Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCR, Rev. H. E. Oakwood Given Emeritus Rank Rev. Howard E. Oakwood was' named pastor emeritus at a congre gatinal meeting of the Milesburg Presbyterian church Sunday morn- ing. Mr. Oakwood retired in Sep- tember, 1048, after serving the Milesburg congregation since 1925 Prior to his coming to Centre coun ty he had served in Tyrone and other charges Dr. Samuel W. Blizzard of Stat College will continue to serve as moderator of the Milesburg church Mr. and Mrs, Oakwood have pure chased a home in Milesburg and will continue to live there Rev. Dean Confer To Continue Revival The revival at God Church in Milesburg throughout the rest with the Rev. Dean ing the message. Special local talent. Service begin o'clock each evening Ple. Paul Richabaugh, Jr. ABC means Aided promotion winning the » ' Spraying! Sharpshoote: Dusting! DO IT QUICKLY ... WITH LESS EFFORT UNICO SPRAYERS DUSTERS We Hav Fit Your Nee —SPRAYERS— 4-gal. Sprayer Wheelbarrow Pa National YMCA B I Kel $9.50 $311.00 £200 60 3-qt. Continuos 1-qt. Continuos —DUSTERS— 1-qt. Duster 2-qt. Duster Hand Crank Duster . S150 $2.00 $17.20 2.-row Wheelbarrow $60.00 Everything For Crop Protection CENTRE FARM BUREAU PLEASANT GAP, PA Phone—Bellefonte 2351 i » For SPRING No housewife can have a better night's sleep . . . wake up more refreshed... than the one who can go to her kitchen in the morning and see and use some of our NEW ALL METAL CABINETS, KITCHEN CABINETS, or a METAL BASE CABINET See Some of Them in Our Window . .. All at a Reduction of 10% | OFF | A special purchase at the recent market brings you this outstanding group of kit- ;hen necessities at very attractive prices. GIVE YOUR KITCHEN NEW LIFE... Save $35 on These New Cabinets! DeHaas Electric Co. Allegheny St. Bellefonte urine | Scout Council |" developing the method, farm rs in the n “grabbed th hol To Hold Annual fr " the ex) prt and ever «- Dinner Meeting ny of thelr AnEarly Special | “) AT, BELLEFONTE, PA. | 59 YEARS WED C0. DAIRYMEN Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoover Says New Pasturing Method | Unionville, Were Originated Here and Is Married Here Spreading | | | | Mr. and Unionville oth wedding anniversary home Saturday, March 31 Samuel Hoover on Jacob and | ise: Mary Jane Hoover and Margaret Stere daughter Isaiah B. and The Analiza Stere, all of Unionville, were married Bellefonte March 31, 1892 Rev. Kuntz, of the Evangelical church, performed the ceremony Mr. Hoover, 79, an Hoove! 82, lived on farms near Clearfield Dix Run and Bush Hollow retiring in Unionville They have three childrer Mildred Gentzel, of Millbrook; Mrs Ellen Logue, of Milesburg, and M: Corn Eddington, of Scotia There | €5L randchildren and three Mi quietly Ho rved it Ploneering Centre men have developed Samuel Obst wel | county thelr I A new pa that ha a dozen other to be made a model for throughout the Nort) April | tell thelr ing operation half tates and prog of farm of ue of thie Lory development in an art titled “High-Yield Pasture,” by Alfred Centre county worked out a val Hohenheim ana ar tleman ture's pastor H. Sink farmer | Mrs tation called tion before grazing bination ol \ orchard M1 dino clover } are eight reat-grandchildren Friends | tia, Miiesbul R ind Un ville and relative method nave beer April 18 iif ’" ay Local Wrestlers Enter outs Nurses Alumnae + Hears Reports Ex-Countian Killed In Korean War Ma the ig) fo ’ ’ ) f if , TUE f A vaiue he Was RB Movi Cancers and Treatment by Corporal Finnin At the cial hour which fol elicious refreshment ste Mr Fis : Prevention PF. Cramer, 20, som of James Cramer of {f Belle ’ Ma Leonard Tressler Named By Moose Bellefonte Rotary Backs Fluorination Bellet ¢ Rota { A f the lode The officer will i8 tud { se era Former Port Matilda "Resident Is Injured Thelin y ‘¢ 1 fase a Rainey, aged 3 | Clearfiel fatally and Walter W 15. of Gram) forn Matilda, R BHS Pupils Take b Fink's n a skid and crashed S Part In Orchestra at 12:30 o'clock on | Ebensburg Five student High] Miss Rainey leave this | Hospital Garner, band | Ing at 9 ‘enna. Music Edu- | tured skull Fink trict festival | burns of the right arm and right cheek the hospital State Police and Cambria county Coroner Joseph CGovekar vho are l conducting an investigation there was no curve at the point of the accident. the highway was dr and no mechanical defects were Richard Baney and Ronald | found on the machine Fink will be | Hockenberry questioned by State Police wo des | termine the cause of the accident Sel Bake Sale A bake sale will be held in the Howard Girl Engaged To Wed | Heverly Appliance Store on North Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Butler of! Allegheny street, Saturday, by the Presbyterian Couple's Club, It was Howard, announce the engagement | of thelr daughter, Irene, of Harris. inl rnen of Bellefonte died In t} sted to Spangle ! clock. She ifferee received prush right knee {leburg and was treated al concerts are scheduled for 1 Saturday night under direction of Powell Middletown stchester Btate Teachers Col- ald lege Student Stitt On participating are. Wanda Virginia Mensch, Jean Thomp- | Local announced. The sale will open at 8:30 a. m burg, to Cpl. Thomas Laird, of Cody. Wyoming Miss putier is employed by Cen. wearine Brome LYE | EBERHART & SON ANTE) American- Standard tral Iron and Steel Co. of Harrise burg ] Cpl. Laird Is a World War IT vel. , eran and also was wounded in | the Korean war. At present he is al patient at Valley Forge Hospital 138 8, Water St, Bellefonte, Pa, Phone 3226 ding. No date has been set for the wee. "Marine Promoted || COUPLE MARKS |ARTICLE CITES | Gospel Band to Appear April 29 it eportea Spring Township PTA ot To St. John's Bazaar Announces Awards Grant hit CRC ( treet . wiki |} Joseph . Pa Coombe BODEN’S ICE & STORAGE PLANT AT THE FORGE BELLEFONTE » Titan Metal Plant arn. MEATS wuss SWIFT'S HAMBURG freshly ground—all meat CENTER CUT PORA CHOPS PURE COUNTRY LARD WILSON'S SLICED BACON FRESH KILLED CHICKENS Near TOP GRADE BEE} Ih. 59%¢ Ih. 2 Ibs, bb. 2 Ih. BEEF LIVER WEIN ERS—Oscar FRESH SEA 1OODS we HADIMY K FILLE] PERCH FILLET POLLOCK FILLET] LOBSTER TAILS SHRIMP . Ih. Ih. pkg. : FRESH Maver Ih. Ib. Ih. SCALLOPS - OYSTERS CRAB PATTIES —Stock Up on Freezer Paper Bags and Boxes— FREE DELIVERY! CALL BELLEFONTE SPECIAL! ARMOUR STAR HAM—10 to 12-1b. av. Short Shank—Half or Whole CALLIES—1 to 6-Ib. av. 4% Ih. 59¢ Meet Tuesday * BELLEFONTE * Werk@larvs il m Saturdays i to 11} pm — FRIDAY and SATURDAY — i n PENNY EDWARDS GORDON JONES GRANT WITHERS alsoEast Side Kids" ‘NEATH BROOKLYN BRIDGE" MONDAY — TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY " When the Red-Headed Beauty Cowboy . . Adventure! GLENN FORD ... Meets This Hot-Headed the Flying Sparks Ignite the West's Flaming RHONDA FLEMING THE REDHEAD AND THE COWBOY with Edmond O'Brien | Miss Wade Engaged To Bellefonte Man ! aM E. F. Wade Mi ana ! ¢ the betrot Jean GICCER BETTER BUYS FINE See Us Before You Buy SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1938 PONTIAC Six Sedan 1935 PLYMOUTH Sedan LYMOUTH Special DeLuxe sedan, radio LYMOUTH Special Deluxe HRYSLER NEW YORKER, radio, he 1950 ¥ 1950 ¥ 1949 « 1949 1 I ¥ » » dan heater . Ley eSOTO CUSTOM sedan, radio, heater LYMOUTH Special Deluxe sedan, radi LYMOUTH Deluxe sedan PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe CHRYSLER WINDSOR sedan HUDSON SUPER SIX DODGE SEDAN PLYMOUTH 2-door sedan, radio DeSOTO J-passenger coupe 1927 DODGE four-door 1947 INTERNATIONAL This is all read 194% 1948 19446 1947 1946 19446 1940 1939 ) » » door, radio radio, he sedan, radio, healer heater, seat covers heater radio, healer sedan pickup heater vour opportunity fo buy Are to go and inspected CHRERYSLERS AND PLYMOUTHS ON FOR DELIVERY Longenecker Motor Co. CHRYSLER DISPLAY PLYMOUTH A ' hop St OPEN DIAMOND Kt Phone 4 LNTIL 5:00 PP. M * BELLEFONTE * THURSDAY —- FRIDAY — SATURDAY BIG and ¥.C C= RAAF —y ¥' Zag A as | SEER RRRRRRRRRERRERARRE 23888800000 RRR RRR IEEE RRR RERLL & 2 Br i WILLEN E84 NELSON MW suuy OF wou 5. 7. SAKALL * GLADYS GRORGE — MONDAY and TUESDAY — FEATURE PICTURY KEFALVER FILM AT AT 2:12 i145 KX DS 04 FENTEA ENTEA Full Length News Feature KEFAUVER CRIME INVESTIGATION he Most Sensational Fxpose in Histors A Close-up View of Ambassador O'Dwyer Frank ( esielle Jacob Thumi Greasy Gurik Hovving Louis ANN CALHERN * HARDING presented as a pron belie service for our area — WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — THEY HAD TO KEEP THEIR LOVE A SECRETY when they wanted the whole world to know! IN JOAN COTTEN- FONTAINE FERERARTRR RRS. a0 gRRARRRARRARRARRARS QAffRRQRRRRR sono 800 SRARRRRRRRRRRRR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers