Page Eight THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. School Budget— (Continued Prom Page One) May Hospital Work— heokluyers weve alsedy assigned |beis si 10 17, 195] be held from Home in Howard the Eastville | "uneral services will Neff Funeral burinl will place aundry will extension Gas Drillers— (Continued From Page One) located in a low level be on will be |r (Continued From Page One) the | DEATHS AND FUNERALS |: ADDITIONAL DEATHS ON PAOR J EIGHT SECOND SECTION In whi SeC( his should be listed as ville toona A Ath at S daug Kramer one nell P helc 4 pm I St Tue B he garet Marr vives Mrs A Mrs Miles Campbell Mrs Ger Two Alevy Mc her May ite bell, Pennsylvania Furnace August Wian grandchildren and eight Rockview Hustles— page 8 of the srandchildren also survive (Cont this newspaper Tillie Poorman ive of Ci home | in HOT IS iN Augustus Wian of ten 1 the obituary great ch appeared md section of wife, the {« nued Froo Most il w consumed by Page One Funeral services will be held from the Koch funeral home, St it it will be planted of the product the Rockview ill be sent to the ate Col le- | lege, § m ith Re Mrs. Wiar Al- Donald G p officiatin nter wri 1 ment | i ph nmetr A nat 2p but ome Ww tia rm ary tery 4 T890 acres nn 200 SCHWENCK roads tak p 200 ac MISS EVA S. MILLER fiss Eva. S. Miller, of erton AARON Henry Howard, died Hospital at 11 He 110 South ¢ : \ : A field crog Street ollege, died Al A 3 . VoOod | home at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday ck Havel 15, 1951 Ww, Ma he wi rn in illheim, th 15 hter I 1951 which had 313 by last December dairy got 1436204 I'he cows gave unds of miik had 60 head of vy, hospital by O'Don survived Miller IS ond sister , of State Coliege wnshi linton County on of nave: 16 936 » rivate fun rvi will be | Benjamin o y ad | i from the Ke We eral Home | gohwenck Thur day the Rev. | (lie I. Car ficiating. Inter- | iad » Hall Cemetery retired Howard hole milk please Busde tt Brothers : : a om worker \ worker B Royer Anaheim ‘alll MI 101 laundry worker and hospital Mary M. Wels! EF ploy { of healthful and Willlam W. Schwenck, Wasl tmospher around Bellefon ington, D.C. He ht nd W that onl our childre: \ Mi ated a uther Campbell College, R. 1 sday the [ is Ala ‘ i wad [ fact W 1 orn N was the sor Markle ied to Anni Ir he following « dren moving ated Schwencks v ifornia August Church ville and Renovo Schwei milk 1 to Ho ward 3 with G. Gary ore Stephen Zale Bellefo Rockwell and Ray He Campbell, State brother Gre Fort, and College yrge Campbell, Robert Camp- of ald ~ HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR FIGURE LATELY? COMFORTABLY GO WITHOUT THAT YOU LOOK YOUR BEST? HAD BETTER CHECK YOUR Foundation Garment Your Best Suit or Dress Looks Only As Well As The Foundation Garment You Are Wearing, NuBONE GARMENTS Made to your indiv x Stvle, Health, A COAT IF CAN YOU AND FEEL NOT—THEN YOU idual measuremer fort "or A Comfort and long Priced PLAYTEX GIRDLES & Panty Girdles Mode rate ly L Ing 2-WAY STRETCH GIRDLES and PANTY NYLON GIRDLES, b-Lined rdle Pink Ice Fab GIRDLES, GARTER BELTS Delores Brassieres Bras and Nursing Bras PEACOCK KIDDIES’ SHOP PHONE Petal Point, (;arments, Deala, Maternity 1186 BELLEFONTE, PA Figs | INK Mr, Wilson would be used in the Each well will three months to drill least $225,000. Wells will go to 7.000 and possibly 9,000 Meanwhile Bellefonte has been Informed a success has been drilled on land in county of which he is part The well blew in at 6:30 p. m day and was gauged at 13% cubic feet dally. The well was by the Cabot Co., of Boston owns drilling rights to 85 of which is owned by heir Henry Quigley The ownership of story in itself since it | of a tract of land The Quigley heirs ascertain ownership Fifty acres of the tract are property of J. J. Laban. The Quigley heirs include Hugh M. Quigley of Bellefonte Miss Henrietta Quigley of New York City, and Mrs. Ww. Fred Re Jr., of East Orange, N, J In ition, drilling for natural to start in 30 days 12 farms be- Potters Mills acres land HAS of producer Ohlo president; Yokum president and manager, and Guy FF. Mec- Cracken of the company New Case tle office, wer in Centre County this week to the first drill require Ald cost at feet Burgess ful well Clinton owner Thurs- million acres, 3 the thi were traced to ynold: add ted Ka exe on Acreage covering oalsburg thous been leased by Wasson vivania, ofl and gas tions also in B Rogovy vice tween ana and of fer oll and & Company Several have right Penns with He Ray E opera rman general ' first well wo geologist spected the UPPILY there indi- hould be but we much are Now will a month 19 Defendants— wed Prom Page One) the yesterday mored by be sald earlier that three | about | acceptances | | tor of the Trinity Evangelical Uni- | the | the drilled | which | of Judge | | treasurer land is a | residue | purchased in 1908. | the | | { to the reported members of the are being appointed are received. The mittees will have a meeting the borough solicitor and tax lectors at 8 latter date The Rev. Harry Klingeman, tee, mittee Com- when com- with col- pas Brethren Church, will deliver baccalaureate sermon Sunday, | 21. Dr. Donald McGarey, of Penn State Bchool of Educa- | tion, will be the commencement | peaker and has chosen as his topic “The Fourth R" Hays W. Mattern of the school district a one-year term. Mr. Mattern served as treasurer since 1940 Kenneth W. Miller, superinten- | dent, reported that 25 children re- | gistereq for first grade this fall There will be an additional 50 chil. dren who attended kindergarten this term Registration for next vear's kindergarten jumped to 82, he added John 8. Dubbs resigned as facul- ty advisor to LaBelle the student vearbook, and the resignation was accepted. Mr. Dubbs also is advisor Red and White News The Board granted salary in- creases of $20 monthly to member: of the secretarial staf! and $30 | monthly to the school custodian: A meeting was scheduled last night to meet with outlying dis- tricts regarding acceptance of eighth grade pupils at the Belle fonte und next fall ted May elected for ha Jr. wa ake the losstign of LQ nving Concert— Continued From Page One) The Invocation by the pastor, the Rev. Harry A. Klingeman Anthem “My Jesus, I Love Thee”, Peery, by the Junior cholr Serenade”, Widor Thomas Gar- brick, clarinetist; Mrs. Louis Schad violinist, and Ronald Hockenberr) pianist Quartet Selection: “Let Not Heart Be Troubled”, Adams Robert Waite, soprano, Mrs Coder, contralto; the Rev wweman, tenor, and Paul baritone. “Springtime”, Van wn. Violin quartet by Joan | ig. Virginia Mensch, Richard Baney, Robert Hood Anthem: “How Lovely, Lord, Th) Dwelling? Are”, Spohr-Harts. The Young People's Choir ‘Andante Cantabile”, Twhalkowsky Plan and organ duet Anthem: “OO Senior choir nade String Schad, violinist berry, cellist, and brick. pianist. The offering. Of- fertory, “Andante” from Bymphony Brahms, Plano snd or- . Your Mrs Char- H A Rob- ie Kliir erts No rm nn ett Eternal”, by Serenade”, Cham- trio by Mrs. Louis Ronald Hocken. Thomas Gar. Light Number | 1 duet mtralto sol “The Prayer Per Speaks. Mrs. Charles Coder o Solo: “Wayside Chapel” by lou Price. “Bylvia”, Speak tringed trio The benediction Recessional Hymn, “Pairest Jesus by