April 12, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Seven ——————————————————— Ep ————— ven on Priday | Boal burg and Judy, of Centre Hall, vi ited | + . ry R F B E RS 3] U RG io Wallace Brungart, Chalmers | Mrs, James Bradford, Susan and his mother, Mrs. M. W Bieon on Muncy Council Pvt. Geo. Alamashie F. F. A. Banquet echrist, Emerson Miller and Clyde ! Diane, of Centre Hall pent Friday Sunday * A i | K ag pink. Ms 3 : h ane, ntre Hall, rrives In r Held At Howar Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benner and with her son. Fra Wert Vai iffer, all of Glen Rock in York ffternmoon with her mother, Mr Mrs. Roy Brungart and Marjorie Adds Zion Boy orea e 4 ova o Cathy were Sunday supp guest (amils unty ind Mi and Mrs Harold Jennie Miller. Mrs, Dale Coaaer, €0lertained the EUB Guild at their | - 4 Ci he Alma ‘ ( p I'he P. P. A. chap of the How- at the Willard Smith Jr. home it he Rev. Richard Abernethy en. | Brungart, of Smullton, spent Sun-|and Vickie, who accompanied them | home on Friday evening Scout Troop inducted into the Arn Hi 40 held its first Madisonburg ; i tered the Centre Cour ty Hospit a tay at the home of Mr. and Mrs | to town, spent the afternoon with | Paul Weber moved on Monday | " pa 0% the 1 rick ¢ ol : f banquet in the audi- Y banal 1 he '" hes bead Jeb ! 1 o | y , ' . "yw . Belective | ! Cf 37 8 A y The Rev. and Mrs. William © | °n Sunday as a surgical patient J. V. Brungant | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell] from the Firemen's Club into the The Muncy District of the Juni wi oY err cats hte ¢ school last week, with Wittme : \ | Bi Yay . week Clarence Smull. a nativ { th mmday visitors at the W. M. Tar- | Breon | west side of the R, W. Blerly home, | ata Valley Council of the Boy Beouts |’ Sw in Korea 4 err he and 32 guests present visitor Tin Hor ell. NY al \ ‘tan viein but now associated with] Jer home were their son, William Mr. and Mrs. Rov Gentzel motor- | Fecently vacated py Milton Snyder | of America added a new troop u 1051 " e } he Army of f B : esident of the S 5 In Tei A a H Al ? A ¥ " ’ id du 1 \ I ‘ | " y . 1 aus Rg | n 8 son rs dt 1a Te Ty . ’ fn LE Dee i inee ! $ 5 4 ¢ er parish. Rev. Witbuer assisted] th wr Sewing Machine Co. of Carbert Jr. and family, of Millheim, | 04 to Hummelstown on Sunday to Jr. who moved to New Jersey, ! its ranks recently, The Troop, No gt R ' 4 Master of Cere- t Po RRR Seay Nomtian New City. will show movie Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stover, Mr bring home the former's mother Merrill Brungart moved Monday | 38 of Zion, is sponsored by the Zion | A ‘ at a parsonage dedication vy, Wall Si 10V] 1d - 3 » —_ ig dha ’ : 8 { ; ' . , A : p akties ‘ Di N : M W EY ¢1 in the school building on Saturda ind Mrs. Dubs Stover, of Berwick Mrs. Edith Gentzel, who spent 8 Jag the former Adam Relsh farm | Community Club Association In- y Hh ¢ erved by the yr 14 ¥ Vearick Of | hel sister 8 Jot v 3 sy | n * py g a ry ti ’ "4 rer ktat . { cen 4 Wor vio MR \ | Apr. 14, at 7:30 pm. rel to | 4nd their sister, Mrs. Nettie Stover | week at the Dick Berkstresser home, | © the former william Burd farm, | stitutional resperestative bs Bruce omplete Nome f Clintondale, and Mr. and Mi H etting ur: Indust: x SUE tom A Fulmer, of Dushore, The Stovers Mr Bd Mi Lee Kidder atten | recently purchased by Mr. Brun- | Emerick, and Guy E. SBhaffe fe - » Wl (1 2 1 1 I an ind in il Owl All \ , Le J 9 - Wi IT : Pe ‘ie O. Yearick, of Mill Hall RD, called | * 5 = © ved 4o' attend were residents of this community fed the pr heral vid for Robert {gart. William Burd moved to Rock- | scoutmaster ; ¢ . " itizens are urged to attend o * de ) ers rvices ort | A rhs $ ( ‘ . on Mrs. M. W. Bren iturday Mi : nd tw hil J years ago when their father, the | Laon po E Aon Mid @' bev Thur | ville into the home he bought The Troop committe ist { ? ho \ wi POzZi nd two chil . | Lucas ( p 5 » . oT d Late Fe ’ i Mrs. Emma Winter and Mi or returned Shon late Harris Stover was pastor of | ay tes Slate by His, h trom Willlam Long Henry Clevenstine, chairman: Har- K ore H . cresting k 1 nd Terry , b " u } . 1 . | 1 Slate ) p . » . > \ . I 2 Orea i his fe ‘ : iH HEF} Roy Brungart, Rodne and Jen - x visit ‘with hi he forme United Evangelical | Mi and Mra. ge winkleblecl Mir Emmanuel Yoder and in-|ry N. Rockey and Bruce Emerick | Honk ¢ ‘ WJ Tucks AL were FPriday night and Saturday iy A Church, This was Mrs. Fulmer's first | N00 81K i en INKIEIECH | rant son were discharged from the Seventeen charter members make SidusiBa a A § ig 4 L. M y rents, J nd Robert Bru were Friday business visitors in " . nt ervice Alt f Centre Count isitors at the L. L. Meek | ( | ince that time | " ! ’ Lock Haven Hospital last Thur ip the Troop, ten are Sco and ¢ { 1 Williamsport art . : Lock Haven {day ; . NHS rb Fhe Re 4 employe Knit : ! pal of he ARE ir . 32 Ihe Rev. and Mrs. Charles Ho Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Jake Beisel and| EE tial W - Sak. | BTOtHE! Clare ' ¢ a few remark Mrs. Robe: F. Korman ent . , {f Loganton., were Sunday evening r vii fg yY I'he Reformed Sunday School of | Ned E. Detrich, Samuel W.- Hell : ‘ . “1 ) 4 ork th ( { Wininisco, visited at the R Audit Bomb diab DINE | the latter's sister and husband, of | { von ’ : 4 H ‘ tained the following ladie A 1 " . } last Mond visitor it the home of Mr. and Wat \ . : \ { Livonia hold a fresh baked ! man, Walter J Iie H ad M \ 1 W oSmitd nome | wi \ 4g ’ dh » 3 was nd vi { wn were S H Sitar f ‘ ‘ 2 On Wed Ne I rp Mrs. John Reish \ ; } ee 1s x y 3 Ran Apr. 18, 5 to 8 pn Hoy, Max E. Corn Charlies ¥ ' . 4 se W Korman Si I Howat M1 and M I vd Barner ! A t the oward Lamey home at Stover Price 01 mr ' " Mortis rok " \ vi ELLs pres S y WwW. K nat . i RC : a. pila Fan vr. and Mrs. Lester Rossman and Mr. and Mrs. RB. W. Mever. Jatne : ! Pr for adults $I Lon Martin ( 2 y Harol , ay n) alin ct y Her i} i fami { ( e unt i t X y . ‘ ana mi ¥ . yer, Jain hildre: der 1 P vit 4 1 { it y ] . - Jon vrs. 2 hildren visited on Sunday at the | corman and Jovee and Mi taal tounder 1b yea 0 cents, 3 Ct 1st A ig MAR ( NSF S { Mt Walt I H ern n father, ( ! H. B " Zetile home at Huntinzdon Corman and Joyce, and Mi Alma Mr. and Mr carl Beahm and! Wayne R Miller Explore " . TAS RIA EOLICE ¥ Vern ~ A 1 BR ahart or ! MeO } Funeral hom ST Lelie ALTE ¥ ung } Corman attended the Organ Recital | ¢ Ie a Q ‘ t ho p . vier reside Hi ¥ fix Mr ( W ‘ Wi I W ! ff 0A M and Mrs. Roy Keeler pent N K t . / miy of Aaronshur were Sunda john | Cleve ine Ka y . . H Mc kK, Mi Williaz \ Mill H tu y : e weekend with friends in Was} itl 3} EY Ls yer, of He dinner gue at the Melvin Bright merick, Richaa D. Immel, Erne . Sige ~ YY ' FB il ow n ¢ Rosencran A 1 wey, on Sunday afternoon in the hom ™ ¢ y J I ; fy A ph f \ Close, and MN : iH ¢ : i 1 ne and ded the Cher i 14] 1c HY nom¢« ¥ LTUCKS nil i) H | rs 1 ‘ no ’ . bas A an A LL er - arma MO . y b . . . . . . ti) ¥ / Kline ‘ 'h bac # State Ci ¢ ' oh EL v ! Blossom Pestival | Reformed Church in Bellefonte ; hi oH ; Sunday attended a! Jay M. Lon Ray W I RD di ¢ ¥ . at oY Vy ' I I" Roe { ! ¥ { il 1 . " ‘hurch con . fy _— i Th 1 ] {Orme 1 PY \ ere Mi Yiacria h 3} ' : I'he Miles township teachers were (From Last Week) everal ‘ — in. Harris) ¥ n " A : W FREE were 2 " ta od | AT, f 2 3 + ada) M weer on n ' 4 9) } } } State ( 4 ' . My ‘ -~ i Lt. and Mrs. Mark Limbert, Car- Mr. and Mr Walter Weaver