Caution: It is State Police Say: A safe driver has the right atti- tude toward the driving rights of others, law enforcement, condition of the car, and safely factors. THINK RIGHT, ACT SAFELY. J reader will all the hoped the use extreme care in his activities tomorrow, Friday thirteenth > =. @he Centre Demorraf PA., THURSDAY, Gambling o [ssue Raised By Pastors State College Council of Churches Issues Com- plaint; Law Enforcement Agencies Pledge Cooperation in Move. VOLUME 70, BELLEFONTE, APRIL 12, 1951 Library Building And Town |(OUNCIL SEES Are Scheduled For Cleanup; WATER STREET | IMPROVEMENTS Plans Displaved By District Engineer; Work Set Next Year + line |PHYSICALS SET New Gas Pipeline FOR 38 MEN BY | To Enter County DRAFT BOARD Surveying Crews at Work in Philipsburg Area “7 © Report (8 ANOONE organizations. "Taking part in the |shubbery and other job For Examination job are the FPellefonte Nnen's | ternit will con inde for 174-Mile Line; Carloads of Pipe Are April 20 Club, the Bellefonte I Unloaded at County Sites. { Sigma Chi fraternity Engineerix College. Mea! Burge this week in Quigley an tion of the count for a new nat dl 851 1 Week April 20, 1851, by held would extend to Pittsburgh Board No. #4 the de They will report to the board of-' " PeCoh: I'he ll Ypor to he board of a special effort to have all fice the third floor of Temp! ; ' 510 Ah ie crow fice : re oor © F'emple swept. He pointed out that it would ) LT Lt \ 1 {Cat elot Ch on carloads o purchase Bellefonte, at and go " \ ’ a irk va distri urchase 3 ed U1 ties Ww. crew Alt . rt be particularly timely to have the to OONAK for 131 * N ra YE expected ed - t Appearance orde to report are Manufac pany of the Centre C the Sig- | cheduled building | ard trim The the HAT Grounds of ountsy A group of ledge library bullding a cleanup and nre cheduled [og Are landscap library ion lu and tem of turning the lans for impro treet from Logan Bi the of the pavement on Lhe shown members Borough Council Monday night. G engineer of leg Was 19562 explained be ready by the and that it is proj work a year from now bw —— . plans call for a 26-foot Lingenfelter, Munson | way of nine-inch rete Foret ot 101 Annual Fish [NAME JURORS |*5. cick: Mun Jr. Clarence | (vy tact To FOR MAY COURT :: Open April 15 Adams, Philipsburg Per Th vement dered to hy frty have been for pre-~induction ations on Friday Local Selective «eight men or- ction of the 175 mile network anch bridge 1 astor I Late 46 inches In diam- ms are 45 report examin noun » line end and will be ome ical presen ical mmunity 4 16 in i Ce sectie feet Apr 12 through were 174) He street partment would n ‘his group | deliver- § and e survey and a n . slearfield coun-| 3 1aking right way for u in the line 1e actual construction is D. Burdette. in charge of begin in July of 30 men, said firm, Bellefonte vards handled 106 car | turers Light & Heat Com- |} pipe and these amounts Pittsburgh, planned { have been stockpiled at the follow- | ing locations: 30 miles at Snow fu ¥ Shoe; 14 miles at Philipsburg: 10 Asks Nomination miles at West wer; 6 miles at Cur- wr | wensvi 45 miles at Osceola Mill The Manufacturers the construction contract Much the labor will be hired locally and the project burg expected to be completed In a Harold L year of construction. Maximum Jenkin P daily output crew would Edgar G be about a mile indicated Andrew B Laying the pipeline be a con-| DUrE tinuous operation and will make use Robert E. Stine, Port of trenching m ss. trucks. heavy Bruce H. Emenhize: some 206 making a second ‘ Re Court 7 am of ation the job iled for He night Vear i v1 i exami neat red own present a ince many visitors will arrive here arry aue State College A " ’ Ha. ry H Bau r ate ollege during fishing season. The Progra Arthur K. Cleetingh, State College made Peter K. De Juhasz, State Coll was started after a request SOLICRE sha a sath william M. Young, Bellefonte |%¥ the Board of Health RD 2 George E Ray F Dallas G Lester J Donald J Charles E the ) } the end ads of MOREL con- gin The Cont Is Candidate wall Hever On firm plans to ny ( idewalk idewalk will in ant ppor N. Wat De the east hree sections of Thomas Jr., Philips- aAbanco Pp HT eg on { way. Dra problen Spicer, Howard We Shaw, Snow Shox Korman, Bellefonte Kopchik Jr... Philips Scheduled Convene Monday, May 7 | Grand Jury nage will not Ons will again enter the for sh contest Matilda the Bellef: Chamber h "Mile burg | HETCE. Retall Division, in coopers ' I tor the May terin of oar ! . i esbury lon with the Hunter: d Angler ‘ y yell backhoe Alex J. 8mith, Warrlors Mark are gift cert Be eo Rodney D. Reese, Port Matilda A ! sting wi gu ontinued on Page Bix JOINT SCHOOL =" : aE MEETING LISTED £52 S328 tricts to Discuss Agree- ment mete bla “70 USEHS GYM ©: FOR CARNIVAL = School Board Okavs Placing Exhibition Booths for Event Jury OPEN CONCERT DRIVE MONDAY For BAR ASSOCIATION HOLDS MEETING to Willard M. Neft Willard M director, ha tion of seekir ination for Centre count: Mr. Neff has ive part 01 he was discha lowing World served for 3 vears, including 2 and 7 month has also served Guard at Bellefonte He is a past Commander the Bellefonte and Howard ans of Poreign Wars Posts member of the American A Lawrence McC and LIL. O. O. M. of Bellefonte the campaign Membership Campaign 1951-52 Season to Begin Hears Report on Drive Take Election of Judges Out of Politics Martin L. Kauffman mail ed Hunter-Angler ! i 4 R 4 dtp for : to LH ors w expire 0 Dr a Fi h F S Suan. tA Snow Bhoe | comber Horace J Hantranft | IS ry et Sedma, Thomas H. Mensch and Mrs. Paul wl her AM. A . . | Verna Rossman, Milesburg Corman. Mr. Hartranft yester- | ing re a AL a Bheri Kauflmar wi had For This Friday Port Matiltis RD day he will not : this plas . F Pennsyivam # nite Experience i Slate and Nirich. tate College | reelection. { Commitee {oral police work prior 10 becoming The Hunters and Angler: State College | 1n a etter ff Centre Couts fry and The meeting ! ' Ba + “ RE 1 3 to O. F Sollenberger F bfary of " sheriff. was nominated and electec ity 1 hol ts Ni bau » Zimmermar Spring | principal ARTALY Of tepublican ticket in 1947 hower g ] Meg sant Mr. Neff ha al membership Boge Hall F ALK Court Mr. Neff I ' in cis y "ne "> the ther © TH Fests nA. -. | Sori: and Walker townships . pn f {11 ro ~ jeer - | from Milton | Elser member: ng his candidacy president of Penn State, the | ore a Ba : od commendal . a Vey Veslercay 1 May “ ‘ Howard county suj I A " Fuj ¢ Ada Y H Ine Bellefonte Associat ual CRMPAIRT the 1951-52 week The campaign Saturday programs next year eating It was , | Agreement of | mailed Tuesday each Monday's meeting be con- cerned with going over each item {of the proposed contract and adap- ting it to the satisfaction of all | districts ese Gired 4 year for duty. He} _ 3 : National | PeX¢ for three years of both Veter. eason, Monday director Verseas the will saG be a candidate {or until close the will continue evening and at its will be selected for Director Bell from Union- will be present Milesburg and Benner lure aid chairman meeting ot efonte meeling a Jurors boa rd 21 and Criminal recels (onvene rogram Belief h W. | Mare oe HISTORIANS TO = CONVENE HERE {f Belief awarded School Directors Course Begins With 50 Enrolled Assessment Grou Notifies Members LIONS PLEDGE FUNDS TO YMCA Regional Conference of Jun- ior Group Is Set for Fickets Mas purchase Friday Kline Hardware. Thoma The Airport Authority hearc ' Poormar Sports Center irport engineel; at t Breon First National Bank [in Su College ye i Mg Yom f Donates Machines Mou Official at if Nation Bank announced yesterdas would ines to high Howard will get each The ba: ten new ma Airport Engineers Meet With Authority interest then his home at He Works Starts on Renovation of Shower Room of Swimming Pool RA bowling alle Ab 150 | owing a rom Centre and 8 ounties are expected I eN- | tomorrow to attend the Regi Conference of y Federation Ona) Sessior wiil ‘sh sch { at the Spicher Pleasant Gap Charles Rossmar man of the dinner mmitte member Ser irroundh Bellefonte Centra Penn- Hi > er “ School Fantasy * To Be Presented 17 | rian: Sesion AApri 19, 20 allocated for - : : : ast & : nu m The moming program will ne- et rheak a ni