the West. Address J. W. H., Dispatch office. felS-12-WFSu. EOR SALE-HARDWARE AND PLUMBING business in large manufacturing town near tsburg; good trade, clean stock, little compe tition and making money. Address SHOVEL & bPAUE, Dispatch office. felO-105-WThS8u FOR SALE A GOOD DRUGSTORE IN A RAP IDLY growing manufacturing town on line of railroad; population over 3,000 and Increasing; a splendid opening. JAS. w. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pfttshurg. felO-4S-JfwTS FOR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A woolen mill and broom factory in one of the best towns in Western Pennsylvania: the only business of the kind in county: fully equipped and doing well. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. felO-43-MWF8 FOR SALE-CHEAP-GARNIER DRESSMAK ING school and dressmaking emporium, with use and privilege of teaching said system and right to manufacture and sell Garnier's system of dressmaking, cutting and teaching. Apply to 204 AND 206 WOOD ST. fel3-26 FOR SALE-WISHING TO RETIRE, I OFFER my old established business stand (with or without stock): doing 820, 000 annually; store, ware house, dwelling and stable: 3 hours from Pitts burg, on C. & P. R. R., general store Kensington, Col. Co., O. C. E. RICHARDS. fel3-30-EOD FOR SALE-bTORES, STORES, STORES; drag, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc.; 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SHEPAHD & CO., 54 Fifth ave. 1a30 T710R SALE-A CUSTOM SHIRT BUSINESS, X) Including patterns: complete system, with full instructions in art of cutting; linen, muslin, and good will; buyer can make $2,000 per year; present owner is in other business, which takes all his time; price $600. Address S., P. O. Box 267, city. fe9-71 FOR SALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A LARGE and successful general store In a manufactur ing town on line o( railroad; last year's business $70,000; mostly cash! a rare opening to an accept able man: III health the only reason for selling. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pitts burg. felO-44-WFS FOR SALE-A GENERAL COUNTRY STORE, In one of the best small towns In the State on lne of three railroads, and the best 'and oldest stand in the town; a rare opening; business pay ing well; sales nearly $3,000 a month, mostly for cash; satisfactory reasons for selling. Particu lars ftom JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fe9-5G-Mws FOR SALE - THE CHAUTAUQUA HOTEL property, with complete outfit and entire furnishment. head of Lake Chautauqua, May ville, N. Y., at railroad station; 53 bedrooms, par lors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables, commodious Kitchen, cloak rooms, hirber shop, office and barroom; also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms, adjoining hotel, icehouse and cooling room; large barn, for livery purposes and all necessary outbuildings: over 4 acres of ground tastefully laid out with orna mental and shade trees, spacious lawn, etc., etc. ; everything Is in perfect order and In condition to continue the business In its usual prosperous state; the most profitable hotel stand on the lake; a rare chance for the right man; can be bought at an Immense bargain ; satisfactory reasons for sell ing. Fuller particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fe9-3C-MWB Business Stands. s FORSALD-THENORTHSIDE GRAIN ELE VATOR and warehouse In the rear, with track connections, together with a finely-established and paying business In grain, flour, feed, hay, etc.. etc.: said elevator contains two fast running French burrs, chopping mills together with all modern appliances for handling grain cheaply and quickly; bin capacity 50. OOu bu.;sold on easy terms; 111 health reason for selling. JOHN P. DEAN, cor. Irwin and North ave., Allegheny. fe7-88 FOR SAL'E-HOTEL-THE BELMONT SUM MER resort and furniture with or 36 acres land: old trees, shrubbery, etc, at Ebensburg. Cambria county. Pa. : 9 miles from Cresson, on branch railroad; nice drives: churches, stores; best of schools: telegraph, telephone Postofllce all near; also 15 acres land' aud 17-room house: fruit trees; 4 springs; at Loretto, 4K miles from Cresson, Pa.; all good resorts were tilled last year with people mostly from Pittsburg: be sold at bar gain if sold by March 1: license $75 per year. WM. W. IVORY, real estate office J. J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth avenue. fel2-40 FOUND. FOUND-THE TRUTH! WE SUFFERED untold agonies! Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon Remedies cured us when all other means filled, and they will cure you: try them: Mrs. G. C. Fink, Foxburg, Pa.;) Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes St.; Thos. Keefe Mt. Washington; D. W. James, B. 4 O. R. R., city, and thousands of' others; see testimonials.- GRIFFITH'S DRUG STORE, Third and Grant. Pittsburg; Ta-va-zon L. C. Syrup, the best for coughs, colds, etc.-fel3-65 " FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. See. FOR SALE A HANDSOME COUPE-LATEST style, nearly new, will he sold cheap for want or use; can be seen at JACKMAN 4 SON'S, 536 Penn avenue Pittsburg. fe!3-10 Machinery and ltTetals. FOR 8ALE-SECOND-HAi(D ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. ja3-92-MWF FOR SALE-28X4S CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation: price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-MWi' T7AOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: JO one 74xl2-lnch double engine, double drum; others down to 4xS-lnch. with single or double friction drums: wire and manlla rope centrifugal pumps, etc. THOMAS.CARLIN'S SONS, corner Lacock and Sandnsky sts.. Allegheny. ial7-MWF TO LET. Cirr Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS, ON PENN avenue nearNlnth street. Inquire of Dr.S. K. LAKE, 906 Penn ave., between 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. fel3-49 T O LET-NO. 68 SIXTH AVENUE AN ELE- (AT InrorR honsp af It rnnms all in first' class order. : -jc -. ;..:;..:r. ...... . W. A.. .tLEKUUN a;buas,60 .ronrin fel3-52-WTbS avenue. TO LET-BRICK HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, HALL, bath, both gases; 428 Webster ave., corner Trent St.. near Penn Incline and Centcrave. cars. W. J. PRENTICE, 1009 Liberty st. felS-29 TO LET-FORTY-FIFTH ST. SEVENTEENTH ward, brck, 6 rooms, attie hall, natural gas, etc., $25 per mo.; Forty-fifth St.. brick. 5 rooms, attic etc.. $18 per mo. ; Main St., Seven teenth ward, brick. 5 rooms, attic etc., $16 per mo.; other small dwellings at low rents: call at our office: list changes dally. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Bntler sts. feS-91-MWS j Enst End Residences, mo -LET AT OAKLAND-FREE TO APRIL L I 1839. a good brick house, 8 rooms, late Im provements, stable: rent after April $31 25 per month, W, A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave- nue, fel3-52-WThS TO LET-HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS, LATE IM PROVEMENTS, 1 acre or ground, stable carriage house, fronts on Margaretta St., near Hl land ave., and near steam and cable cars; $600 per year. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue fel3-52--Hrrhs Alleeheny Residences, nno LET-NO. 107 FAYETTE ST.. ALLEGHE- i NY 8 rooms, late improvements, siuo per year. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave- nue. lei-itt-WTns TO LET-NO. 92 AVERY ST., ALLEGnENl, 8 rooms, late Improvements: possession can be had at once if desired. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. feI3-51 TO LET-COR. ALLEGHENY AND WEST ERN avenue Allegheny, a very desirable residence w rooms, late improvements, siaoie, etc W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel2-92-TWF TO LET-ON THE ELECTRIC CAR ROAD, Perrysvllle avenue 12-room house with two acres ground, $GO0: 8-room house with lot 50x100, $300. A. LEGGATE 4 SON, 3t Federal St., Alle gheny. fel3-64 TO LET-HOUSES 403 AND 403 FEDERAL ST extension, 5 rooms, all modern convenience; also; store rooms and dwellings 160 and 164 Penna. avenue Allegheny. Inqulreof J. R. JlcKEE, 708 Penn ave, Penn Building, room 611 Ia31-T3-JIWF TO LET-FOUR NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSES with bath, w. e, natural gas, etc: on line of electric road, Perrysvllle avp., Allegheny; also store and dwelling 55 Chestnut st., Allegheny. Inquire of J. A. MCKEE, 708 Penh ave . Penn building, room 611. ja3'-73-jrwr TO LET-TWO 2-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS on Sheffield st. ; containing 8 and 12 rooms each, finished in the latest style and hav e every modern convenience, with or without stables and carriage houses. Applv td J. L. ARNOLD, No. 109 Shef field st., or A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Alle gheny. Jal9-86-ws Farms, TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue: good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent $500. STRAUB 4 SlORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third av., Pittsburg: jal5-39 TO LET OR FOR SALE-150-ACRE FARM. S minutes' walk from town of Manor, on Penna. R. R., Westmoreland co. : 15 acres timber, balance cleared; house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCHEON. 104 Fourth ave. jatf-SO-jrwr Apartments. TO LET-DOUBLE PARLORS. SUITABLE for doctor, furnished or unfurnished: also, second story front room. 131 WYLIE AVE. fel3-20 OfUces, Desk F.oom, fcc. TO LET-DESK ROOM ON SECOND. FLOOR of Penn building; rent, $5 to $3 per month. .Inquire ROOM 201, Penn Bhlldlng. fe!3-15 TO LET (99) OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms in best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal6-28-D triO LET-OFFICE AND WAREROOM ON SEC JL OND floor: rent low to desirable tenant. Call atDENLINGERBEOS., 804 Duqucsne way, near Eighth st. fel3-19-wp TO LET-FRONT OFFICES IN BUILDING corner Water street and Cherry alley: rent low. D. W. O. BID WELL 4 CO., corner Water street and Cherry alley. ja30-28 TO LET-FREE RENT TO APRIL 1. 18S9 Offices, cor. Fifth avenue and Wood street; Sood light and Crane elevator. SAMUEL W. LACK4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja29-S6-D TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld. Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in the Garrison buildings, cor. Ubod and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood' street. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st, Jal8-51 rpO LET NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. JL The Germanla bavlngs Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior of its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BaNK. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-ROOM 25x60, WITH GOOD POWER. Inquire 2600 SMALLMAN ST., city. fel2-46 mO LET-BUSINESS STAND-GOOD LOCA- X HON. Inquire at 619 SMITHFIELD ST. fel3-!l TO LET-SANDSTONE QUARRY AT MET CALF station, A. V. R. R., known as "City Suarry;" also 150 acres of coal to lease or sell; lirments by river or rail. For particulars call on or address D. COLL, BurrellJr. O., Pa. feS-67 TO LET-SPACE, WITH STEAM POWER and heating: 2,000 square feet on each first and second floors; brlok building, corner West Diamond and Erie streets, Allegheny; splendid light and good office; would give long lease to gooa tenant. Appiy on premises to .runa s. ti ilOYD. fel2-71-IWF TO LET-BRICK STORE. WITH DWELLING. No. 1806 Main St.. bharpsburg; containing storeroom, with shelving: 5 rooms, attic ball, cellar, etc.; good place for drug store grocery, etc Inquire at SALLADE 4 DAVIS', No. 1004 Main st Slurpstmrg, or GEO. KENNGOTT, Shaler twp, Etna P. 0. felO-33-nwr TO LET-FOUR LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 square reet), lor heavy or light manufacturing. In building know as the Cbas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of SIR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-Jtws TO LET -$700 PER YEAR. BUTLER ST., Seventeenth ward, large storeroom, 5 dwell ing rooms, counters and shelving; location lery good forany retail business; $1 per year. Forty fifth and Plunimer sts., storeroom, 9 dwelling rooms, counters and shelving. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butiersts. fe8-91-MWS TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House at Perrysvllle on the Perrysvllle plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thing In flrst-class order; long lease is given to the right party. For fnrther Information call or ad dress THEDAN NEBJUEDICIN E CO., st.. Allegheny City. fal-15 Special. mO LET-BUSINESS HOUSES AND DWELL. JL INGS on the line of Penna. ave. and Butler st. cable cars, see M. v. st. HOWLEY, 3319 Butler lea-ss TO LET-BY BLACK 4 BAIRD 95 FOURTH avenue, dwellings, stores and offices in Pitts burg, Allegheny, Oakland, East End, boutbslde and in all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are issued every Wednesday and Saturday of each week. For revised copies of these lists call upon any of the following named: C. F. Noure No. 190 Center ave. J. 31. Blackburn, No. 388 Fl til ave. J. P. Urbeu. Franklin and Fulton sts. Emil G. btucky 4 Co., Wylle ave. and Ful ton st. A. H. Wilson, Penn and Franlstown ave. George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont st. Jacob Spohn. No. 2 Carson st. M. BlackbuVn, No. 3343 Penn ave. Peter Walter, Jr., No. 61 Chestnut st. Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Carson St. E. Holden 4 Co.. 63 Federal st. J. F. Caldwell, Manhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis H. Vogel, Webster ave. cor. Roberts st. Ja26-64-ws PERSONAL. PERSONAL-FINE BOOKS-PICTURESQUE Amerlca.-Picturesque Europe, Picturesque Palestine Art Treasures ot Germany and 30.000 more books in all departments of literature. LEVI'S BOOK bTORE. Seventh Ave. Hotel Building. , fcl PERSONAL-YOU WILL BEA LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive so be up and make the best of It; sec that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing; give him a trial. Telephone 1558. J3 REWARDS. KEWARD-$500-THE FOLLOWING RESOLU TION was passed by the Br.rough Council of Wilkinsburg, at a special meeting held Tuesday evening. February 11, 1889. Resolved, That Council appropriate the sum or $500 as a reward to be paid . to the person fur nishing information which shall lead totheap prenenslon and conviction of the person or per sons who feloniously shot L. K. St. Clair in bis storeroom on the night or February it, 1389. C". W. SMITH, Burgess; B. W. BEATTY, Secretary. fe!3-6t LOST. LOST-D()G-$5 REWARD FOR RETURN OF large black Newfoundland dog. lost at cor. Penn ave. and Sixth St.. Pittsburg. Saturday night, to 40 ARCH ST.. Allegheny. . fel3-44 NOTICES. CouuTT Commissioners' Office, 7 Pittsbcbo, February 6, 18S9. J THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL bold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to wit: Wednesday, February 13, Fourth, Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth wards, Pittsburg. Thursday, February 14, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Eleventh wards. Pittsburg. Friday, February 15, Nineteenth. Twenty first and Twenty-second wards. Pittsburg. Saturday, February 16, Twenty-third ward, Pittsburg, and Second ward, Alleeheny. Monday, February le Ross, South Versailles, Indiana. Springdale and East Deer townships. Thursday, February 2L Thirteenth, Four teenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners, K. E. MERCER, GEO. Y McKEE. DANIEL MCWILLIAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. fe7-19 PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Office of Will H. Geigos, City Clerk, 1 East Livespool, 0 January 24, 1889. 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED PKOPOSALS will be received by the City Clerk of the City of East Liverpool. Ohio, at his office nntil 12 o'clock, noon, of the Day of MarcH A, D. 18 'i for improving Market street from the north side of Sixth street to the north side of Fifth street, by paving the same with tireclaypaving Drick, according to the specifications now on file at the office of John A. George, civil engi neer. The bids may be for either work or ma terial, or for both; if fqr both, each mnst be separately stated. Each bid to be guaranteed according to law. Bidder to furnish samples of brick to 0a used, also to use the printed forms, which will be furnished on application. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Council, f elO-100 WILLH. GRIGGS. City Clerk. MEETINGS. JR. O. U. A. M.-THE MEMBERS OF Lawrence Council No. 61 are requested to meet at their hall. 3310 Butler street, on WEDNESDAY at 2 o'clock P. jr., sharp, to at tend the funeral of our late brother, Jacob G. Fore. Members of sister councils are invited to attend. By order of WM.ST1ERN, R.Sec CH. ACTISON. Councillor. feIZM THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Republicans of the Fourteenth ward, THDR5DAY EVENING, FEBRUARY M, at 730 o'clock, at Soho Schoolhouse to nom inate candidates for Councils and ward officers. Call ordered by the ward members City Com mittee fe!2-2 AUCTION SALES. ADJOURNED ASSIGNEE'S SALE-FRIDAY, February 15, at 10 A. Jr., will be sold at public auction, on the premises, corner of Carson and Eighteenth streets. Twenty sixth ward, Pittsburg, the Fanners and Me chanics' Bank building, and lot 40x120 feet, either as a whole or in two or three parts. Also, on tbe same day, at 2 P. x., on the premises. Maple street. Twenty-seventh ward, will be offered for sale nine building lots in the plan of the aforesaid bank, adjoining the school yard and grounds of St. Michael's Church. I. H. SORG, H. I. BERG, JR., L. S. CUNNINGHAM, felQ-63 Assignees. ELECTIONS. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON"! Railroad Company, I General Office, Cakson street, f Southside. Pittsburg. February 4. 18S9.J ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of this company will be held at this office on TUESDAY, February 19, 1889, between the hours of 2 and 4 P. jr. for the purpose of electing a President and ten directors, to serve during the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before them. E. J. REAMER. Secretary and Treasurer. fe3-14-D LEGAL NOTICES. auditor's office, Muskingum County. Zakesvuxe. O., February 6. 1889. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT LN is the intention of the County Commission ers of Muskingum county, O., to construct three highway bridges across the Muskingum river in said countv; one near the mouth of Brnsh creek, one at the foot of Underwood street. Zanesville. and one near the mouth of Symmes creek. By order of the Commission ers. J. A. KNIGHT, Auditor and Clerk to Commissioners. ie8-90-D To LET- ONLY THREE of the large rooms suitable for office or general business purposes, in. the new DISPATCH building on Dia mond street, now remain unrented. THOSE WHO WISH the most central sit uation in the city, with the conveniences of passenger and freight elevator service, electric light and steam-heating, should ap ply at once to the new DISPATCH BUILDING, Nos. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on the fourth floor of the Renshaw Building will be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A, RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets. Ie6-8-D SPECIAL SALE. For 10 days only. No. 26S Locust st. Alleghe ny, an elegant 3-story brick dwelling; contains 9 rooms, attic, large dryinc room, laundry, pan tries, closets, heater, etc I The house built back from tbe street, with front and side yard and porch, good brick sta ble and carriage house; lot 48x130 ft. The owner having removed from tbe city, will give you a bargain. Call at' office for ad mission card. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st. Allegheny. 1 elZ-55-ws SPECIAL SALE ! A rare chance to secure a complete home. The property of the late H. C. Dickinson, on corner of Locust and Bidwell sts., Allegheny, is now offered; for a short time only. House has 10 rooms and all modern improvements. For full particulars and card of admission call on A. D. WILSON. fel3-7-WFS 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 63 East Diamond street je5-n57-TT3 Allegheny, Pa. p A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-nG0-TT3 THE WINDSOR REOPENED FEBRUARY L 1889. Extensive alterations have been completed. Hot and cold sea-water baths attached. Every room heated bv steam. G. WATERS. WM. E. COCHRAN.Chlef Clerk. feol-TTSSU Walteb J. Osborne. Richard harrows. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 8U y e2-kfi8-Trssu AMUSEMENTS. EXTRA. " ' -" BRAND DPERA. HDOBE" E.D.W1LT Lessee and Manager.. "THEY LIKE IT SO MUCH." THE ENTIRE PITTSBURG PRESS PRAISE CDRA TANNER, "FASCINATION." '.' READ THE PRESS NOTICES " ; -OF- CORA TANNER, "FASCINATION," EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. WITH MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Opinions of the Press: THE DISPATCH. "Miss Cora Tanner played the heroine. Lady Madge Slashton, and as a man, Charles Mar lowe. In giving f nil sweetness to her womanly side of the character and a pert, boyish impet uosity to the masquerade in man's garments Miss Tanner was successful. The scenes in tba play are set with a magnificence that is sel dom seen outside of New York. Taken as a whble, 'Fascination' is worth seeing twice, or even thrice." THE POST. "Whon one leaves a theater after, a perform ance with the satisfaction of knowing that ha has enjoyed the acting of a first-class company, he is usually content. This applies to the en tertainment at the Opera House, where 'Fas cination was presented by Cora Tanner last night. It Is a strong, capable, well-trained and intelligent organization, and we have no hesi tation in saying that its dramatic work as & whole and its scenic effects have been equaled, by few and surpassed by none in Pittsburg this season." "THE TIMES. " 'Fascination' sustains its title. Cora Tan-' nerasLady Madge Slashton and Charles Mar lowe made a decided hit. She has a good corn pany and fine scenery." COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. " "Miss Cora Tanner was greeted by a large and appreciative audience at the Opera House. Her play 'Fascination' is a new and bright English comedy drama. Miss Tanner, who has good looks, good figure and good manners, is very pleasing in the leading role. The com pany, which is quite large, is composed of peo ple above tbe average quality. The scenery is . excellent, and the staging throughout is very fine." CHRONICLE TELGRAPH. "It gives one an unparalleled satisfaction to be able to record the production of a new play in a manner utterly surprising in tbe fact that the minutest detail has beengiven thought and care. Just such a play is 'Fascination.' Miss Cra Tanner as Lady Madge Slashton and her other self, the gay young Charles Marlowe, la cantivating and sweet." LEADER. "The play of 'Fascination,' with Cora Tanner as the star, is the best seen here lor years. Tho scenery and settings have rarely, if ever, been excelled. Miss Tanner dresses handsomely and acts superbly. fel38 - BIJDU&- -GNEXT WEEK- ENGAGEMENT OF RUDOLPH ARONSON',S- ORIGLNAL NEW YORK CASINO - COMIC OPERA COMPANY, ". Including all the favorites: Pauline HalL Marie Jansen, Jennie Weathersby, Francis. Wilson, Charles Flunkett, George OlmLBarry MacDonough, etc. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and 'Wednes day Matinee, "NADJY" Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Saturday Matinee, "ERMINIE." - . - Presented with elaborate scenery, costumes and appointment3.'augmented orchestra and a GRAND CHORUS OF 60 VOICES. SCALE OF PRICES: Parquet and first four rows in Circle 1 1 0 Parquet Circle 1 00 Balcony. ,.81, 75 and 50 cents Gallery .25 cents. Lower boxes $12 00 Upper boxes 8 00 Advance Sale opens Thursday at 9 A. if. fel3 GRAHD Soxfsi -"The Wife"' NEXT WEEK, THE GREAT-SUCCESS OF THE LYCEUM THEATER, NEW YORK, Under direction of Mr. DANIEL FROHMAN. "THE WIFE." "THE WIFE.' "THE WIFE." "THE WIFE." "THE WIFE." "THE WIFE." Belasco and De Mille'a fa mous four-act comedy, in cluding an excellent cas.t, and all the scenery from the origV nal models, with great per f ection of detail. Sale of seats opens at box office Thnrsday morning. felJ B IJOU THEATER- To-dav at 2 o'clock. "THE STILL ALARM." $ext week The Casino Opera Co. t el2-30 TT ARRIS THEATER- Every afternoon and evening, "A BUNCH OF KEYS." Next week The Nelsons. f ell-10 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every evening; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday. CORA TANNER in Robert Bu chanan's successful new play.FASCINATION. Week Feb. ISth the great Lyceum Theater sue . cess, "The Wife." felO-7 JjARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. HYDE'S BIG SPECIALTY COMPANY. lelW CASINO MUSEUM Week of February 11: '' The Glee-on Children. Bertha and Johnnie; Gen. C. R. Decker, Val Vino. Bessie Searle -and others. Admission 10c Open from 10 A. jl to 10 p.m. fell-13 "VTATIONAL SWEDISH LADIES' CON ii CERT at Old Citv Hall. Tnesday. February 19. Eight Beautiful Young Ladies from tha Royal Opera of Stockholm. Sweden. Reserved seats 75 and 50 cents, at KLEBER'S MUSIO STUrlB. leI3-S t DIVIDENDS. . 1, The Westeighouse Electbic Co.r? Pittsburg. Pa., February 12, 1S89. $ DIVIDEND NO. 4-THE BOARD 'OF DI RECTORS of this company have this day declared a dividend of ONE AND QNE-HALF PER CENT (1J1 out or the earnings' for tha quarter ending December 31, 1SS3, payable on -the 25th inst Transfer books will be closed from the loth inst to tbe 25th inst. both in clusive. Checks will be mailed to stockhold- ers. JOHN CALDWELL, Treasurer. . Iel3-iS RESORTS. . Atlantic City. THE ELDREDGE, NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenue, within three minutes walk; to depot or beach. Large cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E. J. ELDREDGE, Proprietress. fell-3- THE ISLESAVORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febra- . 7a 9. 1SS9. al372-MlVFSu BUCK & McCLELLAN., - HOT SPRINGS, N. O. ..- MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. Firsl-clais in every particular. Steam Hazf, Open Fires. Porches inclosed in glass, Soperb Location. Ideal Climate for the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools, Finest in America Waters unexcelled anywhere ig curative power or luxury. G. K, LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. Jal58-D r EO. H. BARBOUR. VT CIVH, ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Desigserof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Buildinr. del2-kea-D U FIFTH AVENUE, Pittalrarfr 4 i J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers