Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Yor 20 East 4th St DEATHS AND FUNERALS | ~~ LESTER J. KAUFMAN Lester J. Kaufman, 24, son of Rev. | Lester J. Kaufman and Helen Shofl | Kaufman, of Rockwood, R. D. 2, formerly of Boalsburg, died Friday, April 6, 1951 He is survived by his parents and two brothers, John and David, both at home Memorial the new church Sunday Somerset County terial Association in Troxelville county, Monday held at Lutheran | afternoon by the; Lutheran Minis- Burial was made cemetery Snyder services were Centerville MRS. SARA E. MILLER Mrs. Sara Ellen Miller, 83 her home in Millheim at 10:30 a.m Thursday Apr. 5, 19851 She was born in Snyder County, Nov. 12, 1867, and | was married on Mar. 28, 1897 Dr. Edwin Miller, who preceder in death Surviving are Stanley Miller Dr. Ward C. Miller and a brother, James Springfield, O Mrs. Miller wa Order of Eastern Hall. Funeral services were held at the | Nef! Puneral Home in Millheim on | Sunday afternoon, with the Rev J. 8. Shannon officiating. Burial was made in the Fairview Cemetery atl Millheim died at Beavertown to her two children, E.| of Millheim, and | Philadelphia | C. Boush, of of i a member of the Star of Centre GEORGE R. CLARK George R. Clark, native of Belle- fonte, R. D.. died at the home his son, Harold, Warriors Mark D. at 3:40 a. m. Priday, April 6 1851, after an 1Iness seven months Mr. Clark was born at R. D., August 13, 1873 of R of Bellefonte He was married to the former Bertha Jackson Surviving are two sons, Harold, of Warriors Mark. R. D., and Levy R of Tyrone, R. D.. and two sister Mrs. Mary Pennington and Miss Grace Clark of Tyrone. Nine grand- also survive A retired farmer, he was § ber of the E. U. B. chu rone and the 1 O 152 Funeral ser Spring Mountain Brethren the Rey Burial cemetery children 0 ices were Church afternoon Hall ficiating in Spring Mt Sunday with Phil C was made ! Miller MRS. ISABEL Mi Isabel Carpe: home in Unionville at 1 Thursday, Apr. 5, 1951 iil for a © carpe: Sept 18 wesley Her hu nm hie Marri 66, died been Mrs burg John wa DOr: 1884 and band per, wl survive I'hree sister State College Boalsburg College ler, State Colleg Mrs. Carper w Methodist Church Grange both { Services Saturday afternoon Robert M ial wa made M1 M1 M1 Clyd and a brother were vowler offi | Cemeter Battle To End— omplaint a The P Preventi has cited { birds weapons Damage to v struction tional reasons f the ban The provision rifle to “aie Air Mail Heroines All » or at he 20 Qh silt by the Historic Lar CARPER in the early 1830's, m by members of one had died at of 93 bed in Apparen 20th ( the age im and born epted the I same wd been une more and allowing nothing and had beer Consequently imple ma 1 the Nn Ng ouse na and is more to D1 pre e One) k City main- idmark it wa family | y 10 1933 when the last SUr- in the which tly she entury are ery 1 there It WAS tter to arrange it Sheraton riod, one th paw I¢ lumned Was 11] or F Page Clean Up Those Old PERSONAL LOANS Bills Now, With a FIRST NATIONAL PERSONAL LOAN The chart helow gives amounts, costs, and repayment schedules Borrow Repay 12 monthly payments $100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 $106.00 212, 318.00 424.00 $ RAs 17.88 26.50 35.35 “17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System SAVE FOR YOUR INDEPENDENCE-—-BUY UNITED STATES BAVINGS BONDS Too Bad py ¢ ore $e. Too Far vet and Other in thi table iron - aA Grop the door iginal- angement Scene— AUTHORIZED Rock of Ages DEALER HAVE YOU HONORED YOUR LOVED ONES WITH A SUITABLE MEMORIAL? If your family cemetery lot still lacks a suitable Memorial that expresses the sentiment you feel in your heart and you would like to have this mat- ter taken care of before this coming Memorial Day, come in and see us. IN BELLEFONTE we maintain a stock of Markers, double markers and Family Monuments. This display is necessarily limited by the size of the display space. IN LEMONT you will find a more complete stock of the same high quality Memorials including the larger sizes, KENNETH FRANK MAYES, Prop. BELLEFONTE 2937 W. High Street Open Daily 9:00 to 5:00 Saturday until 9:00 p. m, LEMONT, PA. Call State College 2352 Open Daily and Evenings be CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL NOTES Cot nued From Pi vidiial “0 11 ' ' tier vidual ommunitie our natio and lasting peace of the world National Amvet— One 1700 An Monday, Admitted John (discharged same day Park Howard Panik, Clarence Mi well, Bellefonte Discharged de State Co Poorman lege RD 1: Art Mrs Jo Mrs, Joseph Way gnier, of | 5. , nollog Thon Bellefonte RD 2 Su NICH 1hoini Birth A daughter Mrs. George Spicer RD: a son to Mr. an Rosenberry, April 2 | onfer. Bellefonte a |r Mrs. George Behet | On Galalda, Bells Yonte ‘ RD | tel ent Thursday, April 5 william F Elliot RD 1 I Ii p Hic ana RPA Dutel Schie Charle KH Adan Va Mi Lemont ghey State C old Bathgate ds y Mrs Tuesday, Jefirey April Spice; ort Matilda RD Birth (NONE Admitted tre Hall (dis Friday, April § Bellefonte Maloy Discharged Port Matilda Clarence State William Lan Mrs. Jamu son Mr daughter ng and Mr Robert of Bellefonte Schreffler Birth William Oy Mrs. Bru Theron Boyer RD 1. a nt Mi i! Mr 4 ‘r m A c ner Iman, spi ( Saturday, April itted gene Th nter jon, State College Wednesday tted: Mr April 4 Paul ! n 30 Sunday, April 8 Mrs Bul Ww Kenneth Mrs H Bellefonte Belle Mr Belle! Lo S15] in Mil 18 Pe Bellefonte daughter Mr Bellefonte announced that the launching a Cru petition are Fev the adoption of univ training. to be Commander Rus the Pennsylvdnia Amvets the Valley tanding rity ( ity irculating Lary of On anda Post No piri . {1 ’ pressed the organization to the and to all community ganization An ieader Wi p na 1 ’ making the M t one of the assisted in ell ‘alley po leading i the state The Amvets Ce was then presented | of Philipsburg chool principal an in the Philipsburg outstanding sery commai ng efforts riificate John Ler ner musi chool thie we oo Howard ; Oliege an nie mite Pass The Peanuts 1 India for prot ) starved catiie worship vegetarians thous: sonually by an It ist and authority on g¢ Dr. P. K. Vijayaraghava! | to age-old | nation of starve commended Peanuts cin ‘Prince Farrington— Guide Ki ( Expensive Trusses — Crutches Abdominal Supports Sacro llliac Belts EXPERT FITTING Parrish Drug Store BELLEFONTE, PA. are high in protein good itritive What has become of tl} ised to find empl te neatly {FP. Arney, Centre Hall Howard, Miss Bell: Mrs. Lottie Stony Discharged TAuly Mre Paul i RD 3. Thero Mary Ann Mal Mr Jack Yeager Bellefonte Expired: Mr: fonte RD 3 Births: A Mrs Robert Mo a som to er fonte ville lege ghter Mars daughter Falk Mr. and State Coll Goodenow Attention Farmers! SPOUTING... TIN WORK OF ALL KINDS New Roofs — Old Roofs Repaired Roofs Painted — Church Steeples Repaired RATES REASONABLE —— WORK GUARANTEED Estimates Given You Must Be Satisfied PAUL HELLER LAMAR, PENNA Phone Mill Hall Exch. 86-R-4 a where You come YOUR Gun. One in a while, any man’s entitled to let himself go. He's entitled to that glow of pride that comes from feeling like the very important person that he really is. He's entitled to take practical steps to make his dreams come true. In short, he’s entitled to own a RoApmasTER, and particularly a RoApMASTER as it is custom built for ‘51, For it's more than big and roomy and distinguished in its styling. It's more than sweetly willing in performance, and superbly poised in stride. It does things to you, when you let yourself sink deep down in the subtle softness of its cushions, and run a caressing hand over the fine texture of its fabrics. This is everything a fine car should be! Of course, this brilliant performer is Fireball powered. It is cushioned by Egw pment servsaoroe tom and models ore pubanet te champr wi thon! note coil springs on every wheel. It pro. vides, at no extra cost, the complete relaxation of Dynaflow Drive. It has durable and dependable sturdiness engineered into every mechanical part. But the best is yet to be told. When you check the RoapMASTER price list, you'll find that the car of your choice can be yours for hundreds of dollars less than you'll pay for others with comparable reputation. Come in soon and see this buy of buys in the fine-car field. Smanl Buy in Fine Cans SHON AY LVN BN DN & Custom Built by: Buick the Buick will build (hem LINGENFELTER MOTORS, INC. 226 N. WATER ST. PHONE 2037 BELLEFONTE, PA.
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