April 12, 1951 THE CENTRE DE MOC R AT, BELI EFONTE., PA. P Thr a— ’ LR hit age Three |New Firm Makes Heisfteh Contmuion : ut Your Food B |, ard cramiex, cnairman of | Fa Natty Advice: To Yi Your Food Rill... | ¥ { the finance committee of the Cen- | [tre County Hospital, announced Le ny Os : . that the Centre County Canning Deviled Ham Second Child Born Corp. of Oak Hall has contributea ho Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ziegler, of | $400 to the hospital building fund, | Armour's “ha Lemont, announce the birth of a Mr. Gramle ald that the cor- 3% 02, Can 1 hi second child, first daughter, in the | poration wa: formed after the end %¢ | VR 3. T of t fing fund campaign. He Hi in tian Centre County Hospital, Apr. 2. The he buildin infant weighed 3 pounds, 9 ounce aid it was commendable that {it | has come forward with the substan- { tial contribution | Chopped Ham First Child Born SOR ETN , “ . pr 4 @ on. Grant William, was born | : . . Ei Sr n : / ; ©, ot and Mrs. William Boozer Jr of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Stiver, « Armour's *z . - ¢ . ih io es . . _ | Martha — a pe bs 4 and has been named Sally Jo “ pp 11 in the nt Cou of Centre Hall in th t n 12.02. Can §8%¢ ty Hospital on First Son Born their first child irs Boozer is the 1 . Coll == 17 Customers j ma former Lois Ros daughter of 1} Mr. and Mrs. James D. Je ton and Mrs. Paul Re of Cent Ail | of 524 8S. Pugh Street, State College } , " n irth of their first J: £ ~ rr X "E/ ’ 10 PAY 2A, a) the Centre County Armour’s Treet a 01 - : ol { you use ABP Coffee, chances are you use lots « re . y 16 IT of AF - § Wednesday David \ ! : i : 4 a wyn Ill. announce the birth of a | Earle weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces Luncheon Meat y n rv h { ' oht n resides in Cleveland you daughter in B vit hospital on edits YT ! MHeve A » 4. The infant, thir first child nd is a nephew of Mr, and Mi: 12-02. Can 4%¢ {al poli es p hr hed : pound } fy is | Joh duef, of State College. Mi basu pig nea i YOLK he 8 Var: is | ia the former Betty Stiver, a daughter | Johnston | from Boston : These #r€ ! ons al oper 1 Rennet Powder They are your guara HOLLIDAYSBURG ROTARY CLUB SECOND ANNUAL ality: fued, correct YC gs = = X ¥ { b J oe, 4 } I B: k I t unket ory Lat if. for any y = : J ). Ig of Jag i o€ . money +4 Y WE pre ANTIQUES SHOW AND SALE 3 Prin 29¢ eq yyuaranee Qt He ALE a = = hes = E y eh) ™ Mid and D> Daughter Born ha Mat © { J | : / N the hb ad i y ever read f player a “ s grand budget save 0 why noi save extra shopping tly dis i . ninend A i ror Fig od money y gett vour lamily 3 ng levorie " vow store” he poli A all tunes niet Y.M.-Y.W.CA. PENN STREET, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. Hy refunded ( ff Tie layed employees 10 20 Ce for = 0 Tues., April 17, thru Thurs, April 19 4 . ; Tender Peas welcome ant ugreshe ” ht (Extra Saving 1:00 P. M. to 10:30 P. M. Daily polici ! : Green Glant ease WITH p of 6c) ALL MERCHANDISE FOR SALE No. 303 Can Df CUSTOMER REL QO) § As¥ Toot york 17 3 : 2 New : LIN J-1b. Bag of Red Circle Rich and $) 3 | Puii-Bodied 1-16. Bag 77¢ Seine, tax ADMISSION BD Trt Ar Aer. P hone 340 Golden Corn © dg Niblets , =r \ 1-06. Bag 79+ MEALS SERVED EACH DAY BY THE LADIES OF THE "Y : ” 2 12-02. Cans 35%¢ — em Candy Bars = | : J-1h. Bag of Bokar Most Pe pula , = a - LO . Vigeorems $) 313 and Winey Blu White Flakes Sliced Perches vas N ; ru. ] ee 1-16. Bug 81+ PUBLIC SALE jo ; Blues as It washes THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFER AT PUBLIC 2X-02 Pkz @¢ Early Garden Peas SALE ON nos Fruit Cocktail CT ys / Mere Thrilig Advice: Buy Lal's Saturday, April 21st Woodbury Soap Blended F Fruit Juice K 1 Sof Fresh Frvers 1 16 | | < N Ls. ; REAL ESTATE 2 Bath Cakes 28g A&P Whole Green Beans 2 ial 4 4 | French Style Green Beans ( ay \ Cut Up Frying Chicken Parts nfinished condition, — vy nT . ; ral A mtg : a ry AY Backs, Necks 23¢ Breasts 95¢ ORAL ON he Or Roast de Fi own us left field Sweetheart Soap lena Cut Beets 2 oy 4 F Libby's Whole Kernel Corn a 7 4 ‘ Legs, Thighs '* 89¢ Wings '* 37¢ gr ing i 0 a. m., the following: Beginning at 1 m., the g Regulir Cake So Crithe a Six room house and lot in an u ront of the ort . atildi bi ball el a Regular Size TERMS: CASH. Cake §¢ Faney Sauerkraut | i p A 4 . » / . . Burry Oatmeal Cookies ¢ NY er [9 Walter Henninger 0s Sim Gio AA Smoke d Hams ' andwic ookies alii, Mm ight, .. 89 Red Jacket Parkwas Lifebuoy Soap uper Rig Whele or Full Shank Half Buffalo 20, N. Y. Bath Size 2 Cakes 25%¢ DelMente Bartlett Pears J G.lc Butt Half, Ib, 67¢ . , Ib, Merb-Ox Bouillon Cubes a jo Pi Franco-Amer, Spaghetti 2 165 19: oh Pork Loin Roast Parkay Margarine .... ¢ ; Cherry “Super Right" Seven Rib End iC Sale Skin SAB Cireus Peanuts - 19 p " . L ir. cach 20) Chocolate Covered Cherries 55¢ The undersigned will offer at public sale at what is 2 Cokes 19¢ known as HARTLE'S GARAGE, located at DRIFT Mazela Salad 0il 46¢ C : 0 wr hy AT . . enter Rib Pork Chops ING. PA. Route 53, half way between Kylertown and White House Evap. Milk 90¢ Devils Food Layer Cake oe Ps Snow Shoe, Clearfield county, on g Lux Soap Our Own Tea Balls 39 < a I Cooked Picnics SATURDAY; APRIL 28 Bath Size lena Cocoa ri. 39 Raised Glazed Donuts Beginning at 10 A. M. sharp, a complete line & Ctkes 28g Faney Tuna Fish 35¢ of garage equipment and accessories, Unele Ben's Converted Rice 214 White Bread , Boz loa Stewing Beef EQUIPMENT Wheaties Breakfast Cereal 22¢ Wr ok garage tools; brake lining Cashmere Bouquet Sultana Large Stuffed Olives a1 Jrown 'N' Serve Rolls ' Super Big: Silvin Shans nach e Ssortment of Serge tools; drae Boivg Rath Size Colonial Choe, Drop Cookies 4% «Jiffy Canned Spiced Ham eamers; electric vuleanizer; Marquette electric weld- Cah | re ners; dlectric vulcanizer; M ryvette ch re od 2 Cakes 27¢ Nabisco Ritz Crackers .. 32 Party Rye Bread '** l» Canned Spiced Luncheon Meat : snacks or parti Canned Chopped Ham Il; 1u-inch elect drill and bits; post drill: Manely sma floor jack and other truck jacks and horses: parts washer; spark plug cleaner and tester; hand grease Laundry Soap CYT dd guns; small lathe; floor Creapers | L fast battery F Ocean Perch Fillets ancy Wi . } | a aaa rarer tanh Bases op ) Bi. Jensen Free Srey Foe : lispenser, factor) Cake Bg Winesap Apples \ se Cheese 4 39¢ Large Shrimp rel ni i) Rock Lobster Tails ACCESSORIES AND PARTS : Lbs . / —_— be valor your lemg seit? Got this Large assortment of ignition parts: gaskets: wip. Soap Powder v veri Longhorn ! ; | : t 7 Spring Cleaning Needs er arms and blades ; tail | ight lens; clearance and turn- Octagon ing light; stop and tail lights; truck axles; bearing in- ; | wor Pi 24 serts; valve spring car and truck valves: water Fl 0 Sh Ch dd a ’ ar e ar pumps; master cyl linders belts; nuts and washers ; i. ra n Jes Fp v, Tine for sandwiches or desserts Little Lady Brooms 3 8 9 1.29 valve caps and car fuses : gas and oil lines; clutch Sweet and c \ 4 fy Th mde : gut ' lorox Bleach “Te plates : speedomets r cables : brass fittings: spring i midds fruit upt and gels . » .» . ; ’ 1 Soa #1 piRin eatin ang } " : t shackles: thermostats: spark plugs; lamp bulbs; king Granulated P They re good for you Brick Cheese Windex Glass Cleaner 3 vor Bd 284 ! w sandwiches or hors d'osuvres oli P ol . a imax Paper Cleaner , om, 0% f bolts and bushings; brake lining: sets and rolls: eom- Octagon plete car and truck springs and leafs; spring center 1 Size 150s Doz 49)c Bib. Bag pe Arge Pre 33¢ "we Tasty Bleu Cheese ..... '" 67¢ Twenty Mule Team Borax ... '" ™* (G¢ | salads, dressing and on snack trays Scrub Brushes bolts ; truck and car mirrors; truck and car wheel bear- Fancy Swiss Cheese ...'" 63¢ Galvanized Pails . ing and grease seals; truck rear wheel axle studs: generators and starters; fan belts; fuel pumps: muf- Seedless 6 frennit re ar ud ce ok Lux Flakes ir Soles 5 e $ a H , UDes, and chains: copper M ood in Pray ng fruit sa ads \ Onite out ... large eves. swebt nutty lave tubing. All merchandise mentioned thus far is new. Gentle Flakes grapstraic sive Sy had. dig on i itty favor Wright Silver Cream : 2b. Lost 98 Johnsen Gle Coat large Pkg. — Ched-O-Bit ........ VEHICLES 32¢ 3 Size 34's 29¢ 81h. Bay 4] It American or Pinento Processed Cheese Food Aero Liquid Wax 1936 Dodge 1',-ton tow truck equipped with Manely crain, power winch with 200 ft. of cable and Rinso Large Fresh Carrots 2 "none 19¢ ey . in Ga Crisp, golden, Western variety Copyright - Great Atlastic Pacific air tank with hose, good condition ; 1941 Dodge pickup truck, very good condition; 1940 Dodge 36-passenger With Sellum Lbs school bus, very good condition, Large Phe 32 Red Rome apples. . fo 3 29¢ Many other items too numerous to menti h : ! ition, Lb SALE HELD RAIN OR SHINE ce LUNCH AVAILABLE Large Green, Peppers A] ORVIS J. HARTLE, owner Silver Dust Navel Oranges PHONE WINBURNE 29071 For easier wath days California , . . size 150's and 176% HAROLD E. LEIGHTLEY, Auctioneer Large Pre. 33¢ Fancy L / cy Lemons. . George Sweeney, clerk Size 3600's . . Juicy and flavorful » Vac WE Ne Rg . § *. N . b rT 4 : i Re
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers