Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 4 ‘ {Or the prem n Sul ] : | . tir ' ¢ : . . ” Gevokica Bar Association— 1, Orel 1 10F oY JSupteme and. Stpept Bellefonte Fish— ‘Name Jurors— Gambling ls3 tin orm allable to the a ’ Levivs Continued From Page One th iter | esult are t and one for Philadelphis oun Cot ed From 1} ¢ One Continued Prom Page One ¢ county's legislative repre Mitchell and hen | would make the original selection \ rought abot evelopment Elizabeth Bartholomew in Harrisburg Sen. 7 I otoler | forwarded to the State Bar Associ he President Judge of the court ,¢ th alled hat vinta Collape and Rep. P A Prost urs oo | tion. Such action will be taken with- | in which the vacancy occurs wou fish Tarn he of ud Batty. G. Barry. Poweito: ‘ : pill og nt) x member of the bar | preside I'iree lay citizel point } i Vi h tl y to support the ! Re Y men SE i s ’ va Thi Lh u I and own much th n Cora M. Belghtol, Millheim now Wn the ed by the Governol three law-|,¢ | William Belghtol, Howard The bill would require the acti I'l \ uri Plan is an under. | Vers selected by their fellow lawyer ifference being that 1 Crops ai 8. B. Bodle, State College of two successive legislatures and tak wher y the Judiciary of | W¢ uld erve on > 1 commission 3 grown u he water Loretta Borger, Moshannon referendum by the people maki Pennsylvania would be taken out of No jucge i o th ‘an and grow George N. Boughter, Bellefonts a constitutional amendment before OHI ypu affect the State ould od « fos 01 ting brook trout brown Mabel R. Bower, Aaronsbure ' nnerio ‘ourt an arty 1 not ampaign fo ' . ' its revolutionary fudicial ” upreme al Superior Cou and | party Hi ¢ wuld n | trout ab . trout. large-mouth Helen Chandler. Bellefonte could take effect t ourt { Allegheny and Phila- | any political party : uld not stnall-mout) l x} Marie H. Clark, State College ; ther | of i contribute money d ] i ) vlan ! a fi ) . cl hn Such a resolution asked |i ! i a oD al a ) Coots ) ; Yo ; ( | barty or of | 1, and nov Marian R. Condo, Spring Mi] y Wd, therefore, jt { ein ally 4 proposal fo ly to any Olt party o . : ral oh « Eugene 8. DeGarn tebershurs inne { y : Connelly was 1 1 | oo by local option ar- | ganization he eggs o aken m the fish Au ar Rebe n y there were not en h Bar men 4% ‘ E Vote t tal rtilized arcit nal Hlanche A. Dunkle, Bellefont ) t as 3 { { done . . rancement dee nder this sys- | ETS would revi | ord of aud 3 Hi L / a1 Ha . v ® ) prt to properly reflec ma ! I Jud } : ig BY . id ge ; Harry | Eckenroth | irs I 1 hy present 0 properly refl i \ vould be appointed by the | each judge r a trial t 1 of 12 trou deg ! \ ! and Dav ¥ ‘ pt Mi he ! ity opinion on the matte: oy ¢ a " . am oh ; onmridieh ahi y vwhere {rom <0f avid H, Etters, Snow Shu h hi f " I % - . x resolut ver: rom a list of three quali- | month ve Jud name woul | igh ¥ VW rom "t updo : ¢ esolution wi ; y ’ ti iron i A . ‘ : 1 RY . ’ ’ samuel verhat Bint ll Diy { the PRT { 1" fat cted b a non- tppear on the bali \ ou PPOs Nn b ! ‘ Bh : Hpi the secretary of the Bar Association, | (ed candids : Lar ae OO I mer i : to e co th and BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS! J. Thomas Mitchell, Esq 1] the 1! commission Ihe —e a yh 4 that a ya to i hy ody g fe Rob ; thel Jean Fisher, Julian RD WOH t ne ti ’ entire membershij {f the Bar on| Three Judicial Commissions—one |. him for. a full term OF remiOVE tren ed torts watay. is Jame Port M i ; : . Fann Flas 4 Alin Haney, Monumen 0 a Jude We can furnish vou with Good Barn Paint, tilda iim from office state College i Bellefonte v . 