of fers Store at Zio Ihe hart Veorss " Mrs. Mary W Cecil Hironimus | Bea n d M and Mi Harry | ol Ann and Paul. of Camp Stewart, | Lemont spent Sunday with his par- resentation a 'y \ tallation ve o . Womer Club Notice atl Sthdds 3 New Berti wire: | ne “i n 1 k Ha egler Ia Tuesday evening at he | Georgia, spent everal days last rent Mr. and Mi C.J Weave: will be he e time in Ma . | . h 5 4 : . ool: ¢ anm home Aaron burg. Other eek with the former's parents, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Jimmy = rr. : A p Club + - ¢ "i WAT Aly ne v 4 : : Vi " dhs — x (Tan were vo and pis. (POTS and ‘Mrs. ©. 5. Lihent and Buddy, of Williamsport, called . H Apr. 16, & aah nd Mi James Smith, of Bamuel Hosterman, of Halifax, on friends in town on Sunday County Firemen See bias : € of M Je Madisonbur Mr. and Mr L. E pent Sat ay with - : Sti ¥ m { . t Saturday night with his Mr. and Mrs. John Metzger and MA ' " i ( Height ne n FOR A GOOD SIDING the yo Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keeler | prother E. H. Hosterman. William Barbara, of Penbrook. were tur. ovies On Equipment Fart} hy h ski pT. ir End M1 Richard Mann and | Hosterman, of Washington. D. C day callers at the Sam Esterline The i i fl i "3 Surly : B. Mov : OR vi Alma Corman, of Rebersburg, | called at the same home Saturday.’ and Carl Tyson hone test fire fight ba ment ant - " — A { Ay by +e PF ' . alld. 7 Mrs. John Basse of Mr Bertha Weaver retumed to Mrs. Edith Gentzel was a guest method | ! va ¢ hi dd ROOFING JOB Ts 3 Mill Hall on Sunday after spending last week from Wednesda nti ht of the eet { the Cx Mrs. Lottie Gaufflin of Plainfield, | ten days at the Schaeffer-Duck Sunday at the home of her son- County Voluntes Firems . NJ. | t g several weeks with | home n-law and d hier Mr ' \M M ¢e H ‘ UG "RIC 1 AM YOUR MAN! 3 "roy Hb ’ ; ia ttn. Polrtrer ar a A \T THE RIGHT PRICE 1 ister, Mrs. Cora Hubler Miss Elva Dunkle of Nittany Val- Harvey ky Beech Creek, and in Bell ; William Burd was taken by am- | ley was a weekend guest of Miss this ¢ she is visiting another Homer Gram f Milihe MAX BAUMAN hee | the | k Haven Ho pital Marjorie Prungart on-in-lav nd daughter Mr. and pre ded Ihe ; ‘hy ‘ { ! | treatment last Wed. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hostermaii Mr Dick Berkstresser in Hum- DF about 80 memix Call Brockerhoff Hotel, Bellefonte, Pa , ! Fris ; . a of Williamsport pent Saturda il meistown 1 : ; i : Jb ‘ hi hy a - wl i vil LA Kidder ana he home of the alters pares Mr I IN W el ada pP ere ¥ ’ hat PHONE ih " y y EE: ¢ v ay at the home | Mr. and Mr Ray Stover have been guest { her parent ( N f no erent -— f M nd Mi John Patterson in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breon, Nancy Mi —————————————————— a —————— ms rs a — _ RT. - RA — - Ee ——— — - fF ————— Willamaport nas Si rs the courtesy of the Navy Den A LOW-PRICED \s a em at out or ary meeting of te smo | PORTABLE G-E IRONER um igen UT | et Duplicate Bridge AGE Posie Tou odonia ll Eleworth Hosterman, of woo. Winners At Nittany riced for even the ‘ began. Irs arload of 1951 Philco Refrigerators | firs Essie pm ria a G- VALVE —————— rg winter wah ars. 3 Warn Td Ke Sind vest GENERAL §§ ELECTRIC A VALUE ; Rev. R DA veins and Janes List Engagement Of Adiustebie tharmestes For Xamnidiy Crmpmmanl Open and for sory wening 110 sm. in. weming-ahoe verfoce POSITIVE 6-POSITION FULL-WIDTH {= — be FREEZING nod of the metormed courch on Miss Eleanor Sager EN ATIONAL' Wasi Milian. on. Tuesday-and -Wed- , sp ang Mrs ‘Marry Sager, of Halt - aati | T¢ Te Belle! 7, ve a Mr. and Mrs Ran Clees | Woon ; ave a COMPARTMENT Sales & Service Lengdite heating element ON Fully enclosed Gf meter * ; Clee parents, Dr. and Mrs. O. 1 Underwriters’ approved G. E. Appliances DOUBLE RIGID, FULL-WIDTH Full 7.2 Cu. ft. Philco M § M M Ww We M . ’ 4 Deoattn H FOR OVER 25 YEARS YHUTY STEEL SHELVES wd Mis M8. Limbert Mr and | n Beletomee ae. Pee ' Avs Mrs. Harold meungar: atended the [LEO : Electric Supply Co., Inc. Beni . Full-Width Freezing gag Saturday eve sa ji Nr BELLEFONTS STATE COLLEGE or separate . w— trays SELF-CLOSING DOOR LATCH Compartment Bellefonte 4-H Club | id Te Holds First Meeting « meeting of the year at th "NOW I CAN BAKE A BATCH * Double Utility Trays Gag Ar 3. win doe Marie OF COOKIES IN NO TIME...” Many other advanced ople Othe roject at te ve bi Says Mrs. Stenley Calkins of Uniontown in telling f. sweet corm and Rade about her new double-oven electric range ONE-PIECE STEEL CABINET ACID-RESISTING PORCELAIN INTERIOR RSS y features. PHiED pe m Mar e Turn ‘ \ A POWER NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Ti ad, Sud SYSTEM PRICE $224.95 wy Rams leader Mari n a Frank Musser | the ib Jew leader and Clair Delong A County Agent Is adviser % %® W. C Smeltzer. of Pellefont« ave A talk to the club and told what the - bankers do for the 4-H club The next meeting will be May 2 t the Joe Hartle hon Jot nome Al » pring Creek William Holt In Fort Dix Training | Pvt. William H. Holt, of Walnut -] | Street, Howard, who arrived at Port | Dix, Mar. 9, has completed the | process of conversion from civilian {10 military status. Processing in. cluded initiation of pay and other | basic records, medical examina. FREE f J {ton and immunization, issue and J USE OUR | Atting of uniforms, introduction to | military Justice and customs of the rervice, and aptitude tests and ine REFRIGERATOR SET $5 00 Club Plan Sot or wiiteriiing the niitary Mrs Calkins has ~ lively family of ol fee girls and a * ) i qualified bow, ages 7 10 16. All are cookie-caters and she finds . He is assigned to Co. G. 47th in. | that with her new doubleoven electric range she can With the Purchase of 65 w k Pp fantry Regt. oh Infantry Dw really speed up her cookie baking. And the double eeks to Fay I Port Dix, N. J. for six weeks of | oven “makes dinner parties and holiday meals so ea,” physical conditioning, training in i military subjects. small arms and | Each Refrigerator says Mrs. Calkins. For example, she can broil steaks for ’ } we a stove vieht at home” is the combat skills. Eight weeks of train. | eight people at one ume, Or, for holiday dinners, she i 0 " be te vi electen found : ’ rs, C4 ww describes b . v Ing, will follow, either In the Infan- | can roast a turkey or a ham in one oven while pies, 0 i al y ahead mn quanony try at " rev ret ALF LE a ‘ Fort Dix or in a technical vegetables and hot rolls are baking in the other, and store things in the freerer. 1 an get A service at another Army post Mrs. Fay Holt. his wife, lives at Walnut Street, Howard complete mea! from the Trecect any (ime «= ard ms Mm ghny handy when compam ar IVES Une Rect Ji Having recently “revived” her first electric range after 15 years’ good service, Mes. Calkins is delighted with the features of her new range . . . especially the high. speed surface units as well as the double oven. Is easy to see why Mrs. Calkins likes her new electric WEST PEMNMN Walker Grange Te Meet Walker Grange will meet at 7:30 pm. today. The First and Second Balleyville Degree Team. Let's have A voted attendance to ree the ex cellent work presented by this team, Orange officials asked Advertise - " | Degree will be conferred by | range, and why the range and food freerer give bet the “perfect pair” 10 help in feeding ber family, POWIER COMPANY ALLEGHENY ST. the CD for good results
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