PELLEFONTE, PA. April 12, 1951 * THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, CENTRE DEMOCRAT CLASSITIED ADVELRTUING SECTION uf LOCAL AND PERSONAL recondition Bed Roo the Elect: Sut it th t1 Supply Ce For Rent electric Supply Co Mr Valentine Ittsburgh where they attended | | everal m refrigerators at : Bellefon and Mrs. Thomas Neill, « 1 rin Bradford. wa: Street, left Priday for |i tellefor uring the friend weekend and wedding of a friend Mr. an Harol Gary, Mi Saturday and Mrs ] family o utomati dirt disappear 1 $2290 05 at Be! James Crown- in mi Hy weekend Mi: lop and Economat thie wed Are occil apartment in the Ivi Curtin Street mith, daughter A. Smit} Thomas, purchas- home at { 3¢ ger Hospital vi . ¥ a and expects to undergo an opera“ County Home Mr. Hunt { i J Mr. a AJanvili : : tion the father d Mrs. Donald Reimer ale Pittsburgh, m ved County Girls Injured In Automobile Wreck Mr nd f 1 ’ Pm ’ " dmi toy piso Mi daughter of Lynn, of Ju- the Centre Monday for resident received in Mi Linn Pitt past weekend visiting he Frances, who is a ember sophomore class at the Per College for Women there Mr: Dale Joint-Choral Sing given by combined choral group and Harvard University participated In the sing as a ber of the PCW chorus Mrs. Edgar Epiche: east with her family from Mont, two weeks ago, and who are with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E! wood Johnson Sr, of N. Allegheny Street, Is spending two weeks with Mr. Spicher, of Buffalo, NY The! Petrikin Hall at 8 pm. Thursday Spichers expect to move there as Apr. 19, to elect five directors for! soon as living quarters are found. | three-year terms. Members of the Mrs. Spicher was transferred to nominating committee are Roy | Buffalo as regional insurace “Vork | na Hors Jr. Marlin Rumberger bruise of Areet Was Fee v ! | and bruises and scrat- face. Her condition | nsyl was also injur- | in the accident. She is the dau- | hier of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Barner the [of near Bellefonte and was treated | of PCW for bruises at the Centre County | Frances | yospital mem- The young women were {gers in a car operated by Mr ner Barner, 16 there attended the passen. Bar- | who came | Helena | — - Fesd Cross to Meet The Bellefonte Chapter of the American Red Cross will hold its annual meeting in the rooms at for Veterans Administration work. |and Horace Hartranft Sr | Robert Glasgow Is Party Guest of Honor Robert Glasgow was gue of 1" birthda near opti part | Mill or at a home freshment enjoyable et thelr home Nanny more MARKET QUOTATIONS Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner & Co. Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte Wheat (New) ) Corn Oat Card of Thanks A Nt \ A reliable MYERS Water System keeps plenty of water under pressvrs for this amergency and for oll avery. day running water needs. Costs just ® few cont 0 day to operate. See ws NOW, Your “Myers” Dealer JOSEPH C. HAZEL PLUMBING & HEATING Phone 3211 Bellefonte AP ————————— THE NITTANY LION INN STATE COLLEGE, PA is interested in girls for waitress work and boys for bellboy and Fo Articles For Sale ALF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Advertisements | four issues. Where advertisements of twenty-five words or .we., contain more than twenty-five words, 35 cents each issue for | one cent a word is charged above minimum rate, Articles For Sale | FOR ’ SALE full line of Ferguson Genuine Ferguson equipment l evil equipment le 1 Rebers 20 RA FOR SALE Ford tractor accessories. Service on your farm. «( i K&N I'rnctor Sales, Hor J Pleasant Gap. Phone Pleasant "ne 751. parts a ‘ome FOR SALE for ps “eo re Cere } Buriat Haas Clintor 3 sind a Po ry Aine nvmiisbie Fa Foe rie mile ¥ Ya wrt fad is Whitehall Pirie Citnre Mille