April 12, 1951 Centre Hall-Potter— | From Page One) the 1750 It is be- | al Potter built the | trip to this local re of 1755 fort t« ometime during lleved that Gener Page Eight fort on his second | DEATHS AND FUNERALS STEELE { ity. In added to the Axemann. | 58 men The Ho 8 the American but thereafter, General fort for a th the (irnde M1 Monday vhere the MRS. MARY SHANNON 1 for Mrs. Mary 1 MRS Mrs. Mapp {led at the Centre Count MARY Steele, 79 wert the thondoned Guring Revolution Funeral services Gearhart Shannon, 86, of Willlams- port, mother of the Rev. James at 3:15 am Sunday, Ap: Shannon. of Millheim, who died at She had been (ll several w the Williamsport Hospital, Thu in the ho day, Apr 1951, were held Satur Mi day. Burial took Watson town Cemetery Mrs. Shannotr bury and wi Lutheran ps 30 vea: years She | HWY Rev. Lester G St. John llamsport, Millhein two great-grandchildren vive protect frontier fort was N med to the pital four rmed he N Nt peace wi Steele wa place in CLARENCE STOVER Stover Babco made In Clarence pring RD 2, died a home at 11 am Monday, Apr. 9, 1951 lal A retired farmer Stover born in ‘ 24. 1876 Amanda Stover Mar. 8, 1903 Stover, wil lowing child: Eugene M., Sevmour M, and Guy Stover, of Spring Mills; Mrs. Flor- » A. Strickler, of Coburn; Dean tingdon, and Mildred A. | "OE 8 | to the Mills fF l the Pleasant Gap Ceme ADDITIONAL DEATHS ON PACE SIX-—-SECOND SECTION Historians To— Hatchery and Big Sj 8 Edward Pierce Bell f Heionte IF YOUR WAGES ARE FROZEN... FINISH HIGH La, [o]e]] AT HOME EARN A DIPLOMA-AND EARN FAST PROMOTIONS Except in rare cases, you cannot get a pay raise because of the wage freeze. Your best bet is to earn a high school diploma — and thus qualify for prow to a better-paid job. Earn your diploma at home in spare time. It's easy with our Eided Study method. Equals resident work College prep. Over 20.000 graduates. Standard text books supplied. Low tuition. Easy terms. Write for details’ CREDIT FOR RESIDENT WORK You can finish full course in 18 yhion EI ’ COMMERCIAL TRADES INSTITUTE ’ 8 1400 Greenleaf Ave, Dept. HD. 4, Chicago 24 8 to 24 months If you have some 8 om interested in earning my h gh whoo! § high school, we'll credit you } diploma. Plecse send details } for work completed and tuition. gNeme J § Address w— : MAIL COUPON TODAY : Age ein y IY en————— an Np WATCH FOR REXALL SALE NEXT WEEK! PLUMB’S DRUG STORE White Bros. Successors Allegheny Street Bellefonte N A lb hh a ™—h FISHERMEN WE'VE GOT THEM... But They Are Going Fast At These Prices! FISHING BOOTS MEN'S 8.95 r- Cushion in-soles. Narrow and wide ankles tonigal ani SIZES 6 to 12 ommittee Lume School Fa ntasy— 3 Page r of both the Mr Mary assisted It chorus has been jon of the play by Mr and Mrs. Annetle Me wnced the following Musser Gillen Jone ana Mis MeGarvey WOMEN’S gi Mr $7.95 pr. Mr Rine SIZES 4 to 10 Make-up Mary Stoltz BOYS’ 7.95 7 Property SIZES 1 to 6 | Brown’s Boot Shop Musser Arrangement Plans eall for planting evergreen | trees and shrubbery and the plant: BELLEFONTE'S COMPLETE FAMILY SHOE STORE Alice Mrs Ruth Mr McConigal and Mrs. Willams and Mis Miss Mis and stage settling Kessinger and of Dressing Rooms GET READY FOR THAT OPENING DAY! Library Building— ontinued From Page One) Mrs. Poorman imay be purchased as memorials Several checks from individuals have been received, a club spokes {man sald yesterday Chairmen of the event are: Mrs Paul Corman, Mrs. Walter Kearne) (and Mr Bamuel Meckes Quite True | Truth may be stranger than fic. {ton but It will never sell for as "much. Louisville Times THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. First Graders Visit College Activities The chi Ble McDowell ty { shop 3Lred Nnoj morni ib State leg { interest ' i net deciing 4 . being pre- | transportation year has amounted to During the roll Public Assistance of the ro 239 person Rolls Declining a year ago Pennsylvania's public " 4 000 to move other in | Olsen, Mr : increased * DADy Dirds | man it Person I ip 1.0 4 4 o Le ldrer rom Benne: bli ansistance had 1977 of the per the children vi they experi downward Lhe ited tate 2 In The Past : ' t half of March, with of 4328 persons. The isting and ng dg ast total decline ince dvertise..tt y yo where SAW | 0 much She: What tense | 14 the same period by on 14 population or i result WITH THESE BETTER BUYS From Your Friendly WEIS MARKETS WEIS MEATS Swift's Premium C 1b SMOKED PICNICS 4 3c +89c Pork Loin Roasts Club Steaks Sliced Bacon wie 49 Skinless Franks »59c _.. Bologna + 99c +19 » 33¢ ¢ Dairy Features : Diced Beef Pahst-ett Cheese 85¢ ‘ Boneless Cod Fillets » 43c » 69¢c Kraft Sliced White American Cheese =» 37 8 Bien Swiss Crops Cn A se Ocean Perch Fillets eo Famous Del Monte Foods Chesapeake Bay Oysters Catsup 2c. . GROCERY YALUES Early Garden Peas 2 borat 45s Pineapple Si 35¢ Pork & Beans 10c Apricots 27¢ Tomato Juice 25¢ Tomato Soup 2. 2c Scot Tissue 2. 25¢ Garden - WEIS °: PRODUCE PASCAL CELERY coco 2: 23e MUSHROOMS +49 SWEET POTATOES -- 3~20c PEPPERS Te 3 Ibs 29c dor 39c Fhe Bebe REE » Variety In Juices Memphis Belle Brand — Unsweetened — Grade A GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Jumbo 46-0r Con 256 BLENDED JUICE Jumbe 46-01 Can D8 ORANGE JUICE Jumbe 46-01 Can 3 le Welch's Grape Juice lathe 41. Memphis Belle Tangerine Juice “-or ean 31 Realemon Lemon Juice Tri-Valley Apricot Nector Personally Selected Rib End Swift's Select Beef Lean Swift's Premium Minced Ring - Long - For Wonderful Beef Stew 2-1b Box 6-0z. pkg. 3 14.02 Bot 1 Libby 's Slic ¢ d Slice « alves X ¥ I dor H 3 . y Peaches G&D Crushed Pineapple Apricot Halves Early Gorden Peas € Prune Juice TZ" Tomate Juice oe More Big Values Cut-Rite Wax Paper 123-1 ret 20 08 Royal Gelatine Desserts 2 for 15¢ California Peaches S''ctd or Halves big 29-01 can 29, Peter Pan Peanut Butter Muffets Cereal Dromedary Dates Weis Quality Sweet Peas Kleenex Tissues Joy liquid Detergent Prem or Treet Chef Spaghetti & Meat Balls Fels Naptha Soap Campbell's Vegetable Soup e Pantry Shelf Needs Baked Beans wo ron 15¢ 25¢ Tomato Ketchup Sc Wi 28¢ 3 Hormel's Spam 4-39 we 33€ Sunshine Can Pineapple Chunks 1.02 Can 2 for : Big Top Brand Bug v.02 an Great Value Brand 157-on 20¢ Whole 1 npeeled 1-qtbet 3. jumbo 46-01 can 99, 4 4 Jumbo 2.0m Can Lu-ky Leaf Fancy Campbell's Soft As Old Linen 12-02 jar 5e he 15¢ Tis-0n pkg 23¢ ? 17-02 cans 29¢ 2 pkgs of 200 37¢ 6-01 bot 32 : 12-00 ean 49. & 15% -o2 can 25¢ Ne Jumbe Salk White Fancy 2 for 26c¢l Crisp Green 16.02 Can CLEAN DRY ONION SETS 3 ~ 29¢c Western Delicious APPLES Juicy Florida ORANGES 12. 02 Can In New Serv-Pak Krispy Crackers Clapp's Strained Baby Foods Sauerkraut & Franks : o Weis Finer Coffees Full Bodied — Flavorful — Fresh-Roasted Breakfast Hour Tih sap ye Weis Leader 1:10 hag Hotel and Restaurant 1-mme Ble of Boon ean 2e Son ean 30, Hasn't Scratched Yet Bleach-Disinfectant Bon Ami Cleanser I Octagon Cleanser New Sudsy Can .3+29 Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap Soap Pads or Cleanser Brillo 11¢ Came Sm Phy Ajax Cleanser Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap Cam 12¢ Tollet Soap Palmolive Toilet Soap Palmolive Bath Size Ir 25¢ 3. 21¢ Reg Cakes verage also
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers