THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, . Page Seven ind in all plac braving the wrath H Whatever the Galt Change £ [ Kin rine priests and false Some Tips On y A nate-Houge committ f 11 P “ ne world is Gi ] pl Feed And Water | ming again galloping i tressin | can wet change of pace \ th { L h in } | fi Ye and they can includ } neculating on the size of your itmo faith in God, . k ; A (od vibge after ; 5D latin val {i that while God Chicks can be fed anytly alter running walking alt a3 for ti ' g ye . i ' A hows old, and nee 4 ni . " nia ti | I’ would not si a sining people for they are 24 how I¢ ¢ thi ) : and reeping niin » & f 15 1 nat A » 1 ’ ’ ” i" 1 God could and | most baby birds a at lea 1 ver gait, if permitted the designs of Jer-|0ld when they go into the brooder | is eventual paral Ah se, feeding may commence al te. Hat nemi in order to fur- | house, 1 Sad nj i” . A A Dispatch " business enterprise io a THE SOUTHERN KINGDOM had prepared for it by havi y | ther is purpose of bringing a|oBce on their arrival { . ': areersadaputln nb about & | ] i wit | { | vio ( the people of the | Before the chick arrive ne ! recy ave been requested doll pots Ln Jackets and No Bet! nai com ’ 4 ALN td or x | poultryman should see that he ha when Ww On our off ti LLer L Wi win woman gained ich brain the heads of nome International Sunday School Lesson | laid r a lo of tl cl rth. Although livin even hun- ; 2? 95 ft tin 1p het red efor the irt {an ample supply of a reliable chick Banana Loaf for May 20, 1951 fter ‘ ir ! [ red i for he birth of sl ; ; ] starter on hand. This feed snouid . be placed on tials or pape; pineapple itl h i ie chief a pleture of hmallow Memory Selection: "Be still an rice of tl terprise. Jerusaler if whi constitutes the very | i ) 1 . i Bl A wor th rat fan Or tw t » know that I am God: I will be ils | vel 1 tiv a eart of tl i stament [Plates during the fh LY cup cream, wl exalted among the nati 1 t of r alliar A Fave A ‘ " { Judah wa {to encourage early | ing Mere be y wy 4 wot bbe } : i HIRNCH i \ 1 | \ knee of Juda Wi AN g in th rt { * » bird hould : 1 be exalted in the rth ind Babvloni nd Isaial ‘ thee #4 Hy nt th nwa man | BH the bird I will e el aiid MH ne man, feed at the hopper Psalm 46: 10 10 n remi t < vial Whe <i an people | 17°44 he hoppel Provide Green Feeds Labi Provide HPI ( Lesson Text: IT Kings 18: Wai nO NR ee De 3 Shai: Isaiah 31: 1-3 arrect an ar lose ed to the man who told of a reen feed ' $ . ' ' l 1¢ 1 e al From a study of the rascals and | Je BR ue Lal J» rength of } peopl low Jeru- reprobates of the Northern Kin : al a ly m lear rom him that, in dom, we turn to Hezekiah, King i Yt a tne and onfl ( in the Judah, or the Southern Kingd ; 8 Ae BE [ { thev could And the He was a man, deeply religious and | MY" ma he : { adly predicament | HEH ling | Fan is. She iserve, put In lat Ov with Roquefort Cheese Dressing Sincerely patriot vh while er oo ia ; A ; i i 4 } 4 had been led by MUCK hy W oider, tn y ! iri wi rean rel rr } ' 4 I niet Akg doing his best t ave i } ‘ Ee ( the pow of ( | ¢ came too late mplish R thu e of ihe ] ; purpose For more than a quarter of ano AOSPE TONNE Oe “ikenees to | Pipe Casing Allocated century, the Kingdom of Judah had from ‘ For Clinton Project Balls been menaced Ea i rpet y Ahaz had done ! a { u del 1 » which the people i come I'he Petroleum Administration foi syrian king his son, Hezekiah, |, rahi rokes Defense ) ated 110 tons of who succeeded him, became almost le nt letter Hy no lak to | wh for tl ole Springer well ads Wyiiahe 3 4 , y ni ag gn 4 rt doi hen " the oy 4 a will find PERSONAL LOANS 3 . : 1 . win flret y i 1 of th reat vrian | va y nerd : +) . bed ; ') first several « a vassal i ri y g i ] i Ferney Anticline % . , " / . ; i { ) w N thick A my Empire. Thu fezekiah, at the |. 4 the official restoration t} hich runs from above Lock Haven. |®: a : 4 Ee Mix the corn with the onion and ‘ with 1} ‘ Bank loans are best. We are equipped to handle amy worthwhile tender age of twenty-five, inherited | yio0 0 liturgy of the Hebre linton ’ o Pine Creek. in | TO ier g. Stir into th ¥ { pep . aDrika. Serve with loan for any purpose. HO OY One rs tee wy 1d: nir nty. The estimated Constant Supply of Watey ngredients, Mold into cakes. Ar-|: ( hs COMPARE OUR RATES WITH THOSE CHARGED BY OTHERS Real probes C¢ neta a1 nearer. ws Ri epth of the well will tween | Perhaps the most important thing range them or baking p Twelve Monthl IO I vr of lmser 1 bV tin tt { Ie nd 12,200 feet 0 DE said ab watering the chic 1 LM A Jan me Peppermint Parfait Amount of Note Proceeds to Borrower Payments of the imperial ic designs of larger | by the fac . e necessary. The Fer- | 18 thi mak re they have Ba) OV ; et $106.00 $100.00 $s 883 and more powerful neighd Md ; ; . \ 4 entially hew uat ' ¢ ol Piru h! fo y p irning ’ $156 00 $150.00 $13.38 Expedi Hey, rather than. wisdom, | of . { may provide W before then times. If th es. Sery 8 $212.00 $200.00 $1787 dictated that Judah ente: tod ”t ; ! t i reserve the chill is take: fT the wate ( n HRTT wa ACCOMpRt ) ) i Shines with a songer power io carried even to is hi Te a errs tue | Tome 1 in ‘piaced in tho. Touts Ment 10. Tried ohicke 2 egg whites BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY protect itself again e gros ; oq) Tor . ‘ tani y nd Heat Cor. durit } | Vers a " . {er (The Friendly Bank) the prophet ously against a rebellion overlore throw Sennach troops w ir “It's always A sure thing REPRESENTING The Martin Steel Products Corp. ners —- “Pioneers in the Design and Fabrication of METAI : \ Re y ot House-Living Buildings EXCLUSIVELY for the Farm” ; roel i Skunks Evicted HAYMAKERS — SILOS — DAIRY BARNS Ha to take 4 : CORN CRIBS — GRAIN BINS er and ns A | SO Badger: Barn Cleaners and Barn Ventilating Fans ‘i gomnikg Hof jue . can always be sure of has plenty of hot water ’ p ormation and prices, call or see shrimo i! For further inform n d 8 oa ta: » tar Wat: loetric TiRar’ FRANKLIN MUSSER " .. " om : pon : 3 y y : ra reason mor thar \ enn Customers Dave SPRING MILLS, PA PHONE MILLHEIM 12R12 og : Shen . | - oawiechod « tic water heating, Other Jeans atl a Safe wo flame ; Cl amy king Economical WW cif Pemm customer: empoy & special low water beating rate. Carefree —compleiely antomatsc; we reprising weeded To enjoy these ady | y PA . 2 ment water beater us electrs — cn . D . i \ ; > dieing JUST DIAL THE TEM - | WHEN IT'S ina eX ¢ | See your decler today PERATURE New | YOU NEED hy alata on Bk PENN POWER COMPANY SY me St [BR TV | andro DDependable Car in Americal” = Posters On Display Bs” RRR $i X The 10 ATT ; nD «8h nd Rr | boy poste etenders of | Everyone knows that Pontiac is demand. True, it's the most beautiful re 3 i k & 4 : qd NA Fi ig : Ry he . y famous for dependability. If you want thing on wheels ov to drive and 4 : i b 4 personal confirmation, talk to a few ride in. But Pontiac dependability as owners who have driven Pontiacs convincing a lot of people to make wr igen. NO Ohi-R0AIN, SIL i jagle of A g over the years. You'll be surprised Pontiac their first choice i ¥ § AGAIN, GONE AGAIN \ . HR how many say: “Pontiac is the most Long. trouble-free ope n is a big 4 { ’ re evice fron ’, . po mE. oubdie-iree operation Enanig § . Su ! { \ 4 dependable car in America reason why dollar for dollar, vou can’t That's an important reason why the beat a Pontiac! Come in and get the 1961 Pontiac is in such tremendous facts and figures that prove it, lically ober The local the irrent play ot automanic GAS TL 87 v | Bi 19 i css evi ’ sade cil AND IT SAVES | TO COMPLETE YOUR the workd 5 j G i” 5 | MONEY, TO BOOT! | MODERN LAUNDRY Mrs. Esther Pletcher PRT leer 7 In some parts of the ve Ire your aus fastest and fe! K: 4 ¥ ’ J Lk Out V + EF Mu : t it) lot he dryer Heads Howard PO of A i rs be vear! Wha iw run by Ga It's | Mrs. Esther Pletcher was install- finest! ; mot new on faster than any other ed as president of the PO. of A 3 the et automatic dever. Fase indige at ceremonies in the POS Ve } wr on clothes, easier of A. hall In Howard recently. Mr use, up to fie on uw! And it costs Mary Gordon and her staff from | Lodee 230. of Milesbur ofMciated | at the ceremony. Other offigery, in stalled were » Sylvia Pletcher, assistant presis y | jdent; Clara Kunes, vice president; | i» on 4 MO WONDER at. Mem mies oe | a aba A | ident; Mary Leathers, conductress; i you can 2,250,000 families bought new | Lulu Lighthamer. assistant cone automatic Gas water-heaters — | ductress; Mary Allison, recording last ear alone. Wh it? i | secretary: Ruth Wolf, assistant res | Ameriea's Lowest-Priced Straight Eight y . Y wait? {cording secretary: 1della Williams Order yours from your merchant { Ainancial secretary Frank Wil | Lowest-Priced Car with &M Mydra-Matle Brive f prional : llams, treasurer; Emma Pletcher, | id tl plumber, appliance store, or Gas guardian; Bessie Bryan, sentinel Your Cholee of Silver Streak Engines company, today! Minnie Pletcher, trustee; Minnie Straight Eight or Nix Pletcher, chaplain; Ethel Moltz, | " ® orator The Most Beautiful Thing on Wheels enira enns vania as om an A social hour was held following the business meeting va BELLEFONTE MOTOR S . We know a man who believes In ALES City and Bottled Gas Bywipraont, accesso ios and (rim diust rated are tubiect te change wathoul wotete. s to install! only "4 as much pe ! load the complete economic emancipa- tion of women: he thinks that his BELLEFONTE / STATE COLLEGE wife has as much right to wppors | 402 W, Linn St. PHONE 4793 Bel the family as he has,
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