T 1 ¢ ool ”m. » . \ “" » ’ bam a hy od 4 i lude TN hool cs Condemned Trio A p It ctor ded bs Hefon AK M * College, Yeagertown Get Ninth Reprieve Eh ta " 3 thm Jersey Shore and a moving | A woe Tha HR Sure, (tt L pte ’ picture The Aaronsburg Story Three convicted slavers scheduled cied 10 register night | the 19th and The reason the scheduling of shown throu the courtesy Drew Kolb. of Millhein this additional performance is sd Pesecker, president of the me that the public will have will be In charge budgets | ™ riunity to see both CASES present done of After the Fantasy, an original by three for : high school students, Jean Houck NOTY representing Sherman Lutz, owner, made to lames Hall abd TR s Gathriak I the State College Air Depot, in| Hastings home, County L and Jame All ana IOmMAs Craroric aceon The story centers | he effort to establish a price for| museum, Linn home, Court vOCA holdings and Curtin Memorial. Elk {iste around a small The in State C Bellefonte Academy. ore pit become a ballerina One covening | away the Wishing Star appears in the! water lege afternoon Continued on Page Eight sky and she wishes for a pair of | dancing slippers. That leht shel Sie where ean tne sr Contre Hall-Potter Class Writes History of Area {of Enchanted Slippers that dance th H al , gineer for they | Authority mach- | group of Bellefont field. He Bellefonte | eral funds hools one | an air Wessel, district airport the Civil Aeronautics Harrisburg told requirement for aid the $150,000 tent the at the Edward the are vania . torian atively ical hat tod Slippers fantasy which Beliefont Apr 20 the evenings of 20th, at 8 pm port in this area would after June 30 unle action toward estab- rport was taker greetings from available iipped with me definite explained i i Mn an ai At present they a: ping lettered David Johnson with the lo inscription or the Penn “Compliments of the Pirst National Commission. al Bank, Bellef g th 3 Lhe cial ketches of te ) Haver I'yrone State super Rraqes J} airport engineer vivania Aeronautics spoke { $2,000 ML Eagle Fire nplete the op- : oT Mo VI tiling, new heating system and new He : to die in the Rockview electric chair a Joseph this morning received their ninth regio ! BIO0 | reprieve last night. Dr. J. W. Claud Western State Penitentiary warden, sald he was notified by telephone at 7 pm Wednesday, New date was sel as Monday May 7. The order affects David Darcey, Harry Ziel: and Harold Foster, all of Philadel : phia duties POW « was named so- Authority of-| R. Paul Campbell licitor for the group ficers will meet with an attorney - board Firemen Called nes Both Belle responded to ar fire at Paul Lose Howard street, Tuesday at 6:30 a | #0 m. The fi caused no damage and ! the firemen did not have wetion room urchas- ' ANd AX AS attendance will be locations mech a and i following fonte fire group tour alarm companie a flue home, East |‘ { Mun em for the library and House lodge Belle- the of the play girl who aspires to! parti ated the heen CLS group will meet le school Wednesday tO RO Int Continued on Page Eight) Fish Commission | Announce Regulations The Pennsylvania Fish Commis. {sion has announced the 1951 fish. ing regulations for the Bass Proj- ect above Fisherman's Paradise and for that portion of Spring Creek recently acquired from Rockview extending from above Rock down- stream to the Bass Project Fishing hours are from 5:30 a.m to 8:30 pm. (EST). Sunday fishing Fo is allowed, Six trout may be killed is more | Per day. The entrance at the Peni- Pormerly tentiary barns will be open, but the The Centre Demo publishes the first of eight ments of a “History of Centre rat George Hosterman C B Barger week Hagm Mrs. Joh “oldron stall AS nson. Mrs r A Hall | Mrs George McCormick as prepared by the Problems of De Smith, Mr. and Mrs. LL. M mocracy Class of 1850-51 of the and Nathan H. Mull, Jr Centre Hall-Potter High School ‘ Paul D. Breon is the teacher This instaliment deals with early | history and landmarks. Subsequent issues will cover churches: history | of schools The Centre Reporter and other businesses, past and pres. sant; industries