Co e Mate College 2814 Notice ————————————————— busboy work. Full-time jobs, Apply in person. KERLIN CHICKS Extra profits can be yours from extra eggs, bigger eggs and larger market birds of better quality that sell at higher prices if you raise out better bred chicks, They are backed by gener- ations of selective breed. ing for the vital profit fac- tors. Order yours today! KERLIN | LEGHORNS NEW HAMPSHIRES (Phone 52) Centre Hall, Pa. STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Auto Fire and Life Insurance R. Copenhaver Representative PHONE 9 Bellefonte, Penna. Ferguson tractors and nd shop or see US 1 Road Gap 1tf 50 one year fron Real Estate For Sale FOI ALF 2 ‘ f Help Wanted ~ PND ‘ Sales Mart WwW. Be FARMERS Mill Hal You Just Can't Go Wrong With Our Larger, Faster Growing NICHOLS STRAIN New Hampshire Chix Babcock Strain Pedigree Sired World Egg Record WHITE LEGHORNS Large Type Birds and Plenty More Egg» WHITE ROCKS “All breeders carefully blood tested” Poultry and Chick Equipment and Remedies Hatching The Year Round PRICES VERY REASONABLE Mountain Range Hatchery SALONA, PA Phone Mill Hall 82-72 01:40] 3:3 (o]V] BABY CHICKS NOW This Hatihery Is A Member Of Dr. Saisbury's Nation Wide Poultry Service HATCHING EGGS WANTED Because of the increasing de- for hatching eggs from strain New Hampshires we are in need of more eggs. If ted In a Year- for your eggs, get in touch with us at once. We will flocks from 200 lay- ers up to 2000 or more per farm and " : Nichol Are round market you intere accept Since our customers. are de- manding Nichols strain New Hampshires, we have made spec- al arrangements with our breed. er halchery to furnish our flock. owners with 100% Nichols strain N. H. Chicks from Pa .-U. 8. Ap- proved Pullorum Clean birds Because of limited supply of this stock chicks will be sold only to flock-owners who will furnish us with hatching eggs C. N. Hockman BELLEFONTE, PA. Eve. Phone Day Phone 6353 State College Bellefonte A MAL MACHINE WOR K--LClipper Wanted to Buy r A Ie Announcements Repairin REPAIRS ring f { RADIO Money to Loan THREE ilfe insurance ¢ thousand dolla PERCENT INTEREST On ray ool lateral lars. Three and over * Be 1 Phot p Miscellaneous Machine Work HINE WORK ral tox ne work Flect we OWers repalre A Roy W. Keele rg. ‘Pa. Phone 4254 |" Bids Wanted work guar- YT knives ne work stock ws harpened Ceneral ma We alm ave 1 ROT ¥ ds tiee * ” kev Livestock For Sale Notary Public RY PUR Po wae 4226 Poultry Limespreading meas 84 a Dair LJ. Spac Wanted To Rent AND PREADING ne BROODER HOUSES MARTIN STEEL McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS Stock for Immediate Contact Sanitary, Insulated, Well-Ven- tilated—houses your chicks will live in! In 22 ft Delivery Fire Proof — IMMEDIATE and 17 fL in diameter Rodent - Proof DELIVERY Paul Lingle CENTRE HALL For Parts and Service Call FAUST'S GARAGE, Centre Hall Franklin Musser SPRING MILLIS. RD. 2 Phone Millheim 12-R-12 (PHILCO RADIO TRAVEL TICKETS 25¢ a day Fauble Insurance Agency LO.OF. Big. Bellefonte PHONE 700 AND TELEVISION Headquarters AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER WILSON'S Electronic Service 218 W. High St Phone 4282 BELLEFONTE, PA. 1 week od 2 weeks old 3 weeks od 100. Prices at hatchery STARTED CHICKS BARRED ROCKS ATTENTION FARMERS! Have Your Farm Bulldings NEW HAMPSHIRE Beautified With WHITE ROCKS . LOWE BROTHERS PAINT PRODUCTS Arrange For Your Spring Painting Now! ® FREE ESTIMATES . Harry E. Leightley A. F. Hockman Paint Spraying Contracts 125 W. Bishop St, CENTRE HALL, PA, Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 112 $14.00 per IN AA) * = $300 = * 2¢ per chick more for less than sme’ we PHONE 2229 wee \ —— WENA Over one.
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