congregation Postiude riumphal Cirieg. By pian an Yorgan Betts Bs Lord March Is Candidate— (Continued Prom Page Ons) is pletion in Monday will form trance, a tentatively cheduled for con July smaller poured cond the roof of the one wing workmen on for what Main en- On the JOD rete Lhe EBOIY Bome p——— form occupy above kitchen orresponding space tart you will never tire Lo today in the fu The tune 010 Age ome Lime I ——— WEIS MARKETS For Delicious Springtime Meals . . Serve WEIS F STEAKS Swift's Select S. Good” CHUCK ROASTS Ring - Long Minced BOLOGNA Boneless COD FILLETS Blade Cut Personally v 1 2c » 9c Ib 35¢ Selected MEATS Swift's Premium SMOKED PICNICS 6-8 1h Average » 43 Swift's Select “tl. 8. [ean FRANKS Fresh-Frozen HADDOCK FILLETS Good” SLICED BACON Swift's Premium CANNED CORN Whole Kernel Golden WeLeS CORN hr 18e Cream Style Golden DEL MAIZ CORN 17¢ With Red & Green Peppers MEXICORN 17-02 Can For GROCERY VALUES Tuxedo Brand TUNA FLAKES Hanover KIDNEY BEANS Jig Top Brand PORK & BEANS Lucky TOMATO JUICE Your ROYAL GELATINE Red Leaf Fancy Desserts Delicine In Salads or Sandwiches %-02 Cans 2 15" 3-02 Can 2 Wr 3Qe GARDEN WEIS FRESH Crisp Fresh Southern CABBAGE Tender Full Pod GREEN PEAS Famous Indian River GRAPEFRUIT Choice Sugar-Sweel PINEAPPLES Crisp Red RADISHES PRODUCE Bo 229 J «29e as Qe J 14e PET FOODS Cadet DOG FOOD 150-02 Can 3 Little Kitens CAT FOOD 8¢ Hunt Club DOG MEAL nes 195 saving for your where he worked nine Following em- ployment at Sutton Enginerring Ce and later as a guard at Rockviews Penitentiary for five years, he went work for the Pennssivania De- partment of Highways In 1042 he accepted a4 position in the fire Ce artment at the Susquehanna Ord- Depot at Williamsport that work until 1946 Ww te rot AUN High street DAIRY FOODS Wh. American or Pimiento CHEEZEE CHEESE FOOD 2 83¢ 37 Years MORE FINE VALUES 15-02 can 22¢ 15-012 can 19¢ pt Jar 37c 8-01 jar 2c 4-01 can 40¢ Brill's Spanish Rice Brill's Macaroni Dinner Cream-Wipt Salad Dressing Cremo Marshmallow Creme First State Mushroom Buttons 1-1b cin Mrs. Vibe to I Margarine Kraft Phila. nance anda continue 11 5 $07 One of the outdoor furniture specials at 3rachbill’s this weekend is the Troy eight. cushion glider in either blue, green, yellow or red, Style & Quality Since 1841 ASK ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN Regularly priced at $68.50 Cut to $549 Stop in Friday or Saturday to take ad vantage of this and other specials, BRACHBILL’S Bellefonte So. Spring St. | fixing { would then have to pay the amount 'BHS SeNiorsm— indecend ard rsbur drunken public Huble Howard Schreffler WViDg Sylvester Baughman fornication William Port Mat perjury Stine, Port incestyoys Snyder Harold C er jur T Matilda, 3 Local Airport— od From Page One for the township a bond to payment ges and if same ha been accepted w if It is refused and the bond filed in and ap- proved by the court, the township has the right to immediate posses- Wr As of court house bond was the court When the bond is filed or accep- | ted and If the parties cannot agree on the value of the same, viewers would be appointed by the court to assess damages and benefits due te the taking of private land. The viewers would file a report in court the damages. The township to tender of dama ecure the \ esterday did filed records show or at the that the approvea by not (Continued From Page One) rected by Adam Condo, Wehr, Bruce Garner, Miss Mar- guerite Sairs, Miss Peggy Sahla- ney, Harold Wion and Mrs. Mary Beaver, Student committee mem- bers are Tom Musser, Margaret Weaver, Lols Johnson, Anna Mae Orr, Richard Novosel and Jim Me- Clellan Mrs. Lenore Martin directs Commencement week activities, ————— —_— Children are not the only persons who go In for this “let's pretend” busifess. Some of our so-called leaders are great bellovers in “front” Mrs. Jean the A —— Bystanders are those who can do the Job better, | until He the equipment operator for department fram then last November when he be- employed at the Bellefonte Club In March he belame a inspector atl Titan Metal Com- was an highway An active member of the Logan Fire Company for 30 vears, Mr love served as chief of the company in 1946 and 1950. He i= also Centr: county vice-chairman of the State volunteer Firemen's Association. He a member of Bellefonte Lodge No. 1004. BPOE. He 8 also 8 mem- ber of St. John's Episcopal church here Mr. Love is married to the former Elizabeth L. Griffith of Ralston, Pa. | They have a son, Cuylef, aged nine Mr. Love is interested in all sport and is an ardent fisherman | In announcing his candidacy, he raid If nominated and slected to the office of Sherif of Centre county. 1 shall endeavor to serve the county faithfully snd efficiently in the conduct of that important office. Your vole and support will be greatly Wpprecintad p——— Fire Causes $1,000 Damage In Ferguson Flames which started in a wood | shed and threatended to destroy a | farm home caused approximately | $1,000 damage on the Ellsworth © Dunkle farm near Meek's church in | Ferguson township, Sunday after. noon Motorists passing the home warm- ed the family and then helped form bucket brigades to protect the home the Alpha firemen arrived from State College. The fire destroyed the woodshed and leveled another small building adjoining the house, The roof and side of a wing extending from the house were damaged. Duirhg the fire, several Jarge N paint cans stored in the building next to the house exploded. Several small pieces of machinery in the same building were removed and when the flames reached the Rouse, some furniture was carried out. Several of the persons who were helping fight the fire had their 15¢ 13¢ 39¢ le Cream Cheese phe Kraft American Grated Cheese Nucoa Margarine Green Star Margarine Borden's Swiss 6 portion Gruyere Cheese "*¢ WT | can 1-1b cin 1-1b cin First State Sliced Mushrooms First State Mushroom Pieces and Stems Junket Rennet Powder Junket Sherbet Mix Junket Freezing Mix Lipton’s Pekoe and Orange Pekoe Tea Lipton’s Tea Bags La Choy Chow Mein Noodles La Choy Meatless Chop Swey la Choy Bean Sprouts Tetley Pekoe and Orange Pekoe Tea Tetley Tea Bags 4-01 can 7c 4-01 can 27¢ 3 for 29¢ PEE 6c pke 12¢ «1b pkg 34¢ pkg of 48 She No.2 ean 16¢ No. 2 ean 33% Ne. 2 ean 13¢ «1h phe 33¢ phx of 48 go. pkg of 16 21¢ pkg of 16 19¢ WEIS COFFEES BREAKFAST HOUR we 11 WEIS LEADER 1- te . 79¢ HOTEL & RESTAURANT i Ib . 81¢ Fine - PANTRY SHELF VALUES Libby's Garden WHOLE BEETS Hormel’s Spam Oscar Mayer Wieners Cavaliere Noodles Ranger Joe Cereal Superfine Limogrands Swift's Hamburgers Swift's Peanut Butter Banner Jordan Almonds ne 11e 12-02 can 50¢ 14-02 can 55¢ 16-02 pkg 28¢ he 4c 17-02 can 13% 19-en can §3¢ 12.02 Jar 35¢ T-erpke 31 Med - Wide Works 4 Ways CLOROX . No Sink Smog With BAB-0 CLEANSER Cleans Painted Surfaces Airwick Chlorophyll Deodorizer New Sudsy Type Palmolive 3 reg. 20c Soap CLEANING AIDS 1,.60 Bot 29c ow ]2¢ 2-49c 6-02 bot 59¢ 3 for 29¢ Re 3 for 2le¢ cans 12¢ ‘Cashmere Bouquet Soap reg. 2 for 19¢ bath 2 for 27¢ bath size 2 for 26¢ Ire pie 39 lee ok 39¢ ONE CENT SALE SWEETHEART SOAP Buy 3 cakes Regular, or Bath Size Get Additional Oake for le Ju-cy ORANGEADE MIX 16¢ Clapp's BABY FOODS we 10¢ w 15¢
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers