Page Two THI NTR DEMO RA’ 3 BE LLEFONTE, PA. ! UNION L ! responding secretary; Doris Lucas, | “That Kid Buck” Thes ‘ \ \ Mr. Iman, also of Avi | day even Howard Hi h To Vi LE treasurer; Hazel Barton, secretary |are of a religious nature rs. { Hy, ] First Lieutenant John Lyons, i Mi nd Mr EA Wrter An 9 | of social relations and local church | are invited to come wl 0 1 J " | member of the National Gus at | family spent inday with Ai Present Comedy Methodist Church service Sun- | activities: Harriet Askins, secretary We wish to extend \ [ Park offic | Jackson, Miss, will be inducted int ter's parents, N and My bee day School at 9:45 am. The regula f missions; Beatrice Holt, secre- | cere sympathies to Mi I { y U it 8. Army Apr. 15, and on|rge Si y he Dramat Laut worship service at 7 pa with | tary of student work: Clara Bull- | of Union townshij in the ht The | Mav 10 will be transferred to Camp| V tend sympat to the Augs Hig} sermon by the Rev. Vowler Youth | ock ecretary of spiritual work: | deat hof his wife I ' 4 . Al ) tewart ia., for further training. | ust ritz family, Mr ritz diec ¢ Mer Fellowship at 8 p.m. under dire {O1 Myrtle Hall, secretary of literature | be of the Methodist iirel f \ | ! oy 4 VOLS 18 A KOI f Mr. and Mr: oe k ~ ni of their councellor, Mi: Allee W M1 Clarence Pardoe, secretary of { and active in all or niz { I I thd irry, of {Clair Lyons of this place and ha liams membership: Helen Snoke, secre- | the church. Funeral se ( ¢ har mer | many friends in the Centre County Mrs. John Stere, Patricl All tary of supplies; Aletha Lucas, sec- | sonducted from her late | ‘ i { area who will be interested In heal and mother-in-law N Cirace etary of children’s work;, with |Saturday afternoon and interme in f him Stere and Charlotte, moto: ! I+ | getty Fisher and Mrs. Ripka; Mrs | was in the PBoalsbui mete Miss Mayme Long, of Muncy toona Sunday afternoon and visite Anna Williams, secretary of greet-| Miss Alice Reish, student pent the weekend at her home u wih the forme: } buy Joht N cards, and pianists, Mrs Carl | in the Philipsbur Ow i Btere, who 1s itien n the Vie Flick and Ruth Parsons {spent last Sunda erans Hospi . Spal thers. wiiay o apt. and Mrs, Robert J. Kheler | ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell | “th 7 eld 8a tus supper at the heme of Mr. a i who have been stationed at Camp | H } JACKSONVILLE C. R. Steves } helorh Hood. Texas, are visiting with her | hoyle , p mither, Mrs, Clara Bullock, and | WOODYCREST AND LITTLE NITTANY Walter Zal [ b reeting other relatives and friend A , { O : : “col BLIGH A reterat ital u } ] mday School H ) am Sitaons yelern Foe siacasa n and about the community } warm tra ] ree] a) at Lam ” ew mont nt t | did y i j ‘ ! yomen pad. will m niin 0 inGa) unth with his family here Mr. J. E. Carper, on town- | Morrisdale RD Be AL me The i Ww up, wishes to take this means of | with Mr. and Mi Robi mem Society of Chri ' o1 anki all neighbors and friends | and family Methodist Cl | {or their acts of kindnes day evenin ! flor tributes, and cars dure | gtate College held their an: " ’ (fy the 1 nt illness and death of | 4 the ¢ which result { beloved wile Mr. and Mi the follo t { etl will hown in 1 ily f of ing vear dent; Mrs ident retary $4.000 Fire s and sym-! Mr. and A DRIVE-IN Midway Between State College and Bellefonte on Route 545 @ -— NO BABY SITTER PROBLEM—CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE! TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT—T7:00 & 9:00 P. M. a the Ww. A unicipa . ADMISSION ADULTS 65¢ each A | THEATRE COUGH SYRUPS BAND-AID ADHESIVE BANDAGES COLD REMEDIES MILLHEIM, PA fl 36's in Assorted Sizes ‘ .s 33¢ Ayers Cherry Pect, sm. ....3% Anahist Tablets, 40's . Thursday—April 12 ares Broom. ey — Bronchuline Emulsion, sm. ..63c | 39's in Assoried Sizes riesrecineen 59¢ | Bonded Nose Drops wnaiivny | 1 > 1 SATURDAY Buckley Mixture, large 79¢c ! | Elastic Adhesive Bandage .a 33¢ Empirin Comp. Tab, 25's i 14 Britny vy 5 I i | Creomulsion, small 57¢c - & ' Four Way Cold Tab, sm 'F R A N How Far Does | Kemps Balsam, large ..... .54c LY Patch & Spot Dressings “enn 39¢ ) Groves L B. O. small .. Pertussin, small $7¢ Hills Cold Tablets PAT MEDINA Coll milogndy | Pinax Redi-Mixed ..........39 ROSS WATERPROOF ADHESIVE TAPE lnhision Tablels, 128 «cous Piso, large 57¢ %" x 3 : : ; : 20¢ Kriptin Tablets, 50's Rem, small S7¢ i . Maranhist Tablets, 50's | . a) eta vere 384 1 | 4 . " | Respamol, “0%. 47¢c ey _ : Resistabs, 12's Friday & Saturday—April 13 & 14 e chapler | WATCH THE | [| SU iy wi 0 me [pact] noose ior 68€ | Shepvac Vac, Tab. 10 ri ay atur CF Ym pri He , BIRDIE” i Wampoles Creot'pin, 3-02 63c pes DJ 3" x 10 yds ' . ssssnsnnranss 38¢ Tabein Tablets, 25's q nh AA Widteaco Expeclorant ...... . 6% a Tr-Wide rests eod ahens 50¢ Widteaco Cold Cap White Pine & Tar Comp. ...3%c Widteaco Cold Tab “SIUUSANNA PASS” Bay. Manis, Candid Microph | mo RED CROSS ABSORBENT COTTON Cm ed. J IW : 19¢ v Dep Pails etiam. i ASPIRIN Ee. B36 RUBBING snp ast Ti ONDAY NIGHT APRIL 16 | TABLETS a 2esurtae woe: BYE ALCOHOL "PANTHER ISLAND" Mr. and M Ba a | ec I 12¢ MEPPIELD recent visitors "PAGAN LOVE —.. RED CROSS STERILE GAUZE PADS JE. and Mrs. Robe SONG" 1.00 Size : x a BB 15¢ Monday & Tuesday—April 16 & 17 weekend with Mr. and M» | f DeWITT'S > ir : OVALTINE Garner " T A / P 0 L i n pani e n : | re Fried boots PILLS Ee i pl Plain BQ Sunday. EH 69c RED CROSS BANDAGES \lso—SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Ur Of sun Miller DOUBLE FEATURE ¢ MAUREEN O'HARA WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY RTE SHORT SIE ati ¥ AY Nii | 1 LAXATIVE LIQUIDS Eleven efron OINTMENTS x 10 yds ‘on ‘ . . lengu Agarel, 10-02 Baume Bengue Wednesday G Thursday—April 18 & 19 of : 3 is hs hex 'Netead. Robi | Barkolax, pints "X10 Yd. ovens Cuticura Oint., med Caldwell Syrup Pepsin Ig. "x 10 yds Dermazema Qint “MR. M SI ' J J A ’ ee glas N, svilor Fleets Phospho Soda, 6-01 . Gold Medal Boil Savy nbd 10 he us ! oh Haleys M. O,, 16-01. ... : RED CROSS CAUIZE Hobsom Carbolic Salve lodex, 1-02 {ANCY OLSON I lief " } “TARGET Bondremu: I yd rene Mazon Neralar, pt. \lo—SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS ot , UNKNOWN?" Nujol, 16-0x. . ydu erees . . Minit Rub, lge Phillips Milk of M_, 12-02 ccm, 5 Fl. Stovipak vss Nordex Oint., 3-e2 ————— Numotizine, sml Putty Tat A Rusola Mineral Oil, pint - + LATEST FOX NEWS Squibb Mineral Oil, pt. ] a ha RED CROSS COTTON BALLS Paso, tube : Squibb Milk of M_, 12.02 COTTON BALLS | Hesinol, smal iy, ‘ x . ridteac ile O1 [ YOUR CHILD W. 8 T Moonie, 10 NCSA 360 | Widreace Hooking Saive SSS A RA STIS —— (an Have A Coal ‘wsED CARS] | | ws ee Ems ara. JE) SATURDAY ONLY ri SPECIALS WE HAD LAST WEEK At these price b girl) ne be without a cou = 4 . y : that makes all the difference! PANTS c IMAGINE A COAT OR SUIT FOR 23° — 19 AS LOW AS $5.00 GUARANTEED USED CARS oo el Baby 1950 DODGE 4-door Coronet vs HE ( RF BOTTLE Any Straw Hat or Bonnet .... $1.00 WR | SEE. OUR 3p 1950 PONTIAC 4-door, 8 MAGNESIA NS J HN BRUSH GABARDINE SUITS 1949 CHEVROLET 2-door Fleetline TABLETS f | Light Green ‘ap, Jacket and Longies AN UNUSUAL SELECTION OF SHIRTS AND SHORTS, 1948 DODGE 4.door Custom OVERALLS, LONGIES, JODPHURS AND SHORTS. Black $8 95 1948 PLYMOUTH 2-door Deluxe Grey Girls’ Corduroy Jackets 10 to 14--8PECIAL! 1947 MERCURY club coupe We Have the Finest and Largest Stock of DRESSES You Can Gre H 1 i * 5 ~ J2 rare the Finest and Largest Staci of DRESSES Yiu San rey Tests made by nationally known independent research laboratory* show that Richard Sport, Sun, Infanis, Toddlers | to 3-Girls 3 to 6x and 7 to 14, wes The Above Cars Are Guaranteed for 30 Days ] Hudowt Creme Waving Lotion (containing 22% more of the effective waving ingre- Pre-Teens 8 to 14, and Chubbies, dicat) leaves hair mehsurably springier and stronger . . . Jess apt to break . . . than PRE-WAR CARS most other home permanent waving lotions. It's the extra panetration plus the gentler DR. POSNER & MRS. DAY'S SHOES | 1941 Ply. 2.door. R. & H., green . $425 | | Soudiouiag scien ok Rickard Hvimue Creme Weviag Loti Thu ies Yoke 7 Ro i sheen. hd ¥ BOYS LONGIES — SLACKS — TROUSERS — SHORTS 1940 Hudson 2-door. H., blue $250 RS. vn gun BATHINETTES - BASSINETTES . PLAY YARDS : Ld The Richard Hudnut Flome Permanent, TEETER-BABES 1937 Dodge coupe, H., green $195 | | from the Richard Hudgut Fifth Avenue Salon... 4.78 per ter Refills, 1.50 and 2.00 phos res PLAYTEX PRODUCTS: Pants, Sheets, Powder, Cream, Of 1936 Dodge coupe, H., brown $100 GIRDLES 1936 Ford 4-door, H., black $95 Peacock Kiddies’ Shop SEE THEM-DRIVE THEM-BUY THEM-AT are vCemire. Coumiys Jat AA fog Aree, Harris Used Car lof » 8 h | PHONE #186 BELLEFONTE LAMAR, PA. PHONE MILL HALL 287.J.5 ALLEGHENY & HIGH STS, BELLEFONTE TO ——— —-
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