in Centre Hall. the Grange Fair organizations and tragic events The bibliography includes: “Pass. ing Glance at Penns Valley,” Ii EARLY HISTORY AND LANDMARKS POTTER'S MILLS: The town of Potter's Pank or Potter's Mills started as a small post village. In | 1788 the town consisted of several homes, a grist mill, and saw mill. In | 1833 a woolen mill, bank, store and tavern were added by the sons of General James Potter The store units work hand in hand as one | under the direction of C. R. Buller | 1. Main building housing labora. tory at Bellefonte. In Pennsylvania, received in 1050 approximately 110964 trout of legal In reality the hatchery than the name implies Hatchery Processes Complete Fish Life By Frank Hedrick When fishermen cast their lures into the streams of Centre County on April 15. they can be sure a more than ample supply of the largest and best fish will await them-—compliments of the Belle fonte Hatchery and the Pennsyl- vania Fish Commission Centre County, which is one of the most heavily stocked counties size. This distribution covered 173 miles of streams The Fish Commission has made plans, after studying the bilogical demands of the streams, the loca tion, and the fishing pressure on the streams, for as much stocking this year. The Bellefonte Hatchery Is one of the largest trout hatcheries in the United States. It has a capacity of 150 tons or nearly one million trout of legal size and over. The pwpose of the hatchery Is 2. Men working al outdoor bass 3. Milking trout to get eggs 4. Counting eggs by measurement. 5. Small fry just after hatching. to bring about bigger and more hardy fish by means of studying and experimenting with fish. The Rellefonte Hatchery is com- posed of three units, Pleasant Gap, Lower Spring Creek or Paradise, and Upper Spring Creek. The three who is Chief Fish Culturist Pennsylvania Facilities for dealing with prob- | lems of fish conservation are maintained in the laboratory al «ov Pleasant Gap unit of the Bellefonte Hatchery field office of Pennsylvania and headquarters for research in Penn. sylvania Along with the technicians at the Pleasant Gap unit, a crew of & men is used to operate the Belle. fonte Hatchery. of | This unit is the central | fish eggs were hatched at a hatch ery, then the baby fish were placed In the streams when they were a few hours old Present-day conditions, however, are such that the stocking of small fish is not advisable, so the trout are held and grown at the hatchery until they are of legal size, and then stocked In public fAshing waters The growing of a vast number of fish to a large size at the hatchery (Continued on Page Six) road leading downstream from Rock on the west side will be closed. No firearms are permitted and all trash must be placed In the containers provided. Car owners are requested to lock thelr cars and take their keys In order to keep roads clear for Penitentiary work, no parking will be permitted on the road. Fish Commission officials asked the co- operation of all fishermen in seeing that their cars are parked in an orderly manner in designated parking area. : lingsworth: “History of Northum.- | berland, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Cen- tre, Union, Clinton, Juniata and | Cambria Counties.” “Centre Hall, Centre County, Pa”: “Linn's His- tory.” numerous issues of the Cen. tre Reporter and these individuals David K. Keller, Mrs. R. 8. Jam- ison, Mrs. Charlex Fohringer, John Wert, 8r. F V. Goodhart, RW Bohn, J. E Wagner, Harvey Flink Bdward Loughner, Mrs. M. A. Burk. holder, Mrs. J. T. Delaney, W H Kerlin, Mrs. C. A. Spyker, R. 8 | Ing and tavern still stand, the latter be- the historic Eutaw House now owned and operated by Harrison Shawley. The town was named after General Potter and the “Bank” and the “Mills” located there. It is be. lieved that General Potter founded the town in 1770. POTTER'S OLD FORT: Located one mile south of the Centre Hall Diamond, and of which traces are barely visible, it was a stockaded fort built by General James Potter Continued on Page Bight)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers