June 14, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Seven Neff's Mills Is— | Use More Fresh Lice And Mites Are Laiig | “ wp (Continued Prom Page One) LINN’S HISTORY Oranges in Meals = ; Summer Poultry Pests theatre groups since their gradua- tion several years ago and while in| Oran p rl ’ // Lice | 14 ‘ USE T-4-1. FOR ST rsuTg, oh i ne (Continuing Penn Township) able revenue is deri iT eo Baidiedbe dive , rr 4 Batint a y ATHLETE'S FOOT A m P T¥ 0 \ } or 1RR1 x th h M INUaLl DAVE eV 4 g y ! 5 the Pinellas Plavers in that eity. Township Organization —In April, e offic for 1881 ar n Wilc I not sto ) a % d earl TT BECAUSE four of the leading players for the | 1844, sundry inhabitanat of Haine ) 4 summer productions Ty towns hip Jes sented to the court The “Brookside family” of ap- peut io he gps for a arden "ap 213 lan r 8nool for on ( proximately 20 members reside on : 1 towns Ap Same wo | mcorl ot Toi : A y en 8 Jutle ef p ' Chicken Pattie the scene in three large farm houses | veniently large erri or n ( ( only steps from the playhou tion was likewise made In one of the homes ining | MeV township might be NINE} of ‘a ‘bart of Hain room is being planned in which | 2 ® part of Hal : mile in width of Gres out itizer H \ tlage of Milihein ork ‘ 1 1 Na ve table nq 2 ‘ thie | 2 — ia ut y | presented an appli LiO! { ! VE | _ A " ¢ P " The court | the town incorporated as a borough. | yi, : nat \ ue | pat place theatre-goers will be able to ted “ 3 hy rabid {urs DFO Wt) bios Heed { ( § : i 3 ap nie 8 v 1 | ionel oil ‘ lh a 1 ha i : : ho { ey f 11 ¢ P ' secure their dinners prior to cur- | apo we) a mn i : \D tion Nov. 27. 1878 t the eb e 5 t { { 10 st ti ichae Si {Ter 1 HCRLION NOV. Ji, 1806, all i y for t kk} : ‘ ’ tain time. This dining room is to be hh Tpldabley Shia Habel "od sing I ' h nave 1876. the ¢ BL, ! od | ( { { ¢ who in Au | 101 I JANUAry 54 i nd flavor g ¥ » ' y y ole 14 f » | Willlam Smyth n under the supervision of Mary K.| iam Smyth Ji mT HOA ® “Gh tore ’ ¥ 1) v 0 th re endael i A decreed i } alin 1 r . Eberhardt, of the Towne House and | hii} t iE ac Volloars- Yeats orough i ceordance h the Cal 0 : esi ( CPI pe the t . Penn Koffee Shoppe in Huntingdo O50 owns UR a oe] petition. is noe Ted Vitam un er | ‘ n =a ! ; ; F K oppe Huntingdon, ning at the Mile wl in 1 ( on da 1 . ; ‘ t tig 0 inest will be opened in about two weeks | ; Tg r sibi ) : : | thence south ten degre ast 1h M ein I'he t 1 was laid t ' N ¢ according to present plans . A MNarciavab + he ide . " Sroigngielihy Tay ‘ : Operating nightly except Sunday, | Hes through the sel eme: Aono Bb Yue, UY, 1, wi, 1 1ragera ele the ‘ SILA GE “Claudia” will continue through continued about five mil farthe: Td eight a and 26 erche Orang¢ ( ‘ : , : Tuesday. June 19 p 1 to the Mifflin County line; thence { ti rederick berlin warrantee | t t he p { V } ‘ ‘ nesday, June 20 ntinuing by the sae y ¢ through June 30, will be “The perches 0 noth eT vere PA, Of he own er Er ge A Lamb Pattie Drunkard.” In all, t t ms | eit | ten m nile 10 Vhe AM : Bos nt i have been planned i | ship line; thence by popular hits “The Man Wh : | miles and 50 perche : eo To Dinner,” “Blythe B8pirit ec beginning Novembe senic and Old Lace” and “Ten the court confirmed the Indians.” named the new township “Claudia,” a comedy-drams y Coburn.—Coburn | Rose Franken, left little to be de- |l88¢ that has sprung int sired as presented by the eight | Since the completion members of the cast on opening burg, Centre and T night. An enthusiastic audience |*0d Is a station upon spurred the cast into bringing the 5 dae Tray Ne distributing pol: { 1 AGER ¥ Toate ¥ roblems of the Naughton family | Milihelm, Aaronsbur Woon tart 1} i eal Hn ms of the {to the late of Madisonburg, and Rebersburj It Bo ht { ; ne LAI vi el ' i . Goldenrod, Aster Host § each of the viewers named fn honor of James P. Co. Afar : | grated » larbequed Pattie For Pine Needle Rust The role of Claudia was plaved shiikadr a Te nA rtrtcr Cr Inde tRiet Tar. 1 win Lee Stevens the company's leading | . lady who comes from Boston. A graduate of the Leland Powers School of Drama he has partici ay Cn , Py ( f ‘ ated in numerous stage and radio! ... tows tal: the ¢ Sp ¢ ; Dk or in the Bay City are: pnts the bake : ey ; . N : af are $ - i HERE'S HELP FOR BUSY Mrs. Brown, Claudia’ er al ’ CY : p 1 i ‘ gn MARRS portrayed by Eleanor Just completed a s president of the Hunting Club. Dick Warren, t leading man pl: David Naughton. M: with Jim Kunkle wh lay role of Fritz, the hired hand n Vare MN Prankliin Kt x he fi ; from the St. Petersburg grou; tian TF TORIIAr Wars frais but decline nd pt. Kleckne June 24 “Jerry Seymoure” an English neigh- | roster far we I nt t John Jor \ : , Conlon bor, is played by Tony Bown former Penn State dramati dent “Madame arusch is playe xbads vortiasd 3 ve f ) the ere J by Margaret Musser of Yeagertown, '. “ d ded s : ‘ : J se Reig! { Sgt [ ; the compan: " . CT td i PLAINS A . ' v : . ¥ { | 34 Write ship winner, Who appears to NAVE seas tn 1 5 Reif ; rh : ' : Plenty of everviiing to ger where 00010 J. R- Reis HZ | died in 1879 ; | FRANKLIN W she's going fast Brick tier tive To “rh Th v ’ - y . julia, David's sister, is played | Soros wie Toad and. Buia) re : co hk Permate. | 5 strang : by Dorothy Chesney, a Neff's Mill tn 1 Ww 2nook The tof vw : f d MUSSER resident and teacher in the SLALe | sha ered wae . 7 ; et “es: ‘Hhwity ws ‘ a HS Cou College school ’ " y hy : Included in the pri mission are refreshments Mihi PHONE MILLHEIM 12R12 \ {1 Or \f A A ‘ ¢ P ¢ } , \ | | variable The theater i plot adjacent brook, looms as those hot summer evenings Until 3 : that time arrives, however, a word DS ! d SA Je TO 7 T ¥ to the wise would include ig : FA HER 5 DAY gestion for a topco TOBACCOS Prince Albert ....... : GIFTS . Velvet .e : Half & Half . . .n 3 v Old Spice Shaving Lotion 1.30 . Granger . TORRE a eT Ti : Old Spice Shaving Mug 1.00 Ro Bre Ri 'Wh i Le : Schick 20 Elect. Shaver 24.50 Raleigh Q¢ ‘ ~ : : , al ND \) Schick Colonel Elect. Shaver 17.50 z A JUNE 17th Shaving Brushes 1.00 to 5.00 All Popular Brands _ue Vol 3 : & Gillette Aristocrat Razor 3.79 CIGARETTES Carton Ls / =~ . i Seaforth Shaving Lotion : 1.00 Seaforth Groom Stick 1.00 COME IN CIGARS : es He's RING FOR A DAY—4a let's help Dad cele- Yardley's Shaving Bowl 1.25 rate the REIGN OF HIS KINGDOM with all the 4 » . : + - hh Tr: + 4 Ny Shi r 1 9; Let us show you the NEW 50 King Edward asm Le uirriees and vieasures he Haserves. (WH Yardle, 3 Shaving J otion Lon 50 White Owls Nn di ¢ together & wonderful group of gf \ Shaving Lotion 1.00 consider before buying his Spruce ng Westinghouse 50 El Producto Bouquet e : is A yh ain] a 50 Phillies Spier Op assis unas \ arte 5 perfect zit Ind LAUNDROMAT SHERI <r edie A fos 24 tar Ia OLD SPICE 00 AUTOMATIC WASHIR 50 Reio .. ': dg ® a : : : it } Father's Day June 17th SHAVING LOTION 1 & D1 - with the exclusive 25 Bolds . .. WEIGH ro- SAVE voor DETECTO SAVE SE | PT. 1.25 ABSORBINE JR. 76¢ | 0Z. Greenwich House | BATH ROOM | oN SANITARY PROTECTION | ayunepa) ISAPROPYL ALCOHOL pt. 14c TUBE NEW! Gillette JUMBO PIPE Soaks on 1.25 HADACOL 1.19 ne | EE — SPECIAL $H95 : ispenser has Ofc 1 ¢ OINT. USED-BLADE POLAROID tox o 4 9 (Gillette) ¢ |For arene [1 GAL SUN GLASSES $749 CTA tte] 14° ||". =| PICNIC JUG bt Jo fe to $298 Box of 40 DOANS 2 PT | A : AE ACTUALLY WEIGHS CLOTHES ay PILLS Assures soap ond woler savings | hw $139 In Goes Used Blade $ 49 PLASTIC a FREE! FREE! | wmon [F720 2 eee wins Seve GARMENT BAG | “ovat * *%% * = 63° 1951 FORD SEDAN HAZEL S. ¢ PAPER size on the Weigh-io-Save Hoa 3. Gremventa 100 ASPIRIN a Ask Us for etuiie 17° PICNIC CUPS mn YoU SAVE | 98¢ il | CITRATE shows on the Indicator — | OF \ ) Ye | 2% “small”, medium’, reguipr’’, | 0 - ’ : h You are'saro of masimunf say Your “"Best Blade Buy'’ is Better than Ever! § A dl , For BABY’S BATH ne 4 MAGNESIA Hr -. : SERUTA d N ... BABY OIL 12¢ — " (a ofter every dicper change. Ie “es Lo Helps prevent urine : : : ai a } y irritation, 49¢ A 89¢ T FE RK M S ia { z 2 i , - si This extremely fine quality N= R= vowder soothes and helps mst you WEIGH Door. See at a glance the load With Zipper 3 il Si tel (10¢ . 15¢ Set Water Saver to load size you cAN 88 SURE ..ir 17s PA ik "o.Low pa Westinghouse GROUND IRIScrOR BLADES | IRN hr E A S Y | we ™ gs : «+. BABY POWDER ples tax preven! chof BL bilo 4 re” & cup EFFRIES i Compare the Price] [5 VAY i | [ral oo aL RNSTURE Sa | Compare the Shaves! ANd oY 3 NRE) JGHEST QUALI TY J [ME == ofisons BABY PRODUCTS “Drive . ry Open a SA a ate, BAN JENTRE HALL PHONE 33 u : —
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