Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. t had |50 YEARS AGO: | 117 Centre— Page One) a weak, | ’ veritable i From 1 Ke per ecut able ( Damsel in Distress Gets ‘Berthplace 1 Mixed Up; Plasters Wrong Gentleman Christ wise economic ’ Philip | husbandry BS ma home Lemont animal | thode Weaver Linden ma das | » Ler Millhe Ell IL. Orvi BS Board ol 1 Paul | almost unbelie | finally arrived nh Sufferin Ions « ”" 11 ye rueity i Rome, in cl education ter f art Hall of edu im--Harl engineering A member of Church. who attended Des Moin Inst Friday per the local Lutheran John J Lutheran | legal busines in Jowa, re ana ALlen Bower, Esq Clearfield ¢ JACK Lhe 4 11101 THE SPREAD THE GOSPEI] that the ght nll 1 fad y of | starved oned frozen \ Irn and three | wrecked ] FO nd in 14 who a Ror I wa to | ! Hteresting Incident brou SVYnoad at OF here related following in heart ed elected at Penn civil Lie that isteners Nnewshd believers the occurred or International Sunday School Lesson tate last for June 17, 1951 John Memory my wit and and Select Ye Lesson Text 28: Acts | 8: 15-16, 30-31 The wore tion are the Jesus Christ after speakir up” int no more REDUCE 3 WITHOUT DIETING / oh 4 y erm i - Cr Lo ‘ Is y Comma arry » [3 15 ") imbued high”, the gether mother this promi day ag 'ARRISH DRUG STORE ~1 Ap 1% N. Allegheny hl Bellefonte, Pa they Spirit Sy the Small Flectric Appliances VOSS KELVINATOR GIFTS - TOYS - A PHILCO, PATENTS "Sanitation Gives Best Fly Control — Fountain Service — BENDIX, IRONRITE, MELROY'S Pleasant Gap, Pa. H \ — WM. B. RANKIN AGENCY MARY M. RANKIN, Agent COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Crider’'s Exchange Buflding Bellefonte, Pa. | ———————— REPRESENTING The Martin Steel Products Corp. “Pioneers in the Design and Fabrication of METAL Buildings EXCLUSIVELY for the Farm” HAYMAKERS — SILOS — DAIRY BARNS CORN CRIBS — GRAIN BINS 20 YEARS AGO: Sixteen Centre Countians Organize Naval Reserve Unit in Bellefonte Badger: Barn Cleaners and Barn Ventilating Fans For further information and prices, call or see FRANKLIN MUSSER 22 hres weeks. | 0p ended Centr , MILLS, PA PHONE MILLHEIM 1ZRI12 Attention Farmers! SPOUTING... TIN WORK OF ALL KINDS New Roofs — Old Roofs Repaired Roofs Painted — Church Steeples Repaired SPRING RAIFES REASONABLY WOEK GUARANTEED Estimates Giver ou Musi Be Satis PAUL HELLER LAMAR, PENNA ed Phone Mill Hall Ex THE DAVID J. JEFFRIES FUNERAL HOME CENTRE HALL 4 - | I | | | I I 1 : | | | | | | | | | | | | i Mrs. C. A. Kettl telis us she f { DOES HER FOOD-SHOPPING ONCE A MONTH “The Country Funcral Home Serving You In Time of Need” Lady Attendant Phone 37 \ — —— — . — —— . 7 RN ROR ——— —————————————————————— Wr rs az : // 7 77 nm, min | ! = y } Fl mill De pi MQ R) - ts kind United Fx of all grades, from first to eight ) CF f SN nsive machinery being during her service, she claims the 4 ppud wer from Germany to equip the | “eventh grade as her favorite. Miss AS building. and with exclusive | Weaver resigned from active duty ‘rig the use of this machi to enjoy life before ill health pre- 4 wry In this country in possession of her from AS A re- Metal, it will gUATAN Lee Bellefonte has lost one right to make forging be best teachers Process I" Magargel, Pl ) ip w The Titar Wednesda \ \ Wion ns ver nee he racuation Peliefonte High School ie she \\ tin Metal broke a morning for what | ‘ors N f 1885 forging ’ \ \ RTA vl the only plant While he as the State brought for vent sult o doing be Lin Buying food in quantity — and keeping a of ' Two changes in the faculty Dynamic [20-horsepower driving thrill NEW STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V-8 Drive this wonder car now! Needs no premium fuel! Best 8 in actual gas mileage in Mobilgas Economy Run!* SOverdrive. optional 81 sriem comt, wan weed, S. H. Poorman WATER ST. i. y BELLEFONTE, ra. : O’Bryan Motor Co. 8% 8, ATHERTON, ST. SIATE COLLEGE, PA. br 2 investigation into the whole a a Ea i NS i a Wake MEER Ww telephone p.m 1 t that a man ad been seen Highway | Intersestion. resulted search for the “body” William White, a call before osciay of i ts t presumably dead vin R near along Snow in an hour by Corporal member of State the State Police stationed at the Rock. | {view Parracks. The man who had been lying along the roadway prov. | ed to be a gentieman from Miles. burg who was neither dead nor injured | A story of a | hiking party into the small hours of the ing, and of their eventual donment In a driving nocturnal hiteh- morn « aban. {had given them a "It", was un- {folded to the Rev. William © | Thompson. Centre County Juvenile {ofMcer, by two Philipsburg sisters, | on Tuesday morning. They were | found about 4 Am. along the high. | way, near Snow Shoe Intersection by Ernie Tate, of Bellefonte, who was returning from a trip to Al. toona. He brought them !o Belle fonte and notified County Detec. tive Leo Boden who is now conduc J wh the | Shoe | of a ride that lasted | | or “ainstorm | near Unionvilie by several men who | the Bellefonte High 8cl effect with the school next fall, ax ecent announcement made public by Arthur H. Sloop. supertising principal of the Bellefonte schools In the athletic set-up Coach Alvin ‘Shorty” Watson will be replaced by John Millér, of Sunbury, who for the past several years has been assisting Coach Jay Rjden mentor at Bellefonte " High Mr Miller comes here with excelient recommendations. He will have onl opening ording to a will g of into former | charge of coaching, of physical ed- | ucation classes, and will assist in { teaching mathematios move John 8. Dubbs, of West Lamb Street rabeth Heineman as History and English teacher Mr. Dubbs the past year has been taking gradu- ate work at that institution Ann Dorworth, Winifred Flem- ing, Petty Heverly, Margare! Mus- ser, Helen Olson, Janet Tate, Phyl. ls Jane Shaw. Jean Ocker, Char. lotte Weaver and Betty Zeigler were birkhdoy party guests at the Dr. ROL. Stevens home in honor - of Dotothy'’s | pisthaay. he Mises Molty or, Ea ema Mai y am WE In the oth. | will replace Miss Eli- | of | | was gradunted from Penn Siste in | {the class of 1030, and during well-stocked freezer—really simplify shop- ping for Mrs. Kettl, of R.D. 2, Ford City, Pa. HICKEN, turkey and meat are always on hand for C family meals at Mrs. Keutl's house. She buys then, in quantity and stores them in ber electrac freezer | along with fresh-frorven fruits and vegetables from het own garden, tod home baked rolls, pres and cakes. Fvery: thing 1s carefully dared and labeled for easy selection, "You never have to worry about trips to the store in bad weather when you have a well wocked freezer,” Mrs Kettl told us, adding that she only shops for food about once a month Mrs. Ketti's two married daughters, who originally shared her frecrer, became so enthusiastic that within a year each had purchased one of her own, You werver want | ¢ any other cook ing method after you've owned an electric Ketl. She now has her second electric range, brand new and range, says Mrs shiny, She hikes 1o bake and proud of the evenlv-browned rolls, bread and pastry her electric oven turns out. She bakes in large quantities and stores the surplus in her freezer for her husband's lunches, for fam. ily meals or for unexpected company, EM IRTRIEE bE BE
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