April 12, 19561 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five A. M.. the following: t ' Harris Letters Be Healthier Mrs. Ralph C. Witmer of State Col | Mx Paul G. Gingher. of Pleasant | Mary Weiser, of State College LO, Ito 70 especially, Diabetes is in- S000 " saint vo ) 8 nd child, first daughter, born | AUCTIONEER ROMPT NTI i } r ATTENTION The undersigned will offer at public sale at her | vear, largely due to overweight. | as assistant to his brother would | hazards, contributing to tubercu- | quad have announced the | Pringle is the former Clara Lou PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. | | : r—— at family who send their love to him | son of Mrs, Mae Hosterman of| Pringle is the son of Mri. Edith ) i ' f hild range; kitchen cabin Vi 0 et (consisting of 5 Edward: I Alexandria, V \ nounce the birth of their first chia and of a proposed collection of an | partnership lately subsisting be- | olf A rin, Va, In the faughter In the family. Mrs. Ed- | Welser is the daughter of Mi ‘ ’ azal ia SATURDAY APRIL, 14 Maude 8 ap} . ¢ 930 ‘ - the followin y tenladder it at fy y " 4 h lavtay washer Harris has been seized with a rheu-|by the said Grey W. Tressler and LR HL, 14 — Maud Beginning at 9:30 a. m g | g ) . navment of the Penn State trailer camp at 10 a. m. B. F u BAN gail letter dated July 14. 1831 | paymen i amp, Fob % ial Apa A ley Go $ | State College, RK. D., are the parents | SATURDAY, APRIL 2! N. Kau STORE MERCHANDISE AND Hy Liga " XECU 'S NO A infant weighed 6 pound R08: | merchandise : y . band that his home near the EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Ant weghed § pounds. Mrs, Ros merchandise including scales, electric meat slicer, show cases, hard- kitchen part with a w chimney, the health of t | ! Kneehole desk: piano: radio; dresser; w undersigned, all persons indebted t Mr nd Mrs. Willam H. Kerlin mad g } A] 2 Food can cause chronic diseases , lege, [ap Mr. Welser the son of Mi ¥ (Obntinued From Page One) diabetes, gall bladder disease, heart i JeSS0 Overweight : i Child Born ff —— dn fonte to James at Dunnsburg, the and blood vessel ills Second ile . present site of Lock Haven. the abets such disorders. One out of | Mr. and Mrs. George Pringle, of H. L HARPSTER | Harold E. Leightley : . { gs is fs 4 sn Ir 8 " 8 , head of the West Branch Canal, of | four adults is fat, women from & Harrisburg, are the parents of their . AUCTIONEER Which James was the engineer Nore wing greatly, by 50,000 cases : l H { charge. He warns J vs that jp | CYEASING RB Ys. Ng. WU Tl Announce Son in the Polyclinic Hospital at Har- Shay He arns James hat their | labore. Mi 8 “vo ren Hughe Prompt Attention Given all Bales GIVEN ALL SALES rod North St 4 il iy rother Andrew has consumption |, underwelant person also has Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hosterman of | Fisburg, Mar. 2 al i PHO $579 residence on North Stree Milneim, on and that the severity of his work | *1€ Un B } aly | Northumberland, former resident of | Weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces, Mi I NE Phone 16-R-11 Centre Hall , SORGHBOUDE So Iobtrow | Prin | © SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 195] He has seen Mary Ann and the | Mh RHA | March 21. Mr. Hosterman is the|Y: F. Wetzel, of Centre Hall Mr | 10:00 0 p $5.9 '{ : ! pl i that wy are all in 9 i a . Woodwar Pringle, of Punxsutawney ap in hat ne Ph just Le al Notices i : : HOUSEHOLD GOODS returned from Howard where the| “i - hudba AVA Daughter Born Announce Birth : S-piece living roon te, like new; two 3-burner furnace 3 hal Blast THRE ES LEGAL NOTICE | A daughter, 8arah Chennault, was | Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Welsei New Perfection oil ste 01 th oven: Mavflower ons of iron each week e speaks I wh t ( roi Mr “harles G. | 23 8 Street, Lock Haven, an- 1 i " of Judge Huston being in Bellefonte | Notice is hereby given that the orn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. | High : — : AAA | 3 ol » . ov * py " ry { inu "Evi tale ) " «i 1 abi librar | Daren ae ESSER, © | National Homeopathic Hospital, | & daughter, in the Centre County I'he undersigned will offer at public sale at the former EIR Tis Ti Bo RB Io account from one Lot Smith 1 tween 200 EY t JOHN g | Washington, D. C., April 2. The in- | Hospital, Mar. 30. Sheri Lynn Peck’s Store in Nittany, Pa, on table; 6 dining roo: ‘ Anikier letter ftom Beilelonte a HIWDS R { RE Bai { CENTR} fant is the second child gnd second | Weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounce: ! chairs; beach chi g “Enginee f the Jes NDS, under the firm o 1 " | SR A ALE ata he ¥ - SCREW PRODUCTS, was dissolved | ds is the daughter of Mr. § fo ns . aquariums wi a a . gigte ‘lig wine ic | on the 30th day of October, 1950, by | | ¥ 4 ee aalgier o Mr. and and racks; 1831. Their sister, Eliza Dobbins | Mrs. J. B. R. Dickey of Sunset! ’ again ill and Andrew's condition mutual consent. All debts owing t0 | 04 “State College. : gic? PUBLIC SALES Nammock does not eem to improve Fliza | said partnership are to be received : y » : will offe lie sale at h Lange " fo) ) twa 50.0al matic fever and the children's nurse | 211 demands on the said partner Parents of Son | home on North Street, Millheim, n personal property: Bee-Vace electri ye ie ils wo 9f-gal at James home is also a bed patient hip are to be pre sented to him fou Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rosenberry full line of $ barrels © w heelbar: y | ! ‘4 ial - erocks d nes. then at Williamsport, is CAMPBELL & MILLER A , URDAY. ay NUMATORR i 3 Jame a -r 4 M pe Ann | X16 Attorneys of a son, Charles Scott, born in the TAnn will of er at public sal | EQUIPMENT numerous to ate rom : 114 mar An i entre Co . ostbital ‘ ’ . residence, Nittany i an ful ne has requested him ell her hus- | — Centre County Hospital April 2. The of household ood nd general TERMS: Y ——ta ta the més ap the estate of AR- | enberry is ‘the former Alice Johns-| E. Hubler. auct ! ' unt W f y eV ‘ (3 ¢ “Snring” would be greatly improved In the matter of the estate of AR- | ’ 30 | Wate o vB Lunch ) Won aid o ne ey " cellar under the! THUR J. ROCKEY, late of Centra) | !on of State College. Mr. Rosen- | THURSDAY, APRIL 26-—Margaret V are, counter, shotgun. { the Reforn of Millbein yA ith a new chimnev. | City. Boggs Township, Centre berry is the son of Charles Rosen-| Auman, widow of t ite Georg : a. ity, 8 | horee pf Part Mati | Clayton Auman, will offer at pub and that D. © Pruner is willing to | Counts, Pa. deceased. |berey of Port Maik. R. D lie "She comm Seence HOUSEHOLD GOODS MAUDE S. WERT + ir for 3 . roofers "in Letters testamentary on the above mile east of Madisonbur { > » ' . G0 he WO Or ‘latives and | estate having been granted to the Second Child Born Lae he vest. .... . E. E. HUBLER, Auctioneer Ands up his letter by saving “How- He Be 8 lia , nl farm. Cleanup ry th t 0:30 Springs. & FCRNEN ‘ne abinet ; ater ‘ —— Furnace is doing well.” (Joseph | the said estate are requested to of Centre Hall announce the birth! mm ¥ F 4 "+t yn prings; mattresses; kitchen cabinet; oil heater; g S—_— i Wits A aad ’ “a 1 i“ ¢ il . ’ » : ; x . s £ ’ : y . i gs 0 he ¢ the fue. | make immediate payment, and those of thelr second child and first se toves: coal stove: few dishes and cooking utensils; 2 po Harris was the manager of » fur- | make immediate payment, and those of their second child and first son, ATURDAY. APRIL 28— There uy ¢ ace. the building of which had ing claims or demands ag it | the Centre County Hospital offered at public sale the forme } Is of lime of sulphur; arsenic of lead; blue stone; financed by his unci rlliam ' said estate to present the same April 7. The 7 pound, 8 ounce infant Dale homestead 1 i st of Le spray guns, and a lot of articles too numerous to men- ig Bm and Jame also own- | Without delay for : settlement to has been n William Harold mont oi AR hd ; io ind a | . \ ) ed an interest in the partnership). CLINTON ROCKEY, Buffalo Road, Jr. My rlin, the former Phyllis Notch this paper for further an ; This letter is the first of thi ri D. 1, Harbor Creek, Pa. Execu- Witmer he daughter of Mr. an nouncement EM mit t y yp , IQIN FSS . R _. ' to bear the dated post: f Belle- | tor, or ARTHUR C. DALE, Attorne; GOING OUT OF BUSINESS—EVERYTHING fonte and the expense of th st- | for estate, Temple Court, Bellefont ’ 4 ‘ -— . " . MUST BE SOLD! Another letter from Bellefonte 10 | pRECUTRINES NOTICE WM. B. RANKIN AGENCY TERMS: CASH. i ar ot Ah Dil or es James D., this time at Jer Lh In the matter of the estate ol MARY M. RANKIN, Agent Lau Will Be ved by the Ladi iE brag woe! 3. 8 Sp le of Slate is dated Oct. 13, 13J]1 anc CONIADS | Lo qHRYN L. GROVE COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE N KAUEMAN ” A a hy. 3 ennsylv eceased, which sale will the report that he has rented We ga.naronte Centre County f flour-mill for ¢ and aars a. ased , vear to a Lancaste unty miller atinne tanto ov ar thm. als Crider's Exchange Building Bellefonte, Pa. named George Spicer, speks C4IT- | state having been granied to ih i sania | (the whiteswasher) Saturday, April 21, 1951 drew & Sg ire Lo Po a the aid estate are requested 3 “. KE. HUBLER, Auctioneer 2:00 O'CLOCK P. M.. EST. drew cs IL LR Publi C S al = EE - REAL ESTATE in Central Pennsylvania in his med {. GROVE and F. ISABEL GROVE ical practice ar fir y ler NUS pyecutrixes, 156 East Linn Street Qui Demise 4 a 4 and a mat » to Mi rbison 1 ellefonte for a ile in TUpnir inty 48 *AMPBEF1 ers from or about him for the next pq x17 The become well known throu her LEGAL NOTICE credited herd of cattle from Heisey Bros r mr he vi rar and he Yes 3s tiny of AN . . . \ Work ¢ inrtady <i t of ti “y he Ma RS RANDOL} PH H will sell at Public Sale on became acquainted with mo * HOUCK, AN INSOLVEN1 prominent men of that section of 0 the Court of Common Plea ollege, indersigned having purchased Dana, gl i I aie i Ft BATT cdot Fe Saturday, April 14th | | ri i mie Sion : HE ali THURSDAY, APRIL 26 t Venice u are hereby n al nice \ ! gned ha 8 : then 70 vear ’ d k 6-9 ‘ . y . . nen 0 yea assignee by Rand At 9:30 sharp, the follow ng pe rsonal of Aue th ¥ g} ’ ha “i . ‘ Sputiued I ae » Iphia. Milesburg, Pa. an insolvent, to ad- 24 MILK COWS property and real estate: ory Tis wife: b th felt that this Minister the assets of the said in- Hoan os vie Sth fe, a ah BASE, 0,200 Ur 2 LIVESTOCK All creditors are hereby no- to make written proof of their § . : . i ’ t said insolvent with Heisey Farm Lo-mile northwest of the Y MI A Shore would be ¢ orpat benefi hi Half-Guernseys and the balance Holsteins All His Brothers and sisters had long since died, he had no chiiare I again there wa notnin \ letter from Philadeiphi trom the date of this notice, or be 5 yn iy sede wl Te Clarence |. Kerstetter May 13, 187 month after his aj Sut "Said Notice bella alvas it ROY NIXON 100 New Hampshire yearling hen 208 Cor] St., State College, Pa. Fitzabeth Livingston, the daughter Accordance with the Act of A GUY NICHOLAS Farm Machinery & Implements Alma Irene Kerstetter Eiabeth Livingston, the daughter ,, 1901, June 4. P. L404 4f 3 lormer aunt, gives Lae nal MAHLON K ROBB : y timation of his leaving these LE x1 Rae Owners Farmall F-12 tor on rubber, in excellent co 124 N. Gill St, State College, Pa. He seem be 1 | thoughts as they express themselve CHARTER NOTICE RAY CARPER, Auctioneer in this epistie ! i Aa a . N . heredy given that Ar- . . “4 | It ’ Attornd I re letters age seems to Dring NUM icles of incorporation will be files condition; John Deere n : ot cul, In good con closer contemplation . em - dition: cultivator for F-12 or § and tractor chains, E. M. (Jack) SMITH. Auctioneer in good condition: Little Genius tractos ow, In good with the Department of { dition; McCormick binder, 6 in working condi- the Commons ith ol n 1d . —— — -— p——— eth—— t to come x . - . 3 3 3) g a, Superior grain ari, =. HT Haw K manure . - sc . S———————— spreader; McCormick-Deering side delivery hay rake, » grmam— _— good condition; McCormick-Deering hay loader, drop ® head and dump rake; fanning mill; Spring-tooth har rico fertilizer: pair of climbing lad i: step ladder; oll drums: hay r orl oral ags: chains The undersigned will sell at public sale, 1 mile west of Manor Hill, Huntingdon County, on his farm, hetter known as the Myton farm, on shovels; bag tr kK; TS ngi { double trees The na £11 A 1104 f Ra : OUCK HW Dany It . y ’ ! Lh y ™ 5 “i . : Lr 1 « WA rate Thursday, April 19th " Hus Wig clove he od an ats ' h bushel; ol. . buyirs eciric broader stove; metal feeders; fountains, an handise Beginning at 12 o'clock sharp, the following: chicken nests; wheelbarrow: electric fencer: Interna- Friday, April 20, 1951 hardware tional 2-can milk cooler, excellent condition; milk cau ‘ fe agree. | ] * the rental hoist ; 4 milk cans: milk pails and strainer } BS ofr 0% 2 Ree ve a 45 HEAD of HOUSEHOLD GOODS PERSONAL PROPERTY i " ughts. Hy Bellefon LIVESTOCK 3 stoves: one Marion electric stove, good condition, At one o'clock P. M. at the Bald Eagle Farm Store T ] re t hie ht 18 1ollaf ont » 3 . ih of refigious thoughts x Bellefonte, Pa cook stove, white enamel, good condition: Columbia in Milesburg Borough. ti 188018. nd inventory the 1ollown Cal « , I persona ! ¥'riv. 8) he ! WK ana in COURT PROCLAMATION oak room heater; electric hot plate, 2 burners: 6 cu. ft of the Bald Eagle Farm Store will be offered for sale WHEREAS the Honorable Ivan 15 head of milk cows—HOLSTEINS, registered Frigidaire, practically new; dining table, 6 dining room consisting of the fol walker, President Judge of the and accredited, T. B. tested. These cows are all young chairs: 4 plank bottom chairs; RCA Victor table model tated evan by Probistant & irs of Sattihon P I : fans ith and good milkers. 16 head of Holstein heifers ranging radio; 2-piece cupboard; secretarial desks and 3 or 4 Electric Natio! cash re fist r 2 bag trucks; lot claiming to be Evangelist sounty of Centre. having issued his in age from 6 months old to 12 months old. Good ones stands ; sideboard; straight arm Singer sewing ma- of fertilizer: 3 Spins rs (100-200 hd capacity ). Se The Consulate wa tuat n the brecept bearing date of the second 14 HEAD SHOATS. weight 75 £0 1} oh chine: F. Radle cabinet grand plaver piano with rolls; water fountains - " heelbarrows | ect wire lence {, for = : ALS, ght 75 to 150 ibs. each 1 rocking chairs: 3-piece bedroom suite: 2 beds; day- with transformer; lawn rakes: filter discs; nails; gar- Grand Canal near St ark's Cath y of April, to me directed edral. and he writes that from hi widing a Court of Common Pleas F R IN bed, brand new. and 1 dresser: 2 mirrors 150 1b. 8 den tools: 2 Perfection automatic milkers : lot of Gates . 2 M ' H e 88 $ 4 y Mi . Sue y - : ni mat HiK . A " bas a ¢ irt of y ree Resslons A . 1 ” Rindow soul be een t! e pr < sion Pate OW hb. mh Ban pb bah A G IMPLEMENTS gar: 2 hams, 2 shoulders, 4 bacons, 3's cans lard: meat | Tru-Flex v belts: chicken wire; seeds; 1940 (with 194% of gally decked gondoias with band 3 ’ ih TBA Co of . | : fod : Y n | ; » uc h of music and charming ladies and *ral Jall Delivery in Bellefonte, for Ferguson tractor, 3 plows, mower, cultivator ‘and bench ; Horton electric washer, good condition ; rubber motor) Dodge V license 11; ton stake truck, and other with showy arrangements of the 'he County of Centre pg ies-cle 1 ” . tire lawn mower; meat grinder: flour chest; drop leaf items too numerous to mention crafts more numerous even on Sun- The Grand Jury will convene on rake, good as new ; MM grain drill; MM manure spread. ble: 9 i . . oy " ’ a I 4 . g h th » table; 2 barrels vinegar; lot of canned fruit, meat, veg- day than during the week. “As 1 Monday, May 7 at 9:00 o'clock A. M er; cultipacker; large disc; Oliver 14" 2-bottom plow, bthys . ' | / EST. or 10:00 o'clock A. M. DST : etables, and empty jars; butter churn: meat barrel; ! AL A walk on some of the narrow street 3. T. or } ) 00°C A} Df used one season. Oliver corn planter; 4.-section spring tubs: BO ( a » ; a k / al » or in the Campo San Marco there And the Traverse Jury called for harrow : lime drill: rubber tire wagon: wheelbarrow : ih: : No t. garden hose; crocks; cream separator, is little in the throngs of pedes- | the regular meeting of Quarter Ses- ‘ he kom . K \ : Lig Cooking utensils and dishes; Dormyer electric mix At two o'clock P. M., on the site of vacant lots Jo- trians, In the public amusements, Sons Court will convene on the third | dung and sheaf forks; scoop shovels; electric clippers; er; roaster, aluminum-ware: dishes: knives, forks cated one-fourth mil t of Milesburg Borough, on 4 " " ' : ’ - . JM : 8, H he x | . As | HES { and the appearance of the shops to Monday of May at 9:00 o'clock AM International hammermill, skis + : ’ . aS ail / ' remind me of the Holy Sabbath EST. or 10:00 o'clock A. M. DST, ete. many other things too numerous to mention, the South side of Route No. 220 leading to Howard, Day” (80 spoke the American being May 21, and the Traverse DAIRY EQUIPMENT: three choice building lots will be offered for sale. Said Brought up ih the hills of Pennsy}- | SEX salad po ie yicund wees of I mil a 4 REAL ESTATE lots are located on the concrete highway. Each lot be- § . y | SOM : y ’ " . Sy N N . - vania as a Scotch-Presbyterian) | Cou ppe 1 DelLaval milkers; 6-can Wilson cooler; hot water ing 60 feet by 200 feet in dimensions. He goes on to say that he hears | Monday of May at 9:00 o'clock A ater: can r . bucke : ¢ : ” . . ining RA many church bells on Sunday but |M. EST. or 10:00 o'clock A. M heater ; ack ; buckets and milk cans. This equip Farm containing 85 acres of farm and pasture not much more than on other days |DST. being May 28, 1951 ment has only been used 1 and two years, land with some timberland. It has all necessary out. At two forty-five o'clock P. M., the homestead of the week, however, he adds that| Notice is hereby given to the Cor- buildings, with lights and water in both house and property located on Township road North of Yarnell, , ats; 700 bushels corn ears; H00 bushels i i the local Protestants do revere the oner, Aldermen, Justices of the Locust posts; 7 he 1 A barn is i dition, M » 8 *a., will be offer - sale he premises, cons day “and santify at least some of Peace and Constables within the oats; many other articles too numerous to mention, . This farm is in good condition. Must be seen to Pa., will be offered for sale on the | , consisting its sacred hours.” He has met some County that they be there in their All the above must be sold, appreciate it. Fall seed goes with farm. of 5-room frame house, with bath, hot air furnace and English and Scotch families who Proper persons at the time specified with electric pump. Good state of repair. 7-8 acres of ~ » QQ ». a avd vv i . e appear to him to have some rever- | above with their records, inquisi- REAL ESTATE E TERMS OF SALE: Personal property, cash. Real land. Premises now vacant and purchaser will be given ence for the day, but claims that | Uons, examinations and their own Atate: 207, when farm is declared sold, balance on immediate possession, the Italian Protestants do not seem | remembrances to do Wioke things Al ill off 9 kek. 4 delivery of deed. Possession will be given immediately. to know the answers to the shorter appertaining to their office to be so will offer at 2 o'clock, farm of 184 acres. : Ro Pam " ’ . catechism | done, and those who are bound by Mostly limestone ground, Excellent stock farm equip- NOTE: Miscellaneous and household goods will or TERS Rersons Long gash. Reol Estate; (Continued next week) | their own recognizance, to prosecute ped for dairy. be sold at 0:30, farm machinery and implements at <0 per cent down and balance on delivery o ) w . | against the persons who are or shall \ {Di + waa “OV + 4 ’ in 30 days. be in dail in Centre County, be then 1:00; real estate at 2:00; cattle and feed after real es. v Right Color h TERMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: CASH, tate, This i lean-up sale—everything must be sold. Mrs. O'Leary: Shure and I'm sor. aT a Seeute an nl hem | Ee : d RANDOLPH H. HOUCK HAZEL P. HOUCK ry to Jat Jom husband passed | Given under my hand in Belle- Lunch stand on grounds, Lunch Will Be Sold by a Church Organization. away. at did he die of? | fonte on the 9th day of April In the Mrs. Murphy: “Twas gangreen. | year of our Lord 1951 and the 176th pe -——— foes. Qleary: Peging the Baints year of the Independence of the 3 H. GLICK Margaret U. Auman By » M., K. ROBB, Assignee or the color, anyway!" | United States of America, CT ACHEY ba MARTIN 1. kauPPMaN, |] STUCK & PEAC HEY, Aucts, E. E. HUBLER, Auctioneer E. M. “Jack” SMITH, Auctioneer Want Ads are selling, buying aids. x18 Sherif
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