1000 different shades for interior Paint Work Open Concert— weans of oki oe | tis Be tin Mieka, elle! nie Sy 0 this len t 1 ~we can match vour slip covers, drapes, ete. Plea Any Color House Paint—Exterior and Interior, Automobile Paint—Surfacer, thinners and all colors for auntomobiles—including 1951 colors in lacquer or enamel “Good Prices” —Martin Senour Paints for Home and Industry, Drop us a penny post card—we will gladly quote vou prices and give vou service, 1950 FORD 2-DOOR Lr ay, THEY | ohease. Trout during the tot year | Maida oo ecrer: Port lege an to the omer in charee of | | A=] PAINT DISTRIBUTORS, BLACK — HEATER — RADIO — OVERDRIVE Fal arr an. sal ab homes). duy: the old Trout are {ed om J | ner N I Jr. Plea ant. TR Lriagiifie ; _ RO4—24th St. Altoona, Pa 1950 FORD 4-door sedan, heater and spotlight, black na wh bend pd TOF Met g via ’ 1! 1950 FORD 2-door Custom Eight—heater, radio, overdrive Ay 'v abtaliv oa ' Wine from i At { M hawley Bellefont s—— ———————————— 1949 FORD ecoach-—heater tha. off " \ a iy fi : herill tat oll 1949 MERCURY 4-door sedan, overdrive, heater and radio Sl arvltis ¢ the ‘ g et A ent the nari : iutterbech “You RE COR DI LLY IN Vi TED TO 1948 HUDSON 4-door sedan, green m {tt are. Wh MeClure. Mrs. R Bellefonte Hately mee three. atl 7 A A 1947 FORD 4-door. heater gunmetal 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan, heater and radio, gray 1947 FORD 4-door sedan, dark blue ry vy = a, i eo he. JE8 ' The 1018 ’ ES leet 146 FORD coach, black ¥ Ses arr bite mbar’ Pong rt : Belle ‘ v p i nl . 1946 FORD 4-door sedan, heater and radio tir - pT ‘ * : [ ‘ fA ’ 8 man, 1942 PLYMOUTH coach . 4 ur = ’ u RB oy, ‘ part : 1942 STUDEBAKER coach : yo : pris ge 7 vhiion petit 1942 PACKARD Clipper Six 1941 PLYMOUTH coach Accountants Meet 1941 CHEVROLET club coupe 1 I ! t t Vest he g 4 1940 FORD DeLuxe 2-door, heater At W illiamsport ' Wik Cake 3 1929 CHEVROLET coach The AE , ‘ : Ww . ' f ourt Was 1938 OLDSMOBILE cedan, very cheap liamsport C ; Nat . { f Convene May 2% 1937 CHEVROLET coach A tion of ¢ \ nl cone Harty Altera. Belletonts 199% FORD ton pickup. 6 cylinder, F3 heater, good shape 1947 FORD half-ton pickup—8 cylinder 1947 FORD PANEL, 8 cylinder, new motor "BARNETT MOTORS rE Ben Sew SL 23 ““ WIN AN A-B ELECTRIC RANGE PRIZES!!! USED CAR LOT IN MILESBURG | i fii inl oF Se So esi Shutar SS MICUEZ WIN A DECKER DREAM CHAIR = SOUVENIRSIY ion adn BE Tne Be ety He Sohn, ou EXHIBITS!!! WIN A SET OF NEW DISHES LOTS OF FUN WIN A ZIPPO LIGHTER... Meet Your Friends "Rb Margaret E. Hall, Stow She LL Ld : \ CGirace Ha gt State College Koroseal Raincoat, ' i. H ‘ Centre Ha Ri Handsome Desk Set JUST DIAL THE TEM. | WHEN IT'S PERATURE 3 N | YOU NEED i / ; v pert. r Rue oo i 2 Pp. m, to 10 Pp. m, (6 p. m, Sat.) APRIL 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21 N. Buckhout St., State College la BICYCLES Fi dsr fF - Eat Ee JARS) Sica; Sur Cue 3 $ : ) 0 - , 0 - r ’ 4 ‘ : : : ’ a C in stead; ou saamwor, | ows ozs a Mh + mens Si © SPRING FOR! REDUCED of me Fo ; ) " n : ar £ | ’ s : : yet y Sor ng I I Here's the smoothest ride you ever GET ‘EM NOW / : i or suddenly ge ng rignt " d ot ~~ : bad! Three strong steel springs flex back Physicals Set— ~ tah tps : From $94.95 di ~. -~ nd forth right before your eyes; you simply f-l-0-a-t over the roughest roads Charles alrd Jr, Siat —— Extra strong brazed Airflo frame. rue RD 1 i rH" Raloh BR. Houser. nellefont : ' Beautiful color combinations 24 BIKES Daniel H. Murray, Powelto : Lee P. Hughes. Osceola Mills RD 1 with gleaming chrome, Come automanc GAS i a Soy 0% 4 4 . wh X v y ; = pi i duatiilo aS atbmie : . in now and try a SHELBY. From 542° apm FT 4 pe : : Robert L. Hyslop, State Collegs wares hearer... : Richard 1. Bair, Bellefonte RD 1 ’ Cr II ; AND IT SAVES| TO COMPLETE YOUR Carl H. Deitrich, Bellefonte RD I the world bY BE MONEY, TO BOOT! | MODERN LAUNDRY Large Crowd Hears Earl K. Young, Howard RD 1 \ EVERY FEATURE YOU WANT hd p In some parts of the . « « De sure your au Merrill RB. Young, Bellefonte RDI H | / . Cn . . 26" BIKES fastest and ’ ¢ country, as much as tomatic clo lry er Howard Music Fete Waiter | Spicer Jr, Bellefonte ay ime, Ca $90 a year! What's] is run by It's Robert P. Hunsinger, Coburn " gverd, lvggege torvier finest! 2) 4 hd mare, new automatu faster than any ot) “oy At How ret oo ea N ) ne . dod Gerald E Butler Bellefonte RD 2 § Y wr , ® Combination vol hem, From $4950 ! mately | AVINOL « 0 Cras water-heaters] automatic drves oF oy ntae M4 ; a ond C Hughe Osceola sop light, reflector : wt less to b iY X | ter on clothes, easier cal Festival Robert (3. Eckley, Philipsburg | ® Chrome tonk with bul Re iy wa MOO on he And it costs A chorus of 160 members and p»| Earl J. Dean, Port Matilda in sleciic horn e588 to Insta only “4b asmuch band of 88 bovs and girls performe Pp r load wder the r ' mec |. Pred M. Dunzik, Philiosburg * Ohana Oisaliie pe ; inde | direction of Centre James 1. Shaffer, Peliefonte County public school music diree ; Boy's Made! 52A Peodiight HURRY TO tors Girls Mode! 53A Other boyy’ ond ® White sidewall tires NO WONDER ] _ Short talks were given by ; ™ Harter-Rogers girly’ models to fit every budget HOUTS, TODAY | Frances Andrews, of State College 2,250,000 families bought new rede “eat Gl Engagement Set : | Music Educators Assoclation; Jacob Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Harter automatic Gas water heaters — Weikert, Howard school, superin- | of W. Nittany avenue, State College. last year alone. Why wait? jtendent, and T FEliwood Bones | announce the engagement of their Order yours from your merchant | Centre County superintendent of daughter, Kathleen, to William or- | chools | ville Rogers, Jr, son of Mr. and plumber, appliance store. or Gas %/ | Olenn Shope, Howard music di- | Mrs. William O. Rogers, Sr, of E company, today! AZ, gor vl; rector, was general chairman of the Prospedt avenue, State College | host committee for the event | Miss Harter, a graduate of State ( f | p | a * G ( | Centre Hall was chosen for the College High School, is employed by . City and Bottled Gas second County festival to be held Central Extension at Penn State Bellefonte State College next spring | Mr. Rogers, also a graduate of Mr. Shope expressed the appreci- the State College High School, at. | ation of the school and community | tended Penn State, He Is now em. | for the privilege of being host to ployed by the Centre County Exten- No date has been set for the wed. : : i the festival | sion Sérvice Advertise the co for good results ding. + 4
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